Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1884, Page 4, Image 4

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Oniftlm omco , No. 010 Fftrnntn Sf.
Council Bluff * onico , No 7 Pearl Si
Struct , Near Hroiulwny.
New York oniuo , lloom 05 TrlOmn
raMUhod every rrfirntns , except Bnndij * Th
enl ) Monday wording dully.
itsis IT MAIL.
One Tiar . J10 00 I Throe Monlbl . 3.0
BlxUonint . 600 | One Month. . . . . 1.0
Pet W k , 25 C nt .
rna wmtT BII , ronusuHD v ar. MDKMDAT.
riailS rOITTAID.
OooYoar . W 00 I Three Month ! . I 5
eUUontha. . 1.00 1 One Month. „ . 1
Amcrion News Coropiny , Solo Agcntf , Hawgilo&l
Wl In tbo UaltcJ States.
A Commnnloitlons rolntlnif to News and Kdltorli
matton ehould b addroeood to the KDITOB or in
All Uoatnen Iiotten 'and RomltUnoM should h
ddrcmed to Tns B Pomstrmo OonriHT , QUAHJ
DralU , Cheekg and PostoIIlco orders to bo made paj
nblo to the order of the company.
A. II. I'itcli , MnnnRcr Dally Circulation , 1
O. JJox , 488 Oimhn , Neb.
SIMON KELT.Y and the other Stinkln
Water pro-omptors will stand by Jim t
the laat.
The principal attractions at the grca
atato fairs this year are presidents
candidatca and prize bullo.
AIIKANSAS hcada the hat of states tha
precede the Idcr of November. Th
election in that state takes place to-day
The democrats will hold that election.
Now that Indian Commissioner 1'ric
haa withdrawn hia resignation , the coun
try ia safe and the Indian will continu
to drew his rations with the uaual regu
A rod roeo on a groonloaf haa boo :
decided on the aa Butler badge. If ol
topers would put a green patch on the !
noaoa they would have the Butler coloi
to perfection.
Tun poor wcrkingman now haa n ho ;
of friends among the politicians , bu
after the election the poor workingma
ia loft .like the laat roao of summoi
blooming alone.
TOM UKNDKIOKS , in his effort to cc
the head of the ticket out of the woods
certifies to the character of Graver Clove
loand. NOTT lot Tom llondricks brin
ou some certificates aa to hia own record
Tin : mnint poin in Tom ITondricki
great speech ia : "I cannot oxprnaa hoi
earnestly I dcairo the vote of Indiana
* * * The vote of Indiana is th
desire of my heait. " Well , wo ahoul
aay ao.
TUB Omaha Tribune , which celebrate
its first anniversary to-day , ia a phononli
ual BUCCCSB. It is the first daily in tli
Gorman language in Omaha that ca
boaat of continuous publication for
whole year. The paper ia doaorvodl
popular , and OWOB ita eucceaa to the fac
that it ia conducted in an able , dignifio
and conservative manner.
THE struggle for the possession an
management of the Ohicago Linicu he
resulted , temporarily at least , in favor c
A. L. Patterson , the business manngoi
who has boon connected with that papc
for twontyfivo yoars. Ho has been aj
pointed conservator of the oatato , and lit
boon required to glvo a bond in the BUI
of 83,000,000.
IP the school land sharks in the slat
house at Lincoln imagine that they ca
too whitewashed by taking back-action o
the Keith couuty frauds , they are vor
much mistaken. The Keith count
frauds arc a moro bagatelle. There :
scarcely a county in the state in whir
the land syndicate has not oporatoi
There was 'mil'.ions in it , " ao to spcal
Tun republicans rf Arapahoe countj
is which Denver is located , have , after
fierce contest , nominated a Icgislativ
ticket favorable to the re-nomination <
Senator Bill. If thcoo candidates at
elected , the collator's triumphant ro-olci
tion ia conceded. Senator Hill is one t
the ablest representatives in the sonai
in the region wott of the Mississippi , an
Colorado will do herself proud in sandin
him baok to the aonato for nix yeai
longer. His ro-oloction would not enl
reflect credit upon Colorado , hi
It would materially aid the whole countr
In its struggle with the powerful corpon
tionu that are now seeking to dominal
over the laud. Air. Hill's career in th
United States senate has been frco froi
all jobbery , and his bold and manl
course in the advocacy of broad nicatun
for the relief of the people commends hi
to all clueos.
THE bi-onnial school census of Ohicaj
has just been completed. It given Oli
cage a population o 010,323 , compose
of the following nationalities. Go :
mans , 209,031 ; Americans , 14
000 ; Polea , 23.D09 ; awede
23,755 j Bohemians , 18,281 ; No
wogians , 18,292 : Irish , 114,000 ; Knglis
20,142 ; French , 8,431 ; Sootch , 7,18
Danes , 5 , 071 : Italians , 4,091 ; Canadian
U,909 ; Russians , 1,500 , Wolah , 1,111
Hungarians , 273 ; Swiw , 272 ; Belgia
245 ; Spanish , 107. It will bo aeon th
the Gernuns are moro numerous tin
any other foreign nationality , the Iri
coming next , and that there are mo
Germans in Ohicago than there a
Americana , and 407,323 foreigners
o'or throe times as many foreigner *
there are Americana. Ia ii wondorf
that foro'ignoro , and cipecially the Gc
mans and the Irish , not only in Chica
but elawhere , demand a fuir represent
tion in political conventions and a fi
* iuio ui the public oflicea.
THE A TTOJtXi : Y f7/AT/7M L
Slff/ ' .
