Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1884, Page 4, Image 4

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    PAL1A J EE-TIfUIlSDAY , SEPTEMBER 11 , 1684.
Orruvlia Oitlco , No. 010 Fr rn ni Bf.
OnmicnimiirrnOnioo/.No.T l'cm-1 !
Qtrcct , Near IJron luy. .
Now York Odlco , Koom 05 TrlOu
DulUllng. _
PnWlshwl every tronilhR , ciocpt Send j < 1
eel ) UoniUy morning il&lly.
One Tear . J10.03 I Three Wonlbi . R
BllUonilu . d.OO I Ono Month . 1
I'orVeok , 16 Cents ,
CnoTesr . $1.00 I Three Month ! . I
Hi Months. . 1.00 1 One Month. . .
American News Company , Bale Agrontr , Newide
in In the United States.
A Communications rcUtlng to Kewi tnd ndltoi
inattem ebouM bo uddrc-BoJ to the EDITOB or 1
All BoMnefn letters "onJ RemlltAnc 4 ehonld
ddrwwcl to Tnn nmi Pmtusmxa COMPAST , o * t
pi It , Chocks ant ] Poatofllco orilcri to be m Jo pi
tble to the order o ( the oompanf.
H. KOSBWATBR , E lit or.
A. II. Pitch , Manager Daily Circulation , ' .
0. Uox , 488 Omaha , Neb.
THIIRR will be n mcetlnp of Iho republic !
nUto central commlttoo nt tlio Mlllnrd hatcl :
Omaha on 1'ridny , Scptnmbcr 12 , at 7:1 :
I > . m. 0. 15. YOST , Chairman.
How can any consistent anti-inonopi
list vote for Grover Cleveland electors ?
IF Dame Humor ia not mistaken , thoi
is to bo a lively earthquake' in Union I'i
ciQo hoadquartcrs.
WK are proparinir n legislative blael
\ list of all the frauds and iobbora who betrayed
trayod their constituents in the lai
A fusion ticket , with candidate fc
whom nobody uoods to apologias ar
whoso conduct Jand record nobody wi
bo asked to oxplain.haa a fair allow of b
ing cloctodovon in this presidential year
Tim anti-monopolists of Otoo counl
were instructed for .T. Sterling Mortoi
but lc would take a great many instnn
tionsto p aa Morton off as an ant
SOME of the ao-callotl delegates froi
Douglas county to the antl-monopol
atato convention disgraced this com
ty by their billingsgate and blacl
guardism. Nothing could bo oxpecto
from a gang of political pimps , wh
blackmail candidates of all parties t
every flection.
IP the anti. monopoly party doairoa t
bo wiped out in Nebraska lot it f uao o
presidential oloctora with the democrats
Sovon-onjhthsof the republicans thathav
acted with the
ever anti-monopolists 01
utato iaauos will repudiate any attempt t
deliver any part of the vote of Nobraak ;
to Grover Cleveland.
JASON LKWIS , Ed. Walsh and n fov
rouatabouta , wont down from Omaha ti
Iilncoln to create a disturbance lu tin
anti-monopoly state convention , which ii
made up priiicipal/y / of respectable 'farm.
era and worklngmon. Having shown
thomsolvcB to bo hoodlumn , they wort
promptly and effectually sat down upon
by the convention.
THE prohibUioniats of Iowa have made
a sorioua miatako in
placing upon thoii
doctoral ticket the name of Mra. Nottu
Smford. It happens that Mrs. Sanfort
is a clerk in the fourth auditor's ofltco a
Waahington. Her name was uaod by thi
prohibitionists without her knowledge 01
consent , and aho is reported as "boillnj
ovor" with indignation at this unwarranted
od liberty. She is a too good a republican
can , a "stalwart of Btalwarta , " but wilho
a Blaine "man "
, and the use other nami
to further a party running an a demo
cralic annex ia moro than her loyal hoar
will stand. She calls
Iho St. John urn
Good Daniel crowd a good nmny po
.names ,
OnoHiiv , of Montana , lab-
bring under the improsaion that the do
partmoutofthoinoriordidnot fullyroaliai
the starving situation among the Piogani
asnt nn agent at his own expense
to gather all the faota concerning thoii
condition. This agent has completed
his work , anil hia report has boon for
warded to the secretary of the interior.
It fully confirms all that has been hith
erto reported regarding the tufforinga ol
these Indjana. The report is quito ox-
haualivo , and HUOWB that the I'ioganu
have boon shamefully treated. Tlioy
have been fed on inoagro rations , owing
io the failure of a democratic congress to
inako a proper appropriation for them.
Thoru is no game on the reservation , the
country ia not fit for agricultural purposes -
poses , and the Indians , although willing
to work , have neither the noccuaar )
knowledge or implements foi
cultivating it. They are , therefore , en
tirely dependant upon the govornmunl
for their food. For the past six montlii
they have received only ono-quartor ra
tiona. It is clnimod that the mortality
among them haj boon ton times aa groal
aa it should in the nbaenco of any conta
jpoua dinoaro. Their vital forces are ac
weakened by the famine of the last twc
or throe yoara that the approaching winter
tor will find them quite uuablo to endure
its severity , and etill moro dreadful auf-
ferine and death will occur unlcsa thoj
are butter supplied , Under these cir
cnmstanccB the secretary of the intctioi
dopoitmont should not heaitato to take
the responsibility of promptly puninbini
tbcao Indians with a sufficiency of food ,
without waiting for congrecaional action. .
