ki ( M r\ HE OMAHA DAILY BEE * / . * P FOURTEENTH YEAR , OMAHA , NEB. , MONDAY RVJC ING , SEPTEMHKR 1 , 1884. 63 / HENDRICKS' HARANGUE , f / The Hoosicr Caudate Fires the Firs CaiiiDaigii Quo. The Good Democrats vs , the Very Wioked Republicans ! Butler Handles Monopoly With out Gloves at New York , And Gives the Public Good Food for Thought , General Political Motes from Various Places , District nnd County Conventions hi f Nobrnsku Democratic Can- illdntcs. iNiiiANAl'OUH , Ind. , August 30. The cam 1 > gn in this stito was formally opened by both pmticHt. day and a hundred Bpccchen were delivered in towns nnd cities in alt parts of Indiana. In this city the republi cans did not hold n meeting. The democrats had a large street demonstration , consisting of uniformed club * , carrying torches and trans parancies. Speaking took place from n bt.ind in the circle , where Governor Houdricka ad dressed an audience numbering several Ihous- nnd. nnd.The The campaign on behalf of the democracy opened here lonight by a lar u meeting which wan addressed by Hon. Thos , A. llondricks , the democratic candidate for vice-president. The tollowiog is a synopsis of his remarks : Fellow citizen ] J appriciato the privilege * nnrt the lionor of nddrcssmg you , and I recog nize the duty of s-peaUing frankly and wit * out concealment or exaggeration of any mateiial fact or opinion. May 1 first nsk your attention to the necessity nnd importance of rexenuerB- form. The power to levy and collect taxes ia among the highest and most responsible of the attributes ot government. It ranks with the right and faculty of taxing private property for public use , and with the right and power of transferring the cui/.en from the pursuits of private life to the duties and hazards of war ; it tikes from n man that which i his and ap propriates it to public ilio ; it ECI/.CS upou the earnings of la or as well as upon the accumu lations of capital To every man , the inquiry is of _ personal cancsrn and the answer is of public convenience. How far may a govern ment go in the exeiciso of the power to tax tlio people ? Kreely u < > d cheerfully wo answer that there shall bo no limitation uor restraint on thi ] side. The absolute and entire nrnin- ji'J tenancfl of public nutnority wllh its functions ' nnd authority unimpaired , whatever the gov ernment can do , nuil of right Hhould do , the tax-payers will furnish it the means to nucom- r'.i'h. lioyund this it Is the province of pri- 1 vato right to invailo which is usurpation. K Tln > government economically administered , fch.ill be Bupnurted. * * * * * * * * l'NNiC'KS3AUV : TAXI1S V s , it is the fpiastion of 5S.,000,000 of un necessary taxo-i iu ona year. The ucuurnnla- tion is constant. In n speech recently made at Hichmoud , Mr. Calkiiif , ttio candidiite for governor , boasting of the achievements if his party , made the st tam-nt , which I adopt without examination , that "tho _ rernblican party found an einp'y treasury. Now it lias t , surplus < > f SlOOjOUO. That is an enormous > um of mouuy ; more , 1 beliovn , ttinn half the p'vpei1 currency of tha country. ICstimatiug , < > oik [ kjlation nt 5 ' , t03JO ( ] it is ยง S dollars f r uncii mJii , woman and child. That great sum of money Una idle in the treasury. If it had lieen lefc with tlio people it would be- coino the willing nnd active servant of labor. It would Btinmlut 3 and strengthen old and do- velopo new enterprisos. 1 1 would restore t. ) lie merchant his market and give the farmer 1 prices again , In the langnnga of tin : tiryof tlio traasnrj"Jno : _ ( luohtion ? , wlnt legislation is necessary to ftlic1 people of unneosssnry taxes , " It wetion of revenue reform. Solve this JjiSfly conntrvmeu , by reducing the ffiV up this iniiney not needed by in the hamU of the people 'els of trade _ and comnierue. 'r will not give us thii re- upou foreign nations for commerce. Our own merchant i"mSAl'riAltii : : > FKO.M TIIIlHKAS , owners of foreign vessels uro en- ! by the ppifits that wo should earn our- , The obituary of our morcluiiv navy jttea in our tinill'and sliiiping ] laws. ltd t of entarpri-o nnd duiing that oj-c Jht wealth to our shorn ! , and pride to our .e , and that furuiihed congmiial emplny- Jt to tbousunds of our br.tvu and hardy alms , is now bmied iu tlia treasury vaults un der tlioso four hundred millions ol which Mr. Calkins vauiiti. Thelnmeutiblu condition in which our war navy and ciust defenicH are found at the end of near twenty years o [ re public ! rnleis well de c-ibi-J by Senator garrison , In his able fpooch iMKered in this city on the Ulth of Angunt. IIi'ay : "Tho highest military and imvul authorities of tin ) counliy have again nnd iigum , in ollicial n < - ports to confrcs" . declared that wo nra with out a navy , and tlut our coast defenses are not worthy of the name. We lm\e no gnus for our ( drips , none for our ciust fortificatuns. The utter hi'lplefsness mid iiakedncf.s of our country Iu the matter of ships and coast do- iijmeii is coiicee led by every \nierican and known in every foieign , -it. It i" a hiibject of nm.i/.e- jent and mortitication tliut , with nlmndant n nrcus this nation sbouM consent to ticcjpy so . mtaniptihlo a position among the innri- ti.un nations of the world. Thera i * moro ti iu ono South American govormnuul thut lias a ui-y wilh which OIKH cnuld not copo. It ; , tii i.oensji'l . upon thu hihe-t authority tliat ( 'MM has armored ships that could xnl into tha harbor of San Krauclsc'i .md put that gieat city under C"iitnbutiou nt pbsisuro. Who is , - . / - ! for this rmiaziiig cmiditiim of tliiiiss ? WJiat party held tlwi relnH of po- iti- | - , ii ] > ewer while thu navy v/a.s rotting down nd tha dost fortlficritioiiH were jiassing mtu ( ivu. HKuvica iiroiui. ! : A im llhwlration , con-Ider our army of ciit.hiildi'ii. ) . iunv above 110.0UO. Jiefoim in Ihn civil service requires its reduction , par- h.His : ! 