Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1884, Image 8

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Wednesday September 17.
l-'recl 1'jerrou , who wn < slabbed by young
Kohlmoyer Usl week i belter and will recov
er although quito ill yet.
Two plain cmo ? of dtunk were fined S3
each nud cost * in police court yeHarday
One mill and the other ii in durance vile.
Henry Finganlo , charged with threaten-
ng the life of his wife , wat held under 8500
bondi jeslerday , to await an Investigation.
The carpenters' union propose givinRa fo-
cisl hop at I'nlcoucr'rf lull tonnnor
t-vcning. Oilier tiado unions have boon in
vited to participate.
The funaral of .T. 1) . Johnson will take
pinto to-diy , September l"th , nt 2 p. in.
from the Swedish Lutheran clmrch/Nlntecnth
nnd Cain streets.
At the Stidt theater tonight
"Adelado" will bo prasontcd for the benefit ot
the Gorman-Kngllsb. school. Tlio object is n
worthy ono , the play will bo well put on and
should bo liberally patronized.
All ladias interested in th bazar , ti beheld
hold for the benefit of the Oemum-American
school , nro requested to meet at the school ,
Nineteenth nnd Itnniey , this , Wednes
day , nftornoon , nt 3:30 : o'clock.
Mondayovcmng'tho Blrcetfruil dcalorwore
ordered to close their Ht.iiuN. Thoio who no
cupy building J nnd plao their fruits in front
of them nro nllowcd to continue OB bsforc but
those who simply rout ground from the own
ers of building ! were cloiod.
The ox-conimitteo of the Irish American
Vlaitio and Lognn club will moot nt llio ollico
of General O'Drion , JJedick's block on
this ( Wednesday ) evening , at half-past
isavcn. Jl. 0'3. Burke , president. John
Qulnu , secretary.
The dedication of llio temple erected by
the Ifraolltcs of our city , will take plnco on
next Thursday at1 o'clock p. in. Clergy nnd
press nro cordially Invilod to attend , nnd as
many nioro as the foatmg capacity will penult.
Uy order of the committee.
The Omaha Auxiliary SocUty for the
Homo for the Krlondlos < , will moot Wednesday
day afternoon at 3 o'clock , at the Flint M. 12.
church , corner Davenport nnd Seventeenth
street. Members nnd friends to bo present.
By order of the president Mils. C. 0. DlNH-
Monday night n horse owned by Mr A. D ,
Titua was stolen from his residence , No. 2818
Franklin street. The horse was turned looio
in thojynrd nnd was taken from there. The
animal is u black gelding with n slit in the
right ear. Mr. Titus nays ho will pay ? 50
reward for the return of the horse and appro-
hensiou of tlio thief ,
A talcgram bin been received from Missouri
souri Valley asking for a full description of n
man who broke jail in this city twelve or fif
teen days ago and aho diking what reward will
opatd for his capture. The telegram has been
ehown to both jailors but noilhcr of them
know anything about it. A young follow
named Myers cnciped from the city jail a few
day pinco but ho cannot bs tlio man referred to
by the Missouri Vulloy matins that happened
less than ono week sinco. The telegram also
nys tlmt tlio man arrested in Missouri Vulloy
has lost ono linger.
TIIK UKS acknolcdgoi n charming orches
tral serenade which it sustained nt the hands
of three mysterious strangers last night.
"Widow Dunn , " "Tho Mocking Bird , " "Tho
Arkansaw Traveller , " nnd uavornl euphonic
selections from Harrigan ft Hart's
heavy , followed by n banjo obliguto vrith
castanct ( bonus ) accompaniment constituted
the programme. The nmslcnlo unfortunately
ndjournrd before tlio inusIealistH had time to
leave their cartus do visile and tha lii ! : : , un
certain of the recipients of its thankful grati
tude , withholds It nud n bucket of typo-
wash ULtil the next call.
A Correction.
