OMAHA DAILY BEE MONDAY , SEPTEMBER 8. NEBRASKA > Ol jJV TI O 3 OP I1EATHICE , . . XT.HIIAS The Vlonfcr MntuM ncnent Asjocl tlon In SUto ol Ncbrutcft. U l co-opcrUlto In Hi worUnff mul Ml tr-crn | I TC ft voice In tlio tn n gcmciit lijnlt t ( . the IU lm Is to ticncflt ! trmn incmlicrs , their M &nd otpliiin , In cvc At ilcntli , ( vccUlcnt , tlcknosi totM prrmAncnt ( lli.iblllty ol n member , nt M ooet with in ti kfemint. Arcllkblo home fmoclitlon. > ctl\o ami roll nifontd nuntnl toeinr m lor mcmlicrs In Nebr * and ColorjJo. Addrciv , S. MoB-OWALL , Secretary and General Manager , BETRIUE , - - - NE HON. H. W. 1'AUKRB , S. C , SMITH , 1'roildcnt. Treasure The oie of the term " I Lino" In connection with SHORT conorate numo ol Kre r < I conrejn an Idea of u t whi B H t\l IT" required by the traveling n I fl KJ ! "c8nort I'ln ° > Qulck * I n Iv I * nj the b08 > ° ' accommc BaiUllkB tlonB-all ol hich are fc ihod by the Rrcatcit r llway In America. And St. Paul. II own i and operate * over , tOO tnllei of Northern Illinois , Wlsconiln , Minnesota , low * Dakota ; and M ta main lines , branches and conn tloni roach all the great business centres of I Northwont and Far West , It naturally mnwors I description of Hhort Line , and Dost Route botwoo Chloaico , Jlllvaukeo , St. Paul and Minneapolis OhlcaRo Iilwaukeo , IA Crowe and Wlnona. OhloiKo , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and Ellondalo Ohlcago , Milwaukee , Kau Clalro and Stlllwatot' ChloaKO , Milwaukee , Wausau and Merrill. Chicago , Milwaukee , Ilcaver Dam and Oahkoah. Chloago , Milwaukee , Waukneha and Ooonomowo ; Chloago , Milwaukee , Madlaon and I'ralrledu Chle Ohloago , Milwaukee , Owatonna and Falrlbault. Chicago , liololt JaneJt I'lo ' and Mineral Point. Chicago , Elgin , Itocklord and Dubtiquo. Chicago , Clinton , Rock Island and Cedar lUpldi. Chicago , Council DludJ and Omaha. Chicago , Sloui City , Sioux Kails and Yanktonl Chicago , Mllwaukoo , Mitchell and Chamberlain. Rook Inland , Dubuque , St. Paul and Minneapolis Daronpoit "almar , St. Paul and Minneapolis. Pullman S ocpora and the Flneet Dining Cars the nrld are run on the main lines ol thoCIIIOAQ 1HLWAUKKE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY , and ovc attention Is paid to passengers by courteous employ of the Company. 6. 3. MERRILL , Genl Manager. A. V II CARPENTER , don' Paoa. AR J.T CLARK , Oon'l S.tpt. . SSSQEO. II. HKAFFOUD , Asa'k. Oenl. Pa . AK PRINCIPAL LINE CIIICA 0rEOIlLV &ST.LOUIS. . IIV WAV 01' OHAHA AND 1IHCOL1I TO DENVER , Oil VIA KANSAS CITY AND ATCHISON to DENVER CoiiiU'ctlitK In Union Depots nt Kansas clly Omuhuiina Denver witli tlnoiiHli tmlna lor And nil [ lolnta In tliuOi uiit Wcsl . n Oi-ntul Union Depot nt Ulilcuuo with tluoiiHh tmliiH for JV/37F YOJtK , Al\\ \ nil ' ll Cities. Atl'corla with thioi ttnilns lor liiilliuni ; ) . ollB , Clnciiiniitl , ColiirjJ'fc , nna nil points /n / lio8oiitli.iiist. ; At Sf Twuls with tlironuli mlna lor ull iiolnla Spp\T. ; \ KIOKiuit Day CoiPhcs , I'm lor earn , with Ho- clliiliilt Chnlru ( Hciits IIPO ) . SinolcliiK Curs \ \ Itli IluvolviiiB Chiihn , I'lillnmn I'ulaci ) Slucnlnu Onra mill the Ininoim O. II. .to. DinliiK } ; ura rmidiilly toiiml fromOhlcngo mid KmiHiiH Olty , OlilctiKoniiil Council liluila : cjlilciiKO and IK-s MoltiuH , UhlciiKO , 81. Josuh ] , AtclilMou anil TopeUu without clmtiRp. Only tlitouRli lint tliolr own tmlns brtwcon eiiKo , l.liicolii mid Dunvur. and ChlcuKo. Kaiinua City and Denver. TlmiiiKh ems hotweon liidlaiiapolla and Council lllnlla , via I'eorlu C.OINO JNOllTII ANH SOUTH. Solid Tnilns of KluKttnt Day CoavlioH and IMillmiiii IMIncosicupliiK Cam nin i nn daily to anil fioni si. Loulsj via llannllml ; ( Jiiltiey , Koolcnlc , IliiilliiKtoii , Cotlar Uaiildsaud Alhcit I < ( tibt. Paul and MltnmipollH , I-iuloi Cars with IttTilnliiK riialra to and fioin St , Louis iitid 1'eorln. onlyonu rhuiiKoof citra l > H coii fit. I.onlHunil Di'H Mdlnrs , Iowa , Lincoln , No. ImiBlta , and Dunvor , Colomdo. It IH also thu only TlnoiiKh l.lno liuh\ con ST. LOUIS , MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL. It Is known na the ( ? iat TllltOITiill OAK UNI , of America , and Is unlxuiually admit 'I'd to lie thu Finest E uiptiol Railroad In the World for all classes of Travel. TlironBh TleltotB via this line fur wilci ntui' 11. It. uouixjii ticket ulllccu In the Unitoil States fuid Lanuda. L