OMAHA DA r HVJB FRIDAY , SEPTEMBER 10 1884 THE OMAHA BRE Omnhn. OfBoo , Xo , Oltt F rnn i Sf , OAHncU'HIttfTd Omue. No T 1'cail SI BtrcfltNcr RrontlWBy. Mew York omcc , lloom OS Trlbum rMlihfd eTtty WPmlfiT , exctft Sosdliy' Th oat } tfobdftr mornlbg dallj. Ona Ti r . . .flo.PO I Three Months . C BIzMoAiCt . n rvi I On UMith . 1.0 Vet Week , U CenU. [ ill * WllCtr MM , KTU6RBB J1T5RV V7IMHHIAT. OnsT r . W.OO I Uiree MctotM . I f. 1.00 | Oti Itwith . Anwrlwn New * Cnmn ny , Sole Agcnif , No'J I aiilalhofrtltetiSUtw. . . A Oonnnnnlca' ton * ritallng t n Ncnn nd IMllorli n ttet9 sh iltl 1)0 addrrucd to the KMica Or Tui BIT. T.WKIJ98 LBTTIR3 Altnnlnen TrtttdM 'nml nemlttnr.ces sbonld h WrfWC'lloTunniin 1'DM.intiiHo CoMPAxr , nUAHi. . Brills , Chwkn and rontofllro ordura to bo made pay. . blc to the order of the romfMoy. ! HE BEE PUBLISHIHfl CO , , PROPS1 n. nosEWATER , naitor. A. II. 1'ilcli , rnnacpr Dnily Circulation , 1' ' O. ] 5ox188 Oiniilm , I'rolilliltloii Gonvcii- tlon. The electors of the Pccond Conprosfioiml district , uln itiloml toolo fur tlin iioininccn of tlio Prohibition pntty nti' roqucstoil to pond r'prc3CJitnllvcs ( ro mt-ct In ilolcftntocontention in the city of Ifnstinpi , TiiCMiny , September 30th. 1881 , nt7iOii. : ! in , for the piirpnno of Doininrxtiiiff a cnndiihito for cotifjrrsH anil for the tiuiisactioii of ftich ( itlicrlnisinois ni may como biforo the conxcntiim. 3'ach county I1I bo cntltldl Io onodoloRnto for u\cry tlion.iainl popnlatloii. Central coin- iniltrrinon from the \nrloni counties moiir rd to call coinuutioiH for the election of delo- jjfttos. Da * M City , Sept. 15 , 1881. WM. WOOUIAK. A. O. WoiF.r.NiiAimini. S. M. LEWIH. KANTOIID WII.UAMH. I , O. llEiiio\v. llK.NM. SBMIOUU , 11. W.I.OWK , Committee on Cull. Tlio Campaign In tlio Hccoiul DlHtriut. Captain .T. H. Stickol'g nppointmonto : Soptcmlrer 27 Aurora , Hamilton county , 2 o'clock , p. in , September 29 York , York county , 1 ! o'clock , ] > . in. September SO Sow.ird , Scward county , 2 o'clock , p. in. September30 Ulysscsc , Uutlcr county , 7HO : o'clock , p. m. October 1 D.i\ld CitjIhitlcr county , 2 o'clock , p. : r. October 1 Jlmng , Uullcr county , 7:30 : clock , p. in. October 2 Oaceoln , 1'olk county , 2 o'clock , 1 > . in. October 2 SIromsbum , 1'olk county , 7:110 : o'clock , p. m. October II Friend , Sallno county , 2 o'clock , ] ) . m. OHIO'S ndvico to Mr. l.Iaino : 'Como west , yonug man. " A .UNCO candidate in ono who makes the gin go down as cnaily .11 corn juice. Tar wild goeco hnvo nlrcadygono south to Bpond the winter. Thin is an indica- ion that vro shall have r.n early fall In this part of the country. Tnu Mormons of the seventh ward of Salt Lnko City have voted a tax of ono per cent on the Gentiles , with others , to build n Mormon school. Thin ia tax.v tion with n vongonnco. SINATOII : VAN WYOK in the matter ° f the school land business io evidently to give Governor Davroa the benefit of the doubt , but Rffggon , Kendall nnd Powers nro left without a loop-holo to crawl out of. " \ViiKN the farmers can get not moro than thirty-fivo cents n buahol for their wheat at Hastings and points beyond in the Republican valley , they cannot bo deluded into supporting the railroad can didates for legislature und for congrens. IT ia enlimatod that water diminishes nt the rate of the thickness of n nheot of writing paper n year , by sinking into the great cavities in the interior of the oaith. In 15,000,000 years every trace of water will have disappeared from the face of the globe. That will be n very dry season for tlio prohibitionists. Tun old democratic mosa-bauks who have no higher nim In opposition to re publicans than to put n democrat into the place of n republican cannot comprehend why the UKK should refuse to support J. Sterling Morton for governor. With them any democrat is bolter than n re publican. With us un honoat democrat is bolter than n dishonest republican. But when wo are naked to support n dishonest democrat who proposes to bo what every body knows ho in not , and n man who lias not hesitated to corrupt legislators in the interest of railroad monopolies , wo cannot in decency ask republicans or anti-monopolists to give him suppart. THE Nebraska business is the great Louo of contention in the tripartite pool mooting. Tlio prospects nro tlrnt the terras of dividing this business will not bo agreed upon. Meantime the Burling , ton intimates that the tripartite muat go. In this event a lively railroad war is .likely to cnsuo. It will bo the aamo old atory of cut talcs for n few days , then the matter will bo patched up , nnd the producer and shipper will bo taxed to makouptho losses. Jf the tripartite pool would ngroo to carry Nebraska wheat to Chicago fora little loss than one-half of what the farmers receive for it here , they would bo doing a moro eensi- bio thing than spending their tirno in devising methods of bleeding the producer of the last cent. They might also find it to their advantage to make A rate on torn which would enable our farmsra to ahip a portion of our im- raenso crops to Chicago , but at the prcs- cnt tariff n shiprer who would under take to send a carload of corn to Chicago would find that the corn would hardly pay for the transportation. Tltoro is something redKa'ly wrong when agricul tural products are not worth shipping. The fault lies