Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1884, Image 4

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Omftlm Ofllco , No. 010 F rniim 6f ,
CouncliuitiT ; ( onicoNo 7 Pcnrl St ,
Street , llroixtUvay.
Now York Onico , lloom O5 Tribune
Building. _ _ _ * _ _ _
Published every rrornlnu , exoopt Bnnd j < Thi
enl ) Uond\y mornlDR dally.
I&NR BT Min.
One Tear . 110.00 I Three Monthl . t3.X (
BlxMoiuns . A.OO j One Month . 1-0 <
Per Week , 2S Oents.
DIM Tear . (100 I Three Uonthi . t
Bit Months. . 1.00 | One Month. . , . Si
American News Company , Sole Agent ? ,
Ml In the United States.
A Communications rclatlnK to Newi and Editor ! *
Batters should bo addrosaod to the KDirom or Tni
AH BuMnwa totters 'and Remittance * ihonld b
kddrosaod to Tnn nm roiaiBtnxo CourAHT , qxini
Pratta , Checks and Fostotnco orders to bo made pay
able to the order of the company.
A. II. Fitch , Manncer Dally Circulation , 1'
O. Hot , 488'Omiiha , Neb.
TUB boat advertised county in Nobrai
ka is Keith.
BEN , BuTLF.n is not n prlzo bull , al
though ho will bo on exhibition durin ;
the Nebraska state fair.
Wi : have boon naked to atato whothoi
the BKE will advocate the ro-oloction to
Mr. Weaver. Wo will BOO you later.
inado happy comparatively so nt least ,
She hoa cast her first roto. It was at t
school election In Johnstown , N. Y.
AM , the papers that have boon capping
for the monopolies are heartily in favoi
of the constitutional amendment to croati
a railroad commission.
THK militia has again boon [ called b ;
the democratic governor of Ohio. W <
thought that the domocrata were oppoaoi
to military interference.
JIM LAIRD has begun to organize th
gravol-train brigade for n charge al
along the line on election day. The
were vary numerous two years ugo in th
Republican Vnlloy when Jim was fin
pulled through.
r Now that the Iowa druggists have di
cidod to a oil liquor for medicinal purpo :
OB , they will do an immense proscriptio
business. Many a nick man will call o
his family physician for a proscription , i
which the principal ingredient will li
whisky straight.
Mil. G. W. K. DOIISKY will bo take
by the anti-monopoly republicans of tli
third district on probation. IIo come
forward with a fair promise of indc
pondonco , and ia in condition t
remain free from entangling alliance
with the corporations. Mr. Doraoy ha
not sought the place for profit or plundoi
but , aa wo understand him , looks upo
the position of congressman as a groa
trust. Wo shall take him at his word
and hold him strictly accountable for hi
DimiNG the state fair nearly over
man who owns n horse and vragon engages
gages in the business of transportin
passengers to and from the fair grounds
Expressmen also flock hero from Coun
cil Blufls and other neighboring towns i :
Iowa and Nebraska to reap a bonofi
from the harvest. Our authorities shouli
see to it that all those parties take out
license , which cannot bo granted for lee
than three months. This should b
done for the sake of the revenue th
will accrue to the city and in justice t
iho regularly licensed expressmen of th
city. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
THK idea that a fusion between th
democrats and groonbackors of Iowa wil
inako Iowa a doubtful aiato IB absurd 01
its face. Iowa since 1808 has never givoi
loss than 50,000 republican majority in i
presidential campaign. In 1872 it wa
08,149 ; in 1870 it was 00,171 ; and In 188i
Garfiold's plurnliy waa 78,05'J. Las
year , notwithstanding the fact that tin
prohibition fight had unsettled the par
ties in Iowa , Governor Sherman wa
oloctcd by a plurality of 25,08 ! ) . Oni
might as well ozpoct Missouri to go republican
publican as to think that Iowa will gt
domocratio in a presidential year.
Now , that the pavement in the bus !
ness portion ofho city in about complot
oil , the city masrhal ehould enforce tin
ordinances prohibiting obstructions in tin
public streets. On many of the pavei
streets , wagons , carts and bozos are per
mlttod to remain , to the great annoyance
of the public , not only by obstructing
free travel upon the streets , but endangering <
goring the lives of these entitled to tin
full and free usoof the streets for driviut
purposes. The time has now come whet
the paved stroota should bo used for UK
purpose for which they were intended
nd not as storage grounds or wogoi
yards , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
THEHK is considerable complaint 01
the part of the citizens in the aouthwoal
portion of the city , concerning the vil <
smells originating from the stink facto
ries alnng the line of the Union Pacific
railroad. The city officials should toki
action to abate those nuisances , whiol
are constantly polluting the air , and
bringing discomfort and disease to tin
homes of BO many of our citizens. Slaughter
tor houses , rendering establishments eni
soap factories ought not to bo allqwce
with ! a the limits of the city , or withir
such a distance as to pollute the air o :
the city. Thojo that now exist , unti
they o n bo removed , ol > ould bo kept it
the best condition possible , in place o :
being allowed to remain in their pros
tfit foul and nauseating condition.
coxsritvcrroN KINGS.
