Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1884, Page 5, Image 5

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    "V V
tlTlekots only $5. Shores In Proportlouta
ioDlsiana State Uuj
Wt dc * rtby certify nat HI nipermit tht l
angtmtnh fer all the Monthly and Semt-Annua ,
viauinyt uj tht Louinana Statt lottery Company
and \nnenon manaoe and control tht Vrawinji
Uitmttlvet , and that the tamt are conducted in J
Mnettyfa\miu.and in good faith touard all par
tut , and ue authontt the company to tut thli ect
ntuattnthfaetimiltt of our rljnattirti attatkit
in Hi nJvfrtutnntnti. "
Inoorpoutod In 1883 for IS yean by the legltlatnn
1 education * ! and oharlUbla purpoeo with a oap
IU1 of 1.000,000-to which * reserve land ol ovtl
150,000 hag since boon added.
By an ovorwholmlnr popular rota lla hanohlM
adopted December 3d. A. TO. 187B.
The only Lottery over voted on and
.doracd by the people of any
Hoover gjalol or pQi'.p
lia grand single number drawings taki
place monthly.
_ A splendid opportunity to win n Fortune
Isinth Grand Drawing Class I , In the Acad
emy of Mutlc , New Orloaue. Tuesday , Sent.
2th , 1884--172 Urnnthlv ilr.winc.
CAPITAL PRIZE , $75,000.
100.000 Tickets nt Flvo Dollars Each , Frac
tious , in Fifths In proportion ,
VITAL 1'UIZk _ . . . . | 78,00t
1 do do S6.00I
1 do do 10.0W
a PIUZES OF KJOOS is.ooc .
t do 2000 10,001
10 do 1000 10,0 ,
SO do 60C 10,001
100 do ZOO S0,00 <
see do 100 so.roc
SOO do 60 . . . , . T 2500 *
1000 do 5 2COOC
ArrKOXlUATIOA i4 > , . _ o.
3 Approzlauttlon prices ol (760 0,7C (
B do do 600 , EO (
S do do 5M > SSM
1M7 Ptlzo itmCMtlnj ; to t8S
tlon for tal'i lo olnbs ohonld bo mule on ) ;
Jo I lie ofllos ol the Ccmpanr In Now Orloaco.
For larther Information wrlto clearly giving fill
address , ll.ilc P. O. Von 17 Ordois payable ac
adJicoo Rcgliitorod TiCttorn to
New Orleans , La.
1'oitttl Notes and ordinary letters bv Mall or Ex
press ( all sums of f 5 and upwards by Kxprees at oat
expense ) to
11 , A. DAUPHIN ,
or M. A. DAUPHIN , Now Orleans La.
HOT Snvonth Rr. . Wa h neton. T > ( !
Engineering , Surveying
Boao within the city and thron tiont the State.
rwOISco Crolghton Block , opposite City Engineer' *
olllco. al2-lm
Royal Havana Lottery !
JDrawn at Havana , uba , Every 1
' to 14 Days.
TICKETS , 82.00 , HALVES , $1.00.
Subjooi to no manipulation , not controlled by the
ft vmrtlcaln Interest. It Is the fairest thing In the
nature of chance In existence.
Per Information and particulars apply toSHIPSEY
CO.Oen.Aeents , 1 12 Broaa ny , N Y. city.
E. KAU13 Si CO.117 Walnut street , St. Loulg , Mo.
or Frank Lobrano , L. B. , 20 Wyandotte , Kan.
jym&o & wly.
Will euro Nervousness ,
T.umbagn.Klu-ilinatltini , 1'ur.
Kldnej. Kplnu nni I.t\or
dlwoMN.Goiit.AHttima , Heart
( llxease , ] > > Mifiihfa , Cent > * l-
imtlon. Krvnulu | , Cntnrro ,
. . . . I'llei. Kpllt'tthy , Iinnotency ,
Uurnli.\triio. rinlnpxtis Uteri , ete. Only hclintlllc J.I >
lin > ] ! i.-ll In AincrlinllintniNtheKUclrlrlty nnd mult
iiotUm through tin-body , and can bo recharged luan In-
elant by thu imtlcnt.
SI.OOO Would NotBu" It.
Winter Is coming , the reason of tha year for aches
and pains Inie r ol this fact , wo say , buy one of
Doctor Homo's Kloctrlo Helta , by so dolnjouwlll
a\ohl Rheumatism , Kidney tro'ihlea ard other Ills
that Hesh la heir too. I'o not delav , Init call at our
olllco , and examine the belts , 1422 Douglaa St. , Oma
ha Nob.
CiTKoraaleaiO. F. Goodman's Drag Store" 1110
| trnam tit , Omaha.
Orders filled C. O D
< CJox3O.iDn.xi-y.
The steirashlpn of this uelMinown line are built ot
Iron , \\atcr-tUht oompartruonts , and are furnish
ed with ovury reijuisite to nnko the i wigo both
fnfe and .ijjrccablo. They carry the United States
and ruri'poiti mails , and l-a\u Now Vorka Thurfi-
d& ) sand Saturdays for Plymouth ( LONDON ) Cher.
bourRl'AHISand ( ) IIAMBUMQ.
K-.tcs : First Cabin , 8T.5 , 885 and 876. Steerage , $20
IlcnryPundt , Mark Hanson , F II. Moorus.M. Toft ,
f-citbln Onnha , Oronowiet , ' & &clioentcnaKcntain (
Council lllulfs. C. B : HICUAU1) S CO. , Gen. I'ass
Asts , 01 Brondway , N. V. Cbas. Kozmluakl & Co-
Qcncral Wc'tttrjn AgJiits , 107 Washlngtou til. , Cblca
IT !
the ctinngos tnat , in a tow years , have
taken place in the manufacture of
Improvement after improvement hat
been made , until to-day the clothing
olfored by Schlank A Prince , 1210
FaniMn street , ia equal in every
respect to the boat
Custom Work !
While at the aamo time the lownoai of
price of the fine grade of clothing
they handle U no loaa aatoniah-
iiur than the
Perfection of Fit !