principally with the railroad - road , whose extort'ona'o tiriffi scarcely /all short of balug robbery of the pro- ducere. < CROOK AS Alf /AYJ/rUV T71 ' JblXKlt. General Crook liiw proved himself a good nn Indian educator an he S an In diftii fighter. This U shown by lite ad in ( ruble mMiBgeinent of the Apnches 01 the San Cixrlca roncrvntion , He fin gained their confidence nnd respect b exhibiting his qualitos aa n bnve aoldic in fighting them and convincing them nf wards that lie WBH K man of his word Crook then taught them the value o monny find how to onrn it , mid the ; have followed his sdvico and instruction and gene ( o work at farming and and othcs labor tliat will improve their con ilition. Hitherto the Bqu.iwo have dom nil the work according to the In dian custom , while the fcstivi buckn have roamed at largi and done nothing but hunt. Now thii order of ttiinua is almost entirely reversed , no the cquaws mere ly nttond to "household duties , ' while their louls are earning at : honest livelihood for themselves nnd their families by the sweat of their brow , General Crook has certainly worked n wonderful reformation among the Apaches , who wore said to bo the most warlike nnd untamable Indians on the continent. Thcro in not in Pennsylvania , aayn General Crook , n village of the oauio population moro peaceful and law-abid ing than the 5,000 Apaches on the San Uarloa reservation. Truly , peace hath her rictorien BH well as war. Thcso Indians ice the advantages of a peaceful and In- lualrioun life , thanks to Iho civilizing in- luonco of General Crook , and they now rant schools , and better facilities to cul- ivato the soil and raise stock. It is oped that the government will speedily upply their wanta and encourage thorn. General Crook has always advocated a boral policy toward the Indian. Uo bo- ovcs that the red man ought to bo given fair show ; that ho ought to bu assisted i every way to become self-supporting ; mt ho should bo given every opportunity > acquire an' cdtfcation , and to become n individual property holder : id n citizun of the United Statcn In the ill sense of the torni. If this policy ere adopted and practically carried out , o believe that in ten years the nation's ards would no longer have Io bo aup- lied with rations nnd clothing by the ) vernmonf , and wo would no longer hear ' Indiana starving owing to the false nnd ucl economy of n short-sighted demo- ntic congress. If thia policy ia not lopted the Indiana will forever remain a jrdon upon Iho government , nnd the idian agent and the contractor of sup- ios will continue to have a soft job. Tin : board of education recently do- dcd to purchase 1J2 ! foot square ni n to for n school building ouWcatFatiiam reot. The propcrty.aa wo nro informed , as bought at full vuluo upon condition lal the owuor would grade the lots nt is own expense , before the ground was irnod over to the board , At n special cotlng hold a few days ngo , the board reed to take the lots in their present ndition for $175 loss than the original irchnjo price. The established grade noes the lots thirly-two foot above 0 utroot level. The quantity ot onrth bo remove. ! is estimated nt 520,000 rds , which nt 18 cents per yard would ot up $3iOO. ( If the lots wore left five six foot nbovo grade , which is ns high they could conveniently remain , the Bt of grading would still bo about § 3- , 0. Now , it scorns to us , that the board s noted very hastily to say the least , in iumlng the cxponao of grading for 7" . The purchase of a school oito on cli high grounds , is n questionable on- rpriso nt best , unless the owners of the jncont property are nil ready to join coming down to grade. But even they do , the investment vould bo in- dicious it the board has to pay for the nding. COUNCILMAN \Voomvoimi still refuses resign nnd continues from day to day act nn n contractor with the city in onvioUtion of the law. If our wild : itost nguinst his oflicial misconduct to- line unheeded much longer wo may ro to take otopa to vindicate the law : ough the proper channel. In his case ) ro is not only defense of his own ligations , but ti continuous nbuso of wor , i > hereby contractors for paving 1 compelled to purchase materials from jodworth which they would prefer to f elsewhere. Acting ns agent of Col- , do sandstone nnd voting himself the itrncts for such material whenever the iporly owners fail to designate asphalt granite is bad enough , but when by tuo of his special rales over Iho Union ciflo ho destroys all competition in the ivory of Platte River sand ho bones - nos doubly culpable. It is an outrage the part of the Union Pacific to cor- it our council by the granting of spo- 1 favors and privileges to which nil , if C , nro by lawontitled. It is worao than outrage for Councilman AVoodworth take advantage of his relations with ) Union Pacific to the detriment of rkingmon and contractors. I'm : KtlntsltH State Onctlur ami ilncna Jinctory for 1881-85 . has it been icsued. If other cities' nnd TUB ore treated as shabbily no Omaha n this work , wo venture to say that ) clKirta of Mr. Wolfe , the publisher , 1 not bo very much appreciated. The istrations of Omaha nro simply horri- . Some of them , particularly the oet Bcuni'H , have been taken from old Jtogrnpha und make Omaha look moro a n country town or n mining camp in a city ot 00,000 people , The