DAILY BEE WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER 3 1884. NEBRASKA OJIAIIA , NEBRASKA. 1'Ain UP CAriTAL . S2'0.000 SUIU'LUS MAY 1 , 1881 . 20,000 iUKcrons : U , W YATKS. [ A. K. TOUZAUN , I'rcsKlent. Vlco I'rcsl.lent . , : . V. MOOHK , JNO. S. COM.IN-g , I.KWISS. UKKD | ; ( Kent K. Hajdcn , Aeslatant irul Acting Cashier The Iron Bank * COR , 12TH ANDFAENAM STS , A GENEu/iu JJANKINO BUSINESS TUANSAOTEU. INTEREST allowed on tlrna deposits upon favorable torma nnd upon accounts of banks and bankors. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Government Bon da nnd County nnd City locnrltloa bought and nold. In Its treatment ot customers the most Hby oral policy is pursued consistent with safetd- nnd sound banking , nnd wo iuvito correspoucs enco or personal inquiry , in connection thoru with FINANCE AND COMMERCE. NBW YORK , Sept. 2. Money lending , < < ? 2 per cent. , closed offered 1 per cent. Prime paper 5j@ij ( | . Sterling bills-Steady 4 83 ; demand I EG. Governments Strong. Railways Qniut. Shatcs Opened generally lower , advanced } to 1J. Northwestern and Union 1'aclfic , leading ; L < mis\lllo and Nn hvilloldi8playec inaikcd weakness on publication of the nyn opjii of compaiiy'B now plans. The report that the ICrio and Grand Trunk had declared war was also used against the market , but it wan pronounced false by the ollicera of ono of the roads. After 2:15 : n buying movement set in and many shares touched the highe.it figures today. In final dealing ? , thoinipnno. was partially lost , a rise in Union 1'acifis was duo to an official announcement that the Oro- gimShoit LIna was to bu completed by Oct. 15th. Compared with last night , closing prices range from g higherto 1J lower. oucroKH I't . 100' ' 4J'80oupons 112 j Tl. S. now , V 110 ! ; Pacific 6 e of ' 95 120 OTOOE3 AND BONDO.j Central Pacific 401 Cnlcngo It Alton do do pfd 1-15 Chi. , Burl , fr Onluny 110J Del. , Lack. & 'Western 1US Dcn\er & H. U 12J Erlo 154 do pd Illinois Oautrnl 121 Ind. , Bloom. & Western 15 Kansas & Texas 18 } T.okn Shore & Michigan So 7l ! | Louist ille & Nash 21)1 ) Mtorticri"i Oouf.ral ( > 7 MlsaonrlPnclfio ' Hi Northern Pacific 21 & do do pfd ISA Northwestern OS ? do .pfd laij New York Central lOla Oregon Trans-Con 10g P.icilio Mail ; IS Pullmiu P. C 111 Bock Island 111 St. Louis & San J'ran L'l do do pfd 10 Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul 82 f 'o do do pfd 10IJ ! BtT AU ! & Omaha Stf do do pfd 3J Texas Pacific 12 ? Union Pacific 17 \Vabii8b , St. L.&Paclfic " do do do pfd . . 1 Western Union Telejrraph f,3l O.K. & N 81 Aakod. CHAIN ANI > 1UIOVI3IOXS. CHIOAQO rnonocE. ClIICAOO , Sept. 2. Flour t uiet ; un changed ; winter old , 4 flO@.ri 25 : now , 4 25@5 00. Sjiring , 3 7 > @ 4 60 ; Jlinnosota bakers' 't 7"T 54 7" . -Wlioat I Weaker ; opened higherl foil off 3 ( \c ; declined Viz Jo ; tluctuitud ; closed gff ( jo fo\\er than yesterday ; 7 ! ) } ' < t70 cash and September ; SlIffKlJ for October ; S2Jf 83 for Novoinbor ; 813 for December ; No. 2 red Ft ? 81 } . Corn Steady .ind weaker ; declined Jftl ; cloi-ed i@Jc lower than yesteiday ; T/JlfeMJ fnrcanh ; 52 lor September ; COif "iO { for October ; 13f6JI54 } for November ; 42 / for May. O.iti Steady , firm ; 2. > 8 for cash anil Sop- tombar ; 2Ci284 } ( for October ; 253forjo.ir ; SliraSOJ foiMay. . llyo Dull : 6IJ. Barley -.Finn nt ( ! 5 for ca h. Timothy Hotter at 1 Hlfatl 31. 1'lax Seed Higher , 1 30J a t 31. Pork tvuict ; 18 B'l ' for cuah ; 18 75S' 19 00 for September ; gl8 ! ! 3@18 CO for October ; 12 HO for the yoir. hard Dull ; declined 5@10c ; 7 1257 15 for canli and Septcmbor ; 7.r)2J@7f > 5 for Octohnr ; 7 1"J@7 EO for November and 1 ) u- cembor. Hulk bleats Shoulders li 7507 00 uhort clear sides 10 hOfi' 10 X5 olioit clear libs 10 10. Cheebo Steady ; full cream cheddars , 9f@ ! ) \ ; skimmed choildars. 5@C' ' , . " Kug.ir Cut lo.if 7fe8 ; standard A Oj/gran- / ; tdatsd ( < / . UuttcrQuiet ; cholco creamery 20@21 ; fancy dairy lligj 17. 1 lidosOuiot ; green Halted bull at BJ ; danuiL'ed < ij ; light 8J ; heavy K ; calf 12@12.J. Tallow Xo. 1 country at 5' ' . y- higher ; 1 12. Receipts and shiiunents , Kneel pie. Bblp'ts , Flour , hbls . 12,000 7,000 Wheat , IniHhels . 1)2,000 ) Kf.OOO Corn , bushels . 218.000 fi2,000 , Oats , bunhols . 137,000 80,000 Rye , bushels . Jt-.OOO 7,0 X ) Uarlor. bii8liel . 