To the Kdltor of Tin : Biu. :
In yesterday's paper appeared certain (
various statements about u police ofllcor ,
who was found drunk on Wednesday and
Thursday nights. Allow mu to uivu a
true version of the all'tir. The officer in
question wa not found drunk for two
nights in cucceBfllon. IIo is always a
Bober man and so on Wednesday
nightOn Thursday night ho was on hia
boat sober mi usual. On Friday nii > ht
after ono o'clock onu of his fellow ollicura
mot him in front of n saloon on the cor
ner of Ilurnoy * .nd Eightpetnhnlroeto and
invited him to havu a drink. The invited
clTiccr cskod for seller , bub the other
iinbtcd that ho should tuka a drink of
whiaky. After BWH'lnviug ' thu
dose , the cllicor .til question
walked out and immediately
lost nil ccnscioinneta. When and how
ho rejoined , ho is unable to state ,
buthaa , a recollection that ho was in the
plau ) again with the otlicer who invited
him to drink and m-iathcr ono and throii
civilidiiD. The bfliucrs informed him
that hu was robbed of the star , club ,
revolver , etc. , but everything would bo
all right , if ho would pay ten dollars
IIo refuted to do it , although onu of the ;
ntlior odicnrs and the btirkcoper o lie rod
to loiai him the nmount. Then they
inailo him drink another ghsn of whial.-y ,
whereupon ho lout nil cariscioumiosa and
wjis left cm the walk.
Now , Mr. Editor , anybody can eoc1 ,
that thin was u put-up job , that the
officer wun not drunk , hut flrugnod to
come purpose. [ , O.VE Wjio KNOWN.
Itcul Khtulo
The following tratuforo were filed in
the county clork'a ollico ycatorday p.ntl
reported for THK BBH by Araeu' ioal
catuto ujjency September 15 , 1884 :
C. 0. Iloutol und wifd to A. Androv-
ann , w d , pac l in ui'o ID , t 1C , r ( I ,
G. JJ. Brgg ot ate .1. Barker , w d ,
lot 05 in Gdius' add. 000. .
\V. ' . Iniiitrotul to Sshool D'ulrH '
Nn. 21 , q o d , " 10 acica in toe U ! , JD , 10 ,
0. D. Lwia nnd litMband to J. and B.
; i , w d , part lot 5 , block 1 ! , Crudit
S. K , ItonurM t nl to C. D. l > win , q c
1. p'-trtlot D , blocl : . ' ) . in Crudit Foiiciur ,
n UnniUiniKi Collation ,
The niidnight toilers of TIIB I\KV \ :
vroff'Uiid in thuir KrAtitudn to Mr. '
jjiiibaiiru , rftitjiininttur ut 1518 D
htrt'et , fur the lnnideomH rprfod liu
them li t 11'gb.t ' , The special nci-jieion < i
thu liiiKJ y ( liinution ) Inxljy iiiidur t < io < '
< < tltH ; "i > i < 'lii' ' ri'cipiontM but thut it va
in noino coiicnined with tin
Appel Ooldtuiith wedding oelubratod
lit * ' . I'vaninu a. F.i'o"iifr'u ' J > all , tu lutidl\
in b ) doubted. Double tlmnkti to Mr
Dannbaum , and lung life , proppi-rity and
b Kcnuroui ieeuo to the happy ccuplo.
Tin Ciiy Prints Siattio Quo liy an
Even Vote Of Tlio Council.
The Fnrnain Street Property
Owners Asking for Time
An Ordinance Authoring a Mer-
ohantQ1 Police Introduced.
The Present Police Force the
Subject of Some Comment.
Tlio n. At f.'H CrosHliiR em Tenth
At the regular wooldy mooting Jof the
city council last evening , all members
were present. The roll was called nnd
on motion tlio reading of the minutes of
the last mooting was dispensed frith.
From the mayor , giving noticothat ho
had approved the ordinance making ap
propriations for liabilities incurred during
August. Filed.
From August I'ratt , William Go-burn ,
ind S. E. Locke , appraisers appointed to
ISSUBS the damngoa arising from the chan-
foaof gradoof St. Mary's nvonuo between
Nevada and Phil Sheridan streets , stat-
ng they could not ngreo upon a report.
\lod. _
From the city attorney , returning com-
nuulcation concerning the opening of
fourteenth struct , otating that it had
> eon duly accepted by S. H. Galloway in
ohal of th Union Pacific Railway com-
lany. Filed.
From Charles Flock , stating ho had
onu into the city jail onbusincBS one
lay lust week , and while there had boon
snaultod by a prisoner , and ( inking the
ouncil to take the necessary steps in the
natter. Itoforrod.
From George Whitmack , requesting a
oayo of absence for ono week from the
lolico force. Gtantod.
From B. F. Johnson nnd others , ask-
tig that the bridge formerly located on
Tinotocnth street aud Shormnn avenue bo
ilacod on Sherman nvonuo , connecting
Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets , llo-
From the city treasurer , stating that
I. II. Gilbert and John F. Hoi ton Had
iaid certain paving taxes under protest.
