Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1884, Image 5

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\ The Israelilish Temple Dedicated
N Yesterday ,
A r.enulUul x il Impressive Cere *
nioliv Now Yonr't * !
The brknlKnl little lemplo of Iho
lion of Israel , of tills city , located onTxvciity
third and Itarney , xxns coiwocratpJ nnd for
inally dedicated to the xvorshlp of ( led yestcr
tay ! ex-cuing , Some lime before the hour nj'
pointed for the servicoi to begin , the clmrcl
1 wia filled nofltly lo its full ne-atlng capacity ,
| Many nf Omaha's prominent cltirens , no
I members of the cungre ation , nud the mln
' istorx fiom eoxcral of theleidinpclmrilioaxxrri ;
nl33 present.
At liilf'ii.i l four o'clock , nnd after Iho con
Kregalloii Ind resembled , the nxnin entrance
to tlio auditorium xxero dosed. Shortly nft"i
xx'txrdt three distinct i ix ] > 3 xx-eru honi d upon tin
door , xvhen it xva1) opi ued by Mr. liernhnn
Kowmnn , xxlmtaid , in n Intul xoico , "This i (
the gate to the Lord , not but the riglilsou
may entci thoreto. " Immediately aftoin'riu
tx\elxe yoiini ? pirl , symbollejl of the txxelxe
tribes ot Israel , clothed in xx'hito and cniry Ing
floxvcis , entned , folloxxod by the cliai tor mem
bers , the ofhceiH nnd ininistors
of tlio congregation. This piocoasioi
made three clrcui la in the iiitenoi1 of the tern
plo duriuc ; xxhich the ehoir sing the hymn
" \Va Thnnk Theo 0 ( { ml. " The odiceM nm
imnlstcrH of the eongregatiou thou took then
f. " " placMintlio puliit [ xvhllotho children stooe
n lacing the nltr r.
j IJox. Jr , JJnscnpit ? then rc.ul the passage ,
"lloxv-beautiful are thy tents I ) Jacob , thy
labernaslo O lenul , ' after xxhich cimn the
presentation of the key of the temple to the
president , Mr. Is ue Uberfuldor. The l.eiy
was tendered xiion a eushlou by Mi s labe'l
Mis * Addio Newman acooiiipanjing
the presi ntatlon \ \ 1th n few rcuvxrK * couched
in the finest language and spoken so clearly
and distinctly that all could hear thorn.
Mr. Oberfeldcr responded biiolly , remark
ing how 28 j can ago tha first Isiaolltes Ind
como to Omaha , how tluy had constantly in
creased until , feeling tno need of nplac3of
worship , this beautiful little cniirch hail been
the icsult. The Israelites of Omaha had
just ciuso to feel pioud , .is their btethien had
no church nearer than St. Paul , ] ) os Momo' ,
St. Joseph or Uemxei.
1'rajorxxns then oHiicd by ] lov , ] ) i. Har
field , followed by Jin Comocho ( Thtro is None
Like Theo ) and Shcma Yisrael ( llcai , O
Israel , ) by lov. ! Dr. Hosenanit/ .
The sacred scrolls containini ; the books of
the 1'cntatcuch xveio then deposited in tlio
phrinoby lloDr. . Hai field , xx ho followed
" tlua part of the ceremony by tlio recitation of
"Un-nxx-cho Yoiuar ( Uaturii , O ( ! od , to the
Myiiads of Israel , )
Abeiutiful major xx.ii then olfeicd before
the shrine by Miss Vauline < 3ole1iimth. The
txxelxo joungfjirh then presented their tloial
olferingd to tlio Lord , ascending the pulpit in
couples and placing their floxxeis upon the
casement of the eliiino , after xxhich a hymn
was sung by the choir-
liox. li. Ilaifiehl then etclixcrod the dedi-
catoiy sermon , choosing ai lua te\t I Kings
"Jth clmptei. The iicrnton xxas a most appro-
pruto one for the occasion and xvas listened to
most intently by the members of the cjngio :
.Ration ,
A hymn xv as sung folloxx od by the addi c"i
and inxocatiun by Jiov. Di. Itosenspit/ The
address xvas di-liveicd in an earneht in inner
pointing the xay to bccomo tmo/Jiihlron of
( Jed. The invocation called for tno F.illiei'd
blessing upon tliu state of Xebraska , its pee
ple. laxxs auJ Kinornment
E3Tho chou then 5ang " ( ! ud of Ifci.el , x\c
adore Thee1. "
After the icgulai exenin ? senico xxhieli
consists of tlio leading of the oxening piayc i s
according to the Auiciican .r xxi h chuich ,
the threefold Aaronistic benediction xxas said
by li. Hai field-
The choir x\hicli fumished the o\cellont
music for th ( KB dedicatory nervici s under tlio
IcaduHhipof Julius Meyer and Miss Minnie
HotlHcliiM-t organist x\.ts composed of the fol
loxviug xoicoa : Soprano , Mrs , A Hosexx-ater.
M rp. ! , Kit7 , Miss tf. Ita'xv , a d Mrs J. , J.
J.ichmanalto ; , Mi a Sclilesmuei , Aliss Seli-
gman , MI--S H. Nexunanand Mies liosoxxator ;
tenor , Mr. 1'ranle Smith , Jlr. 1. Ii. Fislier , ,
and M r 1 . J. Nodd ; bas , M r. | C. K. Burin-
estei , M r. 0. 1C Ci.illoand Adolph Aleyei.
jo nr coxirr.i Tii \ HMSIU
Oninj ; to tlio xx ant of time soxrral things
must bo done before this stuicturo _ is fully
completed. The xxliolo Misida of the build
ing xx ill be frosc < ed BO soon as it can bo done.
Tno bhiinoxxili bo painted , ornamented and
gilded , and the poxvs , xxhich are noxv on the
xvay to Omaha , x.ill bo immediately put in
their places upon their arrixal. Thoio foxx7
smi'l addition * are all tliat remain to make
the building a completed structure.
This 7 o'clock the xceular Noxv
Yeii BOIX ices knoxvn among Ibnehtos as the
day of memorial x\ ill bo lipld tomorrow inor-
ningbihiuniiigat ' > o'clock and contlmiiiiK
until nojii the Nexx Yeai'sday sorxices xvill
takoplau. Tlieio xxlll bo a eeimon on each
occasion this oxening by Jtoi1. Dr. Kespen
spitaudto.norioxv by the llox. Dr. Harlield.
Henry Blocke , of Hastings , is at the Mot
lopolitan ,
Conrad J. Schmidt , of Beatrice , is at the
0. H. Grostsn , of Nebraska City , is at the
S. O. Dickey , of Aubnin , is registered ut the
D.i : Sheldon , of Unrnnott , 13 stopping at
tha Metropolitan.
0 fj. A'anl'clt , of Soxxaid , is quartered at
Miss L. M , 1'iyor , of Ashland , is a guest
at the Metiopohtan ,
John C. King , of Ciand ! Island , is registered
nl tliu M otropolit.m.
] J. IP. Tioxvenstino and xvifo , of Bancroft'
are registered at the Metrnpolit in.
Mr , JayXorUiropnud family hax-o returned
from Olilo xvhcre theyhaxo spent the suinmc't ,
Mr. A , M clnnis , oftho , firm of Mclnnis & -
Bussoy , retmnod yesterday from n trip
Chas , A , Watkins , manager of tha Bijou
opera company , is in the city and quartered
at thol'axton ,
Mr. Hany Hackett , of Dunu'd Commercial
agoncyhas gone to Chicago to spend a couple
of weeks in xhiting xxlth frienas.
