Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 06, 1884, Page 2, Image 2

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Mai BeneTOle
The 1'loneor Mutual Benefit AssocUtlon In
SUlo ol Nebraska.
U U co-opcritlre In IU working and ll item
have ftvolco In the management uy rote t the
It > aim lito benefit \ own members , their wldi
ftml orph n , In c ol dtnth , ncdilent , ilcknoei
tolAl prrrnancnt dltablllty ot member , t isc
coot with economic * ) m nifcmint.
ArdUbla homo MsocUtlon. Active Miilroll
w nt l tocanrais for membcri In Nebrn
and Colorndo. Address ,
Secretary anil General Manager ,
BE A.TIUUE , - - - NE
HON. II. W. 1'AHKEn , 8. a SMITH ,
President. Treasure
The me of the term "
Line" In connection with
SHORT corporate name of a groair
convo ) R an Idea oi tut wh
roqulrod by the traveling t
I 1 RJ Eoi "o- * Short Line , Quick i
1 B D * nd tna l rt ol accommi
BaBUVIUH iloni all of which are ti
ihed by the greatctt tallnar In America.
And St. Paul.
It owni and operate ! over 4,600 miles of
Northern Illinois , Wisconsin , MlnnwoU , Iowa
Dakota ; and M ta main lines , branches and com
lions reach all the great business centre , of
Northwest and Par Weit , It naturally answer )
description of Short Line , and Dest Iloute betwoc
Chicago , Milwaukee , flt , Paul and Minneapolis.
Chlokgo , Milwaukee , IA Cronso and Wlnona.
Ohlotgo , Milwaukee , Alwrdocn and Ellcnilalo
Ohlotgo , Milwaukee , Kau Claim anil SUIlwatci'
Chloigo , Milwaukee , Wausau and Merrill.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Dearer Dam and Oshkosh.
Ohlcigo , Miln aukce , Wauknsha and Oconomowc
Ohlcftgo , Milwaukee , Madison and I'ralrledu Chi
ChlcoRO , 'Milwaukee , Owatonnn and Falrlbaull.
Chicago , Bololt JanesrlHo and Mineral Point.
Chicago , Klein , llockfonl and Dubuquo.
Chicago , Clinton , Hock Island and Cedar Ilapldl.
Chicago , Council Bluffs and Omaha.
Chicago , Sioux City , Sioux Kails and Tankton'
Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlain.
Ilock Island , Dubuque , St. l' ul and Mlnneapollr
DaTenpoit. "alroar , St. 1'aul and Minneapolis.
Pullman S oepers and the Finest Dining Cars
the wcrld are run on the malnllnosof IhoClIIOAO
attention U paid to passengers by courteous cmploj
of the Company. <
b. B. MKUHILT , , Ocnl Manager.
A. v it. CAHPINTEH : , Gen1 Pass. AI
J.T. CLARK , Qen'l S.ipt.
KSSdEO. II. UCAFKOUD , Asa't Ornl. I'o n. A |
Conneeting In Union DoiKits nt Kansas OH
Omulin and Denver with through trains tor
And nil ] Xnts | in tlio Gicnt West
Connecting in Crniul Union Depot ut Ohtcuir
with through trnlim lor
And nil K 'i Cities.
Atrcorln with thr mliiH forlmlliuin ;
oils. points'i mul nil polntH [
the Sontli.lCust. At with tluoiiu
trains lor all points
CKiint Day Cone lies , Parlor Cars , with He
clliiliii ; Chairs ( scnt.4 tioo ) , Smoking Curs wit
{ { evolving UlmlrH , I'nllinan 1'alaco Hlcenln
Cnrs ana the famous C. 11. & O. Dlnliur bin
run < lnlly tound from Chlcniio and Kunsas Oil '
ClilciiKoand Council lllnlls : Chicago mid 1) !
Ilolncs , O ilciiRo , fit. JoHuph , Atchlson 1111
Topoltu without change. Only thioiiKh lln
running tholr own tialns between Cldcum
Lincoln mul Denver , and Chicago , KIUIHII
pity unil Denver. Tliioush cni * boluoei
Inillanapolla and Council l nira. via 1'corla.
Solid Tnilns of iiosant Day Couches on
I'lilliiiau I'nlncoSlcupliiff Cars mo run dally i
ami horn fat. LouU ; via Hannibal ; ( ) tiliici
Kooltiilf , JliitlliiKton , Ocdnr Itaiilds mul Alliui
1'UntoSt. I'mil and Minneapolis ; I'arlorUui
with lieu liniiiK C'hali-s to and fioin St. 1.011 !
mul I'eoi in. Only line clmiiKu of cats lift wco
ht. l.oiilsandDoHjIolnr ' ) , lovui , Llnculii , Ni
It Is also the only ThioiiKli Mno litlwcun
Jv ! ? ) : " ( 'w" ns " ' " Krcat TIIItOUCH OA' '
ir'l t "i 'tl"0 " "ll l8 Ulllvel'i"lll > ' 1U | 'H
Finest Equlppsi Railroad in the World fo
all clast3 of Travel.
TliroiiBh Tlchpis via this Jinn U > r unln at a !
ltlt.iuuiMiii ! ticket olllcuu In the Unitodfatatc
& .td Uaiuuliu
Tt Jvil0iTTlK : - . ,
C ,
1111 DoUflu Kt. Omaha , tUc , OF
Oalvanizca iron Cornices ]
IBUOCE330KH TO THE J. M. B , i k 00. )
The mcit cjtenelre maaufactureriol
olui Uockitrawer General Aftnt for Kebratki an
Wet Urn low a.
6WB. Tenth Btreetl . OMAHA , NEI
g3rl'ixt \ ot Dllllrd I cd Fool Tablet and material
urn > itxl nn aprllnatlnr
1 F. ARMSTONG , M , D ,
Practice Limited to riucases of th
Bye and Ear.
