Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1884, Image 1

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The sitnation of Iowa in ttuilinpil
Thorough Proof of its Reliabl
Bopublioau Constancy
The Anti-Monops of Second Ne
braska District ,
Logan Moots a Series of Ovation
Through Michigan-
The Mulligan Lies Nailed to the
Political ami Campaign NOXVFJ Vinu
tlio Center toj.cioiimrercnuo
of tlio Nation.
Tlio Situation In Imv.i.
iihrunuuvN BKCunm. v
Spscial Telegram to THE Un : .
Cliuao , September 10. IX-Goxcrr.oi J ,
II. Gear , of laxvn , caul to-day at thu Gram
I'acilic hntol that democratic btatumonta not
withstanding , the republicans would carry
Iowa by fiom 15,000 to 20,000 majority.
"Is that not a decrease from the ropublicai
mijoritUh heretofore given in loxvaV" Govern
or Gear was askoj.
"Yes , " ho replied , "Iowa has given as
much as 50,000 to 0"COO inijority m tiint
past , aud four J ears ago , it gave Gnrfibld i
fraction less than bO.OJO , but there are oiusoa
in this joar'd campaign which will act toxvaids
a reduction of lho uauul lirga majorities
1'iiMon botxvoon democrats and grecnbackora
xx ill cost in bonio votes , but the prohibitionists
xx ill detract very little from the repubhuai
vote. '
' .How isit thnt the prohibition vote having
eirned the conslitutiunal uinuiidment by
.i'l.OcH ' ) , is not likuly to cut u Uguro in tlie
pr'sidontiil juar' . "It Man off jcar"Go\- .
l iinr ropli d , ] irolubitiou htreiigtn might be
lu'ly polled but in .1 presidential contest tlui
pioiul isi rusts withdraw into party lines.
Tli it la tno reason tlut ux-ory indication th n/s
th t the prohibition eluinont xxdl nut allcct
the result 'i.OOO votes ono way oi anotlui" .
" \VhitHtho prospect mcjngrojsiouil du-
lrct : ' '
"Fusions hax o b ° oa madu on lho congress
men between ths Butlciites and democrats ,
und they .110 hoping to cinythe four dis-
tucts noxv m then hinds and gd i oue. Tiny
xvou'cdo this.VoaroMtro to ugam either
tli Fourth or Ninth di-jtiict , and fiom all
mdicati ini , the fourth , now repie-ented by
'L'nluimty' Wellor. The ISutler btiuntn | ; n .1
a matter of fact , very iuji nificant in loxx.v.
AVli n Biitle'f puseJ thiuiuh tlnro making
Ins spfechei , hn appoaianeo toll fir uhort ol
Lieating the sensation ho h id apiaehcmluU , '
UKMOcn vriu iiiud.
' 'The prohibition vote , xxith its cruo ! penil-
ties , hac nisi d ' .li per cent of the Gcuuarja to
nband n tliu republican pjrty in lox\.i"haic' ,
Gongic-oinan Jerry .xlmpliy , of that state , to
day at the Treiiioiit hou o ' Ninoty-eighc po
cent of tin Germ-mi have umiii over biddy to
tile di m cnts. lu it elf 1 belloxo tlnujrf
chance xvill RIXO us a majority ; but add to this
: HOllO or luoro grecn'iuck ' xotos tliat is the
niiml i r they gixoVoaxui in lM > j and 1
think wrt an- cut u u to carry the bt ite. If xx
pot l.OUO , xvo will bo h.itiblied. As tu ilia ci n-
li -sin ul di-ttictb , my oxvrr district , the" bi
end xvtm , i gaxo 4OMj m ijoritv foi Gaitiold in ,
INM ) , w II nixo Clinolaiid l.OJO imjoiitx ,
U i i' psct tociny tlu J'ust , S > ( c-ind , Tlind ,
loiirtliand Siv.h district ! beyond a doubt
bcuii * the = o nra all ( Iinn.ui d' . In
tno 1'ifth and Ninth thei j is it lighting chan o
f ir jurties. It t'u ) domncrar.a o.irry Obi i
this fall that xvdl ssttlo the qucsti m. if thu
denio i its don't c my 1C , ihcy xvill bavo a
liiiulc eye mil they will laxo to tuui to Nox/
Oik to MM tlfIH"lvi'J. | | " Coil lOI-S II III
.Murphy goes to Olnei to H , i k tin to i nlii ( X
tubci lit , uh'Ju ' hu vxill utiiin to Iowa.
ItlnmcV Oldiidii" ViniKuxdoii.
At.isrMo , Poptombei 10. Mr. Ulnni
rcc > ixed many iipio-ts to xibit vniiuim points
in tin' xxcfct , but hu has nut m ule up any route '
b yi rid ICt-xv Yoik , place ho will le.ich
J'Vidav. Ho Junes Augnatu to moriow , and
vxill have Boston 'thursday moinnig. At
Won osier , whtru hoxxill attend the Mii'i
ihuiettK htate fair , ho will hu lho guest of Con- .
grehsnnn W. W. Kice1.
The publication to-diy in the I'oston newt-
jiapers , xxith Iir idlino * , of lho so
called additional Iiilligan Je-ttoiw has caused i
fomo comment here. It is well-known that
the letters have been h ixvkcd abmt for toaiu
ti nu with a view of gptting JIi. ItlalnoV
fin nilii to ttop UK n' publication , but they
liuxo i > fuspd to tiku any notice of theio olbiiH
and I'lo eingratnlat ng ilii'ii.bohps now th it
tha dninocrats luvu inibll-hed thu tellers
llveiy body hcio agcces Ihtt the'iH aru the beet kind ol tribulo to Mr. u
JJIaiiio's homily and li tidily to Ins fiundj.
Hii distiein , beciiuu hu was uiiablu to i imj
b. dOO to p v n lo.n hah id MunroJ for the
railroad company , proxos conclusively the
fal iliood about Ins home a million.ur , whdo
) | i. < ftuneom tlfoitH to lieillli ( : | ! lailio.d 'om-
pany i iicnf liu.uicial dlliculty n H'gaided HS
pi oof he vxas r < ghtiiixaiMgthat lie would
no nodoaithiad in the ontorpriio. The jmb
licilion of thu letters i-nota sin prim lure , as .
it was kinmii that thu Democrats were trxiiii ;
to got up i > m < Ihlug to bit dc t jo f ( rcu of tho.
pphndul vi lory won ly Air. lllaino in his
oxxn btito
3\Ii. \ liluine , accoHipinlfd bv his" vvifo , i-
rived fiom I5ar II irl or tins afternoon. In
anxxver to the lepn'U-r who lullud at hM reu
doiico to a1 I'll tin if ho wibhed to siy any
thing in reuard to tire letters Ml. Mains n-
pllod tluit it wai only Im deaiii. that ixuv
volur in thn Urn t > i | Statfll might rasd tbu
letlt m for hmiitlf and in t form inn judgment ,
from iditi nal niimi'prW'Oiitilion in pinitau
juiirriils Thoiu xxa not a word in theItttois ,
.Ml HI linn uddoi ) , uhi h xx-.isiiiit e-ntiiuly co > -
slbtent with thu mo.t mupn'ouj inttgruy and
liout r Ho ho ed i-xery ropubhcim jujior in
ihn I'nlti d Statoi would publldi tliu Icttcm in
A Glioulisli y < M K Crnnlc.
