Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1884, Image 3

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SURPLUS MAY 1 , 18SI ,20,000
I'rMlilrnl. Vice President.
. V. MOOUF , JNO. R C01.UN9 , U.WI3H. HKKP
Kent K. llajilen , AtHlnKint nd Artln Ciuhier.
The Sron Bank ,
INTnilEST nllowod on tlmo deposits upon
fftvornblo torma and upon ROiennti oC bank *
uuil bnnkors.
Honda nnd County ftud City securities bought
nnd sold.
In its treatment of eustomora the most liby
crnl policy ii pursued couglstont with unfold-
Mid Round banking , nndyo iuvito corrcaponcs
nice or personal inquiry iu connection there
Nzw YOBK , Sept. Hi , Money Easy .it 1
i'rimo paper Gi@GJ.
Sterling bills-Weak 82J ; tlomnnd .181i.
Governments Kasier.
Hallways Lower.
Stocks Opened feverish ; before 11 o'clock
a. in. , however , a , modoratu buying moviuiont
Imd fcct i'l , and there was and advance ot } to
IJc. At mid-day the market became weak
again and continued CM until tlio last half hour
of business. Tlieio were reports nloctin ! the
erodit of the National , but the president
denied that thorn wcro any truth in them.
Kmnois from the west regarding the railway
nioetiiigs were of an nnfavorabio character.
The decline ranged i to 3e. ] About -:30 : the
market began to harden under the purchases
for short account , and a rally of \ to Ijio oc
curred. Compared with last night the closing
prices jto lijc lower , o\copt Lacknwannn
< t New York Central , \\hich are from J logo
101 i
4i'aOonpona 112
TJ. S. now , Vt 1201
Pacific b'a ol ' 95 , , 127
Oontral PaclBo .18'
Ohlcftgoft Alton 130
do do pfd 145
Ohl. , Burl. & Qnlnoy llil
lel. ) , Lack. & Western I0i\ : '
Denver & 11 , G 10i
Erie . " . 13J
do pfd "S\ \
Illinois Control 1B2"
Ind , , Bloom. & Wcotoru II
Kanorvj & Tcxna lli |
fitika Slinrn tr T fichlgan So 77 ?
Louiavillu & Nash lli ! )
flilchlgnn Central ( ! 8
Mlasourl I'wilno DO/
Northern Pacific 2Q\
do do pfd . . . . . . -17
do pfd
Mrw VorV : Oantr l 1)3" )
Oregon Trans-Con * 12J
I'.icilio Inil 'ISj
Pullman ! ' . C ll'JV
Rotk Inland H2
St. Louis & San Vran 0
do do pfd 10
Chicago , Mllwaukud & at. Vuul 811
du do do pfd 107
Ot. I'anlfc Oma'ai 30
do do pfd 01
Woba.St. ! . L. A : Pacific r.I
do do do pfd.
" e lo > n T ion Tdcgrapn
O.K. & N
CHICAOO. September 10. Flour Dull ;
and unscttlxil.
Wheat Vitm ; fair gpccnlativo businonH ,
aihancel early gc , declined c , fluctuated ,
closed c over yesteiday ; 7-H@7W ca h :
7-1 1 September : 7' ' ! < i)7i.Octoner ) ( \ ; 7 "dii l
November ; 7 ! > } ( 70 1 Decmnber ; No 2 red 77J ;
lejejtid , led , ' 17.
Com Unsottlfd ; fniily active ; opened
weaker , rallied , advanced jS@H ( " near futuio
dfuliiiUil SSlc ; deferred futiiren \ ( < i c , closed
if" i'c over vesterday ; filjcish ; 55 September :
( ) l'@fj11 ' Octobar ; Wjcaill November ; 3sf
year ; 3bS May ; -IKSj-lll rejected.
Oats t u'et and lusy ; about unchanged ;
25 ca < > li ; WSj 2iJ Septoaibcr ; 251fg25fi Ootn-
Iwr ; iJSJfn 23 November ; 25 year" ; 2i > i ( iS,3 ! ,
Jlyo lullnj. ; !
] 5arlBy-l > iiiet ; r 5.
Timothy OlForod .freely : prime western ,
1 27fi'U 2S.
Pla\ Seed Finn : 131.
Pork Mess pork dull ; firm ; 10 7"msh
anJ September ; 17 00 for October ; 11 22i@
11 2r > , year : 11 . .I''JCSll15 .lamiary.
Lanl lOc higher ; fair demand ; 7 207 22J
cash , September , nod October ; 7 02l ( 7 03
November and January.
Bulk MC.UH Slumlilora ( i 7.i ( 80 ; Rhort
clear 10 OJfallO 12) ) ; thort riln U Wdfj' ' ) 65.
IJuttor Steady ; fair demand ; daii'ies nteady ;
choice t > fancy creamery l'Jij 25 ; good tech
ch ice dairies 11(17. (
Cheene More active ; full cream ,
! l'a-10 " ; Hk'intned ' chuddars , 2fo'i. (
"JCegu Fair demand ; 15'.fol ( > .
llnlcK Firm ; green sTdted bull at d\ \ ;
damaged Of ; light 8J ; heavy 8 ; calf 12@12i.
Tallow No. 1 country at 0.
Wftinky I III.
Keceipts and Bhlpment1 ?
rfxoolptsi. ti''t '
Flonr , blh . 10,000 8,000
Wheat , bushels . 120,000 81,000
Corn , buihcU . 221,000 172,000
Oats , bwjho'8 ' . 210,000 151,000
Ryo. buahols . 22,000 n,0 H )
Bnrloy , h'jahola . 55,000 JiO.OOO
Arrnitsuov lioAiin Wheat 4@io higher.
Co'iifngo higher.
Oat't Unehaiiged to i highnr.
I'ork UiirhiUiKod to 2Jo liiKlier.
' . ' .
liard-'ic highci.
PKOIIIA rr.onuoE.
I'KOIHA , Sniitpmbf-r Ifi. Corn Steady ;
hiph mi.\td , 4KCjji | ! ; No. 2 mixed , 174'55'I8.
Oitn Actlvo ami stojdv ; uoiv No. 2 whlto ,
27K"27. ' . ; No. 2 mixed , 2li' ' 25.
Kvn- fillet : No. 2 fHfi52. (
Whisky Steady ; 1 10.
