Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1884, Page 5, Image 5

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She DcscrlH Her lliifllmml'H lied and
Tnkcs Another Jinn.
Mr. IVoaton llall called ot THE BKB
Vofhco Siturday morning and poured Into
a roporor's oar tlio story of his griofa
which lie desires mndo public. Ho snys
that on the 1st day of August , 1883 , in
the- town of Rich Hill , Mo. , ho married
a sylph-liko dining room girl who weighed -
ed , when in lighting condition , 185
They catno to this city and wont to
work for Mr. 0. F. "Williams , llall working -
ing at grading and his wife cooking for
Mr. Williams' family. All wont merry
as a marriage bill until about the 4th day
of last July , when Mrs. llall formed a
habit of drinking liquor and raised no
much racket that she was obliged to leave
Mr. Williams' house and they Trent to
live down on the bottoms.
Hall had suspected that his wife was
not as true to him as n
strictly pure mid virtuous woman
should .be and kept n watch upon her
movements. On Thursday ho was pud-
donly called homo from his work and
found in the bed which Hall alone should
occupy wilh Mrs. Hall , ono William
Connors. Hall drove Connors from the
house mid tried to argue with his way
ward wife that such tilings wore highly
improper mid that she as a married
woman should not allow any man other
than her husband such privileges , but
she said she would do as she
pleased about such things. Friday she
left the house and wont on a drunk with
Connors and did not return homo ogam
until 2 o'clock Saturday morning. She
Icfh after breakfast Saturday morning
and indulged in another sproo. Hall
says that uho at ono time took a largo
dose of morphine and nearly killed her
self. Ho still asserts that ho loves her
dearly , and if she will only go with him ,
ho will move away and together they will
begin lifo anow.
If she don't brace up and Connors con
tinues to fool around , there is liable to
bo a row in the camp , and don'tyou for
got it.
Mr. J. Harris leturnetl Sunday , from Chlca-
K -
J. A. Groin , of Wyinorc , i34attho Mctropol-
o\l. U. Cl.xvoy , < if Chicago , Nut the Metio-
A , 11. Shaw , of Tckam.ib , is at the Jletro-
J. C. Walker , of Grand Island is at the
F G. Tucker , of Bl.iir , it legislated nt the
W. C. McDonell , of Ncligh , is stopping nt
tha Metropolitan.
Mi * . .T. T. J'llis , of 1'romont , is the guest
'if the Metropolitan.
G. II. Quinibley/of MinneapolisisJ8topping ;
at the Metropolitan.
Mi-s Xella Wilson Icftyeatniday to entoi
ttlio State Norm il at 1'eru.
J. I' . Van Diran , and O. L. I'.itteison , of
Ivoith Platte , aio quarteiedat the Metiopoh-
: > ' Miss Agnes Hannigan left last evening for
Taramio City to visit her sister , Mrs. W. L.
Mm phy.
Mr. T. W. Stcadman , of the Union PaciBc
headquarters , and his wife , returned yestordiy
from u jaunt through Colorado.
Mr. George Benson , ono of the clerks in
General Baggogo Agent Traynor'sofiic8n.turn-
ed yesterday from a trip through tlio west.
. Miss Xeilio Boyd and her troupe will pass
through Omaha this morning en lotito for
Denvei , wheio they fiilj un engagement this
vv eek.
H. T. Winston , a gentleman well known in
this city , returned yesterday from a v isit t
Coney Island , and other eastern watering
Mr. Will Young , ono of Tirrell & Cook's
ple.ning clerks , returned yesterday from a
threa weeks' visit with friends in the east. Ho
had a good time and is grc itly recuperated by
Invisit. .
General Trallic Man iger Klmball and fami
ly , Gouoral Ticket Agent Stebbins , of the
I mon Pacific , and L. M. Bennett , of Iho
Pullman palace car company , and wife , lelt
by special car Saturday to attend the mooting
at Saratoga.
\li Tied MtConnell and family , of Salt
I.iKc , arrived in this city jesteiday. Mr.
M' ' Cumuli will heie.iftei make his head-
1'nrti , n in Omaha. Mr , and Mrs. McCon-
uell em be found for the present at the homo
. , f Mr. W. O. Taylor , ISIO South Twenty-first
A laigo line of Gold and Silver watches
just arrived , winch vrill bo sold at the
vcr , * lowL-st prices ; also great bargains
are'oilered in Silver Ware and Clocks at
' A. IJ. IIuiJEitMA > .v'H ,
" " a2'i-2t ' Cor. 15th ana Douglas St.
YcHterdny'H Oiiinc ,
\bout luO persons witnessed the third
gaino between the Union Pacifies and
Kookuks yesterday afternoon. The
contest was a simple repetition of the
two former ones , and was almost wholly
devoid of intoust until the close of
the eighth innings when the score stood
seven to seven. The visiting team
showed more vim at thisfioint than wan
manifested by it at anytime before in
any of the games. The Innings resulted ,
however , in the visitors being shut out ,
the Union Taoihcs crossing homo plate.
The interest of the game centred in
Fowler , the colored member of the Keo
kuka , who filled the pitcher's box. lie
proved a puzzler for a couple of innings ,
but toward the close of the ganio ho was
batted quito freoly.
] 5olow is the acoro by innings :
1 1 12 8 ! 0 0 7 8 9
I mon Pacific 0 0 ! | 2 0 0 2 0 fi 12
JvOolvUklJ 002020030-7
Just received ologantlino FnH& Winter
Woolens. ll.Kalish,10th and Davenport.
I'osral I'romotloiiH.
Loyal .S. llolo was yesterday promoted
to the vacancy in the postollico caused by
the resignation of John \V. Ilonza.
The position formerly occupied by
Clerk Elmer 0. Cochran was filled by
Frank Oloaon , also promoted.
E. S. Ololan vvas appointed janitor of
the postoflico department of the govern
ment building.
In the postal service F , n. Cole and
L. V. Ilolomaii were promoted from
Chats 3 to Class t.
L. E. Ktvons , recently appointed to
Class 1 , assumed tlio duties of his ollico
A Vine Opening Iinst Evcnlnc nml
I'rospcots of ix Great SOCCCHH.
St. Joseph's Hospital Fair opened In
Falconer's hall last evening in a most
encouraging manner , a largo number of
the friends of the church and visitors be
ing present.
The second lloor of the buliding was
well filled with booths from which num
erous things , such as crockery , toilet and
fancy articles , furniture and wares of
many kinds , were offered for sale.
In ono corner of the room was a
wheel of fortune also , upon
the turning of which the boys and young
mon were allowed to venture their
chango. The ladies in charge of the var
ious departments were most ingenious
n persuading the visitors to part with a
ittlo of their change to help along this
nest worthy cause.
The Musical Union orchestra furnished
a delightful programme of its choicest
selections last night , and tonight the A.
3. II. band will untranco its
i oar era by its melodious strains.
The fair is under the direct suporvis-
on of Fathers Glauber and Jonnotto , as
sisted by the following committees :
FJNANIB. Messrs. Croighton and
MANAGEMENT. Messrs. Donovan and
3ushnian ,
PuuMsiiiNii. Messrs. Hush and B. u-
SUPPLIES , Messrs. Murphy and Wha-
on.Music. . Mr. 11. O'Keofo.
The following are the names of the
tables and the hdies in charge of thorn :
St. Mary Magdalene's table Under
.ho direction of the ladies of St. Maiy
Magdalene church : Mrs. JosephFronzor ,
Mrs. Bernard Kocator , Misses Josie and
Annie Horold , Mrs. McNally , Mrs.
Qoinzmaun , Miss Carrie Kocator and
Holy Family table Mrs. John A.
roighton , gMiss Llzzio Murphy , Miss
Dacy , Miss Crowley and others.
