Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1884, Image 1

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The Ro-Union at Fremont Proving
Great Snccess ,
Mayor Oleland lelivors ) the Ad
dress of Welcome ,
Ho Recounts the Story of the
War ,
Captain Palmer Responds to His
Address ,
Ho Describes the Fremont oi
Twenty-five Years
Hon. G. W , K Dorspy and General
Atao Address tlio
Special Dispatch to Tun Br.K ,
1Y.I.VONT , Sept. 1 The reunion ( s proving a
grand MUCC'SS , Keguhr and special trains
\vcre loaded again today and from prcsen
piospocts it would ba s fo to nay that tlio
prophecy that 50,000 people nnuld bo in at-
tomUnca here is liktly to bu reali/od , The
iurning over of the ciinp wa1- the main feature -
uro of today. Mayor Cloland delivered tlio
address of welcome , which was in good ln ti
nud we'll received. Below are a few of the
extracts :
"In 1KI this natimi was confronted will
the astounding and startling proposition tha
a number of the states avould no longer rocog
nii-o the- supreme authority of the Unitee
St.ites government , would no longer yioh
obcdionco to the constitut on adopted by our
forefathers , or to the laws enacted by the pee
pie of the United Slite * , but would
wminuuv AMIIOUM A Ntw > Mi > T
bused upon the Cu'Loini ' doctrine of state
rights , having as i primaiy object the perpet
uation of slavery within its birders. The in
auguration of Ab'-ih un Lincoln . < .s president
of the United States WHS tha sign d for the in
auguration of n civil war , which was destined
to lie long and bUtei ; destined to m iko doso-
lata many n h ipiiv home ; destined to mike
in my a wife's and mother's heart bleed : des
tined to make ninny a noble and patrii tic tni
At that time no man could f loiall the magni
tnde or dmation of the war tlut was to follow.
No man could furct-11 iho lives xvoro ti
be sacrificd , ihd Biiiroiingj and privations th il
were to be endured , thu happy bines thai
wore to bu des jute 1 , tha ilifasU-r ard
tition to bo wrought in a beintiful , iud pros-
perom countiy. Alas' How ir my of thosa
who put on the blue and bady l.irowell to
kindred tie * ho sleeping beneith thu southeii
hod. How many nor them homes mourn the
the loss of a futhei , husband , son 01 brothei.
.and the nation tajoiced lejoiced nt the sur
render of Ilichiiiond rejoiced 5 tbo el so ol
a bitter struggle rej 'iced at the .return t <
then home' ot the snivnois of the Graue
Auny of tbo ItsM'iblic.
Si < thousmd heirU m the city of Fremont
are filled with gratitndo to tbo Guvnel Army
of the Republic , .Six thousand biarts ma
open to bid > ou vvolconm today. Tiuonili ;
the instiuiiicntibty of ' McL'hei < on" post No
I , wonro b inored bv your | iiesunco On their
behalf , auelonbiiialf of tbociti/einof'Fieuiuiit ,
I W. ' TOD wi iCOMI
and extend to you a eoidid greeting ; 1 c\
tend to yon the freedom nf the cuj , and 1
a siue you tint 16 is the . of every citi/i n
tlut thn reunion will bo sucti as to bo remain-
bured with pladsuro by oieh and ; illtf you so
long as bfo lists Tm addles of welc mi )
was rescinded to I y C.iji'aiu ' Palmer , depart
ment cjmiiiinder of tbo ( ! . A. 1 ! . Iio said
' 'llio Grind Army of tlio llpptil/lU of No
biatka and their iiiemls buvo muvchcd on
foot , in w.vous mil hj rail t > lay sio/o to the
eity that twenty hvn jeirs ago vvhei1 1 first
c.ama heie stood as the
oni'ovr bicKicrrvTios
wc t of tha Missoiiti. At that timt accoid-
iug to "Olnys" nowbst m ips within tbo toi-
ritoiy known as the gieat Amoiieau des-erc.
This was the jumt when tLi von
tme nmopl intman , ilia Piku's 1'eak and the
California gold seeker bidi goodbyoii ) civil-
i/ition , [ test 10 nl 'iiic ! piistiilliccs , telrgiaiih
lines , homo , fnoiuls nnd the old luo-ido.
IJveiithing that suivnd to w irm tLe h-irt
sivothe luring trouL-jrons Oed of fortune
weio left lul.'nd ind buyond this point tow ml
tlis weatern any all vv.u'.u blank as UK v-ouly
n few traiUiig mid mihtuy poits
nih vr.v-ii
Kellect ; the nriival of vlfiloi * at tint camp
Uilav will muia than numbc'i tlioentii ) ul
population of N'ebraskii I3 ! ago. After
thanking the mijor and people of Kro
inont foi their p oimse of a vieik's pltj'.uri' ,
mil in bib ilf of llio boys to behave .them-
selves asjioldiors and citi/m ho give thoin
the " ( ! od blcsivf u" and retired , In tUMiing
nor tha cmip , H > u. ( ! . \V. I Doisey ilohv
erod auaibliiHs , v/hich was iseiMinded tu by
tbo new coiiui mil , r , .lolm M. Tliayer.
Cimi ] hu 4 will Lu the order tom lit.
Mining Triiiili'ps ,
Co.vt , CfSWiP , Vc. , Soptoinbtc 2. .Sheriff
Chamlxiis airivodluut night. lir will remain
t < i bee that ifipln protectiou i given to all
who il'tiie t ) work. The htrikoi * made no
attempt to interte-pt any niii-nuionuts on the
wuytowcrlc K\IKU \ Satirdav. Jt is thought
tlmt ninny will mail themselves < if thosherltf' *
pre enr tojeturil ti the mined. j > > tioublo
U auticipatixl
Coi I'llliUi , Ohin. fiep. ! ( . The fcitiatiun at
tbo imnrs tovj.ay M the vie t ipiiot uf any
tiroeincotLi strike btn'iu No damaffe to
rjer'on 01 property rtiMilted from tint of
Kiturdav nig t The governor has oid red nil
militia winch were In H for moving order. . , be
dlitnissod for thmoment exe-opting Co. 1C. of
DelawarP , which lll bo taken In tlm n ttit >
of tbo minus this Ixj used at dlf-
W fcrnnt points of the tailr a'J.
