AILY 1 FOURTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. , FRIDAY MOILING , SEPTEMHKR 11) ) , 1881. NO. 7(5 ( I CHARGE , CHESTER , CHARGE ScEatorVanWattlicSaliiiGGonnty A Caustic Eoview of Monopoly Rule and Corporation Press. Kcr.ilnll'H Iiiiiul GrabbliiK Synillcnto i\oorlntod. September 18 , 1881. At the Salltio county fair , hold nt Crete this afternoon , Senator Ynn "Wyck delivered an address which con- cludoa us follows : Hcsidcs theoretical nnd practical agri culture , there are other matters of equal importance challenging your considera tion , questions above the routine of daily life , important lor your own interests aa well as the prosperity of the nation. The arrogance and exactions of corporate power need to bo chocked. For twenty ycnra the public domain has boon spoli ated by reckless and improvident legisla tion , by unwni ranted demands and base concessions of the land department , too often sustained by infamous it not cor ruptly obtained opinions of attorney i general , and what is far inoro revolting to thu American citircn , too often sus tained by the courts in defiance of ex press statute. Until now , the only eltart is to rescue or withhold from the hands of the spoiler about 100,000,0"ob acres of land , hold much of it in defiance of law twenty years from aottlument and not earned by the terms of the grant , yet boldly defying the power of congress to retain -what has not boon earned , arid threatening , if congrois tiara act , the courts will bo invoked to aid the robbers nnd , from past conduct , will probably sustain them. We boast of our freedom and the power of the ballot box. You know that U ! ) of every 100 of our people do niand these lands should bo restored to the public domain , Such a demand , oven [ in England or Cermany , would bo at once rocognl/.ed and respected , but in free America it will probably bo spurned and despised. Heie the people are long sutlering and much forgiving. Those whom you elect to high posi tions not only betray their trust , ignore your wishes , but have the audacity to ask re-election at your hands. What happens in the nation hai a counterpart in the state. To illuntrate , the adjoining status of Iowa , Missouri and Kinsas liavo by legislation fixed the rate of passenger trallie on railroads at thrjo cents per mile. In this state the people have almost unanimously de manded the regulation of passenger and freight traftic. How have they been an- -awered ? With all your bo&stod power it cennot bo dono. Railroad cappers and attorneys and editors somehow can use the people for their own destruction. Stop for a moment and ask yourself how such things can bo and why the people plo are willing to place themselves in the hands of such tricrtntora. "Can ouch things be , and overcome us like a sum mer's cloud , without our special wonder ? " The railroad managers have been com pelled to recognize the universal cry of the people , but not to your benefit , You remember a few years ago you and I were denounced as demagogues be cause wo demanded that corporations should bo controlled bylegislation. They then assarted railroads could not bo more controlled than farmers , that as well _ fix the price of corn and hogs by legislation , that railroads wore private property , see- condly , they claimed the imnagomont of railroads was so intricate and obtuse , common mortals should not attempt to invade the sacred domain , only the finan cial priesthood , these men who could change water into million ! ) ofgovornmunt bonds , or gold , with a government fiat upun it , surpassing thu miracle of 1800 yeara ago when water was turned into Now the corporation attorneys and editors and convention manipulators say corporations should 1)3 controlled , and there can bo no rest until they are , but tlie matter of control should bo left to their tender management. They think now the legislature will not have the ncctssary time but by all means u com- misaion. Prom the gr wing temper of the people plo they fear it may bo difficult to pur chase a legislature but a commission is their darling project , that they can own , as they have in the past land thodopart- inent and attorney general nt Washington an'1 in the states. A commission by all moans. Then , if appointed by the governor , how easy they think so little friction. The B. A ; Al. would recommend ono , the Union Pacific another , and the third to bo ap pointed by the governor of course would bo neutral. Tell mo will you , how would the rights of the people be protected/ / Or if the commission shall bo elected by the people , take the mode of selecting aa would bo indicated by the lust ropub hcan convention. A gallant captain heading the force of ono rail road , an eloquent and shrowcd lawyer , nnd politician heading the other. A facetious and wily editor of u rail road organ , president of the convention , a cap tious snarling editor of another paper whoso life has always boon prolonged by the patronage of a great rail road , was in ado chairman of resolutions and actuil tly prepared ono. "That for the umfica- ion of our party , that for the consorva tton of the peace ( who proposes war1) ) and prosperity of the state a statute rogula tinu' our rail roads &c. The day nftor the said editor had ex haustcd himself in the oilort ho had remaining maining vitality sudicient to endorse his own effusion by wriiing In his paper that the platform including this resolution was vigorous and original. Undoubt edly ! For saying which you and I have been denounced by the ssid editor OH doma- gognee nnd blatherskites , Then a convention thus manipulated , would nominate rnilroid commiHsionera and under the spur nnd whip of party dictation , you would bo left the Tonly al ternative of , shall 1 say free men , to rat- if 7 at the ballot box the decree of cor porations nnd forgo the chains to bind you more securely to their engine. liciiuinng your attention , not only farmers , but as citizens , is the matter of gross irregularities if not deliberate fraud in the minagomcnt of the school lands. A subject far beyond nnd higher than party or partis-unship. Beciuso alluding to this nt n similar unthcrint ; in Ihirt county , 1 was charged with hostility to Governor Driwes. The meanness of this insinuation is evidenced when it hns since appeared that Governor Dawca , by his vote ngainst the le.wiii' , ' , protested ngainst the mismanagement or friud an 1 have doiii' . 