DAILY BJHiJfi-COUNCjLL BLUFFS FRIDAY , SEPTEMBER 19 1884. THE DAILBEE. . BLUFFS Friday Morning September 19 SUBSCRIPTION 1UTBS. EvC rrltl > rent ? I * ' * Bj-MMl - - - . . { 10.00 per j ear OFFICE : Ho. 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway. MINOE MENTION , See .T. Iloitor's now fall stock of cloth * The trees in Bayliaa park are being trimmed up. Now shoda have just boon completed at Hcaton's coal yard. J. W. Rodofor's ofllco will bo closed for a week or BO during his absence. Dr. Dcotkin ia making great improve ments in a brick dwelling on .Seventh utroot , Pusoy'a mind must have taken a Hop when ho attacked Lynmn on an old rocord. By sonic oversight no convention has boon arranged to bo hold In Council Bluffs to-day. Regular mooting of Fidelity Council No. 150 , R. A. , this evening. All members are requested to bo present. Tlio Bavarian band will bo in attend- nnco at the roller skating rink , this evening , for the .first time this sonson. The wires 'aro being stretched for the establishing of another circuit of twenty- five electric lights , making aovonty-fivc in all. Sir. and Mrs. Vic Keller wore made the victims of a joyous surprise party , num bering about sixty friends , Wednesday evening. This evening there is to bo a mass mooting at the opera house , and Mr. Fuaoy's personal attack on Judge Lyman will bo mot. : The Hamburg Nowa announces that the dear old grandmother has declared in favor of national prohibition , and will enlist under the St. John banner. P The mud throwing has commenced in this congressional district. Pusoy open ed it Wednesday night. The ether side ' will put in its best curved pitchers to night. "It is not n question as to how this stAi man or that man performed itt his young AiW er days , but the question of how ho will AiHi perform his present oflicial duties. " Hi Congressman Pusoy at Atlantic. HiMi Mine Charles Dunkin , who was sentenced to ne thirty days in jail for stealing a pair of pantaloons at Bono's store , \ras released I -6 yesterday his time being up. Ho gave 1'n ' Ills word that within an hour ho would bo 11 boyong the limits of the city and state , ' and would not trouble Council Blull'a W again with his presence , at loaat or a ( ii few weeks. If S.T At the opera house this evening speeches are expected from Major Lyman , em Colonel Sapp , Attorney General McPhor- cun eon , John Y. Stone , Lieu tenant Governor Manning and C. R. Scott. It is under- tlo Blood that the attacks made on Major arj Lyman's character by Congressman Pu- wa Boy in his speech Wednesday night will tioi bo mot in an interesting manner , and ini doubtless the democrats will turn out in not as goodly numbers aa did the republicans era but to hear Mr. Pusoy. It looks as if both aides wore going to bo ventilated pretty was * freely this campaign. was'J ife In response to a telegram from the MO .1 sheriff of Sac county , Shorill * Sooman ar COU rested Benjamin Block , of Sao -lty , ofC [ Friday , while committing the di , rate Crn act of procuring n marriage licoiibo , It aoci Bcr seems that young Block had eloped with Joli Ilosolta McOilbory , and kicked the old thu gent out of the wagon when ho attempt of ed to step between "two souls with but a ot.nan nan ninglo thought. " Block would glvo no information as to there whereabouts of was his Rosetta , and after detaining him until Blip Saturday without further dovolopomonts ball 1 