Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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The Pioneer
State of Nebraska.
It Is co operative In 111 worldnR Mid all rrcml )
hare a voice In the management byoto at the i
dm ) incomes.
Jts aim lito benefit Its own members , their wlilo <
nnd orphan * , In ci'o of iltatli , accident , tlckno
total permanent dl-nblllty of a member , at wti
oo > t lthcoonon.lcl mansgemint ,
A reliable homo association. Active anil rellal
acn' wantnl to crxnvan for members In Nebrasl
K nwi and Colorado. Address ,
Secretary and General Manager ,
BEA.TIUUE , - - - NE1
HON. II. W. I'AHKK.n , 8. a SMITH ,
1'roildcnt. Trcrnurcr.
The ma ol the term " 81
Line" In connection with t
corporate name ola Rieatroi
COQVOJI an Idea of tint whit
required by the traveling nn
i Short Line , Quick TinG
i i BW D _ u l the bcxil of accommod
Bta B ttmti lions-all ot which are Ion
ibod by the greatest railway In America.
And St. Paul.
II own ! and operate * over 4,500 miles ol
Northern Illinois , Wisconsin , Minnesota , Iowa
Dakota ; and u t * main linen , branches and oonnM
tlons roach all the creat buslnoM centrea of th
Northwest and Far West , It naturally answers thi
description of Short Line , and Best Route between
ChlcaKO , Milwaukee , fit. Paul and Minneapolis.
Chicago , Milwaukee , I * Crosao and Wlnona.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and Kllendala
Chicago , Milwaukee , Eau Claire and Stlllwatot *
Chicago , Milwaukee , Wansau and Merrill.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Beaver Dam and Oshkoih ,
Chicago , Milwaukee , Wftukusha and Oconomowoa
Chicago , Mtlwaukoo , MadUon and I'ralrlodu Chleu
Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatonna and Falrlbaull.
Chicago , Ilelolt JanesvlUo and Mineral Point.
Chicago , Elgin , llockford and Dubuquo.
Chicago , Clinton , Hock Inland and Cedar lUpldl ,
Chicago , Council UluUs and Omaha ,
Chicago , Sioux City , Blout Falls and Tanktoo1
Chicago , Miln aukoe , Mitchell and Chamberlain.
Itook faUnd , Dubuque , St. Paul and Minneapolis ,
Davonpoil "almar , St. Paul and Minneapolis ,
Pullman S ucpcra and the Finest Dining Cars In
the nfrld are run on the main lines ol thoCIIICAOO
attention la paid to passengers by oouitoouacrnployci
of the Company.
& . S. MBIUULti , Oonl Manager.
OUO. II. UKAFFOIID. Aiis'L Oenl P i Agl
11V WAV 01'
Oonnrating in Union Depots nt KnnsasOUy ,
Uinnha and Denver with tin oujjli trains lor
And nU points In tha Grout Wont.
Connecting in ( inind Union IoMtntClilciim | >
Mltli tJimngli tniliis lor
And nil Kc'-rn OltlcH.
AtPcoritt with tliioii j trains lor Indiana ; ! .
J > II . Oliiciiiniitt , Coliuff b , nnd nil points in
the South. Jinst. At HK".Kuul wltli tlliouul
tnilns lor all polnttt SCKV
uiira niui 1110 rnnioua 0.11. A O. Dlnlnir L'ura
rim dully toiind from CIilciiKo nnd Kuns" ( Jlty
OlilcnKoiind Council HlnlU : OhlcnKo und DCH
nSS ? . ' without ° "K ( ' ' fu Joii . J'l" " , Ati-hlHon nni
cliuncu. Only lliroimh lln
njniiinir tholr own traliis butwoon oiilwiK
niVlJ'nL111,11 Uo vor.iiml OlilciiRo , KunAh
City nnd Ilunvor. Thiouijli cni5 liotwcoi
Inillanmiolla nnd Council liUurs , vta I'corla
Kl" ll"t l iy Coaches nn
, , ,
- P 2 ! i lcsloi ° | lln ? Cn , M" ' " < liiny t
? f.nlr i-niii , n iiL ° , "ls ; vl" ll'innllml ' ; ( Jnliicy
J"ll'to"t'll' ' " > Iln'W ml Alhoi
" "
- '
nd J"V cllll"Bo < > f cunt butwoci
- iico" ' Nu
It Is also the only TliionKh Mno liotwe
knoivn as tlio Kicat THIlUlKill OAli
'l lo"iotimcllcu' U"a la Hlllvumay 'Klmlt
JFinest EquipricI Railroad Ia the World for
all classes of Travel.
TliroiiKh TIckoiH vlit this line lor nnlo nt tii-
' " ; J pouiKJii ticket olllccs In tlio Unltcd&tutos
n-iti cniiudUt
Vlce-l'r .i ( ; n.JUimcer arn un. V/ijlM
J. F. , . .
'Practice Limited to Disunsos of tlio
Kyo and ] iar. )
Plattamouth , Neo.
imaiDiu or TUoaouoQBiiiu AND mail a&ADi
n "look nre l . rVi > rPHODilnnp tolldteit
ice offfie Peace.
