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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1884)
2 OMAHA DAILY -AVEDNESDAY , SKPTKMBE 3. NEBRASKA HI' IIKAIIllt'K ST.IIIIA8I The I'lonrrr Mutual lloneni Aiwoclallon In Htatfl of Nchranha. It I * rn-opnratUn In It * working and all trrmli liatnnvolco In tlio management | ij Mild at the i inial nicccing * . H * aim Into bonrflt IImn inctnli < ir , Ilirlr nldoi Mid crphan * , In pi o ol d Mh. ncclilrnt , flcknow tola ! prrtnanriit dltablllly of a tnoinlicr , al acti 00.1 with rconoitilral m ArclliMn liomo Mwodtllon , active nml rollnl Rgontii wauled to rAntatufor inriiilirri In NelitMl lUnnivK mid Coliirnil" . Addreiw , S. MoDOWALL , HocrrUty unit ( Iciiernl Manager , NK1 BBATIIIUK , - - S. H. ATWOOD , Plnttnmouth , - - - - - Noi MiiDiRor Tiioaouiiiiimiu AKD man OIIDI HEREFORD AHO JERSEY CATTLE AND BUHOO 01 J1H1T RID MTIIII jHTYotin ( took nmt1 . Ofliiemiondcnrn fol'clto The nio of Ihe term " Hh Mnc" In coiincctliin with Ih SHORT coriontte | natno of a Krc trnn : com o ) * an Idoaof tinl what I 1 Ell EP roiiilrod | hy the tr Vdllnf ( pnl I I III L lloa Hhort I.lno , ( jnlck Tim I I 111 u a'11' " ' " bout of aocommodi hDI B.B tlonall of which are turn bed by the Kroatrit railway In America. And St. Paul. Ilowni ami oporntm over 4(00 mlltm of Northern Illlnoln , Wlnrnniilii , MlnnoiotA , low * DtkoU ; mill M U mulii linen , lirikiicliKt mnl cxinncc tloin ronrh kll Ihn k'ront ImilnoM coiitro * of ( hi Nnrthwont knd Knr Wont , It naturally nnwor Ihi dmorlptloii nf Hliort I.tno , nml Heat Kniilo between O , Mllv ikiikro , Ht. I'AII ) mul Mliinttnioli. | | iiMllMnnliro , lA'ron o nml Wlmmit. o , tfllnaiikno , Alionlocii nnd Kllrmdnla CJIilmvo , Mllnniikoo , Knit Clnlro nnd Htlllwktci' o , i | | | nilkrio , Wnimnii nnd Mrrrlll. " , Mllwnukpo , HoMtir limit nml Uslikoih , o , Mlluniikoo , Wnnknnhn nnd Ooonumuwoo. i ) , Mllnankno , M million nnd I'rilrlodil Chlpn , Mllwnnkoo , Owntonimnml Fnlrlhnult. , llololt JnntmvlUo nnd Mineral 1'olul. Ohlmito , Kluln , Hdckfnrd nn < l Iillniiio. | i ) , Ollnton , ( lock lnUnd nnd rjednr lUnldr. O , Ooimcll III n flu nnd Oinnlm. o , Hlcnu City , Hlinu Knllnnnd Yunkton' Olilcniii ) , MllivAiikoo , Mllchnll nnd UlmmliorlMn. Hook liUixl , Diiliiuino , Ht. r nl nml illiinoApollr. I ) vnrii > uit 'klinar , Ht. 1'anl nnd Mlnnnapolln. 1'nllinnn H ccporn on.l . the Klnrnt Dlnlint OAFS In llio , rM nro run on the iimliilltimnf tlioUIIIUAK ) , MIMVAUKICICANDHT. 1'AUI , IIMMVAVnnd.ncry nUrntlnnl * pitld to | inJ oiiKcri hy ounrtouuioiniilutoi of tlio Uutnpniiy. h. H. MKUUU.T , , flon'lUnikffor. . A. V It , CAIU'KNT/CII , Qon' l' m. Airt. J.T OLAHK. ( In'i'l H.ll.t. . , t _ C11CO. II. IIKAFKOIU ) , Ami'L Oou'I. Pn . Auk PEINCIPAL LINE ruoM II V WAV IIP OMAHA AND LINCOLN TO DENVSU , on vu KANSAS CITY AND ATOHIGON to DENVER ( Jonnivtitiit in Union lniot | nt KIMIMIIH city , Omnlmnml Donvorvvlth tliKiuiiliirnlini lor And nil nolnts In lliDdivat Wont OmicotliiK In ( iriiiiit iTiiinit | ) iiHitui | Uliloniro llli tlninili | tilling fur A' / : ir v o itc , n o , s : o jv , Anil nil K | < v\tii Olllni , At IVorlii with tliixHl < tmliiH lor linlliumji. ; oil * , OlmMiiimtl.OiliiiTf.'I'fjU ' ' nml nil IHIIIUH fn tliiiSinilli-Kiiil. At si , umla vvltli tinliiK lor nil luiliilx Syp\i. KU'itnnt l > ny t'ou'lica. I'm lor ( 'urn , ' rlliilnir. ( lluili-MBenin ( lix'i > ) , SinolMim t'ui-M'wiili llnvolvhiir I'liiilm. I'ulliimu I'uluco SlconliiK iliiu rum tlu-lr own tnilns I < IVM-OII ( Milenuo , l.lnooln nnd Donvor. nnd ( Mili-nuo. UunsiH Oliv nml Donvi'iThiMiiKh , -ni-s liotwi--n liulluimiMlU mul Coniu'll lll\uis \ < , via IV-orlii Solid Tntluit ol Klivmnt Hay Oonolip.i nml I'ullmitii IMlwrtSlPi'iiliiKfui-simu mi duily to nnd llxini hi. l.onla ; via llannllml , Uiilney , KiMUiik. lltirllUKlon , Pixliir IJanlds nnd All > i > it l.orttoM , I'aiil nuit Miino.ixiltl. | | IMllurtMra wllll Uivllulmr 'llllli : to unit livim HI , l.oiils nml . roorlu , Only oimoluuimMir osvrs IKMVVISMI ht , l.oiilHniiit lo MittniMi , li\\n , l.lnooln , .No. liKMkii , unit Denver , iVlurnilo U l nl > o tlio only TliiMiinU l.lno ln-ivMvii ST. LOUIS , HIinSArOLIS ? and ST. PAUL , _ II U known tin llw itnMI TIIKOruil ( " ' ' < ri0" ' " " lt MlliVl' 'xly | | lui Finest Sqalwcl naOri&d In tie Werld fa an elatsc : cf Travel. TlirvmRU Tlelip < r > vln Ihlstliio mr iwle nt n ! > " Vs.00"1 ? ' " ticket onioei In lUo United States tuiuttiiiiiiu " ' JvI < 0tTKI ! ' , , > ! - ! > ! * * Uto. M Western Cornice-Works , IKON AKD SLATK KOOnXO. C , SPECHT , PROP , tilt Douftat SI. Omaka , Kib. Balvamtea iron Cormcss } niB , RELIABLE nKE | , COl- Tlir tfiiitnlloi | ' tlin nl < plilcinlf * otninnrlilr , nn lin iimnl. ft K' ' ' ! " " ' ftlnrntltn , nnil n f\ \ rlflr fftr fnter ft nii > c , liiiliirrxtli l > 1 1 1 ft n n rtlTrf tin tliniiimlliiii.ncni iloMIIM , nin.lll tldllll MftltlCM , i < tAlill lii < < l n | iii I ponnil bniU of mi tlinn l cnt ) ' jin f'Xorlciiro , anil r no nmro lie Minl < liv llio'laptrnti n I limn of nriorlnnll prdcndi r , tlinnt uiorla > tniK Mil the wlii'l" ' ( lint n Cor Mv IM nil u * .nl til A l'.K * 0.1kln * 0tr , 1 It .11 IJ ! , lnk. Irf tt , .nj fc.w.r. r. iiiit Tiu A fc Jft'lf fr * r tit l \-Uil. , t/-.ur..c.r.ll. - , I'll./ Cl U HI' ' J. W.7Urr ll.'AlT , COLB AOEUI , at juto.tim-Ai : jf. y. l > | ioclally In Cliolor mfnntiim In tha line o lk'c'H Fund liiMlui 'tic ' , Mnii ) cane * muli lie cited whuro otcry n rlio liad filled Hid IMiliro'H l'oi > il IIAI xoritrUtlaridrotnliiiil Uy tlio ntrcnittli linimr > . ( land HH nuutrnl no 'Ion ' ( in tlio liiwelitlii ) ihynlclanlinitlieoiiftliU omn niicliruinedlcHni M cITctt porfcct ru tn Minn til llin piitloni tn neniui Knur ilrui , Mo , Oie 1.25 and $1,75 , Hold liy ilrniKlilx and limiiy K" > urn , No. 4 | 70 mint iiconomlcal lor futility iisu niiUliol. Health is Wealth ! v DR. ] ; . 0. WKIT'H Nrnvn ANII HHAIX TIIK NMK < IT , n iinrnnloed niicclllo for lljntorln , Dfnlnoiit'oiivul - IIIIIK , Kiln , Nonnm Nolimlula , lloidaclin , NrmMH 'ronlrnlloii ' caiivod ) > y lltu IIKI nl alcohol ( ir lolilinroo , I'rtkofiiliiiwi , MonUl iloiirorvli'ii ' , HoflonlnK of thu rain , rciultlnir In Innanlly nnd lenini | | ; lo misery , reay ntul ( loath , Pniinaliire Old ano , llnronvm , IOHI fie | urln cltlit'r HO , liiMiliiiitnry linnHPH nnd rJpcr- iatnrlinrnraiiieil hy ovcrcicrtlontot llio liraln , roll- IIIIKO orixcr lniliil i'iipo. Kach hex , rontnlim ono iniitli'it tic'atnioiit , 9lJOn ( lioxor xlx holtU < n fur 5.00 , lent hy nmllpropnld on rrculpt rf prlco. \Vi : ( IIAUANTKK ) HIX DUXKi nciirniiiycnuo. With oacli order received by UK ir nix hnttlo * , acaoiii | > llhud vvllli $5 00 , o will ii < nd in purcli < fr onr wrlllon ntoi ( to rotund llio icnoy If tliotrcntinontdnoiuiiit effect n onru. Uimr- iteoii lilted only by JOII.V 0 : Wl'.ST & CO. , jy SSmry ! HO'J tladlmin SI. , Uhlc.tir.0 , III. ( III KUIIlO " , 'MVl'UO-Vi , 1IKI.T nml ? - ' AITMAM'n nro ncnl nn : lnj ' Trial TO KN OSl.Y.OUNI1 OH Ol.l ) , win ? nro MitTrr- from Nmivinm DKim.iTr. IXIKT VITAMTT. AKTIiii WKAKNKMIICII , nnd nil lluwn dl.ciwrn nf n CIUKINAI , NATIIIIK. ri'Miltlnii fruni Anur.m nml niKit CAiinn * . HiMi'ily relict nml romiiloto torntlim lo HKALTII , Vmou mm Mtuiiooii LTAIIAKTICI-P. Hcuil al once for IlluitraUtl imiihlrt f n-fl. Ailnrriu ( H.TA1C tii.T UP. . Bliirxlmll. Blleh. $ 1,000.00 I $ lTHTibo | wldtunny ono who v\lll llnd a | rllil of Mercury , l'in | h , Imllnv , ArnoiiU' , or any I'ol ions sulmUiH'o In 'I Imvo nurd llloivl Tnlnt liy the imoof H Ill's clllo Mlur I liml inont Hlitiially fMktl\\lth thu Mer ry and I'otnull Tronlinoiil , K. A. TOOMKlt , M. 1) . IVrry , fla , 'Hwllt'ii Hx | > clfla IIM curwl ni uf StrolnUof 13 tra ntniullhir , Had norm nn larco n > my htviul , nnd ry om < tluniiitil I \\n * ilooiiioii. HnittV Hpoi-IHo roil inu ntti'rhj | nlolnim nnd nil iithcr ineilldno had led ' It. U 111(111 ( , tninokr , Ark. in nnn0"1'1 > ta- | ' rrli i > from no Int I W vUU Hwlll'n Hicdllo | lini d"no for mo. It ilru mo of HhoiiinntUiiiouiiod by nmlarla. " AHUI11K TIIOMAH , HliKllol | ] , Tolin. ir TrwUIno on llloo < l and Hlilii DlicMos mailed free TlllCHWirrHPKCIFIO CO. llran or ! l , Atlanta , ( la. < . Y. Om < v , HB W KilRl. , | ict ci'n Dili and 7th OII1IM I'llll.ilrlllllU Mllloo 10(1 ( ( 'hpotlllll ( . DOCTOR HITTER ! IU7 SI. ( Muirlcs St. , St. l.onls , JIo. riuUr KtnJuiit ( > rr ( , , Mi > .lirii ( Viirc * * * Ii * . lt rn Iciitfr CtfMIll 1h lH > lllUICKllnclll l > r rHHItNIl N ltlU .PhlH , \ lli , 'n KI..I.I , iliaii \it oih.r I'kj.lfl.nli , HI. U' U Plljr | < * | vr. h * Khil Nil ol.l If .lilritl. kttpw 'Jcrunu Proslrallon , Drlihlty , Menial nnd idcnl Wrnkncs * ; nnd oilier Alice. into ) , Skin or Uoncs , Ulooill'olsonlng , 1 Sorct nml Ulcers , < , > irtmo.i uh .in-.r.u | > i,0 . Arltlrifl Item InJIscroDon , Ciccss , pOStirC Or Inillllscncc , hl > h I KsWr r , > n. ft lh < l.ln ( Hrru hcKKiiMir , , . ,1,11111 ; , lnui | l of > liti | 1 , l fr U lu i crj ( imnlnrn llio ! > . i hi .If. 1 .Iff. , . > r > ltnl ( l .Mlfij ,11 Irmilr , r-ur 4 r IJ.M.riX. lulcrlnc M rrliico h"in.n > r or milmmtr. r rm m irT iilT.I rumfkld , x.tfrn | lli > nUir , > rnl ir 1r.l rntrii > l v r > i , < . > , l.ln- . . , ' , > , uluil n l r. h > rhj m llllu.lio < n.l VMIU r. < r tui UiMi < , , Positive Written Guarantee . , Knell. 