P/T1Y ttJKE FRIDAY , M5PTKMBKR 10 1331. NEBRASKA f OMAHA , NEBRASKA PAID UP CAPITAL . $250,00 SUIU'LUS MAY 1 , 1881 . J Vtf * inECTOIlSJ tt II.V YATES , A. K. TOUZAUN , President. Vlon President. . V. MOOIIK , JXO. S. COtT.tNS , T.KWISS. UI'.KD Kent K. Ha } Jen , Assistant ami ActLiR Cashier. . omen : The Bron Bank , OOK , 12THANDFAENAM STS A GENEurt.ii HANKING LUSINES3 TKANSAOTKD. INTEREST allowed on tlmo deposits npon Savorablo terms and upon accounts of bank : and bunkers. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Govommon Bonds nud County and City Bocntltloa bought and Hold. lu its treatment of customers the most lib. , oral policy is purBticd consistent with enfold and sound banking , and wo invite corrcspoacs once or personal inquiry in connection thoru with FINANCE AND COMMERCE , FINANCIAL YOBK , Sept. 18 , Money 12aoy at < g2. Clo = oJ olTored 1. \ Prlmo paper Bi@GJ. Sterling bills Steady , 4 Slj ; demand 48I | . Governments Kasior. Hallways Quiet. Stocks Strong at the opening for Union Pacific , l.ackavvana , Jersey Central , Westcri 1'nioii and St. Paul. I'rices advanced . } to 1 for the latter and Union 1'ncificliich s up to I'.lijbefototho first call. Coal fcharca i aided down to J@2 , unsettling the vvh maiket. From this time until late in the day speculation WAS iirognlar , nnd in the main weak. Union 1'nclfic , however , was in bolter demand on President Adam's report for tin fiscal year , and in the afternoon led an ad vanci- , selling up from 48J to fiOJ. Buying ol this stock frightened the smaller bears into covering. Near the close coal shares again laided , and the market left off weak. Com paied with last night , closing prices are J@l'j lower , except on Canada Southern , Centtal Pacific , Delaware & Hudson , Missouri Pacific , Northern Pacific and Union Pacific , which were i@lj higher ; Jersey Central , however , was 3 } lower. COUPONS 4i'g Coupons ml TJ. S. now , 4's 120 Pacific b'o of ' 95 127 BTOOKS AND BONDS , Central Pacific 311 Chicago & Alton 131 do do pfd 1-15 Chi. , Burl. fcQnincy.- 1211 Del. , Lack. & Western 101 * Denver & K. G. 11 Erie . 1.V do pfd . . . . . . . . . 274 Illinois Control . 123 lad , , Bloom , & Western . 111 Eimeas & Texas . Latfl Shore Michigan So . ILounvillc & Nash . Michigim Central . Missouri Pacific . Northern Pacific . do do pfd . „ Nar'.hwoatorn . do pfd . Naw York Oontral . Oregon Trans-Con . Pacific Mail . Pullman P. C . Bock Island . St. Louis & San Fran . do do pfd . Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul. do do do pfd . . Bt , Paul & Omaha . do do pfd . Texas Pacific . Union Pacific . 1 W abash , St. L. ic Pacific . do do do pfd. . . . 1 Wo torn TTolon Telegraph . O.K. & N . to 'Ex div , CHAIN AND PROVISIONS. OHIOAGO rnODDOB. CHIOAOO , September 17. Flour Dull ; flnd unsettled. Wheat Firm ; fairly active ; declined eaily @S ; advanced 1J ; fluctuatfd , closed ! over yesteiday ; 75J@75 ; cash r > 1 , ; Septem ber ; 7l > l@76l October ; 73@78r November ; S0r ki ( ) December ; bO.lauu.uy ; No 2 red 79 [ ; No. .1 led 01. Com Strong , acti\e ; Chief interests in near < lcli\cries for September , October and No > ember ; advanced early 11@3and cln > td ' ? ; H over veaterday ; 5SJ cash and Heptoin- bor ; 'i2A@33 October ; 41J November ; 3.SJ year ; 37 January ; 39 Alay ; and rejected at 10 Kyo Firm ; 03J Rirley Finn ; lifi. Timothy Dull ; slow ; i > o. 2 lower ; prime ] ' 'lft\ Seed Unsettled ; No. 1 higher at Pork Mea * poik dull ; 10 7 > cash and by September ; 17 00 for October ; 1110@11 I''A year ; 11.30@11 32J January. l.ard Activu and weak ; 7 l'i'7 ' ( IT ) canh , Septumber , and October ; 0 ! )7Jfe7 ) 00 Noveiu- bei ; 0 ! ) j Dicember ; 7 01 7 05 January. Bulk Meats Shoulders fi 75@i ( 80 ; short clear 10 O.j@10 IL'j ; short ribs 9 CO. ] wi.isky-i . it. : IJuttcr Steady ; fair demand ; dairies steady ; choice to fancy creamery 19@25 ; good to ch' Ice dairie-s 11H(17. ( ( C'lioi-iio Steady ; active ; full cream cheddar ilJ'ifllO ; Hkiiiuned cheddars , 2@OJ. J' K6 Stronger and higher ; 17. lliuoi Steady : green salted hull at C\ \ ; damagi'd 01 ; light 8J ; heavy 8 ; calf 12@12i. Tallow No. 1 country at C. Kcccipts and ehlpmcnlH Knnelpti , Flout , bblii 18,000 8,000 "Wheat , bushels 187,000 100,000 Oorn , buahels .IliO.OOO 115,000 Oata , bushels liKt.OOO 118,000 Tlya , bushels : I5,000 20 , OiH ) BArley , bushela 00,000 21,000 AMKIINOON I5o.