E. Rice M. D.
° ' other tutaori removed wltboatlh *
knllo cr UravrluK o blood.
Over hlrty yoara practical eiperttncw OQexi No.
1'tar tr&ct , Council lilufli
a tre
Engineering , Surveying
Toq * Mltbln tha city and throughout the Btato ,
* arOffic Crelghton Block , cppotiU City Englneert
IT CmiEfl WJU2T action. It la
I ALT. OTltKn MEDI sure nndBprcdjrcur
CUfra PAIL , M It nnd hun
and AT ON 033 on been cure
lie KIDKEYO , U who
UVtni and HOW.
ELfl , roitorlnc frlondn hiti
them to healthy Riven Uiemu ;
and a "SPECIFIC. "
, r" "f ll' ° KI Inry f
iliulilrr nml llrltmry Or iin i
' 'r ' l'"y , JJrnTd , ninlirlcn , IlrlulU'n
JIlNcrute , i'nlnn In tlio llnrlt , l.olni , ,
or Nlilr , Jtclrnlliin or Nun. Up.
icntlnti r Urlnr , Nurroiiii
Dlnriuicn , 1'rninli ) WrnkiiFimci.
xrr Ficii , . .liiiilldlrlllllloinrirnn ,
Ilrnilnrlir , Sour Nlnmncli , Uji-iicp.
In , Co 11 MI Ipu tin n unil rilon.
* I.M IT
tunonlAla " for of ' "VJ'lIaVxlJamP ; Curca. ° f Solid Ten.
I'rovlitrnrr , 11. 1.
llirnniKi H acid on the UVIIK , IIU1VELS and
KIIIMIYS at the nanin limn.
Bocauno U oleannen the BjBtcm of the polnon-
OU5 humors that dovolopo in KUncy nnd Uri
nary niicanos , UHIousncss , Jaunillco , Conatlpn-
tlon , Pllc . or In llnoumallsm , NouralRla , Wcr-
voua Dlfiordorn nntl nil I'emnlo ComplaliiUi ,
IT wiu , BtrnnLY otrnn
By caunlnpt rHEII ACTION of nil tlio organs
nnd Amctlonfl. thereby
rentoring the normal power to throw o
of tlin wont forma of thcno tnrrlbln
liavo boou ijulokly rollovod , and tu a nhort time
PRICK , ( I , ItljUIIMin 1II1T , BOI.I ) MY IintdCISTS ,
_ Dry can bo aont by rnnll.
WHLL3lllCirAIlB30N & Co. , Burllncton.Vt.
" Send tittup fur l > liry Almanie ttr 18S4.
(517 ( St. Clinrfes St. , St. Louis , 3Fo.
> n gutfir gritunte or two McillcAl Collcgpv , tin. ln ( n longei
nctgcillu thu .pcelnltrcnlmrut or CIIHONIC , fusion * . HKII
nil lll.ofto Ilim..itHliali ) ulir oilier 1'hj.lrlnnla HI. Loal *
icily I . | > IT .liowntnl nil old iiitdenl. kuow.
Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental and
'hjslcal ' Weakness s Mercurial and other Alice.
Ions ol Throat , Skin or Uoncs , Dlood Poisoning ,
III SorOS and UlCOrS , nro trr.lf.t - | ih tntirallclal
jcfr.,011 IHOlltlniinio | , rlnelllli. H Vlr'lllnl lj , f
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , E oo3V
: xposuro or Inuulgonco , viiicii projnco fomi or th <
illo.lnj rflcelil lirrtun.ncti , dcMHljr , dlintioi or ilEhl
nd dirrctlio mrmnrr. | on | he tnm , iiht.lrtl dtesr.
rerilon to lli locl.ljr ur tomuln.conruil.i o r Mem , cla !
enuerlnK MarrUco . Improper or unhancy. r
frni ii rninpHft(3 ( I riin ll.o aVovt ' tn >
Q it.loJ euv.lopf.froio nnJ < ltr . Cimnilutlaa'ator.
; eorl/unllfri.ceiiaiuTli . | , Wrllo foriueiUoDi.
\ Positive Wriwen Guarantee
( rtT. In til cut.t.U CUM. llnllelnti lent trcrtnhcro.
1'AinphlPti. EnBlluli or German. 04 pace * , d * >
Kirlblnff above ulseixBoe , In male or female , PH .
f I'm' ' " " l'o ° ! t' ' 1" ° "r'11 ' ln 'lolh Bni1 llUMndlnt
OB'UIUI all the curloui , ' "r Vmiul.ftlfo vtni'u
; now. X book of ( rent | nlcrt lo nil , JJiallb , OoolA
fie Steck is a Durable Piano ,
laugnr , . Uavnria
Imbaoher , . Utiviuia
Bnor . Boliomion ,
.isor . . . . . . Brnmeu.
idwoisor . St. Louis.
ilmuser . St. Louis ,
lilit/-l'ilfiuor _ . Milwniilcoo.