Ari.\r\ < , O.Heitcmber | 10. On Satur *
day th cill mis of Conyprs loinAd lhaf the
caiiHtory liad bwn laid vvaito tomb ton < 8
overturned , and tloxxcra an < I blirubbury pu'Ied
up , and the grave i oth ruUo demira' d. ' )
] < xery olfoit xvas niada to diisovur tlio po | o [
Irator of lliu tacrlii ( * bit no duo couM bo itro
found Hatui'lay MK'it t'tn pooph1 xvoto
aroiHud from tliu'r ' h'dj by tha cry < f Itro iitid
found tlio Mtthodi't elm eh ia llatnrB It
b'lrnod to th'i gr.nni'l litc uijht thu tiauil
rotoixfd hi' ' rk tti'l ' t fl'B ( o n nuinliir ' f
ilxxulhngK ( I a .MJ. t 11 li t -i u at * i i \Hrtlu
to AH tin i- li (1 wu > IM x nl u nl i iii
guuhid uefuri anj raat dtinaga xxim d JM
At nlno otlock a p rn n was di iAPrcJ > ti
p'yinga ' llghtsd lo uch ti a fi "te A pen ul iy
of ine-n tlarti-J fur him , vxhca ho rau. I he
A \olli v was fnod nt him vxliU-li
him to tin RI < miid. Hi' ro o imiu iiintoi )
slid find txxiei sajlng1 1 xull Kill the llr *
mmx lie comrxiu'or mo " Tlio mou itislir
u ] on him nnd raptured him bi lorrt lto ucccu
cd In doinir anj fi.i in. llu wan thoii di-cox
orod to lie Thomas Mmstoli , a molnbor of on
of t'le ' mo t roipoctiblo fiunilifs in the ttmi
llo hfil iilxvays berne an oxcelhnl charnctc
aid xxns qinrl and inolfrn lxo. Ilwas foun
thnt ovcial of Urn bullets had utiuck him , on
onlmng his xtomnrh , which xxlll prolabl
prove fatal. It Uu noted at the Inn nil )
of Ilio chinch , \xhlch bo noxv admits to hax
lircd lie vxns present , and xvas one of the niii
actixe in thn itForts In put out tlio liic. It i
thought ho is crazy , as Ins actionsmtlicatoati
hu lurenls c'alm llntmrrU at tinins th.i
God is xvoiking llirough hitii , Hi nco his cip
Into ho H leportud n < eijlug : "I urn the enl
innn in Georgia ftnnrt enough to < o liel
and 1 am going to do it ,
loxva't ? Anxiety to Hoi-uro tlio t
BoUIIor'h Iliiinc.
Clllt-Afip , September 10. Anolher horn
for disabled volunteer union soldien is to b
built by the gox eminent In addlli-m to thos
itahoidy ln . An appropriation of $2.10,00
XXMS madu for tha purpose by congress at it
list uwton. Several stiles are nesirous o
hiving thu location of the institution xxilhii
thi ir borders , and ta moriow the goxcintnon
locition bo3id xxdl meet at the Daloll , Ohio
hump , lu loceivo appllcalioits fiom lho vari
statet. loxx'i is foie nosl in thu race for tin
pii/o. her Icgishtinia hax ing voted SiO.OOO to
vva'dits erection piovidcd it is located in the
state , To dava puty ot JowalatH , headed bv
( ! oxert.orlolm II. Gear , .iriivcd at the Grain'
I'acilio liotol on their vx iy to Dayton tt prrh <
the tlhim of Ihi'n stit > for the locition. I'ur
Ciiuucii Hlulftf , Iniliiuoln , Chiriton
Mar hilltnx-i ! , P.ixcnpuit and Atlantic ui
all competitors f > r the silo afler it shill li
votid to low."i. Committeuj from oiih o
tlio e cities were jnajont , armed with priutci.
documents , shoxxiiijr the adx intires of thoii
r'spectix-n plico * . In addition lo Iheso xvon
Ciptiin Allen Una J , of Uooiio , W. .1. It.ibl
of Mount 1'lonsaut nnd tF. HI
Tuttle , of Dos MniuiK. Tuo cominitleu
appointed by the stito to sivuio tha home
Tno entire pjity met this evening and ciigan
i.ed , ovGoxofuorGoarchiirmin , am
( Jjl. GriHXuild , of Atlxntic , socialiry. Tin
following spokesmen xx'crn chosen to lay the
cliims ot Iowa bcforo the nati iial bmrda
Dityton. Ciptaiu Kindt of Cedir llipida , on
behalf of the Grand Army of the Il pubbc
Albert Head , .lelferson. representing the low.
stito legislation , Governor Gear , ttiu republt
cnn stitu convention , and Col. C. A. Chirk , o
Cedar Kipids , ItmiKvli.itnly after adjourn
ment the party started for Dayton.
i.ousvir.n : IOCKI : ? CLCII n
LOUISVIMI , Sept. 10. Tno fall meeting o
tliu LouUx ilio jockey club , began to day. The
trick was in bid condition. All ages ruaidci
all'jxvances nurse , tlireoouirlcr mile , Nor ;
won , iStnckUi.d beujud , Ailun third ; linn
1'ui-n belling alloxvaucp" . mil" heats , fUsi
Imt John Sullivan won , Golden Yunturo second
end , 1'almelto th'id : time , lluj. :
Second John Sullivm xxon , CJohlci
Wriluio second , Palmetto third ; time , lll ; ! | (
Turf t-t ikas , u'l ages , [ ic'iiilties end allow
auccs , mill and a fuihnig. IJilly ( iilmoio vvoril
Tom .Martin second , Aleck Ament thud ; tin o
I'urso , miidon txxo ye-nr olds , fixo
Itock xxon , J''aiibr.iiich Bccoud , Dclphino
third ; tiuit > , -l:0.'ij. :
I'liioo , all i > es , p'liillies and allowance"
rml'imid aipuiter , Jldbglit xvon , Kansas second
end , Soxurcign thud ; time , -M :
SIIPKI"-IIIAII : 15\x. , Scjit. 10. Track good.
I'.irn1 , thiiio ipiirtcr mil" ' , txvo old , sol
ing , I 'onton.i won. Itapidi second , .r. W. Kog-
ois third ; lime , I 10
j\ldo , " 11 .ig's , IVail Donning xx-on , Aranza
bee ni 1. lupiothiid ) : time , JHJ :
11 nidii , ii , HvvtK-p'tiko' , three year olds ,
imh and thiuo fuilon s , Aieli xvon.
Dconomvieci nd , Ttuistriku thu I ; tmi , 2.2'
IT indicap bxvi'pp-tikes , all age1- , two mil
Momtoi xxon , Natilo tocoad , Claimol third ;
tun' ' , ; i " > \i \
Mil'i au'l u ipi rtoi- Milling , three y arold
lno Milclioll xxoii , ( Jharlov 15. uceond , lUmb-
lei thud ; time 1 iO , '
11 iiidicipft ° cp u chase , shurt course , Capt.
Cmiy vxonj lime , 1.1SJ.
U'isTdN , September 10. The .Sopteml or
nn tngat M jstic I'.uk began to day
In tlnj J ! 'l i el.ns Allurt Frank won , Wrd
Mo uiim ( I'Cinid , I'nnco Miudloton thiul ,
1'lora fiiintli. ] { i' 5 time , li-id |
In the a.HI class J'hwon , Captiin I'm-
mons teoond , .ludgi ? T lyis tlnrd , George V.
fourth. ] 5e = t tiia > ' , 2 : . ' - " > .
A At ) NUT ) < il tlm Dnpji.
