Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1884, Image 1

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Elaine' ' Trinmiiy JonrnG ? Tliroiigli
tlie Towns of New Eonlanil ,
His Simple and Eloquent Words
at Boston !
Eondrioks Undercoos Wrecking
to Speak at Pcoria ,
Btitlor Weakening tlio Demooraoy
of New York.
A Eoal Panic Among the Bour
bon "Untarrified. "
The Sltuntloii In Oliin I'rolilbitlon
iinil Anti-Monopoly in Colorado
Otlici- Political XOUH.
ISIalno In New
150sTON , SfiiUmbcr 17. At 1:30 : p. in. ,
Blainc drove to the t.ilian in Augii' < lii , ac
companied by his piivAto scon tary , Slieimm.
Upon Iho arrival of the train. postma > ilei
il.inloy and Sen itnr Ilalo joined the ptity.
Theio wa < no tlcmonstration upon 131ninu's
departtue. At 1'ortlaud , Congiessman Heed
cuteied the I'ullmau car and cngaRcd in con-
vora.ilion w lib Blame until the tiain started.
Owing to thutlehy in Ihoauival of lilaines
train at Portland the legular tiain had do-
pirUtl , and his train ran through as o\lia.
This perhaps accountb foi the
small crowds at the stillons
along tlio lonte. At Portsmouth aciowd
gathered about tha cir and cilled lor ISIiino ,
and followed him to the dining saloon , whcio
ho took luncheon. No rcmiiks or iutrcduc-
tion were made hero. At Xettburyport fully
10,000 people Ind githered , but no stop
made , and a faint shuut of welcome uas all
that could bo hoaid. At Ipswich a tmtdl
crowd h id , nnd the mutant the Irani
stopped thu station agent ciiteied andcsc.oit-
ed Blame to the j latturm , v/hero ho was intro
duced as "tho no\t preMtlont uf the United
States. " Introductions followed , lllaino simply
pajing in response to the Hilutiition ; "lam
gl id to meet jou. " Cheeis were gnen is the.
train di pnrted. At S ilcm a throng assemblcil
togrrot Ulaiuo and give- him a hearty v. el-
come. Cries aro"0 for a speech , but the checi-
ing had lasled so long til at there .vas timu
only for a cordial reception , and the car
I as cd out of tlio tlcpot. Severrlof l yun'tf
leading citi/cns boird d thg ti.un at bidcm
and accomp imcd Blairo to Boston. Secre
tary Wlntcomb , of the Boston waul and city
conrmttee , mot lilaino and cseotted him lethe
the city. The scene at Ijjnn
was a repetition of tint at ;
at Salem. By the timotlio tiaiu ninvcd fill
ly . ? , OOJ pi nous were in thu vicinity of the
depot. Agiiii Bl uno w is called for nmul
tumultous tin. ft 8 , Blame thanKe 1 the pi oplo
tim-erely tor their greeting. As the train loft
thesfitun asalulo fiom nbatcery died ,
while thu crowd followed the train tliu whole
length of the station , chi urlng and vav \ in ; ;
hats. At Somemllo Blame oju'istl tha win
dow and from there hhook hamh with thino .
' VM'thm reacli. About 10 33 the train entered
the I'astcru depot of this city and Bloino v\as
met by Henry Oubot J.odp , Heniy I' ,
ch iirm m of the ward and city committees ,
Ccl. Alii n II. Wlnpplo , of the govtinors htaff ,
Uro-icr , thu [ 'oieinoi's ptivto secretary ,
C oDgietbinun Crr.po , SonthM oJlh and Alcana
of thu st tic central commutes.
Jl/iterinr ; barnuch s the paitv proceeded to
theleure'hoii-e ! , eicoitul bj tbo lodge cadet
of Ijyun and CheUca independoi t bnt.llion
cfriim corps. The ttieuts a'ong ' the route
vu re id id vyith paoplo who he.ntily chaertd
the distiuBuMii d visitor. Bowdnin tipuue , in
fiont of fie Kevero hon-o , vsas picked with
jicoplua.vaiting bis nrnval. v\lulo the fioutif
the UeveU hoii-uwas decorated wstb lljgsand
buiitiii1 ? As th' ) piocesMon cime to the
HIJII ire , thu eio\ul Lmst into cheer ; , v\lulo a
display of firevxoikiieived to increasa thaon-
m MM.'S si'i Kit-
In a few moments Blam 3 and I'arkmnn r.i ]
paarcd upon thu balconj , and after the hitter
hid Micccidul in tpnutiiiif tha eiowd lie lutio-
dnceu Blaine , who said "IthaiK JOTI , gei.
tlemcD , foi thij ohl futhione 1 Best n wel
come. I do not t J'nu to your city as a
ttrauge , and I fiel I am among old
friends and true fiiond * . Ihaiu known vom
city ultimately foi thirty jears. I have
watched its progress with drop personal intei
Cbt , and whenever it fell wiihin my powei , 1
h ive , in my Innnliloiiy , contribuUd thcieto
Boston is to all Now Bngland tlio eontro of
inti-iest as much in my own sUte. af in yours ,
and thsie is do city within the Union wheiu
the | opiilat irreetmg wiiiild bo inoro grateful
thin it is to motlns evening [ Cheirs ] ThiuU
ing yon \\ith all my he itt foi the good chi er
with vv Inch you have received me , 1 bid jon
good ovcnmg. " [ Cheeis. ]
B.dt.o ! was then jirojcutnl form illy to
.i'l who vxeio iircsent m the room
The presentations weio undo by l.ituteiiant h
( toveinor Ames and Colonel Whuiplu of
( lovcrnoi's Uobmson's stair , ansistid by lion ,
Ch i" . .1. Biooks. Amouir Bla'no's visitois
vvtru lion. A. A. llumcy , colltctor , Wash
ington J'tntniubtci Tobtj , L'jnlcd ' Stati - .
District Attoinej Sangtr , Generd Jl , I' .
Banks , M.iji i-ljeneral S. BloiillI , Chu , > ) ,
Nojoa and I'corgo B. Ijonug.
It became evident that tlio corndois wen
Idled viitli ptoplo who hud neithci mnnoi
heaul Blimu ulio thereupon went to thu head
of the steps by which Iho uflice ia appruichttl
wheia he paiiKi'd in miilstof the doui-o ciowd
and said "If it were pu iblo to make my
way thioiiBh jou 1 Mould bet ly glad tocomu
dinvn and sh.d.o hands with each one , but
tliit looks like mi impinctrablit phalanx and
as I spea'c ' up hero I veij deeply feil tUe cor-
di ility with which I have lucn received nnd I
deairti tn cxpiess to you my acknowledumonO
olit. " [ Cheers. |
At the cjiichition of lusremaiKa ho retired
to hn piivateroom. I. itei ho took a light
icpast and soon after retliod foi the night.
s * rM'oruli nt I'rorln.