Secinau released him. Ala Conference Appointments. cho'J The following is the list of M. E. con nut ference appointments for the Council . kin Blull'a district , as road before the meet cho ing at Red Oak , Monday : / W. T. SMIJJI , Presiding Elder. cou i Antor W. 11. Douglass Tlu Coin L.U. Wickerehani Ma College Springs U 0. itawli 8. Council blullu 1i. X. Armstrong J Council UluffH district Wilbur Kink ! Ucninon , Ashul Tliornbruu tyl Dow City II. H. liartuu Buo 1 ) unlap 0. ] , . Nye the KlI.CUOM I. W. 1C\\I nan KMOX K. K. hymor nanI I'urmer City \V. .1. JJi-ck 3''rom < mt City ( ! . \Viiyniclc cou Glonwood W. Al. XYi-lch nor .Hamburg W. K. HCJUD ant Jlnntiiifr und Silver City. , , A.V. . Amu > trmiir ' 1 llillHdulo 1. II. IJuittcy . 'J/ittlo Sioux J. S. Mnriuvr Nic Lopan 0 M. Ward H.ahoru J , F. St. Cliur 1 Mlssoutl Valley CyniH Binith Coi Jlimouri Valley circuit A. I.ymer Ma i''orlliboro C. W. Urewcr Ma'J Norwich , to bu euppliud (1) ( ) . 1'niitt ) thu Jtlverton and Itarragut C. K. l.yim 10 Sbenandoalt A. ] ' . Hull fift Hldnuy A. II. Itu.k fra'J Woodbine J. 1) . DoTnr 'J Coi Ken ) Estate Triuibl'erH. The following traiiBfor * wore filed in ah the county clerk'a olHceycstordayand reported - Sii ported for TUB BEK by P. J , MoMahono , Sit Sejitombor 1 , 1881 : Nl 1 Claua K-y to Adolph Kay ot al. , o hf otl ; no < i' . and BW i\r \ , no qr , and no qr , BO qr , Sii 23,70,41. , . $5,0000. 7 , , Joliii Parks to Juliua Cherriess ot al. , jew j lot 21 , blkll , Burns add. ow Total Bales $5,750. Th ThVi \Vi 1'rlvaio C. Mrs' WcsBott , nt fi04 M'jin street , a compaUnt instructor , witn.begt of inf. { no to begin , eronci-H , io prepared nnd Gorinon. An in French BOUS n ' 5 opportune/ for tbow dcsinng to Pa get practical knowledge of these Ion- 7. BOUND FOR THE BENCH , _ J , P , CoDHor Nominated by Ihe Republicans - publicans for Cirenil Judge , A. Great Game of Twenty-Five Innings , Details of the Convention. The republicans of this judicial district mot voatorday to nominate a candidate for the oflico of circuit judge , this vacan cy being caused by the resignation of Judge Lyman to accept the nomination for congress. Much interest was felt , especially in this city , for although Mr. .Sims had secured - cured the delegation from this city and had boon heartily endorsed by tno county convention , n few of the members of the bar , including one or two disappointed aspirants for the position , joined in a fight against him , and as the delegates came in from the ether counties , poured in all sorts of stories into tliolr oars , The convention mot at the skating rink at 11 o'clock , the court house being occu pied by the supreme court. C. M. llarlo , chairman of the judiciary committee , called order , and J. Fred fllyers , of Crawford county , was called to the chair. T. R. Wallace was made temporary sec- rotary. On motion of S. C. Osborno , of Mills county , n committee of ono from each county was named to consider creden tials : C II Van Colder of Audubon , Paul McLean of Carroll , Henry Temple of Cass , A A Lackey of Crawford , J M Bar- bour of Fremont , X A Church of Greene , S C Osborno of Mills , F Benjamin of Pottawnttamio , and George Golly of Shelby. The following committee was chosen on permanent organization : Jno T Jenkins of Audubon , A T Bon net of Carroll , W 13 Spuorior of Cans , D A. Waterman of Crawford , J P Bouch of Iromont , JR Wright of Mills , E H llalght of Greene , N M Puscy of Potta- trottamlo , Cyrus Board of Shelby. 