( Je'Hil.c , yoptembor 10. Captain Jla/3lton ,
of thu link "Jlollimido" from Loudon , .Tuly
'G , Bt lies Ihat on July 'il , wlnloolf I'orlUnd , . lirillan , afti [ i fog ho suw a laiger num
) er ot cattlu swimming in tlu sea nlno .1 ( pun- llu picked up a lito boat ,
vith a gold htiPak running around lho rim
.nd maiked "ItritlAiima .if Xoucahtlo" on lho
ti'in. Tlioboat XMIS cut duxvn on tbo port
ido as if fiom a u illiMim. llo hcnt out ; i bo it
n iiparch but could find no trace of any living
leiMin. The ciptiin bdlieved it to haxo 1m n
ttiairiir xxrocKed but a thoit time , as the
ittlu Htcmid quite lively.
Criiiilnnl I { < ! oiioiny ,
Auitnv , N. Y , HoptomliPr 10.I'lieio has
icon found Ml thi town of Cato , confined in a
illhy pen and in a nude condilion , a xvoman
\ty joars old and a lunatic from birth. Hho ;
XIH con-udnrablo piopoity and his been k | > t
110 prudent Liindilioii fiom idoasof ouimomy
n thu pirt of rxlatioiis. The namu of the
onmu H Angelina llovt.
At rjoninxillo Kouisxillp , 0 ; Alleghiiny , 1.
At Colnm'jiH Columbus , I ; Athletic1 ! ) , 1
At Washington Unimn , Nalion Us , I ; St.
( mix , ! ) .
At Buiralo-HniMu , 7 ; rhiladolplii.i , I.
At Chicago Chicago 17 , lioaton 0 , 11
At Cineimiati Circlnnatas 11 UrooMynsO ,
o Tnlrdm 7 li dtimorps ! ) .
Detroit Dotrmts I'rovidoncea ) .
/I n Arctic ) nii//nr < l. , D '
ll\i it vx , .Soptmiibi'r 10An rrcendlng'y ' .
ild xvnxu utriiuk the nurilnne prnxlnrex Jn '
ninl erhind o unty uni i > 1 intliiH of HIIOV/
us fulfil. Punday. nvo inches foil at Mono
in , N. H. Crupi are .iilfering gre-utly f.oin
in uneujHOiub'.o wuather. '
-d AVIiont.
Olil.KANH , Hapteinbr 10. The Uritinh
naiiuhip Jcranoo , vxhlch chared lor JJunl.irk li
vltli u cargo rf U.COO buulio's of xvbcal , vxinl
xhoro ouUldo tlo xxiMt und jutticn , TJio ahiji
in u dangerou ? p.j. ition.
. AiMulncr In I' < ypi.
, ( ' lilfinl or 10 , Korlhu jnst
lir > nr ; Nutv < * f , I71' ' , deaths , 1G , Con
iilm.o i * reviving the gloom and dopn uiun
11 urtiily diniuii.lifd
illvviy biiuoriiiii "ili'iiiN1 Modtfni ; .
BOMON , Kejitimbfr 10 The eighth n'lin , '
' tnoaling nf the Amaiican aHiociatmn
ra Ixiay tiipcnnt iK'ont' ' . In jnii thU rnoin
und x/dl ( intiun ' twn < ' , ija.
( tinlnin in ifi l'r rinef J'
Jilii in < M ( itoinliM 10 t iirtofn doalhx
cholera are lepurte'I In theiaitt 1'rieimes in
past tneiity.fuur Lours hu
ContioEil Session of ( be Western
An Agreement Esaohed on Trans
continental Traffic.
Pondinetho Sotilomont of Neb
raska Rates ,
The Tripartite Pool Still the
Will the Union Pacific and Bur
lington Agrao ?
Opinion of n IJiirlnifjtonGlllclnl tltnt
an Ainicalilo
Ciimiot lu Mndn.
Konr | Pools Ii'rom Ono.
CIIICAOO , September 10. The xxcslorn nil
xx-ay conference adjourned at ! t o'clock. The
jonoral plan submitted by tlio committee for
the formation of four pools on California ant
CoKr.vlo bnsiiio's , t\xo east and txxoxost ol
the Missouri rixor , win ndoptod by a nnaiii
nmusxoto. Tiio inoeting then tool : np tin
considciation of thucontintinnco of the presonl
tripartite pool and thu iel.itIons it xxouiil
sui-tain through the noxv combination if it was
.allotted to continua in force. Discussion upon
this point xx-jis only entered upon wlien the
meiting adjourned. An olhcialof the Union
1'ucitiu wtiitod after the close ot the Bcs ion
that the tripartite xxould ceit duly continno in
force , though some cluugoa might occur in
Its arrangcniflntH.
At the afternoon conference , n formal
adoption of the pooling nrr.injroment to coxer
Colorado ami Caliloinu ImmnoH'j ' was decided
upon. Contingent , bowoxor , upon a Kettle
inent of the 'oliraskn bns.nehs , cu , in other
xxoids , a roirrangement of the tripnrttto pool
to inc-et tliu wisliCH of all Omaha roads.
The pcnonil confeionco tliou ndjouincd , anil
the Oinah.i loads took up the dlficussio.i ol
tlio Nebraska liU'-incsB. A ice 1'rosidenl
1for 1 , of the Uurliiigtoii , undo a proposition
for the pooling of Nebraska tialhc , tbo Bur-
toreciixo ill pie ruti of Nebiaski
i and alco ol local traflic of Urn
Union 1'ocitr , and waiving claim lo lho coin-
petitivo business of tlio Union 1'nclhc in Ne
braska. This was xoted down. The North
western Iheii moxod that the Uurllngtorr receive -
ceivo its pro lata of nil local and cumpiilitivt
business of the Union 1'actfic , and this intiun
x ; is voted down. Tim Hock Inland anc
St. 1'iul xoted in the ncg.itixo on bnlh propo
silious. The con'eii'iico then adjomuod till 1
a. in to-murroxx.
AJ < LM'\\OUAIII \li\x. : \ .
An olhcial of thu IJurlinrloii reid to nigh' '
sid ! that the presunt outlook did uot nppu ir
favorable to any immodinto adjnstinontof the
pending dilliciiltioi.
Stickle Ndiinnatc'il liy tlio > Socontl
' . , ,
ti'iett. it iiii-iAijini3. |
Spotial ( lUi.itc4ln ] ! Tin : lii.u.
II XSIIM.S , Neb , September Hi. The anti
monopoly convention of the second ceiiRres
hio ml ( list ) ict convened at Liberal hall at ten
a in. Noiii'y ad the counties in the dihtiict
xoro fully lopicsi ntc'd mid gieat mteicbtv.n
lumfustod hit all hands Tt o pesoion xxas her-
ncnious and cnthn ia-tio. Yifipnin xxas xuth-
Iraxxn in f.ixor of Htc lo xxhovo nomination
\.n made niiaiiinions amiJst great clioenng.
3ticl < lo's .fcopttncn elicited fiequuit and
icnity upplaifo throughout. Aftti the ndop
tion of .iringii if pluttoim , esptcially directed
at > J.aird , an inlinin il ballot for
vns taken , ic-suHing in .f. II hticklo b'J ' , .S. K ,
tcynolds 211. \ ictoi Vifqiuin u' . ' , Col. Ciabb
U. Jtoj nolds and ilia democratic convention
ucot tj-mlit. Thu pruvaihng impiession is
hatSticklo'i xullbooiidorbuil , although ijaird's
trikoM are m lUmg a dc pcrata ulfott to noiu-
nato thu third c ndidito ,
on IleHt-rvntioiiH.
