Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 12, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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Tn nioot lh tntm "
Lino" In connection with
corporals nune ota urcUr
conreyi n Idea of tirt wh
R C 3 * * wmttwl by thfl trarollnff I
R tlAS &a HeShrrt tine , Qul.-lc 1
Lfl nil 'id * ' < ' * * ol < > mmi
HflllHill tionl-tl ! ol nhkh tra fi
( bed by th greatest railway lu America.
And St. Paul.
II owni nd operate * or r * , NW
Northern HUnola , WlKonMn , Minnesota , Iow
Dakota ; and M M main HUM , branches and oonr
lions rc sh fcll Iho crcat bnMnow ccntros of
Northwest ad Fur West , It ri turaly ) answers i
description ot Short Line , end Hooto botwtc
Chloajro , Milwaukee , St. Paul And Minneapolis
Chlouro , Milwaukee , LA CroNO and Wlnnnx
Ohl9ago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and KllemUlJ
Chlcairo , Milwaukee , Klu Claire and HtlllwaSjr1
Chlcniro , Milwaukee , WVIMII and Merrill.
Chicago , Jfllwankeo , ncn\cr Dun and Oshkoih.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Wauktwhn ami Ooonomowo
Chicago , Milwaukee , Madison and I'rairlodu Ulili
Chicago , JIllw auXee , 0 < ratonna and ralrlbiknll ,
Chicago , Tlcloll Jnnon lHo and Mineral Point.
Chicago , Klein , Ilock'ord and Dubuquo.
Chlwgo , Clinton , Ilock Igland and Codu Rapid ) ,
Chicago , Council Bluflj and Omaha.
Chicago , nioax City , Sloui fall * ami Yanktcu' '
Chicago , Mllwankoo , Mitchell and ChMnborhln.
Ilock Iclandi Duuuquo , St. Paul and Minneapolis
r Davonpoit. "Almar , 81. Paul and Ulnnntpolu.
Pnllinnn 3 ocpon and the Finest Dlnlne Cam
Iho nirld are run oti Iho milnllnoml thoGIIICAO
Attention la p&ld lo paaHngcrs by courteous uuiptoy
ot the Company ,
6. 8. MKIiniLT , . Oral Manager.
A. V U. CAIU'KNTKR , Oon1 I'&si A ?
3.V. CLAtlK. acn'l H.ipt.
; < JEO. II , IIKAFTOIID , Ain't. Ontl l' < Ax
nr WAV or
Conm-cUiiR In Union DmiotH nt KnnnniOlly
Oiimlia mid DoiiTcrirllli tluutijli tmlim lor
Ami nil points In the Client West.
ConncctlitK in ( imnd Union Dopginl Chicago
with through tinliis for
JVJE W Y 011 K , n OS TO y ,
Atl'corli wllli throKtniinsTor } Imll.innp.
oils , Oliiclimiitl , ColiirjK'H , uiul nil , Hts | , in
tlio.South.Hast. At Hffi JkiulH with uiroii.n !
tiulmi fur nil poiniH fkrV
. i < ! li < , I'nrlor Cnra , with Ito.
cltiiliiK OlMlm ( soatH lion ) , S.iiolclnCiira with
I lovolyliiB Cliiilw , I'ullnmn I'nlm-o SI,1. , . K
( Jaw nnil tbo IIIIIIIMIH C. II. A O. llnln L'aiS
niiulally tonml fioni OhlcnBO nml KutiBna Olty ,
UhlcfiKoitnii Council llliuia : Olilcntjo nnd Di
5i'Tfit,0l.l,0"K0' ' ? tJ < Pl > . Atchlson mid
i"110"1 oha K'T ' "iioiijth line
n i IB " ' " 's1"1 ' tI7ll"s between OlitcnKo ,
i . . , ,
l.liicoln nnd Dourer , nnd ChleiiKo , KaiiSia
Olty and Donvor. ThroiiBh CUM bctweoii
Initlaimiiolla mid Council llluira , yi | 1'uorlii.
. . c , . ,11. ' " " " < > lny ) Co.iclica nnd
IMi Iinan 1' Ca.a mo rnn T all ? to
mid from i 8t. J.onls ; vfa lliuinlbal ; ( Juliicy ,
' JI" A wit
oin 81. I.o Is
, , ? oofcnra I'l't
It Is also the only ThrouKh Line litt vccn
l to
Finest Eiuippsi Eailroad In the World for
all classes of Travel.
ThroiiKh Tlckeifl via this line for snlo ntal !
tlckct ° ulc 'l > o UnitodSUitos
* ' JI' ° 'TK' '
Prnctico Limited to niseases o tlio
Eye and ICnr.
Plattsmouth , - . . . . NOD ,
BUIJLDIE or luozouauBKmi AMD man OIUDI
E. Eice M , D.
Over hlrty years practical expcriinoo Offloo No.
I'csr troot , Council IlluDa
/tarCoooulUtlon ( rue
Western Coinice-Works ,
1111 DooglM 81. Onuha , Hob ,
UAKuycnn'.Kn or
Galvanized iron CormcoB
Tfie Steck is a Durable Piano.
n lll5 rcpArln from the o of F | ( I'D SpocJflo ( i
JL ajlntho lrc\lmcnt of Cviccr oontlniie to
non'otful. ' Thtrr mi to bo tie ilmilit thfit It
po lll o nwrinc for Skin Cnnctror\ ! .