From Marv Spaulding , asking that
> ur houses said by her to be on Walnut
troot , bo removed as nuisances , lie-
From eamo , asking that certain tnxoa
pin 1807 to 187-1 on her real estate bo ro-
litted. Referred.
From name , stating that a dairy nearer
or residence had become a nuisance , and
iking that it bo abated. Referred.
From T. II. Cotter and others , asking
liat n lot near Baumann's brewery on
rhich its waato water is thrown bo tilled I
p , nnd ita preuont uan discontinued , {
toferrcd. | ,
From the city pound in.iitcr , submit-
ng liii report for the month of August ,
From the deputy county clerk , pro-
lilting a resolution passed by thu county
oard to the cll'oct that the county had
aid S1U3 00 for griding Farnam atroot
3 per undoratandiug with the city. Ro-
From Frank E , Biuloy submitting a
lot of Idaho atreot oxtondod. Referred.
Vrom 0. C. Collins , asking the sum of
250 na dainngoaanutainod to his houao
y reason of the grading on Twentieth
ud Ilarnoy. Referred.
From Mcllugh it McGovaok , iisking
tat the time for completing the n
'ourtoonth street branch of thu Jonea
Ircot aowcr bo extended to October 15. el
From 0. S. Goodrich t Co. , nnd
thor Farnaiu street property owners ,
eking chat the nutting down of sido-
allc on Farnam street bo deferred until
ext year , owing to the burdens of taxa-
ion , and the eusponnlon of trade on that
trnut thia season. Referred.
From the city marshal , otating that ho
i d fciisponded George Ilydo und Victor
[ iiboc for drunkeneaa.
A motion was made to refer the com-
ninication to the coinmittco on polico.
Fnrd then innvod to amend that tlio
clionof the marshal boeuatainod , and
tatcd not only they but live or six oth- ,
i ought to bo rolioved.
JSohinoaid ho would sustain and stand
y tlio marshal every time.
Iluoill opposed the nmundment for
lie reason that these men should bo
card in thstroivti defcnsu if they wished
o bo.
Fiir.iy said the condition of thing ! ) 3:1
ho police foroois disgraceful.
liana nil continued that the rrmnrks o
were untrue BO far aa regards the
Id twenty policemen and that there was
0t n better force of this aizu In the Uni-
od Slates .
Ridtiuld stated that thcao men wnro
ntttlcd to a hoarding na n matter of right.
Lscder slid ho wn ( ho first to udvo-
.Ho thu protection of drunken policumou
nit from this time on ho would atund by
ho inurahal.
Andureon arnuo at thu point and asked
ho niuyor lion- many of UICBO last ten
nun hu had unpuintud. 'J'hn mayor said
hey wore iippuinti'd by Mayor Chase ,
) ut of hia own knonkdio hu know they
vi'roiippoinU'd by conncihnun. Referred ,
From the 1) . it M. , the 0. U. V Q
ind O. it S. W. M < ltvny oompuniea ,
it.itmx tlmt after sirr.injii'niunta liad been
nado by which thu IS. it 51. might cross
L'onth Btruet from three to four furl bo- b
ow fjrwlo the city had pUml a force of . ,
non there to prevent its eo doing , and
.fkiiif ; that i tepj bo ttvken to allow it to
( inipk'to ' itu work at the earlieat poaailjlo
Kaufmanuimid lie was most frier dly to
hu B. it M. , but ho would not givu hta
ontunt to any company to allow it to
iroHH Tenth f ( root without ( but making
iroviuioim for gutting u [ ) thu hill.
Tlirutio wai in favor of doterinining
liu matter at unco und allow them tu
iiiiali tlu'ir work im noon as puaiblu.
liuicall eaid if iinybi > dy was damaged
iy thia crohsing the company should pay
'in1 it. It hud imuio iu gudo wcat lovsiir
tlun thnt of 'IV'nth Btruct und now it
mist crosH boiu'ntli it.
Kiuifimim sinl ho was in favor of not
* ll'irt'ioj' the 15 , it M , in put u epadn In
Couth ntnuit until hrranui-'iiu'iitti had
luario t > Imvn it jnit in HI good con
dition uditi/i iinw. Ho nuid io agreu
incut hud been made to iilUj r thu com
pany to croi * thii street from three }
to four font b low the precniit grado. [
Ilascill catd it was not for the interest 1
'of ' the city that Tonlh atroot should bo
crossed at grade ns thcro would not bo
room enough for the viaduct on Eleventh.
