Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1884, Page 4, Image 4

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OniAlm omcp , No. 010 Fftrnnin Sf.
Council UtuflViOmefVNo 7 I'enrl St.
BtcctNoar ; Uromlway.
Now York OfUco , Uonm 05 XrlOuno
PabH he > d orcr.r trotrln ? , cif < pl Sand j- ' Tb
enl ) Xcrul y mct'nlug dal ! } .
tkHS r Milt.
Ooe Year { 10.00 I Thrco fo , ( h tJOO
BltMnnmi R 00 I Ol o Month l.CO
Per \teelt , 26 Cents.
trail WIIIM.T m , rcmeiuD rr.ut ; WIDNIADAT.
On Tt r . tlMTbrroMontLl \ . f BO
Blxllcuthf. . 1.00 I Ono Month. . . . 10
American News Company , Sold Agentr , Nowjdta- !
etl la the United States.
A i OoTr.rnr.nleatlnn relntlng to New * and Kdltorlil
m ters hculd bo addressed to the KDITOU or Tin
All lliulnwn T/ctten 'find RomlttMioca should bo
Adrc 9cd to Tin linn PimunniNa COMI-AHT , QMAIU.
PrftftJ , Chcclu and Postorllco orders to bo tnido pay *
kbit to tbo order of the company.
E.IKOan WATER , Editor.
A. ir. ritcli , Man R .T IXiily Circulation , l\
O. Box , 483 Omnhn , Ni-b. _
Onto is just now acting in the capacity
of a contribution box for both political
parties. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Uni-roni ) , the red-headed rooster of
the Rockies , was not ronomirmtcd for
congress by the republicans of Colorado.
Ilia Irienda sny ho made no effort to se
cure the ronomination , as ho is in poor
health and wants a rest. His Rocky
mountain oratory and sparkling wit will
bo missed in the liotiao.
Tin : campaign in Wisconsin promises
to bo fully as interesting as that in Ohio.
Chairman Uarnum , of the democratic no
tional committed , proposes after the Oc
tober election in Ohio , Co Invade the
Badjer state with on army of two hun
dred speakers , and the Milwaukee brew
ers are to flood the commonwealth with
oceans of beer. liarnum doesn't ' say how
many ir.ulca ho Trill require. When the
voles are counted on November 4th Mr.
Barnutn will find that his efforts have
been in vain.
WHEN such a distinguished Irishman
aa Congressman John F. Finorty , from
the Irish-American district of Chicago ,
emphatically declares his intention of
voting for Blaine , and asserts that the
election of Cleveland would bo n mis
fortune and a curse , it means something.
It shows that the thinking men among
the Irish are alive to the importance of
keeping Mr. Cleveland at homo , and
their declarations will have great weight
among the Irish all over the country.
It cannot bo denied that the Irish de
fection from the ranks of the democracy
is assuming mammoth proportions , and
this is especially the case in .Now York.
TIIK democrats , of course , are attempt
ing to make capital out of the fact that
the prohibitory amendment was carried
in Mnino by an overwhelming majority ,
and this result is charged up to the re
publicans. The Now York Slur , a loud-
ing democratic paper , however , hits the
nail sijuaroly on the head , when it says :
Let us bo fair. The republican govo-
nor of Maine is elected by a majority of
about 21,000. The prohibitory amend
ment is carried in Mnino by n majority of
45,000. Obviously the unavoidable inference -
feronco is that a majority of the Maine
democrats either voted for the sumptu
ary amendment , or , like Blaine , did not
TOI upon the issue at all.
Tin : English government is trying a
novel experiment in lifo insurance. Pol
icies for sums not over $125 are now
granted at any post oilico savings bank
without any medical examination. If ,
however , an insured should die before
the second annual premium bosomcs
payable , the amount of tho.firat premium ,
. and no more , will bo paid to his represen
tative ; should the insured die after the
ipaymcnt of the second , but before the
third premium becomes duo , the repre
sentatives will bo paid only half the
amount of the policy. In caao of death
from accident , however , the full amount
is paid. After the payment ot the third
premium the policy is entitled to full
TUB great issue in Maine was , shall the
Plumed Knight bo endorsed ? The plno-
trco state answered in no uncertain tone.
At Mr , Blaino'a own homo the republican
majority was the largest over cast. In
the three towns Augusta , Lllollowoll
and Gardiner within six miles of his
home , the republican majority was 1)50 ! ) ,
n gain of 550. In his own county the re
publican gain is 1,500 over two years ago.
"This is the testimony , " says the Chicago
'Irlbiinc , "of the people who hnvo known
him thirty years. This is the answer to
the statement so industriously madu be
fore the election that when tlo | time
came the voters oEMnino would rise and
rebuke him. * * * Twenty thousand
-six hundred and fifteen Is the ttylo in
which Manogivcs ! [ the lie to Mr. Blame's
detainers. "
TJIK little city of Now Brunswick ,
Now Jersey , is a bankrupt corporation.
It owes debts to the amount of $1,800-
000 , while its valuation it only § 5,000-
000. It is in fact mortgaged for nearly
two-fifths of its value. The tax rate last
year was $3.80 on the $100 , and this
revenue was insufficient to pay the inter
est on the debt. This distressing condi
tion of the city is duo to bank olllciols
and ofllco holders. Ten years ago the
principal bank was robbed o.f § 1,250,000 ,
by the cashier. Several of the city nnd
county ofllcials have from tlmu to time
committed wholesale robberies , and some
of thorn have been sent to the poniten-
tary. The recent bank robbery has again
plunged the city into financial distress
and about the beet thing the New Brims-
wickers can do is to put up their proper
ty for auclicn , pay their debts , and como
77/A * STATE
The Nebraska state university begiiu
its fourteenth year tinder , the brightest
auipices. The faculty haa been reinforced
nnd is now stronger tliun during any pre
vious year in tiJ ) history of the institu
tion. Among the most important acces
sions is that of Dr. Lewis E. Hicks , who
fills the chair of geology. lie is a pupil
of Agassiz , and has on experience of fif
teen ycnre as a teacher. Dr. Ilicka is n
man of moro than ordinary ability nnd
attainments , and the unirorsity is ID be
congratulated upon having secured hie
services. In the election of Prof , C , K
Bessoy to the chair of botany nnd hortl
culturethe regents of the university have
acquired nn instructor who will add to the
reputation of the university. IIo comoz
from the Iowa agricultural college , ol
which ho vrasvico-presidont. Prof. Bos
sy is also vico-prcsidont of the
American association for the advance
ment of science , in charge of the section
of biology. Ho Itaa written several val
uable text books on botany , which nro in
use in some of the best colleges of the
country. In addition to his other duties ,
Professor Bossoy has boon made the
dean of the industrial college of our
university. Professor Nicholson , who is
returning from Europe , will soon resume
Ilia position. In the college of medicine
Drs. Mercer and Livingston have been
appointed to the two chairs ol surgery.
The Latin school retains most of the old
instructors , and is reinforced by Charles
E. Bonncti , B. A. , of Brown university ,
who becomes clnssical.inatructor , and T.
M. Uodgman , B , A. , of Rochester uni
versity , who is assigned to matncinatica.
