OMAHA DAILY BEE- FRIDAY SEPTEMBER , 1884. NATIONAL MOURNING , Tie Death of Sccrclary of Ibii Treas- iiry , Charles J , Fete His UmpGoted Demise Spreads General Gloom Throughout All the Diplomatic Department The Unsettled Question of an Immediate Successor , President Arthur Beoioves the News at Newport , Government ItiilltltiiKS anil Vessels Fly Xhclr KlrtKB at Half Must In Token nl IMoHrnltif1. GKNK\A , N. Y. , September 1 , Secretary of the treasury Chas. J. J'olgor died suddenly nt 1:53 : o'clok this nftomuou. 4&i GKNKVA , N. Y. , Seplembor 1. Secretary 3 < 'oger ! died nt 1:53. : The only persons pies- cut were ) Miss Hart , his dcccisod wife's sister , lr , Kmpp and seine law n'sociites , his family physichn , Ur , A. B , Smith , nnd his colored servant , James. Dr. Smith nud Cap tain J. S. Low la loft him but n few minutes previous. Dr. Henry Foster , who had been hero two or three times M consulting physi cian , nrrlvod on the I : ID tram and wns cons % eyed to tlio Polger mansion by Dr. Smith. Airs. 1'nist , Iho secretary's sister , nrrived by the s.iiuo trnin , After the thrcu last named had entered the dying nnn gasped twice or thrice and nil was over. Secretary Folfjer's two daughter * are in the Adirondacks. The elder is in very feeble health. His son , Cant , Clins. V. Folger , Is nt Alexandria , Vn. All had boon written to come to Geneva , tuolclegraphnotbeing earlier teforted to ns so sudden a termination of the father's malady was not apprehended. Capt. 1'olger will nrnvo tomorrow. The secretary roturnnd for the last time to Geneva Wednesday evening , the iiOth ult. Ho callep his family physician next morning , who gives HUE FOLLOWING DIAGNOSIS. of Iho ciso great feebleness of the heart's action , congestion of the middle lobe of the right Inner , nnd capillary congestion of the lironchiil tubes , torpor of the liver , albumin ous discharge of urine , showing diseise of the kidneys. The doctor was informed that the secretary had had hainoulngo of the lungs three time's of late , before his rctuin. Tlio first was while out j.itchinp ; with frends nt New Yoik , on which occasion ho discharged about a quart of blood. Secretary Tolgcr rode out daily until nnd including the 29th ult , siae-o which time he I'pt his room , but did not wholly nbindon othciol work. Ho continued t ) answer im port mt letters and telegrams up to yesterday nud seempd reluct int to give up , jet ho was by in moans unconscious of HIS CRITICAL CONDITION . He entrusted to his persona ! friend , Captain Lewis , the final messages to his family nnd otlict directions of a confidential nature. Within a few moments nfter the secretary expired , telegrams announcing the sad event were dispatched to 1'reside-nt Arthur nt New port , Assistant Secretary Coon , TrankSparry , J'olger's private secretary , lion Thomas 0 , Acton , assistant treasurer , at Nan * York , and Judge Andrews at Sjtacuse. General gloom pervades the people of Geneva over thu sudden removal of their beloved townsman. Men of all parties nnd nil conditions of life alike , join in expressions of sorrow. The first. KSlDLbMS Of MOURNING displayed were above the entrance to the quarters of the Ifith separata company , Pol- ger's corps , N. G. S. , N.Y. , at tlio Geneva national b ink , nnd upon the largo Cleveland and Hendricks binner suspended across Sen eca street. The secretary will bo interred in Geneva , by the side of his wife , who died BOV en years ago. THE M.VVS AT WASHINGTON. The first "novvs of the death of Secretary Polger received in this city was conveyed in an associated press dispatch from Geneva. Coon , who is the acting secretary , ho imme diately notified the chiefs of thu bureaus in the treasury drpartment and invited them to meet at his office this evening. As the novvs of the death of the Secretary spread about , it wa * received with a general expression of regret. The olliciiils of tha treasury depart- in' ' it especially wore shocked by the sudden- j , s of the ovent. The generally expressed n" ion of these olhcara was that Mr. 1'olger's ( K.ith was nun ro "lie sought to supervise all the details of the servko instead of leaving the merely routine routine work to his subordinates , " said ono jiroinlnenl ollicial , and all others who wore spoken with on the subjeet ascribed the Secre- tile's illness nnd de-ith to the same cause Traosurcr Wjman saij that for BODIU time be- s fo.-o Folger loft thu deiiitmi ] < nt ho hid boon tompl'iinintf nC a pain in the region of the and diliiculty in hie itlnng. Tlio wateh- men and other omployeH of the department on duty to night , us well as ni'n ' > i oihcials , whoheiul tha HOVH fxprossfd tlen.arrow and spoke of Tolgcr's uniform Kindness to thorn. At the meeting in the hocie t uy's othca tli s evening tliero wern present Jlr. Coon , whei piiiiidnil , Comp'rollei J iw- rence , CommisHioter ill hnson , Tie nrer S\rj- iiian , CoimnlfBKiiiei llvann , ruintli Auilitm Jicaidsloy , .Siijtervising Inspector Hell , Ccn- ! JJuinont , Blip-rvislrig Inspector of stnain- - boitn , I\Ii. JMiinmo , chut of hun-an of Btiti-- tlo. Hr. Alexjiidei. fifth iiuJitor , and Judga .j > Crowell , acting sixth auditor. " * & 1 Mr. Coon on calling the mnoting to onler , announced the death of S i retary I'nlger , nnd nt.ited that ha had called tha nlheialn together to julviso with him as to propei action tu ha taken , Ju the AIISKNCi : OK THU I'UKSIDI NT , an executive order to close the department could not bo had , and ho wait doubtful of his authority to close it informally , oven for a day , llo said tint if thuro were no ob- Bt iclo.s in the way ho would CLOSE TIIK DLI'MITMKNT to morrow and also on thu day of the funeral. Judge Lawrence , firit cuntrolle r , .Iinlgo John- Eon , the commissioner of customs , and Mr. Alnxander , fifth auditor , gave it as their opinion that the acting secretary had the nuthoiity to eloBo the department Informally. Mr. Coon , after hearing from thesoaivisorn , announced that ho would issno an nukr clos : ing the deinrtniont to-monow Informally , and stated that ho had already ordered the draplucf "f the building. Ili afterwards in formed the reporters that when the depart ment is informally cloned all mail and ox- presi matter U received M usual but that " nothing is sent out of the denirtincnt , and nothing goes on record ns having boon done on that day. lie said that the relations of the treasury dvpartim Itt with the Mttc. urn