Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1884, Image 1

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    \ HE OMAHA E
Mass MccciDg oi' Tamilian ? Hall Lai *
Eve *
MoroilesB Dissection of Deinoorat-
io Corruption ,
Qradly's ' Excoriating Invaotivo
Against Olevelandi
W5he ! Political Nondescript , " the
' ' "
'Obscure Ignoramus ,
Vapid Adoption of the Eatifying
Eesolutious ,
"illy HrfnscH to Sprak The
MomttorN Shirk tlio Com-
proniiso ol' a Vote.
YOUK. September 12. An hour before
tlio doors to Tammany hall opened Uiin ovotij
ing n crowd of oooplj n. ajinbloJ on the
uuUido waiting tu co into thu mooting of tlio
TinunanyKonoralcunjinlttoo , when ) it was to
b < > decided whether thu organization would
endorse Cleveland n-i I llendriclcs. When an
entrance was obtamod , the committee took
icatj ou thu niaiu floor nud but a very few
prominent members wcru absent. When fol > n
Kelly took his seat , directly in front of tlio
platform , the cnorin MB crowd cheered time
nndngaiu , When * quiet had boon restored ,
Kelly said , owing to the illneaj of Sidney 1' .
Nicholls , the chairman , nnd the nccessaiy
abuanco of the vica president ,
it was his duty to cill upon Senator Foster ,
of tli324th distiut , to proeido. After read
ing tha minutes of the proviom meeting ,
General I' , li. Spinola , elia'rmim ' cf the sub
committee on organization , to draftivn addrrs ?
to the people , made his report. Tha address
was irad , nnd is OB follows :
It commenciu with a ftkutch of the history of
Tammany hall , wh'ch th'j address saya is the
oldest political body in thu United Stated.
The assertion i. made that Tamuiauy hub
never swerved in n allogiatica to the party
nor fullered in its support of thi caodidittcs
nnmln itcd and the principle ) tnunei.v'od from
the platfarm of tbo natioual democratic con
Tention * , ami in but otio instance , in all its
history , did it oppnao tlio action of the patty
or its nominee in the state and that only after
duo notice was giren nnd in respnn o to na
lure's first la * . "When the exi tenca of
our organization tvai tlirjattned : uid the per
sonal nr'Krio'itiC' ' rijht * of our cnnstit.m.H
assailed , " tlio nddicsa continues , "v-a champi
oned the causa of anti-iminoi ely in 1'JSl nnd
in the ensuing campaign of 1SS2. Hint resulted
In the tiiuiii hunt elo ti > n of the tirrtunt gov
ernor ot ttii ] stit' ) It is trim that dissensions
among our wlve.-'aries . , ih-j lupuhlicans , had
'Xf\ much tu do with iho gr at majority which ha
received , but tin inc-jec fo ling in the breasts
of IB , ( workin.menngiiistth leimb- pirty fur its cor-npt on .vtid monopolistic
legislatijn aimed ttious.tnJrt of th BJ voter < to
ally themselves with tno d in cratio piity ;
thereby prntfating again-t uncli ln < isl > tion ,
It in no cX'ig tiut on t a iv it , n-em d to tlie.n
that the drilt ot oxiuing lawn was tending to
ibbase rather than to ( iluv-itij libor , that t'lf '
whole enginery uf tin fiovt rnmuot was bciiu'
Uied to f sir the inturo < n if o.niiloie. ) .1 d
capitalists at tin ) exp' of tl o toi i > g mill
ions , that thexo opinions w ro fnundml mi cub-
tantial anJ iueintro rurul > c g oumNHITCH it
cnianati 1114 frnu tliti minds oi ili-caniing dt-m
cgojtut'B wlio H mjfht todiipu tlifii it'll ir.iiit bu ,
contidiig followers , thiCiii lid o'jfervor ' inn t
admit , In anuirhhoii'iK republican stat'j thu
light of tin ; iiooplii t > p-ae fudy .i > iinblii w.n
iuviuli'd , and tms mili ia cif t. lonimonwealtli
wns used tyiiiuicilly tu enforce tlio unreason
able demands of ciitd | The p os < of tint
countiy I'.ifra'ly ' < i p HO 1 U'nr htnki" , but
mi ijarnh criticism apn.rud | ugainst Liu ; c pi-
tib txiind corp irat' us wli'if'tised ' tn ir'j'otxii
tlio workiuifinou and op r.t t o on tlioiil nf
over pnid.iclioiH co th t tlit > leturns uf U'pital
jnigiit not bo diminiKliii'l. ' In this c md ti-u
ofulfuirs , the cym nf 'tu w.ige < ' , iriUiH uur <
turned to the dt'inocnitio jartv a < d tlioy w 1-
lingly cit ; thuir li t uuh it Tli y oxpec'el
torcceivoa ro A aid for th ir uontid moo ind
their labuIn tuch lfi > il 'ion n. uonld IIIIH-
liorato tlii'Ir cotditiun Tin pe > | > it .film
city demanded to have dee H | railroad en
] irations conliued to U'gibiiniti rotiirna o
thocipital invBH eil in llii v.iln ihle fr.i'U'liHo
\ vliich.Li cofnired upon thuin liy the titv
uud tate . Aftrr it | rul iii n 1 stju glo with
Jill of tlio iulliH'nc < tiut uuii omplcy ,
Jibor Hfcnred tlio victory in legmiutuio only
to ba thwarted by a vt t > in tueixountive
vbambor. They uoughi thu n Inptivn of u
law which would at mmd pMU'iit tli > ) prison
authorities ot tin hta o from c nitr.ic ing
ciiminul labu-hoaHtc ) bum ; itintooni et > iti < m
with honest iiiMiisttv. The riicmurd p.nuc-d
tlio jusemby , line HIW dofea ii'l ' in tlui honato
by nil unholy cumbliiitMoii nf ii > publiratiB i nd
rocrc.uit ( lonincratH who ignored tlio pled ns
jnada in their par y pliifurui' . lijtlio
elforti of the T.iiiiiiuny or i'iizUion , throngli
ono nf itB hui.auiu , im cc uai passed unil
lik'iied by the K'lV.imo-1 > submit tin : < piOK < on
of the abolition of lh > j cipmr.ut * ) Htoni8 in tbu
ptuto prisou-t to tliri v. ti > rn of i bo rtat and thn
voters HUituind ihm asnrtt by u mij : < rjty.uf
Hi.S.lOO , notwitliiitiist Im. tuat , th auun tu nf
litllotri n uiin > t tlio lY'upoulu in wtri me utly
distributed by the p my ina'jujer. ' , mrmb ref
of tile deinucr.ilij kt ifj ceutral I'niumitiec , in
i/rdt-rl l < i defiut ihu Umim ra ic moaiuro.