Other instructors have been added to
.ho various departments , and the proa-
iccts of the Nebraska state
university nro now of the most
cncouriiging character. ThU institution
should bo and can bo mndn to rank with
the best colleges in the country. Our
state people should encourageit by Bend
ing their sons nnd daughters there , es
pecially when it is an admitted fact that
Lht'.y can receive as good an education in
the state university ns they can in any
other western college.
Tin : next b.ittlo of the campaign will
occur in Ohio , and all eyes nro now
turned towards that stato. Desperate
efforts are being made t > y the
democrats. They have great
lopes of success owin to the disaffection
,1ml has boon caused by the liquor lana.
A great deal of money will bo spent by
: ho democrats , who will draw largely lor
'imds on the brewers , distillers , and
liquor dealers. A host of speakers have
boon engaged to stump the otato , and
nothing will bo loft undone to make
votes. WKilo thcro may bo n certain
number of republicans who will vote the
democratic utnto ticket in Octobur with
a view of thuo obtaining redress for
what they claim nro local griovancestheir
party loyalty is so strong that they will
vote the republican ticket on the national
election day. It is barely possible that
Ohio might go democratic in October ,
nnd this of course would have a depros
ing effect on the November election.
[ Jut Ohio has never gouo democratic in a
residential year since the rebellion.
Tito nearest that it came to it was in
187 ( > when llayds received a plurality of
only 7,51(1. ( In 1880 Carfioldhad a plural
ity of I ! 1,227. It is concededhowovor.tlmt
iho election both in October nnd Novoin-
uor will bo very close. The Ohio ropub-
icana hnvo boot , greatly encouraged by
.ho result in Maine , nnd the Plumed
ICnight will himself visit Ohio within the
text two weeks , and will probably ro-
nain there and make speeches until the
October election day. The presence of
.Maine on the battle-field will undoubted-
y have n tolling cfloc * . The republican
nnnngcrs nro massing their forces nil
along the line and nro doing very effec
tive work. I'luler the circumstances the
republicans everywhere have reason to
) clievo that Ohio will prove herself loyal
o the party.
IN' shutting up the fruit-stands upon
ho sidewalks nnd street-corners , the city
narshnl has pursued a very arbitrary nnd
cruel course. Those friiit-vondera occupy
> ut four feet of the sidewalk , the same
space which is permitted to every inor-
chnnl in front of his a tore , and they either
my rent for this space or have the per-
nission of the property owner to occupy
t. Now , In such cases , what right has
he city marshal to close them up ? Ho
laa simply done this , as wo understand it ,
at the request of those fruit-dealers who
rent buildings , and who want to shut out
ho sidewalk dealers. Yet the marshal
illnws dealers who rent or own buildings ,
o occupy four foot of the sidewalk for
.ho display of their goods. ' This Is co'r- '
ainly nn unjust discrimination which
works n hardship upon n few poor per
sona who are endeavoring to earn an
honest living. Wo never saw a city of
any pretensions that did not allow fruit
stands upon the sidewalks. In Chicago
they nro found upon nearly every corner ,
and no complaint is made against them
by nny one. Wo question whether the
marshal can legally shut up n fruit stand
which occupies only four feet ot the side
walk , and for which space rent is paid to
the property-owner or lessee.
TUB police force of Omaha certainly
nocda a thorough ovur-hauling , There
are among the members men who are ut
terly unfit for the responsible positions
which they hold. Several of them arc
known to bo addicted to drink to such an
extent that they are at times wholly in
capacitated for duty. There are others
who have a bad record , and who nogloot
their duty at every possible opportunity ,
The city council is in a great moasun
responsible for the composition of tin
police force , us that body confirms tin
appointments , and the BKU is pleased tc
BUD that the council , having become con
vinced that it has nude simo mistakes ,
proposes to take steps to rectify thorn. It
is hoped that the council will immediately
weed out all the drunken and incompc-
tjnt policemen , nnd fill their places with
respectable , sober , honest nnd capable
men. The council should nlao investi
gate the private character of every mem
ber of the force remaining , If this were
done it might bo found Advisable to re
move several policemen for causes other
TUB people of Nebraska will bo pleased
to learn that nn effort at least is to bo
mndo to sccuro the location of the now
soldiers' homo in this state. A commit
tee consisting of Secretary of State Hog-
gen , General Hull , nnd Mayor Moore of
Lincoln , Senator Mandcrson of Omaha ,
nnd Cnptnin Palmer ot Plattsmouth , will
present the claims of Nebraska to the
board of managers nt Dayton , Ohio The
distiict for which this homo is intended
includes Iowa , Nebraska , Missouri , Kan
sas , Colorado , Utah , Wyoming , Dakota
nnd Minnesota. The strongest claimant
for the prize Is Iowa , as she furnished
moro soldiers for the civil war than any
other state mentioned above , and , if wo
are not mistaken , she has mndo nn appro
priation of § 50,000 for tno home , besides
offering other inducements. If Iowa does
not got it , wo believe Nebraska will stand
agood show of securing it , and in case she
succeeds the citi/.cns of Omaha ought to
mnko strenuous efforts to have it located
near this city.
It hna often been oaid that it costs one
dollar for every dollar of gold taken out
of the ground. The philosopher of the
Boston Ailrrrtisrr probably had this in
mind when ho evolved the following :
Those who proioes to have made sys
tematic estimates of the profit and Icsaes
gold mining , assort that the not returns
from it j ru no greater than thoao trom
bread baking. To the min
or , however , who heara that rich
Id fields hnvo been discovered in Da
kota , there doca not rise any mental
question as to whether ho shall bolt to
Now York and bake bread , or bolt to the
Little Rockies and seek gold. Ho bolts
for the gold every timo. The principle
upon which this action rcsto is a simple
onu. A sanguine man is always sure
that , out of the hundred , ho will bo the
lucky one. Chances have no influence
over him. Superstition , lovoofndvon-
turo , reckless disregard of failure lend
liim on. Some of the ninety-nine comeback
back , however , and try baking.
Tin : C/.ir of Russia and the emperors
of Austria and Germany are holding n
conference at Skiornovillo , which seems
to bo moro of a social hand-slinking niliiir
than anything else. It certainly does
not appear so far to bo nn event of any
political importance. The only apparent
object is to show to their subjects the
Friendly fooling that exists between the
liouscs of the Romanoffs , the Hapsburgs
and the Hohonzollcrna. The throe
rulora evidently appreciate the fact that
"uneasy lies the head that wears a
crown , " for they have chosen for their
meeting point n comparatively obscure
plnco , their conference- hold in secret ,
nnd.thoy nro surrounded nnd protected
from dynamite fiunds by an nmplo and
vigilant military force. When they
shall have concluded their conference
they will depart tremblingly to their ro-
Bpoctwo strongholds , and each will ask ,
"whon shall wo three moot again ? "
PosriiAsmu-General Gresham , having
declined the secretaryship of the treas
ury , will bo appointed United States
circuit judge at Chicago , to succeed
Judge Drummond , and will probably
enter upon the discharge of hia duties on
the 1st of October.
TIIK Iowa commissioners of the World's
Exposition have arranged to supplement
85000 appropriated to Iswa from the na
tional fund by raising $110,000 on notes
and bonds , anticipating reimbursement
'rom the next legislature.
Ai.i\\Miiu : : Mrrc'iiKi.L , ot Milwaukee ,
ridicules thn idea that the democrats can
carry Wisconsin for Cleveland. However ,
lie democratic managers propose to flood
ho state with money and stump-speakers.
