Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 06, 1884, Image 1

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Seiisatioiiai Fcalnrcs of t&o World' '
News Yesterday.
A Wealthy Chicago Man Oaugh
in a Liaison ,
[ f Leaps From a Window Will
Nsarly Fatal Effects ,
Rumored Esoapado of Young Cor
nelius Vanderbilt ,
Shocking Oaso of'Supposed Frat
ricide at Chicago , Extemporary
li'atnl .laouiiy ! Klros Cronka
anil Xhlcvc-H Drowned ,
Special Ditpatch to TUB Una.
CIIIOAOO , September 5. James M. ( ! amble
ono of the host known reul estate men in the
ity , who represents many millions of out o
town capital , nas found in thoalloy at thoBldc
of the house No.HJ Congrssg street , at nhoul
3 o'clock this morningHo was nhuost nn
ketl ; hii face was terribly dislifiured ; his louur
lip was. cut off by being caught on a toln
graph wire , ami ouo of his Icg.-t was broken
Ho was found by ; v colored mall who sum
moned the patrol wagon. To the police win
carried him to hii room at the i'almor house ,
Gamble raid that ha had leaped out o
the third story window of house Jfo.ISJ Con
gress street , had caught on the telegraph wires
and then fallen to the ground. Ho vouch
kafuJ no further explanation.
It i'i known that , at " o'clock this morning ,
a constanlo went to the third fitoiy of house
No. 'ISJ Congress street with a man named
Shock. The latter is declared to poaa as tha
outraged husband , who was prepared to dis
cover his wife in iligranto delicti ! with a well
known younjj nun ab'mt ' town , last riixht , in
a room iu n flat on the third stoty of the
homo above mcntumud. It ia certain that
James Jf. Gamble , the wealthy real estate
dealer , was found bruised and maimed in the
alloy within ; t very fa 17 minutes after the visit
was mada by thii coiistablo and hnsbind.
The buildimr is filled with llnti and ono of
thorn ii occupied by ' 'Mia. J. W. Johnson , " a
widow , fat , fair and nbovn forty. With her
reside her two Bens , lunrly crown mm , and a
daui > litsr irinif d Nellie Shuck. If tl'o nvithcr
is good looking , tha youii ; * woman is bcuiti-
ful. She i-ilho wiFe of n dissipated fellow
named Sh ck , who makoa his lii-adqiiaitnrs at
a saloon on Mouth Clark ttroet
Thn young wife luw not , it is
said , been living with her Inn-band
for snmo time. It now appears that he Inn
bbon scheming to entrap her in lln nmto deli-
ctu with a youiiff go. tleman very wo'l ' known
T/ in business and social ciiclos named Uriswold.
The oxpl.inatioi.i of Gamblrs' wild tnniblo is
that when the ollic-'r ontcrod tha Hat he bcjjan
pounding by ml-tulio on the mom which was
coctipiocl by Gamble and that the fotnier , wild
with fear , b uncled out of bed nud of thojwiu-
dinv whi'o ' discreet Urisxvold the object of till
etill hunt , rpiietly dre sod and walked off in
the confiuion.
Sensational ICuinor Tliut
Oorncliits fias
Urn JlllllonH : uul
To Europe.
Special dip\tch ti the ] 5n ? .
NKW Yor.K , September 5. A sensation was
created in Hnnnciul ciiclos this moruiug by
a rumor thai Cornelius Vacderbilt , youngest
BOH of William II. , han lost all his money in
ppcculution , and lint fled tb Kuropc. It is
slid that ho has loft aovoral heavy debtn be
hind. Tha young man inherited $3,000,000 ,
frjm his grandfather , the Coimnoiloro. and
every of this great forttino is believed
to have hi-on B'.vcpt n\v y. The New York
World this morning d-elared that there is
peed authority for tlio Blo-y that young Vanderbilt -
derbilt has ili-tilpat d his millions and tied to
Hurope. Thu money was all lost on Wall
Btreet ,
A ItlonKtroiiR Ci-lino Throns'i ' Jeal
COI.UJIHUS , O. , September 5. A dreadful
murder was committed at Colonel Parrot's
thU morning. James Greener who was very
attentive to Grotchon Seeling , n German girl ,
became ) madly j aloui and Iitst night bccnno
very alusive. Thu ( 'Irl callul for lio'p ' and the
man wau hnnded over to tha police , but not
biiforo he had threatened to kill tha girl.
During the night ho elfocfnl an entrance
through the luhoaiunt and chos at her wicp ,
A. onu shut tnkingciri'ct iu the breast and k ing
. her instantly , Ool. I'.irrott ran down Btalra
and was grootad by another shot from Green
er which did noc take clfoct , Thn men
clinched and GrooiKr shot again nnd again
missing. Ho then hit the Colonel upon the
head with the revolver aud oscapml , pursued
by citizens wh'i hud heard the mmo. Ho was
caught and held hy them until tlu police ar
rived and placed him in prison.
A IJui'l to llio Dentil.
Vicsnumi , September 5. In n dlfliculty to
day between Cnpt , Jan. S. MoUler , it well
known river man , and Capt. J , W. Uourno ,
deputy internal revenue collector , four teen
hhots wcro lirod. Honrce died ut 0 o'clnck ,
It U bvlioved that Mutzler will not live
through the night , 'llio trouble grnwoutof
MetzlorV intimacy with Jiouriiu'ii wifo.
1 Join mi fired the first whut , inaklni ; an attack
on Metzlcr , who wasconvomini ; with othero.
After being Hhot don , Itminio hent for his
wife und children , His two children wont tj
eea their f tlur , but hincife went to the bed-
eido of ilet ler The symjuthy of the entire
community is cntirn'y with liourno and his
children , A unit for a divorce fur liourno and
l\it \ wife ii jiondlng ,
Knrtli ,
WILKEHIIAIHU : , I > a.Sciit"mberri , The lin-
terpiisomino at 1'ort JJowkluy , owned by
Andrew Langdon , of Dulfalo , was thiu innni-
Ing the fcono of tli9 extensive cave which
IIM occurred in tliU legion for years. Nearly
ono hundred acres of ground settlcxi from four
to six feet The inino In ruined and now fuli
of gas nnd water from the river , which i"
pouring thrjiv'h fimures The owner refused
to sell lAHt wuuk o't an offer of $30 1.OOD.
looter. A Hecuml falloccnrrod this avcnlrg
' " 5'J extending
and riowcmbrau'ii fully acres ,
the ilistuncu of half a mllo. The fall of rock
thUeioningiH thought to bo ennrrnoua , It
will bo ut It''ut a year hefuro the miiio b"
] > ut In working orli-r ngain , The lo. a will
Kuch fully a liult million.