NKW YOHK , September Hi Wheat Spot
he higher ; ( 'liuing linn ; iiptionu opened o.iHJer
and hti.Migei ; found Ij'culoiing ' ; near but
r.iten to-day. Ueceiiiti , ISIi.UOO imshels ; ax-
p'jrtu 32 OOJ. No. 2 Hprlti821 ; urigM Ind
rsd , f'Ofr ! L' ; Do Clf. Sia802 ( ; No. It red , 7t > !
No. 2 rod , Wijfi,8dOctobtr / ; cloiinff 8(14. (
Corn rSjiut , weak ; options ojiencd u shade
bettor , and fall bscl ; Jff'ljjc ; during heavy
and u H > > tted. ! Jtcct-iptH CIJ.OOO biuhulx. Kx-
port , , 31,000 InmliulH ; ungraded 5l@ilNo. ( ;
2 , Ull0rt ; < ib r , f > 7tf.
Oat ? Firm. H cepts ! , 117,000 bushels ;
ntiwrti.l.'iOO ' bushi'li1. Mixo'l wuatern 20 ©
: il : white , 93KI. .
J-'srfri < U estern fresli , demand fair ; firm ;
lOfir 10 < , .
Lard - - . JUatlyi v/eatsni etcam &pat ,
7150 770.
IJuttcr-rrinnml f4lrly uctivo.
uvgnrour *
Livnitrooj. , Rpptcmber K ! . Hreadstiiffs
JuU , iui'1 ili'iros | od.
Wliwt Winter , Hi B13C8 lid j ( pring 0 * fid
& 'n M.
Coin - Downward tei dinujr.
TOLBIIO Sfpt. JiVh ( < > at ( ilet ; No.
2 red , c H nu < J Scji'.i'iiilior , 7 ( \ bid.
Corn-Dull. No. v vitli and .Sipttmbsr
U.itn-.St ( < idv ; No. 2 , 20 * .
Cl.veiCash ! 05.
ST. ions rnoi > vtE.
ST , Lon , Sk'i tcmbrr 10. Flour tTn
Wheat Weak , unicttlod and lower dtirinR
tliefiwthnlf of ihsv lnn , lint firmrd up at
noon nil , and vl -i < d J idtijo above yesterday.
No. 2 rod , 7'Vic ' for rn h ; 7f > je for Koptnmbpri
78frf708i-for ( ( Vtolx-r ; 8l2WS2jic for N'ovem-
b'Tife8U ( SI4c for Dpcoinlicrj S.'J .S'Jj'e for
May. closing at outside prices ; No. 3 red ; 05
( rtdtijo.
Corn Lower ami lowj l8(3'll'o ( for ca lu
lOfc' ' to'c for No\cmli rt S6J@3flo for the year ;
1173' fur May.
Oats - K nior at 27 } i for caMi : 2.MV for Oe-
lobar ; .W.'c ' for Decambsri U34@iJ. u for th
ycji .
Hyo-Firmer at Mfe bid.
HurleyNothing doing.
UutterITncliatiRedi crcameryi 1S@20 ; ia
ry , Il ( < fil7.
Kpg.i-rasy at 12@12i.
Flavscrd rirmeral 1 20.
Hay Unchanged ; praltlo , 7 00@9 00 ; Urn
othy , 11 ( V < 3113 dO.
Urnu UnchniiRcd ; Cle.
Corn Moal-Qniot : 2 M@2 S3.
Wldskv Sternly ; 1 11.
ProxWniH Dull and prices unchanged.
Pork -Mniket steady ; 22 60 for September
12 05 the j ear
AKTIMINOO.V lo.\ni ! > Wheat strong ; higher
77S for October : 74 ! ' for November ; 87 ( jj 87
lor December ; 7.'jl n-"n' for year.
Corn Higher ; 374 for Novemlev ; illJjtif.SI
for the yoir ; H7g for May.
O.its I'iriuor , a fraction higher bid Im
nothing done.
KANSAS CITV , SoiilemlH'r 10. Wheat
Steady ; fi5J i5fl cash ; 0710 ? " > 7sj October
j ? bid November.
Uorn-iiiet ( ) ; lOjfaiOpnnh / ; ' 10 September
ber ; 35\ ' for October ; 28J for November ; 281 fo
Oats Dull and nominal ; 21 bid , 21 :
asked *
CINCINNATI , September 10. Wheat
Heavy ; No. 2 red , 77.
Corn Dull ; No. 2 mixed , W.J.
O.its Lower ; No. 2 ml\id , " ! \ .
Hye Firmer : No. 2 50J.
I'.arloySteady ; ovlra No. ! ! fall Oj@70.
Pork Dull at Ki 59.
Lnrd I'uni at 7i
Hulk Meats Dull ; shoulders 0 25 ; shorl
bs 0 75.
Whisky-Firm at 111.
MILWAUKEE , September 10. Flour Un
Wheat Steady ; No. 2 nnd September ,
" 3J ; October , 7 A ! November. 70i.
Corn IJniot and dull ; No. 2 , nominal nl
Oats Dull and weaker ; ; No. 2 white , 27J
Kyo-Dull ; No. 1 , 03 51.
Hjrley Dull : weaker ; No. 2 upriutr cash
md September Gll@l > lJ.
BALTIMOIIE , September 10.VIicat \ \ cai
rn , higher , closing quiet ; No. 2 winter red
pot , S2jJS,2 ( { ; .
Corn Western nominal.
Data Firm ; westernvvluto , 3t@33 ; mixed ,
1 ( 33.
Kyo Firmer ; fiS@CO.
Kggs Kasy and < miet.
Pork ( Jmet but Bteady ; old , 17 23 ; new
Lard Kefincd , 8 00.
IJulk Meats -Weaker ; shoulders , 0371 ;
liort ribs , 8 25.
IJutter Steady ; western packed , 10@20
roamory , 23@3S.
Whisky 1 ISfel 10.
New ORLEANS , September 10. Corn
) ull ; mixed , higher at 05.
Oati Webtciu iiuict ; prime , 3C\37. \
Corn Meal Quiet ; 2 25@2 10.
Pork-i > ret ; 1700.
Lard - Steady ; tierce refined , 7 75 ; keg , 8 OD.
Whisky Steady ; western rectified , 1 03
© I 23.
Kggs Western fresh , demand and the
utrkot firm.
Butter Demand fair and prices fiom 20
Q21.Bulk Monts In fair demand ; shoulder
eked lower , at 7 37K
KANSAS CITV , September 10. Cattle He.
cipt-s 3,700 ; act ! " ) and strong ; choice naive -
ivo shippers "i iyn023 ( ; coinniou to mtdium
i 00o.5 : ) . " > ; choice feeders I 25@1 NO ; common
00 ( > 3 CO.