on- .vings nro miscnbly executed , and ore thing but botch work. Mr. Yolfo'll temonts concerning nemo of Omaha's noipal institutions are a little wild , r In8tansewheii _ ho tells that the ion PaciDcTBhopa employ over 3,000 men ho is making n i/ross exaggeration The shops never employed over 1,500 o 1,800 men in Iho busiest seasons , and a present tlio force is probably not ov > SCO or fiOO. Such miiBUtenientn a * thi do Iho city more harm than good , TOM lli.xi'iucKs ' IIM nindo nnollie speech. The dispatches tell us that "hi tpoko of this glorious nation , " Then WAB a time * , however , when ho did no apeak in that patriotic strain , It was ii Indiana , during the war of the rebellion ; when ho sympathized with eoceuion. . prayed for peace , nnd urged everybody It remain nt homo instead of going to the front nnd defending the Union , Had the ndvica of Mr. Ilcndrickn boon fol lowed , wo would hnvo had" no "glorious nation" for him to talk about. Mr. lien- dricks , in his last speech , nt 1'ooria , do- mauds n change in the administration simply became "tho republicans have had it for twenty-livo years , nnd that wna long enough. " That is nbout the only reason that ho ndvnnccs why the republi cans nhould bo ejected from power. Mr. Hondrlcks , however , will probably have to-ivait twenty-five years longer before ho sees the democrats in possession of the White Ilotmo , THAT must have boon nn affecting scone nt Skicrnivico when the royal tripartite pool broke up , and the crowned heads bade ndiou to each other. Wo are told ' .hat Kaiser Wilholm frequently kissed ; ho czarina nnd the Grand Duchess Ma- ia Pnulovina , but wo nro not informed rhnt the czar wna doing nil this time. Jo wni probably kissing somebody else's ioltor half. Kaiser Wilholm , not natis- iod with smacking the ladies , embraced Hid thrice kissed the emperor of Aus- ria , the czar , and the Russian grand lulics. As n royal kissing match the ikiornivico nociablo will take its place in listory ns the most successful nffair of the ind that ban over occurod. Tin : democratic Kilkenny cats will ontinno to make each other's fur ily in ongrcsa. Sam Randall has boon nonii- ated , and the high protection wing of lie parly will have its cjininpion. John ! . Cirllslo will bo returned from old [ ontucky , and ho will champion the uiso of the free traders. Each of these istinguished gentlemen hai his staunch jppurtero , and meantime Morrison , vho as been rcnominatcd. hopes to lake n and in the circus and make a specialty 5th hia horizontal bar net. So wo will : o ro-cnacted in the next congress , if it i democratic , the came old irrepressible juflict that hn3 bo u going on for aomo me , disintegrating .tho democracy nnd landing it on its head. THE Great Eastern , the largest vessel i-or built , will ba ono of the attractions tNoiv Orleans during the World's ox- osition. The achomo of the managers is > charter the big ship and have her ring over fromEuropo n cargo of articles ir exhibition free of charge to the ox- ibitors from fairs now being held at ondou , Manchester , Edinburgh , Cork , urin and Copenhagen. The Great astern made ono visit to Now York any years ago , when she was visited by indrcds of thousands of persons. She awa 2C foot and the Now Orleans papers y she can como through the jottiea and ivo four feet to sparo. CONOIIESSMAN Pu.scY , of the Ninth wn congressional district , is entitled to o bolt as a champion mud-alinger. His tack on his opponent , Judge Lyman , 11 act as a boomerang. It was notonly tmanly , but it was n very childish ap- al for support. Mr. Ptwoy ia desperate , cl it need surprise no ono to ace him re- rt to the moat disreputable methods , hen the votes are counted on the 4th November ho will find that ho has jorod in vain. THK JlcpitMlccin labors under n rnia- ko in crediting Wisconsin democrats th the nomination of the rebel Marma- ike for I'ovornor of that state. In bo- If of numerous indignant Badgers rrabouttTiu : BKK corrects the mistake informing the Jlrjmblican that Mar- xduko will bo the next governor of Mis- iiri , where such men thrive and prosper the sunshine of nn overwhelming dom- rntic majority. I'm : editor of the Omaha Herald finds lit with Lygan's grammar. Mr. Lei - i would have no trouble in convicting ) editor of the Ilcrahl of frequently irdorlng the Qaoen'a English. di STATE JOTTINGS. | ! Mwanl llennott of Fremont has contracted n reMdonco to cost nbout $18,000. .ichtnitiR struck the ntabln of Andrew Xo- p , In Hint county , on the 9th , KllliDR tuo > ca uvhiod nt § 100. UarRoiprty of Moimoiiltofi from Oron- y , Itu8smlm\o tin neil at Beatrice , and 1 go fnrmmfi in that ucinlty. euc-ral Tlmyer BOOS e t tins week to take nip in Iiulmim and ndea\or to capture etnto fur Bl.iino nml J.opau. ' . W. Io\o. of IVnnont , has sold lui Out- county ranclin of 1'JTO .lores to comt > 'par- i from England for 828,000 , 'ort KobiiiMin , Clmdron , ISushC'reik , CJur- i und nc\oml other towns not down on thu p , want the county sent of Sioux county. te Tomunt jicoplo are tnlUm ; of n plank road to i Saumlrih county , go tluit furmora can into town with their product * in .ill kinds ftr .u'athci. . . ' " Ir. mid Mm. Joel V.uc.'ll , of l < "reinont , HI I rclobrito their Rolilf n wedding Sqitcm HIre ' . ' : < ! . The ouut ttill Iw apiiropnattly rew ( bratoil nt their homo. w k larci- laud of horse-thlcvo * u ith con- 0 TftUo pluuilei brpnUfMti'il x-Hhlii nuoll- at ihstanoBdf tlio ofliocn oflietttu-a la t tl ! il. , auil ilinafipi'anvlith thu ilew drojis. 