M is , Tliomas has returned to Fort Niobrn1
ra. She xvas accompanied by Mlssea lialcombo
and Ittchanliiui. xxhovdl remain xvitli her
forufuxvdaya ,
Mr. D. 0. Adams , Mra. Kllaxvorth Daasctt
and Miss l.dlio Vrood ard , i Salt Lake city ,
r < < at the I'axton on tlio xvay oaxt. The
Jadioa xveroxuitei at tluir hutol yciitciday
by a numbci of their friends xvho reside in
tins city.
Mr. K , M. Bunsun , ) li.isllicoa fur aomo
timu pant the passenger agent of the Yandallu
Imo in this city , IKU Leon removed by } na
comi > any t Cinthmnti , Ohio , xrhero ho xvill
lie employed by hU ojiupany In aimilnr
capacity. .
Urapsa , 20.pounel basket for 70 cents ,
at IluitnroiVa.
Tlio "Western Jcle ixtC8.
A epecial car xvna attnchud to the Den
ver tram from the west yesterday uiornin
in which were thu clolojjatas Tom Oolo
rado , Wyoming , Ari/.Mia , Utalinnd Nor. '
Mexico , to attend the meeting of the
J ntcnutional.Brothorhoud of locomotive
fireman , to l > 3 bold nl Toronto , Canada ,
commencing next Monday , The sides of J
the c&rwore covered with largo ml
nicely painted banners.
A number of the delegates were no-
compinicd by their wives. The party
was joined in this city by Mr. The .
Kiniioy , delegate of the Omnhn ledge
and his xvlf\ .
The bovs linvo given up the idea of R
national hospital and will uric the rain-
lug of the iusu ranee from g 1,010 to PloOO.
to bo Hold
The meeting of Oitizsu's Loagua which
was to have boon hold lost Friday eve
ning , will bo hold this evening nt
Y. M. 0. A. rooms. mooting xx-il
bo addressed by Mr. IS. Koaoxx-ator , cdi
lor of THE DHE.
The oilicora of the league ttcsiro to
urge upon the citizens of Omahrx the no
coesity of their co-opurxtiu ; xvith the
league in its offirts to put down Inxvloas-
11053 in all of its forms and to raise the
moral standard of this community ,
Kx'cry yoml , laxr abiaiii ! ; citizen of
Oniihn is moat cordially invited to bo in
attundanco nt the muoting this ovo-
Tlio Ijandol the
Chicago Times Special.
IsniNPOUS , Ind. , Sep'.embei 17. Botl
paitioi are elaimmp Iho stale , the democials
by S,000 and the icpubhcans by lO.OOO. It i
safe to B iv that it H largely a inattei of gue
xx ork , and tint tharo hai been no clo o poll
made. Senator Voorheei , ( M ansou
and Col. Urey , domociatio camhdato foi ( joxer-
nor , are of ouo opinion , and that is tint the
democracy xx cio npxcr in Riich fighting trim ,
and that the sUte to day it i.ifoly domorratli .
Tlie hotting Is liglit but ineJincd to the 10-
publicans. The 6.,000 wager Ijsngattiio 10
publican stite committee 1001111 that
wys Blaine xvill carry Indiana , has not been
t.ilccnet , but an Lxansxdlo demociat has
opened communication xvith the committco
xxith a xioxvof taktug it in. A SoCO bet i"
said to liaxo been made todiy that the htato
uould go republlc.ui. The bettuiR clas1 ?
though are holding hick for the Ohio election.
It his leaked out that nTepublic.ui caucus
iif founid.iblobut Informal Hhapo
had picked out St.mton J , 1'enllo to inn for
goxcriior just bofoie the republican state' con-
xpi tion. Various names x\ero mentimied , in
Lldiiif Dudley. C.dkins , and Taylor , of 1'oit
Wayne , and then someouo Hiiirgested 1'eelle ,
p.iymg ho possessed .ill the requirement' ' , hav
ing been n soldier , and a conscientious bum-
iiess-liku member of congress , The
fact that ho had been unseated
by a partisan majority , it xxau
urged , xvouid add to hi" popularity ! ami it xxas ked xvith considerable elfoct tin
liu was uncommitted on Iho prolnbiti n quoa
lion , The CAUCUS therefore unanimously
agieed ho xvas the most x iluablo man ,
but xvhcn the subject broached to him ho
peremptorily declined to run , on the ground
that ha oxxcd t > hunself as xxell as to IIH con
stituents to make the lacefoi conEtoss , fooling !
is3iirod that the action of the domotrutic
homo > xoiild be forcibly rebuked , The fact 13
that C.ilkms is not pannim ; out in pa } ing
imntitioi , and the republican leaders lux a
jonio to the conchiiiou that ho is too thin to
aixor tlie eutiio state. The opinion
jf Judge Gresh an ( now postmastei gen-
ral ) is being quoted and thought t > bo in the
nam a tiuthfnl si ing up of the lepuliliciu
: andidatu foi goxernor. Said the judge.
There is not , i d - d tiling m Calkini.
110 has pi.icticed in my couit and never could
; iasp an idea that it , he nexur could get half
> f the big feature s of a ea-'C. Iloalx\na con
; entcd himself xuth luldliug around the httlo
) OIUtS. "
The prohibitionist liold a mpelinpr hero to-
lii'ht. A. J. binith , of the Illinois State Sen-
, mel , addressed tlia cioxxd , xxhich numbered
ibout txvo hundred. Tour or fixo ladles
iharod the platfuim v , ith thoor.itoi.
JudgoGooicro W. Steel , of Oborlin , O. , one
> f Dorsov's rilit ( hanel men in the IbSO cam
paign , is in the city. The domociats haj- Ins
isi : hignihos sDinetliin ? .
Theioaro fifty sexen Cloxeland & , Haudiicka
: lubs in this ( M aiion ) county , xxitli anaggiu-
f.ito incmhcichip of eight thousand.
LoiliMlii : , September IS Track stiff
Mile lie its , selling alloxvances 1.,1/ric , S xvon ;
) est time , IAS.
Kdgcxx.itei tt.iketin eoearolds , indo and
i quaiter Bilioett von , Hilly Gilmore -d ,
Strickland 3d ; time , 1U. !
Mile and an eighth Adec won , -Bob M iles
3d , Doubt M ; time , 2.03.
Three quartern milo Boot Bl.ack xxon , Dia-
nond L'd , Grit Jid ; timp 1 20 } .
Fixe furlongs l.i//ioljco von , I.Biner.ddu
id , i : irly Koso 3d ; time 1.00 .
CHEAT IIXCISO AT Hliniil'dlll All 1AX.
Ni.xx Youit , Soptcmbor 18. 'i'Htntj thous :
xnd people xx nt to Sheopslie.ul biy todiy ,
> wnur genei illy to the inteiOHttnp ] iingrammo
if lacing prcpired , but muiu j uticulaily to
see the race between Dxvjer J'loiheis" Misa
\Voodxvaid and 1'ierre Jjonllurda' Diake Cat
ler. Tha sporting men fioin ill oxer the
country xx-ere present l onisxillo , Kv. sent
iv largo tlekg.i' ion. Tins contest xvai known
in tlio piogiamme as the thud lace , It xxas a
match ruco for "i.COO a hide. JS.,00) ) .added
by tlie association. Distance Uxo miles and a
half , liake Centei xxas lidduu by Havxx'.rd ,
111 pounds and Miss Woodfoid by Mclnugh-
Im 1 110 pounds. In Urn piols ,
Misa Woodford bold at 8U < 0 , and Drake Curter -
tor at Mid. Bolting xvan 100 to , " > 5 on MIKS
\Voodfordamlbto6iigiuii3t Diako Caitor.
