OMAHA DAILY B gATUKDAY , SEPTEMBER 6 , 1884 TBE DAILY BEE Saturd'ay Morning September 6. LOOAL BREVITIES , Billings & Connor , Uentisli , opp. 1' , O. Pnt Uflicr's tcAtn nxn awny on Twelfth titrcct about noon ycstordny. Train No. 2 on the Union Pacific , from the wci-t , was Iftta over two hours this morn- Ing. it rnrnatn street wni aprinlcloil to-day much to tlio delight of the business men nnd tholr jmtroiis. On account of e. shortage In , 2f oraploycs In the Union Taclfio foundry lm\o been laid oil. 1'VnnUlin S. Smith fn carrying his right hand In a aling on account of ft painful nbcc s which hat taken n notion to form thereon. " Barnum'g Wg advertlding car is In tlioclly. Hlsmenwwo engaged yesterday in billing the country nnd to-morrow the largo paper will bo put up in tliis city. On Monday Jiljht ( the Mm teal Union or chcstra will go to I'rtpilllon to furnith mimic for a jirhato [ rttly given by Mr. A W. Clark a banker of that place , The sixteenth anniversary ot tlio [ Concor- dln society , will tulto plucj at Ocriiianln 1ml on the 18th of this month. A concert urn : bill will bo given. An claborto programme has bwi arranged. A small lilazo in n rcataurmit on Douglas between Fourteenth nnd Fifteenth streets , brought out the fire ilupnrtmont nt 2:30 : poster day afternoon. Tlio blaze was oitlnguMied in nhort order. Tlio datnago ID slight , The game of ball nlnycd botwcon the firo- won nnd reporters Wednesday resulted In the defeat of the latter by n score of 17 to 26. An ovc-r-nnxloiis reporter in last ovenlng'B UKK .gavo the Bcoro ai 19 to 0 In favor of the ro- pottcrH. Miss Mnltio Vickeia appeared la t evening at IJoyd'a o | > crii IIOURO in the play o" 'Mac- quino. " The utidicnco was fuir cisod nnd ap preciative. The support was good nnd everyone ono clear down to "Fido" cmno In for n hh.iro of applause. All who favor the iiroliihilton of the Rale of intoxicating liquors nro roquoitod to moot In the rooms of tlio Y. M , C. A to consult in re gard to supporting the national or ntata party , npd if thought advisable to cliooBu delegates to attend the state convention. The friends and ndmirerorH of Gen. ISiiller are rc'ijuoatcd to meet nt tlio City Hull this wvening at 7:30 : o'clock to nrrnngo for lim ro- coptlon. The General nnd party will arrive 'Tuetdny morning via the Hock Island. ] Jy Order of Com. Mr. Max .T. Barlir , ono of Max Meyer & liro'H. traveling salesman , who returned from IKuropo a few days since , brought back with him n very email gold watch. It tit not in largo ns n nicklo nud is a stem winder and Icecr" perfect timo. Upon each eido of the cauo it Iini n diamond Ectting and ii vnluod at $500. It is now on exhibition In the utoro window. Thursday n colored man named Leo Jolmeon wrote n letter to a lady bookhepor in this city , tolling her how ha loved her nnd ' rtslccd her to moot htm nt .1 certain place. She consulted some of her frlundx , mid they told her to incctlu'm nnd they would have an olllcor ready to arrest him. This she did in the o veil ing , nnd Mr. colored man was snapped up and placed In jail. Thursday evening Officer Ifydofound upon the btrcot a lad about 10 yearn of ago who was crying as if hia heart would break. He ad ! ho wan a juvinilu cowboy nnd had never beou n iv city before and that ho had a hlator hero Homowhcru whom ho wax unnblo to find. Tlio officer looked up his tilster nnd placed him in her kcepfng nnd ho wan the happiest boy on earth , If over n hit was madobyiv Eoubrolto artist in Omaha , Miss Mattie VickerH made ono la t night in her nppoarauco in thu opoia f hoiuo M "Juciiuine. " Although n smalt aud & ience wiui in ittlendanco they grow very en thusiastic and repeatedly called Mina Vickora , Her dancing Is very ploaslnc , while her