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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1884)
TFL DAILY BEE FRIDAY AUGUST 20. 1881. CHICKERING PIANO JL A-- * . Tl V They Are Without A Rival. ; H -AND- Have been Awarded One Hundred and Eighteen Prize Medals at all the prominent expositions of the World for th j Last F'fty Years , And Enteefl ft flu GrotiOKt tiling IN All examination of these magnificent JPinuos is politely requested before puichasing my other instrument. General Western Representatives. P. S.-Also Gen'l Agt's for KNABE , VOSE & SONS , BEHB BBOS. , and ABION PIANOS , and SHONINGEE CYMBELLA and CLOUGH & WABEEN OBGAN. WHi. . W'ZRXG-IOI'T ' , IMPORTER , JOBBER AND MANUFACTURERS' AGENT OF m 13TH ST. , BETWEEN FARNAM AND HARNEY RICHAEDS & CLAEKE , W. A. CLAEKE , Proprietors. Supeilnondent U. P. EAILWAT , 17TH & 18TH STREETS MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALEES IN WATER WHEELS , ROLLER MILLS , MILL FURNISHINGS OP ALL KINDS. INCLUDING THE Celebrated 'Anchor ' Brand Dufour Bolting Cloth STEAM PUMPS [ STEAM * WATER AND GAS PIPE. ARCHITECTURAL AND BRIDGE IRON. O O P O " \Ye are prepared to furnish plans and estimates , nnd will contract for the erection of Flouring Mills nnd Grain Elevators , or for changing Flourinc Mills , from Stona to the Roller Syfitem. 22rE3pecial attention given to furnishing Powder Platits for any pur pose , and estimates made for some General machinery repairs attended promptly. Address RICHARD 8s CLARKE , Omaha , Neb' ' ' COUNCIL BLUFFS. ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS. THE MYSTERY OF THE WAIF Tlio Womnn "WhoLoft the lUbe o tlio Doorslsn AMowcil to Dcpnrt , The woman nrrcslcil for lcaing th babe on Mr. Jonning'a doorstop , ami whoso story was told in yesterday's BKI ; hns boon allowed to go on her way leaving the bnbo to bu cared for at th < Homo of the Friendless. The mystorj sutroundihg the mittcr is by no moans cleared up. The woman still stuck to her story that a stranger gave hot the babe to hold n few minutes and then ills appeared from the train , where they wore. For some strange reason she did not make the matter known to the con duitor or anyone else , but on reaching tlio city , disposed of the child by leaving it on a doorstep. The action of 0. H , Adams , who acted as prosecuting attorney hero , caused no little comment. As soon ns ho learned from conversation with the woman that ho had known her relatives in the east , ho seemed to take n great deal of.intoreat in helping hot out , and wanted to dismiss the case. Ho took her to his homo , and although Judge Aylosworth had not entered - torod any discharge , Adams refused to prosecute the case any farther , saying there was nothing to it , and the woman wont on her \ray from hit house to the depot , leaving the matter still pending investigation. It scorns that the woman for the sake of her own reputation , would have 'insisted on having such n showing made , and would have cleared away all suspicion of her being ho mother of the child , or of her hav- ng criminally boon a party to the aband onment of the child. So fur ns the invcs Ration proceeded it does not appear that .hero was any assurance that the woman who wai arrested gave her rijjht name , or residence , or the real tacts in the caso. At ho best it scorns n very loose way to linn- lie a matter of so grave importance , the aw making the abandonment of a child , a loniteutlaiy ollenso , whether the child s abandoned by its parents or by someone ono to whom it has been confided. EMPIE'S ' ESCAPE , llic Druggist Gives tlio Marshal the Skip , but Delivers Himself Up ' Yesterday. Aa we briefly Jatalcd in yesterday'a Bnu . N. Etupio , the drugt-ist oil upper : Broadway , had boon arreatedfor running mortgaged goods , and that ho had 03- aped from the marshal. It appears that Mrs. McAllister had a chattel mortgage on Emplo's stock , and it is claimed that 10 shipped several boxes of the goods in- , o Nebraska. It was on this that ho was arrested , and the bond being fixed at S200 , ho hunted about to got signers , faster Bros , had a claim of $1-12 , and Cmplo applied to thorn , and rep- oaonted that ho had three trunks Hied with goods valued at least at § 300 which ho would turn over teas as security if they would go his > ond. They got out an attachment luiotly and then waited to see thotrunks. lo , supposing that they wanted to see if ! io accurlty was ample , wont to hia room i company with ono of the Fosters , horilF Guittar and his deputy' Clatter uck , who had the attachment papers , 'ho city marshal went with Empio to oo that ho did not escape. Only ono runk was shown up and that was seized n. Then , in leaving the building , the ght being put out , Empire started back 0 lock a door and improved the oppor- unity of escaping. Ho was not found util yesterday morning , when ho ap- oarcd at an early hour at Mr. 0 latter- uck's houeo and delivered himself up. . 