Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 29, 1884, Image 8

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Friday Mornine ; August 29.
Billings ti Connor , Dentists , opp. 1' . O.
Contractor Murphy nays if bad weather
not prevent the work of paving Fnrnam
street will bo fully completed this week.
Yesterday was a swoltorlnR hot ono nnd
ovcrybody has been hunting the shady sldo of
the street.
A nunibor of disturbcra of llio peace were
disposed of in the usual manner in policocourt
yesterday morning ,
If James Shank. , the man who won
robbed of $700 and a pass to Ofiilcn , Monday
l l will call on lr-K. M. Btono , ho will
learn something of advantage to him.
Word has boon received stating lliat lion-
xy Fair , eon of James Fnir , of tills city , had
died at Evannvillo , Indiana. Ills body will
bo brought to this city for Interment.
Ilutli Itolwlcah Decree Loclgo No. 1 , will
have n banket picnic Saturday nftornoon nnd
evening , August 30th , at HanBCom's park.
All Odd Fellows nnd wives nnd friends nro
invited. Dancing iu the ovonlcg.
H. S. Hall , 12iq. , who some months ngo
led to the altar ono of Otoo county' * fnirost
daughter * , returned Tuesday with his bride
from the east where they have been enjoying
their mnrrl.igu.
On Saturday night the Turn Vcrcin will
ftivo a concert and ball at Gcminnla hall , The
programme will consist of vocal nnd Instru
.mental music , piano nndither nolon , etc. AH
Uio German singing societies of the city will
ssist in the concert ,
Kverybody who knows anything about it
. nays that this Is great corn woatScr nnd a few
days of It will place the corn beyond the reach
of frost and enable the farmora to gather In
the largest crop of corn over harvested in
NebraskaWon't the money fly next winter ?
Mr. Ocorgo Canfiold served Ills first moid
in the Canfield Homo yesterdnay noon. Ho in
Titod a number of his friends to help him open
t-y the house in n becoming manner. It is need
less to say that llio dinner wni way up nnd
lhattlia Canfield house will provo ni popular '
as in days of old.
AJUlboral Firm.
Max Meyer & Bro. , through Mr. Ju
lius Meyer , have presented to each of
the reporters of the daily papers in this
city , a beautiful badgo. On each badge
Is engraved " Omaha Press Reporter , "
and the name of the paper for which it
is intended. They are beautiful things ,
being made of silver , beautifully plated
with gold. TIIK Br.i ; reporters acknowl
edge the recoiptof the badgoa with thank
ful hearts , and sincerely hope that the
atar of the Meyer Brothers' prosperity ,
yhich has so long shown with such bnl-
ianny , may never grow dim , but may
rather grow brighter and brighter unto
the day when they shall have each be
come a millionaire.
A Kiclc.
To the Editor of TUB BEK.
The Bolt line , or Woodman switch is
already becoming a great nuisance to the
public where it crosses Sixteenth street ,
on account of the switching being done
directly across this street , thus stopping
oil travel from 10 to CO minutes. Last
evening at 0 o'clock a long train of cars
-Bwltcliod backward and forward across
the street and stopped everybody for at
least a half an hour , and at a time , too , there was moro travel than any
other time during the day. Now if this
switching has to bo done across the
etrcot why can't it bo done at night ,
when the street is deserted ? As Sixteenth -
toonth street is the only strnot in and
out of the city at that ondSovoiitoontli ,
Eighteenth ana Nineteenth streets all
Ixiiug closed for repairs ) , the pitblio are
certainly entitled to the right of way.
No. 1.
3'Jmor K. Brady Jfallcrton , Is at llio 1'axton.
John HCSB , of Plum Crock , Is nt the Metro-
J. D. Kvimn , of Sutton , is at the Metro-
-jwlltan ,
II. A , Springer , of ISJalr , is nt the Metro-
Thomas Darnell , of St. Paul , Is at tbo | Mct
xopollton ,
J. W. Adams , of North l'luttois stopping at
tlio Metropolitan.
