Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1884, Page 5, Image 5

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Slate Exposition BooiniDi With
Mils anil Visitors.
The Finest Event of tlio Kind in
Nebraska's ' History.
Corn and Oattlo From a Thousand
Flowers mill Fruits From Ilio
Onrilon Stnto of the Union.
The fifth day of the Nebraska state
fair was ushered in by n thunder shower ,
which cleared the atmosphere nnd laid
the dust so that It was the ploasantost
day of the week. As early na 7 o'clock
Sherman nvonuo wns crowded with teams
And hundreds of podoatrnins were wend-
in R their way to the fair grounds. The
trains coming in on the roads brought
immense loads , nud early in the forenoon
the grounds were filled with a crowd of
visitors , which exceeded last year's nt-
tendance and gnvo promisu of a success
ful day nnd week.
To show the number of passengers
on the incoming trains , the following
vote is given , being taken on the B. &
1. train from Lincoln , nsto preferences
for presidential candidates :
Blaine 318 ; Cleveland 110 ; Butler 25 ;
St. John 520 ; Belvn Lockwood 15 ; Susan
B. Anthony 1. This vote was furnished
us by Will S. Jay , reporter of the State
All morning long the throng increased
nnd the estimated attendance toward
evening was 20,000. It is probable thnt
ohould t ho f nir weather continue , nu
equal if not larger attendance , will mark
the closinc ; days of the exposition.
The first item of the day's programme
was the annual address baforo the otnto
agricultural association , delivered by Dr.
B. G. Northrup , of Clinton , Conn. Dr.
Northrup was ten yoara agent of the
State Board of Education of Massachu
setts , nnd sixteen years secretary of the
Connecticut board of "education , since
which time ho his been unpaged in the
work of improving the snuit.iry nnd es
thetic condition of rural towna , having
aided in the organization of ever two
associations for that purpose. IIo
was persuaded by our otato
board to deliver the annual address ,
which United States Senator Van Wyck
delivered last year , and ho filled the bill
in every respect ,
was delivered in the west wing of floral
hall , and in the course of his remarks
the speaker said :
"Tho citizens of Nebraska have great
reason to bo proud of their state for
what it is , its fertile soil and fine cli-
inato ; for what it has done , its marvelous
increaao in population and wealth ; nnd
for what it is to bo , its assured growth
and the early and broader development
of its vast resources. Its exhibit av the
Philadelphia exposition was a now vevo-
lation of "tho Great American desert. "
But old errors widely current not
easily eradicated. The mischief of that
misnomer still lingers In many
sections of the east with thoao who art
seeking homos in the west. An ethibio
at the Now Orleans exposition worthy of
the recent wonderful progress of Nebras
ka would provo the best refutation of
that old nnd wide-spread error. The rare
advantages open to settlers in this stntu
need to bo moro tully and widolv known
to attract still larger numbers to its fer
tile fields. In addition to the
grand agricultural exhibit now
preparing for Now Orleans the
show of women's work both indus
trial and artistic from this now state will
bo n Burpriso to the county and cannot
fail to re-act strongly in favor of the rep
utation of Naskobra , for a good
naino tends to enrich a state as well as
an individual. In this matter n penur
ious policy would' bo penny-wiso and
pound foolish. Liberal expenditures for
such an exhibit twill provo wise invest
ments. Nebraska is to bo congratulated
that its two commissioners for this work
nro leading representative women of the
state , who , without compensation , nro
doing their utmost to make this exhibit
of woman's work ono of the moat inter
esting expositions over nudo. It will
show Ilio country that ( hero is taste , culture -
turo nnd refinement in the hoincj ot Ne
braska as well a choicest stock nnd
richest cereals , fruit and vegetables on
her farms. "
The Nebraska exhibition at the Phila
delphia centennial wai n revolution to
eastern men , hut did nut give nn idea of
the resources of this stale , nearly twenty
times hrgor than the epoakcr'fl ' own , and
reaching toward % million of people. IIo
congratulated the poopln of Nebraska
upon organizing Arbor Day and being
the binnpr stale in the phmtini * , hiving
now attained to 214,000 acres of planted
woodlund. Eujhtothcratutca hnvpndoptud
nrbor day , and Nebraska ia pointed out
to them as nn example. Indiana last
year adopted arbor day , nnd in far oft"
Germany forestry is rccaiving attention
in the schools. In view of the grand
exhibit made in this state at Philadelphia
the opoakor urged still grander
exhibits at Now Orleans ,
in which the ladioa of Nebraska
are taking on active part. _ Having boon
instrumental in organizing "village im
provement" societies in over 200 Now
England towns , with [ 'ratifying results ,
the speaker urged nil Nebraska tswna to
adopt such plans and oo culti
vate town pride , county pride and
stale prido. Social and military
benefits result nlao from village improve
ment. Another nim of these village nv
Bociations is that they improve the road-
fiido by planting trees , and in now towns
"by planting trees and _ by
securing parks ; nnd still another aim is
cultivating tasto. The rnlnd ia educated
by nature morp than by books. IJo spoke
upon the physical vigor and the strength
of character of farmers nnd farmoru' sons ,
as shown in the struggle of life. lie in-
stimced the , experiments of President
Elliott , of Harvard , in U'o kindergarten
schools , allowing how email a percentage
of city children had ever noen the ani
mals about which they rend in their
lessons. The hope of America is the
liotncH of America. 1 admire the pluck
of n pioneer in coming out
ti the unbroken prairie and living
in n dug-out at firstbut ho should not be
content to live ( hero always. The Idea
that farmers nro abort-lived is erroneous ,
and it is a slander to say thnt farming if
injurious to the health. Lot us all make
home comfortable , attractive and lovp it.
Patriotism hinges upon lore of homo and
thorp can bo no genuine patriotism with
out it. Wo can learn from other nations
something of the amenities nnd courtesies
of lifo , nnd not the least from the .Japan
ese. The five hundred Japanesestudents
for whom the speaker had found tempo *
rary homes with American families were
models of grace , courtesy and refinement
nnd they were niisaionaiiea of culture in
disguise. The iighost refinement of cul
ture is n Christian homo.
Dr. Northrups's nddross wns well re
ceived nnd wns ono t > f the moat appro
priate ever delivered on a similinr
caiuo mimcdiatoly nftor this nnd proved
quite intoroiting. moro so indeed than on
previous days. The 11 rat on the pro
gramme wns tlio froo-for-all pacing race.
The starters in this were Bulldozer.
Charlie E nnd Lottio P.
Bulldozer won in throe straight boats ,
tim0j 2:24 : , 2:27 : , nnd 2nO : . There waa
considerable excitement over the second
heat , when Charllo E went to second
place nud outfootod Lottio.
