Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1884, Image 1
V THE OMAHA DAILY BEE FOURTEENTH YEAR , OMAHA , NEB. , THURSDAY MORNING , SEPTEMBER 4 , 1884. NO. cr > TURN THE RASCALS OUT A Scathing : Review of the School Land Franiisliy , Senator Van W , The State Board Dirootly Ohargoc With Complicity in the Swindles , An Attempted Defense of the Orimo Proves a Confession of Guilt , A Saored Trust for a Saored Pur ; ? pose Bartered Away for a ; Pittance , IM "Tho Conspirators Fortified by an M " " Official "Opinion" which was Never Filed , ' Viewed in Any Aspect there Sooins No Excuse lor this Betrayal of Public Trust. " Special to THE BKE , OAKLAND , Hurt Co. , Sopt. 3. Senator "Van Wyck delivered nn interesting nnd instructive nddroas nt the Burt counly fnir , hold nt Oakland , thia nftarnoon. After reviewing various topics especially interesting to the agricultural clnss , the senator dwelt nt some length on the tariff and transportation questions nnd measures proposed for the relief of pro ducers. Turning from those topics Sou star Vnn Wyck made n scathing review of the school land frauds , which created a profound sensation. ( SCHOOL LAND SWINDLES. The senator said : Passing from what pertains to the farm , to farm life , to production , to transporta tion , to sale nnd profits of production , there are other matters which imperative ly demand your attention , particularly the attention of farmers who pay a largo proportion of the taxes. You see the public domain absorbed by railroad corporations ai\d nctri'Iy stolen through fraud by lumber syndicates in the north , and cattle and foreign syndi cates in the west , nnd you feel powerless to stop the wrong and punish the of fenders. If you find similar practices nt your own doors you are omnipotent through the ballot box to reach the offences and the offenders. * * * * * * * There are other dangerous combinations besides those of railroads. There are syndicates of foreigners soaking owner ships of immenflo tracts , cattle syndicates illegally fencing millions of the people's acres. The nation is aroused at such out rages , nnd demand that the wrongs bo re dressed and the rights vindicated ; yet "ihoconspiracy of wealth defies the nation's will. Scheming operators have been trying their hand in this stato. The government generously donated to the state about 3,000,000 acres for school purposeswhich , if honestly administered , would realize over § 20,000,000. A SACKED TRUST for a sacred purpose the education of the youth of the stato. Bettor allow men to steal broad from the mouths of your children than filch any of this bounty. Yet this sacred domain has been practic ally invaded , worse than all by the ac tive assistance of the state board , or what is equally criminal , by their indif ference. The case ns stated and not denied shows guilty complicity. Those who nro the paid and sworn guardians and defenders - fenders of the people's interests have bartered away hundreds of thousands of acres for twonty-fivo years , at a nominal price.- The same law for leasing school lands has been in force many years. Yet only during the last year or two has the u > n- duct of the board produced this scandal and fraud. Thus far the only excuse offered is that when citizens commenced suit to restrain the wrong-doors , the state board .CONFESS JODOMBNT AGAINST THEM8KLVKS. Plnding the syndicate could not getaway away witti the plunder they nsk them to return it. But the important question Is : why has the state board issued the leases 1 \\liy did citizens know the fraud and the guardians of the state not ? Tlio state ofilcors who allowed , or tolerated erated , or made possible such frauds ought to bo impeached. Keith county is not the only ono ; in others the fraud was consummated where ono Individual obtained Gi sections at a nominal valuation for twenty-five years. Tauso for a moment 10,000 ncres for the pittance of 81,200 to § 1,500 dollars a year , nnd then exempt from taxation. Thousands of acres to ono individual at n rent much loss than the taxes you pay on your land. The state would realize more to make an absolute cift of the lands , then taxes could bo collected , realizing moro than the interest to bo paid. THE MOST DAMAOINO DEFENSE which clearly shows the guilty complici ty of the board appeared In the Lincoln State Journal of August 31. First al leging the great desire of the board to protect the school lands , the Journal says what in the light of facts would aoem bitter sarcasm : "Havinff consulted the attorney general , the board was. of opinion that it had jiowur to limio lands that had not been off < .red for sale , and decided , la order TOOKTHOSIKINCOMK from the school lands in Keith county , to lm > o them appraised and leased to the highest biddo. " That paper then gives n sketch of JIOW THK IIOAUD OOT THE JIIOHEHT BIUDEU It seems ono of tlio firat named ap praisers had some conscientious scruple in npprahing the land in the manner do mnndod , nnd ho hosititod , A letter wa written to A. G. Kendall , land commis sioner , stating the situation nnd conclud ing that some outside jmrlics aoom