Mr * . G. Ms Coy , of Fremont , ia the guest of
the Metropolitan.
G. W. Gulp , Nemiiha , is in the city stopping
at tlio Metropolitan.
A. M. Morntt , of llariingloii , is registered
alllio Metropolitan. [
| "JamCB"15obiBoi of lrand IiJmid , is t\w\r- \
tcred nt tlio Metropolitan.
W. 1) , Uolliiigcr ud N. 11. filioarcr. of DCS i
31olnua , are leistered at the 1'axton ,
Mr. Jacob Coleman with United Stntea
Suspender comp.inyNcw | Yorlc , la in town.
Torn Connelly , tlio champion wagon mnlior
of the northwcbt of Debwnw , Is ttopplng at
ilio 1'aiton ,
Judge Davla , Judge Weaver , Judge Hell ,
Judge Fost and Judge Hammer were all shol ?
terrd beneath the roof of the Milliard hotel
SUil Ulgllt.
lira. 1J , II. .Sherman , wife of Governor Slier
man , of Iowa , Miss Llzzlo and lloburt K.
Hair , coiuina of Mrs. Sherman , wcro guoaU of
tlio Paxton.
D , G , Hull , E q. , % vlio has lx > cn confined to
liia bed for aoino time by injuries received
-from a fall la recovering very elowly and will
siot bo able to bo about for u few daya yet.
' John A7 MacMurphy , BchuylorL. A. Newman -
man , lloldrigo } 11. K. W. Sproguo , Niabrani ;
Ifon , Ifauc I'owera , Dakota City ; John Kara-
ley , Fairmont ; H. 11. 1 > . Holiniw , lloatilcr ,
John J. Means , Grand Inland ; P , W. lion-
rich * , Colurnbusj T. G. Hair.inctt , Whcclor
.county ; T. H. Urowno nudwlfo , Tecmnsoh ;
\V. II. Feller , David City ; U. . Hoadloy ,
Jlrownvlllo , registered at the Hillard yeator-
Have you Boon the Campaign Whips ,
at Mooro'0 , where the lion roara ior the '
cheapest and best goods In the woat.
Oomo nnd eco Uiem , it will do you good.
The Omaha Bye and Ear Free Dlapon- '
jwry , under care of Dr. Groddy , open
from 2 to 3 p. m. , for the treatment of
the poor ,
Dispensary on Dodge atreot , near
carriage shops , liu
The Board of Education Holds an Im
portant Meeting Last Night ,
Tlio Vat-ant I'rlnclpnlslilps All Filled
Other HmiiicHn Tmnsacicd ,
An adjourned special mooting of the
board of education waa hold last evening
nt which members Points , Parker , Long ,
Connoyor , Gibbon , Copeland , Hall ,
Spccht and Livcsoy were present.
From the committee on the examina
tion of toachora , giving its report of the
teachers examined during the week ,
The following named applicants were re
ported as being entitled to certificates :
First grade Allio V. Bolin and Kmily
Second grade Mrs , S. M. Olmmplin
and Lida Shallcnborgor.
Third grade Clara Maaon , Mary D.
McCoy , Lizzio 11. Noodham and Minnie
J. AVood.
The report was fihd.r ( " 3
From the Douglaa County Toachora
Institute , tendering itfl thanks for the
uio of the High School building during
its session. Filed.
From Misses Shirley and Halo , assist
ant teachers , tendering their resignations.
From the committee on supplies ,
stating It had contracted with J. S.
Caulfield for stationary , with Charles
Childs for hard and soft wood , with the
Nebraska Coke , Coal and Limo Co. for
hard coal , with Jon" Bedford for Rich
Hill coal , ind with S. J. Uowoll for CO
tonoof Walnut block coal. Adopted.
From the buildings and property com
mittee , reporting it had lot the contract
for the construction of the school houao
an Thirtieth and Douglas for 81,1375.
The committee on teachers and text
looks reported recommending Gillett
ind Half's astronomy , Kollogg's English (
itoraturo , Loighton's history of Rome
'or use in the high school.
