OMAUA J3KE - T.UUESDAY , SEPTEMBER J8. * * 5 Tnittmof the l rm " fine " H Lint" la connection with th n forpor tonMn of cmtto d H com ny an die * of ml wh t required by the traTollnjr jb lle-u Short Mne. < J'irk ! Tlfm Mil the be t ol tcootnrao'i * P I u . . . . 3 tlniu Ml ol which r Isro hol by the fjriwtesl rMln T In Atneile * . And St. Paul. Howan nd oper < tes over 4,600 mile * of northern Illlnoh , Wisconsin , UlnnosoU , low * ( iVoU ; and M Is main linen , branches and Conner ttont msh Ml the croat bua uoas csntret ol tin liorthwc < it and rjrwwt , It naturally answers th > description of Short Line , Mid Host Itauto between CtlcstfO , Milwaukee , ft , Pnuland Minneapolis. Chlc fro , Jlllviaulico , fcCrosio and Wlnou * . Ohlcwro , Milwaukee , Aberdeen knd Kllondalo Chicago , Milwaukee , KAU Ulilro and Stlllvater GhloARfl , Milwaukee , Wauiau and Itcnlll. Chicago , Milwaukee , Usurer Dam And Oshkcuh. Chicago. ItllwtukcTc , Wntito-nha and Ocanomowna , ChlraRO , Milwaukee , Mudtaon and I'ridrlodu Chlen Chicago , Milwaukee , Owntonnn and Falrlbcnll. Chicago , Dclolt JancovHIo and Mineral Point. Chicago , Elgin , Jlockfard and Dubuqno. Chicago , Clinton , nock Itland and Cedar Ilopldi. Chicago , Council niuflu and Omaha. Chicago , Rlouz City , Sioux FMlnand Tankton Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell and ChambcrUln. Rook uUnd.IJubuquo , St , Paul anil Minneapolis tHvcnpoil. lm r , St. Paul anil Minneapolis. Pullman S ctperi and the Finer t Dining Cam In the r rid tire run mi thomalnllncnnf tlio CHICAGO , M1MV AUKEK AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY , nnd ovcrf ntUntlan Is p&ld to porjongcra by courteous employe ! Ol the Company. 6. S. MBUntLL , flcnl Manager. A. V II. OAlll'liNTRR , Oca' Pass. AR J.T. CLARK , Oon'lS.lpt. OKO. 11. 1IKAFKOIID , Ain't. Ornl. I'a Art PRINCIPAL LIFE I'HOM CHICAGO , PEOKIA & ST. LOUIS , IIV WAY OP 01IAHA AMD LI1ICOL1T TO DENVER , Oil VIA KANSAS CITY AND ATOHIBOU to DENVER Connrrlliifr In tJnlon Doiwiti nt Kniras C'lty , OnmlKuiiidDonvuiMvith IlnoiightniliiH lor -And nil ] > olnls In I lie Gicat West . Connecting In ( itiiiul Union Depot lit Chicago with through tmlns for NJ2W YOKK , JlOSyOtf , Awl nil KrwVraCltlus. AtToorli with tlnotf itmlns for Indiana ; ) , oils , Oliiclnnntl , ( 'oliiit&i ; , mill nil point * in tlio South-Knit. At Hr Jioulu with thioiuili trains for all points jjojup. Day Coic-hM , Put lor Curs , with Ito. ff Uliiilrs ( HunlHjiru ) , timolcln- Cars with Itcvolvhi ) ; OI nil in , i'nllnmii I'al.ico Sleeping Uara null the jinnoii1) o. Jl. & ( J. _ IJInliitf ( 'mi . nly tlnoiiKli line running thulr own tmhiH hntwruii Uliloii 'N ' Lincoln and Denver , niul ClilciiKo , KIIIIHIH < ! ltv and Denver. ThioiiKh cure iHilwuuii IiKlliin.'ipolls ana Council JHnllVi , via 1'eorlu . iVdiiTii ANH SOUTH. Solid Tniliw of iiouiit : ( Day Coiichei nnd 1'iillinau 1'alucoSleeping CarHiuoinn dally to and from St. Louis ; via llannllml ; ( Jnlney , Kcoldilc , ISnillngton , Rcdnr llapUHand Albuit IjTOtoHt. 1'iuil nnd AIlnncniHiilfl ; I'arlorCara \vllh lU'cllnini ; Clinlfi ) to and Iron ) HI. LonH niul I'L'nila. [ Onlyonn chaiiKuof rara liotwiMin St. LoulHiind Jc MnlncH , Iowa , Ijlnculn , No. ljmala , and Dunvor , Colorado. 1 It Is also tliuonly TJnoiijjIi Mno bfelwcon { ST. LOUIS , MINNEArOLIg and SI1. PAUL. It IH known ui tlio Kreat TUUOI7O1I OAll J/INK ot America , nnU la universally admit fed to ho tlio 'lincst ' EjuJppod Hailroad In the World for all clascn of Travel. ThrniiKh Tlolseia via this linn for Palo atU ( : 11.1C. coupon ticket , oltlcea in the United Statca < mid Canadn. ' . J. I'OTTKIt ' , I'EUOKVAL LOWELL , Otp i' or NiilllASKA. : Tlio Plonocr Mutual Benefit Asaoclatton In the State ol Nebraska. It Is co-operatlvii In Its working and all rrcmbcri Imvoavolco In the management byotoat the an nual meetings. 'Its aim Is to benefit ltso\\n momhorK , their wldown , and crplnm , In cvo of iltritli , accident , tlcknoxu or total pi-rnianciit disability of a member , at rcttial OOetvltil uciinoiLleal inannKeiiiiit. Arclliblo homo auocUtlon. Active and reliable nsjon'B united to ( vimata for members In Nebraska , Ktima nnd Colorado. Address , S. MoD'OWALL ' , Secretary and Ounoral Manager , BEA.TRMD , - - - NEB. HON. II. W. PAUKKIt , 8. C. SMITH , | I'rojlilcnt. Treasurer THE BRUNSWICK , BftLKE , COL- LENDER COMPANY , TO TUB j. M. u , & u. co.j The moit ritonslvo monulactnrori ol IN TUB WOULD. John llockjtraasor General Auint or Hcbr ak an Western Iowa. 109 B. Tenth Street * . . OMAHA , NKB CSS Trlcci el llllhtil and 1'uol Tablet and initoiltl urnUbed ua