Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1884, Image 8

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Tuesday Morning September 2
> _ - * ? " _ " " . _ _ ! _ _ ' " "
Billings & Connor , Dentint' , opp. ] ' . O.
The niplmlt gutters pen lower DoiiRla
street nro being repaired.
The Heptibllcnn folk * are now busy i
moung inta tholr building , corner of Tent
nnil Douglas street' .
Acting Aiayor Miuphy yrstonlny appoint
I'd sixteen cjocliil policemen for dnty in tli
citydming the state fair.
One block oMIownrd Btrcot Imi rtcf\ci !
tlio b.tto fur tlio niplult pnvomont imtl tli
fctreet will bo flnlihod ns Boon as possible ,
The Rdino of ball played Sunday between
tweon the Slicunan A\ennca and Pftvtons wn
won by the latter , the score being 1to 8.
The city h full of trntnpi nnd nltnns
hourly BOHIB imo of them can bo noon askiti |
fur money of the paMoraby upon the streets
The drawing at Kaufman Lrothera tool
plncn yesterday. Mr. A. 1' . Johnson , of 1107
J'nrnam street , holding No. 707 being tin
The contract for supplying milk to tin
Btato fair has been let la Mr. Louis l.Ittlo
field , the | iopulor dalrjinnn from .Saratoga
The police changed olt lait night and
these who liavo been doing night tluty th (
past month are now walking day beats , am
vice versa.
Wm.Holllngor , : urested for altomptingto
murder his wife , waived examination Satur
day and WHS romamlul to jail in default o
81,000 bond.
> 'ivo special passenger trains wont out on
thoUnion 1'aclgo road ycsturdny to run on
the various branches to 1'rornont dining the
reunion this week ,
Tlio plans for the furniture for the now
court house htuonot been received ns yet and
the county clerk and commissioners are bo-
ginninc to wax wroth.
Goo. Hill's saloon , corner of Twenty-third
and Ginning street wan entered hint night and
the money drawer was robbed of ? 1 and a
number of cigars were taken.
This oveuin ? at 8 o'clock Uieio will
bo n meeting of the C. K. of A.ln their hall in
Crolghton block. All members are expected
to attend. If. F. BIIENNAN , Secy.
The bunday school of St. Miiry'a avenue
Congregational church , will hold its [ annual
pienioat Ilanscom park on Saturday naxt ,
leaving the church for the park at 10 o'clock
a. m.
The Sperry Electric company are hanging
five of their lamp ] In the yards of the Union
1'acilio company. Two Northwestern lamps
which liavo been giving light In the yards will
bo taken tloun.
The comity commisloncra have Dignified
their intention of doing their share of draining
the bottoms , at tlio foot of I/anl street. ] ! ! di *
nro being mlvvrtlsed for and the work will bo
commenced at once.
Tlio city schools opened yoslerdny. 11
sounded goad to hoar the tones of the school
bells ring out upon the morning air , after n
xilcnco of many months. Tlio attcndanco at
nil the schools is very largo.
Yo-tci\Uy ) Ollicsr Green and Mr.Valen
tine , tliu Union 1'acifit detective , arrested
two supposed pickpockets at the depot , but
subsequently released thorn on their premise
to leave the city immediately.
- Another voter appeared for the roptibll
can party August 27th and signed his name
ArthurSclen. Hois a broad Bhouldored boy
and tipped the beam at 10 pounds. ] ioth
mother and son are doing well.
The Woman's Christian association will
hold their regular mooting this aftor-
noou at it o'clock , in the rooms In the city
hall. A full attcndanco is dedrod. Work for
tlio coming winter Is to bo talked over.
J. H. Alden , of WcHt Oiu/dm precinct ,
was'yesterday arrested and bi ought before
Justice Wright on the clmrgo of assault and
battery upon onu Kby. The defendant plead
guilty and was fined &r 00 mid costs , which
Aldcn paid.