world vvoro utich that It was important th it ,1 it bo closed as seldom as possible. HP thought that by the direction of the pros ! dent the sub treasuries und outside ImreauH of the diipartmeut could bo closed fur it couple of hours nt least on the day of the fecretary'a funeral. Mr. Oiinnuixm receiving the news of tin death of tlio Kecretary. notified tlio pustmasUi gi neral , wlm 11 tins only cabinet olliu i in HIB city and both sent TU.EOIIAIH TO TIIK IT.KHIHl.ST , Informing the latter Unit they li d recelvid the new J i/f tlio death of Mr. Koltfor. Aesibtant Sdcn tary l-'rencli , of tlio tr < atury , has been In 12'iropo ' for homo tunn. Hu b encole-vveii Mr. Coonai the only a slhtini of the Kectetiry here , and ha h 11 bci n nctiii- secretary Bliico Tolfitr left , Under the lavi lie vi 111 continue to net m secretary , tinlnH tin ptcfiideiit Bhould inuko anotliHr iippniiitinent , for ten da\sfrom to-day. The death of i o. > blnet olliw r durliiB Ins term of ollico hav been Of KAltB OCCUIIRfcNeh 5a thlj c untry Web tor died vUule aecrr lf\ry of ulato , and two secretaries of war , UolJ 1ms nndUiwhnr , and two Urnvvn and Howe , have died whiln in olhoo 1'olcer Is tha first secit'tary < > f troixsuty who died while holding offiou. Assistant Stcri'lary Coon xald tint ho had received several letters rectntly from Secretary 1'olgi'r , In w Inch the latli r vi role rAther dw pondiutly , In ono , alluding to the burden of tha work In the department. The furetan siul tint while ho v\as about u olt i ? , tl ! ! ho would piek hU trunk and return to duty if ho ( Conn ) felt that lee much wns laid upon him , In aimthor ho remarked that he- was "IS \ M ! < < KIUILV rLIdllT. ' ' While the third loiter closod.abruptly with the remark tint hi' had sot out to write at length , but felt lee vv ea'c and hstles' , othei lcttor , suite locoived , were dictated to an auunnni sis and whllo containing cleir directions con cerning important departmental mattei * , also come } id Inn intolllgi nee , Inserted by the wri ter thrt the Ktierotwy wn a very ick man and callable of only the snmllost physical and men tal exrrtlon , In one loiter , acting Stcntaiv , Uoon'tt as advised tnsi-iid a c.iblo mo'svKOt < i Assistant Secretary French , asking him to n- turn Immediately. Judge Kronen was then on his way to Liverpool , In ii'gard to the question of filling the va caiicy by n temporary appointment , Air. Coon Bubnnttid the question tu tinattoinej goner al. On the do ith recently of bhth Auditor 1.1 1 , the attorney general gavf his opinion that \acaucy occurring b } the death of the head of a bureau MUST I1V H.I KM expiration of thu ten days , either by temporary ary designation or permment appointment , and that such designation if mule could bo only fur ton dajs. It would follow therefuu- that the \.aevicy in the treasury may bo ti mpornlly filled liy an appointment fin ten d.aj s from tlio ITth inst and muet be pcrmanontly hllud not later than thu IMh inst , Sund ly not being counti'd. A mooting of llm heads of the tie isury bur eaus will bo hold toinonovv to draft appropriate . priate lesolutions of respect tu Folger. AllTHl II UCCHVKS Till NKWs. IfuMoiiT , 1 $ . 1. , Soptemhor I. Viosidint Arthur reci iv ed the ti legr.un nnuouncing the death of Secret uy Folgoi at five o clock and was greitly alTcctcd by thu iiovvg. Ho will attend the funeral and hopi to bo able to at tend that of Sonatoi Anthony nlho. llo has telegraphed his condolences to the f.athei of Socretaiy Folder and oidered the Hags on all ? ovornmont vessels and buildings in tins vi cinlty and at 1'oit Adams to bn placed at half mast until aftei the funeral. The president hail ntendcd giving a dinner to an Ktighsh admiral Saturday night but that is now probably In definitely postponed. SUMMER S1-OUXS. Tlio TttiT. SPltlNQHHliMasg. : , September 1. Harry Wilkes and Westmont to-day made two of the 'astcst heals over recorded , at HainixJou park , tlarry Wilkes' 2:10 : was equalled by St. Julion in 1880. Wostmont made Crat mile in 2:14. In the 2.15 fp icing class Bessie M , won , Loreno I'd ; best time , 2.18J. 2.17 trotting race IMwm Thornu was sent ionic l.imc , and Majolica taking sick after iho Rocond heat , was withdiawn. Harry Wilkes won , Phyllis 2dj time , U19f , I''li , 2.15 , 2:18 : , 2.17J. Free for-all pacing Wostmont won , Jowett Jd , Hilly S. 3d ; Fullei withdrawntime ; , 2:11 : , -.101 , 2.1SJ. Jewettmado the hrst quaittr of the second heat in 2.0S time. The 2 22 trotting race w as unfinished ; best tune , 2 205 The stallion "Mnvoy Cobb" p.avo an ex hibition mile trot after the fourth heat in the 2:17 : hotting race , speeding tlm last quarter. His time for Iho mile was 2.31 ; for the last quaitcr , 31 seconds. E\CINO AT&IIKHMHI All IIU. SlIEEl3ir\i ! ) 13n , Septembei 1. Thoat .cncJanco was very laigo and the track good. Three quarters of a milo for two year olds ; Florio won , Machoro second , Mahtoo third. Time 1:1CJ. Mile , for three year olds and upwards , gen tlemen uders ; Chockmito won , llfca second , September stakes for three year olds , milo and three quarters ; Gonisette won , Blash second , Uconomy third. Time 3.07. } . * Milo and five furlongs for all ages ; M onitor won , Nettie second , Markland third. Time 2.50 { . Mile and ono furlong ; Frank Runyou won , Monk second , 1'iopcott third. Time l:58i. : Steeplechase , full course ; Bourkp Cochrana won , Alton hocond , Woostcr third. Time G.331 MINNEAPOLIS FAIR JUChS. MINSK \ioiis , September 1 , At the Min neapolis fair races to-day the attendance was argo , weather fair and the track very cnppy \ andsloff. The great event of the day was iho race between thu pacers , Johnston and Itichball , for &J,00 ( ) , beat two in three. In .ho hrst lie it , Johnston took the lead and : ield it to the end , though crowded close by Kichball , and won by a length ; time , 2:13. : In , ho second heat Johnston again took the lead jut broke badly at the head of the strctcK Uichb ill won in X20f , The third he it was a iploiulid , Johnston again took the lead , jut Jtichball was oven with him at the firnt quarter. From there to the last it was mi oven lace at : i very fast pice. Johnston thun drew ahead for an instant , but Kichball drew up. and , to within twenty yirds of the Jwiro , > roinincd to win handsomely when he biokc' , md Johnston won m 2.17 } . Uaso ] At Toledo Toledo 1 , Allegh my 2. ' At I'rovicpnco 1'iovi lenco 3 , Cleveland 1. At Washington Unions Mntnals ti , Knu- n City 0. At Now York Chicago 7 , New York C. ( At Cdlunibus Columbus 5. Virginia 1. 