Miss Woodfoid xras first to appiai. He-r
maiwxvaa plcatid , ami hhean oiiiamonted
x.ilh red and blue libboun. Cheer after chior
x\ent upas slie on the track. 3llu up-
jicared to ho m xvondci fully iooJ foi in , A
fexv mimitm after , Diako CmterRulloiiud l/y.
Jie xxoio u hood and a nheot. Although Hay
xxard voroLonllald'ri clieny and bl.ick , ho
nroused but a fi xv fiiint clioers.
The horbos xvcia sloxv to como t ) the
post , but xx lieu the jockeys xx < ie
oiue mounted , they xveie hint away to i
capital ht.ut. The i ace ic.illy needs but
little ilonciiption. Dr.iko Carter got elf in
front and , coming by tlio stand , led by a
length and a half , Misa Woodfoid under a
dead pull. At the end of a mile and tlueo
furlong * MUs Woodfoid vent n half length
ne.ariji to C.aitei and there remained to the
quartet pole , \\hich Is at the head of the
Htroteh , Hero Mclaughlin let the filly out
to Carter's head. Hayward at oncodroxv his
xUup , Hxvanno iifcc. Miss Woodfoidonly
hoonied to take longer and ( pucker strldeH and
quickly oened | the daylight be
txxcin hcrhclt and competitorH. She
ape ] ued for a moment to haxo run axvay ,
but xvas brought midisr the xviro in .1 canter
and xxliero t-ho xv as pulled up almost to a stand
still coming to a lult xvifi mouth x\ilo onoii ,
and x.inning tlio race by ten lengths. Time ,
is'JS/ / .
The great e-ahtern handicaji two year oldj ,
thrio quarters mile TuiiHtono xxon , Govua
' 'nd , 1'aideoadiTimo 1.10J.
Handicap sxvnepstnkrs , all ages , mile and
fixe finloiiga Gi neial Momoo xxon , j'ontxial
L'nd Kiicild lid Ti-no 0.531.
We' ' tor hai elican flWO ipatakoi , mile * and
three sixteenths LLciiinatoxon , M atti
Hiinturo lnd ! , Ilofi-reii lid ; Time 1 ! IS
Three jear olij < ami upwarlrf , Hailing ullnw
niicoii , mile ( ilongjnno xxon , Mailund ynd
Ijutestimir iidj Turn , 1,1 J.
HandlciMiBxxet intake * , nonbnuir , inllo and
quarter I 'ergo K > la woo , Jlcanomy lind ,
LJli luticleer IIJj Time , 2.JOJ. ,
' Handicap Mte < pli > chum , nhort oqurse
BnurlvO Cjcliran xvunj ( uebt . 2nd. lUbok ad.
Time ill.
Chicago Timw ,
ilchn ] ' . Jlonry , pmidmt of thu anti-ino
iiopoiy oigjni/-vtloa , wni men by a nportci
foi the Tinier at the Graml J'acifio hotel la&t
evening , Ho said that wlien Jm loft Now York
Burnt ) days ego thu antl-inono ] > ely fueling In
that st"to and thnmxhont tlio catt Wan as vlg
orinis ami intonne an at any time tin
di mouatic national conxtntion. "Tho vote in
Ntvv Vork alone , " naid he , "I e tliimto fi"m
HU.OOO to 1W.OOO , and poMIljtv nir Of
this tlie citj of Now \ oik and Kings cminty
xvlll cast at li ait 'iO(100 ( , and tlio lumamdir
v > ill , Jlne f ruin the jiitsnor JjUtl r in u Ji\ .
ine and \ itnl f. r < " . md hi < prot < "t suil thi
Jw ddxnpnte * me itrlixxntd nf tlm
\ \ o would. d < > xble.f , IreWo
our x oti if lut'i r liid any thought of Inliift
elected. Itclv hhirxl , but then hi ? cannot l >
pxperlcd to fmniuli ti Immense
fund e\en'if ' , In i .i rich tnin without A
port of slipping Into lh prp identl l chair ,
It i Iho oatno xvith ths i > aitv. Wo ran fay to
our folloxvefoVe xxill \ictoJumshi lS88j'
but xvelmxe nothing to prnmUettu * year , and
so onr fight H xxln.'lx ' one of principle , Without
bormnf nxvard. "
' 'What doi < Kutler rxpoct to ( fain , then , bj
hw c nididaej ' nuked the reitortor.
"U ia | io-.8ilile that he xxdl hold the balance
nf poxxer in the oloc-toinl college , nnd , if lie
do * < put me on record M ( mylng that tha
bodyxvill decide xvho xx 111 bs president ! con
Rrona xvill never haxe a chance to consider th
matter. "
"Hoxx doei Hutler propew to influence tin
bwlp. and to whom xvill lie RIXO the nun ; '
" that I am not at liberty to utate/ '
"l > oea not Duller ' canduliicy haxoa londen
cv to elect lilaitie , granting you the utrengtl
x ou claim ? "
It certainly ! moro fnxnrabla toHlalne tlmi !
to Cloxeliuid , but xxo cannot ba criticised foi
that. We eh ctsd Cloxoland gox ornor of Now
York , and ho broke ox cry pledge he made t < ;
111 , and lie has no right to clnlm further con
8idi ration.1
" x liat la jour strength in Maisacliu'otls1'
" \Vo mav carry it ; xvo ccitalnly xxill bo sec
olid in the lace "
"And in tlio xvost '
"Kmiou xvill cury Michigan , Ml sotirl , Xe
braska and loxva.V < xvill not fuse in this
state , but xvo xvill cast ill.OOO xotcs heie , ami
the most of thnmulll "coiuu from the iloniO'
6ratic party. There nro plentv of surprises in
stoio for scolleis ami unboUexors. Still
further , in thu bie iking up of the old paitlo1' ,
an innxltablo conclusion the anti moiiopolx
party looks forxvard to final triumph , and th it
occnirenee is not so xery fur olf. In the xi ir
IhbS we xxdl cleet our provident , and to llutlor
xviltcnmotho hoiun ot instituting and found-
in , : a great national puty. "
jlr , Homy goes to Califoiuivon mlx.ili1
btwuess , but xv ill i vulently look after the
cause m vhuh ho is so nnuli iutoi'Csli d ,
Tlio AValniHli Ucuoixurh' Itoport ,
Si. lions , September 1 The rcceixc is of
the Wab.vsh rallioad nulo tlioir first teportto
the United Stitcs court to day. It coxeis the
period from'Maj 2'l , the date of thoii appoint-
mint , to August HI. The teeoipts fioin all
sources xx 010 § 3,017fi03.)0 ! ) ; dlshursemenl'- ,
3,57.l.07b.0y ; cash balance , SSZ.bsS.SU1. Of
the disbmsemontu , § 2,000,000 xxiro paid for
labor , § 00,000 for taxes , anir 'tSO.THJ foi 111-
teieston bomls , dixulod as follows : North
Missoori , 5U10.000 ; Chicago dixi8ion$11SuOO ;
St. Louix , Counril llluirs & Omaha , S1N.7.SO ;
Hannibal & , Naples , 817,500 ; Kl rivci branch ,
? 2b,000. The balance waa duo othci loads on
ticket account and sundry accounts. Only
= ! 10.0JO of the 2,000,000 recoixots' certificates :
nutnoiiVed by the court lias jet been issued.
Ammonia n obtained in largo quantities by
: ho putrefaction of the urlno of animalb. Vn-
lyclopahi llrilanntca.