IIo wns not in favor of allowing the pres
ent grade of the B. it M. raised to con
form to that of Tenth.
A motion to plnco the matter on file
was loot.
The motion that It ia the uonao of the
mooting that Tenth street should bo
crossed at grade was carried.
A motion by Faray to reconsider waa
carried , and the whole matter waa re
ferred to the committee on Directs and
From the niayer , appointing Jeremiah
Murphy , on recommendation of IJana
Murphy , a special policeman , without
pav from the city , confirmed.
From Hamo , appointing Thomas Leon
ard a special policeman. Confirmed.
From Clark Woodman , oficring to
bring Izird aiid'Nichols atroota to grade ,
for tlio earth removed by BO doing. Referred
From II. H. Price flaking that the
atroot grade at Grace and Sherman Ave
nue bo an changed that loania need no
UBO the aidowalk. Referred.
From.I. II. Kynor it Co. , asaonlinc ti
the ordinance ordering Twentieth atroo
graded bntwcon 1'iorco and Chicagi
atrcota. Filed.
The contract and bond of the Evening
Dispatch for the city printing were rene
by the clerk , and a motion to approve
them waa lost by a vote of ti to ( i.
The bida for printing were then referred
forred to the committee , to report nt the
next mooting.
From Peter Svacina , giving notice tha
he claimed $000 aa damages arising from
, ) n ovorllow of water caused by the change
of grade of IVolflh nnd Williama. Ro-
From John Baumor , 0. P. Straighl
and William Dow , making their report aa
appraisers of damages arising from the
change of grade of Izard atrcot from
Tnonty-third to Twenty-fourth , and
rwontyfirat , Twonty-aocond and Twenty-
third from Nicholas to Cumlng. Ap
Tliobondaof R. F. Shannon nnd A.
McNamara aa aoiror contractora were ap-
The curbing and guttering contract of
Fameo Fox was also approved.
From Jamoa Crcighton , proaonting
lortain approved eatiniatcs. Approved.
By Bohm , that a gaa lamp bo placed on
Eleventh and Jackson. Referred.
By Wordworth , that Ninth atrcot
outh of the paving to the U. P. track
10 filled up. Adopted.
By Loodor , that the city clerk bo di-
octod to advertise for 75 tona of hay for
ho fir a department. Adopted.
By Bohm , that the city engineer bring
n an ordinance ordering the filling up of
ots in block 1 , Kountz and Ruth's ' ad-
lition , holding stagnant water. Adopted.
By Furay , that the city mnrahal bo in
truded to report to the council at ita
icxt regular mooting the namoa of all
loraons now employed on the police force
rhoso services can bo dispensed with for
ho good of the service , for the conaidor-
tion of that body. Unanimously adopt-
d.By Loodor , that the city clerk advor-
iso for bida for hard and soft coal for
ho nso of the city. Adopted.
By Androraonthatthoro3olutioii order-
ng n sidewalk on Campbell north of
) jlowaro and Franklin bo rescinded ,
on COMMIITEI : . < < .
Streets and grades , rocomonding the
uggoslions of the city engineer with ro-
peet to the triangular tract nt the corner i
f Nineteenth and St. Mary's avenue. J
Adopted. ; ,
From the mayor , appointing Charlen T.
lanki.4ou , William White and 0. P.
itrnight appraisers to assess the damages
rising from opening and extending >
linoteonlh street , north. Confirmod.
Police , reporting against the erection
f a dump at the foot of Douglas street , >
y Jno. Peterson. Adopted.
Gas , recommending that the oflico of
as inspector bo cre.Uod nud the city at-
ornoy bo instructed to frame an ordi-
tuico defining his duties. Adopted.
Sidewalks and bridges , recommendim ;
ho enforcement of the resolution requir-
ng Farnam street propelty owners to Jay
idowfllks in front of their property with-
1115 days. Filed ,
Special , recommending the allowance
f SlilJ to Put. Kilimrtiu for spjcial work ;
ono on Eleventh and Ilarnoy. Rs-
P.ivipg , curbing and guttering , rocom-
lending that Colorado sandstone bo the
lutorial used in paving districts 28 , 110
nd Itl , and in alley paving districts 1
nd U , and Sioux Fulls granite in paving
district number i ! ! ) . Adopted.
Appropriating moneys out of the gon-
iral and special funds to pay contractors ,
,3 per approved usUinitos. P.vsaod.