01 At Philadelphia I'tnladolphias 1 , Detroit At Norton Itaiton 7. UulTnlo 2. At Indi impolis Indianapolis 2 , BrooKlvn tl At ] 5altimoro 13 iltomoro TTnions fi , St. , onis lri. ] ( t Itoston Uniim1) , 1'iltduiig 8 , Uu ton ! ! . At Jlilivaukee Mihvaukeo ( i , ht. Paul none. , \t Uurhngton liiulington 2 , Keoknk -3. 3.At At Wilrnmglon , Dolawaru The gaino be- twi eu the Cincinnati Union and Wilmington clubs was biuught to a closu In iho middle of the fomth inning , whim umpire JJutton was htruek m the muuth by a foul ball and tci iiuslvhuit. lie was at firnt thought tu bo Fat illy injured. The score stood 5 tu 3 In favor of tlio Cinciniiitls , I. ' 1 ho C Inna ICoiv , llo.v KONQ , September . Tlio Chinese liavo cut the military road through the French cemetery at Canton , destroying the mauso leums and rilling the tombs , China jestoi day pild the French consul at Hong Kong S 7OOU idomnity foi losses Incur red by the French subjects in the Canton riots In 188. ) . " PAIIIS , Septcmuer 4. Tha Kopubhqiia Francamo Hays : "It H probable Courbt twill occupy the inland of Formoxa in Force. This action In nt ccssaiy In order to so uro the r/ttiiicatlon of the treaty of Tien Tula and the pavmuit of idamnity for tha Ijangson affair. ( IlISMAHtK AND CHINA. PAHIS , Si pt. I. La 'Matin inakori the fol- owing statement on diplntnnlio uutlioiit ) : "BUnmrck ngrced to give Franco the support anil influence of'ierinany m the attack on China , on condition that thu treaty with Chi na ot IhlX ) IMI revised HU as tu enable ( ioriiriuy ID obtain cquul concessions with J'uuluud , America anil Fiance. Bismarck anked tlm I'ekln govirnmcnt to give- such a conic-cxlon tu it Shanghai , hut tlm requiet wai refiisid on an the ground that the consent of all the f on traetinif paitifrH to thu lu.ity of IhOO WIIK requtrai ! Jllmn.arcl. al o alms to form a tradt ing ami miv .il > < t itmn at Onpa Khang Tone , t oiith nfjlha gulf of I'eUuli ' ' J.ONDOS , 8qit ( mbcr I , Advlcesfrom Chin i statu that three ( hliifaa armies are m irchintr > < to invrtdu Tunquln , n fium u ich of the three Miiiithcrn ( iioviiiccn of ( Jhma , Thu uirny from tlu Kwang Si numb iM 23,000 ; from Yun Nan Jii.00 ( und from Kviang-tiin thn Hanu. The Yun Nun army w ill join the Black llagj at fj < iokai , on the Tonquin frontier. Thuio are aid tu bo over 1" (100 BlackflagHuttlmt p int. I'heseeumbhio'l fmcen will inurch down Hed ItncT to attatli llungliat. 'JLoNnos' , He'ptembor I. A Tunes Houir KCIIU dlnpato'i of jiitorday Kiya that the Crouch aio shollim ' , Kclnng ug.iln. H i pie sumoil they Iii'i-nd In oeciiiiy the city. It * f < D itfHothioii will bo of no v.ilue UH it will alisuib ill their iivailablrthinilnuf jrcowithout afford nn miv c rrexpondlng atlvantago. Tin. Kw mj-Si aim } will march into Ton- J finin by way ot Coo llinh , in compiny with n Canton nrmj now nt lnng on. Thov will at tack Han Nlmli Six Ihrimud Trench hold Hi Not. llnng Hoe , Sontiy nnd llacnliih. \UM1STUE WOPOSFl' . Losoos September I , Admiiil Courbol will misprint opfntlons In Cldiiiuntil 1'atono Ire , Trench minister in China , ha * undo n report - port of iho political situation At I'okm. Jde criph communication with Shanghai ccues nt IViinng. The opposition of the pence nnd war parties I * n aching the pitch of n civil H ar. cot itmr ns mWUFTIOVAI \ row v it. PAIIH , Spplomber I. It Is pond olhclally ropoilod tint Admiral Courbot haa rociIve-d a cnrto bhncho iw to his operations aijalust China. It is stated that ho will not uiidor take further hostilities fur ton daj s until < inforciniontH from Saion roach him in sulll- ciont numbt rs tu onablu him to seio and oe cnpy sumo of the tiurlheni ports. ItUCOIiICS. Uu AtltlroRne'4 n Vnst OntliorlnK tht ! Now KnKlniul V\r \ , Con- Illnltif ; his rcmnrUs to Industrial ' . tern. M \Ncm.wn , IS . H. , September I. The ouith tiny of the Now Kngl ind fair opi nod vvlth line wc'ather. .Tames G , Ulnine , ox- Governor Smyth , George 1J. Loiing and Mayor I'ortman enteicd the grounds nt noon , follow i din other coaches by m my distinguish- fd citizens. IJlainowna received with cheers. \VhonlhopittywnsBontcdtho piesidi-nt of the NewIhiglnnd Agricnlttiiid society , George H. Luring , introduced Ulnino , who spoke iia follows : Ladiei nnd gentlemen : It is pleas ml to find ourselves in nn nssemblago wheio all bear nnnio of higher honoi than nny pnr tisan designation , nn iifsembl igo In w liich Ameiicnncitii'euelilpnnd rejoice in the title , as in it ? self-constituting a civic distinction of priceless vnluo. An agnciiltmnl fair is n fm- mors pirliinont. On this day nnd on tins oe CIMOII the mint independent class of cltircns speak to the world ly word nnd di-od for tint great fundamental interest , on which the republic public rests for its secutiy nnd its pros- purity. It Ins become n trite s i ) ing that ngiicultuio is the basis of nil wealth , but the full nioasmo of the stitement nmy bo comprehended when wo remember that .in this vc ir of grace" , 1881 , the total v nine of the product from f nun nnd flock in the United states , will exceed 53,000- 00,000 , nn amount brought forth in n single vear , vastly in OXCCBS of the national debtnt its highest point. Wo mo not in the habit of consideiing New Lngland ns si edi illy di tin- tingulshed for agriculture , nnd yet the nnnurd product from her soil is greater In value thnn all the gold taken from the mines of California nnd Australia , in the richest year of their fabulous Jicld. The farmer is alwnjs moro successful than the niinoi in extracting money from the earth , nfaet most strikingly shown In the his- toiy of California who o splendid march to wealth nnd povvoi only fnirly began when the energies of her people were tinned to the pro duction of broail for the woild instead of gold The prodigious cousumptiiii of 50,000,000 people ple is brought strongly befoia us when vvoio uli/o how v ist a proportion of oui aggre'gato product is usi d at homo and Uow small a sh ire is cent abroad. 