Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 12, 1884, Image 8

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Friday Morning September 12
BillinRj k Connor , DantisU , opp. P. 0.
The county offices wcro closed yoatcnlayto
tfvo Iho officials Mid clerks tm opportunity t
Attend the state fair.
The homo of Mr. GeorRO 1'nnsicn , o
South Twentieth street , li lilessod In the d
vent of ft eon nnd heir.
llomember , yon can MVO 81.CO on OTCr
bat you buy from Krollc , 12th nnd Ifornnra
street , under Nebraska National Dank.
An employe by Iho nnmo of Meyers , hut
A hnnd bnilly crushed nt the Oinnhn ire
works yoatcrdny , by n falling rock. It ma
\ > o necessary to nmputnto several fingcra ,
A thief entered n room nt the Cozzcn
hotn IWodncaday nnd Btolo n 5150 gold watc
and n 810 gold piece , the property of Mr. I1
1) . Hamilton , traveling man for 1'oycko Brew
The voting for Iho engineer's clock nt th
St. Joseph's hospital fair , will close on Satur
day evening , Kngincer Swift , of the U. <
il. is ahead at present. The other caud
datoi nrn Knglnocr Johnson , of the Utiio
Pacific , nnd Knglnccr Hobinson , of the Mis
sourl Pacific.
When train No. 2 on the Union Pad
pnllcj Into the depot yesterday tliorova
a lively time. It nocniod M though the pas
Bongcrj never would got olT the train. It wn
by far the largest crowd which hai nliglilei
from n trntn In Omaha In many u day.
Wednesday ovonlnR nt 0 o'clock , Mr. J
Calder nnd Miss Annlo Walker , wcro iniilci
'in mnrringo t the Southwest I'rusbyteria
church , by the pastor , Nov. T. C. Hull. Afto
the ceremony the happy conplo went to n nca
little cottage on Williams ntroot , wliich Mr
Galder had fitted iip , nnd there untortulncd n
number of their friends.
The sale of Polled Galloway nnd Angus
cattle , to bo held nt the fair grounds tills
.afternoon nt 1:80 : o'clock , will bo one of th
grand features of the fair. The cattle to bi
Bold consists of a lot of impoitcd young bulls
ttio property of Leonard Droi. , of Mounl
.Leonard , Mo. All are choice animals and in
fine breeding condition ,
On Monday onoak thieves stole eighteen
ivory rings from the harness of McNnmnra
and Duncan , which wai upon their tenn
Btauding in the alloy ndjonint ? their plnco 01
.Fourteenth utroot. This wns not cnoueh am
Wednesday they returned and took the two
which thay had loft for acod. Considering thai
it was all done in the daytlmo it was n pretty
cheeky piece of business.
Mr. 1M. . PhillipH , who resides near
Atlantic Iowa , called ntthoBKKoflico yestoday
nnd stated that a short time since , ho bought
ninety head of cattle from iTudgo Larimer , at
Council ISlulTs. The cattle wcro shipped
from Rawlinn. Wyoming , nnd ainco their ar
rivnl in Iowa , Texas fever has made its ap
pearance among them. Six head have died
and sixteen moro are now down with the din >
ease , n'nd Mr. 1'hillips thinks that many
moro of them will die. Jim IColoy , another
purchaser from'tho same herd , has sever-
nl head by the same disease ,
Scml-Annual ] Meeting of tiio State
Board ot Agriculture.
The Bomi-armual meeting of the otato
board of agriculture waa hold Wednesday
at the board ot trade rooms in thin city.
Tl.oro were present Proaidout Dinamoro ,
Vico-rreaidonls Daniel ind McDowell ,
Treasurer Uartmaii , Secretary Furnas ,
G. W. E. Dorsoy , W. U. Baratow , E.
Mclutyro. L. B. McDowell , S. M. Ban
ker , L. A. Kent , David llichardson , P.
M. Dinny , E. 0Codman , D. n. Wheeler -
I or , M. Duuhatn , 0. M. Druao , E. N.
Grcnell , J. Jensen , E. A. Barnes , P. R.
Groor , J. M. Burka , E. P. Savage ,
Also the following proaidontfi of county
Bociotios : E. S. Guylord , Washington :
A. P. Job , Burt ; A. Ilumphroy , Liticnu-
tor ; U. B. Nicodomua , Dodge ; W. W.