"For twenty ) crit I tuffxrcd froii a C' ncer on
neck. 'I'Atont I'otasti nll Mercury JIUturM1
liiftcn'l of ciirinc tliorArir- . I Irist the nw ol
rtn and the linger jart of my body , lly Ron *
health nut lirokon dn n , nnd my lfo ! WM < \\f\\\ \ \ \
of. S. H. S. enrol mo Kitind find will. Tills now lo
ellKeltH'ne to mo ctmint bo nic inred by i
tnnnetAry va'ne. ' Inxouirlllo and the eu'port | '
my family to Hwitf Hr * ! " do "
W. It. KOIlINaO.V , Davtsboro , d .
"Mr. llrooVfl , near Albany , WM hcjielffoly affllcl
vrlth Ouicer. I tin I citrn ttiroujh hli nmn li
hl month and tlirott. The llmo of hli drftth v
only a question or A rory fthnrt timo. II * pr ye < )
iloath , hl miflctlDH w i ogtr M n. H ha hai
wonilorfnl fftict nn him. IIU Itnprotmmk li
thkk we all ( o l fituo of lililiolnp iwrlictlrcai
BroAt . W. U. OIIB1'.IIT , Albany , Oa.
Onr Trnntl < * o on Ulotxl and Skin Dlncvicn midlod fi
applicants to
Urawcr S , Allanta , Oa.
N. V. Ofllco , 1B9 W. J2d Kt. , between Oih and J
AvcmiM. I'hlladdrhla cfflco 100 CliMUnit I.
Keep the thrdren
lonlth. II your chl
M any symptnnm
rwiitoiy or an ) tro
le of the bowcN col
non on Ultlgo'e FOK !
> dlol without dcla
ynlws ( ho Irnubla h
' ) oorue ehrnnlc , reiji :
uri.ct th * illnicull
ml , M a dleloll ;
jlcknt-a It In Invalu
_ ) Ie Tbourandx cf rhl
lien n vuIMII iu iiii uiii it All dnuRiet. nil I
ind eomo yrncerf. Put 1111 In four t\iti \ , HBc , Bt
tl V5 nml tltr > . fnd tn Woolrlrh a U * . , Talne
Ja. a.lor i > iuniUoUon | tko eubjcct.
The reputation i
Ilittiraiui n proici
the ol epidemics ,
ttomaohlc , nn Inrj ,
ornnt , n Kcncrnl i
ttotntlto , ni ln | >
clflo for fetor nn
a no , Indliustloi
bill on sftdccl Ion
rlicinmt mn.iicrvm
debility , conillti
tlonnl Mcakncni ,
cnlabllnhxl upon tl
sound Imflli of mot
than twenty 5 car
ricrlcnco | , ami ca
no more Lo nhakc
by the aptrnp m
truni uiihclentll
pictcntlcru , tbanth
eterlantim ; hill b
the wlnili hat rn
'e through tbolr clcdle or M ! hy all druggltt
nd de\lon Bcnomlly
It nxriMHltli
him iKsrfictly , "
wrlti'S a inotli.
plain , na won an tliono from ropnaioiiKplaii
tlirnuirhaiit the | iolo U.H .tntlfr to tliawnrtl Tn ?
iioBMoK-3 root ) roit iNpANia 'AND IHVALIDS :
l lu
i n
. . . . .
( Faculty Prlzo Medical COIICRO ol Ohio.
And other Diseases ot , the Anus and noctum.
10 S. 14th St , Cor. Douglas
od and wtl
Inngor ,
Imbachor , . Bavaria
nnor . . -TJohoinion.
dweisor . St , Louis.
i i ser . _ . St. Louis.
iilifcz-Piltinor . Milwaukee.
u 's . Onmhn
xlo , I'ortcr , Domestic nnd Rhine
ino. ED. MAUUEIl
JS1S 4'nrniira St ,
cum Ki rvclllniT .
iazn Uloiiiimti ] in , I'.ir
i-1. iiiikr , iniiuuii ,
li Mniu , l'rolai | m I'tdl.rlr ' Only trlintliUilJ >
k'll ' hi AHUMIdi Hint < iul ilioKltvtiIdly uiul IIII.L- .
MI tin on till ! ! liojj , una inn liu rt'oliaiutol lu nu in
, tr Unmade-lit ,
SI.OOO Would Not Ouw It.
Inter li comliiR , the reason ol the jcar for achoa
pains In * I w ol this tact , \uisiy , I > uy one ol
or Home's 1'Joottlo Bolts , ! > y so doing , ynu Hill
I Itlieiiiuatlaiu , Kidney tronblus at.d aihur lib
llosli Is lio'r ' too. . Do not dulai , but call at our
i , and examluv the belts , 1422 Douglas St. , Ouia-
rForsaloatO. V , Ooadmta'i DrngSlor * ' 1110
am Ht. Omaha.
dorsfllledU. O D
Amelia Ourrougiii ,
17 Dodge St , , - Omaha
(17 ( St. Cliarlos S * . , St. Louis , JFo
[ gulkr irft'lutUoriMi ' * We'Hc l Collrcri , L
tCitllu III * | > * ft Mllv llucul uf CUVMMC , . .