I.OWKM , , IRON AND SLATE ttOOKINa. G , SPECHT , PEO ? , 1111 Doujjlai 81. Omaha , Neb. MANUFACTURER OF Galvamzea Iron Cornicss } Health is Wealth ! DR. K. C. WEST'S NRRTB AND HIUH TRIUIIWHXT , a iniaranteed > [ > eclflo for IIj nerla , D tilnoM , Comul- loin , FlUNci\oui Neuralgia , Headache , Nervous Prontratioti cauMxl by the uio ol alcohol or tobbacoo , Waktluloon , Uentu depruislon. Soltcnhig ol the liraln , rttiultlng In Insanity and leaping to misery , decay and death , Premature Old ago , llaroneiu , lost ol power la either lei , Involuntary Lostesaud tiper natorhoracauied by ever oxcrtlontol thu brain , self. tbusoororer Indulgence , Uach box , oontalns on < month's ttuatmeiit. $1 00 a bos , or six bottles foi (3.00 , lent by mall prepaid on rocvlpt of ptlco. WE GUARANTEE SIX UOXEJ To cure inv ta e. With each order received by ui 1oi lx bottles , acoompllihtd with | 5 00 , we will eend the purchtstr our wr.tlen guartnteo to refund th lucney If thetrtatmtutdoesnot effect a euro , Ouar onttoK iwuixl only by JOHN C : WEST & CO. , ) r 28-ui&e rv M2 Madlioo bt. . Chicago. 111. C.A.WILSONM.D. ( Faculty 1'rlie Uodlcal College ol Ohio. SPECIALTY PILES , FISTULA , And other Diseases ol the Anui and Ilectum. 120 8. 14th St. Cor. Douglas OK/AHA , HER eveed and wit OCULIST &AORIST J. F. ARMSTONG , M , D. Practice Limited to Diseases of tin Eye and Ear. 1503 FAIINAM ST. , - OMAHA -THE j BEST TONIC. : mcillclno , cornblnlnB Iron wllli ptir blo tonic * , milrkly nml rnmnktcl I'tirni ) ) * | | * InillucfitliiiiVrnlinrx * ' iinil Nrnrulnln. lllsnn imfnllinc remedy for Dl'cnsesof tin HldnrjH nnil l.hrr. It Is Invnlnnblo for Ihcn ) ci pcrnllnr ti \Viiiiinn , nml nil vim Icml fcilcntiiry ll\ci. 1 1 iloci not Injure the tcetli , cnn e licnilnrlic.n tirndnrc conitlpntlon O/IT Iran multHnr * tin lt'iirlrlicininl purlflci tlinhlr > o < lFtlrnu1ntc ( lie Appctltc.nlilii the n linllntlon of food , re llcvp * Hcnrtlnirn nml Ilclclilng , ntitl ftrcngtli tn the mn clcs nnil nones. 1'or Intermittent rcvcrn , I-nssltmlc , IJick o Kticrsy , Ac. , It Imi no iqunl. ' v 91f Tlio KPtinlno 1ms nlicn o trndo tnnrk nni Crossed red llnis on rnpixr. ; Tnl.o nootlioi BaJ. tiitjl.IHUI . ' ( llirJll ( I , ( I ) . , lUl.TDinilK , ML ames Medical Instill r noli for Hie-express purpi orcivlnrimmedlatc relic nil chronic , urinary nnd p ; vntc dlscs fB OonoTTbr Olcctnndbyphillslncllth complicated formu , nlso diseases uf tlie bkln a IJIood promptly relieved n : rcrmanenllycured by rem ' ' . bemlr VVcnkncsi. tiipM losses by Dreams , Pimples i the Kaie.Loit Manhood , Jiiiilth'rliiriirril Tltc ( stiart'iirrliiinitinih TIis appropriate tii.r.ei lantonce used In each case. Consultations , pe lunal or by Icticr , sacredly confidential. Me 'doti ' sent bv Mall and Express. NomarkHi ; aciacc to Indicate contcntu or sender. Addre UH. lAMES.No. 204Wa3hIngion SI.ChIcnflol \VIII purify Iho BLOOD.Tepi 1 ltd tlio LIVCR nini KIDNEYS Illlil JIKHTOIIU TIIK HEAI/rli nnU VIOOH of YOUTH. Djn ' i Want ofAppetllp , in Ion , Ijiuk or Hlr < Migtli curoil. Ilot > D , mini'it'snni r\rsic Ivuiti'Wlorco l IIVVII3 th i mind urn * upi > ll < .a drain Pimtr ! Btnr < i liii/trom ( iiiniiliilnt1 - T P iipitillrrtn thrlrsix wll [ nil In DK , Hi WTJIH'D I ROM TOJflO n unto nru : > < ! oUy euro. kn\csn licallhv ciiiuilu\liin | 1 n jnont aurniptR nt ci' " " ? fit' < liiK iiul > uili n tliupopiilirllyol Ihii orlulmi. Do nutuxpurl < K < 'inloiirn < lilri.iiito'llinlr. ) lliirlnrMwl Co . I.Jxjiils , Mo.for our"lUKAM HOOK. " 1 ull of utruutfi find useful Information , r roo. t cieiice of Life , Only $1.01 BY MAIL POSTPAID. A CJRHA.T BIKDIOAIj WOKU Itibauatcd Vitality , Nervonfl and Physical Dobllll' ematnro Decline In Man , Ktrorsof Youth , an tb told mltorlea couIllriK from Indiscretions or 01 ijesA book for every man , younff , lalddle-agei J old. It contains 115 prescriptions for all acat il fhronlo diseases eachono of which Is Invahiabl found by the Author , whose experience for 2 irs Is such as probably never before fell to the Ic any phyelcan JOO pages , bound In boautlf Bnchmuslln , full KiltRtiorantec bo finer work n ooryeenre , mechanical , 111 , ry and profoeslonal , than any other work sold I s country for 2.60 , or the money will bo refandc every Instance. Prlooonly 11.00 by mall , pofl d. Illustrative samtilo 6 oontr. Send now. Clol dal awarded the author by the National Uodlci