Another Nebraska /ephyr has been
snooping over the city yesterday and has boon
as much ' 'aszophyr" for u person to Hvo upon
the iiDsprinklcd streets. Thirty days on short
rations for that attempted pun ? All right
we'll have to stand it.
The state board of agriculture hu : sot
apart next Monday for school clnklicnn' day.
The taachcrs anJ supoiinteiidouta of all the
schools in the city , both public and pilvate ,
can obtain tickets for their pupils by calling
upon CliiU. llartman , whoso ollico , until 1 < VI-
ilny next , will bo in room /reighton block.
Skating Rink Sociable. Time will bu a
skating 'link sociable lit the rink this
uvoulng , September lind , ghou by the W. C.
T. U. The Jmenilo IJuml of Hopu will sing
and the Union Pacific band will discourse
sweet muslo for all who wish to enjoy the
pleasure of skating , Ice cream , c.iKo and
lemonade will bo served. Admission lOcts.
Mrs. Grossman , astUted by Mian Snyder ,
will on or abnut the 15th of this month opuu a
Kindor-gartcn school in Oiniha. Mrs. Gross-
mon has had experience In this system of
teaching , acd is a graduate of a noted Kinder-
Rattan instltutu , as Is also Miss Snydor. Hiuh
n Bchool ought to bo well patronized , as it pro-
Kibly will be. It will bu centrally locittd ,
and conduct' ; ' ! accoiding to the mostappiu > cd
methods ,
Sirs. Dora Human living between Twelfth
and Thirteenth on llowaid ttroet , attempted
xutcldo by chloroform Saturihy Lut was pie-
vented by antidote clvon by Dr. GalbraUt.
She renewed the attempt but again failed.
She says she was married to Henry Human ,
in Danville , 111. , March 25. 1883 , by Justice
L , W. Brown. Her husband came to this
city tome llirjo week * ago , she shortly ful-
following , since which tlino ho has nbandonud
At the Dodge street I'lrsbytorinu
church Sund.ty evening a lnrto , congie-
gallon asui'iflbloil to listen to tlio
Ming tervico , mid mom particularly to the
singing of Miss ] , lllus H. Peck , of hlncoln.
Miss Peck U one of tlio finest soprano
( lingers that ( nereang in church In Omaha ,
and It It to ba hoped that the Dodge tlroet to-
tiety v.lll secure her terUcespcriimuuntly.
MIw Minnie Muul , who has been singing in
the church for tome time , has rorigned to en
ter Into a moro binding und life-long contract
with a Mr. Wilcox , of New York city , which
contract will bs duly nolemnlzod on Wcdinn-
< lay evening next , immediately following which
Mr. Wilcox will take hht brldo to Now'Vork
to Jive.
Li'ojt aheot m unit ) at
EoiIOtM & EuiG'KhON'H ,
( Co . 15.h and Dodgvt opp , post ofllce ,
The GnarfliaDS of the Schools Meet and
Do Much Unimportant Business ,
rinns for a AVnll for Ilio Hlfili Solioo
OronndH Adopted ,
The regular monthly mooting of the
bo rd of education was hold last evening
Frosyjont Long in the chair. Iloll cal
found members Connoyor , Copeland
Livcsoy , I'ointa , Parker , Long mid
Spocht present. The minutes of the
previous mooting were read and ap
During the rcaditiR of the minutes
Mr. Chris , llartman , treasurer of the
slate board of agriculture , was grantot
the privilege of the lloor , and in bchal ;
6f the body ho represented , through the
the board of education , invited the pub
lie school children to attend the State
fair , frcoof expense , on Monday next.
Considerable discussion ensued amen ( ,
the members as to the best day for the
pupilo to bo present. Mr. Ilnrtman
stated the fair would bo in full progress
on that day , but the difliculty of distri
buting the tickets on Monday morning
presented itself. Mr. llartman said
to issue the tickets on Friday , HO that a
complete distribution might bo had , and
upon Una agreement the board accepted
the invitation.
