OMAHA DAILY BEE -1LESDAY , SKPTMIBE2 , NEBRASKA OK UKATU1CE , . . . . XEIlttASK The Pioneer Mutual Itcnont Association In I SUlo ol Nebraska , H Is co-opcrath o In Its working and all rromhi II&TO.I\olco In the management liytott at the ( nual meetings. Its &lm Is to benefit Its own mcrn1 > er , their nlJov nml orphans , In caic of death , accident , tlckncjs total permanent ( liability of a member , at Mti OOet with economical rnaimremint. Arcllil'Ic ' home a socl tlon , active and rcliib ncontu MunU'il tocantaes formonibcrs In Nebrasli Kiii8M and Colorado. Address , S. MoDOWALL , Secretary and General Manager , BEA.TBTUE , - - - NEI S. H. ATWOOD , Flattsmouth Not , - < - - - EBiiDiKor THO ouoni iD AKD man OKIBI HEBEFOBD HID JERSEY CATTLE AHD DUBOO OB JIU1T BID BWIHI CJTVonn ttookoiBilo. Corroipondenca * olcltc ! The moot the term " Sh Line" In connection with tt SHORT corporate name ot a groattoai : conveys an Idea of ust what 1 IK DaT * roqulrod liy the traveling pnl I f Hi Li Hc-a Short Uno , Quick Tta 9 I I _ and the bout ol accommodi ilwkB tlons-all ot which are Itut Rhod by the greatest railway In America. And St. Paul. Itowni and operated over 4,600 mllctof Northern Illlnola , Wleconiln , Minnesota , Iowa Dakota ; and aa U nuitii lines , brunches and eonnoo tlono roach all the Rrcat business centres ol th < Northwest and Far west , It naturally answers Ihi dceorlptlon ol Short Line , and Dost Itouto between Chicago , Mllnaukco , St. Paul and Minneapolis. Chicago , Milwaukee , La Cronio and Wlnona. Chicago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and Kllondalo Chicago , Mllnaukoo , Km Clalro and Stlllwator Chicago , Milwaukee , Wausau and Merrill. Chicago , Milwaukee , Ileavcr Dam and Oshkosh , Chicago , Milwaukee , Wauknsha and Ooonomowoa. Chicago , Milwaukee , Madison and Fralrledu Ohio ; , Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatonna and Falrlhault. Chicago , Uelolt Janoavlllo and Mineral Point. Chicago , Elgin , llockfonl and Dubuquo. Chicago , Clinton , Rock Island and Cedar Ilapldr. Chicago , Council IlluOs and Omaha. Chicago , Sioux City , Sioux Falls and Tankton Chicago , Milwaukee , Mltcho't and Chamberlain. Hook IdUnJ , Dubuquc , St. Piul anil Mlnnoapollr. Divnnpoit , "almar , St. Paul and Minneapolis. Pullman 8 t o | > cra and the Finest Dining Cars In the : rid are run on the main lines of the CHICAGO , MIUVAUKEE AND ST. PAUL ItAILWAY , and ovcrr attention Is paid to passengers by courteous employes ol the Company. 6. S. MEIIRILL , Oon'I Manager. A. V II. CAUPENTEH , don' ' Pass. Act. J.T. CLAUK , Oon'I S.ipt. OEO. II. IIKAFFOHD. Asa'L Oml. Pa Act Classical , Scientific , Commercial and Art Depart mionls. Both sexes admitted. Tuition low , ingchoap , hostel society. Full ; equipped lionltv jHTAddross lor particulars , Ilov. W. W. Itareha D. 1) . President , or Prol. 0 M. Dos Inlets , Secretary tbo Faculty llollovuo. Nob. Jvmo 2roO IRON AND SLATE HOOFING. 1111 DougUa St. Omaha , Neb. MANDFAOTtmER 0 Galvanized Iron Cormcas EED STAR LINE Boyal anil U.S. Mall Btonnors SAJLING EVERY SATURDAY , BETWEEN YORK AND ANTWERP Thellhine , Oermany , Italy , Holland and France Steerage Out ward , 820 ; 1'ropald from Antwerp , tig ; Excursion , 939 , Including bedding , etc , 2d Cabin , { 50 ; Round Trip , { 90.00 ; Excursion , 8100 ; Baloou ( torn (50 to 990 ; Excursion 110 to (100. tarretor Wright & Sone. Qen , Agonta. 65 Broad- EOaldwclL Hamilton 6 Co. , Omaha. P. E. Fled tn n & Co. , 208 N , JBth Street. Omaha ; D. K. Kirn U , OmaliaA cutd. od-ly PRINCIPAL LINE I'UIIM CHICAGO , PEOIUA & ST. LOUIS , 11V WAV 01' JDMAHA A1TD LINCOLN TO DENVSH , OU VIA KANSAS CITY AND ATOHiSON to DENVER OoiincctliiK In Union Dupota nt , Oiiiulia unil Denver M Hli tluouuli tnilnx lor And all ixilnts In thu Giunt West. CSOI3XTC5Union Union Dopolnl with tliruiijh titilnu lor NJS W Y OltJL , JSO , S T O N , Ami ull CJltliw. Atl'oorlu with tliKH1 iliiH tor Iiiillannp- oils , Cincinnati , Cuhmi. ' iiiul nil polnla ( n tlio bontli.Kiiat , At H& iyuls with tlironu'll tmliiB lot * ull Jiolnta iiouiit ; ( Dny Co.irlics , 1'uilor Cuinvlth ltd. cllnlni ; ( Jhulrs ( scats tire ) , Hiiiokliij ; CIII-H with Kovolvlnj ; Ulnilin , I'lilhimu I'aluco Mcoiil Uurs nnd the liiiuoua U.I ) . &Q. Dining C run dully tound f 10111 Chlciiio und Kuimud OH y , UlilcaKoiind Council IllulU : Ohk-nBO and DCS Mollies , C'liluiigo , Ht. Juscph , Atclilbiin and To | > eku vithout chuiiKu. Only thruimh line ruiinliiK thulr own tiulus between ClileiiKo ! , Mncoln und Denver , uiul ClilciiKO , Kiuisits < : ity uiul Denver. 