OMAHA. DAILY BEE- WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 10 , 1884 , II In a few days a NEW and NOVEL propose tion will be made by ] which all dealers handling - * ling SMOKING TOBACCO' . will be greatly benefited. Don't buy any other. . Smoking Tobacco , f FALL & WINTER araam -IN- -AND- : NTS' Visitors to the Statn Fair oiul others iu need oi' Men's , Boys1 and Children's TH WILL DO WELL TO CALL ON THE STRICTLY House in the city and examine their goods and prices. They Lurry the largest stock , and sell lower than any other house m the city. Don't forget to call : it 1216 - 1216 , Double and Single Acting Power ano Hand _ EngineTrimmings , Mining Machinery , Bolting , Hose , Urass and Iron Fittings , nt wholesale nnd retail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , AND SCHOOL BELLS. Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb. 0. F. GOODMAN , AND DEALER IN . J V/JU.I/J OMAHA , NEBnASKA. IMPORTER , JOBBER AND MANUFAOTURKRS1 AGENT OF n ii i i U j I. J 13TH ST. , BETWEEN FARNAM AND nAltNEY' ' OMAHA NEBRASKA , - - THE BIG SHOW. Second Day of the Nebraska ate lExpiilion , I'jvcrj tiling I" Itcnillncss for n Good AVpok'H Work. The storm AT Inch preceded the open ing of tlio second day of the state fnir wna not bud enough to Interfere with Us success and the winT J just heavy enough to Iny the ilust niul yet not interfere with tn\vol. The sky yestor- norning threatened rain and the sun M\\O out intensely hot , but the dny urnod out as fnir as ono could wish for , nd oflicinls nnd visitors were both well ileascd. Sherman nvonuo was crowdo d \\l \ day long with conveyances carrying ends of passengers to the fair grounds , and ofttimcs the crowds at the gate rroro tnmonsp. Not only Omaha , but Conn ctl Bluffs and interior towns of Nnbras ka nro represented in the transportation 'inc , and all seemed to bo doing a good business. The crowd yesterday was not so great as on Monday , though the receipts were larger , and the attendance waa only es timated at 0,000. To-day Mid to-morrow are counted on aa the big days , and it is expected that thousands will attend or each occasion , if the weather continue ! _ ood. The displays madoby the various counties and by private exhibitors were still further added to yesterday , and tin smoothness withwhich everything movoc showed the wisdom of making all pro paratious on the preceding week. The trains brought in heavy loads from al directions , and especially from the interior torior ot the state , the principal town sending more than their usual quota Nothing but a bad storm can proven this fair from being the best over hold i the ntato , financially as well as In actun merit. HEX BUTLKU's AH'KAUANCK. yesterday , a report of which will bo foun in another column , was quite n boon and if "Jumbo" himself had boon present ent ho could not have created a greato furore. There arc plenty of sources o amusement for those not particular ! , interested in the exhibits. The mos prominent feature on the grounds is THE SIDE HHO\V , of which there are , perhaps half a dozen claimaints to publi favor. All the adjuncts , such as the son ; man , the jewelry auctioneer , the can and ring men and various others ar present in full force. Ono thing mus bo said and that is that so far the best o order has been preserved and , while hara gang of thieves and pickpockets i on hand , only two men , or rather boys have as yet boon fired from the grounds ox HIE oursinr. thoroaro a score or more of booths whcr beer , whiskey and refreshments of more substantial nature are sold. Thes booths line both sides of the .streets am extend half a mile south of the grounds A dance hall on the Hide of the hill oas of the fair grounds is extensively patron ized , and is , at times , a little too livol for good order. At night there it considerable sidorablo discord in camp , and no doub there will bo more or less trouble befor the week is over. Yesterday the princi pal feature