Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1884, Image 2

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- The ni of the toira " Eh < !
TJnc" In connection with Ih
corporate name ofn preUroaJ
cotncjuan Mo of uttnhti
required by the traveling pnb' '
Hia Short Mne , Quick Time
N and the 1io < l of aceominoda
„ . , „ „ _ D iH lions all cf which are fnrn
Shed by the gr t railway In America ,
And St. Paul.
* and opfr tt o cr < , NX > milts ol
Northern lillnole , Wisconsin , MlnnosoU , low *
Dakota ; nnd M t * main linc , branches andeonnte
tlorjB reach all the front buslncM ccntroi of thi
Nortli-vMt n.l Far West , It naturally answer ! till
description of Short Line , Mid Host llouto between'0 , Milwaukee , St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Chlci.zo , Milwaukee , to Crowe and Wlnona.
Chlcairo , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and Kllend 1s
Chlcico , Milwaukee , Km Clalro nd Stllluater
Chicafjo , Milwaukee , Wauiixu and Merrill.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Beaver Dam and Othkoeh.
ChiCAgo , Milwaukee , Wank h and Ooonomowoo.
Chicago , Mllnaukco , Madison and t'ralrlodu Chlen
Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatonna find Falrlbault ,
ChtcAKO , Bclolt Janes Hie and Mineral Point.
Chicago , Klein , IlocKford and Dubuijuo.
Chicago , Clinton , Rock Island and Cedar Rapldl.
Chicago , Council 111uIn ( and Omnha.
OhlcaRO , Sioux City , Sioux Falls ami TanXton
Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlain.
Hook Island , Uutrtiquo , St. Paul and Minneapolis ,
Davenpoil. almar , St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Pullman S ecpcn and the Finest Dlnlnir Crvra In
the : rld are run on the main Unroof thoUIIIOAOO ,
attention Is paid to passengers by oourtoousemploycs
ot th Company.
b. 8. MKIiniLL , Oen'l Manager.
A. V II. CAUPKNTKP. , Gon' Paw. AR
J.T. CLAUK , Ocnl H.ipt.
CJKO. II , I1KAFFOHD. Ann't Pa Azt
I KI > vt
11V WAV 01'
on vi \
Connecting in ITnlon Drpots at I\iinvisClly
" ' " 'inrt Denver lib tlnmiKli Mains lor
Anil nil points In tlicCJicut West.
tYnnbcUnjrin ( imnd Union Depot at chlciiuu
with tluoiiKh tniliMlnr
NEW YOltK , JiOS'l'OX ,
And nil l'.p tn C'itloH.
Atl'oorla with tliii ! > ' .jtnilns lor indluimp.
ollM , Cliiciiiniiti , t.'iilini : ' . \i \ , nnd nil points In
tlioSonth-IInst. At S1'1jula ; will lluoiiL'li
trains lor all ) > olntH Ho1 4
Ueiriiiil liy : ttiKidiiH , I'm lor CUM , with .
cltnliiK Cllnli-3 ( seats liru ) , SinoklliA , Curs w llh
KovolvliiK ( .Jhiili-H , Pullman I'aluro Slcunlni ;
Cnra nnil the liimotm C. II. Ag. ninliii ; I'nii
ninilnlly found from chli-iiKo and Kansas city.
Chlcai'oainl Council lllnll '
C'liiciiKii and Dm
iJloliioM , UhlniKO , SI. .lohoph , Alchl on and
Topolca without cliuiiKC. Only llnouK'li line
riinnlnR tlici- own tnilns between Olilniuo ,
Ijlncoln nnd Ilonvur , nnil l'lilcn u , KaiiH'ia
flltv and Uonver. Tliron h tari botweun
InaliuiupollH ami Conncll Illnirs , via IVoria
\t \ ( SniNU 3VOKTH AM ) KOUTII.
, . ? . " ( 'i'n" . 1 "I , 1-lc nnt , D.iy Couclicn anil
riillinan PalacoSlcopIni ; Carsaio inn dully to
nnd f i innKt. , I.oniHj via Hannibal ; Uniiu-y ,
iKeokiik , IliullnKton , Codiir HapldsnndAlbcrt
iLcxitoSt. 1'aul and .Minnoniiolls ; I'nilorC'nn
i-\vltb UcdlnliiK Cbalrs to anil hum St. Louis
and 1'eorln. OnlyunnelianKOOf ir bi'tween
8t. LoiiLsaiid DCS MolnuH , Iowa , Lincoln , .S'u-
| linisl < aaniUonver , Colonulo.
I ' It Is also tbo only TluonjIi Line between
f , ? I : " " ' I" 'bo ( treat TIIItOIKJH OAK
? ' I I V AIIMllca' , ; " " " ls " "lvors.illy admit.
'Finest ZquippoJ Railroad In tha World for
all claccea of Travel.
Through Ticket ! ) via this line lor sale at Hi
ll. It. coupon ticket , olllces In the Uniludstatoa
Vlcc-ltu. & Ciea. Mtnaccr. O'u.1i.iw1
Tlio IMoncer Mutual Iknedt Asaoclatlon In the
Stuto ot Nebraska.