HOUB Keceipts 1,100 head : dull and drag-
ing ; 20fS2.ic lower ; pales -0n ! O0. _
Slieet ) Kecoipti 3,8 0 ; nominal.
St Louis , September 10. Cattle Ueccipta
.7JO ( ; htionger and good demand f r top
Dalles ; natives and exports 0 lfli/i ( ( 75 ; com
ion to choice chipping , ! T.'j'Sli 30.
Sheep Kecaipts 81.0 ; HtoAily inferior to
oi l , 2 25ir3 ( 50 ; choice to extra , a OOfe 1 00 ;
nnb , 3 004 2 > .
HiIK Keceipts , l..IOH : ( | iiiel ; Yorkers ,
> ' . ) Qti 0 10 ; packing , 5 & 0@ti ID ; butcbeis' ,
00(2.0 ( 10.
C'IIICARO , iSoptnmbur 10. The Drovers'
unriul r"p rts :
Hogs Keceipts , 7,000 head ; dull : closing
i@10u lower ; nnigli pncking , 5 SOftjjr ) ( i."i ; pack-
irtand pluppiug , 6 f > OJj02J ! light , 5 30 ( 0 15 ;
Kips' -1 l"i ! ( " 5 2f .
Cattle Jteceipts ( i.COO ; brisk and lOe higher ;
\ports 0 0"j " ( < i 7 HU ; common to choice tlnp-
ling , i 75@020 ; COWH H ! > 0n 1 2 > ; stockem.
25r 1 00 , leedursl U0f 1 50 ; Wyominirs , 5 00
Q5 50.
Sheep llnceipt ? , 1,000 head ; firm ; common
o good , 3 U5&I 25.
TuesJay Hvonin ? , September 10. J
The lollowiug ( irlces are charged retailers
> y jobbera , wholesalernnd commission mer
i.inUs with the exception of grain , which in
noted at the priscu f xriiiihgd by tbo olovatora
ad other.local buyera ;
Wheat CaaJi No. 2 , r.7
Barley Cash No. 21 8 ( 50 1.
'Ryo Cash , No. 3.10 : .
Corn-No. 2. .
No. 2.
lave Stook.
Hoaa 503'6525 ,
? 3 Ml.ijSOO1
I 5 ( W7 00.
Flour n
WJNTKB WHEAT IJost quality , .patent , at
S 00fe3 25
SECOND Qt'ALirv-2 lfS3 ! ( 00.
SrillNO WiiKAf Ik-Btquality , patent , 3 OOpfl
SKCOND CjoALTV-2 15@2 10.
lliiA.v-5 c per cwt
Clloi-i'Ki ) FJII ; > 1'er 100 Iba. , OOs.
COUN Mii\i < 1 00r < 0l 10 pur cwl.
ScilKi.NiNl : 05SJ7r/o ( pur cwt.
Light fine HO 17" "
Heavy line 10Tftl3. (
Medium \m\T \ ,
Coarro 7@ld.
Hurry 2 to Co nfll
Marlot firm ,
Qonoral Produce.
AITI Krf-Dull and reccijitn continue heavy ;
nly choice stock naloablo , at § J,2jfe2.60.
. h ] i.ecuip'Ji Jlglil uaa uuiuuuu ( ? rxil ,
picked navy , per hu , 32 CO ; mertlmij ,
2 2. ' ) .
UPSSWAX - In gi-od ddiur.riil. Cholco btlftht
or 11) , 2f5S ( ? > iu wmirioii to good darlt per Ib
' ) " " ( < .
JtrTTtli Unclianged ; demand peed , mainly
or tlio. better g1 ado * . Choice tublo ,
air to gi l , HCa lie ; creamery , 2/c.
Cinrii "Ohio" | H.r bin , 'i .no ; Vork Ptito
)3r bin , if < Hj ; | > < 'r4 bbl , .JI 75 ; cendeneed per
. K\a ! \ i 'i-ii.h | pie , j.or gal. IWc.
UllECHE F'dl creji. . . wentcrn , 11 : Wl -
oimlu uo.v 12 ; yonni ; American 12aM ( So.
11 . ' . -Iffci iitn duriii ) , ' ttutu fair wei-k
mvi. ) n en lieivv , mid H'lmii overotock has no-
uiii'il.ited ' Suli- du > ut 15u.
I < AM i. 1'ialrliiluckuit slow at SJ.OOf" - ' 60 ;
ni | . * 1 00@1 25 ,
Hay JJalod , ) J8.00 < gO.OO ; IOOBO. JJ7.00O
800 ,
JKU.T In 20 and SO Ib r ll , G7 ( j ; In 2 It
nw , i r dor , § 1 60 : nswNe tumblers ,
dot. * l 20 [ fchoonotd , iwr doson , $ S 00.
MAriX SroAK 1'uro. In briria , per 11) , ICc ,
Ohfo , 13e8 Mnn-U cuVfc2f ,
SM.U i Vi.UP' Mu-higali pe.M'hei i > or ir.\tr
? .0ii ( " I 00.
OALIFOIINIA VlirifS IVar * , MMb. boxr * ,
31 00) ) 1'o.iohrs , HO-lb bo\M , $3 CO ; Pimm , 20-
Hi boxen $ J25 , Grapes per crala (1 ( boxes
§ 250 Choice IHT Lbl. $2 00.
Grouurn titat.
CA5.t111 Goons Uyntrs ( HiAndardpor ) CHUB.
3 IX ) ; strawberrtOH , 2 Ib , per cnet , 2 20
rftspborrioo , 2 tit , per cvo , 2 70 ; Bftrtlott
penre , per c.vo , 5 80j whortleberries , for n c ,
i ) 10 ; pj x plutnu , i G. ' , per civo , 2 SKI ; profti
RVee ( , 2 R , per cne , 2 9J ; pine npp.oa , % Ib
per civio. 1 800)5 ) tO.
Korc Sisal J inch and larger , t'o ' , 0 Inch ,
PicJ ; inch , lOc.
OANnua BCIM , 40 Ibs , loa , MJJ B > , Us ;
lira -1011)9 , 1U ot. , GH , 1-lc.
MATCHES Per caddlo , Bio } round , CMOS ,
2 66 ; < ) Uftjo case * , 1 70.