1 > or Oi-tmnn , < M | > Ace , < ! . ril > lu above illira.f . u > male or fcmaU , rilKU. MARRIAGE GUIDE ! iu nn.n- , Till uA . A N v f r cn > i | itTM | it ,11. M , rt HVLi. J tr IU Jvlj. imported Beer } * BOTTLES. rlaugor , . linvat ia iilmbsclier , . Bn > nna ilsuor . . aiser. DOMESTIC. udwaiser . St , Louir. uhnuser. . . . . _ .St. Louis rue s Omaha. Ale , Porter , , Domestic and Rhine i'iuo. JED. MADRBR , I fl I a VarnaniSt . A an.tu4aJ.wvJ I ox ItftiU ituviTtie tu4 and Cuvt ttir. IHorlick AI \ r > u. * ivrv , fn * fivra IMbt Ctlfcti < * unuM ( K iixui IN THE VALLEY- Dow Imboflen Caplnrcfl the Nil Maryland at CliarlcstowD , H nl > r o tlml I/ooltml IMIIIR AN Fonco-ltnll ntul llrlulit H nn ICIcutrlo n Uoiulllciui. | "Tho Johnnies had nome pretty doi od tmart ofllcora durin/ / ; the war , " at llio tnnjor , when ho had cooled off nfl growling nl the hont , "and nome of tlu thnt did the moat cll'oclivo work wore i jnost the least hoard of. Imbodon ono of thorn. Ho wnn a smaslilng go noldior , had the true instincts of a cavi ryman , and wan aa much at homo in I saddle for a tlinjo days' ride to raid i outpost as ho would have boon plnyii bcnn poker for apple brandy in n croc roada grocery in the Shonnndoah mou taiim. "In 18M , when the army of the 1 * tomao chnnocl Luo's ilufpatod and sulk forces back into Virginia , Meade loft i Harpor'a Ferry only a nmall corps of ol Borvalion , jnatead of the largo force ko { there i-irovioiis for no bolter purpose tha for the robs to run out and gallop a uvor the country whunovor they took notion to do ao. Only force enough wn loft to watch confederate operations i -ho fair valley stretching away to th louthwnrd , and to guard the railroai roiu the roving , restless bands of ligh loroomun that kept things \vido nwak n that neighborhood. For ono of thoa > andn to reach the road and hnvo a brie iino to spare , meant a burned bridge o iti obstructed tunnel that would taki lays porhnps to rebuild or clear , am hut meant the devil itself aomotimoa 'ho force HO left consisted of the Thirty' mirth iMasaachunotts Infantry , n gnllanl egimont that had boon engaged before 11 racing up and down the Klionandoali rith Bnnko and other distinguished gen < rals of mnHtorly retreat , and had had liun no opportunity of showing what iota ! it contained , though , God rest loir bravo souls. ANY A dALLANT m.lOW 11AII TOO (1001) ( ) UIIANCKH ho next year. The other troops were iruo light batteries detached from the riny ot the Potomac , ono that had ueu with Avorl'l ' across 'ho mountains , id two six months' regimoutH of in- miry , besides which the Purnell k-giou : Alaryland cavalry. "In ( Jctobor , Oon. Sullivan had just iliuved On. Henry II. Lockwood , the ithur of the young ollicer who lost his To in the Arctic with Oreoly , and the rcu was then distributed ao thnt the intli Maryland and n tquadron of cnv- ry was at Oharlcatown , some dozen ilos from thu ferry , the Tenth Mary- nd and the throe Potomac baitorios lay [ > ng the high ground at the western lit of Maryland heights , across the Po- nmo , and the Day atnto men and the iventeonth Indiana battery woru on iliviir plain , above the town at the : ry "On llio morning of October 18 , not hour after sunrise , 1 had my batteries t drilling , when 1 heard nuns to the utlnvard , nwny beyond Bolivar , and ling out to thu redoubt nbovo the river , is signalled in a short time to come at eo with my command to headquarters , > 1 , Hevero , of the Tenth Maryland re iving the snmo ordorti. Igavo tlioaamo struotions to battery commanders , and triad oil'at once with a lloutonnnt and r orderlies , and in half an hour or ao ported. No ono yet know the trouble , t the lookout from Boliver heights lo- ted the firing nt or very near Olmrles- ivn , and Ool. Wells , of the Thirty irtli was atArted out , Minor's Indiana ttory , with which 1 wont , and Oolo's ttnlion of the cavalry accompanying. " \Vo aoon found out what the trouble is. Oon. .1. D. Imbodon , with n small -co of cavalry , perhaps 500 , and n sou- iiiof infantry , had started from Berry - 10 at - o'clock that Sunday morning , nrly twenty miles away , and marched Glmrloatovf n , where ho arrived about uriso and succeeded in surrounding i ) place before a singly ollicer or man lanvorcd thu least sign of his approach. Um'tkuow where the cavnlrymon were : ntcdj they certninly wcro not posted , t thu inf.uitry was located in the court- use yard , which was well inclosed with uvv bnrricado wall of stones and timber , ilu the courthouse and jnil , where old lin UroHii wns confined , tried and igod , h I.OOI'IIOI.Ktl KOU Ml'hKIITUV KIU1M1 boduu demanded a