CISONSAII-qit. 2 The Tmiflfc Star CJre. .
( Ohio ) , Hpechil sajf Kverything Is imet , |
lieio > 'o attack anticipated in the
f day tlm- . About one Imudri'd 6trlki M moved
on Huchtol last night and fired on the gu mis ,
The fire WAI rotnrnod and the strikers lied.
Nn c-asunUIos reported. Three hundred mill-
t\\ \ reached Iho valley last night and vvero
placed at Snake llollow.Sand Town and 1 eng
stretch The strikers icport seven VM'imded
in the attack at Imngstri tell Sunday night
two fatally. Uridges w ere threat ! nt d and a
patrol train was run all night.
I'mMH IM. , Sept. U. Sheriff Chnmbors
called at tin- camp this afternoon and notified
the strikers that ho would not peiimt nny interference -
terferonco with the men who wanted to work
and assured them that as lotu ; as they kept
within limit ) of thn law Iio would not disturb
them. The Hungarians who anlvid at
Courtney jcsti rdaj did not go to work today.
The miners will r'stablUh ft camp at tlmt
point tomoriow and trj to pemuiKle the fur-
titfiieis to leave the Monoiigahola Valley ,
hUMMISU bl'OlllS.
Tiio Onr.
Lou H.I , M MS. , Kept. 2. The three mile
hnndieip race between John Tvomrr , of Me-
Kecsjiort , IV , ntiri ( icoigo II. Hocmei , of
Hoeton , was rowed this afternoon onllajfgett'd
I'ool , Andovxi. Thoeourtowas divided into
stretchc'i of three quatttrs mile each. A
handicap of livosccond ) ttirt was given lies-
mer. 'iheiv were i o stake ? , the agreement
being to divide thogatn money , two thirds to
the winner anil one thud to the loser. Tlieio
was a 1 uge attendance of o irsinoa and sport
ing moii. The vvoathei was very propitious.
It W.H nearly five o'clock when the oarsmen
dicw into line for the word. It lucked 1 mm
nts nnd 38 se'comU of hvo , when the refcice
R.mi the wind , * ' ( ! o" to HoMiier and live o-
ondi Inter when Tcviuer stnrtttd. Ilosmer
took the water b idly , nnd by the time Teenier
wnsunder way there vtrro but two lengths
cleat water between the boats. ILosnier
t.vrtcd with a 31 ! stroke toTtemei's HO. IJoth
men steered wildly at fiiet , but Teemor rapid
ly owrh inled his opponent and turneil the
stake on ovm torms. Then Toemer began
steadily to pull away from llosmer , who al
nady showed signs of weariness , The nnlo
and .v lialf stake was turned by Toemer in Sl.fii ,
with Ilo3inor four lengths behind. Thcro Hos-
mer , in turning too short , fouled the anchor
line of the stake boat , but Toemor waited for
him to gotcloar. On the third quarter Tie
mer increased his IcadaudturnedUielaststako
nearly ton lengths ahead. Then llosmer s | nrt
ed nnd nearly closed the gap , but when with
in a qu irter of a mile from the finish Toemoi
also spurted , forging his boat ahead and fcik
ing him acro-s the Jmo wimiT by ono length ,
in 'JJI8 : ; lloimer tbie-oEoconds slower.
Tlio Turf.
MiNXEArott , Sept. 2. At the Minneapo
hs fair this aftcinoon .Tay Kyo-Seo nttemptee
to beat his re cord of S.lOatNarragansctt park
Tlio gelding was in good form , but , tlie tracl
was very cuppy and slow , and the wind blow
a peifeet gale. The inside of the track was
particularly bad , so that Bithers had todrivo
on tha outside. A mile was trotted w ithout a
skip in ! :1SJ : , which , umler all the adveiso
( iicuiujtmces , is regirdedas.i remarkably fine ,
perfoimalice Itis.agued that llie Mliinoi\ \ > -
oiistiackis at least four sccmJs slowoithn
the Chicago track. Agreatciovd was pies
cut and cheered the hurjo and drivei entliusi
a > .tically. .lay Kyo-Soo will lopout the at
tempt to-mono\v.
siimi'KKM ) liHACKS. .
SiiEEi'iiFD IJu' N. Y. Sept. -luck good
Three cpiarters nnloall axe-s Little Alimh
won , Mammoiut 12nd , .Mm Kcnwiclc oJ ; Time
1:1" ) .
Handicap swcop'taks all ages I' ' , miles
Sv/inoy won , -Muuiloi 2nd , Ku-cuia 3d ; Tiirc
2,3'J. )
Tbrie qu utors mile purse maidm twoye-ar
-Kjscijvnuo won , okookh 2ml , r.lginKel
Time 1:17.
TrtiiCity liRiidicapj mile and quiiter
Tom Mai tin won , Kicliinond linJ , 1 red a 3d
Tune 1.57.
JNlile and furlong pmso cllincr Lilbo B.
von , 1'iescott Uiid , Ki.inklm 3d ; Tune l-r)7. )
Steeple chase short cum HO ISourko Coch
i an won , Voltaire 2nd , Chirle'imgi'O 3d
Time I'li. I .
Base Hall.
At Columbus Louisville. 2 ; Columbia , I.
At Toledo. Toledo 7 ; Cimanmiti il.
At liiltimoK ! . ( Uinuiio ) St. Louis , ( i ; lal !
ti'iiore , 5.
At J'rovideuco VioviuYnce , 1 ; Jiiiirtlo , 0.
At Boston. ( Unious ) Boston 2 ; J'ltts
birer , I.
At N.MV York Chic IRO , S ; New Yoik. 3.
At Washington ( Unions ) Nation IK ! , fi
Kans is City , 2
At Milwaukee Winona 5 ; M dwaukee ( j.
At 1'ittdmigAlb any 1 ; Virgin i 2
At Now York. Brooklyn I ; Metropolitan *
l > .
At Indianapolis Indiai apoli" , 2 ; St. Loui" ,
' '
'At 1'hiladolphi i. Detroit 11 ; I'lnladilphii
At Wilmington , N. C. ( Unions ) Cincin
nati , 2 ; vVilmiiigton , 3.
At Boston. IJustou I ; Clouland , 1.
A.KI ( cultural Implement IMnnulac-
turcrs In Comicll.