toclBtlon , to the ofllcers of which ho refers , "he Hclcnno of Llfo should be road by the yonn Instrnetlon , and by the ainiotod for relief. A 111 benefit all. London Lancet , riiero Is no member of society to whom The 8d > ol Llfo will not bo useful , whether youth , pal . , ituardlan , Instructoror clergyman. Argonaut , kddrces the Peabody Uodlcal Institute , or Dr. W Parker , No. I Dulflnch Btrcet , Iloaton Uaes. , wh V Via consulted oil all diseases rcqulr'-jR ' skill an icrlenco. ChrcnloandobstlifatodUieai. isthat hav llfd the skill of all other phju-lira I olan ipeclaltyi Kuoh tieated tucows-MtllL full hout GU Instance failure. TUVQFI F" ut ol nrfllilnclooU of.iculill. flifor , riovui.ior.rttj tt.l. Wutll , tfur.f liii p.a , l > l.rrW tttrf t , < 1 Au. . knl ! . il rl.r.t > rit.lirti.Or < i > l . . * dri > | * lii > | .M ftavlUa.fT | > f 1 cl.tllf l i < i | , br .ul U kit fuuia.r Jtlnki Tir M. u4 . . .I. f r < uDI Vtu. A k nr frwvr * f ll , Mau."f . > ' . ! .L..uli.-Iul lI , , Ml / II I , HUllllTdiuXD. ; . w. rnrrEciiAuw , COLS ABEIUV ai utto.ii ) 'Av. N , r. Keep Iho thl'ilim I hi'Ultli , If jour elill Ilia any xjiiiptonm i I vii'iiter ) or nil } trou lout thu to\ulaioni ni-iioii lUJk'o'n 1 'urn I a i dint wltlioiit delay Unlemlho tronblu ha Documu rhronlc , reiul | ull mrrect tlio dllllciiltr md , an a cllelctl li ilckinms It la Invalua ) Io Thoiitands of chll i upun it All drnmutii sell It 1 noiiio Krocers. Put up In four ilies , J6c. OJc 25 and (1,76. Fiend to Woolrlch Co. , Palmer < . , for pauiphlotion the subject. ror Mm gaKk , mil , | > I . Hook fr ClT'-H t ' < ncr , IfU rullou Hk , N w Voit LED STAR LINE Boyal anilU.B , M llHto iuor BAILING EVERY SATURDAY , DCTWF.KN EW YORK AND ANTWERP itKhint , Oermany , Italy , HM < in < l and franct Ueerago Outward , J20 ; Prepaid I roui Antwerp , 1 cunlon , JJ , lncluduiKbeddlnKetcd Cabin , V > Q und Ttlji , $90 U ) ; Excursion , 9100 : Baloou Iroo IM (10 ; Eicurnlon 110 to 8160. tVPeUr Wright & Uoui , Don , Aneuti. 65 llroaj y N. y , : Uwcll. Hamilton It Co , , Omaha. 1 P. B. Floi in ft Co. , 2WN. 15tb Street , Cuiahaj D , K. Klu lOuuUaA nntr. . R8SDQPI KtfHKSTHlS .anli AMOTIDM Co. , ol iioodon. Cub iMsU | 5SMeM.I MtcfcwUr.N. V. , Capital 000,000.1 , o WercniEti. cf H'ty tik , M. 1 , , dpltal l.STt.OOO.O lard rire , Pluladell ) Is , < ? 1UI l.SOO.OOO.C ' Aj.Vlj . l.tJJ.JU. MASKS ON VELVET CHEEKS Bcanlifnl Facts May Be M More Beantifnl , TlioJOnlyCoHiMctlrfl AVhloli Hlinulil Used DurliiK tlio Summer Cold Cream For Siinliiirn Dolrl- innntH to IJenutj' . New York . i'Ycs , " snitl a fashionnblo lady Ic Journal reporter the other day , "won often ruin their complexions by the i of the wrong cosmetics , especially tluri the warm weather. Now , if you kn Anything about the akin and the actu of various preparations upon it you c BOO how easily this may bo done , Wl 1 know women who would otherwise handsome if they know how to do their complexions or if they had ] tionco and perseverance enough to natural aids help them. "Wlmt do 1 moan by natural nil Well , 1 will toll you. " _ Kvon the coarai and roughest complexion may bu ma fine and smooth if the owner has j tienco , and it requires a good deal. Fir of course , the blood should bo purifi by n couple of doses of charcoal , magi flia or .sulphur , and it is beat to got t help of a physician on this point. Th the diet must bo plain and the mo ; union regularly , and at 10 o'clock the \ tient must bu in bed , for beauty's heifer for sloop are before midnight. But all this will not make the ak fine , you say. Truly no ; but wait a 1 tie. J > cry night the lady above motioned tionod must put on a maak of aomo wlii atull that has boon soaked in water ni it must remain on night after night for least six weeks , then the akin will bo ni You sec , the wet cloth or maak oxclud the air , and the outer layers of the cutic como off by degrees. The face should 1 washed during this period with rain w tcr , or water that has been boiled and i lowed to cool , mid must bo dried with aoft cloth. "Never rub the face with a coan tovrol , and do not rub up and down at i because such a process toughens the sk ind bringe out rod blotches upon i ivhon bathing however always rub tl body vigorously. Now , it is often tl : aso that blotclic.s and pimples como 01 m the face and nowhere clao on tl > ody. Thia is because the face ia waahc nero frequently and