Foil I
CHiOAnoScptflmherC William II. Bownle ,
member of the board of tradti , wag found dead
in the basement of liin houno on Lake Avenue
to-night , with a bullet hole in hid left temple.
Ho was alone In h's ' lu > u oatthe limn of th
occmronco. Vrom the fact that his f ace wn
powder burned nnd liN hnir tcoixihed It was a
( irst suiipofod to bi a case of suicide , 1m
clmcr examlnixtion of the position nud dlruc
lion ot the wound and the fact that nowrapo
i mild bo found , led ID lha o moluMuu that I
win mnnlcr , Ho had a brother Chiuln . )
Downii- , with \\hom ho hud frequAiit nlterca
' .lon.s in rrgird to fin undivided catato left t
them by their mother. Tlieio troubles led t
a Reparation yc.itrrday after an urn-snall )
atoriuy cl'uo nnd nn att mpt by Charles t
brain u's ' brother with nn axe. TliU with th
fact Charles once shot nt Willhm , led to th
uspicion that it was n ca n of ftatricldc. Th
Tlio police arrested ChsrhM on the way fron
the city to his hia xuburbau homo and fiitlm
on his pcnsoii a revolver with one chambe
A Swtiulloi'a Kiul ,
LoftsvtLl.K , Ky. , Soptcmber fi. Dr. Ii
Watson Iiylo , charged with extensive ponsioi
frauds , vwas arrested In Crittendcd Countj
and brought to this city to-day. The author
Hies have bean in siMrch of Ijyln for over tw (
yonr ? . Ho has been travelling from place to
lilaco rcnrcsonting himself to bo in the cmplo ;
of the United Stales pension department.
His principal liold of work was in Illinois am
Iowa where ho is said to have swindled pco
lilo out of seventy-five th'iu anct dollar ? .
HP.I.KNA , Mont. , September 5. Ycslenlny
Ur. Elliot , his wife and daughter , of Chiro
were held u [ > by two road agents at "Hell's
Half Acre , " iu the national park. The car
riagn was driven into a bush aud the occupants
roblud of all their valuables. The robberj are
not > ot captured.
Arrcat of a lAir er.
AHIIIIURG l\\nK. N. J. Frank Patterson
the alleged . forger , who was proprietor am
and malinger of the opera honso here , and neat
at Long lirauch , was arrested this morning.
Ohio Jim I UK Trouble * .
COLU.MIIUS , O , , September 5. Many of the
mines in Hocking Valley will bo closed ne\
Wednesday , owing to trouble with th
miners. _ _ _
iK ConiniisBlonor Carman's
{ { OQtlniia About Dliinrectlnn
AgnlnuC PJcuro-l'ncit-
iiioiiia tu
WASIU.VOTO.V , September fi. Acting Com
nistioner Carman has issued the following
circtilor , relative to preventing the spread o
IVxas fovcr among cattle : "In view of the
rocout outbreak cf Texas or southern fever in
, ho stock yards at Kansas City and Chicago ,
md ether points in Illinois , and Kansas , I
espectfully recommend , nttln urgent request
if a large number of practical and experienc
ed operators who believe this disuaso to bo
ransmittcd by cars on lines of transpnitation ,
hat all cattle from points along the bolder of
Southern Col < rado , KansaaSouthcrnMissmiri
and Southern Kentucky , noithward. be thor-
Highly wa-hed and disinfected ,
Also that all cars used on
inea cast of Kansas City , Si. Louis or
Chicago in the transportation of stock from
lointspoulh , mentioned above , o.istv.-ard , bo
nished and dif infected iinmoiliately after un-
oadin7 , and further , th < t nil yards used in
icnning and feeding pnch cattle hhould bo
.lioronghly cloancd and d niufecHnl twice u
veelc or oftoner. prorautions nro ro-
; arded highly CHsential as feeders purchase all
attlo for their winter's stable feeding during
he .season Irom Augti't 1 to December 1.
HonoiH to the l > i'il Secretary.
WASHISOTON , September 5. At a meetirg
of chiefs of the vaiions biiroaua of the treasury
lepattment to-day , Co.nptrollor Lawrence ,
Jommissiontr Johnson , Treasurer Wyman ,
3omnii59ii. ner ICvan" , and Solicitor Neid were
appointed a committee to draft resolutions
) f respect to the memory of tha deceased sac-
otary. Treasury employes who dcsiro to nt-
o .d the obsecjiiies will bo given a special ,
vlilch will run from Washiiuton to Gcnova
irior to the funeral and ruluni imuio.Iiatoly
iftervvard" . The treasury department closed
.o-day. Thobuildint ; is heavily drjped with
ilack , nnd tlaRH are Hying at lialf-m ut. Act-
ug-secrctnry Coon willis-noan older to close
ho sub-treaMuie.s and cu-tom-housea during
ho h nri of tlio funeral coremnnien. Acting
Secretary of State Davis received a telegram
rom the president this morning directing nn
Kccullvo order bo isbiiod fuimally announcing
lie death of Folger.
I'IIOVIDENCK , September C. President
\rthur villcomo to this city to-morrow
norning to uttniul tha fnnBral of fenator
i\nthony. Ho will probably leavu here
irect to attend the funtral o ! Secretary
. The Scarlet , CnrdiiiallUcd ,
lid Gold , Navy Jilne , Soul lirown , Diamond
yes give peiftct rchults. Any fashionnblo
olor , lOc. , at drugguU. WUh , lUchardson
c Co. . Uurlington , Vt.
A Grout Doulilo WrcHllln JTatoli.
DETIIOIT , September D. The double wrest-
ng match for § 1,000 a nido and the gale ro-
eipts between Dufiir , of Mnssa lm ° ctts , and
benjamin , of Washington , and between Colo-
el Mi'Langhlin , of Detroit , and the Honor-
ilo Klugg , v < l\'t hai jtiflt been elected to the
'ormont legihlature- , resulted in Dufnr win
ing two fal'K ' Miit of three from Honjnmin
ml in McLouglilln downing F nyy twice
and runtiing , IJoth contests were exciting
locinlly the ouo lutwenii M cLaiighlin and
ml Flagg. During the lirat bout McLuush-
n throw h'lngg over his head but the Ver
lonter turneil over in the air and H.ivoil a fall.