Til BUB is a probability that West Vir
ginia will go republican in October , and
f it does it is very likely that it will do
.ho same thing in November.
A lC'J-iouiul ] Hfiunsli Krovvii hi Union county
a to lia e.xliiblU-d nt eastern f ira.
Ollidul figures chow that the inm > ts of
county exceed the liabilities l > y S3,7i8.0l. (
& Dakota is thu only territory that'"paya a
oonuo to the poitollico lU'iinrtmcnt , and
.hero nro only U-n ttatt'a that do MI.
Tbo Sioux 1'nlln fair , which bt-giiu on the
2 Hli , will not bo allowed to ilo oiieiato into
> n "agricultural IIOM troU".uUliouph racing
will not bo I'litlruly tabooed.
Frank lllmuan nnd W , V. Cody by recent
mrdnuiu * have tccurod entire control of the
niiioi ntllulm'tt 1'oal ; . Homo parties put next
yenr'ii yield nt liih'h m $ . 10,003.
JMfllmnMmty lias ordered a Catholic church
, o bo built in YtTinlllLnn , and stem will bo
soon taken to fco that it Id dono. In counoc-
. .ionlth the church thcro will bo n parochial
An Illinois man oiler * to pivo Sioux Falls n
na'h and door factoiy imil jimninj ; mill If the
dtiuiuill ilouuto him $ . ' > 00 m cash uutl n
li\c-yisir lea'o of iim-tjary grounds , The icop-
.i.sition U under nihisemeiit ,
A gontloumii who fayn hn wanted to entlsfy
iliun-lt whether or no eouthoin Ualiotu U
oed com country , \isited n lifty-ucro field
.litt > p uml olio-half inilca eouthueH of Ver
milion , anil picked tome eais that weio tlur-
; uin Indiea m loiigth , and from uovcn Loei ht
iodioii in circumference , and Uryas ( n bone , on
tbo Ibt iiifet.
The 1 Slack 1I11U narrowly Gccapsd nn earth-
< liuk9 last week. Sumo unknown tcouudreln
attempted to tire a } kmdcr huiuo n fvw iiiihe
outsulu of Hupid City , containing IIJ.UUO
pjuiuU of KUut pjwdcr nnd a ( pi.intity of
blituk ponder. Two bulloU pit'rcod the doors
of the building and Imbedded thumsolvi'a in u
ecmitliuK n few luchcm fruiu the iHttvder. It
win a cloeu call.
( "hoycnno now llluiniiiaUu withgaa ,
llunko btoercrs nro harvesting the fall crop
of Kreeuii'n In Ctieyennu.
The fonnulitioH iit'cussarv for the lucorj oration
tion of the uvw county of Crook are nmrly
romiili'lo. The pox 8-nor will pan tip n the
l > .ixM | next we k.
Cru'jernp f till ntir - IioHinpf of seeming
a bratich of the 15. k At.
CaUlo fhlpintnln 11 nlonp ttioliunnro in-
rrcafinif o. > rro iMin iiiijily with Iho tuiso In the
price of lieaf ot Chicago.
Tcrrltcrinl Oeologitt llijilny hm reddled ,
oulntf tnrcJurntl appropriation * to curry on
th work of lli ollic- .
The Tort l'olt < rm n military reservation ,
lately cpptiod fnrffttlcinent , I * Mildly being
taken up by lioineiteftflcr * . Tim 1'ort Snun *
dcrs twervo nonr Laramlo uill bo thrown
oppn HCOII.
.Tmlgo IJlalr , cf the territorial court , U rt-
hibiting Bin-cimpiM of ( told from a mlno re-
cnntlv discovered by him. Hu anys the
"find" Is within forty-two tnilen of I.aramlc ,
but will not pivo tno cinct location. The
mineral it qulto rich.
lien Walker , thn cll co\otfr of thn Wolf
m-ok inlnpH. north of lliilfnln , Fiigigitl Inn
dispute with Joseph O'Xoil , over n claim ,
when the latter rlmt nnil killed him. The
cnrnnci'H jury justified the shooting on the
ground that both wcro drunk. _
The Intost mlnlnff i-xcitement comci ftnin
Um Hlir Horn rojion arcplon whicli ha ? In
timei built snmo of the wildest and
brightest ilrcams. 'J'ho ' excitement-H local nt
the prenent time in Wyoming , but it Is ono of
these things that sprcadf.
A corro poiidnnt of the la\vliin Journal
writes f nun the lilt ; Horn region that inimer-
ot llrltiih hunting paVtics nro in thurc ,
slaughtcr'ng ' g liie by the wlmliwilc , nntl In
mnny liutnucea taking only the skins nnd the
choicest bits of the animals away , leaving the
rcat of the cnrcasrei for Iho wild brail , ,
Secretary Sttirpij , of thn Wynmlng Htock-
grow'crs' ' nsopcintion , who haj just returned
from Town , informn the Clieyenno Sun that
bo has leased the DOS MoitiPH illstlllery cattle
sheds , wlioro ho will feed ' 1,000 head OH the
slops. Ho vitltcil thn Omaha stock yards ,
and 8ponl < s of thorn In his highest terms.
The I.arnniiu liooinorang Ins corralod n ni-
mor that quite ft contraction In the p.i'K sys-
teiu hai boon ordurcd by the officers of the
Union I'nclfie.nml that hereafter ) ) a ( a will
bo furnished only to stockmen shipping n cer
tain amount over the rovl. No moro pas
nro to bo icsucd by telegraph by division
pcrititimdonts except to employes ,
A desperate tramp who \\tia bounced from n
freight train Grander , shot Jirakeman
Gporgo Motclland , the ball out ring his oldo
iichiw the illH and p.iscing out near the back.
When the train arrived nt Granger u tlcputy
Bhoriir was sent nftor tlio tramp. Coming up
to him thu ofHcor ordered the tramp to throw
up ! IH ! ImndH , nnd in doing so tried to pull his
gun , when thn ofliccr shot him through the
head killing him instantly.
Chas. 1' . Hill nnd Miss Heath , both of Haw
line , recently eloped and canio to Chcyonno to
tie up. Jiefni-u they reached town the paronta
rf the girl telegraphed abend to nrroat Hill ,
nnd followed on thn next train. The elopers
wcro rounded nnd Irwhod with the parental
tnnguo nnd finally n settlement was ranched
in which the vounpHten cot the bent or it.Tho
ninrrringu was allowed on condition that
Mill should not c'tu'in his wife for three years ,
nt the end of which time the old man ngrced
to tnlo him in an n pattncr In his bii'iiioH.
Hill jumped ut the hiiap and embraced iho
whole family.
An eastern ] ) ipor sums up the n inernl
wealth of the territory s folIoWHIn : the
renter of tbo territory Is a mountain of nolld
hrmalitc iron ore , with M/0 feet of it above
ground , moro than n niilu wide , anil over two
inilos In length : a bed of lignite coal big
enough to warm the whole world for centu
ries ; eight lakes of solid Bida , ono of them
over ODO sicre.i In extent nnd not leas than
thirty feet in depth , from which the fodii in
to como which will keep nt homo thn millions
of dollars now paid annually to I'tiropo for
that commodity , nil of whicl" is imported ; and
lastly , mid inoro iinpoitunt tlniu all , a
petroleum basin which contains moro oil than
IVnnsylvnnia and West Vliginin combined ,
from which , in places , the oil is oo/.inc in
natural wells nt the rate of ono nnd two bar-
lels n clay. "
that ho oxpcc's ' to return to Ireland in n short
time and resume hia place in politics.
