Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1884, Image 1

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The Cbinese Qovcrmnent Slill Refrains
from Declaring War.
England a Eendezvous for Eu
rope's ' SooialistSi
Bismarok is Not Ready to Discuss
the Congo Question
Germany Will Still bo Eoprosont-
od at the Vatican ,
The Czar's ' Life Carefully Guard
ed Against Anarchists ,
An EiiRUBnirmii'HHouso Blown Up by
Dissatisfied Minors Other
Tlio China Ilcnv.
llosu KONG , Sept. 1. Admiral Courbot
announces that ho has completed operations
in the Mia river and it is now safe for mer
chants to ascend to Pee Chow.
HAMAUHO , Sop. 1. Merchants in this city
engaged in trade with China have decided to
petition Prince Bismarck asking li'uutousohis
influence with 1'ranco to provout the blockade
of treaty ports.
LONDON , Sept. LA private dispatch from
Tien Tf in Bays : "China is not disheartened.
The government has issued an edict enconrag-
inr troops to light and warning local authori
ties overywhefo to protect non-combatant
PAIIIS , Sept. ] , The report that China had
finally declared war ngaiott Franco is without
foundation The Prime Minister Ferry has
gnno to Saint Uio for a week's holiday , which
implies that further Immediate complication
with China is not likely to occur. Admiral
Courbet has left the Isle of Matron and is be
lieved to have gone to Hainan. Fiv hnndrud
Fiench troops are ordered from Cochin China
to Kclung.
SUAKUI , September L The rebels made an
attack on this place us usual last night. A
mine near the city exploded as the enemy
passed ever it , and nine of their number
were killed.
KliINliuno , .Septetnhar 1. Gladstone today
addivri cJ another mooting of his constitu
LONDON , September 1. An attempt was
made t'Jiljy to destroy by dynamite the house
of Moffat , maiiaznof a lurgo inino in Cheat-
orrnoor. He had incurred the enmity of the
miners on account of having discharged all op
eratives win i took part in the Orange riots.
The house was damaged but no one was injur
ed. No nt rests were made.
KOMI : , September 1. lie-ports of the rav-
eges of cholera in various prs of Italy shows
for tlu past 21 hours 110 now ca es and -15
deaths. A teiriblo panic frovails ia some dis
tricts infected with the. cholera. In many instances -
stances the physicians attempting to minister
to cholera lutients have bean brutally mal-
trcatd. Tlio persons making these assaults
labor under the delusion that the doctorj are
engjged in poisoning the pee | le.
i'Alil.s , Sept , 1. At Marseille.s during the
twenty-four iiours ended at ' . ) tonight nine
persons died from cholera. The di.-ca o is
increasing in virulence at Naples.
LONDON , Sept. 1. Aihices from Trebizoud
. itito that the governor of that place has ar-
lestodsix omi.ssaries 'jf the false prophet ,
Hadfchi Thesa stated that the
prophet was advancing on Trebi/.ond with a
thousand men. The governor went forth to
mecithem , but lulslu and his principal fol
lowers hail aheady been captured and taken to
Keicjoon ,
llV.NA.Min : IN AL'.STHIA.
YIIINA , Sept. L 1'our dangerous anarch-
ibts xvoni bi'jught from IVsth to thin city to
day. Tito hunso of Dinof them , an iron wor
ker named Tetzler , was sodrohed and machin
ery fur manufacturing boaiba discuvcicd , Jo- !
tidooliis the boiiho containnd a uumbcr of
iKiinbs and aln ) a model of a dynamite box
which would infallibly cxplodu Wiion opened.
] ! , Sept. L The project for a confer
ence to discuss matters relative to _ the Congo
country has been abandoned. Jii.smarck approves -
proves tlio ft delation of the free t.Utes of
Central Africa , but c insiders a conference
premature. When the desires of Germ my
' .ud the other powers interested in settlement )
in ' , ha Congo country have been better defined -
fined , 1-Umarck will give his co tent to an
international convention.
LONDON , September 1. llartinanu , the mi-
ciitlUt , while vi iting 1'aiis , wan warned to
leave j'rance , and luniirrivi.'d In London with
1'einwkl , n friend of 1'iinco Knipotkine. A
converitien of rovohitionarv wocla ists is called
to meet in London in October. Delegates
will ! con-tat chiefly uf ( Jarmanx , itimslanu uud
Swi-s ,
T , 1'Krrit.siit'ui : , Sept.I. . Tha Governor
Gonernlot SUirnovia has issued circulars or-
during the strictest hcrntiny , fof p s | ioits of
t-t rangers , i. nd the iuhtantarnut of any per
\ ' son plotting against tha f'/.ar. General Teh-
irivino has uriivud In Hkiruovis to seenro
meaMirfs for tha CZOIH safety.
IIIIJIANV : Krii.i. iiwocsj/Ert TIII : I-OPK.