determined terminod to prevent the putting of the lands in the market. " Kendall replied , Juno 21) ) , to the coun ty dork , giving him fresh instructions , saying ho must not countenance any "iMl'nOl'EU INFLUENCE , " ordered him to appoint now appraisers nnd asked for advice as to what would bo for the interest of thostato in the matter. The Journal then adds : "At the July mooting of tlio board , the ap plications inailo for leases were opened arc ! awarded , They were made by sixty-el lil parties , many of them residents of Koitlr county nnd personally known to the baard. " NOW MAHK THE DATE. Juno 23 , Kondrll sends now pa pers nnd orders now npprnisora by the county clerk. Those papers were sent by nihil nnd had to travel to Keith county , requiring joino time. The clerk of that county liad to appoint now appraisers after re ceiving instructions from Kendall , re quiring spmo time. The nppraisers had to examine and apprniso 80,000 acres the Kith nnd oGth sections , which IF DONE HONESTLY OR DONE AT ALL , requires much time. Then the appraisement mont was returned by the county clerk to the board , requiring moro timo. Then the Journal says : "At the July mooting the leases were opened and awarded , and they were made by sixty-eight persons. " All that would require much time , nnd all this was done during the few days' be tween Juno 23d and the July mooting. Hero then is ono record showing THE INFAMY DAMNINO AND COMPLETE. How did the G8 know the value of the issossmont so ns to make applications ? Sco the pretended anxiety of the county clerk to prevent "outside interference ; " then the pretended anxiety of the board to have the lands leased to "tho highest bidder , " and putting the lands "in the market ; " and then the commissioner nlks of "tho interest of the state. " Yet this is all done SECHETLY , WITHOUT PUBLIC NOTICE , : rom July 23 to the July mooting. The only "outsldo interference" waa the pro motion of this scheme. An officer in the western cattle insurance company and the G8 persons were these in the employ of his company , and these per , ions in Keith county , " personally mown to the board , " were the apprais ers and other persons who were taken "nto the secret and who were to share in ; ho plunder. You cannot bellovo a pub ic officer IS EITIIEH COMPETENT OK HONEST who will do such transactions. The law expressly requires lands should bo first advertised for sale before being offered 'or lease. The law is very plain that the lublic must bo notified. Yet In thesp cases secrecy is observed , no public notice at any stage of the pro ceedings , tlio lands are quietly nnd spsed- ly assessed. Take Keith county ns n sample. An appraisement of 80,000 acres at prices ranging from 40 to 75 conta per acre , when every member of the state board know that the railrord company had beeu selling all its lands in .hat county for from $3 to $5 per acre , which became subject to tnxation as soon ns sold. Yet school Inud equally good , not subject to taxation , rented for 25 years , at G per cent , on a valuation of LO to 75 cents par acre. How many men of any party believe ho state board were competent or hon- > st is Issuing leases on such valuation ? Choir crime or neglect was complete when the leases were issued. They are entitled to no credit FOll CALLING THEM BACK , ' hey were compelled by fear of exposure n the courts. It was the good fortune of the state that some of its private citi zens were moro honest and capable and aithful than the state board. Another excuse which moro clearly hews the weakness of their defense , is hat the Attorney-General gave an opinion against the plain provision of the nw , holding that no public notice wns necessary. That land need not first bo offered for ealo. That was supposed to oiako the accomplishment of the con- piracy easy. This is the same old story. When any great crime is to bo committed > y public officers they fortify themselves n advance with nn opinion from someone ono who is willing to bo a co-conspirator , and bo equally guilty with themselves. When land grant roads desired to \iivo \ honest settlers from their homo- toads or to eecuro moro than a generous congress gave them , they generally ob- ninod from supple attorneys-general uch an opinion as their scheme required. In this case most remarKable an of- icinl opinion afi'ecting hundreds of thou- ands of acres WAS NEVEll FILED , NEVEU WHITTBN , BO the reasons thereof could bo ircsontcd to the people. This defense rould indicate n design , n deliberate in cut to allow this plunder. In the first ilaco , why seek an opinion where the itatuto is so plain that ho who runs may road ? The provision of the law and the itttural interpretation and execution of ho aamo would protect the people in heir school lands and the state board In heir reputation. A forced and ingenious onstruction of this act was desired from ho attorney-general. WHY ? IN WHOSE INTEREST ? The plain provision secured this school and , the other opened the door for se crecy , fraud , and plunder. The latter was adopted by the school board. "Why ? ) o figs grow from thorns or grapes from histlea ? Again , why ? The elate board must have known what ho result would bo. The people must ggroo they desired tbo natural result of heir acts. If there was any doubt as to , ho moaning of this law why was it not continued in the interest of the people , of honesty , of fair dealing ? Any public officer who will not admin ister the public trust with thuaamoability and zeal as ho would his own property , is a worse criminal than the ono whom the poet said should bo scourged naked through the world. Had the board owned 30,000 acres which they desired to lease on the best terms , what man on earth bo- Moves they would have pursued thia policy. VERY WONDERFULLY , TOO , some of this land waa leased to clorka in the offices of members of the board. But suppose the law was entirely silent as to the manner of advertising for sale 01 leasing , aa the atato o Ulcers are nol charged with being fools , how could they undertake a disposition of this proport ; without ordinary advertising. Ylowod in any aspect there scorns iu excuse for this betrayal of public trust _ On the basis of Keith county vnlua tion nnd the sale by railroads of lands it the aamo county. There must , in Inndi. leased during the last two years , bo n loss to the stnto of nt lorit 850,000 per years making In the twenty-five years $1,250,000 , taken from ovoiy school dis trict in the state , KEITH IS ONLY ONE of many counties. Thia is equally np parent in Lincoln county whore the leas * os were not recalled. In 1880 before the value of lands had increased , the school lands in that county were apprnlsod from 811o § 3 nnd § 5 per ncro. In 1881 in the snmo county , when real catito hat doubled nnd trobki in prlco , the landa were appraised under this board at 40c to 70o nor ncro. Politics , particularly nartizanahlp , 1ms nothing to do with quoationsof thia kind. If n man in your employ driyoyour team or market your hogs and grain in n man- ncso reckless and apparently dishonest , you would dismiss him nt once from pour service. Would It not bo well for .hose who nro not seeking the spoils of office to npply business principles to pol- tica ? There ia another matter demanding explanation. This ssmo board is also entrusted with INVESTING THE 1'EUMANENT SCHOOL FUND , rot it is charged that the utnto. treasurer IBS boon allowed to ro'iih itl'h's ' hands from § 150,000 to ? 100,000. This largo imount h"1 ? boon depicted in n few banks. The statute m ± 03 it n crime for thostato treasurer to m-'to nny such do- [ ) oaits. Why has not Tiis money been p'omptly Invested , so the school fund might bo benefited ? What excuse can bo offered for this neglect ? They will probably hide behind aomo quibble or technicality , possibly an opinion from the attorney general , or some other attorney. It will bo a proper subject of inquiry 'or the next legislature whether the stnto hns received nny portion of the ntorest from these deposit ? Whether nny members of the board are bankers or interested in banks. Strange that ofilcors should run the mzard of public censure , possibly Im peachment , merely for amusement or in difference. If this board , in their own right , owned § 200,000 or § 400,000 , who bo- iovos they would study so carefully the nterost of a few banks as to place it on deposit. These questions are beyond yarty con sideration. The officers of this board are not of different faith , so that r'pu and I cannot bo charged with un- dnd criticism of a politcal opponent , when our party friends are equally com- ) licated. A NEW SOUKOB OP IKON SUl'PIiY. The First Cargo of Iron Ore From the Vermilion Lalco District. Cleveland Herald , Aujf. 27. The arrival of th.i first cargo of iron ere from the Vermilion Lake district , narks n now step in the commercial and ndustrinl progress of Cleveland. Tlm a the first load of iron ere over shipped 'rom the state of Minnesota , and is the > eginning of n trade likely to prove of ; reat importance to that state and this city. Until the discovery and develop nent of the iron field in the neighbor load of Vermilion Lake , not far from the Canadian bordoritwassupposodMinnoso- a was destitute of iron. The fact that on the first of the present month there was lying at the mines and the port of shipment on the north shore of Lake superior , destined for Cleveland , 20,000 , housand tons sf the finest quality of ere , equal to the best of the Marquptto's dis- net iron , shows that supposition to have teen a great mistake. Not only has tbo vork of developing the mineral riches of , his now region been begun , a railroad rom Duluth along the lake to the now lort of shipment and thence back to the nines has boon built for the express pur- > ese of opening up the important mineral orritary , and the consignment of ere which reached Cleveland last evening is angiblo proof that the road is in running order and has commenced business. Cleveland has boon elected as the mar- cot for the product of the now ninoral region of Minnesota as it was ho market for the ores of the Northern Michigan iron region in the arly days of its development The yiesars. Ely , through whoso hands the rado of this now