'lie attuiidnnco numbertd 1,500.
Sr. 1'At'i. , Minn , , September 5. It has just
rnn nirod that an effort was made at the
jrand opera house Wednesday night to as-
H'aeiuato Silting Hull. AH In was leaving
iu theatre , nnd while Uill In the foyer , ono
f two unknown men suddenly draw a | .i < tel
ml without raising it aimed At the licnd of
iu great chief , but a companion knocked the
capon down before it could bo ditchargrid ,
lota u ( MI fo'lowcd ' the Indians out but no
irthe-r attempt on their lived were mado.
ittiug Hull Is now constantly guarded , oven
i bin hotel , the guard being placed at thu
"As Good UH Now , "
ro the words used by ft lady , who was at
no time given up by the immt eminent
lij'siciaiiH , and loft to elio. Rod need to
muro Bkohilon , palo and haggard , not
bio to leavu her bed , from all thneo tilts-
roEsini ; diseases peculiar to Bull'eriiif , ' fo-
nalea , each as dleplacemont , loucorrhwi ,
nllammatlon , oto . etc , 81m hu un tal-
ng Dr. I'ip.rco'a "Favorite Proscription , "
nd also using the local treatment' * roc-
mmcndod by him , nnd is now , BU < nayn ,
'an ( { oodnu novI'rico reduced to one
ollar. J3y
ct Iliii > > ! H Jturnnil.
KAI.KKJH , N , 0 , September I. A fire tlin
norning burned two market and a
lumber of mall huildiiiK'i ) . Loan § 1,000 , par-
ially insured.
"lOODosoa Ono Dollar" ia true only
of Ilood'a Saraaparilla , and It is an un *
nsworablo argument aa to strength and
Friday's ' Business on tiic Cbicag
Board of Mo ,
Slight Demand for Oattle , Onl ;
the Best Taken ,
A Sharp Decline Esporioucod ii
the Hog Market ,
Corn Again the Center of tin
Day's ' Activity ,
Dull Trading in Other Oereali
and iProvisions.
Muilornto Uuslnr.bH In AVlicnt Oats
I'orlc nntl Imnl Dull anil
Imvor ,
SpceinlJDispatch to The 15ii : : .
CIIIUACIO , September 5. The receipts 11
Texans and territorial stock were about -0
cars , of which over 100 were through Tcxau <
There wcro about ICO cars of natives , HU
over thirty or forty of which were wlia
would bo classified as Itrst-class. The domain
was not as active yesterday and medium am
common sorts , olthcr native ! ) or rangers
were btroDR at lOo lower , but the boat , uxtr
natives or rangers , Bold equally as well aa an ;
ilny this week. Shippers and dressed hoc
dealers paid 20 to ! 25 for best Texane , bu
canning and light sorts wcro slow at the dt
cline noted above. The quality ami style ( i
territorial stock was not up to average , am
sold rather slow. Best natives nnd solii
corn fed at 0 G0@7 00 ; grass natives Mc (
5 20 , and medium , part corn-fed at 5 50 ( < ? ( i 25
goodjto fancy , 1,2 0 and 1COO , Iba , 5 S0@i ( 7fi
common to medium , 1,000 and 1,030 Ibs , 0 01
@ 5 75. llanpn cattle , liberal supply , dcmam
jood ; natives firm , grass TOXIUI.S , 7511 and UUI
Ibs , ! l OU ( 110 1 ; winteiod Texans , 0 7f > @ t ( SO
Ameriein , 4 2"i5jr > | ' 15. Sales 05 Wyoming
1,120 , 5 40 ; 127 Wjoming. 1,120,4110 ; Hi
roxans , 8Ui1 20 : 1.V Texans , 425 , 4 20 ; 111
fexans , 4CD , 83 ; 120 Texans , 1,001 , 'J DO.
The market generally was ratlioi
lull ; prices uneven ami 5 ( < ylOc lower , on tlu
iveraRO. Tliero lias bten a sharp decline since
Wednesday. i'or assorted light theio wai
ittlo or no demand ; a , load or no madu 0 25n (
! -10. Common corn fed and graspers ha\c
jen quito well told out.
Tlio corn pit presented a t-cene of groal
ictlvity thro gh both tosslotiR of the board to
lay but trading iu other cereals and provisions
vas dull.
The trading in corn was again active boll
'or spot and f lure delivery with higher priccn
Jeceipts were binullor at Stil cars against 42i
jars yostsi day. The demand for cash con
ivas urgent a'id still iiiuintuiiicd apromiun _
aver September. Shipments continue frei
\nd the t-hort interest is naturally uneasy re
uding the situation and anxious to cover
lartirnlarly for ept ° mber. though Octob-t
md Novembrr shatoil in the buoyancy. Al
, ho opening prices were J to glower , but sooi
lecamo linn , September .dvuucing to 2 , Octo
, November to Ij , fluctuated am :
ilosed 1J higher for September , 1J ; higher foi
Jctober , and J for November than thu elo-inc
> f yesterday. Oil the afternoon board tlu
imrkfit was again buoyant. October aud No-
ember advancing } , the market closing at 03
' > r September , Sl'j'for October , and -Iti-i foi
S'ovember ,
In wheat lh ro was only a moderate Imsi-
less transacted , and generally speaking the
larltet was very ( juibt. No now foi.tiires
vero developed and the valno of receipts hero
ml at other points did not show any panic-
lar change. Tha market opened oasiorowing
0 uufavorabln foieign Hows. 1'rices declined
aud rallied to i , fluctuated nnd closed
under yesterday. On the afternoon board
lie market nil ml firm and it t-lntlu higher ,
losing lit 7Hi f r September , 80 , for October ,
1J for November.
uled dull and showed littln change , doting
1 2igc for .September and liUjc for October.
j'Oiii ;
uled dull , the year dropping to $12 CO per L'ar-
ingcd lower , closing stoidy at 87 H74 for
eptimiber , S7 45 for October , and S7 40 for
Sr. TATJJ. , September fi. A rjpecial to the
Ivening Dispatch from Redwing , Minn. ,
iys : ThoAlazejipa Mill company made an
'sigmnent to-day to W. W. 1'ntnam , Lia-
iliMoH , SI 10,000 ; aSMita , S17nOOU ; capital
tock , 8150,000.