The 2:35 : trotting rnco cnmo upxt , lie-
view , Black Tom nhd Kitty C. being the
only contestants , llovlow won in throe
straight hoata ; time , 2U2 ; , 2:112 : and 2:03. :
Kitty C. was distanced In the first heat.
are : Tim mile and n quarter rnco for n
purse of § 350 , for which five or nix en
tries hnvo boon made , nnd onti oa for
which must close nt 11 n. in. , nml the
2:40 : trotting race fornpuraotf § 500
in which nro entered , J. B. Robinson's
Yellow Jack , J. 11. Funk's Ohio Maid ,
llogora nnd Hill's Razor B.
As has boon stated before in The BIJK ,
the exhibit of live stock this year is
Inrgor than ever before , and yesterday
there wna nn unusually line
in the ring. Among other animals wns
what id clmmcd to bo the best bull in
the United States nnd probably in the
world , a polled Angus , belonging to T.
W. ll-vrvoy , of Turlington , nnd valued at
ever $10,000.
An officer of the State Fair association
informed the reporter that the entries in
nil classes are this your 1,247 in cxcoaa of
nil preceding yoira. For instance , the
total number of entries of farm products
is 1,015 , to 538 last year. There nro
1,510 ontrioa in the horticultural depart
ment , to 520 last year. Every speed lot
is filled , something that never occurred
boforo. In the forenoon exhibition in
the ring ivoro nineteen head of draft
horses , worth not less than § 40.000. The
display in thcso departments are truly
astonishing even to ttioao well acquainted
with Nebraska nnd its resources. Speak
ing of resources ,
imowx COUNTY
sends a great exhibit , especially in its
variety of woods. There are the water
elm , the pine , rod elm , hnckborry , wil
low , and n number of other varieties , the
assortment being entered as the best from
any county. A fine looking bureau is on
exhibition , manufactured from native
wood , sawed on Long Pine and manufac
tured by L. A. Ross & Co , of Long Pino.
Specimens of the cactus tomatoes and
potatoes nro among the finest on ths
grounds. The latter include veral
now varieties , nol.ibly the
White Elephant , Jordan's Rjsaot , Par
son's Prolific , otc. The cultivation of
the cotton plant has also been success
fully tried , nnd the rcriKt shown in
some fine specimens , nnd the entire
display is not off by some splendid
photographs of scenery nlong the Long
Pino. In
there was a beautiful showing of cut
flowers , which filled a considerable space
in the east wing. There were boquots ,
baskets , wreaths , archea nnd pillows ,
with many other designs elaborate and
elegant. E. 0. Erfling. Jas. Y. Craig ,
Mrs. Chas. E. Rodfield , Mrs. Adeline
McPherson and J. W. and E. Ji.
Arnold were among the exhibitors.
Mrs. McPherson took two first prem n
iums on cut flowers , and also had a fine
display of house plants. Mrs.
Arnold was present with her
display and took first premium for the
best design , which was nn exquisite ono
of heart , anchor and cross , composed of
the most dolicnto white flowers nnd one
of the prettiest things of the kind over
soon. Mrs. Arnold also took the first
premium for the best display of vorbenna.
WJ. . Hosaor. of Plattsmouth. 0 F.
Goodman nnd Jcasio Allen , of Omaha ,
had lovely floral exhibits.
IMS a display of apples , crab-apples , pears
nnd other fruits , oaago oriiiigotj , etc. , that
is perfectly surprising , the apples , es
pecially , being as mnrvolloiu ns the
bunches of grapes captured by the spies
vrho were sent out to reoonnoitcr the
Promised Land , and being each nearly n
load for two men.
This has been briefly mentioned before
as ono of the attractions
of floral hall. The hotel nnd house nn-
nunciations , fire nnd burglar ulnrms ,
electric g s lihtera ; ; and door bolls nro
triumphs of mechanical art. The Iless
y H to in of hotel call and fire aL-.rm h the
greatest feature of many shown. Tin's
tenables the clerk to call n guest without
the services of n bell boy , and assures
ubdoluto safety to guests m case of fire
or accident as everyone can nt once bo
given the nhrm.
The signal calls can bo readily made
from the ollico to any room in the house ,
and return ai'jnula made from any room
to the oflico. The other npparatua shown
is on a corresponding aculu of modern 8
improvement. In connection with thin
is u fine display of Homo's electric bait ,
truss , oto. , in charge of the
ngont , Mr. Tibbals , and attracting much
attention , having already been introduced
with great success in this city.
continues to incnmo in its nttrautiymiuti a
nnd is very attractive to visitors , who
cannot but admire the many specimens
of fine an to be found there ,
Amonj { the many ; notable fonturos in
tha fine art hall is the exhibition of
pointings made bo Mrs. J. E.
Mumauqh. "Tho Odalisque" is en-
peciilly attractive , and it certainly
is a inaBtor-piecn. Another sketch "Still
in sight" also creates a markedly favor-
nbln Impression. There in no question
but that Mrs. Mumaugh is a thorough
is one of the most nuccosaful over hold in
the country and docs Nebraska proud.
Tim BKK reporter yesterday made a cur
sory visit to the exhibitors , and found .
Bomo remarkably line animals on the
ground. Jn fact it h doubtful if any ex .
hibit in the United Statoj over included
more perfect specimens of the bovine
race.Thoron Nye , of Fremont has 29 head
of cows , bulls and calves , nil shorthorns ,
among others London's Bonnie , n six
year old weighing 1,000 pounds , and the
lincfit cow on the ground. Ha has also
the first premium calf , White Earl , eight
months old ; Maegio Mitchell , a msgniii
cent red cow , 0 years old ; Macgio Dtich
ess , daughter of the latter ; and n firat
premium bull , George O.ingor , n year
ing.U. .
U. Daniela , of Sarpy county , brings u
fine lot of cMtlo from the Oottngo Orovo
farm. His herd includes 41 hoful o
short horns , headed by the splendid !
year-old bull , "Col. Ounthor , " woighin
2,200 pounds. Mr. Dmiiola 1ms als
eleven head of line Coiswolds.
W. A. I'rcaton , Jr. , has a fine herd 01
exhibition and nlson mare nnd ono of th
most beautiful colts to bo found any
Leonard Bros , ot Kansas City , bring i
herd of four Galloways and eight Toilet
Angus cattlo. Mr. Leonard sold fifty
four Angus bulls on Tuesday to go t <
Montana nnd about n month ago soli
ono hundred head of thoroughbreds to
Stephen W. Dorsoy. The Leonard Bros
nro the largest Importers of thorough
bred cattle in the United States , bring
in ever eight hundred ho.v ! last year
Next year they will do still bettor
Eleven hundred cows were bred this
year by them.