UKUMN , KeptwnU-r 1. Dr. Schloo/er ,
Pnusian minister at the Ynticuti , 'will return
toiiispost the Ifith fust , notwithstanding
tlio demand of the irrcconcile.ablos for the
withdrawn ! of the I'msai-in legation at the
'Vatican ,
LOXIHIN , Sojit. l.-Thti German Hlnp Mar-
Oipalo , Klicktnbflig cajitain. from JJicmen for
Xtiw Viirk , ntnick u neck off Full- isle , Scot
land , and immediaU-ly t-ank. J'art of her
ciow wcra lubcuoi , but miwt > ( thcui died
from osaiutlon11
r/NPON , September L The JJrilifcli ROV-
ban asked Cul Noithbrol ; , hMi
eoinmi > .toiii'r of l-Igypt. not to extend hi *
uii > iou beyond the end f October. His
litst reports as high commissioner are intend-
ill to bo In readlncs for presentation to par
liament during the winter sos ion. All dis
cussion with" the powers with relation to
Kfiyptlan affairs \vill bo suspended in thu in
terim ,
WADY llAU'ICgypt , Petitombor L The
latest letter from Gen. Gordon bears datorf
Juno LUIi. It says Khartmnn o.iu hold out
till the midille of .November.
TU12 KNGLISH ( illIN ,
The Slurk Lane K\prc8s' "Weekly
LONDON , September , L TinMaik Lane
Mxpros ? , in Its weekly ra\iow of the l''nglish
grain tradeays : The 1'higlii lieorn | harvest be
gan and ended tinder unusually favorable con-
ditions. Althoufili the yield of the wheat
crop is reported variable , thu condition of the
crop is excellent. Wet and cold weather
itmmncd thotono of tha market to-day , Sales
of Jinglish wheat the past week were 57,821
quarters , at 351 lOd , against ; ifi,017 irnaitow ,
at 'tils L'd , the corresponding week of last year ,
The market for foreign wheats Is unimproved ,
'llm demand la at tha lowest possible oub , and
values are nominal. In the elf contt trade du
ring tha week , seventeen cargoes have nruv-
ed. Seven were sold , seven withdiavvn , and
six remained. Trade forward is inanimate.
CllirAiio , September L A Daily News ,
Oakland , Ills , special says : This afternoon
Taylor Doane and Tom Drown , two hard
characters , wont to the lesidonco of Kdward
McConkoy , a young farmer , avowing their in
tentions to "clean him out , " \Vhllo a rough
and tumble fight between Donna and Mc
Conkoy was progressing , Drown attempted to
assiit his partu r , seeing which , n half-witted
employee of McConkuy.'nained Dean , brained
lonno ) with a scantling. Hrown immediately
emptied three chambers of his revolver into
Dean , when ho wrs himself felled to the
ground bv a shower of blows from an Iron
pipe In the hands of Mcdmkey. The latter
surrendered to the authorities. Doan and
Drown are both dying. Doano's death \vn :
Mioni.KPOHT , Ohio. September L Miss
Maggie IJathbun , while buggy-riding ; with A.
K. Uenedict , a drugc st , last night , is report
ed by him to have loh the bugs/ and shot her
self with a revolver , llcnedict is arrested.
BUFFALO , X. Y.Sept. 1.-.lames C. Bill-
ingham , aged 50 , of IV.ii , was arrested hereon
on the charge of abducting .lennie Ward , aged
1 ! ) , foutid hera with him. Both are in jail
Itilliughain has a wife and family ,
EJPliu.ADKi.i-iiiA , Sept. L A proas special
from Jlazelton says : In Slabtown , a mining
village , 1'eter Seaworsk this morning killed
his ( langhtcr-iii-law , who had given him Bomo
berries for breakfast which Seaworsk did not
want , and the daughter-in law said ho must
cat. lie then fatally stabbed himself.
The National [ ; nlmr P/irty.
YOIIK , September 1. The national
committee of the national labor party met
Ibis afternoon , John Itomega presiding. It
was decided not to hold a national convention
at Chicago as intended. The following declara
tion was issued : "In view of the general
union cf the various labor and reform move
ments miller the banner of the people's party ,
which embodies in the main reforms urg il by
this organization , tha national committee of
llio national labor party hereby declares our
approval of and co-operation with said pee
ple's party , and local organizations are hereby
directed to co-opcr.tto with taid orgaui/.ition
in this campaign In support of the people's
champion , lieujaiuin F. Butler.
f .Labor.
I'liil.Apri'lllA , Spct. 1. Grand Master
Workman I'owderly and committee were in
session all cay receiving delegates to the
Knights of Labor convention which begins to-
morrow. About 200 delegates aie expected.
Tim convention will remain in KOSMOU about a
week. The election of grand oflicers for the
ensuing yojr will not take placa until the last
day of the convention. Among the subjects
to bo considered me insurance , cooperation ,
foreign organisation and extending the opera
tions of the older in now fields.
I'jI iu'H Clie.oHD and Butter Trade.
ClIH'Aiio , Sept. 1 , An Inter Ocean Klgin ,
Illinois , ppocial says : "Cheese is dull ; regu
lar sales 1-3 boxen , at I ! cents for light
kirns. Butter active and higher ; regular
ilcs ' . ' 8,000 pounds at 2L'lCii L'.S' I'rivato sales
of 6 , Ml boxej of chuoso , and 127,1)0 ) J pounds
> f butter were ropoi tod. Total sales amount
Dcinocratlc Ol' Conriio.
Lrrri.K Iton ; , Arkaiiias , Septemtcr 1 The
Ga/.etto specials from all over the stateindi -
licatu a very largo vote today , dim to increas
ed population and a deep interest in the county
ounty election" , Democratic statoticket was
elected by a largo niajorty , Most ropiililleiiin
voted ngaiiint the amendment , repudiating
eleven million railroad aid and levee bonds.
Tlio Wont nor T.idny.
