THE DAILY BEE THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 11 , 184. THE DAILY BEE Thursday Morning September 11. LOOAL BREVITIES , Cjnnor , UjntisU , opp. I1. O Visitors to Iho stale fnir will Iw welcome nt IHincbaugh .t Tnylors. Finest display o Hardware and cutlery in the city. 8-5-m and o 5 t Dr , Annstrong , Octili t and Aurist , ha removed to 1503 , 1'atnam gtrcot , Bouthwo * corner of Fifteenth. .tt-M-ul & fit-U-cd. A small burglary wns committed Tuuidaj night near the corner of Twenty-tliltd nn ( Pacific. The loss to the party robbed wn about ? IO. On Friday evening the democrat ! pro pose to have a mass meeting. Arrnngi > mont are being made for n big torchlight procomion Tim speaking will t.iko plnco In the room * o the club , on Ilnmcy street , between Thir tecnth nnd Fourteenth. At 7:30 : o'clock thin evening there will b n concert in the Swcdirh Lutheran church 01 the corner of ID nndCnfsstrcuU. ( Jood mil nic nnd nn excellent Iccturo by John A. Knan dor 1'sq. , front Chicago. All ladles are we ] come. Admission GO cent ! , ft At 2 [ o'clock Tuesday ntlornosn th wedding of Mr. George Loomls and Mis May Ij. Waggoner took plnco. Tlio common ; wn performed by Itov. J. W. llnrri ? , nt UK icatdenci ) of the Iirldo"s parents on Farnnm street. The wedding was n ( pilot alfmrnnd the yonngconplo left for 15oston on the after noon train , The flnait exhibition of musical Inslni mcnti , pinnon , and organs nt the st.ito fair is mndo by A. llospo , Jr. , who deserves gronl credit for bringing cut the fonly Mnliy ( Jrand 1'jnno on the ground ? , nnd also the finest up right Hnlloti\N piano which In the finest plnuo in tlic world. Ho exhibits In flornl lull and iinitos everybody to oxnmino his display. For some rooion the play of Hichnrd lit was withdrawn from thu bill nt the ncndomy ofmnnio yesterday evening nnd the ] balcony scene from Hoinco and Juliet , the play ol Daniel Gnrrick and Iho "Happy Family' Diibstltntod. This play gave both Mr. liiand- tnann and Miss Louisa Urnndet a finer oppor tunity to display their versatility , and the largo nudionco were highly delighted. TMinund Lisle , manager of Mrs , Ctil 1'rcs- ' tdn'a military piny , entitled Slilloli , or , the Spy of Vlcksburg , Is making arrangements to ] > rodnco the piny at Oinnha and Council BliiflfH , under the nunpicos of the 0. A. Jt. post. JIIss Jloao Lisle , Into of Vnlllck's ! theatre , Now York , will apponr ns the hero ine of the Union , The nnnnnl meeting imd election of oll'icers of Iho Young l'ooplo'8 nssociation of the First Piosbytcrian church wns hold Inst ovoning. Interesting iojorts ) were presented by the I ofllccis nnd committees , nfter which the fol lowing officers were elected for Iho ensuing year : President , II. A. Doud ; vico-prosident George A. Joplln ; secretary , MIsi Lida P. Wilson ; treasurer , K. K. Hastings. The next meeting will bo hold two woolcs from this evening. A HINSOOM'S ' PARK HUNT , A Colorch Alan Slinotiiif ; Fatnlly AVoundH a Jj Friend. Yesterday afternoon Tlioophilus Banks a colored gentleman , accompanied by a lady friend by the name of Fannie Gray , wont to UIUIBCOIII'H park for n quiet iost from business cares. Mr. Banks likes to tickle his palatn with the good things of life , and gratifies his appetite occasional ly witli a rare dish of English sparrows. Ilo took with him a small target gun for the purpose of killing a half dozen or so of birds for his this morning'o repast. After ho had killed a con plo ho departed from his companion , when a sparrow appearing in his field of vision , ho fired , the bullet Hying wide of the mark , und ( .hooting oil' the end of hia fiiond'o thumb , and entering the abdomen. The lady afterward walked to the > atroot car and riding down town was "helped to Dr. McKoinm'n oflico where Mior wound was dressed. The injury up on examination was found to bo danger- ousnnitlio