Kxery houhekoopor can test baking poxvdors
: ontaming this disgusting drug bj * placing a
: in of the "lioyal" or "Atulrons1 IVirl" top
loxxn on a lu-t stoxo until heated , then romov
.ho cox or nnd smill ,
Dr. 1'rico'a Cream BakiugToxx dor does not
contain Ammonia , Alum , Lima , 1'ot.ash , Ucno
L'hosphates , ( proxoit bv tlio above test ) . It
s broparcd by a 1'Jiyt.iciau and Chemist with
special icgaid to cloauhnosa and healthful-
30S3. m-o-xv2m
The .fournal of St. 1'otnsbiirg , states Uut
.lie recent meeting of the thue omperum 13 a
junirantee of lusting jieace to Kuropo.
Gieat airaugenionts hnd boon made along
; ho line of ttie Haitfo d raihoad to ; Mi
IJlame on Ins xvay to Noxv Voile lint ho took a
fast express and defeated the pioject.
M md S. xx-as gixcntluoo jiractical nulo tests
it Hartfoid xcsttrdaj- . Beat mile , 2.11/ / .
At Mil\\-aukeo ! yestciday Alimiio R. paced a
mile in 2 00 , the accond best tuna over ma le.
St. John , the piohibition candidate for the
residency , nddtesnod 'J > ,000 people at tho-
S ontral Music ball in Chicago 1 ist night.
GAIESIU.I.I , , III. , September 18. John
llogeri , of Abingdon , bioiifht suit for ! yjO,000
lr.m.ifLS ; against Smith Lattimoi , Hciiiy Dun-
lopand Dr. Millet , for circulating falsa i <
> oits tliat his Angus cattle xvoro niiiroriug xvith
> leiiro pneumoniu , The plaintiff alleges that
.lio.cill foi the ht.ato veterinarian vas the
esult of a coiispuacy ou the part of tlio di
'eniLintg to injure tlie bale of his cattle.
iu > -
BLUliN'oros , lo. , September IS. Twelxe
.housand people xv itnessed tlio ascension of
L'rof Kmg'd " 1'aglo 1'jo" at the county fail
jiouuels this afteinoon. The profesaoi was
iccompamel by a rupiosentatixu of the Haxvk-
) yo. The baleen niado off in a northeasterly
hrcelion nt a lit i hl of about one and u half
mlc > 3. Tin BV.lit wind BOOH boie it Xout
> f bight. ll.ii > . Tin Associate press are tele-
; i iphing to all points for infoimalion con- '
.ernmg tlio aurouauts , ]
And Still Another.
Bosrov , September 18. Cxptain W.
nilsxxorth baa aeecilcd [ the uominatlou foi
president of the United States tendered by
Jus Ainciieun J'olitieal allianro , and xxill' ' '
stump Louiaiana , Tennessee , Maryland and
Wigmm , Tlio headitiartoiri | of the nlliaueo
ivill bo lomosed fiom Jinstou to J'hlhidel-
riio Ai matins l i lie Imiul of ( Iio
bovciol n
In viov.of the increase in the expendi
ture of the n.ivnl dopartraont that xvill
[ i"uro , in the budget for 1885 , full particu
lars the movements of the
rUistvinn lie , ( are ullowcu to tr.inapire ,
inys > v Yionna lulograni to the London
standp.rtl. It ii atated on ecmi-oflicial
mthority that , independently of the coii-
itiuctlun of tlio powerful imxv irou-tLid
Oroxvn 1'riiico IJudoIph , which is to bo a
triumph of modern ship-building , nnd the
ro-inforcDiiiont of'tho torpedo fleet , thcro
is great activity in the dock-yard of Pob.
Propar&tiona are being carried on without
interruption for the equipment of the ex
peditionary veaaola xxlilch are to display
the Austrian Hag in distant ocas , xvlioro
it has never before boon
aoon. There are also , it appears , .
certain ports xvhoro the Austrian Lloyd
atoampra call regularly , but xvhcro no
Austrian man-of-war lian over cast
anchor. In order to rcduco no far aa
possible the cost of the projected expe .
ditions , the Austrian squadron now on
duty in Iviiropo , under command of Vice
Admiral 1'ilnur , has boon cut down to u
minimum. Jt conuntH of tlio flax-ship
] ladot < dy , neixv in the xvntora of Corfu ;
the tlitco ( ! uiibo.ita , the Hum , NnuUUui ,
and Albatross , and the { rnddlo-atcamor
Taurus. The Isautihu is oidurud to
Chun and .Ini'nn , nntl the II unseen for
a long tour t ) the uast. The Siida , uti J
recently infonucil you , xvlll start on B
/ifIcon / montlm' cruiao ua soon an the
Donau cadet ship ahull loturn , I nuxo
ulijo givein liini.ularn coiicorntng the
voyages to ho undertaken by tlio Iloilgo-
had , the Fruduburff , and thr Auroia
JMibsionn of minor iiiiportiincE ) Juvo bcon
cjnfielod tu the gunbuata Ji-uLu - nnd .Sun-
52g ) and the stoiimwr AJneick. The
aquidron that ioontly tnanuuvorcd bo-
fun ) the einiicror ui I'ola , including the
Lisua , the Ixuiair Bias , the PIIII Kugoti ,
and othcru , in still etationcd nt thut
purt. 'J'ho dmpatcli of Austrian mcii-of
war to Asm , Africa , Vmorica , and Ana
tiiiha will not , xvo uro told , bo followed
by colonial acquititieum. The object in
vioxv m to protect nnd develop Auutnun
trade in these distant parte , and lo sup
port here nnd thory rcclamatioim muelo
liy the ii'triati consuls. Tim IR i r 'bioly
true , xot it is nevertheless n fictthst the
measures taken by tlie Austmn ndmtr-
nlty for the purnoflo stated coiundc witli
the colonial oxpatuion of Germany. The
Auitnan ships ate presumably croing
abroad on a ptoptwttory minimi vxhich wil
bo confined to the limits ( tlicmlly i-i-
dtcftted. A\miral \ Starncck , the naval
comtiiandor-in-chiof , is himself tepronen-
tedtohaxo said , shortly after hisap-
Hointmont , that colonies o mid not be
founded from onodny to fie other , but
xrero the work of timo. . If hodnTorjn
naval mtaious about to Icaxe ] \ , \ \ prov-i
successful , and return xvith accounts favorable
vorablo to coloniisttion sohoiupg , there i
no roasoiKwhy such schmos , if they ar
seriously entertained by Iho gnxcrniont
should not bo carried out. There is m
erroneous and to some oxU'iit a mischievous
ous notion tirox-alent abroad juitiioxv tha
Kngland it joaloua of all foreign colonia
enterprise. Alodcratioti on the pirt o
the English press in dealing with nucl
subjucU will , hoxxovor , materially tend t
rcmoxo that impression.
ATilbutoto MrlHlii n ,
City , ( Montana ) Uccord , Soptemboi ! )
Tlio ottitor of Tin : UMAIIA Jli.i : , who
spoms to bo a pretty lovoniended felloxv
took occasion recently to indulco in som
B \rcastic cotnmonts respecting n military
here xx ho has figured aompw hat oxton-
aively in this ooction. Major Urisbm , of
the second lr , S , cnx'alry , xllo xvns the
individual referred to in Tin llci :
seoina to ha\o taken umbraeo at the ar
ticle , and chnrfjod in oolid column of
Binnll typo upon the helpless editor in
last Sunday's ' Yellowstone Journal.