Ordering that part of Ninth street in
laving district number L'8 and alloy in
illey paving district number U pared ,
? . \3sed.
Granting authority to S. S. Folkoroud
Charles W. KJgorton to establish and
iperato n merchantu' nnd police detective
illico. Road twlco nnd referred.
Ordering certain streets and alloys
laved with Colorado sandatono Passed.
Changing the grades of parts of Izxrd ,
I'lyonty-lhat , Twonty-aocond and Twenty-
hircl stroetD. Passed.
A sululituto ordiuanco requiring the
nking out of n license for certuiu cx-
libitlona , Passed.
Amending section 1 of ordinance No.
M7Pawed. .
The council then took n rcocss for tun
ninutot , nnd convened as u board ( if
Kurili/.ition | , when thu report of its last
lesaion was rnad und iidoptod.
The council then adjourned.
Smoke Sail of North Oirolina tobacco
In Nebraska and Iowa during the week
ndnd September 13th , 1881ns furnished
iy Win. Van Vleok , of the poatollico ae-
urtmcnt : '
Eitablishcd Dwight , Butler county ,
lenry Glover , poatumhter.
Poutmasters appuiiitHct CednrviHe ,
iherniun county , .I.uiua T. Campbell.
Established Am'iuii ' , Iowa county ,
iMurham Nee , iiostmiistcr ; TonyBunton
utility , Win. Harrington , postmaster ,
Discuntinued Like Uoator , llamiltoa
county. .
Postmastero appointed DrakoBvillo ,
Davis ooutily , T. A. P.\ttorson ; Coving-
ton , Lunt county , James GrMiHin ; Ujd-
field , Dallas county. H. F. Simcoko.
Seal of North Carolina tobacco
Ntbraaku fuel Co.
Thcro is no plucn like Ilubormaiiii's for
buying gold and eilvur watches. B13 (3 (
Tlio Tiilrd Session of tlio North N > -
l > rnska uonfcronco ,
On Soplomber 10th , in the town of
Blair the third session of the North Ne
braska funurd M ! . E. conference met with
Bishop Willard F. Mallalicu presiding.
Considerable business WAS done nnd n
number of resolutions passed. At the
close of the session the bishop read the
following appointments for the ensuing :
Omaha District J. 11. Maxliold , prfniiln !
elder. Arizona , ID l > o nupiihod ; Arlington
W. .1. I'yl'JJ Ulair , Willlnnt Hotst ; l'ikliornl :
T. Thompson ; Krcmont. ( J. M. lirown ; lfioi >
cr , to bo Aitppllcd ; North linnd , S. A , llcnr
Uiimlm , l''frst church , C. W. tivl'If ? , ' $ , N ril
( linalia , H. L. Marsh ; South Oinnhn , K , ( <
Fowler ; I'npllllon , .1. Cliarlos ; Sptitigfield , ti
bn sniiplind ; Hchuylnr , It. 15. Wilron ; Scrib
Mr , It. W. JCstepj Tiikamali , to lie Riipphcd
Vnentna. to bo Hiipiilicd ; West I'ointV. .
Nut folk District 1) . Murquetlo , proiidinf
nlilor ; Athens , to ba oupplii'il ; C'olcrldKo. ! .
M. Jrniiln'tun ! : Docatnr , to ! > < xniipliod ; Da
Itol.i , W. 1 1. Carter ; Kinvrxnn , W. S. With
rowj Hiimphroy. J. 1 { . ( Jcaiiionrl ; I.cili , to bi
Minplicd ; Lyons , W. M. Worleyj Mailison
C. K Jloywnod ; 3rartiji lnirp , u. It. Main
Norfolk , to bo supplied ; 1'ouc.i , T. U. 1'riost
.St. James , S. lj. Parker ; Slnnton , H I. . ] ' 'ox
Wayne , IT. 0. 1'itt-iiKcr ; Wakefiold , .1
Kowlcr ; Wisner , to IKI supnliod.
Oratid Island District . W. Shank , pro
diiiK cider. Alblnn , , ) . ] > . St. Olixir ; Uei-
ivick , C. U. Day ; lionatizi , to be mipplioJ ;
Central City , J. 15. Leoilomj Cet'nr Kaplds ,
C. C. Wilson ; Chapman . Wilccm ; Clarki ,
.r. ( J. A. Flcharty ; Oolmnbiis , ] ' . .1. Kobiupon ,
Cuiiindiipsvillo , to bo supplied ; Fiillerton , IST.