Sodality table Under the direction of
the Young Ladies' Sodality oflicors.
Hospital table Under the direction of
Mrs. Little , Mrs. J. F. Daly , Mrs. Andrew -
drew Murphy and Mhs Carmody.
The refreshment tables Mrs. M. Donovan
evan , Mrs. G. M. O'Urien , Mrs. James
Nearly two years have elapsed since a
HospiHl fair was hold in this city , and it
is hoped that the people of Omaha will
donate moat liberally toward assisting
this undertaking whoso object is BO char
itable and deserving.
A Stone AVall To He Built Upon The
East Slilo of The
School Sijiiarc.
If the stone wall now contemplated by
the board of education for the east side
of the High School grounds ba built ac
cording to plans adopted last night , not
only a long needed improvement will bo
added to the many of the .school district
but also an ornament to that pait of the
The proposed wall will bo GOO foot
long , extending from Dodge to Daven
port street. It will bo thren foot high ,
twenty inches thick at the base and eigh
teen on top. There will bo two
twelve and a half feet corner
entrances , one on Davenport and one
on Dodge street in the form of a quarter
circle. At the head of Capitol avenue
will bo another fourteen foot wide of the
common , straight pattern. Behind the
wall will be a small gutter made from
cement to protect the wall from being
damaged by tlio srrfaco water.
It is the intention of the board to fully
complete its construction this fall. l > ids
are already in and referred and n moot
ing of the board will bo called at an early
date to lot the contract for conntructirg
Declined A Second Time ,
The formal declination by llov. E. N.
1'ottor L. L. D. , of the Nebraska Epis
copate , to which ho was elected last Juno
lias boon received. A special council has
been called by tlio standing conimittcoto )
moot on Wednesday , November Oth ,
when another election will beheld
hold to fill the vacancy caused by I3Uhop
Clarksor.'s death.
A light of one round took place last ov on-
ing between a uty olhcei anil thu krcpi-i of
one of the principal H.ilonirj in the city , in
front of ono of thu loading diinking plates ,
Thobnttli'was Humiruiiily ondoil by tlm up
poainucoof friends , who sojiiratod tlio coin-
batvit * , but not until the liquor vender h id
hioki'ii his gold-hoaded cans ovei the olliciul's
head ,
With a dingle exception , every ono of the
teacher * in the public xUioolx rrporttd to Su-
peiintendcnt .Tnmi.s last evening. The UK *
gregatoof pupiln jenterday vun 1,300 , nearly
100 iiuiio thin weru In attendance when
Hcbool opened for the fall term last yeai ,
Nially200 Htmlentx vmo In uttciuluuco at
tlio High Bphool yostenlny. The two rooms
in the attic wore well lilltd , nml everything
m isril off niqx.ti pleaxautly for the first day of
school , Mr. James < stimuli. * that four hun
dred more pupils will bo in attendance before
the term clones.
Tlio Nolilc Heel Mini ,
BIHMAKCK , ] ) ak. , September 1. Sitting
Bull and wife , Spotted Horn Bull aud wife ,
hem ? Dog , Uroy llafjle , Dying Boy , Grow
Krglp , 1'rincem Winonu , KeJ Hpear , all Sioux
tlnufs , accompanied by I.ouia I'riincan , in-
terpretsr , and agent Mel.aughlln and vvito
aud boy of Standing Hock agency , led hero
tonight for Minneapolis to attund the fair ,
Illalnu Will Talk ,
MAViiBsrKH , N. If. , September 1. The
Now l.ngland fair has oiemd. ] George Jl.
railing , commiiiHioner of ak'rn ulture , di livered
an adilroHs Thursday , Blalno will uddru > B
the people at the fair grounds , and in the
livening hold a reception ,
All Quiet In JIouUliiK Valley ,
CINCINNATI , Sept. 1. A Commercial Ga
rotte bi [ < tial n iya Kverythiug is quiet In the
Hocking valley tonight as far a.i letrncd ,
In the past thirty years thcro have
boon many remedies advertised for the
euro of kidney and liver troubles and
diseases of the urinary organe. Of only
ono oan it be said that "it is never known
to fail. " That one is Jlu.vr's [ Kidney
and hirer ] UKMEU ? .
The CMif of Police of Piitsbnrg Re
ceives a Deserved Relinkc ,
Audio llcsult of Ills O\er uillelotis-
ncss In Ordering tlm Austrian
Consul to Until Down
IllH Klnjj.
I'll mil nu , September 1. The attempt of
Dhlof of-1'ollco llraun KOIIIO time ngo to coin-
ol Austro-Hungariati Consul Schmnborg , etv
.IOIHH ! at this city , to tnko dow u the Austrian
\rg became ho regarded it as a violation of n
nunulpal ordinance , prohibiting street ob
structions , tins been taken cognisance of liy the
Auitrinn government mid the tito depart
ment of tlio United States as the following
corru'potuloitca will show :
IHlKKOt Till. t 0MISOII , !
Tlmrdiy August lit' ' , IKS I. I
lion. Andrew 1'ulton , Mnyoi of tlio city of
I'ittsbnrg :
1 have the honor to submit to you tlio enclosed -
closed copy of a communication , lectivod this
lay from tliojHon , Fredrick T. Vrohnglmysen ,
setretiry of Blnto nt Washington , 1) . U. , In
regard to dithciiUieu existing between tlm
Vustrio-Huugariin cnn ul at i'lttsburg , nnil
.ho chief of police of tlio simu city , anil to request -
quest that it recolvo your piompt attention ,
mil th it you coiniiuinlc.it1. to mo at your oir-
lost com onlem.0 the result of your lutloti m
ho piomi'os. lo ! tn'tfully your * ,
[ ciguod ] UoiiKlir C. I'vTTisox.
Angiiit IMil. I
Ills Kxcelloncv Hubert 0. 1'attison ,
Governor of I'onnsylvnni i.