PI-OHM , lll.t Keptcmbei 17. Hon. Uhornai
A. Hendncks nniiod hero at noon today ,
luting been deliiuitl heieral hours by an ac
cident near Farmer City. Thn aflernoon ho
made a brltf addrusa at the fair giounds , ami
this overdue ' " > i ml Cjitcr Harrison sr < il ' ut
the wigwam. Thera was a street parad' ' , par
ticipated In by eight bundled men. Hen
drlckson ho'ng ' Introduced W H greeted with
npplaute. Ha commencLil b > speaking of thu
data clioicn , and how it happened to bu thu
iimmorsary of the nduptiun of the constitution
of the United Statoa. Jlo thought they \ero
ariimprliloly coltbratm ? the otcaslnn lla
epjko of this glonous natli n , of the light am !
power of cn.ixrtk * to levy and collect taxis fur
thn adininiui .tmn of the goifrnment. They
should livy only to much us wts ie/iurd | ti
ilahtooiibly admlnistoralfalrs. Ho than n.v ert
i'il th it th' ie should hi a clinngo in th' ' t-'l
nui.utreti m , he > uui Iho rep iblican ? h id had
It f"r 25 veils nnd th it W.H 1 nig onongl Ho
nsxt took up ( ho Hubjn t of thn i-urplu in tin
lioatury. mil toM h"iv I'lliknt Althur antl
iSectutaiy I'l'lge-r ' Ii .d lw t'l rei-om'nomlel its
reduction. Jlo loneMend ! > HOUOOOW ) tui
lir o a tum to lo uilleeted aiiniiHily abrivo
the i.ocomny i'Xonn . Hn sjiol"-of tin10
fount proi > l bv tin d mocrutbiind re d tX'
tr.itti.on th > i pjint < fr ni their platform A
cUon f Kurpliuv miiiit bo mu'Jo ' , t
; bu collected fur public purpose ! nnd
loductlunof tmlff limit bu made , The
hlghent tix mint be placrd oiihwulfli nnd the
lln mid thr dtmocrnt-
loue-t on noicMltip' .
ie fide would Iiko to eo tha book' . He tin n
nferiod to the allrgcd brrnch between
the ivpubiieurs and the Hennatu nntl
allirmnl It to be oil account of
the former's position on pnhlbHion , They
eiptclcd lo make upwlth tlie huh whit they
lo t In Iho UcMiiatia , but they wouldn't do It.
The former were nady to truit the demo-
crali for nnolher term. H Is nld that Bhhio
would make a dashing ptvtitlpnt , 1 dent
think IIP will , but I think Clovchud will
tla h wliQiioxcrtho law and constitution calls
him ,
'llio Sltuntloii In Ohio.
September 17. A commit
ten of Ohio democrats have boon hcn'Uigitg
( toveinor llpiidncl:1 * to ntteiul Uio bf ! ( demo-
crntic meeting at ColumbiH on the 2.3th in < < t.
Tlio committee compristvi .Tohn 0. Thompson ,
.lo-.opli H. Outhwaite1 , candidftlo foi congrujp ,
DcwtttC. .Timoi O. T. Unming , fliul . .1.V. .
HnriH , all of Columbu . Uovornur Hciuhicks
was called upon nnd n formnl request imd of
him to attend the CnlumUii meeting , atiddt1-
liver an addrc i. Tin same dito , Septtmboi
l"i ! , n the day h\od fti the donmciatic Inrbo-
cue at Shclbyvillo , which Mr. llendiicks hnd
agroud to atl nd It was urged by the com-
imttse , and by tliu locd diniueracy
that tha Columbus meeting , being in a
zloso Rtato , mid being suio to
liavo a telling effect on the Ohio vet ri ? , Iris a
lieavy claim upon the candidate for vice [ ue-fi-
dent.Mr. . Hendiicks consented to a tend ,
md nnotlici day will be arranged foi him al
Shelby v die.
Mi. Thompson wis inloiviuwed bj' a repot-
Lei conceiiiing the Ohio outlook. Ho raid
tint "if tha election should occui to-morrow ,
the democrats would certainly entry tlio state
mil th it despite the gieat efforts ot the lepub
ic.uis to oyi rconio the tlumocintlc lead , and
despite thu v.iit cum of money the lepubll-
cans expect to expend between this time and
Lho October election , the denmciats wore con-
lidont of aeluev ing a v letory. 1 f w o do , " con
tinued Mr. Thompson , "th it settles the presi
dential diction. H wo tlo not , the H'pnbb
cms will still have then fight to win m No
vombtr. "
\ i HKAT i IST 01 si'i VKI .
AmongtliiM > who vull epe-ik at the Colinn
bus meeting besides Mr. llendiicks are Ctrl
Schuri , Senator Bayard , Speaker Cailisle ,
Senitor.T. C S Bhckbmn , doMcLino of
Miryhind , and perhaps Oov. Cleveland.
With icference to thu latlor it depend-1 , as
Mr. Thompson said , "upon vvhethet
enters Iho presidential circus as a campaign
speaker.1 Gov. Hendrieks , it will bo remem
bered , has consented to deliver a speech at
llimil ton Ohio , September ! M.
It is taid to night that tO.OOO is w iltiiiff
tikers at the upulihcin t > tate committee
rooms which S.IJH that Bl.iinu will cuiy Indi *
am , and tint no takers have Leon hcnul
TIIO Drmocrailo llutlcr Specter.
NLW YORK , September 17. Thocroit MIC-
ccs of the Butler meeting Monday night in
gatheriiitr together upwards of 20,000 people
h is cioaled a certain amount of consternation
ainoEg the democratic inia igcrs here. The
majority of Iho men who came out to hcai
Butler aru opposed to Cleveland undci any
Thu meeting thia wool : ot Irith Anuiicina
at tha Academy of Music foi the pur
pose of butt mng to Ale-Milder Sullivan's rei-
sons why the Irish Auiotic.ui element
should support Blimo will bo a
very sigmncuit mealing. The Uenui-
u.ils. aluuncd by the Butler tlemonatiation ,
.u-o teokiuff to do all in their power to make
the' Sulliv tn meeting n failure , but fiom
every imlicition it promises to bu as jno-
noimed H Miccess ns the Butlci meeting. If
Blaine and Butlei can cominand in the same
wecli two fiuit audiences of Insh-Amencm1" ,
it will nut take a veiy bright ] mlitiii in to
ir dicvte v hat ate Cloiolunds chances in tins
fitiiti' Thtso two meeting will demonatula
the fact that the intuo liisli-Ainorican
elcinuit in Ni w York is practically
oppjscd to Clivcland , and mi that
i-connt ho will lese state
by over 5(1,000 ( vote-1. Buller draws .il-
limit cntiielv from thu democrats , lie mnkts
in ; excel'ent ' lulf way hoiiio fui tho-o who
wish to leave the dcmoei.itic puty. Sis a
prominent In > lnnin : "SVe are content to
loiMJ tliamvi h Butler now , but bi fore the
election tikes pluo we will ubk these mill if
it is vvoith while after all to give up half a
vote to Claveland , which a vote foi Butlei
implies. I am confident that wo will got a
largo proportion ot tins vote , Butlcrlm be
come convince 1 that his pientest fclrenjrlh boa
in this * tati > nnd will theieforo spind the
grcatei put of his limo woil.iiig beie. '
Host on
130VTOX , September 17.Thu piolnbitiun
paity of Boston uutl vuinity held a inlly in
Trimont Toiiiplo to-night. The meeting was
called to ordei by Jamea II. Itobeits , who said
that the lenort tint President Si cloy hid de
clined tlio pioldbilion nomination for governor
w.ns not tiuo. Ho had nut declined and was
hetrtily in favor of tliu movement. Among
tin Bpeakerh wna Ml. Dunels , tha pirty nom-
into foi \ icB-pri'sIdonl of tin Uniled .Stalea.