\lin Wheat j@io higher , Curn \ ' lower to 4 higher. O.its I'Tiiclnngod to J hlghnr. j' rk LTiirli ingod to 5c hl lior. I.ard-2ic higher. I'EOIUA rilOIIL'CE. 1'hOHiA , September 17. Corn Firm ; hlzh mixed 504Mic ) ; No. 2 mixed , 25@ 'ojc.Oats Oats -Activu and strong ; No. 2 while , 1\ 27c , ; No. 2 mixed , MfeMJc. lU'o Steady ; No. 2 , fiHc , t \VhIeky-Firm ; 110. BT. Loom rnoni'CK. ST. LOU1H , September 18. Flour Un changed. Wheat Higher and veryuiiBottlodj opened 1'iwer , declined , then rallied , became excited and fluctuated rapidly , then weakouod , and v Nou'inber ; 8 i@83gc , closing 83Jc for De- ci-mber Corn Higher ; CO@rOJo for cash ; 19 bid fur Hoptembor ; I8jj@ IS o for October. Oats Higher and Mow ; 27@27.o } for cash ; 2ii''Ji3o ' ( for Octobor,20'.o ; for the yc.ir. j'yo Huhcr at 60. Barley Nothing doing. Butter Unchanged ; creamery , 18@20 ; dai ry , 14@17. Fggs Kasy at 11. Flaxseed 1'irinor at 1 2f. Hay Unchangedjpralrlfl , 7 00@9 00 ; tim othy , 11 on@13 CO. Bran Unuhanevd ; 63c. Com Meal-(2uiet ( : 2 25@2 30 , WWskv StPiuly ; 1 12. Proitions Dull and prices unchanged , Pork -Market steady ; 22 BO for September ; ! ! ) . ' . the y ir AKTKHNOOS HOARD -Wheat quirt ; SU for Niivomlwr : M fur Pecembsr ; ! ' . ' ! for May. Corn-1 lull nud Inwrr : JSJ for November ; I' } for tli- year ; 30 } fnr .May. Data-Dull , 2f.fur \ November. KANSAS CITY. KANSAI Crrr , September 18 , No market to day : fair holiday. Yotleidiy' * 'imitations ' WctP ! Wheat . trouper ; fifljq bldi fi"c ( ukedcrtli ; 674' for October ; M'J ' bid November. Corn Firmer-I' ; ' ® 13 ervOi : 41 bill Septem ber ; H7 nkrd for Oetnlier2(3J ; ( fur January. Oats Stronger ; 21J C1NCIMKAT1. CINCINNATI , September If. Wheat irn-irnlar : No. 2 ml , 77@"Sj. Corn I'limrr ; No. 2 mixed , C > l. OaU Scaiee and firm : JTJCrf'SS. ' Rye Quid ; No. 2 Ml. Barley-Irregulnr ; extra No. 3 fall 05(3)70 ( ) Porkuiil at 10 7oi ( ; 17 00. Lard liislor at 7 374. Bulk Mont * Qulot ; "unchanged : shoulder 0 2/i / ; short rib * ! ) 75. Whisky-Steady at 1 11. UVKHl'OOL. LlVKlivoot. , September 18. Wheat Win ter. 0 ? 8dWG * 11(1 ; i-pring Oa Od GflU Sd. Corn Firm ; TM. TOLKHO. TOLKDO , Sept. is. Wioat ( Juict an firm ; No. 2 red , 78. Corn Dull and nominal ; No. 2 , caili am September , 5tJ. Oatu Steady ; No. 2 , caih and Scplcmbci 2C\ \ . OloveiCa h t 05. NEW mm rnoncoie. NEW YORK , September IS , AVhoat Spo 1 i'c higher ; options opened j ! to S lower recovoiod dcclitii1. fonnat I , closing stead } witli a leaction of } ( < aio. | Ueceiptn , ; iril,0 ( ) bushels ; exports , 113,001) ) . No , 2 spring 8i ungraded rcdl38'lO ! ! ! ; do cropin field , 87Jfssj No. 3 rod , WGf 82i ; No. 2 red , SGn 'M ' ; November vomber , closing at 8 ! ) ? . Corn Spot l@3Je and options 1(121 ( Ji trongeraiid liighor. Jieceipls 131,000 bushels oxpoiti , COO lmshel ; ungraded OSgOll ; No 2 , 02(201 ( ; November , fsj. Oats Firm. Kecelpts , 102,100 bushels ; experts ports , 200 biishele ; weatwii mixed , 30@31 white , 35@43. JCggaVcstern freali demand fair ; firm. Pork Active and firm. Lard Kirm ; piimot.te.un spot , 7 t > o@7 70. Butter Fair demand ; \ory firm ; St@2i. UlLWAUKKE. MILWAUKEE , Soptumbqr 18. Flour Un changed. Wheat Quiet ; No. 2 Milwaukooand Sop .ember , 7 li ; October , 7'fi ; No\ombor. 78. Com Buoyant and better demand ; rojecte ( 4G@4I. ! Oats Inactive ; No. 2 white , 2S@281. Kyo Fair demand ; No. 2 , 53 . Barley Stronger ; No. 2 sprlup CO ; Sop lomber COJ. BALTISIORK. BALTIMOBE , Sqptomlrcr 18.Vlioat U est orn , hipher , closing dull at 8loSG ( " ; weston winter No. 2 rod spot , 8HJ@ Corn \Vesteru nominal. Oats Firm and fair ; inquiries for western white , 34 33 ; mixed , 31@33. llye-iaict ( ; 50@58. Fgfs Ka y and ( ( uiet. Pork Quiet but steady ; old , 17 23 ; 18 25. n 3ard Refined , 800. \ Bulk Meats-Weaker ; shoulders , 0 37J ; short ribs , S 23. Butter StiMdy ; western packed , 10@2C cioamory , 2.ft'S. ( ' ? Whisky Steady at 11S@1 1 ! ) . NKW'OIILEANS. New ORLEANS , September IS. Oorn B Dull ; mixed at 05. J Oat3 Westeiu dull , scarce and choice at 38c. 38c.Corn Corn M eal 2 :55@2 : 45. Pork-Quiet : 1700. Lard- Steady ; tierce refined , 773 ; keg , S 03. Whisky Firm ; western rectified , 1 05 @ 1 25. Eggs Western fresh , demand and the SI market firm. Butter Demand fair and prices from 20 @ 21.Bulk Bulk Meat's ' In fair demand ; shoulder sacked lower at 7 37K i KANSAS our. KANSAS Cirr , September 18. No maiket on account of fail. A. ST. 