'ho Judge raised the bonds to $500 , and 1 default ho was taken to jail. Silver Hnut < ; liinj. Yesterday noon some colored boys wont into J. Winans1 c-ndy store at 805 Iain street , and bought some candy , yirp. Winans gave them change and vhiio she was doing so they aaw where ho money was kept. Shortly after as ilra. Winans and her little gill Bertha , were eating their dinner in the back [ oem they heard a noise iu the store and u looking out saw the same colored > oys leaving. Investigation proved hey had stolen n cigar box containing xitvroon two and three dollars. Mrs. Winans1 immediately sent tor daughter for a policeman , and on her vay up Main street found Ollicor Dunn who in company with Ollicor Bates , or- pated four boot blacks in an'alloy where hey were playing "crapa. " Ono of hoin , after they were identified by Mrs. Vilnius , acknowledged they stole the nonoy and divided anioix , ' them. On jeiug taken to the city jail they stated : hey were from Kans i City and St. oo , Seven dollars in silver were found > n the colored quartette. , IOWA [ The Greene county fair has boon post- toned to Oct 1. The town of Sibloy now'chirgos § 15 .id costs for a pluin drunk. Sioux City is talking up an opera louse on the atock company plan. Cedar Uapids oxpccta to have a debt of $82,000 by the 1st of November. The Davenport oat meal mill is BO rowdod with orders that it is kept run ling night and day. > Not a convict was sent to either of the tate penitentiaries in July , while twcn- y-ono were discharged. The Kcokuk canning worka now om- > loy MO persona , and last week put up ! 0,000 cans of tomatoes. The little daughter of John Murphy * of Wilton , was strangled to death by wallowing a button , recently. Up to date nearly 2(5,000 ( more porkers : lave been sacrificed at the Cedar Itaplda lacking houao this year than last. . A young farmer named Henry Shafer lung himself at Htito Center for some unknown reason , last Saturday. The corner stone of a now Presbyter- an church WPI laid at Marion last Sun day. Tlio building will coat § 10,000. John Dann , a resident of Sprlngvillo , Joss county , was thrown out ot a buggy aat'vvoek , sustaining serious if not fatal njurios. Mrs , Caspar Worges , of Clayton , was recently robbed of § oOCO in cash and about the BMUO amount In notes , mid at last accounts thcro was no clue to the thieves. In Doa Moincs the price of telephone service Is to bo increased CO cents n month to subscribers who ixro ll'too-quiir- tors of a mile or moro nway from the central oflico. A. S. Garrotson , of Sioux City , has contracted to furnish post olllco accom modations for the city for four years at i rental of $2,200 n year. Ho will put up a now building for that purpose. | Colonel Lowrio , of Boone , will como into possession of about § 10,000 bv the recent death of hia father , who loaves an estate in Pennsylvania of 8100,000 , to bo divided among four children. The spiritualists in camp near Clinton were visited by burglars the other nlcjht. The spirits failed to protect the sleeping desciplos nnd several were robbed of sums ranging from $10 to $450 , besides watches , etc. .ludpo Given , of Dos Molnos , has given a decision in a habeas corpus ciso which is opposed to Judge Pholps' opinion , lie holds that justices have jurisdiction in cnloon cases , nnd that the costs ol the case are neither penalty nor debt. The mayor of Dos Moincs is opposed to pugilism. Two follows , Haley and Lew is , had arranged a match for list Satur day , but they were notified that they would bo arrested if they attempted to tight. Dos Moincs is certainly not n metropolitan city. Davenport hns paid $30 per year per gas lamp , and now that the contract has expired a reduction of $10 per lamp is of fered , but the city will advertise for bids from grs and electric light companies. Cedar Ripids pays $30 , Clinton $21 , Dubuque - buquo $25 , Council Blulla $20 and Burl ington $25 per year. Andrew Koppy was found dead in his room nt Davenport , on Friday morning lait. Ho lived with his son. Ho was Found seated on the floor , with his arm resting on the bed , nnd had npparontlX lied without n struggle , Ho was in his J3d year. Wolkor Given , of