surrender but Col. upson of the Ninth demanded an hour consideration probably wanted to 11 his troops. Imbodon wouldn't have it and sent word thnt ho would give 3 miuutoa bi'foro he opened lire , and fised Simpson to send the woman and Idron out of the way. Simpson ans- rod gallantly , Make mo if you can , ' .1 tiring at onca began. Imbodon had > guns posted within two squares of j court house , and they were served 11 , as 1 found out Inter in thu day , sot \t in loss tlmn'tivo minutes our people t out into thu streets and tried to skip t for Harper's Ferry , .hut at thu go of town Imbodon's brother tuul \rry Oilmorrf mot thinu , and after fir. ; only ono volley our troops downed uir arms and surrendered not to a tin * i man , however , for Col. Simpson , his utoniint colonel , whoso name 1 don't xillect , and tivo other mounted officer * out , got through the rulvi and reached ilivor htMghU just about the time Wells \ hii mmand vroro well down the ipo tovranl HMltown , a little place ir miles w y. "ImKvlcn , with a half a dozen * hells rolley or two of CArbmo and pistol shots , d oontiderablo dash , had scoiiped in etty uo rly as many aa his own force irabervd. Our folk * wetts never very oud of that part of the day's work. "Well , in not inoro th n two hours af. r the firtt Rhot was fiusJ , Ool. Wells d pushed hit command e.o hard that we mped into Imbodeu , who had tnx-n stlljimprovinc his time in gathering ; etber hit pruoner * and the conndera- s quantity of plunder he had tecurwJ the v y of anat , ammunition , acoou. ent * and iuprJiet , and had started fa off to tie wathward on the Berry- .lepiVe to'apaf < of Afety , He had pectd a J1 froa the ferry and wu at ' ! e "By ihe line ve arrmd our nsen and * vfcr * preity veil knocked up by c thwri truwie a : vh eh the column had onp , for Welli VIA or and vend ) hare made a illuat inirV in the kittory of the war d he not teen X.fll < d a rr after tie ttle of Cdar Cwet While we were gfcd out I bodt.n * en and borsftt d retU-d , no that whea our guni were unlimbcrcd and began pumping ciuo-sl at him , hn quietly and easily look grou to the roar and look things quietly , i changing shota from his guns at int vain , and keeping out a good line of d mounted skirmishers that chocked c exhausted infnntcd and cavalry. " "It was not bcforo mailers begun warm up as a fresh supply of wind TI obtained , and the game began , and t lighting all that beautiful day was kc up in Echelon , almost as regularly as i French general of brigade was o.torc ing in taclics. A section of the bntto was litnborod to the front n couj of hundred yards At the gallop , suppoi od by a portion of the other troops , ai a hot engagement would follow for two ty , or ton , or live minutes , as the ca might bo. Imbodon resisting enough chock A continual movement forwardai , retiring as the other sections and pc lions of the command came up and passi on to the right or loft , so that for me of the time there was continuous fighlh ever almost ovary inch of the way fro Charlostown to a point a few miles bole Borryvillo , when the night came on nt the pursuit waa reluctantly stopped , was of no nao to go on , and not only Cc Wells , as gallant a man as over wo ; strap and sabro , but every oflicor an man in the command know it. Yet , t to the time the halt was sounded , ovci ROU ! had responded promptly to the o lent of ability or human endurance I every call mode. "Tho whole day's work was a slot chase , but occasionally , when Imbodc was prce.sod too close , and was in need < time to keep the prisoners and plundc safely ahead out of the way , ho steppe long enough to OIVK US A HIIAIir TAfAr. 01' F10IITIXO That allowed the motnl that was in him Once , late in the afternoon , nt a no in lomowhoro between Fnlrfiold ( blackamit ! mop , grocery , etc. ) and Borryvillo Minor had gone into batlery with all it ; uns in n rolling field off to the right o .ho road , where Tmbodou made wha .hroaloucd to bo n determined stand , a ho ground was all ho could have wisiiec or if ho had picked it out. < lnat in oui rant , crossing the open ground diagon illy from the pike , was n stone wal .bout three foot high , running along tlu idgu of a stoop crcok bnnkwhile beyond , luaror his lines , wns another wall , nome I'hat higher , and from that n gentle lope upward to his position , which W.IE uat nt the edge of n wooded lot , about ,000 yards away from our front. Uloac y our right , and 400 or 1500 yards from ho road , was n patch of woodland that 3omod to have been well linncd out , and , had a thick 2cond growth of scrub pine thai you so ften see in Virginia , and apparently im- ossiblo. 