sing I ing given evidence of cidtiiro nnd nutunil ability. Tlio now drop curtain waa used for the first time last night , and na Itvntt run down ita nppjarance wni gruolod with ap plauao. DE. POTTER'S ' BEBIGNATION- Ills Ijuttcr to tlioDlocoso ofKolirnHkn tlio Following is the letter written by Dr. Potter , recently elected bishop of Ne braska , and declining the honor : To the Statullny Committee of the Viocese of N - N : Informed us to my Jot ter , designed for the council , that it has not butn dclivoiucl , that body not buing iiiecmidii , your valued cuinmuiilcatiim , wliich I write to ncUnowluilKc , subsists thnt I uliould recall the declination anil "rocoiulclcr , " bucauso nt lib. orty to accent the blslioprio of your diocobo , wl'liout dosertlni ; llobmt colli-go. After con. HUlUtlun Ifhid.Uiatthatlciiiuiidsof tlmt in- stltutlon to whiwountriod , , iiifMidiiicy I nin pledged at this junctcro , rundcra such n counio on my pnrt Inrulmisaiblo. YourBUUBustlou in riinfuiccdby lettcrafrom clergy and laity , iind 1 urn ii-euml reprcsenU the Utliucrnto ui.d iiiiiujlnuiiia Uvulro of the diocese. 1'ermlt inu , tlierefuru , to Hutu my conviction tlmt if I yloldod and accrptuil the oxalUd jKibltiun tcndoicdmo 1 should nliunntu the Bupimrt of frlinda in the ouut , tlmi do- troliig inv iililllty to render NebrusUii iirwl- cd ad.i'liu ! thunh liiu A rnro opportunity , but the diocese , which buu shown u coiniiiond- nblocomtamtivo ivllancu upon Its own ro- wmrcoH , nlso iieoSa and dcsorto * to bo uldi'd by churchmen from without , Invited to visit and learn Homowlmt of the want * of the west , I bliall over lie Rratuful for tbo friendship formed and thu kindnesa nliown jno , aipeclally iu your diocese , If I w ito ut length it is to uxiircfH my ppjirociallon of tlio iiold and your call , Your clergy mid lulty nro inllucnllul and iinltod. Thtru nro fuw con- iilderablo olutucloi , mid thure In ample nuuur- anco of cncouri.giufr co-ujicratlon ami i-ucccks. Situated in Omaha , the lluutliililiiK city of the wwlionii residence , are tlio uoblo uitluidr l and chl Id , * hospital , elected largely by iudtlrciu , which have b"-nerally Lecn do\otcd4o the icr- vice of the dioLcse. j\s Uinlio ] > Clarknon'n juemorial , Drnwoull high nthool thna will doubtleua necure the auitablo loc.itlon mid ImUdiruH ho do lred. itud which ita excellent growing work ilemandn. CororauoUlw t.riof | | up all lonp tbo lines of the railroad. jm < l nro tugnthur with tlio Jidjuioii ttationii and jiarWios icudlly ucceesi- ble from tlie cathwlritl coutcr. 'I ho hilln and valley * of the beautiful rolling prairie Hand MimcKMUh corn that thi-y net-in to lauuh and itifj. Tlioiuandu of Hock and lierdi feo.i . | j < yildo the ample water COUIBK mid vhifn and f loners and Uws of thoLordla > ikhly planted , nourifch * lmid utly , Dear liretliii-n , your in n poodly and attractive - tractive heuUfe. J'revcBted from betormpir your biahop , liiroy tint jour df termination to Ijo ullke dollteratB and devout | u your Utoict * . inky be bleined of ourdivlno Lord.tho gr * t head of the church. 1'jithfully aud au > cth > nat Jy your * , , . HWMUI.CT N. If. 1'anEii , 1 VrrtWeut Htburt Collfgo , Genovs , N. V. JOB ASD Co AL aUleruon & ttro .J m THE OPENING DAY , Informal Opening of tbe State Fair To-Day , \ IJBITJO Nuinlor of Inhibitors on tlic GrotuulH anil Moro Conk - k MAtitly Coining. The eighteenth annual fair of the stat or Nebraska , was informally opened tlio fair grounds yesterday. The grounds present a busy socno and it ii truly wonderful tho. way exhibits an coming in. The accroUry'a ofiloo was moved to tin grounds yoatordivy and a largo forci of assistants who Troroalmoat ti death yesterday totako care of the onlrlo which nro rushing in upon