20,000 1,000 CALL HOARD Wheat Unchanged to Jc louer. Corn 1 higher. C.it4 ) Unchanged to Jo higher. J'orkUnclianged. . J.ard-2ifel' > o lower. LIVEIII'OOL. Livunroor. , Sejit. 2. HreadntnfTi' , stctdv. AVheat winter , 7s & " * M ; epiinglN lldG' li. li.Corn -fin Id. TOLKDO. TOLEDO , Sept. ' _ ' . Wipat ( iuiet : No. 2 red , cafch and September h.'i. Corn Dull niul lower ; No , 2 csh and September. 65 anked. OiU Uiill but firm ; No. 2 cash , and Sent. 27 } Jlyu Not quoted , NEW VOnK PRODUCE. NEW YORK , Hntit. 2 Wheat Spot \a \ J lower ; closad ; < lu.'lined ! lecovored ; winter " oiitions opened weak ; J@l lower ; Htronger milled li'5 ; clmine fiim ; receipts SOS.f/O lushel : exports , 229,009 InisliHls : No. 2 Chi- Cairo hJ ! ) : unradi-il rfd , "Ifo'Jii ' ; do C I } ' MKiiOOl : No , 3 red. ; No. 2 ml , 'JOJ ® J2A : October closing nt ! l-'j. Corn Spot eearno anil higlii r ; option * i ® J lower ; ad\onted j ( \i \ , cli ) ing > tr"iig ; rt > Cfllpts , Eil.'OO' ' ) bU'helH'Riporti' , 2I(00 ( biiHh- i > U ; uiirr { led led 07feC7ii N . 2 , und OctnU-r , HIS , Oats Jrtil hlghor ; ilinintr Heady : rocclptc 37.0DO bu h lH : exjnrts 11.010 bushul * ; inixui1 wenteni 31ft'.T. ; white , 3l ! ® . Kggt \ \ vntt-ni f'twli , quirt mid lirm at 174. 1'ork Acthuainl firm ; new juesu 1H 00 ( 18 25. Lard Heavy ; western eteam spot , 7 W ) (27925. ( JJutttr Demand good , finn. Ohooso Unchanged ; choice { cream 10 ( < ? 16. StiguDoll fttul weak , OlNTtNfUTI. OtNOlNN'ATI , Septoml ) r 2. Wheat No. 2 n-d quoted nt SJt&Hl. Corn Qnu-t ; No. 2mlx l KtJr."il. ( $ OiUI'lrm ; No. 2 mixed. 21J30. ! ( Hye Irrrgulars No 3 , 5'iJi/ ( . Barley-Utiiet ; extra Xo. S fall , " ' { . 1'orkKa.irr r.t 1800. liard-Dull At'tiO. Hulk Moats Dull ; shoulders Sll 7Js liort riln. $10fC. Whl ky-Steadyand : at 110. Huttor Qmi't. Eggs Finn and unchanged , KANSAS CITY , KANSAS Girt , September 2. Wheat Easier : ; ( < 3e fur cash ; die for October i3i ! b.il for XnotnK'r. . Corn Quiet : 41j5f 12 fur cash ; 3GJ bid for October ; I'll bid for November. Oats-Dull nnd nominal at 2.'i bid. HT. LOCH 1'ltOni'CE. ST , I.ort , September 2. riour-Flru and unchanged. Wheat Active and higher , closing at $ ( fi\ \ abo\ Saturday ; No. 2 red , Sl.Jfti'SlJ ; ciish , SH82for September ; 8H | < cJSl > j tor October ; S5jfi 83 lor November. Corn Dull at IHj@l.sf for cash ; 18 for Sep temberI7i for October. Oats-Stiongor:2iif'27 : for cash ; 23J@2Jj : or Soiitcmlior ; " ( i for Noember. . 11 } -Dull at f.Oi. . Uarloy Nominal. Hutter Steady ; creamery , 18@20 ; dairy , 11S)17. ( ) Era-Higher nt 12@12J. Hay Quiet ; "prairlo , 700@900 ; timothy , 11 OU@13 f,0. Hran Steady atCI. Corn Meal-Weak ; 2 10. Whisky llipher ; 111. 1'nnitioiH Dull and prices unchanged 1'orkMurkut steady ; 2J 60 for September ; 12 ! I3 thuyi-ir. Lard-Fiimer ; 7 l"i for September ; 7 07i 'or October. CALL Bruun Wlioat Easier j b\l for Sep- emlei ; 811 for October ; SO for No\ ember ; SlijforMay. Corn Hit ongor18) ; ) bid for September ; 17 } or October ; llf for Novi'inbur. Oats Virm ; 21 ! for October ; 2CJ for Novem ) ur ; 'iU for May. MILWAUKEE. MiLWADKEn , Sept. 2. Flour ( Juiot and unchanged. Wheat-Quiet : No. 2 Milwaukee and September , 78J ; October , SOJ ; November. Corn Quiet ; No. 2'wnntcd , 52@5y ; reject ed , 'iGfSoo. Oats Firmer ; No. 2 white , 20 delivered. Kyo Dull ; No. 2 , 51. Ujrley Quiet ; No , 2 spring and September " ' NEW ORLEANS. NEW ORLEANS , Sept , 2. Corn Steady nnd easier ; choicoheld at 73. Oats Western , dull ; prime choice , lilifS 30) ) . Corn M oal Firmer but easier at 2 75@ 280. 280.Uran Uran In fair demand and irict's ) higher nt 02V. 1'ork-Dull nnd lower nt IS 50. LarU Steady ; tierce refined , 8 50 ; keg , OJ.J. . ] 0ggs Western fiosh , doraand fair and maiket firm , Butter Demand fair and market firm at S ( 21. Bulk Moats In fair demand ; shoulders packed lower , at 7 37i. Whisky Steady nnd unchanged ; western rectified , 100 120. IIALTIMOIIK. BALTIMORE , Sept. 1. Wheat \ \ estorn higher and ncti\o : No. 2 winter red spot , and September SUi@)0/ ! ) / . Corn Wpsturu Dull , firm ; No. 2 mixed , spot OH ; frs < li. Oats Finn , quiet ; western white , 33j73j ( ; mixed , yO@3. . lyu ! Quiet. ntfifi CO. Pork C > uiet but ( toady ; old , 17 25 ; now , IS 25. Lard Helmed , S 00. Bulk Meats VVoikor ; shoulders , fi 37J ; short ribs , 8 25. Jintter Steidy ; western packed , 105/20 " " creamery , 2" JCpgs Firmer at 18c. Whwkv-Steadv at 1 1C. JJIVB STOCK. KANSAS CITV. ] \-ANSA3 CITV. September 2. Cattle Ite. eipts 1.9.JO hnjd ; good natives steady ; naives - ivos 1 bUfr C 3 % HoKa Jtsceipts 4,303 head ; firmer andhifh- ; r ; sales at 0 03Ca ( ! 