The Record fools a sympathy for itn
Omixlm colleague , not on account of the
deapornto onslaught nimod nt him , hut
because it fully ngrccs in nil his strictures
upon his nisnilnnt. There probably ia not
to-dnyjin thol'nltcd | Stntca army a moro
nrrant humbug than thnt same Major
Urisbin. llo is n soldier by the grace of
his executive clemency mid not because
of tlio possession of nny soldierly attain
ments. Ilia capacities nro graded on the
piano of tlio lowest typo of tlio "dog
robbing" element of _ enlisted life , rnlhor
than thnt of n commissioned oliicor. His
niontal tendencies are governed by greed
Mid cunning , wholly incompatible xvith
the higher instincts xxhich gentlemanly
iiiltiiro usually fosters in the minds of
ho men who hold commands in the
United Slates army.- Like many nnothor
juack salver ho is successful , ni money ,
natters go , nnd ho hn3 the > reputation of
joing one of the wealthiest olhccra in the
Whiio stationed in this vicinity ho sue-
seeded through low alliances xvith sov-
iral of our local schemers in potting his
incor into the pics which they baked
iVith tax-payers' dough nnd pocketed his
iharo of the sxvag. Salaried by Iho
Sorthorn Pacific railroad , ho noxor hoai-
; atcd to spin tlio most egregious false-
leeds nbout the xvondcrful natural ro-
lourcca of tills section in deacribmijwhich
io over dipped his pen in ink of roaeato
line. The injury which hia mis opro- .
iontatfons luix o dona to Eastern Montana
.a almost incaluulablc. Many n pour
'armor has been enticed hero by hia ex-
Irax-agant stories , to discover xx hen his
: apital xv.13 largely conaumed and hia re -
: rcnt rendered almost impossible that ho
ivaa merely n frcah victim to the dishon
3at scheming of n heartless corporation ,
ivhich found a pliant tool for nllccting its
purposes inn man xvhoao army coinmia-
iion x/aa regarded as a guaranty of Ills
truthfulness. "Jan" Brisbm made a
reputation in Eastern Montana , nnd is
noxv bringing the sorvlco into contempt
in Idaho.
Ho claims to bo an author , and lias
mccoodcd in securing the publication of
several works to which hia name is at
tached , but which wcro mostly not xvrit-
ton by himself. The shears and pasto-pot
lupplcmontod by the brains of nome intelligent -
tolligont enlisted man of the command
ivhoro ha may have chanced to bo sta
tioned , conatituto the intellectual ro-
lourcos from which ho evolves hia con-
: ributions to literature , His rank of ma
jor with the politically gained brevet li-
; lo of "General , " are his passports to the
ocognition of publishers , nnd otnuding
> n that high platform ho eecurcs round
iriccs for hin perfunctory InborB. It is
laid that the Kotl'aern IVcific n couple
jf years ago contracted \ \ ith him for a
umphlot on the resource of Montana ,
'or xvhich ho xvas to recoixo covcral lliou-
land dollnis and a few cop.cs of tlio work
'or his personal uso. The work , -when .
: omplotcd xvas the sorriest catcli-punny
imaginable , made up Iroily of unac-
cnoxvlodgod extracts from the writings of
) thuru. The company paid him his price
iiiu then duliboratoly caused the entire
idition to bo burned , BO thr.t tlio fexv cop
es which the -iolf-stylud author peddled
ibont Miles City , with the garden trucL
niaod by soldier labor nt the post , xvhich
10 brought to toxx'n in hu carriage' , nro
ho only copies of the document which
; ho xvorld xxill enjoy. These nro como of
; ho reason f why xvo ngroo xvith what Tun
DMAHA Hi i : aid of him. Wo hnvo oth-
; r and equally cogent rcasonoxfliich , on
/anous accuunta , it is not expedient to
liscusa at prcaent. Wo chsoivo tliat Ino
inino wan recently drojipcd Irom the lut
) f directors of the First National bank.
i Van that because of his having wholly ro-
> udiatod payment of his subscription to
ho Tongue Itlx'or ditch'
ITavo you seen the Campaign Whipi ,
it Mooro'n , xvhoro the lion ronra lor the
sheapeat nnd best goods in the xyoit.
Jomo and ECO them , it will do you good.
aitf. (
V Now Train For Ilcutrlco and
AVj'niorc ,
Commencing Sunday September 1 1th ,
ho B. A M. railroad xvilfput on a daily
.rain for Wymoro and intermediate
itations connecting nt Crete with the
woning train from Omaha.
On and after that dnto txvo passenger
.raina n day xvill run ai follows :
[ joayo Omnhn 7. HO a. in. (1.20 ( p. m.
\rrixro Oroto 1.07p.m. 11.17 p.m.
" ] 5ontrico . ' ( 01 ! p. in. 1LMO a. in.
" Wymoro ! ( . ! J5 p. m. 1.10 n. m.
Orapos , t O-pound basket for 7" contJ ,
it ITcimrod'o.
] toad Morao it Jlrunnor'a noxv card.
- - -
_ _
COAL Coutant it Sfjmrco , 210 S. l.'Uh
ninth *
Cliamberlrtin , JIowo & . Mnrsliall , the
Sixtcontli s'.reut furniture dealers , in order
dor to facilitate their romoviil , wliich
taken place about Oatobor Jat , xvill make
spocittl prices for two weeks. nJ8 2t
Olioico uilxor-okinncd 1'icklod Onioi'H '
at Jloimrod's. s8-2t
The Carpenters and Joiners' union No.
r > K xvill give their first ball of the eeusoti
at l alconnr'a hull , on Thursdny .Septem
ber IB. Muaio xxill bo furnished by the
Ith infantry bind. Tickets $1 each , in
eluding euppor , m&o
Unly mill VWH r ntul l-'i lend
ol HH I'lnKiic-Strlckcii SllleotK | ,
A more atrkinij contrail in the rela
tions between ruler nud subject i not
conceivable than that now seen in txvo of
the < ( i-itics of tturope. The Czar of
Hnssln is in Warsaxv , llio capital of P.i-
land , protected by the service" ) of spies
and an Imposing army of military. A
thousand arrest x have boon mido diirn
his stay in that oily , but iiolxxithntvul
ex pry precaution , nml the risk of c-rtnn
deatlt lo nny unauthorized person np
pronchmg the auloornt , nobody xvoulel
bo surprised ti > hear that do had fnllen
\ictim to xie i nco A section of his
wretched and dis'tFocted people no ouo
can soy hoxv numoroua , nor lioxv near
hia person nt any time aomo oxen m
the ranks of his- guards nro thlrslim *
for his blood , and his appearance in pub
lic nl all is an act of courage xxhich e'on-
trasta with the seclusion of the earlier
part of his reign. Shifting the scene to
Nnplcs , in Sunny Italy , vrhoro hundreds
of people nro dying of cholera oxory day.
King Humbert IV , is at the head of the
noble men and xvompn xxho , nt gront risk
to personal safety nnd their life , but with
Qonlidenca in the good xyill nnd nlle ctlon
of the people , visit them ii. their strick
en lumip * , nnd by largo mfts nnd Rpntl
ininlilrations , do their utmost to assuage
the horrors of cholera in the meanest nnd
filthiest districts of toxx us nnd cities af-
Ilictcd xvith it , Tlio lovely and amiable
Queen Mnrguerolto is at her luisband'ti
Dido in tins labor of lox'c , a minittoring
nngol to the needs of the poorest of her
subjects. What gain follows the moral
inlluoncix of kingly nnd queenly example
in these uistnnccs xvill never bo knoxvn.
The whole royal family of Italy , except
ing the children , nnd the most cultured
and Iho best of the sons nnd daughters of
the nation xio xvith the ainiablo people at
its head in acts of practical bcneficonco
\\hich \ dignify human nnturo and relieve ,
rrith heavenly beauty the dark horroru of
the pestilence.
Italy in sulluring moro from the out
break of the cholera this year than nny
athor country. The plague soon did 'its
ivorst in Franco , xvhoro , ns n rule , hygi
enic conditions nro superior to those of
; ho neighboring country ; but in Italy not
inly is the loss of life appalling , but ma-
.orial prosperity is checked by the stop-
ling of industrial xvorks and the partial
: nssation of business. > As the year is no
'nr advanced , and the season ot cold
ivoalhor is approaching , there is hope
.hat , at tiio latest , in n foxv weeks' time ,
vo shall read that the plague is stnid.