them. Thi Buporintondonta of departments wore 01 hand to classify nil articled and BCD Urn thev woroput in their proper places. The floral and fine art halls are fillin ] up rapidly and already they present very beautiful appearance. The catll from ft thousand hills nro being driven it and a number of fine herds are now it the stalls and before to-nigh every stall upon the grounds will bo occupied. There is a fine field of race horses now on the grounds and tnoro will arrive to day , and under the circumstances the races cannot bo other than first-class. There is going to bo an unusually largo display of machinery ot all kinds , and thoongino was runnlngyestorday to enable exhibitors to get their machinery in per fect running order before the formal opening of the fair , which will take place next Monday morning. Booths of all descriptiona nro to bo aeon in great profusion , There are largo number tip and moro are being built. Many of them are now ready for business , and the cry of the lemonade and peanut h'ond can bo hoard in the land , Largo and pleasant dining rooms are built upon tltu grounds , and an effort Trill bo made to feed all who remain upon the grounds for their meals. Down town there is no danger of any body forgetting that the state fair has begun , for the streets are filled with in- nuniorablo hncks and wagons , and each one is supplied with a loud-mouthed man yelling , "right this way for the fair grounds , going right out , " and other likn sayings to entice passengers into their vehicles. As usual , every thing that oould bo tinkered up BO ns to carry a per son to the fair grounds has boon fixed , and all are upon the streets. Largo num bers of wagons nnd hacks have como in from neighboring places to help gather in the rich harvest which always comes with state fair week. The road out to the gate is eprinklod to the gate , thus doing nway with the dust which in usually intolerable erable atato fair tlino. Every day next week will bo a big one. Special trains will bo run on all the roads loading intn thin city. The Union Pacific will run special trains during the fair week ni follows : On main line , from Grand IslandTucs day , Wednesday , Thursday and Friday. Leaving Grand Island at 5:45 : a. m. , ar riving , Onjnha , 11:50 : a. m. On Omaha , Ninbrarn & Black Hills Branch on Tuesday. Leaving Norfolk and Albion at 0:00 : a. m. , nnd 1'ullorton at 5:20 : n.m. As this is the first tiruo pcciiila have been run over this line to the state fair , n largo number of pouplo may bo expected. They will como in on Bon Butler's own day , Omaha and Republican valley branch on Thursdsy , leaving Stromaburg nt 5:00 : n. m. , Lincoln nt 5:30 and arriving at Omaha nt 10:25 : n. m. Returning trains will leave Omaha ( or Norfolk and Grand Island at 7:00 : p. m. The regular trains will also haul extra coaches for thn accommodation of visitors to the fair. The outlook is very on < cnuragiug for the largest attendance over witnessed at n state fair. Local trains will run frqm the old Tenth street crossing to the fair on the 0. , St. T. M. & 0. , leaving ut 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 1 , 2 , B , 4 and 5 o'clock and return ing from the Kronnds at 0HO : , 10:110. : 11- ; : JO , 12:30 : , 1:30 : , 2:30 , 3:30 : , 4:30 : , and 0:10 : o'clock. The fnro for n single trip will bo 15 cents , round trip 25. If fnro Is paid on cars 25 cents will charged each way. The B , t M. will run a special on Wednesday , leaving Wymoro nt 4:30 : a. m , and connecting at ,0roto with the regular train at 5:58 : a. m , , and arriving nt Omaha ( at 10:05 : n. in. Returning it loaves Omaha at 0:10 : p. m. . reaching Crete nt 11:20 : p. in. , and Wymoro at 12-15 : n. m. The B. it M. will run n special