13ut it will bo nu unfortunate day for tins nation when the nets of public of ficers nro not open lo criticism nnd noccs- nary censure. You will best secure the interest of your party by honestly , nnd by fearlessly arraigning wrong nnd wrong docra , even of your own election. You will injure a party far more by con cealing than by exposing such criminal conduct. There should bo no considera tion for personal friendship nnd party loyalty. Defences of the school board have al ready been printed , yet they ohow more conclusively the negligence or criminnlity of the board. 1 congratulate the people of Saline nnd Fillmore counties that die governor nnd atalo treasurer voted against the consuma- tion of this villainy. It is occasion of rejoicing to the ntato Llut fraud inKcith county \HIS prevented , but that wnsdno to outside hostile action nnd the board only yielded when n man damus had boon issued compelling them to desist. A lengthy statement of figures hns been issued having no bearing on the charge showing tlut originally wo had nearly 3,000,000 acres , and that the board had not stolen or suffered others to appropriate nil of it. That the landa had boon appraised nt an acreage value of $3.50 per acre cer tainly , but why in 1881 when lands nro desired nnd increased in value should n whole county of 80,000 acres bo assessed at from forty nnd not exceeding seventy cents per acre , this mystery is not ox- plained. Another sample in Lincoln county in 1880 , when land could with didiculty bo sold at nny price , appraisements being from SI to § 3 nnd § 5 , in 188 1 when lauds tiad doubled nnd trobbled in price in the eamo county , lanua were appraised at from 40 to 70 cents. The school lands were honestly man aged in former years , but that only Inton- jitios the crime of this now dispensation , by inaugurating this now phase of fraud , which was consumated fortunately not in [ vieth , where a mandamus was obtained ; o restrain the crime , nnd when the board enow it would bo impossiclo to prevent exposure , defeat and disgrace , they with drew the leases. nt i WHY ISSUK UIEM ? The board had as much knowledge and lonosty when they withdiow the leases is when they issued them. I mean , of courao , the guilty members of the board. Look a moment at the facts which were well known to the board , and priatod as ; heir defense in the Lincoln Journal September 5. Watts , Doproist nnd Stollo were ap pointed appraisers in April , 1884. Stollo declined to net , as ho belonged to anoth er ring not having the confidence of Ken dall , as nppoara by the Lincoln Journal of September 12. A\ HAT \ Sl'KCTACLK ! Apparently no one manipulating the school lands except two rings , and they control the board. Kendall in the inter est of one ring and Stollo of the other. Stollo attempts to thwart Kendall by withholding the assessment , and Kendall checkmates the Stollo ring by ordering ; iew appraisers , and issuing leases for 80,000 acres before the watchful and re vengeful Stollo and his ring know any thing about it or had an opportunity to bid. bid.Does Does not that prove the crime com- [ ) loto against the board I no adroitly nnd quietly managed that ono ayndicato was not allowed to bid against its rival ? Call you this honest ? MAUK OTHKU r.u is. Juno 20 , county clerk notifies Kendall ono appraiser will not net. Juno 2 ! ! , Kendall fiends by mall in- stuctions to county clerk nt Ogallnla to appoi nt now appraisers. Some days thereafter county clerk ap points new appraisers Watt , Dopreist nnd Hughes. Hughes , in place of Stollo , could not have been appointed before July 27th , possibly the 28th , yet the same record shows that the oath , which is required by law , was taken by Hughes , April 115th , two months before ho was appointed. On the 28th day of Juno , the same day or the day after his appointment , Hughes swears that ho "carefully ap praised the value of the improvements thereon. " Thcso facts were before the board. Can any further proof of their villainy bo needed ; if so , it is furnished in same number of Journal. On the 5th day of July , at the county clerk milled the above sworn appraisement to Kendall , which ho received , not before the 7th possibly the 8th the very day the board mot and JGSUCH leases to 08 per sons for 80,000 acres. Neither the people of Keith county , or any other county except the ring , head ed by Darn , could possibly have known that the lands had boon appraised , much less the value thereof. Not oven ttio vigilant Stollo had the least knowledge or suspicion. This hot , undue nnd criminal huato was only to aid the ring which lay nearest to Kendall's heart , The secretary of the Western Cattle Insurance Company , the chief operator residing atOmuha , nnd the 08 mon in the employ of his company , were the only ones cogni/.int of those rapid evolutions To show the Intent and extent of the crime , ouppoeo the same board , or the guilty majority themselves , owned 80.0CO acres , and desiring to Icaio nt the best tenna , sent mon to appraise carefully , who reported their value to bo from forty to seventy cent per acre nnd the land not subject to taxation , whim they welt know land no bettor and subject to taxation was Belling from § 3 to § 1 per aero , would