\V.\KiiiNflTO.v , Kept. L For the uppci Mia-
t iisippi generally , fair weather and nearly ntn-
tionary tBinporatun ; followed by cooler weath
er , koiith to we t winds. For the Missouri
valley generally , fair weather , slightly cooler ,
westerly winds.
A Train AVrcolccil.
l ) , Yn. , Sbptuiiiber L A Arir-
Inia Midland train was wreuked this morn-
ng for robbery , The fireman paw a man
limp from tlu hnshej , and pnrsnul him into
.ho woods. Hr found n bag in the bushes
con.aiuliii ; the tools witu which tha rails were
removed ,
A HM ! > In WhiHlcy.
, Sept. L The effectof the reef -
. of the whirky pi > il , was Been to-
lay in an advanca of thu price of whisky ( ruin
ArroHt of Anrl-Jo\vlsli
.Si. I'l.ruusDfiio. September -Twenty- -
i ht of the'wi h ilotcis at Dubro-
vlt/j , wo.itc.rn Itushia , hu\i > bi-enarii'hted.
Her Base Ball Nine Captnrcs First
Prize at the TonrnaracDt.
While Ooluiubua Rojoioos in Soo-
end Money ,
Seward Takes tbo Hundred Dollar
An Exciting Contest , with No Serious -
rious Disputes ,
Yesterday's ' Eaoos at St , Louis
and Brighton Beaoh ,
Tlio Tournament nt 1 < VlomI ,
Special to TUB HKK.
l'uliNl : > , Neb. , Sept. 1 A few weeks ago
correspondence was opened liy : \ few of our
citizens with the base ball clubs of the ftnte ,
which lesulteil in a base ball tournament hold
here time1 days last week. Arrangements
wera made upon short notice in order that the
tonrnamont might not cunllict with the teun-
ion at ] ' 'romont , the state fair nt Omaha or the
distiict fair horo. Itegnlations governing
baseball tournaments wirj ordered of A. ( ! .
Spaulding of Chicago who replied there were
none. Our base ball association , numbering
forty of our leading business men , through its
committee.- * , formulated the following plan
which met the approval of all the clubs contes
ting : Ther were six clues. Kach was
required to play three games dui in < ? the t > ur-
nameiit , no two clubs playing together twico.
The clubs \voro entitled tj prizes according to
thu number of gamed won. Clubs winning
the same number of games , that woidd entitle
cither to a prize , wore required to p'ay ' off the
tie. Ity ti is method there were eoven tiillcr-
out combinations or possibilities of results , in
which not Ics.s than ona nor moro than four
ties would have to bs plnyotl olf. The prizes
were S ' 30 , S1CO and SlUO. Kach club nil-
vancod live per oont of the puree as entrance
feo. The following named clubs entered :
Columbuij , I'latr.smouth , Alexandria , Cnpilnl
City of Lincoln , lilaino and Logan of Seward ,
and Hastings Iti-ds of Hastings. They were
matched and played in the order with result
ing scores ai follows :
Seward ll'Lincoln ' -1
Hastings 111 Alexandria 7
Columbus 2U I'lattsmouth. . . ' 7
1 [ actings 1/ineuln ! !
Alexandria 20 I'lattsmouth 12
Columbus 10 deward ! . '
Seward 1C Alexandria 7
Lincoln 1'lattsmonth.
Hastings. Columbus. . .
I'rom thu above it will be seen that it was not
necessary to play the game between Lincoln
and 1'lattsmoiith to determine any prize ,
hence it was not played. It will bo oh-
sprvtdthat the pamo between Hastings and
Columbus determined firj-t prize , and that the
losing club would have to play Sownid to do-
terminu second and third prizes , which was
done- with a hcorc of 111 tu 7 in laver of
Columbu" .
It waa necessary to play on newly laid out
gioumU within the enclosure of tbo fair
grounds. On smoother ground , bo it caid to
tbn credit of the playeis , the scoio might have
been less.
The game for first pri/o was very interest
ing end hard fought. Hasting kept the lead.
Toward thu close ef the gamn Columbus was
gaining. ColumbiH wont to bat in the ninth
inning with the- score 11 to 7 in favor of 1 last-
ing-i. Two men wen- out with one on second
At this critical moment the spectators wore
excited and the player- " deliberate and cau
tious. The ball was pitched , struck back
witti a bound into the pitcher's hands , thu
i u nner headed elf , and the game ended.
There were many visitirs from neighboring ;
towns , Hustings bciii the best represented.
Lincoln had the favorite pitcher , I'lalls-
month weakened in playing two g.unes Thurs
day with the thermometer over 1C ! ) in the
ehadij. Son-aid pltcdtoa : disadvantage by
not having ( substitute ? from its own town.
Likewise. Alox.indiia , whoso uateher was
slightly disabled.
There were no periousaccidont * , and no need
of police. All differences wen- speedily and
amicably nettled , and the doleated clubs
gracefully snhmitlod. All prizes uern paid
in full , Our citi/.eiis were liberal and hospit
able. . The plavem express themselves ex
ceedingly satislioilyilli the tournament and
especially with thn liberality and failings of
the management , for which the. members of
tint association feel highly gintilied.
Tlio Turf.
imillllrON HBAl'II HACKS ,
] { lliuilTON'ii , Sept. 1. The track was
alow. Attendance large.