the porea are opcne 'or the Impurities of the body to escape. "llavo you any good coamotica forsui jurn and freckles ? You know this ia tli loaaon for thorn , and the bollcs will ware o remove thorn before the opening the ho winter .season , " asked the Journi 'oporlor ' , as ho aat , pencil in hand , trj ngto aid all the beautiful readers of tli lournal. "Oh " said the ' ' i , yea , lady ; 'nothing laaior to remove than tan. If that ia a ! ho trouble a girl should be happy ; beside t in the fashion to bo much tanned tin ummor , you know , and it weara oil'o taolf after awhile. "Cold Cruam genuine cream , I meai -is ono of the boat remedies for aunburi nd is also oxolltint for a heated akin. J hould bo put on before retiring and no iaturbcd until morning. Then for frock BB , which are not so pretty or ao easy t omoyo , n cosmetic of ono cucumber cu 11 thin slices and soaked for a few hour u awoot milk ia excellent. It should b pplicd the same as the cream until th rookies disappear. Vinegar and milk union juice and cream are excellent fo amoving freckles or for whitening thi omploxon. "Over-heating and chilliness are boll otrimoulal to the beauty of the skin,1 untinuod the little lady. "Also greiv xcitcmont or overwork of any kind oap should not bo uacd'on to face at al nd rain water is much bolter that tha rom Croton Lake. " "But suppoao ladies want to uio pain nd powder , which are the best kinds fo : liis aoaaon ? " queried the reporter. "Well , replied the little lady as shi iiioothod her pretty whi to cheek with i ulk white hand , "such cosmetics wil uin the akin , and it requires an artist t < ut them on , especially in the daytime 0 they will not bo detected. There's m bjoction to one's using baby powder , ea iccially after a bath. It takes tlio'un iloasant gloaa from the face and is nisi ooliog. But the skin should bo thor uglily dry before applying , and then i hould bo put on with u little piece c hamoisakin. "Now , if the ladica will powder am ougo , they should do it very carefully n Ina season. A light cream powder ahoul to put oil for the daylight , und the ver aintcst lingo of roau on the cheeks , bu lot in ono round spot. It is well to pu uoro powder ever the rouge , and no loth logulhor. The neck and oars ahouli 10 powdered , and the latter slightl ; mged with carmino. The eyebrows unl iiur about the forehead should bo wol irushud BO ; is to prevent any of the pow lor allowing. For uvoning a white pow lor may bu uacd and a little deeper tin n the chooka. Ladies who are etou nd easily heated , should take care , how ver , ' Haul the little lady in conclusion , 'that ' they do not overheat themeolvoao ! ! io rouge may como oil' in big tears. " A CARD. To all ho ntu mifforlnir fr'in error id InilUK'ritloiis of } iiith , iimou weakness , earlj iay , IIBH ol manhood , ito , 1 will end a roclpt ut will euro ton , FIlKtf UP CiIAUOti. Thin Kroal medy wiw JltcuTcred l > y a inlmlonery In Houtt iiwrlcA. Hund iel.addri'KJ | < e < l onu'lopo tohHV , Jo HIT. INIIAN , Station 1 > Now York. Fmnuouiul Olitnn , m I'laiK'iscu llulli'tln , Anain , Tommin and Cochin-Ohina oc- ipy the oaatorn half of the poninaula , lled Farther India in the old gtogra- HOB , and have an aggregate population ! 21,000,000. The people are scarcely jual to the Chinese , to whom they boar resemblance ; they also do to the poo- la of India. This is accounted for by 10 fact that their geographical no iliou between the two , the original iniinigra- DUB into the country having probably 3on from both directions. The rola- ona of the French with the Annmoao gan with the sottlumont among thorn 1 aomo French Catholic miaalonarioa lout 100 years ago. These missionaries uro somewhat overbearing and n cruel iraecntion of them was begun in 1825 , hich haled till the Ohineto opium war ' 1811 , the first aignilicant lesson In oast- n Aaia received of the power of Kuro- jau nations. When thia war closed treaty of toleration waa exacted of liiun , which Comtuodoro Lapiorro , who lailed Atmni soon afterward , re- nired the king to accept , a result ol accomplished without bloodshed , uduc , the king , who died not long ngo , iccoeded to the crown in 1847. lie jjiewod the jieriocution of the miaaion. rica in 1851 and 1852 , and many of them era cruully put to death. In 1858 ioiila Napoleon soul an expedition that lok and fortilied Turon , but afterwards ift it. A