they accept smilingly p.uch nppruisomont and go through the farce of leasing at three cunts per acre , not ns much as there would bo taxes on other land/ / Would they lease it the day after appnUaoinent to n pyndicato which had been ploting nnd scheming to procure a low valuation , witU no opportunity for competition' No man on earth , no partisan however blinded , believes it. The board know other pnrtioi dcnlrcd these lands , for applications had pre viously boon mndo in person nnd by lottnr to the land commissioner's ollico seeking to lease them. Another confession of guilt is the plea that the Invr 13 defective nnd needs nniendini ; , if that be so , the greater the need for \itjilanco , for n nprinkling of honesty , nnd business capacity. Suppose that the law had boon silent as to details - tails nnd merely directed lands to bo leased without nny guards or protections , would ( hot justify tlio criminal conduct of the bowl. But it is not true that the law is dofpctive. It requires nil lands to bo oll'orcd for sale before leasing. Before silo It must horuhortised in newspapers , and before being mlvcrtiscd must bo carefully appraised , then n book prepared - pared by commissioner , containing n complete list of the lands , with the up prnismcnt , and deposited in ollico of county treasurer. All this before adver tised for sale , then oll'orcd for sale , then ollVrcd for lemo. 'Che law is plnin nnd sulliciont. No legislation framed in human language is n barrier against men willingly nnd do- hboratnly nro determined \iolato it. Tlio Lincoln Journal satisfied its rend ers that the board was criminal when it admitted that the opinion of the attorney general wan wrong when lie hold that the land could bo leased before being o lie red for sale. The admission of guilt is still stronger when the name journal oxlonuntos by saying , the state can aull'or no loss because - cause the state can have the leases de clared illegal in tlio courts. "Mostlamo and important conclusiion. " But why did a board of state ofllcors issue illegal leases ? It soouu some of the conspirators have unloaded on possibly innocent parties , nnd now the state must bo asked to supple ment the ciimo of the board by inflic ting n lawsuit upon and stealing from innocent purchasers. If a villain forgpa the nntno of Mr. Kendall to a promissnry note , the Jour nal would say no crime in that , a harm less transaction because if the note ia n forgery it cannot bo collected , therefore no wrong done. We have quite enough of that in this state whore innocent parties on the Den ver & St. Joe , upon public lands have boon compelled to suffer. It is not hon est , the government , state and nation must bo held responsible for the nets of its officers. The action of the governor nnd otato treasurer in voting against leasing is a condemnation of the board. The unanimous action ot the board in August is a , condemnation of its action in July. On August Hh , after the hind exposure by the mnnduinus suit , they unanimously decided on motion of Governor Dtwes , that "advertisement bo given , that said lands bo subject to lease after thirty days. " Why did not the board In July know that secret leasing of the schocl landa was a fraud ? What becomes of the boasted opinion of the attorney general ? August 23thon _ motion of Gov. Dawco it was ordered that the school lands in Keith county bo re-appraised , "dooming the Instappraiscmont too low , und that the lands bo advertised for sale , nnd that the notice of leasing bo withdrawn until after the salo. It seems in August tlio board have no trouble in finding that the law requires honesty in the management of school lands. Did they not know as well in July as August that the lands wore ap praised too low ? The action of the board in August is n complete acknowledgement of the im becility or criminality of the board in July.Wo Wo look in vain for any vindication. Certainly the largo arrny of figures show ing the entire 3,000,000 has not been stolen is equal to the defense of n vigor- orous thkf who claimed great considera tion because , while confessing ho stele the saw null , ho had previously restrained himself from stealing the mill dnm. A few papers having succeeded so ad mirably in establishing the guilt of the board , the people are now impatiently awaiting the explanation TTIV ! from Sl. > 0,000 to § 400,000 hai during tlio last two years been on deposit in a few banks in this atato. In what banks deposited ? Who interested in the said banks/ / Wheth er any interest was piid on the deposit , and to whom' ' These may bo hard conumdrumo , but the dofendura of the board are evidently equal to the cincigoncy. A Htntuo ol' Gonornl KeynoliUi , Pllll MinrillA. 1'n. , Si ptombei 18. Tlio Bt.itno of ( Jon. John 1'iilton lloynnltls , who waa IcilloJ at the batlloof ( iellytbiirj ; , wiiaun \eiled in front of Iho clly hull to-ilny. The ( irnnil Aunv jiarailed In honor of Ilia event , anil thi'iutilery Hiuiil | firoil a Hnlntii. Aiming tlioxo jireHonl Moro ( Jon , John H. Knnntof Ohio , iiiiUnnnl commninlor-in chinf of the ( iranil Army , nnd 1'nxt Cominandou-in-Chiof Hartninft and liench , Thn Null Family , UMOMOW v , Pa. , Kopti mber 18. Miss Annie - nio C. Nnlt , ilanghlei of Iho l.itu C.ipt , Null , killoil by DnKeH , ilioil Hiiildi nly list iil 'ht , it is fiiiipi | ) . cd of clioli ia inorhiiH. H in K ild thu entin family been Hcriously ill nnd at lacki il with HpthiiiH , II In recoiled Uioy ha\o bean polenncil. A hccund dispatch from Uiiiontnwn JftijH then unit that th < Nutt family had In en poisoned in nntriio. Aiinio Nntt dloil fiom choli-ia muruus , caused by oaliiiK nmipo pear * . and Ht , ' Jolui , Sr Lous , September 18. ( eori ( ) Hosnv r , the oaiiiiiiaii nrmiil here UIH innriiinR , lie nnil J. A. HI. .lolm deposited thn remaining JM > 00 uith John A. Oill < n , editor of llm I'ortt-lJHpnlch , thi'raco to ho three inllex with turn for fcl.OOU n sulo on Cmvn Coeur l.aki1 , near thlH cltj , iSopl , "Kth , JSoth mon are In good condition , GiOHlinin nnil llm TiciiHiiry. W \sni.M.rov , September IS. It in now known hi yond doubt , thai .rmlgoOroiihnm can ha\o the Iroasury portfolio It ho wlnhon It. lli.i liOBil.incy in cum d l > \ bin ileelro to con clude iinc'stih'attMnH iiirouly began nnil Ining- in. do fiirtln r n forum In the | im. ollico ilrpuii mint. It It kninui thu pri-milcnl would bo gratifnil if Jinlga ( iruniuniMiulil uccupt thu p'ne ' < and HOIIIO of 1m fin niU lislnno hu limy jot bo imlucrd t" likn tlio position. 