surgeon thinks it is quito ptobablo that the wound will prove tatal. Shn was afterward removed to Mr. Patrick's house on Davenport and Twelfth street where she now it. ' - \ „ OOFFMAN CAPSIZED. Dr. OoiTinnii Spilled From ly An Yesterday mnrniiif ; about 10 o'clock , an lr.V. II. ColFmanwas driving up Farnam street , accompanied hy a boy , an ox- prcE9innn ran hia polo through the hind wheel of Mr. Cofl'inan'a buggy , and as quick as a flash capsized it. The doctor nnd the boy were thrown hnavily to the ground , but the professional gentleman hung pluckily to tin * lines and prevented his team from running away. The buggy was badly demoralized and was taken to the ahop for repairs. The doctor immediately hitched his team on to another bu gy and procuring a police olllcor started in pursuit of the oxpruea- man. Ilo was overhauled and taken to police court. Judge lionoko ruhd that n criminal charge could not bo prujorrad against the man , as it waa necessary to provo that ho did the damage with malicious intont. Thu prisoner was accordingly dismissed , nnd the doctor at oncu began tuit against him for damages before Judge Anderson. The doctor euid no man could run into him without paing for it , and could ho have gotten hold of the fellow ho would have boon tempted to thrash him. Heal KHtato TranaforB. The following transfers were filed in thu county clerk's oflico yesterday and reported for TUB BKB by Amus' real es tate agency , September i ) : G. Ll. BoggB et al to .km. Oiclo , w , d. lot 4 block 4 , Arbor Place , $2M. IS. A. .NoycH & wf to W. A. Higgle , w. d. lot 1 block 7 , Rodick'a ' rub div , $1.803. S. D. Mprcer & wf to 0 , Snccht , w , ' d. lot 10 block 0 , Walnut Hill , ? UOO. W , II. Kaupard to J. 8. lllchant ot al w. d. lot 1 block ! .Kirkwood , $500. OlmB. Frauey and wjfo to J , Nirattn , vr. d. lots G and 8 block 57 , Florence , 240. 0. W. Loomis , et al to F. 0. Ilivin- ius. w. d , lotslDondlO , Arlington , ? 800. W. M. Btuhman aud wife to Geo. A. Palmer , w. d. part lot Q , Capitol Addi tion , $3DOO. THE ANTI-MONOPOLISTS. Slate and CoDErcssiocal ProccCuiDgs- Browu and Neville NoiniDatefl for TltoStnlo Ticket to ! > o Completed n Oinnlin , LINCOLN , Septcmbtr 10th. The anti-monopoly alatcconvonlion wa called to order at the academy of musi nt 2 p. m , , yesterday by Chairman J Burrows. Allen Hoot waa chosen tctn purnry chairman. Committics on candi dates , resolutions nnd permanent organ ! zation were appointed , nnd porformoi their duties In n vury expeditious man nor. The following delegates were ad milled : THE MHT OK DKI.KOATKH , Adnnu.-S. Darling. H. M. Dcnncr , H. .T Aniritafjo , II. JJ. Mctinw , John Adnms , S. C ! Juhtifnn , Whit. HtobblnH , 0. 1 ! . Pnwora , M A Jlnlcrood , .Iiilm Arnold , II Cruno. I'liili Sommors , K J llntlihclt , S W jlvinsorlli. ; II. Utitlfr. W H Wentovcr. 1) O A'orlty , 7) 1 ArmnzoKl , W . 1'ickvtt .1 J J.tchlitiT , ( Jc < MccliliiiR , .7 M Wright , J' HaumIern.-8. Itulfalo. W 0 Jlnlilnn , .Inmnn Jonkcno niiilin lilc ? , W. S. Hall , it II Uolton , ] } J ( 'unilailii ; , .lulin Ji.irnd. 7. 7''urnttH-U II Ilohr , S K Ki.yes , W Orccn Frank Agar , O .1 liunnctt , . .1v l , \p , 7Janic Hnr 7. llnll-.7 II Power * , T 7 CiiUomlon'W .7 Horgcr , .1 II Th iii < nn , O C' Hall. A .7 Sim dor ) , .1 11 Amlrmra , Jiilm O'Connor ' ] ! ono-.7 Wltiloy , W A Pnyntor , T T Wilkliniiii , 13 G Montgomery. J .1 YIIUIIK Win. iiliiilt.- : ( . Cass J : H Gilbert , Noah GlotnonB. J .1 UobcrtB , 1111 Woods , S O Toild , W 7) Hill , I'M : Wagoner , 11 Fallen , .IninoH Chirk , Jncul Howcrn , .f K Fn-y , II 71 Hubbaid , .1 " Towkabury , .1 0 ( Hlmoro-ll. DawHonW. . .7 Lninina , lill LantW. . 