I OMAH.A l AUA * SEPTEMBER 4 , 1884. ' * - " 7' THE OMAHA BEE | Omftlm Office , No. 010 Farniun St. C0iincliniHfTrt ; onico , No 7 lc rl "St , trcct , Ncixr Hromliva } * . Now York Otllcc , lloom OS Tr'iljnno Building. Published avery trornlnRi eiccpt The enl ) Kondiy morning dill- . IBM ! T MAIL. On I Ye r . J10.WIThrc lfontrn , $3.00 VlxUontU . S.fW | On < \ Mjnth 1.00 Pet Wnk , 15 Ocnla. till WSIH.T ESI , rCBUSRJID ETIBT , WlDf ! 8DAT , TiaMS VOTTTAID. WMToar . JIM I TTireo Month . t CO bUKonths. . 1.00 | Ono Month . JO American New * Company , Sola Agontf , Keiridoal CM In the UnltoJ SUtos. A Oommnrlcwtlons relating to Kowi and Kdltorli nattcn BhoaU bo addronscd to the Korroi or Tni All Bnilnom fatten 'and llomlttinoca thonld bo AddrctM-1 to Tim HIM Ptrousnmo OOHPANT , OMAIIJ , Dralta , Chocks and Fostofllco orders to be niada pay bo ] to the order o1 the company. ! HE BEE PUBLISHING CO , , PROPS B. ROSBWATB.K Editor. A. H. Fitch , Mnnacer Dally Circulation , P. . O. Box , -188 Om.ihn , Neb. THERE ia an uauaual stir among the restaurants. It ia the oyster. Tni : Franco-Cliincno war la creating considerable agitation in American DOW ing-circloa , aa it ia feared that owing to the rise in the price , ladion will have to Book aomoothor stimulant than ton. The price of confjroBsional "cold tea , " however , wil not bo affected by the war. Tun West Ohoalcr Village llccon says that "tho Philadelphia Jiccord is n curious paper. It insists that pooplu have some rights which railroads ough to consider. How docs it expect the corporation officials to become million- ires if its ideas should bo carried ouU" THE city council of Philadelphia has passed an ordinance requiring all telegraph graph poles to bo taken down and the wires put undorgroundboforo January 1. . The ordinance will probably bo enforced but the Philadelphia papers very proper ly suggest that the city council sot the example by ordering the police and fire alarm wires to bo burled. SITTINO BULL has an eye a sort o bull's-eye , as it wore to business. IIo has hired himself out to n syndicate o enterprising showmen , and ho will make a tour of nil the principal cltloa of the cast. As a aide-cut ho will sell his auto graphs at ono dollar each. lie lion nl ready disposed of hundreds of them at that price , and ho may yet bull the auto graph market. Our in Colorado they have a peculiar way of resenting impositions on convention tion delegates. The republican convon tiou has boon called at Colorado Springs and thu Denver Tribune tenders the fol lowing advice : Don't pay a cpnt in Colorado Springs If the batata insist on their present pro gramma of theft force the convention Bomowhoro else , or take your grub nn camp out. Colorado people have done the latter before. A RAILROAD is to bo built from Morris Minnesota , southwest to Columbus o : Kearney , on the Union Pacific , making a through line to Duluth at the head o : Lake Superior. It is to bo called th Morris & Southwestern railroad. The articles of incorporation have boon filed and the capital stock is iixod at $10,000 , 000. If this road is actually built , ou : enterprising citizens should take eomi .stops towards inducing the company to connect with the UnionPacifio at Omaha BEN. BuTTKitwoiiTii , commissioner o patents , has accepted a ccngrossiona nomination from the republicans of hi district in Ohio. Mr. Buttorworth ha boon In congress before. In 1878 ho defeated foatod Milton Saylor , who had boon tin democratic representative for the Firs Ohio district. Uo was ro-olectod in the zamo district of Cincinnati in 1880 over Samuel F. limit. Uo was again nominated atod in 1882 , by acclamation , but shared in the defeat of the republican party ii Ohio , resulting from the liquor prohibi tion amonduianta. Mr. Buttcrworth was appointed commissioner of patents it October of last year , and has made a very cfliciont oflicor. The New York Evening Post recently published a letter , purporting to bo signed od by Green B.Ilaum | , directed to a gov eminent clerk and elating tlmt.his silence on the subject of contributing to the republican campaign fund was equivalent to hia expressed wish to resign hia clerk ship on or before March 4ih next. Of course Mr. lUum promptly denounced the document aa n forgery , although it waa hardly necessary for him to do so What surprises us , however , is that auch a paper as the JJvcnlny J'osl would allow itself to bo BO easily imposed upon , aa the forgery of such duoumenta is an old and thin political dodao. a SBKATOU VAN WYCK lias purchased the NtJ/ra&lM City Ncwa , and TIIK BKB feels as though it had company. Omaha Jlejwblican. | Senator Van Wyck may have purchas. od the Nebraska City News , It ia ono a of the oldest in the papers atato , and a great many other persons have purchas to ed it iu their day , The Honator may have purchased aa many aa ten copies atone ono timo. Uo lias purchased the Ncwa It just aa ho haa purchased the Jlcpubll. can from the newsboys. The BKB has not been very lonesome in this state , and even if it had been its Circulation en ables it to fight a lonesome battle with a good deal of effect. It is not so with the Union Pacific organ , which has to depend - pond upon the country weeklies with the railroad brand to give circulation to its utterances. IU AT KIND OF A MAN. The teachings of people who have no n spark of moral manhood in thoircompo flition ixro alwny pernicious. With thorn success is the highest aim in lifo , no matter by what moans or methods it maybe bo achieved. In business und in politic ; they delight in gaining advantage by thi confidence game , nnd whun thcai irrotch.es find n man whoso manhood re volts against their duplicity nnd trickery they cry out , "Go to , thou fool : " The kind ndvico of th Omaha Republican , whoao editor belongs longs