Sir : Huron Schaelfor , ministei of Austro-
ilungary nt Hut capital , iteently brought to
ho attention of tlm deputmont the fact
.lint on n roccnt ccicmonliil occasion tint of
ho anniversary of his majesty tlio cmpcroi
> f Austria ntul Hungary when the Auatro
Hungarian consul of i'lttsburg displayed the
Ing of that nation in Iront of hm consnlato ,
10 was picmptotily ordered by tlio chief of
police to t\Ko it down , it being displayed
,11 , violation of .1 ordinances
which piohlbitcd the hanging out of swinging
signals as sticot obstructs ii9. Mr. Scham-
" ) erg , the consul in question , rfuscil tn ro-
'uwd to remove the ll.ig , tlaiming ho had a
iiglit EO to hoist it in piir-inncn of existing
tre.ity stipulation bctiveon the irnited Statei
nud Austria lluiiRary. In an inteniow be
t eon Hiion Schaolfor and Mr. John Ua\ii ,
assistant nrcretaiy of > , it was suggested
ilmt Mr. , tluof of police of I'lttsbuig ,
might Imo nctod In ignor.Hico of the consuls
lights under tlio treaty , and B.iron having
rCLei\cd . repoit that the ilag had remained
untouched , ho scorned disposed to adopt n
chatitable Mew of the aflfau and let the mat
Lor drop without futttier notic" . ISatiin
chaplFer in a iiotn to mo the IWd innt. states
.lilt tlio thief of t olico has pursued the in.ittor
ho us to BUO the iomnl tor disobeying IUM
oidci' , and has asked for All. Sdiand > eig H ar-
iet , and under these circumstances
ho in\olicM the inteifemico of the depart
ment. The fourteenth niticlo of the coninlir
comeutioii of .Inly , lh"0 , between tha United
Stitos and Austio llnngaiv proiuloi thit
"Consuls goneial , ooosulflico consuh nnd
consnlai agents shall bo nt liberty to place
o\tr the chief entrance of theii iespecti\o
ollicos the aims of then nation \uth the in-
ccriiition , "Consulate Ueneial , " "Coiisulato , "
"Vito Consulate , " 01 "Consular Agency , " as
may bo. They shall alsn lie at liberty to hoi-t
their IliR on biuid vessels omploytd by them
in port for tlio di'chargo of theii dutj' . " It is
unnecessary to ob--ervo to j-om otcellency
that under the constitution of the United
States the treaty in question in put of the
Mipierne law if the land , .icd has tlio STIHIO
fprco and nOfect as a xtatulo of the United
Stitefl , nud is to bo rcsnectsd .ind obejed
in the same manner ns .my state l.i , 01 din.nice to the contrary not
withstanding. I h uu tlio honor to request that
jour excellency bring the subject of tnoso sug
gestions to the early attention of the superior
authority of the city of 1'ittsburg , adviring
such functionary ( presumably the mayor )
any proaodings natch may li.ivo been insti
tuted by the chief of police against the connnl
phall atonco be ilienneKed without any charco
to that gintloin.iD , i n 1 at the same time that a
courteous nnd fitting oAplnn.ition bo m ulo to
him. American consuls have precisely the
linn rights in Austria anil IInngaiy as are
claimed liy Sch unlii rtr in this instance , and I
have no doubt but th it you will coinciJo with
me in the tuntimont that international courte-
fly no loss thin Unity obligations demands
that these rights should ho ic-ipected liy nil
local authorities in the United States. I will
thank jon to mnKo known to mo the lesult of
such action as you may deem it proper to take
in the matter. J have tlio honor to be sir ,
Your Obedient Servant , ( Signed ) ,
J'llKIl'K T. rj < l.IINIIMSI-N. !
Alayoi I'nltmi eayj he W.H absent hen the
diirerencu between Consul .Sclmmboig nnd
Chief Itiaiin occ-uni'd , nud thnt ho will take
no action until he consuls his nttoinoy.
01I I 111 ! KMI I'lIOKS.
VIENNA , Sept. 1. Tlio unporor will moot
the c/.ti a Skiornev'o the middle of the pres
ent month. The Kmperoi of OiTiimny will
not bo pioscnt.
( 1101.1(11 ( \ IV HAM.
'AHIS , Sept. 1. 1'onr cholei.i deaths nt
Fabiigms and fix at Caimmkx today. A
tonp hoiifo is oponpil at Hpcvta , Italy , viluio
tin 10 Imo been t'\ only In e deaths in thirty ,
filx liuniH. Shops .110 closed and the
in cunliiiid to the buracki' . At iVipI0'mui
then vveicight deaths wiiliin twoduyH.
NAI-I l s , September 1. In the past lit hours
twenty fioih c.ncs of choler.i occuned , and
thoie ha\o been hovoral deaths. Foiiiteen HUD
1' ' ! tiuiM C.IM'S of Bicki i'ss have appe ircd m
ovelday province.
I'AKIi , Scptdiibor I. 'J'lio iiopiieri ] nre
king umbirfKu ut the law momnlgated by
Uaion do Alantcnlfel , govornoi of Alsace Ijor.
rnlne , intended to piuvont the tiiucaso of
Kienuh fjimlio.s m that country , nml obliging
adult cons cither to Lecomu n itmaled ( ! er-
maris < ir quit the ooiintiy. I 'nmnmoil men ,
when they become of ngo , nio liable to con-
BClltition or oxpulnon ,
Tot ION , Septeinbc-r 1 , ( Jicat nctivi'y pro-
valla at Toulon ainerul. Hoviral tianspoiti
wcro placed in readiness tu t-mbaik with
tioojiB fin China.
Tlio Friiinonr Kniiiilnn.
Special Dlxpatch tuTiiK liKK
KIIKMONT , Septuiilier 1. The reunion
union of the Grand Army of the HcpnliHo
tlio mxtli ono hold in tliix Btnto opom d hern
today nnilor the iiiont favorable aimplcen.
The Hito chosen for tha cnmji liai alro.uly
btcndenLiib l In the Uti. UH duo of the hunt
spots for Hiich a purjcno In Ilio countiy , and
the arram'omcnU fur the ciicaiiiiiinent liuvo
been tmdi that HIICCOPH n iiHHiirod. AH tin
posts will take p.irt in tlm OXITCIHOH
Imvu not Jit ui i hod , but tlioy
will all bn hero liy tomorrnw. .Sovoral
thoiuiinil people am already on the KrounJH.
TliBBliiini navul oiiK K m'iit will take place
I'riilay OMJIIIIIK , und will lie an nvcnt vvoll
worth witnueNlntr. Tlio city hax iifuumi'il n
hohiluy uttlrc , nml liy tomorrow DiDUsandH of
will Im on
Supposed Vollitvv l''i\or OIIHCH In
NMV Yoiik , Soptcinbi-r 1. Thu boaltu coin
inutloner of JlrunUIjn rcti-Ivod infonn.ilnm
that two ( amcn wcro ) jni | ; ill , apparently
HiiffLriDKfrom yellow fuvor. "J'hoyvro ftl
tin Ii 11.18 anil Jobn'J'n'ili man , whu arnvod
in the Htliobiier < l. A , D.iki r from ( Joor'tlown (
S. 0 , Ia t wtuk. They were movoil to the
hoitpital where the ductorii wcra also of the
opinion that thu HMH went yellow fever , Ocu
ul them dind thin aftciiiyon , and the pohoa
iijucritui the health coininlisioiieiu to place
the houto from vvhlch tlu Be.uiion wcro ro.
iiuivfd nniler qu.iranting , A health inaptctor
familiar u itli tin' irmla > ly , madu an mvvitlgn
lion , and ii > 'n li-j in coiuuiteil they are not
mifTerini ; from real jellovv fever , Imt a tlirnift ,
followimt jtornlciotn intermittent fivir. An
oilier fe.uuan who wns ill vviis ipniovoil to the
in vine hii'piUI ntStaton Inland.
Ho would VoloKor.InoItsnn , Hut Not
Vor lnuknoii's Unots , Slulleil
AVUh Soullicrn Doiuoormn.
IH-rnoir , Mich , Soplomlmr 1. lltitlornrnv-
rd in thl city thi * afternoon from Nv York.
Uo w a met at r. cCan.ida , by n commit-
teeof ttti-nty inembi'H of all piitiei. Hu
spoke at the Grand Clrcns Park tnnlght to
nearly ' . ' 0,000 people. The mci linn wa dh-
nrilorly at tir t , nwinK to defects In nrraiiRe-
nicnt , lint veiy cntmuhstic. llutlrr tUvolt
at leiiKth upon the tnrllf iiiiMtlon , nnd deelar
i'il In fnvor of tariff , but wanted it raided for
no other piirpi o uiulor Hc.vv on but tlio fostoi-
ing of Aniincnn indusliy. He pnmouced
aRninst the nccuinnlatlon of niirplui revenue
liy taxation. He said tint the peopto vvcro n k-
i ( "l to support the lepubllcnn .and doinocmtlo
LlokotM bcwnso lilucotn nd ilnck'on were
< iiion. Kur himself , ho would have voted
[ or .Inckvm if the dewoi'rixt ? hnd nominated
urn , but ho would not vote for Jaekson'H
.Mints , slutted with rnutliem democrat * .