Delay in this matter would simply bo at
act of inhumanity that would not bo tolerated
orated by the people. Oongrest certain
ly cannot repudiate tbo action of SocroU
ry Teller in rendering to thceo Indiani
prompt aid to keep thorn from starving ti
This paper is now and always has bo <
in favor of any political combination th
will prevent the oloctlin of dishonc ;
disreputable and incompetent men
public oflico. Wo do not believe in tl
infallibility of parly conventions. Und
our system of primary elections , in wh ! <
fraud , deception and trickery are pra
ticod with impunity , convcntionB soldo
represent the untraminolcd will of pa
ties , and the candidates thus chosen ct
have no legitimate claim upon undlvidi
party support. The republican parly hi
boon in control of this state for sovoi
teen years. Ila majorities hai
boon growing from year I
year and up to within two yoara n nom
nation in a republican stale oonvcntlc
was equivalent to an olcction. Kocklo ,
and dishonest leadership and the corruj
manipulation of the party machinery I
the railroad bosses have brought about
revulsion in the republican ranks. Noa
ly one-third of Iho republicans of th
state have cut loose and joined In the o
fort to reform abuses for which the
have vainly sought Vodross within the n
publican linen. To redeem the stal
Irom misrule , place itfl government i
honoat and nafo hands and aocuro tli
enactment of laws that will prevent lo
gali/.od highway robbery throng
extortionate railroad tolls th
dissatisfied republicans have i
oonjuction with men who were foi
morly democrats or groonbackors organ
izcd the farmers' alliance three year
ago , which finally became what ia know
as the anti-monopoly party. The hlghca
aim and object of Nebraska anti-moil
opolists is not the overthrow of the republican
publican party aa such , but the olcctioi
of executive and legislative officers wh
ere free from the taint of corruption
and trill aorvo the people instead o
merely being servants and loola [ of corporate
porato monopoly.
Now whenever the anti-monopolist ;
combine with other political partlca ant
elements upon state , congressional anc
legislative candidatoa of approved ability
and known integrity , they may safoli
count on the support of thousands o ;
honest ropublicina who do not profess t <
bo anti-monopolists , but want bottoi
government than wo r-ow havo. In othoi
wordn , fusion between the anti-mo
nopolists and democrats must nol
merely ba an effort tc
substitute democrats or anti-monopo'
lists in place of republicans but it musl
present to the pcoplo the opportunity
to subatituto houost and capable men for
dishonest and incompetent candidates.
Any fusion that merely proposes a chaugc
lot the sake of a clungo mint provo n
Failure. Ifopublicans will not desert
their party in n presidential election year
inloaa by BO doing they can take the
itato out of Iho clutches of the corpora-
; iona or displace public men who have
lotrayod their confidence.
Nobraaka fualoniata muat boar in mind
hat it will take from 55,000 to (50.000
roto3 to carry this atato ai. the coming
lection. Now , Judge Savage , who was
ory popular among republicana , only re-
oivod 48,000 votoa ac the election last
oar. It will therefore require the onlito
loinocratio and anti-monopoly ] vote and
rom 7,000 to 10,000 republican votes to
loot any candidate on a fusion ticket.
? his is Bolf-ovidont and indisputable.
To sane man contends that from 7,000 lo
0,000 Blaine men will turn ever to vote
ho Butlor-Cloveland fusion tickot. What
oily , therefore , is it to attempt fusion in
residential electors. There is not won-
> y enough in Nebraska to successfully
larry out any such wild cat scheme.
) n the contrary , fusion on the electoral
.ickot . means the moat disaatroiis confu-
ion. It i ill enable Church Ho wo ,
lohn M. Thtiraton and Casper K. Yoat to
lound a furious and effective alarm all
( long the linn and drive disaffected ro-
lublioaua to the aotivo supjwrt of the
traight , unacratchod ticket , nnd the
"oat odious nnd disreputable/ republican
andidatoa lo pull through by good ma-
oriliea under the tromondouo jircsauro
or Blaluo and Logan. If thn democrats
nd anti-monopolists dceiro to do fur thin
tate what they profeea and prom-
se , if they are earnestly dcairouB
f giving the people an hoiwat nd-
[ ituialration in state all\iira \ nnd frtithfiil
opresontation in congress , thuyvil \ drop
lie electoral fusion Bohemia nt once. The
Jiu : will not only discountonimco h , but
pposo it with nil the vim and vigor si ita
The atato fair ought to bo pormiwmitly
jcated ut Omaha. It is the only lotutton
rhoro a etnto fair can bo made n fmuncial
uccess. The patronage of the people of
hirnhn alone is atilliciont to guarantee it
gainst any loss. Omaha is the commercial
notropolis of Nobnukfl , and the people
rom all pnrla of the state nro imtnrully
leeirous of viaiting thia city nt lunat once
yoar. The nttractiona outaida of ho
air nro greater in number nnd variety
ban any in all the towns and cities of
ho state put together. Besides all this
to have the grounds , buildings und
ccoinmodatlons for holding the oxpoai-
| on , aa well aa excellent facilities for
ranaportation. If the fair were located
laowhoro it would involve the uipondi-
uro of a largo sum of money for build-
iiga , and other expenses , nnd
ho attendance nt uny other
ilaco would never bo Biidlcienl
o pay the bills incurred. If the fuir
hould bo located at Omaha for u longer
or in of yoara , our ponplo could nlt'ord. to
pend considerably moro money in im-
roving the grounds and buildings , and
ho manogon of the fair would bo otmb
td io add attractions that cannot bo iif-
oidod at the present. In the event
f the removal of the fair Iho proper
hng ! for our citizens to do would bo to
organize a periuinoiit ixpoaittouvliich
could bo made to equal , if not cclipi
the state fair. Other hrpo cities hai
their expositions nnd make them n groi
success. That a state fair or an ind
pendent exposition is of great boncf
there is no doubt , nnd our citizcna shou
make an effort to permanently socu
ono or the other.