'LODIS. St LODIS , September IS' . Cattle Receipts [ > 0(10 ( ; urgent demand exceeding the supply ; export * ( > 10n ( ( i 75 ; common to choice shipping , 00(21 ( ! SO. Sheep Receipts 200 ! ! ; steady ; firm ; inferior ! ) good , 2 25@5 20 ; choice to extra , 3 GO © I 00 ; lamb' , 3 00I CO. Hogs Receipts 1,000 ; strong ; Yorkers 5 00 10.O 10 ; packing , 550@000 ; butchern' ( i 10 ® 3r 10. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. CHICAGO , September 18. The Diovors' Journal reports : ] fogs Receipts , 8,000 head ; active ; 10@in higher ; rough picking. 5 I0@0 ! )0 ) ; packing and / shipping , 6 00@G 35 ; light , 5 50@0 . ' 18 ; skips \ 00 < gr > 50. Cattle Receipts 8,000 ; easier ; best pr.ules ) [ rm ; exports , ( i 70 ( 7 00 ; common to choice , OOfeli 50 ; cows 2 : iOo3 ( 00 ; stockoia. 3 2.'iH1 ( 10fecden ; 1 00@ 1 70. Sheep Receipts , 2,000 head ; steady and iichanged ; niciliimi to ( rood , 3 10 3 hU ; good > choice 3 ' . ) J ( < i I 25. OJIAHA MAUKI3XS So [ Wholounle Frloeo. OPKICK OK TIIK OMAHA BEK , ic Thursday Eveump , September lb. The following prices are charged retailers jobbers , wholesaler ! ] and commission mer. chants with the exception of grain , which ia ? > quoted at tha prisai fuvaishad by tie elevators and other.Iocal buyers : Wheat Cash No , 2 , Barley Cash No. 2 , Rye Cash , No. 8 , 40c , Oora-No. 2 , 4l/@iro. / [ Oats No. 2. 2 a IJIYO Block. . . 1B1 D@-l 75. . ' ViTCowl275f5.3 . OJ Hooa-O 00&5 25 n Bnaw 3 00&3 501 . OAivisa-5 007.00 Tlio following arc th oicceipls and ohlp- nients at tlio union stock yards today : ! ' IIKCI.II'IH , Sand Creek Land & Cattle Co. , 2 ! ) cars , to II Wood Bros , , Omaha , Swan hand K. Cattle Co. , | 0 earn to Adaing , Kldiidgo & .Jackson , Chicago , via R. I. " ( < . S. Swan 'J caw to Adams , Kldrldgo i. Jackson , Chicago , via C. M" . & St. P , Clay it Forest 17 earn to Clay k Foic&t , ) Chicago , viaC. M.&St. P. IOc KIllrJIKSTK. Clay & Forest , Chicago , 19 cars vi.i C. M , St. P. * ! Flour nd.MMlHtnn'B , So WINTKH WllEAT-Best quality , .patent"at N 300@325 u. SKOOND QDAi.tTy 2 4B@3 00. SriUNQ WlIKAf Bestquality , patent , 3 00 ® nn , SKCOKD QoALTT-215@2 CO , BllAN-OUo IMT cwt. OiioiTEi ) FKKI > Per 100 Iba. , 00 : . COII.N MKAL 1 OO'eQl ' 10 per owl. BOKKKNINU C5@7Dc IX.T cwt. * WooI. ' Light fine 1417\ \ Heavy fine 10 13 , an Medium li © 17. Coar e 7@10. ' Burry 2 to 60 ofll JIarkct firm. QJn. Oc Onnnral I'mdnoo. 1 or Arpi.KDull and leceijitH continiio heavy ; nly choice ntock saleablu , at S-Mi 0 ] B RucelpUi light null Uomuud good. prc picked navy , per bu , 92 CO } raodlum , 002 25. BKESWAX In good demand , Choice bright Ast per lb , 2G@2Sc ; common to Reid dark per lb BvnRi t'ncliniifn-il : < fi < mand food , inimlv for the better grade * . Choice table , l. 'lGc ; fftir to potxl , ( clc ) ] : cr dtnery , 2.'c , CinM.-lno" ( ) per bbl. f 7.00 : "York State psr hbl , f S 00 ; par J bbl , SJ 7 : eondousud l > erIn In , Sfrc. Crnb Apple , \iet \ gal , 35c , OlIKRiE Full cronm. wwtorn , 11 ; Wl eoni'.n now 12 ; jotmc Amprlcan 12@13o. li.n ! i KecilpN duriii' ftatc fair w k llae IHI-II hpi\y , and P > ue n ir lock ha" no- cumulatod. Sale * to day at 15c. ( ! AMK1'rnirle ilnckons slow at S'.OOt2.50s snipe , $ l.OOC 1.2\ Hay Baled , ? S.OO@9.00 ; llooso , C7.00 ® $8 00. JKLLT In 20 and SO lb palls , C@7j ; In 2 lb first , per doz , $1 BO : a ReNe ttuublcru , do * . SI 20 ; schooners , per doron , 83 00. MAFI.B SCOAH J'uro. In brlrki , per lb IGc , Ohio , 13c : small cakcfi. 12c. SHAM. Pin ITS Michigan poaches per nale SS.OlifJi 1.00. OAI.IKOUSIA FnrtTS Pears , fiO-lb. boxes. S4 00 ; Peachei , 20-lb boxes , $3 00 ; Plum' , 2 . lb 1 boxes $225. Gi apt" ) per crate (1 ( boxes S2 PO ONIONS Choice i > o . i ? 00. PorcoiiN- Rood demand at 22 o per lb. Pot'LTliv lu liberal supply and prices weak ; spring chickens , $2 25j50 ( ! ; old chickens , S300@3C.O. PROVISIONS Ham , lie ; B. Bacon , 12JC : H. S. Sides 11 ? : C. S. Bneon. 