Itlaco-oprratholn Its working and all rremlirra
Imvo avolco In tha management byotoat the an
Its aim la to benefit Its own ineinhorn.UioIr widows ,
nnil orphani , In ca < o of drntli , accident , tlcknctuj ur
total permanent duablllty of a inointer , at nctual
co t uithoconomlcal maniKumint.
Arclltblo homo aisorlttlon. Actlto and reliable
nionta w anted to c-mvata for nicmuuiu In Nebraeka ,
Ziaueas and Colorado. Addrttu * ,
Kocrotary and General Manager ,
BEA.TRIUE , - - - NEB.
HON. H. W. PAUKKIt , 8. C. SMITH ,
Protlilcut , Triaauror
/rnctico Limited to Diseases of the
Eye nnd Enr.
Tbo inoit rxtcntlvo inanulacturoriof
John Hockitrasecr General Aicnt or Ncbragkaaiid
Western Iowa.
6C9B. Tenth Street ! . . . . OMAHA , NEU
C3 1'ilctt nf UllUrd anJ Pool Tablet and mttorlale
Urnltbedun apjill cation ,
1111 Doa lu Bt. Omaha , Uib ,
WANumrrrjiiitB or
Galvamzoo iron Cornices
M.TIeketi ! only S5 , Sh.trn In 1'roporllon'W
LoDisiana Stale Lottery
tfrhfy nut t ntftTitit tht
nfHtu ft * all thf Monthly antt 8tmi'Ann
Diauinyi nf Ihfoin'riirwi State lattery Company
anrt in tirrtcn tntinnge arrl contrcl tne Vravxni
tbtmitfvft , nnrlthat the tame art conducted uii
Kcnetttifairniu. and ( n ffotxi/aith toicaril all pa
ttftand ueauthnnte the cewf/aiiy / to uie thiicn
Hfcate , ttithfae-shnilti of cur tlgnatvrti alfatlk :
( n it > adotrtfietMnttt"
Inootporttod In 1BC3 (01 Si jenrs by the leeltlnta ?
lit educational Anil chvlUblo putpootB with up reserve land of ova
$5KOW ) hiM since been added.
Of nn overwhelming popultr rota Itn ( rinchti
M mido a pnrt of the rromnt eUto coniiltQtlo
tdopted December Id. A. I ) . 1879.
Tlio only Lottery ever voted on nnd on
domed by the people of any Stnto.
It never eculci or poatpooor ,
I In grand alnglo number drawings taki
place monthly.
A xplondld optwrtiinlty to win n Kortuno
Tenth Grand IjrnwlnR Cltuta K , In the Acrid
omy of "Music , Now Orlonns , Titos Jny , Oclo
bur 1 Itli , 1881 173d Monthly drawing
100,000 Tlckotn at Viva Bollnrn Each , ITrno
1 1 ons , In l'ftliB ' ! lii proportion.
CAPITAL PlllZU . _ . . . .
1 do do . .
1 do do . 10.0W
do 000. , . . 10,000
do 1000 . IO.OW
" 10 MO . 10.00C
tOO do 100 . PO.OCC
MO da 60 . 2fi not
do x , . - . . ij.ccc
B Approximation prlsca of $710 . C,7 t
9 do do tOO . 4.50C
9 do do HO . J,25t
1S 7 I'rlice to . 23CCC (
Application for tMio to cluliB clicnld t > mule onlj
to tn-j olfico of the Company In Now Oilcwin.
For further Information \rrlta clearly Rlvhi ; fnll
tJJrcca. Malio 1 * . O. Ucnoy Orilero puytble me
LUclrws llcglutorod Lotlora to
Now Orotns ! , Li.
Pottil Notco and ordinary letters by Mail or Ez
pros * ( ill nude of { 6 md upwitrila by KtprcBD at OOP
oipcnso ) to
or II. A , DAtJl'inN , Now Orloana .
607 Hcvontli Et. , Washington D. O.
flio rcpiitntion nf
Hitters its n preicn-
the nl L | iidcmicH , n
ttomnchlc , nn lmi- |
oiant , n ( 'imrnl le
nt < miti\e , iinila viu- ]
cilic for fitter nnd
UK no , IndiL'cxtlon
rheiimat sin.nernjua
ilclnlit.constltu . -
liuiiiil ) , Is
( " < talilisliul upon the
Hound IIHH [ of mart )
tliiui twuily jenra'
e\l trii'iit e , and ran
no more bo Hhakcn
In the nptrnn nos
STOMACH truni ini > .rlt-iitill
' prctundiTH , thin the
ItT ctcrlohtiii ) ; hill b\
the uiiuls hat Ills
lirmii/li their ilulllo ortAlu h ) nil
Mot only to ( be sufferer
wasted liv Olhcaso ilnon
ItlilK'o'rt I'oo.l . supple-
nicnltho proiicr medi
cine and liriiiK Imok
iticnuOi ami ocmfort ,
autthodollcjvto mother
> ; -VrJ' " nlllfliidliiltndall.\ iiiu
1 III fi l"8t ulat | In ncviled to
5 = 'I ' , [ elieck and Hiipplement
' < 'ril'n ' ' miwio
? * J | ( A r'10 npnii
orrua Tr > it ,
niothem and lie con-
Inioil. Hodii.M | to uit
Illluiunt tn UH ucccjniiiin > uueh ran. lllilue'H Fuo I
n now kept by iiiiny irrneem. ltu iis ; nua\8 tell
t. 48izo'i5o. : , 600 , Sl-2a and S1.1D. WOOLUIUH
i CO. , on luliei.