When this timu shall como the authorities
) f all the toxvns and cities visited by it ,
md of all which need equally snmt.xry
mproxemcnts xxill , it ia trusted , improxe
, ho occasion to prevent ibi return by Iho
.imoly outlay ol money in their introduc-
ion. Choleia ia proxontablo by these
ne.xns ; and surely the praisoxxorthy spirit
ividoncud by thu king and queen uiul the
.ending people ot Italy durms ; the xmit.i-
iou of cholcia xvill bo continued nf lor-
ivnrd until the citioi nnd toxxin of the
> mgdom ohall bo piotectod iigaiiiat ita
ecurrenco by the olloctivo ino.xnn xxhich
ire products of the intelligent nnd hu-
uanitarlnn iiiROiniity of the ngo.
Humbert IV. , king of Italy , xvm born
March 11 , 1811 , the oldest son of Victor
[ inmnnuol , af torn are ! kint ; of Sardinia ,
md the first king of a united Italy , and
the archduchess Adelaide , ot Austria.
Ho look part in the movement of 185 ! ) ,
for the unification of Italy. This groxv
out of the nllmnco of Sardinia with
Franco , xvhich began during Iho Crimean
war and xxaa cemented by the marriage
of the Princess Olotilde , Humbert's aistor
ind daughter of Victor Immnnuel , xvith
Prlnco Napoleon , in 185't. The xvar bo-
; xvacri Franco and Sardinia on one side
md Austria on the other followed hard
ipon this union. It xx as favorable to the
dlioo , but wns unexpectedly terminated
jy the treaty of Villa-Franco , xvhich pro-
: oded the treaty of peace of Xuncli by a
oxv months. I ndor the provisions of
hia arrangement king Victor Immanucl
ibtained Western Lombardy , part of tlio
. \ipal atntos nnd the duchies of I'.irma
md Modcn.x. Successiul roxo-
utiono led to Victor Im-
iianuol being made king of Italy in
February , 1801. At that tune time Homo
md Vcnotm xvoro not included in n uni-
ed Italy. Prince Humbert took nu nc-
, ivo p.irt in Iho stirring events of the
.imcii. llo naqistod in the xvork of roor-
; anizmgtho kingdom of the txvo Sicilies ,
indin.July , 1802 , visited Naples and
i'alrriao , xvhoio ho shuroel the popularity
if ( ianbaldi. in the xxaa of 1MU , betxxoen
. 'rusai.i and A uotri.i , Italy xxaa the alloy
> f PritBsia , end an Itulum nnny under
'Ion. Culelini , inXndcd Vonutin Of this
irmy Humbert commanded a brigade
jith the title of hciitonnnt general , llo
\-asprciontnt tlio bittlo of Custo/xa ,
fliero ho greatly diptingiiiiihed hunaalf.
[ 'ho crtishiiij , ' defeat of the Italian army
hoio xvas moro limn ollaot by the succi'oa
if the Pruisian army , and the rcntoration
if peace added the renmining OialnctH of
joinbaidy XiiHi Vcnctia , lei the groxving
: ingdom of Italy. In 1800 Humbert
named lib cousin , the Princess
Uarguoreitti * of Savoy , diiughter
) f the Uuko rditund ot Cionoa , broth-
sr of King Vu t ir Immatiiiol. The only
; hildborn to thn union Is Victor Iminan-
jol , prince of Nnples , who fr now 15
fears old. After tlio outbreak of tlio
ivnr botxvoon Franco and Germany , in
187' ' , the French garrison xxas xvithdraxm
from Homo , winch was sei/od by the
Italian troops. Humbert then mndotho
"Imperial City" his residence. Victor
Immanuel died January U , 1878 , xvhun
Humbert became the Second King of
United Italy. In November of the year n iimn named Giovanni Pus-
innanto attempted to assassinate him
rvhilo ho was entering Naples in n cnr-
iage , but ho escaped witli n slight
During the reign of King Humbert
Italy has steadily advanced In xvoalth nnd
Handing nmopg the nations. Rucont
iudgotii liavo shov/n nurpluBsca , nnd the
irmy atul navy of the kingdom nro
ilrong , Popular education lias boon im
proved , but illiteracy in ulill great ; ac
cording to the consul of 1H81 tlio avurngo
number of the population above ( i yearn
nf a o xvho could not read or write wns
( il.'M pur emit. During 1882 Italy did n
foaoii/n tnxdo amounting to tibout $500 ,
100,000. There nionomo li.OOO milco of
rnilroadn open in Italy , nnd the comple
tion of the existing ayatom hai been pro-
x idod fur by leKiulntion.
Poieonully ivmjj JJumbartia exceedingly -
ingly popular , and hin queen ii much bo-
eixud ,
A l''iiiuij ' Jjplhuttn ,
Uakluntl Tinietu.
A Binootli faced young nun , attired u
a clodoly fitting suit of checked xvhito
nnd black , xxlm treudtj the boards at cno
of the minor thcntrou , walked into tlio
marriage licento ofhco in S in Francluco i <
fuiy ( hjatgu , and , tapping gently on the
counter xvith Ins cauo , uttrautcd the ut
tontion of Deputy Joe Cook.
"J want to got n liccima to got mar
ried , " lie murmured , "if it ain't ' too.mucli
trouble ) to you "
"Djii't mention it , uaid the nlhblo
clotk , grabbing a pen and dipping it in
ink. "What's your ntmo and ogoJ"
"My name is Maurice W : 1 am
28. "
"l-'vor boon married before ? "
" . "
"Wife dwuir continued the deputy
ho scribbled nway.
"N-no. Not exactly , "
"Ah , yes. I guess so , "
The pen dropnrd front Sir. Cook's
hand , and eyeing hia vis-n-via. ho said ,
"litirss so , won't do , Wo'vo got to Icnoxx
for certain. "
" "Well , it's ji st this xx-ay , " oxphinod
the vountj man , his palo faeo slightly col
on' ) ! , ' "Alv xvifo xvaa living in Oolnsa
and I xvaa playing an engagement in Sac
rumonto. Ouo aft , at rchorsnl , I got a
note from n laxxycr saj ing she had got a
divorce from mo , and I didn't bother anymore
moro about it. 1 Diipposo It xvm all
right. "
"Tliat won't do. You've got to shoxv a
copy of the decree before you can got a
license hero. " Noticing that the appli
cant looked n little doxvnhor.rtcd. the
deputy choorlngly remarked : "You cm
xvnto tu the county clerk of Coluaa and
ho'll ' send you a copy for $1.00. Von
are in no hurry , are youf"
"Wo intended to pot married this aft , '
wn * the reply , "but I suppose it xvill have
to bo put nil. "
"I'm sorry for you , " Mr. Cook feeling
ly replied , "but it can't bo liolpod. "
"A foxv xxon't make much differ
ence anyway , " the response of the
unfortunate actor , at ho xvalkcd out ,
closing the door after him. In a minute
or no lie returned , again accosting
the deputy , whispered , "Say , the dame
I'm going to marry is in the same boat.
She ain't got no decree neither. Will my
copy do for both ? "
"Oh , no ; nho'll hax'o to ohoxv her pa-
pore , too.1'
"i'hat'a "
an alngaaunda , gispod the
crushed tragedian. " 1 pness xvo'll have
lo lot the thing go to . "
iVii Unlfiioxxu ixnui , Armed AVIth n
ItoxolxorTcri'OilrciiiMi-H , Uarllold.