DCS Moincs , hns nought suit for $10,000 damages igninat the Western Union Telegraph iompany for neglect to deliver n moa- ingo wherein Mr. Given was offered n uurntivp position on ft Denver nowspa- tor , which ho lost through the tclo- ; raphic delay. A bold robbery was perpetrated in Dos Sloinos last Saturday. Two men drove ! ip to a store on Walnut nnd Fjfthstreots. Duo got out nnd told Mr. Lounsboiry , iroprietor of the store there , that the nan in the carriage wanted to see him. Mr. Lounsboriy wont out nnd the man ingagod li'm ' in n conversation on busi- , 'or a few minutes , nud while that wri [ olng ken the other robbed the money s Irnwer of its "contents , amounting to ? 225. After accomplishing this feat ho nmo out , got into the buggy , and drove apidly away. A MAQN13TIO MAN. Yii Old LeniUillo Character Dr. Dagsott niul Ills .lumping \VnlklnR-Stlck. : joadillo Domocrat. The widely published accounts of Lulu Jurat , the magnetic girl , who is wea ring such a furor at Wallork'a theatre , in Sow York , has caused a good many old iniors to recall an odd character who ) lourishod hero in 18.80 , and was known : is Dr. Daggort , IIo pretended to bo a cgular practitlonor , but made n specialty > f peculiar ailments , and had a oort of illico and alooping-room on lower Cheat- lut atroot , below the old site of the Cap- : tal rosturant. All his pationti were iinong the sporting classes and ho do- otcd the bulk of his tiiuo to patronizing < ho faro and stud-homo poker games of ho city. Ho was probably n broken- lown sport himself ; at least ho had the , irs , manner and language of ono. The doctor had a very remarkable lower ho was fond of exhibiting to his rionds when ho felt in the humnr. It coined to bo a sort of magnetic attrnc- ion. A favorite demonstration iras to lake a cano dance up and down by simp- y moving his hand , hold open , palm .ownward , several inches above it. In hia position the cano would stand por- cclly erect , and as ho moved his hands lightly up and down , would follow it in scries of spasmodic jumps. It was an- rdinary black thorn stick , -which ho said JB brother or some relative had cut for lim in Ireland. IIo would also tuko a notal napkin ring , whirl it around sever- 1 times on his little flngor and then aiflo hia hand , finger downward. The ing would apparently ndhero to the , ln < { or at ono eido and had to bo shaken uito briskly bofor it would drop oft" . The doctor novnr attempted to explain IH ! remarkable performance beyond oay- ng vaguely that it waa "mesmerism. " ) n ono occasion ho was in the down- taira front room of the Texas House , larlan and Chapman were the proprio- era of it then , and there was quite a rowd in the ploco. The doctor gave mo of his cane-jumping manifestations o the bewilderment of everybody , and hen walking over to the wopdbox , rubod ino of the sticks smartly with his open dim. This done ho replaced It on the tile In the box , and rcquhsted some ono irosont to ask the negro 'porter to fix ho firo. The darky poked at the sieve moment , and then approached the box nd picked up the Identical stick. IIo Iroppod it instantly and jumped back rith ga surprised expression. When uostionod ho couldn't exactly toll what van the matter , but could not bo induced o touch the wood again. A number of looplo , still residents of the place , saw ho incident and remember it well. Daggct's numo does not appear in the . liroctory of 1881 , and the probabilities ire that ho loft his camp in winter of ' 80. rVhat became of him nobody knows. lia manifestations were just as stated , md there yras apparently no trickery ibout them. If it waa jngolry It wa ? vithoutany visible apparatus certainly afflos comprehension. IOWA. Clio Greatest Political Mooting In the JIlHtury of I'AKO County. SIIKKAKDOAII , Iowa , August 23. Pro- jably the largest and moat enthusiastic lohtlcal mooting in the history of Page ounty was hold Thursday , under the u luapices of the Blame and Logan club of .his city. The dawn opened brightly. L'lio clouds which had boon pouring ram ipou us for three days had vanished , but it 0 o'clock the sky atain ; became over- last , and by noon rain was falling. At 1 > . in , the sun came struggling through ho clouds , and with it came the sturdy opublican voters of Page county those vho form the rank and lilo of the party ho farmers. A 1:30 : , headed by the jornot band , the column formed nt the Dpora HOUEO and marched to the Wabash Icpot , to moot delegates from the south. [ Hotiirning.tlto column halted at the G ran Central hotel , Where were the