region will pass , were ilso among the first interested in the ran mining industry of northern Michl- an , and were largely instrumental in iroctinfr the attention of the capitalists md business mon of Cleveland to what ias proved a source of incalculable bene fit Ito the industry of this city. The now venture haa come upon the market it an unpropitious time , the price of iron > oing low and the demand for ere com- wrativoly small , but these interested In ho enterprise have every reason for con- Idonco in their success. Cleveland ortainly will profit by this important addition to its business. An Antl-1'rlHon-Ijahor Strike. CHICAGO , September 3. The Iittor-Ocenn's ' 'oliet special Bays , a riot occurred at tlio wire rawing mills this afternoon on account of tliu eduction lit wage. ? , ualcl to l > a caused by coin- lutltiun iu thn state penitentiary. A part of ho men icinained nt work and the atrllcorH attacked tliom. A considerable iniuibnr of non , including tlio chief of policu were BO- crcly though not fatally hurt. Mont of the attacking party am-htod and lined , Tlio Pope and 1'riiHHln , JiKllUX , Septumlicr 3 , Doctor Schloczcr , 'riisnian minister at the Vatican has been in- tructcd to offer final terini for the Huttlomunt of difference * between tlm pope and the 'riicslan puvornment. Falling to reach on grcomcnt , the Prussian legation bo with drawn. For CoiifrcsB from Iowa. IJuuLiNGTON , Iowa , September 3 , A Hawk Cyo Hpcclal announces the nomination of John 5. WoodHon , of Henry county , for congrvaa iy the Kirat district republican convention to lav. Tbo nomination wan mndit on the 74th allot by a votit of 3'J to 37 for Moses A , Me- Cotd , prexeut incumbent. A Too 1'olltlcal MADISON , Wia. , September 3. The com' initU-o appointed by Ilio board of unlvnreity rogontH to consider the charges that 1'rua ident Ia com had been meddling with poll lien too much and neglecting bin dutlea , made report to thu board to-day that it had been unablu to got a quorum fur meeting. The charges are returned without recoininunda tlon , ADAMS' ' VIEWS , A Private Letter Frini Presto Chas , F. Ate , With Flattorintr Stories of Union Paoifio Piuanoos , Vftguo but Bright Prognostica tions of the Future , The Ohioago and Northwestern Complains of Bull Times , But Proposes Vast and Impor tant Extensions , The Blnok Hills Country to bo At tinned and Hints tliat OK * ( louMny bo nu Olv Jootlvo rolnt. Specinl Dispatch to TllKllKE. I\'KW YoliK , September 3. President Adams , of the Union Pacific , writes a private otter Buying that it look * ns through the com > any would soon bo entirely fteo of ita ttoat ng doht. The cash remittances , received dally from Omaha , nro steadily increasing. Adams writes that ho will Boon publish a financial statement , anyway before Soptcm jor 15 , which will show the company to bo n very much bettor shape financially , than la ronorally supposed. NOUTUWESTEBN 1'11031'FCrS. Vice President Sylcon , of the Northwestern railway company , says chat the company's earnings in August , 'S'J , were about § 105,000 per day , but during the iast month there has boon n fall * ng oil in oarninga. As compared with last year it was probably equal to two days' business ; in other words , ? lilUC33 , and possibly more. There was , how svor , loss business ] ior day this year thnu last. The road has suffered from the short coin crop : or the last two years ; moreover , the trans portation of iron ere is less profitable than icretoforo , as freight charge have been reduced - duced , following heavy reductions in the price of iron. The Northwestern company's pur chase of the Sioux City & Pacific gijea it u ino to Valentino , just bojr > iid Fort ttiobrara. The company hna authorized an extension of ninety miles of this line to the westward , or nearly as fur west as the Black Hill ? , and much nearer that country than any other road. The road will bo completed next year , and in tiuio t will probably bo extended lurthor. There are persona who would like to see it extended to connect with the Central Pacific at Ogdon. STEALING THE 1'UBliIO DOMAIN. Murderoua Measures Adopted by Colorado Stock Men ro Main tain Their Open Viola * tlori of tliu Laws. WASHINGTON , September 1 > / JJaw Clark St. John , of the general land office was do- bailed to invcatigato the charges contained on an affidavit to the effect that twenty-five ramlulent entries had boon inailo of landa in Bear creek , in south-eastern Colorado , and reports that the entries wore genuine , and vero made for the benefit off the entry men. A number of fraudulent entries were discov ered north of Trinidad , In Las Animus county Colorado. Mr. St. John eays that ho found at least 10,000 acres of tbo public lands fenced n with barbed wire. Thcso cases have already been reported to the department , fall and IJarrilla have thus enclosed an erea about ten miles square and Thompson , anoth- r cattle man , has enclosed n , tract of six by , on miles in extent. Great hardship to ottlers and delay in traffic and mails results rom thcsu unlawful enclosure * of thu public loinain. The penalty inflicted by the stock lien upon persons who dare to cut these ences or leave the gat33 open is death , and ipon many such fences are to ho found signs , ending , "Cut this fence mid buyyourcollin. _ 'ho herders are usually Mexicoim of the invest class , and the person who venturoi to .ransgross . thu rule and cut fences in shot ! own by ino of them. _ The detection of ssasiiii.s is almost inipossihlu. fcOGAN IN WISCONSIN. Its Able and Truthful Address Be- fnro 5.OOO I'coploln Madison. MADIHON , September 3. An o ] > nn-air mass neoting was held in front of the capitol bulld- ng this afternoon. 