On motion of Connoyor the socrotauy
vas authorized to purchase 200 now
leska for the now school house , provided
hey cost no raoro than the last ones
lought. Adopted.
On motion of Copeland rule 01 of the
onstitution , relating to the certificates
locossary to bp held by principals be-
nro an application can bo considered by
ho board waa suspended.
The board then proceeded to the
lection of principals of the various ,
choolu. The names of the savoral appli- '
acts for the places to bo filled were then
ut in nomination. Mr. Gibbon nomi-
atcd Miss McCarthy for thn 11 xr tin an
: heel , who was supported for that place [
y half the raoinbora present for twenty
mo ballota at the last meeting , and stated
arthor that a combination had been
armed to give the position to ono who
ad novcr tilled such a placo.
The election resulted aa follows :
> edge street school , Miss McKoon ;
.oavonworeh directschool , Mua Wood ; ,
jake school , Miss Champlin ; Cass street
ohool , Miss Wilbor ; Dartman achool , ,
iliss McCarthy. The election of Misd
if cCarthy to the Hurtii'ian school having
Tpatcd a vacancy in the Center school
ilhs Ellen M.Vhito waa elected to the
ilaco thus made vacant.
On motion of Points as chairman nf
ho committee on toachora and text .
looks , the four following named appli- 0
ante were elected aa teachers for the on-
uing year , to bo assigned by the super-
ntondont wherever honiny BOO fit ; Miss
iladatono , Miss Alcock , Miss Wilson and
lisa Necdhnnd.
On motion the superintendent waa in
truded to assign Miss Schoolmakor to
ho first vacant princpahliip.
The board thun adjourned.
L Boo KmployoVctlH ono of Oinalin'H
A largo clrclo of relatives and friends i
ssomblcd at the residence of Mr. I. N. .
Yillia , aouth Tenth atreot , to witness the
iiiptinla of his daughter LUlio with Jof-
orson D. Jones , a compositor iTin :
} IK : , where ho liaa boon omplc < yod for
ovoralyoara. The siinplo ceremony of
ho Methodist church was performed by
! ov. Mr. Stewart aud waa gracefully un-
lorgono by the blushing bride 1
md groom. The assembled company ? >
hen tendered their congratulations I
iftur which the happy pair and their S
uesta proceeded to discuss , ' ono of the 11
nest rechercho wedding repasts at
vhich wo have lately asehtod. After a
ihort period of eocial intercourse the
uosts departed wishing the , youthful
ouplo health , wealth and prosperity in
vhich wishes TIIK Uii : heartily joins.
The display of wedding gifts presented
very handsome appearance. The fol-
owing is a partial list :
Silver lilcldu ilifcli. Mr. anil Mm. Wi'son ' ;
ihinndliniLTlBOt , .1. W. . 0. T'Aiul frs.J C. T.
Itunco ; hllver pleklo iliuli , Mr. nnd Mr ? .
Huck ; lambrequin , Amilii Jlvcrs ; slhur but-
crdisli , Mr , mill Mr * MtiBsurj llorol biuikut
Jims. N. r K ° i luud mirror , Frank I'nr-
icaa ; gluB.s fruit illsh mid bread jiUts , Mr.
ind Mr. Hparrnw ; mujullca ten set , Mru. J
t , lidilrwolhtiiiiiiiiiioutal i > Iiinio ; Midi Corn
mth ! ; set of gublvti , Kd JOIICH ; gli > i liurry
iuwl , Mr. aud Mix. Workman ;
icntiir IRIIIII , 0. W. Willis ; pair ( if V.IU-H , Car-
io Willis ; tlily. Dollio 1'my ; fruit tlisli , Oliver
louston ; cgf ; dish , MIB. J. iiii'J licntiu Ktno-
iol ; Biipar spoon , M r , itnd Mrn , N. W. MerHlj
aUu disliuH , M . 1) . Mclntosh ; not tilvor toa-
poons. 0. A. Worry ; card rccei\or , Alma ] ' 'nr-
iix ; tablecloth , Mru. Vamluson ; aowiiiR clmlr ,
C. A. uud W. U. Wllllf.
A. Now Counterfeit ,
A counterfeit ton dollar note has ap.