of interest , excepting General Butlor'w appearance , was THE HACKS which were called for 1:30 : o'clock but necessarily delayed until a later hour. The first of those was a running race , won by Rosalind in two heats. Time 1.47.i and 1.47 ? . Ella Rowott came in second. Fleming was distanced and Blaster Mulloy was drawn. The Inilf-inilo race for three year olds was won by Rod Bird. Time 1.28 } and l.Slii. Jennie Cobb came in second and third money was divided between Maxoy Cobb , Jr. , and Gail McMahon. The chariot race was won by the gray team driven by the lady and excited no little interest. Time 1.01. TO DAY there will bo the 2:35 : trotting race , the entries for which are : Young Bashaw , Kthau Allen , Kitty 0 , Review , G. W. Davis and T.lack Tom. The free for all pacing race , for which are entered : Lottie P , Elk , Charlie E , Jack Rabbit and Bull Dozer. The chariot race will occur at 3 o'clock sharp. THE luiiv SHOW will bo an interesting item in the week's performances. The entries will all be made at ! ) o'clock a. in. , on Thursday , and the exhibit will take place at the cast end of the Art hnll. The npecial prizes oll'ornd are : a barrel of apples each for the best Nebraska bred boy nnd girl un der two years of a < ; o. Sandy Woodbridgo city cdiior of the Jlerald , who has just becjmo the father of a fine girl , is the superintendent of this class , und will ap point the judges. Thu exhibits of I'UiM M VCIII.VKUY this year are unusually full , nnd the pa- vilinns , booths and sheds nro filled with valuable nrticlcH in this lino. The wind mill , as usual cuts quito a figure , and the wagon , buggy , thresher , cider mill , makp up a very complete und interesting portion of the general show. THE LIVE STOCK f.MIIIHT s also fine , and would bo a credit to many older and moro pretentious states than Nebraska. What wo haven't ' got in the way of horses , hogs , sheep and cuttle 's not worth having. It would require columns of space to recount half the at tractions in this lino. HITCHCOCK AM ) JKrTKUSON COUXTIKH , havn space in the west wing of the floral hall and both make largo displays , the latter also making n line allowing in small fruits. The Omaha carpet com pany occupies a corner near by , and next the "beo BiipplieB1' from a Coburg , Iowa , firm , and Van Uorn , nf Omaha , the Jut- tor also having uotmi line plants in his collection. G. 11. und J. S. Collins Imvo a very largo exhibit in the harness line and Tirroll it Cuuk ncnd a line lot of boots and Bhnen. In the absence of any railroad exhibit , a very attractive feature is supplied by Mrs. Mury K. Briggn , of Soda Springs , Idaho , who , at the request of the Union Pacific officials , lus brought quito a museum of XAIl'UAI , CUIUOMTIKH. which are well arranged. The collection includes in htilartitca , natural forma tions from a cave 2 < il foot long. Th ro are several beautiful ppecimunR from Formation Park , from the sulphur beds , and of ralc-treous deposit from Swan Lake. Petrified honey comb , minnrals from Hooper .Spring , soda water con taining HO r-er cent of iron from \Vi\- \ llama Spring , mineral water containing 00 per cent of sulphur and eorno very perfect specimens of petrified muss , \vero noted nmong the many articles. A. llospo has a display of pianoj and pictures ; the McClurp Cracker company of Council lllulh , nn iinmonno case of their manufactures nnd H. O. Clark n complete exhibit of coH'ocs nnd spices. TIIK. KLOlttSTS re out in full fnrco nnd Imvo the finest isplay they have ever made. Among hose having exhibits are J , W. and 10. I. Arnold , K. 0. Krlllng nnd Janu-s Y. Craig , while n very latgo private coilec- ion is sent from Washington county and nether from the Teciimsoh Nursery , filing has n very line pomogr.niUo tree oaded with ( lowers nnd fruit. In the amo wing of the building nro exhibits of ollies , canned fruits , etc. MAX AM ) Swiss coltaqo is being filled up with mo pianos and organs nud with cases