'Iho convention then took a dinner ro- oss until 1 o'clock , and changed the ' alaco of mooting to the Masonic tomplo. On re-convening the committee on te irodontials then reported the following lologatos : Audubon county Charles Van Gorder , J Jenkins , W J Lancelot , 15 C lirookfiold , rolmCJJonwoll , US 1'holpJ LStotU. Canoll county- M liutzor , II K Itussoll , 1) Henry , N T Uonniitt , W. L Culbuitson , 'mil McLnin , Goo W Uowon. / Cam county 1. T Mullins , J II Scott , ramt'B 13 JJnico , Krank .7 Macomber , T K Vallnco , W K dimrrierr O Jj Squires , 1) H llolford , C JJ Onborn , Henry Temple. tl.K Crawford-HOLaub I , W 11 Croci'iio , JJ K Inthony , G W bounders , A A Senchy , A an Vatcnnan , J Krod Myers. I'reinont Win tiaton , W 11 ItnborU , S lohiioi , T J It I'orry , W C Tumploton , .1 M th Uubour , J P Head , SturL-ts Williams. hn Gii'oiio. ( J S Tolivor , / A Cliurcb , ( ! B launinp , 1' ] ) Itoso , U J ! Knight , W W Tur- ch er , ,1 M lioliaja , AS ( iillilaml , Owen Lovo- Aljlla. John Y Slono. lj W Tnblw W S HiFr i6win , W G Summers , A II Wright , .lohn Fr 'nrker , 8. C. Ooliorn , W IIC Woodlmrnt , A lo Doliih. rottawattamlo N M Posey , T W MeC.-xr. l" or , K Ij Shugnrt , .1 C Spanker , A It Chaie , wii W Mation ' , Frnnk Conk , I'hil Armour , .1 Vhltc , F'Uenjumln , Kli Clayton. WllMc- IhmiHS , J 15 Alntlock , Alex Woods , O M pi larkOoo. - . T Smith , O JI Mnmiim , ' , W W app , Jr. , A V Cntlorbiick. Htu Hholliy D O Stuait , Coo , Gotty , 1' Unrips , iihn Wallace CiCd. li lilt , Townsond. II W fjy- H. Cyrus Hoard , 1'lntt Wicks , II C Hoi- nub. The report waa adopted. The committee on permanent organina- tin : reported in favor of making tompor- y ollicora the permanent onea. This as done with enthusiasm. boi J. Fred Mycra thanked the convon- ma mi for the honor , and dwelt upon the Bill iportanco ] of making wiao ooloctions , aa cis miinationa meant election. The demo , ata could ullbrt to induloin ( ; boy'a play , Lu it not BO with the republicans. A. A. Loachoy , of Crawford county , Me is selected aa assistant secretary. The roll of counties waa called for fro iminationa. ! ve .1. L. Stotta , in behalf of Audubon unty.namudAI. Nichols A.T. Bennett , pel Carroll county , namud Ooori o W.l'afno awford county through A Wntormnn cin condcd Mr I'aino'a nomination. J P cinc ach , of Fremont , named J W U.ilby. dia hn Y iStone , of Mills county , pronontod onsmo of II 0 Watkins , N M Pusoy , coi Pottnwautlamio county , presented that Jacob iSimms , D G Stewart of Shelby Soi mod N W Macy. OVl AH each name waa presented applause called out from their friends and Do pportera. Doi The convention proceeded to a formnl Hot. It resulted : Paine 25 , Simo 21 , acy 12 , Watkina 11 , Nichols 8. No oice , coi The tiocond ballot resulted : Whole imbur : of votes , 85 ; necessary to a choice 001f Paine 2.'t , Sims 111 , Marcy 13 , Wat- Dt us 12 , Nichols 10 , Dalby 8. No hei ; oico. heiJ J A third ballot was taken , ( iroono r unty divided its vote , giving StnialA. . result wae. Sima "IA ! , 1'iuno ] 8. { , acy iy , Wiitkins 12 , Nicfiols 10 , Dalby In view of the fact that Fremont conn- has ono candidate in the field , Mr. mch stated that the delegation from V cro : did not want to force Mr , Dalby'n 70 ; uio. C During the taking of the ballot , Cass 1 unty presented the inunn of J. P. Con- 1C , nnd ctiat its eleven votes for him , C ) Crawford county put in ao"on more. K The ballot otood : Sima , 2l ! 