Five maidens Janet-
furlongs 2-ynar-oldn -
ta 1'rido won ; Macheio Id , Lunox M ; tinio ,
1:05. :
Milo and furlong Swift won ; Casino 2il ,
Bnllsliead , ' ! < 1 : time , 2:01. :
Milo and a halfal1 ages Marklnnd won ;
Tilford Hd , Wave o' Light Hd ; timu , 2I1J. ;
Seven fm longs -non winnera all ngen
Top-iy won ; MaUio Itaptuio 2d , , lee .Murray
ad : time , iiu. : :
Mile all ages - Noi-tlmm won , i'allnuins
L'd. Treasurer Hd ; time , llli. :
Mil" and a quaiter liurdlo 1 Sally won ; Cor
rect 2il , Cluudu lirannon : ! d ; time , % ,
Sr Loum , September I The track was
good. I'uroC so\en furlongii , all agoii Halef
won , XoraM. 2nd , MolJowling 'IJ'J'iinol'll. ; : | .
Anlunin Htako all ages milo anil hull ,
April I'ool won , Jionnic. Aiistialian 2nd , Silt-
llvan thhd ; Timii h'li.J ,
1'iirn' tlirco ipmrtorrf milo heat , Rolling
Chili , ( favorite ) won , Niphon 2nd. Cnantilly
aril ; Tuna Ii0j. :
Second heat- Chili won , Chantilly 2nd , Ni
phon Hd : Time 1:111. :
iStciiplu chnso full cnurHO , 1'iirru King
Dutiilimiii won , Kniifoid 2nd , Heartless Hd ;
Koino Vnry Imc-roMliii ;
WA.SIIINITO.V , Kept. L Prof. Dodge , tint-
iaticmn of the agricultural department , has
iVuoJ a small book upon th" indimtrinl LCOIIO-
nm of the I 'nited Ktaton , which me ents HOIIIO
utiiliing results of Ills observations of llm sta-
of munnfact'iring and ugrieulturul pro-
duels of the country for twenly-fivo yearn.
Within that porioJ , owing tu labor o.isiiu ;
machinery , agriculture li\ : mine than doubled
its productions with a Munllrr proiH > rtinn of
farm labor , and now threatens a glut in farm
products unless thU projection rlnll bo fur
ther reduced. Tim question of an outlet to for
eign markets is discussedhenhowntho ; turphia
of food products merely pays for Imported
food and beverngeJ , and that tr.ulie.umnt be
niteniled without a ruinous reduetion in piiee.
The distribution of labor inoivupations In this
and other countries is shown with rcfeipucoto
comp.uatix n thrift and progress. H is found
invariably that the Inequality of the dl tiibu.
lion of iiulustties rotnrda development-
ONcliuivoly agricultural nations are al\\nyn
poor. The phonoiucnnj prepress of the "cen
tral west" Is presented in dpductlons from sta
tistic * bowing that half the cuftivateit area of
the United States HOH In ono-fourth of its ter
ritory ; producing moro thin thi-ee-fouiths of
roiuo of the prlnciiial rropj , The
fact is cho\Mi that the Ohio vnllov is
the most fully occupied body of laud ,
Oliiu having tM | > er cent of her nurfaco In
larms , Indiana SS..I , Illinois , 88-I , Kentucky
81 and no other state ai much. It is * howii
that already [ throo-tenths of the innnufaetures
of the United States are pi-oduei-d within
the "Central west , " in les than three-tenths
of the arcn of the country , \vltldn half .1 rcn-
tury from its settlement ,
Tlio 1'llol'n Story of tliu DIsiiHtor. , AnguntSI. Pilot .Tames Kay ,
who was on watch during the storm , states
that the storm caught them live and u half
miles below Kvansvillo , Uleinnur. ed ts sloor
the boat with the wind until it reached Lock-
hart's Point. Wh'ii milking the crossing a
second gust caught broadside. Ho
immediately stopped and commouced luck
ing her hard. Captain Smith then appeared
on the roof and wont to the pilot house , lie
had boon there but n moment when a loud to-
port win hoard below , HUnpoacd tohaxoheon
caused by the burstiii | [ ot a steam pipe. As
the captniu reached the ( tops the chimney foil
across the roof , crushing it in , and causing
consternation among the passengers. As the
boat was carried nround , the ropes uniting
the b.irgo and the boat were snapped in two ,
and in minute the boat capsized. A s the
lower end of the roof went down in the
water , ho jumped for the pilot homo on the
upper fide , ami as the boat turned ho climbed
until the boat settled bottom up. Captain
Smith , who went below to assist the wonnui
from the boat to the barge , was one of the
crow drowned.
Spiiuisli-Aiiiurlcnii Trade.
HAVANA , September , ,1. Public ( pinion
strongly favora thn project of a commercial
treaty between the United Status and Spain.
At the froqucst of the governor general , the
boaid of trade framed answers to questions
on subjects cabled from Madrid. Three points
discussed referred to tobaco , cigars. Hour and
petroleum. The conclusion armed at wrro :
KirnrJJto favor the introduction into thol'ni- '
cd States of the two first named articles , and
if any preference becainii necessary it should
be in favor of eigar.s. Kecoud. Duty on Hour
be siieh that on its delivery hero the cost i f
I ho American and SpiniJIi product flioulil bu
the same. Lastly. To admit crude petroleum
Clioyoiiiio County Democrat H.
Special to Till : HUE.