A bill limiting Ilio li'i'jiH of
labor , far car-diivem jti d eonJnct r < putcd
the legMntur * . It w n mo. witft the UXHCU-
tive vetonnd killed , theicbuiiiitiouing t ID .
liarJehipJ of thu nnti iit and uvoro.loil men
J/jr.oroiH nnd nnctmnii1 * Hou lit tu | > rnt'u
th'sintthes from 1 < XK M ihu him In of dibi ! < ini > ; l
contract'irx imd eiun'ovi'i'd ' , and u , \ > rc > \ U > bu ill
paarfed im net i < y tlio legislature , t.Uing ; tlio
llun of thfl iniuban u an i la'ioit-r , pii .ii y mer
all othorfl , Tmn UKII Hiilfn c.l . tlio i-nnm f t/i
Wo might add ami umiuii r.ito ntlior | m > f ,
but wo Imvo bhoivn Kulliuient In h.ivi ; wtr-
liintod oven utronger ojipLisition on our pare to
tha nomlnna of the democratic tutty Uinn wo
inivJo nt ChlcAgo.
TAMMANT'S ntam ? .
IJeiii ; ; Iho intenrnt port'on ' of thn xreat dein
ocratic\mtty , wo huxu always inour capiclty
fts deleKates cxercie'l t o right to nd\ocnt < 3
men whom wo knew to botrmtcd by the pon-
plp , r oppose the noniinntluii of thosu who
we ro nor. nnd It was in tlio I'XercUo of this
npht niii ( lit the rouscHiitiotH dUchnrgo of
duty that wo took tlu < occasion nt Cli'mo ' ( to
r hiso iigalust tbo iiomuutionhieh was
nindn by tha National Convention. Our op-
| Hrition ) wniitlamt potsnunt feollii ) ? nnd
nrono from our intimnto knowledge of the
fientlmonti of the to ling m.i'ses in our ptito :
i\i to thu conno of ( iovcrnor
Cluvcland in regard to thtir labor bills ,
The most elm itublolot to take of his
couixa U that hi * was Ignorant uud tmeidii-ht
muil cone rndiif tlm nnturo ami worUig ol
the o laws , w Inch would ha\o occasioned PC
much roitl benefit to the uorkliguirn nnd
could not have romltcd In to tlu employ
on. Wo d' > not impugn the govrnior's in i
lives or the % lew * , which he has pxprttxed on
these mbjfcta ; thov douhtU'W wnro cnn cicn
tlon ly considered intha dischnipo of Us oil !
ciul obliui\tiona nmi duties , \Vo eitnuly ex-
pnxsscd uur knowlcdkO of the nnt-iRonlsni
tiKuin t him which existed in the inliuU of the
workinjinen who compojo thu bulk of thu
di'iuocrntlo votcrri of ttio etato of Nuw Vork.
Tflut the expres ion of our ideas tm to the
p dicy of numli nttmt us n candnhti fur the
J're-i loncy a nun whom BO inucti opp > Mtion
existed \\m correct nml jimtllivil by uxisiing
virciimatniica' , lot the o.cuncncoa uhicn have
transpired sincti the adjouiiimunt of ihu eon
ventlon iletrrinin'j. "
l'"uiti.- ! " . Hio fo lowing declaration is
mad' . ' miiuin proparly olur cabto to
L.kinmiD : > hall organization us itvm in thu
riug limis , tbouhl not nttnch to lho piesent
nuuiigeinent. The ixist ng org.mizitton uud
prf sent leadership of T.imnuny hall data from
1871 , The act , drpied.iiiuiis and c riiiptions
committed uy the defunct ring nud its lepnD-
lie in nllie. , preceded tlint dato.Vlitn
Samuel.I. Ti.dni . , Oswald Ottoudorf , John
U'inth op Chandler , Augustus t'chell ' mul
John Klly , us piescnt loader , and others ,
sueooeded in d ivmg the corrupt luudera out of
thooig.nizat.on , they found an Augean 8t.iblo
which indedd hercnloan struugtu nnd
executive ability lo clean out and put iu order.
These self > acriliciiig wurken for the demo
cratio | ia ty uuccceded iu the work of rest.rv
lion. Urder was re-tnr d titul a system of fair
prinmriiM intrudnctd in every assembly dis-
tiict , A now g-uerul cominittoo vr i elected
and again Tainmuny hull became n. respectab c ,
law abiding democrutic organization , telf
re-iectmg | and respecting the i ights of ollurs.
But wo have had tu combat not ouly tlri falsa
imprrssions created as to the character of the
mon.bers of our orgaulzttinu , winch have boon
manufactured not only t ? blacken our reputa
tion and lessou our luiluence , but chargei also
have been mu-lo axuinst our political integrity
and the honesty of our support given to the
candidates of the democratic patty. It luj
been charged that wo conspired to deft at Til-
ilou and liendricks in 18iU aud Hancock and
Knglish in 18SO , aud the prot.3 of this country
lus BO Keuerally clrculuted thU atrocious ulan
ilor ttiat by continued icpetuion oven imp r
tial moil hivoconit ) to believe ir , .Stutnnies
ch > w that it w.u Tilden's majority in Nu
Yoik county .vliiJi elected him , u ma
jority which Tummany , with ita nug-
nitue'jt discipline nnd hoii'st man-
ngouiont , brought to the democratic ticket.
Kignres provo tint in No v York tity wh ra
r.innna'jy'n ' chief vote and iniluei\fo l4y , ilan-
c .ck'u iucnijso over T.ldeu was live tinres in
much as the lest nf the itate. Wo p.evented
our arguniiiiits to the individual nnd assem
bled d"le .itm of the n tioual convention and
/ loilcKincd tl.o . - ' 0v ' tn ppcjl : ox'jps l >
the com , nt cf tha lU-legjtes Irom o.liyr states
and were prohibited under the democratic
uuit ilitu fiom casting balloti for tlu candt
tes of their ch jico.
