Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1884, Page 7, Image 15

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lias Enlarged and Ro-fitlcil His Store , nuil Oflers Extra Inducements to
Purchasers of DRY GOODS , VA.KCY GOODS ,
743 Broadway , . . . . Council Bluffs ,
170K SAIn-l l KlcfrnntrcslJcncoun Fnriiam St ,
JU ten blocks frrui ) iostolllcc , ccrncr lot , O'l feet
aoutli trout , Just on new prailo ; houeo 11 rooinn , nltli
e cry iiiMleni lm | > ro\ement , $3,000 cash , balance on
four j cars' time , Bargain.
I'OITEH ik C011B , 1C1B Fntnam St.
' 201 Tlirco flno brick ro ldcncos on
ron'SAIiK , between DORC | nnJ Farimm. All
modern Improvements , cast trout , ami as Inxcstmciit
will my 10 per cent net. One lull tash , balauco on
long time.
rOTTEll & CODn , IGIB Farnam St
SALE 105 Flno resilience on Mt. Tlcawit
FOU , ll blocks oO Tark avenue , 11 room * , all
modern Improvements. Lot (0 feet .south front.
Bargain. 1'rtco $7,000.
POTTER li CODD , 1D15 Farnam St.
FOK SALE 180 llouso anil lot on OcorRl.i a\c-
nuo , ono-balf block south ol St. Mary's avcnuo
Btrect car line , lull lot. house now , 8 rooms. Cheap ,
1'OTTEU &COBD , 1B15 Farnam St.
SALE 172 132x132 feet cast front , on llth
street , near Arbor , with house 5 rooms , stable ,
out buildings , shailo and trult trees. Will bo sold at
a bargain. rOXTEll V CODB , 1615 Farnam St.
SALE 165 South anil cast corner 86x130 ,
FOU six room house , now , shade and fruit trees ,
garden , flowers , etc. , on Charles street , Shtnu's 3rd
iuldltlon2.600 , Bargain.
1'OITEII & COBB , 1515 Farnam St.
SALE 139-Houso 6 rooms , nice lot on 25th
street , one-halt block north ot St. Mary's a\euuo.
Price 3,400. Easy terms.
POITER & COBB , 1515 Farnam St.
FOU SALE 140 House 7 rooms In fine repair , on
full lot , south front , on Douglas street , near
S5th.jPrlco W000. ; Kasy terms.
VOITEll & COBB , 1515 FarnamSt.
rOU SALE 141 Flno bouse , 10 rooms on 2Ut ,
lull lot , corner south and east fronts , one block off
Btreot car line , nlco eroumH 1'rlco § 7,500. Easy
terms. P01TU11 & . COBB. 1515 1'arnam St.
10R < SALE 161 Half lot , Rood locality , small
F 110R
houee 1 , barn , etc. Price $1,000 , one-half cash.
POTTER & COBB , 1615 Farnam St.
17 011 SALE 105 Two houses , 7 room * , and lots In
JL llorbach'g 1st addition , comparatively now and In
Kood share. Prices $2,300 , 2,700.
POITBR& COUB , 1615 Farnam St.
FOU SALE 103 Qooil homo , lot 15x135 on Ham
llton street , barn , outbuilding , $3,000 Easy
terms. POITLII & COBU , 151B Farnam St.
FOU SALE-171-Lot south front 00x103. S room
cottaco , btsliUa closets and bath room , man }
Kinds ut fruits , shailo trccq , ctn , $3,200. Eafiy terms
POT1EU& C011U , 1516 Farnam St.
I | > OH SALE-totn in IlllhUo acJItlong , best in the
1 city for residences.
1'OTTKll &COIJ1 ! , 1515 nmiam St.
OIl SALI' Lots , \acant > nd ImprovoJ , In nil
' partti of the city. Call on us.
I'DTTim i ; COUU , 1D15 Farnam St
SALE Lots at Intersection of Farnam strcel
and Lone mcnuo , attrora $100 to $500 each , $25
cash and $10 per month.
POITER & COBB , 1515 Farnam St.
FOR SALE 560 acres 11 miles south of Union
etock 5 ards. Will sell 80,100,210 or 320 acres In
body. Land Improved , houses , barns , orchards , etc ,
etc. Bargain at from $45 to S55 per aero. Terms
very easy. POTTER & COBB , 1515 Faruam St.
FOR SALE 20000 acres ef.Iand In Cheyenne coun
ty , Nebraska , at $3.00 per acre.