0,0',0. It seemi to lo constantly in- ereas'ng. ' Who ran check the eul nud di < clurienU who hold position * , ami lecclvt piynieut nitlumt u cful i'miloymcnt | N'ot the party that created the positions , and np jiiiinted thalr favor > lp < ti till tlioin. Tlnl is impossible. Iti-i dillicult for a party to re form it and protect each other. You have MM-ti th it even in coiitti and jniies. Tli3 par tUan friend at the Bame dr k will not b.'coim nn informer. Ho will rather clu-o the bonk , nnd il mint remain closed un til nn ins estimation shall place another nt the dc-ds. It is nineteen yoarsi > inci the clo e of thownr , nearly ll\o pre idcntlal tcniH. purlng all that peihd the executive nnd dmini trittivo nervice of liio country h IB been under the coutml mi I ninuagenient of ono pir-y. Nhould it so eontinue. ( luring the peiiod 1 ha\e menlimied , the receipts nnd ex penditures nggrctfiite a sum so uniTinons til it I liud mysell urn bio to txpress them in words or luitre.s within ordiu-irv coiiiiirehemicin. I will take for lllu-tratiou the ytar ended .lime 30 , 1W3. The lecelpts Intothe treasury were above fllUJ.OOJ.tlOO , and the ordinary expend- itmeswera above S2lir > , OJO 000 , making I'm re- eeipts and uxiieiuhtiireH of uli9 year iG3 ( ! , 000,000. A CIIANOl : IS NKCESSAHT , because in tlie nimuiei ineiit of n liualnejs si largo , rn varied HIIIH > comilicaled n misman agement nud corruption were possible mid . Should tlio books ba opened ? 1 be iovo that policy and justice unite in demand ingn change , mul without it wo need nut look for aduiiiiistriitiv ) icf rm , but I would not Imitate the republican party in tlu proscrip tion of all but party aHherents. I lepea what 1 fornierly s iil : "Tnat 1 hope never again to FCO tlie cruel and remorseless pro scription for political opinions which has dis graced the administration of the Iat eight yeari. " Had as the civil service now is , as wo all know , it has BOIIIC men of ttied integ rity nnd proved ability. Such men , and inch men only , should bo retained in ollice ; but no man chould bu retained on any coiisid eration who has prostituted his otlice to tin [ iiirpo.sos of purtizan intimidation or coiupul bion or who h s furnished money to torrupt lections. May I nsk your attention to one ther subject. Much is said about the prob nblo foreign policy of the presidential oindl dates , and for Mr , lilaino it is claimed thut he will bo inore * American and dashing. His South American iutcifermico was neither. Of coin-lie wo knowwluit vote this claim is in tended to reach. I think It will fail. The vote ii ton intelligent. * * . * Tlie speaker then proceeded to describe at ongth the Kntzk t ext ndition case , and its HDOady Fcttlementby the democrats , a * coni- > atert with the McSweenoy case under the republicans. In concluding his spnech Ilcndricks made a iei > onal appeal for .snppoit , saying : "I cannot express bow earnestly 1 desire .ho vote of Indiana. Although I did not Want -ho nomination , now that 1 have cot it the vote of Induua is the desire of my hear ' " liutlur at Now York The greenlnck-labor convention for the tate of New York , held in New York City Saturday accented the Indianapolis platform and General IJntler'it letter of acceptance as heir platfoun. The American Hag was adopted ns a party badge. In the evening liutlur made an , the follow- ni' being a brief abstract. Ho faid ho would apeak of the results of the nlbdlreclion of legislation land , 'tho ' adminis- -ration of ths government as it has wandered aw.iy Ironi the great fundamental piinciples it waa founded. 'Ibis wmilil 1 e lecessirj' to n clear mi'-lerftanding of economic ideas , because of which the "Pco- > ! oV ) jurty" was founded. He said it was nec essary to nniyo at a definite comprehension of the distinction between capital and inn ort- ; d labor. Uy imported labor ho meant that nbor which in brought hero from abroad by contract , as in the CiiROnf coolies , or that convict and pauper labor whuh is sent here by poverr.inents to get lid of their paupers a < m ho casfl of Knropeun depoitntio-i of convicts md panpais by authority of Kngland and omo other enunfiies. The line was to be Iniwn between thecu clusses of imported labor ind men and women who brought themselves ml families hero by their own uifrgie * nd own means. liy the capitalist if iieant a mm who , having inherited or ac- piired large wealth , lives on the interest of it vithout doing