NJW YOIIK , September 5 , Sclindnle.s of
10 assignment of John W. Boys , commission
leriliant , filed to-day hhowtd liabilities at
I5H.210 , nominal awets at $ la3'iO.'t , nctml
Bbctsnt 5(51,111)2. ( )
Tlio I'Jntl nt tlio lown Fair.
DBS MOININ , September 5. The closing
ay of thn Iowa state fjlr passed elf with
oed weather and it largo attendance. The
ital gate receipt * foot up to about S'iH.OOO ,
nd the society will have 11 l.'iryo surplus in
10 treasury. Ths ollicers nro corresponding'
r happy
? are for the Children
Children feel the debility of the
easona , even more Ilian adults , and they he-
oino cross , peevlbli , and miconlrollahlo.
"ho blood should bo eloansed and the system
ivlgorated by the use of lloeid's Harsaparllla.
"I/ast Kjirlng my two children wcro vaccl-
atcd. 80011 after , they broke all out with run-
Ing sores , EO dreadful I thought 1 should lese
liem. Hood'H Harsaparllla cured them com-
letcly ; and they have been healthy ever
luce. I do feel that Ilood'a Burnaparllhi
avcd my children to me. " Ilita. C. U
rnoiirsoN , West Warren , Mass.
Purify the Blood
Hood's Rarsnparllla Is charactcrl/ed ] .j
hreo peculiarities : 1st , the combination ot
cmeillal aiscnts ; id , the proportion ! 3d , the
process cf securing the active incdlclnu/
nalltleu. The result Is a medicine of iimisu
tmitli | ; , ellectliii ; cures hitherto unknown
iciiil for book containing additional evidence ,
"Hood's Bantan.irlUa tones up my system.
iin-lflest my MOOII , ( sharpens rny : u > pRtlt , and
i-eiiin lo make mo over. " .1. r. TllOMmi.v ,
tegbter of Deeds , Lowell , Jlatis.
Kamnparllla beat ! ) all others , mid
s worth Its welBlitlnuolil. " M '
JO llauk Htrcet , New YurU City ,
Mood's n Sarsaparilla
d by all drujilfts. $1 j sic for $5. Made
nly by 0. 1. HOOD It CO. , Lowell , Ma85.
IOOcDo8os _ Ono Dollar ,
Tlio Cliolorn.
llosir , Septomler t > . At 8pezi.durini
the past twenty-four hours. L * frc h eases o
cholera , and seven deatln. Tlio 1'ojta his
sent § 1,000 to Naples to bo diMtibutn
uted among the suirorors from ehr.lern. It
the past " ! houro thorn were 128 fcrsh cutes
and l < 7 cluaths at N plo .
MAHHIH , Soptnmbcrft.-Six case * of chnl
era nnd four death nro repotted from Navoldo
lOcni-es and four deaths at Mnnfotto , and ' .
deaths at Vilna.
KOMI : , September Mb. ThootHctal Imlloth
shows the ravnges of cholera for thn last 'J
hour * to be , new eA < ec , Ml ; deaths , 123.
UOMB , September 5 King Humbert ha ?
postponed hw vi it to Naplns. Thorn won
popular domonalrntionH to-day in Cumpha i
nnd Ancoim against the roynl decrees , MIS
pcmlim ? protects niul jyudleea iu places where
arbitrary loenl uieaMltV'n have been adoptoi
ngainst cholera. Mayor Spezlit cuccumb'jd U
MAUSKli.t.r.i , Soptnmbcr t" . 1'or tliu 21
hinirs eliding to-night there have been lUe
vlmler.t ( leaths here ,
JlAlilltu , Soptcmber 6 The directors o
the Alieanto newspapers have signed a pro
test ngatmt the action of the guvernment it
dojlariiig that cholera exists In that city
They declare that no tmspicimm ca ca of tin
sickness appeared there this week. Thu foreign
oign miiHiil nnd local trnderx idi nnlta In pro
touting against the iiolntion of the city.
It is reported tint twenty-six b.tlcn of rugs
from 1'iaucn unnggled irto Xovnldn canard ai
outbreak of cholera there. The rags won
burned. '
The Krnnoc-Moimollim AVar.
I'.Mlls , September .0. The Temps Blatc
that I.i Hung Chang in not degraded , hu
still retains his ollicial position In the Chinotk
government. Itis believed that Courbet will
his Meet is near Hainan , out of the track o
VCKM. ' ! , repairing his nhlps after the battle o
Keliing. The attack on Kehmg was promplci
by a desire to obtain posicf KIOII of the coa
uilncp , which would prove extremely useful ti
thn French in CJSQ war was declared am
neulral ports closed. The Chinese frustratei
this xehumoby Hooding the mines and destroy
ing the pumping machinery.
1'AliiH , September 5. The "l1ui8"savHthat
the French forces in China will not conlino
their actions to the occupation of the island of
Kormosa. The I.iberta says that Courbet
when reinforced , may blocado the gulf o !
TAIIIS , September 5. It Is reported that
United -States MinlsUit Morton hai with the
knowh dgo of I'rimo M.'nlster ' l''erry , Intinmt-
ed to the government at Wellington that the
limo ix opportune for American mediation be
tween Krauco aud China.
Antl-Stntc-Cliureli Scotoli.
ICniNiiUHO , Septembc'r 5. filadstono had n
[ i ivnte confcrenco to-daj' with the mtuiatiTj
of the I'Vco ' Church of Scotland. Ho promisor
them that if a distinct mnjority of the Scotch
members returned t' ) ( lie commons next olee-
tion , wcie plodded to dia-establii'li the Church
c > f Hcotlacd , the government would cairy out
; ho popular will.
WAIISAW , Voland , Boptambor 5. Sixty-
four persons suspected of plotting a aiiist the
czar have been nrraBteilfiV number of women
are included. The p'.i.u | < V luve ordered all
warehouses , hhops and aioriiB closed at nine
each night durin ? the Ciar's vioit. IJ.ich po-
lieo azenfc is charged with watch of live
lionr * .
l < VelinK In. . France.
TAIIIS , September f ! . The irritation of the
bVemh press ngainst ICnplnnd is ppruidlng to
, ho public. An anti-lCiiRlish journal is selling
jy the thousands on the boulevards.
