Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1884, Page 3, Image 3

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mECTons :
H. W ) YATES , | A. E. TOUZAMN ,
! President. Vloo Presidentt
1 ' ( Kent K. Harden , AssljUnt anJ Acting Cwhlor.
AXRIXOjomCll !
The Iron Bank ,
INTEREST allowed on tlmo deposits npon
f Avornblo terms nud upon nsconnti of banks
nnd bankers.
Bonds nnd County and City securities bought
and sold.
In its treatment of customers the moat liby
oral policy is pursued consistent with safctd-
and sound banking , nnd wo invite correspondence
once or personal inquiry , in connection there
NEW Yonir , Sept. 3 , Money lJwy.l@2 : ;
t > er cent. , closed offered 1 per cent.
Prime paper t > i@GJ ,
Sterling bills Pinner S3.J\leinand ; 485. } .
Governments Finn.
Railways Quiet.
Stocks Dull ; Irregular , In early dealings
speculation strong , especially for Grangers ,
subsequently market weakened , but near close ,
advanced sharply for some stocks. Grangers ,
Now York Central , Louisville nnd Nashville ,
Western Union. Business was light however"
operators evincing disposition to wait u til
corn crop is assured , Compared with last
night closing , prices nro J to Ii higher for Can
ada Southern , St. Paul preferred , Lacknwannn ,
Louisville nnd Nashville , Mo , Pacific , New
York Central , Eric , Pacific Mail , Omaha pro
ferrcdUnionPncific ] nnd Western Union J and
IJ lower for Central Pacific , Northwestern ,
Delaware nnd Hudson , Kansas nnd Texas
and Jersey Central.
( Ji'sGonpons . . . 111 !
U.S. now , I'd . 120J
! ? tciec ) 6'n of ' 95 . 120
( Contra ! Pacific .
Uhlcago & Alton .
do do pfd . . . .
Ohl. , Hurl. ftOninoy. . . . .
Del. , Lack. & Western .
Denver &R. G .
do pfd . . *
IlUnuls Oontral
Ind , , Bloom. & Western Texas
T-iaks Shore & Michigan So
Jiouisville & Naah
Michigan Central
Missouri Pacific
Northern Pacific
do do pfd. . . . . . - , ,
do pfu. . . . . .
Now York Oontral
Oregon Trans-Con
I'acifio Mail
Pullman P. C
Bock Island
St. Louis & San Fran
do do pfd
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul.
do do do pfd
V Bi. 1'nnl & Omaha
do do pfd. . . . . . . . .
Kerns Pacific
'Uniou Pncifio
V/ abash , St. L. & Pacific
do do do pfd
Western TTnlon Telegraph
O.K. & N 81
CHICAGO , Sept. 3. Flour unchanged ;
dull , winter old , 450@525j
now , , 4 25@5 00. Spring , 3 75
@ 4 50 ; Minnesota bakers' 3 7 @ 4 75.
Wheat Slow , fluctation slight ; opened nt
jestirday'fl closing figures , advanced and
c-asod off jj ; closed sumo as yesterday's closing
figures ; 791 cash ; @ 7979jj ; for September ;
81 ( 814 for October ; 82J@83 for November ;
813 'or December ; No. 2 red S1J@82 ; for
September rejected ; red GO.
Corn active ; near by deliveries advanced
and deferred future ? declined | © 1 and market
closed firm : 5253 ; for cash ; 52J@D3 ; lor
September ; 504@50 | for October ; HI
for November ; 42i for May 4 ! ) ® 19 } .
O.ita Dull , quiet ; 1@8 low ; 25J2u < | for
cash , 21)3162 % > < " September , 2Ui ; for Oc
tober 253@25J for year ; 29J for May.
Rye-Dull : 6IJ. .
Barley Firm , but nothing doing. 50
( 5i. (
Timothy Steady , in fair supply ; prune.
1 32@1 33.
Flax Seed Firm , in good demand 1 31 ®
132.Pork Quiet , unchanged ; 19 00 for cash ;
IS 50@18 DO for September ; 1850@1850
for October ; 12 30 for the year.
Lard Steady , little doiup , 745K747J
for cash nnd September ; 7C2J@705 for
October ; 7 47J@7 CO for November and 7 00
Bulk Mcats Shoulders 7 00@7 25 short
clear Bides 10 801085 short rib sides ,
10 05 for cash.
Cheese-Quiet , o.'syjfull cream cheddara ,
yi'Jl ( ; skimmed cheddara
? s- .
I Sugar-Cut loaf 7@8 ; standard A CJ ; gran-
M\ \ Butter Quiet ; choice creamery 20@21 ;
I fancy dairy 1C@17.
Hides Quiet ; green salted bull at G\ \ ;
damaged G | : light BJ ; lieavy 8 : calf 12@12i.
Tallow No , 1 country at 5'f.
Whisky InKher ; 1 12.
Receipts and shipments
Keoolptr , Bhlp'to ,
Flour bbla . 17i ° ° ° 12.000
Wheatbuhol3 . 181,000 1G6.000
Corn bushels . 480,000 287,000
oXbU : : . 105,000 1181,000
TlyB.bushols . 01,000 48,000
Uarley , bushels . 55,000 0,000
CALL BOAIID Wheat Unchanged Jc
higher. , .
Cornhigher. .
Oats Unchanged to Jo higher.
Pork -Unchanged.
Lard 2jo higher.
LiVKnrooL , Sept. 3. Breadstuffs , steady.
Wheat-Quletj.winter , 7n@7a 3d ; [ spring
C * lld@7 . , ,
Com Firmer nt Da 4d.
TOLEDO , Sept. 3. Wheat Quiet : No. 2
rod , cash and September 824 bid.
Corn-Quiet ; No. 2 cash and Scptcm-
' Dull ; No , 2 cash , and September ,
ye Not quoted.
Naw YOIIK , Sept. 3 , - Wheat - Cash
steady ; options opened weak ; i@Jo lower ( ;
closed eteady , [ decline recovered ; receipts ,
ikcOO bushels exports , 70,000 bud > el No.