I HUHtb puiMUthau ui. ylhrr I'ttjilclaa lu 01.
It ; Fl" " ilitw fttui nil nil traltlDit koow.
leitaus Pioslralloii , Debility , Mental anil
Itlcal Wcakneu Mercurial and other Alice ,
ni ol Tliroat , Skin or Hones , Ulorjd Poisoning ,
Sores end Ulcois , no tnncj ui , uoi.uii.iuj
T.oiU u.litl'ullllo iTloclr u M > lyrtl > l.lj.
Useates Arlslny ( rum Indiscretion , Excess ,
josuro or ludulsenco , iiifh iroJoc. na r u
. .Itl clltClll ktllvuiucil , lllbllilj , tllUDf , ! Ofllllll
il.r ctli ucinorjr , t'liuiilrt fa I to f et. r-tjikil dec/ ,
lionloll. , .od.lj 01 filrtlti.cguruiln ol Ur.i.tio ,
dorliir Marrlaffe Improper or unhappy. * ra
* le4 vurvlo v , rrrelo aujr ftjditwi , Ct/M ulUtloaat f
tit/u IUie , mdluYlleJ Wiln for ue U ii.
Positive Written Guarantee
ITIB ID llcur tl0c ef. UedlclD > iittl cvrrjiibm.
inipliltii , Knsll.h cr Ueriotn , 04 p ze , ctv
Itiluc abevo ai e to , in u lo or fviaaU , > U B.
| ' JM. 'pl l . Ill > itr lt4 ID tloiUmililHbludliiL
awKi..n.aiil .Vwai'ilr
Jui. if/nK'r'A'LW..Ki1' ' ' ! Uu > lt
> "iiuA IjAltltAllKIVS JjOVKH.
A CoiinoollciH Crunk AVIui llnnkci
Aflnr n Uiir/rlatldiis JJrlilo.
Daniel F. Shugruo is n'.fflrnior who t
the soil At Wlnddorvillo , Conn. , taya
Now York Stnr , but has fulled to BOCI
n wlfo in Iho vroodon nutinog atnto to
tasto. Twoofhia bucolic frlonds havi
secured blooniltig dnmaels at Cistlo G
dun , who Iind turned out fjnod vrlv
Mr. Shugruo proacntcd liimnoU tin
on Saturday with the ftlnrminr. ; propc
tion :
" 1 want o mfol"
Hevoral l dle of Ilueao > IIobratc , a
others of PolishIlobnlo descent , in
etagcs of dirt , and appMontly cnudldAi
( or poaition.i in nome chlfTonior'a b ;
were trotted out , but Mr. Shugrno v
Tory pnrtlcular.
'I want a wife , " ho protested , " 1ml
want a clean wlfo. No , thank you , y
havn't got anything hero to unit mo. "
Mr Shugruo them wont in for a lltl
mild onjoyniont in Now York. Ho col
moncod by n , tour of Oroonwich slroc
Chambora , and then to B xtorand on I
way wnn initiated into several phaaoa
Now York "life. " Ho drank 2-cont nmi
boor in MI Italian dlvo ; ho bought a HO !
, 'old watch from t gentleman witli a hot
HOBO for $0.98 , and two collar-battoi
thrown in ; and while ho wan yet knee !
ing hia time picco against Ifttnypoats nt
ind restaurants signs , to mnko it koc
imo hi Botnothing approaching accoi
vith the many voraiona of time aeon i
ho stores , ho found himnolf on the Bov
; ry. Noticing a red flag projecting froi
i mock auction shop , and a crowd of poi
) lo around the door , ho thought It inui
) o a public odico , and so accosted a roc
losed , loud-voiced man at the door will
"I want n wifol"
"Walk in , nir ; walk in ; the sale
ibout to begin. "
Ho walked in and forgot all about th
cquired wife in the oplondor of the da :
iliugarray of goods being almost give
iway. After staring open-mouthed fo
en minutes , and vainly endeavoring t
'catch on" to the rapid method of doin
lusineaa there , to say nothing of comin
.cross . aovoral gentlemen so lost to al
onso of the proprlotors of the laws o
nonm and tuum as to accidentally p.u
heir hands in his capacious pockets , h
mshod his way out , with the porspira
ion streaming down hia faco. H
ouldn't wipe hia burning brow wit !
ny thine but his coat-slcevo , as som
hovallor d'industrio had relieved him o
is gorgeous silk pocket-handkerchief.
Presently ho made his way across to i
imo show , and was struck with thi
icturo of a beautiful Circassian.
"Say , " ' ho said to the beery- tooter
I want a wifol Do you think - "
"Walk in , sir ; walk in , you'll find 'on
loido of nil sorts black , white , rod
lort-hairod , long-haired , and with IK
air at all ; lean , fat there ! walk in
uly 10 cents. "
In about fifteen minutes ho emerged
lokirig crcot-fallcn. Ho had proposed
> the beautiful Circassian woman and
3pn "guyed , " besides being violently
ijoctod. And so ho spent the remain-
jr of the day , and all day Sunday ,
lending the proceeds of about forty-two
ires of good Connecticut soil without
iming any nearer finding a wife.