Watson , W. H. Miller , JeH'eraon. E. A.
Barnca , Hall.
Treasurer JJartman moved that Mc
Donald , the charioteer , bo nuked fur a re
fusal of his HorviccB for fair week next
year. Adopted.
Mr. Melntyro moved that a committee
too of three bo appointed to pass reHolu <
tions upon the death of W. B. White.
Carried , und Messrs. Molntyro , Doraoy
and Furnas were appointed.
A resolution by Mr. Dunham waa
adopted fixing the time of holding the
west fair to begin the day af tor the clos
ing of the Iowa fair ( or on September 0) )
and continue eight daya.
A resolution by Mr. Berks wasadoptod
requesting banks and business houses to
clouo yesterday ( Thursday ) and enable
their employe * to attend the fair.
Mr. Orison oll'orcd a rusolulion , which
-was adoptou , as follows :
Jlcsolfcd , 'iliat bids vill bo received
at the January , ic.8 > , meeting of the
Statp Board of Agriculture from duly au
thorized parties on buhalf ot pities of the
sato desiring the location of the state
.fair for five years.
Localities bidding for Iho location
should oond in with their bids a ntato-
inont of hotel and railroad facilities , also
size of ground to bo furnished and access
ibility of eanio and facilities thereon.
The board reserves the right to reject
any and nil bids.
All bids should bo addressed to 11. W ,
Furnaa , secretary , on or buforo the au-
nuil January mooting , 1885.
Mr , Wheeler oiTurod n resolution which
was adopted , thaiik'ng ' lion. B , II , Nor
throp for his address , soliciting a copy
nnd ordering the usual number printed ,
Mr. Jeneun oll'orcd n resolution which
was adopted , thanking the board of trade
for the UBO of their rooms.
Bmoko Seal of North Carolina tobacco
Largest stock in the city. MEUGELL
& UOSENZWEIG.Prattical 1'aintora and
Decorators , will do work in any branch
upon nhort notice ; 1515 Douglas struct ,
bet. 15lh und 10th. t2tf
OATIN BROS , Leadiim Clothiers.
OAIINT DUOS , Men'ti Furniahora.
OAHN BROS. , Fhio Boya1 Suits.
.OAHN BH08 , FHIO Orercgata.
' ' ' ' Neckwoar.
it/ OAHN OH'lS , Nobby
. .0RN BHOS. , Nobby Neckwear.
OAIIN BROS. , Pine Shirt .Collars.
OAHN BUGS. Headquarters for
and Children's Clothing.
FTullet Davis Pianos ut A. llospo.
0 Ot
1Ntf" 1 '
The Jobte of Omaha Regale th
Ont-of-Towfli Bnsiness Men
the Paxton Wednesday NteM ,
An Occasion t Which Fan * n < l Gooc
Feeling llnlccl the Hour.
About two months ago n movement wn
put on foot by the jobber * of Omnha t
give , during state fair nook , a banquet t
the merchants of Nebraska who ahouh
happen to bo In the city at [ that time
Several meetings wcro held in the Paxton
hotel to perfect plans , &c. An oxocutiv
committee and one on finance wore ap
pointed , but owing to BO great n divers !
ty of opinion as to the manner in wind
it should bo conducted , the project fol
through and rras abandoned.
The project did not wholly fail , how
over. On last Monday niqht eighteen o
the lending wholesale firms of this city
whoso namoB willbo , mentioned hprcaftcr
hold a mooting in the 1'axton hotel am
determined to give the banquet novortho
loss. Each firm subscribed $100. mak
ing n purso.of.Sl OO. It waa dotormin
cd also to give the banquet Wednesday
o veiling. Each firm waa allowed fourteen
invitations , and yesterday those eighteen
wholesale firms presented them to the
out of to mi merchants an they happcnoci
to come into their places of business. A
few invitations were extended by tolo-
aph , but tlioso were rare exceptions.
Each guest wns also presented with a tick
et to the opera after which It had boon
igrood the banquet should tnko plnco in
the dining room of the Paxton.