2 dhicago89) ) ungraded red , 72@DlNo.3 ;
Ted76GNo.2 ; red , WlQWl o = tobcr clo8'"B '
, - ecirco. lo highertoptions opened
i _ . _ .
5L | - - - - I I S. * ft ln.ji vtrt ctf > r\\\rt *
Ontl Friri bushels exports
; receipts , 35,000 ;
ports , 20,000 bushel * ; mixed western 33J@3j ;
: . , ii , . diCTi'i
WJ5R ( T5 Western fresh , eteadyi fair demand ,
Pork Weak ; new iotas 18 00 ,
Lard - Steady ; vcstorn stcntn spot , 790
liuUer Pemniul fair , firm , nt Sc 2.1.
Chteso- ncbatipcd : climcf [ 10 ( .
Hull anil wonk.
Sciilomber 3 , VThMt
Firmer : No. 2 rod quoted at SI.
Pork Dull nt IS 00@18 2. ' .
Lard Kanior ; at 7 50&7 GO.
Bulk Mc-U * Dull ; shoulders Si ) 75 ; short
rib * . 81060.
Whisky Steadylnnd at 110.
Butter Quiet.
Eggs-Firm nt 1 10 ,
KANSAS CITT , September n. Wheat
\Veakpr ; ; G2Jo for cash ; Glo for October ;
05J b'd for No\otnl > cr.
Corn-Weaker ; 40J bid for cah ; 3GJ bid for
October ; 41 asked November.
Oats Dull aud nominal nt 22 bid , 22
ST , Louis , September .3. Flour Firm
at :
Wheat Active and higher , closintrat
abo\o Saturday ; No. 2 rod , SlJfoiSlJ ;
811 2 for September ; 83I813 for October ;
" "idCSoij lor November.
Corn-Dull at 48J@48f for cash ; 43 for Sep.
ioinber ; 47J for October.
Oats Stiongor ; 25 27 for cash ; 2oJ@2Il
'or September ; 20 f or Noember. .
Rye--Dull at 50J.
Barley Nominal.
Butter Steady ; creamery , 1S@20 ; dairy ,
Eggs-Higher nt 12@12i.
Flaxseed 1 28.
Hay Quiet ; prairie , 700@900 ; timothy ,
11 00@13 fiO.
Bran Steady nt51.
Corn Meal-Weak ; 2 40.
Whisky Higher ; 111.
Provisions Dull nnd prices unchanged.
Pork Market steady ; 22 50 for September ;
12 93 the year.
Lard Fiimer ; 7 47J for September ; 7 07J
or October.
CALL BOAHD-Wheat Easier : 81 ? for Sep.
ember ; 8 It for October ; SGJ for November ;
Corn Stronger ; 48\ \ bid for September ; 471
or October ; 4If for November.
Oats Firm ; 20 for October ; 2GJ for Novom-
icr ; 30 for May.
MILWAUKEE , September 3. Flour Quiet
nnd unchanged.
Wheat-Steady ; No. 2 Milwaukee nnd
September , 78i ; October , 80J ; November.
Corn Quiet and firmer ; No. 2 , wanted , 53J
@ 5I.Oats
Oats Steady ; No. 2 , 28 } .
Rye Firmer ; No. 2 , 51.
Bniloy Firmer ; No. 2 spring nnd September
32 bid.
NEW ORLEANS. September 2 , Corn
Yellow , mixed , 67 ,
Oats Western , steady ; good demand nt 35
@ 3G.Corn
Corn Meal QuUt nnd steady nt 2 75.
Bran In fair demand and prices higher at
Pork Scarce but _ firm at 18 60.
Lard Steady ; tierce refined , 8 50 ; keg ,
" 23.
23.Kggs Western fresh , demand fair and
narkot firm.
Butter Demand fair nud market firm at
! .
ulk Moats In fair demand ; shoulders
lacked lower , at 7 37J.
Whisky Steady and unchanged ; western
ectified , 100@120.
BALTIMORE , Septombrr 3. Wheat Trt est
irn , easier ; quiet ; No. 2 winter red spot , aud
Vovember b9J.
Corn Western No oflarintrs ; no bid * .
Oats Steady with moderate demand ;
vhito , 33@33 ; mixed , 3032.
Rye Quiet. at58SGO. ( ;
Pork Quiet but steady ; old , 17 23 ; now ,
S 25.
Lard Refined , 800.
Bulk Meats Weaker ; shoulders , 6 37i ;
hoit ribs , 8 23.
Butter Stuady ; western packed , 10@20
reamory , 23@3S.
Eggs Firmer nt 19c.
Higher nnd firmer at 118@119.
KANSAS crrr.
KANSAS CITY , September 3. Cattle Re-
oipts 3,300 head ; good natives steady ; naives -
ives 4 8U@5 30 ; cows 2 75@3 CO.
Hogs- Receipts 5,000 head ; choice heavy
teady , light nnd mixed 5o lower ; 5 93@G 40.
Sheep Receipts 1,400 head ; steady ; fair to
oed muttons 3 00@3 50 per head ,
fsl. LOUIS' !
3t Louis , September 3. Cattle Receipts
,200 head ; active and firm ; exports , at C30
< JC 70 ; common to choice shipping , 4. 50@
Sheep Receipts , 1.400 head ; steady ; fair
.ochoico muttons , 2 50@3 75 ; common , 1 75
@ 2 23lambs ; , 2 004 00. f
Hogs Receipts , 3,900 head ; clew ; York-
rs , 0203033 ; packing , G 00@C 50 butchers ,
35@0 70.
CHICAGO , Septembers. The Drovers' Jour-
al reports :
Hogs Receipts , 10,000 head ; ' 'Rood lots
rm ; common lOc lower ; rough packing , 5 ( iO
@G 20 ; packing nnd shipping , G 25G 80 ; light
75@G 55 ; skips , 4 00fe5 75.
Cattle Receipts 8,300 ; best firm , all
thcrs lOc lower ; exports , 0 ( ! 9@7 00 ; coin-
ion to choice shipping , 4 3ll@G 05 ; inferior 8
o good cjws , 2 5U@i 25 ; stockers and feeders ,
00@I GO ; Wyoming , 4 40@5 15 ; .Nebraska ,
G5 ( ' 4 70 ; Colorado Texans , 405 ; Montana ,
25 ; " Wyoming half brnds , 4 Mul GO.