anything himself to Una it in he production , As an example of thu latter iliitH ho included a inan who invested his in- lerited wealth in railroads or in any other en- eiprise which ho neither controls uor diretts , loc takes part in , waters Htock to treble its ipparmiteoit , and thus receives onoimmuro- urns for his money. Ho cln-eed the men who , laving irioio or less capital , put it into tome lonoat industry , directing Hiich enterprise hemselves , an men of enterpii'e , lonliiug upon ibeircupitul as engagtd in whatever depart- in-lit of the world's honest business as an ad- nnctoiilyof entcrpri-o. ( Jen. lintUr spoke of ho production of pelroleum , whicli ought teD ) D idinobt free na Kiinlight. UndiT the man- pnlatlon of the Standard Oil Company , it Mcamo v ry expormivo to the consumer and : auaed a limited number to become very rich. I'tipse men iu the power of their wealth almost controlled the judicial , legislative and jxecutivu powers of the ntHoof Pennsylvania. I'o abrogate the laws which muko mcli mon ) polies possible was the aim and purpose of ho "poodle's party. " Un'esa ' some Mich re- nlt was ultiinutefy obtained the nation will : o down to aim-chy nnd ruin , larkneSH and ni ht. and thus the liopj of lib- rty and eipnlity of lights for all men will lurisli from the earth. STATI3 POIjITICArj NOTKS. Tha democrats of litiffalo county .Saturday nominated S. I'1 ' Heniiiger and .lamoa .Icnkius or tha legislature ; 1C. 1 { . Watson , .T. K. Gill- spio , H. Af. Hatch , 10. I'1. Hcimiger and Clms. Connors delegates to thn judicial coni onliifn , an I W , L. Green , .linn lioykH. . S. yolby , .1 , C , Jlorgin unit Thomas Carroll to lie statu and con retNiunalconventiiiau a dclu- Mtion favming Nevillo. 1'lnttn county democrats Saturday xo- ostwl .1. K. Xorth , .1. Ilichloy , Clius. .Modi- ieo , .1 , 1 $ . Dils'iiiiji , Dr. Win. IMwards. II. Jjlrich , ( ! . C. C.irngund.r. A , Kehoo nx dole- MtestD the htata ujiivcntlon instructed fcr Murton for governor , tj Coif ax uonnty'd dolecraleH lo the democratic tale convention are W. T. l'iice , ,1ns. itocs- er , Kmi'T Davis and Harrv l'h lps , The c'lnvantlon ot the l''ifth ' dWiIct republic .n ) held at Cretn , ma lo a choice on Saturday iinirnii'g ' , on tlio three hundredth nd first ballot , nominating MimfroJ Haxago. Tlio rfjiublleaiiM uf tin twenty-third Huto cnalorial ilUliict nominated .lolm 1) ) , Skinner is their c.unliilat < i by aculnination , I'Vnnci.H ' G , Hnnier nnminaledor iiilHiMinil H. M , , ci/cl.Ur / , of 1'liim CiecK. ur DiatrktAttirnoy at the n-publlcan < - \cntinn nt the Tenth district hrhl nt Kcarnoi Salnnlty. There win ln > oiiiMisltlon to eithe : candidate * , liotli mrtde auto pecchc on ac cepting the nomination. GtiNKUAIi 1'Ulill'KUtj M'AV.S. The defence iu the lllaini' libel suit hnvo filed ii demurrer , setting forth thil the com plaint does not eel foith facts sullicient for n cause of action. A ing will be had Tues dny. dny.New New York | irohibilinnlsts expect 100,000 vote * for St. Joint in the country. Cleveland was serenaded at Albany Satur day evening , Hcndricks and cx-GovernorPonllltlo willU pipsfiit nn 1 address the linv.i democratic con vention nt Davonpott. Mr , Hlnine ha ? reached home , nccompaniei ! by lien , Hartlson. "VOODOOED" INXU INSANITY. Tlio VAIO Of A Yotum Girl , Victim Xo Voodoo Suiiorutltlon. Special Dispatch to Till : 15is. : LtrrtK HOCK , Arkausa ' , August 31- Owing to the results of "voodooing" which U practlc. oil to a great extent among a ceit.iin class negroes In the touth , Misj ICczijh , a health ) and good looking mullatto girl , is uoiv i. rav ing matiiac , Two weeks ago she bocnmo Mid * denly ill , nt the placa whaio she wa-tcmplovi as a servant A relati\e , an old colored wo man uamcd Aunt Mahaly , Imag'.neJ she wns "cunjuied" and with the advice of the sur rounding colored community , had her remov ed to her homo in Phillips county for conjuration. The treatment , or "voodooing" as it is termed by ita numerous believers of the colored race , is ndmliiHtcred with as much sincerity is the ultimate appojr.iuc.6 of the old fillip /.Ion or the coming of the golden chariot is viewed from their supernatural standpoint. The Yooilimov manipulator of this process , as In this cas-e , is always an aged colored womau who has gained a reputation by stories of pre vious success. After Ui9 girl had bean placad in her room , Aunt Mahaly proceeded to mix the Ingredients , n pices of an old shoe , rusty nails nnd spikes , old tiles und razor handle. ' , ludcstonc , moleskins and rabbit's foot , alto opium and chloroform. The conglomeration wns [ .then boiled in it charmed caldron. The conjurer then locked bcroalf iu the girl's apni tmont1" , and nd ministered the HuiJ of this accumulation , first byjoxloinal manipulation , then inteinally in largo doses. The operation wat kept up until the mixture was continued. The vender of miracles then retired to await the effects of the wonderful agedoy. Within n few houra the spell was broken. The disease was cured , but reason was dethronedand thugirl lied from her room a maniac , alarming the neighborhood and attempting - tempting violence to herself nnd those about