The Cily Conncil Rpjecls tlic Appoint
ment of 20 Extra Police ,
The Office of Oily Auditor Created.
Oonnoll's ' Oonforonco
With the U , P.
A Wrangle Over the Appropria
tion Ordinance Resulting
in Eoforring ik
The IJuslncBs of Two Sessions TTAII.
snctcdtnOnc ,
The tegular weekly mooting of the
city council waa hold last evening , nt
which members Bochol , Bohrn , Furay ,
KaulFman , Lacder , llodfiold nnd Mur
phy were present. The roll was called
and the minutes of the last regular nnd
apccial meetings rend nnd npprovod.
From the noting mayor , giving it ns
hia opinion tlmt the olllco of city nuditor
should bo created , nnd stating ho had
arrived nt his conclusion from studying
the needs of this city nnd the workings
of others. The duty ol this ofticor should
bo to look nftor the finances of the
city nnd report to the council nt least
once per month. Referred to tlio city
attorney , who was directed to frame an
ordinance as contemplated by the acting
From the same , giving notice that ho
had approved the ordinances passed at
the last mooting. Filed.
From the same , stating ho had approv
ed the ordinances passed at the special
meeting. Filed.
From the same , appointing S. A. Hun-
teen , A. Kock and Ivnut Nelson apprais
ers to assesa the damages arising from
changing the grade on California street
from Twenty Second to Twenty Third ,
and Twenty Third from Cass to Wobater.
Confirmed. .
From the same , appointing twenty
special policemen to do duty in the city
during the state fair.
Mr. Bohm moved that the appoint
ments bo rejected , and stated as hi ? rea
son that Omahi had aomo good police
men but about twenty of them were nt-
toily worthless. Anderson said they
were not needed as only oed people
would bo hero next week. Mr. I'cdliold
reminded Anderson ho vraa mistaken
about the "good people , " as the demo
crats would have a great hoe dee hero
next week nt which nil thn democrats of
the state would bo present. The motion
to reject was carried.
From Pat Kilmurtin , asking the coun
cil to reimburse him for damages to his
properly on Eleventh and Jones on July
10th , caused by high water. Referred.
From James Callaban , calling atten
tion of the council to the nuisance in alloy
in block 334. Referred.
From llalph H. Hall , asking relief of
the city council from the present bad
condition of Franklin and Irene streets
before the sidewalks bo laid. Referred.
From Richard II. Brown and others ,
calling the attention of the council to the
lirt thrown on the sidewalk from the
sewer on North Seventeenth street. Re
From Goo. E. Stratman , asking that
illoy between Division nnd Montana
streets f com CaldTfoll to alloy north of
fuming be graded. Referred.
A number of bills were referred with-
) ut reading.
From ( J. F. Taylor , calling attention
'f the council to the position of tlio
iluicc on Twen'y-third ' and California ,
ivhich turned the water upon his two
ots. Referred.
From Cyrus D. Boll and others , ask-
ng tbo council to pass an ordinance
mthorizing the opening of Grace street
'rom Twentieth to Saunders , Referred ,
From Ilenry Schmidt and others , aslv-
ng the council to cause a bridge to bo
} uilt on the north line of Franklin etrcot
it its intersection with Irene , lie-
'erred. '
From the appraisers appointed to as-
ORS damages arising from extending
Jlnrk street , making their return. He-
From R. O. S. Bourke , asksng leave
if the council to withdray his petitioner
or an increase of salary. Granted.
Prom city engineer , recommending
hat the tridiignhr tract on Nineteenth
ind St. Mary's belonging to the city bo
cept as a park. Referred.
From Patrick 0. Uorman and others ,
isking that Webster street bo paved
rom Fourteenth to Sixteenth with
Jioux Falls granite. Referred.
From 0. S. iliggina and others , asking
hat the alloy running through block 101 !
> o paved with Sioux Falls granite , Re-
From 0. Brewer and others , calling
.ttontion of the council to the nuisance
m lola 7 and 8 in block 181A and tracts
.djoining , Referred.
From James Peterson , asking the
irivilego of the council to erect n plat-
orm on the foot of Douglas street for
ho purpose of dumping refuse. Refer-
From G. W. Smith asking the privi-
ego of the use of-I foot of the side walk
n front of lot 8 m block 1M. Refer-
From 0. E Coombs and others , call-
ng attention of the council to the fact
hat a sidewalk hus not been laid in
r nt of lota 8 mid ! ) in block (5 ( in Kountzo
i Huth'a addition. Referred.
From Annie C. Moridith , asking an
ixtension of time for laying sidewalk in
rent of her premises. Grunted.
From J , Sander and othera , asking
hat the alley in block 250 be put In
msaablo condition. Referred.
From W. II. Ijoins , preftenting corti-
icato of judgment in case of Felicia H
little vs. the city of Omaha for S'Jia.l.'J
nclusivo of cnet * . Referred.
From J. A. Hladen , asking the council
.o cause tlu > street lamp on Twonty-
lecond nnd Burt to bo put in proper
) rdor. Referred.
From city marshal ! , giving statement
if saloons doing business in Iho city
I'ho number is 110 , of which 10-1 have
laid S&OO , & have paid $1,000 arid 1 ha
IB-- ' ' ? 2A Filp'l ,
FromLowls D. Carrier asking the *
inviio o t tuiiMVinu u Bumll amount u
lirt frjm thn cast side of Twenty-fourth
itrpot near California. Referred ,
From II , G. Clark & Co. , and others
protesting ngtinst the fruit stands enjoy <
ing the sidewalks. The marshal was nu <
thom.ed to remove all remaining , nftoi
giving them five days notice.
From acting Mayor Murphy , present
ing n quit claim deed to Kniit A Thomp
son of a small atrip of ground in Kountzc
it Uuth'a addition. Referred.
From E. I ? . Chapman asking the priv
ilege to bring to grade the alloy between
Twofth , Thirteenth , Jackson nnd How
ard. Upforred.
The bids for the city printing were next
taken up and placed on file , owing to
the litigation now pending in the district
From City Treasurer Buck , stating ho
had made tenders of money as damages
for grading nnd opening certain streets ,
which tenders had been accepted.