40. Sheep Receipts , 125 head ; steady ; fair to oed 300fe3 CO per head , ST. 'LOUIS St Louis , September 2. Cattle Receipts ,900 head ; prices ( inn ; demand , gnod ; o\- ) ortuat ( i 25&0 75 ; commou to clioico ship- ) inu , I 50 0 25. Sheep Receipts. bOO head ; dull , fair to hoicu muttoiiP , 2 50f 75 ; lambs , 2 UOfr I 00. Hogs Receipts , 1,100 head ; slow ; pack- ng o.iHior ; otlior grades butter ; Yorkers , 6 15 rfli 30 ; packing , 5 90@li ' > butchers , 0 I0f 70. CHICAGO LIVK hTOCK- CHICAGO , Soptombcr2. The Drovois'.Tour- al reports : Hogi Rccciptf , 8,000 he.id ; good to high r.iasy stock plentiful ; lough packing , 5 liO fi ( 25 ; giacking and ( < hippiiig , G 'M ( G ( ij ; light 70C fi Ii5 ; skips , 3 70fa)5 ) 75. Cattle Receipts 5,500 ; good natives and ange c.ittlo 10 higher ; common weaker , it\- lorts quoted at 0 35@i ( DO ; common to chdico liipping , 4 30@fi fiO ; Imtchortt' eows , 2 50@ 2j ; stocked and feudal H 3 20@M0. ! Wostirn attlo Him ; Wyoming cittlo I 50@D 00 ; Alon tana Texans , t .10. Sheep Receipts , 1,300 head ; dull and weak ninfeiioi ; common to medium , 225@3 50 ; oed to choice , 3 75@1.25 ; lambs , per head , 00@3 50. OMAHA MAIIKKTS. \Vbolcn lo I'rlaot. OmrKorTiiK OMAHA UBK , ) Tuesday K\aniEg , September 2 , ) The following priced are charged retailers > y jobbers , wholeaalcra and commission mer- mnU with the exception of grain , which ia uotod at Urn prissn u-'iiikixl by ho olavators nd other local buyers : urain , Wheat Oanh No. 2. fi0f@iljc. ( Barley Oaflh No. 2 , 4SCOc. j Ityo Cash , No. 3.IK Oorn-Nc , 2 , 38 3 ! ! o. .0 U No. 2. 2HtJ25jr. HidOH. Bt ady ; grnon butchers , SJ O : green salted. Jff7t ( : dryjlint , 12O12 ; < lry salt 10@llj dam- ; 'ed hldep , two-thirds price. ] ) Tiillow fifeOHc. ' 00. Sheep I'eltH-23o@l Wool. Light fmol4 < ai71 Heavy fine 10@13. Medium 1 1 17. Coano 10@13. Hurry 2to6oolf | Flour aiulKSrillHtiilTu. WINTKII WHEAT Best quality , .patent , at 3 00@3 25 SKCO.VD QtiAi.iTV-2 153 00. "C i-ltlNO WllFAf J'estquiditv ' , int'iut , 3 00(9 ( 310. 310.BKCONI BKCONI ) Ql'ALTT 21 6@2 0. HllAN-.ri c per cwt. Oiiocrru I'KKi ) 1'w ICO Ibn. , SO ; . OnusMBVL 1 00 m 10 ( .t-rcwt , KNINO I5t575o ! ( IH.T cwt. liiro HUiuk VitCowt- BniiF 3 003 CO * OALVIS- WAI 00. Qoneral I'roanoo , Applc lec | iit | heavy and prices low < r , only choice fctock bringing top prices , $2,75 ® 3.CO. I3KAN9 Receipts light And demand good , 1144(1 picked navy , per bu. 82 50 ; tuculum , 2 00@2 2,1. HRBIWAX In good dcm.tnd. Cholco blight per Ib , lM@2Sc ; common to good ( talk per It < HfTTF.lt I'nchanged ; dotiiaml peed , miin'\ for the better grade * . Choice talno. 13n luo fair to good , SWllc ; creamery , tsy ic. CltiKlt "Ohio" per bill , S7.XJ ; "York State per bbl , $ S 00 ; per J bbl , $4 75j condensed per la , 850. Crab npplo , per gal. 3f > e. CHEKSB l'\tll croam. woototn , lit Wli- ooii'lu EOIV 12 : young American 12 ( < M3c , llgg' Keeoipts light and demand bri < k , partly on account of state fail npply. Sale today 13J5M IP. O.VMK-l'r.\lrlo chickens are now In r"noii but after the first few dava demand has let iq oniidiTahli- and they are now low : dent 2 00 ( < i2 5J i > or div ; snipe , per do ? , , $1 00. clli\y Haled , S8.00S'J.UO ( ' ; loow , $7.00 ® J BUY In 20 and SO Ib unllo , f > @ 7. ! In 2 Ib am , per doz , 91 50 ; nsaoNo tumbtora , lot. 01 20 ; schooners , per dozen , $3 00. MAri.K SDOAU I'uro. In brlrkm , per Ib , IGc , Ohio , 13c ; small c.ikM , 12lc. SMALL KKOITH Hlnckborilrs par 24-qt cio , S3 FO < ? SI 00. Wild p'uWJ , pu \ bus hel box SI 00 ; 1'eaehes St.fiO. ( JAI.IKOHNIA FnfiTs Peart , 50-lb. boxnt , 51 00 ; Peaches , 20-lb boxiw , ? ; ? 00 ; Plums , 20. Ib boxes , $ 25. I ! rapes per crate ( I boxes 52 oO. ONIONS Choice per bbl. $2 50. 1'orroiw- good domaud nt 22 o t > f r Hi. 1'OCI.TUY ] ! eceipts light ; spring chickens , S22 < ( 250 : old chlckeno , S3 OOdt S 50. PnoMMtONs Ham , 15c ; B. Bacon , 13e : H. S. Sides 11-j : C. S. Bicon , 12J : Slumlders , ; Moss Pork , S''O 00 ; l.ard , 9gl0c. ( Drr Br.owu biiKBTiNoa Atlantic * A , 74o : Atlan tlo P , Go ; Atlantic IjT , 5Jo ; Bnmswlck , 7Jc ; BoaverDamLrj.Glo ! hawrenco Llj.Cjfo ; 1'ncl. fie H , 7fc ; Royal Stiiudard , 80 ; Indian Head A , 80 ; Wnuchusott A , 7c. FINK HnowN SIIKETINOS Argyle , 7Jc ; Pep- poroll 11 , 7o ; Salisbury R , Gto. BLCACHKD COTTONS -Ballon 4-4 , 6Jo ; ln ! , ton 7-8 , 5 'c Cumborlaud 4-4. 