UK'S . Oniiihn
( Vie , Porter , Domostio and Rhine
inc. ED. MAD11ER ,
I Summer Resort
f the Northwest , Detroit , Minn
mntry \VOOD.1 AND IAKHS , ZOO mllet wcat
; . I'auL Tnruo tralui ilally on the N I' , K. H. ,
SODiy Kicurslou , llcketi at about one-hall
elegant bouia with acoommodatloni for TOO
t . R. n. COLBURN , Proprietor.
jaw > D roK CIKCULHUHIIVIMU rvu. nuricuLAiui.
Have You a Daughter
n , DonU tno ,
, A kchool ojcliul o'y lor the oJiit-atlon of |
ig Women , O lloitUtc , Normil ami KoVctlo j
tot ot ktujy. 8U | > vrlor aiianUKM In llu lo , |
Modern I < iuzuaiu < aod Klocutloii. AddriM I
0. U. 1'OUEKOY , U. U. I'tos. 1
& l-d6t.w
None of them arc Millionaires Wh
They arc "Cleaned Up , "
Tho.'U'oaltli ofHnnators Tnlior ni
llowcn OlinfTco's llcvGmcn N. 1' ,
JIlirnml.DcnnlH Htilllvnn.
t/ondvillo CorroRponilfnco Glibo-Uomoorat.
There is a Riklod fable current in tl
snst that Colorado ia full of millionaire
People think and fancy that every wo
droasod , important looking man BOI
icro had at leant ton hundred thousat
at hia command. Conversation wl
; ontlotnon who own mines will probab
itrongthcn this belief , for among th
tlnd of people the man waa never y
ound who waa prepared to admit th
lia property was not monstrously val
able , or that ere was mote than a fe
'ootnway. Consequently they are hoi
housnnJa of men who are milllonair
n their own minds , and the seedy me
who talk of buying bonda while the chll
ng wind of the early mountain fall a
urea them that they had bolter buy a
undomhirt have probably started an
ostorcd the mistaken Idea among strun )
TS.Hut of millionaires wno have real ci
ate outside of Spain , millionaires in ens
nd stock at par , Colorado , the first si
or producing atato of the union , the 1
) orado of the Ilocltles , lias not one. I
a growing less BO now , but it still obtain
o a considerable extent , that , the wor
'Ooloradoan" ' had a good deal the aam
ignificnnco in the east that "American
id in Europe. It meant ho had ailvt
nd gold galore and owned inoshaustabl
well , of it BOtnowhoro out in the moun
aina. This applied , of course , to th
ublio generally hero. It is not diflicul
lowovor , to substantiate ) the statomon
hat there are no millionaires in Colon
oby _ n passing review of these men c
hia state who have poaod or boon pose
oforo the country as possessing onoi
nous riclicn.
MIGHT in : woiirii § 200,000.
Senator II. A. W. Tnbor has probabl
gurod the most conspicuously us a ei
/or king. Ilia wealth is buliovcd b
nany , iiven hero , to bo vast beyond con :
mtution , and when ho aervcd out hi
olcbratcd thirty days' term in the Uiiil
d States atinutc the nowapapora wor
lied with stories about hia $000 night
liirta and big diamond rings His ca
cor lias been , indeed , nmrvelotis. Sov
n years ago ho ran a little grocery atori
n the gulch , lie "grub-atakod" auccoaa
ul proapcctora and his wealth bogai
oiling up. The most important of hi.
roaunt property consists of an intoros
n the Matchless mine at Loadvillo , the
Tabor business block in Tenor , the Ta
bor opera house in the snma place ant
the Tabor opera house hero. The out.
put of the Matchlcaa Jma dropped oil" 7 (
] ior. emit , part of it is in litigation and
11 suit IB dragging la the courts
for ere heretofore taken out. The
opera houeo and block at Denver are cov
ered with mortgagor , and the interest on
borrowed money is aitnply enormous , eating -
ing up a largo per cent of his high rents.
The opera house heroin a small two-story
brick building , with two atoro-rooms in
front and a saloon In the roar. They
piobably pay an average- rent of $ JLCO n
month. An to the opera houao portion ,
the entertainments iu it do not exceed
i > no orory two weeks. The entire build
ing is mortgaged , and it can bo readily
icon that no very enormous income can
30 derived from it. In addition to what
a montipjuJiMr. Tabor OWJIB a ono half
laronaon liotol , a largo
tliia city. On this ho
borrowed $10,000. Of courao ,
10 has a largo amount of mining property
loth in this state and Now Mexico , but
t is practically non-productive , and BO
argely must hope enter into its valuation
hat it cannot bo fixed upon a commor-
ial basis.