From P. J. Nichols nnd others , asking
that the sidewalk nbout Sixteenth nnd
Ilnrnoy bo graded to enable the property
owners to lay sidewalks , Referred.
From Peter Williams nnd others ,
asking the use of the council chamnor
next Thursday evening m which to hold
n political mooting. Granted.
From W. J. Council , giving the result
of his conference with the Union Pacific
ollicinls respecting the removal
of ita obstructions on Fourteenth street.
The ollicinls , Mr Council says , freely [ ad
mit the right of the city to the use of the
street , but assort that n reasonable time
should bo given them to remove the aamo
and authorized the city _ attorney to rep
resent to the city council that if the time
were given until next summer , the street
would bo bridged by on iron bridge.
Mr. Connell suggested that if
the Bower work could bo put oil'
untl , next year , that it bo done. Refer-
od to the city attorney to outer into n
written stipulation with the company to
build ono insidn of n year.
From J III. Buchr asking n leave J f ab
sence for ono week. Granted.
From William White asking that the
grade on Twenrioth nnd Sherman bo ao
changed as not to run the water over h is
lot. o Referred.
EromVm. . F. Iloins , stating that ho
had examined the books of city Treasurer
or Buck from Jan. 1 , 1882 to July 'U
1883 , and found thorn correct. Filed.
From City attorney , stating that hi
had allowed judgment to bo entered
ngainst the city for $255.52 in the case
of Win. Fitch & Co. against the city o
Omaha. Filed.
From City Clerk Jowott , asking por'
mission to bo absent from his olllce
from i ) o'clock a , m. to1 p. m. each day
during fair week. Granted.
The opinion of the city attorney or
the First ward raisn was road nnd tiled
From Duwoy Stone , calling the at
tention of the council to s < nith Four
toouth street between Jones and Lcnven
worth. Filed nnd the street commis'
sioner by resolution to pul
the street in a condition to avoid damag.
oa.From James Croighton , presenting the
estimates of streets cleaned by A. R.
Uriel. Approved.
From the same , calling attention of the
council to the fact that Mcllugh nnd Me
gavock hud refused to proceed under their
contract to construct the south branch o"
the North Omaha sewer , as the plan had
been changed.
From the same , presenting the time o :
the inspectors for last month. Referred
From the same , presenting certain ea
timatcs. Approved.
By Bohm , that the Gas company repair
pair and light the lump on Twenty-Sec
oud and Capitol avenue. Adopted.
By Thrano , that the city advertise for
aprons for all atroets paved that need
the same. Adopted.
By Loedor , that the Ore chief purchase
1,000 foot of hoao with couplings for the
use of the now house , Adopted.
By Leeder , that after Sept. 1st the
wages of Joe Vandorford , foreman of
No. 2 , bo fixed at $80 per month. Re
By Bohm , that the properly owners
on I'Vnain street between Tenth and
Fifteenth bo required to lay permanent
sidewalks to full width at the proper
grade within -15 days. Referred. ) ffp
By the same , tlmt n gaa lamp bo placed
on Thirteenth and Lsavonwjrih. Re
By the same , that the the atrip of
ground north of Nichoku bo appraised , n
: ilat made cf it and sold to thu abutting
uoporty owners on certain conditions.
By Bechcl , that the city attorney
: ompronmo nnd confess judgment in
; ho caBcs of Burmcster and Christiansen
ft. the city. Referred.
By Anderson , that the street coinmis-
lionorlay crosswalks connecting with nil
lidownlks laid outside of where streets
ire paved. Referred ,
By Bohm , tlmt the city marehal pee all conveyancoj carrying pasiongora
'rom the end of the ntreut car line dur-
ng fair w.'ok Imvo the required liconiw.
By Thr.ino , that the bcmrd of public
vorks and city engineer report to the
iijuncil the amount of earth if any sold
iy grading contractors to private paities
.nd the price paid for the same. Re-
By Kaufman , that the committee on
treets and grades place the alleybo -
ween Seventeenth and I' ] ghteonth
outh of Jackson in proper condition ,
{ By Uedficld , that the board of cduca-
ion bo permitted to construct a curb and
; uttcr on the wrst aidu of Twentieth
treot between Dodge nnd Davenport.
By Rodfiold , that the committea on
Iroets and grades inquire into the roas-
ins why Mrs. Clms. Uocdora lot in Mill's
dditlon to Omaha has not been taken
nto account in the appraisement of lands
akon for utreot purposes in the opening
f Seventeenth street north. Adopted.
By Rodfiold , that 695 bo allowed Mrs.
) uydnlo for Hide walks removed by grad-
s. Referred.
By Red field , that the city engineer
urmsh grade stakes on Capitol avenue
rom Eleventh to Tenth , and nn Twelfth
rom Capitol ( .avenue to Davenport.
By Kaufman , that thu fire chief report
o the council what ho has done to ubatu
lie nntnanco created by the Consolidated
Tank Line Co. Adopted.
By Thrann , that Iho First ward dole-
; ation and tlio judiciary committee ) bo
nado a committee empowered to cull
ind awcar witnesses relative to thn causii
) f the First ward remotiHtrunco. Tabled.
Streets and gradi'H , recommending the
tccoptancn of the plot of Dauses ad
dition. Adopted.
Same , recommending tlmt the com
munication of O S. Wood be placed on
file. Adopted.
Same , recommending that the petition
relative to the support of Pitrick Har
rington bo referred to the county com-
inlfisioners. Adopted.
Special , stating that Fenton Thomp
son did not take an appeal from the
iward of the appraisers of the Farnam
street change of grade , and that thu
award hnd been paid his wife mu
accepted by hor. Adopted.
SAHIC , stating n settlement had beet
made with thn First Christian church n
to damages from change of grndo , anc
that 81-tOO had boon paid in full settle
mont. Adopted.
Viaducts , reporting back the ordi
nance locating n viaduct on Elovontl
street and recommending that it do pass
Adopted ,
By Furay , declaring the necessity o
changing the grade of Izard street fron
Twentieth to Twonty-third , nnd Twenty
first , Twenty-second nnd Twenty-thin
from Nicholas to Cumlng. Passed.