'Iho one hundred and some odd millions of New Knglind farm pie ducts do not support her own nee pic , aud the nro compelled to oscliange- , the fruits of mechanical indus try to nn enounous amount anuiully foi the means of subsistence , sci livishly ontp'uncd from the gi.inarios of the moio fcrtilo west ; and this fact H but one of many which show the independence of our ponple , and the vast extent of our inti rtial exchanges. The scene to-day has enhanced the interest , when wo re flect that tluoughout the gorgeous autumn up on which wo h ivojii't entered , it will bd 10 procucod in countless communities tluoughout our land , from ocean to ocean , from northern lake to southern gulf richness of hai v est , con tentmout nnd happiness of people will bo shown on fields as m fairs by displajs. as bril limit as those which now delight our eyes nnd gladden onr hearts. Nor will autumn exhaust the inspiring scenes. When the chill of winter on the northern border of the union shall make the southern sun hoem genial nnd welcome , our brethren f the cotton region will continue the wondrous story. They invite us to witness the commer cial emporium of the south , the great triumph of southern agriculture In the production of that single plant which has revolutionized manufactures. They have the finest in the world which has placed the United States bo- \ondthe ic.ioliof imagination , nnd has added incalculably to the comfort , health and luxury of the human race. Standing aj 1 do in the face of Now England States , it n nn .agree able duty to \tend my congratulations to tlio Now Ktiglnnd farmers on the results of this year's labor , nnd on the general and moro im poitant fact that at no period in the history of Now Knglnwl husbandry has intelligent la bor boon blessed with moro profitable results thnn during the present generation. If therobonny ono who doiK'ts this I wish ho wers here today nnd could hear what I have heard and seen what I liavo seen [ ap plunno ] 1 heartily congratulate the Now Jjiigland society on the brlllunt success of this exhibition , and I bog to return my Bin- core thanks to all Cor thi peiaonnl kindness and cordiality with which 1 have been honor ed. " At the conclusion of Bl HDD'S remarks ho WHS given three cheers by the crowd , to which ho bowed Ins acknowledgements HI mm was then escoitec1 to bin c.arnao : and hiven dinctly to the residence of 1Uovein Smythc. Tlio American AHHiiciiiliiHi < > f Sulonco at I'liilrulolphM. PIIII MUll'HH , tScp'cmhor I. Thu thirty- third meeting of the American ussoci itiou for the advancement of ECIOIICO opened to ilny in < the Academy of Muslo befura an unusually lirgoasse'inblagoof member ! ! , noted spceial ists , and a fail number of citl/sns. Many jnrmbeiB w ore uccmnp inied by ladies of their families. J. P. Lesley pictided. The wel- cumu to the assocntion In Iwlmlf of the fctato of Pei.nsjlvama wm then ex tended by Governor Pattison. Major Smith , nnbohalf of Philadelphia next madu sumo wel coming n marks , Tlio addresses were roplh d to by President Lesley. Or , IMward J. Nolan , of the lucal Hxecutlve cimimittoo , utatis that delegates were presc nt from tha prlncip il fcclonllhc HO cletles of the world anil acknowledgements hud been received from others mmhlo to ba present. The } ] chair rood a cablegram fiom the hcuntilicconciesH of Franco , wishing for prosponty and extending compllniontH arnica lilo and frnti rnal l'ho folluwing was prepared to bo cabled- "The Aim rican association in HOHjiou at Phil udclphia , the homo of Franklin , grcctu the French Congress in session ut BloeH , birth place of P.ippm , may steam nnd nloctrleity which join in proclaiming and realising thu ideas of Hcionco uiiitu nations in good will for the welfare of all mankind. " After a gi neral a meeting thu sections mot In roajiectlvo quart m anil llatoncd to the customary ojioulug ad drosioi. l JclcK iili KntCH , WAsm.M.ros' , Soptcmbor ! . The post master general today , acting under pi ov is- ions of the act af , ulilch rtqmrns thn piiHtmaster general annually to fix tha rales m bo paid for gov eminent telegraphing , Ieu l order fixm the ratua for the lomuindcr of < l thu present fiical year , us follow * The re duction ordered is the greatest icductlun inadu In any ono joar or series of yeflrH. ItattH pn niiiumted are thoio repm ted by thu son ito comimtteu on poatolhceM and post > < U Ustwmtir In their | io tal toNgnph liill The postmaster thmkH it IH fair to adojit m fur thu guv eminent tinier. Tlio Flro llocord , Niw Yoiu.Septimbor : 1. The Dally Coin- merci il Bulletin , of .Soplombor 5 , ropurti the loss by fira during Anxiut at 10,100,003 , ox jil ceedlngany prouous kiiuwn lire rncord of that tl month and unking a titil of 71,009,000. Tlm ilu tructi < m wrought by lira this yiar , HO ir , H &HK'l ( ) , < iO ( ) In OXCOAK tlm eight months in 188J , the total of which jc-ar WUH In exctm of any provioiiH } car , nxcopt 1871 and 1872 , tvhoii the great Chiea o und Boston firt'soiurr d. Ii ll\BUOfl In Italy. HOMK , Soptombc r I. At Nica lu , Sicily a lire btoku out In the sulphur mine. Tn ( nty perxiiis perishsd. Kin ? llumburt cxuilribot IH ! two tliousand dollar * to aid Iho dulfcioM of cholera at Spo la , Hu wilt visit Naples wlu-ru three cabinet ministers ro illicitly vKittng the worst qiiarltm , do ttibuting ro- lief. l.osnos. Heptombor I.- The lumo ! correspondent - pendent of the Time - ntys the cbolrrt panic prevails throughout Italy , each town taking inoaMiwi of protection re'Ranllow of govern nirmt. The | > est guards proout ti vvcl < - rs en toting piocmcts until nflor a quarantine of twenty d.ajR. A'ill.aos liavo cistabll < hod armed cordons , mid many have rlosod their to ovoryono. liesult , inanv juris of the Mil * are prnctlenlly isulitod liom the vv orld , VASICKV. IKKUSi . llOMt. September I. The cv uli ncos of a eholorn pamu throughout llalv continue to multiply. The popuinco at Cnruoli nttompt oil todiy to slop the rnilwny service from Nnplcu. Tlio mob hero In itomo drove a priest who just nuivod frmn Naples nwny from the city. All tiavclers nro u-fitsnl en- trniico Into the city. In BOIUO plac ( s the pop lar ngilillon began in favor of nlinllshlng local iiuar inline niul establishing homes of oluoivn- tloii for tr.avolers snspi'Cled of llln s. In consequence - sequence of tins plan being forbidden by the Roveriimcnt the people of ChlU \ ecchinat- tempted to destroy iallwny . NArti-S Hily , September I I'urlher heavy riinfnlU have incronseel the mortality liere. Horn in cnndlos nro Inn nod oulhertrceti to purif ) the nil , The statute'of Sm Gennm wns coined in procession today. Troops havi < boon unt to Crt-sino , Aboli , and otlioi towns which refuse te > ndmit i > cuuiis from N.ipk's. The