'J'liioiiKh euis Ixitwoun InulanupolU und Connull Ilitilld , vlu 1'rorlu. OOINO 1VOUTH AND HOUTII. Solid Trains of Klenunt Day Coaelies nnd I'ullinuu I'ulucoBluuiiliii ; Cam HID run ilnlly to und fioin fat. I.oulu ; vlu llunnlbul ; Onlncy , Kcokulc. liurlliittton , Cedar Ituiildaand Albeit J.catoBt. I'uul and tllniiuujMilU ; I'uilorCur < ) with Itucllnlnt ; Clmlru lo and IIOMI Ht. I.ouls und I'voriu. ( ) nlyoiiu change of care ln-twfun St. LoulHunct DcHjIolned , Iowa , I.Intoln , N Jjinalia.uua Denver , ( 'olomdo. It lit ulBO the only ThioiiKli Line liOtwi-eu V OT. LOUIS , MINITEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL. | t 18 known ns tlio rcut VllltOlItill OAIt < lNIC of America , uu < unlveitiully udmtt wl to l > u thu Finest Equipped Eallroad in the World for all ti&ttes of Travel. Through Tickets via this line for ualo at ai ? ( t. It. coupou ticket oJllccb lu tlio Uiiitod 8 tutot < .td Canadu. ' , J. I'OITKK , I'EUOEVAI > J-OWKLt. VkI'jt4.iO a. Hinder. ' ITISASPECIFICJL ITISRELIABLI rort . | j\ in ourilT .Kidnoy & Lvor ! VAuriBif. . DI , ciu o , TAlnB 1 Troublosi the Uncle , Loir 'madder , Urinary or Bldca , Hotel nnd Uvor Dl ca o , or Nor Dropsy , O ravel and Retention < EiabcU * . 0rino. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. i It euros DUIouaneM , Headache , Jnundlco , Bom Btomach , Dynrwpsla , Conatlpatlon and Piles./ / ! IT WORKS PROMPTLY and cures Intemperance , Hcrvotu Dlaooaci , Ooncrnl Debility , EICCBBCO and Weakness. USE IT AT ONCE. It rofltorca the KTDNEY8 , LtVEIl an KL3 , to a healthy action and OtTHns when nil othortnodlclncifall , ICundrcdahAvolxicnsaved wlio liavo boon plvcn up to dlo by frlcn Jj and. physicians. 1'rltc # 1.80. Bond for IllunlrolcJ Taraphlct to IHf.M'S ' lll.'JIKDr CO. , IVotlilrnro , It. I. C ( SOLD IIV .M.I , DHIKJCISTH. THE SURE CURE FOH .KIDNEY . DISEASES , LIVER COMPLAINTS , CONSTIPATION , PILES , AND BLOOD DISEASES. PHYSICIANS ENDORSE IT HEARTILY , "Kldnoy-Wort la the moot successful remedy lover-used. " Dr. P.O.Ballou.Monkton.Vt. "Kldnoy/Wort la always rollablo. " Dr. n. N. Clark , So. Hero , Vt. 1 'KJdney Wori has cured my w lib after two ypare ufforins. " Dr. C. M. Smnmcrlln , Bun Hill. Oa. IN THOUSANDS OF CASES it lion cured wlicro all clso had failed. It la mild , but efficient , CKKT.UM.V 1TH AUT1O.V , but liarmlcsa in all cases. trltlleoii r lluiltloo < lnnl f lrcncllien nnl nlvr * New l.lfo to all tlio important organs of tlio body. Tlio natural action of the Kidneys is restored. Tlio Liver la eloansod of nil disease , and the llowcla snovo freely and hoalUUully. In tills way tlio worst dlzoaeoa are eradicated from the system. n rnicc , ti oo uqcio ou nur , HOLD nt unccciSTS. Dry can bo sent by mall. WKT.TX , IIICIIAJCDBO.V .t CO.Ilnrllnctnn Vt. SMOKERS of Blackwell's Genuine Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco. This Special Deposit ! to Kimrnntco tlio Jflymcnt of the 25 premium1 ! fully described n our former announcements. The premiums uill bo pnlil , nnmnttcr how mall thu number of Imgi returned may be. Ofileo llttltktftll'l Diirhnm 7VMirro C0. , ' H-trhim - , N. C. . Jlil ] , 10 , lt t | CutMrr II ink nf Jlurliiim , Hurtiim , tf O. DKAII Bin -Wo liidiwo you $ ll,9'iiu ( ) , which ilcaxo place nn Hinrlal I ) imHlt to pay pri'iuliiiua or our empty toliacco Im n tn l i iiturlicil Dec. .Sth. Youra truly. J a I ! A Kit. l-rurlilrut. OOiri nl Hie Hunk of Durham , ! Jlurfiam , N O , Hay 10.1B8I j I. B. CAItn , EPO . l-rnl llltttliirr'r ' * Iliirfium Ti'tiareo Ca. Drill Hill I lime tn iicknnuliulKn rrmllit of , ' . ) from vnn. uliu-h u liavo ptaiul upon | Hjclalloi'iFltfortlmulOict ( > ( ) iii'tnt < ' S'oun , truly 1' A. WILUY.Cuulcr. None pcnuiuo vilthnnt rlctiiro ot HIII.Lon Uie ( M7 St. Cliiii-li-s