The suit which has boon brought in the
supreme court of the state of Now YorK
by several of the stock-holders of the
IOWA Central railroad develops a state ol
facts not now in the construction of nul <
roada. Russell Sage , and some of his ns'
seriates are the defendants in the suit ,
and it Is claimed that rrhilo the ;
are directors of the Iowa Central , the ;
are at the same lime directors of the
Connecticut Construction company ,
which has done a grcal
deal of work for the railroad.
Sago and associates , who are more lnrgo <
ly interested in the construction com'
pany than they are In the railroad , have
boon greatly bonofittod by the contract *
between the two "corporations ,
the railroad of course being
the sull'erer. One of these contracts wa
fer building the foncoa along the main
line and sidings of tlio Foora & Farming-
ton railroad , which line the Central I own
purchased in 1882. It is claimed thai
the contract was fraudulently made and
fraudulently ratified. It is charged thai
these directors caused this contract tc
bo made with themselves , and the suit if
brought for the purpose of declarinp
the contract void , and to restrain
the defendants from disposing of tno aO'
curitics given in payttiont for the work ,
or to pay their value to the Central Iowa.
The method of Sago and associates is thu
name as that which is quite generally pur
sued in the building of railroads. The
directors and chief officials organize n
"ring , " and give it the imtno of n con
struction company- They then go on under >
dor this thin disguise , and carry out con
struction contracts for the company al
immensely profitable figures , thus rob
bing the stockholders of the rail
ro/yil / in order to fatten the con
uictlon ring , of ivhiftfif they are tin
principal members. Such wholosali
plundering of the stockholders ia alto
gothcr too common , and it is about timi
that a stop was put to this fashionabli
method of robbery. It is hopud that th
stockholders * of the Central Iowa wil
push their suit until they make th
plunderers disgorge tholr ill-gottoi
wealth. It will encourage stockholder
in other enterprises to proceed in a uim
ilar manner against the constructioi
rings that have swindled them out o
millions , nnd made the people , wh
are compelled to patronize thu roade
pay interest on the fictitious cost of th
roads. This latter is really the mor
heinous crime because it perpetuates ox
tortlon through excessive tells for genet
attono to come.
At every elate fair hold in Omaha
there ia always a wholesale robbery per
polluted on sttangors by hackmon , ex
pressmen , and the street railway compa
ny. The regulation price charged b ;
hackmon is fifty-cents , and express
men twenty-five cents , Those prices an
fifty per cent too much , and the city coun
cil ought to rcgulato this matter at once
Besides , the hackmon take advantage o
every person whom they think they cai
blocd , and double up the price on him
Especially is this the ca o if there is i
little rain. The name is true of the ox
pressmen. The street railway compan ]
has practiced a systematic robbery upoi
people during the state fair , notwith
standing the most vigorous protests havi
boon made against it. It charges fiftooi
cents for transportation to the fnii
grounds by street car and wagon. Thii
charge in not to much if properly collected
ted , but the way it is enforced ia nothlnj
more nor loss than a robbory. For in
stanceif a person gets on a street car , in
tending to go to the state fair , and ridoa
to the end of the track , from which lie
proposes to walk to the fair grounds in
stood of riding in n street car wagon , hi
ia charged ton cents for his street
car rido. And if n pursuit walki
from thu fair grounds to the street care.
lie is charged ton conta for his ride down
town. Conductors are put on during tin
fair to bull-dozu passengers into p.iyiiij.
the exorbitant rato. If the company cat
put on conductors during any spucia
occasion it mny bo compelled to keoj
them on all the timo. The fact is thai
under no circumstances can the struel
car company charge more than Jlvo cents
f < xro , and every poraon , having it knowl
edge of this fact , should resist the pay
mantofii higher fare. If passengcra
want to buy a through ticket for fifteen
cents no fault can bo found. A passon-
senger can ride to tlu end of the line fet
five cents and then if ho sees fit to pay
ton cents for a wagon ride to the fail
grounds that is all right. It is hoped
that the city council will take immediate
steps to prevent any further extortion by
hackmon , expressmen and the street car
company. People who visit Omahn
should bo protected in thut rospoot ,
There is a great dual of satisfaction and
comfort in being treated fairly , and
Omaha cannot all'ord to allow strangers tc
bo robbed. Men come hero with thoii
families to visit the state fair and owiii { <
to the fact that it costs so much foi
transportation from onu part of the city
to the other , they i'o directly to the fail
grounds nnd stay there , not caring tc
spend all their money in seeing the city ,
iu this connection the Bi'.K again ualle
attention to the fact that there is a splendid <
did opening iu Omaha for a cheap cal
lino. Thq pavements now cover the entire -
tire business portion of the city , and in
fair weather all the unpaved streets are in
[ rood condition , A cheap cab line charg
ing not more than twenty-fiva cents foi
loim distances , and ton cunts for any
drive on the pavements , would prove
a paying enterprise. The field is opun
for BOIUO enterprising man. The chouj
cab is proving a great success in othui
cltisB , and there it no reason why il
should not bo introduced iu Omaha.