riotiro-l'nounioiiln Sonro In Toi'tK.lCn . . , September I .Stile Viitor- inary Surge'on Hnlcomb hns tiled with Gov- oinoi Gllcichis ropoitof the e-ucs of plouro- pneumonia which ho has been Investigating in Illinois. He declaim Hint tlio discaso e\ isls , and that cnltlu has been sold from uf- feclod herds which have been sent to other HtnteH , notiblv Kintucky , Iowa , Missouri , Nebinska and Texas. Hu did not learn th it any exposed cattle had In en sent to Kans is , but in view of the Insullicient measures taken in Illinois under thoopuintioiiR of the ( pininnlino ostnblished by Governor Hnmiltim , ho ro commouds that , until all localities in which the disonoo exists have been inndo publicIthat Knntas fhall ( pinrnntino ngamst the world nnd ndmit no cattle except that they undergo strict qunrnntino foi the period of twenty davs. Tin hvo stock sanitary commission will consulnr the matter. The mooting will bo hold In Kansas. , Munloiiml GrookcdoiiHu , NEwYollk , September I. An indignation meeting was he-Id tonight , Maor lldson presiding siding , to domain ! the action of the board of ahVrmon in givIng aw.iytho fianchiso to Iho Broadway Surf ice r.aihoad. The resolutions adopted declaru that no fianchiao for a city rallro id should hereafter bo gi anted except tu the corporation which should pay the highest price * for it at auction ; also providing for the appointment of a committee of fifty citizens and ti\p ij ei s to bo know n as "ihe citv f ran chiso committee , " to bo charged with the duty of piotecling the franchise of the city. Tlio Austrian Fin ; ; Iitmilt. PmsiiLlin. September 1. Itepljing to a demand fiom Governor Pattlsnn , for an explanation for hit ) conduct iclilive to the1 Austiitn flig at the consul ito , Major Fulton of this city Ins written a lung letter. He ex- ciHes himself on the grounds of onfoicing thu city ordinances vvhilo ignorant at tlio time of the coroiiuinlal purpose of the llig. Upon learning the Iruo fact ho saj a that prosecution was immediately discontinued. iuInn WlLKl-sn Hiur , Pa , September I. Hunry Xoreovumski , the Hungarian v\ho stabbed his daughter in beul Monday night ana then at- temptcll to kill himself , was hanged to-day tea a ttee this murning by a party uf masked Hungarians , Thu excitement was intcn < p. It is the first 1 } aching that ovei occurred in the county. A. Former MltiBlnr. Lova BlHNCii , Soptomhor 1. Frank Pat terson , owner of the opera houeo hero , Is mis sing * Detectives are searching for him with warrants for his arrest. Hu is charged with forging endorsements of a number of well known residents of Monmuuth , Conn. , on notes aggregating over twenty thousand del lars. Tlio Weather To-D y. " " * WASIIINC.TON , September 1. For the Upper M iasiasippi : Partly cloudy weather and local showers ; higher temperature ; southerly winds , For the Missouri Valley : Partly cloudy weather and local showers ; nearly stationary tempoiaturu and southerly winds. lowft's Stnto TAir , Di s MOINUH , Ia. , September 1. The sev enth day of thu Iowa etoto fair was accom- pinicd bv fail weather aud an ImmoiiRa croud. The managi rs of tin fair nnd the pcuplawlm have barn in altonilaiicu mo mi- meiiHoly giatihcd witli f ho Niircess of the fasr. The expositiun ivill cluso tu moirow. Heavy Wolf-lit KnocUcil Out. Cor.UJllius , Ohio , Si pl ( mbor I. In the coft glove contest this evming , Clian. McDondil , champinii he iv v-wright uf Cmada.'wns Knock d out In the fourth round by Bub Karri 1. l'\iriill ' brnko bn h mil In thu first part of the last round , ilH ol l'lllIMlll'IIIA ) , Pa , Seplombir I. The third .annual vtbsion of th'- National ARBI mbly of the ICnMits of hnbnr c nicludnd tu night. The n pu't of ( ion < ral Hocrdniy Tajlnr di vol ojiod all iinexpectcd bil men of 510,000. Tlio Itlninu Mlinl Hull. IsniAVIOI.H , Jud , 'Heitoinbor | llli , Blnlno'ri nltiirnays have filoil an answci deny- mgtholiiilh of defi ndant'H ullotrationo. Tin next step will probably bo u demurur thu Intcrugatorlcs of the ( lofonsn. MlnorH. Ni\v \ SniMrsviiir , Ohio , Hijitomher 4. II is niported that the striking mlnertf have marehod upon Murriiy City , It ia not known what theli intentions arc. Murray City Is fju irdod by the militia NIlnHon SlK"H witli I.OS'liON , Sept ( mbor 4. Nllsson has signed contract with Maplncon to nhif ; in J.'nf-hmd and Amcilcafor ? . ' , 100 nl ht. NOIUS. Thorn wax three cholera de iths duriugthi | past 121 IIOUIH. The Ii main indiihtrml cullego of tu 1)3 locaU'd nt CulumhuH. The renubllran Htnlu convention of Califor nia nominated pieeldonthd i lectors } estoi > iy. iy.Culloctor Culloctor llobi rt'on , of Now Yoik city , and Pout Master UjbntUon , of Troy , h ivo r ( lgu oil fr m the n piihhcan tUitu comiulttci , Lord ( iormajlo has nt < > rte < l from India fur Ijondon to fucu thu unit for breach of prninlnu biiiiiKht Against him byMi H l''urtcniuo ' { , the UCtlOHH. ( A grand parade of the ( ! . A , H. ; nnd civlo aMueiatloiM in honor of thu Sociuty of the Army of Wont Viiirmla , W.IH hold yo tcr'luy ' it Cumbtrlaiul , Mo. The colored people of Now York Inxlhl up- nit tha iiiunu of KOIIIO colored mini I olng Koil upon the nt.ito i loctopl ticket m case o loalffii tliun of Or. Deinck should bo ac- ccplod , A Button ' .elegrnm ntalu4 that thn Toi mi r- HOKI rare IK tu hu rimed ut Point of PIIIUH on the iifteniiion of Hop'einbei - ' UJSB roce'lvoi * lnoHicondH start. Ht.akus , 31,000 a Hide. Winner takes two thirds uf gate reccipU , r OHO third OULLINGS FROM COURTS , A llnsy Aflornoon for Itrnrke Tom Murray Autiln In Court , roti r. roniT. In the police court yostordny nftornoon Judfjo Denoko ndjadgod Willinm Alex ander guilty of assault niul battery nnd linoil htm § 5.00 nnd coats. It appeared that thia defendant , vrhn ii a small col ored youth nnd works 111 lligglns'gninb- tin ; ; house , got into nil nltorcntion with Wnlsli , n innti twice his al/o , niul administered istorod to him a good sound boating for winch ho wns nrrcatetl nnd convicted Walsh is thu man who hns licon quito conspicuous in pullco circlua in this city of Into. Mike Kollny for the Inrcony of $12 from ilolni O'Noil got 120 dnys. Tom Murray ngnln appeared in court and filed a complaint for nsanlt nnd battery - tory ngninst Park White , hla forcmnn. 1'ark later in the day complained against Murray , charging him with thu larceny of § 20 worth of lumber. A complaint wns tiled against Lowlsfl. 