7 , Wiitkins i.8 , Connor 18 , Paine 1H , Murcy'.I , icliols (1 ( , The fifth ballot rcBiilted : Sims 251 , nmor IS , Wiitkins 15 , I'aino 111 , acy ' . ) ; Nichols 0. The auth ballot reuultud the same aa iirovioua ono , except Sims lout two- tha of u vote and Watkins gained the action. The seventh ballot resulted : Siraa 2IU c Biiner 18 , Watkiiw 17 , 1'aino 11 i , Macy mlt Nichols G. 1 In the uighth ballot ( iroen county put aoi < hnlf of a vote for Connor instead of for i ima , leaving the result Conner 22i , i ima 21 , Watkins ' 5 , J'dino 1U , M"acy Jl , IDo i ichols ( > . IDoJi In the ninth ballot Green throw the hcr half onto Conner giving him 27 ; enl inn , 21 , Watkins 15 , Muoy , ' , , Paine , or bun < Nicholu , 7. In thu ti'iith ballot Sims lost ono of his xn doli'g.ition , going over \Vntkina. . ho ballot stood : Comipr 18 , Sims 18 , r'atkina 18 , Puine 10 , Maoy ! , NlchoU con Soi The eleventh ballot : Sinm 18 Ii-0 , Con- f. . > r : 18 , Wntkins 10 ! 1 D , Puino 15 , Musy Ci-i Niuhoh 8. prl Twelfth lullot ; Smw 20 , Conner 18 , LOI ' 1 ! 'aino 10 , Watkitis M , Mftcy 10 , Nichols bill ! ll'C Thirteenth ballot. Conner22J , Sims 19 , thu Walkins M , Paine 11 \ , Macy ! , Nichols 0. Fourteenth ballot Sims 21 , Connor 18 , Paine 10 , Watkins 15 , Macy 0 , Nich ols 0 , M. Nichols then mndn n short enthusi astic speech , avowing his loyalty to the patty , and Insisting that there wore too many candidates. Ho did not lesson the number by withdrawing however. The fifteenth ballot stood : Connor 21 } . Sirna 1 ! . Paine 1 ! > Watkins 17' ' , Sixteenth ballot Connor 3.1 J , Watkins . ' 50 ] , Macy ! , Paine 7 , Nichols . ' Sitm 1. Seventeenth ballot Conner 27 , Wat- kina 25 , Nichols 17 , Macy 11 , Pixino 5 , Kifjhtconth ballot Nichols 2.'I. Watkins - kins In , Connors 18 , Payne 10 , Macy ! ) . The nineteenth ballot brought forth the name of Charles M. Harto. The bal lot stood : Watkins 35 , Connor 22 } , Paine 211 , Macy 10 , Nichols 0 , Harlo 5. In the twentieth ballot Poltawattatnio wont over to Hart. The result was : Con nor 2liA , Watkins 20 , Ilarto 10 , Paine ll'M ' acy ! > . Twenty-first ballot Connor 3.1 , Watkins - kins 2. ) , Macy 1-1 , Dally 8 , Paine 7 , Mayor Anderson 1 , Twenty-second ballot Connor 35 , Watkins 31 , Mucy 12 , Paine 7 , llarlo 2. On the twenty-third ballot there was a general breaking up. Connor had 35 votes. Carroll then changed 7 votes from Paine to Connor and Audubon gave liim 3 more , making . This waa act- notinced as ' 17) ) and a dispute arose as to tlio correctness of the count. Votes were changed to Macy giving him in all ' 11. Then G'oorgo N. Smith that another ballot bo taken. It wan claimed that the proper way was to verify the ballot , in stead of taking n now ono. The delegates most of them were on their foot , and there was a goodly amount of confused talk and excitement. The chairman road the result as follows : For Conner , Auduborn 7 , Carroll 7 , Casa 11 , Crawford 7 , Oroon ! ) , Pottawa- ttamlo , Total .15. For Mucy , Fremont 8 , Mills ! ) , Potta- wattamio 15 , Shelby ! ) . Total 41. Mr. Connor was then declared the nominoo. Lieut. Gov. Manning on behalf of Pot- towattamio county moved to make Con nor's nomination unanimous , Several jcconds were hoard , and the motion car ried amidst much enthusiasm. The convention then adjourned. 