The 1th infantry band wua secured to
[ urnish music for the occasion nnd dur
ing the earlier part of the evening played
several flno selections in the rotunda ol
the hotel. The entertainment nt the
opera house was concluded nt 11 o'clock
at which time the invited guests all repaired >
paired to the parlors of the hotel propar
itory to their being conducted to the
lial ) . At half past 11 the band struck
up the grand march nnd the procession
of Nebraska merchants headed by M. 0 ,
Jones and Goo. M. Swignrt , of the firn :
of Paxton & Gallagher and Lee Friec
& Co. , respectively , appeared nt the boat
of the staircase. This party of 250
Nebraska business men marched in
double file to the dining rooms rrlioro
plates for all had boon not.
The banquet hall wa most tastefully
arranged. To provide for so great a
lumber of guests four tables' were ox
ended the whole length of the dining
mil and adorned with rare exotics and
Topical plants.
A most bountiful supper was served
luring which the traveling men took the
idvantago of making moro firm their
Headship with the merchants while the
attor extended their acquaintances with
.heir fellow brethren.
The following was the
Itaw and Fried Oysters.
Cold Slaw.
Pickles. Olives.
Jhickou Croquettes. Cold Ham ,
Culery Salad.
Chicken wlih Jolley.
iloshod Potatoes. Green 1'ean.
Luraon Ice Cream.
Lady Cnko. Spanish Macaroons.
Cissoa , n la Mode. Cake , do Chambord.
Itostun Cream Pull's. Uingor liread.
Apples. Poaches. Grapes ,
Valor Melon. Raisins. Assorted Nuts.
Cheese. Crackers.
f Colloe. Tea.
After all had regaled themselves will
10 good things of life and the lovers of
10 weed had boon supplied with n Hu-
anna.Mr. W. V. Morao the toi\st-maater
f the evening , after making a few appro-
> riato remarks , introduced Hon. James
2. Boyd , who delivered
Mr. Boyd welcomed the visitors to our
'oung nnd thriving city , of whoso oduca-
ional ° facilities wo are justly proud , ns
hey are not burpaasod by any city of her
izo in the west. Our citizens , ho said ,
re proud of the magnitude nnd stability
> f our business houses nnd thuir reputa-
ion for honorable and fair dealing ; of
our largo and commodious hotels ; of Iho
lunnniiuiicy and suflicionoy of our bruilc-
ng institutions , not ono of vrlilch have
over failed to pay ono dollar ot its in
debtedness , though uomo have boon inop-
oration for twenty-live years. "Espuci-
illy are wo desiroua of uouing and being
ecu by the busincm mon ot Nobrnskn ,
vith whom wo nro in a munnur acquaint
ed , through the reciprocity of trade. "
The speaker assured the visitors that
nero than all ulso , thu Omaha business
neil prizud Iho friendship and good will
of _ the mcrchanta nnd business men of
his atnto , bocatisu tlioy uro alive to the
nagnltudo of the inturc.its that are thus
opreaontud nnd the importance of the
laltint ; merchants as factory in the btiai-
toss ufluirs of our young commonwealth.
Vith thu wish that their visit might bu
oth ploaaant and profitable , hu bade
lium all welcome , thriou welcome , to
Mr. Groor of Konrney , representing
10 retail merchants of Nebraska , re-
> ended in lilting worth to thu address of
[ r. Boyd and was followed by Mr.
inith , of Blair , whothankud the jobbers
' . Omaha fur pushing their trade into
orth-wcsturn Nubrnuka.
Mil , W. A. r , . (1I1IIIOX
vaa called upon who responded to tV
lu toast "TJio Mercantile Interest of
10 Stato. ' ' The speaker said thu city of
) maliu wnn honoring hursulf by doing
loner to her gueata. Wlion thu reoour-
ua uf Kobranku are fully duvolopod ahu
vill taku her place thu puur of her now
ruatur statue. The rutail merchants of
Nebraska represent thu bone and sinew
if the country and have brougnt bur to
tor pruHont condition and concluded by
aying that ho hoped thuy would return
( i thu kniyhta of thu sample case all
here is in this banquet.
Mil. A. KOUll , KSg ,
lunomiimted the Domoathonua of
raveling mon , was next called upon ,
usponding to the toast , "Tho
West ; IU Past and Proucnt" Tim
pcaker said thirty years ago Omnha had
00 people only and now alio had 00,000.