ALL tolepraph , telephone and olocti
light wires in Chicago must bo put undc
ground within a fixed period , and tl
city authorities are Rotting a proper o
ample by putting all its own wires undc
ground , City Electrician Barrett had
force of men at work Sunday putting
two cables containing 100 city tolophoi
and fire-alarm wires on Washlngti
street , from Clinton to Franklin. Tl
cables were drawn through the city's u
dorground pipes successfully , and laid
the tunnel under Iho rlvor. Mr. Barrc
says ho will have all the wirca bolongii
to the city under ground thia month. II
recent experiments with thoundorgrour
system have catisficd him that all 11
wires in the city can bo made to work i
well under ground as overhead. Whc
the city has all of ita on
wirca under ground , it wi
bo in a osition to insist th ;
the telephone and telegraph companii
obaorvo the ordinance against ovorhco
ivires. Philadelphia hag passed an ordnance
nanco that all overhead wires mnat I
buried before January 1st , and ITo
fork legislature haa passed a law tin
? 11 such wires in cities must buput undi
ground by January 1st , 188(5. ( If win
ire to bo burled in other oitio ? , there
no reason why they cannot bo nimilarl
lispo&cd of in Omaha. There ia not
; ity of the o.V.o of Omaha in thia coiuitr
, hat has so many telegraph , tolophoni
md olectrio light wires ns wo hnv
iVliilo no ono ia diapoaod to hurry th
Hfforont companies in Omaha it ia only
uication of time when they must folio1
luit and bury their wires.
IK the annual banquet and entertain
uont given to the country merchants c
Nobraaka , the jobbers and manufnctui
irs have established an excellent CUE
am. It ia the moana of maintaining th
neat iricndly relations between th
ountry merchants and the buaincaj moi
f the commercial metropolis of th
tate , and no doubt it brings to this cit ;
great deal of trade that would other
rise go elaowhoro. The jobbers of St
'txul , Minn. , annually make an oxcura
in , principally for their own pleasure
iaiting all the principal towns in thoi ;
urritory , but that plan neoma to bo mud
iferior lo that adopted by the Omahi
jbbora , ao for producing trndo result :
ro concerned. The first entertainment
f this kind given to the merchants o.
fobrankn look place last year during the
tate fair , and'tho beneficial results ol
lint entertainment were such as to in
uco our jobbers to repeat it this year ,
nd probably keep it up from year tc
AMONO the moit interesting features
f the Nobraaka state fair are the dia-
lays made by the far-west counties ,
hich only n few yoara ago were consid-
red non-productive on account of n lacl
F rain in that aoction of the state. It ia
well known fact that the rain belt ia
> natantly extending westward ever thia
; ato. Regions that formerly were rarely
voi visited by a rain atorm now have an
imndunco of rain , and the oil haa
roved to bo aa productive sa that ia any
art of Nobraaka. Linda that wore for-
lorly thought to bo fit only for gruslng
urposos are now being tilled and abtin-
ant tropa are being produced. In n few
oars there will bobut very little land
ift in Nobraaka that ia not used/ / for g.
cultural purpose * .
Tin ! com crop in the state of Ohihua-
aa , Mcxkio , lus failed , und Bupyliea will
[ vo to bo obtained from the Fnite-J
tales- The Meixan minister , llomcro ,
- Washington , haa been inntiuoted to
Dtify the i-urn exporters of the condi
on of nnUiw in Chihuahua , that they
ay ad < 2roH3 the governor of that state ,
vinj the price , quality and quantity. A
ate contract will bo- made with those
1'orhsjj Iho beat torma. It'sim ill wind
int blows nobody any good. The im-
onao com crop in Nohr.iaka and Iowa
ay find a prorttnblo : uarkot in Mexico.
Mn. LMUD'H recaption nt the aoldierc
uuioivu buing "expainod" by Iiiahome
gan at Hastings. Nearly oi rything
lat hnpnons to Mj. Laird has K ) be
uxplalnod. " 3Iuy bo his reception al
iu polls next Novumbor will nlao have- -
i bo iiplained.
ABAM.H , of the Ifiuon Pe.
fie , evidently believes in the adaro that
n now broom ssvoepa clean. " If iho lot-
it riimopj nro true ho propoaw to clean
at noaiJy all tiro- old Union 3v cifio oSU
ula ,
MA YOU MUJU/IIY has notified the Far-
or asphalt coaipany to caray out its eon-
act enSbiteonth atroot. The Mayar ia
> rrost and ) > &a done hia duty , and the
iphult Bomiuuv Mill probably da Ha
loraoi Croel-y'rt rtilvlc-ii to Iho Hoof -
of No\v York.