POTTER A. COBB , 1515 FarnamEt.
OR 'SALE 5,000 acres of good land In Oospcr
IP ' county , at49.60 per acre.
POITER & COBB , 1516 Fainara ttrccr.
"n OU SALE So\ oral sections In Dawson county al
JL1 ? 0.50 per aero.
POTTER & COUB , 1615 Farm.m St.
MOU SALE 10.000 acres of dcslrablo land In Dou
I ? glaa. Sarpy , Cumlng , Nance , Merrlck , Buffalo
Kearney , Timer and Lincoln counties.
POITER & COUB 1015 Faruam St.
Are Without A Hivai.
Have been Awarded One Hundred and eighteen Prize
Medals at all the prominent expositions of the
World for the Last Fifty Years. And
An examination of these magnificent JPianos is politely requested
before purchasing any other instrument.
lialtj OS .DJ&U , ,
General Western llcpresoutatives.
P. S , Also Gen'l Agt's for KNABE , VOSE & SONS ,
< J2 J.T CQ w a1 „ - cl
9 5 * Tin 'w 'a CD
$ $ 8 'ao I IOT cSW CDa 0 >
: a
o 0O
csa M
The City Council Holds Another Sla :
CMcr Mooting ,
A IUIIIK TelORrnm from Mnyo
Yesterday morning the nldormoii lick
a mooting , not in the council chambo
set aside for such purposes , but socurliv
from Judge Ayloaworth the key to lit
private ollico , they tiled in there , attend
ed by the city clerk and George F
Wright. The purpose of the gathering
was to consult concerning the city bom
question , and to discuss n telegram received
coivod yesterday morning from Mnyo
Vaughan The telegram otated aoino o
the dilllcultlos which were attending hi
mission , and which hnd prevented hln
from the consummation of the Dale
There were hopeful indications bul
nothing dofinlto to ropcrt.
There was n noticeable nbsonco of tin
city attorney , George A. llolmos , as a
the previous secret mooting , perhaps ho
was not invited. The lack of an invita
tion to bo present was in keeping will
the course of treatment which the coun
cil haa shown towards the legal advisor
whom the citizens have chosen to servo
them. Mr. Wright , however , the attor
ney for the contractors was present.
The discussion was not utrictly con
fined to the selling of the bonds. Com
plaint was made that sotuo of the telegrams
grams and news concerning the matter
had boon got hold of by TUB BKE , and
copied by the other papers , and that
these matters , which aQoot so many cjti-
ZOIIB , shall bo kept as sacred secrets by
the few who form the council. Each
claimed that ho had not lot out any o ;
the secrets , and had shown no telegrams.
Various theories were presented as to
how the news got out so much.
The main purpose of the mooting waste
to decide about what ought to bo dono.
It was considered after much talk thai
the boat way was to have tho.committee
return at once from the east , and go right
along with the paving , and mnko the
property owners p y in 0110 assessment.
If the bonds could bo sold before the
work was done and assessmento collected ,
and then the plan [ could bo changed anc
the property owners given a course of
years in whoh to pay for the work.
The result of the conference was tolo
graphou to Mayor Vaughan , and ho and
the city treasurer will doubtless start for
The only other business done was the
certifying of an intersection , which has
been paid by Ileagan Bros. & McGarislc.
COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , Sept. 4 , 1884.
Wliont No. 1 milling , 75@SO ; No. 3 , C5@
70 ; rejected 50.
Corn Local purposes , 40@-)5. )
Data For local purposes , 35@40.
liny 510 00@1200 per ton : baled. 50@GO
Kyo 10@45c. <
Corn Meal 1 30 per 100 pounds.
Wood Good supply ; prices at yards , G 00(5 (
Coal Delivered , hard , 11 50 per ton ; soft
5 00 per ton
Lard Falrbank's , wholesaling at 9Jo.
Hour City flour , 1 C0@3 30.
Brooms 2 95@3 00 per doz.
Cattle Butcher cows 3 00@3 25. ' Butcher
stoors. 4 0004 25.
Sheep 3.50.
Hogs 4 25@4 05.
Quotations by J. M. St. John & Co. , com' '
mission merchants , 533 Broadway.
Poultry Live old lions , 7c ; spring chickens ,
2 00@2 50 per doz.
Peachoa J bus. box , 1 00.
Lemons 4 50,6)5 , ) 00 per box.
Butter Creamery , 18@20c ; country , G (
15c.Kggs 14 per dozen.