Fl , IjQL'l'j , Scptomb'jr 10. In the case of
Col. K. C. liondmot aganmt liobert I ) . Jinn
.or , A. 0. KVUH and If. L. Tsexunan xvell
viioxvn citt'o men , t i recover 81. tOO an a pen-
Ity for a temptiui' to lease gin/lug lands from
ho Cherokee Indi.uiH in xiolation of the Un-
led States fit ituti H , , Tudg.i UroxiLr , in the
Jnitu'l fctitoH circuit comt to day , rendered
deciMon on a donmrrer of the defendants ,
.bilk the mem attempt to mgotialo the lease
f the Hndn x\as not a xmlalion of the fctututcs
lid disminMil the cumphuntH. Hunter aul
sxoi mteu lea'i d boiiu ( i , UOO.UOO UCIOH of land
mm t L'llnof of the Cheiohto nition fur
'ia/iiig pmpopCH and although , /ndiro / Jiioxxrr
ititeH in hm decision that tl.o xahdily of the
e.ihin obtained and tlio question whfthcr II ey
an bo vuc dod ' * as uot before thn comt. Tlio
i fondants cunsidei that they ln.xo won a
rf ,1' v ictory and th it tbu di eitum tu day x li
iintlly PI ttlrn till' ( | ui' tiiii : of tin Ir righli tu
iaH4 land fiom the I ndluiiq and they xxiil gen
n and eifluhli'h tbeii lanchiH und gia/otliur
atllo. 1'oin othui nulH azaiiiHC the H.une
artifH inxolximr the same cpiettion xxero or
e-red to follow this c/i-c. /
A SIiiiii li il Grow I.
iSllAM.ll.xi , iSiipt. 10 A rnuii truui mans
mooting was held hero lo day , in xvinch thu
uholo Ilnglioh coininunlty took ] i.nt , Thu ' '
iLotlngNiiong'y dopico.ito 1 the
n of the pri'fient demiltiiry lu tiliticw on the
irtof France , llieirilfict xvaii Mmply ruin
unto Lommeico. The inti ting lorolxcil to
rgo the homo government to make an ctlmt
prnc nr > a Hettlon out of dillic ultif H betwofii
'raiicoand ( ' ) iiiu by ined'ation ' THO Tming
.ang , thu Chinorfti gene < al , loft j'tkiu foi
'inn Tuui , xvbuio ha xvill hold a military
ouricll ,
I'AIIIU , Sept 1'i. ' Admiral Couihet oillinn-
ed tbnt the b imhudmqiit of th xioonal in .u
'in Clioxx and foi U itlimg thti Mm IIVIT did
lo the aiiionnt LI ; .5 ! 0,000. ( JiiO.
H , tJopteiiibiT 10 , ltn lopurtod tlmtii
nii'inunicationlini li'in oxohiuigcd between
England und 1'iiuiuu in regard to Admiral
urbct'd opuattcmi , oipoclally xvilh refer-
nco tu .Siinfhui. !
HhiKltMxiii : , fioploinbcr 10. Aflir the I
roet'iig ' nt thi railway station yextcfdfsy aft i
innan , Kinptrur Wllh im diovn tu the palace i
vith thu c/.itliia. The ) xure folli.ucd by the i
AIM ! Hmpcr r ] ' 'iaiiH Jtbcjili , The ,
ght huiid fidi ) < if the pduei wan duvuted to
11 cuii ] r < Muf AiiH'rm und ( joimauy , the
thcr tide it nc'-niiicd by thu c/.ir and c/anna.
'nvato Hl m rh , Cjimt Kolii'iky , M. inliur *
id other ( ] iploniHt < of the un , < oror4 ledge in
xvii g of tfif | nl iti * 'J'ho i.nh iii r ons xim 1
fi iio tin la hvuy tiain xvli < h ljuru the oin
r i li jin U'ui aw to iSkii rmxiuCi x\oro ( In
iildier-i NI < > > dy xu iilluucd n tin plat
uim at tin at it iniuuiltha railway i UicislH
lure oiderol t' ' Into the XMIIII ] < W < I of their
IUUSCB DID i'olieli g ( ntd arioej mo guarding
Sklernixtro. Nob'dy is nllowoil to remain
lioroitlinnt a icnnlt ilgntd by ( icncral
( Jourl.o
W \ usKopt. . Ui. At the gi and Inninicl
la t night inmtv poionns participnlnl I'm-
jicror U'lllinm londurtod thocMrinnto lho ti-
bio. The ciwr niul Kinperor I'mnris , Ic eph
folloxwl noxl. The ( /nrlna xvns ontcd nt lho
center lililo with the Austrian emperor mii \ \ > t
right and the ( iormin emperor on her left ,
Tlio c/ar c it on the oppo ito fide of Ihi tnW .
On his right fat the gtatul dnchcsi Msila
1'autouta , and ne\t to her mince Hmirk ,
On thoc/ar's left sntprincosi llot'elinbll und
next to her count Cilofky. Theif xuio no
tea l , but nt the ln tanco of omprvorVlll.ttn (
Ilio thrco niomrchs drank xxino togcthor.
A itfirN
ST Pcir.rsncHi ! , SoplomlicrUi. Tl-oJournnl
dos St. I'oU'istmn ; R-XX.S ! The uxonti at HKin-
nlvlco xx ill dctermino the xvholo political situ-
fttlon. The meeting of thrco ehwoly united
soxereigns , neconipauied by thtii cunlideultnl Indie > tea iv policy of po.ic'i.
iirxiKXMNO THI : Titoni1 .
llKllt September Hi. The thrcu i mprrnn
now at SKermxico , xvuariiii ; the Uu iinn nui
foims to day Insp cu-il the Kussian logiments
< if xxhich thoLinpeiotsof rrimnny ! and \tntria
ate honorary colonels. After the llrpi ctnm
tbo rnipctoriinniulicd at the head ol tho'i '
ivHpeclivo itgnnentj and fornmllv nalntcd
I'iciiothir , 'lho crailmvlonoil tha scene
from th. ' b dcouy of tbo palace. The ompiM'
ord't-tilfi and tint -i attended the pah pel
LONDON , Stptomber 10. A Vic'tnn dis
patch to thu nmxs snjs : "While tha tin co
omioroiitxoro hunting at SKleinlvieo their
thrco prnmiois xvcio ill confoiwco , ninl thiro
Is reason to bulioxo thxt , a triple allinncj xxan
concludoa Thu simo dcspitch Htitos tint ,
the Austio-llungiriau caLitiu : xxdl bj con-
xoucd upon llu i etui n of thoempemr ,
A WiiiIn Uullroad Itatcs.
Cliir.x.r.0 , Septomler li. ( The disrupt { on of
thn Clnoago and St. Louis lillxxay jnoli Inn
resulted in open cntlint : both in frciaht and
passenger latos. Fourth elms frolfiht xxhich
s heretofore carried betxx ecu the tixo cities
Is now taken for 8 centH. I'assonijcr rates ar
at present about S" . Itisieportcd thnt the
Iturlmqton company are contemplating put
ting on Holld through passenger trauiH leaxing
liero at l ( o'clock in tlio morning , and ronehing
.St Louis at 7 o'clock. The gouor 1 xxestcrn
railrovl inauigois were in secret session all
morning , and tlio meeting is not yet concluded.
The Garlli-ia Sloinorlnl.
WASUixmov , Sept. Id.Mr. . Neal , solici
tor of the treasury , to-day notified the direc
tors of the Garfield momorlnl that Vie U. S.
citcuit court of l'oDii ylxania , engaged in distributing -
tributing the o tnto of J. Cook , Imd awarded
to that institntioii 811COO , being tlw amount
dopo'itcd with .r. Cook & . Co. , on account of
tha boldiorfl and failer * orphans hoiroof Wash
ington , Ihn prnpeity xxhich was recently trana-
fcired to tho. ( iirlield hospital by act of con-
ut the Mines.