Sheep Receipts , 2,100 head ; dull ; Inferior )
, o fair , 2 00 ( ; 3 UO ; medium to extra , 3 23 ©
23 ; lambs , per head , 1 00@3 50.
* Wliolonulo Prices.
Wednesday Bveninff , Soptombor3 , J
The following prices are charged retailers
jy jobbers , wholesalers and commission mer-
hants % vlth the exception of grain , which is
[ uoted nt the prioas uv-iiihad \ y io elevators
nd other local buyers.1
urnin , '
Wheat Cnoh No , 2 , GO'/ffGlc. /
Barley Cnoh No. 2 , 48aJ50o (
Jlyo Cash , No. 8 , 41 < J.
Oora-No , 2 , 3839to.
No. 2 , 21@25e.
Steady ; green butchers , 5J@G ; green Baited.
7i@7J ; dry flint , 12@12dry ; Bnlt.lO@llj dam.
aged hides , two-thirds price , j
Tallow-5@5io. .
Sheep Polts-25c@l 00.
Wool ,
Light fine 14171
Heavy fine 10@13.
Medium 14(317. ( 1
Coario 10013.
Burry 2 to 5ooH |
FIour'niHlJBIIllstufra. 2
WINTER WHEAT Best quality.patent , ' "nt
3 00@3 25
SBCOND QUALITY 2 45@3 00 ,
"Si'BiNO WHKAT Beet quality , p t at , 3 00 ®
315.HKCOND QOALTY 2 5@2 6 ,
BitAN-5to ) per cwt.
CiiorrKD FKKI > Per 1DO Iba. , 90
Ooim MKAL 100 110 per cwt.
SORKKNINO C5 76cwt cwt.
Iiivo Htook.
B EE8-8fO@47.1' ' .
BHKF 8 000350 *
0 tv 8-5 00 ® 7 00.
General I'mflnoo.
Apples Keceipta heavy and prices lower , g
only choice stock brin 'Inf ? top prices , SU.75 ©
3.00. *
BJANS Receipts light and demand good ,
Hjutl picked navy , per bn , S2 50 ; medium ,
UKKSWAXIn peed demand. Choleobilch ]
per Ib , 20 ( . 28c ; common to good dark per M
Bt'TTKU Unchanged ; demand peed , innin'v
for the iH'tlor grade * . Choice table , 13Ca'U > e ;
fair to good , 8 ( Ulc ; creamery , 1S ( < ? 2c. .
ClDKR "Ohio" per bbl , 7.00 ; "York Stale
par bbl , C-8 00 ; per J bbl , SM 75 ; condensed per
l , 8r > o , Crab npplo , per pal. We.
CHKESS Full cream , western , 111 Wit
eonnln now 12 ; youne American 12ai3o. (
Eggs Heeeipts light nnd deimnd bri k ,
partly on account of state fair supply. S.ilcs
today 13J@1 Ic.
O A MK Prairie chickens are now In soon
liut nfter the first few days demand has let up
onsidcrablc nnd they nro now slow sale at
2 00 ( < ? 2 5 I per doz ; snipe , per do ? . , $1 00.
Hay Baled , S8.00 < a.00 ! ) ; loose , S7.00 ®
JKLLT In 20 mid 30 Ib nails , 0@7j ; In 2 Ib
are , per dot , $1 50 ; aosoNo tumblers ,
dot. 81 20 : schooners , t > or dozen , ? 3 00.
MAH.K SraAR Pure. In brinks , per Ib , IGc ,
Ohio , 13c ; small cakM , 12c.
SUALL F tnia Blnckfcorrlea per 24-tjt
caio , S3 C0 ( < ? ! 51 00. Wild p'uin , per J bus
hel box Sl.OO ; Peaches $1.50.
OALIKOUNIA FRUITS Pear ? , 50-lb , boxes ,
SI 00 ; Peaches , 20-lb boxes , $3 00 ; Phnn , 20-
Ib boxes , $225. Grapes i > cr crnto ( t boxes
$2 50.
ONIONS Chotco per bbl , 52 CO.
POPCORN- good demand nt 2@2fa per Ib.
POULTRY Receipts light ; spring chickens ,
S22250 : old chickens , $300 < ff,8 50.
PnovisiONs Hum , IBc ; B. Bacon , 13c ; D.
S. Sides llij : C. S. Bieon , 12J ; Shoulders ,
SJ ; Moss Pork , 52000 ; Lard ,
Drr dooflii.
BnowN hiiKETiNoa Auantio A , 7io ; Allan
tie P , 6c ; All. int ! c IjL ; 5Jc ; Bniuswlcfc , 7Jc ;
Uoavor Dam LL. Cjc ; Ijawrenco LL , PJo ; Pacl-
1o H , 7c ; Roynl Standard , He ; Indian Head
A , 8c ; Wauchusott A , 7ic.
FINE Bnowu SHEETINGS Argyle , 71o ; Pop-
poroll R , 7c ; Salisbmry R , G o.
BLEACIIKD OOTTONM Ballon 4-1 , GJo ; Bn ,
! on 7-8 , 5Jc Cumberland 4-4. So ; Davoll DD
? Jc ; Fnirmount ; Fruit of the Loom 4-
9c ; Glory of the West , SJo G old on ; Gnto , 8J
Hill 7-8 , 8c ; Hill 4-4 , 9c ; Lonsdalo SJojNow
Vsrk Mills , Hie ; Wnmsuttn , lOJc.
DCOKS ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , lljo ; Bos
ton. 10 oz. , , lljc ; Bosten , S ) oz. , 14c ; Fall Riv
er , SJc.
