I HE H.H j . v ? FOURTBENT H YEAK. OMAHA , NEB , , MONDAY iMORtflNG , SKPTEMBKR 8 , 1884. NO. 07 i IMPENDING CONFLICT , The Great Political Campaign to Take Form , Eooruiting Olansj Marshaling Foroas Every Wherei Hondrioks Rs-itorates the Anoiont and Exploded Dogmasi And Passes Opinion on lltho Great Labor Candidate/ ' St , John at Houio Butler on His Travels Nc\v T'catiircH of the Illaliic-Scntlncl tiihcl Suit Callfornla.M Oainpalmi ConuncnucH I'oliticnl luin of Kyory Variety. IxiMAXAl'oi.l.s , 1ml. , September P. MX- Governor Ilendricks addressed S,000 people a' Jhmcio to-day. In the course of hU speech ho said : It is now twonty-fivo years that the republican party has controlled the administration and executive affaira of this country , and it is of the first importance that you and I should consider the question whether that is as long as ono bet of men ought to continue in absolute control , in other words , the question is before us , cniiltl not there bo a clinngo' ! 1 ask your ntteution only to the last nineteen years during which that party has coutiolled tin administration and executive nlfnirs of the country. I could not find figuro3 or words to express to you the enormous sums of money that have been collected and the euorinousi sums of money thnt have been paid out. 1 will refer , by way of illustration , only to one year. Dur ing tlio last year , as icported by the secreta-y of the treasury , the collections and expendi ture ? amounted to SGi3,000,000 ( , The history of those transactions are found in many thou sands of volumes and they were recordeiiiby many thousand moil , men belongim ; to ouo party only. No democrats have bean allowed to participate in any of the allaira of the coun try. 1 speak in substance. An occasional dem ocrat may bo allowed an ollice , but fi r the great purposes of administeiing the af fairs of thego\ernm nt the democrats hn\o been excluded and to you men thoipiO'tion is pronented now , ought there not be a change ? Shall they be open.d ? Shall tharo he an op portunity for us to know wh.it has been wrong in tlio records of tha country , so that we may know whether it is well or ill ? I do not claim that one political party , in the lirst place , in its organization , is probably any mcio honest than any other. If wo had no political par ties in this country , and were going to estab lish two political patties , and were to run a line through this crowd , and thu men on that aide were to bo of ono party and the men on tliia side of the other party , the chances would bo that there would bo just a < < many honest men on one side as on the othsr.and as many ropuoi , perhaps , as on the other ; but suppose this p.irtv comes into power , and it becomes established , that it is going to retain power twentv years , and have tlio control of the otlices , the cjntrol of the money and of tha country , don't yon too that all the rcgnua on this Mdo would gradually come over and join the Btivng Ma and giadu- ally push honest men OH this tide until they would take control of the dominant party themselves I don't expact , Gcntlnmcn , that all men in ollice should be turned out. I do notdusira that where a republican , gov erned by his conscientious coin iction , liaslK'on inollicaand has proven himself to heatiuo nnd honest man iu the administration of that ollice , I do not nek that ho shall belurneJout ; but 1 ask that honest men ahall bo placed in ollico sulliclontly numerous to give the people of this country information in regard to their alfairs. Tha lepubliuans , for tlio hiit nineteen years , have said to every democrat , you shall have no voice in the control of the attain of the government. They have seen fit to ocuupy that position with n cruel proi-ciiiitivu policy , excluding every man tint did nut an't'ee with them. What do you think , my eiuntry.nien ? Shall it be continued any longer ? [ Cries of "no : " ] Mr. Calkins lepublican canilidato for governor , in a speech a weeks ago , said wn had S100,00ai Oil in the treasury. He said that by way of bravadoi-ii ( ) . What i iht Ins the gov ernment tu 8100,030,000 of th ? peoplt-j money that it has no occasion to use in the adminis tration of its ulfture ? What would be the of- fest if tixes were minced eo that money would como hack into your pockets and into the chan nels of trade ? lim't yon know that it would "timnlate enterprise ? Don't you know tint it would gjve.employment to laborers ? Send the money into the channels of trade | and wheat wont Pell nt a bogging market for i > 2 cents , 7- cents and 78 cents per bushel. o County Ki.vllNir : : , Neb. , September ( ! . The antimonopoly - monopoly convention for the Twenty-sixth senatorial district met here to-day and nomi nated K. C. Calkins for feaator. His iiomin- ntion was endorsed by th democratic conven tion , accepting him , not as a democrat , but as an nnti-monopollst. The judicial convention of tlio same party alto mat and nominated .lohii Hard for judge of the Tenth dUtiict and Thomas S. Nightingale , of l.oup City , for prohecntiiig attorney. Stirring speeches wore made by .Mr. CalKins and L. W. lireono. Dciiiocriitlo County Conventions. I'AWNKI' . 