11 ay brook for erecting a wooden build- mi ! within the lira limits. Dennis Cunningham was also com- ulalned against for committing a mm- nnco. nnco.A. Knlish , fromvvhosu atoro a holt of gouts' clothing goods wns taken , received a telegram from Fremont that the BUS- poetud parties lud boon nrrostud nt the reunion. Constable IJlgorton will start for Fremont this morning to bring him back. niSTllin lOUltT. Mnrgorot H. , Thomas ! " . , Ida 10 , and Herbert lllackmoronutitutod suit in this tribunal against thu city of Omaha praying for judgment for $1,000 damages sustained to lots ( i , 7 and 8 , in block D , by reason of the de fective conslructiaii of the aowor. Clerk Ijama haa begun work on the docket for the October term , and will place his copy in the Lands of the printer next Monday. His records show that 175 casoa wore diapoaod of nt the Juno term. A llcnrty Old Lady. An old Indy in Ilhodo Island who ia one hundred years of ago , brings in all of her own firewood and then splits it to pieces. Iron In the blood , don't you BOO ? If your blood ia thin and poor , what you need ie Brown's Iron 1'ittera. ' Thia prince of tonics contains the only preparation of iron that you can take with safety to tooth , stomach and general health. Mrs. Chaa. Dugaii , Xinoavillu , 0. , sivya , "I uaod Brown's Iron Bitters for general debility bility nnd nervousness and am now well. " NEBRASKA CENTRAL R'Y ' , A Ijoau Sccurcil ami ( holloail nn AH- Kiirccl Kitct , The intorcat which the Nebraska Cen tral railro.ict achuinu created BOIIIO time ago has again been aroused aud now looka something moro than a thing of paper. The projectors of thia now railway have concluded negotiations for the loan of § 10,000,000 from the Farmers' Loan and Trust company of Now York city , which insures the construction of the road. On every five miles of railway line this com pany has agreed to loan § 100,000 , to bo secured by a first mortgage on the road bed , rolling stock , etc. , of the road. The managers of this project are already Cling mortgages to thia olloct _ in all the \arious counties through which the line will pass. The oaat tormlnua of the road will bo in i ; Decatur and the line will extend wcat about 470 miles , terminating in north western Nebraska , in Sioux county , the exact point not having yet boon dotor- mined. A GliRHtly Uollo of the Wrculc. BOSTON , Mann , , September 1 , The headless body hf Dr. Black , surgeon of the Talhipooia , was fuiind llo.itini' in Murktgot Channel. IM'Ut-bONAh. Senator Van Wck IH at the Paxton S. T. Smith , superintendent of the Kansas dlVihion of the U. P. , IH at fho Milhud. John F. Goad , one uf Wyomlng'H cattlu kings , nnd family , aio blopping at the Mil- lard. lard.J. J. 1) ) . Itiloy and vvlfohno ictmnid fiom an \tmiJod visit to IhoHiimmir rcsiirln of the Clllt. Clllt.S. S. Barnaul , proimlcnt ( if Iho ttatu horticul tural Huclety , and a inembei of tlio state board of ngrlcnltuio , camoiip fium Tnblo Hock last ovdiing to icmaiii over the fan , T. P. Taylor , Kinorson ; W. H. Dillcr , Dillor ; William Duiilap , Duncan ; lion. .1. J ! . Webster , hlncoln ; and J. 13. Lucas , Central City , uro registered at the Paxton. William Sander , Pnplllion ; Hon. A. J. Woiwer , Falls Cit } ; J. W. L itham and Mm. Prage-r , Lmeoln ; Juima Boll , David City ; und I. H. Hungatu , Blair ; vvoru nt the Millard vest ( i lav. IN THE PASTRY IF TJSEZ5. ViiiilllitrriiiiiiiOi n n if i' , 4-lr , , ( liivnr C'ulirt , 'i < 'iiiiiil'ii > lilliitiii > Vr ,111 ilfllciilelynml iiul- in ally in Iliu II nil Ii inn vt lili Ii Ilirylil viiiuilf. roil STKKNOTH AM ) THUIJ I'llUIT I-LAYOIl TJIIJIT STAND ALOM. . Prfcc Baking Powder Co. , Chicago , III. &t. Locilu , Mo. M I I or Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Dr. Prico's Liiimliii Yoiisl Coins , Jtoit Jiy tlu | > V u t. V > 'K IIAKI : uur U.NE UUAUI i , The Blinkers Whnt nrnkca n innn fool ns shaky ns chills nnd forur ? It Is shako , ahnko , link , until you nlmnsl rnltlo you tcoth nit niul slmko the buttons oil'of your cont. 'iVlirit drives chills nnd fovorout ? Urotrn's roii Hitters. If jou hnvo novcr tried It ot seine nt euro , nnd don't nhnko nny noro. I\lr. \ Clms. M. Newell , of Tot- itiqton , Vn. , onys , " 1 used Urown's ron Ihtlors last fnll for chills nnd fever , , iul dorlvod grrnt boncfit. " It is the > est tonio known. H. T. Simmon , Iho contractor , hai Intl for ovrrililajan qulto IrirRO foico of men nt vuik un Ninth anil linage , nlirro a , AVniliiR ovvcrutSiX ) tout liDRlh is lioini * hid to takr ln l > luciif llio nui ) iiinniiiK iiiutor tha hlulf it tlio foot uf the trc ( I. TliNfeivvor H uf tlio aino ill iniotor n > the old ono hut tlm work of n } nift it is much grril ( r , tlm In uch in sumo 1 icua bi iii'J7 | foot drop. Throw Avvav , TIIIHRGH \hoiioiiriio\v niothod is Rimrantood to itirninnontty euro the worst cnscs of rup- uro without the use of n kinfo. Send no lottur stntups for mmpl.lot nnd refer oroncos. World's Dispensary Atcdlcnl \8soclation , ( Hill Mnin Street , liullnlu N. V. SPECIAL NOTICE * UBLP \ \ 'ANTED Dliilns nwmi , lauiulr ) nnd chamber > > girl at Omaha House , Ilarne ) , between 12th l mill. 716 0 \ yANTT.O-llutchcr , 19CO Hurt tttcot. eon r.p Al'ANIKD A pocd dresi linker on h vo toi > d \ \ wneiviniiil constant i > niilojmint | h ) npplv Incut lied nt tin ) nortlrnott cur of 10th and Dodge , di ) ooils nail notion store 703 4p CATlll'ltl.N'l' KltUTCir. \\7AN1I.1)- 1 ow persons to lotrn book hoping. \ \ Mgtit s'hool. hltnatloim 1610 Pongta sTcot TO lip J It SMITH. \\7\AMKI ) A'good cam ntBcr , competint t p > point agents. Call on C. 1) Aldirson , Metiu lolltan hoUI. 707 4i | \ VAtl1 111) A competent gltl nt 8. K. cor. 25th niul Davenport 700 Op \\7 ANTr.D-iloodi1 tout bO)8 at the llarncaii Cracker - \ \ or Factor ) , 12thanil Jackson. 711 4p \\7 AN1KD At the Bt.JulIrn , ono llrnt class moat > > caok , uno that can take charge ol kitchen , 71i ! Op \ X/'ANl / UU All experienced Scaiullna > IMI clothing \i KiUsman , ( lood wages Ion good man. Addrcea \lthrtfctcnco "II " rare Hi o iHIUo- 71J 0 l AMl'D OooilRlrl tor Roncral house-work 113 > Biiuth 17th Bt. 704 6p IWAtFI KI ) Chamlii-r iralil , illnlni ; room girl anil potttr. Apply nt rianturn House , corner 18th nil Doil u. 701-Dp \ 7AM KD 1 o cltls for homo nrK , 2116 ( 'inning > Y hi. 0. Ujcrlf. V028p \ \7AN1KD Ono illnlntf room nml ono kltchon K\t\ \ \ > > nt An ntlo lloUl , 1215 UoiiKlHht 700 B ll ANlIll ) A nooil ttlfl ' "f Kiniral lioiiscwoil , . TT ( Icrinan or Ilohcmtan | in-c-rrid. ( Inipilro nt \\7ANTIII-A lailj to tnKo charRO ot 3 clillilrcn \ t anil 8i.iitl thorn to iichiiol , ( lee 1 coin | > ciibitlon or tnnilile AtKlns ? "A. I " care llco olllto. | ODD 4p . Clocil nil cunt makim u WAMI.U , Attho btar Mcrdiant TnllniliiK loiikiCnliimlue ) , Aib. Oooil pruta aul oanttnnt \ rk US' " * \\7ANTKH-200 Tianm ami 28 men for H , 0. & . 