THE DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER 3 , 1884. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Wednesday Morning'September ' 3 , SUBSCRIPTION KATES , fir Currier week UyMMt - $10.00 per OFFICE : No. 7 Toarl Street , Near Broadway. MINOR MENTION , See J. Roller's fall goods. W. T. Cole haa succoodnd the firm of Cole it Maxwell in the livnry busi ness , The county board at its session yester day devoted most of its time to the con sideration of roads , John 0. Shepherd and Edna R. AVighl- man , both of Woslon , were yesterday given permit to marry. In the circuit court yesterday the caao of. Morris against the city was still on trial but noarlng its end. Jnstio Schurz yesterday happily tied the knot matrimonial which made Hamp. Brady nnd Carrie Buyers , both of Oma ha , huaband and wifo. It has boon discovered that sometime during the vacation sneaks have pilfered the Stutsmau street and Bloomer school buildings , stealing the waste baskets , hand bolls , and other little articles. The letter carriers are making great preparations for their annual ball Sept. 10 , at Bloom & Nixon's hall. There should ba no trouble in disposing of a largo number of tickets , as the boys are entitled to a benefit. Wm. Donald , who has boon teaming for Moll's lumber yard and who occupied n room near the yard , has boon victim ized by sneak thieves who got away with a $35 suit of clothes , a $15 overcoat and a valiso. A man named Murphy haa boon relieved - liovod from the janitorshlp of the Bloomer - or school building. It is said that ho used his tongue a litllo too frcoly in talking to some women to suit the board. Hugh GOBS has boon put in his placo. HOBO C. Griflln has commenced an ac tion for divorce from James E. Grlflin , on the ground of abusive treatment. They were married in Yanktin in April , 1872 , and have separated once , but made up , and now oho wants a separation for good. There was a rousing republican rally at Carson Monday night , at which Frank Shinn spoke , ns did also Milton Xort- man , a young man who casts his first vote this fall , and whoso maiden speech proved an excellent ono. Arrangements are made for another and greater rally on the her 15th , when Judge Lyman will speak. J. Iloitor , whoso tailoring establish has ment on Broadway is ono of the most ity. popular resorts for thoao who delight in being well dressed , has been getting ono of the imcst stocks of fall goods ho ever had , presenting a great variety. You III should drop In and examine thorn , sco styles , got prices , oto. The Main Street Fluff , The evening democratic paper raised a vor howl about the republican demonstration Thi on Saturday night , not only ridiculing fool the whole affair , oven at the aacrifico of moi truth , but wont so far as to claim that ofl some of the republican torch-bearers at the tempted to burn the democratic banner , Olli which appears to have no foundation in od' fact beyond the jocose uplifting of ono of iut the marcher's torches , who laughingly ext remarked that the flag hung so low it hoc his could easily bo scorched. To oil-sot this not sensational prevarication of the evening nut paper it is claimed by the republicans who Tli promise to bring adozon democratic ) wit not nesses to provo it , that along the line of am march the torchboarorn were not only pul far celled all sorts of names , and Insulted in Ion various ways , but that ono gang throw Ion mud at them. The democrats should look at homo before they talk mud more. Jai If the same insults had boon oll'ored a an los democratic parade , they would havocomo out with howling headlines about the apj tlii great republican outrage. Gu Some strange suspicions has boon ex pressed about tlio largo Hag which the sec lot democrats have hung out