1 any apparently advisedly ) r I had ridden ever the margin t the woods and could see no trace of a > ad , either wagon or bridle path. The ana were well nt work , nnd ns Minor as short of ollicora I wna directing ono I his sections , when , with n whoop and yell , out of that thick undergrowth , n ttlo to the rear , came n couple of Harry ilmoro's equadronswith that dnro-dovil ibrour loading thorn , attaight down on i , every man with his aabro pommel at 10 thigh , and looking aa if there wns n hole division of thorn. It wasn't more lan fifty yards nway ; it didn't takulong r thorn to 'Got there , Joah. ' Oursup- > rt at the lima was ono of Colo's troops id two companies of the Twenty-fourth , id the rush wns so sudden and unlocked r an 'episode , ' in fact that the sup- rt gave way , and Gilmore made straight r the guns. I waa dismounted nt thu no , and actually , before any thing could i done , they rode right over and paat 0 guns. SA11KK.S .SI.AS1IIXO AND 1'ISTOLS F1UIKO. they wont. I had been tugging like * zoa nt my hugo revolver army pat rn , weighing aa much aa a carbine nl m but couldn't ' got the blamed thing t , nnd na Ihoy rode ever us a long-leg- d , rod-headed follow made n vicious ish at mo ever the wheel with his sa o. I promptly dodged under the muz ) of the gun , and ho didn't roach mo , .ich to my antisfactlon. 'Foura , loft lool 1' rang out , and back they came fore they could draw n breath with any Lisfaction , and when they did I laid : the son of n sabro thnt reached for j before , for 1 had got out my gun by is time and got around in rear of the sco by the trail. I didn't see my rod- nded friend , but happened to look up ildonly , just ns n handsome , dark- nistnched youngster , a boy in looks , , s making n 'point' to run mo through , irn my buttons , gentlemen , but if that jro didn't look as long aa a fouco 1 and as bright ns an electric light I'll my pay this month go into the con- once fund. It seemed to mo as if 1 it stood still n half hour looking at it. t that was just fancy , for 1 dropped I under the gun nxloandthe boy swept past. By this time the support had lied and bognu work , nnd in a second two wo wheeled n gun rcnnd as it > od , a stand of canister emptied a cou- i of anddlea , nnd the thiui ; was pr.ic- ally over. But it wna warm weather 1 the moment. As far as my own c.\- riuneu nnd observation go that dash of irry Oilmoru's was the handsomest ng of the kind thnt took placu during i war. You see , hu and his men know i ry blessed inch of that whole coun- , and had mat slipped around inir tlank an almost unnoticonblu bndlo path. 1 hko to run ncro. > s that young follow no time , if ho pulled through the war vo , and talk that over. 1 would like know just how hofolt when he thought had mo so sure. " The It-lull Political I'roUlcm. lc.tfioTimf Special. IrUh cootttutuiiiM gitttnr * are now angling publicly amnn ? them elve * . For iiUhi p. t tliotv w ft diioorxl ciioiusluu the HIS as tlu > M ho hid tlu < pn\lUroof ( nn > aio al IMO | > or two Ivlnnd the fceni\i wcro ly awAre ; lint tin ) discord a < alu thi-r and the outer world had llttlo or n its cUitCBc * . At | wit > nt , how- > r , the c mlvttnnU an- fighting In the ojvn It ) , niul it U not liitiiciilt to for * M > O that tvolh IHotmere long two dUtiuct i\ilt4fjil .T- oich of which \nll. of cvnr > o , "raUonal" tty or other . - nt or thihbolethk may l > it enlr rcra.\in > the future lo di-oo\ . The adxtictto of x > taat propnetAiy are inaklng no adt AIU- t rt-r tn the dirNtJo * tlu-v aim at. Var- in nt.\ry ftth andMathrnVite render them ita xi Jif > for tl > e atuioinent of any tical p.xvi to the cmintry ; hilo ir nu/rr / tion whfroe , whifh wtf % iici Vivlon with favor as bftmr ikelv to w-orV II. now tUndt c ntlminM in tht > ej > < of comx\cv iUTU.r > ju > ) p < - > it ulx-injc triM na > " < -\hor tnt mini ( M tb * hnit it The j nvant i\n > | MitiM * . ptntlc n , BWKWI\W , ufi , on U > Ikiti.h legiiiatMn for l. t-f tJrni iv ) U. Tttfv inupine ar - a toiiutpice U .t a IVitith bixueof jx-i U ! * the Uiitii- ! f - A * anjfhapft or f.rm arout iu A f < J. ral j > ir mest in O > 4h-f * treea u a phankHu lareJy AUt thix jjh aiurkv ok d , nd all Imt im- ttetriVil * fopi , a vlU-c'-tbe u p Outonlr ia < * the b li > t d treJ 1 R.IMto li > t fift f tbe s vummu d which he it o the iiyuni ] dtjiihi ni dMth aca dfirkntss Ix-low. Jlnmo rulf , in c > ycs of many of llc ) o "practical" slat men , H a c'o'Hl thotnof'ir p oU or eorri tlckl the fancy and oxoko tlio npplnurp of crowd at a tioiiilnr ) meeting ; but to thu Ir utilitarian it it "imply ideality , nnd noth more. Dnnlol O'Ciiiini'llwftsa poor simj