THE DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS FRIDAY , SEPTEMBERS , I 4. THE DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS Friday Morning September 5 , 8UBSCIUITION IIATES , nr Canlef SO cent * per wcc BylUU - . 810.00 | x > i jca OFFICE : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway. MINOB MENTION , See J. Holler's fall goods. The county supervisors yoalorda ; afternoon made n trip to Vaughan av cnuo. The parking about the Baptist church have been completed , improving .th looks of the property greatly , ; A Blaine and Logan glee club of about thirty members has been organized under the charge of J. M. Troynor. Ilogular mooting of Fidelity Council No , 150 , II. A. , this evening. All members bers are requested to bo present. There Is to bo n moonlight picnic this evening by the "Y. K. W. " which being interpreted means "You Know Who. " Seven or eight carpenters are busy on the now building of the Homo of the Friendless , and it will soon bo complet ed. Mike O'Brien had the distinction o being the only cso In police court yes torday. Ho was only charged ยง 7.00 , no advantage being taken of his situation. Ed. Falnnan , 0110 of THE BEE carrier boys , is becoming quito a skillful penman under the Instruction of the Western Iowa colloRO , and is able to do some very fancy as well as plain penmanship. The letter carriers are planning for n great time at their ball in Bloom it Nixon's hall , September 10. The pub lic ought to show it appreciation of the boys by giving them a rousing benefit. At least three woll-known confidence men are almost dally soon on the streets hero. They ought to bo known to the police , at least , as well as they are known to outsiders , and ought to bo invited to BOO how the land looks beyond the city limits. The Ladies' Harmony Mission society will give another of their pleasant "dimo" sociables Friday evening , September C , at the residences of 0. M. Burgess , 327 Logan street. Entertainment by Mrs. 0. LI. Burgees and Mrs. 1'hil Moorman. All are cordially invited. Barnum's advertising par was hero yes terday. It has n calliope built in ono end , and this was started up with its un earthly howlings at so early an hour yos. torday morning , that the disturbed slum- bcrors wore yesterday after the scalp of the responsible calliopcist , wherever ho was. was.Tho The body of Rov. Father Mulholland laid in atato yesterday in the Catholic church. Uo was clad In his vestments , and surrounded by the lighted candles and some beautiful 11 oral tributes , includ ing a cross and -wreath. The funernl services will bo hold at ton o'clock this morning. John G. Wilson , the shoemaker , was in again yesterday for a continuation of his old drunk. Wilson's case Is n oad ono , a nice old gentleman but for this " weakness , a Cno family , and many of friends who would gladly help him. Ho still seems to have lost his grip and is al most lost to all sense of shame. Ono of the saddest showings of vrhat whiskey will do when it becomes master , was made recently at the city jail , where a man roaring drunk , was locked up by request of his family while the funeral of his daughter was in progress , ho not being - ing In any condition to bo present with out disturbing the last sad rites. A dog belonging to Mrs. Jones , whoso name has recently boon given such un pleasant notoriety in connection with the church trial , scorned to bo going mad , not on account of the church trial , but liocauso a dog supposed to bo mad had bitten him. Deputy Marshal Bats with his little gun ended the dog's hfo. It is currently reported that on Mayor Vaughau's return there will bo a general change in the police force , which BOCIIIS to have become demoralized during his absence , if not before. The reported changes have brought out about sixty applicants , all of whom expects to got the first chance to whisper in the mayor's car , wlion ho returns. T. D. King it Co. , are foiling their ' now quarters , uuarly opposite the opera houao , in fine shape , it being ono of the L neatest cigar stores and factories in the city. Among the now additions in the way of signs is a mammoth cigar , aboul aix feet long , turned out of wood at Phillinp'a axe factory , and Jim Bradley paiutod it up in fine shape. The kindergarten started by the Homo of the Friendless association , opens Mun day next in the chapel of the Baptisl church , The material has arrived and ii of the beat , coueiating of chairs , tablui and all other noccssalrcs , and a piano is already in place , and an assistant teacher is secured. The success of the echoo seems insured , as a number of pupils are already enrolled. All who desire to have their little folks got the advantage o kindergarten instruction under compe tout teachers should bo at the chape Monday morning. Bomo of the papers in their report the recent bar meeting , fall Into the crro of stating Mr. Jacob Sim's joined in th call.I { Mr. Bima was absent from the clt ; nt the time the arrangements wore mad for the meeting , and on his return , first aajuioucd , but learning the natur of the work , gave notice two day belor the meeting that ho and his friends woul not participate , aa they did not wish bo bound by the action of the mooting It is understood that Mr. Sims' frlond prefer to settle the matlor at the prima rics. An Englishman , named M. L. Davis was arrested here on telegram from Lo Mars , and yesterday the officer from there was here after him , It appoarot that Davis , who is a civil engineer , wa bound for California , taking with him hi instruments , on which there wai a chat tel mortgage. Ho said that ho gained tlio necessary permission of the man to whom ho gave the mortgage , to tnko the instruments with him , but it seems this man had sold the mortgage to another man who did object. The matter was adjusted in some way BO that Davis was allowed to pursue his journoy. . Ono of the clorka in a Broadway store seeing a dog hanging about the place , concluded it would bo a good joke to taint the canine with some white paint which was being used for some purpose about the atoro. Ho had just got his side * rested from laughing BO heartily at ho appearance of the painted dog , when the proprietor of the store , the clerk's 'boss ' , " came in , and Booing [ the dog in his condition , fairly howled , "Who in lades has boon painting my dog ? " It lawncd on the young man then that it was not a stray dog , but belonged to Ilia employer. The latter made the young nan undo the work , and by the time the clerk had scrubbed the paint off the dog , ho was "mighty glad ho had hia laugh first. " Some of the city officials are kicking lustily because the telegraphs , the con tents oflottors , etc. , of the bond-sollcrs leak out , or at least are learned and published by THE BEI : , and sometimes by other papers. They are roaring be cause the news is not' kept quiet , { and they charge various pat-ties with leaking , The second mooting of the council hold in Yaughan's back room , at which $000 waa appropriated to pay the expenses of the trip east , indicate that some of the ofliciala at least , prefer darkness rather than light. The ofllclals may not bo able to learn how THE BEG finds out the contents of the telegrams , but in justice to the telegraph ollico , it shall bo said that THE BEE docs not know of any leak there and does not believe there ia any , ml further , that THE BEE gota the nnws n a legitimate way. A OUNNOT OOUPLE , They Scoin To Bo Trying to Work The City. A mysterious acting man and woman has appeared hero lately , and have acted so queerly in aomo waya that the keen- oycd ones have watched them somo. They act at timca as if husband and wife , and at other times very differently. The woman at tlmoa aoparatos from the man and sooma to bo making moves of a ilirty nature to say the least , but the man hovers about within n short dia- tanco , it being evident that her attempts attracting tlio attention of other men , are not without the knowledge or consent of hnr male partner. Ycatorday morning they were at ono of the depots moving about aeparatoly in the crowd and acting aa it otrangora to each other , but were afterward soon to moot again , and finally wont elf togothor. "By , jove , " said a traveling man to ono THE BEE men , aa ho chanced to