TFL JUA1JLY BEE WEDNESDAY SEPTKMBKIC , " > . 1881 , CO 1515 Farnarn St. FOU 8ALK 10J HcK nt roMilcncoon Fariium St , ten blocks Irrm postolllce , corner lot , 07 ] ( eel eoath ( rant , Just on new itrxlo , hounu 11 room * , with 'CUrj rmxltrn Improvement , (3,000 cash , bianco on four ) ears'tltuo , lurgaln , 1'OTTEil & COHn , 1016 Funnm St. T OIl'SALE 201 Thrco flno brick ronldonccs on JL1 21tli street , between DoJfrn ami Farnam All modern Improvements , cast front , tuul as Inxestmoot will p y 10per cent net Ono lull cash , balance on long time. rOTTKll 4 , CODIl , 161S Furnara St. TTlOUSMiE 195 Flno residence on Mt. 1'leasnnt J ? ruemie , IS blocks oil Park a\cmio , 1 < rooms all modern Improvements. Lot to ( cot south front. , ' Bargain. I'rico 87.000. 1'OTTKK & COU11,1615 Farnam St. FOK SALE ISO Homo nnd lotonGcorsh n\c- niio , ono-hnlf block south of Mt. U.iry'a a\enuo Blrsct car line , full lot. liouso now , 8 rooms. Cheap , J3 , 00. 1'OTTEll & COUn , 1615 rarnarnSt. I poll SALE-172-1.12xUt feet cast front , on llth ' street , near Arbor , with house 6 room * , stable , out buildings , shade and fruit trees Will l ) sold at a bargain. I'OTTElUt COBU , j66 ! Tarnum fat. FOR SALE 10)-South ) and cast corner 95x150 , nlthaK room houso. new , shade and fruit trees , girden , llowors , etc , on Charles street , Snlnti'sSrd additionS2 600 , Ilarnaln. 1'OITEU , t COlin , 1S15 Farnam St. FOIl SALE 1M House 8 rooms , nice lot on 25th street , one half block north ot St. Mary's lucmie. I'rico J3.400. Easy terms. 1'OITEU & C011U , 1515 Farnam St. IriOR SALE 140 House 7 rooms In duo repair , on ' lull lot , south front , on Douglas street , near 2Sth.Frica ? 4000. ; Hasy terms. I'OITIIK & COU11,1615 FarnamSt. \ 141 Flno house , 10 rooms on 21st , FORS\Ln lull lot , corner south anil cast fronts , ouoblock nil street car lieu , nice grounds. 1'rlco $7,500. Eaey terms. 1'OITEll A. CO11U , 1515 Tarnam St. SALE 164 Half lot , good locnlity , small FOR , Imn , etc , 1'rico SI 000 , one-half cash. IMTTKR & COI1B , 1510 Farnam St. ] rOK * SALE 103-Tjro houses , 7room" , and loU In Horbach's l > t addition , comparatively now ami In Rood lhapo. I'rlros { ' . ' ,300 , 2,700. 1'orrEU & conn , isir. Farn&m st. FOR SALE-lM-oo.l homo , lot 15x135 on Mam llton street , barn , outbuilding , $3,000 Has ) terms. rOlTKIl & C011II , 1510 Farnam St. [ T < OI ! SALE-171-Lot south front OOxlOS. 5 room J1 cotUiro , bisldvs closet * and hath room , many kinds ul fruits , shade trees , eta , $3ICO. Easy terms , rOTTKll.1 COllll , 1515 Farnaui St. IT OR SALK-Ixits In lIlllsUU acJItlons , best In the I city for residences. I'OTTtlt &COBH , 1615 1'aluam St. I 71011 SALE tots , vacant jtnd Improved , In all 1 parts of the cltr. Call on us. A. CJIIU , 1010 Farnam St. SALE Lots at Intersection of Farnam street JTtOR and Lowe luomio , ttfrom $100 to t. > 00 each , $26 ca > h and ? lo tier month. IMTTEH & COllll , 1510 FarnamSt. 1011 SALE EDO acres U miles south ol Union stork jimK Will sell 80,100 , 240 or 320 acres In liodv. land Improved , homos , barns , orchards cto , etc. llargaln at from 8l.r > to 8.ri5 jwr acre. Terms > cry easy. 1'OTTEU A. COUU , 1515 Parnam St. FOR SAtiK 50000 acres cl land In Chojeiino coun ty , Nebraska , nt 83.00 per aero. 1'OTTER i. COUU , 1516 rarnam Bt. 7 011 'SAI.K-0,000 acrol ot peed land In Gospcr county , at5) 60 tier acre. I'OTTIUI i. COUU , 1515 Tarnaiu Etrcer. T710R HALE-Soveial sections In Dawson county at ' a. $060 for aero. aero.1'OITEU & .COUB , 1515 Farmm St. | T\CU SALE 10 000 acres of desirable land In Dou- JL1 glas. farjiy , Cuttlngi Nance , .Mcrrlck , llufTalo , iearnoy , Thaxor and Lincoln counties. I'OTTKR & COUU 1016 Farnam St. ; r PIANOS mMm l B&BiJUJLi * * r vJ They Are Without A Rival. -AND- Have been Awarded One Hundred and eighteen Prize Medals at all the prominent expositions of the World for the Last Fifty Years. And IN An examination of these magnificent jjPianos is politely requested jkeforo purchasing any other instrument. JP . * OS General Western Representatives. P. S.