to the clasa of mor.il lopora whom Tfo have described , strikingly illustrate the low level to which the politics and politicians in this stnto have sunk undo disreputable leadership , Llko the vcn omous spider that invites the poor nn < unauspocting lly to walk into his pnrlor , the Republican gently whispers into tilt. Ransom's oar that n splendid oppor tunity is now presented to distinguish himself. The Republican says : If young Mr. Frank Ransom , of Oto county , desires to bo of benefit to th parly of which ho is n member , nnd from which ho has every ronaon to expect con sidornblo favors in the future , ho wil take emphatic measures to diacounto nance , denounce , nnd destroy in oflecl the ridiculous nnd malicious lie now be ing published in TUB Bcr. to the effect that ho was nominated for attornoy-gpn- oral by the Into republican convention nnd afterwards "counted out. " * * * Mr. Frank Ransom owen it to the party , to himself nnd to his political ambition to do the fair thing nt this juncture. Ilia vote in the convention was n splendid compliment , oven if it did fall short of n majority. IIo may profitably express his gratitude for that compliment nnd linprognnbly fortify him self for future contests by announcing aa publicly os'possiblo his hearty acqui escence in the result of the republican convention , nnd hia deprecation of the effort made by the democratic papers to create opposition to the republican party by placing him in the nttitudo of a mar tyr. "Young" Mr. Ransom , of Otoo , is not a sucker , if you ploaso. Ho has had hia oyo-tootli cut , nnd is too old to bo caught by such chad. Mr. Ransom is a good republican , but ho knows only too wol that ho has twice boon cheated out of n fair nnd honest nomination by a gang o corporation henchmen , of when the editor of the Jlcpublican the most supple nnd unscrupulous. To acquiesce In such villiany now would provo Mr. Ransom a moaner man , If any thing , than the rogues who counted liln out. This is not nil , however. Mr. Ran aom might ncquiosco cheerfully and sub misaivoly were it nut for the fact that th candidate whom John M. Thurston , o the Union Pacific , and Captain Phillips of the B. & M. , forced upon the party by by their disreputable tactic : is utterly unfit for th position by reason of incompotoncy. I is n pretty time now for the Ilcpubllcai to shod crocodile tcara ever Mr. Ran som's defeat and promise great things fo his future , trhon it is notorious that iti editor vied with Thurston and Phillips i doing the dirty work of the monopolies i the convention , Perhaps if Mr. Ransom should repent his decency , and don tin brass collar , ho would stand n chance t < bo counjkod in the next time. Wo imagine agino Mr. Ransom , who knows moro Inw in ono day than Mr. Loose will know in ton years , can make ft living without becoming coming a lick-spittle or cat's-paw to any railroad corporation. CITY AUDITOR. Mayor Murphy's recommendation to the city council that the ollico of city auditor should bo established , is very timely , and is heartily endorsed by Tin : BKB. There ia no question aa to the no cesaity for such an office , There is no rlty in America of the same population as Omaha that entrusts It is vast interests to aucli n loose system as that pursued hero in connection with the city resour ces and financial affairs. In every department partment of the city there is a general looseness in the manner of doing bus' inoss , nud nny oflicor , inclined to bo crqokodor dishonest , hus abundant op purtunlty to increase his income nt the | expense of thu public. Supplies of til kinds are recklessly purchased by this ono nnd that ono nnd the accounts nro handed in to the various committees , who have no knowledge or moans of finding out whether they nro correct , h As n rule they take everything for b granted , and probably not one bill out n of a hundred is oven questioned. Some b day it will bo discovered that this method p of taking everything for qrnntod is a very T dxponslvo way of transacting business , k This city certainly noodn an auditor to al examine every hill , to file RI proper rocoiptu , and keep n perfect check on the treasury. At present the city clerk is compelled to act in n triple ca pacity. Ho is clerk of the city council and is required to keep the records of ita proceedings and handle all its multi farious papora. IIo is a sort of comp troller who issues all the warrants and bonds , amounting this year to ever half million dollars. IIo is expected to have supervision of the entire license system , which includes the issuance of licenses to liquor dealers , oxprossmon , peddlers and a host of uthorr , nnd be sides all this ho is called on to keep record af the public property and of fail the leases and rentals , and other matters that are too voluminous for us enumerate. Still another important duty that ho is required to perform is the making out of thu tnx list , but in not possblo for any ono man to do justice to so much work , and no assistance - anco can be given him without violating the charter , as the law limits his income and makes no provision for special clerk will hire. - „ „ An auditor would relieve the ovorbur-1 In dened clerk by taking oil his han < ' .a the business that properly belong * to an aud iting department , A first-class auditor , that with proper clerical assistance , would lave to the city thousands of dollars annu ly ? , Such an officer would onabl the city to have ita affairs conducted on business principles , just a tiy business houao would manage its fairs , Omaha , it must bo remembered has moro than doubled its population since the adoption of its last charter , am consequently its affairs have bocom much moro complicated than they ' .vori n few years ago. Hence it fa necessary t make some provision