He asscrkd tint tin 10 were more piohibitioii .
ista amung tlio democrats of thu soutli th in
among thu tepnbl cans , and th it piobibitinn n
id really a otrongi r hold in Ihu siAilhern
thi'.u in the noi them stales.
no issno would exert so ationg an inlluoucu In
uniting thu two sections of the couutiy aa thu
timipcianca issue.
lorton nnd tlio Cnliliirt Vncanoy.
WASIHM.TOV , September 17. Informition
wai received hero to day that Morton , minis
ter to I'ranco , who intended to h.itu s uled fm ,
Now York Tuesday uf this week , his dcfomd
hisdipntura two weeks. This si ems totlfet-
tnilly dispoao of thu report that ho was cum- '
ing homo to aiisnmo the duties of secretary of
the tiensury , as that ollico will Imvo lo bo
filled within Bovcn davs. It Is sail by Moi
ton's fil < nds that ho obtained le-ivo of ahscncn
to como to this country lief010 thu tlralli t f
Seen tary Kolgi i , and it was mien
turn tJ havii stalled a fuw d tys before that
ovintaudlnd no connection \/lth the
cy in tincabinet. . Morton's object in comlut ;
home , just ut tins lime , H said lo ba liiallond
to tomeprivalo business In Now York , His
htatul pohilu-tly lo-day Ihat fitiiTal Sharpu
v/oiild not accent thu tio.-ismy portfolio ,
rolorniln L'rtililliltlonlHtH ,
] ) l.v l u , .September 17. ThoColoradnstitc
prdilhltton convention was held hero this afti r-
noon. Coon ! > 1 .1. A. 1.Hot , of Jiouldu , wai
cho-i a permanent chaiim in , and John IJnvo ,
oflJunvtr. BC'cretaiy. After the iimal ion-
tine liufinoss had been dinpabed of , a HTIOS of
resolution ! ) weio adojited declaring In favor of
thu principle and pulley of legal piohibiliun ;
pledging their biipport to only pure nun for
pcnitioiH of olh ial Iruslj dtclarliu unity with
uud nllegiunco lo Iho piolnbitiun par
ty , and pledging a cord nil MUjijiort to St. .lolm
uul Uauiol A ommlttuo of fifteen vvasap
pointed , with instructions to jilaco a state
t clct in the lie ! 1 , either of cindidittcs of the
other parties or in w men. Adjoin ned.
Jliitiiilr.oturi ) UoHtrlcloil.
YOSK , f'eptcmbsr 17. In uply to a
s.ut t ut by thu Jiniriia ! of Commrrio
that i < per will publish to-mono'.v annweis
from one hundred and Hut teen mills , rcpi
scntlnff nlno hundred and eixth-threo eels of
raids , showing lln nctual Icusc'iilng in produe
lion to iinioiint 11 tlnrtfin imllion yards , or
tivn imllioii Hjit- if niona clotliliu.
Tno.iii < l > r slated tlut mitny mills uen- idle
or runuiiig 0:1 fhort tune , and will not start
up or run full tune until the demand in im
proves in to insure thu coat of manufacture
Third flays Session of the Westeri
Railroad Managers ,
The Burliiigton Oonoodos to the
Trnnsoontinontal Agreement ,
The Nebraska Diffioultios to bo
Left to Arbitration.
The Quarterly Meeting of Union
Pacific Directors ,
Adams' ' Hopeful Statement of the
Road's ' Finances ,
Tlio OICROII Sltott I.lno to l > o Com
lilotctl mitt Gonr.eolioiiB Mntlo
by Novcmbnr intli.
ClllC .oo , September 17. The westcin rail
roan conference held an all-moining session
again to-day , lut U making veiy slight head
way. The contest is ntill oei Iho method ol
pooling Ncbrask i business. At to-day's sea
sion a resolution WAS aq.iin oiicted to pool
Ncbtaski untiiuM ) and le.ivo the iniostion ol
pcicentige-t to nobitralors to ba heioifter np
pointed. To this proposition an amendment
\\asiilfirrdbytlioiuprosontnli\aof the Mil.
w.inkeo it St. Paul , to the effect that the ques
lion of tha local busme's uf the Union
P.iciOc should also bo loft for decision of the
arbitrators to detoiminu the ( ] uoilloii wholhor
it should not bo given to thu Inpirtito roads
exclusively. Thn was voted down , llio Bin
llngton and Northwestern voting m llio neg-
alive. Tins ropre-.ontali\o of the Burliugto.i
then moved that all Buulhwestcrn and U ma-
Missnuri contracts bo abrogated , abolished
mid cease In oxif-t from this date- . This was
likew I-.Q defeated. At 1 o'clock llio session
ailjournoil till L',30 this aftirnoun
vvitn no propositions of auy kind before it.
The entire afteinoou F0 sion vias again
taken up with the \e\ud question without
reaching a rcMilt. The motion was Hum 10-
uewod lo form a pool on thu Caliform i busi
ness ono pool cuinp 'fed of toids east of the
Missouri in ci anil ono of roads west , of tin
Missouri run. This was ngiec'd to nnnnim-
oualy which was a cnnccision on the pirt of
the jJulingtou , which hid once refined t < > content -
tent to the formation of .my pool , until the
Nebr.isk.i question w n hn illy dioposod of.
The meeting then adiomnc'il until to-morrow
morning when on effort will bt made to tie
cido upon percentages.
ro in. 111 1 TO
] t was agioed , in Ire ca o the lines emild
not pgreo upon .1 propei appointment , llio cn-
tuo rpieslion should bo icfc'ricd to .losoph I' .
Tuckei , BB atbili itoi , whoso finding wit to ba
binding. To-morim/ Nebraska imestion
will afjim lw taken up as thtra appaiia 110
possibility that .1 Colorado pool can bo formed
until the Nebraska question and the uxact attitude
titudo cf Iho tripartite i i delsimincd.
Prrsiflciit Atlanta oit U. P. Vinnnct'H.
liOdTOX , September 17. At the qunitorly
meeting of tlio directors of the Union 1'iicihc
lailway this afternoon , Pi csident Adams pro
runted a report , of which the following is a
To the dncctorsof the Union Pacific lail-
w aj .