-Also Gen'l Agt's for KNABE , VOSE & SONS , BEHR BEOS. , and AEION PIANOS , and SHONINGER CYMBELLA and CLOUGH & WAKREN ORGAN. RA „ . . A.AILOR 1206 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb , HIW WOOLENS ! FOR PANTS AT FROM S8.CO AND UPWARDS. ALSO Stylish Suitings in Corkscrews , Worsteds and Cheviots LATEST STYLES I LOWEST PRICES ! n inspection of our Goods aud Prices , tella the story. COUNCIL BLUFFS. ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS. THE CITY COUNCIL , < > r Unit llody nt Imd 'H Session , At n mooting of the city council IRS evening , a petition of the barbers , no coinpnniod by nti ordinance to close Ih shops on Sunday was roforrod. The property omiora of Avenue A presented a petition that the avenue bo nnrrowod to the width of Oakland Avon uo. lloforrod. A resolution was presented for the drawing ot nn order on the water fund 'or $112,833 in favor of the water works company , in settlement of its bill from January 10th to Sopt. 1st , 1883. Ho- 'orrod to the city attorney. A report in favor of postponing the laving of Market street until next pring was concurred in. The question of issuing sewerage as- sossinonU was brought up and discussed it length , but action deferred until the icxt mooting. Adjouriiod until Friday. GAINING TIME , 'ho ' ICxnniinntlnn of tlio Conlhlcnoo Moit Again Postponed , Yesterday the cases of the two follows rrostod last Friday as confidence men amo up before Justice Abbott. They skcd for a continuance , claiming'that hey wanted to got some witnesses from ) akotn or some ether plnco. It was ox- loctod that Justice Abbott would insist n their taking the evidence of the vie- ims so that ho might go home , and then ivo the defendants time to got their witnesses , but the defendants would not onscnt , and the continuance was granted liem until next Saturday morning. The day scorns in all cases to got continu- , ncoi until a witness gets tired out , and I ho can bo niado to disappear , then hero is a wonderful anxiety for a speedy rial. Shipments ot Stock. The following wore the shipments of lock from the union stock yards , Sop- ember 2 : C. M. OolrlcliK , 22 cars cattle , -193 oad , Chicago , by 0. , M. & St. P. Thomas A ; Co. , 10 cars cattle , 335 head , Chicaco , via C. , M. it St. P. 0. F. Carl , 8 cars horses , 10(5 ( head , Tipton , P. , via C. * N. W. A TOUCHING INOID10NT. A. YOIIIIK Girl's Dement In How Itwns OcciibloiHMl Some Fo\v niul Stnrllinj * Truths. The St. Louis express , on the Now York Central road , was crowded ono ovo- ling recently , when at one of the way stations , an eldorlv gentleman , accompa nied by a young lady , entered the cars and finally secured a seat. As conduc- .or approached the pair , the young lady arose , and in a pleading voice said : "Please , sir , don't lot him carry mo my to the asylum. I am not crax.y ; I am a little tired , but not mad. Oh ! no in- leod. Wont you please have papa take mo back homo. The conductor , accustomed though ho vas to all phases of humanity , looked vith astonishment at the pair as did the thor passengers in their vicinity. A few vords from the father , however , suflicod , nd the conductor passed on while the oung lady turned herfaco to the window , 'ho writorchanced to bosealed justbehind lie old gentleman and could not forego lie desire to speak to him. With a sad ace and a trembling voice the father aid : "My daughter has boon attending the ominary in a distant town and was sue- coding remarkably. Her natural quail- ies , togr.thor with a great ambition , plac- d her in the front ranks of the school nit she studied lee closely , was notcaro- ul of her health , and her poor brain has icon turned. 1 am taking her to a pri- ate asylum , where wo hopushe will soon 0 bettor. " At the next station the old man and n's daughter loft tha cars , but the mci- out , so suggestive of Shakspoaro's Opho- a , awakened strange thoughts in the and of the writer. It is an Honolulu act that while the population of Amcri- a increased thirty par cent during the ocado between 1870 and 1880 , the insan- ty increase was over one liundrcd and hirly five ptr for the same period. Vvolers by rail , by boat or in carriages 1 any part of the hind Kea largo and elab- rate buildings , and inquire what they rul Insane asylums. Who builds them ? Each state ; every county , hundreds of mvato individuals , and