"Vegetables Potatoes , 30@4Ce per bushel ,
onions , 40 ( 50c pur bu ; apples , cht-ico cookuir.
or eating , 2 00j ( 8 00 ; beans , 1 75 ( ,2 00 pur
bushel ; bwuot notatoes , 4 00 our bbl.
A late school census gives liurlimrtor :
7,0715 children who are entitled to cduciv
tlonal benefits.
The moneyed men of Sioux City have
subscribed § 11,000 of the § 25,000 need
ed to build an opera house.
The 17 year old HOII of Ole Smith , ol
Sloan , waa killed in an accidental colli
sion while riding a horse last Sunday ,
The druggists of DCS Moines have com
menced selling liquor for medicinal pur
poses without obtaining permits from the
board of supervisors.
The reunion of the veterans association
of southwestern Iowa , and iioithwcfltoni
MUaouri , will bo held in Creaton , Sop
teinber HO , and October 1 and Si.
The coal minors of DCS Moincs at a
meeting held at Governor's Square Mon
day , decided upon raising their prices
one-half cent per bushel for mining , and
the raise was unanimously proclaimed.
Wet weather interfered with the suc
cess of the Scott county fair at Daven
port this year , yet all premiums rroro
[ iaid in full , though thia was only done
! > y making aaaossmonta upon business
At Creaton the other nighta thief stood
outside the bedroom window of A. V.
scott , cashier of the Creston national
} ank , and with along polo fished out that
; ontloinan'fl clothes , from which was ab-
itractod a gold watch and chain valued
at $100 and a small amount in silver
The town of Manchester is free from
debt. It does not owe a dollar. The
ast of its bonded indebtedness was paid
up last week , and there is now in the
.own treasury something over $1JOO.
The tax levied for next year in but a six-
nill tax , the lowest called for in the past
ten or twelve years.
llorhfonl a Add 1'JiobpIiato
Into half ii tumbler of ice water put a
.easpoonful of Acid Phosphate : add au >
r to the taste.
Wliytlio KIICH IYKICKM ! a I'rcilyGlri
in Church ,
' 'rovidencf J'rcsH.
She was a very pretty girl , tastefully
dressed , and her brown hair curlud and
rolled about her low white forehead in a
rray that ntuentrancing , considering how
lot the weather waa and how inuny fair
ucka that hud been curled that mornicg
wore hanging inatmight atringa over thu
'air owners' eyes. It waa warm in church
.00 , and the fana were rattling In every
seat. There wore lota of Iliou about , but ,
people seated in her immediate vicinlt ;
were pleased to notice that they all us
sotnblod and hovered around the prottj
girl , and only the young man who sat beside
side her was troubled occasionally hy the
little pcstorors that she impatiently brush
oil from her face when they became tin
bearably annoying. At the conclttsiono
the service the pretty girl and her cacor
walked out with the rest of the congrega
tion , and the young man was heard to
exclaim : "My George ! Did you eve
see BO many ilios , NolU" And Nell replied
plied , in amothorcd and remorseful tones
"Did you notice them , Fred ? 1 declare
1 shall never try that again ; I curledmj
hair with sugar and water this morning. '
And then the Ilios discovered their departing
parting victim in thu throng , and with a
buzz made for hor.
Ho IMneuflsos the Third 1'urly QIICH
tion with 11 Woman mid GclH
Cincinuoti Saturday Night.
Drown waa n bachelor and a bolter.
No matter which of the two great parties
ho had bolted from sulliciont to know
that ho was n bolter and was turning hU
attention in the direction of a now
part } * . Mrs. Jones was n bouncing
widow who had wept at the tombs ol
two husbands , and popular report said
wns not averse to trying a third. Ikovvt :
had visited the widow often , but had
never made any approach to a proposal ,
greatly to her dissatisfaction , for lirowi
waa considered an eligible parly him
One day they wore silting together oil
the widow's front porch and silence hat
reigned aomu little time , each being ab
sorbed in thought. Brown's mind waa
running on politics and the -widow waa
wondering why ho didn't propose. Al
length Brown turned abruply to the
window and said :
"Mrs. Jones , would you object to a
third party ? "
The widow gave a qrcat start , for this
was certainly a groatstarttowards the long
looked for declaration , and she stammer
ed , "Why , really , Mr. Brown , this is a
little sudden. 1 had not thought "
"Of course you haven't thought , " In
terrupted Brown. "Few women have.
But you must think. Now the two olc
parties "
"Tho two old particil" cried Mrs.