1003 FA11NAM ST. , - OMAHA
Tlio Cnndlilntc *
Wlio daily walks llio crowded street * ,
And Mniles on every one lia meotf ,
Xnl even BliRhtliiR bocry licoU ?
The osndldfito.
Wlio cannot let n ( Iranger niuui ,
Wtihoul ho payn 'Must t.iKo n glnM , "
With nerve of iron nnd check of brass ?
The cntvJIdalo.
Who , wlicn ho COCK yoit ftt the door
Will stop to chin nn hour or more ,
And toll you fncts you knnw beforot
The candidate ,
Who makes it his particular "biz"
To rtk you 'bout the health of "sis"
And wants to know how biby M
The candidate.
Wlio knows no much nbout the utato
And tells you what will bo the fnto
Of politicians umall mid great )
The candidate.
Who nflcr the campaign is over ,
Announces politics n bore ,
And kuous acquaintnnco < no more ?
The candidnto.
Who Is it cannot uleop nt niglit ,
While thinking of hU party fifthly ,
Yet hopes to teen gut things to rlirhU ?
The candidate.
Who Is It 1ms of friends n few ,
And liB'cnn getjtliem all for you
That is , if you will BOO him through ?
The striker ,
Who is It goes upon llm stand ,
Declaiming uith both toiigua and hand ,
And begs of you to envo the land ?
The spoil tor.
Who nro they on election day
Who go nnd vote in every way ,
"Tho Union's nafe , " they all will nay ?
The people.
Tim Slump Spcnkcr ,
On every ido ,
Jtotli fnr nnd wdo ! ,
The campaign speakur ppouts lim pride ;
lie rcnra his crest
To do his best ,
And "chins" until noouo can rest , ,
Ho fresh nnd "fly , "
On platform high ,
Ho winks his wicked dexter eye ;
While he doth whoop ,
Ills gestures scoop
The air until his hearers droop.
Ho'sno'cT dismayed
His cannonade
Protection Is , or il u free trado.
Ho loudly shonti
And rants nnd spouts
Until he all opponents routs.
1 lo saws the air
Till men dcclaip
They see n human windmill there.
Ho'H novcr nut
Till thoHo addressed
"I'ull down voBtl"
In nnguish yell , your
Gnyly llio Oaiulldato ,
Onyly the csndidato
tiet'ltuth tlio bar ,
Where thirsty
Throng from afar ,
Singing : "In search of theo
] llthor wo come ,
Candidate , candidate ,
Sot up the mm , "
Haikl Ti the candidate
Calls thi'in to coino
Up to the parapet
Swiftly they come.
And still his Hong it ) heard ,
All tlinmuli the din
"TillliinuH it's 7.011 mo ,
iSn'inm muppnglnl"
* [ Uurlington Ifnwkoye.
A l > olltlulai'H I'roinlRe.
"What is a promise , pap.v dear ,
That pollticiaiiH innke ?
It f coins to mo , from what I hear ,
They glvo mote than they take. "
' "Tin called a pronrna , you must knov
And lim u meaning deep ,
Dccnusu it's easy to bestow ,
Aiuldlllioult toktop. "
Lace toilets will bo the ruge.
Satin braid is onu of the favoritn strnwri.
The HUCCOES in bounota this soacon is th
nail capote.
A hotel boy nays that the ladles nro not n
boral an men.
Velvet waistcoats nro thu correct wear wit
bbed Jerseys.
Klbhod noeks us well ns rlbbod stocking
o much worn.
Louisiana women nro ] becoming very sue
Hsful planters.
Shot velvet cuncx up among other change
) lo dress stulfe.
llibbcd tilk jerseys nru the Inteut form o
its popular jnckut.
lialtiinoro girls pride tliemselvcH on thoh
nutiful complexions.
Thu newest fancy In piinted InwtH Is fo
) ttod ollects in the tisue.
At Shubuta , Miss. , thu boys tuko the girl
it riding in bungles dinwn by oxen.
The Jiottiin girl is considered 'aceomplishet
hen she rnu t-neero without diopping elf [ .lie ;
Out iu California when n man lint ) klckci
s wife out of bed three time * the is enlitlci
n divorce.
A woman in Canada has been fined for pci
itontly wheeling n baby carriage iu .ftout ol
iiclgbuerd duir ,
Fifty million clothoo pins are mnde ' , in thli
iiiitiy nnnually , nnd yet Amoiican women ,
n Hue , hiun binull mouths ,
It iloeH not take long for n woman to < lrcsa ,
lie titnu is spent in tr > ing to decide tthicli
the right and which Is the left eliou ,
A Ne port belle wenra lift < rt\M > bangles on
, n of her bracelets They u'o made of gold
in nml HID urtli fiom $1 ti > . -0 oneh.
A dimming jjlil In n 1'assulc , N. ,1 , board.
if lioune. who won the liemts of both mnk
d feinnle boaidern , turns out to be n man ,
"Ladles' bonnet * this fall will bo full , " nny
aslilon journal. A color blind chap Kiy
' glad of that , because they certainly can'l
Italian amonu made of eilk or linen , wltli
ndd uf Inee huortlon and udging. mul Ciioek
roils of satin or Burah. richly docornteil
til embroideiy nro ngaln the rugo.
"No watch will keep tlio same t'mo witli
o persons , " Buysu writer. Neither ulll a
> cV , when young lady Mid her father ar < i
th trjlng to run it on diltorcnt t'me-ables.
