Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1884, Page 7, Image 7

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They Are Without A flival.
Have been Awarded One Hundred and eighteen Prize
Medals at all the prominent expositions of the
"World for the Last Fifty Years , And
Ail examination , o bheso magiiificeut Pionos is politely requested
before purchasing any other instrument.
General Western Representatives.
P. S.-AIso Gen'l Agt's for KNABE , VOSE & SONS ,
1013 Jones Street , } ASK rou KED imoss. { OMAHA , NEB
Science ot Life , Only $1.00
f T §
Eib UDted VitalityNcrvons indPhjeloal Debility
Frernaturo Decline In Man , Eirorsof Youth , an the
untold miseries exulting ( ram Indirections or ex
cesses. A hook ( or every man , young , middle-aged ,
and old. It contains 125 proscriptions lor all acute
nnd chronic diseases each on o of vthich Is Invaluable
So found hy the Author , whoso axpcrlenco for 23
ye iB Ic such asprobably never bcforo fell to the lot
of nny physic an 800 pages , hound In bo&ntlln
French muslin m aoBsod covers , full gilt , guarantee1
to be finer work n every sense , moch&nlcal , lit-
ortry and professional , than r.ny other work eold In
thla cccntry for J2.CO , or the money will bo refunded
In every Iietanco. Price only SI.00 by moll , poet-
paid. Illustrative eamplo B cents. Bend now. Gold
modal nwardcd the author by the National Ucdlcal
/Usoclatton , to the ofllccra of which he refers.
TheSclensoof Life should bo rciidbv the yonng
for Instruction , and by the ullllotod for relief.
It will benefit IL London Lancet ,
There \ no member of society to ivliom The Scl-
cnco of Llfo Kill net be uoclul , whether youth , par
ent , trn rdltt'j , Instructoror clergyman. Argonaut.
Addrcsa the 1'cabody Medical Institute , or Dr. W.
rkcr , No. 4 EulSnch Street , Bor.ton Mass. , who
o consulted on all decodes requlr'ngskill and
once. Chrcnlaandobstlnatodlsoai > 8that hive
the kill of nil other pbys-lirn I c ! > cs
> ' aliyi bach lioxtod sncccss-lltill , folly
anlnaUnco failure. TII'/CCIC.
DKNVKII , Col. September. 12 , 1841.
Kualed i rnpoaals willlie rrri'lveil at the ollico of till"
Company up to Octmtor llrst , 1SS4 , for the quarrying
and loaillni ; nn board of cars 6UO , < > 0) ciihio feet ot
Stone to lie ileliM'rcd during the jmr IhhB , Tlie
coinian.ri'jerxcs ] . the ri 'ht to reject an > and nil Mils.
For nny luitlier Information apply to ! ' . A. Morton
\ice president , Oillord lilork , HenuT , I'olonido.
ll-10-iit. l.l.r.N. Dh l.tM > A ( Jl Alim C'Q.
1'iiniffB nur-i uni imon trna
CKUlo Ahi-ut , lourultiin M. . '
Tlio Leading Agricultural nnd Llvo Stock
J : lrnal of the Woet.
20 Pages { nFTEi.OTinEAn.i8o colniniis
H. S. SMITH S3 CO. ,
i risua
DOK'UOim . KUHIfAS , Secretary St Board
of Acricultuie , Associate 1'Mitor ,
SUnSCUIl'TION' I'UICE , SI. 00 per yo r In advance.
and 103 S. Itth titrosJ. - OMAHA , NEU
I. W
. , , . . ,
Physician & Surgeon
( Formerly of Moroy Hospital , Chicago. )
Nervous Disonses and ] ) ifloasi / of the Eye
Kar n Spoclnlty ,
rarOmco-Odd FcllonV Illoelt , N. W. corner Hth
and DodKa etrecte , Omaha , Noli. ODIce houra 10 to
12 a , in , 2 to 4 anil 7 to 8 p. in. Sandaju 10 to 12 .
in , All calls promptly attended.
- r. '
The Sieck is a Durable Piano ,
Railway Time Table.
The followlni ; are the times ot the arrival and do-
narturo of trains by central time , nt he
local Jcpota. Trains Icavo transfer depot ton ruin earlier and arrive ten minuted later.
cmciao , Bur.uxaro.N AND QDIKOT.
