Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1884, Page 7, Image 7

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They Are Without A Rival.
Have been Awarded One Hundred and eighteen Prize
Medals at all the prominent expositions of the
World for the Last Fifty Years. And
Liw Pianists ,
An examinntioa of tbcso innguificent Piniios is politely requested
before purchasing any other instuiiuent.
General Wosteru llepreseu tatives.
P. S , Also Gen'l Agt's for KNABE , VOSE & SONS ,
i uaqvui
FOR , 1DJ SALlI-ElenantreelJenceon Farnam St ,
ton blocks frrm postolllce , corner lot , 07 } feet
south front , just on new grade ; housu 11 rooms , with
vrry modern Improvement , $3,000 cosh , balance on
mr ) caro' time , llar aln.
I'OlTEll t COBB , 1515 Fornam St.
IT'OR'SAI/K 201 Thrco fine brick residences onT
-T 24th street , between Uo-iRo ami Farnam. All
lioJern lmpro\cmcnts , cast front , and as Investment
till pay 10 per cent net. One lull cash , balance on
bnir tlrno.
rOTTEU & COBB , 1515 Farnam St.
rOR SALE 105 Fine residence on Mt. Pleasant
L avenue , U blocks oil Park avenue , IS room * , all
ncdorn Improvements. Lot to feet south front ,
iargalii. Price 87.000.
POTTEK & COBn , 1515 Farnam St.
niOR SALE 180 House and lot on Gcorpth avc-
t ? nuo , one-halt block south of at. Mark's avenue
iroet car line , full lot. house new , 8 rooms. Cheap ,
ROTTEU & COBB , 1615 FuniamSt.
SALU 172-132x132 feet cait front , on llth
Etrcet. near Arbor , with house S rooms , stable ,
out buildings , shade and fruit trees Will ba sold at
a baipaln. POTTER & COBB , i516 Farnam St.
[ POR SALE 103 South and cnst corner 85x130 ,
" itliHlx room houso. now , shade aud fruit trees ,
rtnlen , tliwers , elc , on diaries street , Shinn'sSrd
ulditlou$2500 , Bargain.
T I'OlTEll k COBB , 1515 Farnam S .
IT70USALE 13n llnuso 8 room ? , nice lot on 25th
JD street one half block north ot St. Jlarj's avenue ,
t'rico fS.-lOO. Lasy terms.
I POITKll i : COIJB , 1015 Farnam St.
FOIl SALE 140 House 7 rooms In flno repair , on
full lot , south front , on UouB'ias strict , nuar
r- ! Mh. I'rlco 41,000. fafy . tcrniB.
; 1 ; k COUKi U15 Farnanst ,
/T7OH / S&LH 141 Fine house , 10 rooms on 51it ,
JL1 full lot , corner soul ho'deist fronts , ouo block oil
street car lice , nlco crronnds 1'rlcu ? 7 , oo , Euey
I terms. POTTKIl & COBB , 1616 1'aruam bt.
iTTTlon SALE 1B4 Half lot , coed locality , small
JL1 house , barn , etc. Price SI 000 , one-half cash.
PuTfEH & COBB , 1616 turnam t.
FOR SALE 105 Two houses , 7 room" , and lots.ln
Hnrbacli's 1st addition , comparatively now aud In
good share. Prices ? 2SOO , S2.700.
POrTUIl& LOBB , 1613 Farnam St.
FOR SALE IBS Good house , lot 45x135 on Hum
llton street , barn , outbuildings , $3,000 Easy
terms. POTTER & COBB , 1516 Farn&rn St.
TJ10R SALE 171 Lot south front 00x183 , 5 room
J ? cottage , btbidvs closets and litli room.m-vny
kinds ot fruits , sliado trees , elf. . $3,200. Easy terms.
, 1516 Farnam St.
FOR SALK-Lots in Illllslda acdltions , best In tlio
city for residences.
TOTTER &COBI ) , 1516 1'ainaiii St.
FOR SALE lots , vacant tnd Improv ed , In all
parta of the citv. ' "all on us.
P JTTUrt & CJllB , 1615 Farnam St
SALE Lots at intersection of Farnam utrcet
and Lo o avenue , ttfrom SIUO to 8500 each , $25
cash and $10 per month.