SIDNKV , Neb. , Sept. 1. A mass convention
of the democrats of Cho > ly-iO county waa held
tonight at lUnxiinic hall. They elected the
following delegate1) to the dtata convention :
A. 15. Peraingcr ami > f. T. Kinney ; rongrps-
simial , C. I ) . Kesig and Mimon liubol ; judi
cial and nenatoiiul , K. Jlmc and Xurman
Stono. The congto-'sion.d dolojate.H ; are in-
Htruclud unanimously for lion. Win. Novilln
of North 1'latto. Tlie Cleveland and Hen-
drickHclnbis booming.
The 1'iihliu Dclir.
W.\ , Fep'eiubor L The debt
statement usual ! today shuwH n dccrraro of
the public < 'ebt dining August of .SW ;
decrease hinco. limn JiOtli , IKS I , 8r.r > Hilll ; ;
cash in treasury , SIM , 511,052 ; gold cortili-
cati R onstaudiiig , Sf\2l \ , l'h' ' ) i ) ; nilver certili-
cativ , , . ' ! , ' . ; eoililiciitcs of fdopot-it ,
$ tl-liOOCO , ; refunding ceitillcates. S271.SIOO ;
legal tender , 'IKiJo'.I.Wi ; fratinnul cniienuy ,
Clearing UOIIKU Statcinfliil ,
liOl.TON , ; Sepl. L Dispatcher ) from the
leading clcarimr houses o ! the United Stales
show total clearances fur the week ending
Auumt ! iO were ) ? ' . ( ) , ( ' . , , a deereaso ot
20.71 per cont. as compared with the corresponding
pending week of IHSU.
Kiillrond Aculdoiit.
BOSTON , Aiignst It ! . At Nnntasket licach
n live jear old danghlor of ThomnH Ke an , of
Ituston , wanderud up the track of tlio lailroad
in front of nn approaching train , leather and
iiinthoi' hahtened to the idtcue , ulicn all weie
ftriicU by the engine. The child was killed ,
the other ) probably fatally injured ,
Tlio I'flopleH'.I'nrty In IMinHiiuliusnlH (
UOSTON. Sept. LA call of the people *
party to the voters of Maxfiachnsettx fo. ' a
state cimvuntion at Woici'ttsr 21th inxt. do-
nouncOH the free traile h-iming of the Chicago
platform an inimical tu the working man of , ami a ilepaituni from'tino demo-
uratlu punciples. "
Tlio Col ton Crop.
Xi\v : OUI.KANM , August Ml. Tim National
Cotton Kx jhungo in IU report of tlin growing
crop fur Augnnt pays : Tim inonlh hix : proven
iinfavnrablu for the uutton crop , anil the con
dition has dilcrioratod , being now K'l ' against
Wfortlnly , 8.r ) for .Inne. and HI for May.
Tlio Denver H.vpoHllloii Oponnd ,
DI.NVIII : , Hojit. L Tim third annual ex
position , under the nii-splce * of the DoiiMir
chamber of commerca , was formally "pniii-d
toilay. Tim city is cniwdcd with vxltoni
front all parts of the Hlan and the Biirroiind-
Tlio DcnUi Itcoonl.
ABIIVII.I.I : , N. C. , Septi'inber L .Indgo K.
II , KnglUh , chief jnvtico of the Hiipicimi court
of Arkunii ! , died lime to-day , lie won lor
tuiilvo yeaiH niaMiiiio grand master "f that
Btato ,
Tin ) ( Jroim In liiilhi ,
UII.DON , September L Anxiety for the
e.ropsi.s iiicriiihing in India on HOI juut of
continued droutl. .
Tronliks of the Trans-Continental anfl
Tripartite Alliances ,
Other Paoifio Roads will Not Ally
with the U , P ,
Unless It Withdraws from the
Tripartite Combination ,
And Oablo Will Not Allow This
to Bo Dono.
The Erie Bondholders in England
May not Svno the Koad ,
Tlio 1'renont Situation In StoukN In
Street Other lEnllwnr
ftlllttcrt ) .
Trlpnrtlto or Traiis-Contlnoutnl ?
Cilti'AiiO , Sept , L OeneMl ' 1'rallie Mana
ger Kimball and ( Jenernl Passenger Agent
Morse of the Union Pacific passed through
this city on their way to Saratoga to attend
the meo ing of the 'Irans.continental associa
tion tomorrow. Neither express much hope
that the asjoclalion can survive unless the trl-
partileallianeo is roli'Kated to oblivion. The
conference will have a number of knotty prob
lems to Folvo. The Santa Ifo will not cancel
its notice tf withdrawn ! unless the Tripai lite
ihiMild bo dissolxed. Union Pacific people ,
while they are heartily tick of the alliance ,
will yet bo afraid to promise its dissolution
for the reason that President Cable has bjldly
expressed his doloi initiation to hold them to
their contract , which declaration hns smoth
ered any independence they might have pos
sessed. The Texas k Pacific will not comeback
back to the apuociation unless it bo transform
ed into a pool and that could not bo done
without running squarely afoul the tripaitite
doid. The Atlantic Pacific will not com
promise except it bo granted additional con-
ucraioiiH ou account of the exteiihion of its
service through to the Pacific coant ,
Opcrntioim In StockH.
Special Dispatch to to THK Uii : : .
NKW YOIIK , Sept. L The slock market
opened. ) per cent , higher for Union Pacific
than the closing of Saturday , and irrosular
hut generally weak for the rest of the list , and
with faint clFortH ta rally continued all day.
it isery centrally bulioved that the unsettled
condition of alfairs among the railroads can be
easily adjusted whenever thu powers that bo
aio ready for settlement. His evident , however -
over , that the leading bull operators of the
past MX months are iiiiully | waiting for divel-
opments that do not jet appear upon the sur
face. Possibly is is only to Laniit | the bears
to iucrsaso the line of tthorti , but if this bc thu
ciho tlio latter take hold with great caution.