Ho Argued atlongth ag.iinst rnllioiil and
other coiporntomonopoluN , ami B < ld that mi
ess the ov ils tliat the law fostered co.i'eil in
.line , anirchy would como in tlm country ,
'tiding IIH speech in the-a > wouls ! "rinnk uf
it , men of property I do not B.IV thiiiK of it ,
ion InlioiiiiR moil you Imvoflhoufjht of It
enough. Jlut I wiint mon of pniKrt | > ; to think
if it. It mtoiests you ; It mimesis join
children anil the o who will COM'-1 nftorjun. "
Men say to mu"Why ( do jon , Gen. Hutlor ,
m ampin ) er nnd capitalist , " as they say.
'why ( In von trouble joursolf about these
.lilngs ? How can you bo Iho fiioml of llui
aborlngituin'1 Whv , I V , 1 am thu fiieml
if tuynulf , am 1 not ? Wh.itover happens , 1
want to lo.xvo my country to my cliililtonaud
ny chlldron'H cluldrou , as 1 ncuivcd it fiom
ny father , free anil hnppy with htalilu gov
cinment , with liberty nml equality of right to
ill mon In it. liecaiuo I hope to goo this couu
.rjr setting the osample ( tlint people can gov
; o\oin thoinsclves liettor tlnn.tliey tan bo
fovorneil by any form of govciiunont on
larth , sli.ul bo a missionary cmintty to
spread the dootrlno of cnuility of men. I
ii iv o Homo property nnd I do not want to PCO
it go down m mill nml au.neliy , muat
iroly iHimo unless justice is done to the poo-
[ ilo ( applause ) ami thurofoio I mil lieio. It mike mi dilfoienco to mo for Iho ohoit
iinio 1 am to bo on o uth. 11 probibly may ,
L hope itvill , como before 1 die , for God
ijno\va I hope my closing oyej will not look
upon a distracted , ihvulcd nml niiiifil coun
: iy. 11 would add n now tenor to death.
Uut to yon , to join tlnldion and elilUhen'8
chililrin ije , to tlio world at isn
( piestionnbovoall othorn which nhoulil inter
est and comiiiaml attention ami guulo the ac-
lion of the intelligent mon and wonu n of the
country into whoso keeping God has gixen all
the rights ami privileges of m.inkiuU. ( Tie
inoiuloUB 'ipplnuse ) .
Uutlor left tonight for Grand llapiils , where
10 speaks tomoiroiv. Ho will bo in Jluskegou
n tlio ov ening and Cliic.ifcn Wednesday. He
: i.ul n conference hero vUth the atnto iciitinl
conunlttco of the party , and it 'u eaiil
: hey will dccido tomorrow vvhothor ho will put
810,000 into the campaign in this state or
Governor llomlloy Finds Tlio Sltun-
tloii Moro SerloiiH Than
Coil Mill's , Ohio , Sept. 1. Governor llond
loy nml othom who have boon inaking an Inspection
spoction of the mining situation in tlio Hock
ing Valley today , to the Uty tonight.
The Governor Htntes the situation is n perplexing -
ploxing ono , and is of a threatening Uiaractor.
Ho thinks with the men in their present torn
per it w ill bo some time bsforo the htrugglo is
over , unless the operatois should dptennino to
make some concessions. Ho made a peisonal
v isit to the mines with hope tint tlio situation
wouldpiovo to bo such that would bo no
necessity of Bonding tioojM. In this howov or ,
ho was diiippointed. At five this evening ho
honored the requisition of UmslieiilF for troops
and sent throu coiniunloi to the most
critical points. On the way to Columbus ,
the governor had a rcqueit for two iniuu
companies at l.ongtsroth , two at Mmr.iy
Cityiuid two to guard the properly of the
HtocLing Valley road nnd its bridges In tlio
valley. Ho refused to send more troops to
night , but ordtred conipinioa to bo in
readiness to go to thu fiont tomi n row nf tor-
noon should they ho net ( led. ,
At the two lattei plncos an nttntlc is feared
tonight. When the governor loft Logan foi
his trip of the mines this afternoon , ho tale
grnplied to all points that lie vvi.-hid tocmi
suit tlio leading miners , and at sonu' plitu'J on
arrival of the tiam thoio were as nnny us five
hundred ull miners who had gathried
to BCD ami hotr what ho h id to Hay , At Nol-
sonvillo the demonfitiation w.iiof amassivo
charaLtei , there being between nl\ and BOVOII
Inmdrid pnsentwho had carnages and a band
toopuirt tlio guveinor to the ulunio for the
pmpiHO of in.ikiiig a speech. They hnd , ip-
jiointi il a diimnitleo to ask a iininbr-r of
cpiehtions .is the gov ei noi piogrescul , nml
madoit ( | iiito intcic-ting. Thu appeal of the
goveinoi wns for order nnd the iniportance of
thfii doing then pjit in tills tegaiil. It vini
at this point that lie nrd < ted the trnnpi to the
jinints ii.iiind , and Ulo minors wuro not very
well p'eascd nvci this move , as they had mii' |
lie ed the govoriior would not make BHcli a
inovo unless ho wan foicod to do BO.
NKW YOIIK , Sept. 1. The Turns to-morrow
will a > : The p.useiwr rnlo wai to the west
is regarded ai in ngliui rhapo than ovei. Ni
open on tin c.ik hi twocn tlio tiiiulc lines linn oc
cm i oil , but geneial tendency showed
odintliiintion toward lower rates. The Wa-
baHb , St. I > OIUH and I'acilic is Rolling ticln ts
to St. Louis at ! > 17 , iigaitmt a t.iriir rate of
tl-'J'"i , How muth moro of cincession will
boallownd under pressure fiom a shrewd pa
engcr could not 'jo linrucil , hut uonio oiitsnlo
brokers , who carefully watih the Hilmition ,
intimated that W 2" was not the oxtieim
cut , that the coiiipiny tuuld bo mducid to
At Hoilon. Itoston H ; Chicago .
At rhiladolphia. Detroit 2 ; I'luladi'lpliia
At Milwaukee Winonu 0 ; Milwaukee I.
At Toledo. Toledo 7i Cincinnati 12.
At Now York.- Brooklyn 0 : Metropolitans
1:1. :
1:1.At Boston , Unions , Boston I ; Unions ,
Pittdliurir , I ,
At llultliiioio. I'liioin , Kt , LOUIH , l ! ; liai
tiniore ,
At I'ltt'buig , Allegnny fit Virgina 10.
At Ht Paul. Ht. I'aul 2 ; Mimienpolm 0.
INIUA.SroLiH , Hojit. 1. A tslophono message -
sago from Kdmbiiig , Indiana , ropoits a sorl
ouu lira i.igmg , The ( .ro utai tid lit 10 o'clock
thiscvinlng In Coiiijiton'H agiicnltnrnl wan
room , which w.u totally difttroyid. Two otli
cr Mtoiej aio now on fuo und thu lUmc.'j till
Mining TriiulilcH In Alnliaiiui.
BlIlMINOilAM , Heptombor L Tlm report
tlut ten nan wire kll'nd ' dmiii (
the inlnera tint In'n , Tin
Wai nor Coal company U importing Itallanu ti
tike the pluioof the trikt.rH , but the latti.r
have Hiicteudod tlmu far In juacuably pemuad
lug tin Italians not to woi k.
Hell'H ImpH III
Br , Juihi'ii , Sept. 1. A Bpeeiul to the
GuMlo from I 'mon Star , Mo , , tolls of n imii
feaifnlcriino umimlttoil In the vicinity o
I'lag .Spring I ) ( Mtorday. Two little KirlH
children of .lolui McCJotlilln , aged 7 " ' "I t' '
were overtakun m tha wyodn bj unknown
parties nud oulri ed , The raviMiers tliou
dl emliovvelod the eldest ilnld , aftirw.irds
fhooting linr In the held , nfti r which the
: hroat of tin yinngctt was cut 1. > lulling
Mill U > in nnli r , If tl)9 ) pvilios are caught.