' w York Trlbiino , Se t. 1 , 18CO.
There uio oortaiti < aot that stand out
cry plainly on the face of this buniness ,
* 2 ,
1. The legislature of las'j ' wintnr ia nol
matter tli at uny body party courlo
lie credit of.
2 , The state convention of each narty
cgariloa it aa corrupt rnd odioua that it
ought to throw the discredit of it upon
ho other.
! 1 The domoerdta
nUjjniitiso it
na a re-
> itjllot\n \ IcuilBuuio ; to which thoroiiub-
c-vua rutort that the obnoxious aot
"could not have passed either branch
our legislature without the nearly unat
inous vote of the dcmocrntie mcnibci
- which cannot bo domed.
Now then , wo wish to say to the pt
plo of all parties , that there Is no cu
lor the ovila to justly complained of
either of thcno resolutions. It ia tr
that much of the legislation of last wi
tor waa profligate ; it ia true that n tr
jorlty ot the members of each liouso w
republican ; it is further true that abe
half the republicans firmly resitted t
corrupt schcmoa that were push
through , and that Bovon > eighths of t
democrats helped the worife half of t
republicans to pass them. It is true ,
the democratic resolve implies , that tl
legislation reflects discredit on the ropu
lican party , because that party had a ir
jorlty in each house ; it is manifestly trv
as the repuvlican rcsolvo retorts , th
the democrats have no right to profit I
this bad legislation , bocau
their members proved f
moro generally corrupt than the ropub
cans. When wo have reached the end
this pot and kettle crimination and i
crimination , wo find that the evil BO jui
ly denounced in not to bo cured by pi
ting up or puttint ? down cither party , b
a _ general uprising agninstrnrrupt legisl
lion of the people , irrespective of part
What the people have to do in tl
premises ia simply thia :
1. Watch the primary meeting of the
respective parties , and see that honci
faithful , responsible , conscientious at
reliable men nro nominated for the leg !
" . If men of a different stamp sccui
nominations , by the acts which they i
well understand , give them fair noli
that they must declineor bn beatni
Then if they persist in running , bo
them nt the polls.
8. It n thoroughly good , trustwortl
man is nominated by your own part ;
vote for him ; if not , and the oppoaii
candidate la of the right stamp , vote f
him , if neither of them will do to tie t
consult your neighbor who have pro
udico in favor of upright legislation , tn
a third candidate in nomination , e
preealy on that ground nnd give him c
the votes you can.
If these _ who really dcsiro honest 1m
makers will thus act , they can socui
them , otherwise not. Trying to mal
pyty capital out of the bad legislalin
with which parly politics had nothing I
10 , by bossing the ill-favored brat froi
5no side to the other , will prccludo an
real reform and subserve no good pu :
: ) ese whatever. _
The Situation la AVIscontiln.
3t. Louis Globe-Domccrat.
Western democrats and democratic 01
, 'ans are silly enough to pretend thr
, hey hope to carry Wisconsin for Clevc
and in November and secure a legible
; uro that will elect n democratic success :
0 United States Senator Cameron. The
> aao this idea upon that mythical politi
ial quantity the Gorman "bolt. " Re
mrtti from Wisconsin through democrat !
ourcca affirm that the Germans nr
; oing over to Cleveland "in a body , "an
hat there ia "no doubt whatever" thn
ho defection will bo strong enough i :
onnection with the prohibition sid
how to TT rest the otato from the repub
icana. What nonsense ! There in not ;
afer republican state in the West in ;
'residential ' contest than Wisconsin. Oi
IF year * when republicans do not turi
ut as they ought democrats sometime
ain temporary advantage , a
ti congressional and legislativi
ains , but never yet in n national cam
aign \\iecouaiuever wavered in th
nth. She gave G wHold n majority ii
880 over both Hhtrcock .and . Weaver o
1,783. The very nest year an off yea
-aho gave Governor Rusk a plurality o
2,500 , and that too when the republi
ma polled but little moro than half thi
oto of the year before. Since that timt
lore haa been no general election , bul
omocrata lay great stress upon the cir
nmstanco that in 1882 , in the centres-
_ anal election , the democratic vote by
ialricti exceeded thn republican vote by
imothing like 8,000 , and that they
looted six congressmen outt of nine.
hat was the tidal wave year , however ,
ad is utterly worthless aa a basis of cal-
jlutlon. In her national and state cloc-
on this fall Wisconsin may bo regarded
1 perfectly safe for a republican
lurality of 20,000. The boaated
orraan defection , if it exists at
11 , vrill not involve moro than 5.0CO
itesr and that will ho largely oiftot by
10 Isiah and labor defection on- the
thor sido. The psohibitionists can
ardly hupo to poll more than the
leaver vote of 1880vhich waa 8(000. (
iidoed they do not claim to bo nblo tc
011 moro than 10,000 , and I3.CCO , ol
lorn they ejpect to got from the domo-
rats , 'jivo ' the democrats all the bolt-
i Gormons , 5,000 , nnd the republican
rohibitionists , 000 , awl udd to them
, OCO "dudua nnd phnriaeuo" of the
| otind stripe , and they nro yet shorl
1J.OOO of overcoming Gnrfiold'a pluvilitj
F 1880. It m idle to ta'.k of danger iu
t iacozisui , and ib will bo legrotteil il
ipublicans allow themselves to bo Beared
y such -tlainor. The atiito and national
ckuts nro nafo enough.Tf the rojubli-
ina want to insure oonqtlulencRS of vie-
iry , hoiruvor , they vant to onn-
ntrato ellort on the con-
reasioiml nnd legisl&tivo tickets.