is a good deal of humbug in the
manner in which the civil service It con <
ducted. The course pursued by Mr ,
Gregory , ono of the civil scrvico commis
sioners , affords a striking illustration of
' .his fact. Gregory has provided n nofl
[ > lace for his son , whom ho has had ap
pointed ns ono of the now pension exam
iners , the appointment being accredited
as from Georgia. This creates consider
able surprise in Georgia. It aooms
that when the civil service com
mission was organized it elected
Mr. Woods White , of Atlanta , at
secretary. Mr. White makes 37,000 n
year ns Southern ngont of the North
western Mutual Insurance company , and
Ills willingness to take the secretaryship
was not understood until the arrival of
Alfred Gregory , son of the commisiionoi
from Illinois. Then it was understood
that Gregory would represent Win to in
Atlanta while the latter was with the
commission , and that in fact Gregory In
n few weeks would represent White with
the commission itself while the latter
would return to his Atlanta business.
The newspaper men got hold of the
nchorno and frustrated it , That loft
Gregory in Atlanta with nothing to debut
but wait for something to turn up.
Meantime ho had the commission put
liim down na n Georgia man , and now ho
turns up as a pension examiner , and an
liailing from that state. As ono of the
arguments in favor of the existence of o
civil service commission was that il
would see that each state gets its pro rata
of appointments , the importation by the
commission of the children of the commit
sionoiR into suitable territory is rcgardct
.is puzzling. The people of Georgu
think Una civil service reform with i
No MOKE throe-story buildings ougl
to bo erected on the principal buainosi
streets of Onidhn. Our streets are si
broad thas they make a poor nppoaranci
with so many low buildings. To give tin
streets n metropolitan character wo mus
nut up more four and five story build
ings. The time is near at hand whoi
three-story buildings will look as equatt ;
na thoao of two otorlos do now. Tin
t tilth is that nn additional atory adds bu
n trilling expense , and in many instance !
it can remain unfmishod until there in :
demand for its use. The day is not fa
distant when every inch of room in fou
and five utory buildings on the principa
Htroota will bo iu demand. Omaha pee
pie do not as a rule like basement rooms
and will not use them if other accommo
dations can bs had. The top floors cai
bo used by small manufacturing ontorpri
MS. Already there ia n move iu that di
roction. When Stubbondorf it Co. pu
up their building they had no use for tin
fourth story , but they had no trouble it
renting it for an overall factory. Othoi
property owners have done likewise , anc
readily found tenants for their uppoi
THK preferred presidential candidate
of the Amcricnn , oC Philadelphia , wui
Bon. Harrison. The American stil
swears by Harrison , and says that his recent
cent speech nt Indianapolis "fully vindicates
catos these gentlemen of the ropublicat
party who think Mr. Harrison a man oi
presidential size. " The A incricun at the
same time pays James G. Blaine a hand
some compliment by saying : "Wo foai
there will bo no opening for Mr. Harri
son as a national candidate for oighl
years to come. Wo expect from Mr ,
Blaine such an administration as wil !
make his ro-oloction easy , and uuani
mous as regards the republican party. "
THK Chicago 'Irilntnc says of Mr ,
Cnllnwny , the now general manager ol
thu Union Pacific :
"A man better qualified for this responsibility
sponsibility than Mr. Callaway could not
have boon selected , nnd if there ia anj
mini who can bring Union Pacific nll'din
out of their present chaos , Mr. Callawnyie
the ono. Ho will no doubt use his best on-
deitvors to mnko the Union Pacific again
the valuable property it has boon in for
mer years. Mr. Calluwny is not yet prepared -
pared to say what changcH in the official
stnll'of thu rend will bo mudo , It is not
probable that uny of thu present olliciuls
will bu disturbed in their positions until
Mr. ( Jikllawny has fully convinced himself -
self by personal experience that changes
ate imperatively nocemary. "
Tun case of Joseph Barker vs. The
City of Omaha , has boun nllirmod by the
supreme court. The dccroo which was
rendered by Judge Wnkely , required
Barker to pay thu sum of § 200 and inter
est from 187' ) , as his just proportion of
the tax for curbing and guttering Doug
las street. At the time Mr. Barker ap
pealed to the supreme court ho was n
member of the board of public works.Jmt
: he supreme court holds that ho must pay
ilia taifls for public improvements , the
same as nny other citizen.