little later another Hoot under nether general took Saigon in Cambodia , nd in some subsequent conteats defeated 10 Anamitos. In 18G3 Tuduo signed a treaty with France , relinquishing so of his moat _ important prcrogativ It Wns about this time a rebellion bro out In Tonqtiin , which the French ui as a moro substantial entering wcdgo the country. They continued i croaching on the powers of Tuduc ur 1871 , they hand reduced him to vnssnlr ina contest in which Francola lost ' . life. They espoused the cause of a n rcsontativo of the ancient line of kin : and by a treaty with Tudoc , secured cession of several scapjrta. Instead of adhorring to this treaty Tudcc i pealed to China , and the French boi busy at homo , paid little ntlenton to t cast until England took possession Egypt. Besides , at that timodoubta the navigability of the Hod river wi entertained. But the subsequent d covory that the Song Ken was navigab revived French interest. At the Hamo lime Iho French , doslri foreign oullola for their trade and t uneasy element of their population , I gan todovolop _ n sudden ambition for c onizalion. They acquired Tunis , mn aggroaslvo movomonls in Madagascarsc an explorer to the Congo , and began consider what advantage Tonquin mlp oiler for trade and sottlemonl. The R Ilivorwhoso delta constilules Iho great part of Tonquin , is a largo , navigal stream , taking its riao in the mnuntai of the Chlnoso province of Yunno Yunnan la woaltliy but undovelopc The country along the Hod River is ri ana the mountain region through whi it passes abounds in valuable ininora Besides it opens a now overland route Birmah , a route Iho English have lo ; observed , and desired to make practic : Yunnan is n province in regard to whi China tools particularly aonaitiyo. ] population is largely Mohammedan , was troublesome during the Taoping l bollion , not being , in fact subdued t the year 1872. To open this restless i gion to foreign trade Boomed to Chii likool'oring _ ( inducements to another r bullion , or to the final diamombormc of the empire. Tonquin alao borders < the Provinces of Kwanfisi and Kwan tung. Both of thcao parts of the ompi are full of lawless men ready for rebi lion. It aoomcd dangerous to have European power so near , therefore tl Chinese government revived an ancici und absurd claim to suzerainty ovi Anam , an exploded figment of Orient ibsoltitism which asaumes a prolonso fc ruling Iho whole world. Franco woul lot acknowledge this claim , and Chin ivould not grant the validity of the tres y made wilh Tuduc. Marqula Tseng , } 1880 began the correspondence with th French government , which ho kept u ill ho was recalled a few months ago. AiiKOHturn. IMttcrHisa household wor ill over the world. For over 50 years it hi tfUortlsort Itself by its merits. It IB now ni ertinecl to warn tlio public aK.iinst cuuntoi elts. The gonuiuo article is manufactured b Jr J. 0.15. Sleirort & , Sons. Dishonesty Ainoii ! ; ClerkH. "ittsburg ChroniclB-ToloRraph. The inquiry is often put those days 'Why ia there so much dishonest ; mongst trusted clerks and others hand ing money ? " The correct answer nini iinc.s in ton would bo "fast living. ' lany of the poor abandoned women vrln iddon the eye in the largo towns fol evil ways from a morbid passion fo no clothes ; a big proportion of the moi 'ho como to dishonest practices find thi ath when they catch the contagion o f the gaming table. Extravagance is i olativo term , but wherever there Is ex ravaganco the spectre of crime is no ir oil' . It ia a email tax that of pru out living within ono'o rceourcoa to paj a a condition of an unstained life , DU lousands prefer selling their souls ti aying this just tax. The supercilion nile of seine faahionablo Mrs. Grundy i : lore terrible to theao weak mortals that 10 nameless filth of dishonor. The ; ould rather by crooked ways find on" auco to the gates of hell than wea ircluroy and brognns that have boon pai < ir , and oat at a cheap lunch house uuti icy can find more luxurious living. T < iako n fa ] 30 display for a few years even von months , is the temptation whicl tads an army every year to ruin , llov mny of thesewomen's conventions tha ro held in this country have anything t < ly about the corrupting tendencies o lahionablo waste. Fine feathers maki no birds is the motto. The striped uni ) rm of the prison or the hideous tinso f the bagnio