By Unscnll , declaring the necessity o
chancing the grndo of Seventeenth streoi
from the Union Pacific tracks to n point
175 foot south of Williams street. Rvnd
twice nnd referred.
The appropriation ordinance for liabil
ities Incurred during the month of
August was road twice by the clerk.
Rodfiold objected to nn item of $100
In favor of William Ilotns for chockim ;
up the treasurer's books , and moved tc
strike it out.
Bohm also objected to nn item ol
S1G.CO in favor of Member Murphy , in
whoso favor $100 as may or was also placed
in the ordinance , statinc that if ho did nol
want to serve in his executive capacity
for the salary of the mayor , ho could ap
point or the city could elect some ono
who would.
A lengthy debate ensued upon the
items as placed in the ordinance to Mr.
Murphy's credit , the acting _ innyor , sus
taining his position by rending from the
ordinances regulating his salary. The
ordinance wns referred to n special com
mittee consisting of Messrs. Bochul ,
Bohm , nud Woodworth.
An ordinance appropriating money out
of opncinl fund to pay for paving Farnnm
and Ninth streets. Passed.
The council then adjourned to moot
Friday evening.
ThoKnci-ROtiu Iilttlo AotrcfiBvlio In-
TOHta IIorSurpliiH KumliiKK In
The Nellie Boyd thontrical troupe
passed through the city yostordny forenoon -
noon on its way to the Pacific const
states , where Miss Boyd begins in a few
days her annual aoaaon , etopping nt vnri-
ous plncca on the way west. Learning
through THE Br.K of Miaa Boyd's ' oxpnct-
od prcacnco for n few hours In the city , n
number of her Omaha friouda mot time
tnlontod and energetic little nctroaa at the
U. P. depot and gave her a cordial greet
ing. It ia acknowledged by thoao posted
that there is hardly a otago profoasional
in the country who has moro ofT-tho-stugo
friends between Chicago and San Francisco -
cisco than INliaa Boyd , and aho deacrvoa
them all , for no actress that can now bo
recalled shows a nobler womanhood. To
unquestioned goniua in her profession
aho adds a business ability that has en
abled her to achieve merited BUCCOBB aa
an actresa and accumulate a good-sized
fortune. Realizing the value of Nobraa-
ka property , she has invested eomo of her
earnings in several farms in this state ,
an especially line tract being near Grand
Island , on-whlch her brother resides. She
ia also in possession of a hundrod-acro
fruit farm near Fresno , California , where
her parents dwell , and the family is gen
erally reunited each summer at Geneva
Lake , where Miss Boyd has an elegant
cottage. Then there la the old homo in
Chicago , where Miss Boyd made her
iirat professional appoaronco while little
moro than a child , in a spectacular play ,
on the munificent salary of 50 cents per
evening. While engaged in her perilous
prnfosssion Mins Boyd has not only so
carefully guarded her reputation aa to
escape slander's tongue , but has used her
well-won wealth to brinp happiness to all
connected with hor. Her past eoason
lias been exceptionally prosperous , and
3110 starts out this year with novcrnl
now plays in her repertoire , for which
iho has just completed $3,000 worth of
now dresses. There are seventeen
[ > ooplo in her company , whoso hand-
iome and di.stingtio appearance at the
iopot yesterday , us they flitted In and
jut awaiting the making-up of the west-
lound train , made quito a stirring and
: > icturecquo scene.
lo Tninjiorxvlih a Hcwtr and is
I''lnoI lor HO DoliiK ' > > '
Some three daya u o eowor inapoctor
iIcLcan lodgud u coinpUiut in thu police
ourt , cliurging Thomas JIurray witli
uwiiif , ' tamnurud with tliu Hutvor on thu
oriicr of Fourteenth and Ilirimy. Thu
aau camu up for trial butoru .fudge I > un-
ko yesterday aftuinoon. It wan not
liu moat dourly proven that thrj defend-
nt Murray wan guilty of
ho crime charged but it
mn shown no ono OBJ ! could
iavo a motivu to commit it. Upon thu
vidunco before the court Murray was
irononncod guilty by Judge lionukound
iras fined $10 nnd costo. Murray , wlu
lad inanifcfltcd a bold front during the
rial signified hiaintontion to appoul but
rna informed by the court that ho could
lot. lie next stated ho would go up on
rror but was told eucli a proceeding
fc'ould not lie in hia cnso. Not mulling
, ny great cll'ort to produce iho $18.55 ho
fas placed in thu custody of 0/Mcur /
iullivun who ledged him In the city
ail. It ia reported that ho alied
earn while there , but the
inner is wanting good authority. Ho
uully aakod dailor Oonnan if lie
lioiight thu coummunily could live
vithuut him and WUH informed by hia
ici'pi r tlmt hu death even would cause
ID ilnttrusn in the city ,
Mr. Murrny linally concluded , nftnr
leing BO udviaed by JIH ! attorney , that
IIH piiAi r to locMiioto whoruvvr hu would
v.iii much duarur to him tlmn the paltry
urn of IIIH line and cosU and purchaHcd
IIH freedom by giving t/io / jailor u $5
nil and hia chuck for $ lit. 55 ,
" *
Colored MOII'H M
A public meeting of the colored Amor-
can Jiltiinu and Logan republican club
will bo held Thurid.iy evening , Hi'pt ! ,
u the council chamber , at 1'M : o'clock.
I'ho ollicera and memburo of iho ropubli-
; an oluba of thu city are invited to nt-
lend. The meeting will bo addressed
ry Hon.M. / . Thuroton , and VV. II , 0.
u. By order of the president ,
Tin- record * of thn fire depa'rlnicnt fur the
last month show that thirteen nlarms wcr'
turned in and water llimwn elghl times.
-lny ! nond , Iho Viftcontli ntroot Jowolcr ,
has lii big show window lilted with waUlies ,
and tlioy nro attracting n great dent of niton-
lion. 1th certainly nn elegant display.