for the propo. handling of this increased business , nnd this can bo done by an auditing depart merit , which will bo the moans of intro ducing systematic methods in ovcry citj ofllcu. STA Ii K/A Cf INDIA NS. The Indiana at the Poplar river agency In Northeastern Montana are roportoi to bo on the verge of an outbreak. None ono will bo surprised nt this news when i is known that these Indians , about six thousand in number , are actually in a starving condition. They have had only half rations for the past year , nnd lately they have boon so reduced that they havi been compelled to kill and oat their dog , and finally , to keep themselves alivo.thoj have killed a few range cattle. It wa only when they began feeding upon tin cattle that the facts of their condition were brought to the attention of the author ! tiesnnd now Major llartxcommanding a * Poplnr river , has called for reinforce ments. Ho fears an outbreak , nnd needs forces to keep the Indians in a starving nnd dying condition , and to protect the range cattlo. It seems to us that th proper thing to do would bo to allow thorn to feed on the cattle , and lot the owners seek compensation from the gov ernment , which is responsible for th situation. Necessity knows no law , and the wonder is that these Indians hav not gene upon the warpath long ago , The Piogan Indians nt Blackfoot agency , also in Montana , have boon treated in a' ' similar manner. They have boon wast ing nway and dying for n year for th want of food. The deaths average on daily out of a total of two thousand Game has entirely disappeared , and thol only dependence is upon the sheri rations. Governor Crosby protests in the name of the people of Montani against keeping the nation's wards withir the limits of that territory in such a pit ! ' able and starving condition. Human ity nnd justice demand tlioi immediate relief , nnd ho calls upon the secretary of the interior to take th responsibility of ordering the issuance o' full rations until congress moots in Do combor. This deplorable state of nllairi is duo entirely to the action of the demo-1 crats in the house of representatives who , following n cruel nnd falao polic , of economy , withhold proper appropria1 tions. The Indians have certainly give : to the white man concessions that ough to entitle them to human treatment accordance with treaty stipulations. SENATOR VAN WYCK'S bold and scath ing arraignment of the board of publii works and buildings cannot fall to arous a deep fooling of rosontmimt among th people of this state , irrespective of part ; or nationality. The indictment of the ufil cors implicated by connivance or indilfer once in this infamous conspiracy to defraud fraud Nebraska of the patrimony of ho school children , renders the candidacy o : Governor Dawoa and Secretary of State Iloggonfor ro-oloclion perilous to ropubll can success. Such grave and indofonsi bio accusations demand at thu. hands of the republican state central com mlttoo prompt nnd dociaivo action. No candidnto resting under ouch clouds should bo permitted to remain on the ticket. It would bo an insult to the in-1 j tolligonco and a reflection upon the integrity togrity of the republicans of this atato , to . ask thorn to endorse by their votes ) the ' most ilngrant bolrayal of the people's trust' ] { Although this a presidential year , the republicans of Nebraska , if wo do not mistake their temper , cannot bo coerced or whipped into the support of candidates who are branded by their conduct as un faithful guardians of the most sacred trust. Tin : saloon keepers association of Ohio has IW.OOO members and it Is proposed by the democrats to distribute § 350,000 nmong thorn as a starter. Every member bor ia expected to induce at least ono re publican to vote the democratic ticket. Tills will chnngo 33,000 votes at the least calculation , if everything pans out all right. The money to carry eut this grand achoino is to bo furnished by the browcra , and the distribution will begin on next Monday , the object being to capture , 1n turo the state at the October election. n w The Standard ell company promises to K contribute largely to the scheme. in The fact should not bo overlooked that 11gl the republican managers will also bo on glT hand with plenty of ducats , and off-sot the work of the saloon-keepers. However - olri over , with two big party "bar'Js" on top , ri the great state of Ohio will certainly jr provo a profitable field for these ward jrol politicians who always have a certain IV number of votes for sale for future deliv IVr , but who , when election day comes , all to hand ever the goods. oil TUB atato election in Vermont has re sulted in about 20,000 majority for the republican ticket. This majority shows ft alight falling off from that of the atato election in 1682 , when Barstnw , re publican candidate for governor , received 30,830 , and Kiton , democrat , 14 , > 1GO When the returns are all iu the figures probably show that the republicans was have a majority equal to that of 1882 ita 1880 , out of a veto of 05,098 , Hancock received but 18,310 , thu republican ma jority being 27,201 , The indications are Blalno will carry Vermont by ottj0 | Jn least 25,000. \ JCh TWO KOUMKK WAIIS , How Clnnn Encountered the 1'Jnro- pcnna nnd Suffered Detent , The first war between England nnd China broke out about the question of opium , In January , 1811 , the ships of the English fleet were ordered to attack the Rogue forts which defend the river approaches to Capton The Chinese troops fought well nnd offered nt some points a stubborn resistance oven at close . quarters ; but the forts were carried , ono after another , nnd either destroyed or occupied. The following demands were then formulated ns representing the terms on which the English govorninout were