lioro BM > throu coiigrewional diairicta
DW hold by domocruta uuder cho tidal
ave thnt must Ls > rcdceruod. Thoin nre
10 FirsS Tliitd nnd Sovwith. The Jirst
us a natural ropublJMii raajo7ity of
jout 5.POO , but two years ago , owing tn
io unpopularmachino rr.othodsof Charlea
. NViUUiiis , ono Wiiuns , n democrat ,
ipturod the disttictb a few hundred.
fillmnis. has now omig7. ted to Ihikotu
id ia 10 longer a distusbing factor. That
strict must bo redeemed. TJm Third
strieb waa lost two yunra ago , , because
io republicans quarreled un6 roa two
ndiJatua , thus oponiag the door wide
r the pro oat Ocngriaaniau Jones. Thia
sar > his broach has hi-onhenloJ-nnd there
ill bo but , ono republican in the field
jninat Mr. Jones. Iho district is good
r 2,000'rcpublican majority when the
itti-r are harmonious. The.sovonth dia-
ict was lost two ysara to the ropublv
las by bh * activity and popularity a
10 iirolubitiou ev.-ididato ( > . who polh l
,000voi3s. Thie.yoar tliaru will bun
roinoudous canviua of that district , aa
r.i Crowe , which ia the homo of Lvsth
onatewOamorou and CSovornor IluaU ,
i the , center oS tlio uiatrlct , nnd bhu
riUo of both will ba nrousoa to roiWam
; . Tht'so throe- district * MO the only
nos in which the republicans have a
lunoo to plant their banner. Th * . nth
r three \vhichthero is lightiuK wouni
ro hopeleasly democratic.
Mimt llcmi Him ( ) ir >
Down ut Uopublican hoail < i\urlor thpj
re a gojd deal worried nbout a Germai
hiw stumping Wjnoonsin forOlovolam'
n his own hook. Ho holds no reculm
lOBtings , but ho oireulatw around tin
tatu nacl makes hiim-elf coinpirious t\ \
lie boor halls and gardens i id at all Uu
ionics. Ho m a Hrat worker nnil
heuovcr ho gets crowd together he
rates soniuthlng like tliis ;
' Geutlomont , I hef bin in Maine on i
vMt to my bruddcr riul if you vill ko
quiet nioio us llvo minutes 1 vil tolo ye
aoinot'icyj. I found him hump-bocki
ulretty nndvhtm ho left dor old gouhl
ho vaa as Btrniylit na n tclcgiaph pol
'Pjr graciouu , linns , I got , vet vca d
tnottorinil- pack ? ' 'Oh , noddingi
ho got , 'der cliinnlo does n
ngreo 111 it inino complixii
dota nil , ' Veil , pretty quick 1 Bet 'Con
voro woollen oin glasa of boor drinker
Then ho sat , 'Shoo ! Shoo' Don'd yi
sprocket ! BO lout nlretty. Keep a load
quiet and como mil mo. ' So , then ,
walks after him down dor street , up i
alloy , back of n barn , into nnoddor nllc
down some stops into a collar where I h
inino hot against der ccllinga and den v
crawled along for moro as n plock in d
dark and finally TTO comes to a man m
a rod none what has dor beer. 'Xtvoi' o
my prudder. Und mine Oott , vet bd
vos doso. Voll , I atnyod ono vcok at
now shust look at der shoulders of me-
round HKO n barrel , from crawht
arount in dor cellars. Dot ish what pn
hibltion does for a man. "
The Motional committee has Instruct *
Postmaster Payne , of Milwaukee
head this man off at any cost.
Moa Who Think thuy Conceal Tlic
by Dyeing Their Hair.
I > ons\illoCouror ! ] Journal.
There is only ono portion in the un
vorao who cnn compel as much attontk
from these who do not know him aa tl
man who wears a wig , and that is tl
man whb dyes hia hair. His lifo isapn
longed ovation. Wherever ho roams 1
creates interest. Everybody looks :
him ; everybody thinks about him ; man
talk about him.
Yet the general attention ho recoivi
should not bo charged up to cither hi
assurtivciicss or hia vanity. II o is usua
ally n modest man and always an unau
picioua ono. ilo ia serenely unconsciou
of the figure ho cuts ; entirely unaware (
the distinction ho enjoys.
Wrapped in the comfortable hallucin ;
tiou thattho world can never dincovc
iiis little secret , lip floats through lifo o
ilowory beds of bliss. Ilo fancies ho lit
cheated Old Time completely. In hewn
own opinion ho has bollled ago ' "
moat ingenious manner.
Whether the j o son of tl o c yo lit
softened his brain , or the belief tnat h
hau alicod twenty or moro yeara from hi
apparant ago without any ono guessing i
hao upset hia mind , none will over know
but mental soundness sooraa to dopai
when hair dye takes ila place among hi
toilet accessoriea. Under the iulluur.c
of nitrate of silver or any other combi
nation of lead and sulphor Caoaara be
; oine oimpletons , Napoleons nothingn.