her , She was at once secured and placed in confinement. A horrible death will likely result. Under Billed lor Oniiilia Uepiember tim mil , Niw : YOIIK , August 31. General Butler ler left hero at 0 p. m. this evening on an extended tended tiip through the northwestern states , via the Now York Central and Michigan Central roads. Ho will arrive at Detroit at 2:30 a. m. Monday , and will f peak there ii : the evening. On Tueud.iy he will speak at Grand llapids in the iiflt noon and at Muskegon - kegon iu the evening. Krom Muskegon \ \ < f will go tt Chicatro aim deliver an address on tbo lake front Wednesday evening , Leaving Chicago Thursday morning ho will reach Min 1'riday and deliver an address ut tlu Minnesota st.ita fair in the afternoon , and on Saturday ho will ppnk | | at Norcheld. On Monday evening , September 8th 1m will sneak at DCS Moinss , Tiuwduy at Omahannd Wednesday at TopeKa. Kan. Heturi ing lie will probably dciivcr addresses at various place.s along thu route , reaching New Ymk about September llOh. liutlciism in urc on. S.U.KM , Oregon , August . " 0. The state cen tral commitUo of greenbackers and anti- monopolists met today Butler nml West elect ors weie chosen. ItwiiB decided to print und distiiouto fifty thousand copies of I'ntler's iddross. Uiirnod. HAVANA , August 30 - The steamer City of Merida , which took fire in the harb-ir yester day , was completely destroyed with Hit * cargo of fourteen hundred bales of hemp , Slf > ,0JO ( in silver from Vera Crux , nine hundred and twelve bales uf tobacco and .13" ba s of sugar. Ilcinourntic- Onus In Iowa. DAVKNPOIIT , Sept. -Kx-Souator .lames H. Dooliltlo writes that ho will be in this city next Wednesday and addrnss the lowatStato Democratic Convention. KvGuvernor Hen- dricks in expected. . .vUy man general than nny other dlseasJ. 11 h Inslilirms In cli.irnctcr , and manifests Itself In running sores , pustular eruptions , bolls , swellings , cnlnigcil joints , abscesses , sore eyes , etc. IIooil'.sSirsnpirllli ; : ; expels all trace of scrofula from the blooil , leaving It pure , enriched , and healthy. "I was severely nflllcted with scrofula , and for over a year Iiml two running ( .ores on my neck. Took flvo bottles of Hood's S.usaparilln , and consider mysell cured. " C. 13. I.OVIMOV , Lowell , Muss. C. A. Arnold , Arnold , Mo. , bad Rcrofulous Bores for seven years , spring und fall , JIooil'H riur aparilla cured him. Salt Rheum William Spies , Jilyria , O. , Buffered greatly from erysipelas and salt rheum , caused by handling tobacco. At times his liamls would crack open and bleed. 1 lo tried various prep arations without aid ; finally look Hood's fiar- sapiirllla , and now saya : " I am entirely well. " "My son liail tM iliciim on tils hamU and on tlio ralvcs of his Irgrt. Ho took Hood's Sarsaparllla and Is entirely cured. " J. 1 ! . STAJiTO.s , Mt. Vcnion , Ohio , Hooc3ys aSarsaparilla Sold by all dniKgliiti. SI j six forr. . Made imly liy 0 , I. IIOHIJ & CO. , Lowell , Mass. OO Dosoo Ono BEYOMD THE SEA , The state of Affairs in France and China , Au Effort to be Mndo to Negotiate at Pokin , OholoraMtioh More Widespread Although Loss Violent , The Other Countries of Europe Jealous of England , They Encourage the French Be" cause It Irritates the British , Tlio True litwnrilncsH of " ' H-AiMiouitiuunt ns Commander 01 tlio Klutrtoiiiu llullof. The AVar In Clilnn. LONDON , August : iO. The Tall MnllUnzotte says : There Is not ihe Klightet.1 foundation for tin ) report that Ch nit \viilics to cnmatoati luircomvnt with I'rancc. The Chlnpso con- aider the Foo'Clioo atfair nsnn act of trencho'V on the pnrtof Conrbet , win took tlio ad- v.mtijo ; accorded war ships to enter Chinese port" . The barbarity of continuing tlio fiio for hours after the Chlnpso vessel ) closed Is the cmiso of intense excitement against the Kuropeatis. The French naval divic ions of China and Tominin will henceforth form only ono squadroii. The Nationalist states that Ad miral Conrbot Las full power to opsralongaiiKt China. The I'niversD ' has n special from Hong Kong which saya : "French missionarloi have been nlUclally expelled how. Tlio Chinese snnpresspd the uprising which menaced the Christians. " PARIS , August 30. Gen. Millet asks to bo relieved from the command of the I'Voneh iorcei m ionquln , on thoBround of ill-boaltn. lli.i govf rnnient lins consumed , and Conorul Hrlerro do Lwlo will succeed mm. SIIAXOHAIAugust 30. All the French hayo lelt ; Canton. It is now a artod that Admiral Lourbot lias left the Min river with the lutmlion of going to Canton , The Chi- neeo military cumnundern everywhere re ceived nnjierial orders to attack all I'Vcnch ' war ships and merchant M-asula which at tempt to enter loading treaty ports. Those in port now are ordered to depart immediate- y. lelogrjins for the Chineea 'Rorarnuicnt lilies are not accepted unless written in Kn- 1.0XKON , Aug. 31. Ferry , replying to the note eciit him l > y Granville since the bombard- nitnluiJioo Chow , renewed his assurance that I'ninco ' desir-H to limit her operations in the 0.11-t t. ) that of the iluet. It ij reported that 1-crry has instructed 1'atornotre , Iho I1 rench n.inistor to China , to resume nego- tiitioiw ur l'ekin , pending the result of which Ouitrbet will romuiti nt uncliJingii nil the I lo of latson. Should 1'atarnotro i. ill to obtain a resumption' negotiations , Conrbot is left with absjlnto freedom to net as ho considers ciieunmanci-H-wurraul. In the latter cano it is expected that Courbet will nttaclc C.mtnr. The coiiHiialr body at ShangJiai. through the I'roncli ' consul , have been usiur-,1 : that Suaug- hui will not bo attacked. . KONO , August 31. A rrcnchvar ship h.ij arrived to protect tha merchant mar ine. CAXTO.V , Anjmst 31. The Kronch custom ollicerj have left the city. The Viceroy fears mi attack will bo made upon the llogne forts. An official iowml h olforoil for thn heads of Frenchmen. f1'- I'AHIS , Augiint fl. ; Lo Tenuw , Shanghai eoiret-pondent suys it is rnmoreii that China lias declared war agaiuat 1'rnuco , and notilied .lupan. i Till : CHOI.KIIA IIIX'OOI ) . : , August 30. Seven deaths From cholera here last night and ono at Tou lon , The weather is cold. ( KSIVA : , August 'W. Tlio sanitary commit tee pruiionnces the condition of the city oatia- iiulnry. PAKIS , August III. Two deaths from chol- r.i ut Tonlou sineu last night. During t won- tyfomIIOUM ended at 8:10 : tonight , niiio lea'.hs from cholera at .Marseilles. In south- rii cleparlmunti of I'Vanco dining twenty four inurs ended to-nigh ! , deatln iroua cholera are 23. JIO.MI : , Aug. . ' ! ! . Iii'tho vaiioun provinces > f itnly choloin buIlcthiK for the : M hours uded In-night showed liO new cases and 31 Icnth * at huspoime. There were 33 froeh cases and 17 deaths. Tin : < ; OHI > ON' : : . LONDON. Augmt 30.Cerlnln particnlnrs with rofcicnco t , the rulief expedition tip the Nile liiivij been finally arrangnl. The foiea wliicli ill procee.1 south to ABIOIIII will bo c ; mpovd Of 8,0111) ) JJritish troops ; U.fiCO Ivgvp- Hans and a flotilla of 1 0 river boats. 'J'lio Ionia will ba mannc'l bylui ) Canadijiia , HOi ) Ivrooinon and iibont 2,000 Kyptinu nnd Nil- linn boatmen. The unHt of the campaign if xtiir.atod at W.fiO ( ,000. It | | H ieport ] that Couerul l.oidVoolnloy , before accepting the chief command of thu expedition , in itcil ipon being grunted oyto blanclio ns to tha stiungth and eipiipnientH of thu foiue. The otal nnmbtrol Diitish troojM in Knnland at , hu present timeis 10,11'H , m whom 701 nro on the ick lint. When all the yeinfoicements lestined for Kgynt roack there the total number will bo Jf.,000. The xuct coiiiini | < ltion < if the force which will take nut In the expedition to KIinHoum will not ileclded upon until ( ioneral'Wolhley ' roach- OH Mgypt Uennral orders Imvo already been fivL-n , however , to tliminuto from the trnojis nil men wln o phy iinio rcndc-M it unlikely lut they uoiild bo nnulilo to' nndorgn the irivitu'tiiH to which the uxpodition will no lotibt bu iixpiwoil. Hoveral .Hpeelai currei- londeiiti leave I.oiidon for lty/it | tonight. A MI'iciAI. : HUSSION DKjrANDKI ) . I'AHIH , Aunmt 30.At n meeting of the xtii'ino lofl. today it was decided t ) present a iiolcKt to President ( liovy aifulmt the mm- iinvocation of the chamberH tj.meut in pj- ial session ut thin juncture of nlfairu. ACIIIIW' roi.i.owKiw ( ! 4i > Tuinn : , LIMA , via ( iiilvcHton , Align * , 81. Over fix . imidio-i of C.iceriu' followerii have been fip- nred to date. Among the jijisoneri are sov- nty L-hiufn unil ollicers. A ijooruo h.m been > < Niieil that all nruiH and inanitions of 'far bhall bu given up to the government , under icnalty uf a linn at the disurotldu < if the nn- ih'jiitic.tho cutiio unioimtbf the ( in 1 1 < ; otn the informer It U Rl d decreed that nnyper son who imy ha\e n ( .icerj-t In hi ling , hliti or othenvito , shall give notice of ( act t < > MIC nnthoritlns. lVr. on who h.ivc been or- deted to quit the country are ghen three day to comply A fur her drTOO U that all ) 'r- miiHwhn appoir In pntilia neo'ings bearing nrnn , without leave of the guvernmi-nt , flnll be trnnted ns MontPtiTot nnd punished accor iling t > the military laws. I'KIIMKCITKI ) , IK\\S , ST. I'irri'iisiiriKi , Augmt SO Tiicic lin been nnothor oiitbrotk ngalint .lows nt Du- brouiUa , near Keene , inVe.itoiu 15ui lu. An nnti-Soinctic mob pillapod twelve shops n d twenty hou es. Many .lows woie wound ed during the riot and one woman killed , The piliee and clergy weiv powerleiH to qiu'll the distutbaiico. MADAOASCAN XATTKH" . LONDON , August 30 The Time * gi\r n re view of the recent blue books relating to Mud iiRnicnu nnd pays : "Thov nro a uoncln l e disproof ef the cbnrge.i of savngery mid elo- inentnry barbarism wrought against ii by the I'rcnch. , ' ItOAlllNil VOll WAIt. 1'Altls , Aueiiit 31 , Mia delegates of tin nxtremo left v.ill have un nndienoo with ( Sivvj to-morrow nnd demand that ho convoke thu Chambrr.'i to deul.irn war iigalnst C'hinn. Should Urcvy refuse to ncccdo the left wil' appeal to the country. Predicament , Special Dispatch to TUB HKK. LONDON , August 31. The final reluctant -lecision to send Lord Woltolay to the Soudan country seems to have completely changed the fiu'o of the Kgyptlnn situation. Months ngo Bonding him wns talked of nud partially 10 solved on , but it Is said lhat Gladstone fnun sending him because Wolsoley Is too thorough kind of a man nnd does not under stand war conducted on Midlothian princi ples. MinNtfiul foolishness , however , bo middled nlfiiirs by throwing up the Smikini lierbor route nnd plant , md launching violently into the Nile project , though strongly protested against , that ilm only way lo cut tbo Gordlnn knot was to cut it witn Wolsoley's sword. His n.iiil that the General refiiBed point blank to accept the com- mnml until given f-ir more independent ac'lon than ongitally , and eai to blanchinthemattir ofexenseH. | Much four is expressed Unit Wolseley under estimates the tiprils and dif- ficultii'i of his uiidoiLiking. 