on Thursday , leaving York nt-1:50 : n. m. and connecting at Lincoln nt 7:25 : n. m. with the train with the train reaching Omnlm at 10:05 : n. m. Returning It leaves Omaha nt 0:10 : p. in. , reaching Lincoln at 0:10 : p. m. nnd York nt midnight. The St. Paul & Omaha railway will run Specials on Monday , Tuesday , Wed nesday , Thursday and Friday , between Oakland nnd Omaha , lonviw ; Oakland at 7:15 n. m , , and arriving hero nt 10:35 : a. in. Returning , loaves Omaha 0:10 : p. m. . and arrives at Oakland at-i-10 : p. in. YOUNQ B1KN , ItRAO THIS , Tin ! VOLTAIC UiaT COMPANY , of MnrRhnll , \Icliijnn \ ! , offer to soud tliulr culnbratml Ku'.a- rno-VoLTAio DKLT and other KI.KGTUIU Ar- ' 1.1AM.-KH cm trial for thirty days , to mem young or old ) iillltctod with jcrvom iloliility. low ot vitality and manhunt , nud nil III ml roil Lroublro. Al'o for rhmiirmtUm , nnuralaln , | > atnly l8 , and ninny othur iliiicim'fl. Complete reBtnrnUun t j lioiiltli , vlor | nnd miiulioml unur- antnoil. No rljlt Incurroil , na thirty liny1 trial in oll'iwod. Write thorn ntouco for illua- tratod juniphlut , fioo , Iniiul/innt / MlfiHltmnry Convention , The fourth convention of the American Evangelical Lutheran Immigrant Mis- slonnry society 1ms just cloned nt Dakota City , Nob. , after a session of three days , The object of this society in to oaro for the temporal nnd spiritual welfare of German and English immigrants , The following are aomo of the subjects dis- cuHscd at this convention ; "Tracts and Sunday-school Work in [ lohtiuti to Immigrants. " "Work Among Immigrants in Eirly Flistory of Nebraska. " "Tho American Immigrant Missionary Society : Its Work and Its Mission. " " 1'ho Future of the Lutheran Ohurch in the Light of Immigration , " "Henry M. Mullunbury no au Immi grant li aionary. " The president nnd other olllccrs show conimeudbhlo activity during the year. The president , J. M. Luukor of Grand Island , is alivu to the indirect of the Lutheran church , as effected by immi ra- lion. The treasurer ropoits considerable money received and dispensed during the year , with a surplus in the treasury. A received with regard to immijr4 < luon ant | church work. Vlco-prostdr Bnj cor responding members will ' * IM bo appoint ed in different parts of 'tho United States and in foreign cour.trica , and a genera mooting will soon bo hold to discuss them important B'ibjccU relative to immigrant missionary work. Her. S. B. Barnitz , of Dos Miinos Iowa , nnd western secretary of Homo Missions in the Lutheran church , was present nnd gave some interesting and encouraging accounts of his work. The convention was characterized by a spirit of oarncstnoii and devotion thronghout nnd wo hope for good re suits. G. 11. AMiuiaitr , Sec. Pro-tern. CONVINUING. Tlio j > roof of the pudding It not in chewing the Ntiltitf , but In liavltip nil onpoitunlty U test the nittclo direct. Sclirotor < fc Bccht , th JJnigirlsli , havu n frco tii/xl bottle of lr. Ho p.inko H Cough nnd l.tmg Sytnp for each mu every ono who is afflicted with CougliH , Cold * At 111 in ii , Consumption or nnv Lung Affection I'rcBfoytcrlat INilniR. The Presbytery of Nobrnska City representing the southeastern portion o the state , mot in its nnnual fall assembly on last 'luesday nt Firth. The mooting was opened by nn excellent sermon from the retiring moderator , Ilov.v L. D Wells , pastor ot the Presbyterian church in Humboldt. A largo attendance o ministers and elders , representing their several church interests , was present nnc shared in the profits of an exceptionally pleasant ecclesiastical mooting. Rev. B F. Sharp , of York , was chosen moderator and presided with great dignity nnd sat isfaction. Rov. J. D. Ilarvoy , of Raymond mend , was chosen