SUOAHH Pothered , 8Jct cnt bnf , R o ;
frranulntod , VJc : confeotloncrV A , 7c : Stand *
nrd extra 0 , d\f \ extra O , fiici inodium yel
low , fijc ; dnrk yellow , c ,
CovrBES Onllnnry prndoe , 12C' 121o | fair 13
© 13jic ; peed , lie ; prlmo , Ifigllfilio ; choice
lfiiA17c ( ! fnncyprnin Btulyollovr.lOCriMOioiold
govoiumunt ilnva , 202Coj Lavorlng' ' ! ro.istoil.
17c ; Arbucklo'a ro : > * ted , llic ; IdoLnnghlln' ?
XXXX roantod , IS ci mitatlon Javn , Ifil
Jl.Mik j Aurora , 1 ' 3.
'l tustnua nnras to cho'.cJ , 7@7jci
f sir (5 ( 0 ! Patmu , Gio.
Fmn No. 1 iii ckorsl hill brln. , 7 CO : Nc.
1 , 6 ; family inacUnr-J . kite , GOc ; No , 1
whtto flih , halt brl' . , 7 CO ; No. 1 kltn. 05.
Sriirr-Standard Com. H2c , bulsj Standard
do , 4J gallon krgg 1 S5 ; Standard do , 4 gallon
ken 1 5'J. '
ODi In Tl > papow , S 80 pot MSB ; keg per Ib ,
L'lOKLEa-MocUnn : . In barrels. 8 00 ; do
In half barro'f , 4 CO ; smnll , In barrcle , 9 00 ; do
In half barrolu , 5 00 ; gherkins , In barrolo , 10 00 ;
do in hnlf barroli. b DO ,
TEAH Gunpowder , good , 45.r > 5o ( choleo CO
® 76c ; good Imarlnl [ ) , 40@13c ; choice , GOgGSo
Young Hyson , good , 33COc ; Uioico ,
f,5cl 00 ; Japan , nntutnl lo.-.f , 3."is | Japan ,
choice , G0@7oc ; Oolong , peed , 35 ® tOc ; Oolong ,
choice , 40@f > 5c ; Souchong , good , Sb40c ;
choice , 35@4rc.
Voonr.swAiiB Two hoop pallo , 135 ;
throe hoop jmilo , 210. Tubt , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Pie
uoor wniiliboardfl , 1 85) ) Douhlo Cruvro 2 90
Wollbuckota. 3 < ft.
Soxra Kirk's Savon Imperial , S 4f ) | Kirk'n
satinet , 3 GO ; Kirk'a standard , 3 7C ; Klrk'a
white Kuislan , B 25 ; Kirks outooo , 2 Ifi
Klrk'e Pralrlo Quean , (100 ( cakoa. ) 40o ; Klrk'o
inafrnolh , , do/
POTABII Pennsylvania cans , 4 cnao , In caao ,
8 35 ; Babbitt's ball 2 iloi. m cnna , 1 00 ; Anchor
ball , 2 doz. In case , 1 CO.
CANDY Mixed , 12@13c ; stick , lie ; twlat
atlck , lOJo.
VINEQAB Now York apple IGcj Ohio p
plo. 13o.
SALT Dray lends , per bbl , 170 ; Aahlon , In
Bucks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy GO , CM , 3 SO.
SI-TABOR Pearl , 4Jc : Sllvor Glcca , 801 Oorn
Starch , 80 ; Enolslor Gloss 7 ; Corn , 740.
SPIOES I'onpor , 17o ; Spice , ISo ; olovoa ,
25o ; cauelr * IRo.
LTK Amarioan , S 40 | G.-eoawIch , 8 40
Wc t < < rn , 2 75 ; Noith Star i 00 ; Lowls' lye
4 G5 : Jewell lye 2 ,
PorconN- coed demand at 2@2\o per Ib.
POULTIIV In liberal supply and prices weak ;
spring chickens , 8-2 : 250 ; old chickens ,
Pliovisioxs 11am , 1-lc ; U. Bacon , l'.Hc ; D.
S. Sides llij : C. S. Bncon , 12J ; Shoulders ,
8J ; Icss I'ork , Sl0 ! 00 ; Lard , OOlOc.
Drr Ooods.
BnawN hnurrisos Atiantio A , 7io ; Atlnn
lie P , Go ; Atlantic LL ; ojc ; Bnmswick , 7Jc ;
Beaver Dam LL , Olc ; Lawrence LL. 5Jc ; Paci-
fie H , 7Sc ; lioynl Standard , 8c ; Indian Head
A , Sc ; WnuchuBott A , Tc.
FINK Buowx SHEEVINOS Argyle , 7ic : Pop-
percll U , 7c ; Salisbury K , Gtc.
BLKACHKD COTTONHBallon 4-t , 6Jo ; Bn ,
Ion 7-S , 5C | Cumberland , 80 ; Davoll DD
SJc ; Vnirmonnt , 4Jc ; Kruit of the Loom 4-
9c ; Glory ofthoAVost , 8ic G olden ; Gate , BJ
Hill 7-8 , 8c ; Hill 4-1 , 9o ; Lonsdalo 8Jc ; Now
Vsrk Mills , llJo ; AVameutta , lOJo.
DUCKB ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , Hie ; Bo ?
ton. 10 oz. , , 1-lfc ; Bosten , 'J oz. , lie ; Fall Kiv-
or , SJc.
DUCKS ( Gray ) West I'oint , 8 oz , He ;
Wcht Point , oz , lie ; I'oint Bear , 8 oz. ,
TiOKlNon Amosfcoas , lie ; Continental
Fancy , t c ; Oordii , lOfr ; 7ar' ' 'Sliflr , AO ;
Vork , lic ! ; liiunloton Awnings , 1240.
DENISIH Ainwkoatf , He ; Boavos Oreok
AA , 12c ; Beaver Crook BB , He ;
Beaver Crook CO. 10 ; Ilitymakors
8c : Jntftwy D & T. 12t'e ; .TnEroy XXX. 12 c ;
Pearl Kivor , 13c ; Warren AXA inrown ) ,
12c ; Warren BB ( brown ) , He ; V/nnea CO
( brown ) , lOc.
OAMIIIHCS Fifth nvonue Rtovo finish , 5o ;
Koyntouu rfovo lim'ph , 6Ji' .