THKHH Is onu man on the state ticket
whom the BEK can commend aa a straightforward -
forward , honorable business man , who
will brint ; to the discharge of his duties
ample experience , unswerving integ
rity , and high appreciation of the grave
responsibilities that will rest upon him-
His name is Ohnrlei H. Willard , candi
date for state treasurer.
Now that Bon Butler ia billed for
Omaha on September lth ) , wo will have a
curiosity that will bo a greater attraction
than "Jumbo , " Maud S , or Jay-Eye-Soo.
The beauty of it is that the state fair
managers will not pay a cent for it.
THK voice of the school master is again
lioard throughout the land ,
Arthur and tlio Ilrlton ,
1'iioriDKNCK. AuBtut 81. H. U , M. chip
N'ortlniiipton nrrnoii ntav | > ort thlmnnin-
liifffrinii llnllfiix. Itelnp Sunday no valuta
were fltou but many otlicera c.illod to pay
thulr vice adminil n > iK > ct ) . Sir John li
Ommerf 11 ii iu command of thu squadron.
Admiral Loco nnd Captain ticlfrlJgo called
later , m | their \l iu wno returned , Ail-
iiurnl Ccnminrull paid hit ro poctu to the
President un board tlta Dispatch ,
Jlullor nn n Trailer.
Chirngn Ht-r.ilil ,
There is nothing in Butlor'o character
or antecedents to cause any ono to be
lieve that ho will not , if opportunity
offers , trade with anybody and every
body. IIo has never boon too scrupulous
in his political methods , nnd his open in
structions to his followers to effect fus
ion ! ) with Iho minority wherever possible
shows that his candidacy is not ono sf
principle but of success or
advantage. Of the fusions that
have been made , or may bo made
in the next throe or fou ; weeks , not
mnch may bo said. They will bo legiti
mate enough if fairly carried out. People
who may not agree on finance , tariff and
other issues may bo at ono on the dosjr-
ability of n change In the Federal admin
istration , and if they can arrange matters
satisfactorily to thomsolvcs they have a
perfect right to make their votes ofloctivo
to that end.
Whore General Butler is likely to in
troduce a corrupt and dnngorous species
of trading in politics is on the
eve of the presidential contest. If the
October elections should bo unfavorable
to the democrats ho may bargain with
them for a fusion in Now York , Indiana ,
nnd Now Jersey , with almost an absolute
certainty that the combination would car
ry those two states , and thus deprive Mr.
Blaine of a majority in the electoral col
lege , placing upon the house of represen
tatives the duty of electing ? a pres
ident. If his only desire is to
"smash things , " aa ho says , nnd
compel the formation of n now party ,
probably ho could not accomplish his
purpose more surely than by throwing
the election into the house. The party
that could survive the trading nnd dick
ering which would then take place would
have to bo a very tough organization.
The menace of Butler's candidacy to
Blaine is host soon in the fact that ho
can at the last moment by a trade with
the democrats make it impossible
for the republicans to carry Now
York , Connecticut , and and Now Jer
sey , whore ho unquestionably will hold
the balance of power. IIo could not
very well have nny object in giving these
states to the republicans , for there is no
future for him in that party , and it ha !
nothing but the presidency that ho wants
and thut it will not give him. His hope
is fixed on the democracy , and ho may be
magnanimous. If the October elections
turn unfavorably to Cleveland what n
grand shout of applause for Butler would
go up from democratic throats the coun
try ever , if ho should consent tc
n fusion which would make
Cleveland's election certain cither in
the electoral college or in the housu oi
representatives. IIo would then bo in n
position to demand the nomination foi
himself four years hence.
In nil these calculations about fusions
the voter is not given much thought. lie
will have n good deal to say about the
matter. Fusions may bo attempted , but
the tnlly-ahoots nt the polls will have tc
bo referred to to discover whether they
have been successful or not. The suc
cessor failure of Butler ns n trader in
this campaign will determine for a good
many years whether wo are to have a re >
organization of parties or not.
To tlio Iinilics or Oiiinlia and
LINCOLN , September 1.
