\ I TPL DAiLV BEE Tr REPTEMIWE 1 1881. OEICKERING They Are Without A Rival. AND Have been Awarded One Hundred and eighteen Prize Medals at all the prominent expositions of the World for the Last Fifty Years. And LMng Pianists , r. IN E I TOUCH Au examination of tliesa magnificent jJPinnos is politel } ' requested before purchasing any other instrument. General Western Representatives. P. S.-Also Gen'l Agt's for KNABE , VOSE & SONS , BEHE BROS. , and ARION PIANOS , and SHONINGER CYMBELLA and CLOUGH & WARREN ORGAN. m IMPORTER , JOBBER AND SIANUFACTURERS' AGENT OF 5 13TH ST. , BETWEEN FARNAM AND HAilNEY RICHARDS & CLARKE , W. A. CLARKE , Proprietors. Superintendent U. P. RAILWAY , 17TH & 18TH STREETS , > ; ) MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN , i WATER WHEELS. ROLLER MILLS , isl ! and irain Elevator ; MILL FURNISHINGS OF ALL KINDS , INCLUDING THE Celebrated 'Anchor ' Brand Dufour Bolting C3Iotb j-im-w-H a < m frtrvw fnn nttmin i Wi TTT A rriTflT * i TiTT > / 1 A O TlITJl/ * STEAM PUMPS gSTKAM1 WATEIC AND GAS I GOODS AND FIFE F : ARCHITECTURAL AND BRIDGE IRON. . ' . . O U [ > : , O > ; : . ; O . TV a are prepared to furnish plans nnd estimates , and will contract foi ho erection of Flouring Mills and Grain Elevators , or for clmngmp wmirine Mills , from Stona to the Holler System. garEspioia attention fiven ; to furnishing Powder Plnuts.for any pur- postfondBstiinaies made for some Gnneril machinery roi-uirs attended : promptly. Aadrefis RIUHARD & CLABKEV Omaha , Neb COUNCIL BLUFFS. ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS. SliltuiiontB of Stock , The following were the shipmonta of stock from the union stock yards , September - tombor lot. X. K. Cftrtor , 1 i cnra cattle , 205 head , to Chlciitjo via 11. I. Davis it Jatnos , - c.m horsca , 20 head , to Knima City via K. 0. 11. C. Connor , 1 car horses , 13 head , to Council Hlulls. Converse Cattle company , 27 cars cat tle , oL'O head , to Clilcngn via Mil. P. Wilkinson , 2 cars cattle , ! 0 head , to Laramie via U. P. COMMKUOIAU COUNCIL nLUFFS JIA11KBTT. COUNCIL Uwrrs , IOWA , Sept. 1 , 1884. Whont-No. 1 niUlliiR , 76@SO ; No. 3 , C5@ 70) ) rojoctodCO. Corn l.ocnl ptiTixnmlOQIfi. . Onto For local puriiosoa , 35 ® 10. Hny $10 00@1U 00 per touj baled , CO@CO Hyo 10@15o. Corn Monl 1 30 per 100 poundo. WooJ Good anpply ; prlcoa nt yards , C 00 © 00. Coal Dollvorod , hard , 11 60 i > or ton ; oft , 5 00 i > or ton I ard Kalrbnnk'g , wholesaling nt OJo. yiour City Hour , 1 00@3 HO. IJrooins 2 < J5@3 00 per doz. LIVB BTOCK. C.\ttlo Hutchor cowu 300gi5. : ! ! Lutclior atoors , 1 OOffD-i 23. Slioop 3.50. lluRa 1 20 ® I C5. rnonucK AND rnuiis. QuotnUona by J. M. St , John & Co. , com. mission merchants , 538 Uroadwny. Poultry Lh o old hens , 7c ; spring chicken ? , 2 So.1 50 per doz. : live turkoya , Oo. ] ' .ichos J bus. bov , 1 00. ] .onions 5 50 per box. Unnnmvs 2 00@3 00 per bunch. Uuttor Croninory , 20cj rolls , choice ! ) @ 10c. ] ' -Rga 12J po * dozen. Vegetable * ) 1'otntoes , 1 50 2 00 per bbl ; onloiiB , 75e IX.T bn ; cabbage , 60o per do ? . ; npploR , 3 230'11 50 per bbl ; choice per bbl 3 25in ( 1 00 ; bonns , 1 50&r.2d per Inishnl , M1MNG IX AIji\SIC < \ . nlnK tntlioNortli-Titr bulcnt Kp < iuiitinnxSlior niul Killed Colil Wcntlior nt the Ulliicn. San Krancisco Itnlletin. Alining in ALisku hna EOHIO tliscomforta as well as the same occupation further south. But cold and snow have not prevented - vented the establishment of n mine on Piah river , which empties into Oolowiti bay , aovcnty miles north of St. Michaels. The mine ia owned principally by Mr. Whitman , of the grocery firm of Torroy , Whitman it Gardiner of O.iklnnd , Mr. Greene of West Berkeley , Col. Williams of Oakland ( recently deceased ) , and Robert Lowrio and S. 1. Mnrston , who were on the schooner Alaska , and wcro lost. Some seventy-five tons of ore were on the Alaska whoa oho walost. . Those who took passage on tlio Alaska left nt the inino KdwnrU Allen , David Mackoy , Uarry Richards , P. B. Price , Robert Lowrio , William Walton , and John Nicholson. Through the winter months the men worked at the mine , getting out ore ready to bo laden on the schooner , which they expected to return. In Juno last the revenue-cutter Thomas Corwin , Capt. Healoy , atoppcd at Golowin bay with letters for the minors. The letters were taken by an Esquimaux employed S by the mining company to the mine. The missives told that the schooner had never r reached San Francisco. 31 was then decided - , cided that some of the party should re turn to this city. Accordingly F1. B. Price , Robert Lowrio , William Walton , and John Nicholson prepared to leave the mine. They embarked in u baydero for St. Michaels , a distance of seventy miles in a straight line , but fully 210 miles : Following the coast-lino around Norton > sound , as the men in the little boat vere compelled to do. The perilous ( rip ccupied two wcckp. When the vinu was favorable nail was ised , and when the wind vas unfavorable during a calm , oars were ised , Four oars had been loft in n vhuleboat of the Lee and oarlocks were ) roved on the baydore. Paddles , such s are used by the natives , also were ised. After having boon in the water a ouplo of days , the skins of which the loat was inado became slack , nnd the raves striking against the sides made hem move inward and outward. The rip , however , irns made in safety , nnd t St. Michaels the men took passage on ho Alaska Commercial company's stoam- r St. Paul. The St. Paul left them nt unalaaka , whilu it took a man to the ionl islands , then picked them up and ook them to San Francisco , David tlackoy and Harry Richards are still nt ho mine , , . winters were found by the minors * o be extremely cold , the thermometer 'hi linking to. ! ? < = below zero. The men lived ci n n log house with two compirtmei.tj , in ciy Mio cf which the mules were kept. yr \botit l. > 0 cords of wood wsro burned > ' ' ant winter , The niinu is situated about ! mile form the house , and a shaft about feet has been sunk lovonty.fivo deep Ti md two drifts have been inado. During lopth of about two feet could bo moved vith n pick. At the depth named frozun round was struck , and no tools could : iavo any intluonco upon it. Powder rax.used in loosening the ground and ock. In midwinter the sun shone for two lours and n half only out of the twenty- our. In midsummer thu nun shone iwonty-ono and n half hours during the lay , and at any time the light was sulli- M ient to read the print of ti newspaper. .11 the winter the mon worofaqtios ( coats ) nndo of deerskin , quirrolskins or musk- .itskin , and caps of foxukiu. Mr. Price pc .ays that ho did not experience pain pcW rom the severe cold except during the orriblo gaku of winter , when the show vas ilown in clouds across the valley , 'ho warmth cf this latitude has teemed injiloasnnl , however , since his return , For food the men had n stock of salt neat nnd canned goods nnd beans , taken y the schooner. Pike , pickerel and omcod were caughtand easugoto ( grouse ) uid rabbits were ihot and oaten. In the valley where the mon were nt vork were nb ut ono hundred nativcH , md there was an Kaqiiiinau village called 1'hingamuty. in ( lolowin bay. No trouble vaB experienced with the natives except wo men , who seemed to hnvo better imlcratandinu than the others , and who ser so their cunning upon thu aupcrati. ns natures if their follows. These o nntivos g.ivo the minors cotiHidorablo Tbiible , nnd in the early sprint ; claimed .ho mine and threatened they would jring such u number of men from Capo I'rmce < 1 Wales that tha whiles would jo ns "ono Esquimaux , " without force ul ( c ont to protect their lives or prop , irlj. The trouble grow so desperate hat desperate nuana to end it were do- ided upon , and the minorn shot nnd illed the two turbulent natives , Tha ithor Indiana living in the vicinity ro- urncd thanka for thu removal of two roublesomo men , who robbed them of tholr furs by promfavig to p , y nnd never fulfilling thvir promise. During tlui winter nxnilhi 1'isli river , Dolnwin b . \ , North sound , niul the ocean , fnr ns the eye eoslcl reach , were solidly frozen over. Kwno of the inou tried to skixto on the ice , but the snow was drifted unevenly over the surface niul iho attempt was not successful. In America. long before they roAch middle ngo fre quently tind thomsolvoa sutforing from Boiuo of iho complaints and weaknogiea peculiar to their sox. For nil soch Kid ney-Wort is n great boon. It induces a healthy Action of the Kidneys , Liver and llowols , clonnsea the system , AIU ! strongihona nnd gives now lifo to nil the important orgnna of the body. It ii natures - turos great assistant in establishing nnd sustaining hoAlth. Sold by nil druggists. Thai GoHt tlio Cronm , .111 City Derrick. As tluiy sat together on the porch the other evening they talked of the tran sience of things in general , Said he : 'Tho beauties of the sunset nro glorious , nit while wo gaze thereon they vanish nwny , nnd it is thus with nil the joys of lifo. " "Yes , " she replied , "it is the same way with ico-cream. It stands before you in the saucer , but soon it is gone , and the place thnt once knew it knows it no moro forever. By the way , Ooorgo dear , " she added , ns though it were nn nftor thought , "lot's try that experiment on the Ico-creatn. " They experimented. jtiriVrfrctlon. ThoScnilot , Cardinal Hod. Old Gold , Navy Blue , Html Bruuii , Diamond I Jye- < si\o perfect remits. Any color , 10c. , nt drugnittH. Wells , IticliHidson it Co. . Burlington , Vt. ; Ho Hntl IVolmbly llcon There. "Did you over BOO my wife ? " asked > Flnttory of Green. : ' No , can'taay thntl did ; but 1 know just how she looks , nnd 1 can toll you nil 3 nbout her. " "You cnn ( " "Yes ; she's got coal black hair , snapping > ping 1 black eyes , and n mighty big , hard L hand. " "By George ! you'vo ' hit it. How did you guess so nccurntoly ? " "Well , 1 saw you coming down town the ether morning with one black eye , nnd looking as if you had made the ac quaintance of n broom handle , eix rolling pins , and n hard fist. " Boston Times. "As Gootl UN Now , " nro the words used by n lady , who was at ' ' ' ono time given up by the most eminent physicians , nnd loft to die. Reduced to n moro skeleton , palo nnd haggard , not nblo to lonvo her bed , from all those dis . tressing diseases peculiar to Buffering females - males , such ns displacement , loucorrhu11 , inflammation , etc. , etc. She began tak ' ing Dr. Piorco'a "Favorite Prescription , " ) and also using the local treatments rec ommended by him , and is now , she says , "ns goodns now. " Price reduced to ono dollar. By druggists. "Wool Production , Chicago Commercial Adxeitihor. The wool production in the United ' States amounted to 475,000,000 pounds Tl lantyoar. Ohio stands nt the head with 85,000,000 pounds ; next cotno California , 21 17,000,000 pounds ; Michigan , 12,000,000 pounds ; ladiann , 0,000,000 pounds , Tex as , 7,000,000 pounds ; Now Mexico , - 500,000 pounds ; Kentucky , 5,000,000 pounds ; Oregon and Washington Terri tory , 8,000,000 , and the ether states nnd SI territories loss than 1,000,000 pounds each. ! A SkirmlHli Ainou ; ; tlio Doctors. When typhoid fever broke out at Port rorvia , some doctors quarreled about howe o cure it. Each said his way was the est , and several said nil the others were mtircly wrong nnd know nothing nbout low to cure it. A little knowledge of nedicino is a dangerous thing , but n very al uablo item of medical knowledge is , hat Brown's Iron Bitters builds up rastod systems , and by enriching en- oobled blood gives health and strength. r. W. J. Nowhill of Carter Creek , Va. , ays , "Brown's Iron Bitters is ono of ho best tonics 1 over prescribed. " For Company. 1.11 Cow York Sim. Gil GilIi Doctor ( who has been sent for nt 2 a. Ii 11. "Madam , pray send at once for the lorgymun , nnd , if you want to make our will , for the lawyer. " Madam ( hor- ificd ) "Good craciousj Is it so dnngcr- 113 , Doctor ? " Doctor "Not a bit of it ; lut 1 don't want to bo the only fool who laa been disturbed in his sleep for nolh- ng. " " ' " A Doiihlc-l'Jnlcndro. Tf Cow Oilemn ; I'Irjijuiie. Bo careful about what you Hfiy to n Til inrbor. "Cut it abort , old man , " oaid a ustomer to one who wai spinning a long am in his car while cutting lim hair , 'lie result was n shaved head anil much 'rof.inity. Only Ki.Tijsoiii ) . 'romthc Hostnii 'limcH , Torchlight procosmoiw will BOOH bo in rder , and it will bo the easiest thing nnginablo , when n patriot goes homo at ight nnd his wife wooers , "For mercy iko , Chariot ) , what mokes you smell sof" ir the patriot to explain , " 'Skeroaono , arhioltng ( ) ; torahlight p'aosaion , y'know , eon breathing in it ( hie ) all the evening. The KeuHon Why. row York Hun. "What waa your reason for Helling faud 8 ? " ho was asked , "You won't give it away ? " "Certainly not. " "Whenever I drove her on the road coplo would aay' 'There goca Maud S.1 Mb nny other horse they soy , 'Thoro ' uos Vnndorhilt. ' Thnt is the reason. " > t\K tKwl On tat uu fcwWooilworlc ! Attachments T1 Warranted 5 Years A SOLD.ON EASY PAYMENTS. quli itcc K. U IXJYEJOY W , H Hth btrut , Om lia , y HAMBUHU-AMERIOAN Oo.taa.ia nny , IUKCT L1.VX KXoAN'D , JTHANCK AND OKIIMANY. Tlio it m hl | < tf this well-known r " < T. built ol Iron , In n-ntmlithj eninniltnrnt | , mit'irs liunl h nl 1th ciory txDmt to in ko t'io | K * ( O tmth fc Mul i Rt < H llc. They nny the t ) leif sutci t l Kuroioftn | nmll , vid If MO Now \.itni Tliitni * il ) i lM\ttmU } f < > f 1'lymmith ( t.ONIKNClier bonri ; , ( I'AUIH ) ami It AMlH'JHl. K tw : Flint OnWn.f. fcUmM JJ. Stfctvo Hcnt ) inimlt , M tk lliwwn , F U. Moorm.M. "Vwi " , wrrnttln Oinulm , Oroti\Vi'i&SriKH'nlKtii , iOi > . ' > in ( Vuiicll tttnttt. 0. II : ItlOIAKll ft CO , ( Ioni < rc A tn , 81 lie ! .l \ , N. Y. Cl'W. Kotmln kl A ( A' ) cncr l WwtoJn Avint * , 1C"7 lilnk'ton St. , Chlf ( TO.lll. DOORNE'SEU-GYRIGBELT Nrr * on nrf n , niiifiiKMi I'nr luli , M. IM IM | . i-nnn * . - - . y'i' ' n I ; > fi > N . t'Mnrrn t C ? 