Coi.cjiiiL.s , ( ) . , September 10. Tlnro coin-
lines of troop * are still hold in lho Hocking
Valley. Affairs hixo been ipiiet ( " 'or since
then arrival xx'it'i tin osoeption of parsona !
encounters and snino tronblo in cjecv'ng ntiik-
ors from the houses of opor.ltora. Troop * un
claimed to ba iiFeeii iry to provenf nuothor
peocral atticlc on tbo ( zuirdojl"d"rci ( { : ; ' > laborom
that nro bping p it in the mines rnj JIy , but
demonstration iu made xvhi o the
't '
For ProteoUrip
SAISATOI.A , September IC.-Tho Ainriican
Foiesteis' congress held ita upcijing Binsion
tonight. A larga nninher of IIFHIIUS vxoro
prosint. 1 The president of IIIcniuress , Dr.
lipurKO 11. Lixini ; , cnniinijsi in r of acricult-
mo , dolixerod the addro's , rnd iiHisted niioii
tlioiircouitv of protecting the fMpslH. The
congicHs xx ill losiimo KOisiou to monow , and a
laigo nuinbei of pap ° n will bo ion ! .
, Sniitoinlnr 10. To-morrow Oovnr-
nor Honiln'cli.s , of Indi ina , and Mayor Harrl-
on , of Clncngo , u ill attend the fair alidad-
Ires' * the people thorp. Theyxxill Kpeak in the
ueiiing in tbo city , vUion abrdh int torch'iKht '
locos-inn nnd | yrotpi'hnic display xvill hn
'ixen. foxi ! mm Ogle by and o'licr ' ditttin
( jiiishod ronublicins xxill attnnd the fail and
uldioas the pioploon Thursday.
AVoulthy Iiiiniitki.
New YOIIK , 'September 10 Oscnr
mrgor , of tha fnniof OearStr3Hinrgc-i ! & Co. ,
mpoitcra and oonnniisnion nicicli nils , was to-
h.ydeclnred _ a liniitin by a Khcrilf's jnrx- . The
tuc'-c in the IniHlnoxH is xalucd at llronoiit- ! ;
tanding acuonnts amount to > 2.0OCO ! : dobtp ,
A ' 1'rliilo Fntilltj.
I'l.iilin , 111. , September li ( , ( ioorgo Loh-
inn , the ortRinesr injured by the boiler ex
ilosion at Morton joitoidiiy , died this oxon-
ng , making tlio third doith from that acci-
[ i3iit. othiTH are dangeioiisly injiirnil
uid xt'oll probably dlo. An inipient xiaw hold (
o-dny and the verdict bv the jury win that
lot oxploKion xx . caused by the inoompotency
f thu unglnoer. _
llnrrcmi'd 'JVoiihlr.
UAI rnioui ; , .Seiitombor 10. Italian Consul
' . do Manilla left this city two v/oelH ago ,
nd ] IHH nothincn boon liMid froT. Ho was a
imminent merclin ut nn i Htooi I high nochillv.
' 'inanciul lioubloifl Hippn c 1 to bo the CMUBO.
lerolla OXXIH $ ! IOUi)0 ) of boiroxied monoy.
JSrlicI Kir t ImliTii
LOMIOV , Hiptombor 10 Thn lord mayor
opfnnd a fund for the relief nf the Hiilfcrurs by
thotholera opidi'mlii in N mlrs.
l < 'lir Ollll/'l'l HN Illllll HlllKllH.
liluiiJlisi.riis , III , SepUmber 10 , Tlio
democrats of the llth congrisKiiml district
nominatid C. C. Claik , of IJucitiu.
f food's Sarsapariiia
Combines , In a imiimi r ponillir to Itself , tlio
best blood-pin lIMi , , ; aid bin iiKtlu iiliigU'ino-
( liesof Ilio vi ii t.t1 Ic l > i ii'ilom. Von vxill lind
tills vxomli i fid in K dy iTi ! ( llxe wluru oilier I
inidlilnoi haxo filled. 'lryitno\x. \ It xvlll (
piliify > our led ) ! , re-Hi.ito the digestion ,
iimlghc newllfo and vigor to the intlru body.
"Hood's barH.iparilla did mo gruat good.
I wai tired out from ovcnxoiK , and It toned
IIIOIIp. " MllH. ( J HlMMUNH , CollOL'H , N. Y.
" I miirorod tlireo jcarn from blood poison ,
I Irok Hood'H HarH.iiirllla | and think I tun
cured. " SI us. JI. J. JMVIH , Drockport , N. Y.
J'tir I flan tit a Jilood
Hood's Barsaparllln It chiriitrrl/ed 1J
lliroo jicoullarltlcs : 1st , the tomMnutlim "t
n incdinl iigcnts ; ' 'd , tlio ] > ru'nrlliin ; ; nl , tliu
process of Bi'Liirlng tlio intixo inrdlfliiV
iinalltles , 'J liu remit h u mcilli Inu of iiiiusiu
Bin ngth , ( 'Ifectlng t un n Mlbcrto imknovxii
bond for book containing nildllloinl ovlilencn , ou
"Hood's Sirsinjirllla lonos up piy cy-'ti m ,
inn Hn s my hlum ) , pens n > , n 11 tile , mnl
ti i ins to m d , < i ic ovi i " .1 ] ' 'J lluill'HeiK ,
Jinl.lorol In K ! , 1..HXI II , , .
"Jl'iodVt Sirs IP irllla lii it'i ill ntliors , nint { {
iHWoilliitsvvtu-lit liu'i Id ' I liXltl.l.Nino. . ,
x > Hank Kticct , 1-'cv , ' \ oik tit ) .
Hood's Sarssfiarilfa
uld I / all < ! r iri'"ti$1. ' . it f'r$5
1 , Huoi ) ti CO. , Jo\Mll , J.lass hi !
Ono Dollar , fdf
TliB Exiciisivo Progress cf ilio Panic
Among stock Raisers ,
A Boo Special Which Exposes
Its Falsity ,
Samuel Allcrton Brands All Eo-
ports as Groundless ,
The Unscrupulous Ooiuago
Dishonest Veterinarians ,
Wyoming Preparing to Guan
Against Infection.
AVIUl Uoportrt nl tlio Cut tin
nil 1'artH of ( ho
Special Dispilih lo Tuts HKI : .
Cmr.xuo , September 1(1. ( "H is my opin
ion"laid Samuel W. Allorton. olio of Hi
Rest ealllo men in lho xvoild , ' 'based on Hi
oxpeitcnc'oof IwcntyfixociiBiiilii coding run
h.indl ng oalllo , that there is not a slnglo oas
if contagious plcino-iiioumoiiia ] in the I'tutoi
Slalts to dnj' . If 1 xxas looking foi muh
Oiuni r.t all , 1 would expect In find il amoii ;
fancy Imported stock , such as Guernsojs , .Icr
SOK , Devout , or llolstohip , rocoully luoni'h
over. There U nothing of the kind among on
nnlivoc.ittlo ; of that I am ipiito satisfied , "
"Wily , then , doxo haxo these froipn n
lures fiom Dr. V.uion , Dr. Salmon , ,1. H
Sanders , and olb r xoteiiuiuy olbcials aliou
Lho Rcourgu breaking out in this ami tin
herd' "
You cm POO very clearly , young mm , tha
Lbeue veterans would have no othcu , and win.