Late Sunday night ho presented him-
If at the Washington street police sta-
m , Brooklyn , nnd staggered Sergeant
Ulou with fho announcement ;
'I'm looking for a wlfo. " '
The uorgoant seized a club , nnd was
out rim-ing for assistance , when ho
) k a good look nt the victim , and con-
idod ho was not of the violent sort. Ho
ireforo carne putaido , fascinating Shu-
10 with his piercing eye , and secreting
air of handcufFa under his coat tails
i sat down beside him , and after a foil
iliminary words found the countryman
i both 'anno nnd s bor. There was a
tlo aa the handcuffs dropped to the
torn of the sergeant's pockot.
Toll mo , " said the oflicor , "just what
i wnnt , nnd I may help you. There
aomo nice girla in the salvation army
1 you may find ono to suit you. "
'You nro joking but I nm not , " said
igruo. "J mean just what I said. I
it a wife , and if you can help mo got
you will do mo n big favor.
ifter some further conversation ho
i ho had read the accounts in the pas -
s about Ella Larraboo , the adroit
MR lady burglar , nnd If she answered
discriptions in the newspapers ho
light ho could make a good wife of
She might rob you , " urged the ser-
nt. "Besides , olio's gene on line
lies , and you'd find her an expensive
ng lady. "
ho countryman persisted for some
3 , and was finally dissuaded from try-
to Di'curo the hand of the noted
ng burglar , mid loft his nddrt-sa with
sergeant , expressing his deep grati-
u for the latter'a promise to try nnd
a Biiitablii wife for him. As ho loft
station ho did'so with the final in-
ution :
Mindl I wantn wife ! "
iiK"Murn IMlUT.iiHu household word
itortliu w orlil. Kornu'rSO yearn it IIM
i-rtlerd IUi'11 by its inorlts , It H now ml.
lauil to warn thu imblio nRnlnst counter-
i. Tim Ruiiuiiiu urtlelo U munufncturod by
J. G. U. Slwoit & SOUB.
IiTukiiirliun'N OolU PI ml.
in tlio I.undvillo HurnKl.
few rolhblo Items about the Moody
ins , noarBrockenridgo , which created
gold boom in that region , and which
0 bouRht by Mr. D. II. Modal , oliver
ivor , have boon obtained from Mr.
rker , the manager. AVJion the shaft
k by the locators was twelve foot
p , it was visited by MoiM and liar-
The property consists of
claims , Iho Jumbo nnd Bullalo
ibols of the prospector's oxpecta-
IB. This property , however ,
1 bo known solely na the Jumbo
10. The vein is n fmcturo in per
ry. It is expected that in sinking , nt
10 unknown depth , limestone will bo
ountcrcd , ns the rook is uxposod far
r down the hill. The vein may bo cut
by the llmestono or not. The gash is
d with quarts porphyry , generally
nnd cUyish. When Alollat and
kor found the vein matter it yielded
nuoh gold that Mr. McOarty , now the
Drintuudont , was instructed to watch
her progress , and to report to Mr.
kor , with nhom was loft n cheek for
)00 to puicluuo the mine if ho deemed
[ > or , The further developments gave
imaging results nnd the bargain wns
eluded , Mr. McCarthy remained na
arintundont nnd Mr. Ilarkor asaumtd
inauaiomont. The ? 8OCO were piiid
S24.000 more will Imvo to bo paid in
ity days , of which ubmit twenty have
irod. TJioro arc four shafts on the
uisee , of which ono has reached a
th of CO , nnothur feet. The vein
ea from 1 to 18 Inches in also , and
panning from 1J to 10 pennyweights .
1 per pan About 200 pans go to the 1
_ It must bo understood that in this I ]
ning no account is taken of the pieces 1 1
old bearing quartz , which will natural'
incrpneo the value of the mill run. j 1
11 valU nro eolld porphyry , shooting ' '
ground , and contain in the vicinity
the vein nn avorngo of § 20 gold per t <
which is excellent milling oro.
Ono Mr-load or rather more , has
ready boon extracted , of which fo :
sacks are estimated to yield ? t,000 j
ton. This is select. What is called fi
class will run from .flfiO to $300 per t <
Up to date the mine hns done romarl
bly well. Mr. Harkcr will immodnt ! <
commence stopping to pay for the mil
after which'proipcctmg operations ti
bo resumed , Mr. Ilarkor considers tl
purchase n gambling venture , ns nebo
cin loll how long the thing will IM
Similar roina are frequent Ingianitc , li
of rare occurrence in porphyry. T
mlno IIA.I nlrcndy all the necessary ii
proromontn , nnd about fifteen raon a
employed at present.
Ammonln in obtained in InrRfl qnantitloii '
eho pntrofactlon nf tha urine of nuimalo. >
\.yli \ > ld\a llrilannica.
Kvcry liomokooiwr can test baking powdc
contniolng Uiia dii > ( nintlnR drug by placing
can of the "lloynl" or "Andrews' I'oorl" t
down on n hot KtoYo until heated , then rome
the cover nod Rtnoll.
Dr. 1'rico'g Cream Unking Powder docn n
contain Ammonia , Alum , Lime , I'otash. Bo ;
1'hoaphatcH , ( prove it by the ftbovo twit ) .