12J JI ; Shoulders , 8J ; Moss Pork , S20 00 ; Lard , OtjJlO Qrooon Iilit. OAirasn Goons Oyster * ( Standnrdpor ) cose. 3 90 : strawberries , 2 lb , per cose , 2 20 raspberries , 2 lb , per CASO. 2 70 ; Bartlett pears , per cane , G 80 ; whortleberries , per coao , 3 10 ; egg plums , 2 lb. per case , 2 DO ; green givgea , 2 lb , per case , 2 00 ; pluo apples , 2 lb per case , 4 80 ( 5 50. ROPE Sisal 4 inch and larger , 9o , OJo : i Inch , IOc. CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , 16s , 14cj 81 , 14oj boios 40 Iba , 1G oz. , Ga , Mo , MATCHES Per caddie , 85cj round , eases , 2 65 ; square COBO.I , 1 70. SDOABS Powdered , 8jfoj cnt lonf , 8Jo ; granulated , 7Jo : confoctlonurs' A , 7o ; Stand ard extra 0 , Gic ; extra U , Gio | medium yel low , fijc ; dark yellow , c. OorvEiB Ordlniry grades , 12@12Jct fair IS © 13&c : good , 14c ; prime , 1515ic ; choice 16@17c ; fancygroon andyollowlti@16Jcold ; government Java , 20@2Gc ; Lovorlng's roasted. 17c ; Arbnoklo's roa&tod , 15jfc ; McLnughllnV XXXX roasted , 16Jc | mltotlon Java , 1GJ 3lUo : Clntkti Aurora , llfe. KICK 1/cnlalana prima to choice , 77Jo | fair Ofio ; Patina , GJc , IIBH No. 1 mackerel halt brls. , 7 CO : No. 1 , C ; family iimckowI. kits , GOo ; No. 1 white fiah , half brls. , 7 00 ; No. 1 kits. 95. SYBCF Standard Com. 82c , bols ; Standard do , 4J gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon tors 150. SODA In lb papers , 3 SO per cosoj keg per lb , PIOMES Medium , In barrels , 8 00 | do In half barra's , 4 50 ; small , In barrels , 9 00 ; do d In half barrels , 5 00 ; gherkins } In barrels , 10 00 ; do in half barrels. 5 60. TEAS Gunpowder , good , 45@55c } cholcojjO j i > 75c ; good Imperial , 40@43c ; choice , GO@C5o Young Hyson , good , 36@50c : choice , C5c@l 00 ; Japan , natural loaf , Soc ; Japan , choice , C0@75c ; Oolong , good , 35@40c ; Oolong , T choice , 40@55c ; Souchong , good , 8510c } " choice , 35@45c. WOODENWAM Two hoop palls , 185 } throe nails 2 Tubs No. 1 Plo hoop 10. 9 00 bUfUa MUUJ UIU10 , 4. AV. .LUUD , * 1V. X , 47 V\Jf M. 1U noor ( washboards , 1 85 ] Double Grown 2 90 ; nA Wollbuckotc. 3 S5. SOAPS KIrk'B Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; Kirh'e satinet , 3 GO ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; Kirk'a white Russian , 5 25 ; Kirk 8 outoca , 215 ; Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cnkoa , ) 40o ; Kirk's H rmuruolla , doz. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 case , In case , 85 ; Babbitt's ball 2 doz. inoiuo , 190 ; Anchor ball , 2 doz. In cose , 1 50. OANIIV Mixed , 12@13c ; stick , lie ; twist stick , lOio , VINEQAE Now Tforlt apple IGo ) Ohio apple - plo , ISc , SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 170 ; Axhton , In nacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy GO , 5s , S 30. STAISOH Pearl , 4ie ; Silver Gloss , 8c ; Corn Starch , 80 ; K olslor Gloss 7 ; Oorn , 74o. SPIOES 1'oppor , 17cj Spice , 15o ; cloves , 2rio ; cassia loc. Lri : American , 3 40 } G.-oonwlch , 3 40 Western , 2 75 ; North Star 2 00 | Lewis' lye 65 : Jewell lye 2 , Drr Qooflei. 3 Bn3'ffN bUEKTiNOB Atlantic A , 74o ; Atlan tlo P , Co ; Atlantic LL ; 5Jc ; Brunswick , 7Jc ; Ueaver Dam LL. Gtc ; Lawrence LL. 6Jo ; Pacl- So H , 7c ; Royal Standard , So ; Indian Head . , 8c ; Wauchusott A , 7Jo. FINE BHOVVN SHKCTINOS Argyle , 7Jc ; Pop- orell R , 7c ; Salisbury K , Gic. CO BtEAOHKi ) COTTONS Ballon 4-4. 6Jo ; Ba , I" Ion 7-8 , 5Jc Cumberland 4-1 , 80 ; Davoll DD boG 3Jc ; Fairmouat , 4Jo ; Fruit of the Loom 4- c ; Glory oftho West , 8Jc G old on ; Gate , 8 ? Hill 7-8 , 8c ; Hill 4-1 , 9o ; Lonsdolo Sic ; Now Vsrk MillH , lljc ; Wamsulta , lOio. DUCKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , lljc : Bos. @ ton. 10 of. . . , lljc ; Boston , 0 oz. , lie ; Fall Riv- 3" , Sic. DucKS-Gray ( ) West Point , 8 oz , lie ; Br vVest Point , oz , lie ; Point Bear , 8 oz. , lie. lie.TICKINGS Amoskoag , Itat Coattnectal 12 Fancy , UJc ; Oordii , lOjfo ; ? a r' ' " 217W , j.4o ; V/ork , 12jc ; Jlamloton Awntngs , 1'Jic , on ) DEHIMS Amodkoog , 14o ; Boavei Orook 1 L \A , 12c ; Beaver Crook BB , lie ; Joavor Orook CO , 10 ; Haymakorn coi : Jeffrey D & T. 12Jc ; Joifroy XXX. 12ic ; Pearl River , 13c ; Warren AXA ( Drown ) , I2c ; V/arren BB ( brown ) , lie ; Warren CO gl brown ) , IOc. CAMMICS Fifth avenue glove linhb , 60 ; toi , Keystone glove finish , 5JC. | COIISKT JKANH Amory , 74o ; Ilancock , 80 ; 141 ICoarimyer , 8Jc ; Rockport , 7p PRINTS Alipnn,5Jc ; American , 5Jo ; Arnolds ; Cochoco , ( ! c ; llarmoiiy , I ; Indigo , 74 ° ndlgo 7-8 , lljo ; Indigo 4-4 , 12Jc ; cheap sulo 8 IJc ; Charter Oak , 4ic. PnniTH