1'ivo thousand people vore present and received General Lognu with > rolonged cheering. Ho wan introduced by icnoral Fail-child , and spuko about HO mill- tea , saying : The course of thu democratic tarty IB indelibly impressed upon the history f the country in a manner that no 0110 should uvy. The democratic p&rty represents the Cnglish Interests as against the American In- orests. Its monuments aio built to frco rude , ktato banks , a rotten and depreciated currency , stales' lights and slavery. L'helr platform would have to bo lefcrrcd to lie supreme court for a delinilo cunstruction. [ 'ha lutteraof acceptance ) of thu candidates on ho democratio ticket gave no eluo to their views on thu living questions of the day. The republican party threw thu light of scrutiny ipou its principles and invltoil inspection. jogan dwelt upon Hcndriuk'rt record nnd as sorted that HondtickH voted during the days of reconstruction for uu amendment requiring > roporty ( luallficatious In tlieiolxil states with ho Inlentiou ( if iirovonting thu frrudinen from voting , Uunerai Logan then dlscuHHed the ariff , and at the close of the upoooli the parly eft lor Chicago. Cattle Quaraiitinn In Illinois , Hi'HiNOKiKU ) , Ji.u , September 3. Gover nor Hamilton to-day issued a proclamation msod on thu reports of the state veterinary ipon the existence of pleura-pneumonia , Thu iroclamation Inchidea county 1 ' 'air field In Connecticut ; countlea Putnam , Wcatchester , tfow York , Kings and Queens In Now York ; counties Lehik'h , 1 lucks , Murks , Montgomery , L'liilnd.olphia , Delaware , Chester , Lancaster , York , Adams and Columbus in Pennsyl' vanla ; all counties In the states of New Jer > ioyDelawaroMnrylftnd and District of Cohini1 uiii ; Miami county In Ohio and prohibiting lee importation iuto this ututo of any cattlu from tliuHu atateH , Governor 1 famllton is also In correnpondeiicu with Governor Porter of Indiana regarding thu appearance of pleuro- pneumonia among nhort hum hurda iu thai state , > rtio IloHolvor'H I-\itc , ST. JOHNH , N. I1' . , September 3 , An In apectlon of the abandoned brig , Ueaolver demonatratoa that a collMon with an Ic l > crg occurred , followed by u sudJon panic among the fcrew and paMengors who Immocthtely launched the boats , loa\Ing ov rrything l ' liinil ; that the boats ) woto dailicd by the ei against an iceberg , and Hwamped , ami n ! hands perished. Onn hutidrcd nnd forty-f'no ledicrgs lie betwrnn the scene of disaster it Trinity bay nnd Wa Ihams island. GIliVSXIiY STOUIKS. Another Plvuluonco of tlm Horrors of the CJrcoly Expedition Brnlti- urd'H Alloiccd AlrooloiiH KontnrkH. Cr.KVKt.\Nn , Ohio , September 3. A morn Ing paper has a special from Washington con laining serious reflections on Lieutenant Grcu * ly nnd Sergeant Ikainard , of the Attic expo dotlon. The telegram is based on an nllegod interview with a prominent army wh said that Urninnrd , on boarding the rellcl steamer "Hear , " told or admitted stories < > l llesh eating , saying , "Oh , 1 could oat the damned Rtulf nnd digest it , but the others could not , " Another remark nllogod to hino slipped Sergeant Urainard'a lips was iu regard Ui the nbaonco of Mr Pnvy's body nnd it was ! "llo'n nil gone , 1 fininhod the last of him just jeforo you arrived. " This Is the suh Unco of .ho dispatch , llralnard , Long and Council nro at n iniisouui horu. llrnlnard was inter viewed this morning and emphatically denied ! ia\ing uttered the statements attributed to hiui aboard the "Hoar. " Tlio Indlimiinpnlls Suntlnol Blunt Ex plain IlH IllBldtlOllH AttllOlC on lilnlno. IxntANATOUH , September 3. In the United ? Ute3 distilct court to-day Judge Woods over ruled the demurrer filed by the defense In the iJlalno Sentinel suit. Thu attorneys fur the lefenso nppoired and nnuoniiced that the Sentinel's answer will bo ready to-morrow and Ulaino'H counsel waived the formality of ruling the defense to an answer. Mho Hontl- lol'fl counsel aays it will not bo possible to bo ready for trial before November for the reason , hnt most of the witnessss live at n dlstanuo rom Indianapolis , nnd a great deal of work will bo required In taking depositions , llano 15 11 At Minneapolis The directors of the Min- loapolis base ball club this afternoon voted to disband the club at once. The playora were olTo > od a guarantee of their pay for the rest of ho season but refused to accept , The club U S1.8CO in debt. At Now York Now York , 3s Chicago , 0. At llostou Boston , 7 ; Cleveland , 0. At Ualtimoro Union game postponed. At Unltimoro