1' ? S.inl yratorJay Instituted suit In
the U , S. circuit court a ainit the Union
1'ncific railway to rwoxcr $10,000 , ihmnges
ered t < > Imc been nuslainod by thn lom of n
la ? on the OrfRon Short line in October lRSt. ;
Architect Lowof thi su | > crvi hif ; archil cti
ntlico at WiishinKton , 1 > . C. , Is in Urn city
looking over llu > alleged need of repairs in
Mil about thoK * eminent building , nnd re
ports thnl nuno nro ni'ccsiary to the hentltiK
apoaratus. lie will report at n later dntn up
on the other tilkcd of iinpnnonii'iitn.
Klro Chief llullcr nnd several of Iho boy *
of the department ha\o boon bmlly engaged
for the pa < t leM'ral wrekmipon Iho new build-
ingon Kh'xenth and Dorc.ii , to bo known
whim finMied n * onglno honso Xo. I. Tlio
mof has boenconipletvil nnd the work of pnt-
ting on the aiding i now In progress , It Is
intended to complete It before cold weather
nnd occupy it this winter ,
An action was Instituted In Iho dislrl ( .
court yestord.iy by Dixnlol J , Martin ngainst
Thomas Murray for S10.000. Martin Is Hut
nun u ho who was found In Iho county jail n
hoit time without a mittimus to warrant hln
detention by tha jailor , and who wan liberated
by Shi-rill Miller without Uking him before n
liiagistmto. The milt it ono of fnlso iinprixon-
inont , nnd Martin layn his damages at the
nboxo iimount.
Attorney HaUUvln Uccotvos Anntlicr
Attorney Baldwin yesterday receiv
ed another mysterious letter from ' 'For-
ritt. " It is quito romnntlo nud in ap-
> ondcd :
Forth from tlio hoiiu' * on the hlllsido , from
hoirdeiiH by the river , leaving their ( KipooicH
ind tlioir BipiawM ni'dilly momllng their wmii-
nun , clntl in mnrtlal array , I'ucli oiui with IIH
iiiw nnd his quiver IxMitliiiR their Htops toward
ho ciniter , to thn council loom of immllerj.
I'hn moon looked silmitlv down on tliU august
iody of wniriora , assomhU'd in jonloiiny and
rriith , nitli envy nnd Imtrotl commingled ,
riio nionii'ri palo face Rrrw paler an HI | ff.irod
m the Bcono with horror , \\nliing u friendly
cloud iniKlil o'or tlio whole intermingle , blot-
ing the \\holo gnnul council of warrior * intel
> l > lUion
First camp Cleaxor , their chlofhino faith
u nrdmit ipiritR wiia mighty. On hU rii ht
\Vaniiuii | licit , tall and straight .x * n
leodlo , whofo clarion voice ulii'ii ho rpoliu
aiig on the air lllto n tiuil irol. The nuxt WIH
Inninipr Stroke , or douhlo nainq , \\IUi iniii-
los and Hiiimvx of Iron. Ittnvo in thu lit'lit
vaa lin but oft had ho fallen In ambush. Then
amo Forked ToiiRtic , from Tniinton , Main. ,
lint nrch hypucritm and .docolver , n rcne .ule
rout bin own tilhe from far beyond tlio Mighty
Vntcr , who wrote letters to Hop-onion in
'nitnton which weio returned to bo read In
) m.ilia. 2NotliinR could bo in peace whnro hi-
out clniucod to warnlor. Jlo would htir n |
lie embers of illeconl even in n Immlct of
iiRe'H , much n.oro in a hamlet of gnmlilara
vhcro angrls mo few in number. On hi
i lit ntooil I'nnthcr Cat fiom the far elf
riLu of Alsc uo , le.ulv to ppring on his foot ) or
lia friends ahko In lilrt inciltiCHt , eaK'1' to
\ervwordthutwnHutteiedhy Clea\er , the
lief , BOOH to iopu it it to Nunlc.fcuaw [ , Ital-
anijuoDn over the river. Next came Howon-
r. cunning and Bluuuil , noted for lining a
alker. Then Long 1'ino nnd
'reoping Vine. both firm as
10 eaht uincl , with Clipper
mhalf brood , between thom.witli thu HCnm of
nnny a batth' . Oft had ho fullun in thn front
ink , nhot by an empty bottlo. Itixhtln thu
liilht of their glory , the mooting waa called to
rderand Cloa\or , thu great chief , nrono , and
akinf' his pipe from IIH ! mouth , HaldVar : -
ors nnd thiufn of the gamblers. who have
) ino from the north and thu south , yo havu
athorod here , 'noath thu moon litrlit , to ilo-
do on your ( fontiiuoH true , to aoa If you will
if master of Ciithriu or Onthrlo bo moatcr of
on. " Then Forked Tongtio nroso in his
vrath , uith envy and hate In liin liotirt , nnd
gilt to the heart of poor CJuthrlo lie lired a
oisontil dart. AVumpum ' Belt ntooil
) for Outhrio. Sowonox vrlod loud for
dor. Creeping Vine tried to be huard but
i'orka Tongiio only t.dkcd the loudur. "Indu-
cndont gambleru nnd ciiptaini of thu valley ,
ell yo nil know your condition when Jiint I
Una among you. Yo hail not a captain or a
lief that dared lead yq forth in the battlo.
uthriu , thu murnlml , has broken up miiny a
rn. I was clioHcn your loader triuirphantly.
unl now wo must bruak up him. " All moved
'rom tlmlr scatH at the cull of this Hiiako-oyed
lucciver , having pbiyi d the part of a NkiinK ,
uiivlng behind him IIH odnr.
Hut unlit will vet triumph over fraud and
lypourlny bo mnl. foiover.
Air Italdwin , plunao kuop the p'kDora until I
: all for them. I'Y.imi IT.
riio Fii-Hf Niillonnl Nine ; lr > nH ( lin
ca Nailoniil reams NOIOH
ol HID Ooiilc-ht.
