Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1884, Page 4, Image 4

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Omatm Oflloo , No. Clio Furnani Be.
Council DlulTd Orttco , No 7 rear ! S
Btrcct , Near llrotu'may ,
Now York Onit.-o , lloom O Trllmn
Building. _
mblUihod erory ' .rornlnR , except Snnd j Tl
only Monday moruUjg tUlljr ,
On Teir..tlO.OO IThrM Mcnthl . . , . . . $ $ . <
Slillotutis . fi.Oil | Ono Month . I.I
Per Week , ! 5 0 nl .
Taaxa roilTAlD.
O . > Tear . $3.00 I Thrco Itonthl , . . . . . . ! I
ett Months. . 1.00 | Ono Mouth . '
American Now Oompinjr , Sole Aontf , NovrsJou
ett la the United SUtos.
A Coramunloallonfl relating to Nowi and Kdltorli
mitten should bo addtounod to the EDITOR or Til
AH litulnwi Iiottorn tind llemltttncoa ehonU t
Jdrcswxl to Tnn Ilnn rtmuniiinii COMPACT , QUAIL
Prittd , Chocks and 1'ostofflco orders to bo made pa ;
bio to the order ol the company.
E , ROSBWATB.R Ell tor.
A. H. 3'itcli. Mutineer Dally Circulation , I
O. Box , 483 Omaha , Nub.
By the \vny , the Frnncj-Cliincao wa
ought to give n boom to American tea
culture , us introduced n few years ngo b ;
Commissioner LoDuc.
Burlington , denies the report that ncgo
tiations tvoro pending for nn nllianco bo
tvroon the Burlington and Union Pacific
The denial of such nn absurd rumor vrai
utterly unnecessary.
MR. ESTELLG , the republican candi
date for district attorney , has boon intro.
duced to Dr. Miller through the kindnosc
of Frank Walters. Mr. Estollo would
do well to got some ether man to do the
introduction act for him. With Dr. Miller -
lor it might do , but it won't go dovrn
with others.
JEFP DATIS , whom a too lenient gov
ernment permitted in its mistaken mercy
to rutain the breath of lifo , continues to
make himself offensive to the loyal men
of the country. In a recent latter to the
confederate soldiers' reunion of Monroe
county , Georgia , ho refers to the pon.
aioning of union soldiers as "a discrimi
nation , " and "offensive favoritism. "
IN 1880 Garfield received 4,441,233
votes , Hancock 4,443,325 , nnd Weaver
314,324. It will bo noon , therefore , that
ho was not the popular choice , but under
the electoral system ho was the choice
of the loyal states of the union. Ho re
ceived 214 electoral votes , while linn-
cock received only 155. The electoral
.system is perhaps after nil the safest for
best interests of the country in ita pres
ent political condition.
TUB war upon the Mother Hubbard
dresa , which was inaugurated by the city
marshal of Omaha , has extended to
other cities , as will bo soon by the fol
lowing extract from the Chicago JVciua
The chief of police at Mattoon has for-
uiffdon the wearing of Mother Hubbard
dresses by the females of that place. If
this official will let the question of female
apparel nlono , and devote his attention
to the discovery of somp of the numerous
murderers of that locality , ho will confer
a favor upon the inhabitants of . .Coles
county ,
TUB grading of Twenty-second street ,
in front of the high'nohool grounds , has
made it almoat impossible for the children
to roach the high school from
the east side , aa the bank is several foot
high and tnoro are no stops. School
opens next week and the board of [ educa
tion should immediately provide for
Dome approach to the grounds. A cross
walk should bo laid on each side of Cap
itol avenue across Twentieth street and
stops'should bo laid up the high bank.
Otherwise a largo number of children
will bo compelled to go several blocks
out of their usual rouio to reach the
high school.
aoom to bo aware that the party of Blaine
and Logan have nominated a utato tinkot
at all.- Omaha licrahl.
Perhaps the Doctor wants acopy of the
morning BKI ; , the circulation of which is
three times that of the Omaha Jfcraid.
The evening edition is designed for homo
consumption and family use , while the
morning BKK , which makes political
science a specialty , is manufactured for
ANOTHER Arctic expedition is already
talked of. At the reception given to the
officials of the Grooly expedition by the
Now York Yacht club , Lieutenant Melville -
villo made a speech netting forth the
feasibility | of Bottling for all time the
question of an open arctio BOO , and that ,
too , without loss of life. Ho volunteered
to take command of aucb an expedition ,
the plan of which could bo carried out
for a moderate sum. Cyrus W. Field ,
junior , who was present , offered to defray
hall nf tbo expenses , ou condition that
I the other half would bn contributed by
the other members of tbo yacht club.