is inoro , no pay , if there win no nearo. 1 xxn
told bomu time ago thnt they had oi ani/cd i
Hchumo to keep tins bubject in agitation null
they succeeded in obtaining an ni.iopriati ] | n
ol SJOOI ) 000 fiom congress to bo u id fur in
xostigatiogoli the diseiso Ye" , i-ir , it is i
xoiy largo interest , and it is blumcful to Him ]
thcro are unpnnciplod iiuncks xxbo xxdl agitat
Lho ipioslionof dioid do < eaios with tin sinister
motive * of gettng place and mono )
Noxxas a mitle'r of fact , th
. of contageous
r.ivagoi pluuro-pnoumnni ;
in cittloaru exactly Tilto tliu sivGipingdos-liuc
llxtneps of vnllow fever , or mnall pox , o
-holcnx in the 1111111111 family. ] 'or join the )
li ivo boon claiming that contagious pluro
pnonmonia existed amour the herds of Mo\
Jeisoy and other eastern stiles. If this win
true , the dieoa o xx-ould line spread alloxi
the-country , and th n- would lie no ipiehtlo.
of a doubt about it. You mimt rimembe
that cent ig'ous ' pluio pooumonia is xery dil
feiont trom pluio-piinumuina pioper
The ordinary disnasn oxiht
p -rpetuilly among animals just aa it does i
the huiii.ui fimily , and without proper troit
mont they dlo ( it it , but it is not contagions
If a man is alllicted xvilh pneumonia , does h
cominunicilo his disoaxo to thosnxxho conui i ;
contact with him' No. Well , it ! x HIOKIIII
with catllii. Gn tlio othoi hand , a eontacinu
dtMiasa in in thu air , and it tpreads lilto yellox
fox or. "
' , W. T. . September 10In ac
eordancu with the govunoi'ri pioclamatioi
and tlio laxv of Wyr rung , the territorial an
xetonmrian toiun , Hoes and the oxccutixi
commilloo of the Stool : nssi clition , lo-dnx is
sued acitcuhirto the railroads and publii
: roiieially , bt itlng in pnhstnncit th it no caltli
liniiiRht i nun the st-itrs hem Mill lie admitttii
xxithuul pisMiiga ipiiiranlino of inmlydax
or longer , as m iy lu judged iioecphary. This
action is made in xioxv of the rreogm/.od fin
Unit tlio cnntigiuiH disease is < if a d mgi rims lor iiK'iiitorn locdltio and ,
HUH public to h.ixoliMH and di liuition I
shippori and the ] iussiblUly of unintoiitlomil
vmlntiun of tlio hiw by railroads orindivld
uals ,
Another GrouruIlcHH Hoaro.
CIIICAI.O , Htplomlicr 10. A daily " '
llluiuis , dinpituh H.tyHI'olloi
Angus c.ittlo lioliinginc In .lohn I'ligom , o ;
Abingdon , about chilli ho many ii'poiU haxi
born lircnl ilod pnnioiiiiced by the t-tnto
xoletinaii in not alfi.Llt.d xvith plonru | niou
noni.i ,
BT , L.oir.9 , Scpli-mlioi li. ( lu viiw of the
exlntnrico of ] iloiiro pnoiiiiniiila among Jpinny
alllo in dilfirunl ncllons of tin ) conntr ) tin.
boird of ilinctois of the .St. Louis full IISHO.
i itinii decided to oxclndo llioin fiiim lliii exhibition -
hibition Him yi ar.
lYrnmiliil llnillc.x.
Ni'xx YdltK , tSoptembor 10. The i xniiiina-
lion mipplrmnnlaiy In tlio pioeeedingi m tlio .
taxoof Hunry II. Hadloy , judgi mi nt di blot
unit acalnst IV.'ink I' . Marsh , via * contlmud
to dav before , i rcf < no 'J ho pliiinlill's i unn-el
tinleuvortd to have tlm defiindant admit Hut
HIM dcmoeiatic national lomimtloo oxti s him
money for hiSHnrvicoj in inxi Hgntiiig the
Miiny li ttor bin iniMS , and tint ho also has a
claim a.'niuxt John S , Dixonport. Ho xx is
not BIK.U sHfnl In IIIH endoaxors Hailley sidd
thai Duenpoit hid piid him at limes lie.
txvn n bl.nbOiind t..UUO. NothiHg now XX-HH
bioiuhciuit ,
In Michigan. a
Di'iuoii , Boit-mbur | 10 ' 1'hii morning , n
Goniral 1/iigan und party lift Giand Itupnh
for Detroit , coming IK ro via. Allegheny , Kali
ma/on , Thrro JtivorH , Whlto I'lgeon , JOIIOH-
vlllo , Adaiiin , Ildlnlioio , I'etaislough and
Mi nriio. The t < xvnn tumid out toxxolcome i
liimcvfryvvhurn gieat enthusiasm. A "
ciowl col Ire ted at every town and hamlut of
through xxhich thn Irain piism 1 , and farm
liniibiM xvnro i < iipid in bimtiiig in honor of
egan The party armed hero tins oxomiig.
iiniid l.ogan hull ] n khott ruioiitlon at the
Ilu-Hull hinito. Hi kavm tu ruglit foi Itocn
enter to uticnd Hn re union of thu Army nf
thu Cumin i lain. On thu lllth ho loaves them i
fora ulii through jjtlu , d'li i nxillcK ClarKx-
biirgh , hliiiipluxxn , .Sharon aiid Now Caiillu ,
I'a , and c.iingstoxxii , Ohio.
Scn-\Vali r Uuro fur Gliolnm. : !
s , Sopti iiibur ! ( ! . A uomh i fully mm- i
plu cum for chiller. v in alleged t Intvo hui iiilln-
UUXIKI ! by I'mfiHHoi Cai.tlni of Nnpi ! . 'Jhi.s aHtertH that ho him H.IXOI ] ttorcH of liven
und tun d linnilrcih of CUMH xvou'd othei-
XXIMI line itniilti d futall > , Mimply by the nso u
nfmawatir. JIlHimthod IH tu gi t the xvatif
fiom tbu bay of Nnphin far ( iionKh fr.nn tl.i
HJIOIII to avoid uiiiUnun.itioii from i-owtriiKu ,
, and tin n t > udmbiliilir it by nitaimut
onbi uUm OIH liijif'Hiiw in thoarmiiif tliu pu- 1
tiont. JVi fiH or ( 'antiiii unjri that too
watir can not bo gison to tlio jMtitnt , and that
III" niuio tluit n injuLttd into the HjHtnntlio
icitti xvlll bu | IH ! thuncefoi rctmciy.
A Uull ldliH Aliiulau'rt Oliliitloii.