In MOW of Iho ninny nnauthoii/id state-
meuta winch h.i\o boon put forth both pub
[ icly and privately in icg.ird to the financial
mtcoino of thu operation ? of thu Union Pacific
system durln , ; the | ial 3 ear , it seems advm
bio to submit something authentic. I Iruo
ciuacd the following siitonient for the yeai
endiug.Iuno 30 , last , to bo prepared. Tlio
| ) LUocl colon d includes the last h ilf of the
compiny's h-cal joar IfelVi , and the liiHfc h ilf
of IbM Tim period was ono of gonei il i id-
load dotiics < .iou , moio cspicially felt by the
Uni in I'acifii : syslom , oning to construction
of compoling loiild and thu pre'valunco of a
wai of rates. Tin fi\u months in quastini
covered theiofnro an unf.i\oiabo ! : i pcnod
.is the Union Pacific HjHtom ia hkoly tn
DISS through. Dining .this exceptional
1 nod aftu p ij ing fixed cli.uges , iDcliuling
: ho lequiiomonts of the lompuiy'H sinking
: und , and all liabilities to Iho govormmnt ,
Jio surplus income of the s > slim aiphcibl ) <
io dividend aniiiiinlcd In " ) . - - ' per cent upon
iho company's capitjl. Jt In proper to add the earnings of ilia Hiiminiii muntlis aio
ilwayH much l.tigci than the winter , Thosu
if thu HCi.oml half than the o of the fust ha'f. '
The Oregon elmrt line will bo roinplrlcil to :
lluntington , tli < aguikl point uf LDIIIK ction uf
with the Origan Itailw.iy and Navigation
road by thu of Xoxornbti
.ho Iirnt connection will be m ule. There ! H
c\ory IO.I80H to bolieu this will immediately
suit in r. 1 irgo mere i > o of tialhc , both to the
Jiegon Short linu and the Union I'acific , Tin-
attci will thin ho mluncd ol n hei\y finan
cial burden which it II.H be on foic ° d to carry
imch longei thun .u ai.t upatod , Uho land
ealcj aio luigti than o\er linloie.
Colorado Grronliuolc - Antl
Jiv\ni : * Seitember | 17. The imltonul
prcenbick labor pirtj nut in rtato coimntion
o day. T. ] ' . Jluch man w. n uloctod perma
nent ih in man and I Jr. S. T. Poet , secictary.
ll ° hiliitioiis woio adujiti (1 ( , In which the pi it-
'oini of the intional uon\onlion and thu loiter
of acceptance of ( Juicral 15. P. ] ) ntlerwciu
nUopttd ni the platform of this coiuention ,
So\iral Bpeeches , oiiloRiatic of Jlulkr and
West , were cnthnsnstically reciUod. The
follcwlng ticket WUH placed In nomination :
Pltbieutial ! ! tilectoiH ,1. I ) . liat'iyuF ' UtrnveT ,
V , ( j , 3\le'3HBUger of ( Ireelcy , 11 , P. ] ! iitton of
Dt-nvcrj foi cuuftrifu , ( Jc'd.V. . Way of
liimlder ; goieinor , .lolm I ) . Witahhurn of
j.arimtr ; lltiitcnuut goiernur , A. 1C.Vhito
uf 1/ako : socroUiy of htalu , M , C. Dunn of
Pueblo ; tituti tioasiiitr- r. It Jiiichamtn of
| ) en\cr. ] I\-I'opicHeiitativo ' Ilf v. Dr. ( iilbeit
Dilamutyr declined the unanimous nomm.i
IKIII f ) r ei ii'K si. A riHoliitlun having for it
object , fu ion with the democrats ( in tin Htato
tlckt t W.i3 defeated ,
IJinlcr In No Vnrlc.
I.0\\ ll uu , Sujitombflr 17. Thu actiul cjiint
of tickets shown 1KOUO people to ! mo b < on on
Low ix comity fall ground thu afternoon when
lioncral liutlor upoku , and thin , in Hplto of the
attiections of two otht r fnlrh In iidlghboilng
counties ( iciipral Uiitlor pasced thu day at
tlio homo of Konator ( J'Dotiald , and rci ( Ived
lUiddhook hiiidi with a groit number of per >
plo. At 1 o'clock hu wan called for by a pro *
uf citl/ein hu idcd by a bra n band , and
1 1irtuJ < throiixh the HtreetH of thu town to the
fairfrouml wiieioho wan well received with
applmuiu and chiein.
rnuicll and tlio Kr.ilonul
LoMiov.Kopti-mbrrl" . A hwiroiltmoiutra
tlon of the Iiidi Navlorial le igua h to tuko
plac > < at Dublin uoxt Snnd > , an
ly anmiimci d that Mi. Putin II will attend
nd iiddieB * the mo ( ling. Tin xatno announce-
mout inidihi.ui ver , at the last great
meeting at J'ublm , whuli took place the 120th ,
and at the hist moment Mr. Parnoll tent hU
rtyats on the plea uf ill honltli , ulthough it
win know it tliil lie was cnr.ig ( d in
< hiMting on Ids I'ulato nt Avomhlc , count )
Wicltlnw The oxtrcnio niDinlm of thn 111
tioml pirtv Kny that it incry incouM'tpnl It
tin eri'it iintlonnl leader , whnn there ii
much woik to bo done for Irclnml , to bo anuil <
niKliimvolf at his enmo i > rti crvcs like nin
ordinary landlord. Some of the more \ lolcnl
of thn lonRm rs thteatt n to Insult Mi. Patnel
if ho tine * i-onio to ndilrfsn Iho mroting , niul il
Is po < sblo | a dislurbanco may it suit.
Atiotlicf Eloppiiicnt ntul MnrrlnKO In
York Stato.
lif i > atcli to Tun Hrv.
Nrw Youu , Sdptombor 17. Mm Uomn
Sicfdro , nlmteen joare old , tlio bc.m'.Kul
jomigdaiiRhtcrof Iho millionaire ( JuoicoO.
Sickles , and sister of the famous Comrnl
Paniol II. Sickles , hftJ oloif'd with ncorRO
Mead , i butcher , brother of th i SlcUloa faun
lyv\.ishcr woman. The Sickloa in msiou is
an olegnntoid placj neav New llochollo , just
beyond the city limits in Woitchuster county.
Miss llomi hail n Vassar college oducalion ,
diamonds , nighty dresses , boron , caruaRi'S
anil was a person of rare beauty.
The I'ldor Sickles for yoara
lie divided Ids worship botwocn the distin
guished son Daniel and the bahy of the family ,
Kotnn. Ho had the highest alms In hfo for her ,
and hud often pictured n ploiulid future
for her. The girl was > oiy goiille , ami gave
her doting falher assurjxnco that hooultl do
just a ho wisliod. Jtom.i nut the w.uher-
woman'H biotlicr in thoKuilcn onotliy ami
thuy immediately became lours. Many let
tc'M pasced bttwcon thorn , of which the father
know nothing. Lust Wcdnofdij MIM Komi
obtained peimiislon to visit i\u old friend of
thn family , and leaving her lunno joined the
butiher boy and was mnrrii'd to him. Hho
then relnined to her homo ami annoumod her
mairlngo. The family was horrified , and de
clared Uomn should never ste hoi Imshand
agiin. lie had POIIO biok to Ins native village
nndsho did not seem to mlud his absenco.
Old Mr. Sickles came on to the city and con
sulted hia lawjer with n view of having the
mirriago annulled.
The Imsbandkoptaway from Ins heiress luldo
for throe day ? , but on Stiml ijiho visited the
Sickels homestead and was introduced .u tbu
no soii'in-law. Negotiations weie opened
looking to the buying off of the undesirable
addition to the tamily , but without offcct.