1'AW.VUK Cirv , September 0 , The demo cratic county convention assembled to-day and elected delegates to thohtato and uoDgroashin nl conventions at Omaha , The following delegates were elected to the state convention : C. T. KdetA. . AV. Hloum field , It , W. ISuwman.C. A..I.Moss , .T , ( i , ] ' Hildohrand , . Congrosiional delegates ? .f. W. McCaHlaml , J. (1. i' . Jlildobrand , 1) . C. Str.itoii , 1) . T Meeker , Charles llnmphioy. State delegates are hi favor of Morton fi r governor and ( fovcrimr Duller for fusion can didate for coDgrem. The democrats and anti- monojiolisU are slronply in favor of fusion. The Cleveland boom increa'es daily. 1'ull dolegatloin will RO from hero to all conven tions , SAlirv. I'AriU.to.v , September 7. The democracy of S.trpy county iwsombled hero to-d.iy nnd se lected dolegnte < to tha congressional , judicial and stile convention" . The convention wns well attended. The fallow Ing resolution wns unnninion ly ndoptod : Hejolvod , That the delegation from thi county to the state comcnliou bo Instructed to n o nil honorable mean * to hn\o the name of lion. S. F. Itnrtull placed upon the elector- nl ticket. The doleznteo to Ili3 otnte convention nre : lien Jlolmnti , lion. ,1olin ( j. ( tojs , li.irtVil - eon and ICdgnr llownrd \\ASIMSllTON. Ul.Atli , Neb. , Septsmber ( i. At the demo , crnlic cunvoutum to-day the following delegates - gates were elected to the so\oral convention * : To the state conxontioni L' . 11 , Ulnrk , , lee .rohnsou. Frank Hiilnniau , 1'otcr Ilammany Senatorial : Samuel I ! . ' .Jlover , W. 11. I'm- mer , W. C.Deaton , Win. Stolteuberg. Tnird judicial ilistiict : A. M. Dewing , W. H. I'ntmwotth , K. M. Stonndfield , lien. Xcal , 1' . ( ! . Cooper , H. Schoder , .jnliua Lund. To the senatorial convention : F. M , Fram- worth , George Slch , F. It. lUvie , W. Lysou , F. ! ' . Bunlick , .loo .lolmsou , and M" . U. Xowcll. I.ANCASTKIt , The democrats of Lancaster county made the following nomination ! ) : Lexislativo ticket. Senators. W. 15. Mor- rlsion , A. .1. Sawyer. IJoprojentatives. Henry Simmon' , Henry K. Jjewi * , A. S. Tibbets , .1. V. Wolf , .lames Lodwith , ICugeno Wocn.er. DKLIQATKS : TO THI : HTATI : rosvKxrio.v , Goo. llngensick , Win. McLauglilin , 11. llolemberg , John McManigal , K. 1' . Child , W. 1' . 1'ryor , K. T. Iluihon , 11. H. Edwards , A. W. Krvim- . COXnltlHSlONAl. CO.NVKNTIO.N. C. F. Lidolph , A. . 1. Sawyer , J. V. Wulf , M. .Oppenhoimer , M. Montgomery , H. .1. Whitmore , .lohu M. llurks , U. S. Jlaloney , Jr. , ilndgo Crooke. Tlie following resolutions were unanimously adopted : " \Ve tha democrats of Lancaster county in in convention nesemblcd , do hereby instruct the delegates to the democratic convention to use all honor.ible methods to eecute the nomination of lion , J. Sterling M tirCoii for governor of the state of Nebtaskn , and we do pledge our earnest and cordial suppoit to bccnro his election if nominated. " Resolved , That the Uw enforced by n re publican legislature in this state whereby a monopoly ot convict labor is given to one linn mid placed in competition with the hon est labor of the st'ito and Lancaster county thereby madon peiral colony , is detrimental to the bast interest of tha state , and particu larly to Lancaster county. Uexolved , That we condemn the action of tin board of commissioners of public lands and buildings in not awarding the contract for erecting the main part of the capitol building to the lowest tC'iioiiribEe bidder , whoiehy they would have saved to this psople of the statsSIO.OOJ. Itesolved , liy the democracy of Lancntor county in convention assembled ! , that in JIou. 1' . I ) . Stmdevant , our present stUo treasur er , \yo recognize an able , ellicient and honest ollidal , and wo most earnestly lecomni , , the state convention hii renomimitioii. ml t oroi : . NKI.UASIC.V CITY , September 0. The demo cratic convention met nt Syracuse jes'erday md every prf cinct was represented. The con vention was called to order by Hon. Hubert I'ayno. secretary of the central committee. On motion Mr. i'.vyno was elected temporary cliaiinran , William Clnrv bocrotnry and Ji. ] ) . Marnell assistant. This organization was made peiiuanent. The following resolution was then adopted : noiioE. Fii.MONT : , Nebraska , Siptomber ( I. The lemocratic convention for IJoilge county met ! iore to day and elected the following delegate t to the state convention : W. L. May , Geoigo ] j. Loonds , X. W. Snrills , James Murray , M. H. Hinmanat , John Farrcll , H. Williams , N , I'nscnl , George C. Laiid. lelcgats to congreiiiimal convention : John H. Sherwin , Louis Spear , .1. JJ. Smith , C. J ) . Jiardnnier , H.H. Ijoosehi.'ii , John Uomberj. , Michael Kyan , Ashley Park , John Dehmcy. The delegates piesent uro to cast the full vet J of the delegation. A resolution was unanimously passed to nso all honorable means to secure the Humiliation if Judge Gustavo lieiioako , of Omaha , for stati auditor. Kei-'olvoj , JJy the dcmocraoy of Otoo cnun- ; y. in convention assembled , that the delo- ; ates selected by ttiis convention to represent his coiioty in the democratic xtato eonvnn- ion to b hold : n ( Inrilin September 11 , 16SI , ; onnd they are Inrflby instructed to cast their vote as a unita for W. 11 Alnnger. f'ir the of- ice1 of attorney general uf the ntato of Nobras- ; a ; and that they also ba and are hereby in- Cincti'il to cist their vote as a unit for the loniination of .1. Starling Morton , for govcrii- ir of this stati' . Tno following doloifales wore elected to the dilforent conventions : Stato-J , S. Morton. 