1 ' J. W. Uodefor nnd family loft yesterday af- ernomi for n ten days trip to Chicago. L. Ballon , tlio editor and manager ( if the Inrrison County News , of Missouri Valley , ras In the city yesterday , Harry Stoarn , of Holdredge , Neb , , who was ormcrly In the wholesale liquor business here , /as In the city yesterday greeting his old riondi. CharlcH 3) . Arnold started last evening "for ho . Now Knglaiid fit.itcs in the interest of Cimball & Champ , the piomlnoiitro.il estate nd loan agents of this city. Will C. Oreo , who has boon connected with lie Council lllulfn insurance company ollico aa gene back to his homo in Dea Moincp , this limato not proving very healthy fur him. Krank Kills , for years of lied Oak , now of Iiiron , D. T. , was in the city yesterday , 'rank was ono of the active republicans of awn for twoho yuan , nnd was especially no- \ointhuKighth and Ninth districts , nnd as in the front rank. F. It. Hamilton , press ngont of Harnum's leal i show , was here yesterday ; nlso G. A. lannrd , the latter gave a street exhibition of erooscopic viown hist evening , amusing nnd itorosting a gieat crowd , at the same time Oil Ivortising the show. Tlio .Supreme Court. The supreme court yesterday did a oat did a great day's work , the grist sing the largest ground through In any months. Forty-six cases were ibmittod. The following were the do- siena rendered : Forbor ] vs. Forbor , appi't , from Sal ucasdistrict court. Aflirmod. State vs. Shelton , Tappll't , from nrnlmll district court. Reversed. Bandouino ] , nppl't , va. Grimes it Co , oin Dea Moiiloa circuit court , lie- iraod. la Presser VB Prosacr , app'll't , from Wa- laa llo district court , rovorncd. a Ilaston vs Kline , npp'll'c , Dea Moinca re nit court , ruvoraed. Slack va Blackburn , app'll't , from Lee strict court , aflirmcd. Moore va Mourae , from Davis district urt , allirmod. Montgomery county , appellant , VB Jas. iveraon ( and two like caaen ) , rehearing erruled. C. , B , it Q. , appellant , v Gould , from att us Moines cirouit court , nllirinod. kii White & Clarke , appellants , VB Beatty Or Beatty , from Dallas circuit court , dia- iuued. Crowley VB B. , C. It. it N. Railway ili impuny , appellant , from Benton district mrt , aflirmod. Stnto va. Jones , appellant , frpm liar- ion district court , former opinion ad- rcd to upon rehearing. Boll va. C , B. A : Q Hailroad compa- , appellant , from Appanooso circuit urt. reversed. COMMKHCIAIj. COUNCIL I1LUITXH MAIIKKT , COUNCIL ISLUFrH , IOWA , St'Jlt. 1H , 1884. Whoat-No. I inllllns , 7580 ; No. 3 , 05 ® rojoctod&O. Corn Local purpoans , 40@I5. OaU Kor local purposes , IIS ® 10. Ilny 31 < > OOiMl OU per ton ; b.ilod , 50CO llyn I0@-ir.o7 Tl Corn Meal 1 30 per 100 pounds. lee parl Wood Good Hiipply ; prlcoa at yards , G 00 © u.n ) , Ciuil Delivered , hi r I , 11 M per ton ; eoft per ton Lard Fnlrbank'a , wholesaling at Ojfc. 0:4 : Flour City Hour , 1 GO@.H 30 . , 6:46 : 15rooms a 'J5@3 00 per doz. IS : : L1VK HTOCK. 10.0 Cattle Hutrhor cows 3 00@3 25. Kutchor 8:0 : uore , I OWa I i5. ! . ) , Sbocp-i.M : 6 : ! iiogu iiiognn. I'llODUOK AND rilDITS , . o.a Quotations by J , M. St. John & Co , , coin- D.ti Union merchants , MH Droiidwny. I'oultry Lh o old lions , 7c ; spring chickens , X'J ) f > 0 per dor. IViiclioH-i bus. IKII1 00. 6:1 : Lomoiu 1 60gfi OC per box. 15utter Creamery , 18@ ' 0cj cjuutiy , fi@ . 