Jones , throwing up her hands in holy
"Yea,1' continued Brown , "aa I waa
about to say , the two old parties are done
and buried beyond n resurrection. "
"Beyond resurrection 1"
lNovor : to rise again , " said Brown.
"Not oven Gabrol's trump can over wake
them from their tomb.
Mrs. Jones began to weep. "Why ,
Mr. Brown , how can you talk in that un
feeling manner 1 To bo sure they haii
their faults , as who has not , yet "
"Wo will not talk about that , " sale
Brown waving it aside with a gesture ol
the hand ; "what is wanted now is a thin
party. Don't you feel that it is a ne
cessity ? " ho added , turning earnestly to
the widow.
"Why , Mr. Brown ? " inurmuroa Mrs.
Jones , hiding her gathering blushes behind -
hind her fan.
" 1 see the necessity , if no one else
does , " continued Brown , There will bo
incongruities at first , I grant you , for
politics makes strange bedfellows , as they
Bay. ( The widow gave a Isttlo shriek. '
Now , I ask you , Mrs. Jones , as a womar
of sense and observation , would you accept
copt a third party ? "
To Brown's amazement and consternation
tion the widow throw herself ponder
oualy upon hia bosom and softly mur
mured : "Yes , Browny , dear , I accop
you. My heart haa boon yours all along ,
and I know wo shall bo very , very Imp
py , won't wo , darling ? "
Now Brown is debating whether to ac
cept the situation and become the wid
ow's third party or bo party to a suit for
damages in the courts.
Michigan , offer to Bend their celebrated KLKO
Tiio-voi/fAio BKLT and other KLKCTIIIO Ar <
rMANCKH on trial for thirty days , to inon
( young or old ) utlllctod with nervous debility ,
loss ol vitality and manhood , aud all kinilioi
troubles. Also for rheumatism , neural ia ,
paralysis , and many other disoasea. Complete
lestorntiori to hualtli , vigor and miinhoodgunr
mitood. No lisle Inclined , a thirty iinys
tiial is allowed. Write them at once for illua
traU-J pamphlet , frco.
Counterfeit ! ) ,
"Hero is a § 50 bill that is n curiosity.
It ia not a counterfeit. Every bit of I ho
paper and every line and letter of the
printing are genuine , " said n treasury
ollieial to the Washington correspondent
of the Inter-Ocean.
"Then what is it hero for ? "
"If you will examine it very carefully ,
you will ace that it is wholly made ii [
of pieces neatly pasted together. A man ,
say , takes twenty genuine bills and cuta
out a different portion from each , the
twenty piocua when put together make n
complete bill. The defaced bills are ro
atorqd by filling up the holes , and ho has
twenty-one bills instead of twenty , all of
which are liable to pass without detec
tion. The patchwork bill noon begins to
ihow thu scams , however. This way of mak
ing money involves a good deal of labor ,
and wo aeo very few such bills. "
Ho turned over the leaves of a largo
book filled with spcdmons of counterfeits
of every description good , bad and in
lifl'oront. Some would hardly deceive a
"wayfaring man , though a fool , " while
others wore marvels of oklll.
"Thoro , " said ho , pointing to o
national bank note , "is the most danger
ous counterfeit wo have over found. The
plates from which that was produced are
10 nearly like the genuine that they may
) o said to be perfect , One could almost
> oliovo that they must have boon utolou
rom the government bureau , but they
wore not. Wo captured the plates and
ho man who made them. Wo got 870-
)00 ) of the money , too. It's up there in
hat iron case. A good deal of It got
out. Jt was a long time before
ho counterfeit was discovered , and
after it was known it bothered
ho banks considerably. Quito a num-
> or of them got stuck on it when they
ont them hero for redemption. H was
iretdotecteu _ hero by a microscopic exam-
nation , and the points woru Immodiute-
y given to all the banks in the country ,
o put them on their guard , The trnu-
) lo was the same plates wcro used for
ix or eight banks. They were made BO
hat. the name of thu bank could lie
changed , like those mudo by the Govern-
nent. It ia believed that most of this
saun Jws been gathorcd in , Wo coinu
across it yet every little while , however ,
and I presume there is considerable of it
yet ulloat. " _ _
Piles nro frequently preceded by a sense ol
weight In ho back , lohw and lower part of the
bdomoiijCauHliiL' the patient to nuppouo helm *
oino affection of the kldnoyu or iiululiborliif ;
. At tljiiwi , uyiu Uima of liidlgOMtloii
10 present , a Jlatuency , uucuiliia of the
utomnch , etc. A mofotcro like ponplrallon ,
producing n Aery dtsaqrconhlc Itching li.uUcn-
larly at night after potting warm In l > od , Its
very common Attendant. Internal. Kxtoriml
mid Itchlnc 1'lloa yield at once to the applica
tion of Dr. Boonnko'd 1'ilo Itcmody , which acts
directly rn the itarU nltoctcd , absorbing the
tumorn , ( Jmyliift the IntotKO itching , and of <
feeling t > crni.inont euro \\horo other rotnO'
dlw have failed. Do not delay until the drain
on the lyfltoin produces permanent illnablllty ,
but trv It and l > o cured. Sclinitor & Hocht.