I'lncrty IJOBOB tlio DciuocrAtio Nniii-
CHICAGO , September 5. The Second con
gressional democratic convention ( Congress-
nan Finerty's district ) mot to-dny , and lifter
> nvcril fames had been placed bpf'iru ' tha
lody , adjoiiriimunt was < taken till t o'clock to
ei nre pledges from thoio named to support
ho demncrivtio ticket in both state and na-
ional elections. Congressman Kinerty ( who
I.H the independent nomination ) declined tu
ako the pledge und when the coinentinn re
assembled , Fiank Lawlcr waa nominated ,
CHICAOO , Sejitembor C.Tlio members ol
ho state central dcmccralic cominltlccs of
lliuois , Iowa , liuliuna , Wi conaln nnd Miclii-
'in held a eonfoiouco here toda.and . nr-
nugrd to Hiipplement trio work of tlio nation
al committee by procuring cpeaknrB and cir-
( dating documents especially calculated to
iilluoiiuj votes in these Htatcf.
Frcu TlilnUerH in ( jnuncl ) ,
C'ASBADAdA , N. Y. , September 5. The at-
ondanco at the freo-thlnkerH convrnUon to-
ay was Rocfd. Hosolutions were adopted do.
nnnding a separation of church and state ,
ho taxation of all church property , and the
biilltiou of all the tellijions services now
naintainud by the government.
Fatal I'olltiUH ,
DAWHON , Pa. , Hoptombor B. Daniel Short
nd W. J. Mullin , formerly fast friends , en
raged In a political discussion last night ,
Mnllli. bocntno amtry and pluni'od a knife Into
ihort'u Hide , indicting a deadly wound. Mill-
in baa been arrested.
In the past thirty yearn there have
teim many romcdicn advertised for the
nro of Ictdaoy und liver troubled and
liaoasoB of the tiritmry orfdn"n. ? Of only
> tie oiui it bo said thut ' 'it. is never known
o fail , " That ono ia JJuNT'i [ Kidney
uid Liver
An Atlunllu I5rc/.e ! ,
ST. ifoilNS , N. h'optomber 5 , A din-
ntch this innridngreportsa destructive gale on
lie west coast Tuesday. An unknown voscol
VHH lodt with nil liandu nt St. HettV , and 7
jodles wcro wjfchod ntlinre.
AVrcuU or mi j Jiiuxr'iiir. Klilji ,
LONDON , Sopemborfi , Advices from New
Cealnml htntu the largo oinlgrant thlji Listing-
IUIM from l.onilon ; \VVllingtoii WIIH lotitat
'odk.Stridt ( wheio Wellington In ) , AH except
I woio drowned.
Dentil ol' BlrH. Jliirlun.
KOUTIIKHH MositOK.HeptemborC. The wife of
x-Soimtor Miller of Iowadied this morning ,
'ho rcmuiiiii will bo 'nketi to Wn hliigton
by secretary aud Mra. Lincoln
I' ' < il > ; er'H l''uiurnl ,
A , X , Y. , September 0. The funeral
if the late Secretary Kulgor .occur * Tnenlay
io t.
Ammonia in obtained iu large quantiUon by
ha putrefaction of the mlno of unlinulH.
yelojxiliti liritnmiica ,
livery hdiisiikceiier can test baking powders
containing thin disgusting drug by placing u
can of the "Hoyrd" or "Andjows1 IVarl" toj'
lown on a hot steve until heated , then remove
he cover and smell ,
Dr. IVIca'a Cream liakinv TOM dor does not
contain Ammonia , Alum , Limn , Totash. Hone
'iiosphales , ( prove it by the above test ) , It
ii breparud by a 1'hyulcuan and Chemht with
poclal regard to tloanliueas and honlthfuN
nomt , jJi-e-vv-2m
Flic American Assertion of Science :
iu Philadelphia ,
The Wisdom of the Nation ii
Mass Assembly ,
Mutual lutoTohango of Thoughts
anil Theories.
Art lutorostiug Paper on Auiori-
ca's ' Great Future ,
Almost Satyrioal Eoply of ai
English Wisoaoro ,
PrcMunt Kriiitt tlio Ol !
World AVatGoitilni ; l-'oto by tlio
1'tilliulolpliiniiH I
I'lllLADKt.rillA , Sentembor 0. The Uilttsl
Science ns ociation did not put in an appear
unco at the KoHlon of the American a socia
tiou to-day , but iu the evening they attemhu
the reception given iu their honor at tlu
Academy of Mimio by the citizens of I'hiladol
phia , at which the American association , tlu
Institute of Alining engineers and a mimbei
of foreign delegates were present. After tlu
adjournment of the general ecgaiou of the as
social ion this morning , several toctious niul
hero and discusjed the papers coming befori
In the economic Hcienco section , lady \ii
tors ucro a notable feature.
John liidilulph Martin , of hondou , Kng <
limd , road a paper on the future of the United
States. Hit muiu jioint was embraced in n
query as to the means by which the enormoui
poimlation of the future , which the rapid oc
cupulion of our m > il foroHlmdowii , tt to bo fed ,
Ho contends that Great Brit AIM would lei > u
supply the market for cheap Amoiicau food
products , that , nsthero-iult of r. ill way build
ing , we wonhl liavo a laixo iiccrotlon of buna-
tide ruihv.iy tcciiritics ; th it the ultimate lib
olition of the nntionnl dnbt would create a fal
in the rate interest , which would bo poiiomlj
felt by tlioso dci > oiiding upon fixed incomes ,
and , further , result in lower wagoi and prices
gfnerally ; that , the coiitiuuiiuco of a largo income from ciiHtoms and duties 01
inii-'ons would make niTe-siry HUH nbohtioii
nnd , finally , that with the increase of popu
lation and tliti diffusion ol wealth , imllvliliul
fottuncK would ho less'y made und lesi
opportnnily w < nld he given forniganticoper.i
tioi.s in produce or stnelc-t.