Is hropartxl by n I'hyslcmn nnd Cliomiat wt
upocial regard to cloaulinoaa nnd honlthfi
n o Ynnlcoo Vendor Tolls Donoo
UlHOown Tloltl Such
lUoli Trodncts.
Deacon TTnrd , says the Boston Globe
is a Christian farmer who works fifty on
rvooka in thn year , nnd on the fifty-sec
> nd ho brushes up his old broadclot !
: ont with n high quilted collar , cover
ria bald head with a napless ailk hat
iloros his old wagon full of bed qullta
uid provisions , hitches in his sorrel bob
nil inaro and atrlkoa out for camp-moot
ng. Ho had n heavy load this year am
ook an early departure in order to ar
ivo before nightfall. The intluonccs o
, hot day , along jolting roads nnd i
low , hny-fod horse , combined to tun
ho jug of milk which ho carried in thi
lind end of his wngon into bennie clab
icr ; so when ho pot his ten
iltchod nnd the kettle on hi
ras obliged to strike out to purchasi
nough to put in hia coffee. On accoun
f liquor being n forbidden luxury iosldi
ho grounds , the Ynnkoo vendors lint
icon compelled to mix their whisky will
lilk nnd sell the savory combination un
, or the name of "Jersey cream , " whicl
ommandn a good price among those whc
nvo a fondness for such fluids. After i
irgo amount of growling nbout the ex
orbitant rates , the deacon bought a
uart of the patent milk and took it tc
is tent , Where all the family was so do-
ghlod with its flavor that they sent out
nd procured some more , A bout bed-
mo the deacon was fooling sort of happy
id determined lo go over and got nn-
.her glasa just before retiring.
"How many cows have yo got thnt gin
mt sort o' milk ? " asked ho , going up to
0 stand.
"Four : they are nil there nro of the
nd in the country. "
! "You say they are Jersey's. I vuora ,
hov got a couple o1 flue hoffera of that
'ood ' nn' they guv a good mesa o' good
illor milk , but taint nowheres like on-
yourn. What sort o' fodder do you
n 'om that makes it so rich ? "
' I don't give thorn any thing bu1 ; grass ,
ay the richness to the powerful amount
thunder showers wo'vo hod o' Into. "
"Whnt have they got to do with it ? "
"Everything in the world. You BOO
thunders and lightens nil the time up
jrowhorol lives , nnd I reckon thnt
nohow 'twlxt ' the milklu' nnd the can
i1 my milk gets alruck , nnd that fixe
' 'Whnt on airth is it struck with ? "
'Jersey lightning. "
'n the absence of suitable materials o
1 time to prepare it , people often go
; hout n dressing for s&lads. Buy
irkoo'a Dressing , nnd you will novo-
ublo yourself to make another.
Pnssoiigor Stonmcr it
lie AVorlcl Almost Ucnily lor Sen.
'ho toamship Umbrin , which had
n on the stocks some time for Iho
mrd steamship company , is now near-
eady for service , but it is not ex-
ted she will bo used before next sea-
, According to contract time she was
mvo been launched next October , but
builders pushed the work forward so
idly thnt she wns launched last month ,
i Umbria was built by Messrs. John
er & Co. , and is the largest atcumor
It nt their Fairfield yard. She in ens-
i f > 20 feet in length over nil , has n
idth of bcnm of 07 foot and n depth
0 feet , her gross tonnage being 8,000
a vosseUias boon built of steel on ox-
lingly tine Hups nnd is expected to
n fuat nailer. Her engines ,
eh h.wo boon constructed by
[ sra John Elder , will indicate nt oun
500 horse power , flront ciro has
n tiiken to plan the Umbria to insure
maximum of safolyat sen , Thcronro
water-tight compartments , the bulk-
ds between which are fitted with iiro
( if and wnter-tight doors so that any
ipartmcnt can , if required , bo at once
atod. There nro live docks in nil.
1 promenade extends 300ft. umidshlps
r the whole brondth of the vessel. On
dock n saloon will bo fitted up for
accommodation of lady passengers ,
s und Iho music , dining and smoking
oiia will bo unusually spacious nnd
I vonlilated. The vessel will bo
: od upon the British admiralty list ns
is port of the highest class , nnd also ns
ocially constructed for the require-
ita of the sorvlco In time of wnr.
en completed the UmbrU will take
lior position on the Cuunrd company's
rcss line between Liverpool and this
YOUNG MEN , ltt-ir\O THIS.
IIK YOLTAIO UELT COM r ANT , of Marshall ,
liiKnn , olfer to sum ! tliolr coliibratod KLKO
VOLTAIC BKLT mid ntlior I'.LKirritio Ar.
.NCK.S cm trlul for thirty clayn , to men
ng or old ) ullllctq'd with jervom lU-bility ,
ntitalty nnil manhoou , and all kindrud
blo < . Also for rluinimlmn , nourak-la ,
lysis , nnd many other ilijeasos. Coinplctu
) ratlon t health , vlh' r and ininlnKid BMW.
fd. o risk Incurred , a thirty ituya1
u alluwod. Write thorn ntoncu for illus-
nl i > .iini > hlut , free.
hit IXnvn In the lllll , Jlo Hopctl.