aoo ' the couple , "havo you got that man and woman here ? They ro tough onca. " Then ho wont on to toll what ho know about thorn. Uo said their game was the injured husband "racket , " a regular blackmailing scheme , in which the wo. man , caught by the supposedly enraged husband in the embrace of some other man , threatens all sorts of vengeance and oxpoauro , and ia finally hushed by as largo a sum of money as can bo squeezed out of the victim , llo wont on to name two or three towns in the state , out of which they had driven on account of the indignation felt at their attempts at blackmailing. Ono hotel was the scene of their operations and tlio landlord ejected thorn both bodily in the middle of the night. They are nut a very prepossessing looking couple in some respects , but still are liabln to got aomo licentious man into their grip. The police ought to bo on the lookout for them , and give thorn a benefit the first crooked work they attempt. Tlio County Honda. The county supervisors were yoslor- ay forenoon busy in considering the oad matters. Then the matter of the . njunctlon suit pondint ; in regard to the ) low court house question came up. It vill bo remembered thut last spring 0. I. Scott got a temporary injunction pro- 'cnting the counting of the vote of Knox and Layton townships. By keeping these out the majority was In favor of building now court house Fremont Benjamin n the interest of Avoca , got out an in junction restraining the county beam from Issuing the bands for this mrposo , Yesterday the board wanted Scott to have his injunction dissolved , sut ho wanted Benjamin to dissolve his first. The latter said that if Scott would first lot his Injunction drop ho would then drop his , but Scott Insisted lie had a case and would not drop it. f ho matter Is practically settled now , for iho county board would not under the circumstances go ahead and inane bonds and built a now court houso. Another election will have to bo held before the matter is satisfactory settled , and all the lawhiR done in the meantime will Inter est the people little unless the county has some costs to pay in the matter. 1' K , It. Hlnckley , of Walnut , wnn in the city yutttnlny , Cul. Abbott lion ffouo to Fremont to attend - tend the reunion them. llobeit G'ainu , vho represents Cook k Aiif [ buryof Cedar Kaplils , was In tlio city yentenlay. 0. G. llcl.lervho represents Mint's to bacco factory of Milwaukee , wai in the city yi-bUrtlay. Hu talk " " * "May Qiioou , wild other of lit * pet liranils with a happier Binilu tbiin ever , for Unco hid last visit liuro n bounc itu ; boy hun ctiinu into bin home , back in WU couoiu. INSULTING THE INNOCENT. A Dirly Fellow Attempts Libertio With aYoimLafly on a Passenger Train , A. Tr .vcllliiK Man Protects Her , niul tlio Fellow Hkljw. On yesterday morning's incoming pas < ongor train on the Northwestern road was n young girl about fourteen years ol ago , who was going down to Glonwood to visit friends. A beastly sort of a follow , garbed in somewhat of n decent appear ing human form , and who was occupying a seat near the girl , commenced talking with her , and his manner attracted the ittontion of some of the passengers , ho evidently keeping up a licentious og ing , which soon apparently became evi dent oven to the inexperienced eyes of the young girl. A traveling man on the train was niong these who watched the perform- nco , and It soon progressed to such' orious extent that the girl began to cry. t appears that the boast had even asked her to slip into the ladies' dressing room , ho evidently intending to follow her hero , and then as she became frightened , 10 began to take some sly but outrageous Ibortics on her. As the train was draw- ng Into Missouri Volley , ho was ovor- icard to toll the girl , "This is where you want to got off , " and was actually trying , o makohor believe thatsho had to change ars there for Glonwood. The traveling man , who had hoard nough nnd soon enough to satisfy him- elf that something decidedly wrong was ; oing on , stopped up to the follow , and nformod him in about as plain , forcible inguugo ns any ono could command that . ! io ' best thing ho could do waa to skip ight out of that car , and that if ho did ot ho would suffer somewhat as ho do- orvod for his gross insults to the girl. The follow made a public effort to deny mt ho had boon doing or saying any- , ilng very bad , when another traveling tan came to the front and said that if mo couldn't throw him out two could. The follow wont ilying , and the last soon f him ho was on the platform at Mis- ouri Valley , a much safer place than it vould have boon for him on the train ftor the details of his action had boon earned. The little girl came the rest of 10 way to this city well protected , and ortunatoly mot hero an old friend of the amily who took her in his charge. An Appeal. COUNCIL BLUFFS , Sept. 0,1S8-1. 'o a Generous Public : Dear Friends The members of the A. I. E. church , of this city , having noirly omplotod their buildinc , wore forced to uspond operations on account of a scar- . ity of funds. In view of ihii wo do arnostly appeal to you for your kind as- alanco ; trusting you to give us immedi- to assistance before the cold weather ots ins Our pastor , Rov. R. II. Williamson , is uly authorized to solicit contributions , vhich wo assure you will be groatfully ecolved and faithfully applied , and wo liall commend you to Him who has romiscd that "Tho liberal soul shall bo mdo fat. " SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special a vortlsementa , Buo M Lost , ound , To Loan , For Halo , To Rent , Wants , Board. ag , etc. , will bo Inserted la this column at the low it * o ! TEN CENTS PKU LINE for the first Insertion nd FIVE CENTS PER LINE for each nibaoquenl n- Mrtlon. Leave ulrortberaonta at our office , No. 'uarl Struct , near Ilroadwav WANTfl. LyANTKII , A flrst clanss Jlirber at 623 Uroad- T t vta > . P. W , Uerktvn , Council Illuffs , A\t. St. ilfANIKD A jount ? laily vlshosn situation lo ilo IT cop ) Ing or liook-ktTjilnL' . Adilroes 0. . 13KK olllco , Coiucll llluflH. iX ANTIID Younir lady a operator In Telephone \ > olllco at Council lllnffu , Iona. scpHt FOI1 HALK-At a bargain , n frcnh sHck of Drugs nnd Medlclnoa , furnlturn and llx-.urcH , In store , ooin No. 106 Upper Iltoadnn ) ; rent low , loaao tinn it > r three joard , Applv at unco to A. HIlOi- : IAKK11 , TyANTKl ) blnliiKroomptrl Immediately. Wajjos I > $16 per month , nmtly ol Steward , Ogden 101180. [ TiOll HAI.K Sly resilience , curlier 7th avcnuu and JL1 10th street. If taken noon will oil ! for $2,00 ] iclowaluo. . Will Mio loll furniture , carpets , A.O. , II or In part. It not aold at once will rent piotnl- ON , with house furnished or unfurnlnhed , at noderato rent. Any ona thinking ot nioklur heir homo In Council bluHs \ vllldoclltolmestl - Me. thin odor. It U the bust bargain over offered n thu dty. JI A. UPTON. Vtl ) 1'APKllS-Kor eale at lln ollloo , at 25 ceiite " a hundred. A GENTS Ladle * and gentlemen can make first JVcliss nagon by Helling the "Champion llosoui Htrocthor nud ronlne Hoard. " HotaOa at (1.00. Anv lady can do una line Bhlrt without a wrlnkla aim Klonn It aa nicely aa the bust laundrlencan , Addreito lorpwtlcularaO. It. S. & 1. Co. , Un ollloo , Couud llua . N. SCHUBZ. ' oftle Peace. OPFIOK OVKH ASIKKIOAN EXPUB33. OUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA K. Eice M , D. or other tumon removed without lh kullo or drawing o blood. CHRONIC DISEASES"- ' " U\or blrty yearn mactloM experluioe Offloe No. 1'uar trort , Council UluOi fiTConoiilUtloii trco DDDB. O. O. DENTIST. 100 MAIN ST11EET , t COUNCIL DI.UFFS - - IOWA. Grain . & Provisions , BOOOE'S ' SIOUX 01TY HAMS. J. Y. FULLER , Commission Merchant No .W i'oarl Street Council lllutt. ow ; Mrs , n , J , Billon , M n. , PRYSIOIAN & SURGEON , 332 MldOlo lroi } < lY y , Council Jiloflj. H Customers Should Not Neglect the Present Opportunity for Securing Bargains I3ST Fresh , Hew Goods Almost Daily Arriving and Inviting Examination. 401 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS. We will give $25 for any horse we cannot cure of interfering , knee cut ting or forging. Af ! Shoes are Hand Made and NO MACHINE SHOES USED. All Work Guaranteed. 