From City Treasurer Buck giving the
monthly report of the school district fi-
lancos. The report showed a balance
from July of $51,020 20. Tax collected
3541 70. Licenses in August § 1,027 80.
iVarrants paid in July § 4,301 ft ! ) , trans-
orrcd to sinking fund $ li)3 ) 00. Bonds
on deposit § 07,000. Filed.
Finance. Recommending the allow
ance of a number of bills. Adopted.
Buildings and Property. Giving esti
mates of work done by the contractor
on the llartman school building nnd re
commending the payment of § 880 for
ho same. Adopted.
By Copcland , that the salaries of the
irincipals of tlio Lake , Donglaa and
( xckaon schools bo fixed nt. § 80 per
By Points , that section 91 of the con
titution bo and is hereby repealed ,
jiid over.
By Parker , that the board accept or-
lora of Mr. I'otvln in" favorJtof Fred
) roxol and ( ho Chicago lumber company
o the amount of § 2,400 , Adopted.
By the same , that the janitors of the
jong and Luavonworth schools occupy
heir buildings at onco. The adoption
of this resolution was violently opposed
> y member Copolaud who stated that
ho rooms set apart for the janitora were
otally unlit to live in. Adopted.
By the same , that the secretary bo nu-
horizod to prepare two rooms for night
ohools and secure the eorvices of two
oachors for the same at salaries not to
exceed § 10 per month. Referred.
By Connoyor , that September 8th bo a
school holiday to allow the school child
ren to attend the fair. Adopted.
By the same ; that the president and
ocrotary bo authorized to draw a war-
ant for § 20 in favor of C. J. Christanson
ind ono for § 10 in favor of Bridget Clem
ens for work done in August. Adopted.
Mr. Copolnnu hero stated to the board
hat the teacherfl nnd superintendent
rero greatly in favor of changing the
ext books ton rhetoric from Hurt to Kol-
ogg. An attempt to refer the matter to
, ho committee on teachers and text books ,
with power to act , was lost.
The matter of constructing the wall in
rent of the high school on Twentieth
troot , and opening the bids for the same
were next called up. The plans of Du-
reno it Mondulashon for the wall weiu
adopted by the board , the designers to
> o paid § 15 for their plans and § 75 for
superintending the work.
None of the throe bids opened were
accepted , and all were referred to the
committee on buildiiign and properly.
The same committee was called on for
is report respecting the work which Mr.
'otvin , the contractor , was ordered to
do upon the Long and Lcavonworth
ichools. The chairman stated that the
mildings had not boon inspected and
consequently was unable to make n re-
> ort. Mr. Livcsoy , of the committee ,
aid ho had talked with the architect ,
vhn said the requirements of the board
md boon complied with eo far as the
jniig school was concerned.
It wuj agreed that the committee and
ho architect would today visit those
wildings and bo able to report at an
) arly data to a special mooting of the
> o.ird. The board then adjourdod.
A Itoautifiil Curtain.
A handsome now curtain has boon put
up in Boyd'a opera house. It was
minted by Noxon , Albert & Toomoy , of
it. Louis , and coat § 1,000. It will bo
used as a between the nets drop , and the
argo curtain will not bo lowered during
ho play. 11 worka smoothly and will
> o used for the lint time thia week. This
urtain , which for beauty of design , rich *
ess of color and artistic execution , is
vithout an equal outsidu of New York
ity , has for its center piece the garden
ccno from "Othello. " Tlio Moor and
Duedomoim , whoso figures are perfectly
mturul , and not portrayed In the gawky
attitudes so common with sconio artists ,
are walking down from the palace steps ,
which loom up u little on ono side as
hough built of solid marblo. Over the
licturo is an ixrch of gold , and on cither
ido is what looks wonderfully like drap-
nj ; of heavy white satin fringed with
; old tnsBola , and with n wide border of
leacock feathers , The extreme edges
are represented na hanging curtains of
royal wine-colored vi'lvor , BO warm and
rich in tone , as to make the npuututor nl-
nest positive that the painter has hung
oils of genuine velvet around his work.