C'lic'ALO , Sept , , ii. A well attended meeting -
ing of plow and cultivator Manuf.ictmen of
the northwest was iieldheio .today. Among
ntliorii lopiesonted 'vcie the Wen , J'okin , Moline -
line , 1'eoii.i , Widton , 1'eru City , Morrison
and Illinois comp.ame's , 1'crma.Mi lit orgmi/u
tion was foi mid , butitifcopo js not yet fullj
dcteruincd , The prencipd object is to pie
vent what the meinbeis turn imduo compel !
turn. Ic was voted to ho'd animi'l meetings In
the futuio. TLo fnllov ing olheers w ie elrct
id President , 11. T. Noble , Wixon , Ills.
Victi 1'jerfideiit , .1 I ! . MOIIHOD , l''t. ' MudUou ,
Iowa , hccictnry. A. I ! , liivant , Mohne ,
Ills. Tre/i'luer , ,1. Hnriev Budlov , Clucigo.
Adjournment was taki u till the see und Tues
day in Dccembei , vvlan tbo coinu'dleo on
count ! tutu in and by-lawn will bubmil then ie
iicotrlcnl ; Kxldhltlon.
Pun VDH.HJIA , 1'a. , Sept. 2 TinInterni
ti mil Klectrical oxhihnion , tin liiitt in Ainer-
cii , wjs inaugurated today. I'rrmdcnt Ar-
thin , vvlxi v\as un ible ( w s < i t nt tlio opening
cori.niumtM hw wi itt n . < Ictti r expu sslng his
nti it' < t In the exhibition , nil I a promUo to
vihit it dining it < { iroxii'Hri. Tito m ivoi v.el-
nmcd tint guests to thetitv , mil l'iufo < snr
/ntliani delivered an inaugural .iddiehK. A
grand HIIIXC 19 indicated.
Dry ooilf.
NMI Youi. , Sept tl Dry mual to
Pni'Mlay have lon in lebs demand , and while
or mn i ulnturi there ILLS hot n a guod order
rado , viith good linsliion completed for sta-
ilc.- , the reipirht wan leis activt' , tliwigh in brown cultima them b.u boon
.argor nalcs. ,
Logan Receives Euthiisiastic Greetings
in the Badger State.
Vermont Elections Result in Re
publican Viotoryi
A Close Vote at Little Rook ,
The Elaine Libel Oaso at Indian
Connecticut Democrats Nominate
Their Ticket ,
ConxcntiotiH Riul I'ollllonl Gatherings
o ( Lessor Note.
VotltiR Vcrinontcrs.
r.lKMSOiov. Vt. , Sept. 1 ! . The election is
passing oir quietly in tliii t-ity. The registra
tion is the 1 irge < t over Known , A full vote ia
being pilled in the county , l.oeil content *
are bringing out all the voters , ami indications
favoraiopublic n majority as laigo nt foui
yoai ago.
lHio\\sl'Aii.s. ) Vt , Sept. U. This and
neighboring towns show u full vote. The
democrat * aio pollingu frm ticKeti ii'ccivtd
from Urattleboro , with the IIIIUICH of i'do-
pundeut candidates for governor .ind lieulen-
.int guveinor. Iiuhcitlons aio for inoic than
an aveugo straight icpublic.m voto. , Vt , Sept. 2. A largo vote
is being polled hero and in adjacent to win.
A biglightisln prospect foi repiofontntivp ,
as there aio four ciudiditcs the ttvo leading
ones btlng of about iqml streiigtli.
WvrKimim , Vt. , Sojit. L' . Indications
heio show aropiibbciii majority of piolublj
" 0 per cont.le)8 th m m IbhO.
lu IJuxbury .1 full vote i < iK-mg cist , with
soineindlcttions of a uductinuin icpubhc.ui
JIosTi'hUKn , Vt. , Scptemlier 2. Notwith
standing , i "lack canvass , itis believed n prot-
y full vote will bo polled , 'in day's vote w ill
bo compared with that of uovornorin ISbO ,
when lepublicius poll -18,000 , democrats21-
000 and gieenlni-lteu 15,000 The pioenbnck-
cm and iinlroudonts | both Imvo ti < Let ? . The
independent ticket is Identical with the ro-
pubhcau except govtruor and lientonant gov
uruor. Iksidt-s the stito ticket two membpiH
of congrossand iiRinbars of tholcn'i l itnro will
bo olettod. The now legislature v\ill oleet . ( .
atictesior to Senator Mini 111. The Int loain-
laturo hid 150 republican majority on joint
TJOICUU \VmuoiiHlu. .
Sin los .TLN ( TIOV , Wis , , Sept. li. A crowc
of about ! i,008 peopJo accompanied by a biass
bij'J the depot at WaukcHha togiect
Goueial Logan as { < ud through oil bis
way to Modipon. ( Jeueial hj au btiui ? callec
fpolvobuctlj. As the tram moved elf tlio
baud played "Mp.rciiiug thro' Georgia" amidst
mucli GnthuniuHin. At AVhito Water an en
thnsia-it'o ' crowd of 1,000 people gathered at
I ho depot. Many ijeoplo were on top UK
hou-ts In the vitmitv. 'Jhq train ft ippn
nbouc ton nnmiti s , mid General L"g.m w as
uilloii np > n to nuke .1 xiietch. ll ( > hiiilv ] (
with ( . .irnestnc'.s , calling upon the pun
plo to Mippmt thoii > piiblican pirtv , and time
by nibiiii the continu uico of their prospeuty
Jlis lemarks iefeienc.0 to thb innnlieis
iml prospouty of foreign bom citiVens of Wis
cousin vvin rrc > ived with applau1by tht
ciowd , ngiut p irt which vvcra natuiali/n
Mll.w MUZJ.MVi- pt. - Ivun. Logan
and party airived hi ro this .iflernuoii , oniuiitu
to Madijoii , to attcu 1 tl.e Kpu'ihcan ' stili
convtution tomuriotv. Theio v > as agieii
cioudattho di pot. Cien. Liyan .ippomi :
upon the platform , making a hri'f kddiesH
tiiiifhiiig upon tliu h"imtieH of iUiluaukeu , tlio
tluift of UK Genii in citi/ens , , iud the legi-Ia
th n of t'o republic in ji nt } which nudeieilil
safofor all adnptcd mi/.eiiH of tin I niUi :
Stitos to trir.d oveiywhuu. Mr . l.ogan
was aUo prespnl ( l and boned her thinks
At f.K p. in , , the pirU procccdi d un its jour-
MADISON , Wis. , Pcpt ( Jcii'iinl T/
and party uirivtd here at'Keven o clock. A
prow sum was funned at Wcht Madi-oa di
put , and headed ba coinpuiy of veteran sol
diers escoiti d l/ " .m to ( iovninor Hmkii ten
deuct ( tioMdx gathered along the
line nf mauh , and at Capit 1 1'ailc tlin ntwets
wi 10 almiHt blue kadtd with p < oplo TliH o\
< ning a lecoption wasgivjn by ( lovcrnorlti nk
and wife , to ( < and Alrd l.ii un in the
awnibly clumber. Tlie hull was g..ilv drco-
i.itid with ilowo K and lurto ; pictines of lllaine
ami l.o'in } woie oxhlbitod , ( iiuieral Logan's
nnitriiit was miiiouideil by the ll.ij.-s ot the
Wisconsin ngnnenlH that wire m Ins com
mind diiiini ; the war. 'lh > rcci ption lusted
about * ui < lionr , duimg which time sav
orul tin u tud perHuim IUM ! their lesjv'ctH to
the uco pieHiUcntul cuiididatu.