6:35 : pin Chleico Express 0:00 : a m
9:40 a in Kant Mall. 7:00 : p rr
5:45 : am 'llail and Kxptess , 7'jj : > m
12:20 : p in AccoinmoiHtian. 2:60 p m
"At local depot oulv.
10:05 : n in .Mail and Kxprcs ? , ,7:05 : p m
8:05 : p m I'aclllc Express , b'M p m
cnicAao , iiiLWAniuiH AND ur. PAUL.
6:25 : p m Express , 0:05 : n m
9:15 a ui Kxjirusa , 0:16 : p in
5:30 : p m Atlantic Exproaa , 0:05 : a m
0:25 : a m Day Express , CM p m
7:20 a m * lca Molnca Accommodation , ' 6:05 : p m
* At local depot only.
1:20 : am Mall. 4:15 : p m
5:10 : p m Accommoilit.on 0.00 a m
* At Transfer cnly
cnicAoo aud NORTUWKUTEB ! ! .
5:30 : p ra Exprosn , 0KO : p m
S:25 : a m 1'aciilo Express 0:05 : a m
7:40 : p m St. I'aul Expiesa , 8:60 : a m
7 , 0 a m Day Express 0:50 : p m
8:00 : p m Western Expiosa , :35 : a ta
11:00 am Taulflo Express , 4:40 : p u
7:40 : a m l > Exjiress , 0:54 : a in
12:10 : a m Lincoln Express ,
At Transfer only.
leave 7:20-8:20-9:30-10:30-11:40 : : : : a. ra. lSO-:3 : :
8:30-J:30-B:30-fl:30-ll:05 : : : p. m Sunday 9:30-11:10 : :
a.m. 1:30-3:30-5:30-0:30-11:05 : : : : : .p. in. Artlvo 10 mln
to hefuro lea\lnc tlmn '
Prof Scliuoor will introduce the
European tourist diiures during the
course. Franchise , Talonalli , Eldo
rado , A'illullo , Spanish , Yandaugo ,
aud American standard dances , aud
tlie latest reverse waitstep. .
Boiler Skating1 Eiak.
Roller skating Wednesdays aud
IT. if. MARTENS. Proprietor.
tuu3. orriuuu ,
IWB' ,
Oonticll CluOa Ia.
Established - -
Dealers In Foreign ml omostlo 1'ichanjo tn
Practlco In State and Federal Courts.
Collections promptly attended to.
lloom 10 , Shugart'K Uuildinff ,
firlnnger , Bavaria.
Culmbttcher , . . . . . . . Eavarui.
Pilpnor . . .Bohemiau.
ICnicer - * t.BramoD.
Budweiser St , Louis.
AnhauEer St. Louis.
Best H Mibrnukcp.
Schlifa-Pilsuor Mihvaukeo.
ITrutc'n Omaha
Ale , Porter , Domestic nnd Rhine
Wino. ED. MAD11ER ,
IU1U Ii'arnnin St.
. . . . . .
A victim ol rurly Imoruuenco , Cf/iiun ; nuryous
Ability , tiinnaturo iluctXi ' 'to. iiatinu tnou laMe
Mo ercry known ruim-dy. lias lujpl
aetiui olnulf-uuru , wlilch hu will nuiU 1'Ulili Ki
* "
, n"
Poltawatlaiiiie's ' Jnflical Delegation
Iiislrnclcd For Him ,
The Republicans Nominate
Street For Olerk , Chambers
For Eocordor , aud Jones
For Supervisor
AVIiul anil Sinoko.
The republican county cotivoution wns
to lirxvo mot nt the court house yesterday
morning nt 11 o'clock , but the supreme
court Imil possession nnd were hoariug
arguments niul. although there wcru only
five on the bench to many timca tivo out-
si Jo the bar the crowd hud to give way to
the power oi the court. After hanging
around for about half nn hour pant the
tiino act fer gathering , the crowd took
possession of the aknting rink , and tlio
delegates , looking with yearning oyca
toward the rollers , were called to order
by Mr. Jncob Sims , the chairman of the
central committee.
Mr. J. A. llako nominated as temporary
ary chairman Sir. Uunry Freeman , of
liolknnp township. On taking his poai-
' .inn Mr. Freeman waa greeted with ap-
_ ) lausp , which waa called forth still morn
by his torso yet happy expression of
'hunks for the honor of presiding ever n
body'of men belonging to thogroatsntpo-
'itical organization on earth , nnd having
for its atandiud bearora two of the gnuid-
oat moil in the world.