S < . , S ( . Jonls , Mo. rrgnlnr Kln4ual ) < > rijin Inllfnl Cnlliiccfl , IIKI lifcit lotiRAt : ICHKH ! In lliVBiCliillituliiiciil | itf Cnuo ir l lol. } KKtH ud IIMHII * liMkt.Mtli in itnr tillur 1'lij.Irian In yt , Luuli , rlljr | > a | > l .liow niiii nli cM HKI ) , nil kbuw Nervous Prostration , Debility , Mental nnd hysical Weakness ; nnd oilier Alice * ons of Throat , Skin or Uonos , Blood Poisoning , Id Sores anil IHcois , mo irmii.i . uii uni > riiiciul ifecifnil lal l li'iilillc ( irllir | > 1i H hail > Diseases Arising from Indiscretion. Excess , xposure or Indulgence , i > icii rroiinre iu or tin llunlni tllici. niuuii.iii'.i iMrlllir , illiiMit.i r.f ilcNI ulilelcttlti ) iiipliliir ) | iiiiili | > Kii llu < hira | 'lijK lil.-nij , irtlolitulliB > urlelj ti r rtiiiulvi cviifu ! nl l.liafltto. , Miilerliiu Mnrrlnco linpioiicr or milmmiy , ni riuilirmljrrurul I'l.inpliUi i.W | r. ) < n ll.u ulioir , unit icalf < l iutfli > | > i. riniiu ntiir uililitki , ( i > hnullitlli > u atof > i > rhriiiiilirri nolirnlii.l Hriio f rqiu iluui. i Positive Wrinen Guarantee Klrdiln ll curahloniin , Jl.'JIcliif i.inl ctirjnhrro. I'ainplilru , KncllHli or Oornmn , 114 imeoi , dv irlblui : above illicmcB , In luulo or fuiuale , i'lUJE. R/JARRBACE CUiDE ! 0 | > ugui , tint * | * UtM , llluilrntt-il lu tlolU ftn < l f lit Moiling. c , iiiuiiojrcr I'u.inRei nm < - | ni > rr coun , X5 , ll\t \ l > ooi ulalui all ( t > curlout , iluuUful i > r ImjuUltlfo wm t tow. A book cfgnot 1 nitjr.I to nil. ) U Uli. Hvauu. tHiIoen * ara frui.iut J tr It * advlor } ; X BOTTLES. danger , . . . . . . . . . . .linvnria jlmluchor , . . . Biwnnu ilpuor . . .iBohominn , oEor. . . . . . DOMESTIC. udwoist r . St , Louis , nhnusor . _ . St. Louis. st B . . . . - . ' . . . Mihvnukop. Bhlitz-Pilsuor . Milwaukee. ruu'H . Omaha Ale , Porter. Domestic and Rhine fine. ED. MAD11ER , Jirlvoa on Ilorllck'f Foal. " wrlto huudrwla t > ( rratelul moUiew. Molher'B uillk conulim no .larch. An artlndal f xl for lufunU lould xiutata no utarUi. 'lUo tout aud luwt nutritious food In IiealUi B B _ | _ ? nr HlckiifHii for ItHl BtilleSt.for I ALiir AIIV UH1KH7KI ) , trt * f roiu tarth uuil rwiulnw no cxiolilutr. - wmuuuilwl by rbiHlrliuH. . . .lifhly licufuclol to Nur ! us Motliunt ua u Uriuk. Vrlua , III _ amiA uln. Ill-allilrutrKl'ta. jia7orIic kouthu'I'rcaUiieiitot UliUdreii , fruu. a.l JutiStif.jf.j. , ' 1. , , , , ' " n ITiiM , riDi u in u t wuW u itiinJ N bt.U'jicY U I roDouoclor It lur rior to ftn7 > Iklnl cilinlK i. Cvtu.n , M It Trv , . K , r Will be wnt l > t mall on rrcflpt of rrlie lu it ini . HOItr.K'K'h I'OIIII CO. , Hiirlpe.VI . ta-Ut * UoaLlCX'l Vuf KlTUiCT or UiLT iO BUSINESS SYSTEMS. The Cash and ( Mil Rales of Bnsinc Iho World Over , " \Vlmt tlio Atiicrlcnn CnnaiilH Jim DlnooTorcd on the Submitted , The llonrd of Trade of Scranton , 1'a having recently represented to the d partmont of state that reports on U systems of credit which prevail in tl several countries of the world would 1 greatly appreciated by the financial ii tcrosts of the United Slates , the conau of the United States were requested I prepare reports on that subject. I allowing arc condensed atatomoul from the principal consulates : Consul-General Stearns , nt Montroa Canada , says : "Much more care is no taken than formerly in granting nccon modationa , nnd the financial standlr and business character of dealers ai more keenly looked into both by solid and the banks. In this part of the country , particulai ly in thin province , there hns alwaj been a tendency to immoderately Ion credits nnd an abuse of the credit systorr The average titnu to cosh buyers , tnl ing business all through , is C per con discount , thirty days being considorc cash. The retail clothing Htoros , liowin or , generally allow 10 per cent ; dry good and fancy goods ) to C per cent and prc visions 2A per cont. But at rotoil stores buyers , if nt nil re sponaiblo , are encouraged to keep at counts nnd settle quarterly or half yoai ly ; indeed in some cases it is really Imr to resist the attempts of sellers to or force buyers to open nnd keep account : and not pay cash and avail thomsolvc