The money WAS at once subscribed , and
the probability U that Lieutenant Melville
villo will sail in command of the expedi
tion in tbo fall of 1885. Ho proposes to
obtain two years leave of absence from
the navy , without pay. What good there
it to ba accomplished by any moroarotio ]
expeditions remains to bo soon. But it
eeema to all rational people that wo have
had enough of auchfruitless ventures , du
ring the last few year * , nearly every ono
of them hiving resulted in disaster and
do th. However , as Molvilla'a ospedi
tlonU tobe aprivate enterprise wo uupposo
nobody will object to it. Wo would sug
fiett , however , that the Now York yacht
club provide for o second expedition to
go to the relief of tho' first one. It
would be a good idea to engage Lieut ,
fichwatka , | who baa resignjd from the
* ny , to take command of tin relief ex-
The delay with which Indian nccouw
are sometimes audited is well illustrate
in the case of Willis A. Gorman , wl ;
was territorial governor of Minnosol
from 1853to 1857and by virtue of his o
Gco ho was superintendent of Indian ai
fairs in that territory. The soltlemot
of Governor Gorman' * accounts was nc
completed until hit February , thirt
years after the governor had retire
from ofiice. An apparent shorlngo <
$1,28 ! ) was discovered , and the Unite
States district attorney of Minnesota wn
instructed to bring suit for the recover
of the deficiency. The papers in th
caao have just been returned to the di
partmont of justice with the informatio
that Governor Gorman and all the .iurc
ties on hia bond have boon dead fc
years and their estates distributed. .
somewhat singular case la that of Ilov. J
Bardwoll , who , while a missionnr
among the Choctaw Indians about thirt
years ago , had charge of the distributio
of certain government funds. Ilia ac
counts were finally passed upon n shot
timoago , and a deficiency of a few bun
drod dollars was roportod. It was nee ;
afterwards learned that the rovoron
gentleman and all bis bondsmdn ha
closed up tooir earthly nfFairs man ;
years ago and followed Govono
Gorman and his securities to that rcahi
where government officials cannot ontci
to servo a legal summons upon them
These casoa are somewhat similar to sonu
that were recently brought in the Unitct
States court against citi/ons of Nebraska
who became bondsmen for govornmcnl
officials many years ago. The ofliciala
had long since rotirud from oflico , and
whun suit was brought for shortage ii :
their accounts they were found to be
dead or bankrupt , nud some of thnir sura ,
ties iroro discovord to bo in the snmc
condition. The few solvent bondsmen
had to settle the indobtonoas ,
in spite of their vigorous protests. It
hardly seems fair for the government , un
der such circumstances , to enforce such
claims , which by its own negligence it
lias allowed to lie dormant for so long a
period. If such shortages were discover
ed within a reasonable length of time ,
ind Immediate stops were taken for their
jollectlon , it would save considerable
nonoy , and not work an injustice to any-
tody. When a public ollicial retires
rom ollicuiui immediate noctlomont of all
lis accounts should bo made , and if all
traight ho should bo rcloasod , together
is bondsmen from all further rosponsi
ility. *
TUB retirement of Mr. S. H. H. Clark
'rom the general management of the
Tnion Pacific , which is now officially an-
ouncod , will bo received with universal
egret by bis subordinates and the . om-
loycs of the company. Mr. Clark has
> eon connected with the Union Pacific
ot eighteen years , and during that time
10 has hold noariy every position from
ocal freight agent to general manager
, nd vice president , filling them all accopt-
bly to the company , and at the same
imo maintaining the moat cordial rola-
.ions . with its army of employes.
While this paper has had occasion to
lisapprovo of the policies of the Union
? aciflo railroad , moro especially its po-
Itical bosaism , and may have to do so
igain , wo have always regarded Mr.
Jlark a genial , largo-hearted and enter-
iriaing manager. As a citizen
if Omaha Mr. Clark is deservedly
lopular among all clasaos , and
n the future , as in tbo past , will con-
Inuo to retain the esteem and public
; onfidmico ofthobuslnosscommunity , and
us neighbors and friends. Mr. Clark is
t man of largo moans , with unbounded
sonfldenco in the future of Omaha , and
vo hope that ho will now devote himself
.o the building up of the material inter-
mts of the city , with which ho has boon
dontiGed during the best years of his
nilliant career.
AIITKMUH WAUII'H mother having loft
n her will the aum of SHOO to orcct a
inurnment over the grave of her aon , it
low proposed to second her effort by
limo contributions from all parts of the
jountry. This recalls to mind the fact
Jiat this is not the first time such an
( ffurt has boon made by popular sub-
icription. Several years ngo the
iropoaition was made among the typographical -
graphical fraternity for every printer to
lot up a thousaiidB'omsJof typo and dc-
rote the proceeds to a monument fund.
[ jargoHUins were realized by tliis move
nont , hundreds of men who had for-
norly been type-Betters visiting news-
iapur offices to sot their thousand ems
n memory of ono who had honored the
lalling of a printer. Where tbo money
vent is another question. The talk
ibout the monument died out Ina few
nonths , only to | bo revived again by
his now offortj to raise .rnonsy. Dime
lontributious are called for , and A. K.
Irowno , of 505 D ntreot , Northwest
Vaahington , D. 0. , U announced a
oady to receive any subscriptions tha
nay bo forwarded for the purpose.