SIIIIITINQS Amorfci a , 5c ; Oochaoo tin ; Gloucastor,5cSouthbrldj : { 4Io ; Wavorlya , t IJc ; Rosedalo , 4Jc , GiNOHAim Amoskoag otaplM SJ-c : Bates pei itaples , 81c : Lancaster staploi , 8c ; Plnnkot laUln , 9c ; Hudson chocks , 8ic ) Ainoskoog ! ersans , 9Jc. boc ) DIIESS GOODB Atlantic ttlpacca , 9io ; Per- lane cashmor , 23ic ; Hamloton cashmere 7 5c ; Hamloton Fancus , Hie ; Unmloton bro- bo lades , 15c ; Arllwton brocade , 18c , il ) bo Xilaann. fan ALCOHOL IBS proof alcohol , 221 per rrino a dr ration extra California eplrlts , 188 proof , try 17 1 per proof gallon ; triple refined splrlta 17 proof , 11G tier proof gallon ; ro-dlstlllod lit vhtuklos 1 00@1 CO ; nno bfonclod , 1 502 CO ; lb. iContuoky ( bourbons , 200@700 ; Kentucky md Ponnsylvanla ryon , 2 00@7 00. BBANDIE3 Imported , 6 00@10 OOj domestic 40@4 00 , GINB Imported , 4 50@6 00 ; domoutlo , 140 JJ300. Rons Imported , 4 50@6 00 ; New England , 00 © 1 GO ; domestic , 1 50@3 50. PKAOII AND AITI.E BnAwnr 176@4 00. OllAiiPAaNirjJ Imported per COHO , 23 00 ® U0 ( American , per case , 12 OOO10 00 , 1 the Toll COOK BI "I'tco TOBAOOO Ollraax 4.r c ; Bullion 45c ; lorsiwboo , 41Stor , 4Goj Rudy , 4Bo ; Hnr- ioy'ii , 40o ; Block , ! i8Sl-fflc ( ; Spearhead , IGc ; nr Rope , 48c ; Pijxjr Heidsieck , Glc. TINE ODT Common. 20tf)30oi { ) K00li 4 ® ; Rose Loaf , 70o ; Premium , 65oj Diamond 3rown , 65c ; Sweet SIxteen , 50o. Hr SaoiciNa 0.8.,22c ; Meornchnnm , SOo ; Dor ol mm , 8 oz , , C5c ; Durham , 4 oz , . 57o ; Durhair T oz. , GO : ; Bonl of North Carolina , 8 oz. , IHa "K ioal of North Carolina , 4 oz. . tOa ; Seal of No1 S'orth Carolina , 2 oz. , fi2o ; O , K Durham , 4 , 28c ; O. K Durham , 2 or. , 80o | Uncle t fed , i'l 2,1c ; Tom and Jerry 23a , Paint * Oll and 'Varniitiea. OILS 110 carbon , per gallon , IZo ; 1M ) ° eadllKht , pnr irallon , 121c ; 175 ° headlight , T r gM'jn , 15ic ; 150 ° water white ll ; ln- ) oad , rawi ; Kullon,55c ; llnuoed boiled , par illon , 58al.ard , winter atr'd , per gallon , 70c ; 'o. 1 , COcjNo , Z , COo ca'itor , X7.JS. per K l , 1 CO ; No. 3 , 1 40 ; sweet , per g.illoa 100 penn W.B. , per gallon , 1 60 } fishV. . B. , prgallon , lifl ; naatsfwitMtrn , ] T gallon , 90c ; 'o. 1 , 7oc ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , iiOc ; emmer , l c ; golden machine , No. 1 , per ! , 35c ; No. 2 , 28c ; Bporm , olgnal , per gullf n ; turpentine , per gallon , 48o } naptha 74 ° pallon. ICc. PAIKTH IN OIL Whlta Ied Omaha P , P.r UH white load. Bt , Louis , pura , CoMarueillot ; I rat TOCII 1 to 5 lb cans , 20o ; French zinc , green 1 , old u , 12c ; Krnnch zinc , rod teal , lie ; Fienchtlrn no , In varnish iwut , 20c ; French zinc. In oil I u J i , ICc ; raw and burnt umber , 1 lb cans , 10ofX } \ taw , and burnt Slonnn , lOc.'VAncHke brown , ISo ; relined lampblack , 12c ; couch Muck , nn.l Ivory blucl : , lOcj drop black , Ifici Pniwlnn blue , -0j ! ; ultramatlno blue , ! " > : clirome tjrwn Ii. M AD. . If * : blind and ihulter green , L M. A D. , Iflo ; Paris green , 18c ; Indian rod , IftC ! Venotlan rd. 9 Tuscan re.1. 22c : Amorl- MU Vormllllon , I. A P. , 18e ; j < ! ! „ . -chro Oc L. M. , O. A D. 0. , IBc ; yctiiow UIMJ , t > 4 | golden ochre , IGc , patent drym , hi ; p-slnm * colorr. llpht oak , dark oak , wnlnnt , ' ' " and RiU 15J. Loatticr. 0 k iol9 , SScg - 2ci hotnJoi'k iu > k ho.nlock kid , bOc ; ruunor 8 .o to " ' < < horn- lck oal ( , i c to 1 00 ; honilwk upper , Me to2U oak upper. 2 lo ; alligator. I ( XI to 5 M ; calf kid , 32 < tatt ! ; Grfllseu Wu in ) Jo 2 "P ; onk kip , fcOo to I 00 ; oak c.ilf , 1 20 to 1 SO ; French kill , 1 10 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 2f , to 2 00 ; nw- PCUs. 65010 760 ; ' .AtiiRB. COO U 8 ftO lo- | pinrn , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B 1 * . Morocco , 30o to 3V , pi'bblo 0. 1) . Morocco ! WC | pinion , 2 flo ( 3 00 H.MiNhM.- . 1 star oak , ! < ! ' < ; \ , > 'J 3lc : MCI No. 1 Ohio oak , die ; JLNo. A do , M'o | IVo. IMIIwMikoo 3lo : No 2 do S8r. No. 1 Pitta oak bar , 37o ; No. 11 Pitts , nnk har , 860. nrturs Dncas AND CiiKMioALa Add. Carbolic , G.'o acid , tnrtarlo , 55o ; balsam cnpabU , per lib. GSojbarks.iflsafras , porlb. 