of the discount. This tendency to encourage courage long credit I'M oven snore noticca bio nniunir wholesalers nnd jobbers David II. Strothor , consul general of th City of Mexico , says : "Nearly nil the great mercantile hou BUB in Mexico City nnd state sell largol ; on credits of from four , six to oigh months , and often for longer periods , nnt even the smaller dealers , vendors of tri lies , nnd hucksters in articles of coinmoi uao and every day necessity , whoso bus ineaa ia usually supposed to require rcaih money , are hero muro facile in regard t < credits than in most other commorcia communities with which I am nc quninted. Consul Murroll nt San .lose , Costa III en , says. "Until lately importers ob. . tainod nil their goods asked for in Eurupc on credits from six to twelve months , rs < pccinlly it the dobtora ngreod to consign eoll'eo in payment in lieu of remitting bills ; but several heavy failures of impor. tore having occurred during the past few years owing to excuastvo importations ( the result of too much credit ) , anil losses conscqcont upon giving credit too freely hero , European credits have been greatly restricted and some of the best London houses will now execute only the urhura received through and recom mended by their ngonta residing here. " TIIK miAmiAN SYSTEM Conaul-Genoral Andrews , at Rio do Janeiro , says : "Tho long credit syatom . f thia country ia a subject of frequent complaint in all business circulars. The yd torn has probably been caused , in a iirgo degree , by the great extent of the ; ountiy and the difficulties of communi- : ation. At least throe-fourths of the volume of nisinoas ia on credit. With a capital of ? UO,000 it is usual to bo owing about $100,000 $ , or in that proportion. In the : oll'eo trade the London banks arc iccustomod to give credit nt the rate of sterling per bag , ( l.'i'2 pounds ) of cof- eo. With the largo steamships in use n L single cargo of cotl'oo is sometimes yorth ? 500COO , and it would bo almost mposslblo for individuals to handle oven > arts of such cargoes were it not for the xedit extended to them by the great enters of capital , the banks. The report from Buenos Ayres says that .bout Buven-eightha of the business is lone on credit in the Argentine Hopub- ic. ic.In In Cuba the bulk of the trade is based in credits. The exports of sugar and nolnssca , whoso buoinoaa roaches n vol- imo during the year of many millions of nllara , may huvo a capital of from $25- 00 to § 50GOO ; but lu relies on credits cneroujly/grantcd / him by bankers of the 'nited States and Europe. The wliolo- ale provision dottier purchases his sup- lion at three , four , six and sometimes ight month's time. Ho , in turn , soils ) the planter on credit , formerly of wclvo month's time , but now rarely more ; iun one to three months are granted , The rnporto from the continent of luropo are very lengthy. Consul CJrin- ell at Bradford nays part : "Credit in 10 wholesale branch prevails to a very reat extent in proportion to the volume f business which is transacted , varying i time from one to six months , the re- til business being conducted mostly for ish and to n conuulernblo extant by co- peralivo fltorca. " Consul Shaw , of Manchester , says : Borrowers who can show that they ave made 'a good thing1 by buy- iig in n rising market are trusted all the lore freely on that account. Thus the lavement goes merrily onward , until nt ist a check is experienced rnd the condi. ions attending the period of opanaion re all reversed. Then succeeds a period f drooping nnd afterwards of persistent * y low prices accompanied by contracted redit nnd universal caution. Afterwards hero is n season , often prolonged , of alow ecovory. At present in thia commeial entro the trade appears to bo in the nidstof such n transition movement , Joimul 1'iatt , at Cork , Ireland , says ; 'Without credit this community , being linoat entirely agricultural , could not xiat. " _ lu Scotland , in largo trnsactiona coin- iion terms are cash in three months , with i per cent discount if paid at the end of llreo months ; but every trade or maim. acturo has ita own torma. Consul