1't/nint & COHB , 1S16 FarnainSt.
FOIl SALE 600 acres U miles south of Union
stork jards. Will sell BO. 100 , 240 oi 3 .0 acres In
lioih. Land imrrovcd , houses , barnx , orchards , cto ,
ftc. Bargain at from 8l.r > to f 15 pnaero. . Terms
very easy. POT1EKA.COBB , 15i.11'arnauiSt.
TT\OR \ SALE ' 0000 acres cf land In Chej onno coun-
L1 ty , Nebraska , at 83.00 per ncro.
POTlERiCOBB , 1515 Farnam St.
IpORtHALi : 5,000 acroi of good land In Oospcr
1 count } , at S3 fiO per acre.
i & COBB , 1515 rornamstrotr.
SALE Several Ecctlonsln D.tweou county at
1 U 50 I cr acre.
acre.I'OlTEll i. COUB , 15IS Farni.m St.
\ SALE 10 000 acres of dc lralilo Und In Don.
J7\nil . Harpy , Cutr lug , Nancu , Jkriick , BuHalo ,
Kearney , ' 1 haver and Lincoln rnuntiex.
POTTKU i. COItll 1515 rarnam St.
I 01L.
Is better prepared than ever before to fill nil demands for washing.
Wo call your attention especially to our capacity for doing family wash
ing. Very low rates. All kinds of worlc done in first-class order.
Special pains taken with flannels. Orders cent by mail or otherwise
receive prompt attention.
ALBERT P. JOHNSON , Proprie or.
L. A , STEWART & CO. ,
1013 Jones Street , } ASK FOH UED MOSS. { OMAHA , NEB.
15. M. I'icr on , of Atlantic , wn * in the city
yo ti'rdny.
( < . 1' . H.iuin art , of Chicago , ia booked nt
the 1 loch tele.
Joseph Swan , of Lincoln , Neb , , is registered
nt the Ogdcn ,
Ocorgo Vcninnr , of Dttbuqtic , was at the
1'ncillo yesterday.
L , < T , Chllds nnd family have returned from
their omtorn trip ,
Krank Henry , of Cincinnati , \\ns in town
yesterday morning ,
J. 11. Clnp | > , of Uoono , w.ii n finest nf the
Ogdeu homo yostordny.
X , S. Dahl , ot MiMouri Valley , waa n ,
guest of the Pacific yesterday.
1'art of the Carleton Opera company \\crc
qunrtorcd at the Ogden yesterday.
Scth Kgqleston , of Burlington , Is testing
tlio hospitality of the Ogden honso ,
Mrs. J. W , Quilfurd , of Dinilap , was in
city yesterday morning on n shopping mpedi.
K. K , Jenkins , n citizen of Syrnctiso ,
NebrAskn , was \lslblo on our street ! yestor-
1) . A. Hartleys nnd wile , of Liberty , Xob , ,
were sojourning nt the Pacific honso yestvr-
J. U. McGorrisk , ono of the paving con
tractors , \\us registered at the Pacific yestor-
K , K , Adams , ot the firm of 1' . K. Admits &
Co. , niailo his debut In Council IMulfa jester-
l13. . Cook nnd 1' . P. ] fugging were In tlio
tlty yostordny nnd stopped at the Ogdcn
.T. Oppenhoitnor , of INOW York city , w.n
n.ikinp his rcgnlnr visit to Council HlulTa yoi-
4.T. W , Hupp , n Woodbine citiron , took in
the eights of the city and put up nt the Pacific
J , F. Itccnrd , ono of Glenwood's loading
btielncss niou , was in the city a few hours yes-
Several members of the Carle-ton Opoia
company wore entertained nt the Scott house
Chalmcr Lyons returned yesterday fiom n
, rip to Shenando.ih , Olarindu and other Pflgo
county towns
A. K. Draper , of the queen city of the lal.-o , . ?
u-as mnuDK tlio arrivals ycstorJny at the
3gden house.
G. Adolfi and Alonro ITatcli , of Now York ,
were among these w lie registered nt the Becli-
iclo j-ostcrday. gi Plattenburg , hailing from Chicago , la
. vas among . the guests of the J5eclitolo yeatei- tl
day morning.