Col. A. U. Noidig , chief Bocrotary o
ho Into republican convention , declaroi
i untrue the statement that has beer
undo concerning the counting out ol
Ion. Frank Hansom , candidate for at'
ornor-gonoral. Mr. Noidig declares thai
( tor fifteen minutes of uncontrollable
laordor a now ballot was taken with
roat deliberation and care , and the vote
f each county was repeated by Mr ,
Noidig slowly and in a tone of voice
hut all could hoar. Col. Nci
ig said that the tally-sheet , up to the
imo of the now roll-call , ahowa that Mr ,
jcoso led Mr. Ransom and not the oppo'
Now , wo are not aware that anybody ,
east of all THK Dun , would impute un-
nirncss or fraud to Col. Noidig. All
who were present at the convention wil
ccord to him the honor of being the
) est chief secretary that hna over aorvci
n any convention in Nobraika. But Col
foidig did not keep the tally shoots noi
ocs ho know whether the candidate !
were properly crodlod with the vote
given. IIo stood in the atago , througl
the entire balloting , by the nido of the
hairman , calling back each vote as il
ras announced by the respective coun <
lea. The tally shoots , if wo romombci
ight , were kept by the notorious "Gad1
trad Slaughter , who is an adopt at the
) usiness of counting out candidates , and
vas , two ycara ngn , inatrumen-
al in defeating William 15. White ,
10 choice of the convention for treasurer ,
nd counting in Loran Clark , who , in
urn , was defeated at the polls by the
looplo. At that convention Frank Ran <
omrras fairly nominated but was count
d out amid "uncontrollable disorder'
nd the prcsontattornoy-gonoral , Powers ,
cclarod the nominoo. Without the
lightest imputation upon Col. Nidlig ,
wo reiterate what has been. stated to ui
> y parties who did keep the
ially , that Frank Ilinaom wai
airly nominated before the last roll cal
waa ordered. In both instances the outage
ago perpetrated through the fraudulon
ount aflccts the people of Nebraska t
; rcat deal moro than it does Mr. Han
om. The present attornoy-gonoral , whe
ranks among the weakest member :
of the bar , Ima boon summarily ro
irod by the party after ho had beci
shown to bo an accomplice of Glom
vondall in the school land swindles
which never could have boon parpotratoi
without his so-called "opinion" interpret
ng the law regulating the leasing o
chool lands. In view of that fact in bo
looved the republican party to nominati
as a successor to Isaac Powom a lawyo :
of acknowledged ability and unimpcach
kblo integrity. Had they nom
natod General Dilworth no valii
ibjoctlon could hayo been raised by th
riondo of Mr. Hansom , whoso ominon
itnees for the position no ono will die
) uto. But when they nominated Mi
> OOB , who ia not oven a third-rate lawyoi
and has no business in the supreme o
even in the district court
hey perpetrated an outrage 01
ho people and insulted the intolli
once of the republican masses. Mr
jonso is , for all wo know , an uprigh
nan , but what would his opinion as at
ornoy-gonoral bo worth to the logisln
, uro or any state oflicor on any constitu
ional question or other grave matters ?
L'lio attornoy-gonoralahip is not croatoi
as a soft berth for an inexperienced law
rot to acquire an education and draw :
salary , but it ia designed specially fo
non of eminent legal ability whose opin
ona will carry weight and respect will
them , and who can successfully represent
sent tlio state not only in our atato court
nit even in the United States courts
whcin Iho interests of the state are in
volvcd. The counting out of Mr. Ilan
aom and the counting in of Mr. Loeao i
.horcforo not only a great persona
wrong but n matter of grave concert
: o the people of this state. The repub
ican party has no right to ask the pooph
.o olocta man to the ofiica of attorney
onenil who is incapable of pcrformlni
} \o duties , and it seems to us oven a
, hia late duto thnt Mr. Lauso should hi
nduccd or requested to withdraw.
'JtAKCE A * J ) JA'CJM 1)1
Thcro is a lamentable lack of intcrcs
manifested by Omaha insurance nion it
ho detection , punishment and provontioi
of incoudiariam. The manifest duty o
every innuranco agent is to use duo dili
; once and vigilance in bringing to juatic
lartios who act fire to buildings eitho
'or the sake of getting the insurauci
money or from motives of malice and ro
vcngo. The ordinary lira risks incurrci
by insurance companies from accidentu
[ ires perhaps do not comprise moro thai
three-fourths of the losses , and if th
real causes of all the fires could bo ascoi
tainod wo buliovo that fully ono-hal
would have to bo charged up to Incoi :
Within the past year a number of lire
have occurred in Omaha that have hue
deliberately sot by firo-fiontls or insuranc
swindlers. Of these the fire in the BE
ofh'co was beyond a shadow c
a doubt the work of mallcioi
fire-bugs. Ever since th :
fire the proprietors of this papoi
knowing and believing that the porsot
who aot that fire were printers an
former employes , have exerted ovet
ellort to Bring these parties to justb
With the single exception of Charli
Kaufinunn , who inapoctcd the preniisi
within an hour after the fire , the loc ,
agents in Omaha have exhibited suprou
indifference. They know that two po
eons were arrested at the instance of tt
BKK publishers , and were informed tin
detectives were employed wl
felt confident of making
ttrong case of circumstanced evidence i
convict the parties , but they did not lif
heir hand in any direction to assist it
ho prosecution. True , the insuranci
adjuster from Chicago waa on the groum
o appraise the damage , and the variou
companies interested have mot their ro
spectlvo obligations. But it seems to in
hat this community hasa right to oxpcc
omothing moro from insurance agcnti
than the moro payment of losses
and the Insurance companies are certain
y deeply interested In having agents a
) in ah a and every other city who oxhibl
oasonablo activity and zeal in protoctitif
ho stockholders from losses by inconui
arism. Wo have no personal griovanci
n this case excepting so far as relates the <
ho conduct of Augustus Weiss , who ai
ustico of the peace , happened to occupy
ho place nf poltco judge during Judgi
Jonoko'a illness.