0\ lut at Dr'iUim How. Caster cnmty , the lit- 0as ilniighterof Mr. Harihay full Into n it til n 'nty ' eight feet deep ami wn reacu-il al- f , st uniiijurod. Her iwwpe w.n niir.iuiu i. ric 'ho ItUinc City Imltpcndont fay * ' "N. so u linen , of Oniiiba , member of tliu tirm of cli iiobauKli , Jlerrlnmn A , To. , purchm-sd Mar- ca Lean gun ol team Tuesday the , price " ' " ' ' " * " " " " ' "v i11"- " de il TM IIIR 3t6 ? , l < ) wigo county is making great iirDpimtloiii th county fMir.ithlch beeliu at JVemout „ M > er Ut The i-\lnbitlon of the products " ' he county \tilldoubtlM i bs a fine one , us Dodjre IIM no wiiwrior in fertility of w > il IXTM the flLtyrpriw of her farmer * nnd lm inf men. Juilffp Crawford at Stan ton , has pntnnct < I'eUr JVUnon , vho plciidnl Ruilty to In ( itsallnif , to two year * in the | H'iiltontliiry ; an rbfttcnor M. Krum to nix yews in tat jm on for an MKftult with intent to commit rapi on Anna Soveiin , on llip oevonth of Decem AILj-rt iitr ; , of Ilofting ' , had nn attack o HIP "dark Iini e" thr ntlicr nifllit , jumped cu ! of In d aud IcajK-d thnmfjli n second ntory win flow , IniidlUK on tlia fidewnlk twrnty feet I * liiw. He tora down a tilpphonc wlro am' broke a tiilwtlk plnnl : In liin fall , but It woki him up , JIlijvmt and bock em sprained. Hrnry Mucncli , SR < oeiatpd ullh Henrj Jlnet4Rrold in the cigAr buBinc * In ] "remont Imn rkiimcil the country , Inking with him all HIP nMUInblo ftwetg of the linn. cnnnlnlinK < > | ? I3 c-aHh on hand , nnd about * 300 which be be collccte-d f nun firms around town wltli whom they had dodllnpif , nnd o\or tc\cn tli..n nul of llm best cip.irs thf > y had hi tlio iiiiiiu' . Tlio ninawny l n inarnoil man , his v. fo nnd two children being nt present In llloomltiftton , ID. The lilslng City Independent M iii fftvor ( if n clianue in depot agents it nccuxes the Union J'ncific company of burdening that community with a cowboy depot ngont. who can I letter tliruw n rawhide luuo o\or n long- horned loxnn Rlccr thin throw n check stup nroutid the Imudlo of a .Saratoga trunk , nnd wlin is fur bolter calculated to ho punching cattle mi fngcbrush plains than punching tlckotfl to Omnlm nnd Stronmbtirg. Tlio llnnlngfl Gn7otlo-.Tounial bon < ting1y B.IVH : Omnlm and J.liicoln nru coiiBtiiilly liaiplng nbout their cnp.iclties for entertaining state nnd congicsslonnl convcntluti * . Let thuin point to n time when they or cither of them could entertain fiio com ontious in ono day , n ? J ( suitings did ycsterd.iv. We had the iintl-inonup. contTMilonal. judicial nnd county conventions , with the democratic congres sional mid judicial , besides a match game of bnso ball , nnd It was nout ncry good day for : on\ontiona nnd tilings , cither. WM , NEVILLE'S ' EEOOED , riio Anti-Monopoly treasures Supported - ported by Him In the islntiire. VFAUNKY , NUM. , September 10 , 1881. Uox. E. llosEWATEit. Dear Sir : In Fin : BEE n low days since , you ask the lucstion , "What has William Neville vor done to entitle him to consideration t the hands of the monopolists/ / " The last oflicial position hold by Mr. fovlllo waa as member of the house in lie legislature of 1877. At this time the nti-monopoly movement scarcely amount- d to moro than nn unorganized protest gainst railroad Jjossism in politics ; but Ir. Neville , at that early duy , introduced nd ably advocated at least four impor- int measures which were directly in line ith the legislation to-day demanded by 10 anti-monopoly party. I refer to House Roll No. 8 , journal aga 12 ! ) , "A bill for an act requiring jrporations to pay attorneys fees and images in certain cases of appeal nnd lange of venue ; " House Iloll No.M , mrnal payo 145 , "A bill for an act to rotect individuals , merchants , .compl ies nnd corporations doing business or ving in Nebraska ; " llouso Roll No. 77 , mrnal paqo 107. "A bill for an act to fix 10 liability of common carriers receiving roporty for transportation ; " also House .oil No. SO , journal page 178 , "A bll ir an act to define monopolies in the in- crnal tradn and commerce of thia state M ] to discourage the formation and con- nuance thereof. " The general scope of the legislation reposed by the above bills is fairly indi- ited by their titles , but I may bo per- itted to add that No. 8 was intended to imedy the injustice done by corpora- ona in carrying put their well known ) licy of defeating just claims by the earing out process , and provided for the lymont of attorneys fees , damages and sts on the recovery of a judgment in a so which had boon appealed or removed the L'nlted States courts. House Roll o. 44 contained provisions to prevent scrnninaticn between individuals doing isincss at the sumo station , by difference rates , drawbacks , etc. Mr. Neville canvassed this part of the ito and showed himself familiar with 0 extent , nature nnd danger of the uaos of which wo complaint and which ) seek to correct. Hs procured the in- notion on the 29th of July against the livery of the leases to Keith county's ,000 acres of school lands , and provent- the consummation of a fraud the nn- ro nnd extent of which Tnu BEJJ seems fully appreciate./ ' If Mr. Neville's anti-monopoly