Athletics , 12 ; IJaltnnore. At Providence Providence , 10 ; 1J uflalo , 1. At Columbus Columbus , 1 ; Louisville , 12 , At Pittsburg Allegheny : Virginia , 8. At Philadelphia Philadelphia , 5 ; Detroit , At Uoston ( Unions ) IJostun ; Pittsburg , At Wilmington ( Unions ) Cincinnati ; 7 ; iVilinliiL'ton , d. At Washington ( Unions ) NatioualK , C ; ICausas City , I ) . Game called account of the At St. Louis Indianapolis , 13 ; St. Louis , Bishop Mfillalleu at thu West Mis. slon Coiiforcnoo. Special DJuiwtch to THK BEK. KKAHSKV , September 3. Blehop 1Malla lieu called the West Ncbiaska Mission conference - once to order this morning. The attendance s largo. Koports show the mission to bo in excellent condition. The bishop delivered an able lecture on "Kducation , " last evening. I'his ia the firat conference over which ho has iresidcd , and ho is highly complimented as a iruiiding officer. Thu session so far has been rory interesting. Ohio Wool Growers In Council. SCoLUMlius , ! Ohio , September 3. A largely attended meeting of thejjstato wool growers was hold In the state fair grounds to-day. Jpcochos were made by Congressmen Converse uid KobiiiMon , Senator Sherman nnd Cohim- IUH Delano. IteaolutionH were adoptad pledg- ng political support only to tariff mon , _ an < l or a committco of one from each congicssionul lintnct tu r ° ccrtain nnd publish whether each candidate favors the rchtoration of the tariff of 807. A Famer'H llnatli. HEADINO , Soplomber It. Mrs. Washington Cooler , who has boon fasting forty-eight days led this morning. She was moved to com- lenco the fast by mailing nf Chriat'H fast in liu wilderness. When well her weight was 75 pounds , Her body weighed but 102 lounds , Itnn Down by a Train. MII.WAUKKK , September 3. Whilu .Tamos I. ] ' 'inhor and Prosper Humbert , well known beep breeders , were crossing the railroad r.ick nuar the city to-day a double lig , In vliich they rode , was struck by the train. Seth gentlemen woio crushed to death , Cincinnati' ExpOHllliin Oponfl. CINCINNATI , September 3. The twelfth In- ustrial exposition was formally opened to- Ight. The chief now features of this year ru the extensive ( , 'overnment exhibit and the 3reely expedition rulici. In Qiiarantlno. NKW YoiiK , September 3. On the arrival f the Paclfio Mail utoamer Colon at quaran. Ino , ] 'rank Krinscea , exchange eleik in the first National bank of Portland , Ore. , was ar- esteil , charfied with Btoaling 87,000 depojited jy the Northern 1'aclfio railroad. Dulcota'H Now UnlvorHlty. MITCIIKI.I. , September 3. The corner stone f the new Dakota university was laid to-day with appropriate ceremonies , and many prom- nont people were present. H IH a Methodist nslllution and has an endowment of § 100,000. 'I'lio Old Th rout. UEIII.IN. September 3. The Noith Gorman Ga/otto attributes to jysmurck the design to reato a jiolltlcal bloekado agalust Kngland by ho formation of a coalition of the Powers mi- osj her egotlsheal policy of colonial extension s abandoned , Mnnuiuvcra. PAJHH , .Septombor 3. Admiral Courbot'a movements in Cblnoso watord are kept xucrot. Ho IH taking n circuitous route to decelvo the Chinese , Kuln VH. Speed , MiNNEAl'OLiH , Suptomber 3. The heavy tain of last night and this morning provcnted the attempt of Jny-Kya-Soo to beat bis own record , HlavoH , MouNI ) Cir\ , Illinois , SejitembcT 3. Dougherty's ntavo factory , ilry house and out buildings burned this morning. Loan 8'JO,000 , irwured for 38,000. 1'KKii-oiir , Ilia. , September . ' . Kebor A , Klukenbinder , doalciu In Agricultural implu ments at Lena , thla county , amimued , Lia vbilitiea , $20,000 , assets much bdow , AI'DICAN ANNKVATfO.NK , C < .ws-i ; , Stptomlwr . ' ) . Tlio Gnzotto Rtnles that privitto dlypatchcit have boon rp- cehedfrnm the gold coast in western Africa to tlm elftfct that Franco II.MI nnnoxcd 1 prto J eve , nnd Dr. Nnchtlgal h s mmflxnd Little Poim , on the Dnhomoy con t , to the ( icrnmn colonies. LONDOH , September 3. Tim inhibilnntB of the ComcrnotiN unmty , In wcstoni Africn , nro about to liresent a tirotost to the Ijondon furelyn olllco ngahut the annexation of tnAt dietriet to the German jMsnes'ionn , n they prefer IlriUMi irotectinn. Germany lutl ordered the Urltish equity court , ustablishod in that country , to bo abolished. HP , with the llriti'h consul , had nn interview with the Gorman consul to the Cnmoroons , and mil ) . milted the argument that tlio court wni a tjroat er\ Ice to the Bottlemeiit of dinimlcs. ' 1 ho matter will rest until the consuls have communicated with their respective covorn- moute. n\K \ ljunibcr Flro nt DunuqUK , Iowa , September 3. At ! o'chxli : this afternoon a fire started in ono of the lum ber piles of the Lumber Co. The cause waa a rpirk from n locomotive on the Illinois Central or the Chicago Milwaukeu St. Paul , both of which were aloiijaldo ( the umber. The fire was soon beyond the con. trol of the fire department. Tlio entire yard if lumber was burned , including between 5- 500,000 and 0,000,000 feet of lumber. Most of .his belonged to C. W. llobison , who hade o tied n mill of the Chicago Lumbar Co. lint n small portion belonged to .ho company. The loss is estimated nt § 05,000 to SSO.OOO. Fully Insured in companies noB-olialed through Chicago ngen- cie , The total leas , divided between liobi- mil the Dubitquu Lumber compay h put nt ? 