7 Wilhud , A. II Schmidt. I'Viinklin ' .7 It Cook ) 73 A 1'Iotchor , .7 A Sliorldnn , ,7 II D.ivldxon , .7 L Gooilmun , II TJhitn , T 7. Fillmora J A Fort , How Uorkloy , 7'Vank Futlltz , M 75atrnck , .1 Kolin , II .1 Austin , C 0 Wright , C J Wliltjol , H Huston , Wm Mar tin.7 r 10. CttKO Uan'l McOuIrc , J Burrows , 71 Hull , Win Illnknloy , TJ Werner , .7 II Gale , John Sparks , W l > Hubbard , Henry | 3mith , W H Bhby , F Itolf , O 1-3 Vciity-lL' . Iliimllton 7J KoyiioldH , lj B Floyd , .7 JJ MyorH , A W Cider , W I Peck , Col. Gra ham , H.itmiel K bbniB , T W Manchester 8. Jolnuon Alvln Atkinf , lr M ooro , lr Brooks. UM Holmes , Ibihcrt Irwin , W G Swan , 73 P IngeraollV Van Osilol Joseph Glonson 0. 7Ceitli Clmtlus PctorHon by II C Mnx- wcll-1. Lincoln Li Stubblns , F Nowull , C A Dunn , A .7 Miller , B Beer. Nwiialin .1 P Miller , J P Price , C W Whcoler , P .7 Naiilor , W P Gonlon , L llaynu , by 1'B ' Wright , Orville ThomiMon , Win. Ilnwloy , CliarleK .Morgan 0. Nnnco I O .loncd , A IMgington , Leo God- dard , .lulin l'3dgington I , Polk N C Voy , lj I ) Chainbcr'nin , Tlico- lore Bayorholf , F V Vogn ) , C H Ijludburir , corgo Hoist , Gua Hulon , Isaao Paisley , It It Cinkald ! ) , Pnwnco Walter Story. G W Wlicolor.Now- on Slioimnnl , S. Lewis , 70 W Boll , W 0 Starker , W .7 Alkiiis , David Butler 8. OtooO U Stondiiian , 1) ASchull , I N Fos- or'A L Cornull , .7 W Smith , W 17 Ball , , lo- ma Sngdon , John McCarthy , ( ! W Duaiiu , Iiuonh Blond , J C Wilson , John S Madduu , 7 S Wcst-ia. aownrd-IrnMcColliitcr , T S. Sliiii'oy , O P B Willlainillinsom Walltor , A VnnciH 1 Hhlck , Win F Groii , J McKtnncy , John Fees , John Watts-10. JeircrBon W. J. Weasham ; Samuel Clark , C G Hedges , A C Cntnpboll. John MoWrlglit , i'3d Hnwsuii , W. S. Cook 7. Cedar- S Alloy , Norman Itnppolro U. MCI rick A Hiving , C. 7) . Chapman , 7ra "ronty , J B Travor , F. Brnminn , J. AV. Mil- cr. 0 M Cox. Win J Williamson-8. Pholpi J WSkileH , WJ'3 lloynur , George 'rioo , C JOIIBOII 1. Lancaster H M Ilcoves , 13 S Mir : h , OV Jaton , S C Allbright , L L Mock 5. Khermnn U U Flaidin , J V Wishall by T T Nightliwalo , T T Nlght ! gnlo-3. Sallnu lUMWclU , .7 Palmur. W W Gib- on , Itnbi-rt Vance , O W Hendoe , Chailcs Alloy , I ; I , Boikur , SS Alloy , Goorgu Traoy iv J Itiimfnrd , George HtnlojChuH Lowin , 1 H Hull1'J. . Tnaycr-SF A'inloii , LDWillanl , Mil \Viss. W.I Hanna , At. T. Pholin , H C IJIg. low , B F SUnvart , J H Stickle , A T Clem- monn ! ) . Wclwtor TN Kiibardson , Kohort Hloter , T lloncliin , I ) S Hclvcrn , J M Stoddard , Frank I'lfrco , M A MoyurH , Iru Brownoll 8. Washington David Noalp , J A Parknr 2. York-Goo T Coicuran , lion S V Moore , 13 Vnndovontor , A II Campbell. J Bnckloy , Mr.lohnaon. D T Cliittendun , William Mor gnu , ilolin Woritunholiii , WJ Miller 10. Douglas Kd WoNli , John I'iniin , .7 11 LOWIB , Michanl MuCaithy , Frank Mclirnth , l.d Aniimnll | ! , Al Trott , F H I.ctti . Win Tintln , W J ltt\ns ! , 11 JeiiBun , Win Dickon- em , M S Mnhon , W A Looker , by Win Man- HOII , W A McUloud , J Sandbmg , Michael It ely , .Tcromu Ponsul-8. The comnilttoo on iiurmaiieiit oiganizalion rcpoitotl im follows : l i r | iermiuioiil chairman , Mr. MutichcHter , of Hamilton county ; vicn nuhidonlH , II M Woods , CUM county ; David Hiilo , WiiOiliiRton comity ; Mi. llurtowii , ( iaso ciniuty ; D A Shiill , Otoo county ; H H Alloy , Cedar county ; secretary ( temporary ) , 0 S HomU'o. Mr. Manchester took the chair with n few remarks , thanklmr the convention on behalf of tliu county which ho tepro3ontod , After the pormnuunt organization wnn cH'eatcd n resolution wna introduced in favnr of fusion with the democratic party on the electoral and stnto ticket. The dubato over thio rcoolulion continued until the hour appointed for receiving Bon Butler who wna escorted bv a committee - mittoo to the hall nnd addressed the con vention for about 110 minutcu. Convention resumed its BCBSIOH nbout 9 C Ji. andcjiitinuod the debate on the resolution to fuse until midnight. The resolution \\s\3 finally ndopt od by a largo majority Another resolution was