1 HIM Kltlli l > m % Imttitr DllmliSM > Vnilllnlii | ( 1 ti-ll , oli' Onlr wlMfinr trii' luittti AtntTUfithM tM'inMhoKlri'trlr ( v nil m K nollim llminili tln > Innlj . i\ulin ! IwiivliiimM In an Ii llaiittijttifVitllinl SI.OOO Would Not Bu It. Winter h routing , tlin fcmon nl tlio ) ci\r lor vlii > kml v"0" ' I" * ' < " > of thin livct , \ o KI\ . luime n IKx-tor llotnc'n Klcetrlo Holts , by noMoliiR , , vn ll ? oM lthouini\tl in , KlilietroniiU'9 : neil othrr III thit llcih In lirlr tmi. Ho not dcli\\- , lull cull S oil Mlioo , niul oikinlno tlio liultx , 1422 DmtglM St. , On ft hit No- ) . UTFat Mlo i > t C. F. aoodmin'i Drug Slot1 1110 l , Omah * . a o n 1OOO.OO ! lIt.Tilto p'tliltn liny cno \ tholll flml ft . I ol Mrrnirj , IVitaxli , Iixllne , Arvonlc , or mi ) I'ol g us o "I luuo curoil nionl Tnlnt by the USD of S ltt's 3lXcllto ) uttiT 1 linil incut ulRiinllj Inlliilwlth tlio Mir- uty ttiul I'otnsh Tn-fttinont , 1' . A. TOOMKIt , M. I ) . 1'errj , On , "SHllt'n Spoclflo lint curcil inn of Sirolnhof 12 icmrs nUiiilIni ; . Hail mrcs mntgo \ AI nn liniul , nnil u-r.v oiio thoiiRht 1 WM iluomcil. Snitt'o .Siicilllr uroil my Mtor phj Bidiiim nnil nil other niodldno bail allcil ' 11. I , , limit , IxiniAc , Ark. ft I ( \ C\C\f\v'0"u \ \ \ "ot inirfliwo from 11.0 wlmt ? 1 W UvHI Swill1 * Sieclllo | ha .l"no tor mo. It Miilru mo ol 1lhtmnuitliina > ti < ieil by A11UI1IK IIIOMAb , H Our Trcatlao on llhioil mul Skin Diseases nmlloil Iroo | < l < ! IcanU to THi : HW1KT SPECIFIC CO. Drawer S , Atlanta , ( U. N. Y. Otllro , HO W. 22.1 . St. , between Bill nnil 7th Ueimea. I'lillailultihlni'llco 10(1 ( Chestnut t. Health is Wealth ! DR. 11 C. Wrsr'H NKH\K AMI HRAIV TIIXAHMRNT , a iiiarAiitoctl cncclllo lor Hjmcrla , Drzlnuw , Coinul- loni , Fits , Ker\oils NcumlKh , Jleailacho , Nrruni * 'rciBtration can oil by the mo ot alcohol nr tobbicco , VakclulncsB , Monttl ileirc | Blon , Solteninj ; ol the irain , rcflultlnirtn IIMMIIU and lunilii ] ) ; to misery , Icca ) anil death , 1'romaturc Old no , llnronuaii , IOH-I Ipowcrln cither POX , Iiuolnnt.iry I.oneaanil Slier. natiirhoracaiHod b > oxcrcxtrtlontot the briln , noil- .tmsourmi-r ImlulKGiira. Kacli box. contains ono iHintli'H tieatmont. $1 CO a boxer six bullion ( or 5.00 , lent bj inall | > ro | ld on rcculpt t > ( price. Wi : OUAUANTiH : SIX 110XK1 'o euro > ny cane.Vlthoach order rccehcd by us r BX ! li.ullci , accoiniill.hid with $5 ( X ) , o will tend ho purchiHir our r.tton Kuaranten to rotund the icno } II thotrcatmentdiwHiiot cllocta euro. Uuar- nteea Insued on ] } by JOHM C : WIST k CO. , Jy 28-mio ry 80.J ilaUUoii St. , ChlcaRO , 111. 'ho Leading ABrlcultural and Llvo Stoolt JlOrnal of the West. riFTKKNTinHAK J B. S. SMITH & CO. , I riDIIS AM ) t Ulir.HMKIlH. iONMlOIlT. W. KUIINAS , Sccrotary Ht lloar u ( Agriculture , Ausocl.ito lull tor. UUSCUIl'TION 1'UICi : , Jl.OO iiorjo rliift1vanoo | JdrAOKNTS WANlKOjur 1 m1 i t i ( . , 0 [ ill i , f i ! -iiti tf It A victim ol early Imnruoonco , . ns narroiig Itcblllty , DioniKturn tlcriiy. cto. Imvinir tnn ] in rumevnry known romrdy. h&s ( llntovnrpu A filninli mennn of noirvuro.vnich liu will ucsil 1'UEK to icsnli Aoonrince Co. , ol tiondon , C h Accoto ofltcliontcr.N. Y. , Okpltil OOU.OCC.O luMcrcimnto. of Ki.wvik , N , ) . , CuplUl I,57SCCO.Ut rardKIro , 1'ldUcclil.lk , tpItU 1.207.100. U rcmiu'alund Cat UI l.SSO.Jld. HAS NO UPE1UOR. lie Steck is n Durable Piano. IK STKCK HAS HINOINO QUAMTV OF TONK I'OUNU NO OTIIKK PIANO. SOI.I ) NI.Y 1JV 1JVBROS , , OMAHA NKil. IH DKCIDKI ) I1V Royal Havana Lottery ! ( A OOVKItNMCNT INHTI'lUTION. ) rawn at Jlavanu , uba , Every li ! to Id Days. DKirrs , 82.00 , iiArvr.s , ji oo. iuljjec-t to no inanliiiilatlon , not controlled hy the ttltiHln Intoroiit It U the falruut tlil"K In the turo ot Uiancu in ttl ! tonco. 