1) . Maconlnjf , T. W. I'oiter , Itubeit 1'ayne , I , , JJnyatt. . ) . Vf. Ka- ton , M. Jiauor , JO. Munii , .M. 1) . Campbell , md ( .i. W. Covell. Congrensional W. A. Cotton , I'M Sheldon , siah Modern , F. Harney , Dr. Sliirmer , I ) . Stranb , .1. W. ICIddoo , Harry Cox , W. T. Janaila , CI. W. l''i.spr. Judicial H. It.Wodohou-o , D.T. Hnydcn , A. 1 ! . lirown , William Hawko. T. J. Jnckson , L. Kimo , ilnniSH M.cAleor , C. M. Hubner , lohn Stcinhart nnd Ji. I' . Davis. The following gentlemen were nominated tnr the legislative ticket : Senator Loui.s Huetel ( repiOM'iitative last term ) . For representatives ICugeno Mnnn , J. W. Morris uud Klii'rt 1'ayne. Cominis- hioner W. T. Sloan. TKLKGUAIMJIO NKWS NOTKS. Secretary Lincoln and his wi'e have gone to Washington with the remains of Mrs. Harlan. The chief of police of tjnincy. 111 , , was BUH- jioiuU'd by the mayor for oillcial irregularities. The Jacksinian political club perenaded Gov prniir Cleveland nt Albany on Saturday even ing. Alderman George Kolxtrtson , n pi eminent citizen of Burlington , lowu , died hiiddualy , Saturday. The Iowa commission of the Now Oilcans World's fair will meetnt Cedar Rapid' , Sep tember 10. About 8 000 bushels of wheat wf re discovered in a New York wnrchousa to bo In a damaged condition , Assistant Postmaster Iforgus , of Alvin , III. , was nrrestod in Chicagu Patmday fcr iitling re 'istorod lottery , TJiii colored citiwns of Niw Voik hold "ft meeting Hiturday night to'diecuss tliu political eituatlon. Union J'ai/is ollicers In St. T. < mU < l ny the repmt that the eompnny s ollices in that city me to be elo ed. The Second Xntional lunk of Xonln , Ohio , has made good its unpaired capital and has been authoiized to ic. < muo bu ine. < s. The ] J. C. It. fi N. , railroad have applied to the Stock K\clinno for the listing of $ ltl.5 : , 0U0 of the new ft per csnt bonds. The srh'dulo of a.silgnmont of C. M. lla ctt A Co. , dealers in straw goods , New York , rhw their liahllitios to be 5111,000. C. C. Comsok ( , In the Grand Itnplp. * , Mich. , district : has been nominated for con gress by the democrat * nud greenbackers. J Jit N ropoited from Hixt'iii that Wet t , candidate didato for vlee-proidcnt on tinKtitlrr ticket , will be tnken elf nod llomlrlcks Mibstltulcd , L. H. Wellcr wax renominntod for coiiRropi Saturday by the democrat * of the Fourth Iowa dlstnct. _ He Ins nNo ircoivitl the gi eenback nomination. Throe hundred of tlio cNcurfioning scien tists from I'lnladelphia to Long Draneh Sat urday wcrn entertained by lion ? . Isaac Lon , Geo. W. Childs and U. & Grant. The Now York KvcnlngTo't doisnot taken very hopeful view of the railroad situation. It considers the chances olim for adjusting the new percentage between the trunk lino1. The trustees of the city of Geneva haxopa's- ed resolutions of i egret at the death of Secro- taiy Folirrr. Most oftho state ollicers , mid possibly Governor CloM'land , nro expected to attend the fnncra' ' , 1'hil Thomps'in Jr. , the Kentucky congress man rendered famous HOMO months since by the shooting of his wife's paramour , was de feated for nomination Saturday by c.Gov. . Jos. IJ. McCrowy. The bank statement showf loans , increase Sl.-iniOOU ; Hiifclu. docrenso 8210,000 ; hyal tnnders , decrease ยง 80,000 ; reserve , 81,071,000. The bankers now hold SilO/i 10,000 in excess of legal reiiilremenls. [ The imports nt the prt > of Now York for the week ending Sntmday , wete S7 , ! i5,0t,0 , of which S2.-i : < ! > ,000 was dry goods and 85- fi2i,000 ( general merclmndise. Total imports since January , ate S'JOj.IV.Il.fiOO against $ , " > 30- 753,01)0 ) for Ilia sn'no peiiod last jear. A laree a . emblago witnessed the match race at Charter Oak park , Hattford , for SJ- .r > 00 n aide , between Maud Messenger and Hipley's I'ldl Thompson. Uoth had u record of U:1M. : M aud Ali'siengur won in three straight heals. Time , 2:10M7.1 : } , 2HI. : At Ohieago Saturday night the liolice arrested Johnny Files. Tommy Cliand- ler , principals , and six or eight nbottors of n recant l ri/.e light , nil of whom v > ere admitted ball. Jere Dunn who figured prominently in the alfnir , could not be found by the police. The Sheopshead Hay races Saturday wore largely attended and a fine piogrnmmo was presenteJ. The race of the day in which tlio winner belt the record by one second was the autumn cup , three miles. The starters woio General Monroe , Drake Carter , Levant , IMue Gra H Belle , Fosternl , Competition , Kiln Warliehl and Bushwhacker. Blue Grass Belle led the Must two miles , with General Monroosecond and Drake Carter third. Gen eral Monroe then went to the front , closely