temporary clerk , who , in connection with the permanent clerk , Rov. E. L. Dodder , of Wahoo , made up the records of the meeting. Reports from various portions of the Pronbytory showed an encouraging progress in the jroat work. A largo number of the vacant churches on last spring' ) ) Hat have boon supplied and the churches are growing under the wise and careful management of the pas , ors stationed in these several pulpits. Jlova , E.Bonson , A. B. Irwin , and Elder dor A. McLood reported their attend ance ut the General Assembly , hold at Saratoga Springs during the latter part of May. On Wednesday evening npopular mass nooting was hold in the interests of Homo Mitslonn and Education. The State Superintendent of Missions for the State , addrcscd the meeting on the na- ; uro nnd inclining of Homo Missions upon the progress it had made , nnd the increase of interest in ita workings dur- ng the year and pointed out the way by which this great work could be carried forward moro successfully in the future when every ono should feel a personal interest in its success. Reverend T. L. Sexton , chairman of the committee on homo mission followed with an earnest appeal for that sympathy and financial interest atjwhich magnitude nftho Tf ork ought to awaken in every ono. Professor W. J. Bellmour , Bellevue col lege , represented the interests of this now educational institution , spoke of the inrogrces that had been , mnde in tliu orec- , ion of u splendid college building , of liana on foot for the erection of a com nodioua dormitory in the near future , of the attraction of the town site , nnd the care of tlio students who should attend the speech vr.ts an advisable one ivntl nado n fine impression in favor of Belle- THO. THO.Rov. . J. T. Beard , of Plattsmouth , allowed him in a Stirling nddrt-ea in ref erence to what the college had during ita irat year accomplished in the education of the young men nnd women who had icon in nticndnnco nt Plattsmouth. It a seldom that people are fnvored with as fine an address on the subject of educa tion. During the mooting of the Presbytery the Btibject of systematic giving came up for review nnd the speeches on the aub- joct'had great weight. The people of Firth reflected { 'reat credit on themselves for the generous tospitality extended to the largo num- jor of delegates who came from the dif- 'cront parishes throughout the limits of , liia ecclesiastical court. Rov. S. 0. Dickey , of Auburn , has with his own skill drawn nn admirable nap representing the points at which the churches nro planted in thn several counties. X. Y , 'A. Thn HhnkurH Shaking. What makes u man feel ns ahnky as chills nnd fever ? It is shako , shako , shale , until yon almost rnttlo you teeth ) ut and shako the buttons oil'of your coat. iVhat drives chills and fevorout ? Brown's ion Kilters , If you have never tried ! t ; ot nemo at once , and don't shako any noro. Mr. Ohai. M. Newell , of Tot- itigton , Vn. , unyn , "I mod Brown's ron Bitters last fall for chills and fever , tnd derived great benefit. " It is the lest tonia known. Iton Ituder'd ViHlt. A great many inquiries nro nado in regard to General But- or'a visit to Omaha. Nothing more han what hna been said in the telegrams can bo ascertained. On Wednesday Sec- otary Furuns , ot the state board of ag iculturo , telegraphed Butler nt Chicago , endoring him the use of the state fnir grounds aim asking hinijto make a speech. Nothing has been received in answer and ho matter in now ns undecided as before. Mr. Furnas thinks , however , that Mr Jutler will bo hero the Oth , as the tele- ; ratus announced , and that in case ho Is to will speak on the fair grounds. This vould provo n big card for the ittalo fair nanagora , and would also