loarod In Cincinnati , Ohio. It is on the
? hird national bank of Cincinnati , Ohio ,
hock letter of series 188" , brown back ,
J. K. Bruce Hogistor , Jaa Gilfillan
'roasuror. The paper i greasy and
till' . There ia no distributed fibre or
arallel aillc threads in the paper aa in t ;
hogonuino , The vignottoa are o arso
nd scratchy. The words "Printed at
lie Bureau & printing , U. 8 , Treasury
) opt. " in the upper left hand corner ot
lie note , the letter N in the word
'printed" ia ongravcd the wrong aide up
lius ; tf. The apace between the signa
tires of B. 1C. Bruce and ilas , ( Jillillan
nd their olliclal titles ia I of an inch ,
'hilo iu the genuine the signatures nearly
oat upon the same. The back of Uio
oto la well executed , While the note
liould not deceive careful handlers of
lonoy , especially whuu the goomotrlo
itho work ia examined , yet among the
( careless it * Mr oppcaranoo may work
great danger. It will bo well for the
people in this soctiin to keep n close
lookout for the snido.
Tlio Proponed Ilntillcntlon Meeting
A grand ratification meeting was an
nounced for last evening , by the rcpub
licans , Boyd's ' opera house being rented
and the Musical Union orchestra en
gaged for the occasion.
The opera'houao and the band were
both duly , on hand and too much cnidi
cinnot bo given them for their prompt
ness. The republicans who were to rati
fy the national ticket in particular and
the state ticket in general were conspic
uous only for their [ .bsonco.
The explanation is that it rras expect
ed , when the mooting waa called , the
state republican convention would hold
over two days and that the largo number
of delegates and visitors would still bo in
the city. The failure of this calculation
and the excessively hot weather spoiled
the whole scheme , and the endorsement
of the candidates will take place at a
later day.
TJio HOHH Ul VcvnruiiH ,
A largo and enthusiastic meeting of the
Sons of Veterans was hold last night in
St. George's hall. The meeting was presided
sided ever by F. 0. JJra/.ina , and after
several recruits wcro enrolled the camp
formed ranks and went through the com
pany drill , after which it adjourned till
Saturday next , at 8 p. m.
A telegram waa received from Col. S.
W. Coglizcr stating that ho would bo in
Omaha tomorrow with a largo delegation
from Weeping Water , to muster the
Omaha camp. All sons of ex-soldiers ,
sailora and marines of the war 1801-5 ,
who desire to bccomo charter members of
this camp , can do so tomorrow night ,
nnd a ful attendance is requested at that
(1. True History of Joe Smith's lie-
innrKnblo 1'lcco of Jugglery. .
3t. Louis Spectator.
How many people know any thing about
ho origin of the Mormon religion , or
ather of the Book of Mormcu , which is
ts authority ? I know precious little
bout it until this week , when I accident-
y fell iu with Mr. Clark Braden , who
tas recently given the subject a most
carolling investigation. His story shows
if what otuil a religion may bj mado.
they are divided into many sects , but the
irincipal ones are the polygamous Brig-
mttos Jn Utah and the non-polygamous
'oaophites scattered in vari-
iU3 places. The story may bo
ivon in a few words. The Book of
ilorraon was -written by an old , broken
own Presbyterian clergymen named
Solomon Spaulding. Spaulding was born
n Connecticut in 1701. Ho graduated at
Dartmouth collogto and Bottled as a minis-
er for a Congregational church. Ho
aado a bad failure at poachingand wont
nto business with hia brother in Now :
fork state , did not succeed , and started
n iron foundry in a town in Northern :
) hlo. Ho soon failed in that venture
nd became very much discouraged. His
rife supported the family by taking
warders , and ho spent hia tirao in writ-
ng , though what did not then appear.
L'ho family moved to Pittsburg , when ho ,
owroto his book , adding a second part , ,
lo afterward rewrote the entire book ,
.tiding a third part. This is the origin
if the manuscript.