"Trade smniUoil by O. V Uoodmau. "
The Iiimo Kiln Club tlcsnhcM.
Detroit Vrcp IV * * .
Professor Lighlfoot I'ayaon presented
the following resolution :
Resolved , Dat do socrtary of dla clul
bo an am hoahby directed to demand ol
do Socrntary of War In do moas" emphatic
languidgo whedor or no any of .do now
pints , capes , hayn , inlets or mountains
diskivorcd by do Greoly party in do po
lar regions war named arter any of do
prominent cullud pussons of dis kontryi
If so , dia club would like a list of 'em ,
If not. a Congressional investigation will
bo demanded. "
The resolution was unanimously accept
ed and adopted without debate , and the
Secretary at once sent out for a bottle ol
red ink and a 10-cont penholder.
Ammonia ia obtalnixl in I.URO quantities by
clip putrefaction of the urine of animals. J
lyehjitolia llrilannita ,
Ku'ry housekeeper can test baking powders
containing thin dipguxtlng drug by placing a
of the " " "AmlrowH1 IVarl"
can "lloyal" or to )
down on a hot ntovo until heated , then ronuua
the cover and Hini'll.
Dr. 1'rico'a Cronnt l'owdor
. Unking docs not
contain Ammonia , Alum , l.lmu , I'otash. Jono !
1'hospliaten , d > ron it by the above test ) . It
Ii bropaml by a Vhyalcian and Cliomlnt with
regard to cleanliness ) and healthful-
Railway Time Table ,
The following nto the times of the arrival nml do-
irturo of trains by contra ! standard time , at the
local depots , rralun loavu transfer ilcpot tou mlu
u.ea oanlcr and nrrUo ten inlnutos Utcr.
MIAVR. Anaivn.
6:35 : pin ClilraRoKxpicsa. B:00am :
0:40 : a m Fant Mall. 7:00 : p ir
6:45 : a in , 'Mall and Kxpirss , 71 * D p m
12:20 : p m Accommodation. 2:40 : p in
At local depot only.
10:05 : a m | ilall and Express , J7:06 : p m
8:05 : p m Pacific Express , 6:501 : < m
6:25 : p m Express , 0:05 : a in
D:16 : a m Express , 0:65 : p in
6SO : p m Atlantlo Express , 0:05 : a m
0:25 : a m Day Express , 0:64 : p m
7:20 : a m "Dos Moines Accommodation , 0:06 : p m
At local depot only.
WABABII , sr. unim AND rAcino.
1:20 : am Mall. 4:16 : pin
6:11) : pm Artximinodatoii U.00 a in
"At Tranter only
oniCAaoanil NoiiiiiwiurnnN.
6SO : p m Expriotf , 0:60 : p in
B:26 : a m Paellla Express 0:05 : a m
7:40 : p m St. Paul Exprcttu , 8:60 : a m
7.20am ! > > Express 0:60 : pm
8CO : p m Wontorn Exprcns , 8:36 : n m
11:00 : a in Pacina Kxiri | > s , 4:40 : p m
7:10am Loral ExprrBH , 0:64 : mil
12:10 ft m Lincoln Express ,
At Transfer only.
Leave 7o-S:30-n.w-lo:30-ll:40a. : : : : : in. 1:30-2:3 : :
8:30-4:30-6:30-0:30-11:05 : : : : : p. in Sunday 0:30-11:10 : :
a m. l:30S:306:30:30ll:05 : : : : : , p. in. AriUo 10 lulu
to befuro lo.i\lni ; tlinti '
The Leading Agricultural and Live Stocli
Jl rariial of the West.
20 Paps I E - 'KN * = * ] 80 Columns
H. S. SMITH & CO. ,
1 , .TORN
HON ROUT. W. FUUNAS , Secretary St Boari
of Agriculture , AssociateEditor. .