12c ; calomel , perlb 76c ; clnohonldla , per oz. , SO.G , " ; chloroform , per lb. , 8110 ; Dovors powder , per lb. , $1.25 ; oiwotn salts , per lb. , SJc ; glycerine , pure , per lb. , 2Sc ; load acetate , i > or lb. , 22c ; oil , castor , No 1 txjr gal. , 81.00 ; oil , castor , No. 3 per gal. , 91.40 ; oil , ollvo , per gal. , $1.10 ; oil orl- ; anum , 50c ; opium , SM.50 ; quinine , P. & W ; Mid It. &H , . per oz. , S1.4U ; potaislum , , Icxllno , j > or lb. , 81.50 ; eallcln , poroz. , IOc ; mil. phatooi morimtno , per oz. , 33.GO ; sulphur flour , per lb..4c ; strychnine , per oz. , 81.35 , Drr Fnlate. White load , Bel French zinc , 10o | Paris whiting , 2io ; whiting gliders , IJcj whiting coin'l IJo ; lampblack , Gornmutown , He ; lampblack , ordinarj lOc ; Prcsslan blue , 55c ; uutramauno,18c ; vondyko , brjwi , So ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4o ; plenn , lmr.it , o ; ntonna , t y , 4o ; Paris green , Remuno , 25c ; Paris gioon , common , 20ochrome ; putn N.Y. , 2Co ; ontomogruon , K. , 12ot vermillion , Kug. , 70o ; Toriellllou. American. IBc ; Iiullau , rod , 10c ; rose plult , 14c ; Venetian rod , Cookson's , 2 c | Vonotlau rod , American , IJfc ; rod load , 74c ; cliromo yellow , genuine , 20c : chrome yel low , K. , 12cochra ; rochelle , So : ochro. Kroucli , 2o ; ocliro , Amorlcau , 2o : Winter's mineral , 240 ; lohlgh brown , 2&OJ Spanish brown , 2Jo ; Prince's mlnoral , So. VAIINISHKS Barrols. po * gallon : Fnrnl tnro , extra , SI 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81 ; coach , extra , 81 40 : conch , No. 1 , $1 20 ; Damar extra , 81 75 ; Japan , 70oasrhnltum ; , extra , 85c ; shellac , 83 50 : hard oil finish 8150 , HOATT Hnrdirnro Iilit. Iron , rates , 2 50 ; plow steel special coot , Gel crucible , 7c ; special or Gorman , f > c : cost too ; ciPI < , 15@20 ; wagon spokoa , not , 2 25@3 00 ; huba per sot , 1 25 ; foMooa Rawed dry , 1 40 ; tonguoo , each , 70@85c ; axloa each , 75c ; equaro nuts per lb , 7@llc ; washers or lb , 8@18o ; rivets , per [ lb , lie ; cell chain , per lb , G@12o ; malleable , 80 Iron wedges , fie : crowbars , 6c ; harrow tooth 4c , ; aurlng tool , 7@8o ; Burden's horsohoos 4 70 Bnrdon'a ' mulcuhooi 5 70 , BABDKU WIUB In car lota , 4 per 100 , NAILS Rates , 10 to GO , 2 65. SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buck shot , 210 ; oriental powder , kegs , G 40 ; do. , half kegs , 3 48 ; do. , quarter kegs , 1 88 ; blasting , kegs , 3 35 ; luso , per 100 foot Wo. LEAD Bar , 1 G5. GOAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor risrun Blossburg , 1000 ; Whltobroaot lump : 00 ; Whltohroaat nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , 5 00 Iowa nut , 5 00 ; Rook Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra clto , 1125@ll 50 ; Canon City , 7 00 , ; per ton Or A Iinmnor. CrUi Wo lumber nth and Ui [ Si qnoto , shlnglos oncnrs Ho [ at Omaha at the following prlcos : HoMe .Toiai AND SOANTLINQ 10 ft and nndcr All 2000. AllDC TIMBERS 1C foot and under , 20 00. TIMBEB AND Joisr 20 Jt , 28 OJ ; 21ft , 25 CO. , FBNOIKO No. 1 , 4 and fi In. , 24 00 ; No. 2 , 2000. SiiEjmtia No , l(2d ( coramon boards ) , 18 00 ; No. 2 , 16 00. STOOH BoAnns A , 45 00 ; B,40 00 ; 0 , 85 00. FLOOBINQ No. 1,40 00 ; No. 2 , 35 00 ; No. , 2500 SIDING , clear 27 00 ; No. 2 25 00 ; No. S , Ml 2000. GEIUNO Z , 37 00 ; H , 25 MlPi SHINGLES , bout t 50 ; standard , 3 50 , PiNe LATH 3 25 per M. LIME Per barrel , 1 25 ; bulk per bushel , 85o ; jomont , bill , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 50 ; hair per bo. 50o ; Tarred felt , 100 Dis , 3 SO ; strawboard No board 360 , { Nc D23NVEU MAUKET. LIVE STOCK Beef Cattle , Rrasa , 100 lb. 3 75 00 ; Hhoop , live , 2 00@2 DO ; drcsHod 5 00 ® 00 ( ; hoRB. live , 0 50@i ( 75 ; droaaod S 50@ ! 00. llidM. Dry Flint , 101@lL'o. ; green 4\ \ & < i. rocn calf 8@10s ; Bhoopakius , dry , 8@lUc. Tallow. r > @Gc. Wool. Color.ulo H@15o , ; Colorado heavy , L2T : ( 13c ; Now Mexican 7@10c. K.Mil VuomiColorado. . 100 Ibs , 1 78@1 ! IO ; pat- Mil . nt , 100 Iba. , V 0@2 76 ; Graham , 100 Ibs , Un C. 7nU ? 