adopted leav ing the ontirn choice of olootora and atato ticket with n committee coiieisting of ono nnui from each ouunty , with pow er to cast thu full vote of each county , This connnittue to proceed to Omaha to confer with n like committee to bo chinun ( by the Democratic convention. Session was roauinsd nt ! > thia morning , when the conference was selected by < counties. A ntato central committee was Bolocted und platform adopted. The following Rontlomon compriao the conference committee ; , H 1 * M n u'i , "f Adaiiw , ] J T Wilkimon , IJooiu' , W O Hidden , lliUMo , S S Iteynulik JjiitjtT. H H Wuml , Ca B. H ,1 AUey. Cudar . . \\7 I Ii. „ 1 \ , , . . . , , . . ! / " * ! I * v i * . , . - - p- | > * * * \.j i' iir | 4 1 ' Illlll t II. ) t | Windmill Jelfurbon , A B Atkiim. Johmon B IWilli.m * , Kearney , Keith county , Lil Waltli , proxv , Lincmlcr , O Hull , Liiicoln , Ij Ktiiblilnii ; Meirluk. A Huing ; Nauc , J O Join's ; Ncmalin , O W Wheekr ; ( Jtoe , 13 T Corn. > ! lJ'axvneo. . David Itntirj Phelpl , O Jeiikun ; Pulk. Kav ICinkiid ; Jticli. anlHou , S ( ! Mowrr ; H M WullHalluo. . Ticlcot. The oinfri'sjioinl convention of the First district met a * 8 a , in. and after organizing proceeded to ballot fur n can didate for congrcta. Charles H. Brown , received 83 votes and David Butler , of Pawnee , 25 , Brown's nomination wa made unanimous , The Third district convonlion nomi natcd William Neville , of Lincoln coun ty , by acclamation. PUBLICATIONS AfREDUCED RATES Do Not Hiilucrlbo for Any 1'npc Until You Have Jlcml Tills. Wo will aavo you 25 conta on a COc a year paper. S5 " " 81.00 " " DO " ' 1.50 " " 75 " ' L'.OO " " by clubbing with the Jturul bibraskn which is ono dollar a year. For example wo will Bend you for ono your Til WEEKLY BKK , which in § 2.00 n year , nnd the Jlurnl Xibrasfat , which ia 81.OC 83.00 in all , tor 82.125. It la not nocca sary to write nnd nsk what a certain papo nnd the Jlurnl will cost if you know th aubscription price. All you have to do i to refer to the nbovo table and deduct tin amount na given there. Wo will aoni the Jlurnl nnd Youth'a Companion on year for 82 25 , regular prlco of the two § 2 75 ; the Jtitrttl nnd American Agricul turnliat , Sl..r ! ) > , regular price of the two 82.50. This appliea to both old and new subscribers and to < i y paper in Aincr lea. lea.Tho The Rural Nebraska is n handspmo 20 page , SO-column farm mid family journal ratnbliohod 15 yours. Simple copy. 2e Address II. S. SMITH Co , Pub'rs , 10P nnd 108 South Fourteenth St. , Oiuahu Nobr. Util this nut. NSTANTLT KILLED , An Old Ijjuly Ititii Over and Kltloi Ncur I'apllllon. Yesterday morning an old lady , nnmo Brown , \raa run over by a Union Pacific freight train near Pnpillion and instant ly killed. The report M received at the lioad < iuartors In thia city said that as the Irat section of train No. 0. was nbout ono tnilo this side of Papillion ho old lady waa soon walking upon the track. The engineer whistled and just before the train reached her slio stopped of ) ' the track. The second BOO- ion of No. U came up , and just as it ap- iroached , the old lady who was walkinp ilong side of the rails , throw herself icrosa the track. The train waa upon icr and bcforo any warning could bo ; ivon by the engineer the engine had msscd over her body. She was run over about the chest , nnd was cut entirely in hvo , death being in tantanoous. She is said to bo an old res ! ,0110 of Papillion , nnd had boon ill for omo time , which had weakened her nind and brought her to the rash act. POLICE OOFRT , ? lioVIornlniI ! > n.wiiH Upon Thirty-Two I5reiikorn in llio 'JColIu. Tha work of the police Tuosdaynight go woy with all former efforts , and thirty- , wo law breakers were corralled and edged behind the bars , charged with va- ioua crimes. A number of pickpockets nd suspicious characters wcro picked up lit it the fair