3or. 10th and Capitol Adeline , treats all caica Crip
pled or Uefurmed , al odUcaaea of the
Nervous System ,
Blood , and
Urinary Organs ,
Allcaiea of Curturo of thoHplne , Crooked 1'eet
lag * and Arms , AI oClmmloati'cUoiisi ( > fUio Il\er ,
Khuumatltm , Piral ) l < , I'llcH , lllcvr , CaUrrli , Antli-
inn and llionchltU ro all treated by new and mio-
rtntfnl mithodi. All dlncaso of tne lllood and Urlu-
ry Urgani , InrludlnR tlmio rouultinit from Inc Ucro-
tlun , or exposure , am salnlj and miwonlnlly trc ttil
uul acuru KUtrtnti'ed. Youni ; niun , inlinlla aii I >
and all men uRerlni ; from Weaknemi and Nun oil j
eiliaiutlon.prodniluL' Iiiilln'cstloiil'atpltatloiiof tbo
Iliatt , lo > | ionilency VUilncsi , Irfus of Memorj .Lack
ot Itavrgy airl Aiuliltlon , can bo restored to health
and \lKor , If c iu U not too IOUK neglected.
The RurKeon In charito l a ( ' . " 'biatu uf JtHer-
5011 lleJical Colla-u ( IhOS ) and Imt Itiidlud till
| iri > ( o ' .OM In London , PnrU and llerlln. If atllltoil ,
call or writu full description uf yuui awe , and medi
cine mav I o tent yun. Conauttatlon frte. Addruiu
Omahi DI < | ioiiHary , L'rounte'it lllock , Omaha , Neb.
Otlico h urn 10-14 a. in. , 1-3 and 7-H p . m .Sniulaj i.
P-10 a ID.
o , Council lllulft , Katurdajs i to 7
p , in ,
Royal niulU.S , MallHtcjmiorB
lheIihiMlermany , Italy , Holland and Franet
Gteeraii Out Brd , : Oi Prepaid from Antwerp , tig ;
Eirurulon , * ? 0 , lunludlui ; bcddlni ; , etc. U Cabin , f 6U ;
llound Trip , * W.W ; Kjturijloii , Kluo ; Bilooa from ( COte
to { 90 ; r.noutulon 110 to 8160 ,
VPcter Wright & Boue , Ooa , AKenti. Kt IlroiJ-
, i.yN. Y.
Cc.J ! ell. HktnUton & Co. , Omalu , 1 P. E. 1'lod
BUI 4. Co. , U'd N. l th Struct , CmiUn ; D , K. Klw
ill , Oia&lnA eut . oJ-lr
Cowboy , Dissalisflcfl Will a Freacti
cr.MaKtsIIisnVacalolIisStaud ,
Tlio Scvftitli liny AilvrntlstH ol lien
vcr , Ijlmcn to n Jlnrniif-uo I'roni
n Klrun or.
lcn\ci Ncw , September 1.1th.
The sovonih dny ailvontisls tire holdinj.
forth at the corner of Twenty-third ant
California utrcot * . Tlicy liavo n Ittrfj
tout in which services nro held nnc
nnmoroua small tents for Bleeping apart
mouta , and a iniddlo-sixcd )
Thcro arc several brothers who preach
having been called , and there arc eovera
tnoro who oxhcrt. There are numorou
benchua on which the congregations ait
and the floor ia composed of nn ccjua
iiiaiitlty | of sawdust and shavings. The
auata nro frco and the Bisters and brother
sit together , ting out of the name hymi
bonk nnd fan with the eamo fan.
Tlio pulpit ia n ruclo but eubstantia
atructuro , ang of which supports nn or
gan and the choir ; ono nistor who is also
the organist , and a brother compose the
The moitrnor'a bench Is long enough to
hold a dozen by crowding. It hasn't '
boon filled yet , but if inoro room la no-
ceauary another bench will bo added. The
mooting has been in progress but n week
uul the audiences are constantly iucroas-
ing. Tlio leaders are terribly in earnest ,
and nro anxiously striving to
The minister was preaching uboul
Moscn and Christ last night , and was
.clling about Moses leading the Ohildrcr
of Jerael out of the wilderness , IJo hat
list finished , "and the Lord Haiti unto
Moses , " when ho was interrupted by a
voice from the tniddlo of the pongrega-
ion."Hold on there mister ! " A veritable
cowboy had spoken. Slowly ho uncoiled
iia legs from bcnculh him , and rising
o 1m font ho toyed witli Ilia re
volvcr which ho held in his right hand
ind repeated his exclamation , "Hold on
there ! "
The minister hold on. Ho seemed as
f ho had learned the trade of holding
Some of the congregation held on am'
eomo didn't. Thoao that didn't sough ]
ho moat convenient modes of exit nni
au the walla of the tent wore thrown up
to admit the air , the door of thotuborna
clo was not thought of. They lied , tcrum-
) lcd , rnn and jumped.