( i. Calu ; Ornnd lelund , / . S Khonu ; ( ilcn-
wood , to bo supplied ; St. lldwaids , .1. W ,
Jennings ; St. J'aul , J. W. ISoveo ; Stotiii. II ,
C. Woods ; Warsaw , to bo Htipplied ; Wood
Jtivur. J ) . 0. Wort * .
Klkltorn Vulloy district , A. IIndfotti , presiding
siding older ; Itadllu , to bo eupplicU ; Buttle
Oroek , t3 bo Htipplied ; Clear Water , Oscar
Kgglonton ; Chaiiibpis , to bo supplied ; Crcifih-
ton , to bo supplied ; limerick , C. G. House ;
Iniimn. J. it. Gortnor ; Knoxville , J. W.
Boll ; Middlebranuh , to bo supplied ; Xew-
inan'n Grove , to bo supplied ; rsoligh , John
Wright ; Niobrara , I ) . C. Wiuehip ; Oakdnlu ,
to bo supplied ; O'Neill , to bo Biippliod ; Pad
dock , to bo sitppliod ; 1'luinviuv w. II. Hurt ;
1'iorco , to bo supplied ; Starr , B. lilain ; Wil-
loudnle , U. Kinnc.
I'lioUnion PaciUcH Bent the St. Pauls
Yesterday anil "Win the Scries.
Tun DDE made the prediction a few
lays ego af tor the Union Pacifies had sus
tained three successive defeats from the
51. Paula that the then triumphant visit
ors would yet have the occasion to fool
jomothlng of local prowess. The sequence
rf ovonta has ratified the prophesy , and
bhu nforoaatd than victors return tothoir
northern homo the now vanquished. '
The game yesterday was but meacorly
tttcndcd , coneidoring the unusual inter
est evoked in the progress of the series , :
ind the fact that it was the last and de
ciding gamo. Few doubted but that the
3 % I'auls would asjort their previously
established supremacy and shut
jut the U. P.s. This Euppo&i-
tion wao sti'ongthoned from the knowledge -
edge that the guests had been doing
some hosvy betting on thotnaolvoi. The
result of the game stands aa an olcrnal
itignui against the battery work of the
\vo unfortunate gentlemun who constitu-
od that force for the St. Pauls.
Calvin pitched n startlingly erratic de-
ivury , giving opponents countless bases
n passed balls , while Gan/.ell exerted
jut little npparont energy to avert the
lamago. Neither did the visitors uccm
blp to bat , making but few hits clFof
On the other hand the Union Pacifies
il.iyud excellently , handling thn ash very
jfluctively , ua the record of two-baggers
ndicatcs , and fielding almost faultlessly.
Whitney and Walsh behaved niagnili-
jontly , the former nspecially distinguish-
ng liiniRolf in thu inliold and nt the bat ,
leering a tv.'o-bagior ; and two safe single * .
rt'hitnoy was unfortunate ; for all his
iplcndid I'll'jrta ho was left on bases , but
ho honor is his just as much. Not ono
) f the homo niiio but that h worthy of
) raise for yesterday's work.
Following is the ollicial score : :
TlirenbBho liits C.irrnll , Hneed ,
Two lusi ) hitj JlclColvy (2) ( ) , J''unllioiuer , ? ,
Whitney , liiincs.
Struck out-'J'Hloy , MoKelvy , Salisbury ,
\ri nur , l''uuKhiuscr. (
ll.nn 011 called lulls -On fialvin , 4. 1
Wild ( litvlien , Huli-liiiry , 1 ; ( ialvin , ti.
Doublt ) ] ibydVdlbti , .McKelvyanJ 11. ck-
Knriii'tl runs Union 1'acllioslt , St. Paul"1 , 2 ,
Umplro Taylor.
Tiiuu n ( BJUIIU two hoiirH.