m-essa'.l by Levant and Drake Carter. At the ncad of tha htretch than- was a general clos ing tip. After a tight fctrngglo Drake Carter won easily by six lengths. General Monroe second and Levant third. Time , fi'JI. : BTATI : . Tim demncrnts of Neligh held "a grand rally" Saturday night , lion. Jns.V. . la\is ) and others addressed the meeting. During a small riot in a Lincoln brickyard n week ago the foreman was ttruck in the face by n laborer. The injury , nt first thought to be trivial , is now decided danzerniH. Tlio man was in a critical condition Satin-day. Lincoln is excited over the discovery at the corner of F and ( Eighteenth streets , ot a bun dle of woman's clothing saturated vylth blood aud perforated in tovur.il places with what is mppoaed to bo bullet holes. Tno matter is in the hands of n detective. A rousing republican mass mooting wns held at Lincoln Saturday night , iu which public adilres'osi , profuse fireworks and boundles en- thu-iasm wer > ) the prominent features. ( ! . M. l.ambertson and J. H. C.vldwell werj the orators of the oeca'ion. Valparaiso wn i the cceno of a grand r.ipub- lican rally Saturday niudit I1' . A. 1'ni-soni , of Lincoln , Jmhie Wright , of Wahon , Senator - tor elect C. A. Day , of Saunders county , I1' . A. Soovillo , candidate fop representlive ; ! from Valparaiso and John Scolt , candidate for comity commissioner were the speakers. Much enthusiasm. | 'OIUKN. : ; In Spain for the 1I ! hours ending Saturday night , there 12 new cases of cholera and six leaths. There were four deaths from cholera at Marseilles France , for the twenty-four hour.s , cmhiig Satmday night. London advices from Cairo , Kjrypt , are that .hat the rapid fall of the Nile increaves tha 'ears that Wolsoley's plan for reaching Khar- ,011111 will ] > rove -v failure. The dominion commissioners appointed to report on Chinoju immigration h ivo returned , oToronto , and iccommond legulation if not restriction. Admiral Miot cables the French govern ment that he has soixed Sossandava bav , Madagascar , without resistance. The French still oicupy Tamatave , Two hundred fresh eases of cholera were re ported Saturday in Naples. Deaths , however , showed a slight diminiilion. The supply of melts in the city is exhausted , A Hong Kong dispatch to the Times Bays the governor of that place his received orders to enforce the provisions of the foreign enlist ment act. The governor has notified the Fiench admiral of these orderis und the latter will respect the measure. At Glasgow , Scotland , immonto demonstra tions in favor of llio franchise bill occurred Saturday. Soianty thousand persons matched In procession , bearing banners insciihcd with Btingirig legends altacking the house of lords. The column was ten milnslong' Hainan telegram : Fur the past twenty , four hours to Satuidny night , Italy , now cas-es of cholera , "M'.t ; death * , l&K. The epidemic in the province ot Genoa is confined t < > Spe/.ta and its vicinity , HIS of the freuh cases and ( i'.l of the deaths reported above were in the city of Naples , Advises from Capo Town stale that thocom- mandnr of thationnan tmnboat Wolf , has- ta ken formal pu'eession In the name of the tier- man Kmpiru of all the west coast , of Africa , between thu eighteenth and tuenty-i-txth de grees , south latitude , with the eimrln excep tion of Wnlvirch hay , annexed to the liiUixh posEofcsions a faw weeks u/o , by thiMiulhoriticH of Capo Colony. At the rt'hoarf.'d of the ballet "Syhra , " in the opera homo at Madiul , Spain , Manager Matwir lebnked Scnorn Vullef for making it wionghlep Haying : "You dauca hko u chick en. " After the puiformance , thohiisband of the dan-iouso entered the inauager'H box and di'inunijod nn apology , Mnssar dnniedthatho inniilted the ludy , whereupon the hnsbaiid utluggei inln Masnar'n heart. HARBINGERS OF HORROR , Aplliog Praspccl for Ilaly Under Ibc Dealh seal of Cholera , Panio and Anaroliy Among the Foar-striokou People London Exoitod in Anticipation of a Dymito Outbreak , A Times Sensational Article Creates tbo Direst Anxiety , A Ghastly Narrative of Canni balism at Sea , Miuldoncil with Hunger and Till rut a Party \Vrcolcotl Seamen Kill anil I itt 11 Companion. Cliolora I'nnlc In Italy. Special to 'line BKE. TiON'DON , Septmubar 7. Whaiovor tempo rary lluctuatioiH of disciiso thcru mny In1 , tli-re H mi doubt but Naples Is now in for nn awful struggle with cholera , nnd thcru in no dinner for question thut Italy's visitation wilt ticllp-e in nouuoim AND .MOHTAUTV , the record made liy the south oC Franco. In spite of the nrbitinry mid costly cpinrantiiio precautions taken , tt is n noteworthy fact that nil point of thel | tnlinn border.receive.theldiaeaso from refugees from France. Income of the cilloj of thn north the viruh'iico oftho diseu ; < els | such nsliasno parallel in French citioi. Fewer reports urn received from them , but these portray tray a horrible Htnto of allaim. Disgraceful stories of I'ANIO AND ANAKCHV corni1 from nil parts of the country. They far overshadow the worst incidents reported from tin ) poorest ipiatlors of Mar * el HIM nud Toulon. Kverytthero lha belief is