Tno whole cuntitrv l nrousi d
A Uooolver lor tlio Itiirnivvs' Kstnlo ,
111 ii vie , N. Yr , Sopli mber I.Clnrles II.
Moorowas to-day appointed receiver of Iho
llurrows' o tate , a large pirt of which wns
h slt.itrd | by L'ti MdrntVHinor nf tlio Albion
latioiml bank , who had been entnistcd with
I ) man igemcnt.
A HlKli Honor.
SiiMl'iisCT , O. , Sept. -Tho Voiio 1ms con.
erred thodegiee of imiiler of theology on
! ov. Pntlier Iliggins , n [ St. ilosoph college ,
le Is the lii. < t person m this countiy tl 111.1
Wn lilngton Ui Chicago Trlbuno.
The acting Indiiti eomnussioiier liai ro-
ciivcd a Utter from H , A , Allen , ng nt of the
. 'iegan Indians , w ho aio sud to bo Rtarving ,
Mr. Allen avu , that the estimates of Ids pro
letessor , iTolm Young , foi the ti cal jeai jiro-
Ides less thin live ounces of beef and i\
ounces of Hour to each person. Ho wns ism
ng moro than that , and would coutiuuo to do
0 while ho Ind it on hm linndc , us ho will not
ot the Inditng stvrve while he has anything
nRhotlium. The U'lries which the Imhins
are now githoring aud rating will noon rim
> ut. In May and < luno there wora times when
he Indians whipped the tiees nnd nlo the inter
tor bark to keen tlii'ir mmls and bodiis to-
sother , and nil the time they were begging for
oed , "I at one tune , ' ' tlio ngont says , Istitod
over two tliousind pound * of bicon that I had
lot receipted for , and tint had been con
liMiinod liy thu luiiud of m\oy , I would
lover had done FO had they not loon inn
Lining condition. Ho predicts that thocar-
lonteis will BOOH ngnln be busy making burial
imcs unless eonie provision Is mndo fir sup-
ilylng nildttlounl food. A few dajs ngo Agent
Mien leturned to the department § 1,00(1 ( mi
ist'd foi oxpeuses last veai out of the fund foi
lie umploylnoilt of assistant ? . Ho U cnticuiil
01 not asking permission to me tins fund to supplies and prevent sullormg.
nertlvotl \ nn nlxiolutt Ij
Place * CAH top Mown on n lu t Miu.
iMiunn tluuMt ur mill unit II A tin inl t will not be r
.ulioU ( udtittct tlio presence of ntuinonU
Inn million honioi for n qimrlrr of a century tt tiai
toud thu lotislltuorA1 icllnlilo test ,
Dr , Price's ' Special Flavoring Extracts ,
Tliflilrongftttmoil < lrllcloui and natur in orlnownftnJ
Or. Price's Lupulln Yeast Gems
Vor LluUt , llcnlthy lirrail.Tho Hist Dry Hop
} < bt 111 the VVorlil
15th & Doiitee Streets ,
On this Hat for ImrgaiiM , ami It ) on nlsh a lot In anv
lurtof Onitlia Want to rout a liouso lm\u jo' "
louse rented Imy n lionso soil tlio ono 3011 lia\c
\\ant > our pi ) . LTD inailu tltlo lookul up , anil uiij
ling relating to lUal KaUto , L'n nnil HI a
No. 213 91,700 JIouio ot Illo rooniH oil Iwlf ol ,
at time nf Hllu , anil i'J'i per imiiith
No. U36 ? 2OOU 1 iicruanJ * room lirlclihoUBii n
I'ark Place , cash
No 2 5-81,050 Hoii'o of filx toornn on lot DIxlM ,
Park Plaoo , on < UBV tLrms , fM , ami $20 ptr month.
No. ? 20'U IIou-o ami lit In Howory 1IIII
0 neil ciKloro nml ncll. Ono hnlfcaili niiiltlmo
lJl ! ifj.300Clooil fix room IIOIIMI on ronar liall
Int , ono liloLk from intli Htrn.tBOOtli of U P. depot
liran now Bold on i nay tontiH.
217 Sl.hoo House ol 4 rooiiH on ( "II lot , Uontu
t 'i-fi ( loud well , cUtcrn and i.iks. ! Half liiuh
and timo.
ju7l,000 House of two rooms all lot , Ho
; aii's addition O'io half catli ,
id $ l,8oo Hiiimo of four rooniH on lull lot , on 1Mb
struct , xoiilh Omaha , uiio half nnith.
62 $1,800 Honeo nf Iho rooms on full lot In I'.ir
kor'n addition , ono hlock north of S.O.WO wheel
hiiuxo , Hoiith front , iood VM.1I , tlitein , tie. , and a bar
ln on eatiy Urnm.
707co0orntr lot li V. Hmlth'd addition , two
end il tlllii0noutli and out front , on car line ,
Uic.ap und on uaiv tcrmx.
40 H.OOO-IxJtH 13 and 14 , cornir Karnam ftroot ,
and near court honao , two COO'I ' dwollhit'u on lot ,
but In liiulnoKH property. A Kioat liar alu
And loin of har nlmi all over town. Call at uliloi
and oxaiuluo our Hit for Improved propurty ,
1,01.4 IN
And In all first clans Insldo .Idllloni , and If wo fa )
tollndnlot to dint jou , out ut our cxtonnivo Imt ,
ttiBii Omaha dot * not contain ono.
Omaha Vlow U on Ilio road to tin ) liarrackB , nd li
that | iht Bonth of I , , II Williams' renldenco. Wo Boll
ot from tOOto8JSO , $10 or morn down at tlmu of
ale and monthly payments. JWO down and wo will
lid you a house on the lot.
Ilawthorneli wuxtof the Illnh Hchool ono mile ,
nd wo are urlllnx lotn ono third down and inonthlv
payrntnU. Ihln wldltl'in ' U Krwloil and lotn are ? 3&0
tii (80U each. Now In the time to buy , wlulo Jiticoi
are low and tormn taiy ,
'J'abor I'laoo U on J'arnnni utrf ot and li ( holoe
addition , with only twtlvo loti Ictt. and they are all
an good lota 0.1 there are In Uo addition , I'rluia flU
aiidfUO. . . . .
I U on Pherman ovonuo , cast and west IrjnU
Ono half block In Wlloox's udilltion , cheap and can }
torniB *
jpiTUou't ( all to call ( or bargains at thu olllco ,
(3or. 15tli nnil Dodtjo Streets.
OfRco HHIi atroot , firut door north o
Fanmtn In Uoyd's opera liouuo. Loav ?
ordora nt ollicu or Suzu'a dniK atoro.
' inn.
'i\iiophono _ _
Bee Hive Photograph
ai North Kith Street.
Koinenibcr that my I'hototiraphii
Are lu poctod hcforo helnudi livi roil
from tha 1IKK 1IIVK I'llOlO.
( lltAI'll HTUDIO tuwurliiK ever ;
body p re t attiifactluu.
wSpsclals will roMtlvolrnot be imortea
unions paid In advauce.
TO LOAN-Mon v.
MONKT TO LOAN In mimi ol 80D. ncl npw til
O. F. I ) vl nl Oo , Ro l KaUta > ni teA
A ( jo its. 1535 F num at 3)1 tl
\ \ 7ANTKI ) Clinnl girl for ( rimrrkl liot c otk t
' ncrltivvntcotiHr litli MulCMiltolnvtmio.