speaker of the dap , the Hon. W. P. Hepburn member of congress from this dtslricl and Col. Sanford of Mnrshnlllown , n lif long democrat. .Again the line move' ' and CAiuo to n halt nt the speaker's stand After music nnd prayer Judge Stocktoi Introduced Col. Sanford. The fnmllin fnco of the great lecturer nud trnvolo wai greeted with n round of npplnuso Stating nt the outset that ho should no mnko n political speech , ho told the ns sombly , In Inuguago that could not bo mistaken or distortedwhy ho should vet with the republican party. It Is bocaus that party has nlwnys been upon the side of righton nil questions that divldi this great land politically. His twenty five minutes talk was listened to will rapt attention , nnd when ho gnvo way to Col , Hepburn n storm of npplauso gnvo back the answering sontimunt fron the throng. Colonel Hepburn launchoi nt once into the issues of the day , Tlu labor question , the civil service , the tint were handled in , \ mastorfr.l way. The records of tlio two parties wore placet side by sido. The ono had kept ovorj pledge , the other had forfeited every right to confidence. Ho concluded his speech with n scathing review of Ton Hondricks' record from 18oO to the prea out time , nnd referred to the brief rocori of Cleveland , consisting ] mainly of votes of bills of vital Importance to the labor ing men and mechanics of Now York. Ho appealed to every republican prcsonl to do his duty on the -1th of November for Jnmos G Blaine , the greatest states man of the ngo , nud John A. Logan , the gallant soldier. After music by tlio band the assembly dispersed to meet again nt 7.30. Promptly nt that hour the column formed 180 men in line each In _ full Blaine nud Logan uniform nnd bonring nloft the regulation lamp. Under the com. iiinud of Gen. 0. V. Mount , the line of inarch was taken up to College Hill , tvhoro stands the beautiful Western Nor mal College , thence to Park's hotel , thence to tlio stand , where n vast multi tude had already gathered , conspicuous for its absence of Democrats. Col. Snu- ford again opened the spooeh-makiug in liis happy vein. Ho was followed by 3npt. Mitchell , of Nebraska City , in n rousing nnd truth-telling speech. At its jloso Mr. Hepburn wns called for. Al though very hoarao , ho made himself loard nil over the grounds in n rattling on-minuto speech. This is the first lie- lublican gun in the Page county cam- > aign. Before the ides of November the ohd ahot will roll along the lino. The Scat ofWnr. Fee Choo , about which place active iporations are now going on , is one of the wo treaty perU of the province of Full- coon , of which it is the capital. It is iltuatcd on Ltho Min river , twonty-IU o niles from its mouth in latitude 20" 12' lorth longitude 119" 301 onst. The city s surrounded by an amphitheatre of hills it a distance of four miles. The town is inclosed by a castellated wnll of nearly Lon miles in circumference , outside of irhich nro suburbs stretching up into the lulls the whole commanded by n fortified light 000 foot obovo the plain. In the nty proper is another hill crowned by a onspicious watch tower. At the town tsolt the rivpr is crossed by a long bridge n granite pillars , partly covered with ihops. Fee Choo , which contains half n nillion people , has good chops and houses md n main street with residences for lublic functionaries. Largo quantities f cotton goods are manufactured and the ity has hundreds ovonsforthoproduction if porcelain , while there nro extensive oad mines in the vicinity. The district iround Foo-Chow la well known for Its laclc ton , which la procured there 25 onts cheaper than nt Canton. A largo lommorco Is carried on with the niari- imo provinces of China , Japan , and the \ > o Chow Islands , the principal oxporto icing timber , tea , paper , bamboo , irangos nnd ( other fruits , spice , copper nd corn. The trndo reports for 1874 ilnco the imports of Foo-Chow nt 1,332- 187 pounds ( sterling , nnd the exports nt ,397,320 pounds sterling. The River illn , on vrhich the French are operating , 3 formed by the junction of , three tronms In the neighborhood of the City f Ycn-ping-Foo , whence it flows in n outlmcstorly course , passing along the outh fneo of Foo-Chow. Its upper ourao is narrow and rocky , nnd abounds it rapids , but as it approaches the city lie channel widens and the current bo- omoa slow and even. Its depth is veiy regular , and it is navigable only by intivo boats of a small claas. ucecHH of Od-oiiorndon in K It will probably surprise most pcoplo a bo told that in England co-operation