record gan with his nomination for congress atill might bo sincere and entitled to r cordial support , yet wo might not reasonably fool that wo were taking no neks ; but I submit that his record 1S77 ought to convince all sincere and r-minded men that ho ia sincerely and heart an anti-monopolist , and ns euch serving of their support. Without do ing to provoke a controversy , I may bo rmittcd to aak for the anti-monopoly : ord of ( ho opposing candidate , or laho bo taken altoguthcr upon trust ? Very truly , K. C. OALKIXS. Divided Democrat H. icaifo Herald , rt'hnt can a party which is agreed upon y one thing , a consuming desire to laoss itself of the offices , hope to ac- nplish ? n figuring on tuo result in November corning politicians will remember that T. 1 democratic party is not united , and t it stands for one thing in ono state I for another thing in another. Its st ardent supporters cannot observe diesunsiens in its ranks without tlio vest fears as to the result. Some at political victories hnvo boon won large masses of men whoso objects : o not the same. It is possible , of rso , that the various democratic fac ia may bo able to overcome their op- lents , who are none too well organized msolves , but it must bo confessed that outlook U not very favorable. The ublicans are in possession , and that es them strong rallying powers. The nocrats are on the outside , nnd tlio doucy with such quarruh 0,3 theirs la ncroaso rather than to diminish , n Philadelphia and Now York thcro domocratio uowonapors which nro do- their utmost to prove that their paity 1 their candidate nro opposed to tarill' > rm. Moil or newspapers disagreeing h them nro denounced in bitter terms , jr in Kentucky nnd in several other : ea ( here nro newspapers which take opposite view and assume to road IT3li rybody out of the party who docs not li BO with them , In New York there ia tlu amocratto organ which insures that r'ornpr Cleveland if ho becomes prcsi- it , will bo bound by the rules of civil p ; nco reform , and that ho will make no ngca in subordinate ) ofiiciah except for D se. lu Cincinnati there is another DDi > locratic organ which denies that asser- Di i and openly announces that it would support a candidate who would not ido the spoils among the victors. In v York and Boston there are republi-1 caii newspapers nupporling Cl which are opponod to Hendiicks. hi th firat-tiarnBd city a powerful organiisntioi ia nominnllysupporting Clovelnnd , tlioilsl it is on record as denouncing him aa who ! ly unworthy ol support. In Ohio onose of democratic stamp speakers are tellin the fsrmors that they will secure the res tottition of Iho duty on wool and anothe ro infdrmiun them that they oppose thn fomi of taxation nnd will continue to di so ? Just whnt the eflectof those thinga wil IM it would bo dillicult to any , but tlift they will not improro the party's proa pect of success is certain. If they do no crutso it.1 defeat it will ba bocnuso the do niniul for n change is greater than tin concern as to what a change might bring Olicatji "U'licnt but Dear Flour , Chicapo 7 > ewi. Thu nortlnveotoru millrrs n short time since "legislated , " throuph what they call tLo Millers' association of Minne apolis evidently n parliament with ab solute power on the price of wheat. They beg.iii by netting the price low enough. Thus they established 77 cents as the price of No. 1 hard wheat , do'- livcrcd at Minneapolis , as compared with $1.11 one year ago. Woboliovo the price hai sinca boon still further re duced. For No. 1 spring wheat they otarted out with agreeing to pay 02cento , nnd for Ho. 2 Bprjng 09 cents. This means that farmers within a ra- iius of t'50 to ' 100 miles from Minneap olis will roccjvo from 52 to 58 cents n bushel for their grain on the railroad iracks , and in a leas ratio as the market Iodines in this city , which it has been loinq for pomo time. ( Now it stands to reason that with this snormous decline In the price of wheat at ho principal milling points thnro ought 0 bo n corresponding decline in the price if flour. But this 11103 unfortunately or consumers , ia not the case ; for where -3 the Minneapolis wheat legislators paid 51.14 thia time last year and this year mt 72 to 78c , in this city their patent irand of Hour (251bs ( ) which sold last year t $1 to $105 ; this year is selling at 95c to si , and this is the quality which is now mrchased by the great mass of consum- rs. The householder is In vain asking how t can bo that , while wheat has fallen -12 outs per bushel , n bat ? of flour which est $1.03 last year sells for ! )3 ) cents to 1 thia year. The Minneapolis Hornleg - ilators will not , of course , admit that it i a question of the absolute power of lieir parliament. Still , it would puzzle lie most astute of them to dcmonstrato ! iat the law of eupoly and demand has nything whatever to do with it. Modern Definitions. ittxburflh Chronicle-Telegraph. $1 : "Thief ! " $50,000 : ' "Defaulter ! " lOO.OCOr "Shortage ! " -500,000 "Cana- ian tourist ! " $1,000,000 : "Brilliant " IMntto Iliicr Placers. lonvcr Tiibnne-Ropublican. The recent discovery of rich placer ter tory along the Platte river , in the near icinity of Montgomery , has been thor- jghly prospected , and in point of value equally rich with those brought to light jout the uamo time near Breckenrldgo. hat the Summit county