opjillcitlon. mott AND SI.ATI : iioonuo. Oiuha , Hib. Of Qalvanizoo iron Cornicss tCJIiSVUb ? BlbVUUIlbUB A victim ol ftrlf Imprudence , crxJlBg oertutif llj. imtnAtura , etc , uavine ' inou in rv a rumpor , JIM a Blintjls of tilcu tie will Kill tflU'lttm , Tcn HCOOTll. * " Jlr the uo of IhU ALL rtEMnnv , the otom- DI8EABE3 a o h n n < 13) o w o 1 n ' f pccdlly regain Ui"lr or. ntrongth , nndtlio. TUB ' Mood I * purified. - d r Kioif nra ) It 1 pronounced by fc LIVEU i hundreds of the ben 6 doctors to bo the OJT. AND 4 LY OUIIK for alt tmiNAIlY kinds ol Kidney Dla. [ OROANB It in purely , table , and euro when ' OnAVEI. i other mcdlclnco fall. It In prepared cr- BniOIIT'O prcsaly for there dla DISEASE CMC , and ban never boon known to fall. Ono trial will con * IK I- vlnco you. For sale - Tim by all flrugRlota. HACK on Bond for . 8IDIJ Tamphlot of Todti. lincnvoua monlato. > ItETENTIOIf III/NT'H1 / on NOIMIETEWTIOH CIO. , OP Protldrnco , It. I. ItEIT.EHirKTB I'lianli Aecnnneo Co. , ol i.cndoa , Csob A ant3 t , ntttchesttr.X T. , Capital COO.iKC e XfloMcrrlmnt ? , ol Now jV , N , , ' . , CtplUI 1,2T6OW11 Gliardyire. I'lilMclfhli , ttj ! l.Ion.tMC.t ) lrtn.on'1 ttiud Coc.fl . . . . ) ,1S , S1 17 St. ClmrlPi S' ' . , Kl. Louis , Mo. J ritulnr in'Iujlei.'l n iiMlmi r llii. , lia 1,11 n loiiRCr engaged In tlio .jiet.uilrcnimctit < > r CHmnir , NitioUK , t' noaiiiom > ln. i < tiiin ui oilin-rhrrlriinlu tit. 1 * tartly ! ' [ > " . .how niin nil ull rt I'lftnlnkouw. Nervous Pioslf.illoii , Dohlilty , Menial and Physical Wcnknosi , McTCiirlal and other Alice- lions ol Throat , Skin or Bones , Ulood Poisoning Old SOrCS and UlCCrS , lr < slc < l * lll > tin ] mllclv ; > it tntr.l sfli Dtllla | > rlncll , IN. Ha'dy. Prhnttljr. Diseases Arising ( rum Indiscretion , Excess. Exposure or Indulgence , * iiirii i roiiueoimo or tin loliu | nc iflwu uiKouinrM , il.l.lliiy , < Ih M r ileht unildtfretlvi ! nipinory. | > lniil < ni Ihu tutu , | h > .lcaldceit7 , ulcrilf'tilo ' ( h .uelpl/ o r limnlr. , fonliul * * orlikni to rciidcrlnir Mnrrlnco Impraper or unhappy , * ra i > crinniirBMjreuriil , l'nniilil [ i < 3'l | RC ) OII HID altute , ! ' ( n iciltil rn\ | , rrcotu nnr ad'lrtii. CcinmiKntlou at lleo ur lij mall fr. o. niul Invllril \ \ rllo for qucilloui. A Positive Written Guarantee ptrt * In nil cnrntjlocnun. M tllclnos trot crrrjnbere. Paniphlnia , KncllNli or Gorman , 04 paeon. cln irlblua ubovo UiecuscD , la tnalo or female , rilL'Ii. SVJARR5ACE COBDE ! IMpnKO.flncl'Inlri. Illuitrttc'l In tlolliun.l till l.lnillnj & 00nionoycrinttatel damn inpcr rintr. , 'Jje. Tlili boo. eonlAlua all ttio cnrloii * , doubtful t > r luuuUlltro vnol to I now. A book or trial | iitrut lo oil , lllbltll , lliaBlr. llupi'lntu uro iruuvW-J by 111 advlco. MEDICAL AND SUUQIUAL DISPENSARY ! 110U1VSE'S BLOCK , Cor , 10th and Capitol Avenue , troata all rases Crlji lilcdor Deformed , alaodlsoasca ol the Nervous System , Blood , and Urinary Organs. All cases ol Cuiraturo ot the Rplno , Crooked Tcct lagand Arnii ) , AUoUhnmloalTcttloiuioltlio Lhor , Itbeuinatlem , Taral ule , 1'ilcn , Ulccra , Catarrh , A th- na and Dlonchltls are all trinteil by new and 1,110- CBstnl incthodn. All iliponpoa ol tne Illood and Drill- try OrKaur , lnihiilliithu-ij ( resultliiK ' " ' ' inclncro- .Ionor uxpoeurc , are enlrli nnd nucccsoltilly trentccl mil n cur u KUirantuc'dounj ; men , mlaillo a ed , uid all men uuflorlnir IromS'uaKnoiH ai.d Nunono ixhaiiBtlon , jirodiRliiK IndlKostlon , l'.xliltfttlonol | tlio Iliart , Ileiiundeni'y | Ulzzlmua , l-ou of MumorLack ) l KnirKV an I Ambition , can bo rcxtorcd to health uid tlKor , It t'sto Is not too Inni ; neglected , fliii HiirKion In clmrL'o li n irraduato ol Jiffur- ion JIoilicnl CullcKo (1S05) ( ) aid hai itudled Ills irofoBskn In l.onJon , 1'arli and tlcrlln. If alllUttd , allor rlto full dwilptlon of your 0.1x0 , and inedl- : lno may latent } on , Oonsultattiiii Inc. Addrcia Jinilit li | n ary , Crounou'H lllock , Oitulm , Nib. Tllleo liouta 1U-12 a. in.,1-8 and 7-H p. tu .bnndnf , 1-10 a in. JiriVilon House , Coitnrll llluITt , Saturdajs 4 to 7 i , ui. Science of Lifo , Only $1.00 liY MAIL TOSTPAID. HOW n. GKHAT MTiJDIOAIj WOKIi Kih r.ntod Vitality , Ncr\ono tnil Phytlul Uoblllty ftouutura Decllue In Mail , Kirora of Youth , in tht nntolJ uitwrlM oaultlng Irom Indlscittlon * 01 ez OBUBCII. A book lor every man , youo , middle-aged , and old. It contains 125 prescriptions ( or all acute nd chronic dlecascj each ono ol which la Invaluable So loand by the Author , whoso oiporlcuco lot S8 yours li ouch aaprobably never before foil to the let