00ryo ; , 100 lbs.,2 35@2 C0buckwhoat ; , O. IOU Ibs , ( i W&50 ( \ , brim , ton , 10 00@12 00 ; O.U. . soru muni , 100 Ibs. 1 USffll 75. II.C U.II. GRAIN Wheat , 100 Ibs , 1 OOSil 03 ; corn , In lacks 100 Ibs , 1 1K@1 20 ; oats , 100 Ibs , 1 Uli 80 ; barley , 100bn \ , 1 S0@l 40. IlAY-Balod , upland , 14 00(5)10 ( ) 00 ; bot- om 12 001 It 00 ; straw , OOOCdllO 00. BtrnER ] Kinost , 30@31c ; Nobraaka dairy .4ftH5c ; common , 6@8c. Eons ] Froah , 18@lc ! ) ; ranch , doz , froth . CIIKESE Full croaiu , 12@13c ; Llmburgor , ; Swian , importud , ! )2o. ) POOLTIIY l.ivo , chickens old , doz,5 C0@(5 ( 00 ; urkcy , pci lb , , 1 lyl'ic ' ; spring chickona , fiOfujl 1,0 ; ilroKfiOlU,19fe'20r. POTATOEB 100 Jbn , now , 1 0@1 00 ; Mvod , ji-rlb. , l@Cc. VEQKTAIILKH Onions , now , 100 Ibi , 25 ; cabbage , now , 100 Ibw , 1 00 ; now ODtH , 1 25 , FIIUITH ] Lemons , choice Messina , 6 00 ® 40 : ; applet ) , bbl , 4 OU@1 tO ; poacliim pur : , 2 0 ( ) @ 2 25 ; watermelonx , i > er doz , It 00 t'arx , per box , iICO ; plums , per box , D0fe2 00 ; California grapcM , 2 00@2 25.'iKr ; MX. : MX.MXATO ] Hnnia , lb , ir > l@lc ( ! ; bacon , braak- t , llSllic ( ) ; lard , in thiuo , lb , 1 ; : salt BldoH , lliOllfc. KIHII Mnckorol , No.l , 1 50 , kit. mesa , 75@2 25 ; California salmon , half bbl , 10 50 ; lulland hoiriutf , kw , 1 GO1 75 ; trout , per . 17 ® J 80 H ' " " 10 ALONO THI ! LINK OK THE llilcago. . Si. . Paul , Mlnoeapolls and OMAHA RAILWAY. to The new citunelon cf tlilo line from WakollolJ up 3BAUTIFUL VALLEY of the DAN toC tlirouuli Coiiooril anil Colorlclgo C oB the host portion of thn Htato , Hpool&l ex melon ritoa lor land looliurd over thin line t Vajne , Noilolk nmJ Ilartln tun , ami via Blair to a irliiotpal poll , to on the IOUX CITY & PAOIFIO RAILROAD Tralna orur tht 0. , Ht. I' . M. to 0 Hallway to Onv iicton < , Hloui City , I'onca , JlartliiKtou , Wayne and lorfolk , Fiemont , OakiU.e , Nellifh , and through to V l- eritluo , tffor rates and all Information call on r I' . WJIITNKY , Oenera Aironl TIM KEN 6PRINC VEHICLE01 rldlnt > Vetlrln nmlr. PI tldei lui eaiy < . wUli cue i.ur- . with two Thr Hprfim ruitllivii arrv. Kiiually well ( iit S to itiugh cuuuirr ( l nnd line drlve of olllea. Maiiurarlurrduutl by aUlhnlrudluiC'arrUfellullderotid Ir . * . Henry Tlu k n. l i nt * > < . Mi. td ejcluhlTo Time Table , In llflei't < < - \ < li ml i M , l.M. - * TJi Mtmllon ol ho tnuolllne pnMm ti cinlloil t ll.o l ot tint thl * In the 01 h romi > l t < < nntiota , | Ij oi.rroi-t time UWo pu1 ' ' .h , ,1 In ilii < rlt\ All tMimarrltfl at an I deport Irorn Om tia r Oontral HtAtKhvrd Tlmo , uhlch l < 94 tnluuton f v ( thin ann tln.o. t K\yt Saturday , E cc | > t Snn.Uy . , J Etotp * M. From Union iMutllu Depot ; I' , I' . U , It.'wAlX MNK. fAntiti . . . . Allvntla Eip . 7 M a i I'nclHo Ktp . P:56iun : XU1I P:56iunIH IH Iv. nEI'UIII.HIAN VAI.LKV DIVISION . MMH. I ADRIV * . Uneoln Ktp. . . l.6p : in Lincoln K\r\ . . . I65 n n DUMMY THAINB-IIKIIXIR DIVISION tve Omaha : 8 40 , S'00.0'00,10.00,11:16 : m , 1.10 ! 'HC , 8:00.4:00 : : , t , 00 , 0 00 , 10.36 p. m. On Nim.Uji (5:40,0:00. ( : : 11:16 : ft. in ; 1 CO , S W , S,00 , 8 00 , 10 S1 * p m Arrl\oattriui fordi [ > oll8 mlmitM liter : ItroaJwny rioiiot.Coutidl Illulfn , SO minute * Inter. iK > Ar Council llkifli , llruadnay depot , 7'0 , 8 6(1 ( P:30,10.80,11:40 : : .m. ; 1:30 : , E.30 , S $0 , 4.SOt uB:8 : 31:05 : p. in OnHunUi:7:20 ( : , 6:80 : , tl.40 n. m,13fl 1:30 : , :30 : , fl.SS , 11:04 : Jim. Artlvo at Tran | i 7 ruin utw later , l.BMe Council llluBi Transfer ilonol ! TSS. : R 37 0:87,10:87,11:17 : : : n m : 1 37 , 5.S7 , 8S7 : , : 0. fiS7 : , 0. 11:15 : \ , la. Arrlro Omtlit IS intniitm lator. TllANSr'KR 11U1N3. KiVI. Pa s. No. S 8:16 : m w. No. 61. . . . " 0 8:58 : m 3. . . . llUn : m " S5 ) in " . . . inn " S. . . .MO | < in " 10 , . .6:60 : ) itn itnDftl Dftl v. MIS30UKI 1'A tilTt , itaivi. Mill * . . .10.S5 Omivha | . . . . ; ! a m Bt. touliK p.8.35 Jim Mall * . .8.10 pro 8. 0. * P. It. 11 , L VI. . . . . . 8.40 m Stl' 'K.p. ' , 9t5 : tn I'sul Ktp. . .B:65 : p m | M ll. , . . . . . . .rj3i p in IHIIy. 0. , K. I & K It . 0:45 : * U H' . 8:16 : m OotMolnos Aco.B.50p m tt pirr t . 4S6 : p ml Mall * 7J5 p . . , - AHR1VH. Mall" 816am ! K prc | 0:15 : a ra Ktpieeaf :2Siim : V'all' 7:81 : m 0. , M. fcKt.lMl.il. MAVI. I iBniVI. Uallfc Ki * 8:16am : 11'arlflo r.iiit. . . . 