'orlnlorinutlonnnd particulars aiijilv tnHIIII'.SKV , Uun. Auontu , 1212 llroaiivtar , N V , tlty , KAUII&CO. , 417 Walnut ntroctHt. , Ioul , Mo. Kranl. l.ohruno , L. I ) , , 'iO Wjanilottc , Kan. y -mio tt wly. \i | 1.I.CIIIO VOLTAIC IIKJ.T nnd ollirrKircfnio , Ai'iiiAscm nru cent on M Havo1 'irlol 'IO UN ONI.V. VCJUN'II i > H OLD , who nro nurTiT- train NKIIVOUH 1)1 nil ITT. JAIST VIT UTV , IBTM'I WlIAKNKfiSK.1 , Illld 111 ! lllOKO dllK'UM * til It EIUHJNII , Nituiii : , riBultlni ; from AIIUCKI nud II111 C'iUbKi Kj.i'cdy rillit and romplita lUirallnn toIiiLtn , V'luou nnd Mitinoou uiuMT-KD. hi'Mil at OLCU ( or IlliutnUxl iinphli tfri'n. Ailnreul f" UJ.TAIl1 IIKI.T CO. . Mnr linll. Mich. EXAS TRAIL CATTLE , Uiuut tt.UX ) lifU'l , iiKJHtly una anil two yuarn old iirr. Will l > o at OgaUlla buut August iUtli. lu ll. u ( nr fetid roan ID. n. ( HUM KB H-ra&o liu OicaUUtt Neb THE CHEAPEST PLAGE UM UMAHA TO BUY Ona of the Boat and largo.it Stocka in thv < J United State * to reject from. NO STAIRS TO OUMB , ELEGANT PASSEN&EE tfLEVATOB , THAT IS THE NAME QFflTHE TOWN WHERE ] FOR ALL ARE FOUBtfD I Where They Can Enjoy Pure Air & Watorl And nil o the gond anu plcoaniii tilings thatfgo to make up a com- > lcto and huppy oxistonce. The town o South Omaha i1 sluonted south of the city of Omaha n the line ot the U. llaihvny , and it is less than 3 | miles from the Jnmlm post oflico to the north line c i the town nito. South Omaha is nearly H miles north and south by 2 } east and vest , ami covers an area of nearly foursquare unlea , Tlio stock yards are at the extreme southern limit. Nearly IfiO lots have been sold s d the demand is on the increase ? ho yards arc being rapidly pushed to completion. The # 00,000 beef packing house is progressing finely. The $30,000 Water Works are finished nnd furnish an abundant upply of PURE SPRING WATER. The 1J. & M. nnd Bolt Line Railways have a largo force of men at vork and will , in connection with thoU. P. llmlwuy , have a union depot icar the park at the north end of the town. Suitable grounds will be urnished for Church and School purposes. Wow is the time to buy lots in this growing city. They will never lo'chcnpor than they are to-day. at the Company's oflice , at the Union Slock0. Assistant Secretary , F Ca-OOBMAN * * gaHgJB"c : * ' r lAW \M + Jga - - - " 'hVf AND DEALER IN OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Double and Single Acting Power ano Hand TrimraingB , Mining Machinery , Bolting , HOBO , BraaH and lion at whol nuo ! nud rutail. 1IALLADAY WIND-MiLLS , CHURCH ND SCHOOL BELLb. Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb. ERTEL'S HAY PRESSES. ro the Cheapest. Most Durable , Smallest in Si/.o niul Lightest ia Weight. no Hav I'r.THrl ! nny kln.l . can tlio amoimt ol work nro.luwu at nu-li mtl8ex | > on8 , . ( teni tons ol ( . . MaclilnojarroatoJ or llriia.ni < rtcir1)a ) < a nlH.loiio with Iho Ilitcl luiprouil For Illiutratoil clruiUr aJJrcm , . now , , | juinoli Kim. & CQ Qn ( i.tluiiOMAiiA HK . nil-cm U , S. DEPOSITORY. n. MILL A ED , President. WM. WALLACE , Cashier. and Surplus. S5OO.OOO. SIT VAULTS Flio on 1 BcrgUr Proof Bafoa for llont at from J5 to ? 60 per annunj ,