ot any physic an SOU pageo , bound In beautllu Frenchmujlln mooKioJcovor" , full gUt.guarante i < ia bo a finer work n every cenoo , mechanical , lit erary and profeMlonal , than any other work cold In thli country lor 2.BO. or the money will bo refunded ID every Instance , Prloo only Jl.OO by null , pott- paid , llluatratho cample Doonto , Send now. Gold mod * ! awarded the author by the National llodlcal Kioolatlon , to the officer * olrhtch he refers. Tlio SclouM ol Ufa ehould be read by the young lor Instruction , and by the altllotod lor rclUI. HwlllbouerU alU London Lancet. Tture li no member ot nocloty to whom The Sol cnoo of Life will not bo uvtlul , whether youth , par ent , trnarUUu , trutructoror ebrgjman. Argonaut. Addrcia the 1'cabody Medical Institute , or Dr , W ikor , Ho. 4 Ilulflnch Htuet , Ikwton Maw. , wh' ' o coniultcd on til dUau.ce rerUh < ig tklll aui 01109 , Careulisandobstltiatedleoak jtthat hiv the kill ol all otherphye-nrII olaui , ' t Ji Hncb lieited oni' lull ; l.n luttiiKo f llurei. JHYSEIF' inmt i ) t f nr . Itook f re * . TUo Loading Agricultural and Live Stoclc JtViraal of the West. nrTEENTH .KAU. H. S. SMITH 85 CO. , li licaa UOirilOIlT. W. KUIINAH , Kucrctary Htft Board ol AK'rloultiire , A oclato KJItor. EUnSCHIlllON 1'lllCK , (1.00 jior > ear la udtaiioo. jtiTAaKNTO WAKIKDJC9 103 S , lltU Strojt. - OMAUA , NK1J CROWNIES IN A FLUTTER , Intense Fmi Enjoyt liy tlio Czar aDfl Czarina , Dn < lKiniHoiiticlH ( | in AVnrHaw AVlint 'Xliry 8n\V In tlio Tlicntro-Tho C'/arlnn Given Awny llio Poles. lly Spc'cinl lloinli to HIP X. Y. Journal , WAIWAW , September 13. Not n hnp- pier couple lives in all Siberia than the Czar nnd Czarina , now on n pleasure ex cursion to this cnrital of Poland. They have bcon constantly on the rjo all the time , Some times they havu gone faster than at other times. Seventeen hnira on the Czar's head have turned white with pleasure , till now lie in calloillho "Plum- od Knight of the Husaias. " The Czarina haa ahnrcd in the little surprises tender ed her royal husband , nnd from n habit of glancing ever her shoulder at the pleas ant sound of bursting bombs , fired in honor of the Czar , she can now turn her face clear around to the back of her neck. The Czarina expressed n wish last evening to BOO "Tho Streets of St. Pet ersburg , " n spectacular play mounted nt the 1'ooplo's thonlro In honor of the kingly visitors. On the way to the playhouse - house the onthusiaom ran riot. A man with Ilia brass knuckles did his best to shako hands with the Czar , and nnothor working gentleman with hia hat full of dynamite triad to throw himself under the carringo to show his love for the rul ers of Russia. Tlio Czarinn had just previously complained of the homo-aick- 38 , but thcso little attentionsdid much to maku her fool nt homo. While turn ing into Poniatowaki nquaro both wheels dropped from the carriage nnd the royal contonta were spilled. This waa an old atylo Polish joke and took well with the crowd. At last the theater was reached , half nn hour nftor the time fixed for the beginning - ginning of the play. Out of dafcronco to the czar'a party the curtain had not risen. But the audience had and were making n fierce attack upon the ticket sailor's box when the czir entered. naturally thought the mob waa crowding to BOO his manly shape , and his modcstj at thnt moment over coming his desire to plcaao the people , ho led the czarim through a private door. The ctio win given to the orchestra nnd the strains o : the stirring "On to Siberia" recalled tha audience to their ocata. The play was a touching tribute to the regal pair , and the spectacular nituations wcro true to lifo. Ono occno represented the killing of the czir's father , another waa n thrilling sconu of n plot to blow up tlio preaont czar's coach. No lesa than twonty-throo bombs were exploded on the atago nnd tlio secret minea and other no cessorics were highly enjoyed by the opcctators. The aoeno of a dynamite factory : md the view of n band of nihi lists were particularly fitio. The buautifu Sophie Katlakillsky played the part of the Bocrot poisoner of the czar nnd ro coivcd n oplmidid bouquet from the czarina. Today the town is alive it being the last day of the Czar'a visit , as ho starts for Wilna on the Flying Russian at noon. Ho nnd his wife spout the forenoon in riding around town , dodging the ( lowers thrown nt them by n dolh'htcd populace. Ono elegant bouquet of roses just missed the Czar'fj head nndblowovor the opposite oidowalk into a macadamized road. Small boys put torpedoes under the -wheels and then enjoyed tlio