Tnu cowboy stood tinmovcd until a
sort of quiet was restored , then ho walkcc
ip to where the minister was still hold-
ng on.
"OIT : DOWN ! " in : s.ui > .
The miniator got down and the facc-
ioii3 border got up.
"Brothers and sisters , " ho said , "il
ain't often that I got a chance to preach ,
jut when I do you can just bet that J
can howl with any man that ever pound
ed n Biblo. Some folks say wo are wild
and wooly and hain't religion in our
eoula , but a say any man Hint says so
ios. "
Nobody said so , but ono of the dea
cons took advantage of the pause to slip
out to the nearest telephone and ring up
police headquarters.
"Yes , sir , " ho continued , "ho lies ,
and I'd likp to see him. There ain't nt
more religious people in the world than
cow boys. Wo recognize the fact thai
there ia a'fountain filled with blood , and
that every day'll'bo Sunday bye and bye.
This d d fool here haa boon talking
about Moaca loading the children ! * of lo"
raol out of the wilderness. Now I want
; o know what ho
and about Mosua and the children of
Israel ? "
"Brother " remarked of the
, ono ex-
lortcra , plucking the aolf-conatitutud
minister by the sleeve , ' 'don't you know
Imt you are transgressing the laws of
led by such blaephomy ? "
" 1 don't know anything of the kind.
know when it comes to preaching that can knock the socka oil'of nny-
hing in the state of Colorado , You got
ip here and t.ilk about the dying thief.
ow I want to knotr if you moan it cattle
liiofor | ] what kind of a thief do you
noun'Cauao / a mnn'd got on rough
lothes it's no reason ho'n a nlouch. I'd
uat like for somebody to atop up here
uul tell mo I'm a slouch. I'd like to aeo
lim get right there on that mourner's
jcncli and intimate oompthing of the
cind. I'd ' ivipo the lloor with his whito-
vorod carcass and tire him through the
; ateaof paradiao. Do yon know what 1
link about uomo preaching nnd aomo
) rcachora1
"Brother Htrauijor , " Biiid a soft-voiced
) Ut muscular brother , "our brother haa
Imrgo of this pulpit to-night. If you
vant to preach , I will make the an-
ouncinnont to that effect when aorviccs
ro onded. "
By this timoall of the iijl'rightnd broth-
on and a number of the aiatora had ro-
urnod to the tent. Suvoral of the inoro
alient of theMirothors went up into the
ulpit and rciisoucd with the uphomoral
ivino. Hoconaenlcd to listen to reason ,
nd was quietly led away , juot aa < ) llicr
nyder put in hla appenrtinco. Buforo
10 ] ) olicoman had time to look around ,
no of the sisters struck up
"Hallelujah tin done , I behvvo on tliu ton , '
'ho congregation joined in , nnd all was
s serene aa It was before the festive
owpunchor took it into his head to
A AVnr "Worn Voloran
< ww Orleans 1'icayuiu * , Aug. 10 , 18S I.
Another holdiir of a part of ticket
5.ii5 : ; , drawing § 75,000 , August J2th ,
n The Louisiana State Lottery , collected
la money yesterday. Mr. Lewis Say-
mill presented his ticket , drew his
lieck and was perfectly cool and picas-
lit. Ho ia a nutivp ot Memphis , v/aa at
lie battle of Shiloh under Oonoral
tuaurcgard. Ilia health , impaired in
10 army , vraa much worse and he came
lure to bandit himself , and ho has
rorkod on the World's Fair buildings in
\Tow Orleans , Ho has stuck to It steady -
y for nearly five months , Ho believed
n luck , and never failed to purclmsa a
icket in The Louisiana State Lottery.
'i'roo ,
There Is n remarkable tree or shrub in
email gulch near eumo springs about
wolvo nn lea north of Tuscarora. It is
ibout six or BUVOII feet in height , with a
runk which at ila basu la thrue times the
izo of a man's wrist. It has innumora-
ilo branches and twigs nnd rosomblus
onunvhut the bnrbary treo. But its ro-
uarkublo characteristic is its foliage ,
vhich nt n certain season of the year is
o luminous that it can bo plainly distill-
; uiahod in the darkest night for a dis-
unco for more than n nuh > , vrhilo in its
mmcdiato vicinity It otnita aulllciunt
light to enable ft porann to rend the finest
print. Its foliage ii extremely rank nnd
its leaves reenmbo ! aorrovhat in six ,
shape , nnd color those of thn aromatic
bay tree of Cilifoinia. The luminous
property ia evidently parasitic and con-
siets of a aort of gummy substance ,
which , upon boinj ; trausfcrrod by rub
bing to a person's hand imparts to it the
same apparently phosphorescent light ,
while that on the leaf entirely disappears.