In tins section on geology and geography ,
Hie mnt interesting cubject ; was iclativu t <
the hivol iif tlio Atlantic ( icoaii und ( inlf ol
.Mexico and temarks on HIH gulf stream ami
deep Bi'iiloiiiperatiires. I'rofCHSor.l. K. lltlgiifd
introduced the matter by d scribing the orig <
inal continent : ; ! outllno nnd frontier of tlu
Arcadian pom'nfiul : * . Captain Pirn , of tlu
Knglish navy , humorously olxervod tint a <
the pL'iilusula ruferrcd to was u part of the
British jKHHO-sioiiH , ho had felt some Hull
ilarni u'licu I'rdfcHHor llilginl Fpiilce of It at
k'longing gengruhically ] to the United StVes ;
tie WHH ajirehtnsivo | ) leal Iltr Miijo > ty'rt terri-
Lori ] tl. .minion was about to bo intlileHnly
abridged , but with ro.-piotto the lufurunco
which had been made to the Woot Indies ho
would cordially ngreo that they did
wth g-'ograiihic.illy and politicallv. bulong to
.ho Unit 'd Stntca and ho uoulddsli the Am-
L'ricai. a jny with mien now poasn i in . There
was another island , onu ncroi-s the Atlantic ,
that possibly might bo ( ( inverted and on that
loint ho thought ICnglnml would bo willing
, o inalio almost any Kiciilico if such were n c-
iwary to prenervo. her Di'CK'nt friendly lehi
Jons'with Anierlcn. The inroads upon the
nnlw of the association by oxcur-ionlsts will
ireclude tlio transaction of any hudincsH to-
norrovv. Ample ariMiigomonts hayo bean
nade fur thu onteitninmeiitof the vitilors nt
.ong liraiub , Capa Muy , Atlantic City , und
n the anthracite regions.
NEW YOIIK , September 5 , SyUus , of the
Chicago & Noithwcstern , fays tlmt the Kro-
lent , JJlkhorn & Misrouri Vnlloy coinpany
lave authorized au extension of ninety miles
Nmv YOIIK , Septeirber 5' The 1'ost'H
naneinl xays ; The weakness of the New
fork Central Is duo to to tlio Boiling iu Lon-
on , where it was announced yesterday oven-
ng that the company declared a dividend of
jti for tlio quarter tii Juno IlOtli , inntoad of
isual t ! per cent , The olllclal announcement
hat the effect W.IH not felt hero until to-day ,
jut in view of the fact ) that the coinpany did
lot earn 1 per cent net over the interest , rout'
IH ! nnd taxou of the tail quai tor to J uno HOtli ,
md that llio total not earnings for the year to
Scplemher , in OXCCHS of thiwn can fcarcely ox-
iced -1 per cunt. The reduction of the dlvi-
lends oyitn Ions than 5 jibr cent would CIIIIHO
to Hiirpriso , with the Wont Khoio contli'iially '
Cutting into iti bu ine < mid fixing iuimiux
.itos fur it , Tlio Nuw York Central will not
jam U per cent , arid will probably not jriy
iver that rnto of dixidoiidH again , The prlco
if stock , hownver , is well ciiHtaiued , notwilh-
landlm ; the hammering , It i < apparent that
ho market in Ktfll under the control of the
julln.Nuw YOIIK , Spptember 5 , Imidry | at the
irancl Central depot , relativotn the reduced
iividimd alleged to have boon declared by
ho directors of the Now York Central yestor-
lay , drew the followlrg from a. high olllu'uh '
'J liavo no knowledge of any dividend liav-
ng been ilrchired bv our company for the
piarter ending with October , as reported in
Vail btioct. "
Titr.vK MNI : council ,
NKW YOIIK , Heit | ml ; r 0 , llio proiidnnts
f tliu trunk lined held u meeting this after-
10011 for thu purpoco of ogroelng on the main-
( nance of panscnger rates , The prospects me
; oed for an ailjimtmont ,
NEW YOIIK. September 5. The lc utniani ; ,
few OrlciuiH Ai'l'exaH road , which cormeclH
ho Clii'nn | > i ile , Ohio & Southern load with
Vow OrloariH , will Ixj completed to-day. Thin
nakoH a dlroct Huntiiigton line from Newport
S'O\VH to San I'Vnnclxco via the ClieHiipcuke ,
Jhio , t Southweiiteni , Ijuuislaim , Now Or-
ouns k Texas , the Morgan properly and
Southern 1'ucilio *
Sr. 1'AVI. , Sflptembcr 5. An Omaha ollicial
iiiitli'-i-ity for the Btatomcnt that nideas the
ircsent demoiulli'.atiou In tlio passenger rati'rf
H Kittled by Kumlay , when tiolllo manugur
Jlark ictnniH , opiii war will bo declared on
atos to Chicago. It Is pn iblo now to obtain
i ticket mi any road fiom hero to Chicago ut
uilf rates and ksx.
Ciui'Aoo , September fi. H. A. Ford , gen-
ral pasipiigor iv < ent of the Pennsylvania.
-owpaiiy in in the city to day , iu eoiiBulla-
lou with rciiresoutativei ) ( if other trunk lines
m the question of the out In pausengor rates ,
Vhllo it wuu the general cxiresiinii | that
ull raten wcra preferred it vm
.idmltUd that the 1'ottVaynn mal WAS soil
IIIR lirkoU tn Now Yoik over Its counter ai
? li ( nnd U win ngio.vl . that ngentfl of nthri
lines rhouhl tnalie tlio tame rate If p rmi < lcn
ini'iUio oiitiinnl finiii tlieir rn't'ectivo jirfM Thlint lolegrnplinilfor [ andnnsnor-
. expected to-morrow. It i rumored linn
that negotinti nt are n.iw in progress In tin
joint e\ecull\ooommillee of the trunk lluf
: it New York wMi fair propecti nf a icttlc
menl of the caatbound fr < ight pool troubles
AliJfsllNU I.IVK RVOl'K HArK.f.
Sr. I.OVM , beptomlipr 5. IteprcsPtilativci
of a number of r.iilrn.itU from Knu .i City
St. liouitaud points in the southwest held i
meet'ng ' hero to-day to adjust the live stocl
nit" ! ! , but after a POSM.HI . of sovcral houn
withiut reaching any satisfactory agreement
they adjoutned to meet lit Clucjgi' , Septem
her lit.
ninluo Snllil Itlalno nt Timvlston ,
LKWI THN , Mnine , Hcptember 5. Gooigi
0. Wing to-night sent the following tologran
to Clniirmau Jones , of the nnllounl republl
can committee : "The canvass of the stall
will cloRO to-morrow. It hiva been anjmatoi
and thorough with the tariir in the ) iriiicipt
issm.'o expect with conlidenco to carrj
both branches of the legislature , to chot.ce Com
repr H'iitati\os ti > congretis.ind ro-olect Uovor
nor Uobio by u popular majority of tJU thoui'
and , CKOIUIK 0.VlNii ,
Chairman Kopublicnu State Committee.