'J'lio Chlnii Ituw. LOSIHIS , Kopltinbei 18. 'J'ho 1'all Mali da/ntlo b > M the fighting near Klnpa ! furls be-low I'oo Chuiv yi Hterilay ! greatly nxuggi r ati'd. < inly " 01 Kie-nch troopi lauded und defiMti d a fi'W Ullagi rx. A illBnutc'i from Hong Kong to the Tiiiied H-IJH , "Tlm Tri-nch m , in of-wur Atlantlo bmid oil the ii-gnlui Jlong Kong tiailmg junk und throw It * i union , gmu and unimiml lion ou r board. 'Jim ineiclmnU of Hung Kong urn gisatly initatio ! attlia ac'luii of the Trench , POLITICAL NEWS. Elaine's ' Oration and Orat'on ' at Wor cester. The Now York Sun's ' Vindica tion of Blaino. Effectual Slaughter of the Mulli gan Letter Lies , Puerile Assaults on the Plumed Knight in Wisconsin , . Progress of the Scurrilous Sentinel - nol Suit , Cranky Itclford TnniH lIomlrlekH1 Serious Injuries Grcslinin niul ( lie Cabinet Vacancy. Blulno nl "Worcester. , Mnsi. , SoptoitAior K , T. (5. Blaine : ml\id in this city frcm } lo ton lit noon tn day. ] lo cuinos to nttuul the .niinml fnn of \Vorco8liT Agricultural society. 1 lo w ill be tlio gnc'st of the 6'qciely anil Con gri'ssnmn W. M. Klco during1 1m stay in linn city. Thousands of people Wt\o in waiting nt the Hlallun , anil lined the toulo to the fair grounds. The saluta wai firoil by a section of buttery ] J , timing tboiumnl. The usit Is cntiiuly mm-parlisnn , tinlecoptiim coimnitteo being composed of inoiubois of the ngriculturnl society and represent ilillort'iil polltleil parties. , Tlu > parly w ere met nt the junction of Klin and Agricultural sit cots near the fair gi omuls by the marshals and a cornet band , and es corted to the tent of the president. A largo crowd gn\o Ultimo ahoiirty welcome. At the the tent ho was mot by the trustees ami mtio- duce < l by President 1'latt. Thei u was a largo galhc'ring of gentlemen representing the city and county pre-ent , Lunch wai peru-d in the tout , and thcro was a \ cry ijloisant , informal - al , social inten iow which laUcd until tune for ftpt. ilJng , wheu the party adjourned to the judge's hland. IlLAINU'SHl-KKCIt. Dlamo then spoke na follows : Ladies and Gentlemen : I am sure that under dor this rich and prosperous stito you \ \ ill o\- pect fn in mo to-day nothing but wet da of con gratulation , and if there bo any 0110 spot \\ith- in the limits of the United Staluj which may clnllenjjD all others in prosperity , content ment nnd general happiness , it must bo Worceslei in the tnto of MnssacliUoetts. [ Ap- plaiiHO. ] Wo are in the habit , in oui mind * , \\ithouilooknig closely at figures , to think that homo rich ( lections of Kuroj > o tuo fai mnro populous than any ecctions wo lia\o in Una country , but in the great United Kingdom of Gient Jiiltiin and Ireland thcro 13 not as dense a ] > opnlation ns _ inhabit Massachu setts f i din thu point to the tea. There is not in the ciowded kingdom nf liol- glum , not in that hive of mdtintiy , Jloll.u.d , so demo a population as you ojn thin ground leprc ent today and when you come to com pare the comfort , thrift , ( jcnoral prosperity of tlio cntiro people , there is not poclnpi on this circling gloLo a community : IhU can aland comparison. Out west on llipr'i ' ) lioh lands , that "l.uigh a crop when , ticW , ilwith a hoc , " in tl ! it ' onnndlesa continuity of / > ace , in which tlia.igiicultiirnl distiict stictcliris from the cioflt of thu AJleghcmos to the giant plains it will bo a surprise to them.if It la not to you , that tins county of Worccbti r out of 1,700 and odd counties th it nriko ilp all of the states , that this county of Worcester h the liftoonth in the whole United Ktilen In the Milno of its agiicullitral product ; nnd whit is moio Biirptising , th it , standing in this high lank in agricultural industry and agricultural inoducts it stands still higher in inuclianical indiistiy and product m.umfac tmos , foi in that list -Hnds tenth in the United Statas. So that , when you coino to ostimalo tlio li\o thoiisiud nnil luo hun dred millions of product innmifactmo in a fcinglo year in this United States , you can eco what miiHt bo thu magnificent piospenty ; > f this county , that it Hliould htand fifteenth in 0110 list and tenth in .mother. Gontlmnon , Jus county has been long noted nnd long icnown. It is the county best known In the Htalo. It is widely Known thioughont the union , and if it were to bo presented , or if any county in thin country weio to bo pro- Hontod as the 0110 exemplar , the ono illustra tion ofhat free indiutty , and fiuo hihools and fico education could clo , thoio would bo out ) \nico in fa\oi ot presenting the comil > of Worcosloi as that exemplai. [ ApplnueVouru ] HomotiiiiCH a little jealous ol you in Massnclm eellH , hut , pt iliaps , it is only for vour guparioi prospoi ity | lnnn'hteij , but onUldu and beyond that joalouny , I am here to Kay , on boh df of the Htato whioh was a pait of tlio old common wealth , that foi thu county of Wo i coiter , for the Bt ito of Mnsf.Hmssoll-i , no othei fooling of profound reHpoct , admiration and honor. [ Knthusit.4ticclieeiH.j Thanking you , gentlemen , fur that \ery cor clntl nndhospitubhi reception vhlch bus been m.ido BO ngroeablo