prevalent that the dficlors epnwl the poison , having received or ders to kill the people , and ln-nco the poor liiilu their nick and mob the doctors in the streets In ono cnsu they oven attacked n hoipital priest and poundqd him no.iily to death. A public nillcinl in C'auip O'uasso lied to Koine and bociuue A ItAVINU MAN'IAC from fright. The- terrified nud cowardly vil lagers h.t\e taken tlio law int > their own h.uidHand established all suits ot ridiculous quarantine" , which llio government haH to break up by force , and often by violence. The result is absolute ruin to all bmincsin the kingdom , and the extensive providence of liad feeling. _ Dyiianiito Scare. Special Dispatch to The ! ! IK. : LONDON , September 7. The Times pub lishes a hODBulinunl story concerning an al leged revival of dynamite plots against the Knglish. crown. According to the Times , o constnnn nnd increasing Iraflic has boon 'ar- nngcd between the conspirator , - in England and the United Stitoj. : "Hlo Times alleges that the authorities hive been com pelled to set up the must , extra- i4diunry precautions for the safety of the iliirercnt members of the royal family. The impression coiuoyod liy the Htnsntional publication is thut thti dynamiters hnvo sue- urodud in collecting in Knglaud n vast amount of oxplohivcH ; that the near future will wit ncsj the most violent outbreak of dynamita outrage ? 'hat hnvo over occurred in Ureat , Blitnin , and that the conspirators will direct the in-inuip.il attack straight against thu throne itselt. Iniiuiry nt the deUctivo head- 'inarterii , Scotland Yard , caused a Binilo of derision and the Htatemout that theio was nut the leant truth in the publitation. A IlorrilHo Tnloof tlio Scu. Special dispatch to Till' BII : : . LONDON , September 7. A case of misery at sea which po exceeds in ghanlly horror the cannibalism of tlio ( Jreoloy expedition , is brought to light by the arrival at Fnlmimlh of the Cicrman bnrk Monlcziimn , from Itangoon , having on board the survivors of the wreck of the yacht Mignontee , wnmccn i.vriu : INDIAN < H'i\.v : , June llth. Captain Dudley , two Hcanion nnd a lad named -ulcer got into a small boat. For provisions they hul : inoiely a jew turnl ) K and no vyator. They HiibHilcd for live days on the turnip * , and on tlio liltli they cniight a small turtlu , they liad been terribly tot lured by thlrht , and on the eighth day their sutler- ing becamoNo maddening that they iuN : : milNKiNi ; lim.VK , which practice- they continued until icscucil. liy the twelfth day there was absolutely nothing - ing left to oat in the boat , The b y , 1'aiker , was the weakest and it wan evident that he was slowly dying. The others liiiiigerlngly watched his symptom * of dissolutionOn the twentieth day after the entire party had been without n particle of food for eight < la > s , thu captain hastened young 1'arker'n ile-ith by opening a vein in his nriu. The three Hurvlv- ors eagerly IWAN'K TIIK 1101 'H III.OOD ni It gushed from his arm , and cut his llei-h from liix bones and ate it uncooked but with some decree ) of moderation , the captain hoop- ing posjoxsion of the earc.its unil serving out to hiirsolf and sailors only such daily rations as weVo necosjary to prolong their xvretche I ixlstoncQ in thi-i wav until > lnly , when tln-y WCTU Ncen nnd rescued by th Ifiir MojcNtj'H Navy. LONDON , .Soptomber 7.In rusponto to the demands of the press to stiongthon the Jtritish Holt in ChinoHo waters , n communliuu | hns beau issued by the admiralty to despatch tov- ural corvettes and composite sloops to China , The Army and Nuvy ( j'atto , however , de- clarCHthat the admiralty if tryinir to throw dust , in the oyei of the public to c mceal the fact chat tlioro is not a Ninglo vcsael ready to eoud through the Sue/ canal that would he ublo tn ( install ! an attack by the weakest I'Vench iron clad under Adndrul Corn-bet. If tl.je wan a xliip 1 tally , It snys , the admiralty would ba unable to man her without calling on tion of siii'li utter naval ell ) Moasilltnke jears to remrdy. It N ri imitrd that Chinese npents In ( lias- ( jiiw't l.irrpi > ol nnd liondon arc Irving to ar- innpi1 privateer eoiumi i > ii'iislth tlio object ol priymg on Vienchcommpicp. iM on Iliulrr. IsniANAi-otis , September . In an Inter \ low this afternoon , ( inventor llcndiicks wa < nskcd : "Whaldoyou think will ln > the n. milt of Uutlcr's i-invajsr1 "That Is dllllcull to answer. Imtlor is n xi-ry dniiRorous man bofnro nn amlirnco nndill \ attract 'argelv. nndero the rlfction held today Itutloroiilii Imvo n eoinidcrublo votn , lint the proop-i't troeR on straiiily. The people do netlike like to throw nwny their votiM. The cettainly Hint hit i-lcclion 'n Impnnsiblo under any cii- cnmstnnco ? will'di lei m ny of hit admirer * from voting for him. It it also Impossible for him to elfect ni pei feet nn oiganlr.nl Ion HI the old partio' , but Itutler is a remarkable man nnd his bett friend" admit that hi is noiy good one. " "If the Chicago con\cnlion had jilmnil \ our nnmo nt llio head of the ticket think you , it would have had his support ? " " 1 know it , 1 know it. " St. itdlin at