'Ihero is general mlh-f in his taking hold of matteiH nnd conlidnnco in his ability l'i mend Ihem There is no doint whatever of the si-rlnus nature of Kngland'H predicament in Kuroponn politics KPiUleman just returned from liurliu and nn intimate friend of Hatefelt , Dr. Itil-ch mid others who understand mutton ! from Iho in side , says thu feeling in ollicial circles there is Intonacly bitter ng.itnst Kngland. Slurp criticisms in London pipers on Kronen opfr.i- tioiifc in Chlii'i Und no echofselsewhere in Ku- rope. Tlio cue nt nil rnpitals BSOIUS to be ' 'egg on Iho French" in order lo dispute Kit- gland's colonial policy , nnd the Trench , under the stimulus or llaltoryaro willing lo c. rry Iho P'ut of the nggreesion to its utmost limits. Thi-ro is Hiiiiill doubt that the lierliu cabal Jif which I'Vinco is now a part is hoi -ing the ( piestion of Alex , uin'rlaii ' indcmnitie-H over Kin-lands head ready to make new trouble for her wherovei tbo state of Kgyptian complicaliiiiiH neem ap- porlnne. German papois which usually speak by card , are full of slimier threats thut Kngland has too long played a Ijrgar part in the world'n affairs tlmnfsho Is entitled to play and that the time hss come ti cut her down until eho gets in tin place that bcnclitn her real impottancc. The position of Russia ii this pl n is mysteriously uncortvn as iho nn ; porn in Huiulu speak through muzzlCD. Tin French however , expect Unit ItussiniiH wlj' march Into tin Chi'iem territory on , the Si berian' bonier. Humor of Eiich action have already leicbed London. Tlio Cholera fii Franco run ! Il.ily. Special Dispatch to Tin : HICK. NKW Youii , August ill , A Times'London cablegram saya that cholera is still spreading in the 1'yinepso villages , but elsewhere In Franco it abated in violence Bomowhat. The total nuiiibi'r ol deaths lo dale is II7I ! > . 'flirt-J now departments--Aveipiron. ono of the most mountainous districts in France , Arie e , also voiy mountainous , nnd Tarn , well known for its forests have reported deaths dining the week , while the disease seems to have died nut in Gard and HautCK , Alpos , In the department of Iho I'yniccH during the week there has been an awful spread of disease , The lust previous report named lificun villages which liud been vis ited , now there m-ci Unity , and there is a daily incre.ixc. Iteports come Hint llierti have been great rnviigi-s In the department of Droinu , but only forty-two deaths have benn liicnmstntitlally reported from I Ironic. In loiiclies-dii-Hlione ! , iu which lie Marseilles - seillos nml Aries , therohavo been ono hnndied deaths during the week. A nrip of Iho infect ed country drawn np a week ngo would bu nee- less now because of the vanlsub.'eqnontKpiead aiming tlio vill.igOH in various ilepartmunts. There have been about l-r > deaths in Corsiu.'i , and Homo 80 pnrNons nioiii the insane n < y- him at Aix. In It'ily thu situation is nlarm- iug , and made dinibly tu by the brutal igimr- ance of 'iho'pojsanlry , wlm stnno the diKtorn In Ihe streets and lefime In go to hnspltds. It seems probable that the dlscaio will mnku ter rible havoc In Italy befoie tbo year chides , ItlHn Up ! Vo HritoiiH , Special Dispatch to TUB ! ! IK. : CIIII'AIIO , August 30 A cablegram from Londnn KajKi Tin ) hatred of 1 jigluml which IK always la tent in Franco , liu ; now bncoino rampant , and every movement on the pint of the Kngliidi government furniehos a text for a tirade In I'lirlo iiapcu ? All preparation for Iho nnlmnn expedition in Kgypt are In thu minds of ihci French editorial writers , only added proufu of the provcibinl perlldy < if Albion , They pay Gladstone only waited until tlio lorinlnallon of Die Kgypllan c'nifcrciiccu and the silliii/ / ; of parliament lo put in operation a pUu ho had long contemplaled , nnd which means nojes.s lliuii absorption by Kiigland not only of the fertile Soudan , but of ail I'.gypt ' , Tlio must sumrilioim article that yet upponied in publinhol In Li : Kninco , a paper that him itn ciiciiLttlim entirely amour lepiiblieniK , and ft Is Hiippo ed rellecU In Hume dcgieo thu views of 1'irniduiit ( irovy , Tliis article calls the ipioon uf ICiixluuil an old .Ir'.vesj , and apologj/eH tu tbo Jlnbriiws for term. It Nays bhu U nlimmt con tinually drunk on I'lii or charry nrundy mid tlmt her indispiidtluiH , which , nrodescrlbod in carolully chosen plirasw , nro j only thu rcsnll of a vulgar old woman's over- > indnlgenciM- The artlclo then passeu to n 1 : .i..n. . . . ( ( | the ehnracter of