Wo failed , nut iu our duties to our constilu
ents who xent us , nor to the purty whust
rrpru-entnthus wo were , nnd if any mUtiku
has been mude , it i not of our doiuf und can
not bo clurgud against us. Too candidates of
thodeni ciatic paity having been nominated
in cjineiiuon , following tlu uniform
und niibnikuii record of ourjrgua ntion , w
iicquiu ca in the will of iho inuj rity of thu
repiesentivtives of tha party , although wo bj-
llovo tnut wil to have bec'ii uuwsly ex-
pruosed. There is but ono altornatlvo left m
ti sever our cjiiUQ tlon with the democratic
pirty. This wo camot and will not d i. ns the iiijustico t ) our con-
sti'.unnts nnd our own judgment
vv"o cannot puraiio that Ciuisa. Wo U'lievo
thn1 , time \iid disconnect thi graat Uiit ocr.v.ic
puty from tliu IcjUcriiliip of inuii uh > h > vo
uidil their power imwibely unl detiiiiientally
to its Biiucois. Wo ucrpiieicoin.alth'iugli ' pro-
Ijiling against the uuwi-io nti'l ' unjudiuons
course winch thuy pur.mtd.Vo say with
John Ailiins thai tlioo is no oed govern-
mmt , but whit is republican lor icpu'iiic and
is tie : uinpiru of IIIWH .ind not of me.i. Tno
miotakeaof muii.mujt us to tlio beau
ties mid immoittl piinciploiof thu democratic
puty. and for tlio | icr | eiu.tion < if tlinuu.iinn-
cipld ) , our organi/at on ua. eatablulnd. Its
fonn lers protujt.ed nga list thi )
teiidcnuoj ol tha feduialistj , uud wu oppose
tlic'Hiino ccntr.ili2.ium of piwer in the reimb-
1 can party to day. Wo believe ip thi ) iet n-
tion of all our constitution il
Hafo mrds. Tnay would destroy them
and nstit to all kinds of prolligato
ufpt'ii liturus and corrup io.i , iniintiiniug an
oveillnviiig treasury by uujiiHt taxation , coni-
ingfioin tliu people , \Va iiiiviicttx thu retun-
tiou of tlu public doniiin for sjtth r.
TIIH [ iros iit republican BUU.IW jiioviii'ed tlm
forfuitiiri ) of land gruH to r Una Is , dujlared
in arisolutiou pa ed by tlm prestiit
cratic h u i of ropresi'n ntivnf , by wh cl
ly four liiilh < n ncres of la'id , granted the ruil-
mail' , uuro to 1 o lotnrnod to tlio public do
main for non fullilmiBiit of cmt at. Under
tbu demuuratic putr , citUens were jiroticC'd
a' horn i and abm.d , und tno xp ody reo.iss
iif Maitin ICo.-zta ii un insUiKo tu how willi
whitcoitriiy tlio piotcctiou of th > i United
ritites was tlirov/ii nr.nmj lho American citi
zen under the democr/itiu iidminiHtiutioii , and
u ec.ft.iry nf Hlato like SVm .Ma cy , as com-
p.irod with t .o ilo'ihting ' unit halting p .huy nf
thn republi 'an H-cretuy of utito , , lanie.s ( i.
lil.iine , during the prutidcncy of ( ! < iiUttl'l ' in
allowing .MtSrtcuiov nd othtr udojiteil
citi/.jus of thu Uultuit S.itoi against
wluniiu charges wcro allegul or proven to
HiiBur for niuiitlH in u linti h dungu.m. We
bnlievu in the democnlio party nditxiin-
inortjl jniucipl-H. Men miLo miitakoi , it <
rrjirtifiitutivciiaiid leaders may boiiicon-is
taut , ilinu-ierving and Jnclc tha htiongthof
tluir curivic Join , but in It lira liberty to tb-
IIHM , lr < .udiim of tluiuglit , freedom of | oech
.tii'l uction and proteUio.i tu every fiu/.ni
allif. Kor rtn m net fi.rtli , >
rucommond this oigtniza ion to eup ort t o
nomi.iees of the democratic pirt. f r pM'i-
nt nnd vice prenliluit nude nt Chiojgo l''ii
day .Inly 10.b IbSI aud nubmlt fur i B con
BXli ritum thu adjptiou the lolloiviig resolu
tion :
Ke ihcMl 'J'hat . .
, we. Jtliu Uemocrutlc-repuhll. , i
cuii geLriul cnminittbuof the city und county | '
of N'nw York n Tatnmnny hnll nsspmblod
hereby ratify nnd nulnr o the nominations
nindn by the di'tiiocrstlc ivn\cntlon holt in
Chirngo , , luly Itlth. 18SIfnr ; pr sldpnt , Oto-
M > r Cli'M'laul of > ow Yoik ; for vice prtsi-
dent , Th unas A. Ili'tidricks nf Indlnun , and
lurcby pledge ourMilves to the earnest nnd
cor Unl support of the candidates to nomlnntcd
Applauao and hi-nrs groolcd tin reading of
th" nbliess. 1'or fomo time It WAI doubtful
which prevailed , but t'umlly tlm cheers had the
best of it. In mound the adoption of the nd-
dr ( ieneral bpmol.i nid : ' 'Wheeling into
line , THmiiKiiy linll would not fccuru the
flection of tlio Chiotgo atndidntos ; Urn county/
democracy must hu wheel into lino. It is
possible uen .it this late date to snatch \ic
lory fiotn lho JaxM nl difo t. "
When ' ' f rSpinola \ atdown Mx-Senator
Thru < i < rn'iy ' demanded the too gnitinn
of tht iV. " Orjdy was cherrod oven more
than K * . ' 'ad boon catlior. The clinlnnun
IMitindi d tim table fur quiet in vain , thu
crowd would nut bcoun < ipiint. During tha
uproar tJindy took a position on the platform
next to thu chair , lluw.tsnt la t permitted
to pr.ccod. After his fir-it HUitenco ho was
again loudly applnndcd nnd ton ds of , dp-
pi an'o punctuated h s entire Hpcech.
Kx-Somtor Oradyiitim tit protest ngaitut
the p.vs.ico of this reeolutum nnd thn adoption
of this mldroFS. matlo n long speech ,
llurovlowi'l the whole pollt'c1 ' * ! career
of Cleveland and ipiotcil freely from
the columns of thn Tunes nnd Herald , in the
pnst , in Btipportof thu position tint ho ( ( < ia-
dy ) Imd nnw taVon. In tlio cour.u of his
speech ( irmly snid : "Xi-iiher in lho nomina
tion of the ticket nor in thu methods by which
it was brcnuht nbour , is then ) the si ghtent
clnini u.on the real uoilv of the demo. . laUe
voters for its support. 'I h nmjorlty of
thu dolont ° s to the convention who nanud
Cli velund ns their lirst elide * teprcHPiited rn-
public m conititueniie. , and a number nf the
delogntes who openly unil earnestly opposed
his nomluatlou woio rrcoid"d in spite of nil
t'ieir protests ns favorable t , ) hi-i candidncy.