] ) . Sanders , a citizen of Kock Port , Atchiin
on county , Mo. , was at the Pacific housu yesC
erdamorniug. . cr
J. H. I.eeka , William JJogow and Ben °
Jreeding , all of Ilaniloljih , l rcinont county , ct
i-oro booked nt the Pacific yusteiday.
John 15. Kos ? , a piospeious farmer residing
oar Shenandoah , was in the city last , ocnQ
tig on his way homo from the Nebraska etato
: nr.
George Wise , of the Hamburg News , was in C
lie city yesterday morning en route to the at
cmocratic congressional convention at At- P'
antic. tl
D. AV. , Toncs , a prominent citi/oii and buni a
ess man of Ked Oak , was in the city a short tfl ;
mo yesterday morning cnrouto to the fair at ta
'maha. ' tabe
Colonel John Limit deferred his eastern
rip until this evening , when ho and his fo
amily will start on their journey as atatcd in
yesterday morning's 13m : . "
L ist evening A. T. FHckinger , K < | , intend he
cd leaving for Independence , Iowa , wlioro liia CO
wife is now on n visit. She will accompany yc
him on his return homo. of
L , I ! . Bolter was in the city last nieht en- ° if .
onto homo from tlio Atlantic convention. 3Io s
ound food and rent at the Pacific house , nml yn
ill loa\o for homo this morning , til
, T , C. Yet/or , ono of the prominent cit'/ons '
f Atlantic , and president of the Ca s County 8(1
Kink , ot that city , was in the city on bnsincHa sh
yesterday and enjoyed the comforts of tint on
'acific hoiiBO. ;
NINTH msrillOI1 DliaiOOK.VTH.
Ion. IV. IJ. M. I'usoy llciioinliiutcd
I > y Accliininllon. vo
The democrats of the Ninth congroa-
lonal district mot in convention ycstor- C
ay nt Atlantic , nil the counties in the
istrict being fully represented. 'J'ho ' On
javarinn band , of Council Blull's , v/aa in
ttundanco , nnd diacouraed good music. of
'ho convention mot at 100 ; p. in. and
vaa called to order by Thomas Bowman ,
vho on behalf of tha district conunittno
eported the following temporary
rgani/.ition which was ap-
iroved. L. Jl. Boiler , chairman -
man ; 0. " L. Wright , secretary , and C
George Wise and T. 0. Sherwood , aeaist- No
nt secretary. On taking the chair Mr.
Soltor was loudly applauded. IIo ad-
tossed the convention for an hour , mak-
ng n fine argument , from a democratic
landpoint. Ilo spokowith coiuidorablo
orco , and was loudly applauded through-
ut.A committee of five , conaisting of
tfeaara. Troutman , Bullock , liarria , Jo- C
emu nnd Chase , nero appointed on ere-
ontials. The committee retired and in a
liort time reported each county rapro-
ontcd and no contests.
Nominations for congress being in or- "
or , a delegate from Fremont county
nad a resolution parsed at the convoii-
,1011 , liold in that county , favoring the
pnomination of I'uaoy. W. W. Mer- J.I
itt of Montgomery county placed the
lamu of I'usoy boforu the convention.
'his nomination wna suconded by 0. F.
yliuso , of Caoa county , who announced
hut two ycara ago ho had worked againat
'usuy , but no > r ho favored hia election.
On the motion of John Jay Frainoy ,
ho nomination was inado by acclanm-
ion.A . C (
A committee of three wpro appointed
o notify J'uaoy of the notion of the con
dition , iind bring him to the hall. The
ornmltteo retired and soon returned
with the nominee , who was well ro-
oived. IIo addressed the convention
or a few minutes , returning thanks for
ho honor , and promised to make a
igorous campaign. The convention
hon adjourned. C _ t & / - < , < * . i * . ta
* ' " *
The ( lolcgAtoa from tliia plnco to th
dcinocrfttic congrcssionnl convention
Atlantic , returned Inst night nt 7 o'clock
They nil aooinod sntialiod with the noin
notion of Pusoy niul will put forth thoi
greatest cil'orU to ro-oloct him.