A cotrenpondcnt asks If I 8 proper tiuluuci
Itb n nurncd lady when her huaband le
luokiiiKon , Certainly. The dancing 1
ire to be veiy proper under fcuch eircunv
In thefrciit jiarlernf 11 mitninor boarding-
u D n epounlng rouplo. In n back parlor
vy of girl ) Hewing , 0110 ofhom calls for n
fhoard , liiiglit tmughter of the house says ,
Vo do not happen to lw\o u lap-board , but
the front pailor yon will llnd n lap-board-
Maud "Iin'tthU n imeer title for a book ,
jther : 'Not Llko Other filrln , " I wonder
lat nlie can bo If trim is not lika other girls. "
Mothrr "I don't know , unless uhe goes In-
the kitchen and helps tier mother instead
staying In the parlor to read novels , "
A lady of uxperienco observes thut a gooa
ly to pick out u hurband It to see bow
tientlv the m n waits for dinner when it In
hind time. That is truo. Nevey _ marry a
in ho places no value on time , Imt l
lling to duu.llo around all duv. He will be
in to die iu the ulmthntibo. I'ick out a man
10 geU mad when knpt watting.
Vuhutecnwill Ui iu high fashion tlio coming
lisou. It 18 idmoat lui | > OBnlto ] to diatlnguMi
o new Importntiomi from real \elvet , BO toft
id tllky nnd even iu its tuitaco. Tlio datk
lorn of this fabric am very rkh and hand-
me. iincl they nmkii both Btylinb and durable
Hiking nklrts , Tlio new biaiul , It fa cln'med ,
proof agu'nit rain bpuU. It it warranted
no nuvfr to fade in the brighti'H uuublilnu ,
to chaDgo color uiHer the influence ) of the
It tea air , ui all thu old inaku invariably
d ,
Jeneys nnd polonuUos are to retain theh
ipuUrlty , o\er kirts uiid tunics lire to be
enin e\ery pomiblo tliupo and length , and
nro almost as varied , but the BIIUB
little shape , short nn the hip" , with poUl
back , is still n londlnc model. Cut-nway ji
ots nnd csU nro scon with most of the In
Kronch walking drcwei , the fpihion nmoi
ing to n rnve. Ad jackets nnd | > olcnalsos
coriiorato tlio close , high sleeve , nnd stum
collar nnd Inppels ,
"I AVokono Day. "
I woke one day to find that Youth wan go :
With Time , who takes good things nnd
To join n vague precision , over growing ,
Of ghosts who people drontnlaid still ;
Those whom the yenrs hnvo rent world-\\
ntundcr ,
Old friends once daily looked upon ;
Home til upon the oarlh , nnd some i
under ,
No doubt ; nnd do some still regret , I worn
The glad old days , the good time gone
Time rakes away his dust-heap of dead roi
Of empty cups , of broken vows ,
Spent loye ; and nil dim memory discloses ,
The morning nftor Youth's enrouso ;
Ho Miows us shades of iinforgottcn faces ,
Wo hear the voices far away ,
Of rooilers , who leave in still somn trncea
Of songs whoio . .echoes haunt old halt !
places ,
Where niplit wns often turned to day ,
And many rest In Bleep by dreams ntibrok
By winds unswopt. ly stars unseen ,
Novcr to speak ng&m ns they have spoken ,
Or know lost joys that might have boont
When slow-dopnrting Summer day yet li
crp ,
Between the purpling Western bars ,
When winds sound faint , an If pome far
Wore touching harps with tired , trombl
fingers ,
Wo sec lost eyes Hinilo In the stars.
Jcruenlcin has tbroo Sundays a week , Wl
i town it must bo for beer nnd base ball.
A Huston clergyman preached nnii !
tghtnlng-rods in'1770'iniploiis contrivances
irovent the execution of the wrathof heave
The wlfo of n Methodist preacher in On
; In takes turns with him nt preaching. Wl
lift paJiMiioners see the old gnntlemnn diggi
vorms in the back jurd they know that it
us day off.
There Is n woman's prayer meeting ov <
ifternoon in Saratoga nt which the won
iray for the reform nnd conversion of th
rivolous Bisters who llvo for dress only. , '
inversions hnvo yet occurred.
Masked hugging parties nre popular
ihurch fairs In Missouri. ] 5y paying fift (
: ents n imm is allowed to ling n girl , blithe
irat blindfolded. It make- man nwful mi
lowovcr , to find , on rcmot Ing the bandi
'rum hlsocH , that ho had been hugging
iwn wife. Still , there's n novelty about it
Somerville Jouinal.
" .lames , I find n bad tpiarter In the t
inve you any idea where it came from ? " "J
ir ; that Is , I should say , do you , nh , do \
.ttend the Tenth church , sirj" "Yes , " "Bo
Jencon Swift tnko up the collection , si
'Yes.1 ; "Well i ncon Swift was In hen
hort time ajjo and bought Homo sngnr-
'You mny go to dinner , Jumes. " [ I'ittsbu *
A M iso Quakeress used lo sny in her s <
ions that there were three lollies of in
dilch nlwnys nnmzed her. The first wns th
limbing trees to shako fnilt down , when
lioy only waited a little it would fall of
wn accord ; the second was , that they plioi :
0 to war lo kill each other , when if th
nt waited they wuuld nil die naturally , ni
10 third wns that they should run nfter w
ion , which , if they would not do , the worn
'ould run after them ,
JSxporionced Uiirglnr Wo nill not era
lis bnnk before Sunday night. "
Young Jlurglnr Why not to-night ?
" 1 want to ea to church first. "
' Want tci ntono for your Bins In advance
"No. I want to see if there's money oiioiij
1 the bank to pay for our trouble. "
"How can you lind out at church ? "
"Oh , if thu cashiur's wife ain't theie
Iks an' satins we'll go nhoad and crack tl
ink. "
His wife being lee sick lo go lo church ; 1
ild lie would go and lake Hlllo 3-yeni-o
lalsy , HO that the latter wouldn't bother h
Kithcr. On their return the molhor foob
iked the child :
"And you were nt church , dear. Did yc
ku to hear the singing nnd the minisl
"Joy wusn't no sln'in dero. "
"No tinging ? Why. how could thatbej"
AIu doesn't know. "
"Did the minister preach ? "
"No. Ho dU tolo papn it was n nice men
' nud don ho dive him n dlnss wlf somepi
it what papn drinkod. "
Tlio SpliiHter'n Petition.