1-Ivtry ii Iliii'lico that could bo onpineeieil
by the nionopolistHlio hive seemeil the cen
tral of the partv mitnagameut ai ix"rted to
inakohim c.Ujdi latrt , and as you Will know ,
the delcgato who left their hemet , loud in
their hostility tu his candidacy , as inciting
certain defeat to tha party , gave eviiUncu
eooa after their arrival at Chicago nf n I'langa
of heart , which on'y ' thi most simpleuntf 'lint-
Itahlo have ascribed to pure nnd worthy mo
tives. Tha design of men who urged Ids t oin-
ination was to conciliate the discontented
licaiiK , not to please tue democrats. I'n rv-
iug to myeelf the Bupromn lijht of n cK .en
in oxerclaing the right of sovrclgnty declj2 * y >
proHtitutomy ] > resogativos to the purposn nf
party managori ) . Sulfr.igehas boon bo.-to\ved
on ixuby the itistittitionR of my country that
it may bo uxercleed for the country's wellfaro.
To the prosperity and benolit nf this land , I
dedicate it , and I cannot reconcile it without
defocration to any dUpo-itum tlmt ratulta in
the support of n politic * ! nondetcript , clothed
in tlio outward Rnrb of n rlemocr.15. ifjnorautof
the cardinal priucfples of the political faith
which he assumes to jirofcss nnd accepting
from democrats their votfs that ho mny de-
hglit the republicans and independents by the
manner in which LO will exercino the powers
conferred upon him by a bet rayed aud deluded
But my votn will not ) < o lost to _ the demnc
r.icy. It will ba co t for the candidate whosa
followers will bo numbered by thn hundred' of
thoiisiudp , whoao niutives ciiinot ba impugn *
cd , fur the r action can bo inspire' ! by no self
iih hopes of reward. It will Lo re. istered f-r
principles which the democratic urty pro-
fe < scd whoa it hold tli3 potmlar i nifidi'iiw.
and for Abandoning which they , s l'i ' L. ' , w
iHruiippoH It will ba g.Wn ' iuf a
candidate , \vliolnsnn hope of olouion and
de-iro for sordid benefits for
no - political pto-
ferment , but who braves fatigue , nbmo and
pecuniary l > s , tint true deiiiocrats may find
in his candidacy a chanii < 1 thiough whcli they
miy ovpress tlieir 8-ntimonti1. I turn my
bade on the democrntij party , captured nnd
betrayed by know nulling dumag'gites ,
hungry for plaun < and bp ills to join tlm jiuro
democracy hich s rugb-lHs for principles
which pirty oignnuamn lia1 ] abuitloiud. 1
d-noniico the cambdata wh IMJ only merit is
his obscurity , that I in ly follow tlio sttt's-
man win so ii e has inadn g orions the history
nf his country. I dechno to bow down be
fore a graven imago bec.U'u I prefer to follow
tup teachings nf > lioapo-iilj ol tnu political
faiah. I'refening Binning ability to dull
mediocrity , a tine reformer to a tham iu-
former , ih ) KtatOJinin to the Iiingman , illns-
tri ins citi/eu to tlm I'olitical adventurer. I
declaiot ) support Grnvur Coveland f r the
pii < idcncy , nnd here now in the prescncn of
thi ) le.uli-r whom I liaye alwain regarded as
my political i-poiiaor , in the mid-t of my
bruthren and comrides with wh mi I hive
fInir d in many a b ird fought political Hold ,
mid befoni the eyes of all the country to whom
f have tbiii night 1 dd bate my mo ivos und
purpose , I il'ielaio ' myself iu fa\orof licnj.imin
I'1. ISotlor , tbo soldi ir , the jurist , thu suit s-
nun nnd the patriot , and I appeal to time
fur my vindication. "
Grady's speoh occupied nil hour in de-
llvry. Ho was obliged to mike cuvcrul
nines to allow til ) auiilenco to giyouxproj-
lieu t'l ' its nppioval ot his ideas.
uouiiKi : cueIIIIANK'H VIKW ,
W. 15ourko Cnchrino , wto it was expected
woul.l also nrnnuutico against Cleveland ,
'ollowed ( irady. Jin Hiiil theio n u duty
which every demo-rat h.n to perform at the
ir < sent cr rds. _ Ho muit mUor.Jinaty li s
tctions to the interests nf his p.ulv. No p IIH n
contended morj vigoro inly than 1 did ugaliut
the nomination nf ( Jiover ( J.evel ind , no nun
mpoicd it muro uaincstly. Tin ) fjlly of
lusiiig over In hllene , ) and Indilfotriuo the
lar. os of the party in order tononiinatu a man
' .ireed upon the uttonli m of his par.y by thu
ness and a few refrautnry 11 publicans who
i id never failed to oxpram their ii'ilioreiuo of
nir pnneiples aud tliuir contunu.t for us
Had iUli ! a mm UH wo wanted heun
lominated wo could hive given him a major-
ty Hiicli us wo are abhutl to glu > ( } rover C ! ove-
and I hear the cry nf dltreas tlinugh mt
.he country an I Hi it cry ral H mo to IIDIM lor
, ho duiuicratle tlekiit ( iJhoTTaiiniiany )
la 1 in not mi nrgaixitioa tj bo governed hy
eiling toA'iud or from in in. Jtisu body of
nii.ciplii. Jinyond iuve ge I'm p
, -oi d dissati fiction lien lojalty. lJo 'er
Jii-so ; t\vo mibt-r impi ton ynu will win.
r.riiimuiiy liHll i < < the olu ( .1 a 1 nf thu duino-
era ic party , mul therd wu will tay ( Ij'ing
un 1 continued eie ; nng , duriiig ubioh Unch-
rad totoiid d thu lesnlutinnand sat down. )
\\i-n' fnntto cries for "John Ki-lly " That
, ' < > ntloiiun nhoolc Ids Head and hjioka not ,
Tlio chairman mderid tlio seentary to call
: ho roll mi the adoption of the res In inn. As
io ro > d the n HUM only a mull poitmn of the
iifinbuiH answered to their immiH. When tbo
narno of ex-At.n mblj m in It r ch wjs u died ,
IIH an no und protu-tudagainst the piuo'edmvx.
H win per mptoiily called loonier. 'J'ho
ie.vlt of tno voio was 810 nyrn und b'.i ' nuyti.
Tht Lviminittto WAI then uppulnted to muRo
nrrangomonts for ft prnntl < ifieilion meet
Ing nud after ( ho call for ii , iiwy elections
was read the meeting ad Journey.
Mrtlno's It'ull Voto-20 , 00
, ' llcan.