Justice Weiss may bo a good mar
when ho ia aobor , which is vor ]
seldom , but ho is as unfit to maintain thi
relations which ho holds to the Insuranci
companies rw ho ia to occupy the posltior
of justice of the pence or judge of thi
> olico court , It wai his sworn and man
fost duty to bind over and hold for tria
ho parties charged with the firing of Tin
! r.r. oflloo if there was enough testimony
o show that the crime of arson had boot
committed and the persons chargct
with this heinous o House had motives am
opportunity for such a crime , and tha
hero was reasonable ground for beliovin ;
hey had committed that oflonso
On the trial of this case it was sliowi
hat thcso parties had made threats anc
md for months carried on what they called
od ' "boycotting" the Bin. ; I
was shown that Ilinca , the pnn
cipal , was a sort of a Guitoau and hai
jeen ono of tho-chief actors in this boy
co'.ting business. It waa proven by com
lotont testimony , and by the ndinissioi
of Watson , his pal , that when Watson wa
aken to jail , ho said ho was glad to BOO hir
jocauso ho was afraid ho would qivothon
away. 11 waa ahown by the fire depart
ment chief and his assistant that the fir
vas the work of incendiaries , and at
unimpeachable witness , William Strahl
night fireman at Strang's building , whicl
stands adjoining the BEE oflico , full ;
dontlficd llynes and Watson as the pai
tics i ecu prowling near the o ;
.rnnco of the BKK building , at a little al
, or four in the morning previous t th
ire , that the door leading into the BE
juilding was forced open and the partic
disappeared. The only evidence prc
ducod to clear nines and Watson was
do/.on printers -who swore that the accuse
md loft the Herald printing house abou
1:05 : or 4:10 : a. m , , and that they wor
aeon by two employees of the Ifcpublica
at Higgina" saloon from twenty minute
to half an hour later. Within thos
twenty or thirty minutes they had air
lie time to go from th
Herald building to the BE
office , aot the fire and walk up Dough
street to Iliggina1 saloon. According t
Night Fireman Strahl , who fully idonti
lied them , they did go therennd the enl
testimony offered to cainsay that wo
From a printer and pal of Ilinea an
Watson , who swore that ho was sittiu
outsidn the building oppssito the BE
oflico from 4J : 5 a. m. to the time of th
Tire and did not BOO anybody across th
The man who did not sea
crime committed can never oflsc
the positive testimony of a credible wil
nosH who did see it. But Justice Woie
was moro anxious to pander to the mo
mob that hung around the police cout
than to protect society and the insuranc
companies against fire fiends.
Mr. Weiss is anxious to bo ro-oloctcdJut
tlco of the peace in the Third ware ]
where the tramps , vagrants and outlaw
are known to hold the balance of powo
and this is why ho disgraced the bone !
and botraycd his own trust by tnrnin
ooso a c7 > uplo of nion who are at bes
cramps who can walk out of town at an ;
moment. Ono of those men tcstifiui
that ho had been in jail several ( .times i :
Now York and elsewhere , and Hinea ha
; it BO low that ho is capable of most any
: hing , especially when struggling wit !
, ho jim-jams.
Had the insurance agents of Omah
shown us much interest in this prelimi
nary examination as the associates c
[ lines and Watson , it is barely posaibl
that Justice Weiss would have sent th
case to the grand jury for further exam
nation , and bound the parties over. A
any rate it ia to bo hoped that our loc :
Insurance agents hereafter will not a !
ow their apathy to overcome their dut
.o the public and to the companies whoi
.hoy represent.
* As usual THE BEE doesn't like th
state .ticket , but aa usual the stat
ticket will get there by n very largo ma
jority - J''reinont Tribune ,
"As usual" probably moans since th
railroads have packed the couvontioi :
and nominated the candidates. TH
KK supported every atato ticket up t
and including 1880. By the way , ho
largo was the majority given to the atal
ticket two years ago , when thocandidai
for treasurer was defeated by 4,000 an
the governor only received 43,105 vote
out of 8(1,008 ( , and lloggon , who ra
r.woy ahead of his ticket , only polk
402 moro than a majority ! Albini
Nance , in 1880 , waa elected governor I
32,108 majority , when the oggrcga1
vote was only 87,315 , It would sooi
that times have changed.
THE Omaha Ji'c ] > nlilicin 1ms dolibo
atoly and maliciously gaibled the test
inony taken during the examination i
Hines and Watson , who were charge
with setting the BIE : ollico on firo.
took particular pains to falsify the test
many of the principal witneis , who sa
both thoto mem prowling near the Bi
oflico just before daylight on thomornii
of the fire , and who fully identified the
by their aize , clothing , and general ap
pearanco. Why did the IlrpitMirm
suppress that p < irt of the testimony , an (
why did it purposely falsify the time
which this Important witness gave ai t <
when ho wont on watch in front of thi
building ?