the 1'iincoof Wnles nnd nays if ho should over succnnd l < the thronn il will only bo n nhingn of evil.s foi llio KnelMi people , lor , If ( Jueou Victoria Is n snlli'h glutton , It is also notorious that tin 1'rince Albert I'dwnrd Ian srtlli h coward , I.OW. Mauler ol' nit Iowa Clilcf by Tw Special to the lino. ATIMIISON , Ks. , August HI. The partic ular * of the immlor of the I own chief Kohin Wion Iho reservation in Itrown county Imvo just been received. It npniun lliixt Konhiway tolltltcd Boinoof the Miimoftota Winncbirjim to coino nnd live on the Iowa reservation , promising to secure for Ihem nn allotment ol liinil and nmmiUt'i there , Two camps of Wltiuoliagos enine , lint did not m-cure tlielr promised fnims , mid luinl feelings resulted. n the evening of the day the low s reeeivct ] iheir last payment , a nmnhrr of InilUns hat ! eollncted nt the wigwam ef Frank Oupcnwlui , Ismariiodto n daughter of South Wind , ti Winnobago. Koshlngway nud Houtl Wind uoro 1 rwout nnd fifiht occurred , 'i'lio whole crowd weni dtnnk. In the nielci Ko-hiwrtV wan stabbed in the Imck by South- Wind , nnd Oupeo'Hwife , the woman it Is said striking the first blow. Dupto wns lying on the tloor dead drunk. The wigwam stood so\or.d hundred from the Nonmhn river. South Wind and PupeoV wlfocarrled the body and tluow it Into the river. Tlio perpetrator * are i > ow in en-tody at 1'idls Cliy , J > eb. , nnd will bo tiluil for the crime nt nn early day. The Indian * on the reservation ntogro.Uly o\- eitotl over the murder , nnd would Imvo made -luirt work of tlio murderers if the authorities had not removed tlioin. Men to InvcHliniito I'or TIlCIIIHOlVCH. Ni\v : YOIIK , August 30.A conference lie tween the olllcers of the American Agricultu ral nssociallon nnd Iho International Dairy and Fair nssociatlon nnd lending cittle breed ers of the country was hold here to-day to con sider moans to bo taken to nllay the alarm beIng - Ing created by sensational repot IR on the mib jectof plctmvpneumonln among catlle. An ddroRB was adopted , which cays : ' 'When wo consider the great harm done and little good accomplished by Hpr adimr these Honsalioual reports , except as indicated in behalf of men who hold ct < i tain oll'icos , wo are irresistibly led ton grave suspicion of Iholr good faith. Fear ing this Uureau of Animal Industry may do the ciiltlo industry of the country great and iriepaniblo harm , a thorough investigation Khould bo made by the American Agricultural nssocintion , nnd do nil in their power to ferret this Btibjecl to the bottom. KIlnlHterlul Hluj-jtliif ; ] Miitci. Special Dispatch to TJIK Ui.K. AnioitA , Nub. , August :10. : Our unusually ipiiet little city waa Ufirown lii.-i n terrible ex citement by lv.W. . H. Tibbitts , M. K mm * islor of this plaep , ami Itov. Langston , ChriH' llali minister , getting Into nn nllero.ilion in Iho Aurora moat mntKot , of which the reverend - end gontemon ! uro partner * and proprietors , which ended in TibbltU giving Langston m everlastlnit Hogging. City Afnrslml .1. llurch el immediately served out warrants and nr rested Tibbltts , who walked up and paid hla finr , while LaiU'stnn sldnpcd linmo. j ist gut- sid'j.lho corporntliui , nnii'tlnvniarohal ' mildly waiting for him to Hiii.'lc liii- nose in over the lino. I'oul , O. , Aug. 31. liittj last , night the last iiuino wjseoenrcil t. > the ngrnoinonl which ro-oj-tablishrn th.i whisky pool. Under the now ngrci'iiii'iil , which goon in I'lTect to morrow , and IM to lie in force one jear , diu- tillcrn nro not liermitted to go bejund forty per cent , of their c.ip.-icity. lloni-os not nm- ning sell their capacity to the pool at iv stipu lated piico , No miMiibor is pprniitted to buy iiMi.thomcnpacity. The running cnpacity of the pool | IM : been Healed down fiom fifty LlionfiUid to tldrty-fevoii thousand bushels. The election of olHrern will bo attended to it a mectlnif to bo called noon. I < nul Iloacj'ioVaiitN to Coino Ilnck. Spncial dijpntch to Tin : Uiii : . Nuw YOIIK , August HI. The Timei' All a ry iqiurial ! > < : "J'ho friends of Conklilig are vorkiug ipiietly in Liu inti'iest for ; i in he United Stnti's Ounvlcli il 01 'Miiid'T. ' I'KOIIIA , AllKllitill III till' CUM ilgUIIIHl J'mtr M. liinil uid Mary 1-J. I.aunoii , on ria' ' at Ijrjwinto\vn lor nmrderof , rno. Ijiiwson n M.iv liint , the jury this afUirnoon rundured i vi'iiii'l of | 'iuliy ami put the piiniuhmcnt at runilLM-n yeaiH in llni pcidtentiary. All DREW ! piri.f5f3e-l-/---"l3 : ! / ' " Q > Mm PURS7 CWKAnfl YJ'AtSTAR. ' t in'irn l' imvliin.i | : > is > rscull bo ( omul i A.clr i'V j' ivarl JmUinK J'ow U-r. I | > s- . Zi ' ' ( - ' ( ! ; < llillilli1-tliiniiIal9 .i , i n i , nl I'ui.i " " ! , " 'ivioiyiso > , . - - . ; , , , Hays , llo . on : .M. jrl""iiiumif , rti'l'litc-it'ii , ii'iu tiUituviW ii ! l SUNDAY AMUSEMENTS , The SlriKiiiE Miners in Ohio m Ibo Gnards at tljj Miocs , & After Mtmlorin , r * . Toral They Make Tho\ \ . ape , Fears That the Mirill Have to bo Oallotl * - . - Now York Excursionists Murder a Bar-Keeper Booauso Ho Wouldn't ' Lot a Man Steal a Sandwich * Capture ofn Hunk Ilollcr lit Sllnno- HOtn ll < illicry t n 1'ost- nllluo Ktc. A Hint In tlio Ilnokliifi