Mend ly the young man called agnln and m in-
ag ed to got a few minutes piivato com orsation
with his wife , anil has not been men about thu
[ ) luco since. Arepoitor visited thu Rt.klos
mansion to-iUy and was infuimul by a seavaut
that ordeis had been given to rofn-u admission
to Mead ,
Por.T Ill'ltoN , Mich. , Hoptembor 17 Foi-
cst fires mo burning htircoly on thu west sidu
ofthiscuy. Thu paoplu all loft Hnronla
beach this morning. Last nifjlit watch v\as
kept for any sparka that might coma into
town. At ono time it pcemcd that Iho brnlgo
and Fomn lmildiug- < must go , but they were
saved. This afternoon the lin > Is burning in
Lhu meadims , end the fire depiitmont hm
ut en called out to check the llaincp. Thtnr
clforts are1 futile , and the' only liopi" for thu
eafi ty of the town lies in ram. Tlio hro is
liohuvod to Invo boon caused by spuiku from
i locomotive.
Hallway SuiierlutPiidpntfl.
Soitcmbcr 17. The railway su
paiintendents in convcntltjj'f , to day huird a
otter from J. 1 * . lialph , of tlio New York ,
West Khino & Buffalo railway , suggesting
homo impiovcmenls in the mallei of while
light signals. A cliscnsnion followed , espi dal
ly upon the suggestion Unit Riouiid glafs or
porcelain bo substituted for the ordimuy
glass now in nso. Tim lotti r was referred to
llio commitlee on c mfeii nco wilh Ihu goiieial
time coiiumtion. The twenty four o'clock
Hjstemof Elanilaul time wait refened to the
oimimttm ) . The subnet of a fctamkuil sjs-
lent of signals was cimsidi led but 1m illy ro-
foiled until tha meeting at llicliniond , Vn. ,
Apul next.
Unfpituirii Stoain.
HAItlilsm in. , Pa. , Sopt. 17. A special to
the Palriot fiom LjkciD sajs ; A toirilic boiler
or explosion occurred last evening at Iho Lyk-
o'S Valley colliery. The explosion oecuned a
bttlo afti i live , nnd was hoard many miles
away. Had it taken nlnce a half Inmi lati'i ,
the loss to bfo would hive been gnat. 'llio
oxploiion was caused by t dcfectmboiler. .
Four bodeiri explod < 'd logother , tin owing iron
and limbeis in every direction foi sevoial
hundred yards. It will c uno a tolal suspi n-
niini of woik at Iho colheiy for weeks. Paul
Schult.lineph Ihmlup and Gcoifjo Bnght
wcio painfully injuied ; I'hnei Ixochoi , a
dii\oi , was fatally vuiundi'1. '
Stolen BiiiidH.
BOSTON , September 17. I'mery ] ) . Vi her
ind anolhoi gcntloman have charge in trust
the cfclalo of Misj Wilson. The sucurilios
me ludgediii a s ifoly di posit vault in tins
Lily. August ITith both liuslces found ovtiy-
thing coirect This foioiuuii $ 0,000 in bonds
weiu found mlsBing. Tnoo aru SdO.OJO in the
city of Cnmtiidgo Wulei loin bunds , mini
hern sixty llinn to SOM nly-lhreo , ineliisivi ,
and M0 , ( 00m [ Lowell Wall i bondn , niimbi IH
I'Jt'i In llili , incliisho. Although not tlin ctly
eh irgiiit ; the th ( ft , 1'isher says that u young
man in thu family of his co-trustco bad
access lo thu vaults , lie left Boston aday m
two ago.
i III Ulilt ) ,
ATIIIINS , OHIO. Suptcmbor 17. IMclod
md iillo niinor.H aru s'vtd to bo committing
lejirudatmns npnn smill stock and farms in
his vicinity. Owing to doititnlion , faimiira
ire afraid to tain legal mousme-s to prevent
A Murderer nlspnsoil of ,
Lnumvii.i i , Ki jit. 17 ATimus spitcial says :
A podim of five inon nttompted to arn.ut Win.
Searcv , charged with the murder of iwo mon
n Ntlson tonnty , Ky. Huaioy was heavily
irmcd , n f usoil to BUI render and w as shot and
iiHtanily kllli d.
Another Ulclimimd In I lie I loltl ,
KOIIION , .Soituin/i ! r 17.Tho American
i > htlcal alllanco h no nominated W. L. Kiln-
woi th of Pomi ylv mil and Oha" , Jl. Wntm.
man , of Ni .v York , for piomdi nt and vice
iiChtdint of thu United Statoj.
WAHIII.SCIO.S , Heptembor 17. Walter
; \anK , eoimniBElonor if internal rev-untie ,
loft this ovuning for a short visit toKi ntuclcy.
His nnmu was to-il ty added to thu lint of thosu
llkuly lisuctei d J'ilfi ; r.
Al'iovj Coiniiilttcninaii ,
Nh\v \ YOIIK , .Scjitombir 17. ( lenoral Ilora
tin C. King will represent Novad * in tbo na
tlonul dumiicituiu commlltei as proxy for Join
II. Dennis , ( Kin ii adjutant gencr
al on the staff of ( iovt rnor Cleveland ,
Tlio AVru.lliorTo.Duy ,
WAHlliMirov , .September 18. Tor the up
pi i Mississippi , generally fidr ; light rlso in
tempi raluro. Per the Missouri , generally
fair , highei temperature' , southerly winds ,
A Ctinutllitii Knllurn.
Touosio , Out. , September 17. A moctinff
of the creditors of tlio lumber firm of S , H.
Mutton A , Co , is cillfj. The lialllitits are
heavy mid the a seti tinknow n , '
The Hews of llio World for Iho Fast
Day ,
Blessed Abatement of the Okolova
in Naples ,
The Imperial Conference Ended" "
Eumorcd Dynamite Plot ,
Laggard Progress of the British
in Egypt ,
China's ' Independent Intentions
Upon Self Defense ,
. 'H llrlr.tltm tn [ , tlio Xatlonnl
Kull ( Srlst of
OUt l''orolIII { N'OVVH ,
Tlio Cholein.
X\l'lM , Hoptomber 17. The cholera epi
demic shows a n , ailed tlocteaio In the numboi
of fresh can's and deaths. ( It oit quantities
of sulphur aio still bin nt with a view of purl
r\ln0'tho atmoiphcie. Considerable appro-
licunon is felt lest the opidomlc in ly giin 10
Mowed foico from excesses which aio likely lo
attend the feast of Soiigenn ivv , on the I'Jth
inst. The poet Uavnlotti arrived heio with
four squadrons of mun f i om Milan and Tns
ciuy , muBtly ( inribildiniH , to assist is i-aring
for thu tick. Thu police dispensed leliglous
proecs < nms , in the ellicioy of which thu limoi
classes duvoutly luliuvo , but shiinos are still
placed in various puts of town andfieqiianled
l > y throngs of snppbciiits , Outbieaksof -
lonco on the part of the people still occui. At
dllfonia a mob opened the h/iuctto , liberated
the peonlo who weio there for troitmont , and
throw the buds into the strcol Thu coulon
about Sporia allows no person * to loft o by fO.\
until after qiiiranliiie of a forlmcht. Itoportn
fiom si\toon towns in Soilthein Kianco make
a tolil of thirty deaths from cholera during
the p ist twenty- four houu.