start of surprise given by the regal pair. Everybody waa in good humor. Some of the plcaaanteat incidents of the day were the many occasions on which petitions were prcaonted to the Cx\r nnd the Czarina by the happy ppo- plo. To avoid the crush policemen tried to keep back the Boa of human beings , but the aca was irresistible. As paper after paper and vocal petitions were thrown Into the carriage , the royal couple hugged each other with joy at those signs of renewed confidences given by the people. Some of the papers were coated with nraonicnnd like preparations to keep moths awny , while some con tained fire-crackers to give them weight. Onr man asked the Czarina to give him the City Hall. This request waa granted nmid loud npplauso. Another iskud for the franchise to build a street railway down the Kosciusko way , with the privilege of placing toll eaten nround the public squarou. This trille was grant- id , and the bosocchor nnd the people igain cheered. Luckily the police inter- 'ored at that moment , just as n little : nan resembling Jny Gould was about to id ; for the gift of thn town. Owing to the clemency of the guests , ind the inclemency of the weather only 1C , > 00 iirresta were made during the two nut dnyii of the roynl visit. Of these \bont U.OOO will got thirty dayo. The ro- innindor started for Siberia at 10:10 : thla moming. Tim Itram mill tlio Mottle. Nobody can stand protracted indul gence in ntrong drinlc. The topers who seek continued utimulus in what they call their "bitters , " have muddled brains blood shot eyes , unsteady gait , and ruin ed digestion. Jiist remember that the Btull' they call "bitters , " ia not llrown'a Iron Bittora. No toper wnnts it. it contains nothing that suits him foratimtt- lua. It is n pure tonic , nnd the boat preparation of iron in existence. Cures indigestion , malaria , kidney nnd liver diseases , Gamlillni ; Implement ! ) " \Vltli u His tory , 1'hilmlulpliln Uocord. WAHIIINOTON , D. 0. , September 12. 1 heard n queer secret last night. It was simply this That the finest net of faro checks in the world was now in Wash ington in possession of a colored barber. I don't know anything about ench things but I am told that these chocks are simp ly perfection , They nre of the purest and costliest African Ivory , every ono bo - ing perfect in shape nnd construction. They nro inlaid with gold in curious , unique patterns , some of which have never been soon in nny other designs. They nro supposed to bo worth about $2000 , nlthovuh they could bo bought of the darky who holds them nt much less. Of course they do not belong to him. Ha Btolo thorn somewhere in the south and has ever since been trying to dispose of them , liu no one -rranta to buy them , doapito the assurance Hmt their lost owner is dead , Irst lie may not bo dead : for if ho nhvo ho could follow thcso checks allover ever the world , so peculiar tire they , Their atory in just as peculiar. Hero i is : In the decade before the last war a noted gambler , whom wo will call Bob , relieved rich planters and fat factors o ! their money on the fastest Mlsiiseslpp : river steamers with neatnesa nnd dia patch. Ho had worked his way up through a swarm of inferior gamblers , with now and then a set back , until ho felt himself to bo the foremost gambler < m the river. Ho combined all the quali ties that go to make up the successful gHtnblor , possessing each to ft remarkable degree , Ho was the coolest man of ln > time , and the quickest with his knife , and the moat terrible in his profanity. 11 in luck was somewhat wonderful , for he won almost continually , nnd yet played ai honest n game ns ean over can bo expected of ft gambler. It was ono bright spring day. after a great run of luck which had tnado him for the time n rich man , Ihnt ho conceived the idea of owning the hamdeomcst set of faro checks in the world. So ho ordered a sot to bo made in Now Orleans. The man who took his order Bent It to Paris and the checks wcro made by the finest ivory and gold workers in the world. Ho gave nomothing like $2COO for them , lie never used them except when playing "big gamos. " But then ho seldom played any thing oleo , There must bo § 1,000 at least involved , or ho took no interest in the game. Ono night , while ho was ploying for stakes which would probably como to $10,000 , the luck seemed against him. Ho was as cool and aa calm as over , but the lookers on remarked upon the aizo of the veins in his white forehead Then they remembered that the luck ha been against him for some time , and cal culatcd thai ho must have lost most "hia