Special Dispatch to The Olobe Democrat.
OLI'.MLVND : , 0. , September 15. Tlua
xftornoon n man arrived in the city on
the 2 25 train from tlio xvoat. Ho xxont
: o the hack stand at tlio north aide of
if tlio union depot , ongngotl n coupe to
-arry him up town anrt then ordered the
Irlxcr to tivko him to prospect street ,
ioir Perry. The liackaian droxo to Iho
ionic named xxhero the man jumped
ml nud xvnl.cod np to Mrs. Jnnics
iV ( iarfield's ' residence on Prospect street
llo reached tlio houao nt > ! o'clock anel
.niging the bull nniuiryd of the jiortor
ivlio responded for n girl named Piper.
I'lio porter informed linn that there xxns
no suclr person in the house. Ho per
sisted thut the potter xvaa mistaken , and
ix ni finally ordered to leave the premises.
He acted \ory strangely , and hin con-
ilucl excited no little comment. It wna
noticed that ho hung around the promi-
nca in n auspicious manner , and xx.itchod
the house attentively. About 7 o'clock
in the ox oiling ho xx-as found inside the
ynul , prowlinc ; nbout xx itli nlariio double
tu'ting , 38 caliber rox'olx'or. Mra. Gar-
liold became alarmed nnd
telephoned lo the Fourth
product police station. The ofhccr ar
rived shortly nftor , nrrealed the mnn and
look him to the station. When there ho
positively refused to give his name or
toll anything xvhntevor about himaclf. Ho
is n tall , line looking man , xx'all dressed
in bind : clothingnnd xroro chin whiskora ,
apparently nbout ( JO yours old , nnd looks
like a southerner. What his Intentions
xvero no one cnn toll. It ia thought by
the police thnt had Mrs. Gnrfleld shown
lioraolf ho xvouid in nil probability have
ihut at her. Ho dooa not look or net aa
though ho XV.IH of unsound mind , and be
yond hia extreme raticonco concerning
lumsolf and hia mission in Cleveland ,
Inlka freuly nnd rationally.
A Cdiincll ol Htoclc IMon.
Sl'lllNc.1 n.i I ) , 111. , Septimbci 18. Tlio lib-
ii Hi ntata bo ird lo dny issued a call for a na
tional conxeiition of tluifu mleiested mtho
Inci'diiif-nnd man.iKemciit of xan'oui clu ° sei
if liiehtuclc , to bo held iitCluciK'i ' Noxoinbor
I. ! ISij ] , Tlio proxention ami etterniimitiiiii
if'iiiiH ( lirti .IKI i mid li'fiMiilion , ntato
md mitiiiual , < m the mibject are tn be ills-
, uii-iul. ( Tlio propiioly of foiminf.i ; perinaiieul
nini/itiiiii | ; ( if tlio Block men of llioccmntiy
Aill alau be consider cl.
A Slinky
Lixiiiil'ooi , September 18. The .luuiual nf
Jiiiiinicreo of Ihia city statoH thai thoia are
lisi | liitlii { ; iiimors alloat conceiniiiK the ita- :
illity uf cirtaiii Lixerpuol flrnif , oum | ? to the
nw prlciH of cotton , coin , proviHloiiH and KU-
; ai Diiuiif , ' tliu Jay the rnniom Hli 'litly nnli-
i led , oxxinpj to the partial improxi tm ut in
lie h'rnin nijikel. Duly imo firm made pri-
, ate tin iii'emeiitH | , 'ifus firm 11 engaged in
In HU 'JI market.
JIomlrlrkH' IIui I ,
Soptcmbor IN. HendiickB ,
, vlu ) xvni Injured hi tlio accident neai Tanner
' 'ity jeslcid.ay , xxas unable In ic.ich Saybiool.
in limo In day to addrois the democratic
neatiiifi. Jie finally armed m thn afti moon
ind upnkii brli lly , then i elm nod hero audio-
d tu liidi.iuiipiiliH , The croxxd at Say
niiinliurcd fiom fixo tjuix thnUHand ,
Kor lllH'Kntlicr'H Sftkp.
WAMIIIMIION , Hiplembor is. Tlio piesl-
lout li is appointed Harry Kiihnalmry , uou nf
Uimti limit KlHlinejbiiry , xxhn lost his lifo m
Lho ( iroely expedition , un cadet at hugo In the
naval academy at Ami ipnhx
A Hon. Ihliuid Kiro ,
Hxs I'tixsi iico , Septoinbii 18 , The bark-
oiitinn "Tinplu llud , " friiin J'rospccto Tahiti ,
liruiKH uexxH to day that < 'i j.ait ) of thn
biiHinuHH poituui of the Inxvi i inland ILLS been
dentinjod Dy lue. I.OHH S
IjaxxH ,
Kr. l'i imsniiiu , .September 18. Adxicos
finin the unit i.stato that the Knsaluii eorvello
at \ ladlooatnk itei/id thu Amcriuiu schooner
Dll/ifurlnu'inf ; enntruband Knodanu board
and the Knjlmli ; achnnliei Huloiia , foi
liiintine ; ,
iliivonllo Itneo AVur ,
] 'iiXMuiiir , K'y , Hoptembor IK Alm
liinxvner , a ed Hi , him nf Cnlnuil A , ( < , ] ti
ner , hnt and fatally xxoumlnd u colored buy
n.iini d Juhn HIiiiniiiriH , KiinilinnH xxlujped
lirn\vnur , nnd the latter got n iun ; ami "lint
him on bight ,
I'ir ' OdDLJIONM l''llllVlHCOIlNll ' ) ,
i\U ; Cl.MUK , iJiptcinbfi 18 The demotr.ilB
of the J < hxhtli Wi tni ) ln dltitilut nominated
iluduo li Jt. LHIMMI ( if thii city , fm coijgieas.
\V. T. i'luii lu tlio repiihheiu cuiidldiite ,
.r'X.'Tr. OlilimVant IVnco , i1 .in
I'AIIH , Kcptuubor 18. 'Jlia Matin nays : "A
tonninptiuii of ir ntnitiuiiH is attempted by
( Jlima , but I'llmn IMmhtir J' < rryn deif to
the ( . 'tillil'KO nlfi irf.
IiMllnnii I'rulillJitioiilutu ,
IMUXS u'uiis , Seplimber 18 , A full hat of
olceturu xxay named today by the prohibi
tion tati cult i al committee , ht , John xxill
Xiflt tin tijto and i
Vital QuoMlonn tl !
Atl Ilicmntl rminrtil pliytlrinn.
Of any school , what is the host thing
in the world for quieting and allaying all
irritation of the nerves , and curing all
forms of nervoui complaints , giving nat
ural , childlike refreshing slfop i "
And they will tall :
"Sitniefn m of 7/np * ' ! ! "
Ask any or all of the most eminent phy
"What ia tlie best snd only remedy
tint can ba relied on to euro all diseases
of the kidneys and urinary organs ; auch
ni Itiiqht'sdiao'uo , diabetes retentionor
inability to roliin urine , and all the dis-
oiBos and ailmonta peculiar to Women"
"And they will toll you explicitly and
"Jiitohti ' ' "
emphatically / . .
Ask the same physicians
"What is the most reliable and suroat
cure for all liver diseases or dyspepsia ;
constipation , indigestion , billiousncsi ,
mal.xria , fever , ague , i\lc."and they will
toll > ou :
Miiinlinlc\ \ Diinilflum ! ' ! ! "
Knur , xthtn thrao remedies are combined with
other * ciim1i | ) Miluibto.