( JoiuiErJEAKf Ainory , 7ic ; Hancock , 80 ;
Kearsayor , 80 ; Itockport , 7c
PniN'ra Anons.fijc ; American , 52oAnioIdh ;
Go ; Cooliooo , fie ; Hurniony , 4 i ; Indigo , 7io
Indigo 7-8 , Hie ; Indigo 4-1 , 12Jc ; choip sale
lie ; Charter OiIjc. ! .
I'msTdSiiihTiHos AmorJa a , fie ; Ooehooo
5c ; GIoucootorrioSouthbridga : 4Ic ; Wavorlyj ,
IJc ; Koscdr.lo , 4 0.
GixniiAVB Amosltuag fitnploa 8Jo : Br.tej
Btaploi , 81o ; Ijancastor etaplus , 80 ; PInnkot
plaids , Oc ; Hudson choc'f..i , 8Jc ; Auioaknii , , '
L'orniaus , UJc.
Dai : 3 Goons Atlantic nlpacca , 9Je ; Per-
slano caRhinor , 23 c ; Hdiolotou cnatimern
15c ; IlamletonFancug , llji ; ; Hr.mlotuu bro.
uados , 15o ; Arlington brocudo , 18o ,
ALOOnoi 1KB proot alcohol , 221 per wlno
gallon n.xtro California spirits , 188 nioof ,
117 per proof gullon ; triple refined nplrltn
187 proof , 1 Ki per proof gallon ; ro-dlntiled !
whlsldofl 1 00@1 LO ; line blended , 1 60@2 ) > 0 ;
Kentucky bourbuu ? , 200'u700 ! ; Kentucky
and P.niuuylvi.nla ryca , 2 00n)7 00.
BllANDIM Imported , 6 OOG'/IGOO ; doraostlo
L 40(5,4 ( 00.
GINS Imiiortoai , 4 0@G 00 ; domostlo , 140
HUMS Imported , 4 50@6 00 | Now Knglaud ,
C0@4 00 ; domoutlc , 1 fiOf.3 50.
PBAOII AND ArrLK BnAWDT 75)4 ( ) 00.
OriAMrAONEH Imported tier case , 28 00 ©
3-1 00 ; Awicitlcjn , pov case. 12
Ton ccoc
I'toa TOIIAOOO Climax -I5c ; Biilltnu 4no ]
toreofhoe , ll'Jtar , 'His ; Ji idv. ' R'1 : ) ' " '
oy'B. 40c ; Itlack. SfffllOr ; SpnirheadICc ;
Jur Hope , 4Rc ; 1'ijier Hoidsie k , Gu ! ,
VINE OOT t-'uinmon , 20i'4.wjoi oo'l , 45 ©
lOc ; Kosci Ijoaf , 70c ; Piomlnm , liBcj Dltunond
3rown , 55c ; Svveot Sisto n , 50o
SMOKING- . S. , 22c ; Meerschaum , ! < 0ci Dur
lam , K o ? , , fine ; Durham , 4 oz. , f > 7c ; Dtirhft'r
07. , l > 0 ; Son ! of North OuroiitiR. 8 oz , , 4M
eal of iVorth Carolina , 4 oz. . tOj ; Seal if
s'nrth Carolina , 2 oz. , flic ; O , K Darhain , 4
z. , 28o ; O. K Iturham , 2 oz. , SOcj Unolo
fnd , i'l 25o | Tom i.tid Jo/ry ! Klo ,
I'nlnto Oils and V riiit lion.
Olts 110 carhon , par gn.'lon , 12o ; 150 °
Leadlight , pnr Ballon , 12ic ; 17. ' ° bnadlight ,
or gallon , 15ic ; 130 ° water while 1 IJj ; lin-
eod , row , ! 1 1 gulljn.C5 ( ! ; lliuoad bnilud , per
allen , 58jl ard , winter atr'd , per gallon , 70e ;
$ o. 1 , COcKc. ; , Ma cantor , XI A. per galen
on , 1 CO ; No. 3 , 1 40 ; nwoot , r.ur jfilloa 1 (10 (
penn W.B. , per gallon , 1 CO ; lUh VB ,
> < irgallon , 0i ; on tafootortra , ] T gallun , Ulc ) ;
To. 1 , 7fic ; lul-rlcatlng , roro , jdr gjdlun , JfOn ;
utarner , Ibc ; gi/lden rnr.chlno , No , 1 , per gnl-
on , ! j5c ; No. 2 , 2Sc ; Hporrn , elgtml , per gallon
Oc ; tuipontinu , per gullun , 48c ; captha 74 °
) or i'nllou , ICc.
PAIUIB IN OiL \Vhlto lasd , Omnhii P. P , ,
o ; white load , St , I oula , pue , OJc ; Mnrsoillni
reen 1 to C Iti cans , 20c ; French nuc. greened
od , 12c ; French rinc , red eoal , lie ; Frouoh
tic , In varnish nut , 20c ; Frnnch ilno. In oil
iKst , 15c ; rnv/ und burnt uinbcr , 1 Ib earn , lOc ;
aw and burnt tiionnu , lOc ; vandyke brov/n ,
Be ; rofmod , ] 2c ; couoli black , nnd
very l.latk , Me ; urop black , lOc : Pnisalnn
ln , 4''c ; nltramarlna blue , 1Hci ; chroma green
i , M. fc D. , lOu ; blind and iil.uttnr green , L
kt.V D. , Ko ; Pwla ftiiva , Irfc ; Indian red ,
5c ; Vcnuvlhn wl , < ) T ' " ( .n rod. VSJc : Atniirl *
ju Vcrmilllon I. & P , lf > c ; yelluw nchiu le )
j , M , O , & D , O. , Iriu , yiliow oo-n'Jt |
olden ochre , ICc , patent drrnr , Kti grnlninu
oluu. light naV , dark urk , waliml , chPttnut
Ud Rl/li IfO ,
OaV sole , 33cCuJ-12c ; liwnlook iolo28c4833 ( ? !
neuilock kid , 80c ; runner CSo to 75s ; hem.