TOM HENDIUCKS has formally oponoc
the campaign in Indiana with a spooct
at Indianapolis. Mr. llondricks hat
made speeches before in aid of a hope
lots cause. Ilia speech at Sholbyvillo
Indiana , during the rebellion , when he
denounced the policy < tf Abraham Lin
coin , discouraged enlistments , opposcc
the draft , prayed for peace , and hopoc
for the success of the confederacy , is no !
forgotten by the loyal people of the
country and the bravo soldiers who wore
at the front in defense of the union
The blue and the gray may mingle al
reunions , and time may reconcile tin
warring sections , but the loyal people o
the country will not assist in elevating :
man who gave aid and comfort to thi
enemies of tho'union
THE Grand Army re-union , whicl
takes place this week at Fremont
iromisoa to bo moro largely attendee
and a moro brilliant auccess than any ro
mien over hold in the state. Nobraak :
a pro-ominontly a aoldior state , and jfth
veterans and their friends will bo warm
y received and cordially ontortaincd b ;
, ho hospitable people of Fremont , whicl
s ono of the prettiest towns in No
> raska.
JUST at the present there is moro o
a demand for the votes of the working
man than there ia for their labor.
A correspondent writes to the BEE'
Man About Town charging him with in
appreciation of the motive of ofierin
prizes for the exhibition of babies at th
Nebraska state fair. Our corrospondon
saya that "tho object is certainly a wor
; hy ono , as it will stimulate ono of th
most ORsential industries of this wondoi
fullyproductivo state."Itstrikes us"say
; ho writer of the communication , "tha
the BEE is mistaken when it a Hir in a tha
apples are not a fit pri/.o for the handsomest
somost girl baby. You forgot that apple
were the first prize that our first mothe
iiinkerod after 1:1 the garden of Eden , al
though the result of eating it was no
wholly satisfactory to the family. * *
However , if the appropriateness of th
prize for the handsomest Nnbraska bo ;
baby should bo taken into consideratio
a silver-mounted base ball club must b
prcHontcd , aa all the handsome Nubrask
boys' first ambition is to become u profct
sional base ball player. "
* *
"When I was in St. Louis th
other day , " remarked an old-timo tele
grapher , "I was considerably puzzle
when I hoard the newsboys yelling ou
'Horn's your Jlvcnitiy C'hroiiiclt an
/'CC/L'H Sun , both for five cents , ' an
' Evening C/nonicli and a f.m for fiv
five cents. ' Upon inquiry I learned tin
pennies are 'no good in St. Loiiiu , an
the Chronic } , which is a penny shoot. :
obliged to bo ao'd on the streets in cot
ncction with other papers or articles <
various kinds. "
* *
"While Iwaa in the Wolls-Fargo e :
presa oflico , the other day , " said a bua
ness man , " a Chinaman , who has been
laundryman in Omaha for a few yean
came in with a package of gold. It coi
taincd $1,000 in twenty-dollar gel
pieces , which ho wanted to send by e ?
press to China. The charge was $5.7f
which ho thought was a little too mucli
and failing to got a reduced rate , ho cor
eluded not to send the money. So h
wont out with his gold , and returned i
to its hiding place. Only a few days be
fore this , I was told , ho sent a amalle
amount homo to China. This shows th
thrift of John Chinaman , who accuinu
latea dollars whore white man could nc
lay up cents. The Chinese are no goo
for this country. The Chinese must "o.
* *
"Nearly everybody in Nobrask
knowe , or ought to know , the Ma
Lirothora , of Fremont , " remarked a pron :
inont citizen of Omaha. "Thoro is nc
a jollier sot of 'boys'nor a bettor busine :
firm in Nebraska than they aro. The
are among the most prosperous merchant
in the state , ana have built up a whok
sale business in Fremont equal to that calmest
almost any house in Omaha. Low i
the 'hail follow , veil met' of the brother !
and what ho doesn't know about Shake
spcaro , ichthyology , the necessaries c
life , as well as the luxuries , isn't wort
knowing. The 'bays' have issued an in
vitution to their many friends , who ma
attend the Grand Army reunion at Kre
inont , to bo present at a social reutiio
in their store ou next Thursday evening
With a view of contributing to the pleasure
uro of the occasion they have arrange
an informal reception , and will b
cciiillat homo 011 that evening. An
don't jou forgot it , I shall bo there , "
* *
"After being In St. Louis , Kansn
City , St. Joe , and Loavonworth , I ai
bettor satisfied with Omaha than ovc
said a prominent buaineaa man who recently
contly visited those cities , "St. Loui
is a alow going town wit
narrow streets , poor pavements , and dit
gy locking buildings. The macadam an
wooden pavements are full of holes an
ruts which are filled with mud. Aa t
business , Chicago does more business o
Sunday , than St. Louis does the rest (
the week. Talk about mud. Why Si
Louis , with her pavements , is nearly u
bad as On aha was before they put ( low
her pavements. I stopped over a foi
hours in Kansas City on my way home
U is a live town , but 1 wouldn't want t
live there , Talk about hills in Omahn
Why , Kansas City ctn discount her an
give her 95 points. 1 saw a number o
houses that were elevated that they hate
to bo reached by from forty to tixt
stops. Kansas City ia ahead of us i
p pulation and in commeice , but in tli
long run Omaha will beat her. Oiimln
with her broad business streets and he
superior pavements and other public in
provemonts has made a good start towau
being n largo and beautiful city. "
* *
"When BuilaloBill waao\t InDonvei
year ago last spring , " aaid a Donvcrmni
"ho wus the guest of General D. J
Cook , the detective. On Decoration da ;
General Cook was the chief marshal , ane
after the ceremonies were over ho anc
Bill wonl out to the fair grounda to wit
iicsa an exhibition drill. Reaching
ing the grounda they found tlm
an admission fee was beini
charged , and feeling in pretty good hu
mor about that time of day , they tole
: ho gato-keopcr to throw the gates opoi
lo everybody , and present the bill te
.horn. This was donn , and a bill of § 20 (
waa afterwards presented to Genera
3ook , who refused tt pay it. Suit wai
.hen brought agnitmt him and Bill , whe
lad previously offered top y half the bill
and Bottle the matter , but Cook woult
lot allow this as Bill was his guest. The
other day final judgement waa rondorce
againatCookfor $97. "
Literary Notes.