to-day , anil \ \ flung you an abundant incn aso of the gieat piospenty win h surrounds you , I hid you a cordial f.uo \\ell , [ Applause. ) Drum on tlio Mulligan Vi Ni.w YOIIK. September 18 , The Sun says : A paiagraph reprinted elsewhere from the columns of the Trlbuno shown the \iow which the iinmidiato fiiomls of Mr. ISIaino take of thodlncoveiy of the I'mhcr litter of October 21 , 1S71. Thuy Hay that instead of Iwlng sup- piufibid by 3\fr. \ ltluinutlhU cvlnbratod doiu- mint has bcon HiipprvHHOd foi < ight yeaiH by Dlalno's acciihiiH , Without illscusHlni/ that point wo again cill attention to tlio fact that the production by Mulligan and Klaher of tlio letter of Oct. "I , lK71fmully and fully exonerates Mi. lil.dno from tlio charges tlial ho withheld part of the content * * of tlio pacKagu obtained fiom Mulligan in .lime , 187i. ( Ku > ry docu ment in the lot had b ( on accounted for except thin ono , The cliargo that Mr , Blnino tun- lie-red with thu bundluof pJpiM rusted unlely on Inn failure to i cad tlio 1'iahcr letter of Oct. iil , 1H"1. Jt was un Mulligan'rt nchedule. lilainu Bind liu ciiiild nut ( mil it , Why ho failed to find it H now aiipaiant. It nan ulill in the p JHSCHHIOII of Mulligan and l''i h.r. It novel panned into Dlamo'H hand * , Ho , told the truth about it. Ho told the Until when ho minted thu House that IIIH oxlilbit covoied ouiry ncrup and Hciimption that ciiinu fiom Mulligan. Now , wo nrointeiestod to fco wlutlnir tlio now spi- pern which haul nigged ii aiust Mr. Jilumu this Hxcial | charge of iliHlioneittv will retract it and uNilogi/u. | They hate wronged him in this lUHpictut leant. In this roupact , lit i aut , they ewe him and thonmohe-f afninkand manly admisiloii of thociior. IIIK "riuin NK. ' Thu Now Yoik Trlbuno nays : "It in most humiliating to tint American juoiilo that after all tliCKO JC.IM of ecjndul and difumation , it Khould now bo found tint boiiut of them have ; bet n bofiioled by a lurpcrlilcu Wjiren J''nthcr into HiiHpictin or hiliuvlng civil of an honon d and worthy Htatennien like Mr , lilaine. IX- po cd t tc'iiijititinn every hour for thirty > ( .uii , alilo to HO ! ! his influence at almost any time for millioiiH , ho gctn lleccod liy a 1'inlier becniKu hoMll nut ho dU hoiioht or will not \oluntarily lot IIIH iiainu l j tirnlnlu d , lli.i neriltos liavo lieon lution-il. Thu p.uty boliiud him hatt liuilu thociaudeit p it of thu hutoiy of tin nation , Vut thoru aio found men of thai name nation \\hiwould distort thonoiiUol tin otato.iinun mVhor than doubt thu knuveu uhnllifi < f < l him : ho would | JIclio\oibo ; noli. Ci'iivutod hnr , Mtdhgin , rather thin the in- iliBiiftnt , Tin * loiter tssltictly tnn'of Mr , ItHine. OAlil MNV , Xho Sliuiilrroiifi Conminacy nl' ( lie irnliiHt Itlnlno Altllt 1)1 1 > lHUO\TJ K IMMN.iiHH , Snptmnbcr is-In the I'tiiled States distiu t court thu afternoon the attouieys fin Mr. Shoeimkrr til.-d i bill of din- coxery In the Dlnino.Srntlucl libel fiitt. The lull tx-glns by citing thu fuel of lUaiiin bring ing iiilt ngainst the Sputmel and ivpoilingllio otiglnal complaint in the suit , tha Sentinel's nusurr , and the oiviiiiii-tn\ing | intcriog.ilorioi nnd the reply of lllimn'H attornejs. The bill then otates tlmt after tiling thn intcirogato lie * Shoemaki i'attorueji , on tlio lilh of Sop trmber , mined the court for a rule ngaliiM Ulune tonnsuor the panic ulthlii n spocihe I time U ) bo lived by the court , niotlim was nrgiutl on Soplombrr II and o\er- ruhd. The bill then gm s on In my that inoidrr that certain defonio justiliratinn ploadiKl by Shoemaker in iy bn obtained It ill bonocMsniy and miteiial for the oiatois to clunv and pro\o tint Hlalno hid illicit ivla- lions with and Boduced the person whom ho afterwards mniiled , the icsiilt of said intercourse - course bung the bit th of a iluld in about three months after snid iminigo. The bill ioen on to say that tlm oiators are mfoimed nntllH-llnxo that the maiilage of Hlalno and 11 in i lut Htau\\ oed OLCIII red on or al mill Mirch H'.llh , 1M11 , in I'lttsbmg. I'a , Hut the mm rlngo was cando ! tint ly ariiugod , rocn tly performed and hastily lucomphsliml , that mine no license \\ni issued by aiiyouthnrityfoi such inniilngn , none being leipmed by thn laws of IVmiH } h nni.i at that linli. tint no public or olhciil recoidas l > i pt foi ( lie MIIIIO reason , that ono DO an , \\lio olllciatoil at the pime maimo hns hren juairf , mid that it any \ nite \ niomoranda 01 moid of the nniriingo wn made , the same was lost 01 dostro\id. The pirticular ofliich mnirlage in fully kuoivn to lllnino. The Mil tin n t lies tint at the Hiino time befoie thodiitoof xnd marringo , Iil iino uns .1 piiifosuoi at an instltutoof Icitn Ing at Drillorhhmg , Ky. , that Minx KUiuwood \\usanlnstriictiessina fun ilo school at the s.11110 place , nud that they there becimonc < 1U ilntod. Both \\oro unniariied and that lilnlno addressul Mil's Stanuood isanmtor ; tiiat he gamed hci ronfidoncu nnd illultieln tions onaued. That a chort time In foio saul marriage , Jacob Stinuood , a brothoi or undo of llainet 01 HOIIIO othir poison or permits unktioix n to the oratorj \ is ited lilaino. charged him uith liemu' the um o of Mi ! < s Stanuood a eonilltlon , and tluviteued him with pcisnnaliolenco unless ho married her ; tlmt lilaino nrulono denial of the charges , nul in con eiiuonce ot boiug thuatimd ngieed to many her ; that one 01 moid persons \\cro IIIPWnt at the interview hotween IMamo and the rolati\cs , but thoio petsous are unliiiown to the oratois , Thu bill then states th it aftei marrngo Miu Blame wont to Autjusti , M aino where a child was hoi n about. I into 18 , 1S51 , and tint end child was recogtn/edatd acknowledged bvUlnme as IIIH son. The orators fin ther Hay they lm\e n good and % alid dcfoneu us stated in their plea of justification , tlut the facts stated in tni'ir aiiHU'n nio true and thit thosimo i in bo fully established by the. answer of lilaino to the In Lorrogatoiics horetofoto pniiounded ] , all the circumit.uices being fully Known tn him and a full and complete disco\eiy of raid facts from and bv lilaino is to tlio orators in their detente in aid of mich other testimony as may be procurable. Vnlesn this is done the era otH iinnot so fully tct out and completely show and piovo the facts nocsHary to theii defense. The oratoi-s therefore pi.iy th it a full and complete disco\erybo mauo hy lilaino in relation to ho facU heretofore stated , and to tlmt ou'l ho bo summoned to misuer the H.UIIO imdor oath. Tito bill closes by asking that a writ of silpoent bo issued out of chincory for lilaino , nnd that lie bo oidcicd to ansucrtha interio- Limit's tint the proceedings be stuycd until Hiich a time us lllumo miy nusuor ; th it in case fails to auor the said lull , 01 fully and truly to answer tlio in torrngiitoriCH , furthoi proceedings will bo pci- [ letuidly st lyodand ie lrained. The mil was lot filed until 7 o'clock , and the com'tadjourn ed without taking uilion. TIIAUI'OUND ANIMUS llAIj9. They llixxc their Innlnua i'or AlniHO 01 Itlnino. Siptomber IS. Tomonow Tad I' his imoeiiitos ill issuean ad- IrCHsto tlio Wiscoiihin IndepoudontH. Tlnoo > f the Mulligui lettori ) are gi\oo. The next ict of Mi. lilnlnu which the cdilroxs touches ipon is his support of the bill to chiiigo thu n'oxennnoiit loin foi the * li 1,000,000 aihanciJ , o the I'.itilic i lilway fioin the lunt to the suLond mortgage , ( Jontimiiiig , thu nildiejj tuiichi s ut HUIIII hngtli upon Mr. Jtluine'H Little Rock railroad Htock and s ijs "If it IH not absolutely diiiinnstratid it is itleaHtmado xiry piobible , that the b7 > ' ' , OJO I.illliItock jciu Is w < nt from lilainu to .losnh OiiMwull , Ins fiiiind and coorKoi in Little Itoek ami ithu alfaiiH , from Cald\vell to Scott , and from Scutt to the Union 1'acihc , anil tlut thu lil , 1 OJ uish found its way hick to Mi. Jllaino by Lho Himo circuitoiiH routi , " The addiorH iiiotiH | from Mr , Illame's speech in COIIKIISH in Api 1 , 1870 , showing the manin-r m which ho tin iino ou in r of the bondrt. It n c Mints tin will kmmn facts tint bee iinn publlu before the cotigicHKlontil conimittuo in Ih7 < > , and Mays. "Ills difondirn nay that u member of congichs u outlthd to inalco inveslmoiitri in iniluuy tttodc and bonds ulth peifict pro prioty. " Tlio addreHS conclmlcs as follows "What would he the < Ifoct of Mi. liluno'H . Itttiim upon thu i arty itsoll. What would bo lU i ( feet upon tlio countij ' lloai in mind that all these lottcr/i upon which the churges m iinlv depend for tin Ir support \\eio writtun toOIH porson. Dc.ii m mind that Ml. lilaino was an able , eiicigutlo man , actively engaged mills pmnlo luminous ( ulmteur It na ) all the time lib as in congress. If IIM lettois to olhi r moil with wlimn bo did biiHinuss weroexposi il , aswciu the h tteiH to 1 i > hc'i , what uonld ) ou expect to xou' A to ( old of tinth , purity , nnd honoi , oiuioula- tinii of jobburv , cocriiption , nnd disgiacu' Thi't M a iiiphtiou for \ou to IUIHUOI. As for usui , heliiivo that if thu ruuird of Mr. Itlaino \\urn fully spread bufi/io thu iieoplu , and wuro nndorktooJ , then ) would lo just as little lil > o- lllioi.d of his hi ing elected president an of Ills hi ing inado 1'ojiu , Tlio Tripurnii ) Tniiilili ) . Gun Ai.O , Scplombei 18. 'J'ho gem nil man- iigeu of all wostein railways held atiuthur hvo , ending at ono o'clock today , and ailjonrnod till four this afternoon without ac complishing anything touatd the settlement of the NibiasKa ipiiisliini , 'Ihls \ vimudu the solo topic of to-dayVt delirji rations. Three oi font new propositions \\iiro m/gustid which , howovur , vaiiod only slightly fiom tliuso herclnforu put foi ward. Onu miggustloii today was that tlio ituhjuct be rufi rred to thu priKidenti nf the dilforont rinds , but tliU nan dofuntud , Jtuis tlien sug gcstnd that the iniiitlng niljumn foi cixty days and leave mattcirf In statu ipio Thin was alto dufoatod. Win n the HI salon adjoiiinuil iiopniposiliun of any kinil was pending and al four o'clock mgotliitioiH will h ivo to brgln entirely allow. 'I his morning for thu ! ir t tiinu the Union 1'acllic. inch hid niiiaiiiod nuitial un all proportions looking to ulnoga- lion or i ontliiuaiico o | thu tiipartitu UKICU- mi nt , voted lulco with the Miluankoo fit. 1'aul nnd Koik Inland roads lor pupi tmi. Him of thiililpuillteaun < inent. 'J'heli micr ol the liiirlin ton tn lid thitt the the til- p u tlto ugrooimnt mint | ; n as n condition for any further nogo tUtlon. and , if this U hold tti , It is bollivui ) : thu pnitent sBHsion will adjourn without fin- tlier action , Thugamial fiuglit and passin goi Pgcnts worked all tin ) morning on the de \tinU coiiuocU'd nith thu furnutiun of thu uou ( illfnrnlt pool , and Ilia 10 iwlftMMmttnt of the tiiiineotitini'ntfll a .iH Holl. Itwiimn- timmied till * morning tlmt Mr. Untimiwo'dd n it ngntn ai copt tli" p iMtion of anminlimuiiier of thn traimeontmrntiil a < oeiaUon , nnd a now appointment will bo mndfi. AITPHSOOV StssiOV , TI e session thh aflernnon A\as of hott ditr nlioii mid \ \ undjourned until lo-moriow at 11 o'eloi kuthout an attempt al thn coml I- crution of any iii-w pronosltl , n. Tlu > nifcling 'f the ixwh interested in thu smillwcslern umber jmol was hold this afternoon and on notion of the HurliiiRlou it was decided toiin- npiltltoly dissolve the ixiol. Tlio voids igrrisl , houinci , to astabluh itud maintain . \\el\oeenlraleiniteidofciglit8en conta M cilledforby tholarlir , Tlio IMutliorn Xi\v : \ YOIIK , September IS The atinml m otiitif of tlto Not them Vacilic railroad is iow In Fi tslon , Tlio annual report for tha ymr ended JuiioIM ) , issi , uho