Harper , of Munich , says ; "Gor- iiuny ia not rich enough to do without rcdit. The credits are here longer than n Prance or England , " Consul General Brewer , nt Berlin , ays. "Tho percentage of buainesa donu in credit ia undoubtedly largo. " Adolph Stein , vice consul at BruBsoli ? , ays : In Belgium , although relatively a icli country , there are no largo nssocm- ions of capitaliets that do business , and uoit nil tradesmen hero begin trade nodcatly and with little capital , There ore credit is indespouaablo for the sue. ces of trado. It might oven bo eaid that rude in this kingdom would be nearly in possible without credit. In Switzerland Thn credit system in everal branches of buainota ia largely iu txcosa in proportion to the value of bust. less , while in reference to the manufae- uro and export of watches and of cheese- the proportion is said to bo a nomii one. one.In Italy Credit , if given at nil , is vt limited , unless against good collate ; securities. Advances and discounts Florence last year , as made by six ban in ? institutions , amounted to 27i5,5G 72.-J.C8 lire. In Portugal trndo is mostly earn on by credits , In Spain Consul-General llocd , Madrid , says : "Tho extent of credit proportion to the amount of buainc transacted , may bo safely estimated one-fifth of the same.1 In Austria "Tho amount of crct given depends more on the commorci reputation of the individuti than on tl character of the business. " THE CHINESE 1'LAN. Conaul Seymour roporta from Canto "On the occaaion of it Chinese firm fa ing with largo indebtedness to foroif merchants under circumstances that wo doomed dishonorable , Honqua ( a me chant ) called upon half n dozen woaltl merchants to join him in paying olftl total indebtedness of the insolvent Ch ncso firm , nnd headed the subscriptic with $1,000OCO , remarking that 'Cli ncao credit must remain untarnished. " "This ia the same Honqua who raise the portion of the § 0,000,000 of ' 'inden nity" or "ranson" which had to bo pal by the Chiocso authorities within fortj eight houra to prevent the bombardmor of Canton by the English , when Ilonqti cheerfully contributed § 1,000,000 , $100 000 of which ho gave in recognition < the fidelity of his eon , § 200,000 of whic ho donated in token of the affection c hia beloved wife , nnd § 800,000 as n than offering for the prosperity that had Jr variably attended hia commercial ontei prises , as appoara on public record. " Conaul Shepard Bays of the Chines banking sjstom : "Tho banking syatot may bo properly noted as earning in n an adjunct to the business system. Thor is no such thing as a bank proper in n ! China. The government givea no oflicir sanction to an institution of the kind an coins no money except the copper 'cash , All hanks are therefore , merely prtvnt affaire , aud , properly speaking , not bank ti * > nil. Their operators are more privat bankers. " In Australia "Business ia largely con ducted on credit. It may bo said tha all imported articles are sold on credit t these who sell to the consumers , and t the latter credit ia also extended. In th first instance acceptances nro given fo periods from three to six months. Ii the case of manufacturers of clothing , ha bordashny nnd goods of this class Ion ; credit is given to country storekeepers ivho are further often assisted by tin vendors by renewals , if acceptors havi lot been nblo to clear out the goods si iiirchasod. " Kxcltenicnt. "What causes the rush nt Schrotor X I5ocht'n Drug Store ? " The free ihstriburiot if sample bottloa of Dr. Bosanko's Cough am . ling Syrup , the most popular remedy foi 2ougha , Colds , Consumption and Broncliiti ; low on the market , Regular mzo C > 0 cent : md $1.00. How the Does uro Koblici ] , ) iango ( N J ) Letter in Hartford Times. < f It was a German , I believe , who in- 'ontod the extractor now in common use n England nnd this country. The idea amo to him upon seeing hia boy tie a bit if string to n piece of honeycomb and wing it around his nock in order to got ho honey out. The centrifugal force orcod the honey out of the comb. From his to the ordinary extractor it waa but , atop. The machine , as in common usu