Director-General Buiko.of the World's
Industrial and Cotton Centennial Expo
sition , to bo hold in Now Orleans thie
coming winter , says that "doubtless the
national exposition' woman's work will
bo ono of the most , important nnd inter
esting cxhibitiona of that wonderfully
magnificent scheme. " The women ol
Nebraska are Invited to take part in thie
exhibition. Let every woman respond
by sanding something of the best of hci
handiwork. Loyalty to your state de
mands this of you , to bn well represented.
and show the world that oven wo of the
prairies can appreciate the beautiful as
well aa the useful. At a mooting hold
in Lincoln , which organized the Nebras
ka Statu association for thn exhibition oi
woman's work at the New Orleans
worlds exposition , 1 waa appointed
state superintendent of fine arts. I now
call upon every lady in the atnto who is
intoroatpdin nrtworkof any kind paint
ing in oil , China color , water color , pas
tel , crayon and charcoal drawing , mod
eling , carving in wood or cluy , hammered
metal or other art work , to send samples
of your skill to this exhibition. Lincoln
and Omaha have been chosen ns [ general
receiving points to which exhibits should
bo sent , where great care will bo oxnr-
cisod in packing nnd shipping to Now
Orleans free of all charges. These ex
hibits must bo shipped from collecting
points by Nov. 15. For further information
mation address Mrs. S. C. Elliott , State
Superintendent of Fine Aria for World's
Exposition , ILMU O street , Lincoln , No-
No Trouble in I'oiiiiHylraniii Ycnlcr-
COAL CRNTIIK , 1'a. , Scptt-mlur 1. The
ahorlir did not call nt thn mi HIM H' camp today ,
nnd In coiihcipR'iico tlio striker * urn still on tlir
( 'iniiml and us dutoriuineil na i-ver. Noels'
iiiiiu'H were not vlnitwl today and the officers
mi the ground had a quirt time. A call was
nmdo nt tlio Kinpiru worka , but the non
uuloniatti after a peaceful consultation do
clliicd to coino out. The event of the day
was tlio arrival nt Courtney of u number of
Hungarians for tlio purpOHO of RDlug to work
nt ( iarfiolil minus. No llun urluns havn
licrj'tofoio been employed in tha dis'rict ami
their udvont nt thin time ia rtgnidml with
concern. A ciuup will bs onaWUhod at
Courtney tonmnow to prevent thnni from go
ing to work. Operator * miy tlmtif thu ntrllo
continues much longer , Huugaiiang will bo
introduced iu nil the luhioa.
_ and MALARIA ;
rrom these sources iu Iso thico-iourUis of
the illsonaca of the liuinnn nice. Tlicso
> yini > of
Appctltu , Jlotvrli ciiktlvc , Sick licml-
M'lic , fullucMU niter rntlupr , nvemlou tu
exertion tif lm ly or mind , I > urtntlou
or final , Jrrllnlilllty of temper , I Mf
tptrlln , A fVeliiiK uflmvliiR iipjjlrctcil
IDIIIO duty , l > l/.zliie iriuttrili > unttio
llrnrt , l > iit bcloro liio rymiilil > lyc < il-
> rea Urine , COA'STII'ATIO.Y , null do-
iniind the use ofn rmuoily Hint nets directly
on the l.lvcr. AsnLlvormodlclnoTUTT'S
} > Ihl.M liuvo no e.iuiil. Their act Ion on iho
Kidneys mid Skin is Ho prompt ; removing
nil luipmillcu Uu'ouKh tlicso tliira " rni-
fiiKm or tlio Bvitcm , " producing nppj.
tlto , sound digestion , reeulnr stoola , u rli-sir
itbln wui u vigorous body. TUTT'S ril.I.a
CIUIHO no 1UU18CIV or | ; iplii'r | nor intuilcro
ivlili dally work mid nto u purfuct
" ' > yt't''N'Y'
I U B D Ur ijtO a a can
UIIAT lluu on M'IIIHKIUW clumKiul in.
otniitlr to n LJi.ossr DutcK bvaMiiylo up.
Iillcnlkm of tills liru. Fold by DmjtiJstj ,
or bent by osm-ess on roccljst > ; 0 i
< Uiilco,4Olurrny htruct , Kew York.
I8UCCE.S3011S TO THK J. It , B. & D. CO. )
The molt extensive manufacturer ) ot
olin Hockitiasser General A cent for Nebraska an
Western low a.
609 8. Tenth Street OMAHA , NEB
CTTrlcc * of Illlllrd and Pool Tables and materials
urnched on application
5L3t3JL Otx-oot.
Chicago , St. . Paul , Minneapolis and
Iho now extension ol tLls line from Wftkoflold np
through Concord and Coleridge
Koachca the boat portion ol the State , Special ex-
ournlon ratoa fur laml tcokcri over thla Una Ic
\Voyne , Norfolk nnd Ilitrtluglon , nail \la lilalr to all
ptlndpal poliita on the
Trains over tht a , St. P. SI. & 0. lUllvrny to Cov
nglon , Sioux City , 1'onca , U&tttugton , Wnyno &nd
Nur.'ollc ,
orK.'omont , Os'.tdxo , Ncllgh , and through to V&1 <
jtJTFor rates and all Information call on
F P. W11ITNEY , Ooncra Aeoul.