Oliiini'rt Dlsrocnril f N'piitrnl
I.OMio.v , Soplembor 17. The Chinese
threaten to block thul'ortof Shanghai by , sink <
ing obstnietions in the Woosungrivei has lei
to a remonstrance fiom England , and a number
be-r of diplenmo nolos have tin'ed bolwoon
the two GovonimeiilH. Tliu Clnno-'o authori
ties express ovtiy anxiety to please ] 'ngl md ,
and to repeit the concessions which hue been
granted to the fine ign traders anil lesidents
in Sh inghai and other treaty ports. They
sugRest , liewo\ei th it it is scmccly fair for
1 .nglandllo Intel ft re at this slngn of the 1 1 oubles
between Chlnaand I'latui' . They callatti ntion
to tbo trii-kery of Admiral Comliet in sidling
up the Min n\er with oviry appoaraneo ol
fuendly intentions and then humbard Too
Chow af tor ho hail got p ml Ihu forta whlcl
would have di fended it if his h slilo mission
bid been known m suspecled. They say tint
Kmopu cannot expect that Trench mcn-uf-wnr
are 1 1 bo allowed to ascend the Chinosu rivei.
and bombiid Chtiuso towns midlsturbed.
China , they claim , has a right to make mid
dc-fauxm ) prciiiatlon | : iissho sres fie and what
e\ei injiny is tnlheti d iipuii neutrals IK
ehnigaablo upon 1'iaiicn , who having itfn ° t'd
China's olTei to submit to mediation , and thus
eft the OliincsjJ no alternative but to
Torron/lnn tlio Knipcror .
SMI KMVICK , September 17. The local po
lice were advised from Vienna tint djnainito
would bo found eucictod in eoal earned by
the locomotivts. The police at once made a
careful examination ot Ihu coal sup
plied on locomotives retching Ibis
piiul , but discivctod nothing
of a suspicious mime. As a further piocnn-
tion the nlliceis of lailway trains were icquu-
ed to titku Iho oiilh of nlltv'i ineu to thu e/iti
bi feio cnli ring upon tin ii duties. All railway
viuliicts nvci ivliieh any of thu imporiul pas
sengeis worn pissed weio careliilly ox iiiiini I ,
tin soil tie tred away lo the depth of 3 ftot ,
around thu supports lo make sure no
nillo h ill In on lodged thoiu. 'I ho Prrmn M
of tha ihreo cmpiiors h id aconferenco jcblti
day which hislud llnee liuuis. Sitlmipicnlly
to tliatcmpi iur Wilhiim gave an audience to
Count Kalnoliy.
Ill K ,
C\lltOSepti mburlO. Men voluntooi cagei-
y fin the camel corps which ( ionoinl Lord
.Volseloy . h is given orders to form. Advices
rum W.uly Haifa stale that , thusluamur Mas
If Khii had Hiiccessfnlly pas'cd the recond
KUAMVI. Seplombnr 17. Tin snccesi of day
icforo jesti iday of thu friendly Arabs and thu
lolico escoiling thu convoy of prouHiuns and
women to Snalcim , In dufoitlng Ihu
i nty of lladdunduwas , hus had an inspirit
ng ellict on fill mlly tribes. ' 1'Wo thoiiMand
if thu Amaiar liibu attacked lladdondowax ,
and aftei an ( iigiigiimoiit of four hums Hue-
ct oiled In ilisloilgbig them , klllmgKuvonly and
.ipliiriug many arm" .
Tlio War In China.
SltAMiiiAi , Hoplombei 17. Two tlioiisind
I'Vench troops landed to d ly ut Kinpil I 'am
m thu Men liver below Koo Chow , and at
; acki d the Chlm se. Thu hitler were di fouled
with a hoivy loss , and urn in full rotieat.
Pee Cnott , Haptciubor 17.Tho riiineso
uvosloppod Ihu supplies of coal foi Ihu lint
sh giinbo il Merion , stnlionod at .Sharp Peak ,
wlicio llio ciblo lands.
PKJI.IA , III. , .Septumbi'r 17. The train on
thi I. ] ! . .1 W. railway conveying llv Cov !
uior llemlrlcks to this city was tlnown fiom
Lhuliack mar 1'armor City this morning ,
liiiurnnr llondricks iscajnd , but a immhoi of
oil HI pornoiiH were moir or ICHS injured ,
Among thonumliir were Colonel Ilalloway ,
of Michigan , who was sorlonsly injuied ; Dr.
fiooigo A. Wilson , of this city , was sevorily
brillxi d , and P. ,1. Ken had Jiiu nhouldi i blade
biokcn ,
ANorillll A ni NT ,
I'l-oiia , Nijifmbor 17. The pas'ingcr
tiain on the Imli tnapulls , Itiirlington .V\\'mt
ern , eoniiiif ; wont , at 11 vu n'i lock tins morning
was thrown from thu tiack neai ParmetsUity ,
Thu piivato car of riiiptiinti nduiit llondiirson ,
coiitamiiig llindrhks and piutyon ion to to
this city , rolled down an I'mbnnkmunt fiflnon
foot high and turned bottom sldo up. The
ontno jiai ty vu IQ sovi rely hakim iii and they
wcro with dillicullv rt'scmd from the wrick ,
( iovurnor Hi ndrlcks was badly bruised. ( Join
nol.l. i ; . Mi nunioio , of ( irnnd Hajjida , Mlchi
gall , h is his shouldi r hroki n and was sornmdly
injiiiod , ilami'H I.eo , of Pooiia , arm broki n
uml bully brulsoil. An nnl.nown lady fatal
ly Injured. .Shoemaker , of thu Indunapolli
huntinul , uviitly ) biiiisud and 10tinned homo.
Dr. ( J. A , Wilson , of Peoili , bruised about
thu chest and sluuildoM , Kuvuiul nthem wcio
siiiionaly hint.
Tlio M\v ) Solilluni' Jloiuo
' , DAVIUV , Ohio , Hipte-mbor 17. Largo dolu-
gatlous aio hero from Iowa and Is'uliiaskit t <
meet fie intional board of Homes for disabled
volunteer soldi ) ra , to present inducement * for
establishing thu humu m 0110 vf aaid states
authon/ptl by nit of enngrc'ic , approved .Inly
. " , I'-sJ , whith providt s tint n brnucli homo bo
boated in Arkin < i . Colorulo , Kansas , Iowa ,
Mliin" < ot , Mi.sonrl or Nobrnsk-i , Tlio Inattl
of managers wd Hie at thn central brnlich , near
n .vton to morrow. Ihn Iowa tlolpRation.
foil i in number , chosen by the state legislature ,
by the lopubilein and domocrUle conventions
niul by thu liuiml At my , and eight city dele
gallons mot to-night and ngrood to work for
the ono cau o of obtaining thehomo for their
stall' only. The Nobr.i'ku dolcgalluni nro lo
arrho In thu iiioinlng.