grounds and in the city , 'hey had all coma hero for the purpose f working the fair nnd were getting in lioir work. The gang had not gotten airly at their work when they 'wore icked up. Thursday was to bo the big ay and they were nil laying low nnd roparing for a big haul. Hilly Doyle was called nnd charged ivith having boon drunk. Ho said ho imd wo drinks of whisky and VTHH iind $5 nd coats , llo caid that waa better than othinp. Joe Nimoy was charged vrith being runk. llo said "yea , " and waj fined 5 and costs. Joe Kyle was charged with having ) cen drunk , llo plonded guilty nnd was nod $5 and costs. Walter Raymond waa drunk and it oat him § 7.f > 5 10 eiiuaro the matter. James MoNamura un ? charged with ) oing drunk , llo was fined i3 nnd costa ftor pleading guilty. E V. Uarr wna charged with being runk. Like tlioao who had gonu buforo liiu ho was lined § 5 and coats. George Nason was charged with being runk. llo was from Missouri , was ro- Aiming from reunion. Judge lined him 5 nnd costs , llo said youru truly. Fred Dasher was charged with being runk. 1 drank some , 1 admit , but wan lot drunk. Ho was lined § 5 nnd coats. Mitchell Fleming waa lined 10 and osts under thestato lav/ for being drunk. James Nellie said ha had not boon runk as charged In the complaint , and lis C.IBOviu continued. llonry liurns , a lad of sixteen , wns hargud with unlawfully and maliciously isturblng the peace by fighting , llo aid no , and his case waa continued. Jim Carroll was sentenced to ten days n the county jail on broad and water for oing n vngrnnt. Kl. Wilson got n like oao for n similar ollenao. Frank Gas- iily said ho t > as not guilty of being n ya- rant. His hands were horribly crip- ) lvd from being burned , liuwaadia- ihitrgod. MilcoMcKonnn pleaded guilty o the charge of vagrancy. Ho said ho vas working for Murphy. After iuvca- Igution ho was discharged. NVin Van Orman waa charged with > t > raonating an ollicer by wearing a badgo. lo pleaded not guilty and hia case was ontiiiued. George Coloiuan waa arrested for tonling a suit of olothen of n printer mined Lawis , working in Tim Bui : ollico. io was sent up on the hill to await trial. Fourteen pickpockets and crooks were put up to the county jnil to await invos- igation. * DIKI ) . OST In thin city , David Test , ton of John nut .Mu uiu 1'iut , at B o'clock n. m. I'uiicntl tg-diiy from th' ) ri'xIJcnco on < iiuitfeiith Btrocl , butwocn Center and le- jtur. ) ( ) NTAlIiV-In : tli ! city , .S iti'inber 9th , Daisy Miiy , liifunt ditUKlitur ( > I J , V. & S. J. Don.ihey , nguil II iniiuthi. * Vuurialytutvrdky at 4t \ , m. WINTIIUK. In thiicity , September 9 , nt ( S o'clock p. m , , .loveph , lufuut eon of .Mr. nnil Mr , Wintliai , aged 8 luantUu aud 10 cl.tyi. I'lineral ut 10 o'clock a. in , fro _ ho residence in south Omaha , near I'OdT-In thin city Siipt. 10th , nt 7 o'clock a. in , David , lufiitit HOII nf dulin mid Mu Rio 1'ont , lU'tidl ) muntlia. Fuuernl will tnku plau ) from the residence , Nineteenth utroot between Durcftn anil Center 17-day nt 10 o'clock a. in. Knierson 1'iauos at A , IIospo , t'J-(5t ( V- LIVELY TIMES. A Walk Afcont Town in the of a Fair Day , The Hotels niul Hoarding Hntiaca CrowilctJ. The Theatres Playing to Full JIotiscH nnclitlio Faro UnttkB In Full Ulnst. Thoscono upon the streota these o von inga is nn exceedingly lively ono. Upoi the main thoroughfares the sidovralka nro crowded with n throng of people , push ing up and down the street with no par ticular point in view. A largo number of them nro strangers , but the city people plo turn out in crowds to RCO the jam. There ia a strange faacina Ion about n crowd of people , and ono will aland upon the atroot corner for hours nnd wntch the masses aa they sunjo back nnd forth. In the hotels laat night there was n general racket. Persons who came in on the evening train were bcsoiging the clerks at