Now , what became of it ? Spaulding ,
nado arrangements to have it printed in
'ittsburg. After a part had been sot up
ho whole manuscript was stolen by a ,
annor named Sidney lligdon , who was
n the habit of loafing around the print-
ng oflico. Kigden kept it concealed for
lomo years , until ho fqll in with Joseph
iiiiith , who evolved the plan of produc-
ng it. Smith belonged to a not over re-
> utablo family living near Palmyra , N.
f. They lived in iv houao and supported
.honiBolvra by hunting and fishing and
ithcr moanii suspected to be moro qucs-
ionablo. Joseph , ono day , found a rc-
narkably clear crystal , shaped much like
child's foot , and ho declared ic was a
'poop-fitono , " in which ho could road the >
ho future , eta , and on several occasions
vas so successful in predicting the local
ly of goods and cattle that hu soon came
0 have considerable reputation. Ho
lion extended his field of oppcratlons by
livinhiR where the treasure waa buried ,
md under his dircccions a greats muny
ligginps were made , unsuccessfully how-
iver. Thcso diggings extended over
largo area , some fifty miles or more ,
round Palmyra , and some of them may >
o soon now. lie fell in with Sidney
ligdon , who told him of the manuscript.
Smith soon devised a scheme for produc-
ng it under proper surroundings. The
illogcd book of copper plates was found
inder Divlno guidance ; on which charnc-
era of reformed Egyptian were graven.
Pho book was accompanied by a pair of
poctaclcs of wondrous power , which on-
iblcd Smith to translate the remarkable
iharacters. This ho did from behind a
croon , while an amanousis took down
ils words. The Book of Mormon was
irintod in 1830 , at Palmyra , N. Y. , a
armor , Martin Harris , putting up the
ash to pay the printer. Thus Solomon '
Ipanldiiigls manuscript found its way
nto print , with such additions and niter- '
tions as Smith chose to make for his own '
The Policemen's Hall.
The members of the police force are
nakiiig extensive preparations for their
nnual ball , which occurs Wednesday
voning , September 10th , The boys are
11 hard at work selling tickets and are n
looting with good success in their eiFbrts.
'hoy now think that they will bo able to
iapoao of twelve hundred tickets. If
vorything works well it ia safe to say , In
lie latest npprov d slang , that they will '
alsomino the river , ,
If you have not yet purchased a ticket I
ave your hand already on a dollar , for
lie boys will certainly bo around to see >
ou , and as they only call once in a year
will not break you up in business If you
uy ono , or even five , tickets to their atm
imual ball ,
ti :
By the undersigned , August 27,1831 iq
no black horse with saddle on ; of modi- hi
iu height and weight- Owner can have
line by proving property , and paying
irhis food and this advertisement.
AUGUST PI.OTK & Co. , ar
1509 Douglas St. arwi
Nebraska fuel Co , iu
Martin Peterson Steps In Botwcc *
two .Cam and Is Crushed.
Wednesday morning about 7:30 : o'clock
a number of men at the smelting works
were pushing oomo cars and one of the
number , Martin Peterson stopped in bo-
twonn two of them to make a coupling.
The cars wcro eastern onca and had iron
bumpers on each aide of the drawhcads ,
Peterson did not know this and ai the
cara came together ho was caught about
the waist by bumpora and waa
badly crushed.
llo was taken to St. Joseph's hospital
and it waa thcro found that ho was fatally
hurt inwardly , and also that Ilia loft arm
waa fractured. Ho lingered along in
great agony until 0 o'clock in the uvuning
when ho died. U. K. Burkot , the Union
Pacific undertaker , was notified , and took
the body to Ilia establishment on Sixteenth -
toonth street , where ho embalmed ltpro-
paratory to keeping it until the arrival of
the decoasod'a brothers , ono of whom
Hvea in this state and ono in Now Jer-
ooy.Tho coroner did not hoar of the occur
rence until yesterday morning and then ,
hearing the facts in the case , ho deemed
it beat to hold on inquest. Ho called at
Mr. Burkot'e place and inquired why the
man had been moved without the coroner
having first been notified. Mr.Burkotsuid
that ho had worked under instructions ,
and Dr. Mercer , who had had charge of
the case informed him that an inquest
waa not necessary. Ho also said that
Mr. Barton , of the smelting works , said
that an inquest waa not needed.