HIM'NION OP Vntinti\N8 ,
Slio Army oftlio Cittitliorlatul Ilc-.Vi.
nt Hnolirstor , W , Y ,
, K.Y. , September 17 , The an-
mill 10 union of the society of the Army of the
thu Cumborl uul Is in progroia. (
P. H. Sheridan arrived last night ntul Uenrr-
al Logan to day , The society wai called lo
ordet in tha illy hall by ( ieneual HUciidan ,
who sanl : "Comrades it n now
sixteen years smco the Army of the Cuml > er-
land As ociatioii was formed. It Ins met ov-
01 v . * . oar mneo tint tinia ami I have hid tlio
iniiilego of attending nuiily every nuetiiig.
I wihh to cuiigralnlato my comrades
m thu good will and Imimnny
Lhitlus alwiijH jirov ailed in our ineethus
and 1 hut o the simo good will and liaimonj
miy punall MOW. "
( tenoial M'CiBt , llio socicliry , reid his 10-
port. The it-port of ( Ji'iieial ,1. H. Pulloi ,
treiiun i , showed .v balance in the tioasuryof
lienualA. 11. llunum si itod that ho had
drattnd ivsolnliuiH coiicTimng the culling of
iiisiiiplionson the numtmunts of Genurals
Thorn is ai d ( iarhold winch were in aecoid
mice with the letter wnttcn by Col. Kockwo 1
uuggostmtr tiisciiptmns upm the iimnnniunts
similar to lho e recently plncatl on the Me-
I'lterson muiniment.
Thu alteriiiun was oecipicd by the sotiot }
viewing llio pniuU of Intirest in tin city. In
the evening a inception was held by Iho ( Jon-
ends Slioriditn and l.ogan in the Major's
tilhoo. LlUrny evouiioa followed in thu city
Intli ,
The cxcicisos consisted of an
address of welcome by the mayor
1 > . 1) . S. ItrovMi. ( icnoial bliciid.ui loapouil
ed as follows.
L idles and nentlemen of the City of IJucli-
eslor : The members of the Hociely of the
Cnmberl mil highly nppieciitu the waun wel
come and kindlv feeling ricei\ctl fiom volt at
this , their annual mooting. Thuy highly ap
pn ciatu yom kind woul.H uf welcome , and
they feel to the gentleman who spoku thesu
words of welcome ntul Iho people of thu city
Hut it is thi'ii duty lo lotuin ihub moAt
huarty thanks. Thorn woiu a gtoat many
soldiers f i um heio in the Army ot llio Cum-
beiltiidm Iho VM-sl , and wo hud often heaul
thorn ni Mile of von and your beautiful
city , and tint they wished us lo hold our
annual reunion huie. Thin invi'.itiun was
accepltd at our meoling a veir ago , and it
ciitunly has been seldom if over tint men
rocelvoilu moio cuiill il and hoirty ( rrootlng.
Mi. M lyot nnd Lullet and Ciuntlemon of
Hochestnr. Inbnlinlfof thoaimv of Iho Cum
berland , t > von I ostcnil my rinteio thanks.
Wo may mi it yon elsowhtio , but wo Hindi
novel have n Imppiot time tlun hero in Him
ciU of Itnchestcr.
lieiijimin P. Taj lor letd a poem onlitlnd
"Chiiki miuiRa. ' The tuition wui delivoii d
by Wilhim ll. L unbelt on UuioialUt oigoll
Tliomns. _ _
Grcslinm'H Iteiiirn toilui Jlcnch.
WA-OIIMITOV , Sept. 17. H now teems
probable that the president v. ill Imvo ttvt
cabinet plncej to fill instead of ono. This
must bn a great annojaneito Pn sldont Ar
tliur , as ho had hopid to ictam his cabinet in-
tjcl lo the end of his administration. A
friend of lion. ( Irosham , wlio is probibly as
near to him as anjbody , \iicsscil | the opinion
that ho will decide to mcopt llio judgeshlp
foi Iho eighlh judicial cliciiit , to till Iho va-
cuiuy caused by Iho letnomunt of Juilgu
Drnmmond , and ho will do thin
at an early d ly. Thu aigtimcnts which Judge
( tiesham's fiieuds have mailu to dim as thu
reason why he should not accept thu troiiHiny
poitfolio , nmkoany law p irtnuahipH noi enter
fntther Into Ihu m eertamtii s of oolltics aio
UiUhe. iludgu ( iroHliam i-i now / _ ' years of
age. .lloeould haully be called n man of
modi si muaiiH , and has a glowing family. He
has bun long away fiom the bai. Jlisoxpo-
riunco and innntal habits aio tlio-o of the
lieneli , nnd , wlnlo hu could undoubtedly foim
in advanlagooiis law p.ulneiship , it would to-
piiru a , ; oed many fees to secure n caiiilal
ivhich would jield for Iho rcmnindur of his
ifi ' ' ( ipOUJ it your.
JInll AVIth 'la 'IJnil.
Cr.liV l.l VM ) , 0. , Seplembir 17. A special
.o the Herald , last night , sa > s : Lehon I'ry
iropos"d marrlngo to Mis. Ponrone , a ( ! or-
iiin widow , living near Homer Center , Mi-
Una county. lit ing injected , 1'Vy ' tliuw a ie-
volvei and shot Alta , Puninio in tliu In. id , in-
llcting a HO\eio but not nccesHiiilly lalal
Miiind. > SuppiMing that ho hut Killed her , ho
vent to a neighbors , proem oil a Mint gun , put
IIIU//IQ lo Ins mouth , and blow his head
A Uniluny CoiiHolliIatlon ,
C'llic'\io ' ; , III. , Hoptomber 17. It is
icio that consolidation of llio Hoosau Tunnel
inowilh the WcstHhoio his been fully ralillcd
ly the railroads over which tlioyan [ > to ope
rate. I'ach has been asxignud a pirticularlei-
itory wild thu samu agmcies as al present
I'hi' system will bo unduroiiugeiioial man.iuui.
I. W. Hnutli , h < rnlofuro manugei of tlio \ \ oil
Sliotu will usHiuni' llio diilics Octolur 1 ,
An Anhwcr tt , "Ono AVIio KntnvH. "
To the Kdltor of Tin : DM
Dr.Aii SIK 1'lunsu allovr mo spuco to reply
ply to "Olio Who Knows , " by ono who
IUOW-H ; bettor , ft iflaacurtod by"Oiio WIio
Known" that Olliccr Jvubto wan "drug-
d , " by tlio conniv.-.nco of a brother oill-
cur. Thm a 'orlion , should it not bo in-
Vfntigr.teil and dispiovud , would cant tlia-
credit not only on the city council , but
would dishonor the wliolo puhco forco.
In ju.itico to Ofllcor Kuboo mid lun many
friunda , I lm\u rufrainod from publishing
tliu dutailu of the ci'.oo , prtforing to re
port the oirciiiint.'incj : ) to tlio marshal
and cuptum uf police mi v/na my dutytlio
iiKittcr buing now in thuir ImndB. II
no concern uf mine but 1 bug t j asEiu
"Ono Wlio KuotTft" Uul my regard toi
common dcconcy and not of mattur
makoii m close by Bubacribing myself
oao who Icnowa l > otter , or
.fAvns : A.