prepared to recognize ft satisfactory set tlement. The recognition of the king of 1n England ns nn Independent sovereign , an apoligy for discourteous treatment of \ Lord Napier , nnd the right to trade with any post where an imperial custom-houso was maintained , formed the chief points. But although Kcshon consented to these terms , na well ns to the aurrondor o Hong 1R Kong , it was only with the _ intention of Raining time , as his instructions from the Emperor Taoukwang did not allow him to mnko concessions to the foreign bar barians , but urged him to got rid of thorn by some stroke of diplomacy. CARRIED BY STOl'.M. Several wooka further delay ensued , and in February , 18 tl , the rnmaining fortn of the Bougo were attacked and car ried by storm. Koshon was disgraced and summoned to Pokin , while in the fol lowing month the foreign settlements of Canton was occupied by an English force and the town placed under the command of the guns of an English licet. Even this discomfiture did not destroy the confidence - fidonco of the Chinese , who forthwith formed a fresh plot to annihilate the En glish merchants nnd their defenders. The men-of-war were compelled to engage - gage and to destroy the fort on Shamcon , as well as eighty war junka and fire rafts in the rivor. The arrival of Sir Hugh Gough aa conimandor-in-chief , and Sir Henry Potingor ns minister plenipoten tiary , was followed by the dispersion of all the Chinese troops in the neighbor hood of Canton , the putting of that city to ransom and the resumption of negotia tions for a definite treaty. Many months of further delay ensued and in Juno , 1842 , the acono of action was transferred from Canton to the Ynng-tao-kiang. At laat , on the 29th of August , 1842 , a treaty of peace was concluded in Nankin , the old capital of the Minga. TUK toncuA Aitnow , The second war arose out of the seizure of the lorcha Arrow at Canton. Admir al Seymour occupied the river forts with out opposition and called upon the Chi nese authorities to make reparation for the insult to the English flag. The Chi nese official declinodcomplianco , although the penalty of his recalcitrance wns the bombardment of hta town. But nt thia point the hidden dangers of the under taking were unexpectedly made clear The Chinese , far from being cowed , showed the most striking determination and with each success more nominal than real , their courage revived. Admiral Seymour found himself compelled to evacuate the position ho had aoizod , and sent elf a request to the Indian government - mont for the services of 5,000 troopa. The character of Chinese as opponents was shown by an attempt to poiaon nil foreign rcaidonts nt Hong Kong ; but , although this plot was discovered and disappointed , months wont by without the arrival of the expected troopa , in consequence of the Indian mutiny , and the Chinese remained and felt them selves to bo the masters of the situation. It was not until the end of the year 1857 that Lord Elgin found himself supported by a aufticiont force to justify his pre senting an ultimatum t6 Yoh. This move wfts accompanied by nn ndvnnco of the fleet in the direction of Canton , and by the occupation of the Island of Honan. The French government participated in these proceedings , and its representative Baron Gros , acted in concert with Lord Elgin , wnilo French marines fought side by side with Englssh blue jackets. CAPTURE OF CANTON. The attack on Canton followed , nnd resulted in the capture of that city and also of Commissioner Yoh , who was sent at a later period to India. But the oc cupation of Canton produced very little " effect on the central government , which felt itself secure BO long as the foreigners were kept at a distance. Lord Elgin therefore announced his intention to proceed , to Shanghai , where ho would negotiate with any delegates the emper or might appoint , but in the event of no delegates making their appearance ho would continue his journey to the neigh borhood of I'okin. The notification was made to the first minister of the emperor , who , howevorrofu8ccl to make any direct reply and completely ignored the subjects - jects mentioned in Lord Elgin's commu nication. Thu English representative was thus loft with no choice save to pro- cued to the north , but the efficacy of hiu proceedings was weakened by n further dulay in the arrival of the English Hoot. a The Bi'lf-confidunco of the .Chinese was thereby restored , nnd during the int-r- biA. vals the forts at the mouth of the 1'oiho A.A was much strengthened and their garri A.sr sons strongly reinforced. Tht-eo forts , sr known from the muno of a village as srL'i Taku forts , were eventually attacked L'iF and captured. In many respects their in construction and armament oxcitcd sur inhi prise and admiration , while in others hiL they were extremely defective. hiD TIIJ5 yitEATY. 8l 8lT. The capture of the Tanu xorta brou ht T.OB the imperial government to a moro yield OB ing frame of miud. Two commissioners tilbe were appointed on the arrival of the first bem Kngllsh vessels at Tientsin , and after nu m merous delays , negotiations were begun \ \ aa much earnestness aa OhinoRo ter oin glvorsation would allow. The treaty of in Tientsin was eventually drawn and ca agreed f upon. The principal concessions an obtained by this instrument were the right to have a resident envoy at Pokin , and permission for English subjects to travel throughout the empire. Five other ports and the river Yang-tao-kiang were thrown oputi to foreign trade , the I'hcso consessions were made to apply tu foreigners by subsequent treaties with other powers. Unfortunately the Chi nese government had not oven thonloarn- to nuke a virtue of necessity ; and when iu 1859 the envoys of England and of Franco appeared at the mouth of the Puhio and