Wo privy for peace in China ,
And hojio that citldy Franco
Will cease its mad endeavors , j
To make CvlcHtial dance ,
Wn'ro the ' *
sorry for 1'lgtaili ,
_ Hut mourn the more , you nee ,
crHecaupo the wicked warfare
Will raise the price of ton.
Bin tlio AVild
} Young Mother Hubbard
She went tj the cuhhnrd ,
\ Her Hhort wnisted robe to put on ;
lint when lie got there ;
The cilbbnrd was bale ,
n And the policemnn who took It wns gout
limlingtou Hnwkoyo.
1'E i-1'KllBUNT DUOl'.S
K\eu politics cannot nlfect the melon croj :
( V Hiulington man has n hen which hu call
ilar of Kmpite , " becnu o BIO no\er eels.
I'hq prenidenlial contest between Jny-lCyp
nnnd .Muiul H. isntlll undecidul , but tli
iling little maiols aliend on the c'uivaits.
tt is teriible to think the number of tea
n nud xancerH thut must inevitably hi
iwhcd dining th < ) jneseut Frauco-CIiincBi
r ,
Ifnckmen on the Canada eido of Niagan
nk every Ameilcan who comes there Imi
, t nibbtd n That tuny account fo
'Ir ehnrgej.
\ patent medicine manufacturer died li
iw Yoilj lubt week. Drfeio lie ilied hi
jmln usked how ho would like lo bo burled
i had just strength enough to any ; "IiiBot
i in top column next to irnduig matter
y-lwo limes , cleetio by mall. "
'That , sir , is n very linn Duality of 'sugar , '
d I ho grocer } man. "It is tued mostly fo
.king . dovsortn. " "Why is it used mostlj
making dex'erU ? " naked the coustomer
in account of its Mipciiorquallty , tir. " "Oh
it's it ? 1 thought it might bo lined fur nmk
; clemcils on account of the laoro tmouut oi
id in it. "
Uowiud of Bummer hotel : "Tho bill of fan
ill right but the clnm chowder. Yon wll !
, o to i loss that rir. " Landlord ; ' 'Wbat'f
i matter ? You know vi'iy well thai wt
/o elam-cho der every Friday. " Steward
underbtniid nil tnnt , but tha now cooli
ow the dlxh wntrr nut by miHtnke this mor
ig. " Lmulloid : Tell him If ho dees It again
discharge him. "
Something Lacking , linker "Yes , muni !
ow put my nome on my bieml lo jirevont
rivals fiom Imitating my loaves and got- eiiBtom. " Hoiifekeeper "A wijo
caution , llul wns Ihnl bread you left here
terdny geniimo ? " "Oh , yes , mum. " "Then
diilil btiggest that yon add something bo-
L' * your mime to the loaves' " "Certainly ,
m , If vm say BO. What Is It ? " "The
o.-riiilndolphia [ Cull ,
'he iruttstK at thu boarding homo of the
dow 1'lnpjack , on Aiutiu Avenue , still con-
no to grumble nt their fare.
irci-terdav morning ( lilhooly Bald nt the
uUfiwt table , to Mrn , I'lapjuck :
'I ' notice that you have a vicious looking
r in the yard. Does he bltu1
'Indeed ' ho docs , "
'Will you bo kind enough to cho him this
ee of tendciloin beefsteak , with my com
ments ? I'd like very much to see him bite
if yen ha\o no objection. " [ Texas Sift-
f ,
There is n cheap clothing dealer In Kearney.
l. ( whoso cautidoiico In mankind h 8 ro-
mil n sovow Bt'tback. The other day nu
lest look mi ; countryman walked Into hit
ronmlHaldi "You jumombt-r thnt nocond
moveieimt Ibounht hero for gii yaatur
f\ \ ' 'Never iUkr pack anytliings ven
: o kolt , iiiy frlout.'saUl the hand me downer ,
h , th t' nil right. 1 just wanted to any
kt I found thlt WOO bill sewed in Hie lining ,
rluiid the owner may call forit. ' * "Of Rowe
will-he hni called already my deirfriont , '
exclaimed the dealer , eagerly capturing
money. "You win von honlsh man. I ;
Wi $50 ash n rovort. Dot \ ill bo nil rlgl
Wlicn the honest cwlomor got nrouna
corner ho mutlered softly ; "I guess I'd 1
tor tnko this fifty nnd skip np to I'ortlnnd
fore that Sheeny tumbles to thnt cauntorl
H'sgottlog mighty hard tosho\o tho.'qu
'round these parts. "
"Did you rend those horrible stories of
Arctic sufferers living off of each other ? " M
Mrs. Lumply of her husband.
"Yes , I read all the parttcuUra. "
"Dreadful , tun't It ? "
"Oh , it's nothing when you once get usoi
having people llvo oif of you , I used to k
when your mother , nnd your ister , nnd nil
rest of them cnmo to llvo elf of me , but ]
got no used to It now that 1 noxcr complal
-Texas [ Sittings.
Some tlmo njro ntfi public meeting In W
foot county , Colonel Ladsmon was selected
read the declaration of Independence.
had not proceeded for when nn old fellow , x
had come with a Inrgo gathering of Dry 1"
boyn , shouled : "Almttir , whilt sort o' artlc
h that you'ro roadln" ? " "Tho declaration
independence , sin" "Wall , now , llio W ;
over out hero in this section , an' wo dc
want none o1 thnt eeconh business. I fit
the south , an1 1 miffed a good deel o' emi
nn' stopped several pounds o'lod , but wher
flung down my old fuzr.e , I agreed that
scrimmage was dun. Now , mister I dc
think thai you nlr doln' right to como out h
n' road that thing to the young folks. L <
dead and Grant's busted up , they toll mo ,
what's the use in nil this hurrah k business ?
am ns good Houthern man ns nnybody , but
never wns n glutton. " [ Arkansaw Travel
the IJnby ,
I hear her rocking the baby
Her room Is nnxt to mine
And I fancy I feel Iho dimpled anna ,
Thnt round her nock entwine ,
AB she reek nnd rocks the baby
Jn the room to mine.