Sin Franciscan.
n far this year Patti nnd Charley
d have baen the recipients of the
t tasteful floral tributoa given on thu
0 hero. On last Monday night the
11 comedian was entirely lost to view
Ind his flowers. Aa ho crawled out
came to the footlights to rcculvo the
nnd most gorgeous piece , ho took n
's-eye view of them all. Immediately
.oatimed a worried look , like that of a
1 who has unexpected bills to pay ,
uing apprehensively to the audience ,
aid , in n very confidential manner ,
I idu't order nil these. "
llio Ilnnl AVork Ilo Hail With a Mi
t ruin Cow oy.
"What1 that ? "
The question cnmo from n long-hair
big hatted , leather-coated , wilil-o ;
specimen of n Montana cowboy , who cried
riod A boil full of revolvers and an ah
bovine Impurity about him , says Iho 1
trolt Post. Ho stood up before the 1
in a Broadway nnloon , tlio other day , t
na ho spoke tipped his head in the dir
tion of n palo-ficod , hollow-eyed chi
who -wan leaning against the other end
the bar , tapping the pointed too of
patent hathernhoo carelessly with a Hi ;
comploxlonsd rattan CMIO.
"TJlat'a a dude , " icyliod the barter
or."A dude , " repeated the c wboy , vrh
n peculiar grin began to dispense its
over hia sunburned features ; "a dude ,
It. 1'vo hoard o' them things , bu
never got my lookcrn on ono o' them 1
faro ; It'a n dandy , nin't It ? Mnko n go
toothpick , wouldn't it ? Juatsizalhocrltt
np , will yor ? Look nt them nr logs
Ida ; I'm n slum gulllou If 1 don't spit U
backer juice nil over 'cm lookin' gin
nhoca' " With this the cowboy expect
rated o deluge of nicotlno humidity
the direction of the dudo's pedals th
nndothoin look as if they had juat bei
palled out of the man hole of n sowc
The dude slowly chnngcd positions ni
ightod n cigarette , which ho careless
lulled , without looking In the diroclk
) f the cowboy.
"Ain't very lively , is heJ" said tl
ilontmm brick to the barkeeper , who w
\ grinning auditor.
"No ; he's , probably blushed at norm
hing , and boon weakened Jay the exo
Ion. "
"Say , jest .watch mo. I'll wnko hii
" " moved lu tli
ip , nud "the cowboy
ircction of the dude nnd .brought ono c
is pancake clutches down on h :
boulder with n forco.that threatened t
rlvo him through the floor. "Saj
ardner , " said he , "suppose wo drinki
"Oh , I don't care much about dwiul
3g" replied the dudo.
"Oh , yor don't. Wai , I guess yc
otter turn 'round and take or gulp. "
"A thousand thanks , my denh follal
nt wcally I have no nppotito for dwin
his inawuing. "
"Better tnko somothin' , " urged th
owboy , with n cross-eyed look , na ii
Midlud the butt of a navy in hia bolt.
"Well , then , waitah , please give mo
orwy , verity light [ lomonndo and
twa. "
"Bettor take whisky. "
"No , 1 thank you , sir ; I never drin
"Better begin right now , then. "
"Oh , nnw , uir , I couldn't think of it. "
"Wai , you drink whisky or I'll daul
MI all over the walls. "
"But , weallysir "
"Nonp o' yor slim-legged gabble here
> r'll drink whisky or I'll begin opera
ana immediately. "
"But , woallysir. "
"Ain't yor goln' to take it ? "
"O , naw , my dean fellah. I couldn'i
ink of It , yor naw. "
" 0 , yor couldn't ? yor pin sliankodi
mpoatiu' ghost yer , I'll learn yor to' '
fuao good stuff when it'a offered yor- '
d the cowboy extended hia right trig
r-pullor in the direction of the dudo'e
lolling machine but failed to connect ,
to dude necrr.ed to have sufficiently revered -
vorod hia senses , and when his lofl
nd stopped on the cowboys cheekbone
0 latter lay down in a handy corner to
tch hia breath with a yell that made
a logs of the pool table quake The
wboy leaped to hia foot nud made for
a dudo. There was a collision. The
' was filled with Montana cuss words.
10 boot ornamented with a Mexican spur
w over into the corner and broke
3 jaw of a fellow who was snoring awny
3 effects of a premeditated drunk.
: pts of leather coat got caught up in the
isa-mounted chandelier , mixed hair
1 blood frescoed the ceiling , revolvers
nt whizzing under Iho steve and hid
lind beer kegs. The collision lasted
> ut three minutes , when the remnants
the cowboy wore jammed down tn n
nor In an unconscious state. Head-
ting his cravat the dude laid a chunk
chewing gum down on the bar and
1 : "Now , dealt fellah , give mo n glass
loltzah with n dwop of lemon in it.
it is wcally the hardest workl'vodouo
: o I played first base in the Yale
ilea nro frequently { irocodod by n eccao of
; ht iu ho back , loins nnd lower part of tlio
) inonci\u iiiL' tlio pntlont to supposa he boa
a nlfoction of the kidneys or neighboring
, iift. At tiinCH , Eym tonia of Indigestion
present , aa flntupncy , unoaainoua uf the
uicli , etc. A moUtcro like percpiratlon ,
luciiiR n A cry disngrooablo itching purlieu-
f nt night fitter potting warm in bed , ita
common attendant Internal , Kxtornal
Itching 1'llc.H yield nt once to the applica
nt Dr. liosanko'ul'ilo Kenicdy , which nets
ctly ii | "ii-tho narti ulTectoilj absorbing the
ura , all.uying tlio intonio itching , and of-
ng K permanent euro \vhoro otuor romo-
Imve failed. Do not delay until the drain
lie Bydtoin producoa permanent disability ,
trv it ivncl bo cured. Seliroter & Becht.