Poverty gulch ia looming up in mineral
woith : ! , nntl is proving ono ol the richest
campa m the CreateJ liutte diattict.
A gang of hungry tramps recently raided
the Homo of the Kriendleaa quarter of the
Denver exposition and stuffed themselves
with $150 worth of provisions.
Ten thousand ncrea of oats in Colorado will
this year yield savcnty bushels to the acre. A
crop mi the old MeNnssar farm , just below
Argo , on the 1'latte , went soventyfivo , nnd
nml will weigh foity pounds to the buuliQl.
A Denver company haabcon organized to
ship nrtvai.iu water to Chpyeimo by thu tank-
ful. The plan in to send tank , holding 10-
OOOgallonH , up each night and distribute by
w.-ifon ttuks around the city.
John Dillon , ex-member of the Uritiph par-
limont from Ireland , nnd two years ugo im-
jirisouod with Mr. 1'aruell , has been at Castle -
tlo Kock , Col. , for the past eighteen mouths.
Ilia health , which was > ery poor whim hu
cnmo to tlii * couu'ry , hasimprocod to much
the ' 'funeral
Denver thieves have imported
racket" and it nan proven a success for the
plundeiern. The plan is to watch the pnpera
uwl see vvlu ) is dend nnd when the funurnl
will takoplace. 'J'lien they will ] > ipo elf the
liousen in the vicinity nnd tee who le.ive * , nnd
if anv nru left unganrdcd they outer it and
ply their nefarious tt.ido.
llutlc is overrun with bunko shams nnd
thieves ,
Utitte. enjoyed the firtt snowfall of tile sea
son September Till.
liiutnl priifi iiehtfl nro tbo faehiannblo
nnuitcmont in liutte. Ktovo linrke , of Colo-
indo , nnd l'ruiklcCorinick ; : , of Jiutto , pound
ed each other for lilty-lhn nniuile * uno
nieiit recently , resulting in IcCoimii-k'd de
The Northern 1'acific cnniiany | will benco-
forth toll Us nijriaikund lands in iuvntitius |
not exceeding Ii20 acres , on ten years' time , to
parties who agree 10 bceomo actual lettlers
within ono year from the ditto of the pur
Talk about votin ? at fairs vvhero popularity
is judged by the M/.S of the pur o , an mstanco
COIIHH 1'ioin Itutto. At the mlner'x picnic
theio n watch put up betvvcim two young
ladies. The winning party put up § lli > 'J.r u
uofoui thwy secured it.
J. M , lliumnford , general ngont of the
Noithurn 1'acilic , informu Wyoming .Stock
association that all btoclc ciira hereafter built
for the road will bo provided with niiBpout-iun
car trucks. The WestinghoiifcO brake lins
lioon put on 1,000 of the company's freight
caif , ami will bo put on the flock earn nl o ns
soon as tlio rate for hauling ttoclt IIICIO.IHC-S
sutiicivntly to justify the oxpci.ilituro.
Within tha past BJX iuontln about 83,000-
300 hu * been invested in piuchtising stock
ri > ncliv8 in MonUna by eastern capitalist * .
ThU money mainly cumo Irom Now York
City. ISut by far the greatvbtL amount of
inoiu > y invested In cattlo-Ktowitw ; Is Ly ICng-
liflhmen. They practically control the eattto
trade , Within the pant hvv yrrn stockrais
lug \\s\t \ \ lucreaecil largely , and there ia nbout
live timed thu amount of capital invested that
tberu was then.
Umvards of 200 families have taken up
liomeii In the Lost rivtr valley this seo-
fcOIl ,
The engineers of the Snake Klver railruud
iiridt'o near lluriit liver , mndo u mistake of
bix feet in locating ono of the pillars. If the.
report ho true , the pillar will have to bo ru-
built , which will CAUSOBOIIIO additional delay
m completing the bridgo.
With the ccmplctlou of the lluntiiwton extension -
tension of the railroad from lUlcor City , tiro-
pen , which is in the near future , the Union
1'ucltic will luivo a tliroiigh line from Omalin
to I'wtlimd , Oregon t'de ' water on thu I'ncilic
via the Uregun Shoitlino.
Thu fiuit trees iu btuiutiful ISoMOWoronever
mura jimlitic in tmo fruit than this > ear. Th > -
jit-Id n ulnio.t byund uitimution nnd much
of It u | ifrmittiMl to rot ujcjii thu ground. The
fruit ii all line , free from wuruu or tha other
uni > trfi.ctioiia of Kisttrn fiuitu.
At tlio C mir ( I'AletMM > u t of tlio law httits
lnvohm ) , ' the lights of chiliiunu luvu terini-
nateil In favor uf ths juiupeM , cui8Biiuuiitly ; ,
1'rldiard dnoo\w r , with Ids do -
ui or more claims , is left without a foot of
giound In the gulch named after him.
( } uito u lijom lua iUrtad iu Wood Itivor
mining property. Tlu Miliulo Moon > , the
liiilliun , the Iduhoan and thu Mailloww nro
dolog D > ery wvllfts iiilnci , ami UVQ ISull.
whnckr r nod < "tlii-r " tlaveli prr ) pTo fC ( ts show
ing nj' ' " Inrffdri ' t calitnl h Itfaiti cocking
iU i-yo toward ihf fjcm nf the mountfiins.
Los AngdeK In ? a doff that robs bo Invw
to gratify IIH tivt * fur liont-y.
Tvvelvohur.drO'lCliiiiainpn ate working In
the hop fields of Mcndncini.
Cotton grnwintron thu Merced river Is In
Iho hands of tha Chinese. They have nbout
7tO crej of growing cotton In line condition.
The Scuthern 1'nclfic liailrnadl Compnny
has iu tore in San ] 'rnncl C' > one million tivo
hundred thousand feet tf lumber nud tight
thousand tons of coal.
Bftov. Rtnnford's' 'injnrd covers fully
! 1 OdO acre" , or which li.oUO are in bearing
grapes. About 7fi acres nro in old vines. The
remainder nro young ones , planted two or
three years ago.
Los Augclts dairymen keep milch goats inn
sopofnto enclosure from their covvg , nud hold
them for cream , which Is fold at a high pilco
for bibl ( 3 and young children.
Tlio sheep men in the vicinity of 1'ine nnd
lirldgo crotks , Li'sen county , nru feriously
concerned nt the depredations of boars. They
nro said to bo unusually numerous this y ar ,
and hnvo killed many cheep ,
A San l-'urnnndo man tried the experiment
of flavoring a growing watermelon by running
n strip of cloth through the stem of tno melon ,
the end of which was immcived in n vessel
containing lemon extract. When tlio melon
was cut into the flavor of the lemon was dis
tinctly perceptible , nnd considered to bo a
great improvement.
The most atubborn and distressing
cases of dyspepsia yield to the regulating
and toning influences of ( Hood's Sarsapa-
rilla. Try it.
IiuliiHtrh'H in Mvvli/.erlntid.