. , I'a , Supti mbir Id , Mr . Ann
Uuttor , of I'jr.iJme , u inhf'iuuH nnunai. , ton
mid in tin t jimly liuipltul , to-day dolibirj
itoly sot ( no to her cUnhmif and bniiit hor- '
tu death. Ma b1 at oil thuvi who ut
tflinptiil In ixo her. I'ortinm of her Inulv
x ere burnnd tnai n p. Shn mr\incd that
MliiMxn iirnltigiomir.i | a " xi-titlcj to the
He KlllH itiMVltoniui aSInlo I'llQinl
IIIHI CoiiuntlH Sinlolilo.
f ; 1'n. , ScplomtiPT Ifi.
night Simon llcsslor , n fnnnrr lixtnt ; nt
Hittilt Vnlloy , near Mount Ciirmrl , nrtixcd
homo nfor ( an nWnco of tlitoj dajn. Ho en-
tctcd tlic lumso Uo.llthily niul pircrodnl to the
IkHlrunin , IVprniR tlinmtrli thn door , lu MXV
Ilia x\ift < King on the bed attuod only in lur
iiiKhl-ilniluH. Itiwidn her sat Tliomng McCoy ,
n jonng fanner. Mol'oy xxns holdlnit lur
hand , llo xvas nlmi pntly uudrojucd. llcfslcr
dtow n roxolxur und htod txxn diotsi ,
oiHi of.hidi Rtiuck McCoy In the tpinplo ,
killing him nititantly. The other xxas aiinoil
nt bm xxlfonml BIO ! tell liixric en the bid xxith n
bullet in her boait. Anon , n farm
hand omplojcd by Holler , ran up Blairs upon
hearing the xound of the shot * \s ho entered
tlio loom ho i < axv lliH lci boi.dtng oxor the
body of his uifoand inoiulni ? bitterly , llo
tt rtul iiii as 1m KA\X llirjch , and pointing tlio
pistol at him cmd , ' Keep cut of hero 01 yon
\illlltyxxitlitlioin'1' ' The frlghtnnod lixboior
ran out of the loom and alarinod the in Igh-
bins. In n few ninmlCR tlio hoi mi xvas inr
tonndxlth oviitad pcoiilo , niul lloxule
xx.n found Ijmg on the bed beslilo
thn in.nthnito toily of hi < uifo , Hofoio
thuv oonld i-ol7o him Iu < hid placed the
utxolxui to his boat ) and pnlhd lho trigger , A
phyKician x\as foi , xxho found tint lliss-
Ipraud Mt-l'oj xxoreluith do.ul , lint that Mrs.
lles'lcr x\as till allxo , litslotatixcs xvoio ap
plied to her and BIO ! onno tu lifo. Him ( Ic
eland her innoecnco. McCoy had boon an
mtlni.vto ftieml for years and had railed Sal
mdiy oxintug xxhdo sin * x\as Ijingill , hh
had iKxajH tic.itoil him familinily , and whin
he tailed she inxitcd linn up ntnliH. Shoboio
a good ilmracti i , us did McCoy. Tlui xxomnn
died Snud.iv nioiuini : . Kho UI-K ; > O
iigo , and ( uotl ) . JlcCoy x\as LM , ids
and of good f.unllj. Hcfuler and \\ifo bnxo
alvxiUs lived happy ,
Ki\v : Ynith , September 111Mrs. . I , V.
Walsh applied foi a xx'itrrnnt for the arrest of
hoi husband. She chow od n letter postmarked
Albany , rittim 1 1 conxoy thn ImpreHsion that
ho had c'linimttvl nukido. Shu H dd ho uas a
co.ahmnn omplojul in Yonkoin and eloped
\xith iilanndro's named Small Coyht forino'Iy
in the xorxieo of the .Miio'ini fitmlly. Tin *
eo.tcliiimu and laundro s eloped n thort time
after tliu Merosmi
Knllxvny DlnHomliuiH.
Oliti-MiO . 10.- tliu
, Sept. 10.Althongli ECilpors
have for sale , at ledmed i.iles , oxer lho Chi-
eago and Kl. l.ouis iiiidH , then ) Inn been no
reduction in taiilf at the .niHiori/.cd ollieos of
the viuinns Inn s. Tno Wa'iash , Alton ami
Illinois Contriil. it is hlated , have foixxanh i
an agreement to maintain piices pomling n
possible piimanunl ngrcoinont KII thufuluru.
A Unltwny Ill.irlcllM.
September 10. Tno nxccnlixo
eonimilli o of lho assieiitioii of iidlxxay Biipor
intumlenls his din clml xxhatoxoi oin
lilojos aiu dihchaigi d forsinliojout lauses , Hi
siipt riiitondunb oj the uli ill notify id
otbur Mipuint ° nilcnl ! < in tbo luxnciatioii o
tliu dixch.t , ; ! ! andtli.i ( aosuibfreof.
( Incri-llla Wurl'itru n
Ki XKIXI , S'pt iiib"- ! 1(5.Vi'storilay ( txx
linndiid ] dt\xeiity pohto
men and fifty fn'omliy Arabs Ukinj' a conx'o , )
of prn isloiiH and Unity xvomi'ii to INItilcon
Majoi Cln'i idi'H dophi'd ' assistariLo Im
tbn lubils meantime had b > .ii completely do
foati'd. K\t ! ) iibjlsxxi.'iokillud. The fueml
ly Alain lint txMiit.x.
l > oulini'l AVliluiui TluinkH.
Sl'lil.Sdl 11:1 : U , 3\fasH , Soplembor Hi. Proa-
idont i Hi cloy , of Amborsl cullego , II.IH decline !
the t nomination fm gnxi'inor by thuprohibitioi
party 1 , llo told the luportor that ho was xery
n.nili 1i i Binpiifod whim inroimod tint ho had
hem 1t 1 nominated , as ho hid previously replied
to 1i t nxory impiiry on the Kiibject that ho conltl
not i nacpt cithei tbo iiomin.itiou or the
'Ihn Miniii-npoliH 1'rlliiino Sold.
MiNMiM'Oils , Mn.ojotn , Moiitcii.bur 1(5. (
Ni'gotiiilionxoro c'osul fui the pmch.iHO ol
tbo MinnoipoliH Daily Tiibnno fiom (
A. | i. Nittleton ly Mr. A. .1. IJIothon , Inli :
JiiiHiiiCHH manual i of thn Kaunas ( } ity .loniniil
. .1d Wlllluil K. lliiHkillHim of I ! 1) ) llaskell ,
udilorof tint liiooklyii llornld. 'J'h
ration In tf J
Oliillnn n.millltl.
xi i ( JAI.MISIM.V , Soptcmbor K ! .
-Unitul Htatos MiniKtor Lngun and family
arrixcd at Angel , Chili. The INprosn upon
which they x\u < P.ISHI ni.'f rn xvas attickci !
110:11 : Caihuo by Landltn xvho nttemptod to
xvrock the tiain. Ttio courjgo of thu dnvor
[ luxentod UH di sti uctioii.
A Had Di owning. '
DINXI n , Col. , Hoptombor ] ( i. Harry Tay-
or , Win. 1' . Cambpell and Mini Maud Ileccl
uoio droxxncd yoHtenlay xxhilo crossing Oiniitl
Itixn , noir ( iiand ilnnotion. Tlioy xvcio all
nt'iislod m Btnclv laiHiiig , and returning to
.lair rani'cH xxhon tin ) accitlont happened.
AVeatlinr TIny. .
W \IHIM.ION , S ptoniborHi. Ji'or thonppi r
Minlfhippi x alloy , wn liner and pnrtly cluuilx ,
mat ruin xvilh xaiiablo winds. For the Mm-
Hold xilley , goneinliy fair , high tt inpoiatiiru
xith vanablo xvind .
I'ltiliiblttoii In Mntno.
] 'oitri.\vn , Mo. , Septomlur 1(5 ( TJio
taloiotititnliooalcim ; > ' | ; committal ) haxu
locidod to oiaiii/n | ; at onci , ftjto , pounty city
mil town leagues fm thn onfuicoinent ot Ilia
low ciMifitltiition.d proliibiturylaxv.
Holi Key < iiii ( ( ! Under.
liOOVKMI 1 1. , Mo , 8 < plumber HIdib
toy , it uniidl te imor doxui the lixir , Ktrnck
biiug und Pftuk iipponltu thu xvharf 1 tit ovo-
ling. The boat xvith the uuign of 12JO ( eacku
xvlieat IH tliouiht ; to bo u tot.d IOJM.
I'\lll'HIfll ! ! ( MlllllCH.