pile. " The fact waj that h had , and that ho was desperate ; but h said nothing. At last the game wa ever long after midnight. Th lido of the gambler's fortunes had obbci anil ebbed until almost all that ho hai had been swept out of sight. The las dollar had gone. Only ono thing remained mained to him the set of chocks will which the game was being played. U looked at them almost lovingly , for hey had become dear to him. On them hat been wagered gold nnd silver , negroes lands , steamboats and plantations whicl ; had been his. Now everything had passed ever them again and was gone , With ono wild , horrible oath lie nudden ly rose to hia full height , and , before hii hand could bo stayed , plunged his long knife into his heart and fell full length ncroaa the * table , and his Ufa-blood spurt cd over his precious checkn. Since tha night they have wandered all ever th United Statca , accing Bconca of daring nnd of bloodshed differing only in dcgro from those of their lifo on the Misaissip pi river , and now they are como at las to the base hands of a low-born thief. Ho docu not seem to know that they car ry a curso. 3gg CONVINCING. The proof of the pudding is not in cliowing thn piling , but in luvinp nn oupnrtunity to tfHt the nttlcludiroct. Schrotor & 1'ccht , the DniBKists , hive n free tiinl bottle of Dr. Uo < palikos Cough and l.mig Syrup for each and i > very onu who in nfllictcd ! th Coughs , Cold ? , Asthma , Consumption or any J.mur Affection Blurtler AVII1 Out. Atlanta , Ga. , 'special to Globe-Demo crat : About two mouths ago the city was startled by the report that Mrs , Jennie KUDO had been shot dead by a burglar. The family consisted of Charley Rose , hia wife Jennie , who wau an inva lid , and Miss Nancy Frazier , a cousin o ! Mrs. Rose , who waa in the house as help , Miss Frazlor says that aho was awakened by the sharp report of a pistol ; that as her eyes opened a figure rushed by her blowing out the light aa ho did BO. and jumped out of the window escaped. Arising from bed aho wont to the bcdeido of Mra. Rcae , and placing her hand or that lady's head aho was shocked to feel the clammy touch of human blood. Mrs. ROBO uttered "Oh , oh , " and expired. Tlio bullet had entered her eye , passing through the brain and lodging in the head. The huaband , who was an employe of the Air Line road , was Bent for , but manifested no surprise when shown the dead body of hia wifo. As daylight appeared and people ple began to talk , there were those who discredited the theory of burglary. There were many roasona rendering the burg lary theory improbable. Suspicion nat urally fell upon the husband and Miaa Frazior. Who olsp could have a motive in removing the wife ? The couple wcro arrested aa was also Mies Suggs , with whom it was claimed Rose had been inti mato. Both girls denied bitterly that they know anything of the ad'.iir. After a series of examinations , running into three weeks , attended by many dramatic episode , Rose wna dismissed. So far the character of Miss Frazier had not bcon Bucccaafnlly attacknd , nor was any Improper intimacy withRoaoeatablishcd , Still public opinion insisted that some : lay the fact would bo eatabltahod that lloso and Miss Frazier had conspired to remove the woman who atood in the way Df their dcsirea. Late lasi night Dr. Carter wua hurriedly called to attend n > attont. On reaching hia destination ho found a young woman who was aulTerini ; 'earful convulsions in child birth. The lector did all that ho could to relieve the uiliorcr. When the child WUB born it was found to have but ono eye , the place ivhcro the other eye shoul have been laving only the appearance of n deep aullot wound. In a few momenta tlio : hild diod. The mother etill Buffered , uid her condition resisted all remedies , uid at 8 o'clock this morning hho died . ilso , nnd this evening mother and child ivcro both buried in tlio saino rude coll'ui. rho woman waa Misa Nancy Frazier , ivhoso death , without telling the atory of lior friend's murder , yet furnished full evidence of the moving cauao thereto , [ lose is atill in the city , nnd upon being iskcd concerning it simply answered : "I will oay nothing. I have had enough trouble about it. " YOUNO B1KN , 11WAO TUIS , TIIK VOI.TAIO IiiT ) : COMPANY , of Marshall , Michigan , offer to BOIU ! tliulr celebrated K 1.1:0 Tito-YoLTAia HEM niul otlior KI.KCTIIIO Ai1- l'i.lArcia on trlnl for thirty iliiyn , to inou ( young or old ) ulllictoilitli jervotm debility , Ions ot vitality mid umiihooci , nnd nil Uindiod tioulilcs. Also for rheumatism , nounilelit , paralysis , nuil