The third volume of the federal census
cf 1880 , 'which has just boeu published ,
contains BOIIIO interesting facto touching
facts touching the occupations of the
population of the confederation. The
land and its natural productions afford
employment for 410,023 men and 147.-
710 women , whoso labor supports in all
( including themselves , children , domes-
tici and the aged ) 1.103,137 individuals ,
equal to 410.43 per 1,000 of the popula
tion. Included iu this total aio all win
work in foreats and mines and live by
fiahing and hunting. Industry , includ
ing manufacturing in all its branchon ,
occupies . " . 'J4.012 men and 210,782
women , and supports 1.057,889 individ
uals , who constitute 371.70 per 1.000 of
the population. Trade employs 59,351
mon nnd 35.014 women , nml provides a
living for 200,003 persons , being 72.48
oer 1,000 of thu population. The work
tf carrying , including therein railways ,
employs 4u'J)8 ( ! ) mou and 1,810 women ,
Riil Huppoits 115,909 , equal to 40.75 per
J , 000 ot the population. The public ad-
miuiotratiun , science , and artrtquiio the
services of 34,380 men , 11,782 women ,
and Keep 115G9 ! ) , beintj10 75. Of day
laborers , commissionaires" nurses , etc. ,
there were 8,310 men and 10,132 women ,
who support 30,010 individuals , equal to
10 54 per 1,000 inhabitants. Of persons
without [ any known callings , including
those whom they maintain , thera are
155,058 , or 54 09 per 1,000 , of the popu
lation , In this class those who live on
rente , interest , ponaioi.n , and annuities
fitjuro for 50,055 being 19.09 per 1,000
of the population , landholders , who
are nothing else , comprise 8,823 mnn nud
17,871 women ; the members of their
familfes number in addition 17,973
individuals , and they have 11,388 ser
vants of both sexes.
TN 170 3'rofuloiis Uli-ors hroko out on my body
J. uutil my hrrast v\as oiiu mass of corruption
bomo o ( these Ulcers v\e-ro not lesi than ono and one
hult Inchns In ( linmctcr , the ndgo rough , ragged , and
seemingly dead , the cavity ojicu to the bone nnd
filled with of7nnsvo ! matt'-r Everything known to
the mcdl'-nl faculty wcs Iricd In v aiu. Orvduallv tha
lioiie It'el hpcamo diseased , and the Bildernii , ' began
in cam t Dutio Ulcers began to take the1 place "f
tho'o hlihirto on the surface I became a mi-re
vvreek. Four luonths at a time could not set ray
hinda tn my he.d bowansu of cxtrciuo gorencfas.
Could not t'irn in bed. Know not hr.t It v. a'l to bean
an hour oven 'reo from pain. Had rcaHon to look
upon life lt ej | asaciute. In the tunnior nf 1SSO ,
after ten \enrsnf this wretched existence , I beuan
to use Cutieti-v llemedle- < , and after two gears' pcr-
si tcnt usti of them the ia-t ulcer hivt hcilod. The
drer l uisoaso * ? as succumbed. All over tne- breast ,
v\heru once was a iiias nf corrujitlon id now a healthy
sMn. Jly weight has increased fro.n ono hundred
and twenty-threat"ono hundred nndfltty-six pounds
ami the gnol wnrk is still going on. 1 feel uiyoelf a
new man , and all through : Cutleuri llemo Iw
Cu-toia lluiibc , Now Orleans.
.Sworn to ho.'oro United State-j Commissioner.
J. D. Cl..iivroiiD.
Of ? c'-ouloit3 ( , Inherited nnd CnnUglous Humors ,
and thUH reuiiivo tm > niOAt prnlllc cnuhu of human
pulIerliM' , to clear the Mn of dl-llgurlng blotches ,
Itching Torturm , Iluuilliating Krnptlons and Loath-
uonio norevj c.iu > ed by Inherited NTofub , to p-.irif }
aiut Icautif } thu skin , ami rehtoru the hair so that
no trace of < it-jusa re-tnainti , Cuticura IttH tlve-it , the
nnw Hloud UUribcrand Ciitlcnrt i.nd Cutijura Sea ] > ,
the ( , nat Skin curex audlKauiillcru , are Infallible.
Croat Blood Mcdlcinoo.
Tlio half h-w not he-en told a < to the great curative
powcra ol the Cuticura Kruictlliw. I have paid hun-
lire-ill ol di-llaru for mediciiu's to euro dif -ase9 of the
blood and , and nuver found an } thing yet to
equal thu Cuticnra Heniedic ? .
rrovltlci-co , U.I
1'ricoot Cutlrura , Hiiill boio' , KOo : larjio boxes
SI ; Cutirura Uexilicnt , ; irer bottleOivticura ; Hoa ; > ,
2Jo UuUu rn Shav in j Soap , Uc. b ld by all drug
gist' .
[ u uw 9 > } eHim. Knell nunilx-r Iho hpeetnl prc-
RerlUMU of ( iu imiinont plntiflniv Ihn only
hnfi-niiilhiiri ! llcil e-lue furthup onle
jIVAI , vis. CUI.FU. riiicB.
1. I' M I I'onitestlon , lullnmaUdn * , . . .MA
2. Wornw , Wiinu t over , \Vonne ollc. , ! 8.1
; i , I'ryluj Colic , orTfrthtusof Infant a4.1. .
t , Sljarrlirn of i hlldrt-u or Adnltg . . ! ! >
IV. l v fntnrv. OrtulMk' . Illlllou ' .olk1 , . . ,3.'l
II. rtiDl.-iu .Vlorbn. , VomltliibV . -I *
7 < ' < m.li4 , C'old. UrotichltlJ , . US
H. iVritrHlcli , Toothneho , 1 act tclu'V
fl. llnri'lnclifj , blelc lluaunulwi' . VeitlKii . 'JS
1 ( > . l > .pfi.i.ln. lillitnus Stomach . 1
' t. KiijiiirriM-il or I'nlnfnl lertou < . -3
IS. \\lilliK , toul'rcfiiBO ) * urloit5 . S3
It ( Jnitip. I'uiiKli , UinicultUciothliiitSA
It Knit ill . n , rryi.lpi.-lii * , > rm Hum. 2.1
15 Ithrmimlloii , Itlu-uiMiitlo I'nllii."k
IK. h-itvi-r nnd AUIIIC'hlll , l'erer.Kuei .3 ( >
17 1'llin. Hllnil or lilvwdlni ? . 3
111 I'ninrrh. iieulo or ohrmik ; Influrnta Al >
'JitVliuuiiliii ; I'liucH. violent cniiKlK.Alt
Jt lii-i-i-ral llcMllty , 1'tjJcalVvaknoMi..1ll
S7 Kldiiev ll-i < i * . .
Jrrtiiii < < IMillKv. . . . . . t HO
: il ) . I'rtnnrvinVtit.j. . \VeitIiic tlio L < rt .All
ai IIUnnixMif Iho ( l rt. 1'alpliatlon. l.OO
tola by clrurcl-t. * . "rse-uv , liy ihu . . . Cau . > .or8tn . >
- - - -
1 VI ii , Iri-H of ihir/
He lJenc * N" . 14C7 Jones St. Oflco , No. UCJ Far.
u m bt. Ollleo houri 12 rn. to 1 p. in. nnd rcm 2 to
11. in. Telephoso fnr oltlcoW , Ktldencc,12S
! Commission Merchant
i 3 l' trl Btrixt Ccuncll lllutT * cvia.