A crocked hnnd-orgnn mingled it
notes with these of the ItavnrlAii bun
Inst night , nnd for n while it wns diflicul
to tell which Tf B on top , bnt the ban <
( innlly downed the music box , nnd th
mnnipulntor thoroolT picked up hi
nincbino nnd otolo nwny Trith nn oxproa
sion of intense dingust upon his counto
The beat dollnr > house in the city , thi
Scott house , 24 North Mnin street.
"Tho proprietor nnd reporter of tin
pixpor wont to Atlnntlo to-day , will
ether dolcgntos , nccompnnicd by n bam
of music. The domocrncv is Rotting uj
vim everywhere , nnd Mr. Piisoy epos
nothing but n picnic nhond. " [ Evening
Cortninly n ploasnut outlook , .Judge
Lymnn does not aoo n picnic nhoad , bu
lie does BOO n Boat in congress.
First-class commorcinl job printing
every dny nt Pryor'a Bin : Job Oflico , No.
7 Penrl alroot.
Cottngo prnyor mooting 7)0 : ! ) o'clock
this evening nt the residence of Mrs. J.
M. Palmer , 221 Unrmony street. Sub
ject for study , The Sabbath Day.
blclu-Griitlliii ; ,
Dr. 11. F. Campbell , of Cleveland , hn
explained to the Herald , of that city
how ho snvod the lifo of Mr. Frnwloy , .
brakomnn on the Lnko Shore nnd Mich
ignn Southern road. Frnwloy waa
buiuod so badly by the explosion of nn
oil car nt Angola , Now York , last March ,
that the skin of hid back , of both legs
nnd of both thigha waa destroyed to the
extent of 31)0 ) equaro inches. The
nlliictod surface was BO largo , especially
oil the led limb , that if allowed to hcnl
without skin-grafting the muscles would
contract and cripple the patient for life
in all probability. Before performing
the operation of grafting now skin the
surgeon carefully prepared the wounds
by cutting out till the burned parts and
dead akin. Thirty days from the time
of the accident the wounds were honied
BulHciontly to allow the application
of bits of skin ranging _ iu size
ha : boon burned away , but ono is just as
good na the ether for all practical pur
poses. The surgeon found the under
putt ' of a good healthy corn would pro
duce skin growth of a normal characters
Dr. Campbell eaid skin-grafting was
first practiced in this country in 1871 ,
ind it ia more common than over now.
Some surgeons prcsa the bita under the
granules , but equal results will bo ob
tained , in hia experience , by merely
laying the bits between the crannies on
the surface. Bits of skin from a col
ored ] person when grafted retain their
natural color. So successful was Dr.
Campbell with Frnwloy that the railroad
ompany engaged him to operate on
Charles Anderson , of Angola , who ro
ontly ; had his back burned by a rail
road accident.
A Torrlhlo Shook.
Chicago Hcrnltl ,
' 'I saw something now np in Wiscon-
in the other evening , " observed a
Chicagoan who had n eachol in his hand
nd who waa on hia way homo. "A
patent medicine man was soiling some
thing : or ether from a carriage in which
lie had a rather pretty young woman and
gasoline lamp. The lady sang ono or
wo songa very sweetly nnd then the mnu
.alkod nnd sold his nostrum at a dollar a
"When ho had disposed of thirty or
brty bottles ho said : 'Now , gentlemen ,
joforo bidding you good-night I will
ivo you an exhibition of the wonderful
nagnotic powora of my wife , who aits
lero by my side. 1 hold in my hand a
lominon piece of thread. Now ono of
'ou take hold of the end of it and walk
id' ] and then lot all the others take hold
' it and at the gignnl which I will give
ho trill take hold of the ether end and
rou will fcol the shock instantly. '
"About 150 men an'cl boys grasped the
hroad and walked off abont half a block
vith it. 'Now keep perfectly quiet , '
aid the man , 'and you will feel the
hock , dolicata at first nnd then strong
inongh to tingle nt the ends of your fm-
ors and toes. Arc you all ready ? '
"Thoy all said 'Yes. '
"Well , then , 1 will put out the light. '
aid he , 'and my vrifo will take the thread
her hand at that instant. '
"Tho light went out and the man's
oico wan heard : 'What have you In
'our hand , my donri'
"Tlio longest atring of suckers I over
aw id all my life , ' come in a sweet , inns-
cal ! voice , and nt the same moment the
torsos and carriage vrero driven nil nt
roat speed , leaving the crowd holding
into the string completely dumbfounded.