80 ; Dnvoll DD sjc ; Fairmount , 4Jc ; Fruit of the Doom 4- 9c : Glory oftho West , SJc G old on ; Oato , 8J Hill 7-8 , So ; Hill 4-4 , 9c ; Lonsdalo 8Jc ; Now Vsrk Mills. Hie ; Wninautta , lOJc. DUOKH ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , Hie : Bos. ton. 10 o . . . lljc ; Boston , 9 oz. , lie ; Fall Ris er , 8Jc. Dl-cus-Gray ( ) West Point , 8 oz. , lie ; Weal Point , 10 oz. , He ; Point Bear , 8 oz. , He. He.TicKiNoa TicKiNoa Amoskong , 14e ; Coatlnaatal Paaoy , OJc ; Oordij , lO s ; Vear" " "Shar , i4c ; York , 12jc ; llamloton Awnings , 12&c. DENIMS Amoakoag , 14o ; Beaver Crook AA , 12c ; Beaver Crook BB , Ho ; Beaver Crook CO. 10 ; Haymakers ! c ; JatTroyD&T. 12Jc ; JaffioyXXX. 12Se ; Pearl River , ISc ; Warren AXA inrown ) , 12c ; Wnrron BB ( brown ) , He ; Wnrrou CO 'brown ) , lOo. OAMIIRIOS Fifth nvonuo glove finish , oc ; Keystone glove finish , 5Jo. CORSET JKANB Amory , 7ic ; Hancock , 8c ; iCoaraayor , 8jc ; Rockport , 7c PHINTB AilouH,5Jc ; American , CSo ; Arnolds , io ; Cochoco , Gc ; Harmony , 4 ; Indigo , 7Jo indigo 7-8 , Hie ; Indigo 4-4 , 12c ; cheap sale 41c ; Charter Oak , 4Jc. PHINTB SHIRTINOB Amerio a , 6c : Oochooo > o ; Gloucoator,5cSouthbrldgt ; 4Ic ; Wavorlya , 4Jc ; Rosedalo , 4Jc. GiKOHAua Ainoskoag staples 8.c } : Bates itaploa , 8ic : Lancaster etnplos , 80 ; Plunkot ) laldg , 9c ; Hudson chocks , 8Jo ; Amoskeag 'oralnus , 'JJc. DRESS Goona Atlantic alpncca , 9Jo : For- ilnno cashmcr , 23 ic ; Hamloton caahmoro 5lc ; Hamlotou Fancun , HJc ; Hamloton bro. oadou , 15c ; Arlington brocade , 18c. Qrocoro tilat. OAKS nn Goone Oyatera ( Standnrrtpor ) cnso , 3 90 ; otrawborrlca , 2 Ib , per case , 2 20 raRx > berrIes , 2 Ib. per case , 2 70 ; Bartlett loarg , per coao , 5 SO ; whortleberries , per cvso , 3 10 ; pgg plunjH , 2 Ib , per case , 2 90 ; graen gagoo , 2 Ib , per coco , 2 90 ; plno apples , 2 Ib ) or caeo , 4 805 50. ROPS Sisal 4 inch and larger , 9o , 9 inch , 9Jc ; J inch , lOc. OA.HDLK3 Bozos , 40 Iba , 16n , 14c ; 8s , 14c ; zps 40 Ibs , 10 oz. . Ga , 14c. MATCHES Par caddie , 85o ) round , CMOS , 2 f > 5 ; Biiuaro ciifoa , 1 70. SUOAIW Powdered , 8Jc | cat Ijaf , 8Jo ; granulated , 7Jo : coufoctlonorH1 A , 7c ; Stand. ird extra 0 , GJc ; extra O , Gc ; modlnm yal- ow. 5 c ; dark yellow , o. OOFKKES Ordinary gradoa , 12@12Jo ; fair IS § 13ic ; good , 14c ; filmo , 15@15ic ; cholco G@17o ; fancygroon andyellow,16@lGipold ; ovornmont Java , 20g26c ( ; Ltnerlng'n roasted. .7c : Arbucklo's roasted , 15Jc ; M cLaughliuV XXXX roasted , 15fo : mltatlou Java , 16i li c ; wlirkd Auroial Jc. Eia Jjanisiana priina to choice , 7@7io ; lr GJo ; Patma , G c. TIBH Not 1 muckorel hilf brls. , 7 COj No. , fi ; family mackora , klt/j , GOu ; No , 1 white fieh , half brls. , 7 00 ; No. 1 klta. 95. SYBCP- Standard Com. 82c , bols ; Standard lo , 4 } gallon kegs 1 85 ; Standard do , 4 gallon 1 50. A In Iti papere , 3 SO per caao ; tog per Ib , 24c , Piontra Modlmn. In tmrreln , 8 00 | do u half barra's , 4 50 ; small , in barrels , 9 00 ; do n half barrels , fi 00 ; gherkins In barrels , 10 00 ; [ o in half barrels. 5 50. TEAS Gunpowder , good , 4555o ; cholco CO 0)75c ) ; good Imperial , 10@43c ; choice , GOGSo foung Hyson , good , 3G@50c ; chotco , -fic(5)i ( ) 00 ; Japan , natural loaf , 35c ; Japan , choice , G0@75c ; Oolong , good , 35@10c ; Oolong , choice , 40@55c ; Souchong , good , S5@10c ; hoico , 35@45c. WOODENWARK Tv70 hoop pallu , 1 86 ; hroa hoop noils. 2 10. Tubs , No , 1 , J 00 ; Pioneer neer washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown 2 90 ; Wdllbuckota , 8 S5. SOAPS Kirk'H Savon Imporlal , 3 45 ; ICIrk'e atinot , 8 GO ; Kirk's ottindord , 8 75 ; Ktrk'e white Russian , D 26 ; Kirk n outoca , 2 Ifi ; Kirk'n Pralrio Queen , (100 ( calicn , ) 40o ; Klrk'n magnolia , doz. POTAHII Pumiaylvanln caoa , 4 case , In caao , ! 