on Main stroot. It is said the that the democratic Hag on Broadway is the ono used four years ago , not and the question arises whora they got am the ono they hung out on Main street. boi The republicans had ono four years ago , cd but someway it has got lost , or at least the republicans are unable to find it goi this year. Is it possible that the demo ofhit1 cratic flag on Main street is the republi ing il6 cans' lost Charlie Roas ? This is the query ' which is being asked. SO tot COMMKHOIAIj , SOI COUNCIL DLUVrS MARK1CT , am COUSCIL BLUNTS , IOWA , Sept. ' , 1MB84. wo Wheat-No. 1 milling , 7C@SO ; No , 3 , C5@ pri 70 ; rejected 50. ISo Corn Local purposna , 40@4B. pn OaU For local purpose * , 35SHO. ( ret Uoy 810 00@IU 00 per ton ; baled , GO@GO retVc Rye 10@45o. Corn Meal 130 per 100 pounds. , set Wood Good supply ; prices at yard , 0 00 ® g t vr Coal Delivered , hard , 11 CO per ton ; Bolt. cit G 00 per ton ' yet lord Falrbank'0 , wholesaling nt OSc , lie Flour City Hour , 1 C0@3 30. Biootns 2 95@3 00 per doz. po fai LIVE HTOOK. of Cattle liutcher cowa 3 00(23 ( 25. Butcher 3cr , . Sheep 3.CO. liogn 1K@1G5. ! rHODDCE AND KBUITB. Quotations by J. M. Bt. John & Co. , commission - a mission merchant * , 038 Broadway. Poultry Llva old henn , 7c ; spring chickens , er 5 00@2 60 per doz. Pesches i bus. box , 1 00. Lainons 4 60 @S 00 per box , Butter Creamery , 18@ ! > 0c ; country , 0 © 2uc. 2uc.Kpgs 14 per dozen. and VegetebloB Potatoes , 30@4Co per bwhi-lj -onloiiH , 40 OojMr ) buj apples , clirico cookuiu JV eatimf , 2 Ua ) 3 00 bean and ; * , 1 7 u,2 60 i > or " "bushel ; Kweii potatom , 4 CO per bt ) ) . out No veil rrgnlfcteJ household ehouM bo with it ou * . a bottle of Ai.'KOBiura Jiliioru , On U woild renowned apptitfcar and Invigorator Jidu-flro of counterfeit * . Attc your grocer 01 firufulfiliir the gouulnu article , Manufactured Ivj J , 0 , 13 , H\w \ jrt li Ai n. ) r SAD SUIOIDE , A Slionnmlnnli YnntiR Iiiuly Ends Her Iilfo Will a Hullct. The sad and startling news comoa from Shonantlonh that Miss Mablo Grifllth , daughter of John X. Oriflllh , the woll- known stock and grain dealer of that place , had ended her Hfo by the uao of a revolver. < A correspondent of the Olobo sends ( the following details of the event : Mubol was fifteen years old in Juno last , and had , with a sister next youneor , attended the formal College at this place several terms. During the last two or three weeks her parents were undecided whether to send the girls to the college pi to the high school. Yesterday morn ing , at the breakfast table , Mabel in quired ' whether they wore to go to the college or the public school , and received the : answer from her parents that they thought it best for them to go to the public ' school. She left the table crying in and when the family ing bitterly , were preparing > for church said she would not go to church today , as she was not fooling woll. The fine farm residence of Mr. Grifliith la about two miles cast of town. The family , in their carriage , started for church ; , Mablo and her father remaining at homo. Mr. Griflith was lying on the sofa sleeping and Mablo sat at the desk writing. The father fell asloop. She took the note she had -written , pinned it teas her dross , wont to her room , and just as the family were coming in the front K 'ato , on their return from church , fired tin fatal shot. The i family have the sympathy of all in their terrible allliction. They have throe girls and two boys younger loft. a Mabel was their oldest and a girl of quiet , ladylike habita. She was idolized by her parents , and almost her every wish was granted , and the little tan trum that ended so sadly was thought tel bo only a girlish whim that she would soon got over ; but not ao , she scorned to