requested to be allowed to pro ceed to Pekin , they were met with ob son jections and counter suggestions that were tantamount to a refusal. The Taku forts had to be reuttackcd , and on Euro of pean expedition marched to Pekin. The destruction of the summer palace is still Pa. remembered. The treaty of Tion-tsln not only ratified in the capital , but stipulations were immediately put into uxecution , . IIKSULTH. cure The principal effect of these wars and , dii treaties was that they placed the rela- DUO of foreign governments with the to "hineso government on n footing which nd made a friendly understanding possible. The Celestials so far s'oatcd their preten tious as to ndmlt t'nat there were other independent j governments in the world besides theirs , and that they wore entitled - titled to certain rights nnd consideration. The disturbed state of China herself lent weight to these opinions , nnd while the imperial authority was being reasserted to n great extent with foreign nesistnnco , the Tsung-Li-Yamon under the guidance of Prince Jvung , had an easy task in showing that an agreement with the European powers was essential to the well being of China. CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME , No , 15,365 , Now Orlonns Men "Win. Parts ol tlio Capital JL'rizo of $75,000. Eugcno Gaudins , warehouseman for Messrs. B. Onorato it Co.for some time , is n good and trusty worker. Ho was comparatively happy nt his homo , No. 231 St. Peter street , nnd in his walks ho passed a place in which the tickets of The Louslana State Lottery Com pany are displayed. Ho had pur chased tickets in partnership with his fellow-workers. During August , ho saw displayed ono that particularly struck his fancy No. 1C,3C5 whether it wns the peculiar placing of the 5's , or the magi cal placing of the 3 , oven Gaudins is nt n loss to explain. But that particular tick et haunted him ; pooped out enticingly from the window , becrging plainly to bo bought. The day was close nt handnndlatill it hung in the window. Ita comrades were dropping off , nnd when the laat dny , the 12th , arrived , it was almost to bo pit ied for its loneliness. Gaudins each day glanced hastily to aoo if his little friend was still in place , started several times to walk boldly in and buy on his solo ac count ; but the old trammels of the part nership nrrangememt hold him , until the laat moment. Ton o'clock on the morn ing of the 12th ho hold safely in his solo possession one-fifth of the coveted ticket. The revolutions of the wheel at the Acad emy of Music brought our No. 15,365 as drawing the Capital prize. The fact was published and came soon to the oars of Gaudins , who yesterday was poorbut to day , by the investment of n dollar , ranks among the "bondholders. , , Ho called at the ofilco of the Louisana State Lottery with Mr. B. Onorato , and was promptly paid in full. A reporter wanted to know what ho proposed to do , and ho answered that ho would buy a nlco homo for his family , and that seeing them placed beyond the reach of want and in comfort would bo as much happi ness as ho desired. The balance of his money ho would try and invest profit ably , and would himself continue to play his modest part , unspoiled by prosperity. Ho aigHed his name neatly to the receipt for the money , and went out of the ofiico of the Lottery as happy and con tented n man as the Creacont City now contains. New Orleans Ficayunc , August 15th. Hearing that another fortunate holder of a part of the lucky number 15,305 drawing § 75,000 in the August scheme of The Louisiana State Lottery , was on hand to collect hia money , a reporter in terview od him , Mr. Louis Seymour , the fortunate gentleman , was found in the office of the Lottery with two friends. Ho had presented his one-fifth ticket , and was awaiting the making out of the check for the amount it called for. While appreciating fully his fortune , ho Tras perfectly cool and pleasant. _ Ho told the reporter that ho was u na tive of Memphis , Term. , andsorved in the Confederate army in the battle of Shiloh - loh under Genls. Albert Sidnny Johnson and Bcaurogard. His health , impaired by army service , haa grown much worse of late years , and ho came hero to bene fit himself. As hia means were limited , ho wont to work on the buildings of the great World's Fair to bo held in New Orleans next winter. Ho stuck to it steadily for nearly five months , although it almost counterbalanced the good done him by the genial climato. Ho was n firm believer in luck , and never failed to purchase a ticket in the Louisiana State Lottery. His experiment in purchasing No. 15,365 haa confirmed "iim in hia belief. IIo waa pleased with - ; ho country and the people ; was delight- oil with everything , nnd hoped to enjoy his good fortune. Ho had now formed many distinct pinna for the future , but would remain at ease for some time re cuperating , not forgetting always to try his luck in the lottery that had proved such n bonanza to him. New Orleans I'icuyunc , August 10. AN ANCIENT MKET1NG HOUSI ? . of ' ItcriilnlsconccH of George Fox , Lord a nnd hady IJnltlinoro and AVHlliuu I'ciin. EASTO.V , Md. , August 28. There wns largo gathering of the Frionda here today to day from all parts of the country to celebrate - brato the 1200th anniversary of the Third / Avon meeting house , ono of the oldest in A America , Tno mooting house is still as ( I solid aa a rock and stands in an oak grove about a mile fron this place , The Friends have built a now ono and moved clot into it . ot to-day. otSu Tlin cnromonies were hold in the old en houtowhore , after n prayer by Samuel J. ail Lovick , of Philadelphia , Robert R. tlio n Dixon. of Baltimore , road a historical th sketch written by Miss Sue B. Kemp. an VII This gave , among other things , an Inter