0:411 : in Atlantic Kit. _ . .4:26 : u m I Mall t USD" 7:35 : p m SUNDAY TIIAIXM Durliijt September , Sitimlny o > oilingnn.I . SilmHy inornltiK trains w 111 ilqmrt from Oniali v for ClilniRo , ami Suiulny Dtvnliift nml Mnimnj morning triliis 111 nrrhoai lillo\\H : SiuulAj iiioriiliig trains will lctonml Suiuhy oven- InK tnilnnnrrlM' . September 7 nntl S3 , \ K lti > ck Isl.iiid. Heptemlicr21 , vU tlio Mlluaukra&St. 1'aul. .Si'jitcniber II , vl.i llw Clilrurii Jk N'ortliwoatorn. Katunlay u\ciiliii ; trains lll lcivi > : So , temlier 13 , vh. the U rk lnl.iinl. Septu-nlicr (1 iiiul 'J7 , vhi. Hie Mllnnukro , V St I'nul. KoptoiulM.ri0 ! , Ui , thu Clilmiro.t Nortliuestirn. ArrUolu thonamo onlorthu.MnnchInllovtliiKi 0.11. & < i. trains run ever } tl.iIn the i ok. 0. , II Q 11.11. via Oouncll llliiffa. ) LIUVI. I iniiiri. Kali 8:16 : a m I Kirirooa 0:45 : am Eiiirrss 4:26 : p m I afall 7:86 : pm Koto. ) Tlio 0:00 : n m anil 6:00 : p m dummy trains alga connect ulthcait-hound trains on the Hock-Inland , UurllnKtnn , Nortli-Wuatern and Ullnaiikeo road ) . IWAUASII.ST. LOUIS ft 1'ACIKIO. LHAVB , I iKHIVI. Cannon llall 1:00 : pm Cannon Ball 8:60 : p in Dally. K. 0. , ST JOIC b 0. It. ( Ua Council Hlndo. ) " " " " AU IV . LUI1 _ . . . .BOOam : iirctisl 7 : tO am Biprcoit 0:65 : p in Mull 7:86pm AUKANaniKNTOP HUNDAYT11A1NH From B , & M. Depot : Tenth Stroot. D. Il U. KAIUIOAD MAIN LINK. I1ST BOUND. LIAVB. Qmaha. . . . 8:10pm : 7:60am : ' T:00 : rim 10:06 : am AiihUiid. . . 8:27 : pin 10:08 : urn t:6'2 : pm 8:12 : m Unooln. . . 10.00 i > m 12:00m : 8:60 : inn 7S5 : am Druto 11:17 : pm 12:610pm : 2:41 : pm 8:04 : am lv3tliiKfl. . 6:16 : am 4:16 : pm 11:66 : am 10:60 : pin led Cloud. 8:00 : am 0.03 pm 10:26 : am 8:26 : pm McCuoU. . . 10:66 : am 916 ; pm 0:16 : am 4:10 : jmi \kron . . . 8:16 : pm 2:10 : am 12:60 : ain 11:06 : am Denver. . . . 7:26 : pm 0:16 : am 9V6 : pm .7:30 : am Dallv.l - OMAHA AND PLATTrMOOTH TKAIN3 : rv. Omaha nt 7:60 : , and 8:45 : a in ; 4:60,0:10 : : , 7:45 : p m la. Omaha 16:26,8:40 : : and 10.06 n m ; 7:00 : , 7:80 : p lu Dtllv. 0. B. & Q II. It- ( via riatbmiouth. ) LXAVI. I ARKWI ) Koatorn Kx ) 8:49 : a m I Omr.hu Kx _ ] > 8:10 a ra Chicago Lip..4:60p : m I Western Kip..7:80p : m Dally. K. O. , ST. J. & 0. B. ( via I'lattflmouth. ) MAVI. I AURIVI. ( SUM 8:46 : a ml Rinroant il:26 : i KiproBst 7:16 : | iin | irall.u. 7:30 : p ITrom O. St. P. M. &O.Depot , 14th and Wobutor 8troof , < O. , St. 1 * . U. h 0. LEAVM. AD2IVI. 02 PaBsonKor..8SOam : I No8 JIlio.l 10EOn : m d 3:60 : D in | Nol l'aH8i9niof. 6SO : p in Sundava KxcontoJ. , Olllco upon UuuiUje f rom l'Juu m. t < * 1 :00 : p. m. 0 KCOUTANT WITH o Ind your work is dona for all time to come. WEgCHALLENGE produce n more duniblo nmtorjnl for sbreob piivoinont tniiu o Sioux Falls Granite. VOH ANY AMOUNT OF " " . illed promptly. SnmpIcH Bout nnd estimutea givnn uiionnpplicHtiou. WM.MOBAIN & co. , Sioux FnllH.Dn1fotn. HrATWOODT" S. lattflmouth NOD. 1 , - - - - - . > KliUI OrTI10 OUJIIDkIliD ! II1UII UU1D rtEREFORB m JERSEY CATTLE 0 LOROO o > Jiunar BUD BWIXI I MTV utook omu.UofJi rouj ao lol'clteJ ' [ SPKOIAL NOTICE TO of Live Stock and Others , WK OALL YOUR ATTENTION TO v-ttsr a ts * > w ttrti Bi" . v&y K Ills the boas anil ehonposi lood tor Btoo * nt any fclnrt ESOno pound Is nnal to thteo nonnJl e ( aor clock Id nilh OriMin , ! Oil C.Tholo the Kail nnd Winter , Insicu.t ot rnnnlnp dovrn , will Incron.i la rolBti * and IH ) In ROOI ! mark tabli ) nnnd.llnn In the spring. Dvltyinsn , aj rfoll M others , who ma It cm lattllyl ' Tty h and Jndt ( for youisolws. I'tloo J26.01 iior tonne chare * lor Kinks. AiUre WOODMAN LINSKKD Oil , C OMl'ANV , Omihi Hsb. DKALE113 IN FIRE AM ) BDKGLAJJ PHOOF m LI. B. LOCKWOOD ( forinorly of Lockwootl & Draper ) Chicn o , Mtn- ngor oC the Ton , Cigar and Tobacco Departments. A full Hue of all grades of above ; also pipes niul smokers1 articles carried iu etock. Prices and samples furnished on application. Open orders intrusted to us shall receive our careful attention Satisfaction Guaranteed. MENTS FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & WAND POWDER CO C. F. GOODMAN , O AND DEALER IN OMAHA , NEBRASKA. JOBBER OF Jll EASTERN PRICES IDUPLICATED ] H18 FARNAM STRKET , - OMAHA , NEB1 O. M. LEIOHTON. H. T. CLARKE , CUOCE.'J30I'J TO KKNNAUD UIIOS. Cl CO. ) PaintG 3MAFIA : , NJSBRA.SKA Milwaukee , Wis. QOTTHER.GO . , , Sole Bottlers 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREEJ COR. 13TH ] rTAHA IRECENTLY FROMFREMONTNEB. ; 0 SADDLERY HARDWARE , "or lIidcHWool , Pelts , Etc. , mid consignments raude to us will receive prompt attention , for which immediate returns will bo made. i.3th Street , Bet.DDodge and Canitol AVG , OMAHA , NEB ; ( saccjJSSOR ! TO FOSTER & QUAY. ) OffiQB and Yard 6th anil Douglas tsi