( l.'v 3p
I \7ANTKD A j 01111 ? 11111 u In ) IK A ifO < xl writer uml
* hvl sonic knotiilia of book KrtpliiK Dim who
l\c ikt lioint | ireletrcil. Amih liy letter , llnKrt
' r\l < , 511 KJiitli Ktli utrrct. nil 2
\ \ 'ANTKD Ono rnrrRitlo limn to dl ROmK
SIcvlj cmplinmcnt. Unl ) 451 H lOtli St , UTS 2i |
Tinner Itnmodhtcly atSovdoll <
iiiUr | < , Ifllli nnd CiOlfornU. r,12 3
\\i AM hi ) A Rooil llormixnelrl ( or
> orkN.V. . cor. IJtliaml UotiulM. 0,11 Ip
\VANli : n-Two ul r7 lor kltchiir vork "ininiiio
IT eltltoilo o ltiiOooil n K'CH , 501 riiric St. ,
cor Mh _ 030 lp
"I\TANTKD On tithr ) , tnoltiilen mill t o
ti mon runt nnicrs lor n nork ol merit. Aitilniml' ,
' . lm3 , AthriK , Noli ( li l > Op
LXMNTF'1 ! A voniis IIIMI a < Oitlmt elirk In a
> Krocirj tori ) Must utiilrritAiiil the ciro ol
lorxsnnil | > c k llprnmn Oho co , rtfertnrn nnil
nil niii u , ami lior lo lie ocn. Aililron "I1 , r. 0. "
li o olllro. _ 037 5ji _
V\ ANTKn-A Klrl at UlSDoilRiiitrcct lutnccn
Vl Htlinn.H'.tli. OIO-.1p
lANTii : ) Kinplm incut \ > \ ft ( Icrinaiiln n liotnl
U. MniinwclU r , o ? s lltl , utrn t. 012-2p
llfAN' J flood hiuuliis" , S , W. corner Ilitrnm
T I nml lOllistreets
l\ lI lrANTKl ) A nniiiclciit | Rlrl April atl4 ! ! ! ! lla-
I l \tiiHirt | > tri < ( t : ) !
7"ANTii-A : ) RCOil larlicr , $ l.'iiT\i'cik 1'axtoa
Hotel Harbor Shop. 000-lp
'KU-At 1811 Munam St , an cupcrliucril
\ \ oinnn M cook anil huinlri'is.Vajcii t JO | > or
lonth. lloforinrcM rriiilioil | ( . ' 01 Sp
l7ANno : DlnliiK- room tftl ltl7 | Capitol ino
> 631-lp
'r ochainbi'rnmlili nhncvi ftlt on
table niul onu illnl'iK room K' ' ' ! atthu Orrl-
cnUI. OS7 tt
\\rANl A'uoixl nilniutent girl ior ( 'onrral
lioi inoworli , SDU DougU-i. tit tt
\\7AN 1 r.O-docdirlrl la rniall rnmlly , at corner
> > of l.oivflittortli tit. aiulOaarKla Ave ,
T.SO 3
TANTK1 > - T no qrnod pants tuikcrs.V. . 1) . Ilixr
din , Counrll lllnlli .It
lTAN , l'ii : > IniiiH'JIntch , twn Rooil cornlco men.
Tlii'ii IliiotU' .V Hun. Fremont No'i. ' KID fit
\\TANriil : - Aconts to miniiio mo Hell t'at'iit
\\mther Etilps. Aililrmi or call on Oco \ \
lell , 1120 llarnoy utrcct , Omaht , Nob. MO Imp
\\7 AMWu A Harbor , 7Wt uontlt loin Ktrct .
\ > ril.Sp DlU.OIt.
\\'AMI.l ) A Hltnntlou linvouiiK mm Inaprl
\ \ \ato funlU lotnlii. uiro of hori > iH , Lto linn hnd
ovptrltnco AddrciH"n K. " llto olllco O-'I'I' ' '
UrAMIH ) SIlmtUmliyajcunR man In n whole
Halo house , to doultlnjj or roadlnj ; cumuli
W 11. 0 "I013Lhlnio9lrrtt |
WAMltli A pOHltlim IM clerk In IMrdnaroor
Wholcva'o ' h iue , have had ten jcancxpoilcnm
an proprlitor. Ittforincua gUuu. AdJroju ( ' A. "
hliolllco. t-OStr
I TANlhllrotlt'on us ininaitcr a-id lnijnr In drj
" , ( joods or uriK'cru Is tiill ) com
lotcnt 20 > eara ovpeiluncn. \orj tint of refetonrea
RiulBccurltj. "J.llto olllco. 002 ip
L7 ANTKl-8ltiiitlon bn Danish clrl at general
> hoiitowork. liuiulrout N. W. Cor. l3daiiil ! Hurt
Ktrc , 003-1 pAY
. . . . . . . . ) A nUiiatloii ! ) > ' a > ounu ( CnRllslO Klrl
. . ns m Ing liouio in ud in ( jond family. Addruta
A 11. C/'lli-oollko. 183-lp
A\rAN ll.D A sltuntlnn lij n hulv as cook III u | irl
\ vatotamllj. Addross"il IV Ucoollicu
f > IJ 31p
mtuauon as tiook
keeper , In wholeualo iHtablluhmcnt In Omaha
AddrcBH "U. " wro lieu. 800 tf
' : -Two or throu pkivsuit inifurnlhhul
ro'inmiiieiilto ' hy Kontlenuu nml wife , pilvato
louie prefered , within ten hlic H uf I' xton lIiniHo.
\l\nt \ \ lo ilmlralilo location ami convinlont to good
jihlo hoard , lltfoiencos exchanod | , Aildriiu "
1) . N 'caro of IJoo olllco. 6721
H i an I . Kontlomai and
wife , miut ho fln-l elm and doHlrnblo location
wit n ton or llftoon inlnulin wnlk of I'.ixDiinlniiso.
ro a "H a V."caroollkoolllDO. t71 1
\\TANIi:0-Tn : rent a Biiull liiruhlieil liotiMiIiin
I I central and dctlrnhle lootlon hv a gentlim-i
and wife , would hoard owners. Huferencoi Klvc
Addrca "N \ \ " Iku ulllcu. tOJ lp
WANrill ) To rent , liv Heptomhor Ifi , a Binall
houno or roomu for lluht liouiolu'tpliiir , eon
venlcnt to III n olllco. Addre'sH. 1IKH olllco. tt
\\/rANTIl-J,000 ! ) on first claHj city becurlty.for 6
VV yiars , nt D per cent. AddriM IJox 6 0 1'ost-
olllui 70(1 ( tf
COL. uurn lionaoa xna
ITiOllHKNl' CutUitu ll\o roonm , cloi-i-t" , < lc , , I.La-
1 \cnwcilh , neirU.ll bt. lniuiioHI3 | 'JOlh ntrett.
1122 lp
1,1011 HUNT AtS7niupIuiiviln > om , miitahlo for
olio or two Keiilloiren , at ifl2U lUinllton Htrttt ,
lurth Omilni < > 'JI4 |
' HUNT Two Hrito and HUIIIIJ nnliirnlnliul
JT'Oll . AUiinow upilKhtpUno , S14 N. 17ihht.
II ! S-4p
11 * M' Boutli front room UoJ
[ ' 1 iirntm htruot. itllI1
. HI'NI' 'IhoJil and SdllaoMof the now thrco
T.1OH hilUdhiKon intlijitwnin | I'liriinm ai d llor-
nvNtittti. Apiih \Muilo \ John I odwlcK Oinii
la , .Sel. . 811 If
011 Kf'.YI' < \ [ iirnlHtnil room uiiltililo
I < man nt 1010 rarnam tit. [ U.ri-lp
H"NTNlcoli fiirnUlicil rooma prlmto ( am-
1 liy lOI'J Chicago rft. lOl-lp
17 < OU UKNI'-Hmall fiunljhod front room to itentlo-
J1 mini , at If.OU IlownrJ ! lt. f'JUp
. IIKNT Kiunlnhod roonm 1021 ( Vpltol avo.