The power of the bulls to squeeze the bear
unmeicifully whenever the hours take any
coiiBi'derablo iutt'iwt in the market is admit
ted I y all , and this prevents \igorous at
tack , while tlio hulls fail t > obtiin an impor
tant following by putting prices higher. The
lusult is a very im.s.itihfacloiy and impiolitable
murkut alike to brokers and customers.
Tlio Krio.
Special Di-patch toTiiH lir.i : .
Niw : Yoitir. Sept. L Notwithslamling the
prnmiscs of linanciul aid in paying elf the
lloating debt of the I'irio railway , nnido by
the commlltco of the ICnglish security holders
who ii-sently visited this country , it is not
lillieult to find persons clnsoly iiisidn and
well informed ready to aver that .John King ,
, lr. , will not bonadi ) president of the com
pany next November , but that ho uill bo
mailo ri'ceiver hofora that iluto. It was
thought that the company might default In
payment of interest on tlio timt consiilldatod
lionds today , but in Homo way it has raised
the necessary funds , and is paying all in-
tertHt falling due today , amounting in the
aggregate to about ' ? S7fi,000.
Humored ClmiiK < ! H In the O. M. .tBt. 1' .
JIli.w.\iiKii : : , September L It is rumored
thatS. S. Meriill , manager of llio Milwaukee
and St. Paul load , is to be made vice proi-i-
lent andthat his nmntlo will fall on Assist
ant ( ionorul Manager .Miller , the hitter's poni-
lion being filled by I' . P. Itipley. of the
liuriington and ( inliicy. It is further said
that A. C. Mini , general freight i-joiit , will
bo promoted to llm position of freight trallic
manugur , Assistant ( ioneral I'lel ht Agent
Keyos receiving liird'n pie.sent ollicn , and N.
( J. ( inll Hiicfocding Keyes. Air. Itipley laid
linilfilit that nodoliiiiti' offer had been made ,
but ho would not deny having been ap
ItllNKOll Sn 0 IClljllllllMl ,
New YOIIK , Angiint . ' 10. Judge liaitlott
toilay in the siipionm court grunted an addi
tional injunction in the case of lligginsun VH.
Sully and otliurH.iliroctors cf the Central Iowa
railroad , the eider being directed agiiii t
Rnssoll Sag. ) and tlio Connecticut Construe-
tion company ami enjoins them from dispm-
ing of any ntuckti and bunds in their posHCsnm
which \verorcceivrd by tlio construction com
pany for iTccliiiK fences.
Cat tli )
iiK , Angniit ! IO. Trunk- Linn Coin-
1'ink furnishoHtlii1 following : In au-
cnnlaiico with agreement with the standing
coinuiittoo of the joint executive cummittee ,
notice i hereby given that , tuldnguffectimmo-
dintely , tariff ratrs on i-.ittlo and dressed beef
will bo on'tlia following huHJ * : I'Vom Chic gn
to Now York , cattle 2J contu tier 1K ( ) lln. , and
f , 112 cents per 100n ] \ ,
ill Mini ) Tron lileH ,
i LOOAN , Ohio , September I. IJvcrylhing is
I cmliit in the valley thin morning mil no an
I tnc.ntic.Ued icpuit f damage to puinon or pro-
petty olnro last night. There was a rumir
this morning that fifteen men had been klllod
at llnchlel , but It Incksconnrnmtlonand there
s probably nothing in the report. Telegraph
eotntnunlcateon is In good shape this morning.
It Is learned that the continued firing oaily
! night hotweon the sinkers and guards at
Sand run and Itomj.streot , but it is not known
that any person was injured. The governor
atrivod hern on n npix-inl tr.ilu o.uly this morn ,
ng and Is diaiiosoil to le.un all he can about
iho Mtiiittlnn before onlering moro troops on
.ho ground , lie. l.s accompanied by his pri
vate secretary and a representative of the as
sociated preM.
The governor hud n consultation with
.he fhrilir ami leading ritl/otm of Logan this
nornlng. llomiy * ho has foimeilno definite
conclusion as yet from talks ho hni had , but
will inako a circuit of the mines to-day and
; ry toni-0 the leadeisof both Ulrica. Ho will
bfl accotupnnlml by the sheiilf , JudRo Fries-
ncr and others ,
Vrank Woody , in jail lu-re.arreatcd for par
ticipating In the lints Saturday night , and
for idioollng Win. Harl , one of the guard * ,
made iijfnll confession this motnliig , in which
lie hns given the 11:11110.1 : of five or i > i\ leaden *
In the attack of Saturday night. Sheriff
McCirthy will furnish the names of tlmio
Implicated aspooii as the atrosts can bo made.
Woody in in jail hero and the pronounof
militia about the jail seems to hava had the
effect of making him weaken.
SritAmvil.i.K. Ohio , Sep. L Judge 1'rles-
nor , of Locran , who Is in consul union with
lav lloadloy , tldnks the w > nt of the trouble
n the valley Is over. Thu governor says
li'ricRitor Is charged with a great dull of tlio
responsibility mid consider ! his opinion of
considerable force. The governor loft Lopan
xt'.MOfor a trip to the ptinclptl mining
towns , lloforo leaving ho telegraphed
Lo all points that ho wanted
to moot the prominent minors and hear their
side of the story. At all stations a large
number of miners were out to meet the train ,
and at this plneo about 500 had congregated.