of legmt jewelry nnd other articles hand ed by the firm. AHT HAU , s in about the best shnpo of any of the buildings and is very nonr full of goods , all well and attractively arranged. Frank Currier has ono of the best exhibits of artistic work over made on the ground , tis photographs being of every variety and style and superbly finished in every netimco. lloyn makes a good display nud the crayon portraits from Stell.i , lo- rome Pragor , of Lincoln , nro well exe cuted. OUU HOME AHTIST Mrs. Edwin Davis takes the load in tine [ inintinps , sending an immense picture jf the Poadwood stage coach scene in the "Wild West. " This is the second copy of this scene she has made and it is original with her. She has worked a long time to bring it to perfection mul has succeeded well. Bettor judges than the BEE reporter , nrtists themselves , yesterday passed many compliment online picture. The pose ol the figures of the stage conch is very nat ural and nlso the positions of the attack ing party nnd the rescuers. The triple team of mules is the most noticablo purl of all ; they are true to life if any can be made so. Ever } ' curve of the rocks nut motion of their limbs has boon caught exactly nnd trnnsfercd to canvass. Mrs. Davis is considered the best nrtist In Nebraska to-day , although the youngest , and among her host works was the portrait trait of lion. R. C. Gordon , first grant master of Masons in this utato. This portrait was presented by her to the las grand lodge and is now hung in the gram secretary's office in this city. It is re markably lifo-liko and has boon pr.iisci by all who have scon it. In fact it woult bo impossible to speak too highly of il for it is simply perfect. Oniahu has reason son to feel proud of so talented an artisl and Trill yet bo moro no as she is prosu cuting her studies with zeal and energy. Young's Art Emporium is well repre sented and the display of crayon portraits traits by C. M. llolhngs worth it Co. , is very fine. Chas. McDonald and Sam. Burns botl have a largo showing of their respective goods , and considerable space is occu pied by the line pianos and organs brought r > y Woodbridgo Bros. ( Stock ) and J. Mueller ( SVobor ) Mergoll t Rozonzwoig have the only exhibit of wall papers and decoration and the Omaha Carpet company has a splendid exhibit in their line , which i arranged to great advantage and looks as well as any department in the hall. A largo collection of monuments am grave stones has boon nut in. by the No braskn Marble and Granite works and 01 the north side of the hall ave deparl incuts occupied by Elliott's Business co ! the Commercial college of Hullo vuo ; Wm. Bushman , Mrs. C. F. Stinsoi millinery , and Dyer & Hughes , organs Mr. J. F. Poriolat it Co. , the Chicag furriers , have a display of furs valued a § 3,000 , the most of which are to bo takci to the Chicago exposition. This is ono of the prettiest sight sin the building aiu among other pieces is the skin of a roya Bengal tiger , the golden beaver , the Hudson Bay wolf , etc. These are dress ed with the heads loft on , and are vorj pretty indeed. A piece of fur Inlaid work , resembling Mosaic , is much admir ed , and there ie a mitikgarment which i took three months to makp up. The akin of a silver tip aoa otter is valued a ? 2uO , and the whole ntock is of this char nctcr. The goods are not on sale. Hon. R. W. Furnas exhibits 138 vari eties of XE1IUASKA WOODS , and Mrs. Furnas a quantity of sill : cocoons and lovely raw silk. S. M. Barker has a case of aamplcs ot Nebras ka wool which nro very lino. The show of HOHHKS A.VJ ) IJATTLE is the finest yet seen , and the same may bo said of hogs , sheep , and poultry , all : if which will bo mentioned in detail r.t iiuothor tune. A crnol act was perpetrated mi a fine liorso "Ryn * Duko" owned by Mr. S. J. Douglas of Lincoln , and ono of the bcsl regiatored homos in America. On Satur day evening Mr. Douglas found the ani mal bleeding profusely , nnd on examina tion discovered that some Bcoundinl had cut a ganh uovoral Lichoa long und very deep on its right thigh. Dr. Chambers the veterinary surgeon wai called ant dressed the wound with great skill ant care , and the animal is now doing well. THE MUHIC is furnished this year by the Musica Union bund , eighteen pieces , under the direction of Mr. Julius Meyer , und is very fine indeed as may bo imagined , for Julius Meyer don't know how to furnisl anyteiug but the best. THE HACKS Monday afternoon wore : The thrco minute trotting race , in which tun start ers were W. G. Wiley's Bnslmvr Boy Campbell it Gibbs' G. W. D.ivis , Isaac Dillon's Annie T. . L. E. Sinsbaugh's Governor , John Porin's Mattie P. , A Thompson's Ethan Allen , in the above order. Mnttio P. w n in three strnigh hoaiH , G. W. Davis second. Tnno 2:4 : li 2.30 , 2 : : { ( ) / . The two-year-old Nebraska bred colts race , n half-mile , vras trotted by Ed I'ulver'is Sister C , and Thomas Gray1 Rocket. Siulnr C. won first , and thin heata. Timti 2:01 : , 2:021 : : I > 3 / . Till ; A.S.SU A I , will bo dolivonid on to-day at o'clock p. m. by B. G. Northrop , L. L ] ) . , of Connecticut , n gentleman who has huun prominently conneuied for yearn fjwith thu educational and village iinproveinent inturcoui of that Hlnto. Hu 1111.1 arrived in the city and is thu guest of Dr. C. .M. Dinsmore. KnlfililH oi I'jlhlnH Olllcurw. At thoseasiun of thu inombors of the Grand Lodge , Knightu of Pythiaaof Nebraska - raska , last Wednesday , at Tocumiioh , the following ollicorfl were elected : J. ( j. Tocumteh , of Tt'cimiBoli , past grand chancellor ; J. C. McNaughton , of Brownvillu , grand clunccllor ; Garratt ratt , of Hastings , grand uco chancellor ; olin Morrison , of Lincoln , grand pro- Uo ; James M. Irtvin , of Tecumseb , raud master of the exchequer ; K. 10. ronch , of Omahn , crnnd keeper of the ecord and seal ; P..I McKallum , of Nob- aska City , grand master nt arms ; Aumnt "ohno , of Omahn , grand inner guaTJ ; hnrles W. Holtlny , of Bentiett. grnnd liter guard : J. J. Monell , Jr. , of Omahn , ipromo representative : J. S. Shrop- 'lire ' , of Omaha , supreme lepresunta- vo. The next nuniial OI-SSHMI will bo hold nt lincoln on the second Tuesday in Octo- or , 188- ) . A TEN INNING GAME , lioJSt. I'nulM Doffiit tlio Union i'n- l > y the Scoroof. to lS. uHil The game of base ball yesterday bo- ween the Union Pacifies and the St. 'mils of St. Paul , Minnesota , was inter- sting nnd exciting from thu beginning. Imnha lovers of the national game nero urpriscd to see the visiting team so trong both nt the bat nnd in the field , nd it wns manifest from the opening of lie game that the teams were J nearly venly mulched. The first inning wns noose ; ooso egg for both nines. In the second , lowovur , Gauzol reached first on n single , tole second nnd came homo on Tilloy's > aso hit t' < left. In the third Salisbury cached first on balls , made recond and > nd third nnd crossed home pinto on Mo volvy's single. In the seventh the isitlng team added another score , nnd n the eight Dywor tallied for the Union 'acilics , making the score nt this stage n the game stand two to two. Tlio linth Inning resulted in neither party icoring , At this point it soemnd as II ho game would bo cnptnrod by the homo earn , ns the Union I'acillcs' three lend- ng batters would open the inning , niul larkncss wns nlso in thnlr fnvor. To the utter nmnzomont of the Omnhn nine , thu at. Pnula , owing to errors of thu L'nion Pncilics nnd a couple ol MSO hits filled the bags without n man out , nnd buforo the inning closed three .allies were added to thu two nlroady undo by the Minnesota nine. 1' or the Jnion Pacifies , Mclvolvy fouled out , Visnor reached first on a single , Dwyer wont out on strikes , nnd Snoed closed , ho gnmo by his high lly to center field. The brilliant featured of the gnmo were McKolvy's line batting , the strong work of Cavanaugh and Gnn/.ol ns catchers , uul the able playing of Gorman and Snl- sbury in the pitcher's box , thu latter striking out twolyo of the St. Paul's. The following in the score by innings ; 1. I ! . It. I. f > . ( i. 7. 