Mra Hurd'a Nieco. By Ella Farnam
The Young Folk'a Library , llluatrated
Beaten ; D. Lothrop it Co. Price 2i
cents. This foccinatng story , ono of tin
jest from the author's practised pen , wil
hid a multitude of earnest and apprccia
; ivo readers. It draws a sharp contra *
between genuine , practical religion aue
Ita fashionable substitute , and show
the hollowness of a life no
baaed upon Bound principle. The character
actor of Leu Gladstone is clearly and effectively
fectivoly drawn , and the atory of her ex
pcrionces m the Hurd household , will
the changes Drought about in it througl
lior quiet but persistent influence , ia toll
with skill and fooling , There ij hardly
page without its suggestive passage , am
wo know of few books which contain s
much that is really helpful to young girl
placed in positions where self-control
moral courage and solf-saciiQco are re
James H. Earlo , ( Boston ) , the put
lishor of the famous "From Log Cabi ;
to White House , " which has proved b ;
for the most popular Life of Garfield
and has outsold all others , issues as
companion volume , and in the same nuf
crb style , "Pino to Potomac , " the Lif
of James G. Blaine , Garfiold'a friend am
Premier. The author was with Mi
Blaine the day after his nomination , an
in hia hospitable mansion day after di
for nearly a month since , has bee
gathering material to make the velum
authentic , fresh , and con :
ploto , a book for th
tatnily and voter. It is a large 12 me
of over 400 pages , with a steel portrai
of Mr. Blaine , inado expressly for th
work , and other illustrations.
Mrs. J. W. D vis , whoso paper o
"Fair Verona ' in a late number of Th
Manhatton was found oo entertaining
has written for the September Mai
hattcn an article on the "Hungarh
Capitals , " Presburg and Budapest , whic
are profusely illustrated.
The Countess of Monto-Cristo , com
paniou to Alexander Dumas' celebrate
novel of 'Tho Oount of Monto-Cristo.
and fully equal to that world-ronowne
novel , is in preas a'-d will ba pubhshc
immediately by T. 1 * . Peterson & Brotl :
era , Philadelphia. It is a work of vor
extraordinary power , fascination and in
terest , while it is great in plot , incident
and characters. At the very commencement
mont of the novel , the Count of Monte
Criato , the wife of Monto-Cristo , Haj
dee , and the son of Montc-Criato , Espoi
anct ) , take part in n weir
scene in which Mercedes , A
h < rt do Morcerf and the Countet
M into Cnsto also participate. c
course the Countess of Monte Cristo :
the central figure , and on her touchin
trials , strange deeds and astonishing cj
plaits the entire novel hinges. Th
Countess of Monte Cristo is , in short ,
veritable creation without a parallel i
fiction , and the bookis so highly wrougl :
and interesting that it is impossible t
skip a single lino. It will find a logic
of readers , for everybody that has roa
the "Tho Countjof Monte Cristo" wi
read the "Countess of Monte Cristo
and ita popularity ia certain to bo vvi
and enduring.
Grnntl Island hai organized an electric con
1' ' >
Valentino II.IH mflattel her population 1
Schnjlcr lioastsof ( .hipping h iv auil butte
milk to Omaha.
Grasihopppis mo stripping lca\fs off tt
shniln trees .it LUKolu. They simph hastu
the fnll.
The 1'irst l.mlc hia btcn ntgai
i/ul at Suttun.
C.ippjr Coineihis commirtrel mic'ilo ;
Ivuainoy last Sunday. Hu li\eel by the bo
tic nml died by the bottle.
At 1) uthofter last \\co\t \ an cicht joar ol
Bit ! , ninied Chan at , expodiitctl a liru wit
KtiDSLiie ami uas burneil to iluath.
The icmii\al nf the old Congregation :
( .lunch to iiiuko mum for n bolter ono , hi1
been tonunenuul at I'romnnt.
The tlemocr.itH of I'lattsmpiith postpone
tlm opening of tru ciinpjign in Cas * count
till ulttr the ftt.ito ticket la nominated.
An Omaha lady , a pa < i > f ngcr on a 11 , & ] V
train , is nccuaed by a Hctuia | paper nf mi
tnkiugu hold ofhcat fahockt tor a ( lock i
slu f | > .
Lincoln baa Invested MOW ) in a no
f.uiKUd in icluno tailed u "iniid luruhtnr
' "now ra" in null
'lliH upins up a i grading
A man with won y and a N illliiKnets to ( i
good , ( ilfi'is ti build slid opi'i.ito a utrei't lai
unin lied Cloud fi om thu elopot tu the coi
tor nt tlio toun fora bonus of ijlCO. ( )
The fouiteun year old son of John Wrrricl
of fuming City , Washington county , ft
b ickw aril out nfa iirriapu , striking his hcai
producing conciiaiion of the brain an
ilt nth.
* Hi' < lgr A , Son's foundry nt Lincoln vi
totally de < troyed bv fire < n the 2Hh. ( Tt
fire also dama'ged the lumber > ard of Nuv
cuinb , MmiBim iV Co , to the ox tent i
SI 000.