IT is generally suppoaud that the pay
nont of a full-faro on a street car en
itles the paisongor to a seat , and aotin ,
ipon thia supposition the St. Loui
rados assembly ii agitatiug the reduo
Ion of street car fares the whole rate tie
o collected of these who have seats , anu
nly half rate from these who are forced
a otand. Such a measure would bo in
Irict accord with the principles ot
ustico. It would
force the street car
ompaniea to'provide ample accommoda-
on , to which the public is entitled ,
lioro are certain hours of the day when
10 street carsr are packed like sardine
ixcg , and under tbo proposed reform
10 street car companies would natuj-
o 10 it that nt such hours extra v
jro provided.
THEIIK are Bomo decencies in journal-
n which oven a rival journal should
obaorvo , if the JicjMibtican can bo callo
a rival of Tin : BEB. The JtrpiiMicnn i
deliberately publishing garbled teat
mony and miastatomonta concornin ;
TJIK BEB'S Oro. It ought certainly t
publish the truth or nothing , especial !
as wo can convict it of falsifying , for w
have a short-hand report of the test
CiiAiir'is A. DANA , when asked t
give his opinion of Grover Cleveland as
presidential candidate , said.
"Tho weak points in Cleveland ar
his ignorance , his dullness and narrow
ness of mind , his inability to deal wit !
questions that require enlarged iutolli
genco , his cotiran poraonol tastes and hal
its , his indifference to the uaagoa of cult
vatcd and refined society , and his bai
record in public life.
Wuv is it that the Blaine and Loga
club continues to make blundorsabout il
ratification meetings ? If it is going t
hold a ratification mooting why docs i
not go about it in a business like waync ]
vortiso it properly , and got up a boom c
enthusiasm ?
The Franco-Chinese war is just 1101
the topic in which all Europe is moo
deeply interested. The situation ii
many reapccts is very critical. The tcdi
ous diplomatic negotiations between tin
two belligerents have boon suddenly
broken by the bombardment of Foi
Chow by the French fleet , and the active
tivo hostilities that have followed. Cliim
has made a formal declaration of war
and according to latest advicoa , a grca
Chinese army has entered Tonquir
to drive out the Frencl
army of occupation. The destruction
of the Chinese naval fleet , anchored in
the neighborhood of Foo-Choo , was , aftoi
all , not a vary serious disaster. This
portion of the navy was made up of light
ilraft gun boats and war vessels , in tended
moro as river craft and revenue cutters.
When the French Hoot attempted to ad-
ranco beyond the outposts , it
nras repulsed and compelled to
all back by the heavy ordnance on the
fortifications/ With the French army in
Ponquin , menaced by superior forces ,
ind the French fleet before Foo-Choo ,
in able tu advance within range of the
; reat forts , the Chinese at present feel
itlo to cope with the Invaders.
The war already ha ? dissipated the
dca that the Chineao are likoshcop.
rhoy fought bravely off Foo-Choo
igainat the heavy French vessels , and
hovvud skill and resolution in repulsing
ho attack upon the forts at the mouth
if the rivor. Were they as well armed
, nd were they as efficiently officered as
ho French their immense numbers would
'ondor ' the isjuo of war very doubtful ,
nit there is no reason to bolicvo
hat they can moot any Aoatorn Power
n anything like equal terms as to drill ,
iaclplino , war material , or knowledge of
rar movements. Upon the sea thoaliair
t Foo-Choo naa already shown their in-
jriority , and there is nut much reason to
xpoct they will succeed any bettor upon
uid , for the bravest men with the moth-
da and armaments of centuries ago can-
lot successfully contend agaiosttho mod-
rn systems of warfare.
Thus far the war between Franco and
! hina has little or no influence upon the
nroign markets , but complications are
ikoly to arise that may transfer the scat
f war from Asia to Europe. The real
langcr lies in any possinlo combinations
'hicn may bo made in Europe , and
hcso now exiHt largely on paper and are
lore dangerous on papar than they are
i roailty. There is , of course ,
Iways the poaaibility that
Jngland and Franco may got by the
ars , but that will not bo while Franco is
ngagod in so many outside schemes ,
bough on the surface there is a cordial-
ty between Germany and Franco which
t its supposed has boon cultivated by
lermany with a view of egging her on
gainst England. There is , however , no
robabillty that Franco will attack
Jngland by herself , however ready she
night bo to do so in combination with
thor powers. Nor is there any likoli-
, oed that Germany will have any serious
rouble with England upon the question
f African colonization.
The question of the Franchise , which
.as convulsed all England for months , is
tearing away to give pluco to another
fhich strikes still deeper at her national
fo what to do with tlio Ilouao of
jurds. _ Conferences have boon called to
oform it , nnd various methods were pro
loaed to accomplish this end : the peers
rero to bo curtailed of their righto , life
icors were to bo created , oto. , otc. But
lutoro the first conference adjourned ,
boliition t f the Upper Ilouao altogether
. as recommended ua tlio only real euro
or the "nuisance , " and was re-
oivod with delight. This , too , was
lot a conference of the rabble or of
grariana , but of the loaders of the
liberal party , and wo find their moat
ndical utterance * received with respect
nd discussed gravely by the foremoat
Sngliah journala of all parties.