8. it. 111. St. I'nuls . . ! t-f f. I'.g 0 ( i 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-1. THE UNIVERSITY Ol NcliriiHkm , at Ijliiooln iViinounco incut lor 1HKI-5. The university opens in all department Tuesday , September K , 1881. The College of Medicine , by Iho acco3 siou of Drs. Livingston and Mercer tr the chairs of Theoretical and Clinical sundry has now a very full and strong faculty and oilers advantages of the best kind. kind.Tho The college of Literature , Science and Arts is bettor manned than over before and ready for the best work in its Classic al Scientific and Literary course. The Industrial college , recognized under the leadership of Professor C. K. Bossoy , lately vice president of the Iowa Agricultural college , is just beginning - ginning a now era and guarantees to the people of the Htato the highest or der of practical industrial education. The Latin acnool oilers two-years courses preparatory to the colleges of the University. The teaching force has been greatly strengthened and it is be lieved that the work of the school will bo as thorough as can bo given in the state. All departments are open free to both sexes , tlio only charges being for matric ulation and graduation § 5.00 each. Hx- ponscs moderate. Kailtvayn give half- Faro rates to iitudents. For half-faro certificates , catalogues , etc. , address , liivivu J. MAN ATI' , Chancellor. A SPEOIArSESSION , I'ho .School Hoard McrtH nnil Trnni-- nlus ISiiblnchH of iMiiior linporl- uncc. At the special nioetint , ' of the board of ( educution last nif > ht there were pres ent President Long , Secretary Cannoy- or , and nicinheru liibbon , Hall , Parker , Points , Spooht , Livnsoy and C.pthnd. i'lie roll was called and thu reading of .he minuk'H of thu previous meeting disponaod with. The first question which the board called up was the erection of u stone wall on the east side of the liijili ttchool { roundo. After aoino animated discus ilon , it was decided that the hid of the lowest bidder ( that of l'J ] , J. Itrommn at SI 70 per lineal foot , bo accepted. Dr. Parker moved that the secretary bo authorised to instruct Mr. Craig to report what would bo the cost of gutter ing and grading in front of the high school ground. The motion was adopted. On motion of Mr. Points apparatus and drawing materials are to bo allowed. This Is a good move. Un motion of the secretary the follow ing committee was appointed to find a Huitublo place for the accommodation of the immense increase of scholars in these so called Train school. Mr. Oonoyor nlso made a motion which was unanimously adopted , that in view of the fact that on Monday laitt the fair authoriliei were not prepared to rucoivelhu children in proper style , that Friday next ba appointed art a general holiday for thu echolatH , und that thomanageiH of thu fair be inatrnotud uo cordingly. Thu board ulao decided to interview tlio onaiiPi or thu parties interested in tlio property on Twenty-ninth and J'\ir nain streoth , wilh leforuncu to it school situ. After some routine baBuiim , the bojrd aJjournod. ICz-Mni'Hliul Gin line at AVorlc. W. II. Adams , W. 0. Smith and I'\ A. Orulmin , throu guards from thu Lin coln penitentiary v.