often make Iho concludinj rapcry of people who would ralhoi teal or become "daughters of Iho cbaso' nan give up gowgawu. A simple modes fo is the aafo ono. Thoao who have sinal loans should lead sucli lives. There is i orld of beauty about them which i : roe lo all , no price i ) put upon the on rancing hpoctuclo of the firmament ; tin 'inds como without demanding tribute few good books can always bo borrowcc not. bought , and the society of like lindcd people can bo found. There n itppiness in this career and there n ifoty. Yo who are oven now on thi ircshold of needlees oxpon.ic.s will ro irn 10 torment , and perhapa to ueduci id slay you , pauao now and think ol rave Franklin with the loaf of bread udor his arm ; don't lot any society fool iituio you into folly ; the fool's opinion worthless ; your real ahamo will bo in 10 first departure on the road of ro cit es living , Avoid debt and live within mr moans contain moro virtue und ore good horse sense to the equaro inch i an any propoailions cognizable by men ; > make them popular ia to lesson crjnio orywhoro. _ OllIGiN OK AMMONIA. Ammonia is obtained In large quantities by a putrefaction ot the ml no of niiininla , An- r ? < ijo/i < i Jlntanuita. llu'ry huu ekoe ) o can test hakiiiK | > owlors this dicfruatlng drug by placing n n of the "Hoynl" or "Androws1 I'uarl" tor iwnon a h.t ( . Htoxo until hunted , them remove o cm or and Htnt'll. Dr. 1'ricu'a Crcmu HakitiR Fonder does not ntnin Aimnonis , Alum , J.lmo , I'otaeh. Bono inaphatoa , ( pro\o it by the above U'st ) , It liroparvd by a 1'liyalcmn and Chainlet with vclal regard to cleanliness oud hoaltliful- m-o-w-'m n , - - - HoWns "ConalneiJ. " trolt Free I'rcta. They walked a half.drunkon , eoody- QKiug chap into the Central station the her night , and among the personal oporty found in his pockets was a greasy ; l note book , in which was written un * ir the current data : " 1 can't ' stand this mizory onny longer , id have decided to consino my body to o dops of the rivvor. Good-by , coald irld. " "Why didn't you 'consino,1 according written agroomenll" queried the cap. in. in."Just goin' lo when 'roalwJ. " "llumphl You'd better live until you urn lo spell. " "Spell ! " echoed the prisoner , as ho t'ppod back and raised his hands , WhyI waa a town clerk foraoven yearn' ' ) olll Why , 1 was Iho first man in Wia- nain to drop the 'h' out of sugar , and ivo half a dozen usolcts eyllablca out of pu ! Couaino mo to a cell if you will , but in't abuto mot" Now American Actress. Now York Star , Tno Bound of vrheelR was heard , a cringe ringo drew up to the door , and up ca llippolyto Aimce's major domb and rr Iho bell. Two moments later Mlle Mn Aimco , wearing a dark blue travel ; dreas spotted with red , as though i had broke out with nottlerash came the stops. She had on a black lint , w a prim little red feather , and was acco panlcd by a young French girl in n bli and gold walking costume. Just as tl reached the top of the stops Aimee i down again in a provoking manner fetch her lap dog , which had declined follow her. Then , before she kiescdai body , she said to Mr. Grau in Kngli to show that she had adopted that li guano : "Oeof the cochcr two dollair. " She was ao pleased with herself nf this little Anglo-Saxon ebullition tl she chuckled with delight. "I'm no longer n French actress , " f said. "I'm American. Do I look n changed ? " The dudca thought she looked fall but they said in a refined manner tl she looked moro delicately plump. "Yes , I'm in capital health , " n Aimee , "and only hope 1 shan't got th or by worrying. I'm to play in Eugl altogether now , you know , and I f timid. Not that I'm afraid of my 1 glish. Oh , dear , no ! I sludied urn Professor Mackoy , and can say a amount of things. But you know 1 always been BO much nt homo In cor opera and so well known as a comic opi singer that it aooms hard now to obliged to alart in a fresh character. " "Is your now play without songa ? " "Oh , no ! said Aimee , "I sing. 1'n French girl who comes to this country gut a living and decides to go upon t stage. That brings in aomo pretty lit songa and a banjo. Yea , a banjo ! " st Aliuuo , clasping her hands. "I' ' worked BO hard at it. I was going give it up , it was ao difficult , but the you know , 1 had told everybody I A\ learning to play _ , and my reputation h to bo sustained. Oh , Ma'amsello * is delightful