Sir Wilfred Lawaon , who in thia
ountry would bo counted aa a politician
nd not a atatoamon and who knows howe
o tune hia pipe to make the people
anee , openly denounces the oouao of
ocrs as a great nuisance which ought to
10 put aa end to by the liberal houao of
ommons refusing to give a
onny to the government until it
ad aboliahed the upper house. Sir Goo ,
lampboll , alao an M. P. , suggested the
riefor method of sending a policeman
lock the doors and toll the peora they
'ore no longer wanted. "To mend it or
5 end itl" is now the liberal party's
The Pall Mall Gatotto prophoaios that
10 whole force of the liberal party will
0 arrayed next session againat the con.
nuance of the horiditary house. The
lembors of this house mu t have been
artled aa by a moral earthquake
f the rapidity with which
lat body baa boon indicted and
it on trial for its Ufa during the last
onth. _ If there bo anything on earth
liich ia more impregnable than thia
reditary power in England , the titled
iglUhman does not know it. Yet , no
oner ia the abolition of the upper
uao propoaod , than Mr. Pioton , mom-
r from Leicester , announces that if tl
abolished , the abolishment of borodi-
y titles and estates muat follow.
3o violent is the threatened attack up.
the legislative power of the peerage ,
1 behind that upon the existence of
ipeprago itself , and so much impor-
ice is given to iho attack by the Con-
vativo party , that a causal observer
uld bo led to infer that rank in Eng-
d would bo short lived and that it was
y doubtful whether the next
would find the little Island a monarchy o
a republic. But wo must remember thn
just such an outbreak against th
house of * ioers has occurred at interval
for the last fifty years. Ten years ng
wo were naaurrcd by English radical * ths
the besom of destruction was already n
work , and as fnr backjas 1835 the aboli
tion of the upper houao was ns gravel
discuaaed as now. "Precedent , Bay
Emerson , ia the god of Englishmen , an
it requires moro than the cloquonco c
many Sir Wilfred Lawsons to shako hit
in his faith ,
An Jtcincinlcrt'l by KIiKr Iltrnn
Elder Hunger of Chicopco Falls , fo
the past 80 years prominent at Methodic
and moro recently at Second Advpn
camp meetings , delivered an intcreslin :
account of his oasly experiences at th
Liberty street grounds yesterday. Thca
facts in connection with some others fui
nlshod by him present a vivid picture o
of the changes from the old time cam ]
mooting to that which opens this woolen
on the Liberty street grounds. E'.do '
Mungor was a good deal taken back o <
the ai/.o of his audience , for ho said tha
as ho was expecting to moot only a fov
campers ho had not brought a hymn
book , n Bible or a text. "I rncall tin
words , 'What went yo out into the wil
dornuaa to soeja reed shaken in the wind ? '
ho said , "and you can hunt up thn toxl
when you got homo. " His lirat camp
mooting was 70 years ago among thi
high Wilbraham hills , where the Motho
distil went "to got away from the devil , '
but in spite of the altitudp and nlmos
impnsaablo roads Satan , in the form o :
law officers , was present and broke u {
the mooting. Over twenty years elapscc
bofnro another such gathering was hole
in Massachusetts. The Connecticut legislature
islaturo then passed a law protecting
"field meetings , " and 57 years ago Eldoi
Mungor wont to Somors , Conn. , to attend
ono. The hardest work was the solectior
of the location. A fine grove was nocos-
lary , and water and good pasturage wore
indispensable. On these Connecticut
grounds twenty-five tents were arranged
n a circle about the preacher's stand ,
.yhich consisted of logs supported by
'our forked sticks. The grounds wore
ightcd at night by four fires of pine knots
> uilt on turf-covered stands , 10 foot from
ho ground , and requiring the constant
ittondanco of four men to keep up the
ires. A candle was kept burning and a
rotchman employed in each tent all
tight. Sometimes half the men in the
amp had to bo on watch all nignt , and
roat trouble often arose from outside
aolcatatiou , but as the years rolled along
owdyism gradually died out. As many
s 50 conversions in a day wcro comment
t these Connecticut mooting * . To the
no held at Bolton mountain 'J5 Chicopee
'alls dooplo went in ono four-horso team
eing 12 hours on the road and sleeping
ndur trees en route , as there was no
imo to put up tents. In. 1833 a law pro-
acting camp-meetings was passed by the
laasachuaotts legislature , and meetings
t oncj began again in the state. Yari-
us improvements were alao introduced
i the camping equipago. Twelve
andlcs But around u hoop at first
uporaodod the torch lights , and oil
glita , seats with backs , board tables and
lass lanterns followed. From 20 to 30
ion were employed at night in keeping
rdor , as outsiders often cut or tore down
lie toutfl and improvements. On one oc-
asion 24 tents were torn down in this
ray and their contents distroyed , aud
Iso the preacher's stand burned , the con-
rogation being driven for shelter to a
arn a milo away. Moro grace was nee-
asary to attendants of camp.meetings in
lioso days than now , and for some years
fie Methodists continued their policy of
on-rosistanco , but finally roused by the
omark of an old proaohor that the church
'bolioves ' in backsliding , " the stronger
ion of the congregation raided their
ttackors and captured twenty or moro
Many of the old Mothodiats still re-
lembor the meetings at Wcstfiold and
lotchea Mills , where fifty pounds of gun
owdor w ore scattered through the camp
) blow it up , but owing to n timely
lower the fuse was wet and aa Elder
[ ungor says , "tho devil failed In his ob-
ict. " Next day , however , tha preachers
and was stoned , and the young man
ion preaching was so badly scnrod that
3 jumped ever the breast-work thnt sur-
landed the stand and would not return ,
ov , Mr. Hastings of Blandford took the
lace of the runaway preacher and for
lying , "Stono mo , you Sodomites , " relived -
lived second volley of atones. A aor-
u was then made , which drove off the
iiigha , and the preachers were not again
turruptod that day. As this rowdyism
as encouraged by ether sects , the
ounda were chosen aa fur OH posalblo
om nhurches or highroads , where it
as almoat impossible to procure the
mmonest comforts of lifo.