I'ropuunlH lor DlHti let Pavmx Unntls ,
CITY Tnmsunnn s Omen , )
Omaha , Neb. , August 20th , 1SSI. f
Sealed nropcsali will bo receive. I at thb odlco un
til August 30th , 1831 , at 12 noon , for the purchase ol
SH.OOOof District I'-ultiL' Dcmils of tlio Cityof Oma.
ha Salil bonds nro il.itej September 1st , 1834 , ami
anil will bo duo In ono , two , three and four yearn frcin
date , nil oiual amount l > eejnh ] duo each j ear : are
In surra of ono thousand dollars oah , and boar Inter
est from their date at tlio rata cf elx per centum per
annum , payable annually. The principal nnd Inter
cut nrci both payable at the Olllco of Kountzo Bros. In
Now York.
t-aid bonds are ? sucd under the charter power of
said city , and will bo iloli > eredto purchasers , on pay
ment therefor at the City Ttcanury in Omaha , on
Septcinbtr 1st , 1SSI.
liiih will bo nililrosseil to the undersigned and
marked "Proposals for District I'avinj , ' llcinds. " and
must btato tlio full name and address of tlio bidder ,
the amount of 8\id bonds desired ( an equal amount
due In ono , two , threoand four years ) and the price
proposed to 1)0 ) { mid.
Iho light is rcscncd to reject any and all bids.
au SO-d let City Treasurer.
Of the Northwest , Detroit , Minn
A country of WOODS AND LAKES , 200 miles weat
of St. 1'auL Ttirco trains dally on the N. I' . K. It. ,
with SO Day Excursion. Tickets at about one-half
AD elegant houao with accommodations for 230
"lesta. R. R. COLBURN , Proprietor.
. . , . , ,
Physician < & Surgeon
( Formerly of Mercy Hospital , Chicago. )
Norvoua DlsoaxeH an J ] ) is e.w.s of the J'yo and
Kur n Specialty.
fB-Offlco-Odd Teltows' lllock , N.V. . corner 14th
and Do < Ue streets , Umaha , Neb. Olllco hours 10 to
12 a. m ,2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. ra. Suudajs 10 to 12 a
m. AU calls promptly attended.
Sherman Avenue Ball Park
Five Hours Qo-Ae-You Tlcaso , open to all ama
teurs ;
Three pilroi. Entrance , $1. Fntraiico clones .Sep
tember 7th. First pruo , a Oold Meilal ; second prlzo ,
8 her Cup ; third pri/e , Siher Medal A GollScarl
pin will also bo gl\cn by Chas. Hill , K'IJ. , toc.ich
competitor who rovcre the distance of 26 miles.
Have You a Daughter
KcnJ for Catalogue of CalUnan College , Dei M-inc- ) ,
own. A ochool ONclml ey for the eduction of
Young Women. 0 Deflate , Nornul and Kf'cctlc
course ! of ktuily. Stipeilor ahautages In .Music ,
Art , Modern I/ui Uacgaul Klouitlan. Address
0. It. 1'OMEltOY , U D. 1'ros.
' . ' 2-w & s-dOt-wl
a - - - (
Oor , 14th & Jones , Omaha ,
Persons ntlllcted with ary dlaoaso , not contn lom ,
ran find a Imin. , and If occuri > Iiij n private room
may hero ho attended by any phyulclan Iu Kooil htan-
dim , ' . TloLjln ; ? liiDrpartment is an capccUl feature ,
AudroSB Central Hosjilial , Ciniha , Neb.
I'rHato rooms for ndults atreaionablo rates , Inclu-
dlnir nursing , 1'rompt attention given to emergency
canes. I'atienta can lw attended by their own phy.
alclan fUTDUponnary for the jioor opou Tuesday ,
'lhuriid > Banil tiaturda > s from 10 to 11 a. m.
St Jlen
S. W , Cor. 15th St. nnd Capitol Avonuo.
On the Kuropran 1'Un. First clans In every ro-
ipect. 'J'Ablj nuppllcd with iramu and all delicacies ol
Iho Bc&jon , where you pay for onU wlmt you order ae
icr bill nf faro. Uooms attached for trainlont cm-
.0111. Will alao keep day bcardora at the moot roa
lonaDle ratus.
1914 Webiter Street.
0xn | Bcptembor lit , A limited number of puplli
rtcclud. 'Jorma 3.00 , & .00 and 10.CO pvr ten
week * au ; 21-Sm
Mllllneiy and Hair Dressing Pailors
XT' EJti'oot.