The Indians regard it with superstition
and will not approach it oven in the daytime -
time if they can possibly avoid it. They
have a name for it , which literally in
terpreted signifies "witch troo. " An old
Shoshone informed the writer that thcro
were only two others in the entire
country ? but the closest questioning fail
ed to elicit the slightest information in
regard to their localities. Ho would
only shako his head gravely nnd ejacu
late , "Bad modiciuo. " Tuscarora ( Nov )
Tlio IJrnlnnml tlio llotttc.
Nobody can stand protracted indul
gence in strong drink. The topers who
sock continued etimulus in what they
call their "bitters , " liavo muddled brains
blood shot cyca , unsteady gait , nnd ruin
ed digestion. Juat remember that the
stuiFthoy call "bitters , " ia not Brown'a
Iron Bittora. No toper wants it. It
contains nothing that suits him forstimu-
lua. It is a pure tonic , nnd the beat
preparation of iron in existence. Cures
indigestion , malaria , kidney and liver
diseases , _ _
O. 1 . IIuiitlnKton's IVcallli AVnll
Street MnrrliiKcs Generally Stic-
CCHBl'llI ,
Now York Cor. Cincinnati llnquirar.
U. P. Huntington , whoso roccnt marriage -
riago ia the latest nppcaranco ot Wall
street in wedlock , will probably , during
the coming scnpon make nn attempt for
a tirst-clnus social position. This will
not bo dlllicult for the vicc-ptcsidcnt of
the Central Pacific road. Ho was ono of
its builders , and made an immense for
tune out of hia contracts , and ho baa
been nblo to retain bin position aa vice-
president , while Sidney Dillen ( president
of the Union Pacific ) was obliged to re
sign. When Central Pacific was above
par Iluiitington una estimated at $15-
000,000. Ho has seen the quotations
decline immensely , however , and this
makca a marked ditloronco in his wealth.
The market is now advancing , but it will
bo a long time before former quotations
are recovered. Huntington is a largo
man , and stands at least six foot high ,
with a full development. Ho begun
poor , nnd now that ho is rich ho likoa to
talk about the times when $50 a month
was big vrng.cs. Ho has a splendid house
in Park avenue , to which ho will bring
his bride at the close of their present
tour. Stocks began to advance the very
day that wedding took place. What an
omen of future happiness.
These Wall street marriages are gener
ally successful. Commodore Yandcrbilt ,
for instance , left his widow
§ 800,000 in bonds , which yield $1,000 a
wook. August Belmont settled a fortune
on hid wife including a Fifth avenue
palace. The old commodore is now
merely a memory , and Wall street
abounds in similar associations. 'Among
the former magnates of the stock cx-
wcro the Jeromes , whoso history has
some points of marked interest. There
was throe brothers of that name , nous of
a poor farmer , and they were all brought
up by a rich undo who lived at Palmyra.
The oldest , Addison G. , wont to Roches
ter "many- years nj < o and engaged in
journalism , and was followed by hia
brother Lcanord who adopted the eamo
business. A. G. Jcromo afterwards eamo
to this city and became a dry goods job.
bor , whence ho drifton into Wall street ,
ind was a prominent speculator
but never reached the distinction
attiined by Lcanord. lie wap , how
ever , an admitted power in the stock
board , and was at ono time csMnwtcJ at
§ 500,000. His career lasted from 1801
; o lk3 ! , when Henry Keep drew him in-
o a reckless speculation in "Old South
ern , " aa it wna termed , which was ruin-
) U3. Hn died in 184 ( ! of n disease super-
nduced by Wall street excitement , nnd
ill that was loft of his unco splendid
vcalth was what ho had settled on his
vifo. Leonard W. Jcromo followed his
irothor into Well street , and became a
oadcr in that bull movement which cre
ated so many fortunes out of the inlU-
ion. Morse , Tallin , and some other
laro brained operators worj in thn same
novomont , anil chared its brief success ,
nit soon went to ruin. Jerome was
nvorod'twith direct communication from
ho I'nion army , and had earlier udviceu
f its disasters than any other man in
Vail street. It is said that ho nact an
ccomplico in a certain general , whoso
elegrams were of the following style :
'The boy is hurt,1' which meant defeat ,
'his was followed by another telegram :
'Tlio boy is woreo , " which needed no
On mich information Jcromo purchased
muu'iiso quantities of stock , which rose
npidly as the disasters became known
nd brought the inevitable advance in
ecuilties. At last came the telegram ,
'The boy Is dead , " which announced the
ailuro ot McClullan's campaign , and Jo-
omo again dipped heavily into the mar-
; ot , meeting splendid success. The lat
er , howovnr , was aa brief aa it had boon
jrilliant. Joronio for nwhilo moved
tmong the ephemeral millionairea of the
Dilution , but ho was afterwards led to
nvest the largest part of hia profits in
'acific Mail , in which ho mot a Waterloo
ofont. Jerome became bewildered by
lie rapidity of fortune's favors , and was
anguiuo to a degree that wna almost like
nsauity. Ho bought Pacific Mail t 200 ,
nd thus led many investors who were
nzzled by his success to follow his ex-
mplo. The result was immense- loss ,
nd in some instances those unfortunate
loople were reduced to poverty. Pncific
\Iall \ had been blown from CD to . ' ! 00 by
raudulent dividends , and when this
scheme could no longer bo sustained the
imitations foil to 10 , It was fortunate for
Icrome that during his splendid success
10 had settled n largo amount on h a
rifo. This included the estate which haa
nice become known ns Jerome Park , nnd
omo other property , which gave him a
landsnmo support after hia losses had
Invcn him into retirement. Part of his
miperty is in Fourth Avenue , which is n
lighly valuable locality. Uno of his
daughters , however , married n British
loblcman , nnd a settlement of $10,000 on
he bride was demanded by the groom
n order to consummate the mutch , it i
said , the inirents mortgaged their best
iroperty to the required nnunmt. He
ia handled nn immense amount of
noney , and had ho retired at the same
line might have been a millionaire ; but
his ia too much to expect uf any spocu-
ator. lie holds , however , n reepcctnblo
social position , which ia more than can
jo said of most of the ex-kings of Wall
Lawrence Jerome , the third of the
lame , followed his brother into Wall
street , whcra he has been operating fur
years with varied success. Ho was alaj
one of Bennett's favorite * , and though
they occasionally quarrelled , the nttnrh-
ment waa not impair.d. This is shown
bytho fact that when Bennett , on hi !