KUAKIM , S'ptimbir 1(5.In ( alight near
M ro last week be tu ceil OH limn Digiu'x folhm-
rs mm filindly tnbeH iindor Muhuioiid , four
del fchiokti v.'uio
HtritluVoilor Itoilucnd.
I'A , Keplembai li. ( Notiin n
posted nt the C.imbiia lion xx'oiku , nnnonn"
ng a reduction of xxagcx , ten to twenty per
AVnlHOloy In ICs
OAIHO , Soptciulier Id. ( Jouurul Ijoid Wol-
oloy ordered thu formation of u camel corpi
tal.o part in tbu rJoudan expedition.
Pun Ann riiiA , Kept , Hi.Tlio liitnrmtion-
cricket match H onilid. Kcortd : Canada ,
ill ) , UnitidhtatuuiO. :
Oliolcin itnllcl
I'AIUH , Hi jitnnbtr Hi. Tlio receipts of the
oti In tliin city fur tlio clm'e.iu
niuiinta to S'M.O U.
liiirnlng ; V
HIV/HIIKAP , hong Inland , t-'optembor li. (
I'lio xvoodd fur two imloK aruuud Montauk are
iiurnliig ,
Tuesday at the Chicajro Sleek Yards
and OH 'filiausc ' ,
Texas and Knneo ; Oattlo Again
Kulo Favorablyt
Hogs Fail to Pint
Market , 2
c *
Predictions of a Deoroas \oro-
ago Next Yea
* > -
Gives The Wheat Ml it n
Slight Advance ,
Cora Aotixo Ami Unsettled. Oata
Slcatly. 1'nrlc UitoliniiB-
c l Lard Higher.
Cilii'ARO , Heptombor 10. Texas and range
cattlu ag.xiu oompoBud thu bulk of the rucciplM ,
lho 111:11 : Icol was aclixo and prices in 8omu iu-
ntiucos higher , iwpocmlly on best natives
raiigorn. Closing linn , vxith all sold. The
ipiahty of xxoateinx xx.ia fair , BOIIIO territorial
droves making ostremo prices. Owing to the
ndxnnco and uc vrcity of b ht Toxau ? , cannora
and city butchcru xxero bnjing CO\VH nnd bulls
inoro f reoly , and these 8oitnaro selling con
siderably higher thin last xx'eok. I. To-day and
jUJteulay J , Hpeculatora in stockers and folders
bought 1 Up all the a\ailablo stock in tbo mar
ket 1 , and are yet holding BOIIIO , HO that til
number actually on tale la the ample for do-
mind. There are a number of bnycra on the
markit 1I from Virginia , but so far they have
contented thcmaclxert with looking ever thu
Block and ninking bids. Stock calveH are
inoro plentiful and cheaper than lust week.
IXpirt grades , 0 U ) ( < r 7 00 ; good to choice
shipping , 1'JOO and Kifil ) pounds , OOOaGGO ;
comman to fiur , 1000 and IL'OO pounds , ( 75 ©
6 j ' .I ) Kixngo cattle linn ; gra-s Texans , I ! 75
On , ISO. Siiles : Toxaim , US ! ) , 1 W ) ; 1LM NVyo-
iningH i , 1101 , fi 10 ; Jill Toxaua , 'Ml ' , I in , ISoU
Texans , lOIfi , 1 o ; 'XX IVuina , 10501 50.
ThoniarUtt opened ipnet and prices rulocl
Rtc.vdy up to about Alouday > vhon most ordora
bad boon Idled and then ucakonoil , clomng
rather dull with a larjo ; number left unsold
but thu bulk of Hide * thoxv no variallon a
compared uithtoml iy. The ipiithty haa im-
pioxud a g init dual ( iming the past fexv days
and today xvns up to lho aveiagu for thw timo.
oftluije.u. Tlio raugu on ualoa xvns as foi
lows lire.iheM anil ekipa. 15j to 'J50 ; assor
ted light , fi..O lo 010 ; iimgb packer. ) and
mixed , 5 lo fi f'U ' ; good mixed , 5 7i ! tj 0 aiu\
best heavy , fi 8j toO i5. ! Lirfht , 1 00 lo a 10
Ibs , no.'i to l > 'j.ri. '
The market xx-an firniPr today and inoro ac-
tlvo and an ndx-anco in pa ices scored , xvhich *
vx in xxull siiituintd Tlio posting of tha
Mt.iblo supply thoxvoj an iuurcaso of a mill
ion himhclH xxhicb , hoxxov r. xxas not so lartjii
as oxpocted. The llritiali cables vxeio a am
qunttdeiy xxcak
'lho rcciiptu heto of xxintei shoxvcd a
plight falling elf , whilu in Hprmg vtlioat there
is an incre vso. It B leporled that thodry and
hot xvciilhur ha.s pioxonted the fjrinun putting-
in their usual amount of fall uoxxing , thus pru-
dtctinK..i decreased actcago for next > ear ,
This know lodge was deemed the moving cr.uao
for an advance lo day , and thu bullish tenden
cy xxns blioun in the market for thu first time
in BOX oral \\eohH. Thoiognlar inaikit closed
3 ovci jenteidiy , and the afteinoon Hosioii
lln markiit ni'o A to t , closing at 70J to 704 :
fei Octoboi , 78 for Noxombei , 71 i for Duueiu-
The feeling xx-aH unKCttlcd in corn
and the aggropato trading xv.m fair , The ro-
ctipls xx'cio largar , aRgngutinp 710 cirH. Thom
m irkel opsnud xx Liik , lint rallied eharply un
der peed Bpi cnlalivo dcmind , xxith "imorls"
coxiring i'rici s advanced l { for Soplombor ,
if for October , t for Novunher , S for May ,
then fell elf iindei laiycr olfcnngs , ic for Sop
tcmbi r , Ic for October , c for fsovombor , and
{ ( Ac Jin morn diffiicd fntincs. The market
| dually elided ) 'c ' highei foi Soplembor , Jc low
er foi Oclobci , Jc loner foi Nox umber , and jo
higher for the jear than vustcrday. On the
afteinoon boinl OctoLfei advanced c and No- advanced ) c , tlo-sing at
file for Soptombur , Ol o foi October , H c for
November , ! WJo for the year.
ruled steady , o'oaing atdlo for September ,
-.Ti o for October , l5gc ! for Noxembei , and U8go
For May.
nhowiid xory little clungo , closing at 10 75 for
Scptombei , 17 00 for October , and 1125 for the
l.Alll )
lifilicj , at 7'I forScptemboranJ OctoleranU
O.ri for November.
Pnlluro ,
I'lrrsiiuuii I'a. , September 10. The strike
it Haitmitn'u utool xvorka ut J leaver Fallx , Pa.
iHafuiItno , Thirty men returned to work
yontuiduy with piomiso to xvithdraxv fiom lho
AmalgamaUd association , and the Knights
> f Labor and others are expected lo folio xv to-
The Kpoukor KoiinmiintictT ,
] ' 'Aisiotnn , Ky. , Saptembor 10. John G.
Carlitdu xvius rcnoininatcd for congress to-day.
id u r it
f l r w
vf4 ' %
-4 $
, . . * w *
fa'mn ' t n i ) ii , nr uui ' ! uliktli * "i Jvau'lA ) fouil
iiiulixvs'in i J3iun 1't vdcr. Is f"-
. llcln'uit ,
( > rillnudtii > tImontiLi
in mdiKiia acU c'.omislaab.s. ' lanalltinJlu3-
KII , M lu i loniainc , oi t'lilcuro ; uiici uot.ta.vuji
lode , .Uhxt au e'O. Kex cr told In bult.