ton for haxiiiff wanted so many years o prciiotn life In imrai < ing tha luntro-crowt Rpcctcr of repeal ! Isaac Butt was n m day drramtT when ho conceived the notion running for n homo legtnlaturp ! Ncitl Daniel O'Conncll nor Isaac Ilutt wns up the slumlord of the political colons nf I Ireland of today. Those dolmit wi-r the ir who ntrlppcd the Itlnh ( niixstion of all tl tawdry Bontimciit.illty which had hithortofi chirActorlzod It and brought It down to I nonsililo level of hard cash nnd bullion. Th taught the people- not ti ) put their minglr lions Into liny ilangunmi di order by "roinc bcring the Ktoriex of Brian the Brnvo. " T dreamt of love nnd the lessons presented Kniinot in thu dock wcro ritlicr adroitly norcd or vnfrucly hinted nt ns , perhaps , wort the attention of n future generation. 1 war-cry of ' 'IIIKI.ANDKOIl TIIK HUSH , " L'avo way to the loaeuo-whoop of "Pay Kent ! " A learned luchbiihop of thu south friend nnd philosopher , if not nhvaya t ? uldo of the ngitatorH , Becmod strangely ni lncon iitontly ononRh-eagor lo supplant ( i d'rcctly ' , of course ) the sermon of the Mast on thoiuomitby the hard , dry , calculatlnfjai matter-of-fact doctiino of , Iohn Stuart Mi throiiKh hh lelteraltd otpression of oplnii Lhat tlio ultima thule of Irish patriotism co eisted in the good feeding and the clothing .ho Irish pooplot Ono may talk as ono will : hii limtcnalimi present on the continent ni rcnurally Inculcated ns well as i > ractlced 1 , ho nthoisU or by others who had thtow Christianity altogether o\orboaiilj but I nml lold to say that continental matorialmn w ; nero than rivaled in its intrinsic Intensity the ho materialism of the Into laud loapu Viid although the force of thnt ngit ion hns spent itself , the powerful inovemoi f a few years no bi'tuc ' ; snpercedod by lekly , coiiBiiinntivo organization , the ochoi ftho old socialism nio still hoard botilncs I lie land , nnd the present leaders , who nro n o the Icaderaof the ngrnriau revolt ngaini out , are inoro or loag imbued wlih this crnri vhich , intensiliod as it is with universal UU liatiism , sinks the idea of country in the get : nil idea ol the progress and prosperity o ; he human gpeciv-i. I must , however , in al idstico give the advocates of penvint proprlet : redlt for ono thing , : they are not alllicted s < iiuch with the crai-e n.s the land nationaliza .Ion nentlemcn , who think wi.h Mr. Henr ; tcorge mi the social pioblvms of the hour rhuforiiu.T aim simply nt det-tiojinj ; land ordism as it nt pteseute\' , and lejilachi ) t by l.imllordiam of another kind. When u < now hnvo Inndloids by the thousand vu would liavo thorn , under the now contcm ilated nrrangemonts , by the hundred thous .nil. Such a chnngo would dimbtlcsilv bo on or the better , but it is utterly impossible o Uninmont so long us Iiolaml's destinies nn nidcd from Westminister. The laud nation liz.itlon I'ontlemoii want no landlordlsn , 'hatover , sa\o that of the state. They press ss to believe that the government shoulc old the land for the people of the country 'hu Irish contingent uhoso political evango i Mr. Goorfta's "J'rogross and 1'ovcity , " liav < iken care , howoter , not to fa'.l into the blnn or of proclaiming tint the laud of Ireland be mes to ) juio to the Biitish governiiieut. Isoi o they e.spress n desire tj fee tint land belt y that goveinment fer the Irish people , 'hoy ' accept , so fnr ns I am nwaro , Sir. eorce'sdoctiines absolutelybut not at all rel- iively. And , in oiik-r that the nationalization etxl should ho preached with elTect , it is , of mrs" , nccesfary for the apostles to assert that ley cannot hope to p.iin tlioMicd for object their labors until homo rnlo is first won , id nn Irish government tits in Dublin castle. , follows , therefore ( or , more coiiectly speak- p , it should in n logical son e follow , ) that itM > social reformers would bo federalists or ilionali-ts first and laud nationalization ad- ic.ites afterward. But it strikes ono by 0 conduct that they nio nut. They nro do- iting all their cnoigies to the study and opogatinn of abstract ideas r.iistd in > rogre.