Tlio greatest Interest prevailed and thu gover
nor began holding private consultations with
roprqsentalivo minors , The prosidciit of this
district and others who were questioned , deny
strongly that there is any necessity for the
militia at this point.
The governor told thorn that he did not
want to bo forced to order the military on the
: , . -01 md and is exacting promises that the min
er. ! will do all in their power to aid the civil
antlioiitio.s. If ho should conclude , however ,
after visiting points , that the military
quired , ho says ho will have tu aivo orders to
that effect.
( AUK , Ohio , September L Keports of ox-
citomunt in this region are unabated and ru
mors of moro outbreaks last night , of which
no particulars are obtainable. Throe mm-un
ion minors were at work this morning , but
threats of violence against them are growing
moro and moro open , ( lovoruor lloadly's
movements are not definitely known , uxcont
that ho loft Lugan. It is thouaht ho in mak
ing a personal appeal to the strikers.
Tlio Grciu. iiulior I'nrnclc.
Niw VOIIK , Hjpt. 1. Uroadway was lined
thismmniiig fiom the City hall to 1'our-
teenth utreot with people assembled to wit
ness tha labor par.\th > . The first division of
thu parailn was composed of piinleis , building
trades unions and bricklayeis' unions. Th
sOL-ond division was up of cigar makers
and workmen from furniture and clothing
trades. The third diviniiin was composed of
butchers coupeis and other trades uulons. The
fourth divixion WIH mailn up of a number
worklngmen not nlUchud lo uny organization ,
Kully .JO.UIIO were in line. Jfcioli body of men
iu the proceniou were H 'ino ' diftlimtivo budge ,
cap , apioii or other nymbol of thi'ir trade tu
glvo a uniform appealUIR'H. Many triidoa
g.ivo illuRliMllona of thi'ir tiecupallons The
buti'IiciM intruded lo i liihlr.itu their trade by
killuiK innuiiiurnblo uittlo as they wontnlnnc
the stioolH , lint Ili-nry Hurgli , with n miiiari ol
polio" , intuifdred with that poition of tlio pro
At printing Iiouso piii | > ro the precession was
rirtiimcd by Patrick l''oul ' , lionry ( jOi > iv > o ,
.lohn Swlntnn , Lewis K , I'ost and n number
ofjitlier * , Alter thu pincexsiim had been dis-
misBt'd tbo men ntleododu lai"u iiuiulieiof pic *
nics given In honor af thuholluny.
A drill , on n Itnll.
Mi > Ki : < ii > N , Mich. , August 'II.Tho crow
of tin'wrecked sehoonur lirigham arrived here
on hoard thu Waller Smith , which picked
them uii in mid-lake , Thursday forenoon.
Thenaio four in number , Jainen l.oary , can-
libi , 1'aliick I'oweiK , Itichard Ilird and
Edward Atkinson. Thu ISrigham left Mus
kegon on Saturday , the I''lil iutt. , with a cargo
f Iniiibcr for Chleao | , Snndiiy o\ening a
violent pquall Htruelc her , mid i-lie was nearly
HWaiupcd , Tim imn stood at tlio pimp all
night , but tinsrorm iiicrfasod. .Monday
tori'llooit tile Ilii InIn ripjr/.rd and hhurt'y
nfli-rwiird eanened bottom up. All day thij ,
men Iliulud about on r. temp ir.iry raft. The
tiiim uwt-it ] IIVIT them. Thalr Milfcrimj-Caii'
not bo told. Tu-Kiluy pntst'd , OMII vi xfu only
being flern , tha altemiou of wliicli th > y fnlluil
to , .tt'a-t. The HJtinllon mifliungi'd until -
til Thnrsuay n.orni"g , wl t-fi rescued by
tin Waller .Smilli , I'p 11 th tf. l.iin. the moil
hid hum niliioly witiunit fo id on tha frail
luft bt the iniiey of Din M.itei'S ,
Ohio IteportH l-'lno Ci'npu.
C'ou Mill's , August 111. The August crop
report , based on the actual amount of wheat
threshed , shows the average of Ilil buslicln per
aero orIII , ( ! SU lllill bu liels for the stito , t'io '
hirgOHt yield over had in the Ktato oxuopt in
IBM ) , oats average , Illj ; barley. U7. The
enmlillun of other eiops , per cent , is : rye ,
' . ) - ' . uirn , 711 ; buckwheat , lit ; potatoes , lit ; to-
bicco , I.1 ! ; curghum , ( i ( ! ; rlovvi need , ) ! ) ; npjilcs ,
liS. Tlio quality of wheat on the whole Is the
best over threshed in Ohio.
Llahlllllc..H $ IOOOOHHCtH ( ) MX.
I'lriHiTini , Aiiitict III. The Coiiiuiercinl
( io/ctto , Newcaitlo , I'a. , Hpucinl siys lliat
Wiillaco'x savinxs Hank closjd ill doors yos-
lonlny. Llalilltios era estimit.d at . 109,1)00 ) ,
uni-ets nothing. Tim f.illurn last week of n
bank IHHI , WI < H | ; at ilainostinvn , Dakota , in
which Walluce's son v/.m l"riclv ! interested in
hHlttveil t' ) h.ive precipitated the suspension
Kluiir Mill lliirnril.