/iftcon ycara ago ho started south jn a
caravan atul saw Indiana croasin ! ; thr *
t'latto niul hu determined that wheru
they could go lie could , uud forded the
ivur in a wngon. Now within twenty
'our hours Omaha merchants could lay
iheir goods buforo the doora of nearly at
he inurchnnts in thu ututo , and to-day no
city in Nobratktt is accessible to this
alato'a merchants u Omaha , This city
io-diiy offers Creator induceaionta for tin
Investment of capitil , than any city on
thu Mimouri. Bho can taku care of Niv
braeL-u cereals , uho can eupply it will
boots nnd shoos nnd her grocery houses
are surpassed nowhere.
The speaker , upon his conclusion , wns
loudly cheered , nnd congratulated by his
friends upon his maiden cflort at speech
itox. w. J , imoATcit
next followed , responding to the toast
"The Missouri. The Longest lliver in the
World , nnd its Relations to our Business
Interests. " Mr. Broatch said the great
problem of our times was cheap trans
portation and that the iron clad pee !
which had , until recently , existed be
tween our railroads had compelled the
tivor cities to look to the great natural
highways for the transportation of groin
to the nearest and cheapest markets ,
Whether much or liltlo used , a navigable
stream nlways brings a railroad to n real *
izlng sense of its duty to the public by
compelling It to make low tariffs to secure
patronage. While n vast amount has al
ready boon expended on the improvement
of the Missouri river with but little to
show for it , Mr. Broatch thought that
time would bring about the desired re
sult and furnish to the inhabitants of the
Missouri Valley an outlet to the gulf via
Nuw Orleans , und a cheaper connection
with the European market.
the gontlomanlyltravoling salesman of
W. L. Parrotto it Co. , responded to the
toast , "Tho Traveling Mon. 'They
norer tiro. ' " The speaker said they
were called traveling mon , but they wcro
simply the runners , bores and drummers
who mot the merchants every day. The
traveling man is a contemporary of the
reformation , but reformation docs not
always attend the traveling man. "Wo
liavo , " continued the speaker , "repre
sentatives hero from the various indust
ries of our cities , noble and true , from
the hardware man who 'knifes' his op
ponents , the nhou man of 'soul , ' the
grocery man who tolls his tale In 'broken
loses. ' But wo Trill see you later with a
full sample case. So prepare yourselves
moro music to face ; for drummers will
Thin concluded the programme of the
evening , but both guests and hosts were
oth to leave , and all remained
seated around the tables when
F. I. McKenna , of the firm of Hoed ,
Jones & Co. , waa called for who impro
vised a [ platform of a chair nnd made
the uxtempo and humorous speech of the
svoning. During ita delivery ho was
loudly applauded nnd cheered to the
echo , and nt its conclusion the listeners
arose and cheered again.
During thu continuance of the banquet
the baud in the rotunda played several
airs and inado the hotel resonant with
music. The party lingered at the ban
quet table until early morning whun af-
: er giving throe cheers to the drummers ,
: hroo more to the merchants nnd throe to
; ho Kitchen Bro's for their lavish hoapi-
: ality "good nights" were exchanged and
the banquet was ended.
A report of this banquet would bo in
complete if mention were not made of
ho different committees composed of the
oprcaontatives of the difioront business
louses , under whose supervision it was
given. Everything was perfect , and the
able manner in which it was conducted
reflects great credit upon their executive
The following are the names of thobus-
ness firms of this city , that gave the
) anquot.
Iteod , Jones ACo. Pnxton & Gallagher , W.
i , Purrotto A Co. , McCord , ] 3rady & Co. , A.
j. Stranc company. W. V. Morse & Co. ,
Jowey & Stone , Steulo , Johnson & Co. ,
jnlghton k Clarke , Tootle , Maul & Co. ,
Hilton Itopora & Sons , Meyer & Ilnnpko ,
ISliss & Isaacs , J. J. Brown & Co. , Jos.
larnoau Cracker Co. , Rector , Wllhclmy &
Co , , Max Meyer & Co , , Lee , 1'rled A Co. ,
V > rnii AaanultccI Jn n Snlonn and
Bnilly Onslicd Upon thu Head.