play. I'd toll you all about only 1 want to surprise you. And it w jurpriao you , for there's something qui now in it to please all parts cf the hou : avoii the nailery. You BOO I like to d icnao my favors every vrheio. " The two American dudes scratch' ' lioir bald heads and looked pcusivo , b they said nothing. Then Aimco introduced Mmo. llo ilignon , whom she had brought over his country to launch into Amoric ; houtricals , aflor which aho took her di lown to the kitchen and prepared its di lor. "I slmn't aeo you again till Decor ) er 1C , " she said upon departing to tl owcr regions. "Tho only chance I hai f appearing before then is the failure i Called Back1 at the Fifth avenue thoa ro. 1 can't have the house till lhat i withdrawn. Perhaps its all for the beat , ho aaid , "because it wouldn't do for ni 0 appear at the same time asThoo.V hould mutually wrong ono another , am liat would bo a pity. She is very charm ig , of courae ; but you know I have mi wn audiences , who would como to aeo in t all hazztrds , and 1 wouldn't like tike iko people away from her. I'm not ad aort when you know me. " And Aimee rushed down stairs follow 1 by her dog , whoao bolls tinkled moi With the condiments generally attain bio it is not possible to produce a may naiao dressing for salads that will com are with Durkeo'a Salad Dressing. Bu ; botilo and bo convinced. AVIiisky's Work. hil.idclphia Itocorli. There is a pathetic interest about Ihi ; ory of Mra. Welio , a woman of wealtl nd high social standing , who was com utted to a private asylum a year or tw < 50 as an incorrigible drunkwd , am hose friends now make the story publii j a means of securing her release. Un irtunatcly such stories are not raro. 1 joins mistaken kindness to open a rocorc hich charity would pefer lo concoa irever. Twenly years ago Ihcro livoc i handsome style in Now York city i eddod pair who had an income of § LT , 30 each , and in all respects were tin nvy of their fiionds. llo was the soi f 'kn Quaker merchant 01 carl street , and she belonged o no of the oldest families in the city. irgo family grow up about thorn , and ai icy grow up a habit of drinking fas ned upon both father and mother hey would eit at the table daily ant rink lo intoxication Finally the faihoi iod , but the mother kept right on in hci , 'il ways , and at last turned Iho threi dest children out of the houao. In tin id the coachman , an ignorant but quick itted fellow , got the uppoi hand ot tin juiohold , turned the three youngci lildren adrift and ussumed control riends frightened him away , and jsitating lo resort to extreme measures , icy talkt'd and delayed until nearly all ' Iho children's property was gone , und leir mother was n wreck. It would wo been far better to have { .laced hci , conOncment twenty years ago than lowe wo allowed her to exhibit herself as ahe motimcs docs to her old friends red , iarso , disheveled and chid in lorn rualy ack the aodden wreck of what waa ice ono of the moat graceful leaders of ew York nocioty , and ono of the inapir- g spirits in church circles. A Perfect Preservative. Wellington Hatchet. Mr. llunaround waa out late the other ght. and the next morning at breakfast order fo "justify" himself , ho remark- to his wife ; "Pot , wo have been married twenty ars , and you look almost as young as u did then. " "You have not changed a particle , ' aho spnndod sweetly.1 "N l changed ? " ho answered in sur- ise , remembering his gray locks and ruby so. "Why how can you say lhal ? " "Because Ihings preserved in alcohol vor change , " aho answered. Mr. It. buttered his napkin ring under o impression that it was a muflin , and o meal progreasoi in silence. Tliocniii Ititnk LYAHHtNd ro.v , September 0. Tlio Socoud itloiml liimlf , ot .Xeiiln , Ohio , having nmJc jil tlu'lr Imp.dri'd capital , hai been author- d to resume business. L'lles are froqnontly preceded by a souse of Ight iu ho bock , loius and lower part of tha JomoucAiie > [ nR tlio patient to suppose hohaa no fttfectlon of the kldnoya or neighboring ; aiy. At times , gym toma of Indigestion i proxont , aa ilatuency , nuoaalueea of the inach , otc. A moist cro like persplratlou , xlucing a Aery dUagreoablo itching partlcu. ly at night alter getting warm in boil , ita rv common attendant. Internal , External J Itching Piles yield At once to the appllca- n of Dr. llosanko's 1'ilo Itemedy , which act' octly ur-n the imrts allected , abgorbliig the non , allaying the intense Itching , and of- iting a permanent euro where other rome- ui IIAe failed. Io not delay until the drain tlio byntoin producoa ponnauont dU&blllty , t trv It and bo cured. Bcliroter & l > cht , "Trade Boppllsdby 0. V Goodman.1 Unnmihir an In nram n 1:1 ncrnl MotttMC , alula i cin < Inr le e i nuuc , liulizr t ' il > . 