The most sanguine of Tabor's friends
ay if he "cleaned up" what ho has ho
rould bo worth $200,000. Others say'
o would bo worse off than nothing ,
liio thine ; Is certain ho is not a million
iro. lie is at present making the can-
ass of the state for governor , which wilf
; duce hia pile considerably. A mat :
ho had a talk with him the other da ;
ioupht ; ho saw some of the pathoti
rophosicB of u general breakdown in his
mvorsntion , and those little intangible
imothinga that hover round a man in
ia decline , however ho will conco.v
Senator "Tom" liuwon has received n
Uional udvortiting as n bonanza king
o was formerly dis rict judge hero , and
> or as a church mouse. Suddenly
ecu of mining property in the San
11 in country , called the Little Ida. was
iportud to have struck it wonderfully
ch. Pieces of ere were brought hero
id madoold miners' oycn stick out. It
us decomposed quartz and n Humbled a
10 grained sponuu. Imagine that this
id buun saturated with pure gold , all
0 interstices ami pores Oiled up , and
nscquontly turned to stono. Then you
LVO it.
liowon had stocked the mine for do-
lopiiiont purposes , but owned a cou
pling interest. Ho got some ready
3iioy and "worked" the newspapers by
10 of the moat ingenious systems of
It-advertising oxtsnt. llo always had
mo extraordinary story to toll the ro-
irtora who Hocked uround him. llo
eke of millions and millions olio red for
a mine with a oireloes flippancy that
trilled all listeners. One of hia yarns
is that visitors to the property had
rriod off $100,000 worth of ere as spec-
ions. Backed us thcao stories were by
ngiblo proof In the shape of the won-
rful mineral already described , they
jro told and retold and copiud from
aino to Mexico. When crowds , how-
cr , Hocked to the mine they found it
rufully guarded , under the pretense
at ere could bo too readily stolen ,
jwoii admits to-day that ho sold the
njor portion of bin interest for lets than
'O.OOC. ' "I said 1,000,000 jn the news-
, " ho romarked. with a laugh , not
ng ego ; " 1 only wish 1 could say so
lowhoro. "
The fact is , the "Littlo W was a
ccimon iniiip. There was a streak of
irvoloutly rich ere in the otherwise bar-
it formation its tunnel pierced. There
is perhaps three inches of it in the wid-
t place , and kept on narrowing until it
t down to the eizo of a lead pencil ,
ml IJowen was never extremely rich is
inced by the fact tlitit when ho madu
u senatorial race at the period of his
ppoaed opulency n Denver bank held
1 notes for funds to pay campaign ox-
uses. Ho muy have 800,000 to day
body knows the exact liguro. Ho is a
( 'stery , but not a millionairu.
Jerome II Challoo was probably very
urly millionairu before the Grant &
aid failure. The highest estiinntea
icu his wealth at $800,000 before that
tatter , in which ho doubtless lost over
If that amount. Mr. ChalTeo ia not
regarded at present in this state a !
Colorado man , but as ho has been and 1
fortune sprang from hero it is only fi
to include him in the list.
N. P. Hill is nearly a millionaire , b
not ono. His interest in the vast smo
era at Argo is hia most valuable possci
ion , and the establishment had alwa
proven a singularly successful and profi
able ono. For exorcising n goner
supervision over the works , somothii
rumor BOJB Mr. Hill usually dooa 1
proxy , ho receives a salary of $10,000
yrar. Ho has a house at Denver worl
8100,000. Hia wealth ia probably near
that of Chnflep's bcforo the bank amaal
Donnia Sullivan ia not widely know
outaldo of Colorado , but hia riches coir
closer to a million than anybody's in tl
atato. Even , however , if ho rcachc
that coveted amount ho could bo classo
among the Alleged silver kings , for h
fortune springs from thosalo , a few yoai
ago of a colossal ranch on the border <
Now Mexico , for $800,000 in cash. H
Is a conservative , prudent man ono <
those kind who arc not suspected to b
rich until their accumulated wealth and
denly surprises people.
As to the rest , Polo Finnorty , Di
Symes , Pete Faloy and some half
dozen others , most of whom blossomc
out as bonanza kings during the Lcac
villo excitement , 110110 of them are mil
lionoires , not a quarter part of milllot
airos. This thing of getting the mono
right out of the ground , without any in
tormodiatory process , has a aham glitto
and glare about it , You have dor.ans c
men in St. Louis who have slowly an
unostentatiously accumulated money ii
the mercantile walks , who could to-daj
buy and sell our bogus bonanza mon
archy. Our silver kings are only silver
"What causes the great rush at Schrotor i1
ISocht's Dnitf Store ? " Tlio free distrilmrioi
of untnplo bottles of Dr. Hoeanko'a Cough am
Lung Syrup , the most popular remedy f < ;
Coughs Colds , Consumption and lironchiti
now market. Kcgular size CO cent
and $ 00
"Why wo Are Sick.
No dovicp that can add to the comfori
and convenience of a dwelling la omitted
jn our modurn architecture , and mono ;
ia not regarded when the luxury of cloth
ing or beauty of personal adornment is in
question , llonco wo all live in bettor
boiiacs and wear better clothes than did
our torofalhora. Why should wo not
take the sjtno bettor care of our health ?