Than there was n getting down to the
iiisiiioos of temporary organization. Dr.
W. F. Plorco , of C.irnon , was , on motion
of Mr. . ) . M. Matthews , of Una city , cho-
aon temporary secretary.
lion. JJ. F. Clayton moved that ix com
mittee of five bo appointed on credcn-
iala. The clmir named B. F. Clayton
J. A. Unko , Mr. Fields , of Hancock , D
0. Bloomer nnd J. M. Matthowa.
On motion of Fremont Benjamin
couumttco of five waa appointed on per
inanont , organization. The chair named
A. C. Prentice , of Crescent ; F. Benjamin
of Avoca , Eli Clayton , o Walnut ; BIr.
Wilaon , of Center , and Mr. Clark , of
Silver Crook.
On motion of J. M. Matthews ad
ournmont waa taken until 1:30 : o'clock
nt the court house.
On reconvening the committee on per
manent organization reported in favor o !
) . C. Bloomer , of thia city , ns porinan
mt chairman , and Jerome Spanglor , of
Walnut , permanent necretary. The re
port wan adopted.
The committee on credentials reported
a follows , nnd wna adopted :
CITY Kinsr WAIID.V. . McVadden , A. V.
Mntterbuck , A. Wood , K. K. 1'liilbrook , tins
.otc. .
SWONU W.MU ) . T. W. McC.irfrer. .r. M.
lutthowH , .1. 1' . Willinms , C. S. lltilbanl ,
-'rank Grass , Tliuo. ( luittar , Julian Hears ,
-'honiii ; Kiuitt , N. C. Tnggort.
Tiinin WAUI ) . D. C. liloomer , S. T. Walk-
ir , Frank Cook , William llaverHtock , Henry
rau ] 3niut. Gen. 11. Kichinoiul.
Ji'onmi WAHD. N. M. 1'ufoy , I. M. Trov-
inr , A. W. llickuian , A. E. Spooner , K. It.
i'anda , Walter Smith , Lawrence ICinuhnn ,
hilli | > Armour , V. ,1. Uarko.
Wavoland-H C Smith , M 1'otto.
York E E Hum's.
Xorwalk N W Watson.
Cainei II M Sarr , A C Rnuk.
Grove George Uoltoii , A Osier , F Stewart ,
W Conner.
Washinpton .T K Annia , J Tumor.
Noola Jl Clark , I G Boaidsloy , W A Hum-
.Silver Creek John Clark , F McKgrath , A
Lincoln T C Wilson , A II Chase.
Macedonia IJ F Clayton , L D Bulla.
Wright Eli Clayton.
Ilar.lin Not represented.
Belknni ) township W. II. Fnim , Win. Ly-
ian , S. S. Totter. Win. Orr.
lames W. 15. Newton.
Hazel Dell W. H. McGinnis , D. M. Ni-
on.CenterH. . 13. Wilson , Gco. Gage , W. 8.
idie.Vullny A. L. l-'ields , W. W. Hanlinan ,
'hoa. ' Beclj , .Scott Williams.
Mr. Spanglcr , who waa elected aocro-
; ary , not being present , Mr. L. F. Potter
nd Mr. J. M. Matthews were chosen
By request of the chairman , n vice-
resident was chosen. W. II. Freeman
icing called to that position , Mr.
'loomer aayiny that ho might want to
ako n little part in the proceeding ! ) him-
elf , and therefore cleaning a vice.
Mr. Benjamin moved that the con-
ontion proceed to nominate a candidate
: > r county recorder , the vote to bo taken
roll of townships , the first ballot to
o informal ,
Mr. Kli Clayton amended by having
the firat ballot formal. The amendment
was carried.
Mr. Alex. Wood named K. B. Gardin
er , of thia city. Mr. llako named II. .J.
Chambers. IS' . M. Pusoy named J. M.
Thomas Tostovin waa also named.
The roault of the ballot was :
Wlioln numlior of votes 08
Nfcegx.iry to a choice 50
Chambc-M CO
( hisley 17
Gardiner , II
Tostovin 7
Ue Great H
The nomination of Mr. Cnambors waa
then made unanimous by acclamation.
The nominee wnt > called out and made
a brief expression of thanks and a pledge
of loyal work for the party.