Claudius Jones , of Seward , has on the
grounds 14 head of Dutch Froslnns
nmnng them being the famous "Siobron,1
the best bull of the breed in the country
four years old , vroigning 2,200 pounds
nnd valued at ever ? 10,000. The lion
also includes the beautiful cow "Akkio.1
A C-vo months old bull in the lot is vnluec
jvt SiiOO. Mr. Jones has about fort ;
head of these cattle on his farm , eight ;
head of short horns , and 250 head of higl
T. W. and John R. Harvey's Turling
ton herds attract much attention. There
nro 31 ! head of cattle in all , including 15
Polled Aberdeen Angus , 10 Shorthorns
nnd 13 grade Polled Augue. The latter
were brought to show what can bo done
with the Angus bull and grade cows
There nro BIX fat steers in tlio lot
which are to bo taken to the St. Louin
exposition nnd then to the fntstock show
nt Chicago. There is ono four years olt
weighing 2,500 pounds ; ono three year
old , 2,300 ; 2 tvro year olds 17oO and 2
yearlings 12fiO and 1350. There are also
m the herd 5 grade calves from grndo
cowa by polled nngus bulls , which nro
splendid specimens. A curiosity on the
grounds is the long haired , small breed ,
cow and calf in this lol
from the Highlands of Scotland. Mr.
Harvey's three year old , Polled Angus
bull , is considered by the best judges on
the ground to bo the finest in America.
The Turlington farm is fourteen niilrs
weat of Nebraska City , on the B. & M.
road , is 2,400 acres in siza nnd the finest
farm in the otato. The llirvoy Bros
have three hundred head of breeding
cattle on this farm.
Graham P. Browne , president of the
Jcreoyvillo stock farm , situated five
inilos fro 11 Omaha , is on the grounds
with n herd of Jorooy cattle , headed by
the noted bull Perfect Brick and by thd
cows Jersey Belle nnd Gazello'a Daisy.
Ho has 14 milch cown and the rcot are
two-year-old heifers. Mr. Browne has
boon in the business about five years ,
and , though n very young man , has made
his mark already. Ho is ono of the
smartest young man and best judges ol
stock in the stato.
Among the premiums captured by him
hero were :
First and second premiums on best
short horn cow , three years old and over.
Sacond premium on best shorthorn
cow ono year old nnd under.
First premium on best pen of six steers ,
fat cattlo.
First nnd second premium on best fat
steer of any ngo.
First premium on best fat cow of nny
ago.First premium on bast herd , not loss
than four , of cattlo.
First premium on best grade heifer
calf. And many others.
A. C. Shropshire , of Harmon county ,
Ky. , has n herd of 11 head of line short
hort Durhnms.
J. H. Klinkor , of Douglas county , has
herd of 13 head of these , 10 are high
grade heifer calves ; 1 a pure blood bull ,
"Winter King , " nnd two are cows.
"W. A. G. Cobb , of Fremont , has ! )
head of cows , calves and bulls , short
horns , two horses and a pair of fine twin
Patens Bros. , of Nance county have 0
head of Jlorofords hero nnd 30 head moro
nt homo. Their exhibit includes a fine
bull calf , sired in the old country.
Ambrose Patterson , of Plattsmouth ,
hns the first prize Jersey bull , 14 months
John Borland , of Stanton , has a beau
tiful herd of Hcrofoids. There are three
bulls nnd two heifers and all nro magnifi
cent animals.
"Searlo Bros. , of Clay county , have fcor
hohd of Uolsteins , headed by the two-
year-old bull "Eirl of Shadohmd , " I
weighing 1,7'0 pounds. There is also n
u ( ino Unco months old calf.
E. A. Di'lhorbo has the Iowa agricul .
tural college herd , eight head in nil , in
cluding three Jerseys nnd five Uolstoin.i ,
or Dutch Frosians. This herd hus taken
two firat nnd one ( second premium.
J. O. Chaoo of Fnirmount , Fillmore
county , hns cloven head , coven of Hoi-
stein nnd four Short Horna. They nro
registered thoroughbreds , and there is
ono beautiful § 1500 bull , weighing 2,300
K. P. Johnson , M. T. Patrick and W.
F. Wiley , of "F.tirviow stock farm , "
nnko good exhibits , the latter having a
first premium short horn bull.
B , F. Stockwoll , of Chester Confer ,
Iowa , line n h rd of Holsteins ; J. S. Pat
terson , of Lincoln , 8 head of Ayrshircs ;
nnd Ford nnd Drisnnico , of Earlnam , Ju , ,
head of Horofords. This latter herd
took 8 ribbons nt thn Iowa State fair nt
DCS Moines. Ono of the cows yesterday
had n calf which is valued nt 83UO.
Hnlbort Hill , of Washington counly ,
has n drove of 4 Jacks and 3 Genets , of
Spanish brood ; also u two-year old and
two three months old colts.
N. 1. D. Solomon , of the Spring Vnl
ley stock farm , has n prutty herd of ton
Jorsoys. Ho hnn tukon five first nnd four
second prizes. Mr , Solomon hns 40 head
of fine cittlo on his farm. Ho has also
on the grounds six head of horses , nnd
hns tnkun several first prizes , stuto and
county nwnrds It is ono of the most
creditablu displays on the ground.
Tlio Cliliiu How.
LONDON , September 10 , The Ko < > Chow
correspondent of the Timoj tclegraphx ni fol
lows : Adjnlrnl Courhet Is raalhiK nt Kntson.
Supplies come from Hon konj , ' .
1'Altirt , September 10 , Direct c immiiiiica
l n ! > butween l'.ir ! and Ton-
mi ) , UIIlcl.ilouriialH are client thin morn-
/'regarding ) ( the reported Intention of tin
Government to declare wur a uinnlChlna. Ad IVgron , minister of Mfiriiic , favori''it ,
.Several powerful ordain iiuUt on a vlg < > roun
ouiiipalKii. Fifth tliouj.iml troupe are ready
for the east.
ATJIOI. , Mass. , May 23 , 1883.
"Ono botlhi of HUNT'H [ ICidnoy ant
Liver ] RKMKDY hclpcdnudtwocoinplotoly
cured mo of kidney diaoaao nnd eovero
pains in backs nndsidoa. " James Cheney
withJ. W. Goodman , Billiard Table
1io ! Union 1'nclllcf * AKnln Pcfcnteil
liy tlio St. 1'nulH VcBtonlttj'H
Score , Ut to l .
Quito 1,000 people witnessed the
second game tn the present series be
tween the Union Pacifies nnd the St.
Pauls nt St. Mary's nvonuo park | Tues
day nftornoon. After the defeat of yesterday
torday the public , confident in ' 'on
nvinciblcs , " expected lo see the boy
wreak roynl vongonnco on the visitors
nnd speculation wont that way will
ibornl odds. The weather tempered o
ho unnatural heat of the past few days
vns magnificent , nnd the spirit of botl
) lnyors nud spectators were Infill ]
iltched. Kockwell nnd Visnor nnd Gnl
in nnd Denly constituted the opposing
> atterios.