IllllllKt'H Mlll'l Suit.
INDIAN \ , 1ml , Knjil. U. Aigxunent
w..i heard t/jdnj in tlio United St.Uos district
court , Judge Woods piO'ini ( ] | ; , on the dc'iuund
filed by the Sentinel cnmpiny to thi ) com.
plaint of Jan. * a ( ! , , charging hbcl ,
The atturiioyi foi the diforno cuntendtJ.
rnl th it thu of lilalno in the al
li gcd liboliius ptitllLalion not rmftii lonlly xpi
cihc and might have toforred t sunn other
Ultimo. Second , tin publication was in
thoimt ire of an uujuiiv , Thiid. the article not bin IOUH in itnelf nuJ lll.aino in ordtr
to K cover mute sneer spc < lal ilamturcB. The
aUomoy * for lilainc r < plm.l luiollv awd Judgn
Wend < i t'Mk ' the m ittcr under .1 h iHDi.out. 1 1
jl > t liiioK'n whun the dee siuu will be given ,
Conned lout I
HAUIIOIIU , Cjiin , S-/it. / L' At the demo.
( .latic contention t djy thu following ticket
WoAiiniumati d / < liuteiunt-g < i\oruoi , ( / . ( i ,
jmmier ; ociatfiy of Ktat" , Ward Northrop ;
roHfUrcr , Alfred H , < io < idii < | j. Jii'Xph
'lunUelt wis nominate 1 for cutiiptroUci ,
I'lni il le at < * 4 nlft-reil a resolution declaring
hat tUn w v011 "f JaboreM tihuulil Iniiximiit
rum f'ir < ltii attadtiiii nt. A [ prop Dillon l ,
otonipt Wi > ge < ti the ainonnt of < . " > 0 from vt-
ttchincnt wn lm > llluiventid nnd votid
do A n. Clui wore then gl\rn fur Cldveland
and tlio convention Kiljnurni d.
Hutlor'H Tour.
On\un 1 ! vi'liw , Mich , Spptomber i ! . ( Son.
llutlnr arrived hoio thi * nioriiing ncconipanlcd
by IS . A. 1'hmpton. Ho vva mot at thu dopnl
by n procession In carnagrjs. Tlirco or four
thousmil people at tile hotul nwaitod his . \rri-
val. An hour or more of the forenoon vv.n
given to an informal reception. ( Sen. llutler
f peaks hoio thiiafti moon ami at Muskegon
this evening.
GotiiiillincntR to lllitoti.
NRVV VOHK , Sep. i ! . The cominltteo np
potntotl to priHoul Tilden the ChlciRo convention -
vontion r polutioim moot to morrow to docldn
on the method of ullicinlly iiiforiniiig'1'ildoii of
the cjuv I'titlon's action. Ills piobablo that
llnv will be cent by mnil in compliancy with
Tlhloii'a rcqnost.
l-'or Bin I no.
Svs I'liANCWfo , Sept. i. . MM. Ncllio
llolbroolr , a well-known Cillfoinla xpuakcr ,
leaves for Indiana tomorrow to tal o the
Btump for 111 line and Let-an , The Indy
stumpul Cahfuini-i for lltjes in 18'tnuul
Connecticut foi ( iailicldln 18M ) .
Oswuio , Sept. L' . Thogteenback and dom
oerfctio CJiigrexsionpl canventions for the Mb
district vvero hold lion' todav. lloth nomii.ut-
id Timothy K , Tarsuuy , of lint S igin iw , tor
congre * " .
DAVKVPOIIT , Sept. 2. At tlio Second Iowa
diatiict de'inocr.atio convmtion this nfteinoon
lion J. H. Murphy w.vj rcnominated for con
gre s by acclatiLXtion.
, X. H. , Sept. i ! . Tlio n publican
state convention n.ot this morning.
A Formal JItiiiKiiiK lit I'
1'insiiLiio , Sopt. 1 ! . Martin Weinberger
wax Imng this moiuing in the county jail jatd
for the murder of Louis ( Salt Knoiid , iped -
dlei , near Souiclcly on the night of Juno Kith
1S82. The execution was ptivate' , not inciro
than filty ueinons including membcis of the
prcis being present. The condemned slept
well last night. At 11:110 : the procession tuok
up its match to the BeulTold. Weinberger
walked lirm , and uiifaltoimgly mounted tlio
scaffold and took his position on the tr.ip. No
leliginiis services , and after the nouno was ad.
justed the trap was sprung , Death resulted
Ircjni BtraiiRUlation and in nfteon minutoa life
was extinct. Wembeiger a fovv , the first
ovei hanged in Alleyabv county ami beliovcd
to bo the second in the Uiut-d States.
An Ocean Acutilcnt.