T.'n ilavs ego a former In Orceley counf
while hunllnz in oats dro\o his loariml wage
o\cr his little g rl , enuring bpr imincdiai
death , AH .1 rcimlt tha father in n ruiug m
niac. *
A mnrtnacrc for ten million doUnrs hai ju
been rtconledm theiniinty tlfik'n nfliu' I
Holt county. It in f mm tbo Nouraaka Cci
tral Itailroad coinp.inv tn tliominers' Lo.i
ami Truit company , of Now York. There
nothing of the road m tight but thU moi
gag" .
A man iiinutl Kane , who worked on tl
farm of Win. Hilccnramp in Wariiingtc
a nnty , carved thn life out of hinmlf for f on
nnkmm n reason , Ivt wfek. ] ! eforoth IM |
W.IH diFcn\eiinl hogs hael eaten nearly .ill tl
lldth off thu boueH.
Mmdrn kf ein up her ippntntion as a shoo
ing tow n. Hill 1'riia accnsud , le rry Yohey (
8tMllng watertni'lona the otht > r day , an
( iforga roeontod the ( mult by plotting n dai
geroiH furrou in liiH'u f.irehe.ul , ( udif
promptly bkipped the countrv.
At Kearney , on thn J7th , C.iHnni Cornr > lm
proprlftor of the cltv hotel , died froin tlm e
feet of | ( " --"in take n the pieuoua ineninp. Tl :
oitifa of thu miciiloia Buppoboil to lm\o bet
biiBiiitsu trouble' . He wan .1 I'ruibinn b
liirth , Mxtr-tutt years of age , anil Uu\ea
laixo faniiiy in comfortable circumstances ,
The Spmiglidd Monitor reports the findin
ufpclritud walimU In the liuozo quarry 1
Ca s cnuntv. The specimen is a very perftcl
walnut , and wai fmiurl under a Uji r nf rock
three nnel a Imlf foot thick , plruly proxlnp
: hat the walnut * had bun debited thotc be-
' tro the * fortnitinnof the o iock , hundred-
an el prolnbly t.hou incls of years ago.
An imn truss bridge , t o inilua from West
1'oint , gi\i > uay thr other elay under the
wnght of astfim opgtno weighing four tons ,
The engine went tn tlio bottun ot Plum creek ,
nnd landed uixlde down , only the \\hcel * bo.
nRpx | > n * | nhovo the surfnco nt the water.
W , T Xcligh , engineer , fell uithit , rulist UILC
of nbout tucnty feet , but \\.is not seriously
Tlir Norfolk Journal ( sums up the railrond
mtlook for the northwest as follows"Not
mly n the extension to go In the direction ol
Lhe ISlack llllli and the Central Pacific , but It
s now thoughtthivt | the Crcighton branch will
> e pu lied to the northwestward and the St.
I'aul Routhwostward. The Vanderbilt inter-
wt will put an immense amount of money In
to railroading In Nebraska diiritiR the next
several leorf. nnd Norfolk hai been selecteel
as the centrsl jiomt for all northwestcin oper
ations west of the Missouri rher , "
Mra. S.imantht A. Uattlcs manages a farm
in Webster county and n.aiingei to hoe hci
own row without regard to Qiiecnsbury rulos.
Kecently n neighbor n.uiied Unrr attempted to
pull deran a portion of lier fence. She pro-
t 8t d but llurr paid no attcntiou to her. Mr ? .
Ua'.tles' dander ro o to a | > iteh and aho ttupecl
liurron the stdo of the head with a Hhovot. In
the second round she knocked him cillv by
tearing a hole nt the ba e of hu brain. This
sndcd the n.eleo , but the champion is undoi
lioiids to appear for trial at the district court.
The benefits of the Omaha stock yards arc
already felt west of tbo city- The Schuyloi
Sunnajs : "Tho hiy men inform us they art
unnble to supply the demand for talcd hay al
Omaha. Since the location of thu extensive
stock yards at Omaha , it require ? six cars ol
baled hiv elailj to Ifeip up the supply , and il
e.ems the Plnttoalley is depended uoon foi
thnt ii'nount , and oftener than otherwise il
falls chort. This Is but ono instance of the
benefits ot these stnek yards to the
country immediately west of Omaha. "
BLfrnxh Thompson , a cilloiu specimen of the
genus thief , was recintly jugged at Ur.uid Is
land for _ tobbty. Theio was no poiitixt
proof against him and he resolutely dcchnci ;
tgi\emmsolf away. Tailing to find the
stolen articles or coaxing Thotnp-on into di-
\ulgingthe secret , sheriff Cannon and hid
deputy hit upon the plan of scaring him iuti
acknowledging Jho crime. They , by i
tatit undorstandin ? with the jailei , bagaii a
series of nightly ghost valkf , draggmi * ehiins
beating tin platen and slowly drugging tlieii
slow length along the rough hallway of the
jiil accompanied by tbo moat
unearthly groans and _ shriek * ,
now of man , auam of a woman , in thongon ;
of death nnd the depths uf the damned
Frightened out of bed Ihomoson managed ti
pass the first night cowering m a corner am
praying ; the spcond was t x > much for bun am
bo btuunohalf cr.xry , moaning and trembhn
like a "palsy. " the sheriff to liin
and told him whera the stolen articles wore
and implored him to banish thu ghost ) fron
thocoiridor. The ghosts were b.miahod am
Thompson now sleeps in pc.ico.
AnsoHtiira Blttors. the world ronownoi
appoti/er and imigorator. Used now eve
the whole ciillod world. Try it , but bowar
of imitations. Ask j our grocer or druggist fo
the genuine article , man ufactur td by lr. )
G. B. Sicgert & Sons.
Butler ns tlio AVorlctiigiiiaii's Friend
Now York Evening Post.