Yoatordoy forenoon about 10 o'clock , n
mangivinghianamoas James LOTTO , found
lia way into the city jail , lie was a
earful looking aight , and tha blood was
unning in streams down ever hia face ,
nd hia clothoj were saturated with the
rmison flood.
Dr. Crowoll w.i3 called and found an
gly scalp wound upon hu head which
stendod from hia forehead back to the
rown of hia head , Several stitches were
cqnircd to rloso up the gaping wound ,
nd nftor tito 'work had boeiaccom -
iliahod nnd n bandnxo wrappnd around
iis scarred crnnium ho told hid storj.
lo snid that ho cnmo to flu * oil }
'eatorday ' from Hionx City , llo met n
riontl upon the atruot nnd tocoilior ; they
niterocl u aulno.1 to got n arinlc. They
md just finished drinking a glass tf beer ,
vhen n crowd gathered around them uud
inockod them to the iloor. They were
ticked and struck , und rrhon hu es-
aped ho was in the condition nbovo
lamod. Ho was uniiblo to tel just whore
iio saloon \vn ? , but ua near tia could bo
eiirnod it wns very near the corner of
Hovonth and ilarncy streets. The
rounded man in comfortable and is get-
ing along nicely.
'lio ICoporl In Howard to Iho Union
1'Aulllo OlllolulH WUlioiit Fuunda-
lion ,
General Traflio Manager IvimbaU , of
10 Union Pacific railroad company , sent
voi"d to TJU : BKK oilico ycstordoy to
le effect that tliorovna no truth in the
eleuram "published in Wednesduy'a is-
no which apoko of the decapitation of a
lumber of prominent elliciala of their
road. Mr , Kimball only npoku for Mr.
I * P. Shelby , general freight agent , and
Mr. JJ. W. Morse , ccnorul papsonjor
ngont. Mr. S. H. Oalloway , general
manngor , suya in regard to tholotting | out
of Mr. I1. J. Nichols , superintendent of
the Nebraska division , and the other sup
erintendents mentioned , that no sueh
move hua boon contemplated and that
the nsaosiatod press had been informed
to that cll'ect.
1'ollco Point H.
Last night n lad named Henry Moyers
waa arrested nt the Hospital fair for nip
ping n watch from Sewer Inspector Bail-
ey. Ho did the jobslick with a pair of
nippers. Ho ia in jail awaiting oxami-
Ruveu plain drunks were fined $5 each
and costa in pcillco _ court youtorday.
Ton Bunpicioiis characters weru hold
under $200 bonds each in police court
Fred Ejkwoll wan arrested Wodneeday
night for tojliii | ; r. suit of clolho and
a watch , Uo claimed that the
msii ho stole the goods of owed'him |
$10 and refuted to pay him. Uo ia hold !
awaiting investigation. < ]
The Platform of Nebraska Ami-
Monopolists ,
The IBRUCS Upon "Wlilcli Iho Cum-
pnlgti In Nclirnsk/x Into bo
The following platform was adopted by
the Nebraska anti-motiopoly elate con-
volition nt Us session in Lincoln :
Wo the anti-monopolists of the state of No-
branka.Mn convention assembled , respectfully
invite the hearty co-operation uf nil citizens
who are in favor of honesty nnd. rconomy
in the ndminhtratUm of our state nlf.ilrs.
Tnxpayers nnd laborers have been long suf
fering mill patient in their obedience of polit
ical bo'Msm ami railroad dictation as hai been
repeatedly manifested in the county , district
and fctato conventions of the dominant party.
They will no longer submit to bo treated ni
rncro Mirvilo siibjccti nnd will unqualifiedly
refuse to give their support to a ticket com *
jxfed of men who do not fairly reflect the
honcit tentimcnti of the great mass of
our tux paying nnd voting population.
Wo cmloriu the declaration of principles
adopted by the anti-monopoly party at its
convention held in Chicago on May 1-1 , 1881.
Wo plutlgo our candidates for the various
stnto ollicos to a just nnd economic adminis
tration of state affairs.
Wo demand of our members of the legisln-
Bitrothat tVoy UBO all honor.iblo meant to
tiring about tiio enactment of such lav/H in
the coming session of the legislature us nro just
and equitable between thu corporations ai.d
the people of thlri Btat3. Wo pui'.t with' sat
isfaction to the efforti of our party during
thii meeting of thu last legislature to uecom-
pllsh that result ,
Wo demand tlin enactment of sueli laws as
will place restrictions iip'in cnnvieS labor of
the Btnto , whereby honest labor will bo free
from competition thereby.