_ lit tlieio was a great repubic.ui ] torch
light proceniou. In the afternoon spoechcF
wera made Iu the p.irk , lllaino intr.iduooi
. .ludgoVwt , ai follows : "I liavo bad
the luxury this year , Mr , Chairman ,
of hearing opeoclies and not mak
ing them , niul 1 only take thin
cluir to acKtiowlcdgo this goiifrom reception.
and to Introduce to you ono with whom mv
memory goes back to boyhood nnd to my college -
lego days , a mnii whom I have always loved
us a brother. I will Inlroduco to you lion ,
William 11. West , ot Ohio , A man distinguished -
od in his profession aud by an honorabh
career iu the judiciary. "
Itntlor nt ntlnncnpillH ,
MiNNKAl-or.H , September 5. Uonoral Unt'
ler addressed fifteen thousand people at tlu
Minneapolis fair this afternoon on "tho politi
cal oppression of the masi ot the two great par
tics. " Ho made norefernnco to himself or jmrtj
but denounced the republicans and democrat.
alike , unsparingly. In Mio evening the trader-
assemblies and viti/.enn of Alansaclm otts held
a meeting , llutluraildrcsod them and for twc
hours rovlowod llio history of llio two partiri
mid g.tvo his schnmo for u third _ party for
workinginen. Ho wont over the history oftlu
Chicago democratic convention nud oxplaiii'd
what ho wanted on tlio platform and how he
was beaten. A good deal of enthusiasm wan
Cnlllornln fidid ) HcnntnrH.
SAN VKASCISOO , Sep'omber 5. Tlionu-
pioiini ourl deciilod to-day that eleutions foi
ncnnt'irrt in thn odd mimberod ilistrict must
be held thii year. Thu decinlon ii of import.
unce , as IK of tlio present ll ! ) Henatora fron
odd numU'iod dintrijts ate democrat' .
UII , Stipt'iulttr 5. A meotinz of tin
leiuling indupi-ndent K piililickiiH win held to
clay. An ixi'cutivei committee was appoiiit ° il
t'i orjanl/'i for the campion , ( leorgo 1 > .
Wilght , of Mii'nicliusetl" , imleioLilent | ro
iniblle.iii nf the stiili- central committee , wat
p i sent , and Hi"Un | of tlu pivgroi'H of tlu
movement it that state.
Tim Turf.
IJltKJllTOrj IllJACil , Seiitcmber fi. Three
quartern of u mlle maidens nil ngos Joe
Sawyer won ; Nellie ( ilenuon 2iWlndsail \ 'M :
Llino , hlSJ.
Seven furlongs Kemplaml won ; I'olonalid ;
time , 1"P4- :
dovin furlongi Mcduro won ; Hotachlinio
M , Clurenco ltd ; time , hill.
Allle all nxiM ( ili'iigariiio won ; Marsh
{ odan Ud , Lutestring 3d ; limo IrlilJ.
Alilu and iv lurlong non-winners 1'opo
V'o won ; liurton 2d ; time , 'J0 ; ( )
Milo hurdle Hpis | won ; Kobok ' 'd ; time ,
Mll.WAl'KKlf , Selitombir fi. Kiftoon thous-
indpooplo were altim ted to thofacea to-day to
wltmHiIuy-K > o-6cuniil l'hi : < liH attempt to
ewer tlieir records. 'I bo track was in Mipeib
ondition butttio hori > i's ' were sinui.vliat j.ulcd
nun llio long journey. I'hallas was driven
, wo trlulu , jecoidliig'-Jl.-l : a'.d 2 : 7. .lay-Uyo-
Bee made ono attompl , Time " : l'.l ' | .
At ] 5altimoro-UiiioHHSt. ( ) Louis , 7 ; lialtl-
nero , ( ! .
At I'hlladolpeia-l'hihdolphia , r , ; Detroit ,
At Wath'ngton ' ( UnIomiXa\ionals ) , 18 ;
Tans'H City , 5 ,
At I'roviihinca 1'rovideiico. fi ; Cleveland ;
At liimisvillo houlsv'dlo , It ; Baltimore , ' 1 ,
AtSt l.onis-St. Ij'iuiH.U ' ; Athlc.ti.s,7.
At ( ! incinniti : Cincinnati , K ; \1 jtropo I- !
alls , l.'l ,
Tlio WcmlniTol ) y.
WAHHINOTON , September C. Kor the Upper
dirthiisippi valley : Ounerally fatr , Htatlouarv
oinporalnro , southern part lower thin north-
irn put , Miutherly wltuU and lower baromo-
tr.l''or the Missouri valleys Partly cloudy ,
oed rains , south to west winds , lower tern-
lerulurd followed by h'glior ' temperature.
Yormoiu'H V'io.
WiiiTisltiVKit.luNTio.N' , Vt. , September 5.
Hotiirmi from olht ( { additional towns In-
rcato 1'ingrooV , republiuan majority , in giv-
n Inst night , 'iQm , by l' 2 ! > , inaking from a
< ilid of KIT town ? , til , 301 , leaving three
owns to bo heard from , which will not inaliiri-
illy chaligo tlio li/ines. _ _
For Omul-en * IVdtu Illinois.
KiiKrroiii't 111. , September B. The repub-
[ cans of tlio Sixth congressional district to-
lay reiiominaU-d H. H. JIiU ? . . Win. Daniel ,
imbibition raodidato for vlej protlJent , do
iverad 1111 itdiliTHH hoio tlds ovoiiuig , Ho will
peak lit Jtoukford to-morrow ,
Tlio Hlidit. Hour Ijuauc ,
1'iui.Aiiii.riiiA , Soptambor fi. -Mayor
'owdcrly , of Hcr.xnton , and others made
ildremcs to-night buforn tha H uirt Hour
.eagim netting forth tlio advantages of ( holer
loiiiH cf labor ,
Drowned AVIillo JUtlilni ;
NKW UUITALO , Mich. , September r. . Thin
veiling , whllo party weio bathing in the
jnlhoiiilviir , Harry Ilirris , nmingsr of tin
Vchtern Union Telegraph olllco , und MUd
vnima I'lullips were drowned ,
Nuw YOIIK , September C. The business
allurou .iu the last 7 duya reported by Dunn k
"A > . immberH ID ! ) In tha United States , and II
n Cnimdu. Total 213 agalnut it total of 1'JU last
week ,
I'loiiro-I'iifliiinonlii in I'oniiHylvanlii.