6:3 : o.KggH 11 per dozen. 9t ; Vi otutiltw-1'otntocB , 80@10o per buthol ; 7MO loualOCii 50o ixir bu ; npploo , chi'ico cookmg 7.SO ruling , 2 riO ( , ! 10 ( ) ; bn. n , 1 7f60 per | ) ishol ; Hux'ct tiutntoeii 00 'jur bbl. uu : 7:4 : An Mxpocllllon in Houlli Aniorlua , WASUINOTOS , 1) . 0. , Soptombcr 18. The iippuinted to visit Central and l > tilth Amoiica will leave thu 10th of October Sso : the City of Mi'.xk-o , whence they go to u ui to I -'iitral Amvilc.i , mid afterwards visit thu lnclul | rnuntrioj of Suiith America. Ttio inmutl MI cxpi'c-tH to tin gonu nix montliH. The ue'lUKvucrt'lHry ' of tha troaiury had In- ad uwurrant for $1110 100 in favor of the ill- oiH of tlia New Oilfuiu expjsitioii , being P3 iuitalliueut , tM + , . + Oustdmers Should Hot Neglect the Present Opportunity for Securing Bargains I3ST Fresh , New Goods Almost Daily and Inviting Examination , NORENE & LANDSTE.OM . , Fall Goods Ready. Suits Made to Order in Latest Style oil Short Notice and a Reasonnlo Prices. 10 Main Street , Council Bluffs. 3,000 Elcctrlo Belts fold ( or the Month ot Juno by ua. References Any of the business' houses In Council IllufLj. JUDD & SMITH rroprletora. ilesrooms 310 , Broadway. Manufactory 30 , Fourth St. COUNCIL BLUFFS- On Monday , Sept. 8 , we Degin to make a arge reduction in the prices of HOSIERY nd : LADIES' UNDERWEAR. A Full Line of NOTIONS always on Hand J. J. ATJWE&DA & CO. , 317 Broadway , OUftCIL BLUFFS - - IOWA. 0 ) THE MODEL bTEAM LAUNDRY am Is bettor prepared than over before to till all demands for washing. Wo call your fac tontion especially to our capacity for doing family washing. Very low rates. All nds : of work done in first-class order. Special pains will bo taken witli flannels , rdora sent by mall or otherwise receive prompt attention. ALBERT P. JOHNSON , Proprietor. 2 BROADWAY COUNCIL BLUFFS WIIOLK3ALK DBAIiEKS IN and 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS IO\V FTI 1111 Railway Time Table. COUNCIL BLUFFS. ho foIIowltiK are the tlmo ot tlio arrival anil de- tun ) ol trains by otntral ntviiUnl time , at' il depot * . Trains lurvve transfer ilupot ton mlu l cantor mul arrive ten minute * later. CIIICAOO , HUKUNOrON AM ) ( JUINOY. AV . AttttlV * . IS pin Ciile.vroKxprosi 8,00 in 10 ui Knat Hall. 7:00 : p n' i am 'Mall ami Kxprean , 7'Jpm : ! 0 p in Accommodation. ! MO p in 'At local ilrpot only. KilSiH CUT , ST. JOH AMU COUNC11. ELUm. IS a lu Mall and Kxprwg , 7M p m IS p m 1'adllo Kijiresj , 6:50 : | i ui ClllCiUO , lllkWADXRII AND BI. fAUk 5 p m KnpruM , 0:05 : a ni 6 Ul Kil'rrtJ ' , 0(6 : | ) in CHICAGO , OCK IHUANU AND PAOinO , 0 p m AtUntlo Eiprena , 8:05 : a m U a ui Day Kxprotu , 0M : p m 0 a ui 'Di > 8 Moluoa AcoommoilitloD , 0.06 p m At local ilopot only. 'WABADU , Mr , LOUIS AMI FACiriO. 10 a m Mail. 4:15 : p in 0 p m AccominoJ > t.on 0.00 a m At Transfer only cuiOAuoand KOBTUWIUTIUI. Kxpr&bi , fl:50 : p in Pacific Kxprew 9OS : a in BlOt'X CITT AND rACIHO , ipm fit. I'atil Kiprew , 8:00 : a m IB 01 Day KxprvM I'M p in UNION Mrmo. opra \Vustcra Kxprrai , 6SS : a m uam I'aulllo Kxiireiu , < : < 0 p in Oaui Local Kii'riiwi ' , 0:61 : a in 0 ui Lincoln KXITIMJ , At Trauifor only. PUUKT TBMX8TOOUAIIA. aave-7.-20-3a-0:30-10:30-llMa. : : : : m. 1-.80.2-J : SO04:30.11ofip. : : . m Sunday 9:30-11:10 : . lai : > .3:30-6:30-l.