DUCKS ( Gray ) West Point , 8 oz. , He ;
West Point , 10 oz , , lie ; Point Boar , 8 oz. ,
TICKINGS Ainookoag. He ; Ooatinantal
Fancy , 9Jc ; Oordu , lO o ; ? or' ' Ylior , xdo ;
Vorlc , 12jo ; llamloton Awnings , 12Jo ,
DENIMS Ainoskoag , 14o ; Beaver Crook
AA. 12c ; Beaver Creek BB , He ;
Beaver Crook CO , 10 ; Hnvmakors
8c ; Jnffroy D & T. 12c ; Jnffroy XXX. 12Jc ;
Pearl River , 13c ; Warren AXA ( brown ) ,
I2c ; Warren BB ( brown ) , He ; Wnrron CO
| brown ) , lOo.
OAMnnics Fifth nvonuo glove finish , Bo ;
Keystone glove finish , 5Jc.
CORSET JEANS Amory , 74o ; Hancock , 8c ;
Koarsayor , 8 c ; Rockport , 7c
PBINTS Allous.5ic ; Ainorican,5So ; Arnolds ;
ic ; Cocheco , Gc ; Harmony , 4 ; ; Indigo , 7io
Cndlgo 78 , Hie ; Indigo 4-4 , 12 c ; cheap sale
4Jc ; Charter Onk , 4Jo.
PKINTS SIIIRTINQS Amorft a , EC ; Cochoco
> o ; GloucoRtor,5cSouthbrldgi. ; 4Ic ; Wnvorlys ,
4Jcj Rosedalo , 4Jo
GINGHAMS Ainoskeag staples 81c : Bates
staples , i > lc : Lancaster staples , 80 ; Plnnkot
ilalds , 9c ; Hudson cheeks , SJc ; Amoskoag
? orolans , 9Jo.
DIIESS GOODS Atlantic nlpacca , 9Jo ; Per-
elnno cashmer , 23 ic ; Hamletou cnslnuoro
151o ; Hamleton Foncus , lljo ; Hamloton bro
cades , 15o ; Arlington brocade , 18c ,
Qrocoro lAet.
OAIVIIIP Q OODS Uystom ( atand.irclper ) case ,
3 90 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per cose , 2 20
razpbanios , 2 lt > . per case. 2 70 ; Bartlett
> oara , per case , 5 80 ; whortleberries , per caoo ,
1 10 ; ogj | plnms , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; green
gagea , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; pine apples , 2 K >
) or case , 4 80@5 50.
ROPE Sisal J inch and larger , 9o , S Inch ,
9icj i inch , lOc.
CAMDLEO Boies , 40 Ibs , ICs , 14cj 8s , 14o ;
lozea 40 Ibs , 16 oz. . Gs , 14o ,
MATOHEa Per caddie , S5cj round , oases ,
2 55 ; square capes , 1 70.
SnoAUS Powdered , SJo ; cat loal , 8ic ;
granulated , 7Jc ; confocUonors1 A , 7c ; Stand-
ird oitrn O , GJe ; eitra O , CJc ; medium yol-
ow. 5 Jo ; dark yellow , o.
OOFITEIS Ordinary grades , 12@12Jo j fair 13
© 13)c ) | ; good , 14c ; prime , 15154c ; choice
LC@17c ; fnuey green nndyollowlG@lGleold ;
Tovornmont Jnva , 20@26c ; Lovoring's ro.istod.
17c ; Arbncklo'e roasted , 15Jc ; McLanghlln'c
yyyy roasted , 15Jcj mitation Java , 1GJ
QtlHoi Clirku Aurora , t } o.
Bi3a * ianisiana pnme to choice , 77Jo ;
Wr GJo ; Pntmn , Gjc.
FISH No. 1 mackerel half brls. , 7 CO ; No.
L 5 ; family mackerel , kits , COc ; No. 1
white fish , half brls. , 7 00 ; No. 1 kits , 95.
STBCP Standard Com. S2c , bbla ; Standard
do , 4) gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon
coca 1 50.
SODA In Ib papers , B 30 par case ; keg per Ib ,
a Modlnrn. In bnrrolo , 8 00 | do
n half barro's , 4 50 ; email , In barrels , 9 00 ; do
n half barrolf , 5 00 ; ghorkioa ( In barrolo , 10 00 ;
do in half barrels. 5 50.
TEAS Gunpowder , good , 45@55c > choice 60
O75c ; good Imperial , 40@43c ; choice , 60@65c
Young Hyson , good , 36@50c ; choico.
Ec@l 00 ; Japan , natural leaf , 85e ; Japan ,
choice , G0@75c ; Oolong , good , 3540c ; Oolong ,
choice , 40@55c ; Souchong , good , B5@10c ;
choice , 85@45c.
WOODKHWABB Two hoop pallg , 1 85 ;
hreo hoop nails , 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 9 00 ; Pioneer -
noor waBhboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 00 ;
Wollbuckota , 3 5.
SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 3 45 ; Kirk's
atinot , 3 CO ; Kirk'a standard , 3 75 ; Kirk's
white Russian , 5 25 ; Kirk B outoca , 2 15 ;
Clrk'a Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes , ) 40o ; Kirk's
magnolia , doz.
POTASH Pennsylvania cona , 4 case , In case ,
85 ; Babbitt's ball 2 doz. incase , 1 00 ; Anchor
all , 2 doz. in caoo , 1 50 ,
OANDT Mixed , 12@13e ; ntlcfc , Ho ; twist
tick , lOJo.
VIHEQAB New York apple ICe ; Ohio ap-
lo. 13o.
SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 1 70 ; Ashton , In
ftcks , 3 CO ; bills dairy 60 , 5s , 3 30.
STARCH Pearl , 4Jc ; Silver Gloss , 8c ; Corn
Starch , 8c ; Exiolslor Gloss 7j Corn , 71o.
SPICKS Pepper , 17o ; Spice , 16oj cloves ,
25o ; cassia 15o.
LTB American , 8 40) ) Gioonvrlch , S 40
Westnrn , 2 75 ; North Star 2 00 ; Lowls1 lye
05 : Jewell lye , 2 ,
Totuxcco * .
Pine TOBAOOO Climax 40e ; Bullion 45e ;
Horseshoe , 413tar , 47o ; Juddy , 45o ; Her-
oyls , 40c : Black , 33@40c.