the various hotels , nnd of course every mother's son of them wanted n room and muat have it. It would bo utterly imposaiblo to got along without it. At every hotel the nnawer wns the same , "Haven't got a single room lefl , and it ia doubtful as to gutting a ojt. " Ono by ouo they would fall back from the dcak _ end straightening themselves up to their full height exclaim , "It ifl great note that Mr. , of , can't got a room in this house , " but ono and nil wcro corvod alike and no partiality shown. The hotels have done everything ! ! ) theirpowcr to ao- commodnto the stnuHjurs vioittniftlip city and have put up cots in every available place , but oven with nil the extra prop arntiona sumo arc luft out in the cold. The streets Inat night looked brighter than even with the long rows of electric lights , and the gas jots in the windows shone with renewed brightness. Espe cially wna this true of the saloons , which were filled to ovorlbwinpr , na waa a good many of the inmates , and the bnr-tondora worked na if their livea depended upon t. Prom the boor gardens nnd concert saloons , lighted with Chinese lanterns , came the sound of music and many mean dered in the direction of the sound. The ing games , shooting galleries and a mini- ) er of "fakes" were running in full blast and doing a good business , plucking the unwary and the unsophisticated of their mall change. Many found their way to the theaters. U the Boyd waa playing a spectacular Iraran , "Pavements of Paris , " and the ino scenery and good acting captivated IIP audience and hold them during the voning notwithstanding iho heat. At ho Academy of Musio Bandmann , the ragodian , tickled the fancy of a largo rowd or these who enjoy the good old ilays of Shakspeato , with Hamlet. The Buckingham was visited by a largo num- > or of persons irho delight in variety hows. In the gambling houses the scene wns lively one * Men with anxious faces , ncn with smiling countenances and men whoso every look told of loesea were lioro. Some were playing faro while thora were playing hide nd seek with the fickle jioddoss of fortune at other games. The ealcrs at the faro tnbloa nat calm and erono aa they dealt out the cards nnd .iked in the "stuff. " While many were osing there were these around thereon roon cloth who were piling up the cheeks t front of thorn until their succoaa al- ioat turned the heads of the leaa fortu- ate na with a muttered curse they tvntched their laat quarter find its way ute the dealers drawer. Taken all In all last night waa a great ight around the city , and buforo morn- rig thirty-two persona who had indulged ,00 , freely in the flowing bowl , were vithin the portals of the city jail. To-night will bo another and so on to ho end of the holiday feativitiea. MlLLINEUYfmMlLLINERY. Genius' special sale of 300 no\r Fall 'attorn llats and Bonnets. 1-108 Doug- aa atroot , between loth and 14th. ueS-IHnuto Gnnforonco Glowed. The West Nebraska mission of the \l. \ E. church closed n very pleasant ses- ion at Kearney , under Bishop Mallo- ou who hold his Crat conference since is promotion to the Episcopacy , and , onaidering him aa coming from Beaten , nd holding hia first conferonoo in the ar west ho exhibited remarkable ndapta- illity to the great work aaaignod him. lia rulings were clear , wise and just , ia presiding , dignified , easy nnd grace- nl. His sermon on S.ibbath , n master- ioeo of eloquence nnd power , ho niado a no impression. The appointments lerowith published show Iho remarkable rawth of the mission under the suporin- ondoncy of Rov. T. B Lemon , who four ears ago was neigned to thio mission k-ith twenty-two charges nnd now shows growth requiring three presiding older istriota nnd sixty-oil o uhargcs , the riginal secretary had thirteen charges alien fro n the mission nnd put into _ the forth Nebraska conference and gained vo charges from the Nebraska confer- nee , making an increase of apmo forty- ight olmrgoH in four years , in each of vhich tlieio are from tbreo to six preach- ng places , This mission will become an nnual conference at its next session. AnnounoommiU for IHHI , NlOlUlAli.V VALLEY DISrillOT. ( Jeo. W. Martin , rrcslding Elder , 1' . O. , VinsworUi. Atkinson , IV'tor PuClnrkj Alnfiworlli , T. V. Owen : Arnold , N. KiiKlUh ; Urokon Uow , Yin. Ksplin ; Urowor , K Fuller ; llurwell , It. 1. i'uggeii ; Ci'damHo , if. A. Htovoiu ; Da- Ight , J ) , M. Kllswortlii Cioidon. 