L'ho ell'oct it grand , but it must bo seen
o bo appreciated ,
"KlokXo. 1 ! . "
Po thoKditaruf TIN : ] ) I.K.
OMAHA , Aug 30 , 1881.
I HOD by a late issue of your paper that
'kicks" are the order of the day and 1
wish to add my inito to the lot now going
joforo this , ( in many respects ) much
abused public.
I would like to know how long the
icoplo of north Omaha , living beyond
Cuming and Blunders streets , have got
: o put up with the indignity and out *
rage of having no sidewalk on that portion
tion of Saundora street lying between
Sanders' grocery store and the bridge on
north Omaha crook ? There was once a
side walk there , or an apology for one ,
but a building was moved and the walk
torn up , and so it has remained ainco.
There is at least fifty yards without any.
If our worthy aldermen , ono f whom
passes over this spot almost daily , could
only hoar the curses , loud and deep , that
are hurled at their devoted heads by the
passers by during rainy weather for thia
shameful neglect they would at once
order a gocd walk laid as it is most cor
Uinly ono of the worst places in the city
Wncro is our reformer , J. B. Furay
that ho docs not sco to this }
No. 2.
A.Vrlt of Itcplovlu to Seouro POHHCH
Blonof n. IMnrrlriKo License ,
A ( jucorcaso was before Justice Po\vnl
last Saturday. The fore part of thoweol
a young man named Frank Nomec pro
cured a license from Judge McCulloch to
wed ono Mary Polan. It scorns tha
Frank was not of ago nnd his father ob
jcctcd strongly to the match , and insistoc
that ho would not become a father-in-law
to Mary , llo accordingly wont bofoio
Justice Powell and swore out a writ o
replevin to secure possession of the mar
riage license.
The writ was placed in the hands of an
oflicor to serve and he , after finding
Frank naked to BCD the document.
Frank innocent of any intent to deprive
dim of the same , handed it over. After
looking at it the oflicor coolly put it in
Ilia pocket and then road to the lovesick
jwain the legal document which gave
dim power and authority to retain the
After having secured possession of the
license a board of appraisers had to bo
appointed to appraise the value of it
Ono married and ono single man wore
appointed as such board. The single
man thought the license ought to bo
worth at least § . " > while the married man ,
who had boon bound up on account of
such n slip of paper , thought it was not
worth moro than § 1 50. The matter was
inally compromised by fixing the value
of it at § 1.75.
While all this was going on Frank and
Mary got the drop on the old folks by
skipping over to Council Bluffs and got-
.ingjmarrlod , after which they returned and
old the irate father that ho could do as
10 pchoao with the license , they had no
use for it. A few days of raging and
swearing and the matter will bo all right
and all parties will bo reconciled.
They Malco n Kald on Eugene Pick-
iird'H HOIIBO nnd Secure
Hniuu Money.
Sunday night burglars visited the house
of Eugene Pickard , on Fifteenth street
lotwoon Davenport and Chicago. The
ntruders stole a ladder from some paint
shop and placed it against the second
story window of Mr. Packard's house ,
[ hey cut the netting which covered the
window and fmhcd out his pants and
vest. In the pocket of the same was
some each , a gold ring , knife and
Minch of keys , among which were the
toys to the saloon. On the key ring was
a tag on which waa engraved Mr. Pick-
aru's panic. Nothing was left in the
lockets of the clothes except an old but-
on nnd n toothpick.
After going through Mr. Pickard'a
room , the burglars moved their ladder
o the north side of the house nnd robed -
) od the room of n boarder. Thia gentleman -
tloman had $70 in money and a watch
and chain ralucd at § 10 in his pants
) ockot3. Thia the robbers took. The
; entleman who was robbed ia a carpcn
.or and was out of work last winter nnd
spring , and ainco ho has been employed
las saved every dollar possiblehenc3tho
oss is n very severe ono to him. It is
evident that the burglars stood upon tlio
adder and fished the articles from the
oem , ns there were many valuables in
ho room which were not touched. They
oft the ladder standing against the house
und gave evidence of departing in a hur
ry. One of tlio neighbors hoard thorn
Hitting up the ladder but thought tliu
lolso was caused by the wind.