MoKolvy won the iota nnd sent the
guests to the bat. Carroll "Httlo light
ling" as they love to call him in St. Pnu
the active , faultless personation of base
11 skill , first stopped to the plato. The
second ball from Rockwell s hand , mo
lis fancy nnd n long drive into center ,
supported by the llootcst of bnsi
rnuiiing , gave him second. Ho scorec
joforo Ilia sldo retired. The V. P.B lost
; heir first opportunity by the simple rule
of three. The second inning gave both
sides two mid ono respectively. The
: hird added n tnlly to the visitors nnd
jlaiikod the boys. In the two following
'linings , homo talent underwent n marked
mprovomontandtlm only good playing of
, ho game , on tha part of the
U. P.'s , took place. With the exception
of the redoubtable Mclvolvoy , who
'annod out , everybody on the list wont
Lo slugging. Snood did some phenome
nally gooa work , bnttini ; two scorching
singles and ono of the longest foul Hies
ever made on the grounds. Seven runs
were added to the roll , and when the
sixth inning commenced , "tho boys"
ickl n lending margin of throo. Hero
Omnha relapsed and for the remainder
of the game ottered the weakest showing
; hey wore capable of. Meanwhile the
St. Pauls were pounding the ball in the
oiliest fashion , adding score nftor score
o their credit in bank until in thu ninth
hey crawled out of roach
n a succession of four runs. Even
nt the last moment the
rusting faith in ' 'our side" wns not aban
doned nnd the nudionco kout its sent
with hopes bent oa Boeing the boys
luako up the fatal deficiency. They
voro disappointed , Snood nlono making
.ho round , the side retiring on cut-oils
> y both Dwyer nnd Tnylor nt first nnd
.tockwoll's short lly. A good deal could
)0 said of the gamo. It was in but few
"nstances a poor presentation of profess
ional ability on either hand and although
there is no question that defeat fell
where it wns merited , it ia nt the snmo
time sitrprieing that mora runs were net
nado on both sides. For the Union
Pacifies , Taylor distinguished himself
with splendid double play in the third
and n wonderful niece of base stealing in
the fifth.
Snoed at right field made oomo very ugly
and costly errors , but nt this time of the
roar the nftornoon sun is directly in his
'aco , nnd field work in his position is dif
ficult. McKolvoy , ordinarily ono of tlio
reliable men , sn'-gflodcd in striking out
: hroo of the iivo times ho was it the bat.
Visnor , the now man taken from the
Kookuks , established himself , nt once ,
as a good catcher and a safe batsman.
Walsh , Cavanaugh and Dwyer ployed
an average game , each sharing nt inter
vals in the general demoralization of the
whole team.
Ucckwoll presented his accustomed
cool nnd steady front , and pitched in his
usunl thorough way.
For the visitors it can bo said , that
presenting nn nvorago of excellence
lacked by another nine in the person
of Carroll , they nro nlmostas good a tcnm
as the U. P's. In fact , they are tlio
strongest team which hns opposed "our
joys" this season. But before leaving
Omaha it may bo safely predicted they
will moot Borne ball playing on the part
of local talent that the two opening
rnmcs of the series have not warranted
; hem to expect.
Strock's umpiring wcs uniformnlly just
ind unquestionable. Mr. Strode , during
past few weeks , has won f or himself n
very Haltering reputation as nn accotn-
) li hcd ba o ball judge.
Following is the olilcial acoro :
I'laycrH it lilt ro A it
McKelvy , 2J1) 0 1 2 1 2
> r > ur , 11) 1 2 ! l 1 1
Cavaimiigh , If 0 1 0 0 2
Sliced , r f .T 1 -1 0 fi
.Taylor , cf
Whitney , 3d b
Witlsh , BH 1 2 1 1 ! l
Viini'r , c 1 1 7 2 1
Iloclttvi-11 , p 0 1 1 (1 ( 1
Totals ! ) 10 27 11 10
PlavcrH it mi ro A K
liurol , r f -I 2 1 8 0
HarneH.of li 0 I 0 0
JluriL'lo2l > 2 1 I ! 0 1
O'liiumlib 1 'I 1 8 0
Doaly u 1 0 la 'I 2
Dunn 11)
Fillcy If 2 1 1 0 0
Wcrrick H n
Giilvini 1 0 0 'J fi
TotalH 18 'J 27 Hi 10
1. 2. ! l. ! . fi. fl. 7. 8. ! ) .
St. Pauls I-IS
U. J'.H 0 1 0 8 1 0 0 o 1 !
Time of game two hour ami thirty mlnutex ,
Kiirni'd rimn Union 1'aclliifi 2 , St. J'nulH 1 ,
Total called bulla-olf Koc wcll 8li , elf ( iul
vn ! 8i ! ;
.Struck oul-U. I''H 8 , Ht Pauln 1.
Total called Htrikcu off I took well .V > , of
Onlvin 42.
Two hano hits Carroll , I'llloy.
Double | ilays Taylor , Dvvyer , Whitney ,
I'aKki'd balls Yimior 2 , Dualoy 2 ,
Umpire Struck.
"Hello1 ! wo hoard ono mail nay to any
other , the other day. " 1 didn't know
you ut first , why ! you look ten year
younger than when I saw you last. " ]
furl tun years younger , " was the reply
"You know J timid to bo under the
weather all the time and * gave up expect
ing to ba any better. The doctor luid I
hud consumption. 1 was terribly ] weak ,
had night-HWoatH , c nigh , no appetite , ant
lost flush , J suw Dr. I'iercii'a ' ( Joldui
Medical iJiBcovory' advertised , unj
thought it would do no harm if it did IK
good. It lias cured mo. I nrn a newman
man because I am n well one. "
I'roliltililiiu In Malno.
LKWIHTO.V. Malnn , Soit | < iiHbvr 10. Tin
Journal imbllihoH rcturim of o\tr200 town ;
on HID prohibit TV coiibiitutlonul atW'wliwiii
which gave VJ , HI In favor , iinill'JIO/inK : / < iliiH
the ttiricndiiKint Tim uiiijotily will la in
cri'.wil to over 40,000 by return toinu ,
! ( ) ( ) DOHCH Ono Dollar.
Is inseparably connected with Hood
Karaapanlla , and in true of no other mod
icinc. It is nn unnnsworablo argument
na to strength mid economy , while thou
sands testify to ita superior blood-purify' '
ing mid strengthening qualities. A hot
tlo of Hood's S\rsnparilln contains 100
doses nnd will last n month , while others
will nvorago to last not over n week.
Hence for economy , buy Hood's Sars.v
A General ami Unanimous Boniicc of
U , P , Officials Arranged ,
Morse , Shelby and Nichols
Marked for the Guillotine ,
Yo Tlmt Hnvo Tonr to Slicil I'rciwro
to Shed Thorn Now. "
Special Dispatch to Tin ; linn.