onsiats simply of a big tin barrel , in rhich turns n frame upon which honey- _ omb may bo placed ; by means of ordi- inry gearing the frameia turned very npidly and the honey flies from the cells 9 the sides of the barrel nnd trickles own. The beauty of the extractor ia liat la saves the bees all the trouble of lakiug honeycomb , n labor requiring ansidernblo tirno and material , inasmuch 3 for every j.ound of comb there are ivonty pounds of honey. Whpn the comb i the extractor ia empty , it is put back ito the hive , nnd the boos , dismayed nt 10 loss of their store , go to work at n srrilic rate in .rdor to provide for the > ming famine. "When the comb is again ill of honey , it is placed in the extractor id again emptied. According to the ex- 3ricnco of my venerable friend , the beea in bo made to do about twice as much ork when their henoy ii taken away om them after this fashion as when they o required to build comb. In other ords , the yield of honey ia neatly Kiblo. CONVINUINO. The proof of the pudding ts not in oHtiuu , ' , lint in havinp an onpintunity to t th article direet. Schrotor it liccht , the rngglhts , hivi ) a freetiial bottle of Dr. ] Jo. nko'ri QouRh nnd l.ung Syrup for each nnd i'ry onii who 19 allllcted with Cousin , Colds , ttluna , CoiiHtuiipt on or any J < niij ; AfFcction , A Itniny Day. om the 1'hiladolpliia Call. Mr/i. Winks. Bid you notice in the rctio reports that the exploring party , ter running out of food , kept thoin- Ivca aliyo on Bi'alskin ? Mr. Winks. Vcs. It ia strange that should contain BO much nutriment. tit speaking of starvation reminds mo ut wo have not saved n penny this sar. It won't do to go on that way , you low. Mrs. Wink. Certainly not , nnd that what I was going to speak nbout. Wo uat lay up something for a rainy day. 'o dent know how soon wo may moot isfortuno. Mr. Winks. True , and as Undo Jake ts promised to send mo n present of )00 in fho fall , 1 think that would be u iod starter , don't you ? Mrs , Winks. Just the thing , dear. uy mo n § 500 seal skin aacqun for n tiristums present , and if the worst cornea i the worst wo can oat it , you know. ouiaiN Ammonia in obtained In largo quantities l > y o putrefaction ol the urine of miimula. J-.n- Itritannica. K\t > ry huumtkociHir can teat baking nowdora iiitaiiiiiif ; this dlKtistiiiK drug by placing n , the " " "Andrews' 1'earl" n ot "Royal" or toj1 iwuon a bet Bto\o until henttxl , then remove oco\or anil mnell. Dr. 1'iico'ii Cream ISakiiiK I'owdor does not ntain Ammonia , Alum , l.imn , I'otnsh. Uoiio liosphutt'8 , ( provo it by the above teut ) . It broparud by a 1'liyslciau and Cliomist with rt'gard to claauliuoaa and ho.ilthful- Hani DrlnUiiiK in Now York , owVork Coiiiiuercial Ad\ettl er. It ia gratifying to learn that the ens- m of hard driiiKing baa changed within n years , An old Now York bartender ys it is not now considered oil'ominato r a man to < li ink a glass of sultzor or moimdo. Formerly a call for this mild ink would hnvo called forth laughter id leers. Hnthor than bo ridiculed the inker would take wlinky straight or mo other rawdriuk. Moreover , drinks - s do not H wallow their potations ai they ould medicine. Every first-class bar- om has tablet and chairs , ana th < ro the inkers tit and chat and take lifo elow- , easily and comfortably. In this re- ioct they are falling into the habits of 10 Frouch. JjIST OP tlio Omaha postolficiS for I week ending August 30 , 1881 : I.ADIIS LIST. Austin Mrs J [ Anderson Miss A Alexader 15 Mi a A C limmister jNfre A Arown Irs 1C Cocstol Miss M W Carleen Miss A Carey Jliss M Chesick Miss M A Chester Mis ? L Oooper Mrs M .f 3 < mnard Demison Miss MV Dempsey JlissM Uodson Miss L K I'jdwarda Mrs J Faiibun Mis II C h'ox Jlifs Ki \ Feiguann Mis A Ki.insson Miss J C 1'ryor oSfiss H ! cist Mrs K Grant Miss. ) iiillin 11 K Grolle Miss L Haynes Mis A C lainott M Hehel Mrs F [ olstein Miss II Ifanlonborv frs J R 2 luhnson Miss H Jackson Miss P rmuiesim Mia W Koni Miss L jaclollo Miss A Leggett X .agoigren A Lighlet Mrs N .i > cku Mrs M LoreriEcn Mia A Morgan Mrs .T F Mikulerek A Hurtiu Mrs J B 2 MoBrido Miss K Mitchell M8i [ J McLonuy Miss N