On motion of B. K. Clayton the con
vention then proceeded to nominate a
candidate for county supervisor In place
of Mr. Underwood , whoso term expires ,
Mr. Clayton named , with an appropri
ate tribute to his worth , 11. F. Jones , of
Carson township. The name WHO re
ceived with applause. Mr. Clayton
then moved that ho bo nominated by
acclamation. Carried unanimously.
Mr. Jones wan called for. but not bu
ll ig in the room , the drairu to ecu him
waa not gratified , but Mr. Clayton as
sured the convention that the republi-
caiiM would all hayo a chance to neo him
before the campaign was ovor.
.S. D. Street was then nominated
unanimously , and by acclamation for
clerk of the courts. Street was called
for to make a speech , but unoakcd out of
the room , enying ho was "going after
Jones , " Jlo eo.ui returned without
Jones , but with .boxes of cigars which ho
subitituU'd fur ilia fpuecli.
While good Ji'ituro waa prevailing the
real contest opened. Mr , Matthewa of
fered a rcH'ilution instructing the dele
gates to the judicial convention to uuo nil
honorable means to secure the nomination
of Jacob Kims , us circuit judge.
Mr. Benjamin moved to amend \ > y
substituting the name of 15. W , flight for
that of Mr , Hims , Thu question was
tested by a roll call of the townships. In
ho call of this city's delegates , Tin
BKK'S statement of the result of the prl
maries was verified , Sims wcuring 18 out
of the 21 ! delegates , the 1'irnl ward giv
ing him r. , the Second ! > , the Third 1 , ami
the Fourth 5) ) . The total result of the
call was : Sims , i"2 , llight 10.
Mr. Mntlock said that Mr. Sims evi
dently boliig the choice of convention ,
that ho bo requested to furnish such a
list of delegates ns ho desired to attend
the judicial convention. laughter.
The chairman suggested that the same
object could bo reached by a committee.
Mr. Sims was called out , and there was
n goodly amount of npplauso to greet
him. llo briefly nnd neatly thanked the
convention for the honor conferred.
On motion n committee of throe was
appointed to select delegates to the judi
cial convention. The committee named
was J. 11. Mntlock , J. M. Matthowa nnd
Frank Cook.
While the committee was in the anteroom -
room , Mr. Clayton presented morecigars ,
saying ho "had soon Mr. Jonos. "
In the interim there was n demand for
apocch making. Judge Lymnn was
shouted for but ho had disappeared. At
torney-General Mol'horsou being soon In
the room was called out with enthusiasm.
llo said lie did not think the republicans
liad much of n fight on hand , llo did
lot see what those follows called demo
crats wore bothering themselves for hold
ing convontiona nnd making parades
The party had chosen ns ita standard
bearer n man who for Years had been do
inandod by throe-fourths of the role nnd
ilo of the party. McPhoraon then pic.
lured llomlricks ns n copperhead , and
Dotting down to more local issues , gnvo
: ongressman Pusoy some stinging blows
'or his record , or the lack of record , and
nado a strong contrast in favor of the
opublicau nominee , Major Lyman
ivhoso election by nn overwhelming ma
ority ho predicted in glowing words
The committee then reported the fol
owing delegates to the judicial convon
ion :
A WFIickoncor , N M I'IIR.-.V , T W
ar , W W McMadden , K I , Hhugart , .1
Spangler , A It Chase , NW JIatson , Fraul. .
look , 1'hll Armour , .T S Wliitc , Flienjamtn ,
\ L 1'iolds , Kli Clayton , \V H McGitmiss
MevWood.C M Harlo , Gee T hinlth , .1.1
The report wns unanimously adopted
, nd the convention ndjourncd.
lie SuiironicGonrt.
The supreme court opened ita ocssioi
lore yesterday , nnd will probably con
ludo ita businoaa by Friday.
The following decisions wcro rendered
yesterday :
White vo. Wnbash it St. Louis railroad
Co. From Monroe county. Atlirmod.
State of Iowa va. Shorland Harris
From Ccrro Gordo county. AHirmcd.
Phoebe Jackaon va. C. M. .t A. rail
road Co. From Appanouajiliatrictcourt ,
One caeo of interest to many of the
farmers waa decided yesterday. It % raa
entitled Merchant's Union Barbed Wire
Co. , vs. J. L. Brown , auditor. It wan n
case brought from Polk county. The
facts briclly stated with legal phraseology ,
are that by legislative enactment § 5,000
wna appropriated to the Furinor'u Protec
tive union to help it fight the barbed
wire monopoly. The Merchant's Union
Barbed Wire company got an injunction
from the Polk county circuit c urt re-
atrainiug the auditor , .T. L. Brown , from
paying this monoy. The supreme court
by ita decision yesterday dissolved this
injunction , thus allowing the auditor to
pay the § 5,000 to the Farmer's Protec
tive union.