10 Broadway . . . . . COUNCIL BLUFFS MANDEMAKERS & VAN/ STAIR BUILDING A SPECIALTY. 201 Upper Broadway Cor. Stutsman St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. Orders in the city or country solicited. Prompt attention aud satisfaction Guaranteed. PALYSWOETK. . . W.K AYi-O W O R T H. ) AT-DKC-I" 'rirno IlniiHon moved on tlio LlTTt/i : GIANT trucks . and any distance aud over any LI ml ot ground. MUCK IIOUKK3 raUcd. All work guaranteed. W.I1' . AYLSWOUTII , 1010 Ninth street. . COUNCIL HLl'lTS. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF Fresh asid Salt Meats. . HAMS , BACON RIED BEEF , SALT PORK AW LARD , 742 BroadwayCouncil Bluffs. W.R. VAUGHAW. Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council Blatfr. al ciUt collection agency , Odd KcllOrta Ulock > r Bavliuri ISMik , tuoa. omen , u. M. OFFICER & PUSEY Grand ! Uluffi > la. Zstabl/shea - - 1856 Doalenta Yriie'.ga ' md omontlo Kxdi > Dg o Ir M tkcurltl J.1U TATK. WAIIIIEN WIIITK T A. I'EJtSc'VT'BCITE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Fraction In State and Federal Court ! . Collectlonb promptly attended to. llooin 1C , Shugart'tf Uuilding , COUNCIL HLUFKS. IOWA. JACOIl SI1IS. K. I' . OADWKLL SIM8& CADWELL , Attorneys-at-Law , COUNTin ULUKFS , IOWA. Otllce , Main Street , Hoouu 1 and 2 Sbu art & Me- Mahou't lllock , Will practice lu tJtat nud F wurto. H.H. HORNE & C0.3 WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Wo make n opoclnlty , nt our EASTERN fixctory , of FINE HAVANA nd YARA CIGARS. All Cigars aold by ua are of our o\ra manufacture and wnrrantod aa represented. OPERA HOUSE CIGAR HOUSE , I 652 Broadway , : H. IJ. HORNE & CO. , I COUNCIL BLUFFS , ; IOWA , SMITH & TOMjElt , LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS 7 and 0 Main street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. OFFSB FOR SALE EBG-ARDLESS COST ttoad Wasons , Piano Box Top ami Open Buggies , Browster Top nnd Open Buptrlcs , Windsor Top and Open Bnjrgics , I'baeton * ot all kindiand two Seated Carriages. All of the abo\o nro of my own manu facture nnd guaranteed the best of stock , nnd first-class In every particular. Send for dcscrlptho circular. 3TFactory and OIllco 27 , 29 and 31 Fourth Street , Council Bluffs. LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF In Iowa and Nebraska , and sold for the least money at 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. MRS , D , A , BENEDICT , Manufacturer , urtalns , In Lace , Sllfc , iTurcoman.ffiEtc.S Oil clotha.JMattlngg , LinoleumsEto ayz hoicest and Best Selected STOCK in the WEST , omo and bo convinced that wo are headquarters for all goods In our line , heapgst place to buy CARPETS , Curtaius _ and House Furnishings in the O'ty. ' Upholstering and Bedding Supplies. Nos. 5 and 9 MASONIC TEMPLE , 7 - - [ COUNCIL BLUFFS Mail Orders Filled Promptly aud with Care. 9 HALLETT , DAVIS AND COMPANY PIANOS Endorsed by FRANZ I.iszr. EMERSON PIANOS. Unrhalled or Tone or I'inishj KIM13ALL PIANOS Best Modern Price to Buy. The Kimball Organ ) so long and favorably known In the west , recommends itself. J , Jj. STKWAHT , Solo Agent for above lines of Goods. Warerooms , 329 Uroadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Correspondence Solicited. Agents Wanted. ftletalic Caskets and Wooden Coffins of all Kinds. TELEGRAPH ORDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT JXTo. 3.2 3X1' . OVE iia. ) Ot. . < CSots.aa.cil 331-w. T < 3. The remaining HATS on hand will be Sold Below Cost to make room for New Goods. A Full Line of NOTIONS always on Hand S. J. AUWE3HDA & CO. , 317 Broadway. COUNCIL BLUFFS - IOWA. Waves throe inch part 65c , Coquotts lOo each , Switches $ lto$20 each. Hair ornaments given with every pur chase , All kinds of hair work promptly attended to , Waves made of Ladies' combings at 50c per inch , ALL KINDS OF MRS. d. J GOOD 29 Main Stree EVKUYTIIINa1B8TCLAS3. . NOB. 817 and SI OS. Main St. , - COUNCIL BLUFFS DR. JUDD'S ELECTRIC BELT. \ 3,000 Klcctrlo Belt ths oath Juno by us. I I Refcrtnccb Any o the huslno boueci In Council Bluffu. JUDD k SMITH Protlctor | , BROADW . COUNCIL BLUF WHOLESALE DKAUJWS IN | ' & und 344 Broadway , COUNOH. . BLUFFS 10V