And wo protest against the further impor
tation of convicts fiiitn the western territT-
ies by the prisou contractors , for when their
Lima la served they are turned IOOHQ to
commit depredations upon the ppcplo nnd
property of our state , us rtuantly evidenced in
Lancaster county.
Wo are in favor of an amendment to sec
tion nini of article eight of the state constitu
tion , which shall provide for thu loaniug of
.lie echool fands of the state
upon first mortgages upon approved real cs-
, ate ut the highest Ic al rate of interest.
Wo condemn the reckless speculations In
iho public lands of the ntito ot apxrt furodu-
: ailouul purposes , and our board of public
ands nnd buildings should bo held to n strict
accountability therefor.
Wo demand specific measures of relief from
, ho prnctico of the various railway corpora-
, ions of the state for stepping outside the
xnnids of their charter as common carriers ,
Mid Indirectly doing business foreign thereto ,
.hereby breaking down all legitimate buslnoff
competition and building up n gigantic mo
topoly that will sooner or later absorb thi
fruits of the producing and labor classes of th !
state.Wo dpprecato the discrimination of Amer
can legislation against the greatest of Amor1
can industries , agriculture , by which it has
icon deprived ot nciuly all beneficial legittla
, ion whila forced to bear the brunt of taxa <
ilon : nnd wo demand the fostering care of the
government nnd the just recognition of its im
lortanco in the development and advance
nont of our land , and wo appeal to the farm'
ors to co-opcrato with us in our endeavors to
advance the material interests of the country
and the overthrow of monopoly in every shapi
vhonover and wherever found ,
That wo are in favor of legislating out o :
existence all watered stocks of corporations
and enacting a law making it a felony to issue
uch stocks in the future.
Wo favor the amendment to the conetitu
icn to bo submitted for pur suffrages , extenil
ng the session of the legislature to sixty dayi
and providing a salary of $300
That wo are in favor of government owner
nhip and control of all railway tracks in the
Jnlted States and believe the general govern-
nonl hhould appraise and condemn all linea
nnd pay for them the actual value.
Wo look upon the proposed amendment to
our constitution asking for a railroad commis
sion as framed in the interests of corporations
and intended to delude the people , nnd there
'or resolve that the legislature having thi
) ewer shall regulate the abuse * ) complained
of at the earliest moment by statutory laws.
Unsolved , That wo approve the act on ol
ho United States supreme court on the legal
ender question and wo approve the stopping
of the coinage of the silver dollar and favoi
ho using of gold and silver certificates.
The IVoincii's Clirintlrtn Assoclntlon'B
lloporc for tiio Blontlis of
July nnd August ,
In a response to a statement made in
our last report in regard to tno condition
of the fmancea of the association , Hon.
James E. Boyd sent 320 ; W. H. Me
Guiro $10. Donations received as fol
own :
Dr. Wihon ( dentiat ) ? ! ; members of
ho3 i elation , 010 ; cm Jiing has bcoil
rocciv i from toveral hdiee , but vro hope
moro \ull bo cent 'hit no uiiy bo ready
for the cola woathor. Wo have L
green vegetables fr. m Mr. Fleming's
every evening for a long timo. For the
nbovo aid the ladioa wish to express iheir
sincere thanks nnd . specially to the
gentlemen who liavoSMirally aided them
in the past na well RB tno prcacnt , With
this help nil espouses have boon paid up
to September 1st , but this month is
commenced without ono cent in the
treasury ; trusting there uro aotno othurs ,
In thia great city of oura , who nro interested -
ested , und will wish to aid U3 in this
great work of woman foV woman , wo
hope soon to have urrangcmuntu mndo
for sonio nyateiauio method
of support , but until then
wo nro dependent upon the donations wo
may receive. If It were only possible to
tell you of nil the work that is done in
in the Homo , of the many poor girl * ,
women and children cared for until
hoine'j and moans of support could bo se
cured for them , of the poor that nro fed ,
nnd thu naked olothed 1 um sure you
would become interested in the work.