HJ Hilton M n
Mrs , , , , , .
323 tsiddlo Uroad'y * ? ! Council uiufls ,
-M.i..t.t win Postuvi'lyaot bo innertot !
: , : - jxiJrl in advance.
70 tOAU-
. losned on ibtt'iti. II. * oail Tlel t\i \
MOSf.V and Mid. A. r , > rerriui , .113 S. Istli
74(1 ( tf
vroSKY TO TXJAN In TOOJ * of tSf'O. irut
iU O. ? . D vl n.l Co. , Kt ) > Utr rnd lr ,
A.ont . If OR F ri in St SSS-t
l loans rcmlo on approved Btcurlty. 1517
rtrcet. 812-lm
\1AXTED A good , aft'vo mlddl'-agcd woman to
ilichainbeiwork. WagisSI 00 per week Ap
ply nt 012 L'nuglMstreet. P4D-tt
Yl'ANTEtl An experienced Hohcmlan dry goods
l > fdc4tmvn or&l'slady. Jhi t como well tccnm-
mended ami fpcak Diyhth fluently. Apply at New
York Dry Good ; store , 131U'12 1'armmet. 017 ID
ANTED A Rcod bread and c ko baker it the
Vicuna Ibkcry , 41S S ISlhitrret 0fi-lSp
\\TANTED-\Vcnian cook at Southern lintel , at
IT once , corner 9th and I.oiv en worth. 1)53 ISp
17ANTED XUMO girl at 2214 Douglas Blrco ! ,
> ii-ar Jefferson. 003-17p
-A responsible party to act as treasur
er for adramttio company , for partlculiraap
ply . S. Trcloir , city. 064-18p
" \\7AN'fiu : A tnoroiutily competent girl , ( lood
wages 1823 I'arnam St. BJ ( ! tf
WANTED Flr t-cl f8 canvwcr. Aililro'i ' H.
/ " Bco olllcc , stating uipcrlenco aim gvlng
rcfcrcLic. OJf-lCp
T\rANTKD Coat matters. Ocod vvorkmo oiily
Vi nctdappl } . U. Kramer , Kcatney , Neb ,
Tuogood solicitors for A t 1'ubUca-
tlons , Niued In ports , address I1. O box 1211
Council D.ulf' , loA'3. U17-50
Ji'TIID Two apprentices at diussmaUng , ono
to work for board. 1B05 DavenportOt'llOp
\\f NTKIl Six table boarders at 010N. Iflfirst.
> V 023-lnp
T17ANTKD A ttoady faithful inautoDCt as tox-
V tun of St. liarnibm clui-ch atid school refer
ence required. Apply at 621 N. 10thstreet. Oil tf
11 * ANTI'.I > A good girl tcr general ho scwork in
t > alainllv cf thrco. Must boa vood uashcr and
Iirner , nud lii\e.coJ ( reference , 613 S. llthstrtet.
TVAKTKD Overall make's ami shirt makets at
' ' CunfluidMt'gCo. , cjf. llth nnd Douglas xticct ,
nh floor. OJO-17
17 ANTED Coat makers at Can field Ml'geo , cor.
> llth and D-iuglas street , 4th Hour. 027-17
SfANTKD A cotnpctoit girl ( or gcncrtl hoii'o-
I work. T. M. OrrCISl'1-unnt s'.reet. 040-K !
1 A first-class so-ond girl immediately ,
at 1K11 Dodge St wages. & 23-18p
" \,1C7ANTEI ) Itnme'llatcly.a flrat-clajs vv hlto batbc' ,
> wages cljhtccj dollars j'cr Heck the vcar
round , /tddress or telegraph LouU lacr. North
1'laltc , NobiasV.i. 030-lb ] >
A good ( .ill ( or general hou oork ,
In small ( anal } . Apply at 1:0 noith Ijth St
942 I6p
IXTAN'ltD A comi'ctcntgirl ( or general house-
V ' MOrk.twn hi family , wages $4 , uoutlmcst iui.
Webster atd 221. 023-17p
Vl ANTKD Ono active , energetic man to cell
* itoodp. htcady emplojmeut. Call at 421 outh
10th ftrtct. O.O-ISp
l\TANTEl-Sirartactive boy for cuiortl errands
M and general ork , 14th a-id Faruam. A , D.
Morje.OU HcliablcOjo IMcuShouftore. ! ) :13-10 :
T\7AN1EO A cook nud fccond girl for Nebraska
VT College , Nebraska City Alsn a nurse gill.
Apply of Mrs. Mlllnpaugh , be. 2Iatv'a avenue , hct.
2tthnnd 21tt , ail 10
RANTED ghl ( or kitchen work at 001 1'icreo
\ \ street , tor. 6th. W > gc $ $ Jper week. 032-lSp
" \\7ANTKD Inmipdiatoly , rcat i-lrl lor general
\ ' housework , S. W. cor. California and 23th Ma.
035-1 Up
\\7ANTF.D Two dining room girla at 104 South
lethSt. . 002-lUii
\\'A3fTr.D A middle-aged lady as houte-kccper
1 l fcr tvmllvlth 4 thlMrcn , e'.na a tecoml ytrl
toco to Sidnty Neb. Gtod uagcsunda perman-nt
place , inquiru at Max Mcer ii Co. OCb-tf
" \17ANTED A capable nnd neat girl. Mnjtbon
It gondc ink and buiiclruas. I Ml at biick re.i-
dcrcv , cuincr llth and 1'ictcu ttrccta. ill8. D S.
Barriger. 005-10
V7ANTiD- : good second girl , northwest coiner
T I ISth andCijntol Avcuue ; good wages. SSO-Hp
/ANTED A good Scandinavian orl > inl9h girl ,
L at 103 Capitol ave. S03-17p
WANTED Ciil lo do general house woik. Ap-
pi } ti MM James Cotter , 1524 ijhermai ave , 3
dnort north ot Oracu St. _ S a-tf .
I T or country to t. Ko nlco light and pleasant
work at their owxhomex ; $ J to $5 per day ovslly nnd
quietly made ; work rent by mail no caiua'cini : ; no
Htamp for roplv. iTleasu audiess Ilchablo lauf'g Co. ,
1'liljuiiulpma , Pa. _ bOS-lm
WANTKU At Mrs. Hilllip'B 2210 Dodga St. To
goo.l girls , firbt to cuoxond assist m laundry ,
the BCLOUI ! Ur up utaliH and lam.ilry work in family
ofthrcu. German urefcneu. 7l)7-tf
j : ' ( or gei era" liouau vv'jtX at ' 39
ConvuntHt. Mis. O. K. MSVLO. 810 If
" \ATANni > AiiunlD to nitnoiu inu Hell I'at-nt
t\ Weather ttrips. Aildrcss or call' ' on Oco. W.