Look at the face of the man with tli
Jytd hair , as ho sits in happy uucon
sciousnesa of the fact that ho is the cynosure
nosuro of all eyes. Its expression is om
3f childlike satie fiction , lie ia nt peac
with the world and blind to thoabsurciil ;
jfhis appearance. Ilo never dream
llwt his httlo dodge can bo notected clua
icrosfl the street. His mental cturdi-
1C33 has got out of the way of the smel
) f sulphur and keeps out of the way.
Ho never notices that when ho visits
\t the homes of hia friends they open nl
; ho windows It never occurs to hin
Then ladiea who sit near him in the
itreet cars fan vigorously that his hail
lye is responsible. A greet tlouriah o !
) erf umed handkerchiefa when ho appear :
lover alarms him. It takoa a man o !
rery trustful nature to clyo his hair anc
; o through lifo with un undisturbec
If the color h'o forced his locks to tak (
in at al ) approximated anything in na
uro hia cereuity of mlud could not be
indcratood. Frequently it is a curiou ? ,
iiclasaiGecl blue so unhko any respect
bio hue under the eua that you can'l
eep your oyea off it to save year life.
'his peculiar iingo is arrived at after long
pplication , niid oxpressea the abused
airs' refusal to absorb any moro poison.
omotimeB whoa nitrate of sHvor is the
rticlo which does violence to nature the
air _ turns a dull gritty rod , about as Lo
oming to any face au a wig made of rod
illows would bo.
Sometimes a deep , deep black ia ar-
, ved at. Xo hah' Brer grow on a' white
itta'a head aa black as it is. No ravon'a
ing could hold u oandlo to it. Kb In-
inn could rival it. The blackest dog
itvi ever howled or hrod n wizard's circle
oald look dull and dim beside it. This
i the hue that gives the victim the high-
at'aatisfaction. IFo ii , if possible , hun-
ier than the blup-hmrud man , the drtib ,
r even the Uustiia-leuther red.
There M a striking and painful discro-
itncy between the deep liues of his tace
ncHItc extravagantly. youthful darknoaa
t thy hair , which hit novur aces and no-
iodjkelsuc8ii _ help suoiiifj. Ilo refusea
a recognize any other intimation of ago
Itan jrny hahs. Q'habiu the only thins
liat te.ttes him. Bis nuttled figure , his
eavygati ) , his dcujjly lined facd and
nocljr.voieo are overlooked though tha ?
oil ihci tale of his o : rlh5y pilgrimage
I'yond the power of hmr dye to coli-
li ho is tisly ho fully believes ho
asoaa for forty. The thought makes
un un gay at heart that ho eilerveacea
itcv boyish fooliabnuta of manner , and-
isioompatiUo with his iiguru and fao .
liiMiitiiiKkto fnmulfl bi > gmi to apologno
ir him , and utrwigpra find theinuclwo
sclmnninK ridicule for pity when ibt-y
wupoahim. .
He is saro of tlm perfect success of his
luo that ho gotn rite Ilo habit of 70-
loving liin hat wJioti in hcrto bars , nnd
ittiu-B iimself that women think Iiitn
r-nd&oiao , SoniuJiiuoa ho sees onmo
tJit.r imbecile who hua taken the tame
'an to defeat the onouy , Time , * nd
wijlis in his alcove ut the glaring Jail.
re. .Everybody is fnlliblo on hair dye
ut himself. Unenlightened aa to lila
wn ( 'jotcfquonoaa , ho , iravola tin ro-
laindrr of lifo'a journey in the ir.iadul-
> mtod blisa of ignoranae , a creature that
louM niovo the hardest of us to aiercy.
Tlr l hy Who.
hrcfPONQp , tombnr 10.A tolcgaiph liu
fi' * en tjaiuubaud nnJiJJoVIiarr has-iust beou
SUK 1 > 1I ) KOV I.OVK 21IM.
LU Ottuvtn Olirl ( Jlmn-oH Unr BUivil
liut llt'ioii ) HID
An OttawaCUiiida.dispatch sayo ; Tbo
larriago of Mis * Kuphoiaia Jlr.nro ,
aughter of a wealthy resident of Kings-
nn , Ontario , and the Rov. If. Gray , a
'reibjrtoriau clergyman ol Walhico , No-
a Sootia , which WAS to luvo taken pl co
t Kingston on Wednesday , has been
lontponcd iudifi'utuly. Three yoara ogi > ,
rhilo attvudiug the general ataomb'.y of
ho Prosbitorinn church , the Kov. Air.
Jruy met Mma Muuro , a be&titiful girl
f lightepn summorg. Thuir friendship
eon ripened into love , and onh \ ru.
urahcmoGray carried irith him iho
lO.ief that Mias Muiiro would soon adorn
hoi ojtory of the pariati over which hopro.