General ] Butler's reputation aa th
friend of the laboring man ia beino ; violently
lontly assailed. The treasurer of th
United Uattera of America declares tha
while Butler waa governor of Maasa
chusotts ho not only declined to sign i
bill which passed the legislature to pro
tect the hat manufacturers from tin
ruinous competition of convict labor , bu
while the bill waa pending went to worl
on tha sly and feigned a new contrac
which made the bill of no value for an
other year , signed or unsigned ! ' Thi
treasurer aays that as a friend of laboi
Butler ia the "latest and greateat hum
bug iu American politics. " Anotho ;
charge ia embodied in a suit in thi
courts against Butler , to the
effect that ho demanded $110 ,
000 for Jinduciug the gov
ernment to compromise some suiti
iigainat aomo clients who had been foune
guilty of defrauding the government
through violitiona of the revenue laws
Butler appeared as counsel for theae
criminals while ho vraa governor and his
conduct in doing so attracted much atten
tion at the time. It now appears that hi
received $30,000 for hia services while
the government received only § 20,000
In other words thcgovernmont must havi
lost much moro than § 30,0000 througl
his ellorta , for his clients could only pnj
him that sum if by ao doing they could
cscapo paying a much larger sum into tin
national treasury , where it would havi
lightened the burdens of the laboriut
man by lessening taxation. There i
nothing now in theao revelations so fa :
ns they oflect Butler's character. Ho ha
been working in that way all hia lifo.
Malaria IB ii Mean Tiling.
Malaria has no color. Malaria haa lie
odor. Malaria makes no noiso. Malari :
is very sly in ito way of coming. J t cap
tures us before wo can resist. It attacki
bad blood , weak leinga , torpid livers , anc
dyspeptic atouncha. But Brown's Iroi
Bitters can drivn it out , anel expel the
ugly fever it brings. Mrs. S. 11 McDon
old , New Ila\en , Conn. , says. " ]
suffered for six yearn from the cflecta o
malaria. Brown'a Iron Bitteia cured me
" \Vlll ho Killed Uy Jila Party.
Boston Traveller ( Itsp. )
'Iho supposition that , by aomo magica
occurrence , the democratic party would
cease to have any influence over Mr
Cleveland the raiment ho waa iuaugurat
ed and that ho would simply execute the
will of the handful of bolting republican )
who had joined their slender forces ti
those of the democracy to assist in elect
ing him , M too childish a political vagary
fur oorious discussion. Five millions o
dumoctats would not bear the brunt o
the electoral battle , and furnish nineteen
twentieths of the votes , simply fur the
parposo of stopping aside when it was al
over , and surrendering the aolid result !
ijf gtho victory to the Curtis and Schun
auxiliaries , numbering at most but a fev
score thousands. It ia the domoeratu
party that la coming into power if Clove
lanei ia eioctcd , not the independents.
KiiHsell Hni ; Kn.iilneil. |
Nnv YOIIK ] August 30. Juelgo liartlet
today in the supreme court granted an add )
tlonal injunction in tha cao of Htgginaon
Sully and other-directors of the Central lows
r ilrond , the order being directed agiiit' '
Kusse.ll Sago and the Connecticut Construe
tion comp.uiy and enjoins them from diapon
ing of any stocks end bunds in their pose.sioi
which were received by tbo construction com
pany for erecting fences.
Ciitilu ItntoH.
Nnv Yoiik , August 30. Triink-Miio Com
misiiimer Fink furniahen the following : In accordance
cordanco with agriLinent with thu standing
oaiuitttcu of the joint executive oinnuttie ,
notice is hereby given that , taklngetfectimme
diately , tariff rates on cattle anil drcaaxl Lee
will bu on the following basH : I'rom Ohic gi
to Now York , cattle' ' > cents IH.T 100 Ibs , , ant
dressed bcof , I- ) cents per 100 Iba.
I'lirther repnr's ' from Kvainvillu placa the
Jos * of llfo 1 y the Miiklngot tha Uelnu u' a
about 1'J , Six bodies have already beiu re1
u iverul Great damage ww done to cropb )
the btjrm.
"That tired feeing" from _ which yoi :
suffer BO much , particularly in the mini
'BUR , ia entirely i thrown off by Hood's Sar
In aparilla .
Business and > Reli ins ) Notes-
BlatitmaifiDg Scheme.
Tlio NCT\S' Grnfiel Ascension , ami
Otlior Notes of 11 Varied
Special Correspondences of THE BHK.
NEIIUASKA Cny Nob. , August 30.
The "world wag on ; " Not ao with our
little city. Sho.ia just rushing on in
such n business way that our citizens are
constrained to put their , thumbs in their
voat-holoa and warble , "wo have the boss
town ; if you don't 'believe it , just look
at usl" Improvements , now buildings ,
renovations , etc , aria to bo soon on every
Thos. Wyraond is erecting a two story
brick of dopant design , on the corner of
Main and Eighth streets. A. lloos , the
brewer , ia also building i business block
next to the now Farmora' bank building.
The ( must akating rink , wo opine , in the
state , is being erected "at the corner of
Sixth and Otoo streets. It will bo a dur
able frame atructuro 00x110 , with a gallery -
lory around the top for spectators. Mr.
IIolwo , the gentleman who is building
the same , proposes to build a rink which
will bo nhuad to any in the atato thus far.
Our Christian or Campbollito brethren
are soliciting fiiifda for a now church
which they will 'build , on the corner of
Ninth. and Nebraska streets. They have
purchased the lota and already commenc
ed on the building. " * "
The colored Baptists are also tackling
the ' 'white tiasli" for lucre to enable
thorn to put up a > ne\v * church cdifico In
the northern part of the city.