CltlCAtlu , 111 , , Koptombor 10.- The fluid
ays the ntr IB full of rumors of impending
illicial cliaiiRos on tlio Union I'ncilic. If nil
IK ) reports were to bo credited the rovolutlon
s likely tobon flwocping nno , but so general
s the trport that them la Httlo doubt that o\-
ml iiuportnnt chnn os will takofplnco before
) ctobor 1st. The entire r.ggrcgntion , known
us the Clark coterie , hnvc Leon marked by
Innu * rumor for doenpltation , but It U doubt-
ul if ( lonoral Maiin dr Callowny will consider
oxpoillont to the draw the
ino so coniplcuoiiily. Among thoiolio are
ogaulod M morally certain to loa\o the KIT
Icoiivu.T. W , Morai'.Kcncr.U pasiongornRcnt ;
' . 1 * . Shelby , Ronornl frtlght agent ; 1 . .1.
lioN. Biiporintoiulout of the Nobra kn dtvi-
Ion ; II. II. Egbert , miporlntoiuloiit of the
iloradodUitlon , nuilV. . It. Doildrid o , u-
)0tinteiulent of the Idaho division. Tlicro
iM to bo Httlo doubt that ticorRo C. Kim-
mil , general nmimgor of the ChiciiKo < t West
Michigan , will bn nppointccl goiieral Biiporin-
ondiMit of the Union 1'acilic. JIo ii now
lulling a trip over tlu < linn nnd it In now
bought to bo Bottled that ho \ \ ill accept uer-
ice \\lth the
Flljurcs "Won't Tilo.
The figures ohoulnu' the enormous
early sales of Kidney-Wort , demonstrate
ts value as n medicine- beyond dispute ,
t is n purely vegotnblo componnd of cor-
nin roots , leaves nnd bnrrluo known to
invo special vitluu in Ktdnoy troubles.
Jombinod with thcso nro remedies noting
iroctly on the Liver nnd Dowels. It is
jccanao of this combined action that Kid-
oy-Wort has proved auch nn uncqunlcd
omedy in nil disoason of thcso orgniia ,
Anothrr Fntnl Tornndo.
DKTUOIT , Mich. , Septoiubor 10. A Kroo
ri'ss Alpona special nays : A violent thunder
quail occurred nt noon lo-dny. The wind
jlow 'IS miles nn hour , Titos. Heart \\asstruck
iy lightning and killed on the utrcel. Au
thor man had mi arm broken. Se\eralhouses
, mill , einoko Btnck and n mimbor of pilcn of
.nnbcr wcru blown over n imlo uwnj' . Koity
lioufand foot of lumber were blown into the
' . The tornado was not vciy \\iilu and
aatod about ITi ininutoa.
Hniall ( J > olonu In Io\vn ,
Sioux CITV , Iowa , Septoinber 10. A small
yclone , List ovontug , dill conniilerablo dam-
go to farm property about tuolvu tnilCH north
f this city. Tlio IIOIHO of 15art CrowloywnH
vcrturncd and the iumatox injured , but not
eriouHly. Other IIOUHBH in the \ieinitVHiif-
orod daniago nnd n largo brldgo ever J'orry
ruok was completely dustroynd.
t , NowSim landed nrticlcn of nil
.inch restored to their original beauty by JJIn
nond Dyes. Perfect and eimplo , lOu. nt
ill drugK't. ' Well's Uichardson & Co. , lltir-
ington , Vt.
IIo Done AVilli It.
A recent phlloHOphieil trcntiso Baj-H , "wo
an endure many an ncho nud pnln if it IHHOOII
Qvor. " Thou , lot us have it over HH BOOH as
Hissihlo. Tlio pnin of nuurnlKin , for instance ,
> r rheumatism , or the nrmy of varioua iinliiH
ollow ing In their train. Get n bottle of
Jrown'H Iron Hitters , right nway , nnd RO to
work ou thorn. Mr. Jacob llarnen , liarneH-
villo , Olilo. writes , "Urown'H Iron hitters ro- iiorvous pioitrntlou ,
vhiciivusun BOVCIO that eha had to Isi'cp her
led. "
Brands ndvf rllncil as nlnolulclr r r
PMee a < * ivn top down on n hot vtove until lirntril.tbon
uinovo tlmrnvurand mnull A tlirinUt will not bo rw
ulrod to detect the protignco o ( luumoma.
In n million lioinei for n riimilfr of a euitury It hoi
tluod Uiu t'oiuuniuni' lellahlu lent ,
Dr , Price's ' Special Flavoring Exlracls ,
Tkoitronvfilfmbittli-llcloui and n tur in ? orLno nand
Dr. Price's Lupulin Yeast Gtms
Tor Light , llcnlllir llri-ad , Tim Il l Dry llop
Yiutt In thu World.
j HKPI nil oilier
It im'iuH ultli
him i'crlitl ' ) , "
urllis niolh-
It HlllldnilHi'f
_ Hiinllurti'flliiifi'
IilnlB , IIH will n H thorn I rum loputnbln | lijhh luiirl
thioiiphnni Ihiiulioln I' H.ti llfs to tlmunrlli nf
11. cimrcri IHII ooliniK llcktlixid III hi'Jiltli orflc'li-
IIIH in injd Tft i IH llynlhlriiiriKtH | Jlonkhulitlrte.
IIOi.lCK'S ; l'iOI ) Cf. . Kiirlni'ls. .
4ricntb > aailoiiiuxlptul prltuinfcUnum. ( t J
Prltito rooim for adults ut reasonable rates , Inclu
dlmr nurilng I'rompt attcmtlon m.un to emer enc )
casus. I'atiotiU ran be atttmdul by their own phy
elclwi fiTDlupvnsary for thu pour OHIII | 'J'uoudayi
1lmr ilaB iid ttaturdaya from 10 in 11 a. m.
Tlio Hod MCU'H Counull
SrmvanKin. UN. , Sf > | itf'inlnT 10. Hlmyrn
nnd NinKiirn , N. V. , nrn nmuinnlrd ni tlic
next jildn'i for tin1 lied Men's council , Tlio
following ollicorn worn t-lcttcd for the ousuiiiff
I'cnr great iucolicroV. . II. llyrcncmnui , < il
ronnc'iTi1 ; trcnt uneninnn * , 1 ! . ! , Oresory , of
Itiilliiim ; great junior ra nnmrc , 1 , . ) ' . Herb-
> nlt , iif Ni'w tlrr py , gronl clilef < if rpeotiN ,
1'Iin' . C. ( 'only , of l'oiiii ylvftnlft ; k
if wniujiuiu , .IcMcph 1'ylp , of Mnrylnml :
ire > | M-ci , Cluvi , II , j.itchman , of
In thu nbaonco of auitftblo mntorinla or
, lto time to propnro it , people often go
without n dressing for sr.lndi. Buy
Durkoo'a Dressing , nnd you will never
.rouble yourself to innko another.
Typliold Kovor nt Culro.
OAIUO , Boptcinbor 10. Typliold fox or Ima
irokon out In "no of the llrltisli rpghiicntn in
his city.
crspeoiala will Ponltlvolynot bo insertoa
unless paid in ndvnnoo.
TO LOAH-Monav.