Hair I Hair I Hair I Cheap I
WOouotry Ordcre SolldUd.
Authorized Capital , - $1,000,000
Paid-up Capital , - - 100,000
Surplus Fund , - - - 70,000
N W. Cor , Farnam ana 12ih Stt
PaiKK MRKrnr , President. I Bin'trt. ROOIM , V-P
Due. D. WOOD , Cashier , f LDTDIB DRAM , A
FrMik llurphjr , Samuel K. Uogors , Ben. B. Wood
Ohfttleo 0. Homel , A. D. Jones , Luther Drako.
Trsmiaat k General UanUng Dullness. All wnt
h vo ny { linking business t trannct are Invited
call. No matter how law or small the transaction
Ik will rocolre our careful attention , and we promln
always courteous treatment.
Pars particular attention to business for partlsi
residing outside the city. ISxjhanjo on all the prtn
clpalcltloi of the United States at very lowest ratc
Aoounti of Btnka and Banker ) received on ( vor
able terms.
Isauocs Certificate of Deposit bearing 5 pet cog
Ilu ) nand Mill Foreign Exchange , County , Oil
and OorernmcutBoouflttai
S , W , Cor , Farnam and 12ih Sis ,
Capital , - - § 100,000.00
C. HAMILTON , Pros't.
8. . CALDWEE.L , V. Pros't.
M. T. BARLOW. Caohlor ,
3. B. OAIDWELL , Q. F. Ssura ,
Accoumo , solicitor1 and kept subJect
Joct to sjlghvchock. ' '
Cortlflcatoo of Deposit Issued i av
ablolnS O nnd 12 months , bearing
Internet , or on demand without In *
Advances matloto cuntomorson
upprovodsocurltlooat market rate
of Interest.
The Intorooto of Customers arc
c'osoly ' guarded and every facility
compatible with principle * ) 01
sound banking freely extended.
Draw night drafts on England.lro
land , Scotland , nnd all pnrtcoftui
Eu rapoan Paooa o Ttclcotii
United States Depository
Oor. ISth and Farnam Sts
The Oldest Banking Establishment
in Omaha ,
Organised In 1808.
Organized aa a National Bank In
OA.PITATJ . $200,001
HiaHAM EOURTCB , Preeldcui.
JOD.H A. CEBioniox , Vice President.
A ausTuo KODNTZS , 2d Vice President.
A. J. PorrLiTov.
F. II. DAVIS , Cnhloi
W H. HIIQCIBS , Assistant Cushlor.
Tran ! cta a pcner l banking bualneaJ. latucs time
rei tlfl tcs bearing Interest. Draws drifts on San-
Francisco and principal cities In the United State ) .
Also London , Dublin , Edinburgh ind ( he plnclpa
cities of the continent and Kuiopo.
Cor. 13th and Douglas Sts.
Capital Stoclc , - - - 8150,000
Lability of Stockholders , 300,000
FJC Per Cent Interest Paid oil Deposits
L. M. ISBNNnTT Vlco President
W. A. I'AXTON If&nax'lnir Director
111 North Idth Street
tforS J.dffJLiSilliajj ww isvaj.j vw Adi
the old stjvnj 1417 Jarnam street. Ordora by
graph solicited and promptly attentod to
Reeldcnoo No. HOT Jones St , Olllco , No. 1600 Far.
lain St , Olllco hours 12 in. to 1 p , in. and from 2 to
p. m. Telephone for ofllco 1)7 , residence , 126.
Mclalic Cases , coffins , Casiols , Stalls ,
ETC. , ETC. ,
LOOO Farnnm Bu , . OMAHA , NEB
relcKraphlo orders promptly attended to. Telcphon
itlbit cvaa-ci a.xra.-l(3t.
uu",1. " 0,7ct" a" ' ? ' " 'rom ' result of flro , ollico
' m ' * ( 'r'1'lton ' ulock 16tb ui1
Duo I a *
1404 Farnam St , - - OMAHA
Farming Lands , Improved Farms nnd
Stock Fnrma in Douglas , Cans , Cedar
Nunco , Thayer , aud Howard
Kor Sale 83x80 feet on 13th street , near liar-
noy , room for nbrlck block , of loiiretorcahlch
would rent readily. If not sold within SO dayg
It will bo withdrawn and built upon. South
41 ft. corner alley $5,500. lueide 41 ft. , $5,259.
143 Tor Sale A bargain , 83x132 it , on Hth St. , near
Jones St. ' Call and see us In regard to thla prop
erty no hiuo a bargain for you ,
HI- For Sale Good business lot on Cumlng St ,
06x132 feet 46,000.
104 For Sale Improved Farnam strcotpropcrtyncar
12th street , 817.COO.