-uro in thu city yester day attending thu xtatu fair. Mr. Adams , who in the assistant deputy warden - den und ucts in Mr. Kobu * placu in his absence , nays that when Ex-Marshal ( iiithrio was introduced to thu prison nu- thoritica hu naked the apeclul privik'go < f retaiiming his citizen's clothes , IIn was told , however , tint that wad a per mission never granted to anyone who entered thn portals of the prison ns a fi'lon. Ho wns given n both and wni donned with thocoiivictn garb and placed in the mud pit of the brick yard to uotk. hero hu worked for a short time , and wai Afterward removoa to thu inouldit g department of the foundry whore ho is noiv at work. On Sunday last his beard was cropped and his photograph Ukon , nn ordeal to which every pris wcr Is sub jected and which is ordered to bo done to assist in his capture in cnsu ho should CSMpU MR. WREL'LIND'S ' DEATH , A TonuliltiK Tnlo of Ills Mart-lngo nnil Dunth. The death of Krie Wrollind yesterday uddonly brought toncln on life whoso itunu was bright nnd promising , nnd hich appeared to have in store much appiness nnd mnny of tlio good things f earth. The deceased wns born in Sweden ii 857 , nnd wns carefully educated by his aronlfl , graduating from several colleges f first rank in his native country. While till young he eimo to America nnd bo : amo ono of its citizens. About elgh een months ago ho becnmo nciiunintoil ith his | ) roaont wlfo who nns on n visit to Boston from Swedei .or homo. Mr. Wrotlind at this time rns employed ns a clerk in n drug store ii the Bay ntnto'a capital city nnd there rat met his wifo. A oi mar- inge wns entered into between them to consummated when Mr. Wrotlind ihould become established. About ono ear ngo ho cnmo to this city , opened n irug store near Fifteenth nnd Capitol vunuo. Shortly after his arrival hero 10 wns appointed vice consul of Swedei : nd Norwny ( nnd only within the last 'ow ' weeks ho sent to Sweden [ for his iromisod bride. When nho came hero ilr. Wrotlind wns just recovering from n ovoro attack of typhoid fovor. For onio reason the m.trringo was lastoncd , and on the Oth ) f August past , ono month before his death , they worn mndo ono in thi : ity. Mr. Wustland , n couple of week , sulVorcd n relapse and continual ! ; grow worse until yesterday when doatl : ilosed in upon the scenes of this life ant uadu nn end of his hopes nnd ambition. Tlio Under I > inai > i > ( > lntincnt , Shortly after three o'clock in the nftor- 10011 yesterday crowds began to gather on Knrnnm street in front of the Paxton iiotol , where nrrnngomonta hndboonmado , o have Mr. Butler deliver an uddrcn3 from one of the upper balconies. The fact had not llion been generally under stood that this feature of the distin- nislied visitor's stay in the city had boon canceled , and that Butler was then on his way to Lincoln. When at Inst the nnnouncomont wns repented , thu multitudes dispersed , regretting the cir- cunistnnccn which had deprived them of hearing eomo Butler oratory. The cause ot this misunderstanding was in a previous error on the part of the Butler reception committee. Supposing that ho would take the regular evening train , which leaves about ( ! p. m. , they had ex tended the programme accordingly. Butler , however , desirous of attending the afternoon session of the greenback and anti-monopoly conventions at Lin coln , had secured a special and left at 2UO o'clock. I'UICHONAU August Kohler , of Albion. JHal tin' Metro uUUn. J. C. Iteiil , of Valparaiso , In nt the Metro- J. V. Watt'iH , of Ulvoiton , is at tlio Mi'lro- lolitiin , II. ( ) . Dahbcy nl Humbold , in stopping nt tin ) Metropolitan. John Mncln'ii , f St. I'.in ] , ix iiunilcri > il at the Mt'tropolitun. W. 1' . ItoynoldH and wife of rullertnn , nio nt the Mutiopolitim H. II. Millaid and wife , of Albion , nroslop iii ' at tin ) Mrlroliolilun. H. W , Cliiintcy , of Kearney , is in thu elt taKIni ; m tlio Into fair , nnd N stopping ut tlio Mi'tiopolltaii. IN THE PASTRY X7SEOD. TniilllnT.riniin , ( > i-MiiKC , dr. , Iliivnr OnUrt < 'riitiiiiI > ii < lilliiuiV < -n < ilrllfiilflyiiiiil nut urally in Ilinrrnll Irunitlilcli ( ln-y are iiiinli' t'Olt STIIRNUTH AM > TKUIJ I'llUIJ I'lAVOU THKV STAND ALOXL' . PRCPARrO BY THI Price Baking : Powder Co. , CMIcufio , III * Gt. Loula , Mo wAKtni or Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder - NO Dr. Price's Luiiiiliii Yeast Coins , Ileit Dry IIup Vriinl. WU MA1 U UUT O.NB ( JUALITV. 