imuiy other diseases. Coiuplotu restoration to health , vigor niul manhood guar anteed , No lisle Incurred , as thirty days' in nllowed. Write them ntouco for illus trated pAiiiiihlet , fico. Testing a "Wllo'H AfTeclloii. Special li patch to the Globe Democrat. Four OAINKS , Ga. , September 15. There ia a colored man hero named West Gordon who has been jealous of his wifo. Their quarrels wore numerous , which the injured husband determined to end by a trick that nearly proved fatal. Ho got the clothes line and , throwing it over ono of the rnftcra in his cabin , Used it as lie supposed , long enough to lot him stand on the lloor while ho was trying to make hia wife think ho had committed suicide. When he slipped the noose nrouud his neck and stopped oft' the chair ho found to hia horror that the rope waa just enough toshort to make it uncomfortable. He groaned BO pitifully that it awoke his wife , who came rushing out , exclaiming , as she SAW hia position : "You old fool , 1'ao most a mind to lot , you stay dar. " She procured the scissors and cut him down , when ho fell to the lloor almost choked to death. Ho says bo will never test her affections that way again. .tiTJCeotitMn In Mlml. la the Diamond Pyo4 moro rnlorinz ia gi\iu > than m any known dye * , mid they givu fattei nnd nioro brilliant colon. 10 lit all tlrugguts. Wells lUclmulBou & Co. , Burlington. Vt. Sample Ouril , 32 colors , mid book of direction for 2c atsuup , SOliOKON IN TIU5 SHADE. Application of llio On at Ktilo cf Judgment. When Solomon was naked to decide which of two women n child belonged to says the "Celnntial Empire , " the En glish journal of Shanghai , Chinn , ho called for hiu sword and proposed to cut the child in two and give a half to each ; the real mother went into hysterics , ami Solomon decided in her favor. But at the mixed court , a few mornings ago , an actual division was made , and Solomon's judgment was put in the shade. The chattlp in dispute waa a black dog , wit' his tail clipped bare except at the ex trcmlty , which still rotAnicd some hair. The dog waa quite unconcerned and wont snuffing around the arena nn under the court table at the magistrate foot , or wherever his tether would allo' him to extend hia explorations. Th claimants for the dog were the butchc and a washerman. The butcher's aaais tant hold a atring , with the dog at th end of it. The unohcrrrmn held basket in hia hand containing hai which ho had clipped from the dog' tail , and which he produced in proof c ownershipMr. . Jlowea , inspector o markets , stated that ho had known th butcher for many yearn , and that lie hai Boon the dog at his place ; and that h believed the dog belonged to the butcher , It wnu also ntatcd by the police that ai : experiment had been tried at Ilongkow police station ; the washerman called or the dog but it would not follow him ; bu when the butcher called , the dog heard his master's voice and know the sound thereof. As a last resort to prove tha the dog loved him and belonged to him the washerman pulled off his jacket and allowed a plaster cluck between his shoul der blade * , saying that the dog had bi him there. The magistrate decided ii favor of the washerman so far that he waa allowed to keep the basketful of hair and tlio butcher waa allowed to take th rest of the dog. A Tribute to ISrlHUen. Miles City , ( Montana ) Itocord , September 0 The editor of Tin : OMAHA HUB , who , seems to bo a pretty level hoarled fellowo took occasion recently to indulge in nom sarcastic comments respecting a military hero who has Cgurcel nomuwhut extensively sivoly in thin section. Major Briabin , o : the second U. S , cavalry , who was the individual referred to in Tun Bin : seems to have taken umbrage at the av tide , and charged in solid column of omall typo upon the helpless editor it last Sunday's Yellowstone Journal. Eccentric YnnUco Iloblnson , Anent the death of the well-known show-man , Yankee Robinson , at Now Jefferson , Iowa , Thursday , J. L. Hutch inson , of Barnum , Bailey & Hutchinaon , eaid to a Chicago Tnbuno man : "Ho waa the originator of the handsome street parades. Of course one of them in these days wouldn't look like much now , but they took like "wildfire then. Ho waa the most original advertiser I ever saw. Every once in a while well almost everyday wo take half dollars stamped in the metal , "good for ono ad mission to Yankee llobinson'o show , Of course the half dollar waa good , and is now , but there are people who keep tlioce pieces until a circus comes along for como unexplained reason. Then ho used to have a song ho aung , and had a poster made of the music , each note being - ing about two or three feet long , and ho would paste it up on the fence. There would bo a crowd surrounding it all day , and hum ming the muaic. Ho was also very ego tistical. Once the advenco agents got water-bound in some Illinois town in high water in the spring , anel the show caught up with them , BO no notice of our coming waa given to the people. It was hia prac tice to ride ahead ono day on a horao to some little town , and , seeing a crowd of loafers in the street or in front of a sa loon , ho would approoch them and ask them if they had over hoard of the great ihowman , Yankee Ilobinnon. Some would say yes , othora no. Ho would then owell out his chest , take oil hia hat , ind nay : "Ho ercnda before you. [ ' 'oast your eyea ! The show will 30 here to-morrow. " But the poor ) ld man has bcon down at the heel for ho last ten years. Ilobinsou was a man it unbounded extiavaganco. Ho prp- ipntod his family physician right hero in Chicago with n § 500 diamond ring , when knew that ho hud just bought a horne or 83,000 for St. Paul , paying down 500 nnd otill owing $2,5CO on the horse. irou remember n play ho used to have , 'Stund Down in the Hall. " A sort of fankco play it was. Years ago ho lived u lionet yo Falls , Now York , and I bo- iovo ho wai born thero. The place ia ight naar C.uiandaigua. Ho used to : ocp a ehoomakur's chop there many 'ears ago , for bo has often opokon tone no about it. I think he married his first vifo there. Ilia second wife ho married n Chicago. Ho was a man of yrcat .bility , but ho needed oomo one to curb lim and sit down on his wild projects. 10 used to have a business manager vrho wild control him pretty well and then 10 made money. " "Whan't ho rather iscontrici" "Yea. Some people uaed D call him crazy. I have known him at inios to commence pulling liia beard out i ainglo heir at a time , and before the iouson waa over ho wouldn't need a azor. That's a fact. But then ho un- loratood people too. In writing hia own ihowbilla ho would uao the aimplest anguugo , Ho never called the show a 'tranaccdant aggregation of wonders , " [ t waa always hia big chow and nothing ilsc. " Auld I'hosphato I'OU WOMEN AND CIIIUHUIN. Dr. Joa. HOLT , Now Orleans , Ala. , mys : "I have frequently found it of ox- jullont aorvico in cases of debility , loss of ippotito , and in convalescence from ex- Imitative illness , and particularly of Ber- fico in the treatment of women and chil dren. " M A Hound BuiiU , Wall Street Now * . An eastern man who was in Wisconsin a few daya ago stepped into a bank in n Dinall town to got a § 50 bill changed. The cashier counted out § 30 and then spoke to the bookkeeper. The latter spoke to the janitor and this individual put on his hat and crossed the street , and returned iii company with a man who turned out to bo president and cbiof stockholder. This person steppodaround to the safe , and by the aid of the book keeper opmied it and banded the cashier about ? 75 , and charged it to him on a daybook. . Later in the day , as ho met the eastern man on the street , he explained - plained : "Perhaps that transaction look ed ( [ uoor to you , but live yuars ago 1 made up my mind that if ray cashier took a notion to skip he'd havu to pawn hit- boots to got beyond Chicago. The book keeper watches the cashier , the janito : w atchea the bookkeeper , and 1 keep Bud : a watch on all throe that depositors ar paid 5 per cent interest , and not a gain of poker or faro haa ever been played in , this town , " _ „ ' BOTTOM. ? Th * medicine , cmnlilnlng Iron with Vpfri'ti'.Mo tonM , nnlckly nnd rorniil Cnri'H IM | iciHhi | , liiillui'Htlnit , Wnil liiliuiro lllixliUiilarIU | mill Nf'imilnln. 11 Is nu unialUnc remedy for Dl cnscsof the KlilnrjH niul I.Her. It Is invnlunblo for m encos ticciillnr to Women , nnd nil who lend fedcntnrv lives. It doc snot Injure tlio jinxlnre constipation nllfr Iran mcilicmenlo. It enriches and I'lirlflcs thplilood.ftlninlnle'J the nppetltc , nldq the n * linllntloii of food , ro- lle\csllcnrtlmrn nnd notching , mid f tretujth- ens the inn eles nnd norvc . I'nr Intermittent Fe'vers. Lassitude , Lnckof uiergy , Ac. , It hns nncqunl. > v KTi The pentilne 1ms iihovo trndo mnrk nnd cn. cd red lines on wrapper. Tnkc no other. , to. , 1'rnposnlBforjStrGct Aprons. Settled tiropoinls will bo rcochcd bj the iind cd until 12 o'clock noon ol Saturday , Scptomlcrtho 27tli , 1 iSl , for tlio furnlshliig to the clt > ot ono hun dred or nioro VOL Jen aprons for street crojslnj , ' * ; such aprons to bo constructed In nccnnlanco