Icuucil nn ulinttrN. Uatlnuiil HlrfceM
MONKV ftlitl tolil. A , I'orcnmn , 13 H. If til
TO LOAN In tuini nl 8800. ntul mmirj
MONKY DiVld tn.l Co. , Ho l E t to nd Lot
Agnt , 150(1 ( Furnom St lOB-t
v/ mimll loans lufttlo on n > rcneJ Kicmtty , 1M7
( Ircot. M2-lm
\\f AXTUU-Ulil loiloiioiitial houio work. Ap-
) Ij H Mrs Jamou UotUr , 1621 Hhtimai au3 S2H It
I'ANTKD A Rood cook , alio tccond Rlrl 1720
I Capitol at o. MS-lIp
WANTI Alrl forpoiieril lioino-notk 711 S
mil ttrcct , hotucon Jo.ica end I. < a\ein\orlh
WAK11U ) A ioo < Hl'l foritwicrnl lioiKouork In
diinll finuly. ( lord \\ngtitto rlolit | xrty. Ap-
il ) Talconor'n ilry RooilKBtoiv , opi > . I * . O. $3110
i\f AMKl-l'lr t clanq lilnck-inllli. For p'ltlcu-
' ' lira , liuiulru at llaloy .V , lifUKnortli ) , Omaba
"cb. C35 lip
I \rANTP.Il-A ulrl fm | rim l boufo woik , nt 1712
California St. Mi-lli : |
l\7AN"lii-alrl : to ilocooUng. Apply 101 norlli
> I IStli , corner Ddo , S'Ja.ltii
\\7ANni : > Ulrl ( or lotHonurknt (116 ( kuutli IStli
mrcrt Ml 10.1
AM'KI-I-A1)IKS Oil UKMI.KMhN-ln < Uy
\i or countiy , to take nUu IlKlit ntul
orkattlielr ownhomcp ; $1 toi' > per iay ! omlly nnd
ulolly made ; work tcntby mall iiocninnfpln ? ; no
: amp for roplv. Plenso nudteja lUlUbloMauf'i ; Co. ,
. S03 1m
l\TANTKI > Competent book-keeper and cashier
M with cooil refeicncei. Ocrmnn preferred. Ap-
lyNewYoilcDr ) lioodj fctoro 131U and 1312 Far-
am. F021 !
WAN'l Cli At Mm. i hllllp'H 10 DoilRO .St. T o
Rood glrla , first to couv , olid otslat in laundry ,
10 second r , r up ntnliH and hundry work In finiliy
oflhrco. ( ler.iiun prcferied. 707-lf
: i ) A Klrl at ' 614 California street.
70S lip
IfANTHll A K\tl \ tit Koncr * ) IIIIUFO work In lam.
> lly of lour. IJr. Dirrow , 1611) ) Jackson St.
bH 13p
IT'AN'ini ) A Klrl for liouso uurk nll724
A\7ANTKI > ( ! lrl for KOI-oral - liouso work at 'SU
V > Coin cut St. JIiB. U. K. Mayi u. 811) ) tf
"lA ANTKD InuutdlatclvS coat end one pvntu
T \ mil.or. Address L. Krauiur , ColumbtH , Neb.
Oxod naKes paid. SOi-llp
Vt/ANTKD A Oral-clam girl to dOKCiiurnl hnuso
IT uork In n family ol Ilircu , ( jondOKOS to a llrtt-
laiJ Klrl. API ly ut Mrj. Kd. II. Wl Kami , Doujll-'a
.n J 2 fan. 8rf-U
WANTIH ) A Kni l fl'l 'or K uoral housework.
Uooil WARCH , IfiO ) Jnclieou bt. 701 lip
WANTKI ) Iinmcilhtclj , a cook anil UundrpM at
US Boutli lO.h Htruit. H U If
" \A7ANTr.D Suoonil cook at Kiiunot llouic , llth
V T stroll , bet. Fmtim ami Harnuy. Jc 8I'J.5p
'nNTiil : AKOiitufur Uklim tollingurtlclo uvci
ImuutuJ. < ; . M. Katon , 10'jHoutli Kill t-t.
778-10 '
WAWThU A Kul"l lilrl for gtnoiol liuiiau wurK
IDWI Kami in Ht. 7K3-10i
h.H A girl fur Kcnural Imuao orK at 1813
Welntcr St 7M 10
\l ANTiU : Woman \\atlldIhhcHlU15 Ilatnoy.
WANTKD Ono flrst-clasa dlnhiK room K\il. \ liest
of wnirea paid. Address llurke's hotel , Carrcll
cwa. StO-llp
.Scllil'Korilc ' lrln t J tell UamwIeH's life
AUhNTS and Loyao , or Vorshilintr's llfu of
: ic > elaml unil llonil/lcks , can lorn Bomcti Imr ( treaty -
y to tbclr advantage In aildrosilii ) ; A. 11. HlKKlns .V
Jo. , I'nb.Uhcrs , Omaha. Is'eli. 7H-16p
W/xMi.o A ( food heap Mikui. Aildro-H "I.
K. " llrontllei- . for tlirmi il.t } * . 762-11/p /
\\7ANlii : ) l''onr biiok.Keopi'ra ami threu sales
VIniliel. . J. II. Hmllh 101(1 ( DoUh'l&s ht ,
\\7ANl'ii : < - rewporHiis to loirn book KcepliiK.
\ \ Nlcht school. Hltiutloiis. J61U IKiuuas irreet
7C01/p J. II. H.Mini.
.1) - Agents to numiio tnu 11(11 Cat1 nt
Weather Mrips. AdilrciH nr call tn Ceo , W.
lull , mil Ilnrnov nrir . Onmha , Nell MO Imp
WAVll'.P A coiiipiUnt ckrk , one acquainted
with il'j uooils IIK re paitlcularlly , miiit be
able to ( ! lie thu best if itftreneisrs to ability and
lUAddntu'C II. Titodwtll , North Iknd , ub.
' ui oiriluil ( ! nBicr lliomu ork oml
WAMM' girl , at ncnl vaet tf ! 3il ni d
'Jwo thamlcima'ds who can wait on
WANTKD and ono dlnliiK-room 1.1 at the Orel-
. . . . .D A t"od niinpitinl Klrl for Kenrral
linute uork , ! fill Douxloii. t/l-tf
. l.ll Imi : tdluttly , a flrst-clasD chamber
irald , who tan milt on tublo ut the Occldtntal
2 OOtf
\ lANIiilKowlnx : mutlilno hiimUat the OnmliE
hhlrt IVutoij. OlU-t ;
WAN1MI lly lucliilor ofsclinco pruct cal
( Ivll utKlnctr any honorable tniplouienli0t !
afraid of w.nk. 1'lml claim rtfeientu k'txin. Aildrmo
T II. I/'loouHco. ! ! Hi.7-Hp
Allexpi ttablo yiniif n an tf ( 'ood addrtsi , dcilre
a pusl'.lDn asileiK In country time , KOUJ rifir
os. AddrtKS "F. C II. " olllto of thin paper.