Ictk calf. USe to 100 ; hemlock nppor , 22c
ko 21 : oak tipper , 24c ; alligator , 4 00 to 6 OOj
Cfllf kid , P2@SR ; Grfltj&n Wti , 2 60 .o .1 7.pon ;
kip , SOo to 1 00 ; OAk c H , 1 20 lo 1 80 ; Front
kip , 1 10 to 1 fifi : French Oftlf , 1 2o t . 2 ( Ki ; nm
cot , fi W to 7 M ! . . .ifiiRB. C 00 ' * M to ]
plops , 9 00 to 10 W ) } 11 L. Morocco , SOo lo 3.V
{ xO-hln O. 1) . Moiccco JWcsdrnnn. 2 rit ( ; M
II.BSKM. . No. t tM onk , flRc ; N , , _ ' 3lc
85o ; No. 1 Ohloonit , < Ho ; J.NO. aiio , 2J | Ni
IMllwaukoa Sin ; No 2 do 98c ,
No. 1 1'ltta oak liar , .17o ! No. B Pitts ; on
hftr , 35r.
DRro-J AXU ClIitMIOAtfl Acid. Carbolic. G.'o
acid. UrUrle , f > 5c ; balsam onpftbii , per 11 U
0f > cbark ; ! < a'iafrn ' ! > , porlb. 12c ; calomel , per Ifi
75c ; clnohonldia , per O7 , $ ( > ; chlorotorm
per Ib. , SI 10 ; Dovors powder , jmr Ib. , $1.2.
opcom KM ! * , per Ib. , Sjc ; glycenno , pure , po
Ib. , 2 Sc ; load acntato , Jior Ib. , 22c ; ml , cantor
No 1 per gal , , tft.GOj oil , castor , No. 3 po
gal. , § 1.40 ; oil , olive , per gal. , SM.IO ; oil orl
ganum , otto ; opium , $1.50 ; quinlno , P. & W
nnd It. & S. . per oz. , $1.40 ; potwlmn ,
lodtno , tier Ib. . $1.50 ; unHcin , pen.IDc ; Mil
phatool morphlno , i > or oz. , ? .l.ii , ) ; suljihu
Hour , per lb.,4cj strychnluo , per oz. , 81.)5 ! ) ,
Dry I'nlnts.
V.'hlta loud , 801 Kronoh r.lne , lOol Pfttl
vrhltlug , 2Jo ; whiting K-Illcrs U' i whiting
com'l IJcj tamplilnck , Gormartown , Uc
lampblack , ordiiiary.tOc ! PrucsLw blue , f5c
untratnaiiue.lKc ; Vandyke , brjwi , V ; umber
burnt , 4c ; umbor. ra4o ; ploimi , bur it , tc
nleana , n.v , 4c ; Paris preen , Renumo , 25c
1'atla KICOII. cominout20ccliroino ; BKCH N. V , ,
2Cc ; cuio-.r.o green , K. , 12c ; vprmiHnm , Kng. ,
7Cconclllion ; , Ameriran. 18e ; Indian , rod ,
ll'c ' ; ro 3 pink , 14e ; Venotlan rod , Oookson'ci ,
2j'c ; Vunctlun rod , jVmorlcan , Ijfcs red load ,
2Jc ; lohifh brown , 2id BpanMi brown , 2io ;
Prince's udueral , 3c ,
VA11.NI3IIS3 Barrels , pw Ration ; Furnt
turn , oxlrn , 5J1 10 ; furulluro , No. 1 , 81 ; roach ,
extra , 81 40 ; coach , No. 1 , Cl 20 ; Dawnr
extra , $1 75 ; Japan , 70amrhrtUuni ; , extra , 8Ccj
nhollao , $3 W ; hard oil finish SI DO ,
HOBTT Harrtvraro T.lnt.
Iron , rates , 2 50 ; plow nloei apodal cwt , fid ]
ornclbln , 7c ; spoclal or Gorman , r > c ; cast too ;
do , 15(5)20 ( ) ; wagon npokos , not , 2 25gi3 00 ; hubs
per sot , 1 25 ; folooj ! sawed dry , 1 40 ; tonguoo ,
each , 70@85o ; ftxloj oaoh , 75o ; smiuro unto per
Ib , 7llc ; washers orlb,8@18c ; rivets , pir
Ib , lie ; coil chain , per Ib , u@12o ; maUoablo , 80
Irou wedges , Co ; crowbars , Go ; harrow tooth
4c ; HprinR tool , 7@fio ; Burden's hornoJiooa 4 70
Bunion's mulcflhop.i B 70.
BAHDED WIIIK In car loti , 4 per 100 ,
NAILS Kates , 10 to CO , 2 05.
SHOT -Shot , 1 85) ) buck shot , 2 10 | oriental
powder , kegs , G 40 ; do. , half kegs , 3 48 ; do. ,
quarter kegs , 1 88 ; blasting , kegs , 3 S3 ; fuse ,
porlOOfcot We.
LKAD Bar , 1 P5.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor
rls run Blonaburpc , 10 00 ; Whltobroaat lump ;
5 00 ; Whltobroaat nut , B 00 ; Iowa lump , 5 00
Iowa nut. B 09 ; Hock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra
olto , 11 25@U 50 } Canon City ! 7 00 , ; par. ton
.We qnoto lumber , iath and shine ha on cure
at Omaha at the following prices ;
JOIST AND ScAjfTLiNQ 16 ti end tinder
TiMBFina 1C foot nnd under , 20 00.
TIMBBB AND Joisr 20 It , V& OJ ; 21 ft ,
2 > 00.
FKNOINQ No , 1 , 4 and 6 In. , 21 00 ; No. 2 ,
BHKimsa No. l(2d"common ( boards ) , 18 00 ;
No. 2 , Ifi 00.
STOCK BoAiim A , 45 00 ; B.40 00 ; 0 , 85 00.
FLOOHiNa No. 1 , 40 00 ; No. 2 , 35 00 ; No.
3 , 25 00
SiniNo , clenr-27 00 ; No. 2 25 00 ; No. 8 ,
OEILINO J , 87 00 ; g , 25
SIIINOLK3 , best J 50 ; standard , 3 50 ,
LATH 3 2'i per M.
Liar Per barrel , 1 25bnllt ; per Ln"hol , 35a ;
oemnnt , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plaster , bbl , 2 50 ; hale
per bu. r-Oo ; Tsrrad foil , 100 tbe , 3 50 ; straw
bonid 350
LIVE STOCK Uoof Cattle , grass , 100 Ib. 3 75
fgl 00 ; sheep , live , 2 OOCf ? 50 ; die-nod 5 00(3) ( )
G 00 ; hog . live , 0 50@i ( 75 ; dressed H 50@'J 00.
Uido-j. Dry Flint.loifaJlL'e. ; greou 4igBie. ( !
green calf 8@10 : ; ehoopskius , dry , S@luc.
Tallow. 5@Gc.