Vnlloy. Coi.UMlil'H , Aug. 31 , Reports eomo from the Hocking volley that the miners nt Snake Hollow mailo nn attack on the guards at two ( 'clock this morning and that one gu.iril wns killed nnd two wounded ; also that there won ; 3000 minetH in number , who made nn attack , having come in fnun the surrounding country. The telegraph lines ara all cut. L.vmt. Shorllf McCarthy , of Athens county , sends the following t > Governor Hondly from Huchtel , which is in the neigh borhood w hero the riot occurred last night : "Shooting commenced by rlotern about two this morning nnd continued about nn hour. About seven hundred HhoU were tired. Ono irunril WBH B'lot dead nml two wounded. " The Columbus guimla rotunioil lira but can not H.iy whether nny porcouvas killed or wounded. rV Nolsonvlllo Hpeciil says : At throe n m. the guards on duty nt No. 7 mine were sud denly Rtirronndcd by a lot of armrd men. In tha meantime the coal hopporx were discover ed on lire , The men had their faces blacked. The telegraph wiraa were cut in noveral places through iho valley. A Btato Journal renro- fcent.itivo was fiirrounded nnd ordered to leave town or sulfur the a innpcpioncea. COI.UMIIUH , Ohio , August 31. The namoof the man killed ihirmg the firing nt Snakollol- low Is Wllli.mi Hare , an elderly man , nnd n guard residing at Logan , .lucob Life , nleo of Logan , was sliot in tha leg , nnd anothorgnard in the hoad. Tim striking minorH nro concentrating to night at Murray City , nud the deputy Blierilf in charge there has aslted the shcrdf for aid. It in thought that the troops will bo called out bcforj morning. At all other points in the v lloy overythiiiR U reported tpiiet. Murray City is about riti inilns from Kuake Hollow , nml not so well giuiriYwl. COI.UMIIUS , Augast 31.1lio rioters nro firing on the RiiimU nt Sand Ulvcr unit I ong- Btrrth mines am ] _ both p'acus ' have called for help nnd the militia nt Now Lexington have bcnn ordered lo bo in rctvlinesi fcr mnrching orders. Owing to the cutihig of wirm partic ulars nro obtnlnod wilh dilliculty. Governor : IudlA | ) telegraphed the ahcrlfns of Athens , Hocking and Berry counties : "All means in your c ntriil phdiild bo exhausted to suppress riotous proceedings and protect life and propei ty before the aid of the aid of the ntutti U railed for. " Coi.t'UiiUH , Aug. 31 , Thoshorilf of Hock ing ciiiinl.v has just Kent n telegram asking for troops , 'i'lio governor airivod at midnight mid the Columbus batnlUon of tlio sixth regi ment has boon called tu hcadqnartcrx and will k'avo on a special train for the mining Ilstrict as Hinin iw the train can bo secured. Jontimieil firing is reported at Longstroth md eommunicatlnn by telegraph with that luint has been cut elf for Iho past hour. How A Sandwich CixuseU A Murder. , Nuw YOIIK , Augusts ] . The KmpirrSLnun- try association Btarted thin morning from the oot of West Klovcnth Htrcet on the barge Jnion for Linden Grovu near lilm 1'nrlc , Hta- , jn laland. On the tiii | onsof thooxcursionistH | n'.lonipted to steal sandwiuhesjfrom the bar , when the bnikoopi'r struck him with n club. I'ho crowd then pounced upon the barkeeper , beating him t'j death with glasses , plates , iiitchors and whatever else they could lay liunds on. The bark was brought lo n Htaml- ntill , and the captain scut a man nshoro In notify thoStatim Island jiolicoof the murder. The police , however , took no action and the barge returned to Now York. After killing the barkeeper , the party putted Iho bar and it waH reported by n man who came nehoro tlmt the lower part of the baigo looked like a ( daughter pen , an nil were fighting terribly. LATKII. .lolm I'ohan has boun arrested rs thnmii'-du-erof ICosli. Many of the Jniin- drymun nro Bnid to have learned their bunt nets "doing time'1 in Htatcs piison. Tlioy Will Stoitl Xo More. ST. LOOIH , August [ 31 , WhileJ Hhorilf and posse were nllumpting ti arrest thleveu near - * Co'.tcrvllle , Mo. , last nigkt they were find J upon by two thievcH. The HhorilTsti > 3rty re turned llri , killed ono thief and the other es caped , The mon were atrnngera in id had been through the greater part of the country with a two horne wagon and had robbed quilo n number of farmers. Considerable btolen jiroperly was found in their wagon. Hnnlc llollors Captured. ST. 1'AUI , , Auiii8t 30 ThiH afternoon tl do- toctlvo returned from Monica , Wic. , live miles from L'oltcan lake , with JMward Ma on nnd Charlen Park , the two young men who on Sat- inday last gobbed 1'oEt'n hank of 10,000 In money , which wna nil rccoveied , except # 160. I'OHtollico llnrslnrlzcd. KANHAH City , August 30. A Times Km- porlu , KM. , npuclal h.iyu that the Hafa of the Kinporia postollico was blown open about .H o'clock thiH morning. The burglars secured one thimsand dolhuH in stamps , a enioll sum in cash ind a Inrgo number ot rogieterod let ters , value iiukiKiuii. Thcro is no cine to the robber'1. Orrtnrod in COAI , CI.VTIIV : , ! ' . , Aug. 31. To.morrow the sherilf will read the riot act lo the utrikiny iniuerrt and order Iheni to break camp and re turn to their homcH. If they are not disposed to obey they inuttnuiTur Ihe coiiEequencos. V \ . , v.Vv \7 >