-s nnd poverty , " while they are doing ithnig to load their country ono -top nearer T I.FI.ISL.VTIVK INDKIM'-XIIKNCK. thatindepondonce is the eino inia nnn of cir ultimate Access , and , as they confess , eonly mediciuo through whicli they can ipa to bring the land nationalization theory to the d < main of practical politics , w hy do oy not attempt to make one supreme elfott aiii t KuglMi rule in the courts ? Why do oy waste time nnd i-trongthiu ilijcussiuptho vantages of the new philosophy ami h e eimohosin contemplation whilothe moment r action is nt hand ! I trust that these gen imen will see their way immediately to join LI national ranks. The cause of Irish nation- , y , such as wo all understand It , from tha ys of St. hawronco OToolo , of Dublin , down the proicut moment , ohould ! the eolo ob it of our toil and htruggle in the political sna. In Ifttter times it has unfortunately mi somewhat s-helvod aside t4 > make room for stanl principh's and I'topian projects which \o diverted the attention of the Iri h froin the true ] urt and the one true M of their hopes nnd ambitions. Class in- ostn were taken up and defended where d when these of the nation should only bo jsidereil. Agrarian agitation had the cllect putting the Irish national question in thg ckgromul , ns ptrliamentarianism is * oekino do just now. The tierce , \\ild whirl of the nd Iveafno eX > ch is , however , now past and ne. Strong and well cemented ns that rarian movement was , it nilod on the con- tutional linen maikod out for it * * ptcii ul.inee. Ir Muvt or. not pofso sini ; one 1 th its strength , can have no hope of M-ur r a triumph , nd la fast lu'comlng a ridieu- is f.iiluro. Vciconnd pen have been hke le in solving tliti Irish land problem. With h fa-ts before them , Iri-hmen should plan- c 'iilidencn ' in any constitutional ngit tion ataycr. And ns reganN the. pn eut di i - i in the r.inks of the titers , I do not fee why tt mid Iv looked on at all vrith any- ng like regret. Uather > honld it Iw hailed in omen of hope for tlio future. A hmi e iiiixl against iUelf must fall to the ground ; I the -cKvner agitation , with all it prurient up * and worthless work * , totters to the mud the hatter will it be for the i inseef ih u > tuni.ility. With It vUll collap > e the ekeiy of plntiormclaptrap with itsnpo tlfs the UM.V Inrgs and tall tilfc ; the cant 1 humbug of parliamentary delusions ! the mption tint has. twn f lowly but turely ing iU way for -ome yean p.t into the fibers of the enantry , and the hugo , m fanv of slagi > display , imano i > opulatitv. 1 herotci of tha Don ljuixoto pattern whu'h .obeon . the Ivino of Ireland dining the vay rxich | we Inva pi ed tlmnigh finco niMil-m was shorn .f much of its power 1 inlluence. For this bine we are at last a portion to find AS ANT11X1TK. . 3 that antldota i > ami mint l > e a thorough iti.lenre in rvvolutionary principle * , com- iOil with a rr-olvo never a im to have n- ir > flto agitation to tettlo .mr diTerenei ! > > ; h Knglaml , m.vimich AJ wo have found M more to our cc tth t agitation has been bitu-rett and mot cnra ; th&t it has re nothing fate to create dfmninvme * many whom ha\ played on the < ntidene8 of a i cnnlulouh roopla in order to ( wtablish nrtUej surgly m gix > d jxtMtioni and am.v * cruin amount of the orld' wealth by o.iil i.ifle onitory and mch like bun- nlxTo thu advocate r of tbe p < a.sjint pro- etary , a well t. > thee who uphold the mer of Mr. Henty liwrse , let the Iruh innihtt y . "A plague on both your [ tn at liinjj at. von ivmaln without a n.i lal cjini ] > , iu uluoh alone you can be found h for yuureAimUv'r vv o and wll ground- hrtjx1 of her ultimate Kilvftton. Your Mow.ty't pill * and coitmnu have prvvven ; iii-iciou > lulhop-vtt a * they will prove > > in lh fntuio , C * M U > be ni to l > e jvauiou ! " lifts ar * fre nentlr lvrec JM by a * * a c ! ght tn he Kv.V. hvini and lovrervu1 \ of the kMr.ea.CAiuinfr the ivaUent to ruppttsa he ha * i * ailivtion ol the Udn y * or cfttfhtxvrinp an * . At time * , tyia tomt of iudi eUcm { vreMct , a * fiaturncy , nno&tinest of the avach , ( to ; A moUtcre HVa ivrrpiration , lU-inv turtSeu- during AMT dItvreAabie - y at night aftw cettitv vvirm in Wd , iu \ corcnwn attendant. lut m .lt Kiu rcal I Itching IMnf yinld at enc to th app ica- i of Dr. BoiauKivV 1H1 K niekr , hlch vrtt i > ctlj- urn the parU a f < v-t .l , absorbing the aoi * , alu > yirv th int u lu-hlnc , and ti- , ting a ivnuanAnt rare whew other rease-1 i h r f idled , IXv not delay nctil the drain I the f > trv It and ( w ctttvl. ' Schnt r & BchL I Trkda B-ippUsdbr O. F Goodman. ' I -THE g BEST TONIC , Thli mcdlclno , combining Iron \\lth ptiro ycgctaiilo tonics , nitlrkly nnd mmtil J'nrcii llvoiicpiln , ImllKeMInn , nml NriirulHln. It is an unfallimr rcmcJy for Diseases of the Klilnrj" nml I , Ivor. H is Itivnlimblo for nlscntcs peculiar to Women , and all who lead fcdcntary lives. lldocs not Injure the teeth , cnmehcadaclic.or proilticq constipation other Iran mcilicinn < to. It enriches nnd purifies the blood , stimulates tlio nppctlto , nlds the -lmllatlon of food , re lieves Heartburn and Ilclehing , nnd strengthens - ens the mtwlcs nnd