Konl Estate TrunwforH.
The following transfers wore filed in
the county clerk's ollico ycstordnyand re
ported for Tun Br.E by P. J. McMahono ,
September 10 , 188-1 :
Thomas Dillard to Solomon Dillard ,
part 17 , 7-1 , HO , § 1,000.
Frank II. Crum to Ooorgo Dudley ,
part 'M and 25 , Avoca , § 2,500.
Casper Foster to John Wachtor , lota 15
and -J , block 7 , Minden , § 100.
S. S. Rust to Hannah K. Moaos , lot 1 ! ! ,
block 0 , Oakland , $ -)0 ! ( )
0. W. Downs to M. F. Price , nwswj
28 , 75 , 2 ! ) , § 172.
Total sales § -1,572.
Stephen Slatlcr , of Afton , recently re
ceived 2,100 back pension.
The leading dairymen of the ntatonro
combining for n grand exhibition of lown
butter at the Now Orleans exposition.
A mysterious tragedy was enacted nt
Ucno , Caas county , on the 10th. .Jacob
Stecn , a man of I3 ! , who kept tno post-
aflico and villiago tavern , killed bio wife
during the night. No cauae is known
for the act. Stccn is in jail.
The board of supervisor/ ! Humboldt
sounty has appropriated § 2,000 for the
purchase of a Holdicr'o monument. The
Grand Army of the Republic posts of the
county will raise § 1,0JO ( , and the I 'niori
Cemetery association will put in the
" . The proprietor of the Marongo brewery -
ory has made lna report for August , and
it shows that ho baa cold 22-1 kegs of
beer for medical purposou. Allowing
150 doaes to the keg , that is 'CMGOO
loaca of beer. Marcngo inunt bo u very
uckly place.
Section < I088 of the code reached cascH
-f election butting. Under that section
of the code of lown any person who may
inako any bet or wngor for money or oth-
jr property of value is liable to a fine not
jixcecUing one hundred dollarii or to bu
imprisoned in the county jail not exceeding -
ing thirty daya.
Ilonry-Dow liny.
A California paper says : Perhaps the
neat remarkable hay crop to be found in
Ma state , if not on the const , in on John
llyjiton's ranch , on Truckoo meadows.
I'ho gruas ia indigenous tu the soil , and is
: allod red-top , for the reason that in the
iold it Hume hut resembles that upccits
) f grauo ; but it ia not red-top. H more
ilosoly resomblf'u the mountain bunch-
> rass than anything else. It i > rpwa BJIOII-
: uneoiiely on bottom lands , which a few
/c&tu / ago were Boimpragnntod with alkali
is to be practically worthless. The alkali
las boon leached out by Irrigation , and
lature unassisted , has produced the grass
uro mentioned. It iiM'ords but one crop
ri the year , and yields hut three tonn to
he acre. But the most remarkable
, hing of the grass is the honey-dew with
which it ia thickly coated every year.
I'his year the honoy-dow ia unusually
leuvy , no much BO that Ly grasping in
, he hand a bunch of the grass growing
inywhoru in the field the stalks will
itick together as if waxed. It In claimed
ihut one ton of it is worth three tona of
irdinary hay , Mr. Byntou will harvout !
nearly four hundred tons of thin hay on | ,
and that ten yeara age ho considered abj j H
lolutcly worllileua. i
Cyrus \7's \ ' Career from Cash-Bay t
Afitii-lntlon Wltli OlHlxirnn In ( In
AtliintloCnlili ) I't-ojufl I'lilrty
Jlllllon Hollars nt HlH
Ootiiinniul ,
i w N'ork .Iiniriml.