in all cases their sapacity is taxed to the utmost. Why/ / Because men , in business and the pro- CBsiona , women , at homo and in society , and children at school overtax their inon- .al and nervous forces by work worry and care. This brings about nervous dis orders , indigestion and eventually mania. It is not always trouble with the head hat causes insanity. It fur oftnor arises 'rom evils in ether parts of the body. L'ho nervous system , determines the statutes of the brain. Any ono who has loriodic headaches ; occasional di/.zi- loss ; a dimness of vision ; a ringing in 10 cars ; a fovornh head ; frequent iuua- or a sinking at the pit of the stomach , should take warning at once. The stomach and head are in direct sympathy and if one bo impaired the other can never bo in order. Acute dyspepsia canoes nero insane suicides than any other mown agency and the man , woman or child whoso stomach is deranged is not and cannot bo safe from the coming on at any moment of mania in someone ono of its many terrible forms. foTho value of moderation and the im perative ncccsjilyof keeping the stomach iM' t muHt therefore bo clear to nil. The least appearance of indigestion , or mal assimilation of food , should be watched us carefully as the first approach of an invading army. Many moans have been advocated for meeting such attacks , but all have heretofore been moro or less de fective. There can bo little doubt , however over , that for the purpose of regulating tha ttomach , toning it up to proper ac tion , keeping its nerves in a normal con dition and purifying the blood , Wurner'u Tippecinou The Best , excels all ancient or recent discoveries. It is absolutely puroand vegetable ; it is certain to add vigor to adults , while it cannot by any possibility injure oven n child. The fact that it was used In the day of the famous Harrison family , is proof positive of its merit , us it has so thoroughly withstood the test of timo. As a tonic and rovlvi- fior , it is is simply wonderful. It has re lieved the agony of the stomach in thou sands of cases ; soothed the tired nerves ; produced peaceful sleep and averted the coming on of n mania moro to bo dreaded than death itself. OHARITY BEGINS AT HOME , No , 15,365 , , Now OrloniiH Men Win I'AMB nt tlio Cnpltnl I'rlro of $75,000. Kugono OaudiiiB , warehouseman for Messrs. B. Onorato & Co.for seine time , a a good nnd trusty worker. lie was comparatively happy nl his homo , No. 21 ! 1 St. Peter street , nnd in his walks ho passed n plnco in which the tickets of The Louslnnn Stnto Lottery Com. pnny nro displayed. IIo had pur chased tickets in partnership with his fellow-workera. During August , ho saw displayed ono tlmtpnrticulntly struck his fancy No. 15lti5 ! whether it was the peculiar placing of tlio 5's , or the magi' cal placing of the ! ) , oven Gnudtus is nt n loss to explain. But that particular ticket ot haunted him ; pooped out enticingly from the window , boirging plainly to bo bought.Tho day vras cloaoat handandJ8till it hung in the window. Ita comrades were dropping oil' , nnd when the last day , the 12th , arrived , it vrns almost to bo pit ied for its loneliness. Gaudius each day glanced hastily to BOO if hia little friend was still in plnco , started several times to walk boldly in. and buy on his solo ac count ; but the old trammels of the part nership nrrnngcmomt hold him , until tlio last moment. Ton o'clock on the morn ing of the 12th ho hold safely in his solo possession one-fifth of the coveted tickot. The revolutions of the wheel nt the Acad emy of Music brought our No. 15ol5 ! ns drawing the Capital prize. The fact was published and came soon to the oars of Gandhis , who yesterday was poorbut to day , by the investment of n dollar , ranks nmong the "bondholders. , , Ilo called at the ollico of the Loulsann State Lottery with Mr. JJ. Onorato , nnd was promptly paid in full. A reporter wanted to know what ho proposed to do , and ho nnsTrored that ho would buy n nice homo for his family , and that seeing them placed beyond the roach of want and in comfort would bo as much Imp pi . ness as ho desired. The balance of his money ho would try and invest profit ably , nnd would himself continue to