1HIIII Ihllllll III Ty / l'n l' , ' O/y .riV,1 , 3t * / L h , , ll , I , Mill . Plain , M Will fl'l I neil I t ii.l' lllu'ilc | lit HI Mil rt tllllllllllll III ll I Wll I . I I. In til M Illl "f I'OI LICK 9 TIKI ) 1011 INPAtlli All ! ) | NVAMI > B t ii , ii * i t , ii I I i < IH-I th ' r K | i l.i Jllui ' i , iu u'l ' i ' - li h " i < l"t IIOiCI.ICH'M I'OUII ( ( I. , l.nrlii f , \ \ IN. C Hint I i. in i. 1.1 .1 . i . In -i i . i ilavo You a Daughter fur Cafiln/iiiiiif OallitAii' "ll kv , Dnil'-luca , iwu. A nclioul uxdiHi u ) fur tliu ulii.itlon ol VOIIIIB Wouiin. C la.uiu , Muninl ami Idiotic > oiurin of flinlv. hiiuili | > r ahun ! ( ; ui In .Mublo , I Art , Mujirn UuiiiaB'u < ftinl Kluuitlon. AJilroHn j'o iuovD : 1 -i W & . B-il W The Stnto Fnir , la immense , nnd the beauty nnd variety of the exhibition is only equaled by the display made nt the world renowned Gro cery Store of J. B. French & Co , 11 lit Fnrnam atrcot. Call nnd bo con- \inccd. C Ut SPECIAL NOT1CF.S Trill Posltlvslynot X ) * unices paid lu advanca. TO I.OAH-Mon 7. M ONLY loinwl mi th ttcl . lltllroail TlrleM lioiiKht ami oeM A. r.ircm n , 213 S. lth 748 tl M ONKY TO LOAN lanatniof tSOJ. nd nnwaril O. V DatU ml Ci. , Kovl KiUto ml Loft ( i , I..JS P4rn m H8 tis > t UELP WANTH1) . L'ANir.llllrl , to ilocooking. Apply 101 north l thcorner l'ilo. S'W.lCp'J , 'A.Vliit-Olrl : for notisowcrk nt ( US tmith 18th ' direct. r-Sl.lOa 1AM KitI.ADIKS OH OKNII.KMhN In tlly ii or rtiintt ) , to tiXo nice , light niul | ilpnnn't ork Mllidr miIIOIIH' \ ; f 1 to $5 per i' y omlly nnil nlotly miilo ; work tontliy mill tin raina' lnt ; ; no clihliIM. | . soj.ii | | \\rANTKO t'nintustciit book-ktcjior aiul rAShlcr > with itnoil ritcrrncci. Qcrnun pnloitnl. An- , < ly Ken Yoik Drj ( looilj Btro 1.11U niul 1311 Far- win. \ \ irAN I III ) At ilr . I'lillltp'H 10 Oml o fit. F7o i gOiRlrN \ , firnt to ooolc , niul 8slst 111 Intimity , naconil Ic r tip HUM ! vul hnmlry work In tamlly lircc. UvrntMi | < rcfcitcil. 797-tf TAM Kl-A Klrl al6I4 California Direct. "PS l.'p k'ANTKH A girl f tr R nci.kl tiittJc work In fam > llyutfottr. Dr. Dittos , 1519 Jacksjn St. E14 13p \v 7ANTII ! > or housu ork ntl2t 809-lOp L'ANTKD-tlirl for concral liottso work at * Z' ' > UumuitKt. Jill O.l \ Jliytio. SlUtf 1 \TANTKl > ImmcilUtcIv , 3 coat mul ono pn.n I } m l > r. Aililroia L. Krauiur , C'oliiinhiH , Noli , Clnod wngcs | uUI. SUM Ip goiicral lumsoork 113 Boath 17tli St. 704-Op ) AOrst-claiiKlrl to Jo Rcnoral liouio * work In family of three , on < 1 uaKCti tea Hrtt- Apjly M Mrs. rM. II. Wl.llaui . ) , Douglas l/ANTKD A imxl Klrl for Kcnoral housonork. > UooUwnijca , inofl J ch on St. 7Ullp " \\TANTKU-linmoillatolj , a cook anil Uunilross at 418 outh linlmtruit. S'.O tl \\7ANTKD-Scaoml cook at Eminot llouip , Itth \ \ etroct , bet. Farnam anil llarnoy. I/ANTP.U A liirbcr OOD North 16th St. H. Corn- 1 llel.l , 760 Op Ulrl forliniuunitk atOlSsjutli ISth vv St. VVSt. Auvntafor ftetrnt HOIIK | | | urtlolo u\cr lineiitod. U. M. Katon , 100 south 14th St. 778-10 X ITANTKU A Komi Klrl for Kcncinl housuorlt , > 1001) ) r'arnain St. 7S3-10p I' AN ! M > A Rlrl for general house work at 1813 > Wcliitcr St 783 10 : D Woman to waslullshcslOlS Harney. 7gfl.if \\rANTKI-no ) Hret elms illiiini ; room ilrl. Boat 'i of ago3 pulil. AiMrvsH llurkc'dhuii.1 , Carroll Icw.a. SCB-llp Oh NTS Selllni.'orilivilrliiirtoticll lUnmlcll's life A of Illnltui and I.ivuu , or Uorahtlmor'a llfo of Ulciulanilvi.d llonililckn , ran lojrn aomctnlnir ( flat ly to tl'olr ad\antao | In ftJilrostltij ; A. II. Klt'Klna fc Co. , I'lilnUhcrfl , Oiimlm. Xcli. 774-lGp \lfAMIUl A 00il Soi ] ) JUkor. Aililro-n "I * . _ T > UooiiMlciJiirtlm0 ! 1jy . 782-lOp \1 "AN'IKD 1'otir buok-kocpcra and thruo salt'rt > t laillot. J II. Bmltli 1010 Dougltii ijt , 781 lOji \ \ fANTKD1'cw persons to lu.irn book-kccplnp. > ' M ht : liool. Slliiatluiia. 