The | iroceajion in celebration of the
laying of the first Atlantic cable has lonp
since been eclipsed by grander pngoauts ,
nnd Atlantic cables have become as much
matters of course as ordinary telegrapli
wires ; but nt that time Mow York had
never before seen so splendid n show in
the streets. The city wns so crowded
with Bight-seers that people slept in arm
chairs nt the hotels or c.imped out in the
parka. The military paraded ; the civil
societies swelled the large line ; the
trades-unions soul tableaux on wheels
representing various artisans nt their
work. Then , standing in an open bar
ouche , nnd bowing to the right and left
in response to the cheers of the crowd ,
came the hero of the occasion. Cyrus
W. Field , n tnll , nervous-looking gentle
man , with light-brown hair and board , n
Roman nose , bluish-gray eyea and the
sanguine face of n born Yankee. AH ho
was then , so Mr. Field is now n trille
stouter perhaps , nnd with n tinge of silv
er among hia auburn hair. The yeara
since his great triumph linvu touched him
A born Yankee Mr. Field cortninly is.
lie first anw the light nt Stockbridgo ,
Mass. , on October ; IO , 181' ) . Ho wns
the youngest con of n Now Kuglnnd
clergyman who subsequently removed to
llnddam , Conn. Ilia brother , D.ivid
Dudley , wa.i given n collegiate education.
Instead of n classical education Cyrui re
ceived § 25 in cash nnd hla fnther'a bless
ing. With those trcnuurea nnd n fnir
knowledge of reading , writing and arith
metic , he waa sent to Now York and ob
tained n situation aa cash boy in A. T.
Stewart's atoro nt the liberal nalary of
§ 2 n week. For three years young Cyrim
worked and starved in the employ of the
dry goods millionaire and then a better
and brighter life was opened to him na a
traveling salesman for n paper maker atLee
Leo , Conn. Even in Stewart's eot b-
lishment Cyrus made hia mark by his
energy and ability , for when
h > s wont away the clerkn clubbed to
gether andprosontcd him with a diamond
pin and a larowoll supper. A. T.Stownrt
gave him nothing. Strangely enough
Mr. Field has lived to PUO the name of
A. T. Stewart aa thoroughly painted out
as if that millionaire had never lived.
Comforted by one good supper nnd
adorned with hia presentation pin , Cyrua
throw himself into the work of Belling
paper with such Real that in two years he
had mastered the business , llo then
found a copartnership in thia city. Ilia
venture was not successful , and in a fowa
months ho was bankrupt. The blow was
heavy one ; ho had boon recently mar-
iod , nnd had lost every dollar , but Mr
Field bore his misfortune with bin aa
customod courage , llo started in again ,
and on the first day that ho took poascsa-
ion of his now ollico ho made the san
guine remark. " 1 shall make a fortune
hero in twenty yoara. " Bettor than hia
word , ho made his fortune in twelve
years and retired , atill in the prime of
life to enjoy that rest which ho had never
before known since his boyhood.
In a. leisure moment ho formed an ac
quaintance with one Giaborno , who had
conceived the project of nn Atlantic
cable and had procured n charter for the
laying of the cable from the legislature of
Newfoundland. There O iabprno'n ' work
had ended ; but ho talked it over with
Mr. Feild , whoso leisure hung heavily
upon him , although ho had traveled
through Bogota , Guayaquil and Ecuador
with Church , who painted the "llenrt of
the Andes , " to try and while nway the
time. Mr. Field became interested in
Gisborno'a scheme and one night while
studying the geographical globe which
btill stands in his library , his interest
llained into enthusiasm and ho shouted :
"It can bo done and it shall bo done. "
I'ho next night ho called together his
friends Pete.r Cooper , Mosoa Taylor ,
Marshall O'llobcrta , Chandler White
uid Wilson ( J. Hunt and preached At'
[ antic cable to them until they were con
torted to his plans. A iitock company
ivaa formed , the necessary capital for
.ireltniinary . expense subscribed ; his
jrother , Dudley , acted as lawyer of the
jiitorpriso and Cyrus Bailed for England
: o wrest the money for the cable fr/nu
[ Sritish investors. No monk of old ever
ireachod the crusade with greater vo-
lenience , and in a wonderfully short
imo , and in defiance of Innumerable
lilliculliea , the cable waa commenced
md the ships chartered to lay it.