ilny M Mikneleoii K M \VlsonMrsL15 Nllaon Miss 13 2 n'ollows MI'BH K O'Connor Mis K 'etcrson Mrs I' Parmontoo Mrs 1) M torerU Mrs G K-3 Keano Miss ) Ivan MrsM D Sheopo C ltom > Mi8 M Stsnsoa 1C itockton MiasX Swendley Miss .T iinithMrs.rA Thomas Mrs M 15 'nclcer Miss 1-1 Wysocks Mrs P V'arnor Miss X Watson Miss 11 Q Vnncko P Williams Mrs C Vcldon Mia 3. Wilson M IB KM C 1C COUTANT , Postmaster. With the coiulimonts generally attain- blo it ia not possible to produce n inay- naiRo dressing for salads that will coin- are with Durkeo'a Salad Dressing. Buy botilo and bo convinced. in the Ordnni'cc. ' ' .isliington llati-het. Judo Sponpo [ ia a well known gentle- inn at the national capital , nnd has ro- red practically from the legal bar for in purpose of practising at another hid of bar. IIo hns many notable ; toristic3 , pro-eminent amongthem that [ borrowing. Ho mot Colonel Shortstop on the block day or two ago and solicited a email un. Lie was rofuaod , but suavely psr- atcd with nblo promises of an early re- irn of the money. "Oh ! no , you can't work your racket 11 mo , " finally said the colonel inipru L-ntly. ' 'I'm too old a soldier for that. " "You an old soldier ( " retorted the itdgo , now rather irritated "You'rcall- 1 a colonel , hut yon never smelt powder id you were never in the army at all. " "Uli. yes 1 was , " replied Shorstop , and I'm in it now. I'm iu the ordinance > riis , and , an you see , poifectly bum oof , " They parted never to speak again. Nlco ICiiulol * Dentist to Go To. in 1'rancifco Post , 1'Jtli. Judgment iu favor of plaintiff waa yea > rdny given in the iuaticoa' court in the IBU of Mary MciMillan against F. J. jhwartijschild , n aontist , to recover ! ! > ! ) . Plaintiir wont to Schwartzschild i have her tueth filled , the nrico agreed xin for the work lining § 17.50. After ling her teeth the dentist asked her ! 2 DO for her services , and upon her ro sing to grant his demand , ho hold her , threats and took the filling out of her olara again. The court gave redress in e sum of ? 21".50 and coats of the suit. IJIoocled Stock lor America , LONDON , August 20. The sale of 3rd Wilton's herd of Polled cattle , liich has just litkon plaoo at _ Hereford , is caused a great eonsotion in farming roles. The herd was the best in En- and , and its diepersion leaves to Lord oay the honor of owning the choicest t of the famous black nulls of Hero- rdthiro. The best animal of Lord 'ilton'a ' herd , the well known hull imod Lord Wilton , was bought by Mr. iiiiRhaii , nn American breeder , for .0,050. A atCH from tlio Illuck Forest. From the Black For st in Germany , mo most of the line agates. The mllor atonca are made into beads for 'ckluces , nnd numbnra are useless bo- uat badly pierced or chipped , A mvo bought a quantity of those modern > ads and is soiling thorn aa nntiquo. in ientm they are Unman , in London they jltic , and in Nantes they are Gallo- omaii. -THE BEST TONIC. 3 Thh medicine , combining Iron with pure VcRctablo tonlr , nulrkly nnd rnmiilctely ( 'nri-N 1) niirimln , InillKmllniu mill NcnriilHlii. It Is an unfalllnij remedy for Dl cnscsoftho KlilncjK nml l.lvcr. It Is Invaluable for Dlsca ei pcnillnr to Women , and nil \\lin lend fcilcntary lhe . Hilocs not Injure the teeth , cau e liendaclie.or Iiroditco constipation other Iron mctllcinrs i/o. , It enriches and purifies HIP Wood , stimulates the appetite , nlda Iho nwlmllntton of food , re lieves Heartburn nnd licleliliig , and strength en' ! the nmsrlcs nnd nerves. Tor Intermittent Fcvern , Lassitude , Ijxck of hncrgy , Ac , It has no cqiml. v Jtrr- The Kcnulno has nbovo trndo mnrk mid crossed red lines on u rapper. Inko no other. IO. . 1HLTI JIOIIK , 1III. lames Meal faalihii .Chartered by theStateoflll 'inols ' for the express purpoi fof GivinElmmedlatc reliell i all chronic , urinary nnd pr Olcet nudSyphills In all the complicated forms , also a diseases of the Skin nn lilood promptly relieved nn rcrmanentlycured by remi clicBtest'dlnn7' ' < jr/i/l'iii ttlirrlaiJ'riictlcr. Semlni VVcnkiicss. Niirhl Losses by Drsnms , Pimples o ha PaceLost Manhood , ! ( ( ( rff/rurr < f Tlici nes icnt bv Mall and Express. No marks 01 .scnam to indicate contents or sender. Adarcs u-h. { Af.1ES.Ko. 204Wa3hinrjton Si.Cliicaaoll " . i. . , ! ni ' "Will purify HIP BLOOD.Tocu. 1 itoi the LtVERamI KIDNEVs , mill ItKSKini : TUB HKAX.TII nnd VIGOR of VOUT1I. l.v ) - ippsl.1. M'aiuol Appetite , in- illKcMlnu , L.iL'k ol blu'iigtli , ami Tl I - ' ' " " 'iiiK ulisol u tcly ciirotl. 