FINE Cor Common. 20@30o ; good , 45 ©
Be ; Rose Loaf , 70c ; Premium , 65o ; Diamond
3rown , 55c ; Sweat Slitoon , 50c.
SMOKINQ 0. S. , 22c ; Meerschaum , SOo ; Dnr
mm , 8 oz , , 55o ; Durham , 4 oz. . 57c ; Durhaor
.oz. , 55o ; Seal of North Carolina , 8 oz. , 55a
Seal of North Carolina , 4 oz , , 57o ; Seal of
North Carolina , 2 oz. , COo ; O. K Durham , 4
oz. , 28e ; 0. K Durham , 2 oz. , SOat Uncle
Nod , i'a 26o ; Tom nnd Jerry 23o , ,
AxoonOL 188 proot alcohol , 2 10 per Trlno
gallon extra California aplrlta , 188 proof ,
15 par proof gallon ; triple refined spirits
L87 proof , 1 14 per proof gallon ; ro-dlstlllod
whiskies 1 001 50 ; Una blended , 1 502 CO ;
Kentucky bourbona , 200@700j Kentucky
nnd Pennsylvania ryea , 2 00@7 00.
BEANniea Imported , 6 00@1G 00) ) domeatlc ]
40@4 00.
GINS Imported , 4 50@6 00 ; domestic , 1 40
@ 300.
Runs Imported , 4 60@6 00 ; Now England ,
00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 C0@3 CO.
OHAMFAQNES Imixirtod per case , 28 00 ®
34 00 ; American , per cose , 12 0010 00 ,
I'nlnta Oll nil Vnrnlehea.
OILS 110 oorhon , per gallon , 12o ; ISO0
headlight , per ( rallon , 12Jc ; 175 ° headlight ,
per gallon , 15ic ; 150 ° water white lflln- } ;
iced , raw , ; T.I gi > Uon.C5c ; llnuawl boiled , per
gallon , 58s Lard , winter str'd , per gallon , 70o ;
o , lGOcNc. ; 2 , COo castor. XSJi , | HT galen
on , 1 GO ; No , 8 , 1 40 ; sweet , per gallon 1 00
aperm W.B. , per gallon , 1 60 ; fish W. II. ,
norgallon. U5 ; noatsfoot extra , JHT gallon , OOo ;
tfo. 1 , 75c ; lubricating , roro , per gallon , BOc ;
lutnmor , lEc ; golden machine , No , 1 , per gal.
on , 35c ; No. 2 , 28c ; vporm , ilfrnal , per gallon
50c ; turpentine , per gallon , 48cj unptha 74 °
> or rallon , ICc.
PAINTS IN Ort Whlta lead , Omulia P. P , ,
jo ; white load , St. Ijouls , pure , GlojIitarBoIlloi
rroea 1 to G lit cans , 20c ; French zinc , green
teal , 12o ; French tlno , red veal , He ; French
tluo , lu viunlah ftsat , 20o ; French zinc. In oil
Mat , 15c ; raw Mid b\irnt umber , 1 tb can * , lOo ;
raw and burnt Sienna , lOc ; vnndvko brown.
loc ; rcfinod lampblack , 12c ; coach black , nntl
Ivory black , 16c ; drop black , 16c : IVuuInn
blue , ! ? ; ; iiltrnniftrlno blue , 18c ; cluomo trrecn
L. M. ' < D , , IGc ; blind and nhuttcr groou , L
M. A D. , IGc ; Paris preen , 18o ; Indian ro < l ,
Ifio ; Venetian rod , 9 Ttwcnn rod. 22ci Amcrl-
oft'j VormillloQ , I. ft P. , IScs y < How ochre 9.- .
\i. \ M , , O. & D. 0 , , 18e ; yeilot * oonrs , 9j
golden ochre , IGc , patent dryer , 8st prnlnln ?
colors , light oak , dark oak , wtJtiut ,
ntid a h 15f ,
Oak tolo , SSo@42c ; hemlock sola
hemlock Md , SOc ! nimior G5olo * t > 3i hem
Ic tk calf. f5o to 1 00 ; hemlock upper , 2
to 21s oak upper. 24e ; alllgfttor , 100 to 5 50
call kid , SSfflSflj Grolftin Utl , i U ) Jo 2 75 ; oak
kip , SOo to I 00 ; oak cnli , 1 20 to 1 SO ; French
kip , 1 10 to 1 5fl ! French cnlf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rus
sets , 5 50 to 750 ; .Ainue , COO to 8 50 t-ip-
pinga , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B L. Morocco , SOo to 3.f > e
pebble O. D. Morocco JWc ; Mmm. , 2 50ftf 3 CO
HAUNKSS. N" . 1 star oak , 3"c ; No. 2 35e ;
j : No. 1 Ohio onV , die ; Wo. a uo , JKtc ; No.
I Mllwnukeo 84os No 2 do 83e.
No. 1 Pitta oak bar , 87c ; No. } } PHtaJ oak
bar , 35o.
Dncas AND CIIKMIOALS Acid. Carbolic , G. " > o
acid , tnrtnrlo , 55o ; balsam capabla , per lib.
OScjbarkBnsanfras , per Ib. 12c ; calomel , ixjr In
76c ; clnohonldln , per oz. , 80.05 ; chlorofonn.
per Ib. , $1 10 ; Dovors powder , iior Ib. , § 1.25 ;
opiom salts , per Ib. , SJc ; fjlycorino , pure , per
Ib. , 28c ; load acetate , per Ib. , B2c ; oil , castor ,
No 1 per gal. , 61.CO ; oil , castor , No. 8 per
gal. , 51.40 ; oil , olive , per gnl. , 51.40 ; oil ori
ganum , 50c ; opium , $1.50 ; nulnlno , P. ft : W ;
nnd R. & S. . per oz. , 81.40 ; potassium , .
Iodine , tier 11) . , § 1.50 ; sallcln , per oz. , 40c ; sul
phate of inoriihino , per oz , , 53.09 ; sulphur
tiour , per lb..4e ; strychnine , per oz. , 81.35.
Drr 1'nlntn.