Mr. Pickard snya if they will only re-
urn his kova ho will give tnem n reward
or doing so.
Snrjiy County I'rlsonern.
Three Sarpy county prisoners in the
) ouglas count } * jail have written the fol-
owing letter to an official in Sarpy
county , and it was published in the IV
lillon Times.
OMAHA JAIL , Aug. 27.
Dear Sir. 1 sot down to write yon a
ow lines to lot you know how your Sar-
> y county prisoners are getting along ,
Wo nro getting along very badly , and wo
vould lilco to have you coma up to
Dmnha. Wo do nnt got enough to oat
lot half enough. The jail is full of ver-
nin. We would like to have clean shirts ,
Wo want yon to como up and BOO the
herill' , so wo can get something to oat.
Ye spoke to himtbut | it done no good.
Wo got about five cents worth of bread
a day , n little meat , n few potatoes , and
hat is all. Wo will not bo able to stand
rial if you don't como up. Wo have
KIOII trying to send you a letter all the
imo. Thia ia the first chance wo got.
Wo don't know whether you will got this
ettor. If you do , como.
Yours truly.
Oustur 1'oHl ,
All inombord of Ouster Post , G. A. R. ,
ire requested to moot ut Central hall , on
fourteenth Rtroet , this morning
nt 8 o'clock prompt , to mnrsh in n body
o the depot , to take the train to Fro-
mint to attend the reunion. By order
of Simoon Bloom , post commander.
It is expected that about fifty of the
'iniuil Army boys in this city will go to
Fremont tli is morning and remain
luring the the entire wrek , while n great
uany moro will bo there n day oi two
during the reunion. The boya have
ieudpuarter touts und bmall touts and
everything in readiness for a great time.
Seal of North Carolina Tobacco is the
Clioap ! Ghrai > ! Oiicitp !
Fine ateel engravings with elegant
Tames , paintings , art materials , caaela
and art goods at bottom figures at A.
LIospo , 1010 Dodge street. AD-lin
Tlio llPKiilnrJAVockly Mooting of tlio
Honril on Saturday Imst ,
Saturday , Aut'ust 30 , 1881.
Board mot pursuant to adjournment.
Present , CommuHtonors Knight ,
O'KocfTo and Corlisa.
The clerk was inatructod to advertise
in the Daily Br.r. ( or proposals to grad
at the foot of Izard street. Bids to b
opened ( Saturday , ) September Otli , at i
o'clock p. in.
Jas. Liughlin , G. K. Mead and Jos
DoLand were appointed judges , and Kt
Walker and F. lUnsom , clerks of November
vombor election , 1881 , fjr FJoronc
The following accounts were allowed.
lillllNIK Kt'NI ) .
Henry l.ucn.i work on bridge1. . , . . . . . ? 3U C
IlOAli H'ND.
H. S. Liidlngton work on roads $ 3 ! ) 0
11. Thompson " " " id 0
.J Wngnor 'J5 f. .
( } . M. ilnrard dixnmges on 311 ! U. Jto C
] ; . otto " " " " " . -io o
A. ChristoplierBon" " " " . 0
A. Anderson " " " " . 80 0
V. 11. Thomaft work on roads 71 0
.1. O'Koofo building culvert 5 L'
M. Kolhom damages on road 312 15. . .8200 Oi
II. M. Nelson damages on road 312 U. 20 01
J. Kojorkcr work on road 15 CC
nnxKitAi. ) .