Sr. JOHN'S , N. 1' . , Sept. 2. On Fnday last
thirty mileolt C.iUlhm , Trinity b > y , the
liiilnh w.irshil Mall.araeueiiuntorudtho 13 lit-
ishbng Kesolver. The vo hol was damaged
on both tides , tlic 8ide-lights weiebuining and
a lire1 was in tlio galley ttovo. Tlio Hails weio
all sot , but the bead gear was gene Thote.
WHS no sii < n of crow or piongen. . The le-
folvei left llaibor tiiaco Wednesday I lit with
a crow of inuo mon and four ] > vs < engers b iiind
lor l.ibrndor. She hiJii gen > ial c.Urfo , ami
it i < thought that the lui nvl bean in collis
ion with un icebeig. It n ft irud all aboard
me lost.
- JtTt -
Injiiii'il liy a Ituiruy Ilreiilcinj ; Do\v n.
WvHHlMirov , Sopt. 2. Kopreaontattvo
Casey Yonnif , of Menipbfyoarnvod liaro yej.
terd ly and to day wlnlu drivlug near tlio
capitol the bn/gy broke ilon-n , frightening his
ho se which ran away dragg ng him some ills
Unco in tlio wrocU. Noboum vveru broken ,
but Youi g's brui-OH are sulliciont to conlino
him to the hou-o fo thu present under the
pbjsician's earo.
A Good Cvi > lIn DuKota.
r.vuco , Uakot i. Sept , 2. The vvlwat hnr-
\c > it in the lied nvi i vuUoy is pi ictically ov
er and with fair weather , tins vviek will see
two-thuds of Uii < gialn threshed andI tacKoJ.
J"ninieis .110 simultaneously threshing from
stack and , to Idi on the ch-incc's of fu
ture injury. Tno averugo yield it much bet
tor tluu last j ear , and grain is in pnuio con
dition , being Xo. I ami No , 1 bird , and fai-
mers generally aiu In excellent spirits.
Tlio Traim Coiitiiiuntiil JMoetlntr.
SAKMOOV , Kept. 2. The session < if the
traiirt-contbitnlal nrsociution was devoted to
routine matteiMlnlo awaiting annals of
members i n mute. The n eutui , ' will piob
ably adjourn tomoiiow to uicet at Ciue.igo
. 1J.
bupt. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
liu 'I'lillapooHa
liosiov , Sept. -Tlio naval tourt of in-
qnity into the ciiciimstaiK es attending the
sinking of tln > Talhipoixa o ] m d thm aft * i
noon at the n iv } said.
That Tired Feeling
'I ho warm weather has a debilitating clfcet ,
i spul illy upon these who aiu within doom
most of thn tlinu. The pci iiliar , jot common ,
-omplaliit known as "tint tlrenl feeling , "
Is thu lesull. ' 1 his feeling can bo until fly
iviHomo by I iking Hood's BaiKipirllli ,
Abhli gives new Ufn and blungth to .ill
the fimctluiis of the body.
" 1 iiiiild not sleep ; had no apiK > tlte > . I
took llood'j bars iparJll i and KOOII began to
leeii Nomiilly ; could gel up without tint
tired and languid feeling ; and mv appetite )
Improved , " It A SAMUIIIII , Kent , Ohio.
Stt'Ciii/flicn 1/u ; fSi/tilctn
Hood's B irKnparllla Is cbarieterl7il M
( hue pioiill nlllos : 1st , the cninlilintlliin of
n ineillal : ieiils | : j "d , tbo ynijiiirtlnn ; 'Id , llio
] irricrja of c ( curing the ncllvo imxllclii if
iju illlles , 'Iho ii'oillt Is.ami-illolnu of miui.u.t'
hlrengtli , c'lreclhiK ciiri'i lillhfrto iniKiiov.n
bend for book containing aclflitlimnl evidence. 2
" Hood's f ! irs iiiaillla tones up my 8yi ) iii.J
ntnlllis my Mood , ( .lurpominiv .iiii'ollti , , iinl"
M emu to 7inko mo < ivei " .I ) ' . TIIDMIHUN ,
KoKblerDf .Deeds , Irfjuell , M.IHH.
"Hood's HirHip.irlG.t beats ( ill others , and
IsVMIllllllsV'll lllllU'.nlll " I JUUltlMJTUti ,
1 )1 ! ink. Hticti ,
Hood's'v Sarsapan'lla
Bold by all ilriiiilRJs. ; : $1 ; MX for es. Made
only by 0. 1. HOOD ft CO. , Lowell , Mofi3.
IOOa53ososUno Dollar.
Tuesday's ' Rccorfl on tlio Cliicaso
Board of Trade ,
Wheat rind Oorn Tnko an Unex
pected Eiso ,
But Yield Slightly Toward the
End of the Day ,
Oats Finn , and Close to Yester
day's ' Quotations ,
Texas and Western Cattle Con
trol the Market ,
L'oor Stock Workml ( iff on tlio Mnr.
Icct'H KlullrlniiH Slfoncjtli.
Special Diiintuh to Tun 111 g.
ClIti'Ado , Sept. 2. Trading on VhaiiRO was
if a limited Icr until after the pouting
of the vi siblo supply , when , appuoutly coil
trary tn guioi il expectation , an mcieaso was
shown in both corn and wheat. Ki\ hundred
and fifty thousand bushels of the formei and
font bundled and hfty thousand biuhcls of
the lattei vvcia nho\\n at the openmi ; .
was a slndo higher , but tiircrmgs vvcio fnirly
Inrge , which cause < t a gradial wrakeiiing of
' ic , then i ulcd steady for awhile , but on
tlio plating of the visible supply it fell oil Jn
; 'c and ruled steadj , closing 5 ( | o under jes-
terday on the regular board. Un the afternoon -
noon bunrd the fooling ( ontinnod easy and
the maiket cloned at 70 | for Scplombor , M for
October , fcUjfCiihSJ for November and Sljj for
December , lieceipls at the pimiary markets
show a light iiicieaxt * ,
i OHK.