Whlto load , 8c ; French r.lnc , 10a ; Paris
whiting , 2Jc ; whiting gilders , IJJc ; whiting
com'l lie ; lampblack , Germantown , I4c ;
ampblack , ordinarylOc ; Pruaolaw blue , f 5c ;
intramarinoV8c ; Vandyke , brawt , 8c ; umber ,
burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4o ; plonn , , 4o ;
sienna , ruv , 4o ; Paris green , genuine , 25c ;
Pntls gtaen. common , 20cclu-omo ; pictn N. V. ,
2Co ; chiomo croon. K. , 12oi vermillion , Eng. ,
70o ; lormlllion. American , 18c ; Indian , rod ,
:0c : ; rose pink , 14c ; Venetian rod , Cookson's ,
jfc ; Venetian rod , American. IJc ; rod load ,
7Jo ; chromo yellow , gonulno , 20c ; chrome yol-
ow , K. , 12c ; ochre rochelle , So ; ochre. French ,
2Jc ; ochre , Amorionn , 2cs Winter's iniuoral ,
2jo ; lohlgh brown. 2io ; Spaaiah brown , 21o ;
L'rlnco's miuornl , 3c.
VABNIBHKS Bnrrols. pw gallon ! Irurnl
turo , oitra , ? 1 10 ; furnlttxro , No. 1 , 91 ; conch ,
extra , 81 40s oonoh , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damar
extra , 81 75 ; Jnpnn , 70ener > hfll turn , extra , 85o ;
shellac , $3 50 : hard oil fmlsh SI 50 ,
Honrr Harrtwaro Iilnt.
Iron , rat , 2 50 ; plow stool special cast , Col
crucible , 7o ; spocinl or Gorman , 5cj cost too ;
do , 15@20 ; wagon spokes , sot , 2 25(213 ( 00 ; hubs
per sot , 1 25 ; foMoos snwod dry , 1 40 ; tongnos ,
each , 70@S5c ; wcloa each , 75o ; squnro nnta per
b , 7@llc ; washers or Hi , 8@18o ; rlvota , per
b , lie ; coil chain , per Ib , G@12o ; malleable , 80
ron wedges , Go ; crowbars , 60 ; harrow tooth
; c ; spring tool , 7@8o ; BurdonV horaohooa 4 70
3urden's muloahoea 5 70 ,
BAHBED Winn In cor lot ? , 4 par 100.
NAILB Rates , 10 to GO , 2 G5.
SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buck shot , 2 10 ; orlontnl
jowdor , kegs , G 40 ; do. , hnlf kofje , 3 48 ; do. ,
quarter kegs , 1 88 ; blasting , bogs , 3 S5j faso ,
) or 100 foot 50c.
LSAD Bnr , 1 65.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor
ris run Bloasburg , 10 00 ; Whltobronat lump ;
i 00 ; Whltobroast nut , 5 00 ; Town lump , 5 00
lown nut , 5 00 ; Rock Sprlmr , 7 00 ; Anthrn
clto , 11 25ll CO ; Canon City , 7 00 , SporJ ton
Wo qnote Inmbor , lath nnd shlnglio on o&ra
nt Omaha at the following prlcea :
JOIST AND SOANTMNQ 16 ft and under
TIMBERS 1C foot and nndor , 20 00.
TIMBER AND JOIST 20 tt , a.HOJ ; 21ft ,
25 CO.
CO.KHOlNa No. 1 , 4 nnd C In , , 21 00 ; No. ? ,
SHEETING No. 1 (2d"common ( boards ) , 18 00 ;
No. 2 , 16 00.
STOCK BOARDS A , 45 00 ; B,40 00 ; 0 , 35 00.
FLOOBINQ No. 1 , 40 00 ; No. 2 , 35 00 ; No.
' J ' 05 Q0
SIDING , clear 27 00 ; No. 2 25 00 ; No. 3 ,
OKILINO 2 , 37 00 ; P , 25
SBINOLES , best i 50 ; standard , 3 50 ,
LATH 8 25 per M.
LIMB Per barrel , 1 25 ; bulk per bushel , S5o ;
oemont , bbl , 2 25 ; lown plaster , bbl , 2 50 ; hair
per bu. COo ; Tarred felt , 100 Ibo , 8 50 ; utrnw
board 8 50.
_ _ - , _ _ _ _ _
LIVB STOCK Beef Cattle , grass , 100 Ib. 3 75
@ 4 00 ; sheep , live , 2 00@2 50 ; dressed 5 00 ®
G 00 ; hogs , live , 0 50@G 75 ; dressed 7 50@8 50.
Hides. Dry Flint , lli@12o. ; green 4@5o.
green calf 8@10 : ; sheepskins , dry , 8@10e.
Tallow. 5@Cc.
Wool. Colorado 14@15c. ; Colorado heavy ,
12@13c ; Now Mexican 7@10o.
FLODB Colorado , 100 lbn. 1 85@2 15 ; pat
ent , 100 Ibs. , 2 85@3 15 ; Graham , 100 Ibs ,
2 00 ; rye , 100 Ibs. , 2 25@2 45 ; buckwheat , 100
bs , 10 00@10 CO , bran , ton , 12 00@13 00 ; corn
inoal. 100 Ibs. 1 4501 75.
GRAIN Wheat , 100 Ibs , 1 10 ; corn , In
acks 100 Ibs , 1 15@1 20 ; oats , 100 Ibs , 1 30
@ 1 35 ; barley , 100 Iba , 1 SOffiU 85.
HAY-Balod , upland. 12 00 15 00 ; bottom
tom 10 OOfoUl 00 ; otrnw. 9 000111 00.
BUTTER Finest , 230o ! ) ; Nebraska dairy
.4@15c ; common , tifflSo.
Eaas Freah , 18@19c ; ranch , doz , fresh
CHEKSB Full cream , 12(3jl3o ( ; LImburger ,
8c ; Swiss , imported , 82o ,
POOLTBY Live , clJckonsold , doz , 5 60@G 00 ;
spring chickens , 3 C0@4 60 ; dressed lb,19@20c.
POTATOK.S 100 Ibs , now , 1 ( iO@l 75.