I. N. Tierce cash expended < ? 8 0 (
I. N. Tierce tnlaay 8U | > t poor houso. . .75 01
MM. I. N. 1'ieico nalnry matron pool-
farm . 25 00
S. IV'toraon work nt poor fnrm AUR ' 84. 'JO 0 (
Wesley work at pjor farm Aug'gj'JO CO
Uclin li'nrrnll work at the Door IIOUBO . IB 00
Nottio Jonka ' ' " . . II ! 00
Mrs. Webster " " " " " . . Ki 00
( Vlma Strattman " " " " . . 10 01
S. Robinson , witness fee 2 0 (
Clins. lllowo , coflins for jmor 1(5 ( 0 (
S. S. I'alkora , witness fee 2 00
W. niaddish , witnopg fee 2 00
II. K. Uurkott , colh'n for poor 300
A. Uonuon. petit jmor , Juno 188J. . . . CO 00
O. Brandis , witness fee 2 00
" " 100
HonryrVoss , '
J. H. Wlnspoar , groceries for poor. . . . 7 0 (
J. B. liruner , salary and postairo , Aug-
1884 I 11800
W. S. Gibhs , salary for July and Aug
ust , county physician 100 Of
Omaha llorald , ad , election proclama
tion ! IO 00
3 , Robinson , work at old court house. 18 ! ) (
.T. H. SpotmanBroceries for poor 103 Of
W. Gentlem.m , _ " " " 17 5C
l'E. ' . Moores , tickets for poor 14 CC
M. O. Maul , coroner's fco 11 7i
II , Rolln , groceries for poor 10 CC
la\ton | it Ualhighergrouerio3 for poor 4G 17
I'ivo persons , coroner's wltnosaea 5 OC
Adjourned to the first day of Soptom
bor. H. T. LEAVITT ,
County Clork.
BcnoJco Once More Upon the
Bencli DIspeiiBinK Justice.
To the delight of his many friends ,
ludgo Beneko was able to bo about yes
; orday and presided in police court.
Owing to thia fact the regular morning
; rist was ground at 0 o'clock and as
Judge Woias had been in the habit of
lolding court about 10 o'clock , a good
many of the regular spectators vroro not
n their accustomed places at the open
ing of court , but they kept straggling in
until a good big audience waa present to
witness the closing acts in the mclo-dra
ma.J. . B. Murphy was the first man called
and was fined § 3 and costa for being
Walt Raymond had been too full of
"bug-juice" and was assessed the con
ventional $5 and costs.
A. Lindhnlm , the peg-leg tailor , was up
ajain for drunkenness , lie is " pgarded
) y the police as the hardest man in the
city to take in when ho is drunk. Sat
urday night Oflicor Elydo ar g sted him ,
ind after a tussle succeeded in getting
lim into a hack. Oiico in the hack ,
Ljindholm throw his wooden leg over the
odicor'n neck and bore him to the floor
of the carriage. A hand to hand fight
> nsucd , in which Lindholm was badly
> eaten about the face. As ho walked up
, o the bar of justice this morning ho waa
n sorry looking sight. His shirt waa
drenched in blood , while his face was
swollen , cut and bruised. Ho waa fined
? 5 and costs , which ho paid.
Richard Cain vas fined $5 and cost a for
> oing intoxcatod.
Henry Brown was charged with fight-
nt ; . llo said ho was at the United
itatos hotel nnd a man kept stopping on
lis ( Brown'd ) toes. Ho told him to
top but ho did't dp it en ho hit him once
or fun. It cost him $5 and costs to
qunro the matter.
John Frederick , a big black negro ,
vaa fined $5 and costs for being dtunk.
Dor.i Bernard , a decent looking woman
nit who lives with a big negro as his
nistress down on Eight street , was
charged with disturbing the peace by
wing drunk. Shu said no and her case
rras continued ,
James McCarthy and E. W. Werner
voro each hold in the sum of § 300 for
ebbing a Fmlogdor Saturday night ,
'hoy enticed the man into n barn near
ho corner of Eleventh and Harnuy
itreotp , and robbed him oi what money
ia had after which they kicked him and
iroko two of his rilisi.
A largo stock of good second hand
lianoa in splendid order and tune from
' 20 to § ! )5. ) Terms ? 5 00 down and 85.
0 monthly , CALL A.MI HRK TIIKSI : IIAR-
AIXB. Max Meyer it Bro. 1-11
ME , S , E , GALLOWAY , ,
'llo New General Munujor ol' Tlio
Union I'AOlllu Takes ] Ilia Glmlr.