Tlio game butwten the ninea of the
' irat National and Nubraaka N.itional
ran played elf yuatordny itft'ernnon thu
nnteat resulting in fiivor of I liu li'irut
National tonin by u score of of M to 8
A apccial reporter who \vilntneed the
; amu to thu fimuh nnw many thingH
vorthy of note.
Amonf ! the intcroating features of the
; > uno win lung line throw from con-
relielu to grand utaiid , t/liich let tlio op-
) onents got five runu , by W. Harry Mor-
ord of thu Nebraakas After thu giiinu
10 WUH thu happy recipient of u largn
: ako by thuau pruaont.
Mr. Davia jirnvutl himaolf the "Mas-
jot" of the Firut Nationala by very lucky
lits , and hia Carroll-liku tholt of baaoa.
Touxalin , of thu Kubruskaa , diatin-
; uJBcd himeolf t > y his many buautiful
unglu-Imndcd calchea ,
A ripuctatur waa huard to Biiggedt that
[ Snllard , of the Firat Nationals bring u
shair to ntand on , an at least half i f thu
inio ho could'nt be neen over thu lug ut
irat base.
Judge Morria , of Iho Nnbraakas , waa
, hu only man who had muscle enough to
cnock the ball over the fence.
Mucli duiutiafuction w > tH oxpresaed by
he many npoctatorH aeaumbled at thu nu
nunjim unfair ductaiuna of thu umpire
vlin had boon bought by both clubs ,
Tune of game 5 IIOIIM and 48 minutes.
3onullliitlon nl'llid Cill/.fiib1
i > I Oinulia ,
A inoetintf of thu oiti/.oim' league waa
innounced for latt evoniug. Some
, imu ago thu organization waa founded
ind iU work has never been fully ox-
ilainod The conttitution publiuhed ha-
ow tells the story fully :
Ainiei.u 'i ,
Soc , I , ThU liiavun uli.tll lia known nn ilio
3itl/on ' I.cuxiio of Onulm ,
Hec. JI , Itn oliject Bhall IJQ tuMvcinij by all
proper moanti , the suppression of the nolo ol
llipiorlo minors and ilrunkardi nnd thn en
forcement of tlio laws nnd ordinance.s regulat
ing iho < iilo of IntoilralitiR HqnoH , and such
other laxvs and ordinniiees ns the longuo inay
from time to tlmo suggest indirect.
Aimiu : n.
SKC. " . Anv roslilonl of Douglas county
who npproxn of thn lip.xgno nnd dcalros to old
in the furtherance of its work mav become n
inomber by the an mm ! payment of $1 lit ils
AllTII-KK lit.
SKr. 1. The olllcors of Iho T.cagtio idinll
consist of n pros ! lent , llneo vieo-presldenls , n
secretary nnd n treasurer , xxho shall bo elected
by ballot at the nnmul mnotlng , nnd hold of-
tico for ono year , or until Iho ( mccossorn are
SKIV. . The duties of the officers shall l > o
tint nsnxlly AtUchod to Iho name olllcm in
similar orgxtiizatlims.
HFC. H The treasurer shall give n > bond , if
required by tlio l.enguo , nnd mnko a report of
his receipt * and disbursements nt every
monlhly mooting.
AUrici.K iv.
Sec. 1.- The league slrxll hold n rogulnr
monlhly meolitig on the first Tuesday evening
of every month , nnd such other tlmo as tlio
ou'oullxo cnmndttoo mny deslgnalo.
Sec , 2 The league shall hold n regular nn-
nnal mooting on the fust Tiiemlny evening in
Mnrch , in onch year , for the election of olIicerH
id olhcr Implnes * .
Sec. 15 Thnxocutlo cyniinil po con }
nist of Iho president , ncureUry nml treasurer
of the le.igne , ox olliclo , nnd ten other mem-
botH of thn loigtio , nnd the pro-idout nnd HCC-
rotnry of thn liagno shall botlioptrsiilent nnd
srcrctary rf Ihu oxocutho commltteo nlso.
Tlio l ii other member * of the incentive com-
nnttoochall bo solcotcd by tlio proMdont , KOO-
rctary nnd treasurer.
Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of Iho executive
commltteo :
1'irst , toproviilo for thor.ilslng of funds to
defray nil necessary nnd legitimate oxpunwH
of the league.
Second , to iirovido miltablo inirtem | in
which the mnotingx of the Inngno nml cxecu-
tlvo rominlttoo nhall bo held.
Third , to provldn for the org.iulziliim of
such miborduiato and auxiliary asdoclutlona OH
may bo doomed mUi-ublo.
I'oiiith ' , lo ( ill all vnctncIeH in olllcn which
may bo caused by devth , resignation or olhor-
wisp.Kifth , lo appoint such ntandlng commitleon
aslheymuy Iroin Uino to timnilcom udvinn-
bio nnd us mny bo , > rovided by the by-lawn of
Ihls Ijitnguo.
Sixth , to m.iko full nnd compldlo repoitof
thuirpnicoGiIIngrt to regular mootiuR of
tlio uxocntivo committee for its action.
Ho von th , to call xuch Rpotial mcctingH of
this 1,0.13110 or of the executive committee ns
Ihnv may from Uino to time dcom nocesanry.
liijihlh And gcnur.xlly to employ nurli
inraiH ns to thorn may best to promote
the interests of the l.enguonnd to ndvanco the
purposns for which it is oignnlr.od.
Ninth Tomako such by-lawH nt may bo
SKC. 1. Tim constitution mny bo nltorod
or amor.dcd nftor ono wocik'n notice of Kiich
proiioscd nuiondmeiit at any regular wonting
of the lo.ijuo ( upon the \otoof txvo-thlrilii of
thomomborH prcuont.
With the cDiuliinoiitH Ronorally attain-
nblo it ia not possible to produce n may-
onixiso drcasiiiH for sixlaila that xvill ciiiu-
pare with DurUuu'a Sulnil Droasing. 15uy
a botilo and bu convincud.
Oonoral ( ilbbon IIIH grno to Chicagu.