VKQETABLKS Onlona , now , 100 Ibs ,
Z 25 ; cabbage , now , 100 Ibs , 1 00 ; now
loots , 1 25 ,
FRUITS Lemons , choice Messina , 6 00@
G 50 ; apples , bbl , 2 50@3 00 ; poachca per
> ox , 2 00@ 2 25 ; watermelons , per do * , 4 00
§ 5 00 ; ix'arH. ] > er box , 400 ; plums , per box ,
L OOdjB 00 ; blackberrieH , per 24 qt. case 0 00 ;
California grape * , 2 00@2 75 per box.
MKATS Hama , Ib , 15i@lGo ; bacon , break
fast , 14j@14Je : lord , m three , Ib , 1 ;
dry aalt.Bldos , llJOHJo.
FlHir Mackerel , No.l , 150 , kit , moss ,
1 75@2 25 ; California salmon , half bbl , 10 CO ;
Holland herring , kof , 1 G0@l 75 ; trout , per
b. 1718o
. , - - - .
ORml ( or Clroulara. "
n i > ciit rldlpi ;
on with two " U The Bprln
lengthen end Lort n ef rainilolhBWil lilihtv
cnrry. Kqunlly well adapted * to roach country
roads and rtuodrlvijsofcltle * . Atanurnclurr4au4
ler § . Il nry TltaUan. p i nto . < l LULoMi
Cltuwloal , HolentlRc , Cotnmorcial and Art Dojiart
menu. 1 ! Jth euiua mlmttted , 'I'ultlon low ,
log rlicap , Ixajt of noclety. Kully i iulii > o4 f oult >
f < rAiliiro > w ( or particulars , Kur , W. w. Hamha
U , U. I'roolJeut. or 1'rof. U. M , Doa laleta , Bocretarv
tbu i'Multy Uellovus , Nub. . j/.mu2uO
Railway Time Table.
In KfffctS ( | itMnlwr Ut , 1-"l.
The ltcnllon of trio trAielllnj puMlp l < Ptl ) il fo
Ihofuct Ihfttthl ls Iho ouli complete nnd absolute
1y corrri t tlmo-Uli ! ) ml > lMie < ! tit the cll > .
All trMii4 rrli < t nl f > ml Orpotl trnm Orntht on
Contrftl Slvid rcl Tlinc , nhlch I * 24 inloutM f stct
thin mm limp.
t Kc j > t Sttutday , n < tx > i.l . Sund > ,
I'AUlllo Dopol ; TontliLSt ,
t' ; P. U. 11. , MAIN LINE.
Hull ami Kt ) > . . . .11:40 : Kin Atlantla P.xp . . 7'50 ft m
riclOaKip 3:56)1 : ) m Mull anil Kip..4:00pin :
m Ir.
Lincoln Kit. | . . 12:65pm : Lincoln K ii. . . 12:55ptn :
Lwrto Ora h : 0.40 , 8:00PCO : : , 10:00,11:16 : : a m. , l:00t :
! :00,3:00. : : 4:00 : , S:00 : , fl:00 : , 10:85 : p. m. On RnmUyti :
8 40,9:00 : , UilS n. m ; 1W : , 8:00 : , D.OO. 0:00,10 : : % 11 m
Arrlvo tttMiAforiloiwt 18 minutes Inter ; UtokJnay
itejiotCouncil lllufld , SO inlnutca liter.
u ) vo Counoll lilutti" , llreftilw y ilopot , 7:10 : , 8:30 : ,
5:30,10:110,11:40 : : : MIL ; 1:30 : , SBO : , SRD ; , 4:30,6:30,8SI : : : ,
11:05 : Onaun < U ) :7 : : 0 , 8:30,11:40 : : . in.lSO ; : ,
8.30 , 4:30 : , fl:3i : , 11:05 : ( mi. Anlvo t Tr n tor 7 min
utes Utor.
I * ve Council llluRi TrMislcr il | > ot : 7:38 : , 8S7 ; ,
9:37,10:87,11:17 : : : * in : 1:37,1:37 : : , 8:37 : , 4:40 : , 6:37,8:45 : : ,
11:16 : p. in. Arrive Or.nns 18 inlnntou Utoi.
TllANSKKIl T11A1.N8.
LiiVn. ARRtv * .
Paw. No. S B'.Uam No. 61. . , . 0:45 : am
" 0 S:53ara : 8. . . . 11:16 : K in
" 62 10.05 a in 6..K5p : m
< t 4:55 : pm . 7:35 : p m
" S P:10pm : . . .S:15 : p m
" 10 8:65 : pro
l ) v.
Malt' 10Siam : Onuha Rxi..80 | ; m
St. Unlit Kip. . . ,8:35 : pm M ll * 6.JO fta
8. 0. ft 1. K. It.
tXAVI. I ASttlVl.
\I II 8:40 : ra I St. P 'Eip. . 0:45 : m
Si. t'KUl I iip..a:65 : p m I M 11.M . . . . . . .7l36 J > m
o. , it. i * r. n
LIUVI I Anmvi.
DoeMolnosAco ' . . : Kxptprat 0:49 : am
tfall BI5 : m I l ) Holnos Aoo'.8:60 : p m
Rtptont 1:26 : iimlUtll * 7:48 : 11 ui
o. ft N. w. u. n.
L1AVI. I iDoirv. .
Msll- . 8:16aru : Q:4B : m
. 4if. : pni U.U .7:88.11 : in
U. , M. ti St. 1' . H. 11.
MAVI. I Anaivi.
x * . 8:16 : am 1'aclfla Ktpt. . . . 0:45 : m
Atl ntlo Hit..4:25 : inn I Mall * Kin * . 7:35 : pm
ntcmlier , Kitiinliy o\ mini ; and Sunday
inoriiltiRtr.ilnillldvpirt from Onmlin fnr Clilras'n ,
uiil Snnd.iy \ m\t\y \ \ and .Monu\j ; morning t ruins \ \ III
nrrl\u ni follow * ! * :
Hnnditymornlii ) ; tinlin111 leuonml : Sunday even-
g trnlna nrrhc' .
Hcptomlior 7 and IS , \ la Ituck Iitand.