It is undurstood that in viuw of the
Faut that the Northwestern Ljaguu , of
k.-liicli it wan r. member , haa cliseolvod ,
iho St. \uila\viH diaband upon its return
It ia not known ns yet whether the I'n "
ion Pacific will ngniii piny in Omaha tlns
iL'ftsun. Upon ' htiOth tluiy unter upon
\ tour of tlio Union haaziio circuit , und
will probably bo ntiroad until cjld woath-
Pile * nro frequently prccoiloil by 5 genna of
wuisht In hu Inek. loiiiH ivnd liiwor part o ! the
uliclonini.c.-uitiliu tlio tintlsnt to vupjiotio lie haa
Homo nffoctlou of tha kidnoya or nolshuorliiu ;
urKAno , At timed , nym toina of inul oatton
n o jiMwont , ns flaluoney , nnnivsliie. s of thu
Htomivu ! ! , eta A niolnlcro llko punl > lratlon ,
provliirfn ft Aorv rtieaffreoab'.o ' Jtchliiff imrtlcu.
larly nt utnlit after Rotthip warm In boil , IU
vary coininuu nttoiulunt. Intcriml , Kxtnrnul
and Itching Vihw yiohl at niica to tlio npolicn-
tlon of Dr. llonauko'iirilo Komody , which acts
dlroctly ur u the i > , vrU alfoctod , abnorblrf the
tmimia , uluyltiff the intense Itclihijf , aid uf-
fixalnk'R immanent cuio where othsr romo-
dlea have fullol , Do nut delay until the drain
on tlio avuteni produroH pennnuout diuablllty ,
but try It and IKI cured , Sclirotor & liocht.
"Trade uuupllsd by O.i * Goodtnaa,1
Concnrdla * Hoclcly Concert rui
Hull ,
On next Thursday evening , the ] 8lh
inst. , the Concord in Society givoacon-
cert and bill nt Gortnimin Hall , llarnoy
street , it being the sixteenth anniver
sary of the founding of the society. The
programme contnina tnah eminent names
R Schubert , Mendelssohn , ,
Verdi , Suppc , Roisslgor , oto. , nnd a fino'
muaicil foaat may bo anticipated , Ono
feature of the concert will bo tlio "Vin-
tac o Chorus" from Mendelssohn's opera
"Lorelei , " in which the society will bo
accompanied by tlio Musical Union
Orchestra. This is the first time any
Omalu sinpinu Bocioty will have sung
with the orchestra.
Thla powder rover varies. A m&rvc I of purcnca
strath anil wholcsomouc'js. ' JIoio economical Urn
the ordinary Itliida.andcnnnotbo sold In compotltlo
with tlio multitude o ! low test , short weight alum n
phoipliatopoudorn. Hold onlv In cinn. ROYAL
IIAUINO 1'OWDEK CO. , 100 Wall street , N. Y.
UcBltlca the nilvantng of n eolld English and Clnsal-
cal education , specl care will be devoted to the
SiEs > < o JL < © 10. C5 C SES
Practical Surveying
BflokKcefc Banning anil eoimnorcial
Five now profos80rsha > o boon added to the faculty
'or Mil3iuri > ofio.
1ST Vocal Music , German and French , optional. JgS
NEW STUDENTS must projent thcintolves during
the wick ending Ail Uet 31 , betxvccn 0 ntnl 12 a. in ,
ind they n'ust bo ready to stand examination to do-
ido their rank In the coursu.
I'rot. lanibcit will nlve duo notice for llio rcsump
tion of the evening courao in Choinlntry , Tuition
trcu. No distinction on account of treed.
r.u ' . 19 tu thurs eat Ot
Measure , Weigher ,
Dredger , liico
Washer , 'lorn a to ,
PumpKm , Search ,
W i M c and Truit
Stntncr. T\/clvo
articles 111 one.
Tha Orciltrt C : = H-
M-r snll tVin 111
otlRrSf\es ami htf > trs
roinlnnedt J.vcr > bo/ !
likus ttim I We iiLi' e
lilrnc shtUM anj Mlxcra
fur liaiul and poncr.
\Vrlte for calalo i e.
The Hunter biffrMfir
Co. . Cincinnati , C ) , 4jo
CanatSl. , New Yolk.
A jents wantctl fir our
Kil tin. . Specialties an 1
l311l0i.ejujw .U.JL.JU A : . A
Tnu Bcliolastlo year commences on tno
First Y/cfinesflay / in Senleiuber ,
Die courio ol Instruction oinbraccu nl ! the Kloincn
arynnd I. ! ! HT liranrlios ol a finished education
DitToicnco of Hcliijirn Is no obi Ui 'lo t' > tlio adml9-
ilnn o ( yuuic ladies. I'npUt received at any
lmo of tno > uar.
ncliiilhi lioaril , WivOiln ; ' , Tuition In I'.nsllsh and
t'rcucli , 1160 ol books. 1'lauo , pereojaion of
Five Mouths , - - 55150.00
KXTIIA CIIAnor-S-Drowlnp. I'alr.tlni ; , Oerra.'v
Harp , Violin , Uuitur and VO.-.M .vltislc.