el.lie esting account of George Fox's visit to lie de the mooting-houso , and the legacy of cai books ho loft it. Lord nnd Lady Balti nu more once visitnd It in company with this tui William Penn. The mooting was nearly nl ever when they arrived , and Lady Baltimore - (01m moro was very much disappointed , bo- tary may causa they wanted to hear the mechanics Co and husbandmen proach.instead of Ponn. .lu tor Once the question of heating the house 001 waa under discussion , and most of the IUI friends maintained that religious zeal by should bo enough to warm the worship- me . At last stove form pera. a wai purchased. At (1) ( ) first mooting there was no fire in it , ' and ono of the Friends called it a dumb me idloc and laid his coat on it , The next etll 1 mooting ho did the same thing , but there State happened to bo fire in the stove and the rtai Ooi coat was burned , much to the amusement "An the congregation. mete Dr , Barker road a poem on the anni A. to versary , written by Misa Susanna Dickin A.ul , a sister of Anna Dickinson , once a rai hcM member of this mooting , Addresses were made by Dr James C.irroy Thomas , j ' I Baltimore , Clement Diddle , of Phila I delphia , Lydia II. Priceof Wet Cheater , thu . , Edwin II. Ooates , of Pennsylvania , [ Ninth Kir Samuel J. Lovick , of Philadelphia , and D 1 : Rav. A. W. Lightbourn , of this place. A In the post thirty years there have been many remedies advertised for the of kiduoy and liver troubles and diseases of the urinary organs. Of only B can it ba said that ' 'it is never known fail , " That ono is HUNT'S [ Kidney L W. A Stop in The Itcght Direction. Wo are much gratified to learn from an authentic source , that the board of Cavalry Equipment of the United States army , comprising experienced and nblo cavalry officers , haa concluded to recom mend for exclusive use in the service , the specific veterinary medicines made by the Humphreys' Medicine Company. This determination has been arrived nt only after n most thorough and exhaust ive examination of the subject , The above board of officers , In the line of their duty , applied to this company for information upon the subject moro es pecially referring to two points , the rela tive loss of stock and the cost of treat ment. The Humphroya' Company simply referred the Board to various horao-railronda , express , nnd other largo stock owners for information , nnd the result of the inquiry was such that the Board has recommended these Specifics and the recommendation haa been ap proved by the Quartermaster General and the General of the Army , and they are being duly issued to the various Cav alry regiments , posts , nnd light Bat teries. Now , wo have every reason to believe , from the known character of the house supplying the vortorlnary medicines , and the general reputation of the Specifics , that the experiment , if auch it can bo termed , will provo ontirloy aucccssful. Covington ( Ky. ) Common- ivcalth. DAW It STATE oorriNas. A feature of the York county fair will bo tlio encampment of n bataliou of thu Nebras ka National Guards. The batnlion u 111 con sist of companion A , 13 , 0 and K , and It will bo In camp Bovor.il days , An attempt was made to break into the Fremont poatolh'co Friday night. Tlio burg lar wns scared nwny by ono of the clerks sleeping in the building. A woman's suflrogo convention ii in pro gress at Fremont. Cloyd Wostfnll , son of D. C. Westfall of Glcncoe , Dodge county , wns drowned nt Schneider's mill , Wednesday , the 21th. Ho , with several other boys were playing on nnd around the bridge which spans the dam just nbovo the mill , and ho vsa lying on the level bonm on top of the bridgo. Losing his balance - anco ho foil about fifteen feet to the water , striking n brace in his fall , which left a bruise on liia back. Franklin county has a floating debt o S48- 900. 900.A A second telephone wire has been strung between Omaha and Lincoln. Work has been commenced on a $4,000 brick school house at Wakofiold. The Grand Ledge Knights of Pythias begun iU session ntTccumseh , Tuesday. The contract has been let for n now brick hotel at Norfolk , 66 feet on Main street nnd 71i feet on Fifth street , three utorios. The es timated cost is between § 12,000 nnd § 15,000. TORPID BOWELS , DBSORDERED LIVER. and MALARIA ; Prom these sources uilso tlirco-fourtlia of tlio diseases of the human raco. Thcso 3yintomsiiulIcntotliolrcxi3tcncoT.oi)3 of Appetite , Jtowelg costive , Klclc llcad- clic , fiillue niter entliifj , aversion to rxcrtlnii oflmcly 01niliul , Eructntlou of food , Irritability of temper , I < ow spirits , A feeling ufliavlng neglected jome duty , I > lzzliic < i8Z'1luttcrliiffnttho llrnrt , I ots before the eyes , Highly col ored Urine , COXSTirATIOIV , mill de mand the use of a remedy that acts directly ontho I.lvcr. AsnLivcnnedlcInoTUTT'S 1'IIiI.S have no equal. Their notion on the Kidneys und Skin Is also prompt ; rumoring nil linpuilties through these three "scav engers of the y tem , " pioduclnff nppo- tlto , sound digestion , regular stooK a clear skin and a vigorous body. IVTT'S I'lr.r.S canso no nausea or gilplng nor interfere , with dally work nnd are n perfect ' ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. bold evcrj'wlierc , ! ! 5c. Ollico. 