territory has sen more thoroughly developed is prov- i in the quantity of gold taken out uring the past two months , [ any of the tests niado here ore taken from gravel near the rfaco , which comparca very unfavor- y iudecd with , that deeper down near id-rock formation. Near the river lanuel , below North Star Mountaina , rgo nuggets existed in all the material far found , and the only material tango that was noticed as ono follows > wn the stream , is the gradual displace- ontby a finer quality of gold which elded hundreds of colors to each pan orked. That the Brcckcnndgo ciko will over eventually include all of o Mount Lincoln district , few deny ho have at all acquainted themselves ith the facts aa brought out during the seks experiments. Many inconvon- iicics have heretofore prevented theme mo character.of prospecting , that has Into gained a foothold , that will result noon exposing a concentrated gold jalth heretofore unknown in the placer ? Kings of Colorada. The largo extent of territory located ithin this bolt , and favorable to the 1m- eiiEO water rights tributary to the same : inity , v\ill accommodate n working rco of many hundred men for yeaia to mi1 an item ot no email importance in Iculatiiig the real worth of this gi cat ning enterprise , which promises to lipso intrinsically the undertakings of y company yet organized for similar rpocealn the otftte. Delinito stops will taken to open this treasure field of alth , and the magnitude in devolop- mtu will excel any placer enterprise w being operated thia side of the Pa- ic slope , for the company are sanguine it the richness of the ground will war- it thn expenditure of an extraordinaiy u of inonoy. Jersey Ijnl > orcrn. N. .T. September lh. Tlio state ACiitionof thi'National lalmr jiarty iJiet i morning. Two hundred deletf.itf } proa- . W. h. llojio of Monimmth do temporary chnirmnn. The committee i appointed and recess taken. ST YOUR BAKNSPOWDER TO-DAT , Ilrandi n m atiioliitelr pura THE TEST : tea t ran top do n on u hut top until h . jve the coier anil mudl A clirmut will nul bo r uj toilouct Uie | iru > nco or nnimonliu ] T ] Ui i UI I i lOiS : NOT COSTAIS AMMONIA , T ll.iUlllll.Mli9 1US HCVCR IILIJIUTIUMO. ! . i minimi home , f > r o qi , irui of n century It tin Al L tile i > ruumtr * ' icilnblu I. I YHE TESTJ3F THE OVEH , 1 ICE lUKlNd"POIVDEH CO. , 1 IUKCK * ur i Price's ' Special riayorlngExlracls , 4 Blur lfltior L _ Price's Lupulin Yeast Gems ' 1 > r LIlit , llc-ilthy lliYa.l , Tl Ikst Dry IKy 1r tln Hit , \\uJ. ! FOR SALE BY GROCERS , CACO. . 51. LOUIS. SPECIAL NOTICES will Posittvslynot bo nnlersrald inaUvaneo. TO LOAIf-Konev. rno LOAN Eight hundred dollirs on flrit morl J twe. A. J. I'On-LKTON B7S ly ! ) lonned on chattels Ilillrnnd TIkct MONKY and void A. Foreman , 213 S. lit ) 718 tf ONKT TO LOAN In outos of f u. ihd cnwari O. f , Dv.lj nnJ Co. , Ue l Ktt.vtu tad LCI ISO ! FitnMii St. 2(8- HA KINAKrlAI , KXCIIANClK-t.irfto o OVA Inniis ujftilo on approve J stciirlly , int' Doni/h-i etrcot. 812-lm UEL11 WAKT&0. " \ \7ANTBD Onoil IcmMe cook at Uc Cary llausi > V a.V. . cor. lllli ami \cniiort street. ANTii ; ) IiMiinlrc" , S. W. corner llami'vaml wANTii Wajrcs ? 03 jicrcck. . 107-20P -\VANTii : > Youni : plrl of 14 in W n.w , BIO \VftI > 1 mitht. between 6th ( VmlCth. 109 lOp YVAMKU A good irirl lor general hoiuo work i BUCK ! mates 19iO rarnntn St. 11220 ] \\rANTEO A compctont wonnn to cook ami ilc IT ccneral houso-work for family ot two. Apply 700 south lltli St. 033 10p , T17ANTiu : A girl for second wcrk SOI N. lotli Btrctt. 070 ISp "I V'ANrKU A seed rclliblo boy about 15 jcars ol ftiro , that Ihcs with liH parent ) , to work In store. Address "Business" postolflco. 003-18 , J ) A barber kt 039 H. 10th street. S. i T Cornfield , OS7-18 | ) TyANTCO-'Thrca sir'sat the Slatou House , H. VT loth street , Omaha. Os8 lOp T\7ANTED A Gcraiati.womiii cook , at the Farm- I crt House , cor. 14th anil Hartley. 035-iDp T 'ASTHD Tlitcoactltomcn with rccomiiicnilv T > tlons , 0. W. cor. 16th and Farnan. OSl-ISp V\TANTKD ( Ilrl for Kcncrnl house work emnll lam- I > l\y \ 1415 norih Ittll. OsU-lf WANTED A sowing girl at 1C.17 Ho ard. ' 8313p "VA ANTIID A coiiipctoiit plrl for central nou e- M uoilcand to taKe clmrto ol ( urnlslitd roouin , south-nest corner 16th and Cipltol ato. 090 20 TX ANTED An experienced Bohemian dry floods II ealeanian or saleslady. Unit como \\ell tucom- mended and speak Kiiplisliduontlj. Ajiply at New York liy ) Qoods ttoro , 1310 12 Karnamat. 817-10 w ANTKU A good bread and cake baker at the \ ( cnca Bakery , 413 S 13th Btrctt. 0-18p WANTKD-Womnn cook lit Southern Hotel , at once , corner Oth and Lca\ctmorth. 053 ISp TS7"ANTED-A responsible patty to act as trcasur- i > cr for ndramatlo company , fat particulars ap ply A. S. Trcloir , city. D84-18p \17ANTED-Coat n-aVcrs. Ocod orkmo only it need apply. G. Kratner , Kcainoy , Neb , 015-2Cp V 7ANTED T OROodBOllltors for Art 1'ublfc.v IT tlons , Issued In ports , i ddrcsa I1. O box 1211 Council lilull , ? , Iowa. U17-20 Wrt.NTKU Six table boarduii c 010N. lOthSt. 