Hr. LOUIH , Sopt.einbor L The i-xti.-nsivo
floiuliij , ' mill nud wheat obva'.or at Waterloo ,
III , , liiirntjil yinlorduy , tngur.htr with thirty to
forty tlioiisind liuilieln of wli'mt. and six bun-
barix-Iii . of fljiir. Luss i iJOJ,0i)0 ) ; insured
f itiJiii
HIiuiloiiM ! 'lrnt Vote ,
! ! , N. Y. Heptombor L Mrs
ICIizuliiith Cuily fcltaiitoii cast Jinr timt vote at
thu fchnol election line tn-dtiy. A lady was
flfcctoil trustee.
Honflay's ' Movements in ihB Grain anfl
Cattle 2ft
i _
Wheat After Ol H _ arable Activ
ity Olos' ' s .ghori
Corn iu Good D d , On Advan
cing * rosi
Pork Dull and Easy , and Lard He-
maining Firm ,
Trading in Cattle Generally at an
Advance in Pricesi
A Siccul tor HIIJH n
Special to the Tm : HER ,
Ciiic.vcio , Sept. L The volume of trading
on 'chnngo to-day was quite largo and a
stronger feeling prevailed in all markets.
opened strung , . | @ijo higher , influenced some
what by the better tone of foreign advices ,
md the reported wet weather iu Kngland , but
iffcrings were quite free and n dcclinu of Jo
noon followed , Under n good demand , nm !
after the pressure to neil had subsided , the
market improved again jfo , fluctuated and
closed on the regular board about po over Sat
urday. On the afternoon board prices again
advanced , closing at 80 for September , 81J for
October , 83J for November , and S3J for
co UN
was in good demand and the market strong
nud higher. Receipts were fair , but the out
inspection was largo and the short interest
rattier disposed to buy. Cash was in good re-
quofet , ami this toiuled to strengthen the fool
ing in near futures. Deferred hitmen did not
vary materially. The market opened firmer
and n shade higher , then sold elf jj to j'c ,
rallied le under good demand , fluctuated and
closed to So over Saturday. No cbango
occurred on the afternoon board , the market
closing at fi2Je for September , 50jo for Octo
ber , and IGJ for Wovomber.
were easier early , but rallied to previous
liguros later in the BI-HMOII , closing at 25jja
for September , 2GJ for October.
Was dull and easy closing nt Sl'J ' for Sep
tember , October , and Sl'J 115 lor the year.
I.Ml 11.
Wns firmer on regular board , closing at $7
7 27i for October , and C'JJ for November.
CAT t I.E.
Among the fresh receipts were 0,000 west
ern rangers and 1,000 Toxaim. The quality
of westerns was the bcstof any day this seison
( Jood natives were scarceand Hold equally a
strong as hist wi-olr , the boat nt SO 50 to 57. '
Second clnxi natives and grnasera were not In
largo supply , but weru slow on account of u
largo number of westernsof good qualitywhich
the buyers preferred at difference in price
Native butchers stock was in peed demand
owing to alight run nfTuxnns , coivs , bulls ,
etc ; making strong prices , namely : -t : 03 to
SI ( ifi. Stockers mid feeders woru so irco and
demand at fair prieosund steady. L\'O through
Texans were on the market , but they are
quotable at 8H 60 to -I 23. Ono bit ;
ilrovo of wintered fold nt 84 25. s
The Snow land and cattle company iod/
li 00 Wyoming * sold that averaged about ! )15 )
Ibs.aud brought-I 00. Tim Swan Land nud.Cnt-
llo company had a train of SO cars of Wyom
ings that uvcrngivl about 11-10 and told for
5 15. 11 nod to choice Hhipping , 1-00 to 1350
bs , ( iOO ted CO ; common to mftlltim , 1000 to
1200 Ibs , I 30 lo ( i 80 ; butchers , ! 00 lo 450.
Hunan callh lOc lower : grass Texans , 700 ton
: i)0lbi ] ( ) , It .10 to1 25 ; VVyoming , 1125 to 12CO
Iw , 5 50 to C If , Wyoming Texans , 805 to 4225
bsI CO to1 10 ,
ipenod sUnlig. Ono of llio first sales was to a ,
speculator at (5 ( 75 for a choice lot of heavy.
1 lint-wan the highest price of tha day for that
ort. A few I'hiladelphias , it was reported ,
tfold as high nslifO. The market generally
was active , and prices strong and lOo higher
m all sorts. In some instances theruwasnn.
ulvancoof 15to20c. Light sold at C 76 to
i ( iO ; bulk at 0 : i.r > to ( i 10 ; the host heavy C 50
to 1.75 ; mixed , < ! 00 to 030 ; graders , -I 75 to
75 ; light , 150 to 210 Ibs , 5 23 to li t > \ } .
/DARS / no u
- = ' [ f * = * ' ; U
S1OOO. i-y&'n
[ ralumoriiny'JnjurloiistuTisIancc.scaii lo Ibnuil
In Androu'H * Jcnvl BnUinc 1'ov/tlor. . Is JKJS-
ilvi'ly PURE. JJeIiiiei lurMiluiiiltc ! Un oiilaUi
recefveil Irom aiinli clu'inl.-.t.snH.S. DannHaysUos-
I'.ir ' M. jJeluiiniUune , of ( Milcngo ; au < l uaslaum
liudu , Jliltviiukce. Never wild in bull : .
e 9el4L | _ . '
recognizes ! .
To Seeafer )