1) . L. Huv- wardjiluhiuon , A. J. Calveit ; ICIrkwonil. .f. , , U.iwuoiij K ya Palu , O. JO. Campbell ; iQiiK 1'lno , H 1 < . Uubtiisoni l.oup City , A. Collins ; Ord. 11. H WlUlamn ; Norilon , M. Mnno ; I'luni Valley. W. It. I'ltclp * ; Stow art , to l > . ) Mip | > ! ieil ; Saruuttt , 11. ! ' . lllltoiij Taylor , I' . 1) ) . Ciipi't'ii ' : Vtlcntiiio , .1. A. riomimtioriii Went Union. H. Kuiilolph ; Wfttorvillu. O. A. Jfulu ; Wlutu lliu'r , Joseph Gray ; Yule , J. 1 ( . Uurlicm. lIlil'UUMUAN VAI.LCV IIISTIUIT. 1' . 0. JohiiBon , iirenidiuR elder 1" . O. - Aruphoe , Ci. W. lloswoll ; Alna uiul Hepub- lloui i ity , Jos. Hiicklcy ; Axtell , J. H , Cur miclmel ; Uiuvor City. I1' Thomas ; CuUH.-rt- nun , to bo uppliod ! Ujtnbiidgo , Julin NS'neil- en ; I'r.mldln tnul 111 oininfrtjii , O , 15. 1'ul- iiirr : llnrtmtll aud Nutvark , J. H. Mjwott ; Hultlritko nnd Oxfuitl , W 8. Wlict-lur ; Hoiiimiilo , to Ito Biipjiliod ; Imlunnla , J. M. luiin : Kinstono , to l > Mipplioclj AliiuUn , L , H. Kd < llublut : McC'ojk , D. W. Dwlrc , Macou , J. A KleebarKursOrlutiim , I 8. Curr , Itlvurton , J , It. Vincent ; lUnold , J. I. IMmjKtockUlIo , Smith ; West Heaver , U. 8. Murri * . 1'i.ATruv ULKV niunncr , T. B. Lemon , 1'rtwlding Elder P. 0. , { I ( AriunUa , Clay Ooxj Antclojisvllle , to bo rupplled ; , T. H. Thurbcr ; C.itnii Clnr to ba supplied ! Kim Creek , C. H. Savldg ( Jiblxm , 0. A. Mustln ; JKonrnoy , W. 0. Wi xon ; Lodge 1'ole , to ba nupplitd ; Nort I'lfttto , W. (1. Vmelij Ofj.ilftlln , to bo mip piled : Hetmtit Hill , M. K. 1'lercc ; 1'lum Creek , M. W. Smith ; SUnoy , 1 t-sllo atc'i ns Sharon , A. C. Spencer ; Slioltnn , H. C. Jlar mnn ; South l.otip , to bo supplied. Seal of Nortli Carolina tobacco th best. "Windy Mob" Slahhcd. A mnn named Conway was arrcstci Tucgdaynight nnd chnrgcd with stabbin "Windy Bob , " a notorious character ii this city. Cunway claima that ho wa pounced upon by several men to him nn known , llo bro < co nway from them am run and upon being planned by them ho drew from hia pocket a cigar holder case and pointed it nt them. TJiia ho claim is nil the weapon that ho had and tha the charge is n malicious ono. lie is huh awaiting nn investigation. "lila powder not cr Mrlcs. A marvel of pnroncas trcnith and wholesomcncsi. Moro economical than bo ordinary kltids.and cannot bo suld In competition with the multitude of Ion' trbt , eboit weight alum or ihosphato powders. Gold nnlv In cans. UOYAL 1AK1NO 1'OWDEH CO. , 300 Wall street , N. Y. MEDICAL AND SURGICAL a CKOUXSE'S BLOCK , Cor. 10th nnd Capitol Avenue , treats all cases Crip pled or Deformed , nltodisoi C3 of the Nervous System , Blood , and Urinary Organs. All cases cfCujvotnro of the Spine , Crooked Feet jcgn and Arms , AlioChrnnloaffectlonsoftho Liver , Itieumntlsm , I'arnljuis , 1'ilcs , Ulcem , Catarrh , Asth < ma and lironohltls are all treated by new and BUG cC93fnl methods. All Olscascj of tna Blood nnd Urln- ry Organe , Including that J resulting fiom liultcre- ionor exposure , are saf. > l5 and xucccasfnlly trcitcd aiidacureKuorantcod. Young men , mladlo aged , and all men sutlcrlnir from Weakness acd Nervous exhaustion , producing Indigestion,1'alpllatlonot thu Icart , Dospundcncy Dizziness , Lous of ilcmory.Lack of Energy an I Ambition , can ho restored to health and vigor , If catu is not too long neglected The Surgton in charge h : i graduate of Jellor on Medical College ( ISDi ) aril hag Ftuillod his trofes cn In IjonjunI'nrlinndUcriln. If nlllbtud , : ; illor wrlto full dt.Hcrlitli | > n of your caw , and nicdl- Inu mav 1 o cent J ou. ConMuItatlou frco. Addiuee ) nnh Dispeniiry , Crnmibu's 131ock , Omahi , Koh. lllico Iiuura 0-12 x m.,1-5 end 7-S p. m bntidays. 