IUn lUuiion , 'Maine , Sotitcaihcr 12. The
following dlspatcli was rent to-dny lion , John
A. Logan , Chicugu. From nud ucof-
ficinlieturiif , the totnl rcsul nf the Mniuo
election cnn njw bo stated W1" approximate
p\ftotnep . The total Vote will n\v h ono hun
dred and fnrly two thmi aud , the ar Mt nvor
thrown in this state wlthh vlnglo exception.
Governor Robin's vottH will exceed noxenty
ulno thomand , the largest by font thouiind
ever thrown for nny caddldato in the stUo.
His in ijorlty over his ilum writ ! PUII lotltor
will 20(00 and rf-nch ' . '
exceed , may 'l.tHV , the
Inrgest nttaliuxl in any prcstdcnti d jear elncJ
I K . republican ptrly wni or/imlzod. The
pcatteilng vote will txcced 8 MJ. )
[ Signed. ] wAi.M-nI5i.AtNi1.
Ilnrn Unit.
At Cincinnati Cincinnati li. Allegheny ,
'At Tolorlo-Tolur"- , Athletic 2.
At L'hiladclpliirL'hllnt'olp'ilaii B , Chicago
10. \
At Baltimort Unloni BaKtnuro 2 , Cin
cinnati 11
At WrudiinRlon uuoni ballon * ! * ! ' , 1'ittB-
buig 3. naniu cillcd on nicfint nf < arkues * .
At Louiivlllo Loulsvll'1' ' Mutriipolltans ,
"At Boston Buffilo , 1 Bu11 0. Game
cnllud on account of rain , . , * ?
At 1'iuulilcnco l'to\iilerir'L ' Cleveland 1.
At Now Vorkix'w Yorl Detroit 1.
At Columbus ColuinbiiB lliookljn 10.
At IudlnnaollH ) IndliiiupoliB , IJalti-
nioru " .
i nml tlio ruhllu.
KAST SAOINAW , Soptombcr 12. llcncrnl
ngau loft Toledo by a epscinl train this
moruinir for Bay City , accompanied by a
committee , consisting of tlio republican nomi
nees of this estate nnd others. All along the
rauto received ovatious , being com
pulled to speak at Bever&l pluca . Crowds
guthtred at the depots nt Monroe , Wuynu
.I unction , Plymouth , Northvillj , Holly ,
Mount Morris nud other places. Kinds gen
erally accompanied thu crowds 1'onr thousand -
and people became euUiuuianiio over a short
cpooth from J pgan. Ttio party wa * driven
to n hotel , hero thousaud of paoplo listened
to bhort
Took HlH Own Mcdlolno.
SAN riuNcisoo. September 12. Frank
liutchings , the ttrnnglor , was hanged to-day
at twelve forty-throe.
The firm demeanor which h < > miint&incd
throughout sustained him to < lie end. Ho
mounted the scaffold with nm } step and
took displace on the trap withu t a < eistanco.
HU neck waa not broken and U- died from
strangulation. Ho lived IHj tiinutes after
the full. Modlcal men in ntfnilanco say
that the vitality of the dooa' > d man was
something remarkable. Ho wuj thirty years
of age. _
Affairs Iu
CAIIIO , ISeptcmber 12. Later dispatches
contino the report of n victory nf Mudir
of.Uongola at nn Auombluniil.iner rebels from
Koidofan. Kccent odvlcca report the Maluli
in South Kurdofan with an arm 7 of fourteen
thousand and that a detachment of four
thousand have boon eeut to rein' rco the army
Sil I > uollC ! 1
BOSTON , September 1" . The earnings of
tno Union Pacific railway for July were
S'J 338,313 ; operatinc expunsin , Sl.OCS.O'J.'l ,
which is a gain of 'J,800 in lho net result fur
the month.
Heavy Failure.
NEW YOIIK , Soptombcr 12. Kiern.iii'd
agoimy reporiB the f.uluio of Stillord ! c Co ,
ot Provldunoti and Kail Kivor , cotton good
mauufuctureiH. The lirm is said to oivo $ 250- ,
000 in Providence.
II.uiUcrH ilrruhti'il.
PlIILADRLrillA , Soptemlnr 12. Both of the
Ladder Hroj. , the su'peuded bankers , wo o
arrodted this morning -Louis J. ut Huboken
and William nt Atlantic City.
NEW YOIIK , Soptomb r 12. Tha failures
for the last eovon daya repTtad by It.
U. Dun k Co. are 220 us afr.iinat 2iilast : weok.
Nobraakn gratica Oc a pound. All
kindii of fruit fur iiroaorvinjj purposue
cheap. Auo. PI.OIZ & Co.
Pftttoraon , the Jowuler 1ms n nice line
of Jewelry forsulu chcnp.
Mr. Will II. Duiiols , the okatorial
king will bj at the rink to-morrow night.
: EW * >
('im ' orii'iy ' - , . nl , ijioifne.'in : | ( o fout
n Androv-.i' J'ourl U-il.ijitf J'o\7dir. Is j
'M ' h PUfJE , ) ti > ' < | nrMMan'ltitttnioiili | <
1 1 > f > il Irom KIII licliem ! . lsasH. DuniJInyii i , lie
; M Del'il.mmuv , ni'CllluiKO ; ftmj ua U viv
c , lllluuoltee. Never Mild In bli , ! . .
. 'jail & 'M W. Water G >
Friday al ihc Steelyards anfl oil
Range Stook in Strong Supply
nud Aotivo Demauil ,
A. Good Day at All Poiuts for
O&ttle ,
Sogs Fairly Aotivo and a Shade
Stronger ,
Wboat Hugging the Lo vest Fig
ures on Record ,
OntHVciilt ; I'ork Dull but Tinner ;
Lnrd Active nml Stcntly.
Special dispa'.ch to The Hea.