llottte. OI.ATHI : . ICaiHits , September 0. ( lovernor St. ilohn letntncd home to-day for the lii , t ti'ae since his nomlnatlun for thn pi'esliU'iiey. An elFort was made to lender him n reception irrespettivo of politic. * , but the mayor nnd council lefiMid to have anything to do with it. po the management of the reception was eon- lined almost exclusively to his personal fileuiN. The ex-governor met nt the ( Input by a delegation of citizen * and a band of music and fiom thence taken to the public sipiaro , wln'ii' nil addre of wt'lcomova made by Mr. Pitcher and ro pomlo.t ( e liy St. ilohn. Uoth spercl.iM wern .very briof. The imml'er of people prcsout did not -exceed four Immlred , inchidim ; women miiLjchihlrcn. St. .lohu is Mihlretsiug < | inlo a lar cVaiuliouco at the opera house to-nlghl . Iturlal ol .Si'iintoi * Antliony. inrsi'K , I ! . 1. , Septcn lior Cii Vl'l.ii fu neral of Senator Anthony was holft at noon to-day. The tur\ Ices were Boloinn nnd ini- protsho. They wore attended by dNtiiiEiiihb- ed representatives from ovury branch of the senate and house , and by humliedi of fileiulu , including President Arthur , the strgcant-at- arms of the general nsRomhly. Services wore conducted by Kov. Mr. Slicor , assist od liy lte\ . Huntley , cha'laii ; of tliOBcnato. At the conclusion of the uvuling of the cervico of the dead , the choii Hang "Hist , Spirit , Itest.1 lov.Voodbury ! thnn pienchod n Hcrmon , niovlin ; ninny to team. A prayer w.i th on offered , anil the icinnlmi were then berne to the cemetery nnd placed in thu ton b. Kami Hall Saturday. At Columbus Columbus , 'J ; Virginia , 3. At Toledo Toledo , ! l : Allegheny. 10. At Wnfhington ( I'nions ) Nationals , , 1 ; Kansns City , ( I. At I'hiladolphia-Philadelphia , li : Detroit , ( i. At ProviJonco Provhli nco , 3 ; Clovflaml ; 0. At Cincinnati Cincinnati , I ! ; Molrnpuli. tlll'S , Id. At Indianapoliu IndianapoliH , li ; liiook- lyn , fi. AtWilminRVui , Del. ( Unions ) Wilming ton , " ; St. hciulrt1. . At jMilwankoo Milwaukee , 5 ; St. 1'aul , 0. 0.At At Uotou-J5uliaio , 2 : Hoslon , 1. AtNuwArork-'NowVork , 2 , Chicago. . , Tlio Colored ltriliihllcan : . Special iTifjiatch to TUB llltlt. Nr.w YOIIK , Suptoinber 7. A conference of colored republicans from v.iriou * parts of tlio country.was hold nt the Fifth Q-t4 uchotci last night for the pnrijose of taking decided and un.-iK'isteil action iintho aid of the republican ticket The meeting was piivnlc , but it is un derstood that tho.plans foi thu work arc already defined. Tlio RIorfy Loiter SlyRlory. Special dispath to The lii ! : . Lovnov , SepU'inlMT " . Kenwood Phillip , now in London , says that the authorship of the forged Moicy-Chiiii'i-o letter Is nt far from i-elth'ineiit IM over. He produces a litter from ( ieorgc Hlim cvoni > rating him fiom all participation in the crime. Tjncro Ijald Up. Xiw : Yoith , Hoptembir (1. ( Unnk state incut : Loans increase , $1,1.11,030 ; Specie do- asu , . ' 'lO.OOOjle'fiil tendur ilucronm , . l/JfiS.- 000 ; depoMts increan , SSllLfiOO ; circnlatioii decieaso. il.'i71lUl ( ) . The banks now hold is'IU,510,000 ! in exces < of legal rcipiirenients. Tlio Mlo TiinililuH. CAIIIO , Hi'iitciober ( ! . Advices from Wndy llulfa rtnto the Nile has fallfln so much that hunting boatK up the cataracts is suspended. Rheumatism Wo doubt ! f there Is , or oan he , a Rprcllli ! remedy for rheumatism ; hut thousands who liave HiilTered Its pains liivo : heen greatly hen- I'llled by Hood's Snrsaparllla. If you hi\o ; failed to llnd relief , try this great icmcdy. " 1 was alllleled with ilHMimiillxni twenty years. J'revlou.s to IBSJ I found no relief , lint grew worse , and at one lime was almost helpless - less Hood's Snrsfiparilla did mo iiioru good than all the cither niedlclno I ever hail. " II. T. ilAi.roMShli-Icy VlllaRi' , Mass. " 1 had rheiiiii.-illsin Unco years , : md got no relief till I took lloiid's Harsapaillla. It has ddiii ! great things for me. I leeoiumenil It to others. " I.r.wiH Ilriui.VNK , IllihJcfonl , Me. Hond'H Sarsaparllla Is characterised l.J three pecnllailllcs : 1st , the rtimlilmttton ol remi'illal agenlHj 2d , tlio jirojMirtloni 3d , the 1irucr.w of Kceiirlng the active ini'illclna/ / ijunllllc * . The result Is lunedlclno of minsiw' ' Ktreiigth , eircctlng cureH hllherto niiknowii rii-nd for hook containing additional evlilcncn , " llood'H riarsati.'irllki limes up my Hy.slem. purllles my liloml , hliiirpen.smv ajipetlle , anil t-eeins lo'inrdio llio over. " .1. 