I hoar her rocking the baby
Knch day when the twilight comes ,
And I know there's n world of blessing .1
In the "" she hums.
I can see the restless fingers
I'lnying with ' 'mamma's rings , "
The sweet little , mulling , pouting mouth
Thnt to her's In kissing clings ,
As she rocks nnd sings to the baby ,
And droama us she rocks nnd sings.
I hoar her rocking the baby ,
Slower nnd slower now ,
And I hear her leaving her good-night kiss
On its eyes and cheek and brow.
From her recking , rocking , rocking ,
I wonder would she start ,
Corld she know , through the wall between
She is rocking on n heart ?
While my empty nnns aching
For n form they may not press ,
And my empty heart is broak'ng
In its desolate loneliness.
I list to the rocking , rocking ,
In the room just next ti mine ,
And breathe n prayer in silence-
Atn mother's broken shrine ,
For the woman who rocks the baby
In the room just next to mine.
MUll -
The Society of Friends report n total me
jerahlp in this country of nbout 75,000 , nnd
lto\t Britain nnd Ireland nbout 18,000.
There tire now in the United States
iToung Men's Christian associations , with
nombershlp of 108,137. They own cigh
juildings , nud S3'J50G7o worth of renl citn
Mrs. Van Colt , the rovlvnlist , has been i
; agoil in her special work for nineteen yea
) ha ia now in her fifty-fourth year , and sa
ho la the spiritual mother of about -10,0
The Hov. Dr. T. DoWltt Talmago preach
0 n vast midionco nt Grimsby , Canada , In
iabbath , which , nccording to a telegrai
'was variously estimated at from lO.OOu
3,000. "
The membership of the Cumberlnnd prc
lytorinn church in this country increased la
ear nearly 10,000. The aggregate membc
hip. at the cloae of the year ending Apiil 3
is 12LV.MO. ?
The Ilov. II , M. "Turner , now a bishop
ho Methodist lpiscdpal church in the Bout
, -aa commissiod by President Lincoln ns tl
rut colored cliaplain in the United Stat
tiny. Ho is the first colored man to rocei
ho degree of D. D. nnd LL. D.
The Melhodist conference of the stnto
Iain will celebrate the centennial of tl
stabllahinentt Methodism in the Unit (
itntes at Lowi-ston nnd Auburn on October :
nd Hi. Several bishops nnd nbout SOO del
ntos ire expected to bo present.
In the exploration of the old Temple area :
1 rusnlem , one of the stones placed roue
bent the low parapet dividing the court i
10 Israelites from the court of the Gentile
ns neon dug up , with the inscription in Grei
; ill legible , forbidding n Gentile under tl
ahi of death , to pass , the p.irapet.
Father Hyncintho , who lately returned I
at in from America , has sent in his resign
on _ as pastor of the "Galilean Churcli" i
arn. As it is the only congregation in tli
iJy , the whole ihurch is thus rendered pa
irless. Singular to say , the resignation wi
Idroesed by Bishop .Tenner , of Iho Angelica
hurcli ,
Onn of the Itoinan Catholic journals f : xj
lat 'tho Jesuits have met with Bingulnr BUI
'H8 in their missions among the ealeied popi
tlon in Maryland nnd elsewhere in tli
uith. " Iu continuation of this it states th :
10 most reverend archbishop lately coufirme
10 hundred and eight , nil colored , in Halt
ore , nnd iu the number were thirty-cove
hilt converts from Protestant donomim
Tlio Oyster.
i the pretty mouth of the Ice crcnni girl
Thciu cnineth u pleasing moisture
x cliu whinpers deep in her deepest soul ,
"September bringotb the o\stor. "
Cincinnnli Merchant Tiavoller.
The bjggest rnlmon caught in Scotland thi
ar weight GO pounds , the ne.xt HM , and BO u ;
A kite , Mxlcon feet high nnd cloven fee
do , whoso covering nqtiliod Iwenly-fou
nU of miiHlin , na * ralseil from n Grnui
reet. Now York , house toji on Sunday last
took four men with gloved hands to hold it
Recently UIPIO wfio in San Fiandsco , Col
0 slicks of timber , one ICOfeut long , nnd II
cliRH ciiuaro , nlniost without knoti ; tliootlie
1 feel long , nnd IS Inches Bipiaio , jiraoticallj
mr Bluir. 'They came from Washington ter
It { s n common th'ng for professional crab
ra in New York nnd nrouud luland t <
t caught by thu IIOKO by s.ivagn ciabs whili
ioiug ) down In their boats. They noyer at'
npt to break the nnimal'j hold. Thuy im
diatoly jump n\erbonid in their clothun
d the moment ho feels salt water the eral
, 's good-byo nud sails uway mulling ,
lUieem. who has charge of the roplile BDCC
ens iu the Smithsonian Institute , contra *
: ta much of the pojiular belief as to snakes ,
mo of the moil dreaded have no existence
ejioop make , which taken the end of it.-
1 in Its mouth and rolls over mid over like n
: ip , killing ou'rythlng ' It touches with iti
: iom , nud the blow rnake , thu brouth ol
ich in deadly , are fictitious. As eerponts
\u about they are constantly feeling ahoiul
, h the tonguo. and the forward thrust nud
i peculiar forked nppearnnco of this orgin
i given riio to the false idea t'jutvlth it the
uglog it ) done. It ia peno-nlly thought tint
'ra ' nro it great number of puhniunus'snakes. .