CIIIUAOO , September lTin : market was
active to tha extent of n itrong supply with
advance of IU on about al1 sorts , and m the
o of ranges the advancu . as l.rie in ninny
Imitaiices. Native , stock remains ec.tice
Tin-id were probibly not over ! 2,00. ) nf nil
kinds nut of the 11,000 on snip , nud nmong
those " ,000 , W ) wore li.irt-ly choice. Iteccipts
of Texans and territorial rangera inclmled
00 carj. There wi .in active ilemand from
lirot to lust. Native butchcrV stock was
fc.xrco and fit in. Stoi kera mul frcilers were
Bcatce nnd held at high piles St ick calves
all sold out tit H itinfautury prices. The market
kot generally elo.ed lirm. Hxports f ! CiOlJi ) " 00 ;
goitl to choice , shipping , liOOmKtfiO IS. , 5 'J5 '
( SO fi ( ) ; common to fair. lUOOf.OI'-'OO Ibs.I " 5
( a.5 ! l I ; inferior In fair IOWB , ' . ! r > 0 ( > H ( JO. Itango
cattle lirm. Tex us , S fi'J u.- ) tj ( ) 7fi3 Toxant ,
10.1ft Ibs.irif 27J Indians , U ) .i . ! Ibs. , Biri
l0.ri ! Wyoming , 1KI1 Ibs. , 4 tOj 7-1 Wyoming
1070 lbs.,5ao. ,
The market was fairly nctivonnd pi Ices n
thado struiigor , tupociully en best and mediiin
packers anil shlppere. tialo * at I fK ) to ft fif
for skips and greniern , and fiTfito 0 10 for
ivfforteil light Mixed Fold nt from 5 fifi to
0 00 , and the hu.t heavy nt ( i 10 to li SO , Ugh
1110 to 210 Ibs , 5 i5 ! to I ! 15.
The price of wheat A-BH at A low ebb ngnii
to-d > y. Tlm closing ti-iiiFnctlons on the nfter
noon bo irdvero 1 1 the lowest point of tin
day and likewise of thn year. Cush , No. "
npiing , sold nt "lie , within 1 } of tholowes
price e\er known on the Chicigo board
There was was no supporting strength to tb <
market , nud iifcer Mini' ) nteadinesB In thu mid
illo of tboKOKfion , p'icen ilroppod oil rapidly
There WUB Bcarculy any shii ping demand , am
thativaa limittd to winter wluvit nt lowc
price' . Tin decline for the dnywun Ijc n
jnnpireu with tr.o 'ntest , , i ymtcida }
The clniing ligiirp weio 7-lio fur f-opttmbi-i
70c for Oct ib.r , 77jc for Novt'inber and 7 ! > 3
for IJiicomber.j
C : cons 1
ru'ed ' nctlye , but n rnin lover. 8p < ) ciil tivo
olfurings w rn libcrnl Inllnoneed by the line
weather nnd til1) , prosprcu of n lar o crop op
er.itorswnre rodi/ing , nn < lcm i lernbln "long"
corn was evident'y ' pi iced on nmrko * ' . Tlmru
was HHO muro d si o t > H > ll now ernp fiitun-a
whiuli altto rul"d weaker On tie ! nftuin on
board , the inailc"t wan a ea ly , at u drclimi
Tin cinsinit lignrt'S were Oil ) ) for Heptember ,
OOJ and Ojj fur October , 4 li lor November.
ruled wenkcr at ilj ! for September , L'lJ for
October , 2iJ for Ni'inl > er.
[ roiiK.
dull but firmer , nt K ! 59 for Sniiteinber' 10 OC
lor October and U " 0 for the juir.J
( l.AIll )
was nctivo and teadv lit 1 15 for Septembei
and October , and L ( > "i for November ,
1 Im Glucinium Klnt
ClNClMN'ATt 1 ' .
, Hoptomher itonjiimin
.folinson ( colored ) was hinged tliti morning
forcompllcity with Allen Ingalln in the ninr-
ihr nf Heviitly Ta > lor and wife nnd the little
girl , Hour Avnu lulu , 1 ist I'Vhrunry. The bod-
leu of thu victims of that ciiino wen ) Immoili-
Ately brnught by Iii.iUi and .Inlmson to the
Ohio Aledienl college , and the miirdorers re
ceived foity-fivo dollui i for the tuhjoctt. A
wtok uftervyurd the bodies wcie found in thu
collude and Iiigalls nnd.lohnson iirrestod. Thu
atrocity of this crime together with tlm action
of the jury in fixing tin griido of Win. IJernrr'
crime lit ininslaiiKhter : , whrn it , WUH a clrni
OIMII of minilur in tlu lint degree , were the po
tent rausts lending to thu unl. .InluiH in was
attended lho Jjht tiftecn minutes iu lho c 11 by
Dr. Joyce nlonu , 'J ho shullf load thu war
rant a tew minutes bifmu tun , Johns n 1 H-
toned with n nil I look , lint raid untiling.
Ho knelt on thu ncdfold during the v ry buif
prayer , and then uiiiilo a tlimt cprrch ilnchir-
ing bin iiinocenco and Bijing ho was prepjud
to die. Death was almost imtantiinentu , nnd
without pcciilliir feature. The execution t ok
place in the jail yard , thu ecilfuld being
varconcd by e.invm.
Flro ut I'lcrrr , lliikotn.
I'IKIIUU , Dakota , Ht'ji'oinlwr 12. A ru
broke nut ho > u nt 1 : ! l" , thin morning. One entire -
tire bii-iii ( m bl. ck has I eeli ejiiainood , includ
ing the Kirst N.ttiiinul bank. A''J o'clojk
tha tire was still bin nil g ,
JMTKII A terrible his In ra'/Inif Irro.Rl.irt-
ing at 1 " 'o nek u. in , in llnjdeii [ iron.1 nt ri.
It cpnad north to Dakota Avenitu and B mth
ti Missouri AM-IIUO , sweeplngau cntiro block ,
the l''ir Nitional bank
including < > t building ,
llio htnres < if I'ln-laiiit Co. , ( lOdil k ( . ' < > . , und
Hlmitliff and I'.il .co thrater. The fire In xtill
unc"ii rolled. Thu damage in estimated at
S7/VOO / with Insurfiiicj to cover lulf thut
mount. No lire department in the city.
Thn li'ii is Bprnudl ig wn-t nn Dakota Avcniiu ,
hut will not ( ; o uny fictln r ninth ,
Tlio Tluini. " INiiimny niuiMlu ,
Hp < xinl Dlnpatci ) to TIIK Hi.'l
CIIICAUO , Hcitembor ] li LuwyciK ( linnly ,
Trumbull nnd At.say , Conservator Austin J < .
I'ntterson anil Andrew Anderrfon , ono of the
Storey heirn , worobeforo the probate court to-
Uy , to f etc t a pf r nn to unko lho nxaniiun-
lon nf tlio Chii-ago Tinirii , n demanilod by
Mrs. Storey The mntUr was ti come up i
CK but , nftor KOIIIO delay , thu on
tirnootnpdiy retire 1 lo Jmlgn Nlekcrhxki'r'B :
i ) nmber mid rrpnrtid. Theyuiru excluded
Tim seent c nfironco i-ontinucd until ! i
iVIock , when the dtnrs wei-e o | 'iied am ) the
urty cnmu nut and dispi red , Thn n utilt of
bouillon was nil order by thn coutt nllowlug
kits Story t\\o thou nnd dollars per month
or the care of her hmliind nnd necosmry
lousnhold I'tprnsp * . M tin pnurt furtlior u-
hi r.Z"-s .liid o Tiumhull nr Mr. A ny , Mrn.