Why should dyspepsia , and the train of
diseases that follow it , almost unknown
in the olden time , bo so prevalent now ?
dimply because of the poisonous and in-
iigeatiblu trash which in theao dnys is
forced upon the public as goiiuino lood ,
ir used to adulterate those articles that
50 to make up the daily bill of faro of ov-
jry houauhold. Our forefathers wore
sontont to make nionoy byplaiu and hon-
ist methods ; but the hot competition of
ho present day and the strife for rapid
ichea have called forth nil the ingenuity
if modern science to devise cunning do-
options that shall enable the avaricious
lealor to mororapidly increase his profita ,
von though ho destroy the health of the
ublic thereby. The consequence is
dultcrated , impure , poisonous and bogus
) oA on every hand.
The people buy these adulterated
rlicles of food because they are cheap ,
ntirely ignorant ot tlmir poisonous qual-
les. A few yeara ago this evil had
cached such alarming proportions in En
land that the public sentiment demand
i legislative interference , and parlia
lent enacted the most severe ropressiv
LWS. Dr. Small , U. S. A. , after an ox
initiation recently j gjdo under the d :
jction of the war dopurtmont , conclude
lat the adulteration of food is as groa
i this country to-day , and of as danger
us a character as it wan in England a
10 time referred to. No article enter
\K \ so generally into the food of every
imily haa been found inoro villainously
lulturatod than baking powder. Fo :
10 purpose of underselling on obsoluto
' pure powder like the "lloyal"
inch haa become the standard for puri
' and strength in baking powders
jndrads of dealers are putting
> baking * powders with cheap and adul
rated cream of tartar containing lime
rtli , etc. , adding stiongth by the fre
io of alum. ThoBo powders are sole
icap , but their use is expensive , fo
oy are ono of rhp chief causes of thi
'Bjicpsia from which the American pee
0 are Bulloring. This speclca of adul
ration , at least , can bo avoided by fol
wing the ndviso of Prof. Mott , the
omist to the government , who recom
jnda coneumers 'when purchasing
king powders to select one standarc
wdor , as the lloyal Jt.iking Powder ,
ihorthantoriskpurchasing advonturoua
npoumla put upon the market by pur-
is who have no higher motive than
llaca nnd cents.
\Vu \ hope to see congroaa take hold ol
s important matter in n sutliciuntly
orouH manner to put an end to the
ole nefarious business. In the inoan-
10 , if people will bo as careful to buy
1 best and purest food aa they are to
tr the beat clothes and build the most
ifortnblo houses , it will not bo nvcos
y to ask so frequently the question ,
'hy nro wo nick ? " Kvery uciuntillc
, has proven the "lloyal" to bu pure
1 wholesome.
ho iiroof of the pudding t not in chewing
string , hut hi bavin ? nn ui > | ioituiiity to
tlui aitlolu direct. Bchrotor & Jiccht , the
Kk'lstn , havu a fri'o tiial bottle of Dr. ] ! n.
OH CoiiRli and l.ung Syrup ( or each uiul
y oiio who is nllllctud with Coughs , Cold. ,
limn , Coiiammit'im orauv LuutrAtrecUou ,
A Miserable Man.
ansaw Traveller.
Watch that trunk , " said the driver of
ago coaoh to a notre passenger , "and
t falls off toll mo. "
All right , sail. "
'ho couch had gene qulto a distance
in the driver , looking back , asked :
'Is ' the trunk all right ? "
'Doan' ' know , Ball. It foil oil' . "
'NVhatr '
'It ' fell oil' 'bout thrjo miles back yan-
'Who ' in thunder didn't you Ml moj"
'Didn't ' low dot yor wnz in ur hurry. "
'I told you to toll mo if it fell ! "
'Wall ' , ain't 1 dim told yor. Yor
n't ' H y tor toll yor when it foil. 'Clar'
goodness do common white folks is
I'ttin' so cuia dat cr 'tolligunt puasou
nt hardly un'erstau' 'em. Oh , I'll got
of yor Buy so , " proceeding to climb
ni , "Ilab or tine time cr findiii' dat
nk , or haw , Imw. Forgets do time
yer 'fused ter Ion' n'o er iiuartei'/ /
w yor's got dat trunk to pay fur , haw ,
f. Say , gounerman , " addresaiug a
songer , "wush yor'd han1 down my
gAgo. Dat ain't do ono. Do udder
i is it No taiu't , 1 don't bolobo.
o do Ltwd , dat WUK my trunk whut
off ! Did anybody over sue sicli or
nrJ Er hones' nmn ain't got no show ,
bo on yer mieeinblo 'trapshun , an * let
misernblo man die in do shade , "
imoko Seal of North Carolina tobacco ,
llv tlio VinvAry Hurjxl Fly IP K
tlccil Into tlio City Spider's
lc"Uon ! ( ilobo.