117 For Salo-401xl32 feet , splendid brick Improve
ment , as good business an Is in the city 818,000.
1 S3 For Sale Klejant corner on street car line , 33 < c
00 store , two Mory. aud bueuicut 18x40. Good
location , S6.COT.
113 For Sale Splendid business corner on 13th St ,
lot 08x125 , store building and barn bargain
107 For Sale A btislncsi property for $13,600 yield
ing a rich Income of 16 per cent , not on Invest
153 For Sale On California , cloao to Belt liuo lot
84x132 , two story house and barn , ? 3.GGO.
For Sale witnin Half-Milo o PoatoOioo
3 6 House and lot ? 8,000
333 - House and lot 3,500
332lIOUBoand lot 2,800
332i House and lot 2,600
300llouso and lot 2,100
2S9 House and lot 8.2CO
202 Homoand lot , 12,000
201 Two Houses 12.1CO
193 Houseand lot 8,60)
1S3 Hcuseaud lot 2,200
178 House and lot 4,000
172 House and lot 3600
166 House and lot , 4,500
103 House and lot 2,500
169 House and lot 0.500
157 Houscand lot 0,500
166 House and lot 4,500
S35 Houseand lot 6,000
S35J-House and lot ' . 3,000
155 Houscand lot 6,000
U5t House nnd lo ; 3,000
140 Houseand lei 12,000
133 Uousoand lot 0,600
Residences for sale within a milo circle of
Postoflico and outside of Half Milo.
339 Hou o and lot ? 2,800
107 Home and 3 lots 6COO
138 House and lot 3,600
E33 Houseand lot 3,000
336 House and lot 2,600
331 Housjnnd lot 2,000
309 House mid lot 2,100
323 Housoand lot 1,700
115 Heuso nn'llot 2.SSO
170 House and lot 3,530
303 HOU99 nnd lot 1,550
3C6 House nnd lot 3,000
306 j House and lot 2,000
175 House and lot 2,800
136 Housa and lot 3,300
293 House and 2 lota 3.COO
291 House and lot 1,700
273 House and lot 2,500
283 House and lot 4.COO
281 Homo and lot 2.COO
/ TUcstJmco lots In all parts of the city and all
addition ) ) . Aero property near the city. Prices n"d
terms t eult
" 5- < l n il im-ii-n , L | intnp , oonneot.i the
1 . " ( t ; .mt illV ( ? t i y t.e ' .lintjj. mi'o , raid oar *
- i-j p tsscni ( ra , wi'-iont iMJ.n n of caj. I olwcn
Ohio. RI > nnd J..uj i U7 ! ,'l Klurfj. Lrn.cii-
. , 'ji u ' .tolunin , Uii.-icipolii * npf * fit. Vaul. It
.vro.'oia ia ll.iion' i vlth „ ) ! tlio urinclnnj
. "jiat in id lu..mfv ih' , Atlnnuo rnd tl-o Vrcit'o
LCOUM. It3 0411 , urn n u ii.'Mvulcil uuil iniiciutu
j.jn : . bui-i' cMnp-L ! oi Mo t C'omlprtabio ami
lio. > i il Ijy luuin . M/ihH'flii / ! > iit llorton llo-
= 111.111 ; t'hrtir C , , p-illn i.'i Victtiaat 1'alnco
Ek-opinx C'irs , onJ : ' . ) u u .ina or Tiir.iiii ! C'aru
In ( l.oVoili1. . 'I.uct' Vrn'ii. ' - nl
.Uio-Jnu Unvi I'o..I' . Tw ' " ' - w' .rj-hi.
.uio aud Ixli'iiuau ] a auU 151 . - , , , „ , U iisou
"ALB1T ! .HA Ai > L > Vsi. "
A Tr w nad Birtct I.lpp , via Soacou nnd Kau'.ia.
kc" , liiia roi.cntj > b , > ci. oj qetl I nv/uon Iliclimond.
sruiiia , Na.'SivilIc. Lounvl'.li ) . Li-aniRion , Cinplnnatl ,
J.idia'i.ipolij ami L .1 .j-tuo. and Oitiatia.Mluueai-
* ! ? iiit bl. J'ltii niul iiTirruiilc' ! pointe.
AH Iluoi'cn iumui-Kkrii'i'iarol on i'lut Eiprcoa
iHSKlSMtE ! * * Tiokct Oiacea ' "
pc chrokcd ihrounh nnd raie of faro M-
" " " cul"llllL" : ! ' " ' " " ' ! " advAU-
for detailed information , set the Mupaaud I'ol j.
ft your near ? HI Ticket O'.Iicior ddreB3
- C BLE , E. OT. JOHI4 ,
' ' '
" Beverage