1' . TlluJII'HO.V , Jteglslcr of IftH'Us , Lowell , Mass. "llood'x Sarsapaillla beats all others , nml lswiiilhUs\veiihtlnioil. ; ; | " ItAitniMiiuJl , l.W DanliSticcl , Now Voik City. Hood's c Sarsaparilla Hold liy nil druggists. ? l ; dlx fur $5 , Made only by C. I. HOOD & CO. , Lowell , Mass. KOBDosos.Ono Dollar , ' of Hat : Importation. WA-O.IIXIITOX , September ( ! . The Irriuury ilepallmenl leeelved a letter to-day from Dr. Hall , I'niled Statehonlth ollieer nt London , imcrting that th ( < exportation of rags into this eonnliy from England Is fraught with great danger. Sinallpoha sny , Ins been for Memo time prevalent In Ixnulon , where largo iiuantiliea of rags nre collected and shipped to Aniprun. Large ouaulltles of continent il rags are forwaided to London for shipment. These i.igs undergo no process of disinfection pro\i- OIH In ovpoitiUlon , nnd nre very likely the ngeiits to convey the infection of cholera or email-pox if collected in Infected bcnlltio.'i 'lwcnty-thp'0 bde < ol r.igs were reecnth1 shipped to Now York by the I.ydiniiMonircli ipon repriwontnllon that they had not b en collected ill any infected district , but Inve tl- sation hhowcd that they caino from Dunkirk , I'rancc , whom cholera has ju t broken out. Large ipiantlties of continental ragj are now .leiiitf forwarded t > America by way of Hulln ' imro ilnngciinis port to ship from 'than either Liverpool or London. A Sensational Itnnk I > 'nlliifo. Ntw : Hnt'Nsnu'K , N. J. , September ( > . A , iig run on tha National bank hero , the police eoping back the crush. The bank thus far las met nil dcmnniK It is rumored that .here in a deficiency of $230,000. No one loubts tint Cashier Charles S. Hill commit- led nuieido ( inventor Abbott has appointed Mr. C. M. Slack , county clerk , to the place being vacated by Hill's death. The bank Htoppod payment nt 12:15 : p , in. The run WHS ttcnioiidims nil the day nnd the snr- | ilns wns exhausted. Hill committed suicide. The deficiency is from $200,000 to ! ? 2C.O,000. Money was expected from New Yiuk to tide over ttie crash. Director M. C. Martin has [ icon sent for. Hill's speculations may impli cate others. The oillcial result of oxamina- linn in unknown. Hill was buried this nfler- noon. Tiunnmny. Ni\v \ YOHK , September . The Tnmmany hall lenders from vatiouB districls lit Id a con ference with John Kelly in Tnmnmy hall this evening. Kyery assembly district wns ropro sentcd. John ICnUy , in opening the meeting aid ho wns desirous of learning the feeling ot theRe present and llio feeling of the voters about the democratic nomination for the pros- Idoncy. hich district WHS heard in turn. While the majority of the genthmien iiresont tinted Clovolnnd was the favorite iu tlmlr re spective districts , they t-poko without enthu siasm. Several dularcd that the people wen1 for Butler. No formal action was taken , but It was tacitly decided thiiconimitteo on organ ization , which moots Monday night Khali pre paid an address and a Hones of resolutions which shall he sutnuitleil to the general cum mittee Friday for discussion. t 1're.ilorloUH KolatPH tlio Henry Kxcoulion. IsniANAi'oi.is , Ind , , Septpinber li. Serg'l. Julius Fiodericks of llio ( lively expedition , is In the city visiting his brother. Hi' eonob er.iles Sergeant Hrainerd's denial of the hlorj of ad\i-ii ! < n of the pailv , nn.l gives purlieu lars of tha shooting of Henry , tinder Greely' . orders , Haying llio senl-nco as cxceulcd bj hhii-clf , ami fiorgo.tnti < lirabierd mid Long Tuey hhot llcmy in thu luck two balls taking elfeit , pro'iiKing ' instant death. I'liey Wi'ii compe ltd t' ' > do this , bicnuso Henry was strong and active , and had lie up'ctcd their iiiti'iiunns , ho could easily have killed them Fredericks' oxpoiience wns not ( satisfactory t < him , and so ho Intcndrt milking niidther visi totiia Aictic region as FOOD as possible. Ttio Itlnlnc-Sontinul Tjlbol Suit. I.NlilASAl'OUH , September ( ! . Another stO ] u-ni ti Icon to-day in the federal court in tin Itlaine-Sentinel matter by filing the follow ing : The defendants move the emit fur n rule against the plaintiff herein to answer In tcrrogalionx under oath as recited and filci with the answer of the dofeinJanls and Ihnl thn com t shall innlco such rnlo returnable a ! such timu as may bo deemed by the court ti ho reasonable for the pun ese of tmch action by the Htatuto provided and required. The arguments could not bo heard on the motion to day ; as Judge Wood goes to Fort Wayne on Monday to hold court and the mailer will probably not be inh : < ! upon for several days. 'I ho pluinlilf'ri counsel has not lofiiKed to answer tlio mlerroxatlons. Klooily l'r < ) HiiM.'tlvi | ) for tliu KIMI- iciolry .lOlroiioiiH , Special Dispatch lo 'I'm : lice , ClM'l.v.NATI. Spptember 7.A prominent i-eiuhlican ] fiom IContucky , who don't care to inaku himself thn target , for pistol practice by liaxing hisnamo amr-imced in the same con- neetiiin ilh thu following , said in u conversa tion hero to-day that thu election in Ken- Lucky nevf. November would surely bo u lilomly alfair ; that the ni.'grorH hud leasim to Imliove tlnit the dcmoc'ats welt ) pi-cpating to iidoptand eairy one a powder mill lead policy lo carry the congieHbional distiicls Mid htate. Ho na ) H if they pers'st ' in the s''hemo and itteiupt to curry it out they will meet with i existence' . Kilo 1111(1 Illl'MHCIIllCHH. CA.SMAIIAIIA , N. Y. , September fi. The national convention of frec-thinkcrx listened , 'i-day to nddrcsaes py o.x-Keverenil Samuel I'ntnam , 1'iesidont lirown , Mrs. Clara Wat- sun , Mrs. Hannah Stem us , Colonel K. Bil- Ingf , of Iowa , nnd l-'x-Itoverend - J. H , liiirnhim : , of Michigan. The last named jircachcd from the text Blessed nro the pure n liver , for of such Is the kingdom of man. " IMlHHiiurl Itlvor CoiiiiiilBHloii. Sr. Lofl , Mo , , September ( > . 