Before the Atlantic cable waa nn no-
lompliahed fact Mr. Field had labored
ipoa it for twelve yeara and creased the
icoan fifty-one timoa. The liiHt cable
vould not. operate , buc lay dead in itH
> cean grave. The second cable spoke for
.hreo weeks , then parted , and waa ns
lend us the first. In IHGIi the Great
l-Iastorn succeeded in permanently unit-
ng the two worlds. Then all the terri-
ilo labora of twelve years were forgotten
n the triumph of HUCCCSS. CongrusB
, -oted Mr. Field n modal ; tiie IMrioExpo-
lition sent him another medal ; the queen
jf England knighted JUB associates , and
10 would have been Sir Cyrus had not
lia American birth and prejudice pro-
In 1870 ho celebrated , at his Gramcrcy
IVxrk mansion , the uilvor wedding of the
sable project , and here. BH in England ,
ho beat micioty did homage to his
lohiovemnnt. William M. Evarla , in
iiscomniomorativoaddrossdoclared'fJolj : ;
imbiiB said'Hero , is one world lot there
> o two , but Cyrua W. Field said , 'Hero
irutwo worlds lot there bo ono/and both
lammnndB wore obeyed. "
Mr. Field in the owner of the "Wash-
ngton building and other real estate val-
ied at § 10,000,000. In atockB , bonds
md other Hocutitics ho haa § 20,000,000
no re.
Ho owns a country IIOUHO at Irvinijton
md a mansion opposite his former busi-
lean associate , and recent lival , Samuel
I.'nlden , in Gramorcy Bquaro. In Mr.
field' * ) shirt front Hashes one of the
argest and pun-si emeralds in the world ,
md one often wondorti as lie admires that
owol whether Mr. Field really values
t higher than the diamond pin presented
o him when n poor caflh boy by A. T.
ilowart'B clurhB.
Ammonia in olitalnwl in lar o quantities by
IIH > n of the iirinu of luiim.iln. /
yclniieJid Itritannieu ,
hvi-ry lumwkouiiur can toot linking iiowdnra
oiituinini ! thin iln-BiwtiiiB dnij | l > y plueiuK ft
; w ot thu "liuyul" or "Andtuwn rnarl" tel
! wu on lu.t Ktuvu uutil hiuted , then rcinov
lid cuvor and Hiin-11.
iJr. 1'Hoo'a Cream DakiiiK I'owdor du n not
outnin Aiiiinuniii , Alum , l.iinii , 1'utaxli , lluiu
'hiMjihatwi , ( prove it by the nlmvo tent ) . Jl
' and ClioinUt wltli
4 bropaicd by a 1'hynkian
pedal logard to clowiliiuws and healthful
iws , m-u-w-lim
One of the Best and largest Stocks in the United State ?
to select from.
Where They Oan Enjoy Pure Air & Wafcerl
And all o Iho good end plenGnul things that Ego to make up n com
jileto and happy existence.
The town o South Omaha is taunted south of the city oil Omnha
) ii the line of the U. P. Itiulway , inul it is leas hwi JI | miles from the
Dmnha post ofllco to the north line c i the town site.
South Omaha is nearly 1 miles north and south by 5I > J east and
ivcst , and covers an area of nearly four square miles ,
The Etock yards are at the extreme southern limit.
Nearly Ifij ) lots hnvo been sold AMI ! the demand ia on the increase
The yards are heing rapidly pushed to completion.
The 500,000 beef packing house is progressing finely.
The $80,000 Water "Works are finished and furnish an ahuudnut
upply of
The B. & M. and Belt Line Railways have a largo force of men at
ivork and will , in connection with the U. P. llinhvay , have u union rlnpofr
urnr the park at the north end of the town. Suitable grounds will be
uruished for Church and School purposes.
Now is the time to buy lots in this growing city. They will never
jo'chcnper than they are to-day.
US' ' Apply at the Company's office , at the Union Stocks Yards.
Assistant Secrafcary ,
IblB and U 0 lUrnuy atreol onOS i. KtU ] ! r 4 > , 1 ff\ , _ _ _ ( U _
' . ' CiJ STl 8 ! TJ JS
( i/rc fuiu'ihnl lrr urcn rllc.on C > - n
3,000 Klectrlo Helta Fold fur the Month of Juno by us.
Inferences Any of the I > usliic s < , housc8 In Council lllulTa. JUDD & SMITH I'roprlotore. t
SalcarooniB : tl ! > , Urondway. Manufactory ilO , Fourth St. COUNCIL BLUFFS-
0. F. GOOB11AN ,
Double and Single Acting Power ana Hand
Kuglnu Trimmings , Mining Machinery , Boltliifj , Ifojo , lirana and Iron Fittlnc'3 ,
; it wholesale and rotail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH
Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb.
/ . n. HILLAKJJ , President. WM. WALLACE , Cashier.
Capital and Sur Bus. S5OO.OOO.
Flro and IJurt'lar Pruul BAfoa for Uont at from $5 to ? 50 per annum.