Wool. Colorado 14@15c. ; Colorado heavy ,
12@lSc ; Now ftloxican 7@10c.
KLOUII-Colorado. 100 IN , 175@1 ! )0 ) ; pat
ent , 100 Ibs. , 2 tO2 75 ; Graham , 100 Ibs ,
1 7 ( $ Z 00 , rye , 100 lbs.,2 332 50buckwhoat ; ,
100 Iba , I ! 00(20 ( GO , bran , ton , IU 00(3)1200 ) ;
corn meal , 100 Iba. 1 G5@l 7 .
GOAIN Wheat , 100 Ibs , 1 CO " 1 03 ; corn , In
sacks 100 Hie , 1 'K l 20 ; oath , 100 Ibs , 1 25
@ 1 KO ; barley , 100 lb , 1 301(0. ( ( .
HAY-Baled , upland , 14 Oda.ll ( 00 ; bottom
tom 12 00a ( > 13 00 ; straw. OOOffOlOOO.
l.UTTEn Finest , 30f 31c ; Nebraska dairy
14iS15c ( ; common , fiif > 8c.
EociH Fieah , 18 193 ; ranch , doz , frojh
CIIRHSE Full cream , 12'713c ' ; LImburger ,
ISc ; Swlun , imported , 31'c.
POULTUV Live , cliickona old , doz.B r,0@0 00 ;
tuikey , per lblliilic ( ; spring chiekonii ,
3 BOfoi fXI ; drcHsed Ib , ll ) ( < 920n.
Por.VToiw 100 Ibs , now , 1 f,0@l 00 ; svveet ,
ter Ib. , l ( ! tc.
V EQETAiiLKd Onioas , now , 100 Ibn ,
2 25 ; cabbage , now , 100 Ibu , 1 00 ; new
boots , 1 2j.
FiiniTa Lemons , choice Messina , C Oi ) @
7 10 ; npplov , bbl , 4 0'1@ ! f.O ; poaches per
box , 2 ( lOCa ) 2 25 ; wntennelmiH , per doz , 3 ( M )
pears , per box , , ' 1 0 ; pliiiim , per box ,
1 f > 0 ( 2 00 ; Californiagrape - , 1 ! 00@2 25 per
MKATB Hnms , Ib , 15i@10j ; bacon , break
fast , llJ'Sjlljc ; lard , in three , Ib , 1 ;
dry salt nldo.j , lUojlltfc. (
KIHH Mackerel , ISo.l , 1 50 , kit. mess ,
1 75@2 25 ; California salmon , half bbl , 10 50 ;
Holland hprrinir , kep , 1 CO i 75 ; trout , per
Ib. 17W 18o
Classical , Holcntinc , Commercial BIH ! Art Dcjiait
iiiintH. ] | ) tli Bonusttilmlttoil. Tuition low ,
Im'lump , litnt ut Roilitv niluiiilnpoil ! ( acuity . ] iartlctil.irn , lluv. W. W , lUrblia
1) . I'ri.'al'lorit. ' or IV'-f. C. II. Dud lelutH , Hoi'rctaty
In Ficultv llalfovo I 'ol > n jv inu''ao
ALO 0' lIKT.mioP : T11K
Cliicagg , St. . Paul , Minneapolis and
The now extension ol tbU Itnii from Wakoflelil up
nouril nucl Oa !
'linrhuH the ljuat ii'irtlou ol tliu 'itato , .S | jclal ex
: iir l'jii raiiu tut laml inclit'rJ ou'r thin line t
iVnx/iu , Norfolk nnd IlarUngt'ni , arid via Ululr to a
irlnniul ] j > olita oil tliu
Trains in or tht C. , Jt. I * M. ft 0. I tall way to C'ov
nirton , bloux City , 1'onca , KaitliiKCon , Waynu nuil
Norfolk ,
it Kiumont , OaUila.o , Kulluli , nU llttuujh to Vil-
entirio ,
tSTYot rat'ja rtinl all Infnrrnatlon cell on
Y I' . WHITWBY. duiiern
, , . , ,
Bellevue , - Nebraska.
K. Rice WL .
or other tumom lemavod wlthoalttie
. knllvordravtlnB'o blooJ.
tiicr lilrtyyciru j.ractlcnUiiicrlciJOo OXDO No.
I'eur truot , Council Ulufia
In riTortSc 18S | ,
The attention of lie ttMi-lllnepiiXlo It c lln , ! t
tlio f ( t tint thl Id Iho onh . < n > niil t < < Mid ftlxjoluti
ty correct time ' % l > lp t uMh , . , ( | n the t lt\
All trMnfiatrhn M in I deport tf.nn Om h on
C ntr l Rtnnd rd Tlinp , whlcli It 21 minutes Urtc
tliftii mm tlirr.
i : ccj > t SnturtHy , Kxtojil Sunilny , J K cfj MOD
tlfty ,
Vrotn Unliiii Depot ;
V , V. U. ft. , MAIN UNK.
. . mt i ' * nRivi.
Mall ixnd Kip..11:40 : m Athntle Kxp .7VJa : m
l' clflc K\i > . . .S : 6pm Mill and K\p..4CO : | "
Lincoln KXP..IS-&KII in Lincoln Ev > . . 12:66 : p TO
Leave Oiiuhft ; 0.40 , R:00llno : : , 10.00,11,16 in , 1:00 : ,
12:00 : , 8:00 : , 4 00 , 6:0.1 : , fl 00 , 10'M p. m. OnMriili , ) !
6:40,11:00 : : , 11:16 : it. m ; 1 .On , S.UO , ( , ,00. 0.00 , 10'S6i | in
Artho 13 minute" later : llroiulway
depotCouncil HhitTii , id minute * Inter.
IAVM o Council llliltTj , Ilrovbtjy ( lrp < i ( , 7-IO , R W ,
90,10:30,11:40 : : : MIL ; 1 : ln , XiSO , S.SW. 4'SO,5:50,0:35 : : ,
81:06 : p. MI On 8nnd vs : 7:10 : , 0:30,11:40 : : n. m.M'SO ,
1:80 : , 4:30 : , ( lite , ll:0i : pm. Attire > t Fran tor 7 nib.
Utw later.
I * v < j Council IHufli Transfer depot : 7:5S : , 8:37 : ,
9:87,10:37,11:47 : : In ; 1.87 , 2:87 : , 8:37 : , 4:10 : , 8:37 : , CM ,
11:11 : p. in. Attire Omana 13 inlmituilatci.