play his modest part , unspoiled by prosperity , . lie signed Ilia name neatly to the receipt . for the money , and wont out of the ollico of the Lottery as happy and con tented a man as the Crescent City now contains. Arcw Orleans J'icayiinc , August'lCth. Hearing that another fortunate holder of a part of the lucky number 15,305 drawing $75,000 in the August scheme of The Louisiana State Lottery , was on hand to collect his money , n reporter in terview eel him. Mr. Louis Seymour , the fortunate gentleman , was found in the ollico of the Lottery with two friends , Ilo hnd presented his ono-fifth ticket , nnd was awaiting the making out of the check for the amount it called for. While appreciating fully his fortune , ho was perfectly cool and pleasant. Ilo told the reporter that ho was u native - tivo of Memphis , Tenn. , andsorvod in the Confederate army in the battle of Shiloh - loh under Genls. Albert Sidnny Johnson and Beaurogard. Ills health , Impaired by army service , has grown much worse of Into years , nnd lie came here to bene fit himself. As his moans were limited , ) ho wont to work on the buildlngo of the great World's Fair to bo hold m Now Orleans next winter. Ilo stuck to it steadily for nearly five months , although it almost counterbalanced the good done him by the genial climate. Ilo was n firm believer in luck , nnd never failed to purchase a ticket in the Louisiana State Lottery. Ilis experiment in purchasing No. 15 , 05 has confirmed him in his belief. lie was pleased with the country nnd the people ; was delight- oil with everything , nnd hoped to enjoy liis good fortune. Do had now formed many distinct plans for the future , but would rumaiti nt for time ease some ro- ) cuparating , not forgetting always to try his luck in tlio lottery that had proved such a bonanza to him. Xfciu Orleans ? J'iciiyunc , August 10. ; Montaiin Slock MitlfcrB , i < Pioneer 1'rCHM. W. D. Flowers , president of the More- land Hinch Stock company , Montana , is in St. Paul , looking up n market for 2- , 300 head of horsea , ranging from four to six years of ago , and from ten to ( if- teen hundred pounds in weight. Thcoo lie expects to ship East in car load lots ' on consignment for sale , making St. I'aul the principal objective point , with , Chicago and St. Louis as collateral pnints. , The stock embraces Messengers , Ham-1 blotonians , Cleveland baya , English M' draught , Norman and Clydentlalea , all from the range. Tlio Moroland range is to bo stocked with five thousand head of Polled Angus and ( Jalloway cattle. The latter are especially recommended by good authorities as specially adapted to the high nit it udo of the lower Gallatin ranges , whore the Moroland ranch is lo cated. Mr. Flowers says the shortage shown at the Juno round-up in his sec tion will bo more than mndo up on the i record by the result of the autumn [ ; round-up now in progress. The grass this season has boon a little short but moro nutritious than usual , and promises to euro well for winter feed _ . The stock outlook throughout the territory ho says , is full of promise for a favorable winter , a t OUIUIN OK AMMONIA. 1 Ammonia m oljtulnixl In Jar o rimmtitloB by 1v clio putrefaction of the urlno of nniinuln. Jin- " lycli i > cdui Jlntanmca. Uvury honm'koopor can tOHt linking nWllOM containing this dmL'UHtlmr drug by plttcin a can of the "Jtoynl" or "AmlrowV 1'iarl" toj ' : down nn a hot Htovo until heatud , then romovfl \ tlio cover and mnell , j Dr. 1'rico'H Cream HakinK 1'owdor does not contain Ammonia , Alum , J JUKI , J'otatih , Jlono I'hoHjihatiiH , ( prove it by the ulmvo tout ) , It In brojiarod l/y / u I'hyHician nnd Choiniut with Hliuciiil regard to cloanlinoaa and healthful- HUSH. m-o-w-Um Tiio Muloaf J < 'ariillon Han Francisco I'njicr. Probably thw most choorloiB light sta tion on the California coast ia the Faral Ion light. Four men und an nrmy inulo are the accredited government forces at that place. The following story in told about the mulo. "IJo has boon nt Foral- Ion aovoral years. All his work consists in hoisting up twice n year the provisions brought over by the lighthouse inspector in n Btoamnr. lie has learned the sound of the whistle , and when he