s the oltnings , I cluiling leceip's from leiscd nud hr.itich roads hive bnpn Slii ! ( 1,1,57. ! oporatilig ex- lomes 7,177,751 ! net eainlngs , S.l n,8JOi snrplm otorall livett dnrges and expenses 'orthojeir St,0"iTi'i5l. ( ( This nmiiiint lo rdlier \\ith the surplus for the > oir I'liding .limo.r.ih . , 18M in nil S''JO'i'ji'l ; ' hn be-on used ID piy fet equipment as nuthoriri-d in n tlie plan of orguiir.ntion. riiose figures do not include oc < ipts from laud Giles , Thn nniount left iMilhiblo for fnttiro mos is S3hlK ,00 ( ) . The following diiectiiM worn elected for s.sI'rodcriok | Hilling * , Charles II , Wnght , tobott I'art.1. . W. r.dls , A.ltnlmout , .1. Jj. Shnelcpolo , llnntnmin 1' . Ohciinv , .lohiison LUIngUoti , John O. nullelt , T. 1\ Oakes , K. i. KolBton , ,1. II. Hall , X. I' . Unllouell. Alesirs. Hull and llillimoll iepii" > cnt the Ut- ogon tiani-contiiic'ntal couiiany. There was no opposition , Olllolnl l < 'l | > iircH Kroin Atnlnr. I'oiiTiAMi , Mnina , Seplombcr 17. Tlio foi- liming 1m o boon leeched diie'ct from the socretaiy of state : AIHUST.I , Sept.lSI give you the footings iflhoolofor gintmor : Itobio , 7S.H'J ; Kcd- mm , filUWt ; II. 15. iatont,137 : : ; Kuslcs.l.l'JO ; W. A. Kitou , ! )7 ) ; scattering , 10. This compi lation ts madu from the clerk's returns lo Ibis ollico , excepting the towns of Houlton , Sher man , Klngmin , Now Portland , Newport , I'.istpott , Watorboro and the plantations of 3-istlo Hill and number II , Washington Co. I'etmiH from seven touns and two planla tmns are fiom othei sources , but il id believed will bo substanti dly coirect. All cities , ho\v ) \ur , anil plantations of tha state ato'included n the aboNoeoinpilatiim. ( Siguod ) .TOSKIMI O. SMITH , Secretary of Stato. TUSKIO\\S | ! the lopublican plmality lo bo 1 ( > , > 1 nud the gain in or 1889 of 'JO.OHO. The uaiotity is 15,111. Ilnlfnid'H OliuiiKO or llonrt. WvsilisiJTOV , Siptumber IS Congicss man llelfoul , the ' 'tip ro.iring led bonded loostei of tile lioeldo1 , " as his constituents in Colorado call 1 mi , has uriltxn a letter to the democratic coiigrespioniil commilleo , inhich lie aimoimees his deteimin ition to run ngainst the icpnblicin nominee for cougictu us an iiidopeiident domocratio anti-monopolist. Hoi- Fold h is been a lifo-inng republican. JIols tliu intimiitu fiioiid of litant and Conkling. and his jomiiik' the dumociatii : ranks .vill do much lo impiril upublicnn HUICISH m his own etale. Hi ) write ! to thodeiiiaeiatlocoinmiUeo nslilng that ducuniouU lie pnnt to Colouulo lo aid him in bis fighl , and Unit npcakorn maybe bo aiHignod to ttuiup the ntatu against the 10 publican miniimo , His ixquestM will bo granted , 'JCho XoivSoltllcro' Home. Dvviov , Ohio , September 18. Tim boird of nmiageiH for disabled \olim- tin soldic'rs nirl\iil hero this morning and 10- \iowed 1,000 volor.insdr.iMii In hut ) on C < n- tial Uratich campus. 'Jho dolrgatioiiH from Aikansas , K.iiisis , MNsoini , Iowa and No- Inaska , hero to prchiint theii clainn for tlm wi stern In. inch accompinied them. After thu inspection the boa id mot in memorial hull and roiohed logixo each state a h df hour and city ten minutes to picsont its inducements for tlm locution of such blanch in then statii , The nftci noon was cimsnm > d in the trnnsso- lion of legnlai biiHliKsiand the inspection of Lho homn. The et ito comimttus will bo hoard Lo.morrou. fi { Under in XkW MIK , N. .1. , Seplembei IH. At the fair to-day ( i encial Duller spoke foi ton minutes to a largo uimd. Ho said ho hid ne\ei thought of talking politics at a fair , and do- yutid the mostiif Ins speech to aihising farm- is to ruise Koiglinm und ptoduia nnd IOHMJ thn t tilth. ilion of Kiain to the great stales of .linwist. Thu spiecb WIIHiuinly ihcoiod. In thu oiiing at npi uu in Ni wark i uowd of 10,000 people listi urd lo a polilicil nldiossby tJuiiiral ItntleiUio thru proceed- dtolhe Acnlemy if Mn-io , wheio he fol- ouiil Seiuitoi ( liady in a brief speech tow cnmdod aiiu'ionee. ItllHU Bill ) . /At C'incinnili CiucinnatiK 'I ; Athhticw ( i. Toledo Tolodos 17 ; Mi tiopolitans li. At SI , LouisSt. . l.oiiii 0 ; Alleglnnoy I. At Clmeland Now Voik'.l ' ; Cleveland It. DotioitDi'troiti d ; 1'iovideneos II. At Coliimbus-ColiimbiiH , ' 'j lialeimoru f > . At Louisvillo-l.oulsvillo , 1 ; Jliooklvii , ' - ' . At liniralo Jiiiliiilt ) , < i ; J'liiladolphia , ' . ' . At Chicago. Chicigo 17 , HoitonO. At ImlianapoIiH Jiidiniiapolisll ; Vngini-is At Washington- Unions , Nationals , I ; SI. oiii 2. lilnlno KoBuliuH Now Voile. NKW Yoilh , Soplember IH lilalno arrlvoe hero on n Irani OUT the Now York , Now Haven li Haitford road al 11 o'clock t ' night. Ilocaino on u reunlai p.itsongur train , h.iMiig duliniid tlio olfer of a special turn from tin rnlboad company , Chuiniiim 1 ! . T. .limes , of tin1 republican nnllon il lommittao , Hi nutoi Warner Millei , Colhelor ItoliorUm and l/\- ( joi < nor ( Joinell mil HID tialn at the station , 3Ci'Viliilliniry. ( ( ] ! IIUSHI.IH , Soptomboi 18Hands of cill/i ns paraded the pilnclpal M" ntcis of the city lasl i > \ tiling , The loyal pilaco was the ccntro o atliacMon and luforo it multitudes gathc'iod Thu Iiing was honied and the ciy of "Vivo L. Itupiiblnjiiu , frcijuently hoaid , Lihc-ia papiMiippaul to the peojilo to leinaln call ) and IIHO only lawful incuim to combat the ulu cation bill , Italy Olioloni Itiillclin , KOMI , Sejiti inborlS , IJiilletlnof tlio lta\a gcs of cholor.i In Italy for the past -I hours Naplim ( I'roviiico ) ! M cases , 17 doatln , Na plod ( City ) 507 U.IHUS , 'Jri.i deaths , Other L'nn mces , l"f cases , 08 deiHis , Hunk la tlio Hi' . KOLIS , Heiitunbci 18. The steamer Da kola wan sunk m tin MIUBOUI ! rltur ma I'nividiiieo this morning , on hu trip up tha stream. Her fielght list was light. She wu : uilutd nt 'J 1,000 ; Insiifi d foi ! jI5COO. Dontli ol'u I'liiiiiliiiiiit Imuyer. C'liicii.o , Soptoinber 18.L' . C. Larued out of the oldi stand beht known numbers of the IJlinoH bar , died at Lake 1'oiust last night Ills unidi nee of lute jeais Inn been nt l'ro\ Idence , U , 1. A TalOKrapli Coiiiimny In Trouble. NKW YOIIK , Soptombi i 18.