35 ; Babbitt's ball 2 doz. in case , 1 90 ; Anchor mil , 2 doz. In COAQ , 1 50 , CANDY Mlxod , 12@13c ; stick , lie ; twist tick , lOio. VINEOAB NowVorkapplo IGoj Ohio op- pie , 13c. SALT Dray loado , per bbl , 1 70 ; Aohton , In ocks , 3 50 ; bbln dairy GO , 5g , 3 HO. STAUOII Pearl , 4Jc : Silver Gloaa , 8c : Corn Itarcb , So ; Hxjolslor Glean 7 : Corn , 7Jo. SPIOEJJ I'oppor , 17cj Sjnco , 16oj clovm , 25o ; cassia 15o. LTS American , 3 40 ; -oeuwlcb , 3 40 Weatora , 2 75 ; North Star 1 00 ; Lowla' lye G5 : Jewell Ijo , 2 , Tnimcco * Pica TOBAOOO Climax 40c ; Hnlllou 4fJc ; lorsoslioe , ilStar , I7c ; Juddy , 45o ; Her- O/H , lOc : Black , 88 ® lOc. FINK COT Common , 2080c ; good , 45 ® Oc ; Rosa Loaf , 70c ; Promlum , C. c ; Diamond Jrown , 55c ; Sweet Slxtoon , 50c , SMOKINO O. S. , 22c ; Moamchnum , SOc ; Dur IEIU , 8 oz , , 55n ; Durham , 4 oz. . 57o ; Durhair oz. , 55o : Son ! of North Carolina , 8 oz , , 55c > oal of North Carolina , 4 oz. . 57c ; Seal of North Carolina , 2 oz. , GOo ; O , 1C Durham , 4 z. , 28c ; O. K Durham , 2 oz. , S0o | Undo Nod , i'a 25o ; Tom and Jerry 2itc , , Iiluuora. Atooiiot 188 proot alcohol , 2 1G per wine allun extra California npirltt , , 1KB proof , 15 par proof gallon ; triple refined BpIriU 87 proof , 1 1 1 per proof gallon ; ro-dlntlllod /hlbkioa 1 00@1 50 ; fine hinndod , 1 50@2 50 ; Contucky bourbons , 200700 ; Kentucky nd Pennsylvunla ryes , 2 OOC 7 00. HRANDIEU Imported , G OOfrtlGOOt domoatlol 40fe400. GINB Imported , 4 CO@G 00 ; domostlo , 1 40 30 UUt RUMS Imported , 4 60@6 00 ; New England , 00@1 00 ; dornostio , 1 G03 60. PEACH AND APPLE BRANDT ! 754 00. OIUMPAQNES Irniwrtod per case , 2800 ® 81 00 ; American , i-or caao , 12 001G 00. I'alnt * Olla mnd Vnrnialioi. OILS 110 carbon , per ga'lon , 12o ; 150 ° leadllght , prtreallon , 12c ; 171 ° bnadllght , per gallon , 15Jc ; 1SO ° water white 1 ijj ; lln- eed , raw , ! LI Kullon,6fi3 | llnteed hinluj , per 'allon , .IHoI.aril , winter btr'd , per galli.n , 70o ; fo. 1 , GOojNe. 2 , 50o castor , XI Ji. pir galen on , I GO ; No. 8 , 1 40 ; nwoet , per rilloa 1 00 perm W.B. , per gallon , 1 Cfl ; fUli W.U. , lorgallon , ( > ' > ; neatsfooteitra , jier gallon , OOo ; Ji , 1 , 76c ; luliricatlng , toro , per gallon , SOo ; ninmor , 15o ; golden machlno , No , 1 , per gal' on , 85c ; Np. 2 , 28c ; i > orm , elgnol , per gallon Oc ; turpentine , per gallon , 48c ; nopthn 74 ° > or fallen , IGo. PIINTU IN OIL White lead Omaha P. P. , oj white load. St. Ixrald , pnroGlcManoille ; < reen 1 to 6 Ib cara , 20o ; French rmc , groe eel , 12o { French rlnc , red leal , Ho ; 1'rouo Inc , In varnish awt , 20c ; French zinc. ID o I st , 15cs raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans , lOc raw and burnt Slonnn , lOcj vandvko brown 13c ; refined lampblack , 12o ; coach black , am ivory black , IGc ; drop blnck , IGot Prussian blue , 4Cc : ultramarlno blue , 18cj chromo green IM , D. , IGc ; blind and thuttor green , 1 , M , & D. , IGc ; ParU grocn , 18c ; Indian rod IBc : Vonotlan rod , 9 TiiKcan rod , 22c : Amorl MO V'ormllllon , I. & P. . 1V ; } r-ll\\ , hr - ! > Ij. M , , O. it D , O. , lt < c ; yoliow uiun , H : golden ochre , IGc , patent dryer , 82 ; rrnlniiK oolora , light oak , dntk oak , walnut , chn Uiut and ruth ISc , IrtsAttior. Oak solo , 8ScU'o ; hemlocksol ( 2Sca ( 3j. hemlock ktd , 60c ; nmuor Gfio to 7. ' > c ; horn- Ictk calf. 85c to 1 00 ; hemlock nppor , 2V'c to 21 : oafc upper , 21c ; alligator. 4 00 to 5 M ; calf kid , S2@8.r > ; Gro ! n kid. 2 i3 ia 2 75 ; oak kit ) , SOo to 1 00 : oak cull , 1 20 to 1 30 ; Kronen kip , 110 to 1 55 : French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; ruv sots. B 50 to 7 50 ; . .ttr.im. C CO to 8 M lop- pingn , 9 00 to 10 fiO ; B 1 , . Morocco , SOo lo Itoc. pebble O. 1) . Morocco SSc ; slmon , 2 fiOWS 00 HAHNKHI. No. 1 star oak , H7o ; Nn. 2 3.V ; S5c : No. 1 Ohio oak , -tic ; tto. X do , JWcj No. I Milwaukee 5Ho : No 2 do 8So , No. 1 Pitts oak bar , 37c ; No. U Pitts ; n bar , SSc. Dncas ANII CIUHIICALS Acl.l. Carbolic , C"a acid , tartnrlo , 55c ; baNam cnpabla , per lib. PMCbarkBossafros ; , per Ib. 12c ; calomel , porlb 75c ; clnohonldln , per oz. , 80.05 ; chloroform , per Ib. , ? 110 ; Dovors powder , jwr 11) . , 81.25 ; 0soni salts , per Ib. , 3jc ; glycerine , pure , jior Ib. , 28c ; load ncotnto , per Ib. , 22c ; oil , castor , No 1 per gal. , $1.RO ; oil , castor , No. 8 per gal. , SI.10 ; oil , olivoj > or gal. , 51.10 ; oil ori ganum , 50c ; opium , SI.50 ; nulnluo , P. it W ; lUidK. &S. . per or. , $1.10 ; potaanlum , . lodlno , tor Ib. . $1,50 ; sallcln , per or. . , 40c ; mil- iihatoot morphine , per oz. , ? 