hears it hides to nhirk work. At the last visit of the inspector the mule hid , and had to bo hunted for two hours in the rocks before ho could bo found , " Prlxnto llonrj-'H itccnrd. Font Brroitn , August 21 To th Kditor Now that so much interest felt in the subject of the Grcoley cxpodi tion nnd its sad ending , the history o ono of the actors of the drama will 1 interesting to your readers , besides giviii ] additional justification for his sunimar ; execution by Mr. Groo'y. ' I'rivato Chns B. Henry , who was shot nt Capo Sabin for theftwould never have boon nccoptoc as a member of the Ltdy Franklin Ha ] expedition , had his character boon a well known to the authorities who organIzed Izod it as it was to spmo of the members of the Seventh United States cavalry Ilo joined troop G , of that regiment , under his proper n.xmo Charles Duck In tlio fall of 1877 the regiment campoc at Fort Buford for n while after its rotum from the Nor 1'orco campaign , during which time Buck employed his spare time In forging chocks for n considerable amount on tin post traders Leighton nnd Jordan. For some unaccountable reason ho was nol punished for this oflouto. Doing em. baldened by having escaped punishment for his ollonso nt Ituford , ho ngaiu engaged - gaged in the same business while the Seventh cavalry was camped nt Camp Sturgis where Fort Meade novr stands , during the summer of 1878. lie opor ntod this time on the field traders , Fane hoitn and Roberts , and was again detected toctod , tried by court martial , convicted and sentenced to bo dishonorably dis charged from the service , with n forfeit tire of all pay and allowances , nnd to bo confined nt hard labor , under charge of a guard , for ono year. lie served his sentence , I believe , nt Fort Monde , Dak. Ho again enlisted , und'T the nnmo of Charles B. Honry.nnd was assicnod to the Fifth cavalry , from which ho was detailed for the arctic ex pedition , where his conduct was in keep ing with his former acts. Ho was n plaueablo notor , ready of speech , and could easily impose himself upon unsus pecting persons. Before starting on the expedition , ho sent to his friends in the Sovotith cavalry the following cards : "Chnrli'i U. Henry , Special Correspondent Chicago Times , l.nily Frniiklin liny Expedi tion. " The world lias lost but little by his death , and n knowledge ot the man's character will render the justifiable net of taking his llfo moro clear to the minds uf the doubting. SEVENTH OAVAI.KV. C7J YOUNCJ B115N , UIOA.1) THIS , Tun VOLTAIC UKI.T COMI-ANV , of Marshall , Michigan , olfer to Bond tliuir celobialml KI.KO nto-A'oi.TAic HKI.T nnd ether KI.KCIIIIU Ai1- i.lANi'KH on tiial for thiity dnyH , to nion young or old ) nlllictoil with nemnia debility , oss ot vitality anil niiinhood , ami nil Idmhocl .roubles. Aluo for thomnatlimi , nomalnln , i.irnlyais , and ninny other dinoaiex. Complete estoratlon to hualtligor \ nml manhood uunr- mtocd. No ilak Ineuiiml , as thirty unyii' .lial is nllowiHl , Write them atonco for illua- .rated pninphlut , fieo. No KcAHon for Slmino. S'evv York Sun. " 1 should think you would bo ash- unod of yourself , to fight with n little joy half your size , " said ilady on the itroot. "Do 1 look ashamed ? " asked the boy. "No , you do not. " "Is oidilor uv my eyes black ? " "No. " "Eny bitou outer my no.soV" "Certainly not. " "Is mo oars chawed ) la dor onny mud lown mo nock ? Is mo coat torn , or mo luspondors busted olll" "No. " "Woll. I han't got nuthin' tor bo tfshamod of. If I should fight with a bigger boy'n mo I might havu cause tor bo oraahainod. " A Ilo Nulled. Competing Insurance Companies have oen circulating unfavorable reports , in cgard to the condition of the State nauranco Company , of Dos Moiuos , owa. Auditor Brown , of Iowa , has juat giv- in this company a thorough investigation and is now doing the .same to all Iowa nsurancs Companies ) and publishes the ollowing in his ollictal statement. j'Tho Company haa an actii'il paid up Capital if $200,000 , and ia financially sound , and oliable , ono of tlio strongest Companies n the State , and is justly entitled to the ionfidonco of the public. This Compa- ly has a surplus as regards policy holders f 