' 101 tp
lirNr-A iilrih inrnliiliol room Hiiutli front
POH for twoKintlcmoii f'2S I'alrvloHt. . 4tl
homo north Kt. Marj'ii ave. , east Hldo. f.03 v'p
.10U HKNf Ilomowl h hl laiu'o rooms ,
1 O. 1' . Uails&ro , inoararniiinHI. W7-K
r rurmtluil room forcnoortwo i > tn
tleuien , 715 lAiivciiworlh ttroot , 0U ) 1
OIt HUNT A ootti o noir 8t. Jlarv'daio. Con
J 1 Bli'Xitlonal ilmrch 16. per mouth Warroii
Hll/ltr. 1
HUNT Two nlcclv furnlsliod front riioini ,
3J10II mirth 16th Ht , near din Ht. 677-J
Ti'iOII UKNT-McUy fiindtliud front rxmi , 710 IDtli
I1 ulrcit , mar Woliulir. CCS-lp
IIKNT T OHoil furnUliiiJ rooinidii EOtliSt.
17011 I lorka noutii of Ut Mr.rv's nvo , l.uc.itlon pl-ns
unt ' 1 trnw r a uaablo. lniulro | "II It. " lieu ollicu.
) ! I'lrit lloor and Imuinont ol a Hire
I7MKUINr I iiililiiik'Ynnt t i vnlui' ' 'o for rout
for liu-inl. Homo i.outiluu all iiiodiriilm | > ioMmcnt
! ! 033t' iSt. 670 tt
. ) Itoom to ion * . lltBt o ro trenco
' Iniiilro | corner mill and .nnitm MO 1
, \ ( H ltiNI'-A : new moru corner of 17th mid Nlch
J ' tlaiitn , icar ( 'II vvorku , B89 8
JVJIl KKNt-l'iirnum.d 7roij"i"Uiii ( , UU llonuri
1 blr ut. Ms 1
JIIINT M < room iiinifiilnKoid ni > alroarcil
FOil line Imiulru at ( 'roury loutli tail
roinr { I th nml < iiinlnis ht M7 tl
l/illt Hf.M-lui lOuoTTH' "r wiuioui ,
J1 fiiinljuod Ironl pirlur adjoining 17I4 Cali'ornl ' *
ttntt 80p
JVm UhrTl NH.II J InriiiBhuii or nil u uUcod rooins
1 wtthoilt himnl Ibl4 lav < ilioit | St. 182-lp
,1 OK HUN I'Maly luniUtiwI fiont room nultald
1 for twiMnilltnim , | i i3 lod.'u bt. 607-4
OK HKNI-T o rooiim , .O0i4ud $5.00 per
moiitli ini4 Wiliitiif flnot _ - 2 > tf
jHJHHI.Nr uoltiuu * rojma. Wlh bticot , lia1
1 a Ucck uoutli ol Mlltou llogern. M , U , Orocer
tilmiil Ltuvoiiumtli 4Dt'l
7\UH ttKk I 1 * o lurtUhoil roomy ( or 1 Ijht touiw
? ltei > lii < "lloeaict' Uloik,11oor. 8th and U " > *
f.Vf MAI'S OFOMAnA-BcmU hMtfihicM prieo
( n neil days to 85 from f 10 heretofore.
_ , _ 186 tf
J ; > OH flKNT A Tirlck cotUffo. Inquire at ( loo. If ,
1 I'ttefon'.i ICth 81. , near depot. 332 tf
'TlOIl ' HKNT Ifomo of 10 r-iom.1 nlth modern Im.
provementf. UcillitdSonor , tt I\vK 32 tf
T-A litrRB tceonit floor and bajetnent.
. Inquire 1113 Harnor Mrocl i.00 If
7011 UKNT-Ono of the nno lre Moneof In the city
. 11 room < , furnace , hot-Ami cold cold wr.tcr biths
atcr closet * , ( trnfei , eta. Kvcrrthlni ; flritcUs *
iroiuhont. (70.00 ] > or month , Barker & Mftjrne ,
3th nnd Krrnnm liztf
7011 KENT HotiM S roonn ROO < | rcpMr. Nlc
. 5 nril , cistern w lcr. Ilent20 per month 1U1
ark \ \ tide arc. Apply to Jno. W. Dell , Unionist ,
i OR UK.NT A two storv frame t/irildlnir lillt blo
J1 forlmslnoM Lar e cellar , upstairs iulttble for
eildcneo. Inquire on prcmhos , comer SOth and
'IcrcoSt Qig-tf
_ _ _
J710H ItKNT Nicely lurnlshnl front loom IBIS
1 Doilca iitrrct. HI ) tf
! ? OR HKVTiralahcd rooms with board. 1812
u1 DodRO. 016-lmp
[ T1OII IIKNT Two flurnlMicil eonth front roome.
L1 222 N. mill St. S70
7IOUUKNT Six roum cottano , One location , tiy S.
J T. I'etcrson , a. K. cor. 16th and Douglat. 617-tl
71011 UKAT-Hooms In Crounso'a lllock. O. it
J Hitchcock. K13 tf
'poll ' HKNT Ono Rr mt eqiure IHIMIO. Inqutra
J oIKdhotm and KrlcVnon. 440 tf
f7 OU IIKNT Ono oed six ro m house 85J. per mi > .
J'o.ll.llltchoock. . Iss-tf
IjlOtlHAt.K CIlKAl'-Illcvclc-a 68lnh "Oolura.
I1 Itli " lniiiln | > at 1'cttncr's 1'ilntliiR ulllro , cor.
Illli and I'arn tin strict 0210
IJAOll SAI.K-A p < ol Ono fimll ) luirsc , llrkt clus
_ trimler , lx'ar oM. 0258
IrdlUHAIjK Paloon nml hoarding houtu. Apply
Ml Mamtwclllcr , S07 S. lltlmtrctt. 015 3p
17011 S\IK--Top I'cllvcry wairontoim of pon'ca
1 and hiriit'M , al'topcrrv roidcirt with top , and
no intiln to harnoai , nil llrst chni. Aililrcia P. O.
ijVll HAM' A Koodsoircl linrso 0 join old , nnd
1 poodiMlteij naton lloriu very Kontlv. Call
1933 South r.tli ncir Williams. f > 30 4t |
1TV1H HAl.i : Druir store an all capital rcciiilrcil.
1 Centrally located donijt a irood business. Satis-
hctnrv roaroii plv en for mlllng. Aililross S. 8
tlondil , Onmln Neb. C 1)7.4 )
17\0ll BAUI-Choap loU , f,100 do n ? 3 00 per
1 month , and nsMttlnn worth } | mrsons to build
nice lit lohomon. K. C. I'nttcrson kCo , cor KHli
anil Kainim. 6.17-tt
I70lt SAI.K A ronfottlonory , Cigar and Tobacco
1 store In n suoil location. llcagi > n for m'lllne po
int ; luck tn Ilin old country. Addrcsi "I. " N . 1' .
cor , 10th and \Volistcr ttrcotn. C27-2p
1 , loll HAIU-Smnll luniso mi.l lialt lot , 1 lin Btrcot ,
' ntar Slioiman mcnue , EOiitli of Dr. Chambers' ,
iniulro m urcmlfoi BS3-liJ |
SAM : riiiOBldo I cheap nt O U.