1-10 a in. COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT , Omaln KobrasVa , in uhlch U tanslit double nn Ingloentry Uook-Kwpini ; , Commcrrial law , Cnil Jnvcrnmcut , Hmino s 1'rao'i , L'oiimaii'lilp , Knit- sh Grammar , Aiitliinutic , Iliad ng , wpcllliijj , C r- csponiViicc , and Micrt Hand Wriinijr. TE11MS : Complo'o Course , ono > car , ( short hind ex ceptol JSO 0 Complete Course , ono month 8 no 'oni Icto Coarse , two months I1) CO lomplcto Courao. thrco months 20 00 Inch month thereafter Ii 0) hlrty I.cswnsiu rcnmanelilp D 00 llio al > o ( o course , ( book-ktepliiR o\coptoJ ) ouo inonih COO TionliOM ) euurso , ( book-keeji UK oxicptod 3 months 12 00 Kcnil for circular. Aililrcsa ur.o. n iiATimuK , rrn. to O main , ro the changes that , In a Jowycaru , have taken place in the manufacture of 'mprovemont after improvement hae been mndo , until to-day the clothing oflbrod by Schlank & Prince , 1210 Fnrnam street , ia equal in every respect to the best While at the sanio time the iownosa of price of the fine grade of clothing they handle is no lean astonish- in1/ than the Perfection of Fit ! AND TIIH QUAtlCT OP MATBBIAL AND MAKE 1210 Farnam Street , 1210 DAVID NICHOLSON'S n OR I'Oll S.U.K BY ALL DUUQGISTa. Thl liucxwIK'd Extract ol Malt Ll noiuibhliu Tlio ! Uvraicei a | ilca > ln | , ' , wnoltcome aud ln > loratliiif | Toalo ; romtolal Iloxura u , ftwilit- nirttio coiiktliu lou t J nvnrcoiuo the \ariouu VMak- nint ; an < l waitlni ; icilnJloi , ud builUiai ; up * icil hy body a aiii. TJIE NICHOLSON LIQUID BREAD IS UEAtLY "The" Beverage roil NURSING MOTIIEH * . at Kulin & Co. , ticbrotor & U.Kht , M j 1'atr. M. Ii. 1-awell , t ) . Kali , it Imrwl & Co. I up : < lIiHl bD > ld NlobuUou , 13 auii 15 ' 1 t Louli ilo \fl \ II I' , In a few days a NEW / and NOVEL proposi tion will be made by which all dealers hand ling Smoking Tobacco wili be greatly bene fited , Don't buy any other Smoking To bacco. D , B. BEEMEE , Agent , OMAHA , NEB LARGEST STOCK OF- 5 Buy your Fine Bronzed Hardware at Home for less than Eastern Cities Can Deliver it. Sent ! for Our 250 Page Catalogue , only one issued in Nebraaska- ONE HUNDRED VARIETIES Counter , Eay , Stock aud Railroad Track , ADOPTED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT ! ! i Orders for the Indian Department given for Buffalo Scales ex-1' cttisively. Scale K L405 Douglas Street , OMADA. NEBRASKA FALL WINTER. GEEAT BAEGAINh IN IT Mil Visitors to tin Stale ami others in need of MonV , Boy& ' and Children' * Clothing , will do well to call on | The Strictly ,0ne , Price House in the City Yiul examine their goods and prices. _ Th y cairy tlie largesf stock , nnd f sell lower limn any qther house in the city. Merchant Tailora ' don't fail to call at 1216. FAHNAM ST. 1216. The Largest Stock in Omahaen Mes the lowest Prices ? VJ " is-f ] ° ° rrtfj * ® "Bi jf ® Y | GSU&Xt 'U u&a Vay DRAPERIES AND MIRRORS , s Jntt received an assortment tor nurpasslng r.nythng ! in thia market , comprUin latest and most tasty detlt-ns inannfacturod for this apring's trade and covering ugo of prices from the Ohoapcut to the most Expensive. Parlor Goods Tow ready for the inspection of cua- Complete jtoclc of all Hie b > toniora , the newest uovoltirB in styles in Tiircoraan , Madras nud Suits mui Odd Pieces. Lace CurtAins , Etc. , Etc. Elevator to all Floods. B , 12 . 1208 nncl 1210 Farnam Stwet , - - - OS1AUA NEB & BOLTS , Itnltli , Window CAMIron Crcatlnjt , UettUlc 6Vy-l ! bt , &c. Ha , _ , r ; 810 boutn Kit Btittt OmUut Mcbruk * .