1 * . > r.allnaj ncirnlciitlno Ntb. J.'A 'hirncr , turnerTuitli anil Harnt > . 0311 } T\7AN1RU Clooil man to tko l lf Interest In a YA KooilpajliiKlmilncsB. AUilruss "Ilurl'Mlio of A Lompotcnt girl fur Rcnoral houiio- WANTKD MnstboaKood cook anil laiimlreia Mre. J. 41. Tlmrston , ! ! 42Q Harnoy .St. (176 ( tf ItfANIKD Aladyol cultnroanil refinement to > (111 ( rcipoiiBlblopiwItlon | iajlug$70pernontli. Aililro s' I. V. It. " thU olllco. 077-4p ' i:0 : A lioy v\lio understands taking iaro uf liorsoa. Ai'Iv | | at 2103 CumlnicSt 070 4 "IITANTKU Girl ( or Roneral houao work In a small tt famll ) . Applj tollenrj Dltzon , on ICth 8t ictnecn Mason anil I'lcrco Sta. OS2 Tip NTLl ) A neat Kltlto take care of clilU'en.aml doseiond work. Call llobert l'urvlf 211 H. 14th 8L " KI ) Immediate ! ) , a first clasi chamber maid , who can wait on table at the Occidental. 2 Ofltf \\rANTii : ) 1 Irst and ( eeiind Llrl for 1'urt llobln \\non. Uood wagej , small family , 217 N. 10th street : \\rANlKD Ihrco isootl women cooliH and ulrlH \ I for ceiicrallioufewiirk. Steady omplojnieiit. 217 N. llth ulroet 050 8p tlTANntll-NursoKlil Inquire at Hrs. N J.I'll YV helm , 2111 Chlciifo St. Oil f. li ANTIJIl SowliiB machine ImniUat the Onmlia hhlrt Faetur > . 1514 CiillfornU Ht. 015 5u \\rANmi ) OniaarjtoIailleH ] ami two Kuntlo \ \ inenoinvimierHtorawork of merit. AcMriim I' , > . hox.W.AtheiH.Neh. OCU | H'AMl'.U Dlnliig room Klrl 1017 Cailtil ] nTu } \ f > &l Ip OI7UATIOHC WANTKD. , \ eiiKlnu , 20ju r ' i > | iorleiicc' , ( tool rufcrimii , tntUfiu i Ion Kuatautkiil AelclrctH 0. " lieu ollleu. 001 ip L * AN I l.ll-.SItuallon ns hmik heepcr 1 > > ajconi ) c- I tint limn Can K'VU ' referencv. Aclilriss "W V " lieu olllrs J1 i\ \ > \ \ , AM 1.1)-A hltiiilloii hv a vomit ; man , apolS Vt Can ruailand vrrito Aillini ; to do any kind ol w irk. AddremJI JUcliun , liem mt hmise. ( I3H 4 | \\'AMhl ) 1'Mlt'onan ' liiinaKer and bujerln ilr ) \ > KII idn and fane ) cooda or erim rr , is fully competent potent 20 ) oarsoxiioiieiicu ) I out of rrfeienco and security "J " lluo olllu1 , 11 * AN I CD Situation tu cook bv a Iran anil "If \i In hotel or luitiutant No objection to K" " theooiintn , Addrenn"K O,1 , llco olllcc BsJ 0i | AITAN1KI ) A H tuition liyaoiniK manlnaiiri V r vato family tu lake care of horiies , etc lias hat oxperlenco. Addrenu" ! : K " Ileo olllco e i A position M clerk In Ilarduariio WANTKIl Wholesalolioiuo , have had tuiicaracxpcrl nu an proprietor. Itcforciicos Klven. Address V A ' thliolllou. ; married man wantn Bltuation as book . keeper , In wholctialo eitabllithuioQt In flnmha Address i'O1' care Hoe KLHT--HOUUOB ana Lotn. HUNT House , Ii rooms , west side Haul IJMIU , U couth of lllcknr ) . lledfoul , Houer , Iavii 7HU. I/OIIHIINI Stand prlvlluKcl ( ino block lout ' of fair ground I usimahlo terms. Appl ) l C'rli ket I'ark my afternoon , _ 710 Op J OHIIKNT A trainicottnuo coiner lltliami I1. 1 illlc Mritts Aiil ' ' | | ) ftt I'otertoii'nclotliliitfjloi HUH 10th utreut. 70S tf Olt HKNT Nicely furnUhud rooms prltatofani ll/lUUC'hlcan'ont. tOI-fi | KNT Ueilralilo furiiUhcd rooma ( ornerlflt and Capitol ave1. , ono Mock from 1'ott oirce. " 05 O.i T'Olt 1'KM 'llueo fniiilshi'd ' ruoiim sultibTeTfo house kiephiK , Vo. 314 N. Iftliht 071 0 tr A nlnu room house. InqulroTlO lOt 1 Ht. 072 5)1 ) FOH HIINIA nicely liirnUhiil niaiii muthfioii vultahht fur luut'intUnien I'ib 1 MnlcuvHt , 4t hoiitu mirth ht Mar > u uvt , out tl l J. tOJ 0p J , lH 1II.N1 Konr liliu IIIOIIIM un same Hour , Inr ' n ehcdor unfiiriiialiud ulth latli room hatine ; ho and ( ) ld Hiiter , : omer of .Mh on Hurnc-j Call a 07it I. Olt fllCNT II mo u I th fj rooms In treed ri | a'r.o ' 1 'i'Mstreet \ , latHeenClark and ( iiuie. 070 5i | FlOH Ith.S'l'-l'urnUbu , ! south trout room 130 Karnam street. 494 4 17 OUHKNI Tvio or three l rt.o | ilea vit chamber 1 lojiiisin sultu or tipiratil ) tu gn tleinan sn wife V11& California Bt , Oil tl ' 1 iirnlnlieil leiiim. three blocks freii JriJKKKM' 1 I * 0 317 . llthbtreet. Itefureiicea reuiliiod. dill lip IfOn IlKNT Mctiyfurnished or un'iiinlaboj rooiu 1 without board 18H t > avvupoit tit. 10. S FOR Itn.VT Feoinci door above store. Oood ! > \nfit \ locality. ln < | iiro | tt 1403 Dauglaj street. riOlt IlKNT At87onopp ! nntroom , tnltalilo for ono or two ( rcnllcracn , at 2KO Hamilton ntroct , nrth Omiha. B234p ? HEMT-T o largo and sunny unfurnished 1 noms. Alsonowuprlghtpiano , 814 N.KihSt. _ 035 Ip _ _ 011 IlKNT Furnished rooms 1021 Capitol TC. 7011 UENT lloinonllh six lar o roami , * 1S CO. 1 O V. Da h A Co , U03 rtrnam H' oj7-tf 7011 HKVT l o nlcclv furnlihcU front rooms , 1 611 north Ifith St , near Cans Ht. 677-4 7OH UKNT Klrnt floor nnd liaiomcnt of a thre . tor ) lirlck Vuilillni ; Want to cxctntifro for rent it bontil Hmi o contilns all modcrnlmptovctncnU U9r\siEt. 679 U ? 0ll 11KNT-A ne\v store corner of 17th anJ Nlch- 1 olai Sts , nrar Oil works ; 689 Bp T/iMl UKXT-ltai room , with or ( without , furnished front parlor adjoining , 1714 Calilornla reel. 623-flp 7OH IlKNT Two roomi , HOOSind $5.00 pet month , 11)14 ) Webster street 42 } tt 7011 Hr.NT Twofiirnlshcd rooms fo llgh touN ) JL1 VcepliiR "lloomei'a Block , " cur. 8th and llonard. 4SO tf VTKW.MAI'S OKOMAIIA-llcmlihaircductdpiIco 1 lor next u ra to $ i from ? 10 heretofore. 138 tf 7011 Itr.NT A two ttorjr ( rune liulMliiR suitable ' for Imalncii. Largo celhr , uiwtalrs suitable for oMdcnco Imiulro on premises , corner SOth and icrcu St. 933 tl :70ll : Itr.NT Homo of 10 rionw with modern Im- . | rmomont . llcdlord , Souer , A. DavK 321 tt J70KUKNT A InrRO Bccond lloor and luisomcnt. i Inijlilro 1113 Ilirnoy street. 200 tf i iOll HKVl-Onoof the nncstrcildencoa In the city [ ' 11 rooms , furnoCD , hot and cold cold water batha atcr cloaeU , uratefl , etc. Kvervthliu first olasa iroiiKhout. $7i iHiKir month. lUrkcr & JIaync , 3th and 1'rrnim 112 tf 17011 IlKNT Nicely furnished front room 1016 iMoi1 ) iQ street. HO if JlOltUl'NT Six roum oottigo , flno location , bv S. ? T I'ctcrscn , S. K. cor. 15th and Douglas. 