The corouor called upon Mr. Barton
and he said ho wanted to have an in
quest but that Dr. Mercer said that it
was not necessary. Dr. Mercer toid the
coroner that ho telephoned Mr. Barton
in the nvcuing that the coroner should bo
There seems to bo a great many differ
ent and conflicting stories in regard to
the matter but it seems that Mr. Uurkot
waa working wholly under ordora and
had no reason for not wanting an inquest
hold , while it is thought that the Union
Pacific and Smelting works folks vrcro
not at all anxious to hare an investiga
An inquest was hold yesterday and
it waa found that the man wont in bo
bweon the two cara of his own free will
ind accord and the coroner's jury found a
verdict that ho came to his death through
jiis own carelessness uud that no ono waa
in any way to blamo.
The deceased was a Dane , about 25
years of ago and unmarried.
riio Kn llflh Ijiitlicraii Clmrcli to the
Front AVitlx a Magnificent
The finest organ in the state of Ncbras-
< a has just been put into the now En-
; lien Lutheran church. It is of the famous
Harrison make and cost $3,000. It is 1C
oct wide , Hi foot deep and 10 feet
iigh. It contains 1044 pipes , the small
est being jj of an inch long and the long
est being 1C fcot in length. The tone of perfect that the smallest can .
DO distinctly heard above the roar and
hunder of the great pipes with which
ho instrument is filled. There are two
keyboards , with a compass of D8
lotea each and a pedal keyboard of twon-
y-soven notes. There are eighteen spoak-
ng stops and nix mechanical stops , while
i system of combination in arranged on
ho pedal bsncath the organ.
The lower section of the casp is of
ihestnut , trimmed with cherry , while the
ippor section will bo of speaking pipes
lucoratod in gold aud colors ; there are
10 false the whole Instrument
or ornamentation.
Mr. L. 0. Harrison , of Now York ) the
Icsigner and builder of the organ , is
icro nnd is superintending the work of
mtting up the organ himself Ho is now
ingngod in tuning it and will have it
oady for business by Saturday night.
TJio organ is a donation to the church
y Kountza brothers.
: iio Filr for tlio Uoncllc of St.
floapltal ,
On Alonday night next there w ill bo a
ulr for the bouofit of St. Joseph's hos-
ital opened in Falconer's hall. This is
most worthy object and deserves a
ioat liberal support at the hands of the
itizous of Omaha.
The musical Union orchestra have do-
ated their services for Monday midnight
ave prepared the following excellent
at of music :
Victcry Mnrch "Clovelnnd and Hen * :
ilrioks. " HotTman
iverture "Flotta Burecho" Suppo
'otxiuri | "iluddy Way" lirohan
liwt for flute and coruot-"Attila " . .
'verturc ' 'Xobuclmdii07ar"
rand Solectlon "Truubaiioui" Vurd
'nntazia "Vibions of Iream " . . . . . .Jjiimbyo
ftltz "Mom Khicngo" 1'arlow
'uefels Mnrch Suppo
* Thia march ia a campaign ono and !
ras composed by Mr , Jloll'iimnn , loader
f the Musical Union orchestra and was
cdicatcd by him to the Doiulaa county
lloveland and Dondricks club.
An Old Suulccr.
There is an old saying that "thoro is
0 fool like an old fool , " and in the case
1 hand it is eminently correct.
Wednesday afternoon an old granger
om Saunders county came into this city
d visited one of the lowont dives on
'inth street. While there ho was robbed
$110. He has complained at police
oadquartors and an effort ia being made
recover hia money ,
lie says ho ia married and has a wife
id twelve children. It seems aa if a
an in his circumstances could find bot-
ir ways to put in his time than in visi
ng houses of prostitution , or if ho could
at ho nhould have more eonso than to
juoal when ho ia bitten. No one can
vo any sympathy for uuch a man. )
Btrcctn a nil Alleys.