023-20n \\rANTHlJ-A Rood yirl for ! ho'scwork In > a family ol thiee. Must boa itood washer and roncr , nnd haiofood reference , 513 3. llth street 025-1'p \\T ANTHD Imraoil latch , a ilrot-clasa white batlcr , IT wapes clihteco dollars per week the jcir ound. Adilrc s or telegraph Louia liajcr , North 'Utte , Nebraska. OJ3 l p \\ANrKW A middle .ificd lady ai house kotper ! for > farultt with 4 ihllJrcn , also ntccondcirl oio to Sidnij Neb. Cdoil wn-jcs and apcrnian nt ilaco. Irqulro at Max Mi.Mr iV t'o. ( )3i ) > tf \\7ANTGD-Oiil to doconcral house work Ap- jlj ti Xr3 ! Jainca Cotter , 1521 hhcrinai 6-c,3 leers north of Orico St i > 28 tf AM'ED-LADIES OU OKNTLHUbX In tit ) T V or country , to take nlco liubt anil plonsant , orl , atthur own homes ; $1 to JJ per d.ossily and uictlj made ; work ( cntby mail no cai'ua = sini ; , no tamp for replr. I'lcasa address Uchalde Manl K Cu. , 'lilhilclpnhk , l'i. _ 603 1m 'ANTliU At Mrs. fhiilip'a 2219 Dodge St. 1' To good ffirls , first to cook , and assist in laundry , ho second fcr up stalls and laundry work In family f three. German orefcrroa. ! n7-tf l"\7ANTEI > Olrl for ( teneral liouso work at 430 V > ComentSL Mrs. C. E. Maync. 810 tf LA7AN1KD ARents to riaimie ino Hell Hafnt TT rteatlicr t trips. Addrcca or call on Oco. W. ell , 1120 Ilarnoy street , Omahn , Nob. 530-lmp 8ITUATIOHDraiI7BO. . Housekeepers position by a lad } In a TT ( rUatcfarallj or institution , who thoroiiKhly ndcratandj bowto mike a homo comfortiblo Can so do all kinds of domestic sewliiK lleliable refer- ices. Call oa oroddrcss "Houatkccper , " 14 2 Slier- mnaxenuo. 050-ltp ntTANTKD A position as clerk in Hardware or T I WholcEd'o house , ha\o liad ten j cars cxpericnco 3 liroprictor. Ucforcnccs gUen. Address C. A. " A Vouuj married tnan v..irH3 situation oa nook- JL keeper , In fiholesalo tGtabllshmcat In Omibi. ddrLEa"C. " care Boo. sail tf D An unfurm-hcd rnom and board for , . ladv andbnH , clcrired to flnd place u hero tlio imj-.unon'hip uciiUt bo an obcrt ) , ( nljow lady or nail faiinl.u ) Addns3 : "C. B. " I' . 0. bo003. . 091 10 " \7ANTFD Iloirdand two rooms by a family of i t four in o pil\ato fainll > . Ktfctciuta cschanccd. Idrceg "D. U. " Hoe olllce. 105 2lp 1'AN'I CD-A homo for a gocd bo > , aged 11 > ears T to ( In errand i and attend schcol. AdilrLsshlru. K. B. , lco ! ofllco. ! 04-1Dp . Aildres ] Di\U' I'oiicnrn Works , S010 Decatur St. OJfl-lbp \7ANTED ? 2,000 on flrst-clun city sccunty.for 6 j ears , at D per cent. Address IJox 020 1'ont- ! ' Cfl-f ( F.SS ? Hoa3 .i aaa Lota. rOlt 11KKT Furnl.hod jivlor in stristlv private famil > , Ibtli street , ! 15.0tAddress "D " lieo 044-lOp TOll HUNT Furniihcd rooms. Iuiiiiro | 205 north 1 lethht. 000 tf IICKT A furnished ioom71o 10th Ht. OJ7 20p _ _ _ UCNT A house with four rooms and kitchen t 20th St , one block noith of St. Jlari'n HUNT One furnished rcoui ICH Ucdjo- 'lOJ 20p nxr A small Juinishcil front room , ItCO Howard iiticet. 005 2Ji | 10U IIKNT House and barn Sl.m and Uarney. Win. I , . Monroe , Oth and Douglas , telephone SOI. US 2lp H lt Ili.NT-Tuo : . .lccl.i fiirnlBlied front roonn ill rent tingle or en tultc , S. IJutli I : anil ! ) . . l f - 114 2-jp ' ° 'illKJir ' I'urnlshidroomor suite of rooms at 317 north 17th etuct. l)71-20j ) > 1011 IIKNT Twounfurnlshed IOOXD nt IMS Cli ! cag ° st- 071 IQn 1011 HKXl' Nicely Iiitiilahetl6ult of 2 rooms sTfl - N13" ' st- 07t < Mp ' 'Oil llK.M' furiiistiwl front ronn uultaWu for man nul wife or Uogcntlcnioii , 5:012 : HarueySt > 0It UKM-Jho rooinhoujooii toutii U'tli strut 2U house noiitli of Centre , 813 per mjnth. in- 781tp J uextdoor , or 16JO Doiixl.u ttrnt S IOK li.NT--urm ! lu.d . rouma modtrii Imiiroxc'J ' uicntu , Inii I : biocl , , coruvr 15th and Uailtul a\u 'urenciufvcn nucd. Cul-so ion IUN : r l r e leccnd Btory room . > for luanubctiirliv. Awll UlJIUtuvi htl MS-sJ 'Oil ' HUM1 rurnUhcil rosm l lfl Doilgo st stU81221) U81-221) oil llENT-I'Icnjantly fiiniUhod room mitabio for ieiitl uia. | is10 JWainrtrcct. Mli ISj" Ol ! UKNT-Uonm furnUluHland iiBfurnlilied In inol'unriniit-im line1JioUunn and 13th it'itl < ' ) to Diniun Ojiiiai-Hliain , JO Hi and DoUgo tit. OH KKNT JMCUJ furnUbrd orim u wrooi without bvwrd 1811 Da\iuj > it l > t. ltj-i..i ) ! ! Oil fthNl' Moulj IiirtUuml teem 11)6 uurtli I th st- 7K > lOp oil llENr Hiiulnhcd room * lUUdFarnainSt Ifi 7-fllf U LBASi : lOarroi of Ian J , fono J for irarden Ifift purpowdthuuiuUMS \ \ ofl' o Innulru r 1- tikiB11N iMhulttitt M'Jtl ft i fl crocmcottigoliuikneluit ! Io. latlon. tM | ir month , t , ! ) . 11 .UoyUilrli , liis ittuitreU } 0tf UE.VT I'urnlahed roam ISIS Jtehon. 8SS-18p FOtt HUNT Tnoncttly furnished MiIM rf rooms for ffentletnen , at S. W. wilier SOth anil Pturt , onJOth. M7-Ip ! ) l RHHTr-Nlceljr furnhhotl front room nt ! l > Ic 1 for two ( rentlemtn , 1823 Dodge St. Don ' 8i | T71011 KKVT Home of 0 rooms well nnd cittern 1 ( rood lorttlnn , near treet cars , $17 | > r month. TjM'JTiTNr Hotel doiiiir ( toad binlnws in The X1 Iivcl > town of Avoea , N'eb. 1'or ] > rtlcuhr9 Mi- dress A. I ! . Mnlth , AVOCA , Nob. 87S 18p TiOll BUNT Sit room h u c In ROOiI repilr on rut . csrllno. luqulro at grocery store , comer Mth and Cnmlng SU ! )24-tf r < O UIM Kir t elm houao by UoJforil , soncr ' A foam 812 tf KT VurnlMieil room In Heon-cri lilock , A corner Eighth ivml UoHftrJSt. 823 tf 7J\OH KHNT-Twoftirnlsheil rooms to lleli tiu o JL1 Vcejiinj "Uccmcr'a Block , " cor. 8th and Itowird. . _ _ _ _ _ _ 480-t IpOH HUNT Atwo ttory Irimo ImlMMg forlmslncM. l/jras colltr , upstairs suit blo for rcilJcneo. Inqulra on promises , corner 20th mid [ Mcrco St. I RUNT Nicely furnished front roam 1016 ' DoJgo street. 