-3 : : .llo5 : , p. in. Atllv 10 n n lxilu luavtiitf llo\ ' Mrs , H , J , Hilton , H IL aTSIOIAN & SUIiGEON 322 , Ooanoll Dlufio , N. SCHURZ. IiiQtinp nf tlin Ppann Jllolibu Ul lllu rtiubu. OFFICK OVEH AMKIUOAN KXWIKS3. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. Dr , W. H. Sherrads DENTIST , Masonic Temple , A Council Blulls * * Iowa. 7111 W. R.VAUCHAN. Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council Blnllr. Real eatata oollectlou agency , OJJ Fello a Block . o. o. DENTIST. 100 MAIN STREET , HVA Co HT3" , JaUJtvllJtli fir H/ Qj-U.j WHOLESALE DEALERS Wo make n specialty , nt our EASTERN factory , of FINE HAVANA ncl Y AHA CIOARS. A.11 Cigars Bold by ua are of our own manufacture and warranted aa represented. OPERA HOUSE 01OAU HOUSE , I 552 Broadway , " H. II. UOUNE & CO. , I COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA KIEL'S SALE STABLES. Keep horses nnd mules constantly on linntl which we will soil in Retailer or Wholesale lots. All stock Warranted as represented. Whole sale and retail dealers in grain and baled liny. Prices reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed SOIKCIILTJ'TIEIR ' Corner Fifth Avenue it Fourth Street Council Bluff Has Enlarged and Re-fitted His Store , and OlTors Extra Inducements to Purchasers of DRY GOODS , FANCY GOODS , LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. 734 Broadway , . . . . Council Bluffs. MRS. S. J , NOERIS , Having opened in a now store I invite the inspection of ladien. MUS.S. , T. NOUUIS , U.-W IJromlway , . . . . Coun Khifh , 8BIIT11 & LEADING MERCHANT TAIL011S 7 and 0 Main nlrcot , COUNCIL BLUKFS , IOWA. A Complete Line of Fall Goods to Select From. LARGEST ANDBEST STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF In Iowa and Nebraska , and sold for the least money at 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. ' COST until ? all aro.dlgposcd ? ° .ooj9 of. and } MRS , D , A , BENEDICT , Mannfactnrer , urtalns , in lace , n'fe ' , Turcoman , Etc. on cloths , Mattings , Linoleums Etc [ hoicost arid Best Selected STOCK in the WEST , jmo and bo convinced that wo are headquarters for all goods In our Hno. Jheapost place to buy CARPETS , Curtains and House Furnishings In the C'ty. Upholstering nud Bedding Supplies. Nos. C , 7 and 9 MASONIC TEMPLE - - COUNCIL BLUFFS Mail Orders Filled Prompttv 'I ' an f ETER S'OE SALE COST Light Houl Wacom , Piano Box Top anil Open IlugKlei , Brcufctcr Top and Open Busies Windsor Ton Open Hinrclca , I'hacton- all klnJ niul two Seated Carriage's. All of tlio aboie are of my own manu cturo and guaranteed the bebt of stock , and llm'-cUss In i-icn partlrular. Bond for dtccrlptha circular jMTFoctory and Olllco ii7 , 23 and 31 Koiirlh street Couniil Hlulfii. w. p , ALYSWORTH ! rMroHoimes moved rn tlio LITrti : GIANT trucks al any distance and over any kind ol croiind KICK HOU.SHSralic.1. All work KUarantocd , h vy.i' . ATTiswoimr , IPIO sintn street. HASH BROTHERS WQ will give $25 for any horse we cannot cure of interfering , knee cut ting or forging. XII Shoes are Hand Made and NO MACHI SHOES USED. All Work Guaranteed. Broadwa/ . . . . . COUNCIL BLUFFS \ ! HALLETT , DAVIS AND COMPANY PIANOS Kndorstid b ; I'/UNZ / Lihrr. EMERSON PIANOS. Unrhallod or Tone or I'lnUli. KIMBAIL PIANOS liest Modern 1'rico to Buy , The Kimball Orsan. BO long and favorably known In the west , rncommonda ItaaH J. I , . STKWAHT , Sola Afieut for above lines of Good * Warorooms. ? 29 I3i 'ouucil lilulfd , Iowa. Correijxndeuce Solicited , Agenta Wanted.