- The Dankcrx and Merihants'Tilegraiili company , upplieil to the Hiiprenio couii for the appointmout of i rocoivei , A nuiiibiu of cioditou appeared in com I to oppotu the application , STOCK AMD PRGBUGE , 'i ' ! Business at M Yards ani on Oaltlo Active and T J - - on Natives 11 < fri ri- t * x Hoes Light Reooipts , niand , Higher Priced The Grain Markets Again Very , Aotivd Fierce Exoitouiont in Oorn , With Better Prices , Onto JVToacrntoly Finn V'orkUmost Nominal niul Imnl Firm mid ] \rri.E. . Speciil Telegram to TUB DKK. Cmi'Aiio , SeptemliDr W. Thcro were lers ) thin 150 cars of 'JYvnunml territorial rwuger * ninongIho fresh tocolpts nnd about 200 cai of ittti\r3 , nmking the hon\iet rim ef llto lot- tei for nny day Ihia wool : . Tito mnrkot gen erally was fnhly nctl\o but prices were ng.iin undo lowei on common niodlnm native ? , of vhleh there win n largo supply nnd these sorts ire stiong ul2"i to 1UOlower tlinn last week , lust solid fully lini-liul nntU es nro steady but tot quiet as Bluing as joslorday or last \ \ eok. J'horo is an ncti\o demand for ntoekora i.ud ono ir two of the Hoteuliting linns sold out yes- erdny. O\or 1,000 bend of jeirlings mill slockers hn\o bcon ( old within uday or two. Stuck calxes nro nlao In good doiniud , ship nonls jc-terdny witching o\cr 1,000 bend. Host rnnge calllo , i tthiT Tc\ait9 or westerns no making fair prices nnd in good demand. Uecolplrt of w'esturns und Toxnns todny ivas KomowhU bi-low the n\erago of ,110 past fowdnjw. Coin fed nntius OhO to i 10 ; rnngo c.iltlo nro nro ( tolling nt nbotit the 'ollowiug' Toxaus 753 to 8 , " > 0 pounds 'A 7i" > leI I 22 , DOOto 1000 pounds I 10 to ICO ; Wye- nlng , Montana and Nebraskns ) 25 to u 50 : rnnxo tailings , inelndlug cows nud bulls 2 50 10 : i 75 ; good to choicu 1250 to 1250 pounds ! 10 toll 50 ; common to fair GOO lo 0(0. ( nlos ' .ill Toxnii' , 751 pounds , nt ! t iO. 51 IVtnna tisrt pomids , at I 10 ; 210 TON.IIIS , 10U1 poiinili ) , nt 000 : 211 Col , Toxans. 10J1 pounds it I s' ) ; 200 Col , TnxaitH , 1015 pounds , at 1 N"t ; JS Col. Toxnns , 11111 pounds , nt 5 00. lions. light , fail demand , ami puces again strong nt 0 lo lOc higher , making nil advance of 20 to ! ! "io for Ihu piat two dnys. The pans woroucll cli'.inud out nt mt oaily hour , the moikot closing steady. Sales : Skips and RIass art * nt 1 50 to 5 25 ; assorted light at 5 75 to 510. Tin ro was nil improved demand foi light BoitH. Common to medium pickeiH madii 0 60 to 5 75 , and tjcstlieaw ( iOOto OIU. Light , lee to 200 ibs , : . ro to o : io. \M1KAT. The giain matkets woie again vciy acliu' , w till a stiongcr toiui m all markets. Outs-nU' orderHWernmuro immcrous for wlitfnt. Tlio mnrkot opened eaeier. 1' i ices full oil 4 lo J , Ihon lulcd lirmnnd ttoiily for imliilo , then steadily advnneed llo li under good opcea- litlito demand , divi.stoJ idiino Iiynn advancing tendency in corn. Liter it eased elf triflu nnd closed on the rcgulai bo ud , J higher than yesterday. Oil the atternoim board the feeling was ngnin firm , nnd pnci'j ro u J to K closing at77fjfor Octoboi , 7DA to 7U ! fm I\oMJinber , nnd bOj for lceembor. i onx. 'I ' ho e'NCitemont in corn again nut fierce anil litgh lo-day. Canh nud September moved up from OS to ( > 0 on Iho rflgiihu board , nnd then to Iil on thu afternoon board. The afreet w.13 full iu nil futini'H nnd the > y we'll ) corrosond- ] mgly Btrong. The fliorts in ulu frantic c'lFotti In ii co\or , and niatun illy nided in nduincing IIIICCH. The closing llguros of ltn [ day were , 11 for Soptemboi , ol for October , IC | for No\emhe i , OATS ruled model ntely lit in , closing nt 25. } for Sep- Li'inbei , 25A foi Octobci , - . " > ! foi NoxcMiibor , 2'J ' fi-r .Mny. lOIlk dmosl nominal , closing , il ] ( ! 75 for Scplcm- bci , 17 00 foi Oclobar , 1125 foi Iho year. i\m > was firm , cloHing nt 7 ID for Soptoinber mill 7 UJ.foi Noember. . Shot CiiAHioin : , Mich , Soptrmber 18. Samuel Robiiuoii , mayoi of tlm city , \\.ii fibot by a tramp at .about lO.oO ii'i lock last jight. Tlio man was first dlscomcd by Mrs. liobinaon , pecilng into thi' window. Mr. Jtnbm.son , who hud lotned , W.IH callul , nnd wont out nnd or- diiid Iho follow off the prcmUiM , After walking nwny about ton fcot , Iho follow fiicil IwoBhol" , ono of which took eiruct in Mr. Roblnson'H breast , jusiing downwnt 1 anil lodging ni'ai HID lift lung. The alarm WAH imeii imnii'ill.itoly , nnd n great many citizens and the ollu CM began a , KO.irch for Iho ns- h.iHHin. ] lo was found about 1 o'clock urar the ( irand Trunk depot , when * It is thoiiuht ho pnrpiMod I iking n limn which was nearly due. On hid jieiKon was found n nuor mid a ro- \olvci. At I o'clock the prisoner wan taken to Ah' Hobinson'H hoiiao , nnd identified by both him nnil liN wifo. Mi. Uobiusou'H cnn- ilition Uiiy cntical nnd his rucmeiy doubt ful. The prlhoniir denies the crime aud UlkH xi'ryhttlo. Ho given liU naiuo ns J. Moirn , of Detroit llo hero on the f > o'clock p. m , tinln yCHtoiday from lint tie' Creek. There IH Hliong talk of lunging him. nnd f liouhl tlio caHO jirovo fatal thoio would baumall chnnco * for Inn life' . tss * * ' S /bins / 1,0 iTsc , ' re rifioTO HOto DOWNN' JW .VEARLBAKINO PS ttocti'M lyffiMliT/.MooutmTo KiscX * J * * & - tL \ S _ ' - " iriilumTririn injuriiiiisltilj tuni ; i Anrtrow-i1 J.vitrtBii5.inBl'jwilor. 1 hci .Mil ironi tilth chemMsn jS. Dana JIay3.Jit > * - I I in ; M. lil"om ! > uiu' , ui'Cl'aiHio ; ; iiiui uiUUvi,4 liuilo , Milvt mleo. NCVCTP jld inbui ! ; . M < 3. K. AWOR VVS A . * ? ?