Hell , 1120 llirnoy ttrtct , Omaha , Nob. 530-lmp
" \ \7ANTKD A hlMiition as governess hyajoung
German lad } . U as had cveralwirs uxjicrienco
In Ocnuanv ui tuaohcr. Address Miaj Adol tjoatrup ,
I'leiiinnt. NoK box 7.B. . _ a < M7y
"YANT"D Housckiicpfrs poslllon by a lady In n
IT i rit ate family or itifilitntioit , who llioroughly
undentand ) how [ a make a hi > m cnu.fortal le Cui
aUo do all kinds o. dome-tic Mining , llu'mblo niur-
enccs. Call oj oraddrca < "HoutoJOcpcr , " lt > 2bher-
10311 avcnuo. I'fiu-L'.p
VI TAN1KD A position as clc-ll In nny l.uainim
T T liGU-o by u yauug man with goo 1 reluruncu and
. Addieaa 1' . O. Box 401 , Otnahu. 011 17p
"IV * ANTiu : A ti'uatlon In any lind c f buslnis h.v
i T a. inin rf cxporioiicov\ith Lut rcfoiunces. Ad-
drtta "U. h " Dee otllco. 020-ldp
A\TANTlUi hituation bj nil c\trcinoly correct
> > buok-ki-e't.or aijd good hsiimeo man wlnibO
fonlic'sciii ho secured at a no-ierato sul.iry.ic
oou nt" caio Fhuethco , Council l-lufa. ! bt > j-17
1 ; ANI'r.l ) A ] > ositlou nu ilcrk In Hinlwjroor
> t \Vh leia1o Imil e , hart ) hod teujiamiixperiencii
as propiletor. lleforunces glv * n. Adiirem - O. A"
thUnlllco. _ 603-11
- Htinuon an noon.
ke.ep.jr , In vvholoaalo cutabllshucnt In Onulia ,
Adilrt-m " ' ' . " care lieu. ma t <
lAN"lKIT o .rthr o furnished rooim iuita-
V > bio fir light houickki-plijg. Audret "ii. O. M. "
Bcojllle. O0.'i-l7
' ' . Address Ikula'
'ITirANTKIi-I'oirorii. Popcorn
Wurkr , 010 U M nr St. Oi'.Mbp
" \ \ 7ANTKDurnliliod slnglo ronmlti private Una-
I t | | y by a gnti > > mari Ternn inuit bo reasonable.
Good rclerenu . AddreiD ' * ) , 1' . U. " Uce ulllce.
0 > 5-lCp
WANTKD-ifJ.OOO on DrBt-ciaBu city tecurity.for &
} e rB , at 0 per cent. AddrcM lox KO I'uat-
KENT New flvo rocm cottage In cxr-ellcnl lo-
FOll . $20 per inoclh , tD. . H , Uocdtich , IMS
I'srnipi sifctt. SIQ-if
FOU RHHY UDnaea and Lets , i
OH HKST FurnUhcil jmlor Iriitrlrtlv prirato
iJ 1 faiiiil > , Ihth tticct , $1& UJ. Address "D " Nn. Ii
luail Cirikr. Oil 17p
! Oll"uENT A neatly furiiiihod front room , vvltli
1 1 or without beard , at No ' . .CU7Velutcr atnet.
014 lUp
HUNT Lirgo second slcry rwim nillallo lor
ii.inufACturtHh' . Apvly U131 Un.e'j ht. WiU-iJ
HKNf Single ruom with board 1U17 Capitol
1 'a - IOJ 17p
HUNT 1'Ieasantlv furulihcj room rultablu
ipuit ' gentleman , 101 ! ) r'arnaui lrcct. iiOiSp
I .Milt UKNl' Houmi luriit'boil u-id unluriailioil fi\
Jj tnuCunringham ilwk , Juckumiami 13th itreet
At p ) to IKiiuU Uuniiliighain , 10h ! and DuJ c at ,
1"V"ll " UKNT t'uraUh a raonmatUJDJ north 17th
"treeu OIO-17p
FOIv BF.NT Mccij liui\l hcxl or un'iii nUbcd rooms
without board leH Duvenpott HI. lUi-Wy
il 1IEN1' ' ndirnlihod double ( rout rcom K. K.
1 ' ocr. of iS'.h and Utpitolaveuuv. Ulli-lOp
Nicelyfun.UhcU rocm IQi tuitl : IStb
' St , 7G6-10p
* 11ENT Kuiuli'icU IWs tarnaiuSt.
1r01l ' 770,11
I1H.NTfurnl heel room 1S13 Jachson.
S 8
IJ10R ISKN'T-Pn'n'dhdl front tocin sult'vUo for
I * mtu nd * - ! ( or two gentlemen , * 012 II rnevSt.
TTOit ItBST ItntMC of 12 ro'mi N. Vf. corner 2l t
JL1 and Burl St. . * I5. Bf ei & Hill , 1403 Firnam.
COO 10
. OH JirJTTTwonewlyirrnlshwl stills * l roomi
T. ( orRiiilltKiciii at d.V. \ . tMinerSOlh atul Hurt ,
cm 2Cth. MOp
OU IlKCT Hlct'y lutnlshcil frsnt room ult l lo
( orU-ngftitli-iiui , 1BZ.1 ivnlgagt OCfl < tXn
NT Ht w ef 0 room * , rnll and chtcrv ,
eood location , nf > street cars , 417 per tnontlf.
p 1' . O. Sfll-M .
ipotf Il .vrIlotifioinK goxl buvnfg in the
Jl1 livclv town n ( Avom , N > K 1'of paJtUtiUn tul-
drcsi A.'ll. smith , AVOC.-V , Ne-b. S7S-lSp
. HKNT-Coltagoct7 rm > nn2J ibor from cir.
I.10K 1 LoiVelirtoith. Incjulro ncxtdonr.
029 tA
nn.NT Six room lieu ff hi Rixxl rcriilron ml
ITMJll tine. Imiulru at Rrocerj store , corner SOth
and Cumliii ; Sis &E1-H
IllIXT-A ulcaly furnished 'rout room at 101
1 Dodge itrcd. bS8 tf
UiNT : Pint cliw house by UcilforJ , Nonir
IPO 1 & trnvis. 51 ! : > l
7(011 ( llSNT-FuriiI hodro > mi31iTl . 13th Ht.
rNOUIlK'ST ' Knrnl'liod room In Bccmcr n Mocfe ,
1 corner UWith and Ilonanl St. 823-tt
HKNr HoiiaowPh six latgo rooms , Jffi.OO ,
1 O. F. DivljACo. , 1603nrna-nbt. DU7-tf
HUNT Tvrotumlshcil rooina fo litli house
1 licciiliiit"locimcr'8 ! Block"cor. Stli anil Howard.
P.S UK OMAHA Ilcnils liasroiluccil prlca
NKWIIA djys to $5 ( rum $10 heretofore.ISOIt
[ 7\OK \ linNT A two etorv Inuio building sult b
jl1 ( or business Lar a colhr , upstnlra suitable ( or
residence. lniuro | ! ou premises , corner "Oth and
I'lcrcoSt. OSS-tt
ItnNT Nicely ( urnlshod Iront room 18IS
Foil street. 1IO-U
TTlOlt HUNT Six room cottage , Ino ! location , bv S.
JL1 T. l'ctcre-en , S. I ! , cor. IBth and Doiisl-n. 617-ti
FOIjtuKNT Hcoms la Crouuso's Block. O. M
Hitchcock. 613-tf
OR ilENT Ono gnna square pmno. Inquire
E cIP Iholm and Krltikson. 440-tI
7tOl HENT One roe < t six room house Si2f > . per mo.
1 O.M.UItchcoi-k. 2S5-tt
T7 > OU SALIi I'lirnlturo and ttovea sultablo ( or
j.1 boarding house. Inquire 15th Jaiul Jackson Sts.