820 lip
\\7ANTKP lly a widow ) ailya position In a stura
11 or lowliii ; by tlio day In a prlvaio lamlly. Un
derslamlsall Muds of f mlly HevInland ilieM.innk
Inir. I'leane uddiisi JI k'l "city postolllto 7Ufl 1 Ij
WAN'i'M ) II ) a jciii K Hcotclitlicdiard. | | iaco nn
nhu'p nrr tlo ruiuli li.ttliail .lcam univr-
lento In tliU country. Addruin "K. " llioclllco.
8IO-12 |
WANTKD-A tltuatlim tu ai.l.tint book keeper
liy \onnir la > y with I'tsi of rtfereurcs. Ad' '
dro'H "A J " Hun I'lllco , 804-101)
" \ * ANlH-hlluitliin by widow Udy in oem
VV panlon , unJ to do lUht Inuit'work , or h'uiie
Icopet , AildicbMl ) . A HKK ulllce , Council lllulli.
\XrANrM ) A position M ( Urk In llirdutriior
VV Wholi'sa'e hon c , have had ten j ear * experlcnc *
as proi < rlttor , htfvieiices u'ven. ' Addrota'U A
Atouii | { murnoii IIIMI WC.IIIH situation as boot-
beeper , In wholeualo rotablliihinent In Onmliu ,
Add resH"l. " care lea. ! HDMf (
A \T A Nl MD-To oorroliond | with a ml Mlo k' l ' " 'b
IT of B'lmoii'llniii.cnt and mean < If pots bio t )
huskies ) nun , moiU'rutet'lKiinxianus , whotu oh
Juct U matrimony. Adilrens " < ; . K. " lien ollki'
fcOB-ll ) )
WANl'iSli-l'.irtner * itli n mili t.pltal. II.HI .
nm , will piy 2)0 partuat pr llt iiioothly Ad
drew " 0 H , ' Hi o olllcu , hue 10i (
WANTI.D Apartntrlia u.l u tahiin..iid nun-
T I iiftctiuliiibil lii iiiiuftn ajapllal J.OOjt"ijl6CO.
Acldti'lM "r.utner , " lleo idll u. W > . ' > l l >
U'AI\ I.U rt IIIHI i.uj iiuu * . . MII i a j.i. i i.i
lt > , vtltn n a und wutur , no chlldrun , - dUivau
"W " 700HJlltlllllUl'-t 77" ! "u
\\/AM'I'U-ci"tu on nto. . . . . . , v uilt/.iut v
ituais , ut 0 per rent. Addrt'iM Don 010 i'ost-
olllia. 7W
l l > ll H&iil-'Ht HBH LUtH.
( UKNi'-Au tluk'int 7 rounud cottajo on red
1 rarllim M run * llmniM" 8'1' .lrn
Oit lll.Nl wuuu u t.1 / rwviutt a il.wi nuai
JT Ulti and Lcirenwoitti. loipjlro on prtin' ( i
Ir OIl nENT-SIx room homo In Rfoil r.pitron reit
car lino. Inqulrn nt grcctry toro , corner Sflth
and CumlnjfSts t2l-tf
UNTA nlctly fiiinl < hcd front room t 1811
Dodge street. (39 tf
71011 IlKNT Knrnkhat roomi. Inqnlro No. 2P5
1 north 10th strett , 1' . W , Copclatd , t Co'n Fruit
fltoto F3J-10
Nr-Nlccly furnlihcd larKOroom , centrally -
ly loc tfd , with boardfor two poisons , SOSS 14th
ttrcot , uii-slalr * . e 7.10p
I poll HKN'l First chfis house by Bedford , Hcucr
, VtHI . 812It
7011 KKNT-FurnlshoJ room ! 310 N. 13th Ht.
ITU'li IlKNT Nicely fiirnlihoil oriin'umlihoil rooms
1 without hoard 1814 IMvenport St. ISi-lCp
JjMllllll ) T Furnl'hrd room In ticeacr Mock ,
corner Klghth ml Howard St. 823-tt
/um 1IKM' Kurnliluxl rooms 1DC3 fitrnam St.
77(5. ( If
I7I011 1 IlKNT Futnlihcd rooms B17 S. ISth ( trcci
I OIIHKNT Nicely fiiruUhc < \ teem 105 north 18th
I71011 IlKNT-Kurnlshcd rooms 1021 Capitol KVB.
JMII ) HKMT A frame cctugo corner lltn And Pa-
1 dflo utrecta. Apply it I'eteraon's clothlni ? ttorc ,
SB4 S. Ktli Ktioft. 7ostf
I [ MM HUNT Itouio nl'h ' MX li t o roomi , S2S.OO.
1 O. K , DMs \ fi Co. , 1B03 If rnam St. 607-lf
OIl HUNT Tno room * , $8.00 ' ami J5 00 per
month , 1D14 Webster tttroct 42)-tf
OH HUNT Twoliirnlnhcil roomfllo llili ; toupo
keeping "Ileomefa Block , " cor , Stli anJHowinl.
4Sl-t (
N K\V MA I'S OK OM All A llcnils hM reduced prlco
( or nest iltya to $3 from J10 Heretofore.UOtt
JjMlit IIKN1' Atuo Horv Irmno huttdliiir nuttiblo
1 forbuslntM. I.irffo collar , upitnlrs eulttblo ferro
ro ldcnro. Iniiulro on premises , corner EOth anil
1'lcrco HI. 0 S-tf
ITWHUKNT A larRO nccoml floor anil basement.
1 Inquire 111.1) Ilixriioy ptrcot lOOtl ,
poll UKNT-.N'looly IiirDlsheJ front room IfllB
1 street. 1J9 tf
17 ) H HiNT : I'urntahfil room , thrcu Mocks , from
1 1' . O. 317 X. 17tli tnct. llcCiTciirei required.
Oil ) lip
FOll IlKNT Six room cotUio , Una location , liy S.
T. fetcrsoii , S. K. cor. IDtli and Douglas. filMl
[ TUW Ur.NT-Hooins In Crounso'fl lllock. a. M
L1 Hitchcock. -B13-H
I/OU lUINT Ono jr im siiu.iro piaua. Inquire
JL ? ell lholm and Krlckson. 440 ti
I poll IlKNT Ono iootl ; six lonm hau o J2S. per mo.
1 ( l.M.llltchoock. -
IT'Olt HAliK A hulchcr shop ami tools In f-cliujlcr
Nclir knltli n flrst clnm tiado and In a KOIH ]
location , nhjoct In Fclllii ) . ' , poor licaltti.
Viantpcr A. llirlrlcli.tcliujlor , Neb. E.11-12
j > ii' sALi : hourMiar iiM Iron grey cult , bruken.
' Win KlincrA' ' , S. W. corner Hitli akil Farnam.
IT OIt .S.\li-Ono : Hrnit tines tuo pcatnl ciriiaK'oal-
1 most itnmlas now of A J. Slinpnon'd make. Can
In ) icon la HlniptoL'dC rrla oUeposltorvby Krul l > ol-
' ( ino. 801-Kip
1 poll .SAM' No , 1 fr h milch cows , at 26th and
1 Callfornl ktrict. Krconan , t IVnoy. 705 lAp
F l oTl iK Oonlt'ctlonarf , cigar tobacco and rcs-
Iiuiuiroof A.Hnut-
land , (118 H.