3.01 ; nulphur flour , per IbIc ; strychnine , per oz. , C 1,35 , Drr 1'Alnta , White load , 8c ; French rluo , 10c | Parts whiting , 2Jc ; whiting gllilonf , life ; whiting com'l lie ; lampblack , ( lormnntawn , Me ; lampblack , ordinary.lOc : l'russl ! i blue , f5c ; imttnmarinulSc ; vandyke , brjwi , 8oj umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; ploun * , burat , 4c : ( loDna , r v , 4c ; Paris green , genumo , 25c ; Parisp-tooncommon,20cchromopteen : N.V. , 2Cc ; cluomogroon , 1C. , 12ci vcrmillion , Eug , , 7Cc ; Tfoncilllon. American , l.Sc ; Indian , rod , lOc ; rose pink , 14c ; Venetian rod , Cookson's , 2Jc ; Vonotlan rod , Amorlcan , IJfc ; rod load , 74c ; chromo yellow , genuine , 20c : chromo yellow low , K. , 12c ; ochre rochollo,3coolu-o. : French , 29c ; ochre , American , 2c ; Wlntor'a mineral , 'JJc ; lohtgh browne } Spaulah brown , 2Jc ; Prlnco'H mineral , So , VAUNlBlina Bnrrols. prv gallon : Furnl turo , extra , SI 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , 81 ; conch , extra , 81 40 : coach , No. 1 , ? 1 20 ; Uamar extra , 81 75 ; Japan , TOcjasrhrtltum , oxtrn , 85c ; shellac , 93 ( X ) : hard oilfmleh 81 CO , Iilut. Iron , rates , 2 60 ; plow stool special cant , Col cmclblo , 7c ; opoclalor Gorman , ! > c ; cunt too ; do , 15@20 ; wagon spokes , not , 2 25@k3 00 ; hubs ior sot , 1 25 ; folloos sawed dry , 1 40 ; tongues , loch , 70@85c ; cslca oaoli , 75c ; square nuts per I ) , 7@llc ; washora or Ib , 8@18c ; rlvota , per b , lie ; cell chain , per Iti , G@12o ; malleable , 80 ron wedges , Gc ; crowbars , Gc ; harrow tooth lo ; Bpring tool , 7@Sc ; Burden's horaohoos 4 70 burden's muloahooa 5 70. BABSCD WIRK In car loti , 4 per 100. NAILS Raton , 10 to CO , 2 G5. SHOT Shot , 1 85 ; buck shot , 2 10 ; orlontal lewder , kegs , G 40 ; do. , half kegs , 3 48 ; do. , quarter koga , 1 88 ; blasting , kegs , 3 85 } ( use , per 100 feet 50c. LEAD Bar , 1 65. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor rlsrnn Blossburg , 1000 ; Whltobreast lump ; 1 00 ; Wiitobroost nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , 5 00 Iowa nut , 5 00 ; Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra cite , 11 25@ll CO ; Canon City , 7 00 , 'por ' ton Ziiimnor. WHOtERALl ! . We quota lumber , lath ami at Oroahn at the following prices : JOIBT AND SOANILINO 16 ft end nndor 1000. TIMDERII 1G foot and nndor , 20 00. TIMBEU AMU JOIST 'M It , 23 03 ; 24 ft , 25 CO. FENCING No. 1 , 4 and Gin. , 24 00 ; No. 2 , 2000. SIIEETINO No. 1 (2d ( common boards ) , 18 00 ; No. 2 , 10 W. STOOK BOARDS A , 45 00 ; B,40 00 ; 0 , 35 00. Fi.ooiUNO.-No. 1 , 40 00 ; No. 2 , 85 00 ; No. 3 ' 25 00 SIDINO , clear 27 00 ; No. 2 25 00 ; No. S , 2000. OEILINO Z , 87 00 ; fi , 25 SHINGLES , boat t 50 ; standard , 3 CO. IJATH 3 25 per M. LIMB Per barrel , 1 25 ; ball : per hruhol , 85o ; cement , bbl , 2 25 ; Iowa plantur. bill , 2 50 ; hair tier bu. I30o ; Torred felt , 100 Itia , 3 60 ; straw board 350 , _ _ _ _ DENVKlt MAKKKT. LIVE STOCK Hoof Cattle , gr.w , 100 Ib. 3 75 @ 4 00 ; Bheop , live , 2 00fffi2 50 ; dressed 5 ( )0J ) ( ! ) i 00 ; hogs , live , ( i 50@li 75 ; drosaod 7 50@K fit ) . HIdoH. Dry Flint , lll@12c. ; green 4@5c. , Toonci\If SffilO : ; uhoopskius , dry , 8@10c. Tallov5@Gc. Wool. Colorado ll@15c. : Colorado heavy , 12nl3c ( ! ; Now Mexican 7@10c. FLODit-Colorado. 100 Iba , 1 85@2 15 ; pat ent , 100 Ibs. , 2 85@3 15 ; Graham , 100 Ibs , 2 00 ; rye , 100 Ibs. , 2 25@2 45 : buckwheat , 100 bs , 10 00@10 50 , bran , ton , 12 00@13 00 ; corn noal. 100 Ibs. 1 45(3)1 ( ) 75. GKAIN Wheat , 100 Iba , 1 10 ; corn , In eacki 100 IbH , 1 ' 51 ( 20 ; oats , 100 Ibs , 1 30 © 1 35 ; barluy , 100 Ibs , 1 30(511 ( 35. HAY Baled , upland. 12 OOOlfi 00 ; bottom tom 10 00@11 00 ; btraw. 'J 00(5)11 ( ) 00. BOTTER Finnst , 2l@30e ! ; Nobraskn dairy 4@15c ; common , G@8c. H Fresh , 18@llc ! ; ranch , dor , froah CHEESE Full cream , 12 ( 513c ; Llraburgor , 8c ; Swiss , Imported , 32c , ' POULTRY Llvo , chickens old , doz.fi 50@G 00 ; prlng chickona , 3 50@4 t > 0 ; drOKRodlblU@2Uc. PorATOEH lOOlbn , now , 1 GO1 7- " > . VEQETAIILKS Onions , now , 100 Ihs , 2 25 ; cabbage , now , 100 lbn , 1 00 ; now lootA , 1 25. FIIUITH Lemons , choice Monslno , G00@ ! 50 ; applon , bbl , 2 50X ! 00 ; poaches per iox , 2 ( J0@ 2 25 ; wateimoloiiH , jier do100 @ 5 00 ; pears , per box , 100 ; plums , per box , . 