J. Nelson. 04S-21p
MAF.rj A Urita s > eve ( Oarhm ! ) ( or sale a . a
57OH . lnulro | of Hcjn , ItOD UoiiKlas Street.
VOr.Ii : Itoller and cnqlno. 1 lnvo nearly
ntvv boiler and engine niiil Knowlo'B pump , 4 ! )
hnrpo power , for sale chcaji. T. S , Clarksoii , Sliny-
l < r , Kub. 022-lm
STlPIlSAuK Hxturmfor dsara"d 'rult stand
t1iiV. . Aiiplyatait a. nth strut. II.Man -
vvoillcr. OU-17t
FOU BALV Centrally Htatcil lci o on Ion ( ? time ,
ultlibuiiillcra ) especiilly sultit.lo for li ht inanu-
) ; . fiJoictsA. I ) , KEKOIIice. 184-lGp
FOlt SAI.K Small foundry very chcip , ( or a prac
tical man nith n small capital. Addiu3s , D. K ,
Krr. ollice. SSS-lfp
jVOll SALK Northeast oorner 'JOth and Uuimqg
? ttrect. 0. F. Davis & Co. , 1505 Farnam strcut ,
OK &ALK A iholco lot of milih towa Cill on
roiil ncvr Itner'e biick yard , north part ol cltv.
S7a-lSp J.W. 1'KNNY.
FOU SALIi Oil UlCWr A blacksmith shop in the
btst Icration in town. Call on or addres * lance -
nco & Co. , Avoci , Nob. 810-17
JT > Oll SALi : fiend Btoelt o ( ( 'cncral mcrchandlso
JT and btoru for ailo or rtnt. 'Jerma llbcial. Box 3 ,
ilvoca , Nub. S17-17
FOU SALK One-halt intoiot in a good creamery ,
also nineteen lets , lor particularsaddtL' < s lock
box ? 0i , York , Ntb. S40-24p
FOU HALE Cl oap , a nice cottage , full lot , city
water B blocki from fie court houc. M. Lse ,
roctr , 22d and Lca\en\vortn. S57-lmo
FOU SALE A butcher shop and. tiolj m Sclllljlcr
Ncbrwki , with a first clan trade and in a ( ; oed
location , object In sol.lnjr , psor liealtn. Addrew ,
Viastpcrife ! lerbriol < , chu\kr , Neb. 1 > 31-S3
I poll SALI ! A now Hall's Safe , a bargain for any
oaovvantlnirlt , 1015 llarnoy St 790 tf
OIl SI.K A icstauran n a goo location. 220
noith IBth street 74J-12p
FOU SALE Grocery in in the cltv , and ingood lo
cality , doing ominous of over 8iDoO * a year ,
llent low. For further particulars , address 1' . O. box
27 : ? , Omaha. 723-1 $
S\IE Cheap lots , $500 down $3.00 per
_ f morth. ami atsietlrj , ' worth } ' persons to build
nice litllo homes. 1 > . C. Patterson &Co. , cor 13th
and Fatnam. 637-tf
J 7 ( Oil SALK 200 acres o'and. UO acres improved ,
1 32acros hay , 8 acres ho piatuie,7 acres culti
vated timber , 3 acre > 3 nature timbor. Good srvrinir
water good house and other laiprovcniL-nta. will bo
soldon veryeaxytorTB , if Hold noon. For other In-
ormstlon Inquire r cr onall } or by mail of Win. Clalr ,
1'orett Cit } , harpy Count } , Neh. 454-lm ,
FOU SALK Woofler for ealo ,
150 ChoiceS-j ear old Feeding Steers.
160 Choice 2- ) car old K'Odmi , ' Stutri.
100 Yearling Stccrn.
Abuvo all fooil lena Cattle
BiouxCitv. lovva
JJ'OIl SALE Two boci/nil hand plinc < s , at Kdholin
1 & r.rlolcBnn'M Mi-.Bln stern on ICth Ht K9n-tf
Knifiuc9 now and second hand 10 h. p.
i1 15 h. p. and -JO h p. portable and ttationary : also
ollcm of any eizo mid ntlo. llichard & Clarke , U , 1 >
11. Y. ba 17tu and 18th ht' . Omaha. 643-tf
FOU SALK A juli ting oilico suitable lor a final
nowpiper oroh oil ! . Wll sell for cash or ex-
ctangn for Omaha City property. Address X. / . O"
Han olllcu. 4e .tf
OK MAljf. 'xVu OpU-3 l > t < Uull.l-uUU
OEC delivery uaiton. cheep , tt 1C1 ll raey at.
" \ fHSfiCHHOUHl , Masiiutlo Huili rn now ocaled
l lat Jh21 , Casu ttr.ct. Dlanosia discateafrco.
n Ll.ASL-lOncrei of lanJ , fciu-od ( or iranlcn
piirpown , thrco mllo-iS W tilV. U. laiiulro 1' . 1 * .
1'oiidlke. B13 S. Ifth Ktunt. .0"-tl .
llllll'J ' Ufilandlsldo-bjrbuvcy | !
Funmu trect.
'V * OH ' ; " ' " . ' " lUJ * " < .w ll i ridingordri-
'JV > tl\J\J ving tduuble ) bur * ) , at 1310 rariiam.
A gentleman and nifoor two gfiithmcu can get
board .mil room in pnuta fa.i-lly by aildrertrnir
U. r. IV DUB cUllco. 040
UTOI.KJf-riro bred hhek gddlng. Hit In rlfht
Ociir. lift } dollars reward for nrru.t and ronfic-
tlon of thief. K D. T.lm. Ojl-16p
TAKT.N ri1 Sept. 7th , onunall stiawberry O3w.
Owjicrtaiihavuh r i-ytl } lni { o peEie . corner
tthand nmth Clinrry street 002-lCp
' 'I IIKKaBttrninaimfactiirera ol awell known , wide-
J. 1 } adicrtlse-d and jiopul.r Hewing inachino nro
prepared tonal-o favorablearranKemonU with n le-B.
iionslbli ! put ) , vtllllng tuinvest nutllcleiitcapitalto
mvo the e-xcluslvB Halo ot trelr machlnoUn the slats
iilhvliratka. 1'iir an Interview , uddru's until tnu
18th , Wultur Ilarber , Metcop llraii llotul. Omaha foi
four dan , later Llndi 11 Hotel , Karism City.
. P37-1CV |
(5 ( * ) n Howard. This reward will bo elven ( or the
fj ? \ / arrest and mnvletion uf the party ur I nrllea
d binding the lloweiK in thu } nrd ol illsi Annlu
\VlleCM , Oil lioiiglanetiiet. Wonl can bo left at tlio
above place or at h athuiricrs , 83047
HAY-rorprlmo baled luv at lo cut prices , tJ.
'Ire's T. H. ( ; IA lsuN ! ,
° -m ' "
IIUIIUAY hftituoofl | 4Mturing. Hprtng Hater.
E , Rico M. D.
. 'i.L ' in u l.nih in ilrawin ; ; i.t . | | | uud.
} " ! " : ' " " " * otllca
? , , "ii . ; ; , ; , * ; ,
Attorneys-at-Law ,
COlNdf. DU'l'Ftf , IOWA.
OillMam , htri.-i It n I m < l S Rhujriit V Me-
Mub ni UloiiU \ \ 111 pr * tii-a Hi sS'atu uuil J-'e-d
oouits ,