give Mr. But- er an opportunity of addressing a vast onc'ourso of people. Polluo Oourr. In police court yesterday two men rrested for being auspicious characters iroved that they were nil right and wore Uncharged , Four men wcro fined f 5 each and'costs or being drunk. Ono paid and the other three wore sent up 011 the hill. ) no of them , Andrew Peterson , was very ndignaut and gave notice that as aeon us he got out of jiil ho would ap ical to the Swedish consul and have his rrotigs l eked into , Ho acknowledged inving been drunk all the same and hat was nil that Judge Btnieko cared about' Ono man for finhtiiigat thoSt , Charles hotel was fined $5 aud costs. McARDLE'S LAST ACT. i Ho Shoots Himself Through the Head in a Fit of Despondency. South Oinnlin Thrown into n Fovcr f Incitement by the Occurrence , It has boon some time since the peac and quietude of Omaha was broken b ; a tragedy , but that time has como , nnc ycaordayaftcrnoonnt 2 o'clock the corona was auinmonco by telephone to the corno of Fifth and Division streets to hold or inquest upon the body of n man who hat grown tired of life and put u BULLET l.NTO 1IH 11UAIN. The coionov was accompanied by a BIE : reporter nnd together they drove t the bloody aceno. Upon arriving at th homo of John McArdlo a crowd was Boon standing around nn outhouse. A larg platform had been tipped up in front o door to hide the fearful spectacle from the gaze of the crowd. The corone pulled away the platform and a MOST llOUniDtE HI01IT \raa to bo Boon. The dead man. who was William McArdlo , brother of _ John was kneeling upon the floor , hia beat bent back and resting upon the seat His eyes wcro fixed and glassy and the floor was covered with thick , clottcc blood. Upon the right side of his head , near the temple was gaping wound , which tok the tale moro plainly ilnu words. A revolver volvor lay upon the floor directly be ncath him lie woo dressed with a pair of overalls and n colored shirt , open n the neck. His face was covered with a thick growth of sandy board , which was FILLED WITH ( JLCTrKD I1LOOI ) . The story told by those around the place is that about. 1:15/osterdayaftornopn : they were cnlledjto the house by the cries of Mrs. John McArdlo. Upon reaching the place they found the out-house door locked upon the insido. They toro it open and found the self murdered man as described. The deceased was about forty years of ago and unmarried , llo has been em ployed across the river as a truckman upon the platform. Ho got hurt about a month since and has done no work during that ; timo. Ho was getting all right again and expected to go to work in a few days. No cause is assigned for lis rash act except tlujt of despondency- The coroner cmpanuolled a jury and iroceedod to hold an inquest on the body where it lay. The evidence adduced showed that VIcArdla had been very doipnndent for some time past , and when told that his oot might sooner or later have ii BtiQbr amputation , ho expressed ) mself to tbo effect that ho would die tforo ho would allow it to bo done. Head ad nt ono time taken n revolver belong- ng to his brother-in-law for the purpose of ending his life with it , but the weapon was taken from him before ho had an opportunity to use it. The jury returned a verdict that the leccasod came to bin death by his own land , the causa which led him to the act being unknown. MoArdlo was a member of the State Lodge No. 10 , L 0. O. F. , by whom ho will bo buried to-morrow. Have you seen the Campaign Whips , at Moore's ' , where the lion roars for the cheapest nnd best goods in the west. Como mid BOO them , it will do you good nOtf. Army Ordcro. Recruits Sherman E. Alfroy , John Krohljand Oharlcs Berry , enlisted nt Fort Omnlm , Neb. nro assigned to the