WANT1JD-A partner with 8300 capital
tnlco half Interest in a growing builDtes tl
will pay cich pArtnci S2,500 yearly ; n m
wnntcd tnoro than money ; neml refcrenci
" Strictly Honest , " olllce.
The above is a sample of the not th
xro spread for the unwary in a great cit
[ low many ia caught by them ia u
tcnown , aa chagrin scarcely over falls
close the mouth of the victim , and 1
boars his loss in silence.
Ono of the many vrho have thus bet
caught intho _ spider's web thus rolat
hia oxpoiionco :
"You see I was living on a fnrm dou
cast. I worked hard and had begun 1
tire of labor and \yantcd to go to the cit ;
when I had an idea the work was cas
and the rewards groat.
"By close economy I had during th
last three yoara saved $350 , and waa enl
waiting for an opportunity to invest il
Ono nlght.aftor chores , I waa reading tli
papora. I had finished the story and th
news , and was on the advertisement !
when I saw the notice 1 have just show
you. Hero was a chance for me , and
began to build castles in the air dircctlj
The next stage carried a letter to the ad
dress , and as I had particularly rcqucstc
an answer by return mail I was impn
tiont. The mail came and another mail
but brought no lottor. The next day
however , brought the notoand , oxplalnoi
the cause of delay. They were lookinj
up my references , they said , and hai
found thorn so satisfactory that they desired
sired mo to cotno to tno city for a per
jonal interview. I made no delay , am
the next morning saw mo on routj fo
LSoston. On reaching the city I wont t <
the address given , on Washington street
[ found the sign yell painted and then
was a certain air of wealth about thi
ilaco. The sign read :
K. C. SKINKM & Co , ,
Hooin i.
Business Clmncea Money to Loan.
Strictly confidential.
"Only ono llight to climb and tin
flico was reached. With n little timid
ky , I must admit , I opened the door am
topped in. A desk , six choirs , a atovi
nd a omall waste basket comprised thi
urnituro of the room. Two mon wort
ilking and smoking. I introduced my
nlf and was immediately welcomed ,
[ low did you got hero ao early ? ' naked
ro. 1 , and No. 2 added , 'Our bushiest
ours do not commence for an hour yet. '
" 'What did the business appear to bo ?
skod the reporter.
"They loaned money and sold and
ought bar room ? , lodging houses , etc.
ell , the business was explained to mend
nd the profits wpro figured out , and
icy came to $ ' . 5,000 a year each. The
Ivortisors said wo should not place the
nures too high as it might fall off a lit-
e , but it had never fallen below
"What was the reason given for soil-
ig ? "
" 'My partner , ' said Mr. Skinom , 'is
3t very well and he has largo estates in
10 west that require his presence , and
sis in such.hasto to go ho will try to
it what hia half is worth , but only wants
i got mo a good man as an associate. '
"The sick man now wont out for a
nrt time , but ho did not stay long. H _
id not bqpn back half aa hour when a
an came in who bought a place offered
r sale , and Skinom it Co. oatenaibly
ado $50. I was in the oflico all day and
equent sales were made. I thought I
id found a fortune , but it did not occur
mo that incomes af $2.500 were not to
i received for $300. I began to talk
isinoss , and before wo separated I was
o proud owner of a half-interest in the
ice furniture , and the sign , and wont
bed to dream of untold wealth. The
xt day I w a at the oflico bright and
rly , but no business appeared and
irifig all that week no customers ap-
ared till Saturday , while 1 was at din-
r my partner reported a sale , and $15
is my share. After thia business came
a standstill. The rent for the quarter
came duo , the gas bill , the coal bill ,
d many morn were presented. 1
nld not pay ; my partner would not.
rtnorahip was diosolycd in haste and I
,3 , $1100 poorer , whild the others laugh-
in their sleeves. "
I'ho experience of the young man from
3 country is by no means unique. The
indlur is over lying in wait for his vie-
i , and too great caution can not bo
srciaed in thn investment o ? money ,
) ecially when the offer id inado of largo
nunoration from the investment of a
nparatively small amount of money.
0 world has not yet reached that per-
, of disinterestedness where much will
given in return for little , or something
YOUNG BIKN , lIi/u ! > THIS.
'UK Voi.rAio UKLT COMPANY , of Marshall.
; lii(5nn ( , oirer to send their ct'li'bratod Kl.ho
- HKI.T nnd other J'.I.KCTHIO Al1-
ANws on trial for tlihty days , to mon
nut ; ur old ) nlllictcul with jervous debility ,
ol vitality unit m.mhoixi , nnd nil kindred
ililci. Al o for ihenmatUm , nournlula ,
aljuia , niitl many other diseases. Complete
.oratlun tj ho.ilthlgor nnd manhood nunr-
oed. No risk linmnoil , us thirty days'
1 H allowed. Write thorn iitonco for ilhw
ed pamphlet , free.
Ho Kent It ,
ikurs Statasman ,
'Your butcher must keep nice , tender
U , " remarKed Crimaonbeak the other
ning to Mrs , Yeast at breakfast.