return from Europe , found that Jerome
had bcpn unfortunate in his operation !
ho expressed his sympathy in a verj
handsome manner. Aa Jcromo wanted
to tty his hand as a broker , Bcnnotl
paid $25COO for a sent in the stock exchange -
change , and gave it to him as nn uncon <
ditional present. This shows Bnnnott't
impulsive liberality. Lawrence Jerome
is often confounded with Leo
nard , owing to the similarity ol
the name but in social position n :
well ns financial distinction they nro vorj
different , The snmo dillorotico exists in
tioir families , as Leonard's children nre
daughters , while Liwrouco has sons ,
Liwrcnco Jerome is now among the eldest <
est members of the stock board , beinij
ono of the small number that can romonv
bor the thrilling scenes of the inflation ,
Ho has had a very exciting life , nnd
hence is disposed to nvoid the sensational
features of Wall street for the more
practical. If any man will limit hlmsoll
to brokerage in its Irgitimato sense , he
can make the business fairly profitable ,
but this is ono of the most difficult
things in the world. Brokers , indeed ,
can hardly avoid becoming speculators ,
and hence they are at ono time the favor
ites and at another the victims of fort
une. .
A Valuable Oliill Tunic Head tills
GLASOOW , IVY. , Aug. 30 , 1078.
Mess. II. A. Robinson & Co.
Louisville , Ivy.
I certify with pleasure to the following
facts : My daughter , ten years old , con
tracted the chills August 1877 , on the
Ohio llivor. No prescription over ef
fected moro than a temporary suppress
ion of the disonso no tonics kept it off.
But ( ho use of two bottles of Hughes'
Tonic cured her completely. S/ic hail
no chill after fakinrltr Jirsl dose. L also
recommended the Tonic in thn case of a
two year old child of n neighbor , which
had the chills for moro than a year. The
child is perfectly cured biIhr nsc of
one bottle. 1 recommend Ifuyhcs' Tonic
to all Biill'orcrs from chills ana fever.
Youra truly ,
( Signed ) E. PEPTUI.
Prepared by II. A. Robinson it Co. ,
Wholesale Druggists , and nt retail by
Schroter it Becht , Druggists , Omaha.
Retails nt $1.00 per bottle , six bottles
for $5.00
An Arkantms 1'oBtmuster.
St. Louis I'ost-Bispatcli.
"Wo have some peculiar specimens of
pcalmastcrn in Arkansas , " said Gon.
Edgarton to a Post-Dispatch reporter.
"How is thaU"
"I received this letter from the hon
orable gentleman who superintends the
mail at Spoonvillo , which was in answer
to ono 1 sent him n few days ago. 1
wrote him as follows :
"Mr. , postmaster at Spoonvillo ,
Ark. Sir : I : vm informed that the busi
ness of the postollico of your place is con
ducted in the same room where whisky
is retailed to customers. This , you
know , is contrary to postollico rules and
regulations. Please explain. "
To this I signed my name in my of
ficial capacity. Here is his reply ; after
the Buperscription :
"Sir : If you don't liko'my way of do
ing .business you can lake your d d
postoflico and ship it up Salt crook.
Yours , .
"P. S. I've boon trying to got rid of
the d n thing for four yoars. "
"Woll , what will you do ? "
"Oh , nothing , I suppose. You see the
oflico ia not worth $12 a year , and wo
have to take a great deal from these fol
lows. "
tolls another story of nn experience ho
had not long ago with a postmaster at
Star City. Information had been receiv
ed at thoollico that the postmaster at that
point had boon opening the mail and con
ducting the private business of the oilico
in the presence of strangora. Ho received
a commission to go down and inspect it.