fourth infantry. First Lieutenant Charles W. Mason , fourth infantry , is relieved from duty as assistant nt the department competi tion and will report to his post com mander for duty. Leave of absence for ono month , with permit to apply for nn extension of if teen (15) ( ) days , nnd to take effect on return of his company commander , ( Cap- mn Lno ) is granted Second Lieutenant A. S MoNtitt , ninth infantry. Leave of absence for 0110 month , wr.h permission to apply to the Adjutant Gon- jral , U. S. A , for nn extension of two 2) ) months , and to take effect nt such .iino as Lieutenant Grocsboek's services can bo spared by his post commander , is jranted First Lieutenant S. W. Grocs- jeekad jutant Sixth infantry. The telegraphic instructions of August Jlst , 1881 , ordering 1st Lieutenant E. D. Thomas , 5th cavalry , to report in icrson at thcsp headquarters , in r.fiinec- ion with duties assigned him in para graph 1 , special orders No. 73 , current series from these ( headquarters , are con- inned. The travel directed is necessary or the public service. Sergeant John M. Lnwo , troop A , 5th cavalry , is transferred ( ns private ) to the ; onornl service detachment of clerks on tuty at thnso headquarters to date the .at instant , and will bo sent to thn com- n and ing officer Fort Wuahakio , Wyotn- ng to report to the Assistant Adjutant General , Department of the Platte , for duty. The Quartermaster's department will urnish the necessary transportation and he Subsistence department commutation if rations , in advance , for the journey , it ) oing impracticable to carry cooked ro- iona. POWDER Absolutely Pure. bit powder out or T rk . A mirrol ol purenou ir oglh and wliolcnomonvii. iloic eoooomloal thiu be orJlmry ktudiandMUDUtbe - > lil la ootnrmtltloi Ith the ui'iltltudo ol low tort , thort vrelgbl alum 01 > bo plut | > auderiL Bald niuv In eni. UOVAL 'AlQtfa I'otYDHIl ' CO. , W W U etrett , X , Y. > DAVID NICHOLSON'S ' -OR FOH SAI.K BY DHUGOI3TS. Thil unexcelled Kttrtct of Mult ! i a refreshing nourishing Table UivcrrKc ; a pleating , wholcaorn nnd hit IgoratliK Tonic ; a remedial Beverage , nnls Intrthocouttltutlon tjmercomo the \nrlous weak cnlritf nn'l ' nailing maladies , aud building up hoal.hybodyafraln. THE NICHOLSON LIQUID DRKAD is IIGALLV " The " Beverage FOU NUliSINO SIOTHEHS. at Kuhn&Co. , Schroter & Uccht , 11 I'nrr , M. I ) . Panel ) , S. KaU , ll'linrod & ( Jo. Trouo lunpllcd by Da\ld Nloholeon , 13 and U Northfith Mi ( r'n.t Kt. T.ouU Mo MEDICAL AND SURGICAL CKOUKSE'S BLOCK , Cor. 10 Ii anil Capitol Avcnno , treats all ca CB Crlj : ( ilcil or Dvformcil , nlso Jiseisoo ol the Nervous System , Blood , and Urinary Organs. All cik'ca c ( CurMituro of the Splno , Crooked Feel Iift ? anil Aruit , Al oClnntilo affections oftlio I.her , Hlioumatlsm , I'arnljnls , IMcs , Ulcers , Catarrh , Asth ma nnd Ilionchltl.i ara ail treated by new and suc cessful methods. All diseases ot tno Blood and Url ary Organ * , Including thc J resnltlni ; from inc hero tl nor exposure , are eatcl ] and Rucccsstolly tiuitcil and a euro ( * u rantood. Venn ) ; men , mliuilo aged , ml all men suilorttm from Wcaknoa and Nervous exhaustion , projuclou Indlc9tlonralpltatlonot | the Heart , Despondency Ui/.zliieei , Loss ol McmoryLack of llnetKy an I Ambition , cm be restored to health and il 'ur. If caiu Is not too IOIIR neglected. The Rnrgion In rhargo Ii a graduate of JtfTcr- son Modloal Colicgo (1S85) ( ) has studied hia profession In LonJon , I'arla and Berlin. If nllllctcil , call or write lull description of your case , and medl- cloo may bo eent jou. Oonsuftatlon frco. Addicfs ( ) mih Dispensary , CrounBo'a Illock , Omaha , Mob. lillco hours 0-12 a , m. , 1-5 and 7-R p. in Sunday ) 1-10 a m the