' 'It was the worst nhock a good many
these follows over got. "
Commission Merchant
.89 I'carl Street Council Bluffs owa. hit
Mrs , H , J , Hilton , M n , .
222 Middle Bro 4vy. Council BluQi.
fiioii. oxrioa , u. . resit.
Council UliiGn U ,
"stablishea - - 1856
Uealcra In Foreign and omoatln Kichanze an
P A. 17E&3 VI-HUTE ] .
Practice In Btato and Federal Courts.
Collodions promptly attended to ,
Itoom 10 , Slmgitrt'K liullding , '
Attorneys-at-Law ,
Olllce , linn Htrect , Itooma 1 and 2 Hhuiftrt & Mli-
lalion'dUlock , Will practlco lu Htile and Ftxlerk )
ra.TlcVota only Si. ShMos In Proportion1 * *
Looisiana Stale Lottery C iw ,
"IP ifeAffY&jerrtify not lit tn tmif the '
tinitmentt far all thf Monthly and Snni-AnnU *
Oiauinji of the J/otiufatM Sfafd Iiottrry Company
tntHnfenpn mnnaae and tfntrel the Drnwng
'Jttmtf luff , and that the ta > ne ate eondiuted u4t >
\ < mtttyJa\rnnt , ami in | ? oo < i/aif A rcirtinl nil vat
titi , anil iff authoritf the cotni > any to tits thttert
Hfltate , uith/ae-iiintltt cf cur ngnaturu atlathtc
in ttl advtrtuewtntt , "
UlfJZ =
Incorporated In 1883 lor IS year * by the I
'or dduafttlonal and chatlUMe purpow * wllh cap
UI ol fl.000,000 lo which a reserve fund ot art )
ISM.OOO hai ilnoo boon added ,
y n overwhelming po | > tilar role Iti frtnehlK
mada part ot the tircmnl lUta conitUallon
Adopted December Id , A. I ) . 1879.
The only Lottery over voted on niul en
dorsed by tha people of any Stnto.
It norcr toalei or poitponci.
I la grand single unmbor drawings taki
; > lnco monthly.
A nploiulul opportunity to win n Fortune
ronth Urnnd Drawing Glass 1C , In the Acrid-
omy of Music , Now Orleans , Tuwdny , Octo
ber llth , 1881 173d Monthly drawing.
CAPITAL PRIZE , 170,000.
100,000 Tickets nt Vivo Dollars Knch. Krno-
tlong , In 1'i ttlis In proportion ,
CAt'ITAL I'Ul/.K . _ . , . . ITS.CCI
1 do do . SS.OW
1 do do . 10.00C
1 MUZES OF (0000 . 1OOC
5 do 000 . 10.00C
10 do 1000 . 10,00 (
10 do 600 . 10,00t
BOO do 100 . SO.CXX
too do (0 . . . . . 25 OOC
000 do St > . 25.00C
ArraoiiUATiOM ruiiu.
8 Approxlnutlon prlcce ol $760 . 8TS (
B do do 600 . tIOt
9 do do S50 . SS6t
987 I'rlrti amoontlnK to . $2(9,601
Application ( or rates to clubs shonlil bo rondo oalj
o the otnco ol the Company In Now Orleans.
For further Information wilto oloarly gMag lull
dilroM. M ko 1' . O. Money Ordori pajablo ant
dJtcjj HoRlBtorod Letters to
Now Orleans , t .
Poittl Kotos Riul ordinary letters by Mall or Ki
iross ( all < uma ol (3 and upwards by Kiproaa at oui
imjneo ) lo
ill. A. PADPHIN , NowOrleani La.
IWHmmittiRt. . Wanhliiiston t ) Oren
ron THK crm : or AM. DISHASKS or
iIO BJS.t3ATTI.p.Kli'jiPl)0 ; S3.lOG8 ! ,
niui rou. IK\ , i
roil TWT.NTY YKA1H HiiiniilirrvN1 IlomiMi.