'Why ' , what do you mean , Mr. Crim-
beak ? " loulied the lady , somewhat
; > risud. "I thought you were always
iphining of the meat I gave you. "
i think I have reason to complain , "
> ed the boarder , as ho began another
i'glo ) with his stonk.
And yet you think my butcher must
p tender meat ? "
01 course I do. If ho gets any dot -
t meat at all ho must keep it , for you
't got any of ill"
mmoum n obtained In latpo quantities by
putrefaction of the uriuo of animals , .in-
jjirrlia ilritannica.
MTV hmittukoeiwr can test baking powders
.aiulnz this difguBtliiR drug by placing n
ot the "lloyal" or "Andrews' Tearl" tor
non n In t etovo until heated , then remove
cover and Hindi.
r. 1'rico'a Cream Hakina 1'owdor does nol
; alu Ammonia , Alum , Lltne , Potrwh. ISouo
mlihfttw , ( provo it by the nlxnu test ) , It
rupurtnl by a I'liyuluau anil Chemist with
: tal regard to clouulinoaa and healthful-
, . ni-o-w-Sin
AVjiniH . II mill ,
ONDOS , Svptoinber 10. A illinatcli from
.In , iUt8.l . September 5 t tht Hniea says
llu * Uii ileut hut left Uho I'oowith ex.
Ive HiippHoi of provisions und bullion , It
rlln\uu Kunala niortitatoj a blow at the
gritf oi China \\hilu the Utter is sariou-
juBRgcd with 1'rauce.
TIi > medicine , combining Iron \\\\h \ \ pure
vccctnnlo tonic * , quickly nnd roniiilrlrlr
Curr-i DynpriKiln , liiillKcxtlnn , \ \ > nluir ,
Iiiiinrnlllniicl.llnlnrlii | , fblllii nnil I'firrn ,
nnil Nrurnluln.
It Is nn unfailing remedy for Diseases of the
Klilnry * nnil I.lvrr.
It Is Invnlttablo for nlscn cs r > ccnllnr to
YVnnipn , nnd nil Mho lend fcdcntnry live * .
It docs not Injure the teeth , cnu chemliiclionr
produce constipation othT Jron tnrdlclnr/itlo.
It enriches nnil pnrines the blood , Rtlmnlntei
Ihonpnctlte.nlds the n ? ltnilnton ! of food , re
lieves Hcnrthiirn nnd lielrhlug , nnd itrength-
ens the muscles nrul nerves.
Tor Intermittent rovers , Lnsslttule , Lncfc of
Energy , tic. , it 1ms no equal.
< 3- The connlne hns nliovo trndo tnnrk nnd
crossed red lines \\rappcr. . Take no other.
ElJ.outjhj llllllM.NCIir.Jlll'il. (0. , lllI.TDinnK.Jin.
i * * " " " * * /3 ? jiioin for thcexprcsspurpo !
kT rf ? /of Blvinclmmcdln'.c relict !
Ictt d j > nil chronic , uruury nnd pr
" " '
Jvalc disced" "ononlK'
VGlcclnndbyphillslnallth :
complicated forms , nlso n
diseases of the Skin on
Lilocid promptly relieved an
rcrmnncntly cured by reme
bprlivll'racllre. Semlni
\Vc iknesi rSi'clit Losses by Dreams , 1'lmplcs 3
'he Kacc , Lost Manhood , imsltli'ditciirnl flit *
( , i7m c.r.vcc/iiKi.itiii/ appropriate ti-.T.fO
ji.toncc used In each case. Consultations , per
iu"il or bv letter , sacredly confidential. Med
"ines sent bv Mall nnd Express. No marks 01
lucxniic to Indicate contents or Bender. Addres
JiUAMES.No. 204VVn3hInaton 5l.Chicagoll
" " ' " "
\Vlll piirKVIlm BLOOD.Tcpa.
l.itu tlio LIVER nnil KIDNEYS ,
anil JI : : < < TUIU ! TIIR lIKAiTli
iin < l VIQOB of YOUTIL ll ) *
ii'psla. Want of Appolltc , in-
ill i'Mlon , Lark ot Mri'njnll ,
anil'l * " t''Mtll''Oltitclj
cure I. Ho , muscles anu
in ro. . T t vo nu'.vlord.1.
Hi 1IM-II3 the iiilnil anil
Biipiillus 'lulu I'nvvr.
I y.llf. 11" ; < Ironi i-oiniilaliitl
' iiui'iiini'lo tlii'irsi x will
Ilnel IriDIt. EJ' , arEK'S JROi-I TOTKiO n rafo nnd
r-'i.'Oy euro. iflHtsit I' , 'iuiii ' ! > coniplLXliin.