70,01'0 for lumber alone , lleaidca there ia n os < of S15.000 In bridges , tramwny.s , elevated nilrouds , nhop , etc. , divided betu'eon them. Dm total loss to-night Is put at $105,009 of which nearly all Is covered by insurance. The npaco burned over Is equal to four blocks In length nnd two in width. Ono of the steam engines belonging to thu city , the "SolTurck , " VMS caught In the fire nnd damaged. M. 1C. Uooro in the excitement was thrown from lis buggy and badly Injured. Blalno Traveling. PonTSMOUTH , N. II. , September 3. Ulaino was received hereby a largo crowd nt the lepot. Ho stood on the platform nnd spoke rielly. Ho loft Immediately for Manchos- , or. or.IJllUNSwiCK , Mo. Septembers. The repub lican rally at Topaham this evening , twenty * ho thousniul persona were proiunt. Mr ; 31ninu was introduced as the next president of .hu United StttuH , and said : "Your chairman will permit mo to object to that form of pre sentation , fortho people of thu Udltod Staten vill claim thu rightto bo heard upon that. " lilamo waid he was not tlirro to in alto a speech and made way for Judge West , of Ohio. MANCIIKHTKII , September 3. .lamoa G. lilaino left Portsmouth nt 8:10 : this oveinn" , accompanied by ovovernorSinltH ! _ nnd Gan- ral R. M. liatuholdor of this city , arriving lero nn hour later. About HOD persona wel comed thu party at thu station , lllaluu waa driven to thu "Willow * , " Governor Smith's csidence. ] foyill address the people at tlio ew Kngland fair to-morrow. AH Appeal to ilio Hatnls. SAI.TLAKK , September 3. The following wes itsued to-night : "To tlm presidents of thu stakes , to the bishop and to the members of the Church of Jeans and the Latter Day Saints : Dear Brethren , As memorial services havu been held in different stikea'out of re spect to our mar yred brethren , auggestiona liavo been made about tubacrlptlona to assist the fnmllicaof thu dceoascd. If this moot ) the * foolliigH of tlio , .Bnintc , I , tlio trust they will place SUO a ] a commencement for a fund of that kind. The presidents of the stakes may open subscriptions in several atnkcs as n freo-vtill offering for thla purpose. They will also take chargu of thla matter and for ward all contributions thus made to the olficu of the trustee , in trust. Your brethren , JOHN TAYI.OU. GEOUOKIJ. CANNON. An Important Dcolwloii. MOSTON , September 3. Tlio demurers of ho defendant wore sustained in the case of jineus M. Price , receiver of tlio Pacific Nn- tonal bank , vs. Lowls Coleman , ex-president and director. This was a bill in ecpiity in vliich the plaintiff fought to hold the diroo- .ora loeponniblo for losses Hiiatainod by thu i.inlc and its di ret torn , amounting to ono mllion and a half dollars , through the gross lepliponco of the diiectoix in the porformanca if their duties. The dimiurorn were filed by ho directors for "inultifariouanoss and un- crtaiuty" in the bill , owa nt tlio Now OrlcanH Wurld'H l alr. DIM Moi.vr.s , Soptembur 3. The world's air commission for Iowa met hero to-day with a huge attendance of siiporintcndcnta nd anjiataiit commlaNioners from all parts of .hoHtati ) . Plans were perfected that will on- bio the state to make a line exhibit ut Now ) rleatis. The report loaves nu doubt but that a fund of thirty thousand dollaiv , to defray xpuuaesof state oxhlbitH , can bo speedily .lined. A largo part of the amount luw nl- oudy boon secured. K.VllOBlllOIl OpCIlH , CJIIKAUO , III. , Hoptemler 3. The twelfth annual opening of the Inter-state industrial xposition occured hero this ovening. Al- hough many exhibits nro not In perfect roadi- lens , the showlpg ia a very good one. The art lopartment Is especially strong , conlaibg a lumber of pictures from thu Paris Falun , kand catling American painleru. HI. IjOlllH IOxlHltlll | ( OpOIIH. ST. Loi'lH , .September 3. Hallroad men cutimato the number of strangers brought to lie elty to-day mid to-night nt 30,000. Tlm attnietion was the second annual pageant of .ho . Trades Display Association and the open- ug of the new exposition building , both of which events occurred to-night. She IH 11 Ciindldato , WASiiiNiiroN , Septembers. The woman's latioual equal rights party , at a convention mid recently in ban J'r.incUco , nominated Mm. ISelva A , Lockwood , of this city , for incident of the United .Stutes. To-day Mis. [ jjckwood forwarded to thu president of the convention her letter of acceptance. Ilondrluka Hpi-akH Ajalii. iNKlANAI'OLia , September 3. Kx-Govornor llendrlcka addressed an audience of 2,000 per sons for an hour and a half at ConnerHvlllo to day at the fair grounds , Hendrleka'receptiou was ucrdlnl. IIo repeated subttantlaliy the mine speech delivered at Indianapolis last Saturday. The Prohibition Canvnsa , CMICAOO , September 3. St. John and Dun iel. thu prohibition candidates for president and vlca-pruiidont , apoko nt the Lake IMulf tumperunco c mp-moeting to-day