brood over it , and calmly decided - cidod that suicide was no now thing to hoi ; that aho had thought of it before ; that she would rather die than bo ilia- graced by being sent to the public of school. She bade thorn all good-byo , and requested that her body ahould bo thrown into the river or burned , and that she did not want to bo buried in the ground , as she mlghtcomo [ to life again. The remains were buried today in the Shenandoah < comotory. The funeral services were brief , and at the house. The procession formed at the house and proceeded to the comotory. It was a half milo long. Mr. Griflith'a ac quaintance la very largo. The crime was K. committed aa the family were coming in the front gate on their return from church. The family hoard the report , but not knowing what had happened. A younger sister ran up stairs to take oil' hot things , when she found Mabel lying face down upon the floor. She called [ hot tathor , who had not hoard the ahot and was still doaing. Ho hastened to the room and lifted the prostrate form of his daughter , sup od posing she had only fainted. There odG. pinned to her dross was the note , the contents of which were on the desperate deed. Dor protcsaors at the college say caal that as n student she was a most nmiablo and sweet disposition sjirl. The verdict are dicl of the coroner's jury was "death by San own hand , while aull'oring from temporary porary Insanity. " This closes another PatC chapter in the history of our city that Pla cast a pall over the entire commun PlaC . Noi TEE FIVE POINTS. conJ Del Feeling : and WransICH AIIIOIIK tlio Mon AVIio AVcar Stnra. CaaT bo The city police hoadqnartora ia not avery iron ; 13. very harmonious sort of place now. There seems to bo a good deal of ill- leyC ! fooling and potty jealousies among the members of the police force , and a sort ropi breach between the city marshal and C. chief of police. Night before last rosi Ollicor Ed. Bates was sharply reprimand- lion by his ohiof , Tom Skinner , for loav- f ' his boat -without , permission. Bates II. explained that ho had loft a note at aim headquarters explaining the necessity of boinR nway for a few hours , the chief wilma being there to consult with in person , ma and ho not having time to go to hia liouao. Tlio chief insisted that ho had no busi Ea ness to leave hia boat without porminsion , nnd some aharp words following , Bates fiol pulled oil' his star , gave hia whistle a farewell toot , and said ho would not belong - long to "tho gang" as ho called them , any longer. The chief has put in his place the James Anderson , a young man who boars excellent reputation , and will doubt rep provo a good ollicor. Yesterday Bates hoi appeared with another star on hia breast this ono being that of Doputy-Marshnl qr Guanolla having appointed him. This aooma likp a throwing down of the gaunt- blk to Chief Skinner and an open avowal that the marshal and chief of police will 11 pull togothur. Then there is i ionoral { howl raised pt among the members of the police force because the council committee haa decid to pay their August snlarioa in general fund warrants instead qr cash. Tlioso warrants are sell for seventy-five cents on the dollar , BO that men who expect to got 00 a month find they have to be con lots tent with $ -15 cash. It is claimed by some that they were given personal assur ance by some of the alderman that they would bo paid in cash , but to their sur prise they now find to the contrary. Komo of the ollicurs refuse to take the preferred warrants , others threaten to resign , and all nro waiting for Mayor tha Vaughnu to return , hoping that ho will that they got the promised cash. Some of the police force own express trip wagons for which they have to pay the city the common carriers' license , and Joe the city refuses to receive aa pay for licenses those warrants in which the policemen are paid. This sooma hardly In fair , but ia much like other procedures the present city government. K , TlioKluctriu Girl. Yesterday forenoon Miss Mattie Leo Price , the electric girl of Georgia , gave private exhibition of her peculiar pow , in the parlors of Bochtolo's hotel , to which the representatives of the city In proas were invited. The little lady is said to bo only fourteen yoara of ago , certainly looks fully as young as of that , a rather pretty face , petite form , last modest manner. Her power is & atr/inga / ono , by whatever name differ , people may choose to call She performs feats which would take giant's strength to do , ind yet , apparently with no muscular exertion , but limply by eomo aocret pow- , known not even ( o hcreelf , In order " to give her something csy to start on Clark , the elongated newspaper fionc ? was given the hickory stick to hold , am as ho clutched it with a desperate at tempt to make some reputation for mm clo , the electric girl simply touching th ends of the stick with the palms of ho hands , twisted it , and turned it , whil Clark in his desperate cfTorta to hold 01 and keep his balance , kept rntrealing , un til ho tumbled ever into an easy chair with hia head going butnp up ngains the ' wall. Then Hunter , the heavy weight of the Nonpareil , who has jus enough : malaria loft in him to feel cross took the stick and grasped it with a fool ing of conscious power aa ho gave Clark a contemptuous sldo glance at the lat tor's weak showing. Hunter hold pn but ho danced about like a performing Jumbo , in his frantic attempt to hold on IIbr foil exhausted on the sofa , and was brought to by a dash of cold water Whittlcsoy , the terror of the Glebe , who wi up such sensational _ yarns abpu re ; outrages , got hia bull-dozing grip on the stick , and called Maynard the buaincsa manager , to help him up They fell in a heap , and doolar od it was oven harder than ! to find any news in the Globo. Then the little Miss had the party hold onto chairs , which she twisted * just aa oanlly ? by her magnetic , electric , or what ever it may bo called , touch. The best tee was in lifting. First , Clark sat in the chair and by simply touching It with hoi hands aho lifted him , chair and all , six inches from the floor. It was the getting down , though , that broke Clark up Ho foil in a heap like a pile of whiplaahea , and the chair was broken in the tumble. Finally thrco of the party wit a total weight ofISO pounds got on to the I chair and she lifted these easily in like manner. There was no need of further ; tests to satisfy the visit ors that she was a little wonder anyway. FIXINGPOlTTHE FAIR , Council Ulud'H to bo "Well Itoprcsont- ccl AcroHs the Itlvcr , It has boon decided by the managers oft the driving park and fair association that a fair hero wouldn't bo advisable this season. It anpoars that in some line at least , it cannot bo for a lack of material to make up an exhibition , as is Qvidont from the following list of these who make headquarters hero , and who are preparing to make exhibits at the Dmaha fair : OmI H. L. Miller , general agent for George K.I Oylor Manufacturing company. K.kin . C. Addis , general agent for For- kin : Windmill company. C. D. Harmon , manager western branch of Iloosior Drill company. C. H. Hoagland , general agent and alsc ono of the directors of the Peru Mow company. E. ! W. McUargor , general agent Buck- eyeD binders and reapers. DooroWolls & Co.are to bo represent- by W. II. II. Pierce , P. L. Hallor , Hamilton and several other gontlo- moi . moiI E. A. Helm , manager , F. A. Spraguc , jashier , C. L. McDonald and A. Wall ro to look after the interests of