Wed. Soon nfienvard , however , Mica
lunro transferred her Directions ta a
outig gentleman in Hamilton , with
fhora &he. utono time had boon very in-
timato , Tliia renewed friendship lastc
for tome time , but a difficulty nroto I
that quarter , and the young lady tun
cd Lor attention again to the lUv. M
Gray , and wiUiin a month it wes Bottle
that they would bo ruanied on Septon
berO , 1881.
livery preparation wai inndc , and It
llov. Mr. Gray's Hock presented hii
with a wellfilled , purse , end started lit
off to brins { hia bride homu. Ilo arrive
at Kingston last Friday , whoio ho foun
that the brldo-clcct had been no leea n >
live than himself in getting ready for tl
important event. Invitations to tl
wedding had been issued , and nttbii
was left to Vo done to make him the ha |
pioet man on earth , except the mtxrriftf
ceremony. He observed an air of coo
ness on the part of Miss Munro , but a
tributod it to their abort ocquaintanci
and thought little of it. On Sundo
Miss Munro , said she wished to go 01
and see eomo friends , and would I
back at tea time , Grav called at hi
father's honso in the afternoon and n
mainod to tea. Ho was there handed
unto which contained the announcomct
from Mirs Munro that she did not lo\
him , that aho could not marry him , an
had consequently lied. Then followe
a sensation , in which the unhappy mn
tainted. Ho was completely broke
down with grief and mortification. 0
Monday morning both Mr. Gray an
Mr. Munro started out in search of tl
young lady , who. they learned , ha
taken the Sunday boat for Toronti
Gray foola his position keenly and
greatly affected over the idea of moetlri
his congregation.
The general opinion ia that the Han
ilton lover renewed his devotions nu
ceasfully unKtiown to any ono but Mil
Munro and himself. The latent ropori
atato that Miss Munro wont to Buti'iili
rromtlicso3oince3 uilaolUico-ionrt'iaof
tlm ( Uncases of tlio human race , 'ihcso
* yinpl > > mslmltcatoiliolrcclBtcncoT..ns3oJ
Appetite , ISo-viIi costive , Side Jleacl-
iclic , fiilliicist ni tor cntlufj , aversion to
excitlou of l > o ! y or m'.iu" , I riictntlnn
af food , IrrltnlillUy of temperXiOtv
Bjitrlt-i , A foolhis * cellaring iicjrlcctca
inmotliity , ] > lz liic < igriuttri-liinttlio :
IKrnrt.ItotK before tie cycs.hlnlilycol-
: rca Ui-hio , COnfSTIl'ATIUr-/ , and do-
manil tlio iiso of a lomcily that nets illroctlv
) n tun Liver. AanLtvcrracaiclnoTU'JT'U
mr T.U Imvo no c i.inl. a'liclr ncllonon t'ja
Kidneys mid Skin Is also prompt ; roinovlnf , '
j\ll InipuiUlQS thiousli tlicso tlnco ' .cav-
eiigcru of ttie s > stem , " pioilucliifT nppp.
! ll < - , sounil digestion , n stoo' t , n. rliir
.ilclnuiiilavlgorousboily. TUTX' . " J'll/r.y
c.uiso no iiin ! = oa or rrilplnij nor iutcrfuro
n ii Ii ilully w ork unil m o a perfect
A N T J IDOT SoTO tV3 A LA R 3 A ,
GII\Y Ii\m ou
stniitly to aULobST i-\riv IyuM'iKln ap
plication of tlila lri : , Sol 1 by Druj Kts ,
or ient by i'Xjro3S on roc-nipt of S1.
. Urtico , 41 Jlnrray Structhew York.
The scholastic year commcncca on tne
First Wcflncsto in September ,
li nniirflo ol Instruction embraces all the Hloiotn
ar ? and hifrlier b ut hoa of a finished education
iltftrtnco of Iteilclon Is na obstacle to the adir/ :
Ion cl younj Udies. IMiplla are received at an }
ma of the year.
ncludlng.Boanl , WiuMafr , Tuition In Kngllflh aud
rench , use ol bookj. rlauo , per session ol
i'ive Moaths , - - SI50.00
EXTHA CIIAHQKS Dra-rlnir , Pn'ntlnj , Oeima
larp , Vlol.u , Ouitur &ad Vtn l Music.
llotercncfj are toqnirod irom all persons unknow
) the Institution. For fiirtoer Information apply
' the u o of Swift's Spcclflo ( S 9
rilKrcportS'froiu of Cairer continue to be
underfill , There Bccmt tonl noiloulit that It Ian
otltlro ppcclfiti for Skin Cancer or Kpltliclloini.
"Forttteiity joars I nlltri-d from a Cunct-r on my
ctk. 'I'atcnt Polish and M cury Mixtures' fed
iftea'l of curiiis tlio Ilotttho IHO of niv
rini- and the uppur part of my bn < ) y. 21y enoral
ialth waa brtkcu doAii. anil i.iy lifo ua > * ditpaiiud
r. K. U. S. cured mo sound and vtll. ' 1 lilb now loasu
f lifo it ( 'aio to uio enmint lu measured by any
iniiutarv al ! < ! . I o o in.-vlllo am ! thu mipport cl
ij family to i ! ill's Svco'ili ' "
W. It. UOUINROir , I.nlsboro , Oa.
"Mr. Ilrook , near Albinjwo hrpelo sly ailllrtod
Itli Cancer. It had eaten tljru.uli hlj iioou into
ii miiiith m > 1 thrust. 'Ihotimoof Ills dcatli WUH
ulj a iiiostl' | u af a i cry bliort timo. Ilo pruj ud for
cath , bid ntl/fiilif ; uu to Kioni ) 3. S. H. has lad n
ondirful cJut on him. II'.s imprincmcnt la KO
real that wo all foci mno of Ills hcluy ncrfccllvcurcd
i time. W. U. OllrilJllli Albany , Oi.