Ficifticnt utieniptR at r" 'r , juj. onlyailil
In lliupopul.irllyol tliu oil lmi. i > o nut cxpurl-
UlOllI tTL'ttho OlIKllNAI. ANIl KK'iT.
to'Iholr. llnrtor Ted To.\v
. " 13OOK."H
St.Louis , Jlo.for our"DKEAM
Full of ttrancu bad useful lalormntloD , lnxs.jS > j
Icience of LifB , Only Si.00
Exhausted Vitality , Nervona and Phyelcal Debility
omatnre Decline In Man , Eiroraof Yonth , an the
told miseries csultlnR from ludlaciotlone or ex
ise . A book Jor every man , young , mlddlo-agod ,
d old. It contains 12i proscriptions ( or all acate
d r-hronlc diseases each ono of which la Invaluable
fonnd by the Author , whoso experience for 23
kra Is auch fta probably never before ( oil to the let
any phyalcan 800 pagea , hound In beantlto
inch muslin moooodcovers , ( nil gllt.guarantenii
be a Oner work n every sense , mechanical , lit-
ry and proeenlonal , than any other work sold In
s country ( or $2.60 , or the money will bo refunded
Bvery Instance. Prlco only tl.OO by mall , port-
d. Illustrative sample B conte. Send now. Ocld
da ) awarded the anther by the National Iledlca
loolatlon , to the officers oi which ho refers.
* ho Bclense of Llfo should bo read by the young
Instruction , and by the afflicted ( or relief ,
rill bonefll ill London Lancet.
Tisro la no member o ( nocloty lo whom ThoScI
o of Life will not be useful , whether youth , par
, cuardlan , Inetrnctoror clergyman. Argonaut ,
.ddress the Peabody Kodlcal Institute , or Dr. W ,
Parker , No. 4 BulUncn Street , Boston Maea. , who
o ha oon&uKcd on all dlseauos roqnlr'iskill | and
crhnoo. Clironlo and obstinate disc ai , IB that hove
Ifd the kill of all other phjs-lICHI clana
peclaliyi B nh Jretted succi B-IILWL ( nlly
hcut an Insttn-o failure. TUVOCj CS.
Tnr Men. Oiilck. iar , fe. r.ook tn .
ci-- < . > " < < * IMPullouM. , N.wYork.
Ifiiaii Koynl nr.dU.S. Blall Htecincra
\RhiM \ , Germany , Italy , Kalland anil Franet
i.crnio Outward , SCO ; I'rcpald from Antwerp , dp ;
urelun , $10 , lucludliiK budding , etc , 2U Cabin , 55U ;
nd Trip , $90.00 ; Excursion , eiOO ; Saloon Irom 0
tfSO ; ticnrsion 110 to 8180.
( TTctor Wright & Sons , Oen , Agents. 5 Broad-
ildwcll. Ilarallton & Co. , Omaha. ' P. K. Klod
i fc Co. , 2oSN. 15th Street , CuiahAj D. K. Klin
OinahaA "utd. od-ly
nli Auunnca Co. , ol bandon , Cash
ot . { 5tfl ,50 .
tcncstei.N. T. , Capital . OCO.OOC.I
Morcn nt . ol Nowuk. N. i. . Capital lS76CKW.Cl
rdKlre.PhUadelrtla , ltal. . . . 1.S00.9M.O
Tien'nnml O t.t l
10 etoamshlpg ol tbli well-known line are built ol
, In watertight oouipartineiitii , and are ( urnUli.
. lib o\ery rixiuimte to ra.iVo tbe pannage both
arul airoeablo. Tliov carry the United State )
Europeau malls , ami lca\u Now Yorka Thura-
iauilBaturila8for 11) mouth ( LONDON ) Cher-
ig , (1-A1113) ( ) and 1IAM1IUMO.
itea : First Cabin , 856 , { OS anil 876. Stcorafe , f l
onry I'imilt , Mark llanse.ii , F B , Monrea.M. Toll ,
italn Omuha , Orono lei { i Rchoentucn , amenta lu
uell UluRa. 0. 1) : KlCllAli'J & CO. , Oen , 1'aen
i. , HI Ilroadway , N. Y. Cbaa. Kozinlnnkl & Co-
eral WcuUiu A 9iiU , 107 Yaahlultou St. , Chlca
Loyal Havana Lottery I
Havana ulw 12
awn at , , Every
to 14 Days.
KET8 , J2.00 , . . HALVES. JIM.
ibjvit to no manipulation , not oontrollnt hy the
led In Intvrest. It ll the lalrc k thing 111 the
ire ol chance In exUUncu.
> rlnloruiatlonand iiartlcalara apply toSIIII'SEY
.lien. Aitentt , lill Hro&uway , N V , city.
lAUU & CO. , 417 Walnut vtrect.St. IxiuU , Mo ,
rank Lobrano , L. D. , 20 Wyacdotte , Kan , ,
mio & wly.
f *
5i 5 i
Owing to the increase
in our business we've
admitted to the firm
is well and favorably
will enable us to han- \ .
lie an increased list
if property. We ask
hose who' have desi-
able property for
ale , to place the same
nth us. The new firm
13 South Mth St. 1