the sandwich Manufacturing company. A. A. Parsons , general agent for St. Pat harvester company. G. 0. Prescott , general agent for Piano manufacturing company. O. P. MoKosBon , general agent for Northwestern Manufacturing and Car sompany. J. S. Grotzor , general agent for Grand Dolour Plow company. II. C. Barnes , general agent for J. 1. Caa Plow company. The D.ivid Bradley & Co. exhibit will ate looked after by W. W. Loomis , nd roasnror , E. II. Moiriam , secretary , W. Judd , J. E. Ludlow and H. C. Cook. Shugart , Waite it Wies by J. A. Craw- and W. 0 , Stacy. G. 0. Modburg , and E. H. Haworth , representing Haworth Check-rower. 11 H. Van Brunt.'J. J. Vondoorveor , . ) . Rockwell 1 , and G. W. Thompson , rep VV resenting the agricultural implement \ liouao of Van Brunt , Thompson ifc Co. noF W. S. Oass , manager , Marseilles Man ufacturing company's branch house. W , \ . Taylor and 0. L. Hammol will repre sent the samo. The Keystone manufacturing company bo represented by W. L. Patterson , : manager : , 0. Ilubbard , and R. Stowart. ioiF A. B. Endorton , general agent for the F Eajjlo ; Manufacturing company. all > J. ] Cartwoll , general ngont for Spring' oa field Engine and Thresher company. not he Kati Itonl EHtalo TrmiHlors. i The following transfers were filed in " , county clerk's ollico yesterday and reported for TUB BKIS by P. J. McMa hone , September 2 , 1881 : W II Freeman to John White , pt nw A so < | 1 , 710 , § 50. A M F Rohror to Max Mohn , pt lot 13 , htn , 4 , Jackson's add , § 'JG. J P Casady to John Aton , lot 1 , blk , Hill's add , § 257. Uomiing Hanson to Peter Anderson , no qr nw qr 23 , 7013 , § 25. Mary E Butlur to J M Butler , no qr noqrlS , 77 , 41 , $500. P J F Evens to D J Smith , pt n hf no and so qr 0 , 74 , 48 , § 2,130. Joannatto Leonard to John 11 Will- j.n molt , n w qr soqr 23,77,43 , § 380. S A Cunningham to Susan D. Graves , j.nA 1 and 2 , blk 15 , Carson , $000. Total sales , § 4,014. A Ueutonaut-flovciflor Manning la at homo L. H. Mossier and wife have > rcturnoJ from imt , T , Y , Fuller 1ms retnrnutl from an oxteiulw ! through tlio coat , O. K Taylor and wlfo left yesterday for St. , where they will \lsit the fair. Mrs. .T. O. Stewart , of Wuhb City , Mo , , In the city vUltiuj'her brother , County Clerk Street and family , JI , I/ . Miller , the ( 'ODt'ral ngmit of the Ceo , .Ma Oylcr Manufacturing company , has re turned from n Nebraska trip , F. H , Flench , of Lincoln , hay taken tliopu sitiun of book-keeper in the agricultural ma chinery house of J. W , Kloeb k. Co. Mrs , J , M. Scnuloii , whu has been visiting IVimbylvuum for thu past two months , I exiH-ctod to return home this jiiornlng.Jf K. A. Helm , manager for the branch house thu .Sandwich Manufacturing company , left evening for a brief visit t < > DPS Moluea. _ o. o. DENTIST. 100 MAIN STREET , "OUNC1L I'LU/fS - . . JOWA NASH BROTHERS We will give $25 for any horse we cannot cure of interfering , knee cut ting or forging. All Shoes are Hand Made and NO MACHINE SHOES USED. All Work Guaranteed. 710 Broadway COUNCIL BLUFF ; MANDEMAKERS & VAN , STAIR BUILDING A SPECIALTY. 201 Upper Broadway Cor. Stutsmnn St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , Orders in the city or country solicited. Prompt attention and satisfaction Guaranteed. . P. ALYSWO&TH. ' 'r mo HOIIBCB mo\cd on the LlTFtKOlANT trucks and any distance and over any kind of ground. llltlCK HOUSES rained. All work guaranteed. W. 1' . AYLSWOllTH , 1010 Ninth street. COUNCIL BLLTFS. DeVOL & WR1CHT WHOLESALE H Utn , Lib , tarSpecal attention by mall * COUNCIL BLUFFS , BA. , EJB WHOLESALE ; DKALEUSJINI and 344 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS IO\V DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF HAMS , BACON RIED BEEF , SALT