Ycstordoy llr. S. 11. Galloway
assumed his position aa general manager
of the Union Pacific railroad. Mr. Cal-
oway is a pleasing gentleman , between
hirty-ftvo and forty years of npo ono ,
who ia calculated to win hosts of porso-
ial friends and friends for the ruad hems
ms boon elected to sorvo. llo brings to
ho Uuion Pacific years of oxpeiiunco
; ainod by coniit'cton with largo cnatoin
rinik Hues and it cannot but provo very
jeneflcial to his now trust.
Mr. Cullowuy first began railroading as
private secretary for General Maungor\V.
1C. Muir , of the Great Western , in Can
ada , llo went from there to accept the
, )03itlon of general superintendent and
general freight and paasunger agent of
the Detroit and Milwaukee road. From
ihore ho became general manager of the
Chicago and Grand Trunk railroad , lie
was then appointed as assistant to Presi
dent Adams , of the Union Pacific , and J
later WAR elected as general manager o
the road.
llo will make Omaha his headquarters
in the future , and if oxoporionco and a
general and thorough understanding o
the railrad business counts for anything
ho will provo A valuable acquisition t
the Union Pacific.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder nc\cr vnrtco. A marvel of puroncs
strenKth nnd wholcrtomciHica. MOID economical tlmti
tha ordinary klmla.and cannot bo 8 < Id tu competition
with the multitude of low loot , short weight alum o
phosphate powder * . Sold "tdv innnn KOYA1
UAKINO 1'OWDEIl CO. , 100 Wall street. , N. Y.
> .ro the changes that , In a iow years , have
taken place in the manufacture of
Improvement after Improvement has
boon made , until to-day the clothing
offered by Schlank & Prince , 1210
Farnam street , is equal in every
respect to the best
While at the same time the lownosa oi
price of the fine grade of clothing
they handle ia no less astonish-
in ; ? than the
Perfection of Fit !
1210 Farnam Street , 1210
Om.iln Nobras'.n , In uhlch i ? taught double ami
single entry Hook-heaping , Oomincrtial Inw , Civil
lovcrniiiL-iit , Bnsiiio-3 I'raotifo , L'cmiumhip \ % -
Isli Grammar , Heading , Spelling' , C rrcsnondunco ,
and bhort lUml WrimiK.
Complo'o Course , ono jear , ( thoit hand c\
ciptcl $8000
; omplito Course , ono month SCO
'inn IctoCoiirsu , two months 15 on
'oniplito Course , thtuo months l0 ! CO
: idi month tliim'afttr fi 0)
hirty I-cswDB In rcumamhlp 000
'ho aho\u coursebook-Keepingexecuted ( ) ono
month . . 5W
ThoahDio courdo , ( book-Keep IIR oxtupted U
month * . 1200
Eend for circular. Addrcis
UEO. lUtATIIUUK , I'rln ,
m io Omaha , No
nihantnc of n , solM English and Classl-
ual education , fc ] > utl carouill bodototodlto the
Practical Surveying
Banking and Coiiercial
I'Uo ne\vprofcsecraha\o been added to the /acuity
r thiii purpcko.
2T Vocal Music , Oerman an J Trench , optional. . ; ty
Ni\V : BTUDKNTS mu t | > reicnt themsohbs dmlnK
10 ciK endlni ; Auguat 31 , bctnccn D and 12 u in ,
id they u'ust bo ru dy to eland examination to do
do thdr rank In the course.
I'rof. I.ambort will Klvailua notice forthoJrcBump
on of tlioetciilni ; cournu In Chcmlatr ) . Tuition
to No ( lUtliictliiri on ncouut of erect ] ,
nug. 19 tu tliurs eat Ut
Iaa bocn established and especially equipped for th
tioAlincntof iliseaboa of tlio
Nervous System ,
Blood , Kidneys ,
And Bladder ,
All iliseatca producing blood Impurities and j-ol -
jnlrir , with eruptions on the skin and ulcers.