SUBSCUIITION 1'JUCi : , 1.00 per year In mlranco ,
nil 10S S. lUli Stroet. - 01IA1IA. / i I
22-mfeo tf
The Steck is a Durable Piano.
Tin reputation i
Hosteller n Stiimar !
llittirMui n
lnu "f i pMuiilm , n
htoinirhh * . an ln\ (
ornnt n ( 'I'liirnl ID
kl drill UL' , IINll VH !
cilli lot fuiiir am
( l lll ) ,
111 I 1 O II H ( llflTtlOIH
llll-'tllliat billIILT1 oil
ilebilltv , roiihtltu
tliinul uuakuc'HS , I
I'htalillhllUll 11(1011 ( tin
Kjimil liaxls f inor
Iliiin twenty jwirt
e\j trlilHUnml cu
no inoru I o hliukei
l > > tliutlaptran nos
trninsof iiiixriciitin
putunilcrH , than tin
uLilahtniK hill | iy
tin' ulnilu lint IIIH
tlu tliroiU'h their ili'llka. 1'or tflla l > y all
.c-rld. fnt \ Itfti pi t iJUriLx. trr.r 41 1 Arii. 104 & 1I
4.ur Itficflli. In-.l Or mi A f . dtoiutt.ri \ .d.'i < u Hkf < r
io | l.l. .f c , Mn | ttfo. ftbj l til I.IKI/nr Jtiukl til II. II < J
k.r.f . tulv Mti > lk . ir f'l I * * drutfM ' r lU | fitt.U *
VUjUb.kbuI lunJlI'll / ll U BlfcUl KTflcU.NH.
j. vr. wBrrszu&iiir. COLS Aasur ,
si jsjto.ijin'41' . if , r.
Htqi tlio ilil'diun In
> Mtli. It your child
.IK an ) jiiiitiunii | of
icntiio < T nil } Iron
Illuf till ) llOMlls , flJMI-
ivncu Illd u'ti I'mid uu
t ditt wlUiuiit iklay.
iduiHthu truiililu him
m on v ctironir , rofii | !
rlni ; will
orri-ct thu dilllcultr ,
nd , a * a dlvtvtl' ' In
ilcl < nui it Id Invaluii
jli ) Tiuupaiid ) of clill-
iirvu Hutu KUUIujiuu up .n it All unuuut * mil it ,
and HOiiio Kroctrn. I'm uii in four tUea , Mu , 05c.
41 23 and l , 6. bitnil to Woolrleh K C'i > . , IMlmvr
llai , fur | iaiuii.lctjou | tlio ' '
One of the Boat , and largest Stocks in the United States
to select from.
Whore They Can Enjoy Pure Air & Waterl
And nil of the good nnu pleassml things thntfgo to make up a com
plete and happy existence.
The town o South Omaha is taunted south oC the city of Omaha
on the line of the TJ. P. Railway , and it is less thau 2 miles from the
Omaha post ollico to the north Hue c i the town site.
South Omaha is nearly H miles north and south by 2J east and
west , and covers an area of nearly four square miles ,
The stock yards are at the extreme southern limit.
Nearly 150 lots have boon , sold ftnd the demand is on the increase
The yards are being rapidly pushed to completion.
The 500,000 beef packing house is progressing finely.
The § 30,000 Water Works are finished and furnish an abundant
supply of
The B. & M. and Belt Line Railways have a large force of men at
work and will , in connection with thoU. P. Railway , have a union depot
near the park at the north end of the town , Suitable grounds will be
furnished for Church and School purposes.
Now is the time to buy lots in this growing city. They will never
bo chcnper than they are to-day.
at the Company's office , at the Union Stocks.
. A. UPTON ,
Assistant Secretary ,
Double and Singh Acting Power ana Hand
JSuglno Trimmings , Mining Mnohlnory , Bolting , HOBO , Braaa and Iron nR ,
at wholoaalo nud retail. DALLADAY WIND-JIILLS , OHDROH
Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb.
IblPiDrt 1J20 lUrnoy Sttool aud 403 d , Ut .Hlretl. 11 < f % , . _ _ _ i _ _
llitlia CiMccco/uiu'ilid / ' fire uioc , n > lk ttcn U ILlTl3n i
Dorxor WluJowB , KUiIilj , Window Cajn , Iron Creating , MctalUo Sky-lights , &o. Tin Ircn and Slate 1103 -
tin SIC Suutti 12tti fitrtct Omaha Nobrankft