Trade Buppllsd by 0 , V Goodman , '
An Old Clock.
ol , E. A. Ohittondon hna , in hia
na at the Wnldon place , n very "an-
t nnd honorablo" timo-piecc , saya the
Albans Muouoiigor , a clock which
inally belonged to Gov. Chittonden ,
waa made by ono Wilson , of Blrm-
mm , England. Among Ihoso who
3 looked upon Iho face of this clock
a the M. rquis do Layfayotto , Ira Al-
Kthon Allen , Remember Baker , nnd
irs who wore prominent in the orgnn-
ion of the state of Vermont. The
ks and the dial wore found "off duty"
ID altio of the house occupied by
. B. Ohittoudon , near Gov. Chitton-
s old homestead In Williston , and
Chittonden has , with a view of pro-
ing as long ns possible BO worthy n
i of yo by gene days , had the clock
ored. The case is made of San Doge -
go and Mini can mahogany , In the
: is n coat-nf.nrms composed of the
nviiig words : The talbot's head of
from a door built by Gov. Thomas
London more than ono hundred yeara
the eye , whiskers , and shading of thee
o are of live oak from the ship of-tho-
Constitution , "Old Ironsides ; " the
Id of bar wood nnd satin wood , nnd
crescent a red cedar knot from n post
ho farm of hia son , Gov. Martin
.tendon. It was the aim In the roi-
lion of thiii reliu to imitate thu orlgi-
cane us ncnr as might be ; the work
been well dona , nnd Cul. Ohittondon
s n just pride in the poojcsdoii of
reminder of the past. The clock
it musical attachment which furnish-
"concert" every three hours.
lARD. To all ho are fufforlng fr'tn erron
idlwrctlom of jouth , ncnom weakness , carlj
, l tii of tuanbood , eto , I will vend a rocliw
ill ! euro jou , CllKJi OF t'HAUOK. Thin Krc l
y a < dlioorored by a mlwlouory lu South
ica. HonO KliaddrtaMd n > uloi > tokiv. Jo-
I. Is KIN , Station U Now York. c
al of North Carolina tobacco the
BESRON&C & , :
medicine , combining Iron with THII
Vegetable tonlrn , quickly nnd complete '
Cnrr > lyppriiln | , IndlKrittnn , UTnhnrw
nnil Nrnrnlaln.
itlsanunfniiinpromcdyfor Dlscwcaoftli
lilne ) . nnil l.lrrr.
It is invnlnablo for Ilstn ti pccullxr t
Womrn , mid nil who Icnrlictlontnry lives.
Itrtoci not Injure the tcctli.cAUfolicndticlie.r
proilitco constipation of/irr Iran nedltinn il <
1 1 cnrlclioi t nd piirlflci the blood , ttlmiilnU
tlio Appetite , nlils the nwimllatlon or food , n
llcvci Heartburn nnd liclehlng , nnd t trengll
cn"i the mmclcs and ncrvct.
Tor lutermlttcnt rovers , I-assltudc , I clct
Kncrpy , Ac. , It lias no equal. ' .
fB- The Rcnnlno hns nbnvo trndo murk nn
crowed red llncj on wrapper. Tnko no othci
ptj.onirtf nnonatiicairtt fft.njtt.Tinoar m
Clmrtetcd by thtStattof 1
ncis for thceaprcispur ;
of oivinnirnmedlate relic
a" chronic , unniry nnd i
complicated forms , nlao
dUen&ca of tli ; Klun t
Blood promptly rel leved i
permanently cured by rer
' '
1Ai4 NSl'V 5S.K3U biicelall'raetler. Sml
Wcii.ncss. NiRiit Losses by Dreams , Pimples
theFace.Loat Manhood , i > nsltleiln curedn ,
istiocxittrlinrnlinti. Til ! appropriate leir.t
isatonce ussd In each case. Consultations , pi
aunal or by Icttsr , sacredly confidential. Me
\cia \ t sent by Mail nnd Express. No marks
, ) itiu5c to Indicate contentuor sender. Addri
Oft.jAMESKo. 204Wa3lilnglonSChlcago ! ,
Will purify Ilin BLOOD.'rcp
latei the LIVER and KIDMEVi
nnJ Kr.sToua THE HEAJ.T
nna VIQOR of YOUTH. Us
ippsla , Want of Appetite , J
illKcillon , 1.-vck or Strcnjrt
mid ' 11 re-1 v sllnB absolute
cured. IlotlGS , luusclcini
U.livens tli3 mind m
nnppllcs lirahi I'mve
SlITi riliplrorn complain
n * J prcnllcrto tholr 8u < wl
End InDB. ItSaTER'SIROM TONIO n. tafn ni
rpoeily euro. O1VC3 a clear , licaltliy comploxloi
Frequent ttlernptB at cn"rf4rf,4tliK ! onlyai !