North America thrru are bill three specif *
i raltleenako , the copperhead or moccasiu ,
1 the coral.
V very Interedtlt'g exhibition of nllioity in
mals usually niitisonistlo ivai observtil u
r days ago by a H itford gentleman , Ho
i a largo number of doves , and when they
d thu corn attracts the chickens , Bpirrous ,
i oven rats The bina ! do not eeem to I u
the least frlghtoued nt thu hungry rodenti ,
hough thosu are of unusual ti/.e. Nu I'.aji-
r fumlly exists Insldo or oiiUide uf n insiiBg.
u. But the "humanitarian aspect" of the
mgo vssortment wns thown at it height ,
0 entli-nun observed ono of the rats run to
1 corn , feed heartily , and ihsu co to the
riage houn > n dozen or more feet away ,
i repjntid the vioit n nuinlierof tiiuou. The
orver's curiosity being iironseil , ho went to
i carriage liouac and found ouo of the doves
t nick * no eating corn there. The object
the rnt'd inovomeutB were now plain ho
.1 been carrying corn to the dove , unable to
; to the ground iUclf.
Some "Fly" Verges.
Ho criwls nlong with feeble feet
To oet'k the feeble tun ;
Hut no kind eye hisglanccs ineet ,
Aad not n single one
Of nil the crowd that paos along
Hend down to him cigh ,
Or listen to his plaintive Bong
Alaa for theo , poor fly 1
N. Y. Morning Journa
He moves thro' space nt lightning speed ,
And seeks n girl or son.
Ho lights tijKra the hairless head ,
And kicks up lots of fun ,
How changed ho Is within n. week ,
This friendless little bumtncr.
You saw the fly in weather bleak ;
This [ j the lly in Summer.
Ynnkers Statesman
Ho flics above the sky.bluo cream ,
Unchid , unchecked by any.
And later , in the sun's warm beam ,
Ho dries his long nntcnic.
Kach dinner dish in turn ho tries
With toilless , graceful flutter ,
'Till ho , like many other flies ,
Dlec , tangled In the butter.
The Judge
Sometimes nround the kitchen ho
Doth wing his explorations ;
And wilh n song of careless glee
Keen buzzing his gyrations ,
Unlil ho comes lo grief , mayhap ,
And falls in pan-cnko bnller
Oh. then you'll find the smothered chan
Served up on breakfast plattor.
Carl Pretzel's Weekly
A Mormon elder has taken nn annual brl
trip for the past Iho years , each time wit
separate brido.
A Newport hello married the man who i
cued her from drowning. This should b
wnrnitii' to young men to keep away from
The newest thing in weddings , inaugura
nl Iho Ilood wedding , Now York , is to BC
mutations nnd cards to Queen Victoria .1
the nobility of Kuropo , It is extrom
"tony , " and it costs nothing but the postn
A chuich wedding nt Wnterhury , Cor
wns delayed an hour nnd a half the other c
bcciu.o the groom had forgotten to get his
cense. Ho had to como back anil call 1
bride's parents out to give their written n
Bent , as the girl was under eighteen , nnd nl
gether the gussts had n rather solemn wait.
At the wedding broakfasl In Kngland
conlly , ono of the bridesmaids expressei
wish lo BOO that mysthi document , n wcild :
license , which she had never behold. The
quest occasioned n fearful discovery. 'J
clergyman had qulto forgotten to nsk for i
license ; the brido-groom Mad left it tolnV'b
man" to procure it. nnd the "best man" 1
forgotten to do. Of course , the marriajo v
no legal mairiago at all , Iho wedding pa
bioko up in dismy , and the ceiemony v
performed the next day.
Miss Evu Mnckny's betrothal , despite i
denial of her father , ia spoken of us folio
iu a Paris letter tt Iho London News : ' 1
betrothal uf Miss Kvn Mnckny , btepdaugh
of the Uonnnza Sil\er King , to Prince C
onnn has been celebrated wilh great pomp
the \illa of her aunt near Homo. The brii
designate becatre acquainted with her futi
husbind last winter. She is of small etati
wilh unassuming , nice , quiet manners , i < s gu
looking and has nrtistio ta tes. Her engai
montto Prince Colonnnwill boa aouice
dlsappointinont to diveis Fuubourgh St. Gi
in.iiii families.
The word "chauvari" is used throughoul
largo portion of the west and describes Iho i
tontions which a howling music mad count
crowd pay to n newly married couple.
those | parts it is p ononnccd "chivarec. ' * ]
wigiii is ns follows : In the middle aget
"chamnrl" consisted of nn assetnbln.'jo ot ra
imulling , who , urrnod with ! tin pots and pac
liio shovels nnd ; kettlen , gathered in the da :
jutsiilo cf the house of nuy obnoxious peiso
ranking the night hideous by striking thopj
igninst Iho pans , and howling : "If nro ! Ilaro
) r ( in the Bouth of lingland and Fr.iuc
'Hari ! Hari ! " In 1303 the council of Trci
.ook the mutter up , and solemnly intordictt
Miarivaris" under the pain of uxcommur
iation ; ne\eitheleis tha praUice , continuaa
Branca to this day , notably Iho village of I
NEW YOKK , Special Telcgrnm , Aupuet 3
-On the nrrlval of the steamer Westphal
, o-day , an olopitg couple from Berlin , uauu
ilenry Thuofeldt and Annie Peiieonnere
nuch surprised to find that n tolegrnni hi
ieen sent lo the commissioners of cmlgratioi
enueating that the young lady bo returne
0 lior pntonts in Geimany. It appears thi
ho young couple were much attached to cac
ither , but the young lady's parents foict
itr to marry another man. The marriat
irovod to bo n plalonio one , howoyor , tl
; irl refusing tolixo wilh tha husband of hi
urent's selection , and finally eloping wit
L'huleldt. The strong attachment with tl
oung people had shown for each other , cam
d several of the ollicers of Crstle Gulden I
uterest themsohoain their behalf , and ft i
11 he taken to prevent the order irom hem
arrlcd out.