119 nHi < ti < rhi i ! nicr < lnl'ihtmint Initial ucikkrie § < c tntill tiwl upon fonnil Mi li nl ir than tucuH > c i'vorlcncoaim no tnnro to film l > \ tlie hitrat ) ) t trim S < linivrlenl protouilom , lli'xn oorlKtinc liill tlio uirnH hat lor al \ > \ all DR JORKE'S ELEGTRSG BEL Will euro S'erroiiMi uiinlnpn Uhetinmtl-m , I nlT'l' Nciimljtln , hciitl Klilni j. SilMf | nnl M uout \ Uiinaiir Ii > i l'i'la , Con I r. . iln , Vntni . liniwlpr Duinli VKOP ProiAput * Vtcrl , pt' lnlj pi hiiutlc K tin licit in .MniTli i Hint ri-niliitliiifliKtrlrltjrnnil tn lirtum tlirniiKhthrtiotlf and can lie riTliarKi-d In an [ taut uy the mtli'nt SI.OOO Would Not Buv It. Winter U comlnjr , the reason ol the jcar for ac ] and ( nlna In Uow ol this ( act , no y , buy ono Doctor Ilorno'd Electric llelts. bv no dolnp , > ou v moid Hhcumatlsm , Kldncv tro'ibtve and other that llcjli In hotr too. Po not dclar , but call at c cilice , and examine the belts , 1422 Douglas St. , Oc ha Neb. Of for B l at 0. F. Goodmui'i TUng Storo1 1 ! I rn m St , Oinaht. Orders flllod 0. 0 O IAFTKHJ" LKcmoVOLTAIC nni.T end other rt.ncm f ' Afi > rlANcm nro cent on U ) Days' Tiial T MKH ONLY. ' ° UNO OH OID , who nro stiffc jn from NKIIVOUS DEnn.rrv , LOST VITAIJT' WiSTiNdVr.iKNrs5is. . nnl nil those liinca'rsor I'xnsovir. tUtuim , rosiilttu ( ? from AIICSES an OIIIKU CAUBI * Speedy relief anil potnplet rastoratton tt tTnALTii , VIOOB nnU MANIIOO Tnrn beiul at ouco for Illiutrato et free. Aunrcaa 'ir.i/r t ; . . miimimli. T BOTTLES , Erlanger . Jtfnvnrii Culmbacher , . Eavnn : Pilsner . Bokomiai Kaiser . . DOMESTIC. Bndweiser . St. Louis Anhauser . St. Louk Besfc s . Milwaukee 5cliliiz-Pilaner . Milwaukee STUB'S . Omaha Ale , Porter. Domestic and Rhini Wine. ED. MAIJUER. T33C3E3 HAS NO UPERIOR. 'he Steck is a Durable Piano , UK BTECK HAS SINQINQ QUALITY OF TONE FOUND NO OTHER PIANO. SOLD NTY BY WOODBKIDGE BROS , , OMAHA NKI1. 1,000.00 find n pirtltle WIFT'S "Ilm\o cured Illood Taint liv the use of Sn Ift'a vccillo alter I inept signally failed \\ith tlie Mer ry and 1'otash Iruatment. F. A. TOOMEU , M. D. Pcrrj , Oa , "Snl't's Pptcldo has cured mo ol Strouliotl2 ( am Btanillnc. Had sorei ns UIKO an ni > hand , and orj one thought I uas dnoinid. huift'b Specitia irid 1110 alter phjblmns and nil other mcillclnu had Hfd ' U , L. IIIC11I , U.noke , Ark. ' ( A AAA"0'1'1' ' ' ' dt purchiso from no Mint > 1 WUUU Swilt's Spcclflo has dfiio for me. It dru mo of Kht'umatiiinciund hi inilarla , " AHUIIIE THOMAS , Kprluunol. ! , Tonn. ur Trcitha on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free plicauta ta THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Oa. N. Y. Offli-o , 0 W , 22d St. , between 6ih and 7th lUUfD. Phlladcliibla o < Hco 100 C'hcatnut t. KA LAND AGENCY QUCCESSOIl TO UAVI3 It SHYDEQ. ) Oeuora 1605 FAHNAM ST. OMAHA. J r lor tala Joo.OOO acrea oarerally sebntod landi lUntern Nebraska , at low prlc and on easy terms [ oiprovna laruis toruala In Douglas , Uodfo , Oollai itte , Hurt , ( .tuning , Uariiy , Waanlngton , aforlci indem , and Duller Bounties. faiei paid In all parts ol the Stite. ifonev loanwl on Improved farms. Votary 1'ublio always In offlco Concspondence 10LBROOK , SBELTOS S BEANY , ngineering , Survepg AND CONTRACTING WORK no within the city and throuKbout the State , rotllco Crclnhtou Illock. opposlto City Engineer's w- al'-liu URAL NEBRASKA ! o Leaaing Agricultural and Live Stock JiOrnal of tlie We st. Pages { rjTRiwTuiEAn jgo Colnnms H. S. SMITH 5c CO. , 1 ( I9BS AS N'KOIIT. W VUUNAS , Secretary Sta Board ol Agriculture , Auoclate Editor. PRICE , fl.OO per } ear la advance. t > and 103 a Uth Slice t. - . CM AHA , NEBt Dwing to the increase ii our business we've idinitted to the firm Ir Edwin Davis , who s well and favorably \ < i mown in Omaha.This M 7ill enable us to ban- lle an increased list f property. We ask hose who' have desi- able property for ale , to place the same rith us. The new firm be \ ; EAL ESTATE - < j 13 South Mth St , \i