UUvuoei ol the liver , Ilheunutiiiu , Piles ,
Jliroulo Koma'o ' DlixaeOj , UNuases
if the Fya and Eai , Catarrh , A > tlm , Bronchitls.nro
all treatedby now ouJ ncce ful inothole , lu lulling
the Compound Oxtuen triatmcnt. Young Men Mid-
llo Aiifi'l and old Jim , suffering Irom rcn oua debll
It } and oxhamtlon , from anj came liato\er , prodti
ring luOi.'oatlon , palpitation , despoiidrncy , dUzImsi ,
loan of nuinory lick of cnvriry ami ambition , cm ho
porinaovntlr awiipcttlll ) curei ) . NO CL'HG O
I'AV KOUTUHATllKNl' Iho phwlclan In cttrgo
luarfguhri.'raduitoiind ) > a itudi-dhli trofiuilun
In UHIUDU , rarU and IK'rlln lb I * au ciiut | In a11
illscafi-i f the I'rmiry organs In both Keim , If ) ou
a > o allllcted , call or vrlto full dcsoilptlon of. > out
ia o , and niedltinu may to out jou. Consnlfation
friv. AdJiem all connuunicntioiu Dmnht DlspuiiBi-
ry , Croun8 ' * Hl < icUOinah , Neb. Orllco bouiaO-12
kin. , 1-6anil7.8 p m SuudatB.O-lOa m.
Practical Painters & Decorators ,
1515 Dongas Street , ( Me ,
Are prepared to do work
In nny branch ,
On Short Notice
HOUSE , s' /
tooths' Oval Brand
D. B. EEEMER , Agent , OMAHA , NEB
The largest Stock in Omaha ; and ; ] Wes the Lowest Prices
Juat received an assortment far surpassing anything In this market , comprialn j
the Intcet and moat tasty designs mannfnutuiod for thia spring's trade and covcrin/
* range of prices from the Cheapest to Iho moat Expensive.
S Draperies.
Now ready for the inspection of cus Complete stock of all the la1 ;
tomers , the newest novelties in styles in Turcoman , Madras and
Suits and Odd Pieces. Lace Curtains , JUtc.j Etc.
EleeantlPassonger Elevator to alllFlooi's.
1206,1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , - - - OMAHA NEB.
Dormer Windows , Flnlala , 'Window CapsIron Crcstlnzs , Metalll Sky-lights , & 0. Tin. Ircn and Sbto Uoo
r S10 South 12th Strret Omiha Nobrankn.
Jt03 BRADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A. Establlahod 1878 Catarrh ,
JDeafnosa , Lung and Norroua Diseases Speedily and termanontly Cured. Patients
SCured at Home. Write for "TiiB MEDICAL-MISSIONARY , " for the People.
KOonsultation and Corrcnpondonco Gratis. P. 0. Box 292. Telephone No. 20.
HON. EDWARD RUSSELL , Postmaster , Davenport , eayo : " Physician of
. ADUUy ana Marked SUCCCSR. " CONGRESSMAN MURPHY , Davenport ,
"An nonorablo Man. Kino Success. Wonderful Cures. " Hours R to 5. _
iTOfiiTBnnnrw M'jrr.TJOTyr
eft VIbfl
vt bflS o S
a I 8S vto 3 ( U
9 cS o r-J .S C3 8U
S M ( U
1MB and 182(1 ( llr.inoy Str and < OS i. lEtb.Slrott ,
CtUlctue ( ctti'iKd fico open
1409 anil 1411 Dodee St. , \ Omaha Neb
BOSTON , xrarchlet , J831
JMSUaOV . PIANO -aBMLBiiisN-Yoar lnn ruraiutj. Qr n ,8quuo and Upright , are really nobli
' .
1'iuu.ent * und v.Diuallcd for bciuty ol tone and tlniin. Allow tuu to cootfiatulato > ou on jour sterling
cr u. Dodge Street , Omaha ,