617-ti 11 lll'.NT Itooms In Crounso'a Block. 0. M JL1 Hitchcock. BIS If IlKNT Ono square piano. Inquire .1 oflMholm and Krlckaon.square 440 tf 710K IlKNT Ono good six rosin house (25. per mo. JL1 ( ) if. Hitchcock. iH5 tt FOH BALK. T'Oll ISAI.K A four ) o r old , ecntlo ; rldlnp ; pony , sited bav ir.aro Call 1411 llirne ) itrcct , or ildriiH"Uharlcii Ileo l olllcc. CPU lop 7OK SALK A homo and lot. Inquire of M. l . ' Grocer , 22d and Ieavcnworth C97-lm [ T Oll HhNT Two rooma with closets , furnished or J unfiiiiilshcd , at H. K. corner 17th ami LCMCII- orth utrcct. 0.8 lup Q i 7\Oll IlKNT- on Chicago street , between L1 Hlh oml inth , Imiulro of John Swift , cor. 16th lid Chicago. 099 Op [ 7011 BALK A Hshtllhroo sprlnz uaeon , ncarlj L' now , with top.'Can ho tern on Caldwell street bet. lor and Klnp. M. L. I.ano. 0(11 ( 4p ,1011 HALl. 1 Itst elias restauram ot n bargain- - Applj to 3j7 south llth St. 11. Mannwcllcr. OlD-Jp 70ll SAIi-ltubernhoii : cheap. Apply at 317 S. 1 10th St. H Mmnweilcr. 017 4p FOH S\LK ( lonil nilnlnt ; Interest in Summit To , Colorado Ihtrt tau riru clmnco tu invest a Rmall mount of mono ) . Address CV. . Cralirlicad , Omaha. Olltt I70I18AI.1 : A second Innd htock ol clothing , 1 buolnand Hhocn , Je\\erctcln ! aood ( location. \lsoa Khoo slioji.VII1 reigulro SlfiO. Good leisou or Hilling , 6JOS S. 10th street. Oil 6p : The frame Imlldlnc ; now occupied by ' the ScntJiwcst rrishvtcrlan church , situated on Mt Rtiect , betwriiiloavennorth and Mason btrcets. niiilro | of Jiuiufl 1 nnco , cor. 'JUt and Loavenvrortu trcilH. 052 Fp 1 7 011.SALE CHiAl' : Illcjclo-a 60 Inch "I'olum- 1 lila " Inquire nt IVbtncr'a I'tlnt'iif * olllco , cor. Ithamllnrimmsticct 0240 171011 HMi ; A LoxlBoirol tmreo Ojcars old , and 1 iiiiod driller ) waiion Horse very gentle. Call 813 South 12th near Williams. D80 4p FOU HA1.K Urnc stiiro small capital rcqulrnl. Contrail ) locateil ilaing n ( 'oail huslncsa Satis- 'actorv ' rca < on plven lor Billing' . Adilross S. S. I.It- tlcflold , Onmlm Neb. 607-4 SAI.n-Cheap lots , f ) 00 donn ? oOO per 1 month , anil nseUtlng worthy persona to build nlcollttlo homes. 11. ( J. Patterson &Co , cor 13th anil Kftinaui. 637-tl FOU HAI.E Small house anil halt lot , Elm street , near Sliornuii incline , south of Or. Chambcra' . iiiUlro | nn premises. B33-9p SALI * UnoulJobir buggy cheap at O. V. Ihajcr'a 0 tf IriOHSAIiI1 200ncreaoflanil. ICOncrcaImproved , ' S ncrea 1m ) , 8 acres ho pvstiiio , ? acrca cuUI- atcil timber , 3 acroa nntur ft timber Oooil eprlnc water ( 'ood house and other Imirotonicnt8. | will bo olilon vorj a j terms , 11 solil noon. For other In- oriimtlon Inquire | > creonalh or by null otVm. . Glair , 'orcut Clt ) , Harm County , Noh. 464 lin , FOU SAIiG Or rent , an old ostabllihcJ K'rooc- rt , lioot.i. slioi'H and imccniwaro liuslncnn fur sale r to rent , In oiiu ni tlio hot towna In Nebraska. Qooilaand Imlldlnxaaronew IlnslncHS in or $40,000 erjear 1 Alshto rutlroon account of old ago. Ad- lri ) n ( Irnrorv Dealer , care Ileo. " 457-6 [ 71011 SALIC Two eooonil hand iihnog , nt Edholm U & Krlokaon'a Mr.nlo Store ou 16th Ht. 830 tf HAT..KVo offer forsalo FOU 100CholcoS } enr old Pccdlng Steers. 160 Choice Ijtar old ctUln ) ; SteerJ. 100 \ raillni ; Steers. Ab AU all good lown Cattlu STHANGB BHOTIICTIB , 4C8 1m Uloux Cit } , Iowa HAT.K T o and ono 1mlf acres and houaa FOR Kooil location , enl ) $1,050 , Here Ii a chance to nm ahomo at a bargain JlcCAQUH , K > tf 0iii. | 1' . O. 1TOH HAM : Hour Mill cticnp , on taf > terms o iiaiiient , lavuralily loeatid vtitlilnllHy uillea ot hla city OooJ pienlntf. | AJdrcsaP. U. Box 3418 Ht. 1'aul lllnn. 07-lm , 011 HAIi : At a Krott li 'ahi , the Hcatt real 1 1 di nco iirniorty. | Just cist of 1'ratt'n In Ilanscoin lice , 'IliiaUa very < ludlrabla7 room cottage and will bo noldat a eucrlllco. UAUKEIl & IJAVNK. 712 tf 13th and Karnaui. \ , AchoIcodalryandBtocit arm of WO I7\OIISAIK 1 acres , i01 ! acroa under cultivation , 2i inlloa Tom KlUer Creik , Nob. , on U 1' . Hallway. Uoud house , i.i cam nml Ice houses , liirnti , corrals , oto , or dairy ing and etock ralsfui ; I.anil la well \\ateiodanJ all choice grata and urazlni , ' and , with ( ilcntv ol ran adjoining For aalo cheap. Totter i. Cobb , I amain street. 671-tf I7 < Ult SALK-Knk'lnc8 now and second hand 10 h. p. 1 Vt h , p and 20 h 11 , portable an J stationary ; also boilers ut any elio and stylo. Itlchard & Clarke , U , P U. Y. hot. 17th nd 18th Sttf. Umalm. 649 tf FOIl BALK A minting odlco suitable lot a email riewnpaper or job olllco. Will sell for cajli or ex- channo for Omaha C'lty property. Addrcuj * 'X. X. Q" Uoo otllou. 408 It FOll SALE Two open socond-nand bungled Hid one delivery vtagon , cheap , at 1S19 Iltrney 81. KD-tf BllSCELLAHEOUS. Q ? 1 A HA Howard for the return of my Jersey rj ) I U vl" cow ; cream and white , Whlta spot on forehead , leather strap ardlud neck. N. Uerrlam. Jl l and Hurt. 091 tf WO riUDK-U'tll I'Bsorle.I . stock Ladles' , Child- A. rcn's and SI Uses' nbocu , made bv Kdwln C , Unit , II ) rued , Ludlnw , and Heed. Jonoa i. Co , , lor Cloth- Ini , ' , rurnlthliii ; lloodii , I lor in , Mules or Cattlo. Lock bov 74 , bluiix Clt ) . lo a 083 fi f nu fKT Neatl.i liirnllied room ullli comforts of J a homo ti a ( 'uitluiianlio MiniM lie willing to loan [ Urdu aliout Three hundred dollaru for ono jtar lllk'biBt rate of Interest Jiald , bobt of rcfer- tncu und best u ( uceurlt ) gHon. Address "C. A. D. " lieu olllro. UJ3-4) ) > HAY I or prlmo baled hay at lowuit irlfes , ad- dicia T. i ) . OhAHKHON , Im 8ehlller. Web. MRS. feUIlHODKU , MaKiietlo llealorlj now lucitiJ at 18 1 , Cast ) street. UlaunotiU dltcasiairto ti.'Mm rpO LHYbE-10 acres ( of UiiJ , fcncod fer garden Jl imrpos B , three mlleiS. \ \ ; uf r , 0 , loimlre bV. . Fosdlko , 013 8 15tll tieet. 60211 I OIt KXOHANOK , I.ANll-040 acres UDlmprovui 1 land In ea'torn Nibraika , suitable fur kl ck farm to exihaugo for stoc'c ' of grocer us or Kiiueral uier- clanUUo. Atlilrcsj " 11" Duo nlllco. 441-liu rp\KENUl' Abrowiicow.7 orbjearsold. Owner J _ can liavo same by callini ; on Charlc llctttiola Cuinlnif Streol , 0'NiH'i ) 1'Uoo , and I ) lin > , - charges. TV UUllllAY lias Kood ( lasturlug , Bering water. PHIVV vaults , sluks and cvsspuoU cleuiidd vtltu sanitary cleaner. Satisfaction guarinteod bt Y. U , Abe ) , ( suoctwor to to J , M. Binith , ) box 178.