110-tf TilOIlHENT Six roum cotti o , flno location , by S. JP T. 1'eterson , S. E. cor. 16th and Douglas. B17-tt FOIl HENT-nooma In Croimso'a Block. O. it Hitchcock/ MS-tf fj ort UiaJT Ono grand Bipjaro puno. Inquire -I ? olCilhohn and Krlclcson. 410 tf } " 7tOIl KENT One f coJ six room houja . ' 5. per mo. 235.11 FOR SALE. IpOH tSAI'R Furnlturo and llxturcg of n boirdlng homo rlolni ; a pee I business. Bust location In tonn. It. .Mamnullcr , S07 south llth Ht. 1 0 2p F OH SAI.U Kino lot , cast front , In block GoorgU a\cnue. Iniiuiru 1509 Howard strict. 030-22p } 7Hll SALK A small , but complete stock ol fresh ' proccrliM , with n ( rood ttndc , in a good locilitv bi citj- . Address " 0 " lieu olllc. 100-lp f poll SALE A whole stock of clothing , boots and shoes , buildings nt co t , retiring from bushier. Cl II. Tettrson , bOI south Tenth street. llj-Sm SALK OR TIIADE Hardwire store for Xob. POll lands. W. E. Spurrier , W lota Iowa. o w itp SALE Corner 8th and rurnim , C < M32 feet FOU now occupied bj City Mills. Apply on | ircml c3 W. J. WKLsIlANS. _ 171011 SAM : SKty hhcsof Italian Deoi In good ' condition , Mrj chuap , cnrnor south lEth and Martha. The owner leaIng Nebraska. OSO 20p FOIl SiLE-Horse , kind and Rontlo , cheap. In quire atEdholm & Erlckson's Jewelry Store1 , op- potlto I1. O. Osl ID FGIl SALE A water power andfitono iturry | with ten acres of land , 45 tublo lnche of water and 'iO feet fall , with easy facilities for a dam , adjoining Iho cltj cf I'littsmouth , Cass county , Neb Addrrss U II. Case , No , 511 south 13th strcot , Omaha , Neb. 032-23p SALK Ftiriilturo and stoics suitable for FOIl boarding house. Inquire 15th Jand Jackson Sts. r. Nc-lson. 91S-21p FOHSALE Alano8to\o ( Garland ) for sale at a Imjialn. Inquire of llejn , HOD Doughs .Street. . 852-18 Jj OIl SMJ : Holler and engine. I Imc nearly C1 new teller and cn iiio and Know lo's pump , 19 lorsopower , forsalo cheap. T. S. Clarkson , Solim- tr , > icb. 022-lm' [ TICK SAUCentrally bcatcd leaeo on Inn ; time , nlth buildings especbllj snltiblo for ll ht manu- ictnunf ! . AJdre-s A. I ) , DEB olllce. lEMSp [ 7'OH SALi : Small fotindrjcry cheap , fora prac- ticil man with a small capital. Address , II. K ! cr. ollice. SS5-18p ! 7 < OIl SALH Northcaht oornur 20th and Cumins J ttrctt. O. F. Ua\ii A. Co. , 1555 rarnara a reet , 876 tf ill ) 11 bALII A choice lot of uiikh tows C\ll on road ncir Itner'u bricU yard , north part of cltv. S73 Ibp J.W. 1T.NNY. _ 7011 SALE One-halt Intoiost In a Rood creamery , . ' also nhctecn lots. lor jjarticulars , address lock ax 503 , Vork , Neb. 7\OU SALE Cheap , a nice cottaRO. full lot , city - water 5 blocks from the court house. If. Lee , rocer , 22d and Lonemvortn. . 857-lmo 71011 SALE A butcher shop and tools in Schuj Icr - ' Nebraska , w itb a Drat clasj trade and in a uood cation , object in selling , poor health. Address. laatper & ilcrbrlelc , acliu\ler , Neb. S31-2J 71011 SALE A now Mall's Saf , a bargain for auv . ' one \\antlng it. 1015 llarncj St. 700 tf jiOHSALH A rostauran n a goo location. " ° 0 . north 10th street "M-lOp JlOIt SALE Grocery in In the city , and Incood Io- . ' ca ity , doing buitncs * of over Si5,030 n year. -nt lov , . lor further particulars , address I1. ( ) . bos o , Ouiahi. 775-13 JlOIl SALi-Cheip lots , ? r , 00 down ? 500 per month , and assisting worth } persons to build co llttlo homos. 11. C. Patterson & Co , cor 13th id Fainam. j,37.t , , LK-200 acrescf land UO acres lmpro ed. 3-'acipu hay , 8 acres nojr pvstuio.7 acrcj culti- .tod . limber , a acres natur timber Good ftvlns } ter gooJhouso and other lniprocme-its. w 11 bo Id \erycas\tcnns , lf ildr.oon. 1'or other in- rinatlon inquire rcraonalh or bj tuall of Win. Chir. ircstCUj.barp ) County. Xeb. 405-lm. pOIl SAL ? ; Wo ofler for TOO ! 1 ? ? fu\ce \ 3 i l'ar ol1' ' FlcJ' ' " ? Steers. 160 Choice 2 jcar old teutons Stosrs. 100 carling Steers. Abe > e all good Iowa Cittlo . . . , STiiANar. BitoTiirns , "s-lm nmf AlntilJrolIiro , ? 'WtaWe loraemil n fWn'.h' J ± ° " 1 < : oV'l ' sell ' < " cash or . o oU'c ' y WOP011 * ' Addrosj X. Z. ( . ' - _ _ 1U r1" " Tnu ° l y W5KOn > MIBCELLAMCOU3. T"irania7 Js " "k amlhar1'0"1 r ° a" ° ° W l"rCL U" llome- roiHi on I'tr liorna. kit. II. 1' . Jensen hitruamtcil Ilia olllco amlTclT ' dcncij tothu N. U corner 18th and LeatenHorth lOMm ntAYKD Oil KTOLBN-About Augu.t TST jnlt. cow with ruil fmota nnhcaj .nd nock , bl. . ui , lLnoJU' > ! OI'aro111 ! ! fo i3 which worn Urcc ! 0 spot on lack and rlBht hlnr.ihouldcr Itewar , ! H ) gh vn if relumed to 15t | , and Center .St. John Lr' lUl-ISp [ lfS"'OIE" ; ' ' . Maifiatlo llealcru now , -cntcd 1 at I8i | , tasa tr t. DlaB-noscj diseasesfrcu. . ' . . adark bay iiarD.HithtthUofoie , about 0cars old. Any irnutloii leading to her rccomy ran bo left at a ciibuH , tcrihldthttrcct 70 ib OST On the nay from tlio 83iiafroL'uo. 2Ji | anil lliriict - ' 'd , Utonicouer's llall , one Jvlr , , an , ' Jlttt'llHB | " " ' M nMojerACo. ! IUaulU , klnKTuna cutspuola cleaned witti .am Ur ) rliancr. hatl.Hction f7 ; " ) 00 ' 1 , 8 ' ! ' DOB tf " " ' ' " " i' " " 00 I'l'IT1 ) > , , , , i l'luul' lr o. nt 1310 Tainani. Bentluiian and ifuor t o gentl ti J. F , ARMSTOKG , M , \ } . idico Limiti'iJ io Disoithps of the Myo ami Ear. 3FAUXAMMJIAHA. . _ _ _ H , K/BOJikJiT" oniECToa m im\m \ 111 North Iflth Uticol Uiuut