A Itcrliutolegiam announces the death o Field Miirahol Jiittenfeid , Another revolt of Arabs ia icportad neui Kl.lled-Joso. Tliu Coliimbua ( Ohio ) lioot and Shoo com * piny , operating at thu penit-ntiary , made an aaaignment yesterday , Liab.I t.i > , 870,0)0 ) ; us nets , uiicortaiu , Olliiclal cholera reports from all parts u Italy for thu last twenty-four htmw 231 now caaea and IU CH5AP CATTLH , The Chicago Lire1 Slock Marvel still Under ito ? Bears , Only the Beat QnaKtf y'Hogs Demanded. O' The Day's ' Interest 0 rod' ott Corn , Wheat Weak and I. . . "a Above Yesterday , Oats , Pork and Lard Remain ; Inactive. Full Spoolnl Kopnrt of the Chicago1 Board of Trade Proceed- IIIJTH VoBtcrdny. Special Dispatch to THK BKE. CATTLK. ClIlCAOO , Sept. 3. There wore nt least 300 are of Texan and territorial rangora among the rosh receipt ? , nnd ever 100 cars of these were lirongh Toxana. In tbo whole receipts fortho ay there were not nbovo 80 cars of natives , mong which were probably about SOOhoad liat could bo classified an fair to good , nnd not 0 cars that wore Unit-class. The general mar- tot was fairly active , beat natives making C CO 0 7 00 , which U equally aa high as for miyday f thin or last wcok. Mediums and common uitives were 10 to ICe lower on account of the argo supply of wcntorn , and Hold at a range of 1 50 to G 23. Grassora were almost unsalable , uless at about what good feeders would bring. There is ft strong demand for feeders and tDchora nt good prices. Toxns and westerns verolO tolDo lower , ypta few drovca of the icst made as strong prices aa nny day this or nst wook. A lot of good Wyomtnss Fold as ligh aa 5 15 , nnd host Toxani making 3 GO to 50 , yet tbcro were laitro drovca that sold onsldorab'y below the above range. Good to holco chipping 1200 to 1350 Ibs 5 00 to 0 Co ; ommon to fair 1000 to IL'OO Ibs , 4 30 to 5 85 ; roxaiis , 700 to 1000 Ibs , 3 05 to 4 40 : 382 Vyoming , 1037 Ibs , 440 ; Ml ! Nebraska , 10G9 bn , 470 ; 230 Nebraska , 1103 Iba , 4 65 ; 3314 Colorado nnd Toxao , 10:10 : Ibs , 4 05 ; 252 Colo- ado nnd Texans , 1C3G , 4 OG ; 215 Wyoming , 235 Ibi , 4 SO ; 210 Wyoming , 1117 Ibs , 4 GO ; 8 Toxnm , 1039 Ibs , 4 40 ; 235 Montana , 11GO ba , 4 20 ; 203 Wyoming liulf-broods , 1004 Ibs , 50 ; GG AVyomlng lialf-Wodn , 1098 Ibj ; 4 GO ; \Vycmlng , 1210 Ibs , 0 15 ; 108 Wyoming , 000 11.8 , 4 40. lions. Tlio general market was rather unsettled ind weak with nn uneven rnnsro of prices. iost heavy cornfed Hold nt G GO@G SO ; strong ic. higher than yesterday , while medium and Ight corufod were strong nnd 5c. lower. In act there was llttlo or no demand for inserted Ight , the best making G 20@f > ( JO. Skips and gi-asaera sold at nny price otfered , mainly at ' 4 03@5 25. The market closed rnthor weaken J'\ \ on everything except best .heavy. Light , 1EO and 200 Ib3.5 ; 7G@G 50. r C01W. The chief interest on change to-day center ed in corn nnd opuculatlon in near deliveries. That cereal was uctlvo wits higbqr range , of irlccs. Tlio nggrcgata of business in corn wns large , good demand existing for cash , lear dofivorlca were woil supportad through- > ut the entire session , while naw crop futures r.ilcd easy. On tbo afternoon board tlia feolirg continued firm , September closing nt an ad vance of 11 over yesterday. Latosfc quota- ions were 533 f ° r September ; COi for October ; 5J for November. WHEAT hawed very little life , fluctuations being con- iucd within the range of jjc , the market cloa- 117 about the same as yesterday to a shade ilghor. ICecoIpta hero and at tit. Louis were mall but an increase waa bhown nt some other riniary polntx. The cloning figures for tlio ay were TJ'i for September , 8lj for October , 2 for November nnd 81J for December. OATH uled quiet but steady , closing at2G& for Octo- ler. I'OllK onlinucs dull , closing nt 19 CO for September ind 12 30 for tbo yonr. yonr.LAUD LAUD toady nt 7 47i for September nnd 7 C5 for October. A Union 1'aolllc Connection. ST. I'ADI , , September 3. The Morris k iouthwoHtorn company have filed heir articles of incorporation. The pioposctl oad will start from Morris , und thence run- ing Houtbwostorly to some point on the Jnlon 1'ncilio railroad in the stnto of Nebraa- ca between Coluinbux and Kearney Junction , n aamo Btato. The principal plnco of busl- OBS will bo Duluth. The capiul in $10,000- iOOdiudod into 100,000 shares of 3100 each , 'ho greatest amount of Indebtedness U Ilmlt- d to § 10,000,000. The IncorporntorH nro A. . Sawyer , A. M , Miller , J. O , Hunter nnd V. W. Snauldliig. of Diilutb , nnd W. D. yornlab , Ciawford Livlngaton and Harlan P. loll , of St. Paul. Bnmll Disaffection in Illinois , CHICAGO , September 3. Tbo split in the epublican congressional committee of the f bird Illinois district resulted iu tbo calling oE Rccond convention , which waa hold to-day , t which William 1C , Mason wa < i nominated or congress. ARSNOUS RYINO TO HOLD DOWN EARLDAKINGPOWOE PURE CREAM . S1OOO. Given If alum oranj'lnurloiis ] EtiUataiictscaii b4 ofoan < \ In AiilrnwPnnrl HaltincpPo ! ton ; M. Delafoutivino , of Chicago ; Bt-.d Bode , Jlllw uukeo. Never sold iu bu'Ji