Please do not forgot to go to the rooms
for hoi' ) of any kind , mid thoao seeking
ing employment must go nnd leave their
address. Will the press plenso accept
thanlis for their constant aid and the
daily papers. ECLKNA 11. H.UNF.H ,
Klrst I'loniluin
Awarded the Gland Union Tea Co ,
for the finest tea nnd cofl'eo in the city ,
Visitors from the country would do wcl !
to call and got u five pound box of tea
before' returning , homo. Sample free ,
Douglas , between \Faurtoonth aud Fif <
An Actor Iloliucd.
IJerr B&ndmanu , the tragedian , wai
robbed Wednesday of $00 in money and
two valuable rings. " Ho wns stopping ni
the Oooa hotel and the burglars onteiod
hia room during the night and carried ol"
their plunder.
On the incoming Sioux City end Pa
cilio train ycatordoy morning waa a man
vociferous in the expression of hispollt
icnl proclivities , who took a position pun
car acat to address hia follow voyagers on.
the ovortoworing merit of Qrovor Glove
land M corfparcd with "any gloss-oyec
demagogue Hko Butler. " Thus dial
lengod , the passengers agreed on a ballot
which wns taken , -with the following re
suits ; Butler , 340 : Blnino , 19 ; Clovolant
12 ; St. John , 1. Unconscious of the fac
that the conductor , a humorous wng , had
coached the "convention , " the demon ,
strativo Clovclandor handsomely submit
ted to thodocialon , and treated the whole
train to cigars. It is remarked on the
aide that the solitary St , John vote was
cast by on ox-saloonkeeper of Fremont ,
who after fifteen years spent in the bust *
ness was last spring refused a license , and
in rovcngo joined the standard of the
' 'now crusado. "
The ball given by the police force ol
this citj | nCrounso'shall Wcdncsdaynight
was n SUCC033 from nny and every point
of view. There wnro present 300 coup
les and they whiled uway the hours to
the delightful strains of the Musical
Union orchestra. Thirty dances were
upon the programme , but the coolness of
the woatnor did not make it tirenomo.
Tim boys had worked hard to make
their fifth annual ball a success nnd they
succeeded. There were 1,400 tickets
sold nil told , which will give to each ono
of the guardiaua of the law n nont little
This powder never vnrlro. A marvel of tmrenesa
strpngth and wholcsomsacsn. lloie economical tlmn
the ordinary kindsand cannot bo B U lu competition
with the multitude of low tort , dhoti weight alum or
uhoephato powdora. Mold nnlv In cans. HOYAL
ItAKINO POWDER CO. , 100 Wall street , N. Y.
Oraahi NohrasVn , In which is taught douulo an
ainjIo ; entry Book-kcepim ; , Commercial law , Civil
Oovcrnmont , Uusinesa Prac'ioo , I'onman hip , Kn -
lUh Orammar , Aiithmetlc , Heading , Kpellln ? , Cxi-
rodiioniltncc , and Short Hand Writing ,
Coraplo'o Course , cno year , ( shoit hind ox
ccptcil $60 0
Complete Onirrc , 0110 month S no
Com1 Icto Course , two months 1C CO
Complete Course , tlireo months 20 00
Each month thereafter GOO
Thirty 1,0330ns In I'cumanshlp 00
Ihe abo\ course , ( book-keeping exceptcd ) ono
month 6 CO
The aboro course , ( book-keep tig cxcepted 3
month * ) 12 00
Seuil for circular. Address
OKO. H imilBUN , Prn.
in to Omaha ,
The scholastlo year comuicncen on tno
First Wednesday in Sentemlicr ,
Tiio course ot Instruction embraces all the n men
tarynnd higher hranrhoa ol a finished education
Difference of llcllslon Is no olstai-0 ) | to the admie-
slon of yoiinj laJIca. Tupila tro received ot aii >
time of tiio year.
Including Hoard , Washln ? , Tuition In Ennllah nud
I'reuon , mo of boolo. 1'luno , pcrtassiou of
Months , $150.00
KXTUA ClIAnaKB Unwlai ; , P.ilntlni ; , Oorma
larp , Violin , Ouitar and Vo al I > lu lc.
llelerenoiH are roaulred fruia r.ll periona unknow
to tbo inbUtutlon. 1'or fiuthor Information apply
Jv ll.roSo
rv is Tr3 Fr" f& fl
W a E&l & Kico
I o m a t o ,
I'timpkin , Search ,
\V i n c and Fruit
Sir.-nncr. Twelve
arudci in one.