But thorp was great power in thoao old
.mp-nioutinga . bucauso there was great
orilico for God. And onn roaeon why
0 do not sea such exhibitions of God's
jwor now is because wo got iilong ao oaa-
, ' . Elder Mungor related several inci-
nits that had como under his own ob-
irvatioii of apparently Immediate con-
iraiona at theao "field meetings. " In
10 caao a gambler , who went to Hartford
ith n party of his kind for the express
arppso of throwing derision upon the
eoting , came under the influence of the
reaching and was so powerfully impress-
1 with hia sinful condition that ho spent
! hours in crying out to God and bo-
oaning his condition. In another in-
anco the conversion of ono woman led
' the restoration of a largo quantity of
oolon yarn stolen by her and othora
om a null. About 183i ) ho was
ken tick from the hardships of
rap-mooting , having to work night and
iy for a great part of the time , and after
10 gathering at Polham ho withdrew
om the committee and othora followed
10 presiding older aaid if ho would aorvo
lothor year ho might aelect the place of
opting. Elder Munaon located it at
licopoo Falls to the great surprise of all
o preachers who wanted him to change
it they auffor greatly from rowdies ,
ley also thought the nearness to the
> aton and Springfield road would st-
ict a largo number of undesirable char-
tora to their grounda. In reply Elder
unson said ho got the grounds of the
rom keeper , who was a deputy sheriff ,
d had agreed to give hia services and
3ao of all men necessary to keep order
return for what rum thoy'could drink.
0 elder became roaponsiblofor the good
ler aud aifoty of the camp ,
1 to make matters double auro ,
hired Lawyer Chapman nnd High
unff Ilico for $5 each per day and
ird and their
mooting that year was
i most peaceable known np to that
io. The mooting continued over tlio
) bath for the firat time in the history I
luoh gatherings. The 570 laid out
good order tvas considered well spent
after that ho always located the
itinga near tha jfniain roads. Elder
gtT exiduJxt : "J am uoir old in
the canao having attended over 200 ati
had charge of over ono hundred cami
meetings. 1 never expected to eco pul
lie opinion BO changed. What nin inn
do ia to obey Oed , nnd they nro moro n\ \
to do that in the wilderness than olei
wlioro. 1 cast the seventh abolition vol
in Springfield , and I have lived to ac
great changes for the better. "
Two NCKWIOB ClmrgprtVlfh Hat ;
Upon a KI-Ycnr-ultl Colorcil
yesterday ITclon Kemp , n colorc
lady , appeared in police court , nnd awoi
out a warrant for the arrest of two ni
grocs , olio Talbot , first nnmo unknowi
nncl Klcgant , last name unknown. Tl ;
complaint upon which the warrant wn
issued charges the defendants with rap
upon the person of the aixtoon-ycar-ol
daughter of plaintiff.
The story told by the woman ia as fo
lows : The man Talbot , who is aboi ;
forty years of ago , has been to her lions
on Jackson street a number of times , n
she regarded him n a straightforwar
man. Ho had oftentakon _ her druigluc
Lizzio out for a walk in tho'evening , am
had always returned by 0:30. :
Last Monday night Talbot called an
asked if Lizzie could go out for n wal
and her mother eaid yes. At 11 o'cloc
Lizzio had not returned and Mm. Knm
arose from her bed and traveled th
streets the remainder of the night aiv
looked for her daughter. Shortly afto
daylight eho was found and taken home
She said that Talbot had taken her to
room on the corner of Fourteenth am
Farnam streets and after being admittci
by the man Elegant th
door was locked and she was forced t
submit to his lust. She saya that shi
was repeatedly outraged and was kep
there until , " o'clock in the morningwhoi
she was turned out into the street. Shi
wandered about aimlessly until daylight
when aho was found and taken homo.