Storey's Attornnyt , nr mich permu ns thuy in y
M'point ' , to make oxnuuiiHtum of the allaini of
he pnpor.
, September 12 As King Itumbtrt
KM puising tlm prison jo-tord , y tlu mm itus
Mi'i l a luti I h nit , urayiug t > Ho set i\c llbor-
y. _ Among thos ) lU'ijer.mdy III with chil-
rn in a non of Kn g Katakana of the Sandwich
UOMK , Bt < t > ti < inlor ) li ? . Italy ha * nb'lithcd
iiaiantino Hgaiimt cludrnv on Ilia I'remh
roll ler , Kb g lluiubert h.vs ghen 500,000 for
lioii'lief ol ihohra ( UtVc'itHnf Nape" . The
condition nf nlfalrHnt N.iphvs c nitlnvud to im-
io\o thnuighout hut night. Wooden h u u
re building for thu sliolljr nf poor und sick
'ho nppieh-iiilcd mail f ami no hai beennvcr "
d and thenliiku nl the butchers h.u been
' tiled. Public nnslst'incd was given mini 1
loulers whu bad buen ruined by the epuleni-
c. c'lii'ii tit four o'clock.
The cuy nverywhoie iiie imts n sorrowful
mx-iunncii. A ktrnng Kl.iom pievnllsi. King
.inmbeit do liiux to letve the city ,
A I'Visl lit Wnr
ClttcAiio , September 12 , A uioutii g of the
opnueiitntiviis of tlio Illinois Central , llur
IngtunVnbashnrd Alton voadu , comprislni ;
.ho. Chicago and St. l.ouis freight pool was
ii > ld to-day to coii'idtir the d mind nf the
Illinois Oenttnl fur nn Increasn in Its ppreeut-
igii f mm 1 1 to 'JO per cent. Tlio pool will bu
formally dixsnlved next Mnmhiy. It is tonli-
lontly iiiiiiniiuc"d that rate cutting will bo
comint'iued on that day.
Tlio Klolcui-H in
Special Dispatch to Tim HUK.
C'lilCAUO , September 1U. The direct result
if the Schurz meeting wiw the opening
to-day of Independent hondipmrters iu
Palmer boue. Thu fuiuiluro , as
jet. cii liu of a bid , live tlmrs and a table ,
nnd no de.sciibiblo activity luiprcs'es tlio
casual \ isltorVtthiu ai-lioit time , liouincr ,
tin ) inaniigeiu | ) romiHj a boom whtcli will eon
duetto the Molnlilication of the indepondenl
veto in Chlcngo.
Thn Turf.
I.KXINHTON , September 1'J. Track fast
Mile and ipimtrtr ; Very won , Yangurd leuond
T.liather thiid ; turn' , L'MO.TliomiiH
stake.t f old colts nml Tillies , one
tulle , Favor \son , lomiii/'i ! second , Or nnilo
thud ; tinio 1 l."iConn \ ilntion purx > , by mile
luui ! ' ; Sbpaw y wen , T tec ml , Kun
sas Ibid ; bet tune , 1-1) . Tlirou qilirto
mile , mm winn rn ; Diiimond won. Hello I'ato
dti'ond , Hill OVUMIH , ililnl ; time , 1 17J ,
CiiiiTr.WA KAI.LS , Wis , , Heptoa.berlli. . Th
water hati fnllen about U feel the past twenty
four hunri ! 1'roui thac'.ty PIUI , fifteen built
in B were cnried uvi\ ; from the Hiul'inidt '
twent > J. The iit > will '
lho ricoustiueti m nf hiiifgex. lho biiilgc
thronh ihu lonniiy , itl > hardly an exiep
lion , have been rnii d nway. T'JO ' IOSB Wll
not b ] lens than onn milii n.
KiixNDii 111 Vienna.
VIR.NNA , Soptu'mlwr 1'J. John" if. Knunon
tin ) Amciienn mini IT to Austria , pre-enlcd
hU ereilunliids J enter 'ay to Kmpcror Krancis
.lesi ph.
.Mr. ICii'srn , in 'pnciiiitiiig his creduntialri ,
iilludtd to th < c rihal lolutioiH ousting bu-
tuein Am rica mil An-tnu. The ICmpi'ror
ill r < ply duclati'd tli-i o rehitioim wmo loumleil
upon a lirm lusts , nnd ( xpres < cd n do-iui that
the c iidial lelati .us might ever lit ] mamtalntd
Letwuon the twn coii'itinx.
ul iln > l'jiii |
UEIII.IN , SeptombiT I'The pijio-B hrro
ate Hint aiiiingi'iii' ' nts liavo be"ii undo f r
lho tliron eniiei-or.i | tnnnetiit C Mint Ilcnuk-
I-J'H ca-tlo , near ICttluwitI'IIIHI.III " -el.nia
Kinp'Tiir ' William will stirt tor tlio metiliiit ;
| iliue Stmdiy i . g. I'rinco Hi-matck ,
Count lluib-rt Iliriiiui'ck und ( ienuial Albu-
djlliiec < ni | ail ) him.
M. DdiM < iv , Hii-hiin prime minister , hnu
Hlaitid for 1'nlaii I In bo prehu.a a * , the
eeting of tin * three i nipcinrri.
Thn Kli'iirris I'Vum
LiwmTON : , Mo. , Sfptcinber 1' ' . - Thechnir -
nan nf the republi nil fttnto committco ha-s
i < iit n telegram to the eh iirnrin of.thn mitioiml
epubheail I'liliilnlt eenf tillkh tin ) following
s an nliHtrie'- til ( ) t.wim ind plaiittttniiH
ii .Maine | ilv It ilnoT , ' - IIto'lin.ui ; ' , fiH.-lo' . ' ;
Hi-atier ng , Il.ll.VJ , rjptiblica'i niiijuitr , lllfj'Jfij
[ iluiiilitv , ' . ' , ' . ' ! ! ) .
KeratuU lsnr l il' . ; men general than nny
olhor'JI'i'W. 11 T liisld'jous In character ,
nud manifests Itself In miming sort's , pustular
eruptions , hulls , hwelllnus , cnkiiKcd Joints ,
abscesses , sore eyes , etc. Hood's Sursaparlll.i
rxpcls all trace of sciofnhi from thn blood ,
Icuvlni ; II pure. , enriched , and healriiy.