Miv . I imvn.
H H t:40 : ft m 8L P 'Kip. . 0:15 : a ra
StraulEip 365pmMall. | , 7:36 : pin
0. , R.I bV. U
Mivi. innivt.
M Ace' . . (1:10 ( : n m m
Mill * 8. IB l > o Molno3 Aoo'.flf : > 0 it in
Kiprumt . 4. pmlWMl * . TS5 :
C. & N. W. It. K.
urn * .
. . 4 : J.s p 111 ;
o. , u. j. st. i * . u. n.
Liu vi. iSUIVI.
Killh ' . 8U : m Kipl. . . . CMJnrn
MUnlloKit 4:26 : K m M IUi Kin" . 73Spm !
DiirlnuScpteinlicr , Kitnnhv e\enlniniid Sunday
mornlnirtr.ilin n III depart funiiiiniivlit for nilr.ipi.
nnd Sun.h\ evening nnd Mniui.i ) inortiln triilns \ \ 111
arrl\u tm follous :
Suiiil.ix inornlnK trains \\lll Iciiunnd Sun.lay CMMI-
\ g tr.ilunatrhe.
Heptcnilier 7 nnd ! \liHnckUlatM. .
Septeinticrai , via tlio MilwaukeeV St. I'aiil.
Septainlicr 14\u tliulMiliMKn .V Nurtliuvitcrn.
Kitiirdav inonlni ; trains will UM\I > :
So , temlier III.h tliu lUnk Nhn.l. .
Septualicr 0 und U7i.v. . tliu Milnnilkco St 1'aul ,
Suptendicr'JO , tliu Cltlm nNortliut tern.
Arrhuln tlio H.UIIU onlertli Mondi\\ . [ llo\\ltiK ,
0 11. & IJ. trains runeerdi \ in thuneuU.
O. , 1) * y K. K.l Council lllunta. )
Mull 8:16 : ft m Kiprru 0:45 : am
EiptiBa 4:26 : p m | Mall 7:35 : p m
( Note. ) Tlio 0:00 : nm and ( > : UO p m dummy ( mini alno
connect with ( wt-l > minil trains on tlio Hock-Island ,
Burlington , Kurtli-Wu terii and Mllnnukco ruadi.
\VA11A311bT. I.OU1H * 1'AC'IKIU.
Cannon Ball 1:00pm : Cannon llall 8:60pm :
K. 0. , ST. JOK b 0.11.laCouncll ( lllufle. )
LHAVB. I AlllllVB.
Mall DCOam : F.inreonl 7:60Am :
Htprrcst 6:60pin : I Mall 7:05pm :
From B , & M. Uopot ; Tenth Htroot.S
. 6:1U : pm 7:60 : am ' 7OUpm : 10:06 : am
Abhland. . Kfil pm 10:03 : am 4:62 : pn H:12 in
Lincoln. .10:00 : inn 12:00 : m BSJ : put 7:25 : am
Crete 11:17 : pm 12:610pm : $ : tl pm 3:0t : m
Ir.ollni8. . 6:15 : um 4:16 : pin 11:65 : am 10:50 : pm
Hod Cloud. 8XJ : ( am fl:03 : pm 10:26 : a > n 8:26 : pm
McCook. . . 10:56 : MM 815 ; pm 0:16 : am 4:10 : jim
Akron. . . . 8:15 pm 2:10 am 12:60 am 11:06 nm
) onvcr. . . . 7:26 pni O'lO am pm ,7:30 : km
Lv. ' Omalia at 7 : ! > 0 , nnd SM n in ; 4:60,0:10 : : , 7:4.1 : p m
Ar. Onmhn 10:25 : , 8:40 : and 10:05 : n in ; 7cu : , 7:30 p m
0. n. & Q. U. ll-m I'lattsmouth. )
i.nAva. I AKUivil
Kastern < lxp.,8:46 : n m Omaha 1'xji B:10n : m
Chlcak'o Exii..4:60 : p m I Wustoru Kip..7:30 : p in
K. 0. , BT. J. & C. II. ( la riattmnonthj
Mall OM6a m Ktiir .0:25 : i
t 7:45 : pm Mall , 7:30 : p
From O. St. P. M. .M O. Depot , litli nnd
arid your work is done for all time
to como.
,0 , produoo inoro durnblo material
ior iitrpoti ] > : ivaiuorit tnan o
Sioux Kails Granite.
Pilled promptly. Sampler Hont nnd
odtuiiiitu.s given upon application.
a H.
PlatlHinouth , NOD.
( VYoan stock crmlo. CoiieipontUcce lollcUcil I
Growers of Live Stock and Ofeliers.
a u itw % . n
It b the Imrt Ami nlmpont fooj tat aSock cl anv Mml.RJdno ptMinl licnn\Hnthreo porindio ! corn
ttook to I with Oronnil Oil CMo ( the ( 'All nnd tt'tntor , liuto.vl of pinnlue down , will tnorona In woth
iinil lie In ROW ! nmkotAblr ooml.lton In tin eptlnif. lv tr , men , ai * oii HI othiun , who mo It osn Inlltytu
Its uiotlU. Try It kml JulRii fJi } i/uttvh os. Pi-loo S : i ou per tonn - > -it UK-O for < i * . AiMro 9
WOODMAN LlNar.KI ) Olti roilPANT , Uunha Heb.
all's Safe &nd LOG !
H , B. LOCKWOOD ( formerly of Lockwood & Drnper ) Chicnsio , Man-
ogor oi ! tlio Tun , Cignr and Tobacco Dopartmouta. A full line of
nil grades of above ; also pipes and smokers1 articles carried in
stock. Prices and samples furnished oil application. Open
orders intrusted to us shall receive our careful attention
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Heating and Baking
In only attained by naln
Stoves and Ranges ,
I flITH HIRE G&01E & ( BEG 03QB
li"ct nalo by
succi.s3oia ! xo KCNNAUD nitoa. u co. )
Milwaukee , Wis.
OTINTHER & " * CO , , Sole
' .BELLMAN ' & GO , ,
J30JMD 1303 FAMim STREE1 COR. 13Th ]
? or JlideH , WOD ] , P-'lts , Etc. , and consigninonts made to ua will receive
prompt attention , 1'or which immediate ) returns will bo made.
13th StreetBetDoiIgB ! ! and Gaoitol AVB. OMAHA , NEB :
and Yard : 6th arJ Douglas ts