PORK AVD LARD , 742 Broadway - Council Bluffs. PECIAL NOTICES. NOTICK. ( Special a vertlocmcnte , BUO as Loet , mnd , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , Wants , Board- ; , etc.slll bo Inserted In thia column at the low to of TEN CENTS PEU LINE for tlio Brst Insertion d FIVE CENTS PER LINE lor each subsequent n- ndrtl rtlon. Leave advertisements at our office , No. arl Street , near Uroidnav WANTS. VAN1KD A youiiK lady ulshosa hltuation Io do general copying 3r book keeping. Aildroaa G. DKK olHce , Council Illiills. VANTED A position liy a thorou''h accountant and excellent ) eninan Ik'st of reference \on. Address ( , HKK olllco , Council Hlntls. _ . . AIK At a bargain , ft fresh sotck nf Drugs and Mi illclnej , fiirnltiiro anil fixtures , In etoro- 001ei No. 100 Upper llroaclttaj ; rent low , ICOBO runs \ei three years , Apply at once to A. SHOE- AKEll. . .M- , , If ANTIJD Dining room clti linmeiliatcly. Wages II $15 per month , apply of Utonaru , Ogdcn louse. 71011 .SAIiK My rosl'lonca , rormr 7th u\onuo and 10th street. If taken soon will sell for $2,003 jlow value. Will nil o'oil furniture , carpets , &o , 1 or i in part. If not sold at once will rent proml- , \tlth hoiite furnished or unfurnished , at lodorato rent. Any "no thinking of making leir : homo In Council llluCTa ullliloulltolinestl - ute this offer. It la the best 1'argaln cvrradercd _ thu city. if A UPTON. "iLU PAPERS For ealo at lisa Olllco , at 25 cents / a hundred. LXTANTEB Every body in Council BluHfl to take VV TniiUitK. Delivered by carrier at only twenty unts a week. OENT8 Ladles and gentlemen can make first Vcloiia want's by selling thu "Champion Bosom troothcr and roiling lioard. " Hotalla at tl.OO. ny lady can do up a line shirt without a wrlnkls nuKloBiltaa nloelya9tlio best laundries can. Addreno irpaitlcalarsO. M. B. & I. Co. , CIB office , Counci Mrs HJ Hilton. M n. , , , . . , EYSICIAN : & SURGEON , 223 Middle Broadwiy. Council Blulla. .II. TATK. WARHKN W1IITK TZEcSc Practice In State and Federal Courts. Collections promptly attended to. Room 1C , Shugart'p Building , 30UNOIL ULUtfrS , IOWA. ACOB HIM3. E , F , CADWKLL 31MB A CADWELL , Ittorneys-at-law , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Ollice , Main Stieot , Hooina 1 and 2 Shligart k Me lalion's Klock. Will practice In .Stale and Kcdera uurts. THE ItAVMOiND L.O.BBAOKETT AOr.Vf , 224 & 22(5 ( Droadway , COUNCIL11LOFF3 , . JOtVA , STATIONERY , TOYS AND NOVELTIES. Largest Stock Justice of the Peace. Omaha and Council Blnfb. leal citato collection agency , Odd Fellows Block overSaings Bank. II. II. PDSIT. Oonnoll BluQa ' Established - 1856 Dealers In Foreign and omestlo Eichaneo in llrme Securltl BOOGE'S ' SIOUX CITY HAMS. J. Y. FULLEB , Commission Merchant No .89 Pearl Street Council Bluffs owa. Railway Time Table , COUNCIL BLUFFS. The following are the tlmca ol the arrival and de parture ol trains by central standard time , at the local demta. Trains leave transfer depot tea ruin a.ea earlier and arrlvo ton minutea later. OIUCAOO , BUHUNdrOK AND O.U1NCT. J LXAVB. AtlBIVR 6:35 : p in Chicago Express 5:00 : a in 0:40 : a m Kant Mall. 7:00 : p rr C:45am : Malt and Kxprcaa , Tt'lpm 12:20 : p m Accommodation. 2:40 : p m At local depot only , KANSAS CITT , ST. JOB AND COUNCIL BLUFFS. 10:05 : a in illall and Kxprcaa , J7:05 : p m 8:06 : p in 1'aclUc Kxprosa , 6:50 : p ui CUICAOO , U1LWAUKXR AND ST. FAUL. 6:26 : p m Express , 9:05 : a m 0:16 : a m Express , fl:66 : p m CHICAGO , HOCK ISLAND AND PACIFIC. 6:30 : p m AtUntla express , D:05 : a m 9:25 : a m Day Express , 0:64 : p m 7:20 : a m 'Dos ilolnos Accommodation , 0:05 : ; > in At local depot only , WABASII , nr. LOUIU AMD PACIFIC. 