After a stage drive of seventy-five milca
in the middle of December , ho arrived
at the oilico about dusk ono evening. Ho
9tepppd from the stage , saw the mail bag
taken oil by a man and carried into the
itoro , back around the counter , and pant
i long row of boxes into a rear room of
the house. He followed on behind the
nan , ho says , entered the rear room , nnd
look up n position near the stove in front
) f the counter.
The following conversation then en-
lucd :
"Beg your pardon , stranger , but I'm
ibout to open the mail. "
"Woll , go on ; that's light , I suppose
ho people here are waiting to get their
"But tt'a against the postallico rulca
ml regulations for a stranger to bo prcs-
int where the mniln are opnncd. "
"Oh , d n the poatotlice rules ; I'm
: old ; go on and open your mails ; I don't
/ant to steal anything. "
"But you must get out of here ! "
"You must bo getting particular. I've
lassod up and down the road hero before ,
, nd siw strangers dtanding around , while
on opnncd the mail. If they can stay in
lero 1 guess 1 can , "
"Aro you going to got out ? "
"No , sir : I'm going to utay right
icrt' . "
' Well , you're n pretty big man and
'm n small ono. but d n mo if you
inven't got to got out of hero. "
With that ho pooled ell' nis coat and
limped ever the counter. Gen , Edgar-
on saw ho meant business , BU ho cried :
"Hold on , there , 1'vo something for
oa. "
And with that ho wont into his pock-
it nnd produced his commission. The
lostmnator rend It slowly aaid ;
"Why in the devil didn't you say so.
'vo hoard of you for some time , and I'm
I d glad to meet you ; but what is your
ittlo racket/ / "
( icn. Kdgarton then explained the
ihargos that had boon preferred against
lim , which the po.itmaster characterised
in lirs and which were subsequently
liEcovored to have been fabricated
limply to have the oilico removed across
; ho street to another man's store.
' 'Woman anil Her Ilnoaso '
Is thn title of an interesting illustrated
Tentiso ( Ol ! pages ) sent , peat-paid for
ihreo letter stamps. JJ.Vddreea World's
Dispensary Medical Association , Butlalo ,
N. V.
. Y. , CipllcJ . , OCOOOC.9
, cf Newtit. N. J. , Capital lJ7t,000.
licir.ea'iian-J Cicfl , . . . . . . . . . . l.'iM.US ,
&ur >
' ' 'j ' J-v-aS * * *
Tti > mcdlPlno , combining Iron with pure
VoRi-tnMo tnnlr , niilol , ly nnil rnmplctcly
rnrci l.y .iicp > , lii , indlurntlnii , YVrnunroH ,
anil Nriiriil lii.
H Is nn iminlltnc romcdy for Dl cnscs of tlio
Kldiion nnil I.lvcr.
Iti \ Invaluable for Dltcn'M peculiar to
Wumon , nnil nil Mho lend i-cdcntnry lives.
It docs nut Injure the tcclh , cnuo licnilnrhc.or
pniilnro ennvtliintlon r > th < r Irnn mnllcinuilo.
Itonrloliesnnil purifies tlip blood , stlninlntcl
tbo niiiM'tlto , nlils tbp nv-lmllntlnn of food , re-
Ili-rrs llenrtbnrn nnd lielcblng , nnd strcnglh-
t'li1tho inusi'los nnd norvc .
Tor Intermittent rovers. Lassitude , J-nckof
Kncrtry , Ac. , It lint no uqnnl. v
BSrTbo crnnlno 1ms nbnvo trmlo innrk nnd
cro od led Unison wrapper. 'Juke no other.
n j oiir iij niiim MII F JIK 1 1 , t o. , n ti/nnniu. , nn.
I'roposalBforjSlrcct Aprons.
Scaled rtopifala ulllbo recched by ( ho undorslnn-
cd until 12 o clock noon of Saturday , Scptomlcrtho
27th , 1S3I , fcr the fiirulsh'iiK ' to the citof ono hun
dred or moro \\ocdcn aprons for street crossing * ;
such aprons to bo constructed In acconlanco with
rumples now on lode street , at soiitlmctt corner of
t'lltccnthetrcet , and also In accordant ) with such
fJlthcrfUjrccUlonsnn the chairman of the 1'oaid ol
Public Works may aako prucntatlon ot
lids to bo accon-pnnled bythaslvnaturcs of pro-
pCH-d turttlca who. In the evcnr of tha awarding of
the contract. ill unterlntohomla the city of
Omaha , In thosuuiof fl\o hundred dcllats , for tbo
faithful cM'Ciitlon ol such contract.
The Boird df 1'iibtlo Works reairica the light to
reject any ir ail bldj.
. \MriCRKiaitTOV ,
Chairman Hoard ot Public Works ,
s 11 13-10-10
the Pa a.I.os * Mnnl'uitl , * .7i' < h/ntrctl
inif\fjci fi'ini niiim. Tn ! dpjTCpriatc r < . . .r.civ
3utcnc : in"d in each case. Consultations , per *
lunal or by letter , s-eredly cor.fidcnlial. rwd-
nti rr it bv Mail and Ejiprrsi. No marks on
o indicate contemn or cendcr. Address
Vlll purlfvl'io BLOOD.Tcfrn.