The streets now undergoing grading
o iti a horrible condition during rainy
ealhor , and it ia almost impossible to
it through them. While the streets are
bad condition soaio of the alloys are
a frightful way , Several of the nlloya
butting on Sixteenth street on the west
are foul. Ono in parflcul&r , between
Cass and California atreot Ia filled with
manure , slop and other garbage , and off
al of all kinds. The stench that greets
the nostrils of pedestrians on Sixteenth
street is absolutely sickoninx , and it is a
wonder that malaria has not made tta ap
pearance before this. Such things should
not bo tolerated. An ollicor ia employed
to look after such things , and it wonld
seem that ho ia not over zoaloua In his
ICcal K Transfers.
The following transfers were filed In
the county clerk's oflico yesterday and
reported for Tun BEE by Ames' real es-
tato'agoncy , August 27 :
A. II. Doiiookor aud wife to P. M
Pomcroy , w tl , lot 0 , block 12 , Isaac A
Suldcr'a add. 0700.
0. U. Hoggs , ot al , to B. E Goraghity
w d , lot 12 , Kessington. § 500.
_ E. ilawos and husband to J. II. How-
lis , TV d , parcel section 7-15-13. § 350.
J. A. llarbach and wife to D , Fluck ,
w d , parcel section 15-lo-13. $800.
L. Osborno to J. A. Withouk , vr d ,
parcel section 5-10-10. § 010
0. P. Bemia and wife to R. Sharlaok ,
w d , lot 0 , block "C" Prospect Place.
Nancy Baker and husband to II. 0.
Jones , wd , lot 12 , block 12 , Hanscom
Placo. $1,200.
Seal of North Carolina tobacco the Is
Army Orders.
Leave of abaenco for ono month is
granted Captain W. II. Bisbee-1th .in
Recruit Edwin 0. Church , enlisted at
Fort Omaha , Nob. , ia assigned to the
4th infantry.
In compliance with paragraph 14 ,
special orders No. 10G , current norios
from the headquarters of the armyMajor
Charles I Wilson , paymaster , U. S. A. , is
relieved from duty In this department
and will report to the commanding gen
eral division of the Atlantic.
Absolutely Pusre *
fills ponder never varies. A marvel of paronosa
itrentcth and wholcsameaess. Moio ooaoomtcal than
.ho ordinary klmla.and cannot bo jld In competition
ilth tbo ruultttudo ol low test , short wulght alum or
ihofphate ponders. Sold only In cans. ROYAL
looldcs the ndrantage of a eoM ) HngUsh and Cla 3l-
LU ! education , special care nill bo Jo\otcd to the
Practical Surveying
I'lro nowprofciscr3lia\o been added to tbo faculty
r tlih purpose.
if Vocal ifmlc , German and I'rcuch , J S
NK\V STUDENTS must present thomscUos during
tic \\tck ending August 31 , between 0 nud 12 a. in. ,
nd tlioy u < ui > t bu ready to btaud examination to do-
Ide their rnuk In tbo course.
1'ruf. Iiimhcit "ill nive duo notice' , for tke'rcsiimp
ion of the evening course In Chemistry. Tuition
to. No illhtlnctlon on account of creed.
nug. 13 tu thura sat fit
aa boon csUbllshcd aud etpoclally equipped for th
treatment of diseases ol tbo
Jsrvous System ,
Blood , Kidneys ,
And Bladder ,
All diseases producing blood Impurities and pola-
lit ) ; , with eruptions on the ekln and ulccre.
iacasca of tbo lUei , Khcunutijm , 1'iles ,
lironlo Feraa'u ' Dlooaees , dlwabcu
tbo Kyo and Ear , Citarih , Asthma , Droncbitla.aro .