41 Murriiy b t. . N'.Y. _ * _ . . . . _ „ „ . _ „ _ _ _ _ in GRAY HAIU on WIIIBKKRS changed in stantly to nULossr IJLACK uyablnglo np- pllcatlon of this Dn : . Sold by Di-ugglata , or sent by express on receipt of SI. j Office , < 4 Hurray Street , New York. TUTT'S MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREL PROCLAMATION , EKKAS , Joint resolution u as adopted by the Legislature of tlio State of Nebraska , at the -jlehtcotith Session thereof , ana approted February S7th , A. D. IS&t.proposIng an Amendment to Section Four ( I ) of Arllclo Three (3) ( ) of the Constitution of Bald State , and that Bald section as amended shall read03 follows , to-wlt : "Section 4 The terms of otflco of members of the utgUIVure shall Ijotwo jcars , and they ( hall each receive a salary of tl > rec hundred dollars for their sortla B during said term , and ten cents for every mlle they shall tmel In going to and returning from the plico of incctlti of the Le'l3'.i'ure ; , on the moit usual r.mto. I'IIOMDKD IIOUKIKH , th"t neither mcin- bcrsof thd I.rpialaturo nor employes shall ricelvo any pay orpcrqulsiUs other than ihelr salary and ECi mllcago. Kach session , except special Bcsslnni- , shall Ci 10 riot lesi than tlxty ilajs. Alter the expiration or CiPi 'orty dnjs of thopession noblila nur joint risolutions PiK the nnturo of bllN shall bo Introduced , unless the K Governor glut ) , by special message , call the atten tion of the TcrNlaturo ( to the neces'it.v of passing of law ou the subject matter embraced in thom > s Ko , and the Introduction of bill * sball bo restricted thereto , " Tholallotsat the election at nhlch said AinPiid- rnuit shall bo submitted shall bo In the follonln ? form. "For proposed Amendment to the Oaii'titu tion rclat'ngto ' LcgUlatliu Dopartuent " "Aualmt . proposed Amendment to the Constitution relating Li'Uhtlvo ( Ilenaitmtnt. " WnmiKtH , a J mi retclutlon wa ? adopted by the I/egblaturo of tlio i-ta.o of Ncbraaka at the Kl 'h- tceutb Session thereof , Mid npprineil February tbth , , I ) 1SSIproposing an Amendment to Section ma ) of Article I'he (6) ( ) of the Coibtitirlon of said state , and t'.iat said diction aa amended shall read an Jallous , to-ult : "Section 1. Iho Exccutlto Department shall con (1st of a Governor , Lieutenant Umernor , t'ccictary State , Auditor of I'uUlo Accounts , Treasurer , Tbo Supcilntciidcntof I'ublio Instruction , Attorney Gen eral , Commissioner nf 1'ublo laiidannr' Hull HUBS , and Hoard of raihtay Commissioners. I'ho olllteru 20 mined In this section shall each hold lib ollico for term of t o years from the IItst Thursday after HrstTiiOid y In January next alter his clcctl n until hU nuccessor U elected and iiualliled , 1'ito- VIIIKD IIOUKVER , that the first election of said olhcera shall bo htld on the first Tuesday iucccedlntho | first no Holiday In Not ember of 1880 , and each succeeding election Blull bo hdd at the same relatho time In EUI each e\en jcar thereafter. All other olliccrs tint may be provided for by Uw , under the piovisious of ! section , shall be chosen In such manner and at tuch times , and fhall hold their olllces for such lengtn nftlmo as'may be provided bylaw , and shall per- tounsurh dutlesnmlreceho such compen tlon aa bo provided for by law. The Governor , Secre of Btato , Auditor of I'ublio Account * , Treasurer , Commissioner of 1'ubllo Landsind IlmMIng * , and At torney ( ienoral , shall reside at the eat of go\ eminent during their terms of ofilco , and kc p the public records cords , boobs and paiKm there , and the olliccrs herein named flnll perform such duties as may to required law. " The ballots at the election at which slid Amend- it eball be submitted shall bo In in the following : "For proposed Amendment to Section One PhoA of Article Khv (5) ( ) of thu Conttltutlon , entitled , Phoof 'KieciilhoDcpirtment. ' " "Afralnntp opened Amend , of munt to Section One (1) ( ) of Article Kho (5) ( ) of the Con- too itltutlon , entitle ! , 'Kxecutlve Department. ' " Qln Therefore , I , James W Da oj , tiotirnor cf the of Nebraska , do hereby gl\e noticeIn accor dance ultb Section One (1) ( ) Article Fifteen (16) ( of the Constitution , ami tlio provisional an act entitled , Act to pmUJo the manner ol proposing Amend ments to the Constitution and submitting the same the i r lectori of this State , " appro * cd February 13th I ) . < ti77 , tlutsald prnpatoU Amendments will ho submitted tu the ( piallllod totcriof thli St t for railllcatlnn or rejection at the ( leneral I lection tu bo on the -Ith cUj of Novcmbur , A , U IBS I. * - > V' witness whereof , I ha > o hereunto net bKAL v mj hind und causM't1) bo ullUcd the > - ' - " Uroat Heal of the State of Nebraska. ( Done at Lincoln thU J'tli day of July , A , U , 18C4 , nr Eighteenth 5 car of thn Slate , and of the Indn- jHiiideiicucf : tbo United Statoi , the Ouo Hundred and ) Iho Uatcrnnr : JAMES W. DA WE 9. Amur : EIIVABD ! ' . HOUUK.I , i3-me 3m 1-cw beorotary ol State , A , SHIPMAN , M. D. , Bellevue , - Nebraska. ( OFFICE WITH . A. SfllPMAN. DRUGQIST tu THE MILD POWEn OT7RES. UMPHREYS' , H OMBOPATHIC SPECIFICS : InunoWyeirii. Each number the special pre- ncrlptlon of nn eminent | ihy lcl n. The only HlmplP. flu Co nnd Hiiro Medicines for the p oplo LUT rniscirii. NO . ccrtEi. rwci. 1. lV er i ConRostlonInflnmatlont.ZR 2. Wnrniti Worm Fever , Worm colic5 a , Criliu ( 'ollo.orlocthlnRof Infants I. Illnrrhen of ihlldrcn or Adulu , .2. % ft. IH enlnry , ( Ulplng , IllllloiK Colic , t1S. II. diolirn Morbin. Vomiting , . . . .2iV * CoimlK.i-'ol'l ' , ItronchltK .25 N. iVMirnlglft , Toolhfclio , I nccacc . . . .2. % 9. llrn.lnrhct. Sick lletulncliei.erllRO . Ht. llfponiln , llllllnus Homnch , . 2. % 11. HiinitrrmFi ! or I'nlnfnl I'rrlod. . 25 12 , \\nlloi , tool'rofmo I'crlocU . v .25 I.I ! rniin. Coimli , iJimcult llrcnthlnir 25 Knit hlii iMini , rrynlpcli" , ' "iptlotn , 25 llhrmimtlitti , Kncnnmtlo 1'nltiR 25 III l'for nnd Astir. Chill , Fever , Agues ,5 ( > 17 rilri. llllml or lileedlnc . A < > l ! > . Cninrrli. ncnlo or chronics Influenza 511 311linoiilnir CiMigli , violent cough * , . , .nit 21 ( Jrnernl Mobility , 1'hyslcal WoalcnoHS.no 27 lUdnoy | ) l rni * . . . 5I 2H Servant Debility . t.OO 'III. llrlnnry AVrn ) < nc . Wetting the bed .ni > 32. Ill'oninorilio llonrl. 