clianges tnat , In n tow years , have taken place in tlio manufacture of mprovoineut nftor Improvement has boon made , until to-day the clothing offered by Schlauk & Prince , 1210 Farnntn direct , is equal in every respect to the beat While at the uamo tirao the lownesa of price of tlio fine grade of clothing they handle is no less astonish- in ? than the Perfection of Fit S AND THE QUALITY OP MATERIAL AND MAKE OMAHA NEBRASKA- . The scholastic jear commences on tno First Wednesday in Sepleralisr , 'liecourfe ot Instruction cmb'rscoa all the Klemcn ary and higher branches ot a Ihilghud education Mflcreuco of Iti'liL'lon Is no obstaelo to the edmls- Ion of youn ; ladloa. luplla arc rccched at any line of the year. TERMS PAYABLE IS ADVANCE nrludlng Uoaril , Wanhlnir , Tuition In Knglleh aud 'rcncn , use of books , rhuo , persveslou of Five Months 150.00 , - - § . EXTUA CHAUOra-nrawln ? . Palntlnj , Ocrma larj ) . Violin , Ouitir and Vocal Music. HvferenocB are ronulred from all persons unlaiow o the luetitutlon. Forfiutbcr Information apply ho ; LADY SUPEIUOI : Ivll mio NEBRASKA UND AGENCY SOCOE330U TO J3AVJH ft BNYDEB.J acuctal Ectlcrs In 1105 I'AHNAM 8T. Dara lor ulo SOO.OCO cius tirolully ccleotod landi n Euotorn Kebraaka , at low price and on eaay teme Improtea urnia tor Btlo In UouKUe , Uodju , Coif AX Plattc , Uurt , Cumin ? , Sarpy , Watnlogton , Korlct gaundera , and Duller jourtlei. T ics piU In all parts ol the Sin to , ' Uoney lo ned on Improved IHB.B. Nonry I'ublloftlwajB In olBco Corrrapondonce UUROOK , SBCLTOH S BEAN ? , ingineering , Suivefing AND CONTRACTING WORK Done \\lthln the city and throuRbout the Stito , t-VOUJce Crelulitou Block , ojiposlto City Engineer' ) ollira WESTMINISTER -AND ACORI STOTES AND $ & 3OL $ j O © X ( EVERY STOVE WARBANTED. ) SOLD ONLY AT JOHN HUSSIE'S Hardware Store I 2407 OUMING STREET D , B. BEEMEE , Agent , OMAHA , NEB Tlie Largest Stock in Omaha : anf MBS the Lowest Prices' DRAPERIES AND MIRRORS , ! Just received an aauortrjient far BarpRnslng r.nythJng In this mrjrkot , comprloln { tno latent " und moat tasty doolRns matinfacturodf for thlo opring'a trodo aud oovovlnj n rnngo"of prices from the Cheapest to the moat Expensive. Parlor v2 Brasseries. Now ready for the inspection of cus Complete stock of all the la 5 tomers , the newest styles ill Turcoman , Madras and Suits and Odd Pieces. Lace Curtains , Etc. . , Etc. Slevatos ? to all Floods. 1206,1208 and 1250 Fr.runm Street , - - - - OMAHA NBP * AND TWO WHS L ISta and 1820 Uvnsy StJcol and * 03 if , 13lh3icel ] ! , tit to i CtUloenoftru'fbtd ' ficonroH \ [ ENDORSED BY FRANZ LISZT. ] BOSTON , March Ut , 1831. EJIEU80N PIANO CO QKXTLEMXN-aYour Instrument ! ! . Qrsn'l , Squjra nnd'UprUht , are really noblo. natrumunU and unrivalled ( or beauty of Rue and Unleh. Allow ma to cangratulito von on your stcrliur ; ro rcss. GUSTAVE 8ATTKB , RECOMMENDS ITSELF. PT3 [ 1512 Dodge SOLE Street AGENT , Omaha. , } . . . 7 > r . . * . i03 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A. Eatabllahod 1878 Oatorrh l Corroapondonco Gratis. P. O. Box 292. Telej RON. ED\VARD RUSSELL , Postmaster , Davenport , er.ya : " Physician ol iteu Ability nnd Marked SUCCCBS. " CONGRESSMAN 3VIUHPHY , Davenport , i-Uoa ; "An lionorahlo Man. Finn Success. Wonderful Onrea. " TTours 8 io 5. SKKSSSBXSSKKSaJ They Are Without -AND- lave been Awarded One Hundred and eighteen Prize Medals at all the prominent expositions of the World for the Last Fifty Years , And TXJEEJ- IN An examination o these magnificent gPionos is politely requested icforo purchasing any other instrument. K General Western Representatives. P. S Also Gen'l Agt's for KNABE , VOSE & SONS , 3EHR BROS. , 'and ARION PIANOS , and SHONINGBR 3YMBELLA and OLOUGH & WARREN ORGAN ,