There w as .x fair trading in corn early , but
the market ruled quint and rasici liter , with
now ( top features sharing in thc'WUikmss
1'iicos declined ictololoi various fntuies
and clored on the regular bond at jo to Je
under yotiti nbiy. On the nfteinoon hoard a
til mil foaling prevailed , and pi ices rose Jo tu
lo , closing at fifoi } Septiimlicr. hQfcr Octo
ber , and hlj for Xnu'iubor.
ruled ipiiet lint nteady nnd hrni , closing at.V ,
foi Sopteiuber , ity for Octobei.
dlspliyed very little life , the joai closing at
1'J I0. !
i .A III >
v\as onsier , ilosmg at 7t'l for Septemboi ,
7 Mi for October , and 7 174 for Novembei.
There weio about 200 om nf TOMIIH mill
toiritoiinl stuck among the fiesh uetiplsnnil
nbi ill inOtiusiif Te\aiib Owing toextuin <
scarcity of native slo K. thorn wiisiiKtiou.
dom mil for Texans and wrstein cuttlo w ith r
str..uht advance 'Iberowm prolublv no. .
ovci 1 0 camof natlvoH among t'lofrish 10
ceipti and not ov er 15 ! 01 30 earn of good Tin
general market was fairly ntivo ami 10 to Ifti
lngher in inn y niftaneoi. Natives suld m
L'lio higher tli 01 at the clo o of 1 ist week. Can
neis bought Texans in bigdrovis , but Co v lot'
of the hist weio I'll , en foi i-lilim | nt Dirssei ;
beef dcileiH bought nil thei woi-torns nnd al ,
tboy uniild g < t of nitnih. 'Ill tin was a fan
buibies * in stoutum and fee crs , mid pricet
ranged hi.h ( Jiist mtlvin brout-bt li 7f ti :
700 ; si com ! cla s , fi 7f > to ( > fit ) ; coiiiinoii tofnir ,
fi (10 ( to 5 Til ) ; grisseiB , .175 to I 7d ; go id ti
choieo , l.'dO to lrulbs : , H W ) t > ( I ( M ) . emu.
mon to fair , 1,000 to 1,100 HIM , 1 30 to fi si ;
butehois' cows , li W ) to 1 Hli ; stotkers , il SO ti ,
J 10 ; It odors , 3 DO to I liJ. Westun cattle
vviiolirm ; Texan * , 7.r > 0 to 1,00(1 ( II n , II 70 t <
176 ; Wvoming. 1,100 to 1,2(0 ( Ibs , IfiOti ;
5 ( JO ; Montin.i Texan * , J,0" > 0tt \ \ , 170. One
doalei si Ie t-il fi4 hi ids of Wyouiingstt era out
of ii trillt load fn ex | mil.
The was quiet and stealy , wilb
hoioami there u eu hi 1 1 selling anhnile
lngher The very light receiptH of go id corn
fed Hinibled Kilmmon and specnlntois to work
oir iKciiinuhitlons of poor and grassy oiti
that hive * ciowdod the m irln t for tlio punt
i ight ot ton days , and some of these poor
giaxsy Holts are soiling at good duulltmii
piiriHtban they c-in Im bonglit 'or in the
couuliy. Thormgi ) on gias-ers win : * ! fjO to
Sri > ; .iKHortfd cm n ft d , light , > ( ' > 2t > to Sli I fi ;
hi it heavy , * ( ! fid o ? ( i 7. ) ! good mixed , . ' > ri 7fi
to Vd 10 , the market closing steady , with
fewi r in the pens unsold than fur wi i kn past.
Light , 1,10 to ' . ' 10 poundi , &H 70 to SO 0" .
Keporteil Mnoiiiiii : ol a ISIncI
MvvinilH , Tenn. , Sept. L . Inlilligcnco linn
boon rcccivod hi roof the hunting by a ponsoof
citi/ciiscf JM Thoimis , the negro who lectnt-
ly atlomplod to lavish the wife of Wiish. W.
Wilson , a icupeclablo fumm ie iding nciii
SenatobU , Miss. The mitcreant was thwart
d In hit , designs by MM. Wllson'ri Hcieanif ,
and Hid. Ho was | msin j , tiackcil and bud
ly caught last Satnidav tbrco miles ninth of
Herii.mdo , MIKH Whin hi ought lit font Mm.
Wilson she idontiliod him. ' 1 lu < crowd , v/hieh
consintcd of about ono hundred mm ) , half of
vvliom were colnred , then l/iolc Iilm into the
woods and htrung him up , \o disguise v\as
UKod. Alts. Wilson was in a dcllcito ciiiidllion
at the time of the attempted rape , and In i life
Uas bfon m ( iitual ilauui r ever since , bhe
IUJ novii roco\orfrom the shock ,
hiato I''alr.
Il H MOI'.KM , lovvn , Sejit. 1 ! About twenty poisons vlmtod tin Iowa st.ito fair
loduy , 'Die u oil hi i Ints hoc 1 1 ibli htful
I Ivor j i hint ; his boon ( u first clifs hljiipo , and
tin ) vailniis ilepaiinimtii in Jierfoct riiniiing
onlii. The people uro i imtimiing t ) ] inui
into the city liy every ti.ilu , und the ciowd
loini imw promiH' ) to bo OIKI iiiioijiiulliil in
> 'iratiie > s in the hl-lory of tin Hoiiuty. If the
weitb i contimioi good , tills fair will liu a
'rtuUi M/eeon in ovmy way than ovi r before ,
Thi entries leach fully v.CO in inimhoi ,
I'rlvntn HIIIIIJ'HInily. .
/HUSH / CIT > , Sept. ii.--Aftci con-
suiting with Coroner I.ovrj , of Ni w Vorlr ,
md the military authoiitli n of ( Jovoni'i's '
[ viand , Coroner Jtnlinsondiciilnilnot to tuko
any furthcrstepiut jnejout , hi tin * diioction
of pxhmnuiR thn body of 1'rivalo C'harles II.
lirnrj , nieinlx r of the ( irody Arctic expodi-
tlon , lmt for rteahng pnivlmons. Thn cor-
nncr hat wrlld n a letter t < i Mim Horn lluclf ,
n f Line'In ' , Nebia kisi'tcr of IVivalo llrnry ,
iiformlng I er tint be will not move fnrthir
n the nmtter until thn conn nt of the wnr do-
lattmpiit Is obtained for the ovntiilnnllmi of
ter brotliPi s Imdv , and th it she herself inunt
unke an applleitlon , accoini.auicd | by proofs
if her rnlntl'iiiship to llio doid man. The np-
ibe.atlon nnd pro ( , the cotoiur snyp , hn will
ue < eir to Colonel li iry at ( lovornorV Inland
f MM | liuck till desires an Investigation and
OIKB tliem tohlm.