as made such headway as to induce n autious journal like the Spectator to redict "t nit long before the century is ut the whole of our working clais will e in association and will have the staple r.idca of the country in their hands or " mder their control.1" Yet the statistics f the movement seem to show hat such n prediction is not idle xa goration. At present there nro ver 1,200 societies of working-folks , lumbering 000,000 members. Almost 11 of them nro heads of families , nnd hey therefore represent 2,500,000 poo- ilo , or one-twelfth of tlio whole populn- ion of the kingdom. These societies IOSSCBI a capital of $15,000,000 , nnd uako n not profit of $10,000,000 yearly , iosidca this they have a wholesale so- ioty , now in its twentieth year , which in a capital of $200,000 does businoqs of ipwnrd of $15,000,000 , with n not profit if $100,000. This concern has branches and lopota In Scotland , Ireland , thla city , France , and Denmark , nnd owns three argo steamers which ply between Kng- nnd and the Continent on the company s luslnoss. And the constitution of thla .Iroady great union pledges it to the pro- notion of the practice of truthfulness , ustlco and economy in production and ixchange (1) ( ) by the abolition of all also .dealing , cither direct or indirect ; 2) ) by conciliating the conflicting inter- ists of the capitalist , the worker md the purchaaor , through m equitable division among them of the und commonly known as profits , (3) ( ) by irevontiiiK the waste of labor now caused jy unregulated competition. " No Bocl- ity la admitted into the union unless It iigrocs to accept these principles as its julding rules of business , There Is thus established a system ivlnch promises in good tiiuo to aolvo the nostdiilicult oconomio problems of the igo. Ho Cot Jlln Well Cleaned , Kincardine Htundaid , A woll-diggor In an ojacont town-ship ilayed a great trick an the neighbors. When ho had dug about twenty foot the well caved just as ho came out. lie then liung hia coat near by and wandered iway. The neighbors found the coat , md , supposing the digger to bo at the Bottom , cleaned out the well , and , nnd when they got through the man himself Irovo along with cribbing , Moro than irayora were said thoro. THE CHEAPEST PLAOE UN OMAHA TO BUT I Till EKE One of the Best and largest Stocks in the United State ? to select from. NO STAIRS TO CLIMB , ELEGANT PASSENG-EB ELEVATOB , THAT IS THE NAME OF THE TOWN WHERE' ' WHERE'I ALL .ARE FOUR9D ! Where They Can Enjoy Pure Air & Water ! And all of the good ami pleasant things that [ go to make up a com plete and happy existence. The town of South Omaha i tuunted south of the city of Omaha on the line of the U. P. Railway. nnd it is less than 2 miles from the Oinuha post oflico to the north line c i the town site. South Omaha is nearly H miles north and south hy 21 east and vest , and covers an area of nearly foursquare miles , The stock yards are at the extreme southern limit. Nearly ISO lots have been sold and the demand is on the increase Phe yards are being rapidly pushed to completion. The 500,000 beef packing house is progressing finely. The § 30,000 Water Works are finished and furnish an abundant upply of PUEB SPRING WATER. The 13. & M. and Bolt Line Railways have n largo force of men at work and will , in connection with thoU. P. Railway , have a union depot tear the park at the north end of the town. Suitable grounds will be burnished for Church anil School purposes. Now is the time to buy lots in this growing city. They will never > o cheaper than they are to-day. at the Company's office , at the Union Stock ? . Assistant Secretary. 0. F , GOODMAN , AND DEALER IN OMAHA , NEBRASKA. Double and Single Aclmg Power ana Hand Engine Trimmings , Mining Machinery , Bolting , HOBO , Brass nnd Iron Fittings , nt wholesale nnd retail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , OIIU110H VND SCHOOL BELLS. Corner 10th Farnam St. , Omaha Neb. U , S. DEPOSITORY. r. H. MILLARD , President. WM. WALLACE , Cashier. Capital and Surplus. S5OO.OOO. OMAHA SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS Flro and Bnnrlar Proof Safoa for Kent at from 95 to $50 per annum. ERTEL'S HAY PRESSES. Aio the Cheapest , Most Durable , Smallest in Size and Lightest in. Weight. Vtli no Hay I'reesnos of any Uml can the amount ol work produced at tiicli little expensi- . ( ten tons pi lux ndovoi tolo U railroad box c r. ) aacaa bo Jon wtb | tbo Eitol liujiraveJ Machines , Wanontoa or ale , For llluitrated now circular addreau , OEO , EHTEL & CO. Quloy. Illlncli. U-em