Ihajcr'a 47Stf
ZUUncroJi fluid. KO acres Improved ,
1 S'JocrpH hn > , 8 acrea hoi ; piGtuio , " ncns cuUI-
ntcd timber , S ncros natnr a timber Gocd Hiirlnc
\ntor 0od IIOUFO and other luipro\cnientM will ho
old on voryea\ tonne , If sold noon. Porothtr In-
ormit'nn ' Inqiilroi cmonnlH orbj mallofWin Clalr ,
' , harpj Count } , N'o'\ ' 434-lai ,
lOull SAlih Drrtnt , an old uitanlliuoil
I' rt , bootn. BhocHandiiicensnnro ] hu lnei > formlo
r to rent , In ono of the l > ust towna In Xchraeku.
loodaniid hnlldliiKaaroneu llnMncm mot $10COO
nrjiiu. I , \i lito rotlroon aooount of olilugu. Ad-
Irois ( Srocorj Dealer , cjro Bee. Ij'-S
Oil HAIiK Two oooc.nil hand pianos , at K.lholm
, t KrlokHon'x Mi-.nlo Stern on 10th St. hOO tf
iriOll SALK-Woodor for ale
I ? IfiO Cholfo 3 jctr old 1'cwlliifr Btocrs.
IfiO rholco 2 jrar old finliii ' Stoars.
100 VcArllni ; bttcrx.
Aluvo all L'ooil Iowa Unttlo
4ta-lm fcloux Citj , Iowa.
8A1.K line ollliird nnd ono pool tablo. In-
1 iii ro at the Mcrcbant'a U\chanio , N. K. comer
) od(0 ) ( nnil 10th strict. 405 ? | >
SAD' Two nnil nun-half ncros and house In
FOH ! location , cnlj $ lt5U. Hire Is a chcnco to
obtain nhomo at a bargain McCAOUi : ,
? 15 tf Opp. I" . O.
FOU BALK Hour Mill cccap. on capy terms of
pavmont , ftvoralily located ulthlnflfty miles o *
thlacltv. ( lood openfn0' . Address P. O. 15ox2418 ,
St. I'aul Minn. 207-ltu
SAI.K At a croit harffatn , the Scott resl
FOU property , Jiut ca < t of l'ratt'8 In Honscom
'lire , IliltUa very , U > sirablo7 room cottage anj
illl ha ooldat a Bacrifloo. 1IAUKKH & If AYNE.
712 tf 13th and Karnam.
Acholcodairy amlBtocK tarm of 800
FOItSAIiK , ncrca inidor cultivation , 21 mllo3 ' 'ora
Hlvcr Crook , Nub. , on U. 1' . Hallway. Uood IIOUBO ,
uoamnnd Ice hoiisua , baruacorrah , etc. , lor dalry-
and Block mlsfiijr Ij\ml la well vtateicdand all
choice uriwu nnd Kruzlnp ; and , with plenty ol ran
idjolnhiK. I'or bale cheap. 1'ottiir & Cobb ,
I'ftnmin utrei t. f)71-tf
< Oll SAliK-KiiRlnca now and second hand 10 h p.
J7 15 h. p. and 'JO li p. portable and etathnary ; also
lollcrxof any slzo and atylo. Hlchard & Clarke , U , P
I Y. bet. mil and IHth ttt < . Oiimha. C40-tf
SAIK A pilntlnff olllco bintablo loratmal
I niU | m.ur or Job afllco. Will sell for cash or ex-
. . , n o lor Omaha City propcrtj. Addrcsa' X. 2. Q"
leo ollicu. lOa-tf
jlOll iwo own msuuiiu-nanU Diijun.o (
cn > ) delivery wnion ; , chokp , at 131D Hkrooy Ut.
HAM ! A clean ttock ol Hordwaio In Central
FOU . Addru , "A. H. " llcol'ubllblil.ii ; Co. ,
Jinttha , Nub. 081-lm
rO9T HilurJaj c\Liiln < . a o'ack luvlhcr pocket
jliaok VMtlifmu'.l sllvir trluiininir , ountalnliiK a
smalliniount of nmntUnucr Mill | return
Hnmn 11 Ifti I liimli"i trid. . f'2S-lp
Al 1 or prlim baled lnv nt lomst I rlrex , ail-
II IdioB I. S. rl.AKKbON ,
8 1m Schiulor , Neb.
hCIIUOm II , llu ntllu lloalorU now
MltS IMJI , Liai ; tlr.-ut. Dmxnoil
< U7.1m
> OUNU A pocket liook In my Moruat221U Coin.
Jj liij ; ( illLi-l ( Iwiiur tin liivu tlio einiu li > proving
r pirtynnd pajliiKfor tlilsnotlLi ) . CJil-Sp 3
iN : III1 t-v Iliu uiidumltfiitd , AUK.I , lt > HI ,
noir Dull and niiiiihu liim , oru gruv H I til
iiir shoes on ( jvinur tan havu s uo 1 > 3' { irovlni ;
iuitrtyanil | pnjInjfdauiaBU U'ni. .Mulmii. UlOSp
AY A w'l.lto ami lid tteer taken 1111 ami
AHT on pitinlhtH ul 11 u uudotelvi tJ on bo.t ion 19 ,
lutt nortlmuit u { Ciil htoaCumcturv.
Auif. ! W , 18S1 , (117 ( U J. W.SIIANK.
Sl'HAViil : AuKiijtEOtli.modlunifULd roan cow ;
. tup of rltttit oir clliiiul | muullliorrs ulth torn
LurnulBllKhtlv to atd faithcail. Largo baK of milk.
I lndi.ru111 | iloasj brliiK lior or onj nerd rcgardui } ;
lur toMurrln Ilanatan bth andCapUoIavuuuu v.Y'1,1
inv iiUO ru ard. UlS-lp
A -ritlomaiin llvur vintUi aud iKlkn'
SlOIiEN wlllilnlttalii "J , .1 " on oa u , Arouanl
of 23u 111 Im paid forioturnof Hainu Knot John
son , I'lercu btrttt , l.otwccnVtli . and bth 019 1 | >
- corner Iflth and Capltolnvo. anil
J llllh and Karnam , pa'r ' K ) ld ujo Kla c . Fludiir
pleaaolonout 1&1S Uoiigo at. , and lecohe roward.
ri'VO LHABl' lOucrus of Und , fenced for Rardon
.1 ituriioiiri , three mllojHV oil' , 0. Iniulra | K. 1' .
Fondlkii , 013 H lUhntiiict. 6012
KXCIIANOK , LAND fl)0 acres unimproved
1T10II In tavtcrn Nebraska , eultablo for block farm
loux hanifi ! for stock of Krocorltaor Kcncral incr-
chandlao. Aildrta * " 11. " Hm olllco.
1 A lirown oow,7 or 8 \ < OH old. Owner
can havu aamo by calllni ; on Churlea llerthola
Oummi ; Htru-ot , O'Nill's I'laou , anil paying charges.
21 HUH A V Inu good patuurmg. tSprlnff tttur.
T , unit tl
) , ilnka and ccuajmoH cUmned with
Binltar ) demur , HatUlactlon KUarnntooilby F ,
U. Ahcl , ( micamor to to J M Smith , ) box S7S.
* UunlU Ol | l J Pin * C . ,
fulluM VnlHf ( krCtt ,
klNimor FINE
l * tfWult Inrt lakrr.lair.4l.t *
r < * i iiaM t > fRvnrjjB * r cvn
CLASS , CHINA , 4c. , do.
al Ut nnWl tiUMtk * . U lt. 10.
RUSSIA CU1 M CO. , Gloucester , llu.