Tdu following "points" aio derived fret
ho experience of an English lady of goo
octal position but limitul means , who fi
overnl years has boon tnkiiifr "clionto" i
, eed of husbands to watering placea diirin
In ten years she tcoies twenty-threo EUI
aesos and nine failures , this fisher of men. J
ppenrs thut dark girls go elf int < pringan
iitiunn , nnd blunds at mul-summor ; Iliac Hi
laikot 19 apt to bo dull the beginning of th
Jason , nnd to grow In iek toward its closi
liat Iho very younir , fair men like biuiiftle
est , but veer very slowly towaid their lighte
; sterH us the fair men glow older , and thu
10 conviiso is ns true of veiy young
ten : that bruncttctf almost AS invuiluble prt
) r fair men , iir pecti\u of jgo , nnd that th
redilectiuu * of blonde i is comniutily an 01
oiito one ; that blonde girls weik elf very ll
1 raw , ojldish weather ; that to couple a fa'
nd a daik girl in walkmc , diiving , etc , i
onerully , but not nlwiiyc , good policy , sine
10 intended \jclliiiHoiuetiuien fulls in levi
ith each in succession , and c-nds by takinp
uithor , bint lui. illy , tlutviilo ) uioimtuins am
kis piove lively ineentivcs to tlir.ntlous n
idler pciiods , the fcnsido was ( lociileill ;
rnngorin the way of landing the fith us th'
aves turn and the days grow Blunter.
Ijonan'H Ijiiuir ,
hera Is a gro'xt soldier named Logan ,
'ho shouts when ho Bounds his loud slogan ,
Ho Hiiortu n mammoth imistucho
That H worth its weight in ha-d cadi ,
nd ho wearj a Chicago girl's biogan.
"NVhat causes the greut uisli nt Sch rotor i
echt's Drug Store ? " The fieo distiibitrior
flumplo bottles of Dr. Hojunko'u Cough anc
ling Syrnu , the must popular rcinndy foi
inghs Coldi , Coiibumption and Hronchitii
> - maiktt. Keuular s\e.o \ CO cent.
nl 6 00
Maurice ( I rim's company has arrived. I (
imbers fifty people ti.d great things Is ox
cted from it.
Mls linitna Tliunby is now In Norway ,
10 has gene there to join iilia. Ole Bull nl
r-fs , near llergen.
Margaiet Mather U to appear as Lady Mac/
th shortly. Millies l.uvick will bo the Mac.
th of the cast , nnd Frederick Puulding the
iV correspondent writes from St , Paul ,
Inn. , that M. H. Curth opened the season
that city In "Spot Cash" to a largo but din-
; i tied audience.
Immediately uiwin hU arrival from Kuropo ,
r. .loliii McOulloiiRli will cdl his company
; ethei' nnd go upon the road , the time of his
irring tour having been completely filled up
Juno ItJSj ,
Magglo Mitchell h'ls added two now plays
her repertoire , but if ehu in wltn ulioill
L pretmnt them lo the public for aoveral
us to coinu. Maggie wouldn't bo rtcog-
: ed ouUlilo of her conventional rules ,
' .awrenro Darrfltl has been playing aery
tvssful cngngBinaut In Sail Fiancieco ,
er his four \\esks oieigemcnt In that city
will go to Portland , Oregon , for two weelx ,
nice lo all tha largo cities of the wast.
iVilion Harrctt , the famous Huglish actor ,
lot yet forty years of ago. lie is a Btrik-
; ly haudfome man , bii fharp , clenr-cut ,
) hle Niarlng a cloio reiemblnnco to that of
i first Napuleon in hU } ounger daya ,
[ ) ar , delightful Mmo. Theo landed in Now
nk from the Oregon on Sunday , She brings
111 her IW.OOO francs worth of drooae * ,
ilch fche decloica are works of art , and which
owiro boyonnd question unparalleled suci
or the little French woman.
Mmo. JanLsch. the emotional nclrnss , >
appears al Iho ow Park Thenlcr , Septeir
27 , will bo supported by Author Eiwood , C
H. Grilliths Mark Price , Charles 1'lunk
Waller Evtingo , Horico Preston , Georgi
Jordan , Harry Reeves ! Miss Mnry Sh
Miss Mary Mnddorn , Miss Josephine Hall
and Miss Kntle Fcrrnnn.
Mr. John T. Raymonds company this i
Includes a number of capital actor' , notn
Mr. H. A. Weaver , jr. . Mr. W. CullingI
Mr. Murray Wood * , Mr. nnd Mrs. Get
Devero nnd Miss Nannie Kgbetts. His
portory will comprise Mr. Lloyd's "For C
gross1 Messrs. Jossop and Gill's "In P/ /
disc. " and Iho familiar "Gilded Age. "
At Mckee llnnkin's Third Avenue then
New Ynrk , the English fashion of 1
ing female ushers has been introduced. So
daintily-attired young ladies oicort the spo
tors to their scats. They nro nn improveir
mer the masculine nrticio in the matter of
lerity nnd politeness , but they offer danger
temptations for Impressionable young mei
the eutr nctos.