II tnutcd by now and successful methods , luiludlDg
10 Compound QxiRcn treatment , Young Men Mid-
o AROU aud old lion , sulIuiii/K from nervous debit-
f and exhaustion , from any CJUHO whatever , proclu
ng Indication , palpitation , deepondrncr , dlzzlniB- ,
M ol memory lick ol energy and ambition , cau bu
irmauently and ipcedlly cured. NO CUKE hO
\YKOHTIUIATMKNl' . Tbo phydclan In charge
a regular graduito mid baa ftudled Mi ( irofemlun
Lonoon , farfi and llerlln. Ha la an expert In a'l
acaioj ol tbu Urinary organ * In both 8cxca. II > ou
o allllcttxl , call or write lull dciicilpclon ol jour
so , and medicine may te eent you. Consultation
eo. Addreea all comuiunlcatlona Omnln Dlspcnsa-
, Crounse'sBlockOmaha , Neli. Oltlco Iiouia9.ll
ui.,1-6 and 7-8 p. ui Hundaje , 0-10 a in.
id bhort HaudVritnif
mplolo Course , ono jcir , ( hoit hind ex
copied . . . *
Mui'lctoCourcc ' , one month .
mirlcto Caurau , two months . NJ
nnpltto Courae , three months . . -J po
kch mouth thertatter . . . g pj
ilrty I a n In I'cnmaneblp . . . . . . >
10 abe > o course , ( book-keeping oxcojited ) ono
10 abore'ooutMV ( book'k'ccy UK extcptcd S
montln . l-
Bend lo , circular. Adrt
nSo Omaha , e
& I
1515 DonElas Street , Omaha ,
Are prepared to do work
In any branch ,
On Short Notice
\ \
D , B. BEEMER , Agent , OMAHA , NEB
The Largest Stock in Omaha : antMlaitcs the Lowest Prices
Jnst received an Msortraent far surpasEbng anything la thla market , ooraprkln } .
the latcut and most tasty designs manufactured for thla spring's trade and , , coveriaj
range of prices from the Oheapwt to tlio moat Eipenaive.
Now ready for the inspection of cua- Complete stock o all the la1
tomers , the newest novelties in styles in Turcoman , Madras ontl
Suits and Odd Pieces. Lace Curtains , Etc. , Etc.
SleffaatlPasseagea ? Elevator to
1208,1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , - - - - OMAHA-NEB.
Dormer Windows , Flulala , Window Caps , Icon Crestltus , llctallt Skj--Hsht9 , io. Tin. Ircn and Slita Rae
rn ain Rnuth 12th Rtrpi't Omah * Nnhraska.
_ _ u
i03 BEADY ST. , DAVENPORT , IOWA , U. S. A. Established 1878 Catarrh , ! '
Deafness , Lung and Nervous Diseases Speedily and Permanently Cared. Pat lent * flj
Cured at Home. Write for "TnE MEDIOAL-MISSIONAHY , " for the People.
Oonsultation and Correspondence Gratia. P. O. Box 292. Telephone No. 26.
HON. EDVARD RUSSELL , Postmaster , Davenport , says : " Physician of .
Ability ana Marked Success. " CONGRESSMAN MURPHY , Davenport , ! ;
a : "Anjionorablo Man. Fine Success. Wonderful Cures. " Hours S * , 5 . ! § ) '
li If nTJTTiMffi'rt Wi rl .
- &D
a g3 .S g"
-j w o pj * a
0-j eoO
OJT Ot ffHUUnft nilST.C&AS3
* = - mk'j
20 UainovBtlfoJ and < OS rf. I8JbStroe ; ,
409 and,1411 Dodee St. - rlhea } { Omaha * Net ?
BOSTON , March let , 1S8J.
KSIKIISO.V PIANO CO aRXTtKsus Tour Instrttmenti. flrinJ , Square aud Upright , are really ooblij If I
istruinsnt * and unrlvallsd ( or baaut/ tone and finish. Allow mo to congratulate jou on jour ituUnil I 11
rosress. O UhTAVK BATTER , ' '
, IDIP Dodge Street , Onlaha ,
. .