Bhcrin' l-'lflkoll Itclntcn ilin Kull Facts
of the llocotit AVIiolcsnlo
Iijnuliltit ; In ? tin.
Spiclid Dispatch to TUB Ikn ,
I'oi'UMl Utvru , Montana , September 1 ! .
Deputy Shorilf SAinnel I'lakell ami posse ,
w Iio left hero about ten days ago w 1th the horse
thieves , ,1-rry Owoun , S.vift Bill , S. N. Mak-
01011 , I'holp * ami I'.ugono Burr , have tmivod
at Pott Magiimis. Tiskell says : "About
tight milo < from thn month of the Mussel
dlioll , on the night of the 2Sth ult. , wo wont
into camp at I o'clock of the following morn
IIR. When all were asleep ; a party
if masked mon suddenly cnmo
ipon us. Wo weiii oidcied to hold up our
Hindu und with the oidorcime tlio inevitable
le'compniilment of paring into the murrliH of
iftcen Winchester ; of course no cninpliod.
Myself and Anderson were then cillod out of
Citmp. Wn were c-arrud a couple of miles
iway and'cuitioue'd not to glance luck undoi
iciiidty of IIP tun t death The remainder of
f my pos o weio kept at the camp wlnloa
loitionof the m isked paity took chirgenf
: ho pnnoncrs mid went otf. Tlio rest of their
11 mil KOOII followed. Tlmy disaitbed nothing
in cvinp , excfpt ttkliiK fie piifumrrH. What
flliy did with them is not definitely known ,
init thoio H Httlo doubt they vvero hanged
Tlio muUcd puty Is supposed to h.ivo boon
[ uiiiclpilly composed of co vboyn.
IIHKSV , Mont ma , Sept. 2 Major iT. W.
llhthaway , JIIH fiom Kort Mnginnls , reports
that la-t week a Missouri liver ft-amer while
inniuU ) to Benlun met live men on a raft and ,
brllovlnK thorn to be escaping horw tlii vcf (
tuok thorn m ibatgo. At Kocky I'oint , fort >
miles 1101 th of Knit JlaRinms , tbn vvnter bo.
cnmo too low for the bo it to proceed further
and the niisoncrs weio turned ovorto some
men on shorn with instructions to deliv er them
t > the shprlir. It has since been ii cottamed
tb it the men weio cowliovs and as nothing
more hns been heard of the pr ! < nncrH thou
u ni.biMon is tint they were hanged , Tlmt
srctinn is a e-a'tlo ' range , uninhabited pxc pt
by eoivboys , wlio nut ntiient cnncoriiiiiK all
mortidity iimoiu' horse thlnvcs , HO it in ililli-
cult to a-ct-rtiin the f cU as to thn pnsoneis'
fate , .leiry Uwens , the notorious homo tbii f
H known to bo ono ol the mtuHing moil. The
iiiimes of the otlitu ate not Known.
A I'rroBiiiton A nln ( Inleollim.
Cllli viio , Si pt. ' _ ' . I'n sideut Ijimlrlgnn , o
llio IllinuH state boird of agrleiiltmo author
i/i i the folloiviiig : In consideiation of th
illfged existence of pinnio piuuinnn'iiin ' iinin
oroiis her 1 < nf , li iw y i attlo throughout the
o t , and the mm i tun extei t of thn di ease
the Illinois stit i b iiiril ol ngricultiire di em i
i duty to the bleeders of i tlin eittie , jis wel
> < s t" brofden of .lorMijM , t > nxi'u 1 > 3 all ani
mids nf tin- Lift nameil I mil fnin the stat
fail of IhSI , niid to n idlv enfoii ] the lav
i mpn\veiinif the biai 1 tinilo nut , nil cattl
w ho b.u u been exposed tiutny iufeiutioiis dit
eave , within thiity ilujs prioi to tinexlilbi
A Cliiinco lor i'rlvulecr.s ,
.Spocinl dispatih to Till. Il ! i : .
CIIIUM.O , .Scptuinlur , 1 ! Itmnorx aio cur
rent hero that the Chinese ministri at Wash
mgtm has bien impowcicd to letters
of manpio for pnvateors to pray on I'Vancl
Ilnril 'I linen At
1'fiTl IISIIUIK ; , Va , Kept. -All 1 ! cotton fnc
tunes in this vicinity have stopped vvoik
throwing nut a huge number of mon , womei
and clnldii n , many of whom are suir > ling fo
tint neeessine , of life. Apphoition ho.1 bei i
miide to the eity cnimcil lora special appro
nation fur lolief of the siilfeiOM.
( lass ) AVorlCH lU'iilinii ) .
I'IIIHIII nil , I'll. , Sup. " Tim window
nsH ficlorios and iiiniiv of llio b ittln houses
lo-nini d oiierations after two n ontlis' Idle
iio-s , the iisu d suiiinn r shut town , llio
resumption giv04 employment to many thous
and min.
Nl < ttiuoi lluriieil.
Sr. ! < < iuis , Seplomboi. - ' . The 1'ost lis
pitch C IIIIKJ ( III ) spouial sajsTbo steame
A. M , ( inrii'tt , IIVUH d by tb ' m ivnr of CJnln
ey , limned thli mnriiiiig Win n Imllt it cos
ei.OWl ; insincil fur > SIO ( ) (
. \ * 3siT
, . . .
* - - " - -
Jt -IIH -iLifuvvMB
It ilnnon i > i ijii-iiii | Mii ) t I'lKsnui l > o fouml
. .Amir IM s1 i'oii" ' . I'owdor. Js JKI *
i.i lvit t ; $ ? ( . jii Imji mil rMii.nnilliMlnKmlali
mi ulirom'i "liii.ilsltiuh1- . J/ui u 1 Injs , 1105.
HiM II If. ! lit Illl' , III CllllH" ! ! , , .M i
Hi do , 'liUu ulci' . J.rvirmlu iiib , . . :
I o. f. if nu ; ; i A r > -
\\lUCfU1 \
What the Diaries of the Greely Expc-
dition Reveal. .