8200,812.18. " This ia after ruling jut over-duo farmers' notcn , judgmcnto md interest , ollico furnituroaml auppliim 257,000. Those assets nro good for at oaat 75 cents on the dollar , which would ivo the Company a aurplus of about 100,000. You can rent assured that the Company is solid , and thuao unfavorable tones told and published by compoti- ors are told and published to get away ho business of this popular Western lompnny IlHiiifiiiHlieil | InlhrilH. s'ovv YoikiTotirnal. The infancy of great men is nlwayn nterestiiig. Bon. Butler , upon his own ihowing was a puny baby. Ho took his lap ' through a apoon. It was nol until \ 10 grow to boy'd outato that ho took to losiing nil the marbles ho could lay his mnUB on. The Plumed Knight , from ill accounts WHH a bright infant , His magination was marvellous. From ' his mrliost moment ho bossed the family. Black Jack was not exactly n pretty pap- loose , but it was prophesied that ho ivould mnko a spoon or spoil a horn. Ho lias spoiled many , Cleveland was chubby little chap , rather fond of the irls but honest as'daylight. llendricks was n fighter oven us a toddlor. The prettiest baby of all was little Johnny Kelloy. Jlo was n Jove. "It KnookH the and everything in the nature of erup tions , blotches , pimples , ulcers , Hcrofu lous humors , and incipient consumption , which is nothing moro nor less that scrofula of the lungs , completely out ol tha system. It stimulates and in vigor ales the liver , tones up the stomach , reg ulates the bowels , purifies the blood , ami builds up the weak places of the body. It is purely vegetable compound , and wilde do more than is claimed for it Wo refer toy/- . J'luvi'H " ( joltitii Muliutd JJIn- cwcri/,1' DISEASES Ol'1 ' THE EYE & EAR AHMSTROHQ , HI. D. , = * vncl : i./ I'ntllolllrot are r | > ulred 'rnm ' roiult ol nro , ollice wilhlir. 1'arkor , HoomO , f tlxhtau lllock IMli ud DuuKlauMta. ( ( . , DUFRENE& MENDELHON. 0 CM AIIA taiOANAL QiNU UUILUIN3. THE CHEAPEST PLAOE iN OMAHA TO BUY Ono of the Boat and largest Stocks in the United States to select from. NO STAIRS TO OLIMB , ELEGANT PASSENGER ELEVATOR , [ THATIS THE NAME OFQTHE TOWN WHERE ] iJFQRQ ALL ARE FQUftSB ! Where They Can EnjoylPure'Air & Waterl And all of the good nnd pleasnnl things Hint Ego to iniiko up a com plete aud Imptiy existence. The town of South Oinnha is taunted south of the city of Omnlm u the Hue o the U. P. Railway , and it ia less than 2i miles from the .hnaha post ollice to the north line c f the lown site. South Omaha is nearly 14 miles north and south by 2J ea = ( t nnd vest , and covers nn area of nearly foursquare miles , t The stock yards are t the extreme southern limit. Nearly 150 lots have been sold i\nd the demand is on the increase Pho yards are being rapidly pushed to completion. The 500,000 beef pocking house is progressing finely. The $30,000 Water Works nro finished and furnish mi abundant supply of PURE SPUING WATER. The B. & M. and Bolt Line Railways have a large force of men at work and will , in connection with IhoU. P. Railway , have a union , depot near the park at the north end of the town. Suitable grounds will be furnished for Church mid School purpose ? . Now is the time to buy lots in this growing city. They will never bo'cliuiiper than they are to-day. B-ST"Apply nt the Company's office , at the Union Stock ? . F. A. UPTON , Assistant Secretary. C. F. GOODMAN , AND DEALER IN OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Double and Single Acting Power ano Hand Kn"gino Trimmings , Mining Machinery , Bolting , . at wholesale and retail. I1ALLADAY Wltf D-MILLb , \ND SCHOOL. . I1KLL& . Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neh. ERTEL'S HAY PRESSES. Are the Cheapest , Most Durable , Siniillesfc iu Si/.o oaul Lightest iu Weight. Will no H V I'rcesscs ol ony Und can tlio amount of work 'l'1'0.0 ' ' ' "f' Machluoi. " ' " " Va atSd or " vvltli tliu UUl Improved induvur to lo d railroad liox c r. ) ad cm hu done . For Illnntratod circular address , . alu. now E0 JJHYJ. ; CQP Q , , | nil iinOMAiu IlKK. all-fin WIRIGrlHIT , 1MPOHTEH , JODBEll AND MANUFACTURERS' AGENT OP J HUMM M WJ. OJ UUUJLjJUj 1 TH ST. , BETWEEN FARNAM AND HARNEY OMAHA , - - NEBEASKA