Jnllilo Vi-liM Innrv hpcrlllr * limo Ini-n "Mil liy
rnritnTi , hlnrli HriM-ili-rn , l.lvrry Mnliliximl
t iirritirn , HiirNp UnllroiuU , MnHiiliirlim-rii ,
r ml MliioCiiinimnli'N. Trm'ir Illiiniiilrniiu'f
niul Mi'iinerrlt'H. ami otlicr.1 Imndmii ; atuel
IVIIIllH'lfl'L't HIIIH'I'Srt.
lliiiniiliri-iH' Vi-tnrlnnry Mnnnnl. fW ) Pl > -
i lit fri'O liinntl tm rt'crlpt of prior. fiUi'iMiH
tniilili-fs HIMII Irrn on npjiliontlon
JO'J I'll I ion btrci-l. Aew lorli.
U w * * * m m i * " *
' Vital \\VaUncsi nnd I'roi
HUMPHREYS' trillion from overwork 01
InilUcrntlnn , 14(1 ( TUlf1 Is rmllonllr
niul promptly AlmllcimulliyU.
leen In < SO yrnrs , VULI'IUI1 !
| llio mint mircr-m OlILUiriU
nilrcmi'ilyknown. I'rlruSlprr lnl ,
) urKU > lal of powiler for $ V pent post fi
o-lutof iirlca. lluiiipliri-v-T MIIIIKMI. A
luiut , Catuloffuo trnu.J A0 ) t'ulluu nt..0t.ifv
. . . . .
( Faculty Prize Median College of Ohio.
And other Diaouos of the Anus and Rectum.
120 S. 14th St. Cor. Douglas
vo od and wtf
i4 < Uuillo-VOITAIO Iir.LT
'i Ai-i'iJVNCKs .iro soni on la Days' Trial TO
IIUN ONLV. ' OUNO Oil OM ) , who nrn uTiT- (
Init from NitiivouB DKiiiiiTf. LOST VITAIITT ,
WASTIVIIVl.AliNKR6E.t. . mill fill thODO dim-HFC's Of II
rmwoNAi. NiTuiiE. rfMiltltm from Anur.n nnd
UTIIEII I'lUfir * Hpunly rrllef nnd rnmpli-U )
nutoratlon 1C ll : l.Tll , Virion nnd JUNIIOOII
uuiinriTitrn. hi ml ut oiau Tor HliutraUiil
famphlrt fn'fl. AilnrebH
TOI.TAU * MKI/I1 t' ( . . ninrnhnll. Hllcli.
A victim of curly Imprudence , rr. < vni | > noryoii
.leMllty. ununntiiro ilccny. ctu. h'.iini , ' in < u In
iraluevrryliiinHn ri'iiidly. linj ilWuviiriH ) n slmi'li
of Kuif-uiirn. wnii h liu will it'id 1/UUU Ui
\MII rnru Xi ri niinii MI ,
imiliji o I'tiiMiiiiuii'in I'ar
ti\ In , l lliiillfli. hi 1 Him
ICIiliu } , splni' mil J.lvtr
ilii-uiMH limit.Ai-lli iii limit
ill I 1IKI ll > H IpHlll. < Illl 'l'
> u 1 i ii-fi'ilim , Cnliillli ,
'III I.plli I"-Y , IniliiililiOi
Duinliiiii I'l iliipiup , I'liMl.ili Duly M-linllllrf I ii >
liii-lii-ll in Am-111:1 llml i. . M.UIlM'I.U li Idly nml nmp
iittlmii Uir'iuiili iln > liudy , anil lunlioriiliurgtilln auln-
iloiitliy tliu imlli nt
ei.oon Would NotDuu It.
Winter In coining , tlio XLaHiiu of tlio } car for aches
anil piim In vluw < if tliln fact , wo my , liny nnu of
Doctor I lor no's I'.liictrlo IloltH , by HO ilolii ) ; , jou will
avolil llhoiiniatUiu , Klilnov trn-ilikH and ether 1U !
that llukh is holr too. Ho not ilulav , Imtcallat our
olllcu , anil examine ) the boltrt , 1422 loutlan ; Ht. , Onia.