She is quite badly hurt , and it is eaic
that she is now suffering severely. Thi
men charged with the crime will bo ar
rested and fully prosecuted.
infantile B/ocd Purifiers and Skin
Beautifiers. '
i Positive Cure for Every form of
Skin and Blood Diseases , from
Pimplca lo Scrofula.
rNFANTIti : and Illrth Humora , Milk Ciust , Scallod
Ulead , FczcmAs , mid c\crj form of Itching , SraU ,
'imply. ' Hcroluloua nnd Inherited Dlsowte of the
Hood , tikln and Scilpitli loss of Hair , from In-
uicy to Agocured by the Cuticurn Kesolvrnt , the
civ blood purlller. Internally , and Cuttcura aid Cn-
liura Soap , the ( trcit iikiii cures cxteriially. Abso-
atuly jmro and eafe , and may bo > iscd from the mo-
icut of birth.
Mr. and Mrs. E\crctt Stobblns , Bclchcrtovvn.Mass
.rite : Our littloboy was terribly alllicted with Scrof
.la , Salt Ulicum , and KoKlpclas over Blnco he
ins born , and nothing wo could g\e ( him helped him
intll no tried Cuticiira lletnctMts , which graduilly
ured him , until ho Is now as fair any child.
J. S. Wcel.s , Csq , Town Treasurer , St. Albans , Vt
js In a letter dated March 23 : "It work to n charm
n my baby's f ce and head. Cured the head untlre-
, - , nnd ban nearly cleaned the face of 8 rca. I ha\o , and Dr. Plant has order-
d It for them , "
Charlcj Eajro Hlnklo , Jersey City llolhts ( , N. J.
rlto"Myson : , a laJ of tnche jcars , a com
uetely cured of a terrible case of Kczema by the
ticura Himtdlcs. From the top of his head to the
) lcs of lib loot was ono inasj of ecabj. " Every other
iinedy and ] lijsiciins liad been trlul In > aln.
maclatcd children , with pimply , ( allow sklo , the
utlcura llcuiediei will pro\e a perfect blesuinp ,
caring the blood and skin ol Inherited impurities
id expelling the perms of scrofula , rheumatism ,
> nsumptlou and eooro ukiu dlseasoj.
Sold every where. Price : Cuttcura , 60 cents
csol\entl. Soap , 25 cents. Poma Daoo AND
Semi for "How tn Cute Skin Dlseosps.
JT2 V Usa Cutlcura Soap , an exquisitely per.
° * fumed Sklu Boiutiller , and Tolltt , bath
id Nursery Sanative.
, W Cor , Farnam and 12th Sts ,
iapital , $100,000.00
. W. HAMILTON , Pros't.
8. fj. CAC.DVVELL , V. Proo't.
M. T. BARLOW. CaohlOf.
S. OAiawEiL , B. F. SMITH ,
Accounts soltcltoH and Uopt OLIJ )
ict to sight chock.
ortlflcnloo of Dopoult IHBUOC ] pay
3loln3 6 and 12 months , bearing
itorost , or on tlomand without In
Advances madoto customoraor
pprovodsocurltloant market rate
The Interests of Customers art
oooly guarded and every faclllt\
impntlblo with principles ot
> und banking freely extended.
D aw sight drafts on EnglandIro
ind , Scotland , and all partaofEu
Koil European Pasaa o Tickets
the oM rt nd 1417 rn m itre t. Orderi b
tph Bollolted and promptlr attented to
italic Cases , Coffins , Caskets , Shronils. .
ETC. , ETC. ,
00 Farnam St. , . OMAHA , MSB
ctdcr promptly attended to. Telephon
111 North 10th Street Uiua&a
' '
ta.Tlcket only $5 , Sharon In Proportion !
Lonisiana State t.iui
terUfi/ nat tie tuuervttt the i
annntntl for atl thr ilonthlf and Scni-Anni
Diattmji tf tke Louitiana State Lotttni Cdmt at
end inpertoH ininaye and control tht tlraaii
thtmechti , and that the lame art conducted HI
honesty , fairnets. and t'n good faith toward alt Vt
JIM , < ud i atitterite tke eotnftin > / to uie thit .
tifltate , uith/ac-s\mUrt of cur tignaturu Attati ,
< n < ; i "
Inoorporatod In 18 3 lor IS yours by the Inzioktt
Mr ednoatlnnal and charitable purposM with a w
Ual of $1 .000,000 to which o roKrra fund of 07
$550,000 baa sluco been added.
By an ovorwholmlntc popuhr vote Its franehl
WM uiado a part of the present etata eoDdltaU
adopted December ! d. A. b. U7D.
The only Lottery ever voted on nnd
dorsod by tlio people of any Stato.i
Its grand alnglo number drawlngo tal
place montlily.
A splendid opportunity to win a Tort-tin
Ninth Grniul Drawing Class I , In the Aca
omy of Music , New Orleans. Tuesday , Son
Oth , 1881171d ! Monthly drawing
CAPITAL PRIZE , 575,000.
100,000 Tickets nt Five Dollars Each. Fra
tloiis , in Fifths In proportion.