3ur Tre.itlr.a on lllood rnd i3ln ! ! dacnsce mailed free
THK swriri BPKOIFIO co.
D.-auir II , Atlanta , nu ,
N. Y. OIE.M , If B W. 22U M. , bit-Aten flili &nd 7th
vciiuoi > . rbliadolldiia Qfjloi 103 l.'lifotuut t.
! , F. DAVIS * & Oil ,
Ucnurt. Urilc/nlc
tt FAUNAUST. . . 018AIIA.
aolootod Undi
I Kvitoru Ktbrwilm , at Ir.w price ( .ml on HW > teriib
2rnprovpa itrui ] lor tutu lu Uou Ua , DjJue , Oalfn
l tto , Hurt , CuralnR , Batoy , Wiehmjton , ntcrlcli
aundore , and Butler Oountlc * .
Ttxoa paid la all putK cf the OUte ,
Money lo no , | on improved fuiaa.
Notary IMbllo always In offlco Concepondonoe
Jr. . Hmelia
.617 Dodge St. , - Omaha ,
be Leadlnc Aerlcultural and Llvo Stock
Jl nrnal of the Wost.
0 pages { tirawwiwi.1 go columns
H. S. SMITH & CO. ,
ON IIODT. W. KUJINAS , Secretary Rt Board
ft ARrloultuie , A elite Kiiltor.
JBSCmiTION I.RICK , I1.CX ) i.erjearln Jv uc .
S , W , Cor , Farnam and 12ih Sts ,
Capital , - - 5100,000.00
O. W. HAMILTON , Proo't.
8.1. CALDWEUL , V. Proa't.
M. T. DARLOW. CaohlorJ
Aooounta oolloltoH. and kept subJect
Joct to night chock.
Cortlflcntos of Dopoolt loouod jav
nblo In 3 O nnd lamonthot bonrlng
Interest , or on demand without In-
Advnncon mndoto ouotomoraon
approvednocui'ltloont market rnt
of Intoroot.
The Intoronto of Cuotomors nro
o'onoly guarded and every facility
compntlblo with principles of
oound banking freely oxtondod.
Draw night draft a on EnglandIro-
Ir.nd , QcotlnntJnnd all partoofCu-
Soil European Pasea o Tlckoto
Aulhorized Cnpitul , - $1,000,0(10 (
Paid-up Cspital , - - 100,000
Surplus Fund , - - 70,000
H W. Car , Farnatn ana 12th Sta
Ol'rlCFUS !
y , President. I DAu'nr5. KOQIRIVP
I3w. 12. WOOD , ( feeder. | I.UTUIH Psisi , A
Frink llarvhy , Samuel E. lUigom , Bon. II. Wtofl ,
Dlmrlo ? C. riotiijl , A. D. Jiiuoa , Luther Driliu.
T.-atHiot a Entilrlnj ; Uualnoen. AU who
iSTo&ny Dinklu ? business tt transact are Invltrd
til. No unttcr hovr l rae or euull the transaction ,
t will receive our careful attootlou , tad wo piorale *
iluaju courteous treatment.
I'lju pnrilcubr ottentlon to birlnooa for ptrt'.d
csUUni outeldo the city. Exdinngo on &II the prill.
: lpal oltlei of the United Ut\t09&t very lowest rater.
Aoounts of t'cnia and Ctnkcra recoiled au fiTor
i > , lo tenufl.
Issuoco Certiflcite cf Deposit bearing 6 per eon
Ihijsand Della Forolgd Kxchr.Qge , Count ? . Oil
md Government Booiultica
United 'States Depository
3or. ISth and Faraasa Sta.
The Oldest Banking Establishment
in Qnwka ,
Organised Ut 1S08.
as n National Eauk in
IJSMAH Koinmi , Precldent.
Jolts A. CttmonTOH , Vlco Prssldont.
A OUBTU3 KonKTZx , Sd Vice Piecldeni.
A. J. PorririrroH.
f. U. DAUB ,
f n. Mraqnun , Aeolstant Cshlor.
Tr ae cts a c ncr l b uklnt bnslncso.
ivtlfloAtca bearing Interest. Draws dntte on Han-
rncdsoo uid principal cities la the Unltt d Statos.
lea London , Dublin , IWInburi/h D < ! ( be | ilnclpa
tics of the continent ani Europe.
Cor. 13th and Douglas Sts.
lapital Stock , - - - 8150.000
i ability of Stockholders , 300,000
' , TC Per Cent Interest Paid on Dcponls
. MX . 'AXION , . ilarjeirlm - ? lrri-ln !
. Cashier
win 1-UNjn- .
JAfc } . fl. PBjIiJSOL'Y iil. L' .
! HYSIOJAJi [ < & DSGS02I ,
llei-ldcnc * Ho. 1 IC7 Joara it. Olflcc , l.'o. iron Far.
" '
letalic Cases , Cofflii Ciis Siironils ,
KTO. | LTO , |
[ )00 P rnai St. , . OMAHA , &E
| I Knphlo ntdcru promptly attradud to. Teleph
111 North Iflln Etri.f j
(8uocE3soiaTojomref. ( JACOB * )
* _ . ffigj'A