1'nlpltntlon. l.OU Kold by ( IniKRl'U , in-sent liy the Cnip. Orpin- Kin Mnf , fron of chnrgp. on receipt of frlcc , Hrnd rnrllr.llninplirpvii Ito'ikon llicito < &r. (144panoM ( , nl o lllintrnl'dl CntnloRiin fllKtj. Adilre < i , Iliiinnlirpvn' llonicntintliln Alcd * MnnCo. . X09 Fulton Street , ftcw Vork. , Health is Wealth 1 DR. K. 0. WHIT'S NRRTR AND DIIAIN TRKASMRST , a guaranteed fMicclflo for Hysteria , 1) zzlnojs , Convul- ( long , Fits , Nervous Neuralgia , Iloadacho , Nervous Prostration cau'cd by the use of alcohol or tobbacco , WakcfulDcss. Mental depression. Softening of the brain , resulting In Insanity and leaping to misery , decay and death , 1'rcmaturc Old ago , Uaroncss , loss of power In cither BOX , Involuntary Losses and Spor- rrmtorhom caused by o\orcxcrtlontof the brain , self- abuse or ocr Indulgence , Ihcli box , contatng one- month's tieatment Sl.COabox.or six bottles for $5.00 , cent by mall prepaid on receipt of price , WE OUAllANTEE SIX BOXEJ H euro i ny case. With each order received by U9 for six bottles , accompll'had $5 00 , wo will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the mcncy If tlio treatment does not effect a euro. Guar antees Issued only by JOHN C : WEST & CO. , jy 23-mi.o-ry 02 Madison St. , Chicago , III. ( nrroRK. ) " ( ArrKB. ) . .ItEClUO-VOLTAIO BELT nnd otherELncrnio lit AITMAVCFS nro gent on SO Days' Trial TO MEN ONLY. 1'OUNG Oil OLD , who are suffer ing from Knrivous Dcnn.rrr , LOBP ViTALrrr. WASTiitn WRAKKESSES , nnrt all thono dfuenses of a rciisoNit. NATUUE , resulting from ABUSES and Groin OiUsns. Speedy relief and complete restoration to nr.iLTM , Vtoon nnd IIANUOOD uuAruKTEFD. Bend at once tor Illustrated Pamphlet frt-c. AUnrcsi TOIVTAK' mj/r [ CO. . MurihaII.MIeh. _ tTTILtibopaldtoany ono who will find a particle i V of Mercury , 1'otash , Iodine , Arsenic , or any Poi sonous substance In SWIFT'S "I have cured Blood Taint by the use of Swift's Specific after I had most signally failed with the Mer cury and 1'otash Treatment. F. A. TOOMEU , JL D. Terrda , "Swift's Specific has cured mo of Scrofula of 12 years standing. Had soroj 03 largo as my hand , and n cry ono thought I was doomed. Swift's Specific : urcd me alter physicians and all other medicine had 'ailed ' ' It. L. HIGH , Lonoko , Ark. ( Jj f A A Aft would not purchase from no what 5P1 V.UUU Swift's Specific ban d no for me. It cudro mo of Hheumatlsm caused by malaria. " ARCHIE TlIOMAb , Spriogflcld , Tcnn. Our Trcatlso on Blood and Skin Diseases moiled frco applicants to THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Go. N. T. Office , IBS W. 22d St. , between Bill and 7th Avenues. Philadelphia office 100 Chestnut t. C17 St. Charles St. , St. Lenis , Mo. A regular graduate of t-wo Medical Collegei.bai been longer Qc gedIa tbeapeclaltrcatmcDtof CHUONIC.NIBIOUB. Bum nml ULOOD PiBKAiEStban unr other Pfcjilclan la Bt. Loni % u city rH'f ' how ntid all old rfU nn know. Nervous Prostration. Debility , Mental and Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and other Affec tions of Throat. Skin or Bones , Blood Poisoning , Old Sores and Ulcers , &ro treated with unparalleled Bucceii , on IntctL ftlentlllo principle ! . Safely , rrlT t lj. * Diseases Arising from indiscretion , Excess , ' Exposure or Indulgence , * hi < rh produce omeoftha following cffccti : oertoniness , debllitr , dlinDem of light ad defective memory , plraplei on the fs , pbjilcal decay. vcrilon to the tocitij of females , toofunitn of ldiaitet L , rendering Alarrlago Improper or unhappy , * ra rtcrmaneiil/eurcd. l'fttnphet(3a ] ( pageionlbo above , lent laiealed envelope , free to anyfttMrem , CcRBUltatloaatrf tiee or bj mall free , an J Invite J. Write for quciUoni. A Positive Written Guarantee glrei In atl corxble caies. Ucilletnes icot ereiyvbere. Famphloti , ncll > h or German , < M pnce . ds- erlblnc nbovo diieaaea , ia inalo or female , FilEC. IV1ARRIAGE GUIDE ! n , flopplattlllmtrate'l In elotU and ( lit blndlnp Wcn-.oiicj-cr I'u.tnge ; nine , v-aj r cotcrs. ' 'ic. Tlili book eoDtaloi all tbo curious , doubtful or InquUItlTe want t * know. A book of great Jntcret to all , ilt , 4tli. Uc&utr - ty U * ad\Ics. BOTTLES , Erlaiigor , . . . . . . , itav&ria. Cnlmbaclior , . Bavaria. Pilsner . Bobemion. , Kaiser . . . Brflmon. DOMESTIC. Budv/eieer . St. Louis. Inlmusor . St. Louis. Best d . „ . . . .Milnraukep. Ichlite-Pileuer . Milwaukee. Krus's . Omaha. Ale , i'orter , Domestic aucl Rhino Wine. [ | ED. MAUKER. iai Vnrnnm St. loading Agricultural and Llvo Block Jj ( iriial of the West. nFTKEOTIMKAH Jgfl CIlllHDS ( ) H. . SMITH & CO. , I TICKS nON'KOBT. ' W. FOHNAS , Secretary 8l Board of Agriculture , Aa ociato Editor. JUBSCnilTION I'KICE , Jl.OO per year In advance. U.njjj . OJilIi , KKPRE8KNTS 'honU AMaruoaOo.,01 JXndonCt h Auota , J3tM,50 , lj lestcnester.N. T. , Capital OOO.tXX.O ) > Icrcn nta , ol KewuV , N , J. , OrHUl 1.376.COO.CC llrardFlre.FhUadelrbla , tpltal. . . . l.TOO.WO.O Itcmen'i iund Cat t l . . l39tlt. thrl\e on Ilorllck'i rood , " wrlto hundreds of raUful mother * . Mother's milk contains no urch. An arUficlal food for InfinU should xmtalu no etarcn. Iho beat and uaott nutriUoua food in bcaltu M g ) g B H } - P dlcknwn for INKANlU.audl tbxUatiUptfnrl ALIUUI. . . f torch und rwiulroa no oookluir , lleoomineiidui by 1'byBlcUuii. UUrhly IxneflcUl to Xurelnp SloUieni ui a drink. 1'rlco ! ( ) - . - , _ _ audtftceuU ly Ilrlruirfl | t * . Send for Book on tuoTreatineutof Children , frcj. * 'r4llv dlicited led GutrUlaui. " O , tr > ZfaUnr. tt. / ) . . ilUalcl * . M i. "Xlal k til iL.uoulJ U dilrid.H'.HSiU , SlUten. i'a/iui. "Nd bc U D y IB rrooouaclarf It aiwflor 10 * 07 * lblo ( eiltol. ' K. i' . CUurn. It , l > Trot , Jf , T , Will bo tent It mall on receipt of price In etiuipi. IIOHMCH'- , rOl ) CU , , Kurlne.Vlu. . Vta lloiiucn'o Uui ESTOAOT or UALT'if