And compnutiileil Into Hop Hlt'cr ' * , Midi a won
derful ami mxftcrlom ciirntUo | ondcr is developed ,
\vMcli iMoxnrlpilIn Its optntlon'tMt nodi-cancer
111 health ciuifiosellilocxlat or resist It * po cr , nmt
jet ith
llitnilow forthnmost finll noman , weakest ln\n-
lid or ginnllcet child to uic.
"Almoit ileail or ncntly Uj IIIR"
For years , and gix-on up by physicians ,
of ISright'a and other kidney diseases ,
liver complainto , severe coughs , called
consumption , have been cured.
II omcii i/ouc ucntlii crayV' ' " .
From agony of neuralgia , ncrx'ouaness ,
wakefnlness , nnd various diseases pecu
liar to xvomon.
I'coptailnun out of shnpo from oxcr'iclatlnirjiinfa
of rhcuimtlsiiii liilhmitory nnil chronic , of itiltorinf ;
from Ncrofulft
I'rj nlH | > Ins I
"Enltilicum.lilnod | iolionlntvljs | > cislaIndigestion |
nnd , In ( net , nlniost nil illncn o9 ( rail' '
Vatnru It liolr to
IK\o IICOH cured by Hop Hitters , proof ofhlcli
ran lie found In o\oij neighborhood In the knonn
, til .SoiioRiiiiilno without ix Imnrli of Rrcon Hopn
on tnohlto tnliel Shun nil the \ liepolnonouastull
lth"llo | > "or "Uoim" l'i their name.
Cor. Ifllh r.nd Cilt | < il Axctiuo , tronta nil cn c9 Crip
1'lulor ' DcformcJ , nhodlsciaca of the
Nervous System ,
Blood , and
Urinary Organs.
All CW3 of Cimnturo of the Spine , Crooked Foot
T.os nnd Anns , AlunC'lirmilc nITictlons of the I.Uor ,
Uhuuirntlam , 1'arnl\filB , Piles , Ulcers , Catarrh , Asth-
inn and Brotichltla nro nil trtntod hy nov nnd BUG-
ccssfut uifthods All dlscisoaof ttio lllooit and Urlu-
ni ) Orunnp , Includingtlmao resulting from IncUcro-
tldii.or exposure , nro enfol ] nod successfully treated
nml ii'Ure ( 'inrantcc.l.niiiii ; men , mUidto nficd ,
and nil men Bulletin ! ? ( join XX'onkncnii and Nun 0113
exhaustion , producing Iiullpc3tioiiralpUntloiiof ; the
Hi ut , Dei ) ondcnc ) IM/rlucss , Loss of SIcinorj .Lack
of r.utrk'y au I AinliUliiii , can lie restored to health
nndlKor , It CBEU In not too lone neglected.
Iho Burgeon In chir o ! > n gradmto of JtHor-
BOII Jlodlcnl College. ( IS65) nnd hna eludlod Ills
pnitcsuloii In Iiondon , I'nrla andDerlln. If nllllcted ,
c.ill or rite full description of \ our cn o , nnd inedl-
clno maj lo eentjon , Consuftntlon frto. Addrcea
Onmha lllniieimiir } , Crounso'u Dlocl. , Omiha , Nell.
Olllco IiiHira 1U-12 a. in.,1-3 and 7-R p. m .bundnys.
3 10 n m.
rtfrO ilui llinisc , Council IlluITi , Saturdays 4 to 7
p. ID
tlnlvai on llorlrk' ! 1 nod , " rile hniidrcdR of
I iiit < fill fiithirM JtillurB1 mill ; routaluH no
( louli IK'Itril'KS'l OODrOKINrANlStfrco
friiiiiit.irililniiiihi innrnoMiiK The lx > t food lu
liiJltlinrKlikmtHfnrlM AMS T lirlHYt diet for
1)X W'l 1'J IOH un 1 1NX AI IDS III--I ( lyb-ocilcW
to iiiiiHlnirinollunini' ulill.l. I'rtcchinuilTEc. A3
driu-.lKlH llool. on ilii > trrctini utcf dil Ircn.frca
I 1 1 It VU It In l i NIII rii r 10 alivtlilu oF lLo
Unl f rfhiMriM II Mnmniu 'J l > Xru J'nrt
I .1 , -I MlutU , r .HU . , ' > = -i I'uuJ lu
III ttmifc t' II V Ilirrrlt Jt Q.t jVdJ'oll
( in , l * * HKIMI ] | tlhiu ( lor ucilhrr rullk '
II I , 1 > . < m . ' / /I fliodyti , .V r
XVIII l i nt i i r f i ) on 1 1 eli | or i lice In Rtampn.
IKVHMC 'I'll ' I'JOD Oi > . . UfxclueVli. .
Ci I -y n. . - > Hi f ni' < or
Kcnlod ) ropnaila ulll ho received hy tno under-
elk'ned until ho'eloi kji in , SiturdaySc | tcinhcr ' 'Ctli
IsSI , for curbing aad KUttcrlui ; the wes ; slilii uf 20th
utrect , liLtuiui Dodqe nud Dmtnport itrcet , In nc-
eordatui ulili pUiunml fpccllkntl ins on file In the
ulllcu ( if tlia llonrd of 1'iiblli , Worl.3 of the city of
'llu > Bn n1 of Kducallon rcEcrxoa the ri lit to reject
mil or nil nldn.
Oankn , htiptttnhLr 13th.KU. .
uiiAitris : coNoviit.
a 13 7t Secretary Hoard of Ldiicatlon.
AnJ umismled in the DROAD CLAIM ol Kelngtue
liver ollered to tlio liubllo.
17 St. Chnrins S' ' . , St. JUnh , jiTo.
i ri i > i' ' r f in 'u l ii rtn j n Heal C 1 fi li 11 ulotig
t11 \ , il in i | 1III.U ( ( ei hit hkllllLB,8klM
.11.1 11 U l > l l'i 7.1 ll.n la fat. IxiUlJ ,
, . . , _ , , . . - - - . . Jl 01. II III luul *
Ncrvou ! . I'liictriitiou. Dilililty , Mental and
Physical Wcaknt'Si , M : c ulul and clhcr Alice-
iionf , of Throat. Skin or Bones , Blood Poisoning
old Sores anil Ulcers , * r. > tnaimi * nii
m.ttiii luti. t i-elt uiitlo | rliicn i tacijr I'rhfttfl/ .
DUenses Arltlnq ( rum Inalecrotlon Cxcoss ,
exposure or InduKcncc , tiiru iroJucojuuof tin
lo lunliif illtcii uir nu i i iliUlilr , < IU it urilchl
iuIJtltrln ui u r ; i lini' j .i llt. face , | l. . . .Itildjcoj ,
e\triluu tu mo u letjr vt Iriiialm , coufuiloi ol Idiian , dtx ,
rcnUerlne Alairiaffft improper or unhappy , era
j trmiii lulljreunif l n ilfi ( Sii l ge ) ontlii * utotf.MUl
lu icalitl tultlui > , frt IM ftujr ktltlu.i. tuu ulUU < milvf
llcoorl j uiallfr - cudiurltetl XUIW tut < | UuHloill.
A Positive V/riiren Guarantee
plrta It ) til rur ljl9fiic jLfi-iUclQe4 > iatorcr7i herc.
lamphlotg , Ui'lilluli or Oornian , O4 paic . < 1 -
icrlbluc abcro dluontcii , la tuala or fumalv , t'lllili.
, ue I ' U'i. IllininuJ In tlolb n J ( lit tln
U * . i tuiytrio lestt IIIUID. imcr conn , nc. T | > ! I
eoutalb ll tlio curlotii , ilouliiful t > r laauUltlrc
kuow. A Kn r rt-it Ini.rftl to ill. Uullti , llv
-HkJ IIU tl-ll