1) . ( inthrio , of Supoiior , in nt the .Metropoli
M. Connors , of ( Jrnnd Inland , ID nt Iho Met-
A. 1) . MuNwr , of 1'awnco City , in nt. the
Mrs , John lirnce , of 111 air , is n gucHt of Iho
It. M. Wilson , of l''nlls City , la rejjisteiod nt
the Metropolitan.
John Martin , of lUncroft , is ii'iarterod |
nt the Metropolitan.
It. I ! . ( Jiimstoclc , of llumliolilt is Btojiplnjj
ot tlio Mutropolitan.
C. D. Aldenson , representing , the St. Louis
Moillciil Journal , IH in thu city stopping nt the
W. McAnilroo and wife , of Central City ,
ire .stopping at the Metropolitan.
Mr. N. V. Uicket , of UKI Millard , will lon o
.Ills niorniiig for Krouiiint to nttoml Iho re-
ininii nnd visit old frioinln.
Hon. John I ) , Ifowu la in the city on bun- ! connected with the Chicago , St. 1'anl ,
Minneapolis it Omaha railroad.
W , , limlnnnn IIAH returned from Now
/ork wlicro ho bus boon purchasing hm fall
mil winter utocl : of gouds ,
Oco. A. Cuirncross , of the WiHconsin I'la-
ilng Mill Co. , Milwauktu , Bpont Hnuday in
liU city , with Jr. I. W. Wnlto.
Tlicodoro Tamm , a prominent inanufnctnr-
rof.St l.dnin , h In thi ) city on iv vieit to hia
uTMiiial friend , Mr. Williiuu ICrng.
Mr. T. W. Htuiilman , of the Union 1'acifio
u'mlipiurturn. and Ilia wife , letiirnnl yi atonlny
'IOMI a j.umt through Colorado.
Mr. W. .r. Uroalcli left yesterday for St.
Lmil.H lo attend a meeting of the MitHonri Itiv-
r C/ommlsHlon which tunvcncH tmluy ,
Coiy V , Crnljmanoger of Iho ( iilha ojiein
mini ! at JCnneas City and the Tootle uperu
IOIIBD at 8t , Joe , ix in the city anil In register-
id at thi Millard.
Mr. K. Corlls" , of Salmon county , Dakota ,
viiH In the city yenlord.iy en n vieit to MB
lephow , County CommlHjloncr CorlluH , and
IH ! old fiienil John A , Croighton ,
Mr. C , li. Frost , Renernl manager of the
I't. W it I ) . 0 , railroad , and family arrived
n tliin city by special car yobterday Mr.
i'rost will Icnvu lnti family In Omalin for it
, ime and will return to Kt. Worth tliin ovu-
Mr. Marcus It , Mayor , biinlncxs iiianat-cr
'orMr , Jfeniy Abhoy and heretoloro rojire-
muting Mr , Jlunry Irving , IH in thu city nnd
will Jo.wufor San I'nuiclsco this evening. Ho
is an old manager and li.'i'i piloted Homo of the
lest ntlractloim which Imvo ever HIOWII ! in
America , InlKHU ho was managing , Sarah
liernhardt , far Abbsyj in 1881 , Mmo. 1'ntti
: iuil Mr. 1 tooth ; in 1KH- ' , Mini ) . ] Nllsaon
mil MTU. Langtryj In 188H , Jlonry Irving nnd
Abbdv'H ItAllan opera company. In 1885 80
lie IH t' ' > maiirgi ) Mary Anderson ami M
ljungtry , fur Aliboy and Jntllc , fur M , ( ! rau
IHCI ! Mini l''loronco ' Bt , Jolm , fur lilitiuolf. In
Ibhli ha will pilot Mme Sarah liornliardl for
Abbey , TliU fuaaun bo Is also managing Tlico
Tur M. ( itM.
I'1 jlttCION NKWH.
THE ( iOinoK ; IIIIMI' : .
CAIIK , Sept.- . Thn oxputiitiou for tlio r
liuf of ( Jen. ( ioidun it ) progrosxlng nlowly
uwing to want of IniunportH and uupilleu ,
HI.AMIU : IN rn\rr.
LONDON , H ptimber'J.H H rep rtod that
the nbiilH at llrlben are xellm the populutinll
til the ntv i t Hiavuiy. Tlu Wi.intii are nub-
jeutud to lioriiblu atioeitliM.
MAIHIIII , Hiptomber 'J. Ttiero is juucli
alarm hurunver the niilbrral ; of ihulora In tlio
province of Allionte. At Naveldn there am
hixteon emeH and live ileuthi , A itanitaiy
cordon bus botm ChtablislieJ ubaut the town.
JS'Al'UM , Hoptombur"Thcro won A sudilfn
and K.'inarltablo liiciease of tlioleru yeatoidtiy
1'orty emeu weio rvjiorted , half of which u ere
fatil. The increate Is nttrlbutod to the excossc *
of Sunday fete day. A veritnbl * panic pro'
VAIN. _ Diiturbancos nro frequent , llnnilrodx
ate flying to Home.
I'AIIIM , Sept. 2. Tlio icportnf thn iosign
lion of ( Jenernl Cntnperon ns minister of
unr is Impending. ( Jenernl Millet who ha *
hn4 eommand ot thn French troops in Ton-
qiiln will embark nt Sftigon the 22d inst. on
his return to FrAnco. Ills successor will bo
Appoinlod by the cabinet council alter prlmo
Minister Ferry's return from Saint Die. Lo
Temps urges the government to olvo com
mand of tlii French troops tlicro to oil ! ers
holding important petitions In the
country nml Accustomed to handling
largo bodied of troops. The preparations nro
completed for dispntching 2.500 inarineH And
0,000 regulars to China , if circumstances ren
der it necessAry.
A delegation of the uxtromo loft has sent iv
latter to 1'reslilcnt ( Jrovy , pointing out thnb
I''r nco is conducting the wnr without the vote
of thochambors And expending money without
the sanction of the national parliament. The
disposition of thu country's forces , tlio loiter
continues , is weakening llie national defontcr ,
nnd personal power bomg nllirtncd wllh obsti
nacy ntid nndncity unworthy of the republic.