50 ( 2 00 ; blacKbcrricH , per 21 qt. case G 00 ; 3alifornia graper" , 2 00to2 ( 75 per box. MBATH llama , Ib , IfHCojllic ; bacon , break fast , llMic } ; lunl , in three , Ib , 1 ; dry HaltudoH ; ( , llj@ll/o. / FISH Mackerel , lso.1 , 150 , kit , meaa , 1 75@2 25 ; California salmon , half bbl , 10 50 ; lollaud herring , kef , 1 ( Ma"l 75 ; trout , per b. 17@18a T. 0. CARLISLE , MO. VALLEV IOWA. . , - - - . ofmlor Circular ? . " TIMKEN SPniNCVEHICLES _ ! juiikSHlilitwoV * . . ' -flin t'ptlnici Iriivllimi aiidiliiirtnnacrordlnBlollinwrlvl rnrry. Kunlly | well adaptuilto rough "our try rourtsancliliiedrlvesorcltle. . M ri.ir clnri-dnua nldljv IUIiiilrndlniiC,1iirrl fBlliilld-r. i1d lit * . ' IlTnr-Tl'"tl * " ' ? * ' * * * ' ' * * * ' * * * * x > nla. , Ilneil nicluilTuljr by OnflTT DIIPPU f > ll .CIUVAUO , uju' AOUUII UUuuY CUi CUsoloal , Hclcntltlc , Commercial nni Art Ut'jmrt menu , II > tli Bcxm udinlttnl 'lultlon low , Inicheap , licatcl ( lctv Full , cquliiiiod lacult } iiTAiftlrCMur ( | rtlculaN , Jtev. W. W. Ilarth. U , U. 1'rinldcnt. or I'fol. U U tlun lulott , HooroUn tiis Kiculty Ilelleiue , Neb , jy uo2uO Railway Time Tablo. In riTcctSciitiMiilirr 1 t , lv l. The attention nf tietrMflllneiuMlr | li cdlM t il.o fwt that thl * li the only complete nil absolute ly correct time Ublo puM Mie < l In the cltj . All train * rrlv t ami ilfpiut Irom Ormtin on Ontml Staml M Time , which It 21 minute * ( inter than nun time. t Kxre | < t Sutunlay , K rcit | Simitar , | r.xc * | > t Ston Union Depot ; Tontli Bt , I . P. It. R. , MAIN LINK. HUB I ARRIVI. Mall ami Kip. . . ,11:40 : urn AtltntloKip. . T''O a m " - - ' " - v'xp , .8S5 : pm I Mall ami Ki | > . . . .4tO ; pm VAi.i.r.v DIVISION. LHM H. I AnRtVB , Lincoln Kip. . . 12S5ti : m Lincoln EMI. . , IJtS : n ni DUMMY TUAIK8-UUIIMJK DIVISION. txwe Omalu : fl : < 0 , B-OO.O'OO , tO.DO , 11:16 : in. , 1:00 : , :00 : , 8-00 , t-M , fl.OO , fl:00 : , 10:36 : ) \ in. OnStm.Uje . : tuo.o.ro , 11.16 . m ; i.uo,3.oo,6oo. 8:00 : , to.85 | > m Attt\o ttt rnlnt < l < n > oUB minute * Utor ; Uro ilw y iloi < ot,0ouncll llluRa , SO minutes l tcr. I M o Council lllutlt , Hro dn y Ociiot , 7:50 : , 8SO : , 9.80,10:30 : , 11HO * .nui I'M , 8SO : , S.80. 4'SO,6SOeSS : : , ll:06i.m : | On SumUjii : 7M : , 0SO : , 11:10 : . m.lSO ; : , 3:50 : , 4:30 : , 9:33 : , 11:03 : pm. Arrlvo t Tun tci 7 min utes later. I > MV Council lllnBi Trunnffr ilonot ! 7:86 : , 8S7 ; , 0:37 : , 10.37 , 11:47 : m ; 1:37 : , SS7 : , 8:37 : , 4:10 : , 6:37 : , 11:16 : p . in. Atilva Omiinn 13 minutes Inter. TllANSFKH TRAINS. WAV * . ARRIVI. Pi i. No. 2 8:16 : am . No. 61. . . . 0:45 : am 0 8:63 : Kin 62 10.06 ft ra 6..US6p : m t : S6 tun 7:36 : p in B flo : inn 8:16 : p m 10 0.66 inn innDal UISSOU11I PA ARRIVI. Mall' 10.t : am Onnlia Kx.CSO | ; am St. Ix > ul K p. . . .8:56 : pm . . . .ritoiim 8. 0.61.11. U. L1AVI. I ARRIVI. Lhll gto : a mlHr. P 'Kip. . 0:45am : Dt 1'auIKip 0t : > 5 p m I Mull. , , , 7:39 : p ni Dally. O.R. i tih n L1UVI. I AR.MVI. Di > sMotiu > aAca.G:40a : m Kiprora ) 8:4 : ] R m Mall * 8:16 : a m I Dosltolnoa Aro'.9Mp : ) m EiprorM 4 : 5 pmlM U * 7:86 : piin 0. * N. W. U. It. tlUVI. ARRtvr. M tl" 8:16 : m KtiircMt 0:46 : m Sipttmf 4:86 : p m Mall1 7:85.pm : 0. , M. k HI. V. It. U. L11VI. I ARRIVI. Mail * K * 8:15 : m P clflo Kipl. . . . 0:45 : ra Atlantic Kit. - . .4:26 : p m I Mill It Kxu 7:35 : p in SUNDAY TltAIXS limingScptcinlitr , Sitiinliy o\rnliitnnil | Sniulnv nnriiinittriliHlllilvpirt IroinOinnlii lor Chlr-ipi , mil Smiiliuu'iiliiK niul MOIIU.IJ morning trulnsu III irrlUMis follows : Kumlii ) morning trains will leave nml Sinuhy c\cn- ng trains nrrho. Hcritumlivr 7 and ! 8 , \ la Hock liilaiiil. 8uiti | inlicr 21lu the MllunukeiuV St. Paul. September 14h the Oilnuro .V Xortlmustcrn. Saliml.1) e\cninn trnlnilll have : September itli.thu : Umk lulnml. Hoptuaber 0 niul 27la. . the Mlhuuikiu &St Paul. Svptemlivi 20 , > H , tliu I'hlrair"Ntirtli i' trrn. ArrUu In tliOHiino order tliti.Moiuti ) fotlouliif ; . C. II. .V ( j. tmliK run CUT ) < l.iIn the \\eek. 0.B Q 11. \laUouiicllllluHe. . ) LUVB. ARUVB. Kkll . 8:16 : m Kiiircea 0:45 : a m KxprcM . 4:26 : p m Mill 7:35 pm Daily. Note. ) The 0.00 n inland 6:00 : p m dummy tnlna also unmeet wltli cAHt-hounil tralna on the Uock-Islantl , UurllDKton , Nurth'Wostorn ami Milwaukee roiila. WAUAS1I.ST. LOUIS b PACIFIC. LltAVH , I AnRIVI. Cannon Hall . 1:00 : pm Cannon Itall . 