1:20am : Mall , 4:16 : p m 6:10 : pm Accommodaton 0.00 am At Trausler only CUICAOO and NORTiiwmKiur , 6:30 : p m Exproes , 0:60 : p in 0:26 : a m Pacllla Kxprees D:06 : a in SIOUX CITT AND fACIrlC. 7:40 : p m St. Paul Express , 8:60 : a m 7.20 a m Day Kxprtiss 0:60 : p in UNION FACIFIO. 8:00 : p m Western Express , 8:35 : a m 11:00 : m raulflo Express , 4:40 : p m 7:40 : A m Local Express , 0:61 : a in 12:10 : ft m Lincoln Express , At Tramler only. DUHUY THA1SB TO OMAHA , Le ve-7:20-3SO-0:30-10SO-ll:40a. : : : : : m. 1:30-2:3 : : 3:30-4:30-6:30-6:30-11:06 : : : : : p. in Buuday 9:30-11:10 : n in. lso.-3:30-5so-fl:30-ll:05 : : : : : p , in. Arilvi ) 10 uilij to tieluralaatliiK tlinfl N. SCHURZ , Justice of foe Peace. OFFIOK OVER A11KHICAN EXl'nKSS. OUNCIL BLUFFS . IOW A E. Eice M. D. or other tumors removed without tbe knUe or drawing o blood. CHRONIC DISEASES " kind' * Orer blrty yean practlcAl ( zperitoo * Office No Ioar treet , Council Ulttffd jtorCooculUtlon tree H.H , HOENE & CO. . WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Wo make a specialty , at our EASTERN factory , of FINE HAVANA > nd YARA CIGARS. All Cigars sold by us are of our own manufacture and warranted as roprcsontod. OPERA HOUSE OIGAR DOUSE , I 552 Broadway , : n. H. HORNE&CO. , | COUNCIL BLUFFS , . ; IOWA. BAI1TU & TOMjKU , Agts , LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS 7 and 9 Main street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. OFFER FOB SALE REOrARDLESS COST Light Uoad Wagons , Piano Box Top and Open BUfrfilM , Drowsier Top and Open Bupfrlcs , Windsor Top nd Open Uuegics , l'hwton ! ol all kindaand two . Seated Carriages. All of the abotc mo of ray o n inanu- acturo and guaranteed the best of stockrunl llret-chss in c\cry particular. Send for descriptive circular. fSTFactory and Olllco 27 , 29 and 31 Fourth Street , Council Ulufla. LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF ALL KLNDS OF n Iowa and Nebraska , and sold for the leaat money at 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. MRS , D , A , BENEDICT , Manufacturer , urtalna , In Lace , Fl'tc ' , , .TurcomanKEtc.Ii Oil clothsIMattlngs , Linoleums Etc hoicest and Best Selected STOCK in the WEST , omo and bo convinced that wo are headquarters for all goods In our line. : k heapost place to buy CARPETS , Curtains nnd House Furnishings In the - \ CHv. Upholatering rnd Bedding Supplies. i Nos. 5 , 7 and 9 MASONIC TEMPLE - - COUNCIL BLUFFS Mail Orders Pilled Promptly and with Care. IIALLETT , DAVIS AND COMPANY PIANOS Endorsed by 1'itANz LISZT. EMERSON PIANOS. Unrivalled or Tone or Finish j KIMBALL PIANOS Best Modern Price to Buy. The Kimball Orcnn , no long and favor.ibly known in the west , rncommonds itself. J. L. STKWAHT , Solo Agent for above lines of Goods. Warerooms , 329 Broadway , 3ou ucil Bluffs , Iowa. Correspondence Solicited , Agents Wanted. flJLBJLs * * tVletalic Caskets and Wooden Coffins of all Kinds. TELEGRAPH ORDERS PROMTLY ATTENDED TO. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 3NTo. 3.2 2NT. 3VE .ixi. J3t. . CJota.3ra.oil The remaining HATS on hand will be Sold Below Cost to make room for New Goods , A Full Line NOTIONS always Hand * . J. AUWEEDA , 317 Broadway. Council Bluffs. NEUMAYER'S HOTEL ON THE Furniture and appointments all now. Nos. 208 and 210 Broadway , Council Bluff Waves three inch part 65c , Ooquetts lOo each , Switches to $20 each , Hair ornaments given with every - pur- nbase , All kinds of hair work promptly attended Co , Waves made of Ladies' ' combings at 50c per inch , ALL KINDS OF MRS , J. J GOOD 29 Main Stree GRESTO1R8TCLA63. /1R8TCLA63. Nos. 217 nud 219 S. Main St. , COUNCIL BLUFFS BE , JUDB'S ELECTEIC BELT , 3,000 FJcctile Belt the onth Juuobyuj. Agents Wanted ! lUlercnoeB-Any o the lu lne bouwi ID Ckjuncll DIufls. JTOD i SMITH I'rorrleton ] ROADWAY19 . OCUNOIL BLUF