Jisoord and Strife in Arctic Soli"
Immediate Eeliof Ore 'or the
Pioetvu India t-
Tbo Pitiful Plight of & touted
f QlB Slnry l > o True Ho , Much
AbiiHod Man ,
WABIIINOTON , Sept. 2. Atiny official * ,
\ln > have recently road portion * of thn diaries
> f tlio Greely pirty , tald today that they ie-
\eal .1 iniiro serious condition of nffniis than
ho survivors will ndnil' . It aecms that ,
rein tlio beginning of tlio expedition , there
vero disputes among tlio members of thy
inrty. Those led to a division which ex-
sted nt tlio tlinu of tlio rescue. When found
hero \ \ ere two parties , cnn in charge of S r- Long , tlio other in chnrgo of Sergeant
ir.mmnl , an < l they were living an separately
u two tribes ( ircoly whllo invalid , ami dur-
ng tlio hist Cow months of Arctic life , VVOH in.
ho party headed by Braitnrd , who cared for
lini il.iily.
Thn diaries show tint stealing rations wan
n common pr cttco. Ono says Dr. 1'avoy
stole them whenever opportunity offered , and
but ho KomctimtB took as were appor
tioned to indisposed inomberH of tlio piity.
At other times , when the inon worn sent to
shoot bird * , and vvoio 8uccosful , tlio diaries
nay that not all the birds killed were taken to
the ciimp , but eomo were concealed In thn
BIIOIV for the futurn UNO of the hnntoiK. No
ncntion Is made of cannaball'tn in poitions o
tliu diaries that Imvo been road , and thn
Dllicers who saw thorn refuse to say whether
uiy others than 1'rlvato Jlonry were ( hot.
Auny olHoers say the contents of the diaries ,
will not bo undo public until the investiga
tion IH oidered.
Indian Commissioner 1'rloo him taken meas
ures for the immediate relief of the starving
I'll gan Indiana.
At Blackfoot agency in Montana llm foi-
lowing tolegrnm was sent to Gov. Crosby to-
duy : "In reply to your toh'grnm to the secre
tary 1 have to Inform you that I h.ivo ordered
additionol supplies to Jilackfoot agency and
ordiicd thougeiit to make them last until Jtlst , liy which tlinu the house nf con
gress will make provUion for additional sup-
plItH. "
( Signed , ) 11. I'lllUE , Commissioner.
To secure the money neces'.iry foi the pur-
chato of these supplies thi commissioner bait
btun foicoj to liavo recourse to the provision
of law iillowing liini toapply to the relief of
diBtte-Bod Indian * of ono tribe any money
Unit miy remain nnotpciulod of the sum ap-
prnpiiut d for the maintenance of at other
tribe. Under this law however it was necea-
siiiy to peuiro the approval of the president
Ijofoiu tlio money could bu no iipphod. and a
li tter upon tha Mibjcet was addrufsed 1'resi-
ilent Aitliur before the rtcdpt of Gov. Cros
by's telegram.
W vsmsmo.v , Sept. 1 ! . J. A. Smith , coun-
sal foe I'.ayno nml the Olclaliama invnderv ,
today tiled n document nddiotecd to Attorney
General Brewstei , at the department of jus
tice , calling .itlention to an .ict of congr .ss ,
approval I' , ISS.'i , wtiich it is claimed
has been oveilookcdor dcfiid in the piocccd-
ingH igaimt 1'aynu and bin followers. Thin
net providul foi holding terms of the United
Stiiton court at Wiclntv , Kansas , and it in
LOiilotuled by the oonntel for i'.iyno tlut the
judicial uuthori y of tint court exten < ls ov > .
the territory which 1'ivjno iiiviidjil. The doc
ument el.ilniH 1 hit I'uyiio should Imvo been
arraignid .it Wichit.i Jt also Buys I'nyno and
lux followers are anxious for a speedy trial ,
but that they are Hold .is prisoner and depriv
ed of the piivibgo of ithubtiis corpus at the
lustaiico of cuitaln noli cattle corporation-
vvlioso mtorebts they have throatencd by ntw
tempting to settle the country. The attorney -
noy general n urged to ilhect bin xuburdinatca
to HUU that these men have all the kgal rightx
to which they uro entitlod. Tlio letter re
ceived hero fiom I'ajno , SBJH that himself and
associates are lieut in ttio Cherokee country ,
nuots thorivor fn m Kort Smith , to prevent
i ho pofsibihty of a habotH corpua. lie sayu
they could luvo rcjchtd l'\iit Smith by rail in
onud.iy , but that would huvo taken tieni
through judlcnl territory wherein they conlil
Imvo appoilod for vtiilH ot corjiim au.l
it waa I he dutoimtnation of the authorities to
duty them pnviligo.
AVASIIINHTON , Sept 2. III the caeu e\ibmit-
ted by the United State * district attnrnuy
TlioiiiiB , hnjt comptiiillur of the treasury , ren
dered hid opinion that feon for noticex in pro-
cicdtngH under intsnial rovuuno UWB to ui-
force furfeiturrH , excujit in court advertibe-
menti for tliogoreininent , nro to bo paid for
at commi rcial tatCH ,
Ilnllroad I'ool
RniouSoptombar U. The transcontin
ental iiuHouution , conipri ini < railroadH west of
the .Mistiouri galley conuarnod in Colorado
tradu , uro holding an executive gCHilon at the
( rand Union. It will bo in eo lon a week or
ton days. The _ object IH to rogul.ito rates and
place the association on a more sound basis ,
Tlio "Wall tStrecfc IJnnlr.
Nhw YOIIK , Sept. 2. .TiuJgo Donahoa hau
appointed Ch.iH , .1. Osborno , ono of tlio directors -
rectors , itctivor of the Wall Street bank anil
al o ordnred a dividend of tif pui rent to bo
paid dopouitort * .
Dentil oi Si-iiiitur Anthony.
PHOVIDKNCK , K.ISept. 2. SanatorHenry
It. Anthony died heroat 1:15 : thla ufternoou.
Ho h id boon in hia untiul health thla morning
but was attacked with vertigo nftor breakfiutu
und sank rapidly ,
Sliiio I iiwory Ktiriiod.
Muss. , September i.1. The shoo
fa ° tory of JEuo and Jlutchinu , of Boston ,
burnt d this morning. It employed over twiv
hundiod lunda. LUES , SCOCOO ,