8:60 : pm Dally. K. 0. , ST JOB * C. II. ( via Council Illufls , ) LKAVlt. I AUIUVH. > fall „ . 9:00 : am F.xprrost . 7:60 : in Expravl . 05pm : I Mall . 75pm : AUUANUKMKNTOF HUNDAYTIIAIN8 From U , & M. Uopot ; Tenth Stroor , B. ft M. IlAlLUOAD-irAINLINU. DitNvim niraxna. WIST KOUNf. XAST ROCKD. t , AV . ARK1VH. Omaha. . . . 8:10 : pin 7:60 : am r700 ; lira 10 06 am Ashland. . . 8:27 : pin 10:03 : am 4:62 : pm Bl2am : Llnboln. . . 10.00 pm 12:00 : in E:60 : | im 7:26 : am Crete 11:17 : pm 12filOim : | 2:41 : pm 8CH : am Hastings. . 6ll : > am 4:16 : ] > in 11:65 : am 10:50 : pin Hoil Cloml. 8:00 : nin 0.03 jun 10:26 : am H:25 : pui iMcCook. . . 10:65 : am 8I5 ; pro 0:16 : am 4:10 : pm Akron . . 3:46 : | im 2:10 : urn 12:00 : am llo& : am Don\or. . . 7:25 inn 0-l5nm 9:26 : | im 17:50 : am Dally. r = ? 3 OMAHA AND riuVmirOUTHTKAINS ! Lv. " Omaha at 7:50 : , anil 8:45 : n in ; 4:60,0:10 : : , 7:45 : p in Ar. Omaha tt:25 ! : , B:40 : ami 10:05 : a m ; 7:00 : , VlUO p in O. D. &JQ. H.QIlia ( 1'lattsraoiith. ) LHAVI. RI BAHUIV > I KMtcrti l'.xi..8:45 | : n m OmahaKxp 8:40a : mm Chicago K > p..4DO : p m I WcuUrn Kx | 7:8U : p m Dally. IK. 0. , ST. J. & C. II. ( via I'lattemnuth. ) ] LHAVll. I AttlllVB. Mall S:46n : m Kinrcsal 0:26 : a KiprcBHt 7:45 : p m I Mall 7:30 : p ' ' From O. St. I' . M.&o''loiot , 14th nnil WoliHior Strooto , 0. , Bl. P. U. t 0. LHIVI. 3lBttIv" . ' " D No 2 l'iBecMKcr..8SO : urn I No 3 Mined 10:30 : a in No41llicil StfiOum | Nol I'asson cr. 6:30 : | ) in tjuntlavs Kxcoutcd. Opening ana Closing of Ktdla. KOUTB 0 ? in. n/csa. a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m O * N. W.,0.n. LAI' . , It C. M. & St. 1' . 10-30 8CO : r:30 : 8:20 : c. n. & .Q. o.oo 8co : 6:30 : D:2n : U. K. & Kx Mall < : io a. O. li r. In Iowa 11:00 : 6:30 : Watiouh local , _ . . . 4:30 : 12:16 : K. C. , St. Joo&O. 11. . . . . 6:46 : 8:00 : tSO : OM Missouri 1'aclllo . . . . 7:00 : 8:30 : o. , su r. M. ft o o.co (1.00 ( Union I'aoinc , . 8:30 : 4:30 : 11:10 : T:6o : O. & Itoiiiilillcan Volley 1:06 : 12:16 : II. & 1I. Local t 7:00 : | 7:20 : II. t M. Kx. Mall. 10:80 : 6i5 : tJOillco oucn Suudayn from 12:00 : in. t" 1:00 : p. m. O KCOUTANT Pnstinaatorl WITH A.n < l your work is done for all time to come. WEiCHALLEHGE to produce a more durnblo material for fltreot pnvamont tnan e Sioux Falls Granite. MACADAM Illed promptly. Samples Hent and given ujion application. Sioux Falls , Dakota. SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others , WE CALL YODU ATTENTION TO Oil Cake. It In the bout and ohe po i lood tor flock at any Xlntl QOno pound U encal to throe ponndi ol corn Mock to I with ( Ironnd Oil C o In the Fall amt Winter , Inntoia of running down , w-lll Inoroaso In w l h and lie In oM mirkotiblo oond.tlon In the gprlnr Dairymen , as vroll ai othcrf , who u o It can tostllil Its merit * . TIJ It an.l JinjR * ( jr youritlve ) . Pileo 128 copor ton' nnolnrto ; for dicks. Addro93 WOODMAN LIN3KKD OIL COMPANY , Omaha Neb. DEALERS IN HalFs Safe and Look Gomp'y HUE AND BURGLAR PROOF 'J ' V JLJUJJU J. & /B 3.OUO ypmrxmaa. SStroot. BTEELE , JQHNSON& 00. , n. B. LOCKWOOD ( formerly of Lockwood & Draper ) Chicago , Man ager of the Tea , Cigar and Tobacco Departments. A full line of all grades of above ; also pipes and smokers1 articles carried in stock. Prices and samples furnished on application. Open orders intrusted to us shall receive our careful attention Satisfaction Guaranteed. AGENTS FOR BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & * RAND POWDER CO PERFECTION Heating and Baking IB only uttaicod by rasing CHARTER © ASC Stoves and Ranges , WITH HIRE GAUZE OVER D3DR Fcr sale by MILTON ROGERS & SOH8 OMAHA' JOBBER OF EASTERN PRICES IDUPLICATED ] 1118 FARNAM STREET , - . OMAHA , NEB 0. M. LE1GHTON. H. T. CLARKE. LEIGHTON &f CLARKE , t u- * CUCCKSSOnS TO KENNAUD BROS , ft 00. ) OiTAIlA , NEBRASKA fVlilwaukeeWis. \ . QUNTHER & CO , , Sole Bottlers. . HELLMAN ] & CO , 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREEJ CQR. MARA RECENTLY FROM FREMONT , NEB. SADDLERY HARDWARE , HIDES , FELTS , FURS , TALLOW , WOOL , . -WE PAiT THE brJ For Hides , Wool , Pelts , Etc. , and consignments made to us will receive prompt attention , for which immediate returns will bo made. I3tli Street , Bet.DOodge and Canitol Ave. OMAHA , NEB . ' ( SUCCESSOR TO FOSTER & QUAY. ) LIME ANDHCEIViENT. OfficeMifardlBti : : and OoiRlatsx ! ] 0til3hi ?