lolliopopul.irltyut Iliuorlplnnt. io uotexpcr
inenletlliu OiiKH.v.M , AND IIKST.
gHondyournddrpsstoUhaDr. Jlnrti > rMt > d Co.\
St.ixal ! ! . Mofor our "DREAM UOOK."J
L W ullof Btracgo end ueolul Informutton , fr j.J
of Life , Only $1.0
Kxhansted Vitality , Norvona id Physical Doblllt'
ornature Decline In Man , Eiroroof Youth , tn tl !
told mlwrlcs esultlns ? Jrom Indiscretions or oj
! 8es. A book for every nmn , yountr , middlo-azec
dold. It oontalno 126 prescriptions lor all atraf
d chronic diseases eachonool which Is Invaluabl
found by the Author , whoso experience for 2
rs la snch asprobably never before fell to the lo
any physic an 800 pages , bound In beantlfi
onchmnslln maossodcovere , full Kilt.Buaranteoi
be a finer work n every sense , mechanical , lit
iry and professions ! , than any other wort eold li
s country for 82.60 , or tha money will bo rofundei
Bvory Instance. Prlcoonly Jl.OO by mall , post
d. Illustrative sample 6 cents. Send now. Ooli
dal awarded the author by the National Modlca
ioolntlon , to the offlcora ot which he refers.
lo Sclcnse of Ufo should be readbr the yonot
Instruction , and by the afflicted for relief.
vlll bcnefll all. London Lancet.
liero Is no member ol society to whom The Sol'
o of tlte will cot bo useful , whether youth , par.
, cnardlon , Instructor or elorftyrnan. Areonaut.
.ddrcsa the Teitbcdy ITedlcal Instltuto , or Dr. W
Parker , No. 4 nnlflnch Street , Boston Maes. , who
7 b consulted on ill diseases requlr'iz ' skill and
crU'nce. Chrpnlo andobstlnatodUoai jsthat have
led the kill of all othciphys-Mraj dam
pecUWyi Bnch treated success. H fcfil fnllr
tiout an fnnUnce failure.
. .
Tl.I U.iicjl6 PullouSI.N.Y.
iRlnn BOJ-R ! and U.S. Mall Steamers
Rhine , Germany , Italy , Holland and f'ranet
oerftKeOiitward.lSO ; Prepaid from Antwerp , tig ;
arslon , $50 , Including beildlne , eke , 2d Cabin , $50 ,
ud Trip , JM.W ; Excursion , JIOO ; Saloon from $60
! 30 ; Excursion 110 to tlCO.
rPctor Wrljht & Sons , Oou , Agents 86 Brood-
ildreoll. Hamilton & Co. , Omaha. P. E. Fled
It Co. , 208 II , ifl'h Street , Craaba : D. B. Klni
OmiliaA nuts. od-ly
nli Acsaranoe Oa , ol juocilon , Cith
chester.N. T."clital. " . " " ! ! " ! ' ! Iooojoro.9
Jcrciiantii. of X w . N.J. , Capital l,276.000.0t
rd Flro , PUIwJelf l.Io , 9'.tU. . . . . 1,500 003.0
nen'sirnnd ( Vvr I'l . . . . l.i39HE.
o cteanublpn of this well-known line are built ol
In water-tight compartments , and are furnish-
Ith every requiilte to make tUo iiawtago both
and agreeable. Hioy carrj the United Statea
Kurrpcan walls , and lea e.Jow Yorka ThurS'
aiidBitiirdaafor PI ) mouth ( LONDON ) Cher.
K , ( PAUIS ) and HAWfllJMO.
tea : Klrrt Cabin , 856 , JUS and 876. 8teer > ire$1 > 0
nryPundt , Mark Hanson , F K. Monres.M. Toft
tslnOmiha , OroncwUg&Schocntgen.iiaentsIn
ell niufls. 0. II : HICIIAKD & CO ? , don. Pa
. , Bl Droadwav , N. Y. Cbas. Kozmluiki & Coral -
ral Wcatcin AgjnU , 107 Wasliiiigtou St. , Chios
lummer Resorl
r the Northwest , Detroit , Minn
mitry of WOODS AND LAKKS. SOO mllen webt
. ' aulTOroe trains dally on tha N I' . H , K. ,
SO Day UcursUm. Tickotn at abouk ono-hal/
ricgant bouw with aicommodttloni for ZM
< R. R. COLBURN , Proprietor.
dixn roa cmcounsmvivo run , riBncuLxiw.
Have You a Daughter
J for CiUloguiofCulUnanCollece , DC UDM. | . eichijlic'j for th eiluration of
g Mourn. 0 llek'Ute , Norrml and Eo'ooUo
M ol tudr. Superior aivantagw la Mu lo.
UoScrn L n-uaye < ard
Owing to the increase
in our business we'va
admitted to the firm
Mr Idwin Daviswho
is well and favorably
will enable us to han
lie an increased list
) f property. We ask
; hose who' ' have desi-
able property for
ale , to place the same
srith us. The new firm
7\ll \ be
IS South Mth Bt ,