Miss Clnrn Morris enters upon n soaso
twenty-live weeks on September i0 ! , under
management of Mr. Frank Goodwin , plaj
ft week nt the Third Avenue Theater , Is
\oik , previous to Stirling on her tour. 1
company consists of Frodrlo Hrylon , Joe 1
land. Charles Slondman.Uobcrt Hainford
P. 1'isher ' , .T. 0. Klllott , F. C. Hird , Mrs.
L. Farron , Miss Helen Odello , Mrs. He
Crisp , and Miss Edith Hird ,
Mme , Patti gave n concert n fortnight
nt Swnnsea. Wnloi , on behalf of the hospl
Uioro , which nchloved unprecedpntod succ
Two years npo she gnvo a similar cone
which rosulled in over 84,000 being nddo <
the hospital funds. The attendance I
weeks ngo was so larga that the hospital
probably receive nearly twica that sum l
year. Mme Patti gang "Homo Sweet Hoi
and ' 'The Old Folks at Home. "
The following artists will comprise H
umtna Abbott's company , which begins
so won at Louisville , Ky. , September 8 ; La
Balllnl. Murjo Hindlo , Lizzie Annamh
Clara Honhour , William Castle , Tagllaplet
lirignoh , Cniniobello , AVilllain Hroderick i
Walter Allen. The icperloiro consists of "L
me. " "Somirnmldo , " "Lall.i liookb , " "He
Mid Ilnnd,1' "Mlgnon , " "Carmen,1' ' "Fa-v
"King for n Bay , " and more than twei
other Rtandard operas for which now costui
and properties have been Imported.
Til's medicine , combining Iron with pure
vegetable tonlci , qulpkly nml rompletely
Cures lv iiriMhi , JiiillKrillnn , \\'ciiln ( " > H ,
Iiiniiirrltli > nilMlIiilarIiiC'litlltiniiiiru > crM ,
ILIK ! NoiirulRlti.
It Is nn imfntllnfr remedy for Dkcnscs of the
J\lilncjH unil I/Ivor.
It is invnluablo for Dlsensc ? pccnllnr to
Wonirri , nnd all who lend Fcdenlnry ll\es.
It cloos not Injure the teeth , cati'ohcailnrhcnr
produce coi tlpntlon olttT Jron malicnicsda.
It enriches and pnrllic'i the blood , stimulates
Ilienppotlte.altU the n-f-lmllntlon of food , re
lieves Heartburn nnd lielclilng , and Etrciigth-
HIS the muscles and nerves.
Tor Intermittent rovers , Lassitude , Lack of
Energy. & .C. , it has no equal.
K3- The Ronuinc 1ms above trnflo jnnrk nnd
crested red lines on wrapper , Tnkc no other.
n J oul,1j , IIHOHMIII.IIIC.IMI ) . , IUI.TIJlIKL-au ,
Chartered by theStatcof II :
r vr i , , nois for thcexptcsspurpo
SUi { mgi * ! of elviHElmmediatc relict
$ all chronic , unnaryand pi
tyChartered ' fpiwfhw
Gleet andSyphilis in all the
ty complicated forms , also t
diseases of the Skin ar
permpnently cured by rcmi
dies.testtdin uFor/ifl n
* jcci tri 1-rart Ice. Semln
IVeiUness. rlirit | ; Losses by Dreams , Pimples c
he 1-4 . Lost Manhood , ; usjfi'e/ ' ; ; cured 'f/tei
anncxi > cri > ninl\n < i. Thr appropriate it..r.fl
ictonce Ubecl In each case. Consultations , pel
onal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Met
; ies sent bv Mail and Express. No marks o
IXCSUKC to indicate contents or sender. Adore :
.No. 204Wa3hingion SChicagol ! ]
IthKlollt. Till : HEAI/I'll
t VIGOR of VOUTH. Dj- -
l ol A |
rd In DR.
'ily euro. ( .ilTceiiclcMi , tc ! ti. roniplcvloii.
rrniiiGiit aiiar.ta | at c 'v hifr unlynild
) | ] | C'Joni1irl ] | ly lift hu oripln il. Duuut cxpcrl-
icnt tri.-tlho OitliilNAI. AM ) UKST.
' ioThePr. HarlRrMM Co.V
M. Louis , r our "DllKABI 13OOK. " B
tulJof btriuiL'ouau useful iJitoiniatJoa.lrto.Jr j
( Faculty I'rliu Hodlcd
* T " $ ? & WS *
A Alfl P
L t 11 Ml
And other Dbcaeos ot the Anus anil Koctum.
20 S. 14th St. Cor. Douglas
, _ wtf .
ot Lite. Only $ i.oc
from Inrthcrctlon. or ol
AIook'0.reVDryman ' > , jounif , mldJIo-iee. ! ,
. It oontalna IZS.prcjorlptlonS1 lor all Su
I i-hrcnia dlneacoa each one ol which la Invaluib a
founil bi ; thu Author , nhcvo ? . Sr S8
r Is uch aaprobably never before fell tiiti. let
" ? PWC B M Pacei , bound nbiaot | n
neb latullu roaossodooTOH , lull ifiitKnarant"J
) a Hnor work n every vonso.-nncliinl-al ft
ry nd prolewklouil.-thin toy other oiktoid in
i ooiantiy lor J2.6U , 01 the raonay will bo reloid Id
ncrv Initonyo. Price only by il no. . .
! ' ' " " ' ' " "V0 BanPle 6 cent'"end no - bold
Ulawtraedtheantnor by the Hallonai ir ii.i
h'rolanomemborol ooclaty t whom ThuB-l
B of Lie rtlll not b
ueefm. whether i ntbnar
, caardl o , Instructor or elinnioVnrranauf
ddrfM the Peabody Uedlcil InTltiTi o ? V , , VI
talker , No. 1 Dultlneh Strcst , Beiton'Iae ? whc
' bo couaultod on all and
I'll > he i.-i " . | | i
P e y. Bach tieatDQ rn ? < J .HEA ! lulh
i-ut an IntUnc * failure ,
10 firm heretofore "xlitlns under the
Owing to the increase
in our business we've
admitted to the arm
is well and favorably
will enable us to han-
lle an increased list
) f property. We ask
; hose who' have desi
rable property for
iale , to place the same
us. The new firm
" 315
H UM A . Tr k - w. d IFI
:18 : South 14th St.