1 CAPITA ! , PIUZK . _ . . . . 57sj ,
} "J ° do . MB
1 do do . , . 100
S PJUZKS OF $0000 . Js'a
8 do 2COO . jo.'oi
ID 1000 . 10,01
100 . 0,01
BOO do lee . 80,01
600 do 0 25 Ol
1000 do 26 , 25.W
9 Approximation prizes of 8760 8,7 !
B do do GCO , (
B do do SCO zjjl
10(37 ( Prlio amounting to t2J5B (
Application for r t s to clubs should bo tmd enl
lo the offloo of tha Company In Now Orleans.
For further Information write clearly clvlne fn
* ddros3. UakoP. O. Money Ordora payable aa
ddroM Registered Letters to
. , . . Now Orleans , La.
PoeUI Notes and ordinary lottera by Mall or Ki
prcsa ( all sums of f 5 and upwards by Erpresa at ou
oiponso ) to
orU. A. DAUPHIN. Now Orleans L .
807 Sotcnth St. , Waah nRtoa , D. O.
Health and Happiness
nnu be'U glrcll up by 13 best doctors i :
II. IV. DuTcraui , Mechanic , Ionia , Uleb
Are your nerves weak ?
Kidney Wort cured mo from nervous vrakne *
c. , after I was not expected to llvo.-Mra. H. M. B
Goodwin , ira. Chrlitian Monitor CleTolaud , O.
Have you Bright's Disease1 ?
"lUdncy-Wort cured me wlicn my water uo3uu
llku chalk and thin Hko blood. "
Frank Wlluon , reibodf.Miua
Suffering from Diabetes ?
"Kidney.Wort la the most Buctopsful remedy I haye
CTcr used * Give * almost Immediate ) relief. "
Dr. I'Ulllp C. liallou , MouLtun , Tt
Have you Liver Complaint ?
"Kidney-Wort cured ins ot chronic Liver lUsoascg
after I prayed to die. "
Hcnrr Wonl , Into Col. 69th Nat. Guard , K. T.
Is your Back lame and aching ?
"Kidney-Wort(1 bottle ) cured uio whcu I wasao
Urns I had to roll out ot bed. "
O. M. Tallmaee , Milwaukee , WI .
cessu ocorfr. * wo
(19 a bor. " Sam'l llodees , WllUaiuitoiin , Wc t V * .
Are you Constipated ?
"Kidney-Wort cautcs easy evocuatloca and cured
mo after 19 jeara o ot other modlcine.i. "
Kelion FalrchUJ , tit. Alkanj , Vt.
Have you Malaria ?
"KMney-Wort haj dons better than any other
remedy I hat ever oaed In my practleo. "
Dr. It. K. Clark , Bputh Hero , Vt.
Are you Bilious ?
"Kllney-Wort hAn done in * moro good than any
other romoUy I harn ever taken. "
' ilra. J. T. O&lloway , Elk Hat , Oreeon.
Are you tormented with Piles ?
"Kidney-Wort rxrnianmtl'j curetl me of boudin !
puoa. I > r. w. o. KliiiA recommended It to me. "
Ooo. 11. Hurst , Ciwhicr M. Hank , Jljerttown , Ta.
Ladies , are you suffering ?
"Kldney.Wort cured me of peculiar troubles of
ieTerolycar ti\ndlni ; . Jinny frleudHunonnd in -
It. " lln. U. Lamoreaui , lilo La Mottc , Vt.
If you would Banish Disease
i and gain Health , Take
nr.IT and other KL
are eont on W l > ay& * Trial TO
1EH ONLY.OUNQ Olt OLB. wlit I are Buffer.
! . , Jrom f'cnTOla l"u > " .rrr. LOST VITJIUTT.
VistiNQ WEIL-NESSES , nnil all thoio dieate ! of B
, Bt Mi
. Speedy relief and rompleta
utorttlon to ilKiLTii. Viooa and MAMUOOD
! y BAliTF n"d ' enc r r niu u t4
' mphlet t ret. AUare
[ OLTATr nni.T CO. . Wnnhnll. mioh.
Royal Havana Lottery I
rawn at llavnnnuba , Every 12
to 14 : Days.
3KbTS , 2.00 , HALVES. II00.
lubject to no manipulation , not controlled by the
tltmln Interest , It la the ( alreiit thing In the
; ure of chance In existence ,
'orlnloruiatlonand partlcubn apply toSHIPSICY
. .Gen , Aventu , 1812 llru u y , N V. city ,
KAUIItCO , , 417 Walnut street.St. Loull , Mo ,
frank Lobrauo , L. D. , 20 W andotte , Kan.
y -tnie li wly.