Ituloroncvu nro required from nil [ lorsons nnknow
o tlio luutltutlun. r'ur liutnor Inforrantlan upp'y '
ho LAUYi
Iv 11 i
On'iiht KotirA9Vnln uhlch U tanzht double an
IMfJointry ll'/olt-koopint , ' , C'oinn.erciJl law , Civil
n i-r/iiiu-nt , Uiiino's I'lue'lco , I'uiinmiililp , iii'- :
Uli ( Iraniniar , Ailtlirnellc , KoaiHi > i'i UuollUiKi C.r-
LSiouikUi.e | , and ahort Hand U'riiuiK.
TKllitS :
Jomjilo'o Course , ono jc-r , ( blioit liand ox
rcptoj ? 30 0
( > mic'tuCnur | ! , ono month B " 0
'oin ktoCotimu tuo inoiiUis 15 ni
( inipkto Course , thron iiiontha 20 00
lull nuinlli thorcatmr 60)
Ihlrl ) Lesions In 1'unnuiibhli ) 600
ho abinu course , ( Look-kc'i'iiufe' ) oxcojitoJ ) onu
nioiiili BCO
Die alicivo course , ( book-kcoji nj oiivptod 3
inoiiihi 12 CO
Send fur circular. Addrtts
( 1UTIII1UN , IT n.
Siiilhuctt corner 15th and Fiimini His. , Oimlia.
D , B , BEEMER , Agent , OMAHA , NEB
Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for
less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it.
lend for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one Issued in Neljraaska
Counter , Hay , Stock and Railroad Track.
Orders for Hie Indian Department
given for Buffiilo Scales ex
clusively. Scale
1405 Douglas Street , OMAHA. NEBRASKA
Visitors to tlis Stn'onnd ' othew in need of Men's , Boys' and Children's
Clothing , Avill dowell to call on
The Strictly ,0ne , Price House in the City
And examine their goods and prices. IVy carry the largest stock , and
sell lower than any oth r house in tin"city. Merchant Tailors
don't fa 1 to call at
1216. ST 1216.
Ths largest Stock in Or/isiia / ; aHSJ Iekes the Lownst Pslue
L $ VJ Tj "W * * $ * # " ' * lW
C1 * f/ $ S i
VvO v U" * VY * w ( * i f * ES Vi
; ? ? ! 3 H SS ft ! S d 5 ? Ea 5Ti
Juit rooolvcd an aaeortraoat ? ar unrpaialns ; rraythhig in thla raarkot , onmprlrtn
the l.itcBfc nd moat tasty doBi us inanufoctutocl for thla epring's trade and novorhy
a range of prlcoo from the Cheapest if ) the aiont Excontivo. '
Now ready for the infection , of cus- Complete stock of all the lalest
fcomera , the newest novel tirn in stylosiii Turcoman , Madras and
Suits and Odd Pieces. Luco Curtnina , Etc. , Etc.
Blocfant 3 Slovatoj ? to alOTloors.
, 1208 anil lgH < > fr' - OMAnA'NBB >
Dormer Wlmlowo. lrlulal , Wlnilnw Oupn.Iron Crcstlujs , Metallic Bky-llirlitu , * o. Tin. Ircn and fclDte
< t Stli Soutti 12Sl > r.tri'i" ) luh. i i'ir\a
- fan
O3 -r o [ ' 2 n
O3O Ti " .ft ; ( U , .
O3a * ! < & ei
ti to 115
a o .M s tilS aa
tora n s o W aO
? " % f6 M fiW J
ft" % <
gr n a 8 3 8 9
j 103 BRADY ST. , DAVEJ PORT , IOWA , U. S. A. E tablliihcd 1878 Ostr.rrfi , j
iDoafneu , Lung and Nurrous Dnea ( < n Speedily nnd 1 otmnncntly Oared. 1'utienlf i
jOured at Homo. "Wrilo for "Tnr MrDioAr.-M'isaiovAnY , " for ( he People.
lOonealtatlon ud Oorre3poiider.i.o Gratia. P. O. Uox 292. Telephone No. 20.
| HON. ED\VARDRUSSKLL , Poutiuwtp.r : , Davenport , sr.ys : ' < Physician of
jiix AblUty ana Marked SUCOCH. " CONGRESSMAN rU/lPHy , Davenport ,
Ivrltoa : "An lionorahln Man. Fine SDCCOM. Wondorfnl Curoa. " Honra 8 to 5.