"I \7 H severely nflllrU'tl with hcrofula ,
nml for over it year had two iimnlnr ; sore.i
oil my neck , Tonic flvo bottles of Jlood'u
Barsaparlll. ! , and ( ( insider inyself cured. "
C , K. I.OVKJOV , Lowell , Mast.
C. A. Arnold , Arnold , Me. , had nenifulotH
HIIICH for hcvcu je.trs , prlng aud fall , JIooil'u
Barsaparllhi cured him ,
Salt Rheum
William BplcH , Hlyrli , ( ) . , Htiffprpd crcatly
from crybliela | and salt ilicmn , catiHed by
handling tobacco. At times hH hands would
cracK open and hl < ed. lie tried various prep
aration : ! without aid , dually look Hood'
saparllla , and now i.ays. "lam entirely well. "
"My mm bad salt rheum on Ida liaudi and
on tlio calves of his lots. Ho toolc Hood's
Sarsaparllla nnd la entirely cured. " J. 11.
UTAMO.N , ill. Vcnion , Ohio.
Hooti's Sarsaparilla
Holil by all drucslsts , { t ; elx for JS. Madu
only liy C. 1.11001) Hi CO. , Lowell , Muss.
Bolter Expresses Himself satisfls
His WcslcrnTonr ,
And Thinks the ts on Will Win
lin No' , ? T a ,
A Sliooking Oaso " " fantioido in
tfrs , Storoy's ' Suit to Retain the
" "
"Times ,
Gen , Logan'a ' Ovations Through
out Michigan ,
' 'nil Itoport Ironi Slnlno Tlio KIUIO
crs in OlnonKO S
Inncoiia Mfsws.
llutler on tlio Went.
Special Dispitoh to TUB Bleu.
CidOAiio , Soptomlwr II. There wan no-
xnmnlttou to meet General llntlor nt the union nt'J o'clock this nfturuoon when hu
cached Chicago from his southwestern trip.
10 was nocompnulod only uy Colonul 1'lymp-
011 nud hii eolerod valet , ulum ho talus witli
ilni wherever hu gnvi. The gonorul no doubt
Kctfd BJinu ono to welcome him , for on
lighting from lho train ho look Plyinpton'n
inn ami looked up nnd down aud all around
lilin. Seeing no ono oomo forward , ho Went
ivn Idling nluiig in hU characteristic manner ,
u ith hla head leaned back nml his light eye
.1 inking nervously. A reiK > rter aficrunid ,
Hclciimtd him in behalf of tha litixamt , ami
nkecl him how hu was plcsfod with his tri | > .
Ho replied that ho had botn liBtuned to by
men of ill thiulcB nf opinion nnd that ho ivan
\\eUpitihfiedwithhii preliminary canviun pf
the west. Hu raid that ho would remain in
Chicago only long tnongh to take a little rod
and would go on to Itotton t onco. Ho nlto
mild that hu hoped to bo able to como west
and mldicas the people again boforu the cam
paign WJH over.
"What do you think nf Ilia story publMitid
iu the panerB ot thu defection tf Hamilton
Ki-h nml liuiijiuLiu lirUtow ? " the genoial was
' I think that it is iirobubln rind tint it ii
nho natural , " re pled ttio gcntrnl. "Hut what
puzzles mo is to know how any man cm bctbr
iiini'elf by wiUidrauing from tht ) republlcaim
In go to the democratB. They are both equal
ly bad. Wbut thoio tellowa ought to do 11 to
volt ) for mo. "
' 1 ho general then waddled nil to the CM-
rlagoliich C > doniil Plymplon had called and.
vvns driven to tbo Palmer liousa.
C I"AOO , Septoml'tr 12. (3 ( > 'neial Bntler
.vnvtd . the tvixtthis afternoon and ro-
iiiiiimd in the city n'vcral hours in con ultn-
lion with the lenderB of tbo IVoplea party in
I bis t ito and left fur New York on th luiut-
ed express at 5 n'eloek. Ho expwsKxI Jilrn , '
lf vsoll pie-ted nt thn reception given him iu
all sect onn nf thn west and northwest AB * o
tlm political1 nuilouk ho exprwBfd
Rrent conl ! lenoi In fusion winuirvj
in Michigan and Nebraska ,
A VouitfiOnnpIo lor Unkiuiwii
Kill Tin Jr Klrst Horn.
SpochI dinp.itcli to THU HKIC. '
( Jlll NFltl.i ) , Iowa , September 1'i A rn-
iratkiiblo cmo nf infaiiticir'e ' Ilou jiibt comu to
light near Orient in this couuty. On last itin-
day morning , fumalu child , nppatently ol
fu'l ' time and wall developed , wau burn to H.
li. Wildmnn and his wife , a young couple
who liavo been murtied ton o six inontha anil
now residing noiir Or.ent. Dr. M < nnott at
tended her and It ft the mother nnd child both ,
doing well , While thoie ho was urgad ru-
poateilly by Wihlmau Iu givn tlm child chlor-
i ) ( rin to kill it. Ho rcfu ( il but the proprnl-
t on together with .t PIUVIOIIH ncpie.stti ) po r
fiom nn abortion arMined ld < tu picionv. On
ii'lurnlnjj the next day hu found the uliihl
n i-Hlng i.nd imipicl nii.g foul play liu du-
maniied to know where itva , Hu wn > s told
thattlioy bad g.ven it away ton liiond. Ke-
fui.iiig to be natislioil with that aimuer ho le
I tatrd hin VIHIIB und ! ilmuehtn | inand wan ut
last , informed U n it had illod und that they
bad thioivn it into nn old well , Ho cut > -
pelled lliu fattier to help liiiniu trjing to gcfc
it nut but failed and then In ) i-oininunkineil
tlio matter to iilurilf I.ibby. Karly thin
moinlng ( I'Viday ) parties Irom this plaou wtnt
down and eucoeudml in getting the body out.
It wan in ii'jonL ' ( our liui. of mud and water ut
the UulU m of MI old well aLeut thirty loet
deep. It WUH WHblied and found to bu badly
lumped in d excoiuitcd about lho throat and
ba ly 1'JooiUiot. A coronei'd jury was iin-
pannlid by JUIIICB I'cil , a jiiKtlco of the proco
hint textimoiiy tuken in the catc , Thu Jury
h d IK t rendeiod tluir verdict when yi urcor
it'ppondeiit loft , The purlins urn under ur-
Melalic Cases , Coffins , CasiclsSliroii&
KTO. , KTC. ,
HJ 0 Fnrnain St. , . OBJAIIA , NEB
iiktraiihlo.cidoro | > iouiuUy ittendcJ to. Ttltphon
No. & 21
recognizes ! .