. < V now Hull's Safe/a bargain for any
' otioTiitlnir It. 1015 llatncy St. 700 tl
, HI.fhtocK ilxturen , and liuslntss of ono
JIOK heat pajInK ItcBtauraiiti In the city Inspec
tion BDllcltud , Ait.liets box ( Ot Omaha Neb.
I'unilturo ami fixtures of a
biiiiHc dolnf ? a izood buoires' * . llust Ucatlou in
to n. InqulruN.V. . cor.l7tband Cajltol menuo.
OU8AM3 A restaurant In a good location , 220
noith llltli street 740-lOp
FOll SAT'K Oroccry In In the cltv , and Ingood lo
cality , lining liiiiluc'ti cf o\or 3i ,0)0 n ytar.
lent low. For luitlier particulars , aduie.'a r. O. box
7d , Omaba. 725-18
ir < Oll SAM'inarblo too bed room set , cheap.
1 John P. . tdwinU , 1111 rariiam at. 730-11
FOll H4I.K A four yoir old , uontlorldliiK pony ,
good Kltid bay ir.aro ( Jill 1411 llarnoy ttrcct , or
addre-H "Oharlc/1 lloi ) ollicc. C3U-lUp
lOUrtHAlii : Alioiuo and lot. Inquire of II. l.ce ,
JL1 Oroccr , S2I and Leat'nworth. . ( J97-lm
T , < 0ll -HnuBldobarbugffy cheap at O. D.
SAI'K-Cheap lota , $ ! > 00 down (5.00 per
month , and ataUtlrir worthy ponona to build
nice lltllu homes. U. C. 1'attoraon & Co. , Mr 13th
_ .
i * OT. I
nd Fainaro. 13741
pOllHALK 200 acrojcf land. 110 acres linpro\od ,
1 82ncr s bay , U acres hui ; piatuiv,7 acres cu'tl- '
ated timber , 3 acres natur timber. Gocd spring
\ater food house and other Improvements , will bo
old on votyunnyteruip , If Bold noon. For other In-
ormntlon Iniiiilro i cnonally or by mall of Win. Clalr ,
'nriBt Cit ) , Sarpy County , No ) > . 454-lm ,
OR HAM ! Two second hand pianos , at Edholm
J A Krickeou'K Mnsla Htoro on lUth HL SDO-tl
| ,1Oll SAI.K Wo Oder for nalo
JL1 1M Cliolco 3-j car old IVcdlnp Steers.
100 Cliolco2-rarold tceumK btvcrn.
100 Yearling Btccrs.
Ab o oil U'ooil IOM a Cattle
418 ] m bloux City , Iowa
i'oil B/il.h Hour Mill ci-tap , on iui.y tirmso
Jt. pajniont , fatoroUy located within nity miles ol
this city. Hood ci inluif. Address P. 0. Box 241S
St. Paul Minn. 207.1m
. ' SAl.r-l'.iiiilnes now and second hand 10 h. p.
r.'Oll h. p. nnd .0 li. p. portable and ntatlonnry ; also
, iollir of an > ulzo an ! sfjle. lllclmrd ti Clarke , U , P
II. V. let. 17th and Iblh btj. Omaha. 43-11
OK HAIih A ml ! tlnjr ollico bUltiblo loratmal
nuwspapcr or Job ollico. WII sell for cash or or-
: haniolor Omaha City property , Aiiarcaj'-X. 2. < i"
llco nilicc.
ii'Min DAIili ivio open nuoonu-iiui.U
Jj ono dolhcry wcf'.on , chcup , at 11)10 Iltiuiy bt.
i > jilvu. > i < r i n my prtinlns In tenth Omaha ,
.1. near sixth end Maiej , ono ted cow. Own-
rcau havi ) sumo by ( irotlnK piojicrl ) and pa > lii ( ;
Omaha.Scpumbir , 1U , Iu84. John Adams.
A tfoil kUed monl ( y from raiino'B * JIuso-
LCHT Fatuli Ortnnds I'mdi'i vl 1 rectho Jj.lO
rcuni'i by rolnri.luK' him to tlio Mtiuaim nt 1'tlr
tlroiindB , 'i03 lOp
O'lllAYhU lt hTUliKN rfsultablu reward paid
O fur the riturnor luformttlonloadiii ) ; t ] recovery
I oiiu rtil COM , loft ojcsllKhtly bl'inl ' , wiiiclttr red
unript under right foioloa' , hid bell on with two
inch Htrap , when l.iit uorn. J. Nelson Htouuit , cor-
uur Itth and Martha Bucctd , Soiuli Omatu.
i.iniiolii thu state tn buy an old t'stahllshoi
h grocery and iii'en | waio Im.lnem. block , flstures
and lo ftbnllt 83f,0 < ) , he.t location , be-t bulldlni ; In
town and the tlgucst tradao' uuy itorolii the county.
Add its HraoirNo 14th I'nlriiiniit , No' . 813-13
. uiiiv - Ai.p" < ' > u n no uoy mull ! idi/Kullut
ll fellliii , ' IntiuloatliiK l.iior-ol | nny llnd to uiy
liiHl amiConrad Hihl OthurHliu limy vlll bo proa-
erutid In the lull ixlcnt tf the la - .
7tJf.lii | ,
d' I/I ( tn ItuHtrd for thu lutiiin of my Jersey
3 > \/.U" I o iw ; cream ami whlto. White apot on
fiircbuad , leather utrau nruiud nock. M , Morrlam ,
fin n il Hurl Ofll-lf
I lotluriiriinu buluil Dav ut luncul i.rlcu , d-
Jldio > T. S. IILAIIKBON ,
n > I in Helm ) lor , Neb.
. - , nuliuul'nU , MUt'iutio llualoi la now loctca
Mii.-j 1821 , faun btr et. UiuKnoaU dUoaacufrea ,
Oil Iiu
ONI. llndlii ) ; a bunch of emill kpjs will plea !
ANY the tame at thu Colons Ilouea. U , I.o
TLKAHi-10acrei ( : of lanj , fencud fer garden
purport , thieo mllesB W ft 1' , 0. luqulro K. 1' .
FoMlIke , 013 S Uithstictt , 602-tt
( Uwoa * llftmlli Oriu t > J PI M Co. .
) 'Ljlloi I'.lw. C.r U. , I
/ v > H'inJf. Ifori. L < * U r. pir.Ji. >
PIANOS. ORQANS , n. n. CARS , &c.
mfMoi ruRttrnne " cv u i > /
CLASS , CHINA , Ac. , 4O.
JUSSIAj l vu ll.rU' . Jt
Vsmjjjjil * UiNLriOTUlltU OWI.TC lit TUB '
RUSSIA CETO CO. , Gloucester , Hast