The constitulion remains n dead teller , And
the government nets without Informing or con-
milting iho iepre < cnUllvcHof Iho people. The
loltor concludes by ilenmnillng n convocation
of Iho chnmboranml npnenbng toOrnvy'n high
plilttlcal inobtty. It is bollevcd Orevywlll
Dimply nij'kiunvlcilgo the receipt of thu letter ,
m.iklng no further reply.
L.UMIHNCI : , Kaiis. , Sept. 2 , The prohibi *
lion Blnte oonxcntion met In this city today
About one hundred AIU ! fifty deli-gates were
present with credentials , and cf this number
about fifty wera permitted to participate ns
memberx of the convention , ihu remainder
lieing refused became Ihoy lofnsod lo pledge
Lhomsolvas In support St. John for president.
A. M , Richardson presided ever tha conven
tion , Presidential clectoin were nominated ,
It was moved to nominate n .state ticket uitli
lolm A , M artin at thu bend , The motion
was lost. It WAS then moved lo turn tlio mat
er of a utatj ticket over to the ntato commit-
, eo to U'port in October. Jiost. It was then
uoveil that the convention endorto Jolm A.
klartln , rcpnblican candidate for governor.
, est , A resolution wax tben pnsMOd an Col-
Itcsolvod , That wo belio\o Itlobutoourbcst
nturedts lo waive our power nominating ntato
illieern nnd lca\o the mutter to each member
o act indUldually Atid tint we use our bott
ndu.ivoit ) to Kccnro the election of thu national
inhibition ticket.
Tlio convention adopted the lollowlni ; plat-
\Vheicas , It in customary fer party oraan-
zntlniiH in nppealing lo the people for tlioir
support to announce the piiuciplcH which tluiy
Hpouso anil maintain , tberefuie rosohul ,
irst wn nynrd thu constitulion and xtalntory
irohlbition of liipior liallio both in the titato
mil with n&tion a.s Iho most % itnl nnd impor.
.nnt political IH-IIO ofthepto-dit | ] timo.
tiOwOiid , Wo pledge omnehos UH a parly li >
isn nnr best omloavoiH to secure the elujlion
, o ollico of men who bolio\e in piohibilion ns
n principle , and who will UM > tlieir ollicial
muer for its adoption and enforcement.
rinnl , wu ] nope < u to modify nnd nmcnd the
nohlliitoiy law of onr stile to HK to render
Is enforcement throitghoul moro clfrcllvu
mil cerluiii. I'cinrtb , wo iiiniRL
The government should use nil its con-titn-
.ioiial power lu abolish polygamy and ti.illic
n Intoxicating llqnorsin thu teintoitcH : ( nd in
, l.e District of Colunibtn. That it Khuiild
irsuo no ts'vonuo permits for Iho c.ilo of Mich
Iipiorn , nnd Hlninld prohibit intnr-stato tr.illiu
n the nime. Fifth : Wn bpliaxu in ci\Il ter-
vicn leform nnd Hint capacity nnd lionostt- .
ind not party tun orp'rrioml favoiitinnshonlil
; nxern the tvlcetlon of men for all oilierWo
icliexo the pnstmastoiH nnd postmintrosKus of
lin eountry fboiibl bu chohen by tha puopla
whom they nerve.
The Wunilior TotlnjJ
WAHiusoroN' , Sept. 2. The upper Missis
sippi in generally fair , except in northern jior-
.lons . , wneie pailly cloudy wentlier nnd light
ocal rboweiH ( uovnil. Southerly \\iiuln ciuso
iliuht cliaiiReH in temperatmo. I'or the
Missouri valley , fair in fonlhern portion nnd
niiUy cloudy xx lib local rains. In Iho north-
> ni part onnth to west winda prevail witli
icaily slat ioiniry tompcratnro , lo bo followed
jy Hlighl fall.
VnnllliiI.rnnni , rnnco , cc. , ( Invnr Cnltc ,
ri-lllllli. ! ' ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ' , - . . ! ! ! llcllcllt Bly Illlll Illlt-
rtilly a IliMlVnlt I'roiu u litcli they ni'i-iniiili ! *
Price Baking ; Powder Co. ,
Chicago , III. Gt. Loulo , Mo.
M KR > Of
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powdsr
Dr. Price's Luiiulin Yonst Gcins ,
lle t Dry : ini > Ven.t.
To SMOKERS of Blackwell's
Genuine Bull Durham
Smoking Tobacco.
This Special Deposit Is to cuarnntco , tlio
rmyuicnt of the i5 ! prcmiuma fully UcscrlbcU
'n our former niinounreraents.
Tlia premiums will be paid , no matter how
jmull tfie numlirr of bugs returned may be.
OJRct Illiirktrttri Durham Tubartn Co. , >
_ yiur/iarji , N , P. , J/UV ID , It&t {
' ' ( \itlt\rr \ II nil nf Harliamlur nn , If.R
nr n KmUe mama you Sll.ftxjui. vililrh
iilcafo iilnoe on Sixclal l > cwnlt | to I'ay iireiiiluum
lor ourimi'ty toliatu ) IUIM In Ijj reluracil Vtu.
litli. Yuuru truly. J. B OAHH. l-reldcnt
OJtet J tin KankoS Ilurkam , ) C , Mail VI , 18SL (
] . B. CAlin. EMI . , . . . , .
( V l ; ilnfif 'l' llurliim Tabneea „ .
Tlnn Hm I liaxe to ckno led re receipt of
IMI.U4JW from you. ulilrh u liave placed ui'oo
HfeclAl IXiKwIt for tlip objsrt you Ut .
ioum truly , I * . A. WILEY , Caahlcr.
Mono etnulno witbout I'lcturo of HULL on tu
paoBi.irt' .
our nthiT minntmecmenta.
A victim cf early ImDruuonco , erjviag nerroiu
fttllltj. urematuro deity , etc , tiKnnif v'rieu.iu
fain cjunr known remedy. b illKoverud a Blmr ! *
aeaiu of Mir-vure. wulcli u vilU tw U UUKlito
Mfl cU'Ky1urtwili1nwi. .
A M KJUIVKH "latuX. . Kn VntJk