Two now churches well , rumor hath
it that u couple of , saloons are to bo start
ed in two of the now store building ! now
being erected , ao it ia necessary for some
more churches to .counteract them.
While in the roligioua line , wo might
mention that I'.isto'r Read ot the 1st Bap
tist church has tendered his resignation ,
to take effect October 1st , and the 1st
Proabytoriau church has extended a call
to the Rev. 0. D ; Jeffries to como and
watch over their ilock for the ensuing
year. '
The Catholic -sisters will open a parochial
chial school initho Minor property which
they recently purchased-
John Dill , thoVjnolo owner of several
valuable busincasfon upper Main street ,
is quite. sick , "threatened with softening
of the brain , ridfiaa gene to Ohio among
friondo to see fls/ho can rccuporato from
his illness. * 1 t-
The porch in front of the old Barnum
house * has boenj , torn down and an el
egant plate glaaaj front now ornaments
the building" , which is now occupied by
the now Farmers' and Traders' bank.
Senator Van Wyck arrived homo last
week. IIo did not bring our now gov
ernment postoffico with him.
Treasurer and Post-
Ex-county Draper - /
maator Schreinker are each erecting now
and commodioua'residoncea in Iho city.
Measra. Mpji&ry & F airbrother , of
Fremont , are In the city with the intent ,
it is said , of purchasing the The Press.
If they succeed In getting the same it
will bo made a Van AVyck organ , and
"Lot , " yolorjt'tfio""hari3somesl editor in
the state" will have a supreme chance
to reat up or go on a mashing expedition
throughput the Vest.
The air is fnll of rumors regarding an
other gigantic manufacturing establish
ment which wilMrop into our cUy before
a month shall , pass. Till more is known
of it adieu. \ EYK SEE.
The eteamshlpa ol tbli well-known line are built ol
Iron , In water tight compartments , and are furnish
ed with o\ory requisite to make tbo passage both
lafo and agreeable. They carry the United States
and European malls , and Uave New Yorks Thurs
days and Saturday for Plymouth ( LONDON ) Cher-
bourc , ( I'AIUS ) and UAMBUMG.
Hates : First Cabin , ? 5B , J-05 and 87B. Steerage , $20
HenryI'undt , Mark JIauscrt.F E , Mooree.M. Toft ,
igontsln Omaha , OronewiegfiSchoentgon , agents in
Council Blufls. tt B : UIC1IAKD & CO , Oon. 1'aea
Agta. , 01 Broadway , NY.Cban. . Kozmlnski & Co-
General Webtoih Aawts , 107 Woshlnaton St. Chlca
go.l'l. ' }
"vVill euro yeroufnit 8 ,
I unibagd itlicunmtlMii , I'ar
ulvrlt , ; , Miiulili. , himllcu
I kldiii ) , Kplne mil liver
( li n-i .coiit V.llinn Ilinrt
1 UlnuM , DjhtipKli , CoimM-
. , ' ] . | . p i I mi oti IICJT , '
Dunili ARUII'lmapiiH VUil.Hi ( lnl > ih nlllic 1 I-c-
trn Hi Itlil Ann i ic,11(11 ( * t KrniMtlieUtilrklt ) ivnil lni.1-
ntUin eiiroiiuli ( In boduiulciuibuitxliaritilluuulD-
Slant by thu ujtunt
SI.OOO Would Not Buw It.
Winter U cornles. the reason of the jcar for aches
and paii B Ii \aw of tble fact , u B > \ , bu\ ono ol
Uoctn'llorno'8 Eleotrlft Belts , bv so'iloing , jou IU
a\old llho inntlsm , KUiicy tro'ilikK ai d oihtr 1IU
that llcihis he'r too. ' Do not iiola > , but call at our
oilier , and examine the bclu , 1422 Douglaa bt. , Oiia
h * Neb.
fjrformlaatO. P. doodmnn'o Drug Store * 1110
L unam Ut , Ouuht.
Onlnra fllfoil O O f >
Belgian Boyal ftiulU.B , Mall Htcmncro
Tht Rhine , Germany , Italy , Holland and France
StoeragoOntwardS20j I'repaJd from Antwerp , UK ;
Excursion , giO , Including boddlug , etc , 2d Cablr , $50 ;
Round Trip , $30 00 : Excuralon , J100 ; bAleen Item 840
to (90 ; Excursion 110 to 8160.
right & Bong , CTen , Agent * . 65 Bros. ! .
Hamilton & Co. , Omaha. 1 P. E. Plod
nto & Co. , 2WN. 10th Street , Cmaha ; D. K. Kim
ill , OraahaA nnt . od-ly
uminer Resort
Of the Northwest , Detroit , Minn.
A country of WOODS AND LAKKS , 200 mlle woe *
olSt 1'iul. Tnroo trains ililly oil the N P. II. K. ,
with 30 Day Excursion. Tickota at about ono-hl (
An elegant housa with a commo.Utloas . lor 200
Kuoeta. R. R. COLBUFIN. Proprietor.
tjrtl'iO rOR CIRCULiRHOIVI-iU tun I'iKriCUUKJi.
A victim ot oorlr imcraueoco. caving nerraiu
{ tttllt ; . biumalura aoiy. . eto . hat IDR inou
lncvfry kno n reraiay. b dlncoviimj a Birarl- *
acta * of to > f-uure , walcu lie will k sd 1'UKt ; ia
-ra. fuMnts.
14 MWfVVMl .I
Hetalic Cases , Coffins , Gaskets , Sbronfls ,
ETC. , ETC. ,
10OO FArnnm St. , . OMAHA , NEB
TeleifT phfl ! order * promptly tttnde4 to. Telephou'
NO. BIl , ,