1510 DOUK'IU s'rcct. 7CO-lUp J. II. SMITH. \\TANTKD Imiucillately , a competent eecoml | ; | rl l ) llcforomui reiillreil | , U KCH tJ 6u per week. Apply at M. 1.1'ntrlckti , Sauiulcra St. , near I.ako St. 763-Op \\7"ANTKD-Oool man to tnko bait Interest In a i T llmt clnsH ami gooil | njlun bmlncFB. Only small amount o ( money " ! ' . H , " lloo ofllco. 0700 \\AN'1KI > Two or tliriollrBt-class lady amenta to cau\afa ( or "Vouuir I'colo' | lllblo Illatory , " In Omaha A pplcncIM bunk > ml liberal commlKoioii. Apply at 1408 loclo | bt. Wm. II. Alexander. 762 0 / 1'lrnt claad ualtora Immediately at tlio \ \ St. .lulien 7010 - fl\o ilnliars dally taking orders AUKNTS-Mnko P. 1' . Collier , 07 Darker lltock. 744-0 'AWANir.D Acvnts to naimio inu Hell I'at'nt \ \ > Vcatber ( trlp . Addreva or call on Oco. W. Iill. 11M llnrnov ntnet , Oinalia , Nob. 630-1 mp i WAN'IKD A tompttent clerk , ono acijualnteil with ilt ) K ° odH moro riaiticularlly , must bo able to ( ; Uo the btHt o ( ri-fcmiccH IID to ability ami iabltiiAildrcca "C1 II. Ticudncll , North lcml ! , Nob. 721-10 i > no t irl to ilo general boufeowork ami ono nursu girl , at nortbcaat coiiur tf 23d at it 731 10 \\J ANII'U Two chanibermalda who can wait on VV dlnlb-rooin | ulil atthu Occl- Icntal. BS7-tf VX7ANTK1) A IBOIK ! compttcnt girl for general VV hnito work , 4614 Doujjlaa. t/C-tf IU-Innncilii'ttlj , a flrat-claai chamber- inalil. who ( .an wait on table at the OccMuntal. 2 Cfltf TANTii : ) Sowing macliinu lianda at tlie Dnmln \v MilitKaitoij. OlUtj SITUAYIOMh WAMTBO. I ! lly a widow Iulja ; ] ioBltlnn In a store ortenl ; b ) tlio day III a prl\atu family. Un- dcrHtandH nil liliidH of family Bowlngum ! drosa.mak- Inc. Pkasitddriii' M Ii T "city postolllco , 700-1 lp \ \ AN'I'KD i' > a join ( Hcotchebcplnrd , place on V ) bbcep ori'utllu ramli , liat had Ujtarx expor- luncoln tblj country. Address "K. " lleaolUca. 8ia-l2p \ , 'ArtTKU A tuition an asslutint bookkeeper Tl liy ajoini ) , ' la ywlthbtui of referenced. Ad- "A J. " lleo olllce , BOMOp D blliiitlnn by widow Udy n < onm- piinlon , anil to do ll'lit houactvork , or hnuso * keeper , Ail.lrcwf . M. A. HKK olllco , Uutincll Illutfu. WANTKI ) A | K > ltl < m as clerk In Hirdwarnor WLoKeale lion c , bate luvl tcnjcaracxprrlenro an [ JMiulclor. lu-lvicncua nhcn. Address "U. A. " thUollli-u. 608-tf _ Bltnation w nook , kcepor , In wholeoalo cetabllahmcnt In Oma > n , AddredJ"a" care Uou. SOJ-tl WANTB. WANTKD-l'attner with a aniill capital , Ilttal lima will pay 200 percent profit monthly. Ad- drcim "U. H. ' lieu olllco , bUU lOp WAKTK1) A partner In a ol eatablls'.ied inau. ufictorln biiolnuuii.Hfth anpllaljlOOUtoijieoo. Adilrciu "Partner , " Ilee olll.-o. S9.ri-16i | " \\7ANTii-Totorrutpoinl : with ainlJdlo L-odldy VV of uomuiellneincnt ami mean * if pOB bio ty if bunlnexn nun. UodnratodrcuinttaiKed , whniu ob- Jocl U matriniony. Aildrim " . K. " Hue olllce. SOO-ICp \ \ , 'At'liiA ; luriit-bed houw Inuclenlrablo local- VV ity , with Ran and water , no children , /dtliciu " \V. " 7CO HOiitli Iflth St. 770-lCp ' i 17ANTK1I fJ.uou on llm-claai uty n.ctirltyfor ti , VV jtan ) , at 0 l'ir ' cent. Addreen lion fliO Post- otllou. 70fl-lf POK llRHT" < linmi IICNII'nst clas-i bouuo b ) IluJtord , Houcr Ir 1 4.1 > . u. 812-tf | 7 > ( IK llISNr rnriilatioJ rouiuu 310 N. 13th Kt. UKNT Nicely furnlthoJ or un'uuiUboJ rooms 1 without lioarJ 1S11 lUvuniort | Si. ISMfip OiiltLNT-Uitliuu ell roonii-jj cbor from oir , J 1 lOtliaiiil Iioixiiiwoit'i. Imjulro on iiremlneu _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 77l-0 | > I O Ull.NT I'urnlrlwil room In llicacrs Mock , II ii riur E uhtli and Howard St. S23-tf I . "MM HI-NT roillltoenilolUn , hoti uornu rooma II mi Joliimon St nj'l ) at 2'101Iariui\ . 770-0i ) | F Itt.NT t iirui.ln.ll roouia 1010 t'lilcaao St. 787-Op P iilalird roomi 10 IpOKIIKNT KumULol rooruj 67 H. Uth itrest JT OlfKrNr-Nlcul ) furulshul room 103 north 18th 1 M. _ 765-Up "I OH HUNT Tillntlhod rooms 18JI Capitol mve. I OIlllUNT A frini > O3lt ( { comwr lUn iiJ r7 1 iilllii ntncts. Ajip'y at 1'etenoii' * clotlilns toie , | ' , th fcit. 70Stf 70Stf'i -'i 4