Mr For eato at 0. r. OooJmin't Drug Store1 1110
imimUt , Omaha.
Orders Olieil 0. O I )
GOM ) 3ZEDAL , ? ABIB , 1H75
WarrimUi ! A.iofnfrjiur ;
CIICIHI , front \vlilch tlio t'ici o
Oil lian bciMirunoMil , Itliln/ir <
tuiin the ttrrnytli < il C'onm rnlxi'O
Hllh Htarc.i , Al'uwrootor Hu ar
anil in tlii'ri furu fur inuru I'ciinoin )
ral , H In ilclicluui , iiourlnliliiK
elriiik'tliuilnt' , unlly illKculul , and
admirably niiiijiUiI fur Invalid * 01
well ui fur iitmoim In liculth.
Hold nlrorcr (
V. BAKED TO , . DofSer. Ma
Health 'is ' Wealth !
uaranterd KiicclfleOor Hjstirla , Dxlncw , ( 'omnl
on , FltH , Noivoui Nuural 'la , Headache , NITVIMII
'nihtrat on ciu-wl by tlio u o f alcohol or tobhacuo ,
/aliifulrui'ii. Mental deprekl"n. .Soltuuln of the
rain , reiultliiKln limanlty and feaplni ; to mlecry ,
tico ) ami dcMh , I'rematurt Old Bfu , ItaronesH , tout
fpowerlnilthur vex , luioluntarj LOIMH and Upcr
atorhcracaUMid by ovcrcurtluntof the brain , tell
lumoiir over Indulgence. Karh luix , rontalim one
ibtitli'u tivatiuunt. 81 COk box.or ulx bottka fur
5.CK ) , lent by mall prepaid on roculpt of prlco.
To cure ny case. With each ordur received by ui
or nix bottifi , acconmlklmd with (5 00 , wu will ic'iid
10 purcliimr ur wr.tlm Kuarinloo to refund the
lit nuy If the trmtmtnidoun not cRect t cure. Quar-
nUt * Iiuued ( inly by JOHN C : WKST & CO. ,
ly zy-iulu ry 602 Uadbuu Bt. , UhlcaKO , III ,
Ono of the Best and largest Stocks in the United States
to select from.
Where They Can Enjoy Pure Air & Water !
And nil of the good onU tilonsnr i things UmtTgo to make up a com
[ ilcto and liuppy oxiHtonce.
The town ot South Oiuiiha i ; i iLuntcd south of the city o Omaha
on the line oi the U. P. Railway , end it is leas than 2i miles from the
Omaha post oflico to the north line c \ the town oito. " , , . .
South Omahn is nearly 14 miles north and south by 2i east nnd
west , aud covers an area of nearly four square miles ,
The stock yards are nt the extreme southern limit. - "
f >
Nearly 160 lots have been sold f nd the demand is on the increase
The yards nro being rapidly pushed to completion. - ,
The 500,000 beef packing house is progressing finely. ,
The $80UOO Water Works are finished and furnish an abundant
supply of
The B. & M. nnd Belt Line Railways have a largo force of men at
work and will , in connection with thetl. P. Railway , bavo n union depot
near the park at the north end of the town. Suitable grounds will be
furnished for Church and School purposes.
.Now is the time to buy lots in this growing city. They will never
bo'cheaper than they nro to-day.
( EgF Apply at the Company's office , nt the Union Stoclis Yards. -
[ . A. UPTON ,
Assistant Secretary.
, - -
\ BIBS ,
[ , llth Slrul , |
Ili.leCal.loirni. l lieearca ppllo li
103 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. 8. A. Established 1878-Oatarrh ,
Deafness , Lung mid Nervous Diseases Speedily and 1 onnanontly Oared. Patient *
Onrod at Homo. Write for "Tins MuniOAL-filissioNAUv , " for tho-Poople.
OonaulUtlun and Oorrospondenco Gratia. P. 0. Box 292. Telephone No. 26.
JION. ED\VARDRUSSKLL , Postmaster , Davenport , Baya : " Physician of
Keu Ability ona Marked Succoso. " CONGRESSMAN MURPHY , Davenport ,
"An nonorabln Man. Fine Bnccosa. Wnnderfnl Onroa.1' TJnnra R to 5.