with tamplca now on DodKottrcct , at eouthwust corner ol I'ilUunUistreet , nnil also In accordance with ouch Iiirthcr suggestions ns the chairman cl the Hostd ot 1'nbllc Worl.8 may iinko presentation ol bids. bids.Hill Hill to bo aceoinpniilcd by tin sltjnaturca ol pro- pmvd sureties who , In the ctciit of tin nuanllniol the contract , will enter Into bonds ultli the city ol Onmlm , in tliofltimof the hundred dollars , lor the faithful cxocut.on of Huch contract. The lloatd r 11'nbllo Works rcsr\cs the light , to reject any ir all bids , \SIFSClUIOIITON , Chairman Iloanl ol I'ublio Works , 8 1M3-10-19 VvaH2HefelinsliM& ? ? & „ YMChartered by UicStatecf III. . f/noia lor thctxp-C3spurpo'e isi.ot'4nci > itiiiifTh : anpropfiatc tc.r.x-di jntoncc u. = Jin each case. Conuultations , per , or Ly Isttcr , : .ucJJy .fidcalinl. Ftlstl ciacT sc.i : bv M.tilandZ. . * " , No mnr ! : : > on a.'c to ir.d uatc contents i wader. Adaress \V111 pnrllY Ihn . . „ . . late the LIVER and KIDNEYS , and 111 4 IIHU. Till' HUAI/TII nnd VIOOII of YOTJTIt Uya- pepM. , V. am nt Appetite , jii- II ) . non , 1 n It ot btreiifrtli. and'Hi"iiirabsoliilcljr iin'il. ! T 3 , muscles ami IK i' i r Ivoiicwlorcu. l'i li i PS t'io nilinl and supiilK'S 'rain 1'imcr. ErnflVi ii.j.1 ] cai coiiijlnts ] ) | pi'uill.rti > their si x will I In DR. I ! ' TOTCE'S IEOI-I 0.0.03 n rnfn nnd f "ijcty euro. Uiusadcar , ' .calthy complexion. I'rciiront M > cni | > fs nt c"1" * f 'IIR oiilyaild to tbuiiupulurll ) ui thu orlpln u. IJo not expcrl- tnent pi'ttlioOinr.iNAii ANDlirsT. ( ! 3to'JbeI > r. llnrtprMpd Co. ' St.lAuls , Mo.for our "BM1A.M BOOU.1' 1'ullot utrunnuuiid u : Of the Northwest , Detroit , Minn V country ol WOOD3 AND LAKES , 200 miles west ilSt. Paul. Three trains dally ou tboN. P. H. H. , tltli 23 I > ay Kxcurfciou. Tickets at about ono-hili atas. rOTEL ! MINNESOTA , Ln elegant house with nccotnrnoditlonq for 200 uents. ft. K. COLBURM , Proprietor. fiTHKXD FOB CiaCUL.lRSOIVI.\O 1-ULL rAUHCUIilIUJ. D. ( Faculty Prize Jtcillctl UOHCKO of Ohio. SPECIALTY And other Diseases ol the Anus and Ilcctum. L20 S. 14th St. Cor. Douglas 01IAIIA , NEB. ro cd and vtl HAMBUEtt-AMEBIOAS IHECT LIKE FOR ENGLAND , 1T.ANCK AND OE 51Ay. Tlio etcnrreldrs of thh w ell-know n line are built ol on , In vr.tcr-tU'tit compartment ? , sndaro lurnth- j with oery ruiniuitoto uako tto paetmgo both ifu and rgrccablc. Tlioy carry the United HUtis nil Uurojicau malls , and Icavo New Yorks Thuru- njs and buturJija ( or Pljuiotith ( LONDON ) Cher- ourR , ( PAU13)ard ) IIAMBOSIG. Itatuj ; I'lr&t Cabin , 855,235 nnd ? 70. Stc rngo20 Henry 1'i.ndt , Murk Ilaiibiiu , F .K. JIoorua.M. Tclt , entnln Omaha , Oronc\ . left & Scliocntgoii.&scntjln ouacil Clullu. C. IniCIIARD ! : &CO. , Oen. Pass Kti , 01 Ilro.xJway , N. Y. Chi3. Kozuilntikl i Co- rrieral Wtstiun Agjnts , 107 Wt.dhlnutou ht , , Chloa 0,111. NEBRASKA L/lND AGENCY SUCCESSOR TO DAVIS ft BNYDXH.1 Ciuor * Dealer : In 1608 FAIIKAM ST. OMAHA , IItT4 lor silo SOO.OCa acreo ccielnlly nelectcd londt D Kantnrn Nobruiin , at low prlcu and oa cuy turns Improvea i rtni tor BtJo la Dcuglu , UoJze , Co.'fAi ? litt , Hurt , turning , S&ni ) , VVkealcztOD , jaunderu , and Butler Oountloa. Tmc3 r ld In til parts ol the Stftto. Money loaned on Improved Urina. Notary Public alwajs In oOlco Correspondence onltd ACUI'.i ; ALL , but a ) a tonlo and health rcn < n\or , and for Uluod and tikui , and trouble * dipunih'iit on impure nr InipoMrUhtd blood , hMi' atlval. "My baby six months old broke out with sorau kind of skin humor , and after bcin- treated ( Uo nnutlis by my fanilly plijulcUn , win liitun up todle , 'Ihu diuUt | ri-'CulnliiUHkil Hv.llt'd .SjioLlllo , and thu rc.ult aj a , cratlt/inj , ' a. It is unracuUus. ily child auon cot u ell , all focodol the ilUiuso U 0uc , aud lie It 04 ( it as a plir. " J. J K1HKIANI , n , ItutU Cjunty , Toxaa "I uiod Gullt'i HpoclDconmy little daughter , nb was Blllictod lth some Blood PUnon nlilch bid re Uted all eojt * ol trcutmcnt. 'Ihu bpccJtle. ridiouc tit ; pvrnuntntly , niul I bhtill use It In my practice. ' \V. B. 11UOS1K , M. U. , Cjprew UUV-tf , Arl. . Our Treatise CD lUood and Skin Dlstatcs milloi Ire TUB SWIFT BPKCIFIO CO. Drawir 3 , AtUnta , Oii. N , V. Offlco , UO W. ! 2d St. , betnccn dill and 7tb 'Aunucj. I'bllidelphUi offleo 109Cbutuut t. Owing to the increase in our business we've admitted 60 the firm Mr Edwin Daviswho is well and favorably known in Omaha.This V wiilenabi © us to han dle an increased list of property. We ask those who' have desi rable property for sale , to place the same us , Will 139 Pfl South Mth \