nerves. Tor Intermittent rovers , Lnssltmle , Lack of l.ncrpy , Ac. , It has no cijnal , v 3- The Rcnulno has nbovo trade mark nnd crossed red lines on rapper , Tnke no other. B , I oniiij nmin.Miit.nuAl. to , ntLTlnniiK , no. .ChartcredbytheStateoflll or thccxprcsspurpo Rail clironlc. urinary nnd pi $ vate dlsccss * "ononrKr * Gleet andbyphilisinnll the complicated forma , also c diseases of the Skin nr Eloodiiromptlyrellevednr pcrmnncntlycurcd by remi dtcs.testidln n fortv\'tn\ \ t-iwcloll'rnctlrr. Semln Weakness. NiR.n Losses by Dreams , Pimples o th : I > acc , Lost Mnnhood.jxisJ/iYr/j/rilrof Tltei imii > cx'ci-l > ti-iiliiii. Th : appropriate tc.r.fd is At once used In each case. Consultations , pel umal or uy letter , sacredly confidential. Hed ' / nis sent bv Mall nnd Express. No marks o 3oc aae to Indicate contents or sender. Addres HB.jAMES.No. 2U4Wa3hinojon Gt.Chicsgoll iinrlfjMno BLOOD.Topt. latoi llio LIVER anil KIDNEYS. llllil Jfr..TOllE TIIK 1IEAX.T1I nnd VIGOR of YOUTH. Dy * . pepsin. Want of Appetite , ni- ( IlKcstlon , Lack ot Strciifrtli , mnrjlre > 11-1iitabsoltitcly ! cured. Eon > 3 , muscles anil iirrresrpv > vo new force. L'llUi'M ? tha iiilml uml , . _ . supplies Hralu 1'ovvcr. * < rij SmiY-rlnglrom complaints Im jTjicciilli'.rto their sox will lad In DR. ( ' .CTER'S IRON 1'O'WO n tnta nnd " ndy euro , tillrcsa clear , iicMtljy complexion. Frciiiienl attempts at ( "vn toifpt.jng only add o tlicpopiilarltyoflho orlplml. Do uot vxpurl- acut jrvlIlia OIIIGIXAI. AND HF T. ft Send jour ndtlre 9toThol > r. llnrter Ted Co. S t. Louis , Jlo..for our "DREAM HOOK. " . V > t allot etmnguQud useful information , free.J ( Faculty Prize Medical College of Ohio. SPECIALTY ? ILES , FISTULA , And other Diseases of the Anus and Rectum. 20 S. 14th St. Cor. Douglas OUAIIA , NEB. cvood and fttf ARIGOCELb ; SirK. . ; . . . . . mVV.i..u . , y > . ' " deuce ot Lite , unly l\M \ BY MAIL POSTPAID. MANHOOD Jihatutod Vitality , Nerroni and Pnnlcal Debility imatnre Decline in Man , Eirora of Youth , an the told miseries c ultlng from Indiscretions or ex seg. A book for every man , yonnj , middle-aged , iold. It contains 1S5 prescription ! for all acnte 1 rhronlc < ll caK9 eacbone of which is invaluable found by the Author , whose experience for 23 in la such aa probably never before fell to the let env physic an COO paRW , bound In beautlfa mcnnmslln maossedcovors , rail frtlt.iniarantee bo a finer work n every enw , mechanical , lit- ry and proteIon l , than any other work sold In I country lor 2.60 , or the money will bo refunded sverv Instance. Price only $1.00 by mall , iK > t- d. Illustrative sample 6 cents. Send now. Odd dal awarded Ihe author by Ihe National Uedlcal > ocUtion , to the officers of which ho refers. TieSdensoof Lllesbould be readbr tne yonnf ln truellon , and by the afflletod for relief. \lllboncfll all. London Lancet. Tisre Ii no member ol lociety lo whom The Sd- of Life alllnot be useful , whether youth , r" ' . caardian , Instructor er clerpyman. Arjronaut. , ddr fi tbe Pe body Medical Inntltnte , or Dr. W. Parker , No. 4 Bulflnch Street , Bsetcn Maes. , who v h > consulted on all dl ? a < < e reqalr'i ! ; skill and xrim : . Carcnlcaudobstlnatediseai. sthathave tlf.l tbe skill of all ether phys-IIPfl I dam 'periillji ' Saca IreAted TOoxvw.ntRL fully h.ut an initince Ullnre. TUVCpj C OilAHA NEBRASKA. The scbcJutlc ytar commences on tne First Wednesday in SeDtemlier , i courts ol instruction embnv- alt the Elemcn r aad higher branches ol a CnHheJ eJucation 'trtafe of Helipon Is no cbftitle to the t4al - i of younc iMlot. IVpUi are reoeiveJ at any of the i ear. 3RHS PAYABLE IN ADVANCE ludlnjr IVsirvl , Waihinp , Tuition tn EnH ; h au J cell , uw ot books. Piano , | - r erdonof ve Months , $1 50.00 XTRA CtlAROKS-Prawlnir , PalsUc ; , Otrtai r\ Violin , tiuiUr and Vcxi.1 Muiic. ferencM are reoutred from all persons unknow he Inttitutlcio. Vor fuitctr information applr HLBRASKA LAND AGENCY . F. DAVIS & DO , SUCCESSOR TO DAVIS ft WfTDZB. ) Gintra Cdldili STATE Wi OM1HA. rprotM taraj tor uJt In DoocUt , Baic , CVi ; i t.B5irt , taalnc , Sarpj. HMttofWa , nJ r * . and B = U r Ooattiff. kiM rU tn aU rft o ! the Stilt. arwv l.iao J on itcf rcrtvj tint * . * ry J-aMii a ! rayi In [ . Amelia OFFICE AND RESIDKXCE1 117 Dodge St , - Omaha TELETBOXC Ss lit Owing to the increase in our business we've admitted to the firm Ur Edwin Daviswho is well and favorably niown in Omaha.This Bill enable us to han- lle an increased list > f property. We ask hose who' have desi- able property for ale , to place the same nth us , The new firm 7 ill be LEAL ESTATE BROKERS. 13 South 14th St. ' \ Mi I *