WrHicnrHTKii , ! ' . , Boplombor O.-1'louro ,
inoumonia hroko out among the cattle of
Vm. T.Duttoii , In Wfstlown tuwmhip , Wost-
hchtor county. Tlio coivu are quarantined.
I'l-oiiiiiilon ,
CIIIOAOO , September 0. Tlio announciucut
s made thut the directors of the Chicago , ] ! ur-
ington & ( juincy ralhoud nt tteir meetiug iu
Joutoii , elected Uoiioral Manager Thomas J ,
u tter , first vice prceidont of tlio company ,
Army DIvlHlim UHl 11
KAVKNunnrir , Scploinbar fi. The diVUIon
Ilia contest of the United SUtcs anny began
bora to day and will continue - y and
rucsdny. There nro twelve m each ot
-.ho departments of the M.ISSC1 . , .riatto . ,
FOXM and Dakota , The llr ; at three
ranges-two , three nud BIS ; . I yftrds.
fho possible acorcs are ono 1 and live ,
Kollowlngaro total noores fourteen
ilRhcst : Crow , corporal 5r twentieth
mfantry of the Missouri 8'J ; , private ,
1 wcnty-nrflt infantry. Tiatl King , sorl
WAi'1. Twentieth Infanti I'ouri , 87 ;
ICelfor , corporal , Twcntiel itry , Mis-
* oun SO ; Clny , lloutonant , liifnntr ,
MifMourl , SO ; lluckloy , BOIR.ioventh In'
faulry , 1'liitto , Sti ; Goas. private , Twentieth
Infantry I'latto , 8(1 ( ; Day , lieutenant , Ninth
cavalry , MiMouri , 8d ) Thompion , captain ,
IwoLty.fourth infantry , Missouri. 85 ; Hart ,
sergeant , Thirteenth Infantry , Missouri. 85 ;
\lcrrlnm , houtonant , 1'ourth infantry , I'latto ,
W ; Komlall , lieutenant , liiehth cavalry ,
roxn , Wi ; Mcotc , private , T > voiity-nnt In
fantry , I'latte , 81 ; ilartman , private , Mnth
infantry , I'latto , 81. The following are Urn
rum lotvln : MUsourl , 1)31 ) ; I'latto , USO ;
Texas , 1113 ; Dokotn , S10.
n America ,
long before they roach middle ago fre
quently linil themselves aufTering horn
aoino of the comphinta and wcaknoaaoa
peculiar to their sox. For all auch Kid-
noy-Wort ia n great boon. It inducoa a
honlthy notion of the Kiduoyd , Liver anil
Uownla , cloauaco the syatom , and
atrongihona nnd gives now lifo * o all the
important orgnns of the body. It ia na-
turoa great aasiatant in oatabllahing and
auatnining health. Sold by all drugglata.
A Uood Attoixliinco Imst
Xlio UndortakliiK AVcll
L'atrotil/.o l ,
The room ? devoted to the Hospital
Fair iu Falconer's hall , were again filled
to ovorllowing laat evening by both
young ami old , who came to glvo their
assistance to Una moat worthy object of
charity. Tno attondanto upon the fair
are by no moans illiberal , and a good
round sum Hews into the coflbrs of the
fair fund every night.
A noway HUlo shoot called The Hos
pital Messenger is being printed daily
now nnd gives a full nccqunt of each
nighta doings. The O. A. EL. band waa
present ngnin laat evening and discoursed
so m o swcot music.
The vote on the various articles > to bo
disposed of by election , at the close of
the polls Inst night Bloods as follows :
Lantern Winkloman , Gil ; Ryan , 12 ;
Shuppard , 10.
Knginoors" clpck Swift , of the B. &
M. , 9 ; Robinaoii , of the M. P. , 12.
Trumpet Thuratons , 70 ; Fitzgoraids ,
UO ; ClohmdH , 27 ; Bluff City , 5 ; Duranta ,
a I ; Deluge , .IL'i ; Rencuh , 3i. "
Tea , not Mrii. Murphy" , 100 ; Mrs.
CionUomnn , 10 ; Mrs. Lor.der , 10i ; Mro.
Ford , 10.
In thn lot drawings Mian McNnmara
droiv the ten pot , A. McNamara the
pluah nn'rior , Judge Bonoko iho ice
cream eel nnd Miaa Lizzio Muller the
toilet aor.
The hospital fund yesterday
received § 5.00 from L'ow Dill , from
\Vicdnmn & Co. , two boxes of grapes ,
from Mrs. W.V , Williams a handaumo
doll , and from John A. Freyhan two gal-
lonu of wino.
The voting on the tea sot to 1)3 giron
to the most popular lady will cloao at 11
p. in. Wednesday , and on the fireman's
trumpet at 11 p. in. Thursday.
A beautiful Hag lias bccomo the prop
erty of the Sisters , and it is now proposed
to give it to the ono of the two political
clubs in this city that will buy the moat
Hanson Thrown From
I'ony and i'rolml > ly Fatally In
A very serious accident iiapponod near
.ho Union stock yards ycatarday morning ,
which it is extremely probable will rc-
ault in doath.
Fred J [ nson , tno 14-year-old BOH of
Peter Hanson a grading contractor 011
the B. & M. , main line , was out ycator-
day taking a morning ride on a spirited
icny. The animal from norno cause un-
< nowii , bocanio frightened nnd unraan-
igcablo and started across the prairie at a
joak.nock speed , running into n herd of
cattle and over a calf , which throw the
Doy from the saddle , the pony falling on
; op of him.
The boy was picked up insensibly and
taken to u tout near by. A physician
was sent for to the city who , upon ex
amination of his injuries , pronounced
hem futnl. The boy waa badly hurt
tbotit the base of the brain and had re
ceived severe internal injuries , the exact
nature of which could not bo ascertained.
The unfortunate y.iung man was still
living last evening , but no hopes of re
covery by hia physician were entertained.
SIOOO. Given ,
Ifnhmi or any Injurious tubilanceacuu lo found
on ; M. DolafoiiUilno , of Chicago ; cud u
Dixie , Milwaukee. Nevertohl iu bulb.