l , Solentlflc , Commercial and Art Depart ]
iw. ll'tli scset admitted. Tuition low ,
cheap , buetuf KM letv ' i"u'J7 equlupej Ucultt
iTAd.lro . aorparllr ( < u'lan , Uev.V. . W. llu.hi
I > . Pc ldent. or IV I. O M. Dot lult > tiAriury
i'acultr Ujllevuo , Neb , Jjr we SOIL )
Flons from the Maximum Mineral Fountain of Sara
toga Springs , and l > the opinion of the most eminent
medical men Nature's 8o > crelgn Cure for Consti
pation , Dlspopsla , Torpid Llvor , Inactive
Conditions of the Kidneys , and a moat salutary
altcrnth o In scrofulous Elections , With ladles , Ren-
tjomcn.and bon \l\nnts cvcrv here Hhai become
the standard of dietary c t > c < ilcnt9 , fortltjlntr the
dljrostU of unctions and enabling fioe-llrcrs tolnduliro
with Impurity at table The world of wealth , Intel-
HMIICO and refinement testifies to Its BparkllnB , nat
urally purc.nnd dollsthlful qtiintltles as the bo > craKO
lncomp table , and accredit It with belnR the Burcsl
and speediest source of clear complexion * , high hcrdth
and exuberant pplrlts. Hatuorn Sprine Water
B | sold In gla-s bottles ; four dozen pluts are packed
Ina cai o It may bo obtilncd At all hotels , and o
, nlnoincr hants. ami toccrs ovcnuhor
The Pioneer Mutual Benefit Assoclitlon In the
State of Nebraska.
It U co-operative In IU working and all trcmbfra
iiTomolcu In tlio management byotoattlic an-
Its aim Is to benefit Its own members , their wldowr ,
nnd orphans , In cvo nf death , accident , ( iciinoss or
total permanent illtnbitity ol n u-cmbor , at i\cttt l
coot \vlth economical mana cmjnt
ArelUble homo aasocUtlon , active and rolUble
aeon's wanted to canvass for members In Nebraska ,
Kansas and Colorado. Address ,
Secretary and General Manager ,
BEA.TRIUE , - - - NEB.
Plattsmouth . . .
, - - NOD.
BBUDIKO ? Tno&ouonBBui iND man OEIDB
inaoo OB JBRSST USD iwiai
stock oistlo. Ccrrccpflndenca tel cited'
jO Tlo nao of the term " Bho
9 Line" In connection with th
) H corporate uame of a greatrcad
i O com es an Idea of ustwbj *
required by the traveling pub
lic a Short Line , Quick Tiao
end the best of accommoda
tions all of vblcii are ( urn-
bed by the K'cntcet railway lu America.
And St. Paul.
It owns and operattt , utur 1,100 milts ct
'crthern IlUiiois , Wlscontln , Mlnncw/ts , Iowa *
Bkota ; and aa ts main Hues , branches and concoc *
tlons reach all the irrcnt business centres of Ihc-
N'orthwest and Far West , It naturally auswuro the
Icecrlptlon of Short Line , nnd licet llouto between
Chicago , Milwaukee , St. Paul and UlnncapoUj.
ChicagoMilunukco , La Crosse and Wlnona.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Aberdeen and Ellend.tl3
Chicago , Milwaukee , Kiu Claire and SUllwatef
Chicago , Milwaukee , Wausau and Merrill.
Chicago , Milwaukee , Beaver Dam and Oshkosh.
Chicago , Milwaukee , WauUesba and Oconomov.oa ,
Chicago , Milwaukee , Madison and Fralrlodu Chlec ,
Chicago , Milwaukee , Owatonna and Falrlbaull.
ChicagoBelolt Jinesvl'lo ' and MmcralPolnl.
Chicago , Elgin , Kockford and Dubuque.
Chicago , Clinton , Rock Island and Codnr Rapidr.
Chicago , Council Bluffs and Omaha.
Chicago , Sioux City , Sioux Falls and Yankton
Chicago , Milwaukee , Mitchell and Chamberlain.
Rook Inland. Dubuque , St. Paul and Minneapolis
Davcnpoit ' ! mar , 8t. Paul and Minneapolis.
Pullman S wipers and the Finest Dining Cars Irt.
how , rid are run on the main lines nf theCIIICAOO.
Attention Is paid to passengers by courteous employes'
if the Company.
i. a MERRILL , Gcn'l Manager.
A. V H. CAKI'ENTEH , Don1 Pass. Agt.
I.T. CLARK. don'lB.ipt.
OKO. U. 1IKAFFORD. Apn't. Onnl. Pa Art.
'lie Steck Is a Burabls Piano. .
mm ®
lasnlr Auunceo Co. , ol iiondoa , Cub
act I
Mtonwter.N. Y. , CupltiJ OOO.Wf.O
.eMercEnnts. . ol Kewuk. N. I. , CupItU lS7UOU.bJ
rirdFUe , rhUidelrhU , tvlU. . . .1,200,000.0
' C D.t'l 1.K7.S15.
, Amelia BumuglM ]
617 Dodge St. , - Omaha ,
Lbout 2.000 head , mostly ono and twi rein old
era. Will bo at Ok-iWta about Auput 20th. Ic-
ir of er nlJrow
, B. R. OKIUE3Neb
fGolbllluUlllluG -
1111 DooglM HI Onuhk , Neb.
Galvanized Iron Comics *
WDormer Wlndowt , FlnUIi , Tin , Iron ind BUti
Jfliig. Bpocht'n i'atent Uetalllo Bkj light , rktent
ueUd KMchet B r and HrAclet bbelitng. I to.
geutral tgent ( or the above line of eood * . Ire
ir , rcMUadet , Yt mud * ! , Iroc U *