TlioConlral Hospital.
The cuntral Jio iilul on Jones and
Fourteenth trcotj , that w o opened to
the puolic a short tune ago , ia already
supplying a Jong felt want , ( .Jullo a num.
bur of p.iticnln . Invo availed tliomaolvoa
of its advanlaijcs , and it in constantly
growing in popularity. Thla Jnstitution
is dtvidod Into general and private words.
Ono great feature of it is the lyinij in
dopiirtmont to which
tlio phyBlciitiin pity
great attention. In connectioit with U la
a free dupougary winch is upon every day
from 11 to 1 , vvhoro medical aid ia ren
dered the poor free of charge. From 12
to 1 daily in this branch of the hospital
dlaonso.3 of the eye and oararo also treated -
ed by a competent specialist.
Wcflncsflan's ' Qnotaiions on Liyc Sloclc ,
Gain : and Provisions. .
The General Oattlo Markofc Slow
and Dull
Hogs,1 Light "Receipts and High ?
or Prioos ,
l * "
An Aotiva Dal jn the Grain
Tlio Light Eeci a s of Wheat
Strengtho Pri
iV Tny of " , K\oltcinl on ttio Corn
i rt *
Wnrltcl Oats , ) trie anil
Imrtl Stciuly.
\TTI.K. )
Sioclal | Telegram to Tin. Her.
Clttc'Atio , September 1 * . Among the fresh
nriivalt were 1-10 CUM of wcsteinsaud fifty or
sixty cars of Texas rangers , both of good
( iiality. The gunernl mirkot was rather
low aa compared with previous dnjsoftho
n nek. The proportion of common and
iiodium natives waa considerably larger than
'or ' some time , aud the demand for such wai
lot at all busk , with a decline strong lo 10 to
Ifio on overj thing that did not carry consider-
iblo fat. The shipping and dressed beef do-
intud light ami uncertain. Native
lutchors' and cannors1 stock was rather scnrco
and sold at steidy prices , Totas cows sollinf ;
its high 119 $ I 00 and u drovoof steeia aa high
is SI SO. The atocker and feeder tr.ido is all
in the hands of spocul.ilore. they hnv ing load
ed up in anlicipitum of a good ontsido do-
mntl but eo far Unit demand has been rathec
light , jet It Is expected that there will bo
nn improvement be fore the week is out. ] 'aic
graspeis , I part corn-fed , 5 'J5@0 80 ;
iniiliiiin , 5 7.rififlti lifl ; Wjuming ? , Nebr.iskaa
aitl Montiiuis , I 105 2j , ontj extra fine
drove milking 5 10 ; rcngo tailings , including
cows and bulls , It l5di ! : 75 ; Toxnm , of 7CO to
SfiO pounds , at It 75 to I lSj ! of ! ) dO to 1,000
pounds , at I 10 lo 1 fill ; ono lot of choice ox-
portent and best solid corn fed , C.SO@710 ;
( rood to choice , 1'JOO to l.aflO pounds , 0 10 ©
ti 1 5 ; common to fair , 1,000 to 1,200 pounds
Sales : dOO Wyoming * , .iverafliug'
1,170 pounds , r. . TO ; 1011 Color.itloi. 1,100
pound" , I M ) ; ! ) . ! TX'cbrjskaM , l.UOlpounne , 175 ;
.fit Texans , 1,030 pounds , 1,1)00 ) pounds , 4 liO.
' 1'ho very light lecoipts cause-dan inegnlar
nnd un3von maikut , > ct on the xvbole , prices
wet o sluing and lOc Inghnr all 'round , the
gn atest advance being on mixed nnd medium.
liood bacon soils weio extremely scarce.
Hi uvy sold at ( i " 0@i ( 31 ; mixed and medium
made about the advance' . Tlio mat kot closed
steady , with about all sold. Light , 1DO to IHO
pounds , 5 DOfeli 'JO.
( ! reat activity was infused lito tlio grain
market to day occ isloned by the hard Etpieezo
in e mi aud proportionate Uegrcu of lirmnesa
invlioat. . n
Iteceipts of vihoataio smaller and nt other
points also the n ceipls show falling off , The
marki t hciu opened a shntlo firmer , then eas
ed off tJggc , duo to the New Yoik atakmcnt
of the visablo supply which showed a larger
ineroaHu than the Chicago statement but un
der a good speculative deniuid it impiovcil
ngiun aihanciiig A ; cased off slightly and
closed } over josterday. No cltingo occurred
on the afternuon bn.iid , the market closing
at 7i/ ( / for October , fc"ii for November and fc ( )
foi JJcccmbtr.
Tim excitement ran high In corn and trail-
.ng was veiy active' . The chief interest cen-
, ercd In near deliveries. Sept. rose 'fj ; Oct.
1 / ; Nov. If ; and thcio was mituinlly a frantic
iiish to coyui by shorts. It ia reported that
mo operator was compelled to cover MO.OOO
Jjiishols. On tha afternoon session , Septem-
jer shaJed off somewhat , but other options ro-
nitlnud Iirm , cloilng at 08 for September , D3
for Octoboi , I5i foi November , 3'JJ foi May ,
iuli d higher closing at U5i for September , 252
for October , JJIi for Novomlior.
roiu ;
igain rultd very dull , closing at 11 ! 7/i / for Sep
.ember , 17 CO for October , 11 73 for the jcar.
easier , closing nt 7 15 for Sopli inbor and Octo.
MI , ( ! U7J for Novomboi.
A > Ijnlui IOIIH l''liator. (
, Ilk , September 17. The body of
n unknown man was found in the river just
lolow hoiu to-tiny , who had evidently been
nurdcred , there buing a bullet bolo under his
leftoai. Ho vvas about 35 years of ngo ,
eighed l.'iO pounds , had a D tndy inuustachu ,
light hair and VMID v\ell diesscd. Nothing
was found on his pursuit which could bo
imlcnllfied. Ho had been in water three or
Four ilajH.
A Hunk Altiiohctl.
Niw YOIIK , September 17. .ludgo Dono-
imo , of the Hiipromo couit today granted an
atl iclmioiil against the property af the Mih-
HUmiipi Vidluy Bank of Yicksbtng , Miss , hi
the action brought by the National 1'ark Bank
of this city to recover S13.1UU claimed to bo
duo plaintiff.
A Spnuc-Ueiulcr 1'lcd.
Sr. Louis , Seplemboi 17. John Nelson , a
m Inter , was shot ami killed by Mu. I * . ( * .
Htuwart whllo attempting' to enter hci house
during her husbnnil'ii ubjenco ,
ARC 1.0 US
( liihnn ortm > Inju.ioiis rnoetum ui'd.'i bo rontft
i Androwj' I'ctirl Bnlcuiit I'owcler. In pe -
i u'vPURE. ' Jicinjimdoncd.aiidtci'tltnonu'd
leceue 1 irom tacit clicmUU asB , Dana II * ) s , llos-
bn : M. Dcli'.fontiUne , of C'lilcauo : sml Uuitavva
Mode , illhmnl-C'e. Never cold In bull ;
ix J
, tta&vu.K.v ereHJ