SqitcuiberSl , h tlio Mllttauki-o.V St. Paul.
September 14 , \l\ till ) Clilraco & N'ortluu'tti'rM.
Saturday e\cnini ; ( ralni llltnv \ :
September nlx the Hock Island.
Scptoabcr Oixnd ' . ! ? , \l.i. tliu Mllnunki'O.V Stl'aul.
September HOla , tno I'hlcnRiuV , Norllmottcrn.
Arrltoln tliOBamo order tliu Jlcmdny folhmlii ) ; .
0. 11. A U. tnilin runinorv il.iy In the \\euk. bJ > la Council UluQi. )
Will. . . fi:16 : rn I KiiireM. . . . . . . 5:45 : m
Kiiircoi 4:26 : v > m | Mxll 7:35pin :
, N'oto. ) The 0:00Km : ami 6:00 : p m dummy trilna also
wnnoct Itli oitat-bonnd trains on the Hook-IoUnJ ,
UurlluKton , North-Woatorn anil Milwaukee roads.
Cannon Ball 1:00 : ] t m Cannon lull 8:60 : p m
K. 0. , ST. JOB ft 0. \UCouncll Bluffs. )
LHAVX. AlllltVI.
Mall 0:00am : F.irrcml . . .7:60 : m
Ivjiircsit 0:66iin : Mall 7:85im :
From B. & M. Depot ; Tenth Htroot-
Omaha. . . 6:10 : pm 7:60 : am rr:00 : pm 10:06 : nm
Anhland. 8:27 : pm 10:03 : am < :62 : pm 8:12 : m
Lincoln. . . 10:00 : pm 12:00 : m 8:60 : pm 7:76 : Am
Crcto . 11:17 : pm 12:640pm : S:4l : pm 8:01 : am
HrwtlnKS. . 6:15 : am 4:15 : pm 11:65 : am 10:50 : pm
Hod Uloud. 8:00 : am 0:03 : pm 10:25 : nm 8:26 : pm
McCook..lOB5am : D1E ; pui 8:16 : Din 4:10 : pui
Akron. . . . 0:45 : pm 2:10 : am 12:50 : am 11:06 : am
Denver. . . . 7:26 : pm < S:15am : pm 7:80 : nm
I.v. Oroahn at 7:60 : , ami 8:45 : a m ; 4:60 : , (1:10,7:45 : : p ra
Ar. Omaha 10:25,8:40 : : ami 10:06 : a m ; 7:00,7:801 : : > m
± Dirtlv.
C. B. & ' , Q. U.E - ( via riattamouth.l
Eantorn'xp..8:45 : a ml Omaha Esji , 8:40 : a m
Chicago Exp..l:50p : m I Western Kxp..710p : ! m
IK. 0. , ST. J. & 0. It. ( via riattamoulh. ) J
Itill 8:45 : a m Rinroast 0:25 : ft
KijircBat 7 : 6 [ ) m | Mall , 7:50 : p
From O. St. P. M. & ol Depot , 14th nd
WobBtor Streets ,
f 0. , 81. r. II. b 0.
No 2 Paaaongor..8:80itm : | No 8 Mtiod lo:30 : m
NoiHUoil 3:60pin : I No 1 Paiwongor. 6:30 : p m
Huudavs EicootoJ.
Opening &aa Oloolng of Mallti ,
a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m.
o * N.W.O.H. I.UP. , & o.
ir. & st. P. 10:30 : 8:00 : 6:39 : 8:20 :
C. It. & Q. 0:00 : 8:00 : 6:30 : 8:20 :
0. II. & Ex Mall 4:10 :
3. C. & P. In Iowa J3oo : 6:80 :
Wabosli local. . . . . . . . . . :80 : 12:16 :
K. 0. , St. Joe&O. IX. . 0:45 : 8:00 : 6:80 : 0160
Missouri Pacific _ . 7oo : 8:30 :
0. , St. P. M. & O e.oo 0:00 :
Union Pacific , 8:80 : 4so : 11:10 : r:6o :
O. & Hepubllcan Valley 1:05 : 12:16 :
C. &M. Local ' 7oo : 7:20 :
II. ft II. Ex. Mall. 10:80 : 6:10 :
' Qffioo open Hundayi from 12:00 : m. ta 1:00 : p. m.
0. K COUTANT Pnotmaator'
A.nd your work is dono"for all time
to coino.
to produce o more durable material
for street pavement tnon o
Sioux Falls Granite.
filled promptly. Samples sent and
estimates given upon application.
Sioux Falls , Dakota.
of Live Stock and Others.
U In the host and ohs\post lood tot ftock nt any kind QOne pound Ii eqnol to three pounds of corn
stock tea with Oronnd Oil Onko In the FMI an.1 Wlutor , ln to , i of runnlnpr down , will Inoroaee In wolijhl
knd lie In Rood matkettblt nohil.tlon In the Birlnif. IMlrymon , oa well as othorg , who use It can loatlllK
Its merits. Try II and Ja1f | fur youmlvop. Prloo | 26 oopor ton : m > elm < ; o for mokii. Addrewi
> , fil
3LO53O CBtroot. OL22.CT.TbL
H. B. LOCKWOOD ( formerly of Lookwuod & Draper ) Chicago , Man-
nger of the Tea , Cigar nnd Tobacco Departments. A full line of
all grades of above ; also pipes and smokers' articles carried in
stock. Prices and samples furnished on application. Open
orders intrusted to us shall receive our careful attention
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
To only attaiuod by nalng
* * * * * ? * l iLlAa * * * hfl Q A Pnt W C * * I7V
Stoves and Ranges ,
Fet oalo by
5'H. i
5' '
ti Wis.
GTTNTHER & CO. , Sole Bottlers.
1301 AND 1303 FAHNAM S7y ? 7 CO13Ttt ,
if Uibb
tf , ,
For Hides , Wool , Polls , Etc. , nnd consignraonts raado to us will receive
prompt attention , for which immediate returns will bo made.
I3tli Street , BetDDodge and Canitol Ave , OMAHA , NEB
p i&i" 9
DouRlasltsx M