1 01 _ , muscles ami m'rvcsrj'-ivonuwrorco. I IVL II3 til3 Illlllll Illld supplKs iifraln INiwtr. SuircrliiKlroniuninpl.ihiH pi-uiill rte tlieir SL-X will 3nd In DR. ' . .RTER'SIKOH 1O 1O a fnfo nnd > nPCy | ciire. tiivcs a i Icar , liuiltliy compluxloit. fieniits * " * f ' .lii onlyadil Frequent r > | at c | ? In thuiopiiUiltv ] t tlmoiluliril. Uo liutcxpurl * JlUllt pet tlio OIIHIIMAI , ASU Jll ST. fSendjourmldre'sto'lhBDr. llurtcrMod Co. ' St.Ixmls. Mo. , for onr "DREAM BOOK. " Full of BtruoKuunJ us ful Information , ( roo. . ( Faculty Prlzo Medical College o ! Ohio. SPECIALTY And other Diseases ot the Anus and Rectum. 120 S. 14th St. Cor. Douglas OMAHA , NEB. ovocd ami wtt For Mm. H lck. Kurt , Mfe. Hook free Cl--l * ' " " -v IIU Fulton M. . New York Science ot Lite. Only $ IUO BY MAIL POSTPAID. A. GREAT MEDIOAJJ "WOKIi Eih D8tcd Vitality , Nervous and Physical Debility roroaturo Decline in Man , Errors of Youth , on the Dtolil mlsotlea esultlng from ludl. cittlona or ex. 9B3ee. A book ( or every man , young , middle-tiled , ntl old. It contains 126 prescriptions ( or nil acnte ad rhronlc dlaomca each one ol which In luvnlnable 0 found by the Author , whose experience ( or 23 oara ! a eueh fcsprobably never bcoro ( ell to the let t any phyelcan BOO pages , bound In beantlla . cnchmualln raoosaedcovoid , ( nil Rllt.Ruarontoxii ) bo a flner work n every Bense , mechanical , lit- rary and ] > rooj.ilonal ( , than ny other work sold In 1(9 ( country ( or ? 2.60 , or the mouoy will be refunded 1 every Instance. 1'rlco only 81.00 by mall , post- > ld. Illustrative sample 5 cents , . nnd uov. Oold ledal awarded thu author by the National Medical ; aoclatlon , to the olfloera of which ho rotors. The Sclenoo of Life ahoiilil ho rcid hy the young > r Initractlon , and by the nflilotoil for icllcf , Mill bonolli ilL London Lancet. There la no member of society to whom The Sol- ice of Lifo nlll not be iHofnl , whether youth , pir- it , , Instructor or olorsryman. Argor.t-ut. AdilroDs the Poibody Medical Institute , or Dr. * V . Parker , No. 4 IltilQnch Street , lIOHton Sfne ? . , who nv lu consulted on all dlsetics roqulr'i RliIll and : pcrhnce. Olironloaudobstlnatodlsoai. mtlmthate illlrd thg bt.HI of all nthor phys-lirn I clan * fpcchityi Much treated TOc-rcsg.firt ! ) fully Ithout au InsUnco ( ulluro. OJIAHA NEBRASKA. The scnolastlojcar commences on tno First WCunesflay in SenteniliGr , 10 course ol Instruction embraceu all the Klemen ryand lileber lran < hcd ol a flnlehcd education Itcronce of HcHclon la no ol ) tnclu to the adinla- in o ( ycmn ; ladlea. PuplU are rccchcd at any no oftho > enr. ERMS PAYABLE IN ADVANCE eluding Hoard , Washing , Tuition In Kngllsh aud encn , use of books. Piano , per eveelon of ivo Months , § 150.00 KXTRA ClIAUQKS-nrawlns , I'alntlnj , Oerma ttp , Violin , Uuitur and Vouil Music. Iteferenoea are required from all pcraona unknow the luatltutlon. For liutncr Information apply ) : < ; LADV SUPKUIOU NEBRASKA LfiND AGENCY SUOOESSOIl TO DAVIS fc SNYDEll. ) Qeuoial Dcileriln 1605 FAIIKAU ST. OMAHA. IIT lor al S00.009 acre ) urolully eelected Undi rC.\stsrn Nobrifl k , at low prloo inu on oagy term jiprovoa inruiu lor uMe In DousUa , Dodge , OuUtz ttc , Quit , CumlnK , Strpy , Wagmogtoo , Uvrtck inJem , and Outlet vJouiulce. ' ioo paid In all i.irtl ol the Slat ) , lonov loaned on Improved Uru.1. < ulary 1'ubllo alwaji lu olUce CorrcBjionJonca r , Amelia OBTIOE AND nKSIDKNOK' ' St - Omaha 517 Dodge , , , , TKLKl'IIONI ! No Hi [ Owing to the increase in our business we've admitted to the firm Mr Edwin Davis , who is well and favorably known in Omaha.This will enable us to han dle an increased list of property. We ask those who' ' have desi rable property for sale , to place the same . The new firm ? /\ll be 113 ; Bouth Mth St ,