'ih ; MIsH- niil river tinprovemont commlssiun hnvo of- fi ctcd organization but will not commeiica [ iperation this year on account of thu noarnoHM of winter. The plans for ciurying out thr work weru ngreed upon , _ and wrio identical with thoHi of the MiKsissippi iivercomnilxsion , The headiiiaiteiN | ot tli'j coinniixslon nro in this city. Specie ImporlH , Niw : VOIIK , Keptemlinr II. Imports of npe- cle to the poic. uf Now Vorl , for tno week endIng - Ing to-ihiy , wenIOlIOli ! ! , making a lota cilice ( ii'.t of ' ' . January , 8IU,0'J'.lOOj ugninbt I0ii7,000 ( ) for last you- . Another K.\ peril Him HI tlio I'nlo , Coi'iiMM < tiN : , Septoinborli. Another Dan- h polar oxpedilion will xturt for the fro/.oi north next Hummnr , proceodirg by way ol Finn.Intel land. It will bo under control ol llavjurd & G&mel. CORN'S ' GAPERS , Saturday's ' Session of llie Chicago Board of Trade , The Corn Pit , the Center of Un usual Activity , 1 lostloss Antics of the Great Cereal i 5 * . C * * BB A Fever of Exoitoinont on 'Ohango ' , at and Provisions Loom Up Sullen nnd Dull , l < 'orclK < t ' .MiotiitlonH Indlcalo thnt , Mnroponn Qraln Markets nro and Dull , Special Dispatch to Tin : UKK. CllH'Aiio , September t . The corn pit on change to-day has boon the sceuo of the wild- at uxciteinont. At the opening n few scalpers , mnong whom wenKldridgo , Singer anil ? onnsclnian , had the tomeiity to eell short nt 5'Jio , but the folly of this soon became appar ent , for instead of dropping the market climbed steadily upward until ngain of nearly li cents had been recorded for September anil October. The shorts then were thoroughly Frightened. The Adams crowd tried to cover and keep n number of brokers buying alt the morning , but could not * got over 1,000,000 liufhoK It It oUlmatad Unit the tnatkot is vorsnld nnywheto from5,000,000 to 10,000,000 Imsholn , and what socina to mravato the cane , is thnt 11 Bijuuezi * is being oncinoprcd in Now Vork. Hutchinaon ii now credited with being - ing long n couple of million bushels or so , but Insiders declare tint the loader nnd front of the deal is Sid. Kent , who is Raid to hnvo the Now Vork and Chicago niatkot under his thumb. HiMsimn of the hoivlest shippers in Chicago or New York , and many times , * v millionaire. There is no danger of his running short of funds or of n corner onginccrod by him collapsing. So long as the shorts thought no one but llntclilnson was behind corn , they wore not frightened , for the know "Jhitch would never sp.tee/.o the boys for morn than thrco or four cents , but Kent is n horse of another - ether color , anJ experienced traders say there is nothing to prevent prices being worked up to 70 cents. At the cloro to-day , however , thurowas n reaction of nearly n cent , caused by tlio unloading of tailors , BO that the clo-ju was only l.J over hut night's figures. The wheat crowd was lifeless nud priccH fell elf about 1 cent. Counsolnun bought on the bottom L'l- dredge bought October and sold November , Oilfoiil sold nil dnyn t any figure , Scott Lynn biiughl Provisl us were in n worao condition than wheat , nnd Clmrlio Scrgor is said to have pitcovcrud n spear of grats fchoiitiug up in the middle of the pit. London Wheat dull : corn dull , CRid. . Cargoes oil the const ; Wheat nud corn quiet. Cargoes on p.issago ; Wheat and corn quiet , but , stoady. Weather in Kngland nnsottloil. Livcrdool. Wheat dull ; corn dull , 5sId. . OIF coast ; Wheat not much doing ; corn no business. To nrrivo ; Wheat nml corn not much doing. Wheat and corn for the United Kingdom and continent dull. Another UOHI , Won to tlio Standard Special Dispatch to Tin : Hue. Nnw YOHK , September 7. The Car Drivers mid Conductors association has about 7,000 momheis on thu roll throughout the state , of whom ' 1,000 are in the city. The proaeu political campaign possesses considerable inter est to them , and they have given nnmistaka- bio evidence of their position nt n largo moot ing tonight. RcHoliitlnnti were enthusiastical ly adopted , denouncing Cleveland's action re garding the car drivers and conductors bill , and cordially Inviting all men irrespective of politics to aid- thorn by work nnd ballots in se eming the election of Hlalne nnd Logan. 3 IQunuliIni ; an Unholy Speculation. Special Dlepatch to Tin : line. CI.KVKLAND , September 7. SergcantsHrain- ard nnd LOUR and 1'rivato Council , of the Greoloy expedition , having been Tilling an en gagement at n dhna miincnm hero. lirainnrd delivered n lecture on his Arctic experience and the others Hat on the Bingo as part of the exhibition. The secretary of war , learning of this fact , has cancelled their leaves of nhsencn and IIIIH ordered them to report at once for duty at I'oilsmouth , N , II. S HO US IGTOHGtDDOVfN ILCAKINGPOV/DEn / ' Ifnlumorn'iiy injurious fiiUManccscan bo found In AndrowH1 Pcurl Unkinu Fowde'r. ! i s. lively PUREi Jlt'Intf endorsed , rindU-itlmonlaltt received irom oualiubi.'iiilstsajH. iMnallaya , Jius * toil ! M. DehilbntJiine , orl'ttlcaKo ; and ujttavi- isode , Milwaukee. Nevereuld Iu bull : . & f (