Lit. ) UK- LIVER -mil KIDNEYS ,
anil Itimtt , 'iiii IlEAJjTIt
nnd VIGOR of VOO'JJL Uj -
ippil.i. \ \ init Appelllc , jn-
dli-'i II.ui , I i.k of MreiiRlli ,
Hi il'li , .11. . . ' iitali-olniclj'
ii < i \ iroiiLvlorco. .
Kl In.cin , 13 mlnil : uul
c'l.inlt ralu rower.
Enn.iiMiil.i .leumplalnU
. _ | i" , i ii 11" n elrai'X will
End In DR. K UltEK'S IRON tO > . * O n fnfo nnd
epeciivcure , t'.lvcs ulcar. ! IC | T * : . compli\Ion.
iTciiuunt rihonip's at i f . ! l.ii ; onlyailil
to Iliu p. | i'ilarl ! > ot tlio 011/1:1 u. Uo iiot cipcrl-
mcnt Kfiil.u OKKIIVM. IN' > UI-T.
tiend jouraddrc'stOiUaDr. JlnrlrrMed Co. >
St.lxui6.' our"UnKAM 3JOOTC. " I
Full of itracuo an j usciul iolonnatlon , free./
Of the Northwest , Detroit , Minn
A country of WOODS AND LAKES , 200 miles west
of St. Paul. Taroo trains dally on the N. P. K. K.
nlth 30 Day Excursion. Tickets at about cno-hnl
rate 3.
An elegant house with accommodations for 200
guests. R. 17. COLBUFJfi , Proprietor.
( Faculty Pri70 Medical UOIIEKO of Ohio.
And other Diseases of the Anus nud Rectum.
120 S. 14th St. Cor. Douglas
3vu od and utf
The Etcanshlpo of this ncl-lnown ! line nra built of
rori , in uatcr-tight compartments , nnd are lurnith-
! d with \cry rtqmsite to make tUe passigo both
.afo and agreeable. Ihov CArry thu t'nltod Statue
ind r.uropenn maila , ami l iio New Yorlis Thure-
lajsaml s.itunlajB fcr I'ljnuiuth ( LONDON ) Cher-
jourtf , ( PAKlSand IIAMUUMU.
Hates : Flint C-iLiu , SBO , ? 8Rond S"B. Stccrau o , f 20
Henry Pundt , Mark llr.nxen , K X. Hooree.M. Toft ,
, ' , 'tiitHln Omnha , UronewlcK&.8choenteiilaicnt3tu ) ;
Juuncll filutti. C. BsUICHAH ! ) SCO. , Oon. Pans
\Kto. , " 1 Kroidw-ay , N. Y. Cbai Kozinlimkl d Co-
; tT.uril Wcotoiu AijJiitu , 107 Wftblili tuu St. . Chic a
Ofncru Eetlinln
IIiNve tor oilo 2CO.OCO acres oirolully eeleeted Uncli
n t etern Nobr > ! . , at low ( irloo and on euy terms.
Iisprotea itrma icr Bile In Doughta , Dodge , Colin
[ lutte , Hurt , Lumlnx , r3 rpyYi6hlojton , Uerlck
jiumlcri ) , and IJutlor Oounllea.
Tuej paid In all paita of the 3t h ) ,
Honor lonnul on Improved firrcu.
Notary l"ublle alwaj a In otBco Corrcspondenoo
' . ' : AT.L , hut ni a tonic and health reliefer ,
AC'l.'lU for III JOil and Skin llbcrc , and truubled
ilipt'inlvnt un Impure or Impomiihed blood , ij\\ilt'u
SpcItfcU lthout a rival ,
"Sly baby nix months old broke out with some
kind of hi la humor , and aftur bein f treated fltv
month * by my family phjulclan , was u\\iin \ up to die.
Thu druw'Kiet rioinuuended Uuift'd Hpecille , and Iliu
result w M ait'ratlljIiiK ai U uai miraoubud , My
dilldmioncot well , all faiuiuf tbu ilsu.uu ) In trono ,
and he It tut M ana pis : . " J. J. KlItULAND ,
n , County , Texas.
"I uietl S llt'a Hpoclflo on mj little daughter , ho
w at Killioti'dith Buine lllood ividon which bad 10-
ulsted allnoits of troatmunt. 'Ilio hi'coltlo relieved
her iHirniaiKiitly , and 1 nhall u e It In my practice. "
W. K. llltUM'K , JI. D. , Uj pro * ) Uldgii , Ark .
Our Troatlso on lllood uid Skin DUcasoa mailed free
Drawer S , Atlanta , Oa. ' .
N. Y. OtEr , 160 W. 22d hi. , bUween dib ai d 7th ,
Avcauca. I'LiUdeli'hla offlcs 10(3 ( Clictluut t. j
Owing to ths increase
in our business we've
admitted to tlie firm
MF EdwinBaviswho
is well and favorably
known in Omaiia.This
willenable us to han
dle an increased list
of property. We ask
those who' have desi
rable property for
sale , to place the same
with us. The new firm
will be
213 South 14th St ,