Mori toll tlun nil
oilier bieves anj Siflfr
tuiubln dt liverytiot/ )
liLcslliemt We make
i-T. ' - ' -v l"eeSlii rjandMI i
mLf& e > for hind tn.l power.
v. . , Write for catalogue.
.SJtJfi1 33 * ThelluntcrSintrMr ?
* ? , < & c&ffiNw'v&r '
S R T ) iJl5f581SSJBJSr. : ! S3
I ti . L ) fcaB 1 IluuuiSmcrCklIoek
Cor. 16th anil Capitol Avenue , trontu all CMOS Crip
( ilcilcr Deformed , al.'oilljouos of the
Nervous Systoin ,
Blood , and
Urinary Organs.
All caicj of Cuirit'iro ol the Spine , Crookol feet
IrfBH ami Arms. AKoClmmloaflectionsofthe Uvcr.
Ithtiuniatlmn , I' ralj l , I'lles , Ulcrj , Cittrrli , Atth-
mnanailioiichitUaru all tnMeJ by now nnd euo-
( X'usful mcttioil * . All dlscanej of tno Illooil and Urla-
ry OtKKiir. IncluJliijtlioiu rtwultlni ; from tiuUrro-
tloii.or i > xiio iirc , ru fal-'l ) and eucco > fully ticatei )
an.laouteKi4vanti.od. Young nwii icluule nnud ,
ami til DiiUerliiir from Wtaknws ai-d Xorioui
oxli ustlon , iflroauclnjt Indigestion , l"alilt tlonot the
Heart , IkdriojJcncy lilzzlnteJ , Ln a cf Htnicry , ! ack
of Kncruy an'l Ambition , can bo Kfctorud to lu'lltl )
and \liur , If cute li not too lonir nu lcotod
llio Kurjcau In chanto M o K ilu > to i > f J.ttir-
ion Modira ) Colli'to ( ISilJ ) Rtd lial Mudlcd hl
priilcsuICM In London , 1'nrli aailDcrlln II altVUttd
call or rite lull dcactlptlon of > nur ous , au4 rucdl-
clryj ui y re tout jon. Uonmiltatmn freo. Addico
i > m h DI iH'imary , Crounso' * Illicit , On-jilia , Neb.
OiUouboiiialu.JStt. ci..l.'lui'17s3l > . tu. .huodiyj.
840 a fa.
Wait for Blackwell !
In a few days a NEW
and NOVEL proposi
tion will be made by
which all dealers hand
ling SmokingTobacco
will be greatly bene
fited , Don't buy any
other Smoking To
D , B. BEEMEE , Agent ,
Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for
less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it.
Send for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Hebraaska-
Oouoter , Hay , Stock and Eailroad Track ,
Ord ° rs for the Indian Department given for Buffalo Scales ex
clusively. Scale
li)5 ( ) Douglas Street , OMAHA. NEBRASKA
Visitors to the State and others iu need of 3Ion\ nnd Children's
Clothing , will dowell to call on
The Strictly { 0ne Price House in the City
Ami examine thrir goods uud prices. Th y carry tbo largest stock , and
sell lower thwi any other house in the city. Merchant Tailors
don't fnl to call at sm ?
1216. FAENAM ST. 1216.
Tha Largest Stock in OmahaanMafces the Lowest Priogs ?
* a n&
the lateet Jnet received and mot an ta. aaoortracnt do.XM ! manufactured far surpassing anything thia In this tSdnf SS25to ,
a range of prices from the Cheapest to the moat Expensive. covering
Parlor SS Da-aoeries-
M ow ready for the inspection of cus- Oomnloti Btock of all the la'oat '
tomers , the nov/est novoltifa in otylodiu Turcoman , Madras
Suits and Odd Pieces. Lace Curtains , Etc. , Etc. and
! S10jaixt assonft'or Blevatoi ? to all Hoosa
1SOO , 1808 and 1210 Fnrnnm Street. / ' "
- - - OMAHA NEB , "I !
Usim" wlndov < nh "